DETAILED CURRICULUM VITAE PROFESSOR JAMUNA PRAKASH DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION UNIVERSITY OF MYSORE, MANASAGANGOTRI, MYSORE SEPTEMBER 2012 1 Curriculum vitae : Dr. Jamuna Prakash Name JAMUNA PRAKASH Present position Professor Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore – 570 006 Phone: 0821-2419634 Residential Address No. 58, V A Main, Vontikoppal, Mysore – 570 013. Phone: 0821 -2510054 Email Address
[email protected] Academic Qualifications: Degree Year Subject University Class Ph.D. 1992 Food Science Univ. of Mysore, Mysore. -- M.Sc. 1976 Foods & Nutrition Univ. of Mysore, Mysore. First Rank B.Sc. 1974 Home Science Bangalore University. First (Title of Ph.D. thesis: "Studies on rice bran proteins and their use in food formulation ") Specialized training (International courses) 1. Fundamentals of Nutrigenomics and Its Applications. 19th ICN Pre-Congress Symposium. International Life Science Institute & Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. Bangkok, Thailand, 4th Oct. 2009. 2. Enhancing the efficiency of nutritional investigations – Improving priorities, design, management and application of nutrition research. 18-22 June, 2006. International Nutrition Foundation, USA, and United Nation’s University, Japan, C.F.T.R.I., Mysore. 3. Metrological concepts for strengthening food and nutritional measurements. 26-30 June, 2006. International Nutrition Foundation, USA, and United Nation’s University, Japan, C.F.T.R.I., Mysore. Research Interests Food Science - Compositional analysis of foods, product formulation, sensory evaluation, nutrient digestibility and bioavailability, functional properties of foods, nutritional quality of processed foods, antioxidant components and antioxidant activity of foods, bio-waste utilization. Nutrition - Nutrition status of population, food behaviour, diet surveys, nutrition and cognition, nutrition education.