The National Assembly Order of Business
Twelfth Parliament First Session Morning Sitting (No. 16) (064) REPUBLIC OF KENYA TWELFTH PARLIAMENT – (FIRST SESSION) THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY ORDERS OF THE DAY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 08, 2017 AT 9.30 A.M. ORDER OF BUSINESS PRAYERS 1. Administration of Oath 2. Communication from the Chair 3. Messages 4. Petitions 5. Papers 6. Notices of Motion 7. Statements 8*. PROCEDURAL MOTION– EXEMPTION OF BUSINESS FROM THE PROVISIONS OF STANDING ORDER 40(3) (The Leader of the Majority Party) THAT, this House orders that the business appearing in the Order Paper be exempted from the provisions of Standing Order 40(3) being a Wednesday Morning, a day allocated for Business not sponsored by the Majority or Minority Party or Business sponsored by a Committee. 9*. MOTION – APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE PARLIAMENTARY PENSIONS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (The Leader of the Majority Party) THAT, pursuant to the provisions of Section 19(1)(c) of the Parliamentary Pensions Act (Cap. 196) and notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order 173 (1), this House approves the appointment of the following Members to the Parliamentary Pensions Management Committee, in addition to those specified under Section 19(1): ……..…/9*(Cont’d) (No. 017) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 08, 2017 (065) (i) The Hon. Dan Wanyama, MP; (ii) The Hon. Rehema Dida Jaldesa, MP; and (iii) The Hon. Andrew Mwadime, MP. 10*.MOTION – ADOPTION OF SESSIONAL PAPER NO. 6 OF 2016 ON THE NATIONAL URBAN DEVELOPMENT POLICY (The Leader of the Majority Party) THAT, this House adopts Sessional Paper No. 6 of 2016 on the National Urban Development Policy, laid on the Table of the House on Wednesday, October 11, 2017.
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