
WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 2nd April 2012

Present: R Aylen, S Baker, P Bamfield, N Cole, R French, R Hislop, E Jones(Chairman), A Johnstone, Lord Lansdowne, M Maddicks, B Miller, K Morley, B Satchell. G Turner(Clerk), B Vines Apologies: C Bell, J Cook, C Crisp(Unitary)

1 Councillor Vacancies Kevin Last and Kate Morley were presented for co option. No nominations were received for Kevin Last. Kate Morley was proposed by Councillor Vines, seconded by Councillor Bamfield, agreed by majority decision, co opted as councillor for East ward.

2 Public Speaking There was no statements or questions from the public.

3 Chairman Announcements There were no announcements.

4 Minutes of Previous Meetings Minutes of meeting 5th March were agreed unanimously as a true record and signed by the chairman. There were no matters arising.

5 Actions Brought Forward 1 Tree Planting Council requested for section 96 to be progressed. W Council

2 A4 Speed Measures Councillor Aylen advised that all monies had been received and gates were ordered.

3 Community Speed Watch Clerk Six people needed for training to commence; three volunteer names received. Resources required for Sandy Lane CSW. It was agreed council should ascertain if three volunteers were sufficient for training, due to the difficulty in finding six volunteers.

4 Derry Hill Pathway Survey Report sent to , receipt confirmed.

5 Bay Tree Cottage Work had commenced, it is understood thatching is to start in the next 2/3 months.

6 Lower Compton Address Wiltshire Council advised on address concerns.

7 Planning Responses Provided to Wiltshire council.

6 Accounts It was resolved to accept invoices for payment. Derry Hill Safety Association Donation 520 625.00

It was resolved to accept the monthly balance / expenditure statement.

7 Planning 12/00588/WCM Clerk Lord Lansdowne was unclear on the detail of this application and why it was indicated as void. Seek clarification on void status and if still active the detail of the application.

12/00055/S73 Councillor Maddicks queried the permission status of this application. It was agreed the permission was for a temporary permission extension.

12/00596/LBC & 12/00380/LBC Queries were raised on which ward this property was in. Clerk confirmed it was West Ward.

12/00699/FUL Clerk Councillor Baker raised concerns with this application. Middle ward had no problem with the building but considered it should be landscaped. Middle ward to provide details, advise Planning.

Broads Green Barn 08/02044/FUL Clerk Councillor Johnstone spoke on behalf of Middle ward with regard to usage of the barn and apparent contravening of conditions 3 and 6 on the planning approval. It was agreed that details should be provided to the enforcement officer at Wiltshire Council.

8 Neighbourhood Planning Councillor Aylen presented background on Neighbourhood Planning. Councillor Jones asked if this council should be doing anything on this subject at this time. It was felt that council should be represented on Calne Council discussions.

It was agreed unanimously that Councillor Aylen should contact Linda Roberts in order to Aylen arrange for council to be represented on Calne Council committees on this subject.

Councillor Jones thanked Councillor Aylen on behalf of council for his time in understanding this subject and for his presentation.

9 Polling Districts/Places There were no observations or updates to be sent to Wiltshire Council for the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places.

10 Other Business Councillor Miller updated council on NAAFI Hall progress and their hope to organise a Jubilee celebration.

Councillor Hislop raised concerns with the verge condition and current addition of soil to the Clerk road from the A4 to . It was agreed to arrange an on site meeting with Martin Cook Wiltshire Council to consider and agree way forward.

Meeting closed 20.38 PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 14th May 2012

Present: R Aylen, S Baker, P Bamfield, C Bell, R French, R Hislop, E Jones(Chairman) A Johnstone, Lord Lansdowne, M Maddicks, B Miller, K Morley, B Satchell, G Turner(Clerk), B Vines

1 Apologies: N Cole, J Cook, C Crisp(Unitary), B Satchell

2 AGM Councillor Jones sought nominations for Chairman. Councillor Jones nominated by Councillor Vines, seconded by Lord Lansdowne, agreed unanimously, Councillor Jones elected Chairman.

Councillor Jones sought nominations for Vice Chairman. Councillor Miller nominated by Councillor Johnstone, seconded by Councillor Aylen, agreed unanimously, Councillor Miller elected Vice Chairman.

3 Public Speaking Mr Brown distributed photos and advised council on community concerns with the roads and verges in Stockley; detailing problems with sillage spreaders and actions taken. Mr Brown asked on Councillor complaints process, Councillor Jones advised issues should be raised with standards authority but hoped they would be first raised with this council.

Ms Krebs advised her thoughts on problems with the overall state of Stockley, photos and residents letter distributed to council, highlighting, spillage, reckless driving, damage to verges and property and parked vehicles. Ms Krebs also complained that the latest minutes were not on the website. Councillor Jones explained due process for council minute agreement, before publication.

4 Chairman Announcements Councillor Jones updated council on CATG plans for C15 Lower Compton and C113 Ratford/East Tytherton.

5 Minutes of Previous Meetings Minutes of meeting 2nd April were agreed unanimously as a true record and signed by the chairman. There were no matters arising.

6 Actions Brought Forward 1 Derry Hill Tree Planting Issues had been identified by Derry Hill Management Company and council insurers with proposed DerryHill Wiltshire Council section 96 agreement. Awaiting decision on progress from Derry Hill Mngmnt Management Company. Co

2 Community Speed Watch Training organised in May.

3 12/00588/WCM Wiltshire Council confirmed application had been withdrawn.

4 12/00699/FUL Middle Ward councillors had provided response, which had been forwarded to Wiltshire Council.

5 Broads Green Barn After investigation by Middle Ward councillors, it had been agreed no further action necessary.

6 Neighbourhood Planning Councillor Jones updated council that councillor Aylen had been co opted as Calne Without Clerk representative on Calne Town Council Strategic Town Plan Working Group (STPWG). Councillor Aylen advised council that consultants had been told to comeback with revised recommendations. Councillor Jones proposed that this council work with Calne Town Council STPWG through Councillor Aylen in the development of a joint Neighbourhood Plan. Council agreed unanimously, advise Calne Town Council STPWG.

7 Calstone Roads Councillor Hislop advised that following Wiltshire Council reports, chippings had not been added to Clerk the holes prior to resurfacing. Arrange meeting with Wiltshire Council Highways, Councillors Hislop and Morley to resolve problems.

7 Accounts It was resolved to accept invoices for payment. Lansdowne Hall Hall Rental 521 125.60 Came & Company Insurance 522 590.86 Derry Hill Fete Parish Plan 523 35.00

It was resolved to accept the monthly balance / expenditure statement.

It was agreed to accept the Annual Audit return/reports, Accounting and Governance statement signed as approval by the Chairman.

8 Planning 12/00922/FUL - Change of use of paddock to domestic curtilage Discussion raised on the effect of covenants, it was agreed they would have no effect with this planning application. No further action. 11/02920/WCM - Lower Compton Waste Facility Lord Lansdowne was concerned that no further updates had been received from Wiltshire Council. Clerk Determine position with response to Wiltshire Council letter to developers and advise council.

12/00606/WCM - Installation of four vessels, fencing and road extension Lord Lansdowne raised query that this application, which appeared similar to a recent withdrawn Miller application. His concerns were with the proposed road extension. Councillor Miller would check the application again to ensure no problems with road extension.

9 Highways Councillor Jones updated council on CATG recommendation requiring approval by Calne Area Board, for improvement scheme at the junction of Sandy/Back Lane. Councillor Jones considered that with the number of calls on the small pool of money available and that council should show support by donating to this improvement. Lord Lansdowne considered this was a reasonable investment and should be progressed, council agreed unanimously to donate £1K to the cost of the installation. (Highways Act 1980). Confirm decision to Christine Crisp (Chair Calne Area Board) and Jane Vaughan (Community Area Manager Calne).

10 Stockley It was agreed by Council that discussion should take place on the issues highlighted during public Clerk speaking. Lord Lansdowne stated he understood the Stockley problem but this council are not responsible for traffic and highway issues, which should be raised with Wiltshire Council Highways. As the spillage problem appeared under control, it was agreed unanimously council should advise Wiltshire Council Highways seeking their views on solutions. Copy letter to Mr Brown and Ms Krebs.

Councillor Bell offered to explain the minutes process to Ms Krebs. Bell Councillor Johnstone recommended, agreed unanimously that information should be added to Clerk each notice board on how meeting minutes can be accessed, from the council website..

11 Standing Orders / Financial Regulations / Risk Register Council approved all presented orders with no changes

12 Other Business Councillor Miller advised council that an outside clean up was planned for the Lower Compton NAAFI hall.

Meeting closed at 20.55 CALNE WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 11th June 2012

Present: R Aylen, S Baker, P Bamfield, C Bell, N Cole, J Cook, C Crisp(Unitary), R French, R Hislop, E Jones(Chairman), A Johnstone, Lord Landsdowne, K Morley, G Turner(Clerk), B Vines

1 Apologies: M Maddicks, B Satchell Absent: B Miller

2 Public Speaking Informal discussion from Tesco concerning proposed Beversbrook Road store by;

Simon Petar, Tesco, Regional Corporate Affairs Manager Kelly Edwards, Green Issues Communique, Director Arfan Hughes, Mango Planning, Planning Consultant Detailing plans on size, sales and employment, prior to public consultations at the end of June. Council expressed concerns on the premature nature of application, prior to completion of Neighbourhood Plans and views that other groups should be involved in consultation.

Questions on Tesco commitments to purchase from local community, incentives on travel to the store and visual improvements.

3 Chairman Announcements Councillor Jones advised that decision on build outs at Sandy/Back Lane would be made at the next Area Board meeting.

4 Minutes of Previous Meetings Should read: Councillor Bell had agreed to assist Ms Krebs if she still had problems with viewing minutes. Problems at Stockley, related to Slurry not Silage.

Minutes of meeting 14th May were agreed unanimously as a true record and signed by the chairman.

5 Actions Brought Forward

5.1 Derry Hill Tree Planting Jones Decision to proceed, waiting Derry Hill Management Company section 96 agreement with Wiltshire Council. 5.2 Neighbourhood Planning Aylen Strategic Town Plan Working Group (STPWG), advised on councillor Aylen/CWPC position. Councillor Aylen advised he had tried to get feedback on progress but due to holidays at STPWG, had not been successful.

5.3 Calstone Highways Morley Meeting between Councillor Morley, Hislop and Martin Cook (Highways), confirmed Hislop chippings were to be added to road holes and verges. Councillors Morley, Hislop and the local community require the road completed properly, especially in light of recent expensive driveway changes. Further meeting arranged.

5.4 11/02920/WCM Lower Compton Waste Facility Wiltshire Council had been contacted who confirmed that following their letter they had met with the consultants but had not received any formal responses.

5.5 12/00606/WCM Installation vessels, fencing, road extension Plans had been rechecked by Councillor Miller, no problems with proposals. 5.6 Stockley Highways Letter sent to Highways, copied to councillors, Mr Brown and Ms Krebs, highlighting identified problems, requesting Highways technical survey and advise from Wiltshire Council on recommendations. 5.7 Highways Build Out Back Lane Funding from this council confirmed to Area Board. 5.8 Web Access Noticeboards updated with detail on website access.

6 Accounts 6.1 It was resolved to accept invoices for payment. Clerk Salary 524 724.02 HMRC PAYE 525 180.60 Auditing Solutions Audit 526 162.00 6.2 It was resolved to accept the monthly balance / expenditure statement.

7 Planning There were no requests to discuss any applications. Councillor French identified interest in 12/01327/FUL. Councillor Johnstone was aware of a planning request for Wans House, if received he identified interest. Clerk confirmed no planning application had been received.

8 New Standards New standards framework proposals had been sent to all councillors for comments. Councillor Jones considered there was no need for comments, none received from council.

9 Other Business 9.1 Councillor Baker advised of Highways problems at the Knapp Stockley, supported by Councillor Cole, recommending road marking and additional signage. Clerk advised that this had been identified in the letter to Highways, as an area for investigation and comment.

9.2 Councillor Johnstone considered it might be advisable to add details on IT training to noticeboards. It was agreed not to progress. 9.3 Progress on Derry Hill Gates was requested. Councillor Aylen advised gates were Aylen waiting delivery. 9.4 Councillor Jones raised the rules for public speaking in light of last months meeting. Questions from the public according to standing orders should be raised with the clerk five days prior to the date of the next council meeting with a maximum of three minutes to each speaker. Speaking time should not be used for debating. Councillor Jones would ensure the rules for future public speaking were followed.

Meeting closed at 20.45 CALNE WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 2nd July 2012

Present: R Aylen, S Baker, P Bamfield, C Bell, N Cole, J Cook, C Crisp(Unitary), R French, R Hislop, E Jones(Chairman), A Johnstone, Lord Landsdowne, M Maddicks, B Miller, K Morley, B Satchell, G Turner(Clerk), B Vines

Absent: R Hislop 1

2 Public Speaking There was no statements or questions from the public.

3 Chairman Announcements There were no announcements, Councillor Jones advised register of interest and code of conduct would be added to the end of the agenda.

4 Minutes of Previous Meetings Minutes of meeting 11th June were agreed unanimously as a true record and signed by the chairman. There were no matters arising.

5 Actions Brought Forward

5.1 Derry Hill Gates Councillor Aylen advised no further progress, waiting on gate delivery. Advise progress Aylen

5.2 Derry Hill Tree Planting Councillor Jones had met with Mr Prater of Derry Hill Management Company to discuss the tree plans and hopeful that the planting would go ahead, there remains the section 96 documents to be signed which we are still waiting Wiltshire Council legal response.

Advise progress with legal comments on section 96. Clerk

5.3 Derry Hill Pathways Wilshire Council had confirmed they would review the pathways weather permitting and had been asked to update progress. Advise progress Clerk

5.4 Build Out Sandy/Back Lane Councillor Jones advised that Calne Area Board had agreed to proceed with the build outs, which would be progressed by Wiltshire Council.

5.5 Neighbourhood Planning Councillor Aylen advised he had attended the latest working group meeting, who were now happy with the consultants report. Councillor Aylen advised the future would involve a greater working together.

Advise updates from Calne Community Neighbourhood Planning Aylen

5.6 Calstone Highways Councillor Morley advised a meeting had taken place with Wiltshire Council, who were now treating the problem seriously, having agreed pass ways and repairs.

Advise progress Morley

5.7 Stockley Highways Martin Cook had agreed to meet Middle Ward councillors on site to review Highway Clerk problems and actions. Arrange meeting with Middle Ward councillors and Martin Cook. Update and advise progress Middle Ward

6 Accounts 6.1 It was resolved to accept invoice for payment. Local Council Clerks Subscription 527 83.00 6.2 It was resolved to accept the monthly balance / expenditure statement.

7 Planning Councillor Morley updated council on her attendance at Lower Compton Waste Application Liaison meeting. Hills had resubmitted their application with the requested traffic survey. It was expected the application would be discussed at the Wiltshire Council Strategic Planning, October meeting.

12/01480/FUL - Single storey extension, erection garage/workshop/store

Middle Ward and council concluded no problems with this planning application. 12/01383/FUL - Two detached dwellings & associated works Councillor Bamfield raised views on proximity to neighbouring houses and concerns Clerk with safety aspects of proposed garages. Discussion on affordable housing resulted in agreeing that concerns about affordable housing might set a president resulted in majority agreement to advise Wiltshire Council on garage safety concerns.

8 Salt Scheme Council agreed unanimously they wished to be part of this scheme. Councillor Vines suggested and agreed unanimously that we should arrange a meeting with Wiltshire Council to discuss Snow Warden Scheme and Parish Weather Response Plan.

Arrange meeting with Councillor Jones Clerk

9 Register of Interests / Code of Conduct Register of Interests documentation discussed and agreed unanimously that councillors would submit details of their interests.

Code of Conduct Wiltshire Council had included their code of conduct, which was considered more readable and easier to understand than our existing code and best to use a code of conduct used by Wiltshire Council. After discussion it was agreed unanimously to accept the Wiltshire Council code as council code of conduct.

10 Other Business .1 Councillor Miller updated on Lower Compton NAAFI hut project group. Second clean up planned with first function for the local community at the end of July.

.2 Councillor Vines advised he had attended the public Tesco presentation, which was similar to the information Tesco had presented to council.

Meeting closed at 20.47 CALNE WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 3rd September 2012

Present: R Aylen, S Baker, P Bamfield, N Cole, J Cook, C Crisp(Unitary), R French, A Johnstone, E Jones(Chairman), M Maddicks, B Miller, K Morley, B Satchell, G Turner(Clerk), B Vines

1 Apologies: R Hislop, Lord Landsdowne

Absent: C Bell

2 Public Speaking There were no statements or questions from the public.

3 Chairman Announcements There were no announcements.

4 Minutes of Previous Meetings Minutes of meeting 2nd July were agreed unanimously as a true record and signed by the chairman. There were no matters arising.

5 Actions Brought Forward

1 Derry Hill Gates Aylen Councillor Aylen advised village gates had been delivered, there had been some confusion over finance at Wiltshire Council which had been resolved.

2 Derry Hill Tree Planting Clerk Clerk explained the current position with section 96 and insurers statements. It was agreed unanimously that we should clarify insurance position with tree cover and work with Derry Hill group to decide size and type of tree.

3 Derry Hill Pathways Clerk Wiltshire Council had advised job tickets had been raised. Progress to be monitored.

4 Calne Community Neighbourhood Planning Aylen Councillor Aylen updated council that Wiltshire Council were now involved in the rural area scoping. Forms from the parishes had been returned.

Councillor Cook asked questions on the involvement with Chippenham neighbourhood planning as this would have a greater bearing on ward; final responsibility for our planning, which was confirmed would be with the parish; interaction with our parish plan, which was confirmed would be fed into the neighbourhood plan.

It was proposed that council agree to the geographical areas of the neighbourhood plan for the whole Calne Community Area, to include the parishes of Calne Without, Bremhill, , , and Hilmarton. Proposed by Councillor Aylen, Seconded by Councillor Cook agreed unanimously.

It was proposed that council agree in principal to the terms of reference subject to the Aylen determination of financial implications to Calne Without Parish Council. Proposed by Councillor Aylen, seconded Councillor Jones, agreed unanimously. Councillor Aylen to determine project time frame and any financial implications on Calne Without parish council.

Advise Calne Community Neighbourhood Planning on council proposal decisions. Clerk

5 Calstone Highways Councillor Morley had met with Highways and had agreed Highways plans, which are to be implemented in October.

6 Stockley Highways Middle Ward Meeting with Wiltshire Council Highways had taken place, producing a list of problems which Middle Ward had prioritised to five key issues. Some items were being taken forward by Highways and costs were awaited on another. Progress to be monitored.

7 12/01383/FUL Wiltshire Council advised on safety concerns

8 Salt Scheme Wiltshire Wiltshire Council and Councillor Jones have discussed the snow warden/salt scheme. One Council contact was required for each parish, it was agreed unanimously that Councillor Jones would for fill this position (snow warden), and be responsible for managing the salt and distribution. Forms will be supplied by Wiltshire Council to formulate a weather response plan to indicate roads and footways to be treated during severe winter conditions and organising a contractor should it be necessary.

6 Accounts It was resolved to accept invoices for payment. Clerk Salary 528 724.02 HMRC PAYE 529 180.60 Petty Cash Cash 530 200.00 Lansdowne Hall PPlan Hire 531 55.90 Mazars External Audit 532 144.00

It was resolved to accept the monthly balance / expenditure statement.

7 Planning 1 There was concern from Councillor Baker that recent Stockley application in Middle Ward 12/01480/FUL had been refused permission.

The refusal of the application was "proposed extension and outbuilding by reason of their size, scale and design, would not be in keeping with the modest and traditional proportions of the host dwelling and would appear as incongruous features in the open landscape setting of the existing dwelling. As such, the proposal would be contrary to policies C3 and H8 of the North Wiltshire Local Plan 2011".

2 Councillor Johnstone requested copy and was given plans for 12/01951/FUL.

3 Tesco Application 12/02137/FUL was discussed, there were concerns with noise, traffic and Clerk screening from a small number of local residents. It was agreed unanimously that council response to the application should be ' If the application plans were approved then Calne Without council request representation at all discussions on 106 funding in order to ensure objections of local residents are represented and taken into consideration.

8 Petty Acre Goalposts Investigation had established posts were worse for wear. Councillor Aylen had identified cost to purchase. Council decided not to progress further at this time.

9 Minerals Report It was agreed unanimously that there were no updates required by council to the updated minerals report further comments to Wiltshire Council.

10 Other Business 1 Councillor Miller advised first function at the old NAFFI hut did not take place but had been rearranged for September.

2 Councillor Satchell provided council revised plans produced for Sandy/Back Lane build out. It Crisp was agreed these plans needed to be discussed with Highways who had already produced plans. Any problems with these plans and resulting higher costs might delay or stop funding for the build outs. Councillor Johnstone to provide revised plans for Councillor Crisp and discuss with Highways.

Meeting closed at 21.08 CALNE WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 1st October 2012

Present: R Aylen, S Baker, P Bamfield, N Cole, R French, R Hislop, E Jones(Chairman), Lord Landsdowne, M Maddicks, K Morley, B Satchell, G Turner(Clerk), B Vines

1 Apologies: B Miller, J Cook, C Crisp(Unitary) Absent: A Johnstone, C Bell

2 Public Speaking There was no statements or questions from the public.

3 Chairman Announcements Councillor Jones advised that the Derry Hill A4 layby had now been completed. Bowood Estate had thanked Wiltshire Council for their work.

4 Minutes of Previous Meetings Minutes of meeting 3rd September were agreed unanimously as a true record and signed by the chairman. There were no matters arising.

5 Actions Brought Forward

1 Derry Hill Gates Councillor Aylen advised Wiltshire Council had picked up the gates, Councillor Jones Jones would establish plans for installation. 2 Derry Hill Tree Planting Councillor Jones proposed the section 96 should now be signed, our insurance Clerk company had detailed our cover position, copied to all councillors. Agreed unanimously to sign the section 96 and advise Derry Hill Management Company that Councillor Johnstone should be consulted on type and size of the tree.

3 Derry Hill Pathways Wilshire Council had confirmed that the pathways work items were being progressed. Clerk Lord Lansdowne advisedl that Bowood Estates had spoken with the steward on the Church Road pathway. They had proposed cutting back by a quad with lance, which council fully supported and would be progressed.

4 Calne Community Neighbourhood Planning Councillor Aylen referred council to notification from Calne Town Council on Neighbourhood Planning and advised that reconsideration was now being given to future direction. Lord Lansdowne considered and proposed that council should have the facts in order that thel can understand committment, expectations and work required. It was proposed by Lord Lansdowne seconded by Councillor Vines and agreed unanimously that before any commitment by council that scope, costs and timescale should be established for involvement in the Calne Area Neighbourhood Plan.

Councillor Aylen advised council on the Calne Vision and Scoping Study 2012, but Aylen was unsure if the document was able to be distributed. Councillor Hislop considered and proposed , seconded Councillor Morley that council should have copy and read this document prior to further discussion, agreed unanimously. Councillor Aylen to ascertain if the document can be distributed to council.

Councillor Aylen proposed that Linda Roberts be invited to the next council meeting to Aylen detail the process and plans and update council to questions on scope, timescale and costs. Agreed unanimously.

5 Stockley Highways Councillor Baker adrvised that Middle ward were having problems in responses from Middle Ward Highways with estimates and progress on some of the issues. The Steward had promised to fill the overruns, prior to the jet patcher, which is now expected next year.

Councillor Hislop advised council that the Highways work in Calstone being undertaken was supherb. 6 Salt Scheme Councillor Jones had discussed the scheme with Wiltshire Council, but forms and Clerk snow plan, detail had not been received. Chase response from Wiltshire Council. Jones Formulate any plans for scheme 7 Tesco Application 12/02137/FUL Council considerations had been advised to Wiltshire Council Councillor Morley advised that the application had now been approved by Calne Town Council.

8 Sandy/Back Lane Build Outs Councillor Jones advised that the revised plans would not be taken forward and that the original plans were being progressed by Wiltshire Council.

6 Accounts It was resolved to accept the monthly balance / expenditure statement.

7 Planning There were no requests to discuss any applications. Marden Farm Proposed plans from Gleeson Planning were discussed by Council. Proposed open spaces were considered should be nearer to the school playing areas on the other side of the site, also the longer term ownership of these spaces and the possibility of future development were a concern. Significant constraints not being addressed, particularly with access to and from the site and the additional traffic pressure on the existing roadways; are they capable of supporting the increased traffic. Housing on this side and far from the Calne centre should include shops and additional facilities such as doctors’ surgery. Unfortunately this is yet another proposed development in the Calne area prior to any agreed Neighbourhood Plan.Council therefore were not supportive of the proposed development.

Respond with concerns to Gleeson Planning, copy Wiltshire & Calne Council. Clerk 8 Other Business 1 Councillor Satchell raised the issue of fireworks and noise from a recent Spye Park event. It was agreed unanimously not to progress due to the one off nature of the event.

2 Councillor French raised the possiible support for the purchase of a defribulator at Lansdowne Hall. A number of questions were raised, Councillor Jones decided that this should be added to the next meeting agenda, in order to discuss the queries.

Meeting closed at 20.45 CALNE WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 5th November 2012

Present: A Johnstone, R Aylen, S Baker, P Bamfield, N Cole, J Cook, C Crisp (Unitary), R French, E Jones(Chairman), Lord Landsdowne, M Maddicks, B Miller, K Morley, B Satchell, G Turner(Clerk), B Vines

1 Apologies: C Bell Absent: R Hislop

2 Public Speaking There were no questions from the public. Paula Edwards gave an overview of local defibrillators, their distribution of the 50+ machines in Wiltshire, the chain of survival, process of usage and high level view on static, running and training costs. 3 Chairman Announcements Councillor Jones reminded councillors on the need to add their Register of Interests All and asked those councillors who had not yet submitted to consider addressing.

4 Minutes of Previous Meetings Minutes of meeting 1st October were agreed unanimously as a true record and signed by the chairman. Lord Lansdowne advised Bowood Estates were spraying and not cutting back the Derry Hill pathway in Church Road.

5 Calne Area Neighbourhood Plan Councillor Aylen had distributed the Calne Vision Study to councillors. The presentation to council had been cancelled due to Wiltshire Council wishing to deliberate over neighbourhood planning for Calne and the community area. Councillor Jones advised that the clerk had received communication from Linda Clerk Roberts suggesting a meeting with Georgina Clampitt-Dix, Head of Spatial Planning Wiltshire Council, to discuss the next steps in the neighbourhood plan and how Calne Without would want to be involved. It was suggested and agreed unanimously that Councillor Aylen should also attend. Advise Calne CounciI.

Councillor Jones raised letter from Wilts & Berks Canal Restoration asking for Clerk involvement in our Neighbourhood Plans. It was agreed unanimously to advise that we will contact further when our Neighbourhood Plan is progressed.

6 Defibrillator Council discussed the presentation content, the general opinion being that while it Aylen appeared a good idea, there were concerns over parish coverage and the practical aspects of how the process would work. Council considered that more information was required on the usage and problems of the 50+ installed in Wiltshire together with detail on initial and running costs now and after the seven years guarantee and the training requirements to make the process work and clarity on what was being asked of the council.

7 Actions Brought Forward 1 Derry Hill Gates Councillor Jones advised that Wiltshire Council had installed the gates. 2 Derry Hill Tree Planting Clerk advised that the section 96 had been sent to Wiltshire Council. Councillor Johnstone updated that he had advised Derry Hill Management Company to plant an Acer, which was planned for the end of November.

3 Derry Hill Pathways Wilshire Council had confirmed that the pathways work items were virtually complete. Clerk Progress remaining items. There is little further that can be addressed by Wiltshire Council within their budgets other than the work tickets which have been issued of which the majority have been addressed. Church road pathway on Bowood side, monitor progress. Clerk 4 Stockley Highways 1 Progress was updated on outstanding issues GRIPS to be completed after grass cutting, progress anticipated soon Baker WHITE LINES, progress dependent on weather Baker HEDGE CUTTING at the Knapp, being progressed Cole WATER LEAK notice board, being progressed Johnstone OVER RUNS, surface potholes being prioritised Baker KERBING the Knapp, to be raised at CATG to ascertain if any funding might be Jones available. BUS STOP HARD STANDING, Highways had advised this issue should be raised Clerk with CATG. Councillor Aylen advised that the Passenger Transport Group may have responsibility and funding, particularly being that it was not possible for handicapped people to currently use the bus stop. It was agreed unanimously to contact the Passenger Transport Group to see if they could assist or advise in the rectification of the problem.

2 There was discussion on slurry at Stockley, it was considered the problem could be Clerk alleviated by the installation of a lagoon which had apparently been muted many months previous. Lord Lansdowne proposed, agreed unanimously that the Environment Agency be advised on the problem and asked if there were any schemes for solution likely to take place in the near future.

5 Salt Scheme Councillor Jones advised he had read the documentation and now needed to discuss Jones further with Wiltshire Council. He believed that the stocks of salt supplied last year could still be used for any problems this year.

6 Gleeson Planning / Marden Farm Clerk advised that councillors concern response had been sent to Gleeson Planning. 8 Accounts It was resolved to accept the monthly balance / expenditure statement. The precept for 2013-14 was agreed as £6000 and would be confirmed to Wiltshire Council when required. Proposed Councillor Jones, seconded Councillor Miller, agreed unanimously.

9 Planning Panning applications were discussed. 12/03244/WCM Sands Farm Quarry It was agreed unanimously that council should respond to Wiltshire Council advising Clerk that the proposal was unsuitable as circumstances had now changed since 2009 with lorry movements now having to move through housing developments making the proposal unacceptable.

11/02920/WCM Hills Waste Solutions Recovery Facility Councillor Morley on the problems and concerns with this application. Further Morley information needed to be gathered before the response date of the 7th December. It was proposed by Councillor Cook, seconded Councillor Jones that Councillor Morley should draft a council response, to be circulated to all councillors for agreement at the next meeting. 10 Emergency Planning Councillor Aylen updated council on requirements for a procedural system for dealing with emergency planning in the parish, following his recent attendance on emergency planning exercise. The procedures would need to detail how council would manage and co ordinate and the responsibilities and documentation requires to be uptodate.

Councillor Jones considered that as time was running out council should consider and All discuss the item further at the next meeting.

11 Other Business 1 Councillor Johnstone advised that work was due to start on the Back Lane build outs this week, with some initial road marking having commenced. 2 Councillor Cook advised of blocked gullies on Devizes Road near the Bowood Clerk entrance. Advise Community Team.

3 Councillor Morley updated council on recent activity on a plot of land near the Stockley Lane/Blacklands junction, Blacklands Lakes Camp Site. Digger workings had now been stopped by Wiltshire Council, but the site and hedgerow had been left in a mess. It was agreed unanimously to leave reinstatement progress with Wiltshire Council.

4 Councillor Johnstone advised on he current Ash disease and referred councilors to www.ashtag.org for more information, as well as a free app on the internet.

Meeting closed at 21.14

CALNE WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 3rd December 2012

Present: A Johnstone, R Aylen, S Baker, P Bamfield, C Bell, N Cole, J Cook, C Crisp(Unitary), R French, R Hislop, E Jones(Chairman), Lord Landsdowne, M Maddicks, B Miller, K Morley, B Satchell, G Turner(Clerk), B Vines

1 Apologies: All councillors were present

2 Public Speaking No questions from the public. 3 Chairman Announcements Councillor Jones advised 11th December, as the next Calne Area Board meeting at Hilmarton, where there would be community conversation on Welfare Reform. 4 Minutes of Previous Meetings Minutes of meeting 5th November were agreed unanimously as a true record and signed by the chairman.

5 Actions Brought Forward 1 Calne Area Neighbourhood Plan Councillor Aylen updated council that he and the Clerk had attended a meeting, with All Linda Roberts and Georgina Clampitt-Dix, to discuss how Calne Without could take forward a joint neighbourhood plan. Councillor Jones proposed that further discussion should take place on the 7th January.

2 Defibrillator Councillors had been provided with additional information; the donation request would be discussed later in the meeting. 3 Derry Hill Pathways Wiltshire Council had three items outstanding at Derry Hill. Monitor progress. Clerk Wiltshire Council had advised that a JCB was required to clear the verge back on the Clerk Church Road footway. Monitor progress. 4 Stockley Progress was updated by Middle Ward on outstanding items progress: Grips: Stockley Hollow: outstanding Baker White Line: Stockley Hollow: outstanding Baker Hedge Cutting: Knapp: Councillor Cole advised completed Water Leak: Notice Board: outstanding Johnstone Over Runs: Stockley: outstanding Baker Councillor Jones advised that Highways had expressed concern with the road breaking along Stockley Road caused by verge breaking away and intended working with local land owners to rectify. Kerbing: Knapp: will be raised with CATG Jones Bus Stop Standing: Stockley: Passenger Transport Group advised the issue should be Jones raised with CATG. Slurry: Environmental Agency had advised they were responsible for existing installations. Councillor Cole advised that Mr. Tyler was planning to install piping and hydrants for slurry, in order to reduce the number of lorry movements. 5 Salt Scheme No further progress. Jones 6 Sands Farm Quarry Wiltshire Council advised on council comments. 7 Blocked Gullies Devizes Road Wiltshire Council had met with residents opposite the Bowood entrance and taken action, which they hoped had resolved the problem.

6 Accounts 1 It was resolved to accept invoices for payment. Clerk Salary 533 724.02 HMRC PAYE 534 180.60 K Matthews Plants 535 35.00 Councillor Aylen advised £40 had been received from the Fete Committee to be held as Parish Plan funds.

2 It was resolved to accept the monthly balance / expenditure statement.

3 2013 -14 Precept Precept dispensation forms were signed by each councillor, to enable 2013 Precept discussion at the February meeting. The discounts applied to empty homes and second homes have been reduced, the effect to increase the council tax base. The way council tax benefit is paid has changed; no longer a payment from the Dept. of Work & Pensions will now be a discount applicable to the council tax base. The effect of this is to reduce the council tax base, resulting in a higher council tax charge for the same Precept. To account for this the Government is giving Wiltshire Council an additional grant. Wiltshire Council will work to provide parish councils with a share of the additional Government grant to compensate in part for the reduction in tax base. If council wish to keep Band D equivalent base the same as last year, we need to have Clerk confirmed the revised Wiltshire Council parish council grant before submiting our Precept. Wiltshire Council have confirmed we can submit our Precept on the 5th February (the day after our next meeting).

4 Defibrillator The donation request was discussed, concern was expressed by a number of councillors on the benefit of defibrillators. Councillor Jones advised that this request was only for Lansdowne Hall, any future requests would be discussed in their own right. It was felt that the beneficial use within three minutes from the Lansdowne Hall was questionable. There were also thoughts that other donations may be of greater benefit to the community, such as lighting and/or first responder.

7 Councillor Jones proposed a vote on the request for a £200 donation for support of a defibrillator at Lansdowne Hall, seconded Councillor Baker, motion carried by majority decision. Planning Planning applications were discussed. Councillor Baker was concerned that the Station Road application had been approved. 11/02920/WCM Hills Waste Solutions Recovery Facility Councillor Morley had produced a response to the application which was discussed in Clerk detail and was agreed unanimously should be used as council response. Councillor Miller asked for detail on the A4 road junction issue be added to the response. Agreed unanimously. Response to Wiltshire Council.

Council thanked Councillor Morley for her time and effort in producing the response. 8 Aggregate Minerals Site Allocation Local Plan There were no additional comments from councillors. 9 Emergency Planning Councillor Aylen explained the need for procedures and contacts should an emergency Aylen occur. Wiltshire Council had supplied templates for parish emergency plans. It was agreed unanimously that Councillor Aylen would provide completed templates for council.

10 Other Business 1 Councillor Hislop advised council on the success of the recent Highways work in Clerk Calstone. Views on the success of the build outs at Back Lane were also raised. It was proposed and agreed unanimously that Highways should be thanked for their work on both developments.

2 Councillor Aylen advised the Way magazine was to be replaced with a new magazine Clerk for Derry Hill and Studley, for which he intended publishing brief details of council meetings. There was concern on the legality of a councillor doing this prior to the agreement by council of meeting contents. It was agreed that the rules for a councillor publishing pre approved meeting information should be established.

3 Clerk asked for council consideration on the possibility of changing meeting arrangements in order that a January meeting could take place, due to time considerations involved with Precept arrangements. It was agreed that this issue would be raised for discussion at a future meeting.

Meeting closed at 20.48 CALNE WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 4th February 2013

Present: R Aylen, S Baker, P Bamfield, C Bell, N Cole, J Cook, R French, E Jones(Chairman), M Maddicks, B Miller, K Morley, B Satchel, G Turner(Clerk), B Vines

1 Apologies: N Cole, C Crisp(Unitary), A Johnstone, Lord Lansdowne Absent: R Hislop

2 Public Speaking Mr. Rosekilly gave an overview and costing's for the Lansdowne Hall donation request, which will be discussed further in the meeting.

3 Street Lighting Anne Henshaw (CPRE) presented street lighting and the perceived need to replacee orange glow SOX with SON white lighting. Anne had been to Cherhill and was going to Calne council to propose council request Balfour Beatty when funds are available to prioritise local requirements.

Anne would provide contact details for Highway Management Services and Cherhill letter. There were a number of questions, Councillor Jones advised that further discussion would be at the next meeting, after additional information had been reviewed.

4 Declarations of Interest Councillors Jones, Cook and Aylen identified personal interest and Councillor French prejudicial interest in Derry Hall and Studley Village Hall Trust, donation request.

5 Chairman Announcements Councillor Jones advised that the Calne Area Board was 5th February, with community conversation on Health & Protection with a Police draft plan presentation.

6 Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes of meeting 3rd December were agreed unanimously as a true record and signed by the chairman.

7 Actions Brought Forward 1 Calne Area Neighbourhood Plan Aylen Councillor Aylen advised he had met with Calne Council to discuss how to take this area forward. It was suggested that the easiest way would be to update the Parish plan scope to include Neighbourhood Plan scope and to advertise for additional members within and outside council. It was agreed unanimously that Councillor Aylen would take this area forward. Councillor Aylen asked if council would support funding rooms for Parish Plan/ Neighborhood Plan. It was agreed that Councillor Aylen would create a proposal for council.

2 Derry Hill Pathways Highways had been contacted a number of times, on the pathway items and Church Clerk Road footway at Derry Hill. No response had yet been received. Continue to monitor.

3 Stockley Progress was updated by Councillor Baker on outstanding items: Grips: Stockley Hollow: completed White Line: Stockley Hollow: outstanding with Wiltshire Council Baker Water Leak: Notice Board: outstanding Johnstone Over Runs: Stockley: outstanding with Wiltshire Council Baker Councillor Baker considered they were getting quite dangerous, but it was felt to be a common problem in the Parish which would hopefully be resolved when there were better conditions. Kerbing: Knapp: will be raised with CATG Jones Bus Stop Standing: Stockley: Passenger Transport Group had advised the issue Jones should be raised with CATG. 4 Salt Scheme Not progressed, but would be raised as an agenda item latter in the year. 5 11/02920/WCM Wiltshire Council had been advised with council comments. 6 Emergency Planning Councillor Aylen had discussed with Calne Town Council and considered the need was Aylen for councillor contacts in each ward, who could prepare local information and be contact point should an emergencies occur. Approach was agreed unanimously with contact councillors being councillor Vines, Satchell, Baker, Miller, Morley, Aylen. Organise and progress. 7 Wiltshire Council Advised on council thanks for developments in East and Sandy Lane ward. 8 Magazine Councillor Updates Councillors had been advised of the findings and suggested wording for reporting meeting content prior to agreement by council.

8 Accounts 1 It was resolved to accept invoices for payment. Clerk Salary 536 724.02 HMRC PAYE 537 180.60 Lansdowne Hall Hall Rental 538 52.65 2 It was resolved to accept the monthly balance / expenditure statement. 3 Precept 2013 -14 2013 Precept dispensation forms for each councillor had been signed and agreed. Discounts applied to empty homes and second homes have been reduced, the effect to increase the council tax base. Government had given Wiltshire Council additional grant and agreed to make up the difference with their funds. Council should therefore set a lower Precept reduced by the value of the grant from Wiltshire Council, if they wish the council tax to residents to remain the same as last year. Wiltshire Council had provided grant of £270.04 to Calne Without Parish Council. Councillor Jones stated that as council had previously agreed that the Precept should remain the same as last year he proposed council Precept be £5729.96 (6000.00-270.04), seconded Councillor Milller agreed unanimously. 4 Clerk advised council that he had chased Wiltshire Council for an invoice for our contribution to the Sandy Lane build outs, but has yet to receive.

9 Planning Planning applications were discussed. Councillor Morley provided an update from a meeting attended with Councillor Baker and Miller for the Marden Farm application. There had been strong resident response with over 100 letters of objections.

10 Dispensation Process Dispensation process were discussed, queries or concerns were resolved. Process and Clerk role was proposed to be accepted by Councillor Jones, Seconded Councillor Vines agreed unanimously. Council delegated the power to grant dispensations submitted prior to the meeting, under section 33 of the Localism Act 2011 to the Clerk, with the Chairman's consultation in case of conflict.

11 Derry Hill and Studley Village Hall Trust Due to advised interest Councillor French decided he would leave the room; Councillor Cook decided he would not participate in discussion of this item. Council discussed and questioned the donation application, there was thought that the Hall should include such costs in its business plan and fees, the overall cost of 15K was also questioned. Councillor Bell proposed that council donate £200 to this application. Voting by majority decision agreed the proposal. (Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 s. 19).

12 Other Business Councillor Satchel identified broken 30mph signage at Sandy Lane. Advise Wiltshire Clerk Council.

Meeting closed at 20.55 CALNE WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 4th March 2013

Present: A Johnstone, R Aylen, S Baker, P Bamfield, C Bell, N Cole, C Crisp (Unitary), R French, E Jones(Chairman), Lord Lansdowne, B Miller, K Morley, G Turner(Clerk), B Vines

1 Apologies: B Satchel, M Maddicks, J Cook Absent: Rob Hislop

2 Public Speaking There were no questions from the public.

3 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interests or dispensations granted.

4 Chairman Announcements Councillor Jones updated the recent documentation / process for local council elections also confirming Chilvester ward position. There followed discussion on the availability of electoral information. Councillor Crisp updated the latest position with Hills Waste application for Lower Crisp Compton. Wiltshire Council's major concern is the further increase in air quality which is already above legal limits, which would increase if this application was approved. The next stage for the application would be either deferment or complete withdrawal. Councillor Crisp would investigate if the findings report would be published. 5 Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes of meeting 4th February were agreed unanimously as a true record and signed by the chairman.

6 Actions Brought Forward 1 Calne Area Neighbourhood Plan Aylen Councillor Aylen updated on progress, advising he needed to setup a steering group and would be advertising for members and detailed to council a proposed advert. Councillor Morley suggested adding detail describing Neighbourhood Planning. The proposed process and advert was agreed unanimously by council. Councillor Aylen advised he had agreed additional assistance from Calne Town Council to assist in the process.

2 Derry Hill Pathways Wiltshire Council had been contacted a number of times, for an update on the three Clerk pathway items and Church Road footway. No response had yet been received. Continue to monitor.

3 Stockley Highways Progress was updated by Councillor Baker on outstanding items: White Line: Stockley Hollow: outstanding with Wiltshire Council Baker Water Leak: Notice Board: Wiltshire Council had been contacted; outstanding Johnstone Over Runs: Stockley: outstanding with Wiltshire Council Baker Kerbing: Knapp: Councillor Jones had raised with Jane Vaughan, forms expected. Jones Bus Stop Standing: Stockley: Councillor Jones had raised with Jane Vaughan and Jones forms were expected. Stockley Hollow Councilor Baker raised the possibility of extending the work undertaken at Stockley Hollow It was agreed that council request Wiltshire Council for their view on the possibility of Clerk extemding the work on bridleway CAW37 to the junction with the bridleway with Hampsley Hollow. 4 Emergency Planning Councillor Aylen advised he had sent templates to each ward representative and asked Aylen for there speedy return, in order that he could complete the planning document. 5 Sandy Lane 30mph signage Wiltshire Council had been advised

7 Accounts It was resolved to accept the monthly balance / expenditure statement.

8 Planning Councillor Morley provided council with an update on application just received for Clerk Installation of 30.26HA 14MW Solar Park Including Transformer Housings, Security Fencing and Cameras, Landscaping and Associated Works at High Penn Farm. It was agreed that council needed time to respond to the application whose current end date was before the next meeting. It was agreed that we should try and organise a response after our next meeting or arrange a special meeting to agree council response. Councillor Johnstone raised development at 18 Sandy Lane, no planning applications, Clerk chimneys not black,lights below roofline which shine down back lane. Council agreed to contact Wiltshire Council planning.

9 Street Lighting There was discussion of lighting following presentation at the previous meeting by Anne Clerk Henshaw. After discussion it was proposed by Councillor Aylen, seconded Lord Lansdowne agreed unanimously that council's view, which should be advised to Anne Henshaw. “Lighting could be switched off or energy saving lighting installed only where it is possible, but not to the detriment of pedestrians.

10 Other Business 1 Councillor Miller advised that the Lower Compton noticeboard had been vandalised and asked council for funding of materials for repair It was agreed unanimously to fund materials required and for Councillor Miller to repair. Miller 2 Councillor Miller advised that white lining required repainting at the Lower Compton A4 Clerk junction. Advise Wiltshire Council. 3 Councillor Bamfield asked on the permissions required for the digging into highway Clerk banking for personal access by owners of Frog Hollow at Old Road Studley. Investigate rules with Wiltshire Council. 4 Councillor Bamfield advised on flooding and ditches at Rose Hip cottage, which was discussed by council. It was agreed no current action required by council. 5 Councillor Bamfield advised on problems with the verges caused by vehicles at the two developments in Old Road. It was agreed Councillor Bamfield would speak with Councillor Maddicks, no current action required by Council.

Meeting Closed at 21.10