Name ______Answer Sheet

Fossil Lab - the Invertebrates

Station 1: The Invertebrates 3. Match these invertebrates with their group:

1. Invertebrates are animals______a backbone. Starfish A. Annelid with / without 2. Put an X in the boxes next to each that is an invertebrate. Ammonite B. Arthropod

Trilobite C. Cnidarian

Segmented Worm D. Echinoderm

Coral E. Mollusk

Station 2: Genus and Species

4. Genus name ______species name ______

5. In which Epoch did it live? ______

6. How long ago did it live? ______to ______million years ago

7. In which Era did it live? ______

Station 3: Acanthoscaphites 9. Acanthoscaphites lived about ______million years ago

8. Identify Acanthoscaphites (put a X in the box) In which Period did it live? ______Period

In which Era did it live? ______Era

True or False

10. Acanthoscaphites was a giant ammonite over 8 feet in diameter.

11. Acanthoscaphites was a small ammonite just 3/4 inch to 2 inches in diameter.

12. Acanthoscaphites was a Mollusk and is related to modern Squid and Octopuses.

13. Acanthoscaphites is an excellent Index Fossil. 2 Fossil Lab - the Invertebrates Station 4: Pecten jeffersonius 15. Pecten jeffersonius lived 4 to 5 million years ago in the Early 14. Identify Pecten jeffersonius (put a X in the box) ______Epoch.

True or False

16. Pecten jeffersonius was a bivalve mollusk and is related to clams and oysters.

17. Pecten jeffersonius is the State Fossil of Virginia.

18. Pecten jeffersonius is a living species of scallop found in abundance in the Chesapeake Bay area.

19. Pecten jeffersonius was named for Thomas Jefferson.

Station 5: Brachiopods 24. How are Brachiopods different from Bivalves? 20. Identify these Brachiopods (include both Genus and species names):

Genus species Genus species Genus species

21. Which of these Brachiopods is oldest (lived longest ago)? ______

22. In which Period did it (the oldest) live? ______

23. All of these Brachiopods lived in which Era? ______

Station 5: Brachiopods II

25. Identify the parts of this Brachiopod. Choose from the list. Parts of a Brachiopod

A. Brachial Valve (shell)

B. Pedicle Valve (shell)

C. Growth Lines

D. Pedicle Opening

Top View Side View E. Pedicle 3 Fossil Lab - the Invertebrates Station 7: Trilobites 27. Which of these Trilobites is the oldest?

26. Identify these Trilobites (write in their names and the Period in which each lived):

28. In which Period did it (the oldest) live?

29. Trilobites were abundant in the Paleozoic Era but a few species can be found in today’s oceans. Name Name Name

Period Period Period True or False?

Station 8: Crinoids True or False 30. Identify these Crinoids:

31. Crinoids became extinct at the end of the Paleozoic Era.

32. Crinoids include Sea Lillies and Feather Stars and are related to Starfish and Sea Urchins.

Mystery Crinoid 1 Mystery Crinoid 2

Station 9: Petrified Wood

33. Petrified Wood was once made of wood but has been turned to stone (mineral). True or False?

34. Petrified Wood is not an invertebrate fossil because the tree it was made from was a plant, not an animal. True or False?

35. Petrified Wood can be legally removed from National Parks in small amounts. True or False?

36. A Petrified jellyfish is one that is Think about A. a fossil B. really scared it! 4 Fossil Lab - the Invertebrates Station 10: Drotops armatus and Drotops megalomanicus

37. Identify this Trilobite

38. This Trilobite lived in the Middle ______Period.

Genus 39. In which ERA did it live? ______ERA


Station 11: 41. Which Ammonite lived longer ago ______. 40. Identify these Ammonite Cephalopods:

Mystery Ammonite 1 Mystery Ammonite 2 42. In which ERA did both of these Ammonites live? ______.

True or False

43. Ammonites are extinct Cephalopods.

44. Ammonites are extinct Mollusks.

name name 45. Ammonites had an External shell like the modern nautilus. - Late

Station 12: Ammonite Sutures

46. Based on their suture patterns, which of these are Ammonites and which are not? Put an X in the Box next to each Ammonite:




Nautiloid Goniatida Ceratitida Ammonitida 5 Fossil Lab - the Invertebrates Station 13: Belemnites animal

47. What are Belemnites ______

48. How were Belemnites similar to Ammonites? ______fossil

49. How were Belemnites different from Ammonites? ______

50. In which Periods did Belemnites live? ______and ______Periods

Station 14: Blastoids True or False

51. Identify this Blastoid:

52. Blastoids were plants with a hard calcium carbonate skeleton.

53. Blastoids are commonly called “Sea-Buds”.

54. Blastoids lived in the Paleozoic Era.


Station 15: Echinoids True or False

55. Identify these Echinoids: 56. Echinoids include Sea Urchins and Sand Dollars.

57. Echinoids have a hard outer shell like Brachiopods.

58. Although Echinoids date back 450 million years to the Late Period, there are many species alive and well in today’s oceans.

name name name 6 Fossil Lab - the Invertebrates Station 16: Mystery Snail True or False 59. Identify the Mystery Snail:

60. Snails are a type of Mollusk known as Cephalopods.

Genus 61. Our Mystery Snail lived during the Tertiary and Quaternary Periods. think before you species answer this one!

Station 17: Coral

62. Identify these Corals:

63. Which of these is the Mystery Solitary Coral?

64. Which of these is the Mystery Colonial Coral?

65. Both Mystery samples lived in the ______Period.

66. Both Mystery samples lived in the ______Era.

67. Most species of coral that lived in the Mesozoic Era are still alive today (not extinct). True or false? ______

Station 17: Sponges

68. Identify the Mystery Sponges:

True or False

69. Sponges have no muscles. 70. Sponges have no brain. 71. Sponges have no mouth.

72. Sponges have no heart. 73. Sponges have no skeleton.

74. How many times did Spongebob blow his whistle? ______times (watch the Spongebob Challenge) 7 Fossil Lab - the Invertebrates Station 19: Foraminifera

75. Identify these Mystery “Forams”:

Mystery Foram 1 Mystery Foram 2 Mystery Foram 3 Mystery Foram 4

76. How are Foraminifera similar to the Amoeba? ______


77. How are Foraminifera different from the Amoeba? ______


Station 20: Burgess Shale

78. Identify these Critters: Cambrian Critter 5 Cambrian Critter 3

Cambrian Critter 1 Cambrian Critter 4

Cambrian Critter 2

79. The Burgess Shale formation has provided important fossil evidence of life in the Middle ______Period.

80. Where is the Burgess Shale formation located? ______

81. Of the 5 Cambrian Critters in our Cambrian Challenge, which is your favorite? Explain why. ______
