The Local Government Response to Port Arthur: a Personal Experience
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The local government response to Port Arthur: a personal experience by Neil Noye, Mayor, Tasman Council ort Arthur falls within the This paper was presented at the Port Arthur was put on hold for perhaps three weeks Municipal boundary of the Seminar, 11–12 March 1997, Melbourne. to a month whilst we concentrated on Tasman Council. On 28 April Readers should bear in mind that it is Neil’s the matters at hand. P personal experience related one year ago. 1996 the community found itself thrust Within the first week, we issued all into the international spotlight as a Neil’s involvement with Local Government Councillors with a fax machine so that result of the shootings at Port Arthur. extends over 28 years, including nine years we could quickly distribute information The Tasman municipality contains as Mayor. He was also the local SES Co- to them. Any piece of news or infor- many areas of tourist interest, and is ordinator for seventeen years, retiring in mation that came through was therefore heavily depended on tourist trade for its 1996. The Council of nine people serves a quickly sent to all councillors. economic livelihood. The Council was relatively small community of 2,200 permanent residents. Formation of the Community faced with a range of problems following Recovery Task Force the tragedy at Port Arthur, including On the Tuesday evening following the shock at the numbers of people killed, requested Council plans of the Seascape shooting, we formed a Community impact on the economic infrastructure Cottage. We got those out, and took Recovery Task Force, with fourteen on as a direct result of the loss of tourist them to the Police Headquarters where the Committee. Anyone in the com- earnings, and how to handle the issue of I introduced myself and made myself munity could come to the task force ‘community recovery’, a process that known. I advised them that we would meetings and could vote on any issue. was recognised as being complex and keep the telephone lines open from the The role of the task force was to protracted. The Council and key com- Council Chambers for anything they inform the community as to what action munity members were able to recognise needed. It was about 6.00 p.m. by the the Council was proposing. Those that the importance of the tasks before them, time I left Taranna and returned to the were in some way affected by the and put in place structures that ensured Council office. tragedy needed to be given something that the adverse effects of the tragedy We remained there that night, and to do. The task force therefore formed were minimised as much as possible, and gave our first media interview after a number of sub-committees: the that the Tasman community could look midnight. The media wasn’t supposed Memorial Committee, the Trust Fund to the future with confidence and to have got through because of the road Committee, and the Entertainment security. block. The interview went well but it was Committee. Sunday 28th April pretty unexpected. At this point the The Trust Fund Committee was I was fencing with my son on my Police were in charge of the whole formed over and above the state-level property, which is 7 kilometres from situation, and I was of the view that we Port Arthur Appeal Committee. We Port Arthur. I saw one ambulance go up were there to assist them wherever found that where people wanted to be the road and, shortly after, another. I possible. involved, we gave them a committee job wasn’t too worried at the time as we have At around 2 a.m. (Monday) the — where they weren’t satisfied, we gave two ambulances in our volunteer group. Police contacted me and wanted a them two committees to be involved When I saw a police car follow, I made bulldozer supplied to Seascape to block with! contact with our local nursing home the entrance, and possibly provide We also established a community which has two emergency beds. At that protection for any subsequent Police newsletter, distributed twice a week. point I was told that someone was action. We made arrangements for that. This covered every household in the area running amok at Port Arthur with a gun. At 8 a.m. we had the Council Cham- and contained details as to what we were They were not sure of any other details. bers open. The General Manager and doing, and asking for their input. It was I then tried to contact Port Arthur, myself were there full time answering probably the most beneficial thing that but couldn’t get in because the lines were media calls from around Australia and we did for the community. They wanted jammed. I managed to contact houses the world. We were really the only two news, and the information was critical. just out of Port Arthur, and was told that running it. The telephone lines were More than once I got messages on my there were up to twenty people dead in then jammed until nearly midnight. answering machine, and when I rang one area — the media were still saying It was ‘full-on’ for the first week, back to see what they wanted, the person three or four. until we organised a media officer to would say that they didn’t need me now, I then contacted the Council Gen- assist. As we did not have a media officer and that the newsletter had given them eral Manager and went down to the on council staff, initially one, then everything that they wanted to know. Council Chambers at Nubeena, four- another, was provided by the Premier’s We felt that if there was anyone trau- teen kilometres from Port Arthur. There Department. The rest of the Council matised, it was important to get them we opened the telephone lines with the staff were traumatised and were not at involved with Council or one of the Police Task Force at Taranna. At around work. The General Manager and I kept committees, and we could use the 4 p.m. the Police contacted me and the office running. All Council business newsletter to do this. Autumn 1998 9 We received a tremendous amount of Delegation visit to media and government departments advice from the Department of Com- other Australian states who were now operating in the area. munity and Health Services, the State A delegation comprising myself, the We could see this, and contacted the Emergency Service and the Premier’s Premier and the Chairman of the Board Premier’s Department and Tasmanian Department, but we had decided that we of the Port Arthur Historic Site was Development and Resources (TDR) to were going to do our recovery from formed. We visited each of the Eastern get them into the district and circulating inside. We were happy to accept help Australian States over the course of a around. Port Arthur started to recover from outside, but the main effort and week, and thanked the people for what after that initial three-week period. direction had to come from us. they had done for us. This was a particu- People come back in different ways. It Politicians were kept away — we larly memorable experience. wasn’t only tourism — the people of wouldn’t have a bar to do with poli- We met with members of the Victoria Tasmania really got behind it and that ticians! They were ringing up left, right Police Special Operations Group who was excellent for Port Arthur itself. That and centre, but we asked them to stay had assisted at Seascape Cottage. They was coming back nicely. out of the way — just let us get on to do were very pleased that we had taken our But at the fringes — the caravan what we do … ‘We’ll let you know when time to go and thank them for what they parks, holiday homes and other accom- its time to come in.’ had done for us. modation — they were really hurting The first of the real milestones in the We then went to Ballarat and visited and this was the case until the end of recovery process was the local com- children who had lost both their mother 1996. munity Memorial Service for those who and father. We met them at a lunch TDR were slow. They had promised had been killed. This was held at Port hosted by the Ballarat Shire. We did a interest assisted loans and restructure of Arthur on Friday 3 May 1996, and was number of major interviews in Victoria, existing loans, but until I contacted the important in keeping the community before going to Canberra where we met Premier before Christmas, things had together and ensuring that people were with school children who presented a been slowing down. This was probably involved in the recovery process. cheque for money that they had raised. due to the restructuring that the TDR One very important aspect of the We continued with interviews in has recently gone through. After I council involvement was the tremen- Canberra, and attended a dinner at the contacted the Premier, the loan assis- dous part played by the General Man- British High Commission. We then flew tance started to come through. ager and the accountant. They put in to Sydney and continued with the Overall we have had a tremendous extremely long hours each day, all week, extremely long days of media interviews amount of assistance from the Govern- and they didn’t once give in.