Native Americans Ol'
Native Americans ol' Clarendon, Vermont *This is only a report of my early findings. This is subject to charge as new evidence and facts arise. I\rly research has led me to cliscover two groups of Native Americiurs that could have resided in Clarendon and one other that may have simply passed through time to time. The tribe of Native l[mericans that has the highest likelihood of being in Clarendon isi the Mahican, specifically the subdivision Mahican proper. Their territory extended from Poughkeepsie, New York to Deerfield, I\4assachusetts, and extended flrttrest north in Rutland. It is important to mention that tlhey are not to be mistaken with the Mohegan tribes of Connecticut; however, they do have lineage witkr one another. As a side note, the Mahicans have lineage with the Lenape and ['equot. Other names for the Mahicans is as follows: Akochakanen (koquois name that means "Those who,speak a strangertongue"), Canoe Indians (Given by colonists), Hikanagi/Nhilcana (Given by the Shawnee), Laups (Given by the French), Orunges (,Given by a school textbook author, Chauvignerie, who rvas referring to a specific Mahican tribe in 1736), River Indians (Given by the Dutch), and Uragees (Again given by an author, Colden, in reference to a specific tribe of the.Mahicans 1747). Mahicans were hunters of southwestem and western Vermont. lheir langrllge belonged to the linguistic family of the Algonquian, spoken with an r-dialect. Sieldom did they settle anywhere in Vermont to stay due to the fact that they were typically hLunters, hotvever, it is not irnprobable that they had permanent selllements in Clarendon.r Historic territory of the |tdahicans l Swanton, John R., The lndion Tribes of North America,1953 pg.
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