Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Green Chemistry. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Hexamethylenediamine (HMDA) from Fossil vs. Bio-Based Routes: an Economic and Life Cycle Assessment Comparative Study A. B. Dros,b O. Larue,b A. Reimond,b F. De Campoa and M. Pera-Titusa* a Eco-Efficient Products and Processes Laboratory (E2P2L), UMI 3464 CNRS-Solvay, 3966 Jin Du Road, Xin Zhuang Ind. Zone, 201108 Shanghai, China. b Solvay (China) Co., Ltd., 3966 Jin Du Rd., Xin Zhuang Industrial Zone, Shanghai 201108, PR China. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 (0) 472445368, Fax: +86 (0) 472445399, E-mail: marc.pera-titus-
[email protected] ELECTRONIC SUPPORTING INFORMATION FIGURE AND TABLE CAPTIONS Fig. S1. Speculative routes for the production of bio-based HMDA using molecules issued from biomass. Fig. S2. Flowsheet for the fossil-based route 1. Fig. S3. Flowsheet for the route Starch HFS. The bold number corresponds to the base-case value for steam consumption used in the LCA sensitivity study. The w/o HFS drying scenario value is also indicated. Fig. S4. Flowsheet for the bio-based route 2. Fig. S5. Flowsheet for the bio-based route 3. The bold numbers correspond to the base-case values used in the LCA sensitivity study. For HFS, the best- and worst case scenario values are also indicated. Fig. S6. Flowsheet for the bio-based route 4. Fig. S7. Evolution of market price of butadiene and HFCS42%. Data obtained from ref.18 and ref.21, respectively. Fig. S8. Impact score breakdown for ozone depletion (midpoint category 2) for HMDA production in France and Germany.