REFUGEE WATCH A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration 46 Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group Editor Paula Banerjee Editorial Assistant: Anwesha Sengupta Editorial Board Editorial Advisory Board Sanjay Barbora (Guwahati) Mahendra P Lama (Gangtok) Meghna Guhathakurta (Dhaka) P. Saravanamuttu (Colombo) Asha Hans (Bhubaneswar) Tapan Bose (Kathmandu) Shahid Fiaz (Islamabad) Jason Miller (Burma) Jeevan Thiagarajah (Sri Lanka) Rubina Saigol (Pakistan) Ranabir Samaddar (India) Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (UK) Publisher Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group GC-45, Sector-III, First Floor Salt Lake, Kolkata-700106 INDIA Tel: +91 33 2337 0408 Email:
[email protected] Printed at : Graphic Image New Market, New Complex, West Block 2nd Floor, Room No. 115, Kolkata-700 087 Refugee Watch is brought out as part of the educational material for the CRG Programme on Cities, Rural Migrants and the Urban Poor: Issues of Violence and Social Justice. The contributions of Ford Foundation is hereby acknowledged. REFUGEE WATCH A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration 46 Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group REFUGEE WATCH CONTENTS Anandaroop Sen A Lost Population? East India Company and Arkanese ‘Refugees’ in Chittagong 1 Anup Shekhar Chakraborty Becoming ‘Local’: Muslims and the Politics of the ‘Local’ and the ‘Non-local’ in Darjeeling Hills 21 A. Dirk Moses Partitions and the Sisyphean Making of Peoples 36 Ranabir Samaddar The Precarious Migrant: Issues of Ecology, Politics, and Survival 51 Jessica De Shanti Pluralisms of Law: India’s Place in the International Refugee Protection Regime 73 Snehashish Mitra Book Review 94 A Lost Population? East India Company and Arakanese ‘Refugees’ in Chittagong By Anandaroop Sen * Introduction The article will look at a few settlement projects designed by the East India Company in Chittagong in the late eighteenth century.