QUICK Horizon 2020-Interreg synergies GUIDE How to compare programme funds and link beneficiaries T h e M a t c hma k i n g T o o l


The H2020-Interreg matchmaking tool is a new interactive report Matchmaking tool (login required) (dashboard) integrating data from the H2020 and Interreg Interreg – keep.eu database programmes. S2E regional viewer This tool can help us learn more about the EU R&I investments at

the European, national and regional levels; which policy areas are covered by our funding; the actual projects and participants.

Following a data-focused approach, it incorporates different methodologies of classifying EU project data: S2E, keep.eu and H2020 R&I databases - Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal/ eGrants. TOOL DESIGN

What’s inside the tool?

The Matchmaking tool is composed of two complementary views – a summary overview and detailed information. This tool is designed in a compact manner, allowing for a filtering and various ways of visualizing and aggregating the underlying information. The tool is also equipped with a powerful open text search function and predefined filters for the programmes, themes, regions, etc.

View 1 - Summary information- Interreg-H2020 regions of participation, projects, thematic subjects

The information available in this view consists of programmes, thematic subjects, regions and thematic priorities, comparable both for the Horizon 2020 and Interreg programmes.

View 2 – Details - Interreg-H2020: thematic and regional information

Information in this view consists of: project details, participants’ details, thematic priorities, distribution of participations in EU regions

View-2 provides information on participating regions, themes, but also detailed information on programme participants like: location, details of participation in other EU funds (link to the funding and tender opportunities portal) etc. and projects details, i.e.: titles, topic of funding (theme), amount of funding etc.


How to select and filter relevant information and what is the tool about? Information available for: EU programmes (Interreg and Hoizon 2020) 2014-2020, thematic subjects and priorities, countries and regions and more…

The tool provides a filtering setup where the user can select and unselect specific parts of the analysis, such as: . The Matchmaking tool covers, i.e.: Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) and specific Interreg programmes (2014-2020) financed from the European Regional Development Fund, Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance, and other sources;

. Policy thematic priorities consisting of grand societal goals and list of key enabling technologies important in the context of 2020 strategy and R&I investments;

. Detailed themes, which represent fine-grained breakdown of policy areas to the pertinent socio-economic and development questions. Themes are described in the keep.eu website, and represent concepts like: energy efficiency, climate change and biodiversity, ICT or tourism);

. Operational programmes: these are national detailed plans describing how the money will be spent during the programming period. They can be drawn up for a specific region or on a country-wide thematic goal (e.g. environment);

. Participant in synergy, which provides information if a given organization is participating, both in Horizon 2020 and Interreg programmes;

. Countries and EU Regions, which provides information on the NUTS classification. Horizon 2020 is an EU R&I programme opened to the entire world, so it includes EU Member States, associated states and third country participants. Interreg is focused on cooperation between the EU Member States, and EU candidate countries, thanks to the Instrument Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).


Features of the matchmaking tool – navigation and data visualization Interactive graphics on: included EU programmes, themes, regions

The matchmaking tool provides various aggregations, breakdowns, visualizations helping the user to navigate through a wealth of information. These visualizations are configurable, by clicking on the exploration menu of each of them. Each of the visualizations can be also used as a filter, i.e. by tapping on the graphics you can drill down, filter-in, focusing on a specific piece of information, such as: programme theme, country, region of participation, etc. Below you can find a collection of the Match Makingtool visualizations, with a commentary helping to understand their usefulness and meaning. All of these visualizations are interlinked – they can work together or individually. They are also of a dynamic nature – exportable, selectable and configurable

H2020 and Interreg programmes and their respective operational Thematic Priorities (themes) – detailed division of topics in Interreg dimension matched with the Horizon 2020 programme

This graphics can be navigated through by clicking on a specific This visualization provides a breakdown the amount of funds (x axis) and programme and breaking it down to the smaller parts – operational number of financed projects (y axis) grouped in themes proposed by the programmes. This information is important in understanding how keep.eu database. When configured the chart can provide information on the programmes are planned and structured, e.g. : H2020 Health, the directionality of funds by thematic priorities organized into Societal Advanced Manufacturing and ERDF Interreg-Europe or Interreg V-A Grand Challenges, Key Enabling Technologies (SGC-KET) and Category of Romania-Bulgaria Intervention –pertinent for planning of the ERDF fund.

Participation in the H2020 and Interreg programmes by country Thematic priorities (themes) organized by share of projects and and EU region funding by Horizon 2020 and Interreg programmes

This is an administrative territories and regional division map. This graphic provides a list of themes, which are detailed thematic priority European regions are described by the nomenclature of territorial categories. Each of them is showing their absolute share of Horizon 2020 units for statistics (NUTS) and with different level of details and Interreg projects, or when configured, the amount of funding. (country, NUTS2 counties, NUTS3 arrondissements, departments Depending on the configuration, the chart can provide information on the and other small regions). This color gradient map provides directionality of funds by thematic priorities organized into Societal Grand information on the number of participations in a specific country, Challenges, Key Enabling Technologies (SGC-KET) and Category of region or at European level, both for the two programmes together Intervention –pertinent for planning of the ERDF fund. or separately.


Let’s see an example of application from an area with high key enabling technology and market potential: photonics! Imagine that I am working as an engineer in a big space project using photonics as an enabling technology.

I want to find information about relevant projects funded in this domain. What do I do? I start by typing ‘photonics’ in the search bar. I run into this pioneer ‘STEPHANIE’ project on laser space communications. I am now able to access all information around the project: who has funded it (Interreg Europe), what is the amount invested from the EU funds (EUR 1,4 million), who participates (eight partners) and from which region (seven regions in total).

I spot one of the partners, Photonics Bretagne, with whom I would really like to initiate contact. I click on this organization and I can now see all photonics-related projects that it has been involved in, both under Interreg and Horizon 2020. I can also zoom in the respective projects and seek further information. This is only an indicative example showing the different degrees of analysis of the matchmaking tool. There are more options and opportunities to be discovered! GLOSSARY OF TERMS

Project/ Investment/ Operation (ERDF) / Grant

A contract concluded between the or another body representing the and the beneficiary (or beneficiaries) under which the parties receive the rights and obligations e.g. the right of the EU financial contribution and the obligation to carry out the work.

EU (financial) contribution / funding

Amount of money in a form of direct subsidy or donation, from the EU budget in order to finance an action intended to help achieve an EU policy objective or the functioning of a body, which pursues an aim of general EU interest or has an objective forming part of, and supporting, an EU policy.

(Total) Cost

The total cost is the amount of money invested in a project in total or by a participating body – project participant. The total cost includes the EU contribution as well as other project costs not covered by EU funding. The total cost is expressed in euro.

Participant/ Beneficiary

Legal or physical person, who is a party in the grant agreement, having different roles and obligations. The beneficiaries are the participants signing the grant agreement and therefore eligible to receive EU contribution. Under H2020 participants can have different roles such as direct project beneficiary or third party participant and other.

Participation/ Partnership

Involvement of a legal entity in a project (participating) having different roles and obligations. A single participant can be involved in one or more projects and therefore being counted as one or many participations. Under ERDF, the number of operations is adequate to the number of participations.

Thematic Priority (Grand Thematic Priority and Themes)

For H2020, the thematic priority defines a specific subject or area with a focus on an innovation (and research) aspect. Following the ERDF- Interreg classification available in keep.eu database, H2020 projects are also organized in 42 categories – themes, which are a bit more detailed then the Grand Thematic Priorities. Both of them could answer the questions about the directionality of funds.

Category of Intervention (ERDF)

A system of classes for the monitoring and reporting of the ESIF (notably ERDF), providing regular information on the implementation of cohesion policy in terms of types of actions financed, the use of financial instruments and on the distribution of funding across different types of territory and across economic sectors (more here).