-4~ I


1954 - 1955 THE LOG


VOL 14 APRIL 29, 1955


Cover Design , S C G. Y. KATO Canoons, J C M . A. REIMA NN 'I

FRONTISPIECE Three Belgians Discover Royal Roads and 61 FOREWORD 9 Junior Gunroom Notes 62 I n the Barber Chair GOVERNING BODY- 62 Canadian Services Colleges 10 Down to the Lagoon In Whalers 65



GRADUATING CLASS, 1955 INTERNATIONAL GALLERY 85-90 25-4+ Biographies LITERARY SECTION 93 Addresses 45 Articles 94-98 The Rise of the New Cadet Block 4f) EXCHANGES 100-102 Our College Grounds 48 College Calendar 52 EX-CADETS 104 Articles 105- 11 8 COLLEGE NEWS 53 Graduating Day, 1954 54 EX-ST AFF SECTION 118- 11 9 Prize Winners-Academic Awards 54 1953-55 Early Grads 119 Carol Service 56 Awards 120 Christmas Ball 58 Obituaries 121-122 A Visit From St Skylark 58 CHIPS FROM THE LOG 123 Senior Gunroom Notes 59 In Thiny Years We'll See 60 SPORTS 133-144


I 1, - - PROFESSOR L. A. BROWN ---.------

THE LOG-1955 9



AM honoured by having been given the opportunity of submitting I for publication in the LOG my impressions of the outstanding features of the training at Royal Roads. In the first place. I should like to state that I miss very much indeed the close association with cadets, both inside and outside the classrooms, that I enjoyed during the past twelve years. The close association of students and staff is very marked at Royal Roads and is of great benefit to all concerned. I consider the most striking effect of the training at the college to be the tremendous development of the average cadet during his two year term: a development not only in the academic field but also in deportment, self-assurance, and the ability to assume responsibility. It is difficult to determine the factor that has the greatest bearing on this developmen t. The staff deserves some of the credit: but I am convinced that the greatest part of the cadet's training comes from the system of self-government that exists at the college. By its very nature it fosters self-assurance and the ability to accept responsibility. It also results from the passing on each year from Seniors to Juniors of good traditions and customs and high standards of behaviour. Coupled with the passing on of good customs is the willingness and ability to discard practices which are detrimental to the welfare of the college. This ability has been demonstrated on various occasions. The fact that the great majority of our ex-cadets do exceedingly well whether in the services or civilian life augurs well for this training. It is my fond hope that Royal Roads may long continue to graduate each year a number of fortunate young . It is a great pity that this training is necessarily restricted to such a small number. In conclusion I should like to extend my thanks to those cadets who produce the LOG I know very well how much time it takes and the effect it may have on class standings. The only rewards are a sense of accomplishment and the experieT1ce gained. I trust as always that the current copy of the LOG will be the best yet.

, - .. - -- I 10 THE LOG 1 955

President of the Canadian Services Colleges THE HONOURABLE . PC. Q.c.. M.P .. B.A.


Mr. J. A. Blanchette. M.P. B.A. Parltamentary Assistant to the Minister of NatIOnal Defence Brigadier C M. Drury. CB.E .. D.S.O .. E.D. Deputy MInister of NatIOnal Defence Genera l Charles Foulkes. CB .. CBE. D.S.O .. CD. Chairman. Chiefs of Staff Vice-Admiral E. R. Mainguy. O.BE. CD .. R.CN. Chief of Naual Staff Lieutenant-General G. G. Simonds. CB . CB E .. D.S.O. CD. Chief of the General Staff Air Marshal C R. Siemon. CB .. CB.E .. CD. Chief of the Air Staff Dr. O. M. Solandt. O.BE. M.A .. M.D .. D.Se.. LL.D .. M.R.CP .. FR.S.C ChGlrman of the Defence Research Board Professor M. O. Morgan. M.A. Professor W. J. MacDonald. B.A. Mr. G. M. Manning Mr. A E. H.Jye5 Brigadier J. H R Gagnon Professor L Lortie. D.Se.. FC S . FCLC Dr. W. A. Mackintosh. CM.G .. M.A. Ph D. LL.D .. FR.S.C Major-General A B. Matthews. C BE. D.S.O .. E.D. Mr. G. R. Hunter Commander N E Whitmore Commander R. Pike Dr. N. A. M. MacKenzie. CM.G .. M.M. and Bar. Q.C. B.A .. LLB .. LLM .. LL.D. D.CL.. D.Se. Soc.. F.R.S C Brigadier I Johnson Colonel S H. Dobell. D.SO .. CA. Mr W. A. Mather. B Sc.. LL.D. D.CL. THE LOG 195 '5 11


hlit"rs ' !) H . Ok,:. ~. J. \ olk

nl1~1I1l:~~ Editor. R. n. Cnok Ass"tan!>: J A .\Ie 1'hel'son. F. Renaud. H J. IT ick, Ex·Cadet Editor: J. D. X. Cheeke

\~~istal1t. F. Renaud Photog-rapll)' E,IIlor : C. \' Kato

\ ... ..,i ... t3111S R. ] Hicks. H \V Causit'r

Colleg-e X ell S E,iltol'. C P La Ill"

\s:-.i .. tant J A -~ l cl'hl:rsoll

Sports l':dltor' I). -I ,amarrl"

\s ..,i"tanh ' \\' Brollg-htoll, I'~ B. La\\', R. \\'. Kri",t)an<,;oll I·.,,,hangoe T·.,litor: E. C Rrad)'

-\~sistant J \ alihora

I..ittrary 1'.ditor J. K. ~tl'lIart JUllior Term l,dito,. .T. R COrlleil

Art · ~I .-\. Rellnallll Staff ,\d"j,o,., ~"r C, ~, ~1"L·aughn. Dr. R ,I Schicder 12 THE LOG 1 9 ') ')

Serlior Stall

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( (lmmtJntiunf CAP·!.\I:-; J ,\ CHARI 1·5. C J). RC ~

Dln:uur of 5tw!Il's PROII'''OR C C COOK. M A ,\I.\C

Val' Cummandant unci O{ficl'r Commur.dln~1 ruder \\'109 WING COMMA:-


,'vlll t\ C PRISI TT. \1 A 1~f'I}I '::'lrar I-.1RS. J\\ CAMI'BFI I B.A r l..A Librarian

PROFESSOR C S BURCHiLl \j A B." (Econ ) History and Economlo PROFESSOR A C A1KI!\!SC:-;, SI.S( I R<'A .. S\.I :-; A,. M F,I.C , EnQlnt'cnrq Dr(/,-,:in~ and De.'K npttL.'e Geometry PROFESSOR H D. SWTH, SL\, ph.D French PROFESSOR G DALSI:-<, R.Sc \I.A Afathematics PROFESSOR R . M SCIIII.DI R. SI A, ph.D. EnglIsh ASSOCIATE PRO! ESSOR A J:. C\RLSIol'-. \1,\. IIlstory and EconomIc') ASSOCIATF PROIFSSOR J A I.'ARI), B Eng, M r I.C. Ping Lnl}lnt.'ennQ DCCIll..'P1Q und DeSCrtptlL1e Geometry ASSOCIATE PROIESSOR Ii .\\. DlI'l TO"' ..\1 Sc .. \ 1m' I' PhYSICS ASSOCIA TI PROHSSOR J. D, K I YS. \1 Sc ph D. PhySIC< ASSOCIATE PROfESSOR R Sn·\vART. ,\I.A. phl'. SI C I.C ChernlS1rt! ASSOCIATE- PROFFSSOR R OLDHAS!. 0.1' C. Crm, de ';1Ierr< ,nd.Rar •.\\'A, D.Lett. (Pari~) Frem.:h ASSISTANT PROlloSSOR ,\ G ElRICK:-;n L, .\ R S.C B.Se Chf!ml.~lrl/ ASSISTA:-

L ,-CDR (S) B. W. f AIRWI..\TllbR, CD. R.C N. Supply Ollica SHpT LT J A McI.ARI N, C I) .. R C"'. ShipWright Ollierr I.T (E) W G AITWI-II ('D .. ~11~lF, ASRI R.C;-': E nqtneer Officer LT (SI P J BATH, CD. R.C:'!. Staff Adjutant I.T (PI H D ,JOY.R.C.N. No. Squadron Commander CAPT J P R. TRl-S1B1 AI' .\IC .. CD. R. 22, R No ! Squadron Commander F/L E SIMKINS. B.P.II 10 • R ,A I- No. Squadron Commander CI-.ID. OFF (MAD,) I' Y PURTER CO. R r:S AledlCelI A.dmlnlstrator LT [ T PtTcRSOl' B.P.II1-. R.C A. p , und R T Ollieer I , 14 THF LOG I 9 5 'j




" THESE PARATROOPERS!" 'T H E LOG - 1 9 5 5 1'i

\ I I

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SpeCIal Math--A device used to keep destruc· tive half of Junior term away from t he Engineenng School

DrYing Room- A place to dry clothes and dampen JunIOrs. -r H [- LOG - I 9 5 5 17



THE 1955 LOG

This year the Log staff pu bl ished 3 Twig, or Christmas Issue. I n the Twig we published summer training reports, articles covering athletic events and college happenings in the first two terms, gunroom notes, and articles of immediate interest to cadets. Much of rhis material would, under normal

circumstances, have been published in the Log. The TWig made It possible for us to expand in other directions. The following pages will make obvious the purpose that was foremost In our minds, that of doing honour to Professor Brown in this, his first year away from Royal Roads 18 THE LOG ·1955

EDITORIAL I wonder If your attenlion has ever been absorbed by the large tree near the boat house. I say "absorbed," because if it is possible for any tree to absorb you, lhls certainly is an absorbing tree The tree looks as though il had grown by itself. Perhaps at one lime there were other trees-"normal" pInes and cedars-surrounding Il If so, these have been removed and the tree now stands alone. It IS necessary, of course, that the lree should stand alone its effect is In ItS silhouette As framed against the stark washed blue of a Victorian summer sky, or against the dark grey clouds which often merge sea and sky on the lagoon, or against the silently unreal background of Victoria harbour on a clear night, the tree's silhouette is arresting. It is an unusual silhouette. Its long trunk, like that of a palm, is barren of branches until. al the very top. the tree ruptures into a hemispherical umbrella of small branches. About the trunk a cone of vine has grown. This cone i~ most unusual. It is less of a cone, perhaps. than a volcano·like structure of foliage which has grown in the entwining, smothering manner of vines. The vines, in building the volcano, contribute the mosl breadth to the tree's silhouette al the base of the tree. Then, one follows the trunk upwards, the foliage becomes thinner and the silhouette lapers The "apex" of the volcano comes half way up the tree. Only the bottom half of the trunk need be sheathed. The silhouette· trunk, cone, and umbrella- is one of those things which at once can be symbolic. It is one of those stark, uncluttered objects whose well·defined parts invite one to use them as hooks upon which can be hung an outline for reflection. * * * You could easily say lhat the silhouette of the tree by the boathouse, if looked at from bottom to top. symbolizes the development of our term-and indeed, of all terms ·a t Royal Roads. The trunk by itsrlf IS a lerm. NOle that thIS tree has not permitted itself the normal expressIon of other trees. Virtually all the energy of the tree has been directed towards the growth of the trunk; the tree has not misused any of its energies by forming branches other than at the top-at the top of the tree lighl is guaranteed. SignIficantly, the barren trunk has grown greatly. The tree is taller than adpcent trees which have grown in the near-by foresl community. The cone, or shealh, is lha "system." Naturally the cone is thickest al the base of the tree, the "starting point" of our silhouette. By its very nature, the cone, denies the trunk peripheral growth; denies the trunk the experiment of misdirecting any of its energies. No energy can be directed outwards to develop a branch which may not live: all energy must be directed inwards. Inward energy mixes with other inward energy and the whole trunk grows. A sheath is nOl required for the top of the tree. The trunk at this stage no longer has any desire lo direct energy towards the growth of a multitude of branches growing in unequal proportion. The trunk has sensed the respon­ sibility that it carries to the tree as a whole, its responsibility to itself: for, the trunk can grow only by the light which the tree as a whole receives. And, the trunk stretches its neck eagerly to the top. No part of the trunk ever loses sight of the top, the umbrella. After all. the parts which make up the trunk have directed their energies so that the umbrella may be. In the umbrella the branches grow. The growth of the branches is an indIVIdual responsibility. ------~~- ~

20 THI: LOG I C) '; ';


By No. 1542 E. W. CROW\:,. '24 combined with such teaching skill and patience t hat even the least agile cadet mind was incited When I look back to my Cadet life at the to greater mental exercise. He was completely Royal Military College of Canada more than natural and approachable. and evidenced .1 thirty years ago. many impressions fade. but genuine concern for the mathematical succe\~ others stand out sharply One clearly remem­ of each cadet A true scientist. he had the art bered event was Lorne Brown's start in his of clearly substituting facts for appearances. teaching career. as an assistant on the mathe­ demonstrations for impressions. One easil y matical staff of R.M.C. understands how he advanced with merit to his Our mathematical classes usuall y commenced position of high responsibility at Royal Roads with a general exposition by the Director of Studies, who covered his subject with rhetorical As cadets. we received pleasant training in flair, often with the flavour of an inspired the social graces on Sundays when we were sermon, brooking neither interruption nor expected to call at the homes of staff members inattention. The dozing cadet was quickly for tea. Even with the smaller number of cadets awakened by an accurate strike-zone pitch with then at R.M.C. this must have strained both the a blackboard brush. Once the Director of budgets and culinary skills (distaff side) at the Studies had departed with dignity from the more popular points of call. Lorne Brown's

Compliments of New Castle Motors Ltd. McColl -Frontenac 1647 Fort Street Oil Com pan y Limited OPEN 24 HOURS TEXACO PRODUCTS Distributors and Refiners of Texaco .• ,lcrobS from 5,. ~lafga r et's School" Products in Canada 3-7932

- ~-- ,. --- --==--=-=------~----

No. 3811 C. W IC CHARLES PETER LAWES , P.Q. Navy There are certain qualities which the permanent slate Wing Commander is expected to have. Above all, of course, he is con­ scientious and self-disciplined. He must be mature, and have nerves like iron-taking charge of a Sunday Wing Parade on a hot day is no job for a Dagwood Bumstead. He must bear himself well, be able to take command of situations which often arise without warn­ ing' !1e must see to it that both term~ are "toeing the mark," and thaf there are no currents of discontent eddying in the gunrooms, Besides all this, he must be able to inspire the confidence of '?the~s in himself. Needless to say, the person who can handle the Job IS quite a fellow. . .. Pete Lawes certainly is quite a fellow. BeSIdes handltng hIS appointment. he is currently leading our term academically, is playing Representative Hockey, is giving much of his apparently boundless energy to the Log, the I.R.C. and the Engineering School, and is taking upon himself the task of tutoring classmates, less perspicacious than he, in Maths and Physics. . Pete accomplishes these things with the help of an "uncomplt­ cated" personality. He is frank and utterly lacking in pretense or artificiality. His personality has contributed much to the "term"; when each of us goes out separate ways, perhaps we shall take part of it with us. D.H.O. No. 3843 C-S / L EARL BONAR LAW Weston Collegiate and Vocational School Downsview, Air Force Earl has proved to be one of the outstanding members of our term. Easy going, with an enjoyable sense of humour, he makes friends with everyone he meets. Equally skilful in athletics, academics and drill, Earl is also a resourceful man, being the first to return alive from the Oak Bay Underground. He has been a prominent member of the football team. This year he was the outstandint: player, doing brilliantly as first string Quarterback. We can thank Earl for several close wins in the last seasoll. Earl is also a member of the Rep. basketball team. As a member of Champlain Flight, he has excelled in every illter­ flght sport: boxinll', hockey, volleyball and track and field being­ his favourite sports, Earl also has an enviable academic record, having always placed in the top ten. He won the French prize in his Junior year, and will probably duplicate that feat this year. In the I{unroom, Earl is an avid bridge fan. His highest gun­ room role, however, is that of President. As First Term LeadinK Cadet and Second Term Flight Leader of Champlain Flight, Earl gave another demonstration of his leadership qualities, Earl is going to R.M.C. next year, and after that to the Air Force. J.D.N.C. No. 3812 C.S/ L DAVID HERBERT OKE Red Deer Composite High School Red Deer, Alberto Na,'Y In a world where superlatives arc over-abundant it is difficult to describe a cadet like Dave. Only by collating several lists could one be sure of including even the most obvious' of his accomplish­ ments; for. in spite of his innate modesty, he stands forth in a number of different fields. . The staff honoured him with a Squadron Leader appointment III the first term and he became Cadet Wing Commander in the third term. He has been a most energetic and selfless editor of the Log; and yet he has stood very high academically even though he has diverted his energy through a great many channels. On the playing field, Dave is a sportsman with the enthusiasm and vigour of the uninitiated whether it be football, cross-country, Or boxing. But these are merely the physical aspects of his participation in college life, The others are less obvious. but perhaps c,'en marl' important. Dave is best known and possibly mOst appreciated for the kindness and the sincerity of his relations with his term-mate:-. His .infectious sense of humollr and his ability to bring Ollt th~ be,st 111 other~ make Dave a fine person to have about. His inql1irill~ mmd has stImulated a great deal of thought of a philosophical nature in his term-mates. Although the standard that he sets for himself is high, his fellow-cadets are confident of his abilitv to at.tain it in th~ future. For the present, as a naval cadet or a fnend, they thmk of him as a gentleman. S·l·V. No. 3849 C.S L RONALD DENNIS COOK Sarnia Collegiate Institute and Technical School SarDia, Ontario Army

Ronald Dennis "Cookie" Cook comes to the college frolll Sarnia, Ontario, better known as "The Chemical Valley of Canada." Ron has completed his phase CO.T.C. training with the Light Anti-Aircrjlft, Royal Canadian Artillery. His plans for the future include R.1f.C., an engineering degree, completIOn of his tratntng with the RCA, and the Regular Force. During his two years at Royal Roads Don has added to ano benefited from the life of the college. As well as holding his private /lying iicense and being an avid camera fan, Ron has been the College middle-weight boxing champion in both his Junior an<1 Senior years. Ron is also Advertising Editor of the Log this year. His academ;c ability, his skill on the sports field, and his mastery of the drill square have earned Ron well deserved recognition. Iii, integrity. his sense of justice and above all his constant endeavour to complete any task to the best of his ability will ensure that Ron will always be a credit to Royal Roads. R.B.

No. 3852 C·W / L JAMES ALEXANDER McPHERSON Westdale Secondary School, Hamilton, Ontario Millgrove, Ontario Army

Jim, "Phink" or "M cPea/' comes from the thriving Ontario metropolis of Millgrove. Enrolling in R.O.T.P. with the intention of going to a "civvy" university he was, of course, sent to Royal Roads. This was no drawback to him sin ce he is a veteran of several year~ in Army Cadets and he soon proved himsellf to be one of the top cadets in the Coll ege. In his first year he was a member of Mackenzie Flight but in his second year he had the rare privillege of being selected as Champlain 's F light Leader. Jim maintained a hig h standard, not only academically, but also in sports and drill throughout both his years a t Royal Roads. Cheerfu ln ess comes automaticall y to Jim and skylarking is as much a part of him as his partiality to girls. H is skylarking genius has been dem.onstratcd over and over again. This genius was most forcefully demonstrated during the second stand-down weekend last year. In vading U.B.C., a small party sparked by Fink captured a lovely trophy which was carelessly lying about. After spending the summer at the wonderful mess of the Royal Canadian Corps of S ignals, Jim will be passing the next two winters at R.M.C., a local resort hotel just down the road from Vimy Barracks. After four yea.., of "pusser" military coll ege life he will probably become a typical lazy, happy-go-lucky Sigs. Officer a nd spend the rest of his days at a switchboard mumbling "Number Please." T.B.M.

No. 3875 C-F / L EARL VINCENT SCHAUBEL Lisgar Collegiate Institute , Ontario Army

Earl Schaubel has proved himself to be an outstanding cadet during his two-year stay at Royal Roads. In athletics, he has excelled in night soccer, hockey and basketball, and has represented the Coll ege on its football a nd boxing teams. His leadership qualities were rewarded by his appoin tment to a Leading Cadet in the first term, F li ght Leader in the second term, and Cadet Squadron ~ Leader in the third term. al Earl' s future plans include an eng in eerin g cour se at R.M.C. to followed by a career in the Army. II e may not be appointed C.C.S. before he leaves R.M.C., but he is bound to do well if his past record is any indication of his success in th e future. C.L.L. - --~~-====~ - • - - - ~~- - -...-

No. 3813 C.F /L JOHN DAVID NICHOLAS CHEEKE University School, Victoria, B.C. Sbawnigan Lake, Vancouver hland Navy Dave is one of the few cadets from Vancouver Island. Educated right in Victoria, he came to Royal Roads ~ith an 7xcellent ac~demic background. His work at the College IS certalDly IDd,cat!ve ,?f this. In both years he has ranked among the top five 111 1115 school work. Dave's efficiency and other officer-like qualities gained him the position of Flight Leader of La Salle Flight in the first term and Squadron Leader in the second term. In his Junior and Senior years Dave put his ability as a soccer player to good use with the representative soccer team. In inter­ Hight sports, whether he was pulling stroke for the whaler tea'." Or sinking baskets for the basketball team, he always gave 1115 best for La Salle. Although rather quiet and reserved, Dave possesses a keen sense of humour. If, on entering the gunroom you hear a chorus of "Away Seaman's Motor Cutter Crew," you can be sure that it's Dave telling the Army and Air Force cadets about his more memorable experiences during the summer while aboard HMCS NE\OV GLASGOW. At the present Dave is in the Executive Branch of the R.C.N. but is anxiously awaiting his transfer to the Electrical Branch, where he can carryon the studies in the field of his interests. He plans to take the electrical engineering course at R.M.C. for a career in the Electrical Branch of the Canadian Navy, Or to go into the research field. E.B.L. No. 3808 C·F /L JOSEPH GEORGE DONALD LAMARRE College Bourget, Regaud, P.Q. Weiland, Ontario Army Don immediately became prominent in our term. He has been treasurer of the gunroom in both years. Coming to Royal Roads with a B .. \., it was soon evident he was one of the cleverest cadets in the wing. Everyone was amazed at his ability to spend his time helping other cadets pass, playing bridge, writing sports articles tor the Log, and still come first when it came to writing exams. Our "hard-working" Sports Editor also indulged actively in several sports. He was on the representative boxing team this year and is also a good hockey player. His combined abilities in academics and sports earned him a Leading Cadet's bar in the first term ancl a Cadet Flight Leader appointment in the second term. Don plans to add a B.Sc. after his name (in Army Engineering) . .. \t present a victim of R.O.T.P., his exceptional scientific aptitudes will lead him to a notable career in either the R.C.E. or on "civvy street." W·rB. No. 3927 C-F L CHARLES ESTLIN SHEFFIELD RYLEY Trinity College, Port Hope, Ontario Upperville, Virginia, U.S.A. Army Tim, our first term Wing Commander, has played very actively in inter-flight sports. He was also a fullback on the College football team. When the C.S.C. tournament rolled around. Ryley held his reputation as a first clas> athlete by playing on the representative basketball and volleyball teams. He is a member of the Glee Club and can harmonize with the best. Tim hails froill the hills of Virginia. On his arrival at Royal Roads it was with great difficulty that he was made to wear shoe, and socks. \Ve note with interest that he went Hhome" not only to Upperville, Virginia, but to Vancouver, B.C., as well during Christmas leave. Althou",h he is a British subject he is a great arguer on Canadian-British-U.S. relations. In the gllnroom Ryley has been recognized as a serious philosopher. 11 is \·iews on the currently discussed topics are both interesting and debatable. Tim manages to keep things bouncing in the gunroom with his endeavours to Charleston and his capers on the piano. After he had been at Royal Roads for a few months, Tim's I.Q. grew by about 100%. Feeling the effects, he applied for a transfer from the Navy to the Army. With this career of oppor­ tunity now open to him, Ryley is certain to achieve the utmost success. W·rM. No. 3866 C-F L KEITH STEUART King Edward VII School and Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, Union of South Africa Air Force "Stu" came to us all the way from South Africa, the distant land of the ~1au ~la"", although he was born in Pouce Coupe, B.C. A rugged indi\'idualist, we are not surprised that he IS the only one ot his countrymen to gel as far as Royal Roads. Determination is the best possible word to describe IIStu's" make up. A hard worker academically he also excels in athletics. He has represented the College in both his Junior and Senior year on the swimming and boxing teams and has been a driving member of the Hudson Flight's teams in soccer and cross-country. His appointment as Squadron Leader in the first term came as no ,urprise to those who are aware of his capabilities. "Stu" has many other sides to his personality, as his activities well testih·. A beau of the local debutantes' balls, he also shines In Padre's half hour, telling jokes, taking piano lessons, doing push-ups after rounds or telling somebody that he has "slack hands." The future holds for him a possible career in the Air Force or ill Aeronal1tical Engineering. E.J.K. No. 3834 C-F L WILLIAM JOSEPH BROUGHTON Lisgur Collegiate Institute, Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario Navy Any account of Bill's two years at Royal Roads might sound like a panegyric. That cannot be helped. Nothing can be said about Bill which would not be laudatory. Bill's achievements might sound surprising to one who does 110t know him. Bill is rather quiet, keeping to his own affairs. Behind this mask of quietness, however, a more active cadet could not be found. Bill is an all-round man excelling in practically everything to which he gi\Cs himself. He was the key end On the football team for two years. His swimming ability has placed him on the representative swimming team in both his years. This year he gave the College a new breast stroke champion. One could talk about him as a first class basket­ ball player and a good gymnast. In short, he is an excellent athlete. His sports activities do not prevent him from being tops in academics also. Indeed, he has always placed in the top five of the term, with first class honours. Some people wonder how he docs it when he spends hi, spare afternoons at bridge. Bridge (he is a very good player) seems to be his main social activity. He ha; even devised, with his partner, Don Lewis, a special bidding system. No one has been able to figure it out yet. However, Royal Roads is an officer training institution and Bill knows it. He rates high in officer-like qualities. A Leading Cadet in the first term, he rose to be a Flight Leader, then a Squadron Leader-a most significant achievement. Bill is considering a career in Naval Engineering. 'Ye reel it would be impossible for such a fellow not to succeed. D.L. No. 3941 C-F/ L LORNE MELVIN GILLILAND Burnaby South High School New Weslnlinsler, B.C. Navy Out of the fog of New Westminster came Royal Roads' contri­ bution to the Executive Branch of the R.C.N., "Mel" Gilliland, with his drum-sticks clutched in his hand. He immediately gravitated to the "elite," the Royal Reads Band, and soon had W.O. II Cobain marching beside him to 120 per minute. His chief complaints in his Junior year revolved about small Leading Cadets with crooked cap;. y Summer training brought out the best in our staunch "Capt. g Bligh" type. He stood first in Seamanship and coxed the best racing whaler crew on the West Coast. He was judged "Best Cadet, Cruise B." I n his second year Mel began as a Leading Cadet in the band. In the 2nd term he retained his Leading Cadet's bars and was given a F I L sash in the 3rd and 4th terms. I5 H is boxing career was accompanied by more blood than onc normally sees at a Red Cross Blood Donors' Clinic. However Mel slugged (and bled) his way into the finals. In soccer he held down a centre half for Champlain much to the discomfort of his adversaries. r· Mel goes directly into the navy after graduation as a "Snotty." ,st Undoubtedly he will become a Sub. Lt. before he retires. T.G.D. No. 3863 C.W.W.O. EVAN DALE CROOK St. Francis College High School Richmond, P.Q. Army

Since Dale first arrived at Royal Roads, his quiet. but ~~Jnfident manner has made him stCtnd out in the term. HIs abIlity was recognized when he was made the first term Flight Leader for Mackenzie and third term Squadron Leader for Number Two Squadron. Dale took an active part in college activities, being on the representative cross-country team. and outst.anding for Mackenzie Flight in soccer, hockey. basketball and box mg. Dale was also a faithful member of the International Relations Club. Dale plans to continue his education at R.M.C. where he will take civil engineering (a course with no English, his "favourite" subject). and then On to a career in the R.C.A.C. If his two .years at Royal Roads are indicative of the future, they'll be nammg a tank after him someday. W.J.McM.

No. 3939 LIC RONALD GLEN BLAKELY Sarnia Collegiate Institute and Technical School Mandaumin, Ontario Army

Ron is the only Reserve Army cadet in the Senior Term. He has been connected with the Army for seven years now. For five of those seven years he served in the Collegiate Cadet Corps. During this time he rOSe to the rank of Cadet Major and to the position of Corps Adjutant. Two of his summers were spent in six-week COurses at Ipperwash where he was given basic Signals procedure. Last summer he took his training with the Artillery at Shilo. This summer will be different again, for Ron has transferred to the R.C.E.M.E. branch. Here at the College Ron has been a Leading Cadet and a Flight Leader. His interests are mostly concentrated on the Engineering School during his spare time. There, he has produced several "gadgets." Ron has always put the practical ahead of the theoretical. When he graduates from R.M.C. as a Mechanical Engineer he intends to be a I'practical" outdoor-type engineer. R.D.C.

No. 3868 LIC JEFF DE WILDE St. Martin College, Alo", Royal Military School, Brussels Wnnzele, Belgium Belgian Navy

An amiable fellow with a good sense of humour. Jeff came to us through NATO from the Belgian Navy . . In his two >:ears here. he has mastered the English language, achIeved an enviable academIC record, and won for himself the title of "The One Man Soccer Team" One thing he hasn't learned yet though, is a liking for French poetry. As a matter of fact French poetry still provokes within him violent reactions. Hi~ future plans? At least two years in the R.C.N .. then on to , permanent c~reer in the Belgian Navy. R.A.J. No. 3940 L C THOMAS GEORGE DRUMMOND Daniel MelDt) re Collegia te Institute W innipeg, l\laniloba Navy Out of the \\'cst came Tom Drummond with a smile for all and a collection of "favourite saYlDgs." Like all men from the \\'est Tom left his mark at Roads and made many friends with his ready smile and sharp wit. H is sparkling performance in his first year (there just wasn't a skylark without him) resulted in his Senior year in Leading Cadet's bars in the first term and a Flight Leader's sash in the second. Tom played half-back on the "big blue machine," but it is said he did his best playing in Stanley Park. It was Tom who contributed greatly in Fraser Flight's outstanding accomplishments. He upheld the flight's high standards on all occasions including the trip home at Christmas. He is at present Business and Circulating Editor of the Log. The Navy had Tom to contend with last summer; he enjoyed war canoe racing and Banyan parties at Bedwell Harbour and it was only with great difficulty that he was persuaded to give up beach combing in Long Beach to return to Victoria at the end of the summer cruise. The B.E. Games received his whole­ hearted support while he reconnoitred Stanley Park and HMCS DISCOVERY. As a.. member of the exalted, the Naval Engineers, Tom will undoubtedly do well in R.M.C. and the R.C.N. in fu ture years. D.M.C.

No. 3911 L/ C DONALD ANDREW HALE Mount Royal College, Calgary W a rner, Alberta Navy Don ventured to seek his fortune and see the world. He came to Royal Roads. From the first he was well-liked and his infectious smile dispelled all gloom whenever he cntered the gun room during those early trying days. Don comes from a long line of Hale's «(0. Hale \" being the most famous). He attended Warner Consolidated School, but had to go up-county to Mount Royal Coll ege, Calgary, for his Senior Matriculation. Because he is such a "live-wire" he is going to channel his energy into the Electrical Branch, RCN. A year at University after he completes R.M.C. will result in an E lectr ical Engineer ing Degree. Don's smartness and initiative brought him the leadership of Fraser Flight during the first term. He played excellent football both years and was a staunch member of the rifle team. During th e last term he was made a Leading Cadet in his flight. During the Christmas season he turned his hand to bell-ringing and participated very activcly in the Glee Club. Don is very musical and from the quarterdeck we often heard the strains of "Sentimental Journey" or " I 'm in the mood for love" coming from his alto-sax. "].C."K . I

No. 3880 L/ C ELDON JAMES HEALEY Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocationa l Institute Owen Sound, Ontario Navy "What do Ontario boys know about the Navy?" you ask. "Don't go any farther, my son, you are treading on dangerous grounds," comes the reply of this Georgian Bay "salt." "Why th e Navy is built around men from Canada's fi rst province." Those who remember "i)ar exchange week" will no doubt recall the notorious term: "Healey of the Band." "EI" began the year as Leading Cadet i/c trumpeters and progressed to F light Leader in the Second Term, defending his group of "musicians?" by saying that three squadrons and not the band are responsible for the accordion effect On the march past. "E.J." supports his flight with the same enthusiasm and adds his share to the effort to keep Mackenzie Ollt of the cellar. Whether it be soccer, boxing, basket­ ball. hockey Or track and field he is a lways ready to have a go at it. His efforts in studies have gained him a position in the top ten of the term. N ext year he plans to attend the Royal Naval Engineer ing College, after a brief stop at Toronto East General Hospital (Nurses' Residence), and introduce the art of skylarking a la Roads. "EI" plans a career as an Engineer in the R.C.N. D.C.G. No. 3978 L/ C CAMIEL D. C. JACOBS St. I'redegard & Edward Institute, Antwerp Royal Military School, Brussels Dewine, Belghun

Carniel cOlllprises one third of the soccer team that our term imported from Belgium. I n all sports his enthusiasm and good humour helped spark both the Juniors and Ser.iors of Mackenzie Flight to many victories. Camiel's academic record ,peaks for itself. While coping with the eccentricities of our language he still managed to stand in the top eight of our term. He was rewarded with Leading Cadets' bars for two terms. His favourite pastime is undoubtedly letter writing. (Une jolie fille en Belgique, n'e5t-ce pas?) His most hated aversions art parallel skew lines, wing parades, and French poetry. After Royal Roads he is looking forward to further executive training with the R.C.N. before returning to the Belgian Navy in which all three of Our Belgian Cadets already hold commissions. All of us will be 10t.>king forward to the day when we can visit Belgium, and renew tho lasting friendship which we have formed with Camiel, Paul, and Jeff. T.V.C.

No. 3892 L/ C RONALD WILLIAM KRISTJANSON Gordon Bell High School and United College Winnipeg, Manitoba Army

One member of Our term that can't be praised highly enough is Ron Kristjanson. Athletically, he was an immense asset, both to the College and to Champlain Flight. Whether playing his brand of "guts" football, swimming, or running his heart out, Ron always carried more than his share of any "rep" team he played on. By winning the cross-country in 1954, he insured another inter-flight first for Champlain. "Kris" has had some trouble with "the books" but has been able to overcome them with the same self-discipline and drive that has made him a top-notch athlete. I n his Senior Year Ron was Vice-President of the Senior Gun­ room and a first-term Le~ding Cadet. His popularity (with both sexes) has made him a most welcome member of any group, whether on leave Or at the College. Work as hard, playas hard, and study as hard, in the future, Kris, as you have at Royal Roads and the success we sincerely wish you, will be yours. D.R.B.

No. 3913 L/ C DONALD GORDON LEWIS Bridgetown Regional High School Bridgetown, N.S. ArnlY

If a game of bridge is in progress in the gunroom Y04 will most likely find Don n,arby. The Lewis-Broughton team ha, yet to be conquered. A true Maritimer, Don has always been recognized for hi, determination and pluck in all activities. A better than *verage player in nearly every sport, he has shown special talent for ,occer, being a member of the representative team in his Junior ye~r Don has also taken a keen intenst in the International Relations Pllb. As Leading Cadet in the first term and Flight Leader of the Cartier Flight during the third term, Don has been kQpt busy bus somehow still finds time for dances and the ladies of Vlpt Qria. Being an Army Cadet, in the Infantry, Don will go to R.M.C. in September. C].D. No. 3822 L C TERRENCE BOURKE MAHOOD Strathcona High School, Edmonton Edmonton , Alberta Army

Terry Mahood has applied his talents in many fields at Royal Roads. His interest in radio led him to the Radio Club, where he took OYer the management in 1954-55. On parade and in class he does well, bringing credit On his home town, which, of course, is Edmonton. Sports activities have been executed very well by "T. B." His fiery determination has helped Champlain towards its inevitable victories. In boxing, Terry was selected for the represclltati\'e team. This pleased hint very much since it gave him a chance to spend a weekend in Montreal with some French girls. Terry's Irish shows through in many ways. He is at all time amiable and amusing. but perhaps does reach the full height of his glory until 0100 on Sunday mornings. Then too, he must be watched with suspicion because of a rather dubious connection with the Oak Bay Underground. The future holds promise of opportunity and enjoyment for Terry. After completing Electrical Engineering at R.M.C. he will start an interesting career as an officer in the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals. This, incidentally, is the best corps in the Army. J.A.McP.

No. 3638 L/ C FERDINAND RENAUD College de Levis Ste. Claire, ArnlY

The high tension brou'l'ht on by having to be St. Lawrence separate him from Quebec's 21,672 eligible women was too strenuous for Fro; so he decided to move to Royal Roads for two years for a bit of rest-he hoped! Once firmly established he couldn't resist the temptation of remaining a third year in the beautiful surroundings of the College' and therefore signed the three-year plan. This enthusiasm and determination made the king-pin of Cartier Flight's hockey team and his "ersatility has made him one of the few Judo experts in the wing. Fro also enjoys skiing and baseball. Fro's most appreciated talent was his ability to find dates for his frustrated and desperate friends. He is largely responsible for the disappearance of that old and highly feared term-"Wing Office Special" and for the birth of a new and even more highly feared term-"Renaud Specil!." I t has been said that his love for tanks is reAected in his taste in women. Fro's officer-like Qualities won him the appointment of first term Flight Leader for Cartier Flight. \Ve are all sure that hi, skill and determination will guide him through a "colourful" career in the Armoured Cor ps. C.F.P.

No. 3971 L/ C PAUL FRANKLIN ROMYN Cha tham Collegiate Institute Cha tham, Onta rio Army

Paul (better known as P.F.) is a good-natured, easy-going fellow, typical of those that sunny Southern Ontario produces. He made it Quite clear soon after he arrived that he objected to anyone m('ssing up his bed, especially if he was in it and as a result ' .... as the victim of many such Hskylarks." I As well as proving himself a capable hockey and soccer player and an able golfer, P.F. is competent in the classroom and has remained in the top tw~nty in the term. In the summer Paul goes to the R.C.E.M.E. school in Kingston, where he takes his army training when he is not studying Bell Telephone "operations." Probably through no fault of his own, he was made the victim of a famous saying at Roads, "Paul's getting --, what'll I do'" P.F. is aile of the bridge champions of the Senior Gunroom and practises his game whel'ever he isn't ill the Flight Leader's Cabin. His stories of Tecumc;;eh sinking German liners loaded with canned Chri~tmas trees on the St. Clair River are famous. From Royal Roads Pauf will go to R.M.C. to study Mechanical Engineering From there it's the army. R.J.W.B. No. 3836 LI C JERRY VALIHORA Harrow Hich School Harrow, Ontario Air Force

Despite the hall porter's insistence. that Jerry's. na~e is Vali O'Hara he actually hails from YugoslavIa. He has lIved In Canada for the greater part of his life, however, and is a staunch supporter of Southern Ontario. Jerry represents the quiet, serious element in OUf term, and as a result, has managed to remain arnol}-g the top few ~n t~c academic standings since his arrival. He 15 a keen cOf!1pehtor In all activities, and Hudson Flight has had many occaslO!,s to be thankful for his presence. H is ability was particularly. promInent during the third term this year when Jerry was made FlIght Leader of Hudson Flight, a promotion well deserved. H During the summer he spends his time Hpranging Harvards at Penhold with the pilots. One of the few Reserve cadet~ left. Jerry plans to continue his studies at R.M.C. and take up engIneer­ ing, which branch he doesn't yet know. D.W.M.

No. 3951 LI C SPENCER JESSOP YOLK Liscor Colleciate Inuitute, Ottawa Ottawa Air For~e

When the 55 of '55 have theIr class reunion at the turn of the century, when some names and faces have even been forgotten, the question on the lips of everyone will surely be, "Where's Spence?" For who could forget the many hours he has spent in the Gunroom keeping his termmates in fits of laughter with hi; jokes and antics. Spencer has also a serious side to his personality (he says) but as yet it remains undetected. "John the Moose," as he is affectionately called by his mother, is one of the ilrugged Reserves." (The Reserves at present form a yery small and somewhat important group at the College.) Spencer, a pilot who saw the light, hails from Ottawa. but he can be heard daily, discussillg the merits of Montreal. The mail box leads us to believe that his main interest li es in ; but Spence insists that he is only opening up a Canadian mail ordet service with the express purpose of importing kangaroos. Few Juniors will forget that Spence was a C/F-L during the first term. (Will they, Nuttal?) In the second term Spencer was made Cadet Wing Flight Leader, with all the responsibilities of ducking the "Joyful" little jobs cooked up ior him. Spence plans to carryon his stlldies at R.M.C., where we art sure he will excel in his usual smiling fashion. C.P.L.

No. 3847 SIC OEMS RICHARD BOYLE The London South Collegiate Institute Hyde Park, London, Ontario Navy

A competent versatile cadet, Denny has displayed an all-round ability. Academically he has stood well up in the term since the beginning of his Junior Year. As a member of the College swimming team both years he has represented the College in the C.S.C. tourna­ ments. His fighting I ris h blood has proved itself a decided asset to the representative Canadian football team. In his two years Denny turned in a top notch performance as an aggressive tackle. A popular man in the gunroom, he has also proved himself very adept where the ~ajr sex is concerned. A Caruso in his own righ t, Denny has establIshed a reputation for singing in the showers. He is also an incorrigible optimist. Having previously tasted the salty brine, he chose the navy as his service.. He will certainly do well in England where he plans to continue hJS engmcenng course pnor to his career. RW.K. No. 3876 S C EDWARD CLARABUT BRADY Duke of Conn aught High School and U.B.C. New Westminster, B.C. Navy Ed is without doubt the saltiest navy type of the term (as any naval cadet can tell by a look at his cap badge). After taking two years of executive training under the U.N.T.D. plan, he entered Royal Roads and transferred to the Ordnance Branch in which he has a brother. Last summer, as a Cadet CaptaIn at C.T.E., he carried on the traditions he established as a Cadet Captain at Royal Roads the year before. Athletically, having represented the College on the cross­ country team and the soccer team, Ed is an all-round sportsman and has always been in the thick of the fight for good old Fraser. He spends hi s spare time either in the workshop designing a new kind of gun-barrel, fulfilling his duties as Exchange Editor of the LOC by writing to far "If military colleges; or proclaiming to the world the merits of the elite Ordnance Branch. He plans to go to R.M.C. for Mechanical Engineering and to be the first R.C.N. technical officer to spend his entire career at sea. Ed has often expressed his intention to never accept an appointment ashore. P.M.S.

No. 3855 SIC THOMAS V. CAMPBELL Chapleau High School Chapleau, Ontario Air Force

"What can 1 do for you '" Thi, expression is characteristic of Tom. Whether one finds him playing his favorite records in the gunroom Or studying in hi s luxurious "apartment" in th e Castle he is always ready to help a fellow cadet. Tom is one of the few "arts types" here this year. It is not surprising that his principal interest should be literature, music, and fine arts in general. Our Chapleau product likes skating and skiing. He also enjoys pulling the gunroom's radio apart in co-operation wi th R. Jutras. As a further diversion, he is leadin g a movement to se t up "NORTHERN" Ontario as a separate province. He has been attached to Hudson Flight for both this year and last. In soccer and in hockey, particularly, he has sparked the Hudson team. Tom is a pilot in the R.C.A.F. and enjoys the thrill of sitting behind the Harvard's SSO horses. At the present moment Tom is undecided as to whether he should go On to R.M.C. Or to a civili an university. \Nhat he does know is that in the near future he intends to see the world! C.D.J.

No. 3816 SIC HOWARD WILLIAM CAUSIER Weyburn Collegiate Institute Weyburn, Saskatchewan Air Force

Bill is the sale surviving member of the Senior Term from Saskatchewan. Nevertheless, this does not prevent him from expounding, at great length, to all li,teners the yirtues of "The \ Vhcat Province." After spend111g a summer at \\'innipeg taking navigation training, Bill has become an a\'id enthusiast of air power. Usually he may be heard ill the dormitories after 2130 explaining to Brady why the Navy will require air support should there be another war. An enthusiastic member of the Camera Club, Bill may be found on Saturday morning WIth Jack working on pictures taken during the holidays. He also finds time to be an active supporter of La Salle Flight and is one of the reasons for the flight's high standing. I n the future Bill hopes to get his wings as a navigator and ge t into Transport Command. Next year he plans to go to R.M.C. to take E lectrical Engineering. After graduating from R.M.C. Bill will stay in the Air Force for three years. After this he hopes to make a career for himself in civilian life as an E lec trical Enginee r. J.A.M. No. 3826 LIC DONALD MERVIN COULTER Central Collegiate Institute Calgary, Alberta Navy Don hails from Calgary and like all Calgarians is mighty proud of it. He came to Royal Roads on a Navy League of Canada Scholarship, but since has been swallowe~ up by. the R.O.T.P: In his senior year Don did not escape recog1l1tlOl1, havtng been appomted Leading Cadet of the drum section for a term and a day. His sports career was climaxed when he won the welterweight boxing cup this year. He represented the College at the C.S.C. tournament at C.M.R. During summer training Don was a member of the notorious C3 E cubicle, the inmates of which received numerous "mentions" in Daily Orders at C.T. E. During the stay of the H.M.C.S .. NEW GLASGOW in Long- Beach, Don was seen in a Hollywood shIrt on a California patio drinking a cocktail under an umbrella-much to the envy of his hapless term mates. Don intends to attend R.M.C. to obtain a degree in Mechanical Engineering before proceeding to the R.C.N. as a Naval Engineer. L.M.G.

No. 3870 SIC RALPH WILLIAM CULLEY Alexandra Composite High Medicine Hat, Alberta Air Force Bill's origin, when traced with utmost care, can be found to be the "Medicine Hat" of the West. Bill, a navigator in the R.C.A.F., has fitted well into our term, especially in studies, where he has set and kept a heading on a goal which will give us "55-4-55." He is a steady-going person, sarcastic in expression and one who. every once :11 a while, comes out with a witty remark that upsets the equilibrium of the term by sending it into laughter. His favorite pastime is drawing aircraft. Here he has produced some unbelievably sleek designs for craft of the coming air age. Bill contended in all sports and was particularly strong in hockey and soccer. I n these two displayed exceptionally good goaling skill. Bill plans to go to R.M.C. to follow a courSe in civil engineering. He hopes that some day he wlil be able to go to South America to make his fortune. E.G.

No. 3818 SIC JAMES ARTHUR FOX Bedford High School Bedford, Nova Scolia Army

Jim's ambition this year is to do his share to realize the motto, "55-4-55." Like most of us, he is finding that it takes work to pass. Ho\\cver, if he is as successful this year as he was last year, we'll have to put up with him at R.M.C. Outside the classroom Jim is a keen boxer, and this year, with that John L. Sullivall right hook, became lightweight boxing champion. Howen>r, his ex tra curricular activities are not concerned solely on boxing. He. as much as anyone in his flight, wants to have Mackenzie win the inter-Hight sports trophy and the \Visener Cup. To aid this cause, he has spent his spare hours in such sports as soccer, cross-coun!ry and hockey; and, in each one, he was an asset to his flight. In the gunroom he spends hours fruitlessly, but good naturedly, trying to prove that Nova Scotia would have been better off without Confederation. In the future, Jim sees an arts course at R.M.C. and a career in the R.C.A.C. B.].G. No. 3936 SI C ROWLAND JOHN WILLIAM BLACKER Simcoe Hi,h School Lindsay, Ontario Navy "Blackie'" came to Royal Roads from that part of fair Ontario which is so graciously called the "Banana Belt of Canada." His home was in Norfolk County until last year when his family moved to Lindsay. Having grown up in the fine Ontario atmosphere and having surpassed that obstacle known as Ontario's Grade XIII, he decided to join R.O.T.P. and go to Royal Roads. He came here over­ flowing with that Ontario "go get'em" attitude and in two years, he lived up to that slogan. After his first year of studies, he went to summer training and after a hectic summer in that rollin~ New Glascow he came back to Royal Roads with a new slant on hfe. In his second year he often talked about the "Reserve." Many of us wonder what happened to old R.O.T.P. "Blackie.'" r n his first and second years "Rollie" did his bit for Cartier Flight in interRight sports. He was also an enthusiastic golfer and was often seen blazing new trails across the Royal Col wood. Next year Blackie will go to R.M.C. and continue his studies as an Electrical Engineer and after those two years have passed, who knows, maybe he will be on the East Coast directing naval engineering. P.F.R.

No. 3835 SI C ROLAND ARTHUR JUTRAS Kirkland Lake Colle,iate and Vocational School Weston, Ontario Air Force Whenever the gun room radio starts emitting unusually hideous noises (not counting "Shake, Rattle and Roll"), investigation usually finds Rollie crouched behind our newest piece of furniture chortling to himself, "the electron Row isn't linear in the high frequencies but r can fix it by shrinking this condensed reactance in parallel with the self biased triode." Radio is Rollie's hobby. Down in the radio shack Professor Jutras has a course for juniors who want to build radios for their rooms in the new cadet block next year. During that lovely Canadian summer, 1954, Rollie went through that shattering experience, first year pilot training. Taking it in his usual stride, he breezed through easily and calmly. In spite of Rotlie's "back-row seat" in class, his marks have been "front-row quality," even despite his other favorite pastime: courting Beverley-sa femme fatale--by phone. This phoning business is going to be expensive when Rollie has to make long distance calls from Kingston, where, no doubt, he will be a top-man in Engineering Physics. T.C. & c.J,

No. 3976 SIC GEORGE YOSHIMITSU KATO Vernon Senior Hi,h School VernOR, B.C. Air Force "Ah. these trees. these beautiful trees and this lovely rolling country of B.C.!'" These were George's words after he returned from his first year's summer training at Penhold, Alberta. From a first-term Leading Cadet, George rose to the well­ deserved post of third-term Flight Leader of Fraser Flight. He is a strong supporter of his Right in all its ventures, especially on the soccer field or at the riRe range. He is quiet, well-mannered and has many interests varying from music and literature to photography. George is an ardent camera fan and he keeps the cadets well supplied with pictures of college life. He is "resident of the camera club and is also the senior gunroom secretary. George will go to R .M .C. next year where he will take Mechanical Engineering. He has fond hopes of an Aeronautical Engineenng degree in the not too distant future. D.A.H. No. 3926 SIC ROBERT ANTON FROEBEL Sanpdo High School Sangudo, Alberta Air Force Edmonton the Oil Capital of the World, gained further prestige on July 14, 1935, when one R. A. Froebel made his debut. The whole superstructure of the college, to wit, the system, was put to test eighteen years later when Bob arrived at Royal Roads. From the first he made himself known, bemg a conspIcuously outspoken ma~l­ of-the-world. He has figured in many loud, unorthodox debates m gunrooms and other odd plzees. Bob is a keen and experienced hockey player, having played for his high school and for Sangudo senior teams. His a~ility on the icc helped Mackenzie Flight to win the hockey competitIon last year. He should be even more of an asset this year. At skiing and mountain climbing Bob is no slouch. He usually spends the better part of his leave crouched over hickory or swinging an alpenstock. In college sports, Hob has been a key man on the cross-country team in both his junior and senior ycars. Although one could hardly say that he is built for running, yet he is good. Bob possesses a drive and a will to win which has few equals. For assured success in any field this is indispensable. I.K.S.

No. 3882 SIC EDWARD GAGOSZ Percival County High School (Val d'Or, Quebec) Toronto, Ontario Air For(!e Ed was northern Quebec's donation to Royal Roads in 1954. "Coose" was originally from Val d'Or but now calls Toronto THE city. Ed hopes to continue spending his summers in Alberta flying for the Air Force. He was known as a "hot" pilot last summer and will be a credit to the service throughout his flying career. At college, Ed has participated in all sports and has excelled in rifle shooting and hockey. His favorite recreation seems to be gymnastics. In studies Ed has managed to hold his own. He holds to the motto, "55-4-55," and is keeping his one-fifty-fifth share of th} bargain uP. Ed plans to go to R.M.C. as an electrical engineer. He feels that he may follow a service caleer. R.W,c.

No. 3904 SI C BERNARD JOHN GOLPHIN Lachule High School, Lachute, P.Q. Brownsburg, P.Q. Army

Bernie was born in Brownsburg, P.Q., and survived there for nearly 17 years. He arrived at Royal Roads with the rest of us, poolroom slouch and all, and began his training. He appeared quiet at first but this. we found, was only a ruse. Once we got him started talking we couldn't stop him-especially if he was talking about Brownsbllrg. J never heard of the place until I met Bernie, but now, like everyone else in the term, I'm quite an authority on the locality. I n terms of cadet

No. 3878 SI C RAYMOND JACK HICKS Prince Edward District Collesiate Institute Bloomfield, Ontnrio Air Force Jack, a product of Canada, o-o-ops I mean Ontario, has had two most successful years at Royal Roads. Although he is a patriotic expounder of the virtnes of Prince Edward County, he has found time to pursue a host of other interests. He is a member of the International Relations Club, a select group who congregate supposedly to discuss international problem~ before partaking of the lunch. From watching him make Willie ~ausier admit the inade­ quacies of Saskatchewan, in gunroom arguments, I judge him to be proficient in the tricks of argument. He is assistant photographer for The LOG and is enthusiastic about the Camera Club, especially about the monthly photographic magazines. As a junior he was a member of the fencing team, a sport which he has not had time to pursue this year. He is a staunch member of mighty Fraser Flight. Jack spends his summers at Winnipeg, taking navigation illstruction with the Air Force. At present he is undecided whether or not to make the Air Force his permanent career. Jack's amiability and officer-like qualities made him a Leading Cadet for the second term. His keen intellect has enabled him to stand in the first twenty, academically, during his tour at Royal Roads. He plans to take engineering at R.M.C. R.F.].

No. 3933 SI C RAYMOND FRANCIS JEFFERIES Resiopoli. Collese, Kinsston Brewer's MiUs, Ontario Air Force In September, 1953, Ray Francis Jefferies, having that the "metropolis" of Brewer's Mills did not warrant his superior abilities, headed for the unknown, Royal Roads. Jeff, though raised in the superb climate of Ontario, hasn't allowed the weather of Vancouver Island, or the problems of an upper bunk in his first week to deter him from fitting smoothly into college life. Jeff is a strong competitor in all inter-flight sports, excelling in hockey and cross-country. A staunch supporter of Fraser Flight, his jokes (1) have always added to our flight parties, and his spirit to any of our endeavours. 1 n his spare time he will probably be found down in the Engineering School; this trait is not surprising, for he is an adept mason and challenges anyone to a duel with cement blocks. In the summer, 2 A.N.S., Winnipeg, occupies the greater part of his time where the mysteries of navigation keep all the "fortunate few" harrassed with the perplexities involved. An unplanned trip to the U.S.A. is one of his accomplishments, although he might be found at one of the locality's beaches or dance halls practising an art of a different sort. Civil Engineering at R.M.C. is in his immediate future. R.J.H. No. 3874 SI C EVERETI JOHN KEARLEY Prince of Wales College St. John's, Newfoundland Arm)' "E.].." the second loudest infantry man in the wing, has the distinction of being the first, and so far the only cadet at Royal Roads from Canada's tenth province. He will discuss with anyone interested the relative merits of the "Queen of the Battlefield" and any other corps. Being a gifted student, Kearley makes good use of all his spare time and thus when exam results are posted he is always near the top of the class. A hard-worker on the sports field, "E.J." excels in all sports that require determination and will-power. Back in "Newfie" he was an ardent hunter and a keen rower. On La Salle's inter-flight teams he did very well, leading both La Salle's soccer and cross-country teams to second position. "E.J." is known by a large number of the fairer sex of Victoria: not a surprising fact as he spent the greater number of his Saturday nights making himself available. However, he is planning to keep on the safe side of the fence for a long time yet-or so he says. R.A.F.

No. 3960 SIC JAMES COLEMAN KENNEDY London South Collegiate Institute London, Ontario Arm)' The Cadet Wing Travel Agent, the football team manager, the ladies' choice-that is our "].c." 1-1 e is the result of many years of care and devotion by the city of London, Ontario, where he was born, educated and enlightened. He came to us excited and eager-to become the idol of the Victoria girls. He seems to have succeeded, too. but this is not too much to expect from "J.c." He has made a profound impact upon girls a1l over the country: Picton, Vancouver, Portland, Maine, Georgia, and Florida have felt that magnetism of his. James "Casanova" Kennedy has made the commendable (depending, of course, on which of the three services you are in)­ decision to gain a life-time membership in the Royal Canadian Artillery. To this end, on completion of his training at Royal Roads, he plans to continue studying at R.M.C. when he will enter civil engineering, and finally attend Queen's University. J n the mean­ time, in what spare time he has available, he maintains a steady correspondence with the outside world, particularly the feminine world. G.Y.K.

No. 3854 SI C PETER ANTHONY KIRK Malvern Collegiate Institute Toronto, Ontario Nav)' Take a better than average Toronto youth, dress him in navy blue, add a touch of M.e.!., " pipe and a bulging "Wellington" and you have a rough approximation of Pete. Despite Pete's propensity for weird tobaccos, the gunroom has excused his smog. Pete has won many friends during his two-year stretch at Royal Roads. Pete's possession of a scientific brain and the aptitudes of a real salt have won for him a Leading Cadet's bar in the second term and a C-W/F/L sash in the third term. 'fhe Navy is Pete's first love, spirit anti keen interest in the service have already ear-marked him as a first class naval officer. C.E.L. No. 3912 S I C GEORGE LAKE LOGAN Glebe Colle«iate Ottawa, Ontario Army

From Canada's Capital came George in an attempt to elude his growing list of female admirers, but he just couldn't escape. Fortunately he brought with him a keen senSe of humor, which contributed greatly to the spirit of the term, and in his junior year earned him the nick name "Sklark." George represented Cartier Flight on the Representative Swim Team. He is also an enthusiastic skier and boxer. His summer vacations are spent alternately between Camp Borden and Wasaga Beach with the RC.I.C. Xext year George will go on to R.M.C. to study civil engineering. E.].S.

No. 3840 S I C CHARLES EDWARD LOWTHIAN Malvern Colle«iRte Institute Weston Colle«iate Institute Toronto, then Weston Air Force

Ed had a rather tough first year because of injuries, but in the second year he came through with fiying colors. Not only did he make the representative football team; but he became one of the most enthusiastic and hard working members of Hudson Flight. H. was promoted to Leading Cadet the third term and organized his flight into a high scoring power house. Ed is an Air Force. cadet all the way, and one of the few more fortunate ones who became pilots. He hopes to get on jets SOOn and with his ability, personality and know-how he should have no trouble in this respect. Ed so far has only one complaint; despite his many speeches praising tht benefits of the Air Force, he has yet to persuade anyone to change to it. P.A.K.

No. 3915 SI C WALTER JAMES MOORE Vankleek Hill Colle«iate Vankleek HiU, Ontario Army

From Vankleek Hill, Ontario, comes "Irish" Moore. He is an infantry man of good standing, having completed many schemes on a beachhead called \Vasaga. He gives his best to Cartier Flight and whenever the going is rough, rest assured that this little man is right in there pitching. "Irish" was a Leading Cadet in the second term, an honor well deserved. A keel~ fencer, "Irish" can be seen crossing foils with other enthusiasts On days when studying and inter-flight sports let him go. Knowing that "from little acorns. great oaks do grow" we expect great things of Irish at RM.C. and in his future career. C.E.S.R No. 3845 SIC DOUGLAS WILUAM ALEXANDER MUIR Hillfield School Hamilton, Ontario Army

In September, 1953, Doug left pr.osperous industrial centr.e in Ont6ria to find Royal Roads. Durmg his stay, he was an enthuSI­ astic competitior in all of his activi.ties at the colleg~. He was a member of the repre8entative Canadian fo?tball t~am m both years. His pugilistic ability carried him to the semi-finals In the welter":flght division. He also swam in the inter-college tournament: In tnter­ Aight sports he was the strong link on the Hudson Flight hockey team. On the academic side, Doug, one of the fe\~ artsmen i~ Our ter.m, always passes with a good average mark. HIS leaders~lp qualities earned him Leading Cadet's bars in the first term. He IS a member of the elite reserve group of the college. During the summer, he navigated an Expeditor . ac~oss the prairie spaces. Next summer, however, he will be a solid mfantry­ man at Camp Borden. Doug plans to take an arts degree from R.M.C. and go on to law school from there. J.V.

No. 3893 SI C JOHN ANmONY MULLARKEY Vaulhan Road Collegiate In.titute Toronto, Ontario Army

Toronto is now John's home town but he was born in {pardon the expression}, the United States, in Cincinnati. During the last summer John trained with the R.C.I.C. and pity the man who says anything against the infantry in front of John; for he will be met with long explanations about the benefits of a damp trench. A strong supporter of La Salle in all activities John was also our first term Cadet Librarian. John is often found in the dark-room printing pictures" hich date back to his recruit days. John plans to continue on to R.M.C. for a course in Engineering Physics and from there to the University of Toronto for his degree. After his commitment with the Army John hopes to attend M.I.T. for a post-graduate course and then to go into research. HW.C.

No. 3886 SI C DONALD BAYNE PERRIN Kitchener Waterloo Collegiate In8litute and Vocational School Kilchener, Ontario Army

"You should have seen Our team back in Kitchener I When they ... " That is Perrin again, expounding the prowess of the athletes who live in that great city. A superb badminton player himself: he spend~ many of his. spare sports. periods looking for competitIOn On which he ~all p~actlce his contortlOnal type of playing. Bad~lnton champIOn dUring his tw~ years here, he readily earned the appointment of selllor representative to the staff for badminton. Besides being a mainstay on Fraser's basketball team he is also interested in. riAe shooting, but he has a hard time keeping that 135 pounds of his down on the butt of the riAe. His evenings on the we~k-ends a~e sp.ent a~vay from the college enjoying himself with delightful Victorian girls. He sometimes has had a hard time deciding which one he should be left with. I think he has finally made up his mind . . Aft~r graduating from R.M.C., Bayne hopes to attend Queen's University. He has not decided yet whether to remain in the army Or become the head of some big industrial firm. D.S.V. No. 3676 S C CHARLES FREDERICK POIRIER S.C.M. Shediae, N.B. Shediae, N.B. Navy \Vhen Charlie ran out of new victims for his tricks in the Quiet town of Shcdiac, he decided to move to Royal Roads where he was sure to find a fresh field for his practice. He has been tremendously ,uccessful; even though he has stayed around for three years, he can still find many a cadet who will fall for his practical jokes. But Charlie did not restrict himself to his notoriously entertaining activities. A star of the football team, he has made the name of "Shediac" resound from the spectator's stands-female section also. He practices boxing, but I think it is only to keep himself in better shape for football and hockey. For some obscure reason the Navy attracted him, and he claim. there is no better service. If you want to meet the serious side of his nature. just tell him otherwise and you will be amazed at the number of arguments he can find to support his choice. Some are given seriously. too! It is thi; sidc of his character which has led him to follow ill the swashbucklinlif steps of Ron Mace and Teddy W·hite. All of us, who have been vIctims of his tremendous imagination and peculiar sense of humor, know that he will reach his goal. F.R.

No. 3979 SI C PAUL MAURICE SEGERS EekJo Cla.. le Humanities and ColleJle St. Jan, Antwerp Sehellebelle, Belllium Navy Paul came to us from the Royal Military Academy in Brussels where he chose the Navy for a career after a year of infantry learning (ugh!) and thus became destined for Canada, Royal Roads, H.M.C.S. NEW GLASGOW and of course the term of '55. Truly gifted he never ceases to subdue and carry us all away when called upon to sing at gunroom and choir activities. I am sure that none of our term will ever forget the suddenly Quiet gun room and the still. thoughtful faces as Paul poured his heart out on "Santa Lucia" for us. Another highly developed talent was his ability on the soccer field. In inter-flight and representative games he always thrilled everybody and demonstrated just how the game could be played. A continuously tireless worker for "Fighting Fraser" he wore Leading Cadet's bars in the second term and did a top notch job. While visiting Paramount studios during last summer's Cali­ fornia cruise Paul became completely lost and had to be helped on his way by Grace Kelly. And then later in the same day he starred on a Los Angeles TV show, and because he was a "poor lonely sailor far from home," found himself presented with a date in the form of a belle from Tennessee. (When it came time to ship for ES(juimalt Paul had to be forcibly restrained from jumping ship). As for the future Paul has two more years of executive training afloat with the R.C.N. to do before returning to the Belgian Nav)' and watchkeeping in the Channel. E.C.B.

No. 3900 SI C BRYAN DAVID SMALLMAN.TEW Welton ColleJliate We8ton, Ontario Air Foree Anyone know where Weston is located? Ask Brick. The only other item of ignorance that infuriates Brick is the omission of the last number of his name. Otherwise, he is so good-natured that he doesn't even get involv~d in inter-service arguments. (He find3 the services like women-he likes them all). Brick is in the Air Force and is training to be a navigator. As a junior he was a member of La Salle, but, because there was a lack of good men in Hudson, he was transferred to Hudson in his senior year. Brick has twice been a member of the representative swimming team. Another of his sports is hockey. Here, as in swimming, he excels. His effort helped Hudson to win the soccer trophy this year. One of Bricks' secret sports is uing the telephone. He often burrows himself in a booth and spends hours con {incing some girl that he already has two dates for the next week-end. Bryan is planning to go on R.M.C. and contemplates a career in either the Air Force or Navy-or perhaps even the Army. E.H. No. 3891 Si C DARWIN SHERRIFF VAN DUSEN St. Catharine. C.I. & V.S. St. Catharines, Ontario Army "Van" takes an avid interest in skiing. On one of these ski trips. he fractured his wrist, and on another, his ankle. In spite of all this, he keeps on skiing. This determination can be seen in all activities in which Van takes part. At tennis especially he is very adept. On many sunny afternoons he can be seen battling it out with Kearley on the courts. He also enjoys badminton, soccer-and Marlene. (His first words on entering the gunroom on a Monday morning are almost invariably, "Did you see the girl I was out with this week-end ?") This five-foot-ten blond with blue eyes hails from the "Garden City of Canada," and readily jumps to defend that region should the occasion arise. His summer was spent at the R.C.E.M.E. School in Kingston, his nights usually in playing bridge in the officers' mess. On graduation from R.M.C., Van intends to enter M.LT. D.B.P. 45


41 Bond Street. L,"dsay. ant BLACKER. R. J . W. R.R No 2. Sarnla ant. BLAKFL Y. R. G. R.R. No. I Hyde Park. London ant BOYLE. D. R 93 I 20th St .. New WestmInster. B.C. BRADY. E e. Box 3 Card,"al HeIghts. ant BROCGHTON W . J 34 Connaught St. Chapleau. ant. CAMPBELL. T . L. V 2l 9th St \Veyburn. Sask CAUSIER. H . W Sh.1wnigan Lake \' .lnCOl1\'cr Island B.C CHEEKE J 0 t\ 3'\ 1 Cameron St Sarnta. ant. ·COOK. R. D. 1548 38th Avenue SW Calgary Alta COUI.TER. 0 M. Box 245 137 CleHmont RIChmond Que CROOK. E. D . 829 _ 11th St SE MedICIne Hat. Alta CUl.l.EY. R. W. J\lolcnstraat, 2." \Van7(~le · Oost Vlaandcrcn Belgium DE WILDE J 1149 PaCIfic Avenue. Winnipeg. Man. DRUMMOND. T. G. P.O. Box 169. Bedford. N.S. rox. J A Sangudo. Alta rROEBEL. R. A . 42 Stavely Crescent. Rexdale. Toronto GAGOSZ. E. 1590 Cum1,.r1and St . New Westminster. B.e. GIL Ul.AND. L. M. Brownsburg. Que. GOLPHIN. B. J Box 99. Port Rowan. ant GRIMSTER 0 e. Box 161. Warner. Alta. HAL E. A D. 108& - I st Ave . West Owen Sound. ant HEAL EY E J. R R. No. I. Bloomfield. ant. HICKS R J Eksterlaar. 50 Deurne A Antwerp. Belgium JACOBS C 0 e. Brewer's Mtlls. ant JEFrERIES. R. F 593 Scarlett Road. Weston ant. JUTRAS R. A. Box I I 17. Vernon. Be. KATO. G. Y 30 Oxen Pond Road. St Johns. Nftd. KEARLEY. E. J .. 26 I Wortley Road. l.ondon. ant. KENNEDY. J e. I Bi"hmount Rd . Toronto. ant. KIRK. P. A 499 Camden Place. Winnipeg. Man. KRISTJANSON. R. W 112 Gerrard (East). Toronto. ant. LAMARRE. D. Keele St. , Downsview, Gnt. lAW. E B "4 Stratford Road. Hampstead. Montreal 29. Que I AWES e. P .. Granvdle Street East. Bndgetown. N.S lEWIS. D. G .. 85 Java Street. Ottawa. ant. 10GAN. G. L. 229 Main Street North. Weston. ant. I OWTHIAN. e. E .9726 - 72nd Ave Edmonton. Alta. MAHOOD. T B. MIllgrove. ant. McPHERSON. J A Vankleek Hill. ant. MOORE. W J 48 Flatt Ave .. Hamilton. ant. MUIR. 0 W A 445 Heath Street East. Toronto. ant. MUI LARKEY. J A. Red Deer. Alta. OKE D. H 30 I Park Street. Kitchener. ant. PERRIN 0.13 19 Sack ville St .. Shediac. N.B. POIRIER. J C F . Ste-Claire. Comte de Dorchester. Qu<. RENAUD. F 257 St Clair St .. Chatham. ant. ROMYN P F The Rectory. Upperville. VirginIJ. U.S.A. RYLEY. e. E S. 219 Claremont Drive. Ottawa 2. ant. SCHAUBEL. E. V Hoogstraat 88. Schellebelle. Belgium SEGERS. P M I H KIng Street . Weston. ant SMAl.l.MAN-TEW B 0 12>9 Ormond Crown MInes Johannesburg. S. Africa STEUART. I K R.R No.2. Harrow. ant. VAUHORA. J .. 40 I.; St P.Hnc>- Street St. Catharines. ant. V AN DUSEN. D . S 37 Farnh,l1n Crescent, Ottawa, Ont. YOLK S J 46 THE lOG I 9 'i 'i THE RISE OF THE l\TEW CADET BLOCK

"Earth-moving machines:" The actual con­ S C R. W. CULl H struction of the new Cadet Block had begun! And so it continued. For three weeks the Towards the end of April. 1954. prepara­ tractors. shovels and haulers continued to make tions for the big graduation affairs were too their deafening racket. One experiment carried hectic for us to notice any unusual happenings. out by Professor Izard showed that we were However. what with saluting all those strange subjected to ninety-five decibels. Numerous "visitors." and tripping over the odd surveying French. English or Mathematics classes were.­ string. we began to sense something different unhappily-

On Monday. October I I. 1954. something strange descended. Silence' On parade. a tense adjutant waited for the usual roar. It never came. An army of surveyors and car­ penters had moved in with transits. lumber and tools. Hammerings and sawings replaced the roar and clashing of machines. We could rest. The worst was over

For the next few weeks. we watched the engineers and carpen ters work Basic forms were laid In a labyrinth pattern. Studs shot up like beanstalks. Soon walls of board blocked our view. The number of workers Increased. It was not long before mechanized wheel­ barrows. cement trucks-and noise. appeared. Progress-bah! It seems that at lasl a new Cadet Block was about to be constructed. Gone would be the old dormitory system that we loved; no more "turn-ins" or "stand-by-beds" to condition the recruits. Alas. our beloved system was a victim of progress. The gunroom atmosphere would now be something to discuss. but would never again be achieved. The quaint laboratories would also be only a memory Progress­ bah'

From May to September thIs writer had the misfortune of being absent from the college. It is presumed that construction went ahead as scheduled during his absence.

In mid-September we. the Senior Term. stepped off the bus and paused to survey these familiar grounds. Last year. as I recall. when we stepped off-but that is another story. As we started to march smartly to the Cadet Block. By the middle of November the first floor of an ear-splitting roar came from the side of the the new Cadet Block had been finished Forms. building. A huge. yellow monster. belching joists and studs stuck out like arms on an octopus. Men moved. seemingly with intent. diesel smoke. lumbered past us. After picking all over the structure. A queerly shaped ourselves up. dashing inside. doubling up the vehicle with an "elevator" hooked on it drove stairs (arms checked). speeding into the gun­ up. A fleet of cement trucks rolled in. More .. room we demanded an explanation . noise: more con fusion. " H L LOG· - I 9 5 5 47

By Christmas, 1954, the second floor was ing-a most distracting thmg The cement finished The building was beginning to take now had to be lifted higher. The foundation shape. None of us had seen the plans of the forms were knocked out. Windows appeared. project. We began to imagine all types of archi­ The finished product was emerging from its tecture: Gothic, Roman or "Victorian" When shell. we finally saw a set of the detailed plans, we were horrified. It seemed like something the Today, as we look out, we can see three Statler or Sheraton hotel companies might finished floors and the fourth and final story build in a prominent city. There were to be well started. The paper plans are slowly rooms with one cadet per room, a cafeteria, two becoming a reality. Unfortunately we shall not game rooms, a desk and closet for everyone. see the final construction. We, the Senior Term Yes even an elevator! It was to be surrounded of 1954-1955, are probably the last of the by grass-not asphalt; and was to have modern "dormites." The old must give way to the heating and ventilation (not hot-air fans to new. However, the spirit friendship, and remind one of a Harvard aircraft). memories engineered in the old dormitories will always remain no matter how sacrosanct private The third story was assembled and raised. rooms become. We could now look straight into the workmen's eyes from the second deck of the existing build- Memories always outlast materials.

He sneered, "Pardon me for a jiffy, For I'm going to turn and but iffy. I don't mean to spy, But please tell me why, Your shirt is devoid of its spiffy." I chuckled out my well-thought reply That I'd waited all week for to try. "Don't be silly" ... I did glower. It got damp in the shower And spiffys can't be worn, unless dry. For awhile over this then he thought, And crushed me with his retort, "Showered spiffys as is known Are for Seniors alone, You are now on Senior Gun Room report." -fR THE LOG I 955 1 OUR COLLEGE GROUNDS

By R. D. COOK The owners of this estate must have adored flowers: for they selected no less than four places HATLEY PARK-An estate SIX hundred where cultivated plants were to be grown. The and fiftl} acres In extent. eIght miles distant most beautiful of these is the Italian Garden. from the city of VICtoria. Even the Japanese Garden cannot surpass its This cold. impersonal statement could be splendour. The bushes of the Italian Garden found, perhaps. in some gazetteer but to the are arranged In geometrical patterns. Smaller cadets who attend Royal Roads this estate is patterns in flowers are set in the centre of the hIS certainly much more than a piece of land. Each shrubbery designs. It is but a short walk from R path. each build,ng brings forth a flood of the Italian Garden to the Rose Gardens. At up memories. Unfortunately most of us know blossom tIme the garden is enclosed by walls pI very little about the estate on which we live of brilliant red blossoms. From the Rose Gar­ on Shall we tour Hatley Park. then. and learn of dens it is possible to see a fourth place where [0 Its history ? flowers show their beauty The Planetarium on lies neglected now, but thirty years ago many of gardeners tended the thousands of white orchids cO that filled Its beds. These four areas required m the services and care of more than one hundred If gardeners.

Today, very lIttle of the estate remains as it was first constructed. The lawns behind the Castle have been divided into a parade square and two playing fields. A boathouse has been built at the edge of the lagoon. The model dairy farm has been converted into the Engineering School The stable has been converted to a general purpose building called the Mess Decks. A gymnasium has been constructed near the Mess Decks. The Cadet Block provides the necessary accommodation and class rooms for cadets. Even the "Castle" has been converted. It is now the administration building.

The estate is located in one of the most pic­ turesque areas of Vancouver Island. On a clear ml day, the snow-covered peaks of the Olympic en Mountains are clearly visible across the Straits of Juan de Fuca The roads wind through a forest of splendid trees. A t the foot of the estate lies Esquimalt Lagoon The lagoon is fed by two streams. The eastern one enters the estate near the Sooke Gate, at the north, and, in Its course to the lagoon, plunges 30 feet over the face of a huge rock . Every cadet is acquainted with the portion of the stream below the falls : for he has stumbled along its course during his initiation. The second stream is much more peaceful and picturesque. In its shon course to the lagoon it drains a pond and three small lakes. The Upper Lake, as the first is called, enhances The Castle is the most prominent building the beauty of the Japanese Garden, which sur­ in Hatley Park Its walls were constructed of rounds its waters. Immediately below the stone cut from the quarries around Victoria Upper Lake we come to, naturally. the Middle Its tower rises majestically over the grey bulk and Lower Lakes. Although these two cannot of the walls. Above the main entrance a huge compare in beauty with the Upper Lake. their stained glass window softens the light that falls clear. blue waters have a natural splendour of on the main fireplace inside. Rosewood panels their own. line the halls on the three floors. The walls THE LOG-1955 49 of the rooms are also panelled with the same fortune he had everythIng In the estate made material . Everywher.e in the Castle. the design to suit his taste and desire James Dunsmuir. and quahty of the lfitenor IS of the highest Sir James Dunsmuir. remained here until his calibre. death in 1930. It seems quite apparent that the onginal owner of this estate must have been enormously nch. He was. Perhaps we should learn a little of the life of the original owner. James Dunsmuir James Dunsmuir inherited his fortune from his father. the Honourable Robert Dunsmuir Robert came from Scotland in 1848 to open up new coal mines for the Hudson's Bay Com­ pany. He soon left the H.B.C. and explored on his own. In 1869 he discovered at Welling­ ton what proved to be the highest grade of coal on the Coast Eventually. he bought control of the mines and invested his capital in several concerns. the most prominent being the Esqui malt and Nanaimo Railway and the Albion Iron Works. His influence extended to politics. ar.d in 1888 he was elected President of the Council of British Columbia. His wife and daughter occupied the Castle until they died in 1937. Three years later James Dunsmuir was born in Fort Van­ the CanadIan Government bought Hatley Park couver. Washington. on July 18. 1851. He and converted it to a Naval Training Establish­ was educated for the most part in Virginia. ment. In 1942 the Establishment became the There he met and married Laura Swales. When Royal Naval College. At this time it wa, he returned to Victoria. he was apparently in renamed H.M.C.S. "ROYAL ROADS." In 1947 the managemen t of his father's man y businesses. the Royal Naval College became the RCN­ When Robert died in 1889. James inherited RCAF Joint Services College. One year later his father's businesses. His vast business It became the Canadian Services College. Royal interests. not unnaturally. led him into politics. Roads. This is its status today. In the summer In 1900 he was elected Premier of British tIme. however. it is used to train Naval Cadets Columbia. Later. from 1906 to 1909. he was only. Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia. Bibliography During this latter period. James bought and I. "James Dunsmuir." British Columbia. developed Hatley Park. In 1910 he sold all his business concerns for the sum of eleven IV. 52. million dollars and retired to Hatley Park to 2. "Robert Dunsmuir." British Columbia, enjoy the remainder of his life. With his vast III. 666. 52 THE LOG-1955 COLLEGE CALENDAR

Sept. 9-Cadet Officers reported. 28-Church Parade In Victoria to Metropolitan United Church and IO-New Entries reported. St. Andrew's Cathedral. Lieut. 17-Senior Term reported after Sum­ Gov. Wallace rook the Salute at mer Leave the Parliament Buildings.

Dec 3-Boxing Finals. Oct. 8-Dr. Solant. O.B E.. M.A.. M.D .• D.Sc .. LL.D .. M.R.C.P .. F.R.S.C.. 5-Commodore Budge. D S.c.. C.D .. R.C.N .. inspected the Cadet Wing. Chairman of the National Defence Research Board. gave a talk to the 9-Christmas Examinations Com­ Cadet Wing. menced. 16-Christmas Dinner and Carol Service 20-0bstacle Course! 17-Christmas Ball. ZZ-Brigadier P. DeWaal. C.B. C.B.E .. Senior Army. Navy and Air Force 18-Christmas Leave commenced Adviser to the South African High Commissioner in Ottawa. visited Jan. 5-Christmas Leave expired. the College and Inspected the Cadet 7-Red Cross Blood Donations. Wing. 20-Prof. Soward. B.A .. B.Litt .. 28-Inter-Flight Cross-Country Race. F.R.C.S.. addressed the Cadet Wing. 30-Inter-Flight Regatta.

30-Mid-Term Dance. Feb 3-Inter-Fligbt Swim Meet. 4-UB.C. Basketball Team visited Royal Roads. Nov. 5-Stand-Down Weekend. 24-Stand-Down Weekend. 7-Royal Roads vs. U B.C. Football Game in Vancouver. 25-26-C.S.C. Tournament.

8-Royal Roads Cadets visit HMCS Mar. 17-Prof. H. F. Angus. Dean of Faculty MAGNIFICENT. of Graduate Studies. U.B.C.. Ad­ II-Remembrance Day Service. dressed the Cadet Wing on Western Europe. II-Royal Roads vs. Ven ture Football 21-Vice Admiral Mainguy. Chief of Game at Naden Field Naval Staff. inspected and ad­ 15-Rear Admiral Hibbard Inspected dressed the Cadet Wing. the Cadet Wing. Apr. 5-Inter-Fligbt Track and Field Meet. 16-Capt. W. G. Parry. R.N .. Senior 8 Good Friday, Naval Liaison Officer (U.K.). In­ spected the Cadet Wing. 9-22-Final Examinations.

27-Invitation Cross-Country Run for 29-Graduation Ceremony and Ball. the Nelson Trophy. 30-College closed. COLLEGE NEWS THE LOG -191'1 GRADUATION DAY, 1954 AKING for the last time to the strains of The Senior Term then marched past in slow W the boatswain's pipe at 0700, the gradu­ time to give a final salute to the Inspecting I ating class of the term of '54 had reached the Officer, followed by the traditi.onal march I end of two very happy and successful years for through the ranks of the new Senior Term to all concerned. This day had been firmly fixed the strains of "Auld Lang Syne." During the in our minds for months past and here, at last, brief interval that followed, the NADEN band j: the 30th of April had arrived put on a display of their talents. Then, the i spectators having moved down to the seats a.bove The morning was taken up by the normal the football field, the Cadets returned to give a preparation and bustle for parade, but the long­ demonstration of physical training and bOX-,I. awaited moment finally arrived. Forming up horse work. After forming the big interlocking under the command of C-W C P. D. Manson. 'RR' (where did that big 'T' come from?), the rhe Cadet Wing marched onto the sunlit Square Cadets returned to the Cadet Block to change I behind the band of HMCS NADEN and took up for tea. the familiar position facing the saluting base. One of the closing events of a memorable day Here, formed up In line, framed against a back­ was a buffet supper, given by Colonel and Mrs I drop of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the Kingham for the Graduating Class at the Royal Olympic Mountains, the Cadet Wing waited Victoria Yacht Club; a kindness greatly appreCI- for the Right Honorable Brooke Claxton, the ated by the Cadets and their young ladies, who Minister of National Defence, and the Inspecting then proceeded to the Final Ball. Here the Party. Quarterdeck was gaily decorated in an Indian The parade and inspection over, the Wing motif; and to the lively tunes of the NADEN band, the Cadets danced such inspiring numbers formed up into hollow square, in which position as the "Wigwam Waddle" ~ The revelry carried the Minister made the presentation of awards: on into the wee hours, and it was a tired but the H. E. Sellar's Officcr-of-the-Watch Tele­ happy term that faced the next morning. scope to C-W C P. D. Manson and the Graduation Day was over. Now the Cadets Governor-General's Silver Medal to C-F L D. would break up and go to their various places H. Hook for excellence in academics in the of summer training. After that some would Senior Year, and many other awards and prizes. go to England to train with the R.N., others Then Mr. Claxton spoke for a brief moment to to the R.C.N., others to civilian universities, the Cadets, remarking on the excellence of the and finally, some to our sister College, R.M.C 11 parade, and thanking the Government for the Good luck to all, and may the past two years beautiful weather! never be forgotten .

Prize Winners and Winners of Academic Awards

GRADUATION-1954 hllll:.. clf 1110 .. 1 oUhtanclinR in athletic abiltly and Governor-General's Silver Medal sport ... man .... hip. ,\warded to the Senior term cadet who, having Cadet Squadroll Leader X. S. Freeman all subjects. ohtalTH.'d the highest standing in The Director of Studies' Cup his acadcluic year. .\wardt.:d to the Junior term cadet who prove:, Cadet Flight Leader O. H Hook himself most outstanding in athletic ability and Governor-Genera!'s Bronze Medal .... portsmall'ihip. Awarded to the Junior term cadet who, havmg Cadet R. S. Binnie passed all subjcct~. ohtain:-. the highc:-.t qanding in The Wisener Cup hi~ academic year. \wardcd to the flight which maintain, the hlghtst Cadet O. Lamarre ,talldard of drill. Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec's Bronze Medal \\011 hy Cartier Flight (French) Awarded to Senior team English-speaking cadu The Inter-Flight Grand Aggregate Shield :\ \\"ardcd to the Hight amassing the highest number who has made 1ll0~t progT(; ...... in French. of point:-. in Inter-Flight Sports competition. Cadet ~l C. Johnson \\'011 by Champlain Flight Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec's Bronze Medal (English) First Class Diplomas Awarded to St:llior term Fr~nch-:-,pt.'a killg fadet Cadet Flight Leader D. H. Hoo~ \\ho has made mo ... t progress III Engli .... h Leading C.det C. T. Gunning No -\"'ard Subject Prizes: Awarded to Senior and Junior Cadets H. E. Sellers Officer of the Watch Telescope who achieve first place in each academic course Awarded by ~[r. H. E. Seliers to the cadet holdinll Seniors: Cadet Flight Leader D. H. Hook (4), Cadet the position of Cadet \\'ing Commander for the final C. T. Gunning (3). Cadet R. 1. :-IcKinnon (2), academic term. Cadet R. C. De Jong. Cadet Vying COll1mallder p. D. Manson Juniors: Cadet D. II. Oke (21. Cadet D. Lamarre (2). The Commandant's Cup Cadet E. B. La\\', Cadet C. P. Lawes, Cadet J. D. Awarded to the Senior term cadet \\-ho proves Cheeke. Cadet E. J . Kearley.

1.1..-. THE LOG-1955 55



16 DECEMBER. 1954 and vIsItors seated in the main hall. The By S C J. A. MCPHERSON proximity of the seasonable decorations. com­ bined with the crackling fire on the hearth. pro­ The examinations were over. and In the vided an atmosphere that was congenial and chaos that followed their ravaging effects had inspiring. been more or less forgotten. The entire wing had been working together with the decorations We had come to sing. And sing we did. committee and the cadet-officers. to produce in reading from colourful booklets and led by the the cadet block a festive atmosphere for the cadet choir. This choir. or glee-club. under Christmas Ball. choirmasters Cdr. F. F. Fairfull and Assoc. At five o'c1ock we all left our work for an Prof. H. M. Dutton. provided wholesale har­ organized re-dress which would cram a few more mony. Accompanied by Junior Cadet Kempffer x's of Christmas spirit into our hearts. We on the organ they were appreciated by everyone. Soloists Leading Cadet Segers and Junior Cadet cleaned into our "number fours" and assembled Williamson added to the entertainment. During on the quarterdeck for the annual Christmas the service. too. were heard titillating numbers mess dinner. Upon entering the mess. we by the Bell RIngers. Led by Mr. Izard. this found the candles and party hats a pleasant group of seven cadets displayed their talent and break from the nerve-racking studies of the past precision. keeping everybody fascinated by their week Most important of all. everyone was musical "flippings." happy. The highlights of the affair were a relay race of bottles down the three tables to Half way through the evening. Chaplain the head table. and an after-dinner speech by Maclean read the Christmas story and led us in Junior Cadet Reimann. prayer. Later on Captain Charles extended his Only too soon our fun was interrupted. We Christmas greetings. were given ten minutes to change into our "rec­ After it was allover. coffee was served in the rig" and get to the Castle for the Carol Service. Wardroom and the cadets returned to their The Carol Service. organized and directed by dorms to get some of the commodity that they Chaplain C. H. Maclean. was held in the Great would be doing without during the next two Hall. The cadets were sitting and standing in da ys-sleep. every good vantage spot around the stairways Visions of girls. trains and aeroplanes danced and the upper hall. looking down on the staff in their heads. THF LOG I <) ') 5


By SIC W. CAUSIER HE morning of the seventeentb of December T 1954. tbe cadet body arose to scurry to finisb tbe decorations for tbe dance of tbe season. tbe Cbristmas Ball. Witb Cbristmas Carols buzzing in the it heads and the mess dInner of tbe night before grumbling in their stomachs. the Cadets made record time in completing the decorations. The promise of leave as soon as the decorating was st finished may have had something to do with this. but tben. Royal Roads Cadets always work bard. After a brief evacuation. tbe College was again besieged by the Cadets. but this time they were escorting beautiful girls from Victoria. As the happy couples descended Neptune Stairs to tbe Quarter-deck. Captain and Mrs. Charles. Cadet Wing Commander Lawes and After luncb was over tbe dancing resumed Miss Dianne Wilson greeted them. Pine bows. witb displays of the "Spencer Hop" and the giant Christmas cards and helium-filled balloons "Bunny Hop" (no similarity whatever between combined with the gay dance music of Bert tbe tw'o) But. all good tbings must come to Zala's Orchestra to put us tn a festive mood. an end. So after tbe jam of cars cleared. with Later there was a luncb served by the Galley no dented fenders (we hope). all the little ladies Staff who sbowed us. by means of tbe magnifi­ were hurried off to Victoria again. Most of the cent display of food. wby we bad been living Cadets managed to return in time to see the on stew for tbe past few weeks. first group depart on Christmas leave.


By J C J R. CORNElL Stood Neptune. and there on the collar arrayed. were three bars of brass from a flight leader 'Twas tbe nigbt before stand-down. and all stra yed. througb tbe dorm. As he drew in bis head and was turning around. Not a creature was stirring. except one forlorn A noise made bim quick to the quarterdeck Flight leader. who. pacing alone in tbe dark. bound. Had visions of circles; and glad was bis beart And what to his wondering eyes should appear. As be tbougbt of a flight full of awkward But a whaler. with sail and all other gear' recruits So busy was he thinking "Wait until morning'" se He would cbarge in the morning for poorly He did not hear a sound which would have shone boots. been a warning. Wben out on tbe square tbere arose a mild A scrape and a clatter. and into the night. clatter. st His bed and bis blankets were gone from all o So he looked out the window to cbeck on tbe sight' Ih matter. But. sad to relate. this affair was rewarded. 0\ No movement he saw-but. ob. wbat a mess. By tbirty term circles. to Juniors awarded. gr Por there on tbe dais. in slack party dress. Apologies to Clement Clarke Moore. ba rHE LOG - 1955 59 SENIOR GUNROOM NOTES

By S C E. J. KEARLEY and see what we get. Let's visit the Senior Gun­ HEN I first heard the word "gunroom,"' I room on a normal weekday. The best time W associated it with a room where guns were would be about 12.3 0 (any earlier would find kept. However. since I came to Royal Roads the the Seniors still recuperating from their battle word has assumed a different meaning for me with sleep the night before) . We are struck My first experience of such a place was on by the noise which greets us on entering ; a that exciting first day as a recruit at the College combination of four things : the radio. the when eighty-seven of us were herded into a piano. the pipe and the Seniors. narrow. cheerless room and assured that it was We also notice. unless there is a food or mail to be our "home" for the next year. rush on. that the Seniors are. gathered in little The story of the gunroom is essentially the groups. boasting. reading. playing. listening story of our term at the College. Its intellectual and so on. progress is measured by the intellectual improve­ In one group we hear Renaud busily arrang­ ments in the gunroom atmosphere. We have ing the dates and parties for the coming week­ come a long way from the bridge games. end. Another group stands in awe watching wrestling matches and kye fights of last year to Ryley perform miracles with his feet to that the more refined kye fights. wrestling matches gunroom hit tune " Shake. Rattle and Roll. " At and bridge games of this year. one end of the table the perpetual bridge game Imagine (if such a thing exists) a normal goes on with Charlie at the centre of things. cadet. aged about nineteen years. or imagine arguing the relative merits of Shediac and Dor­ fifty-five of them. Imagine them living a chester with McMaster. Van Dusen and Perrin are probably jointly murdering the piano. vigorous. Spartan life all week and only un­ bending for a few moments a day wlthm the trying to drown the radio which Campbell confines of a small room. Let us not forget patiently adjusts as he sits discussing philosophy that they once lived normal lives and have all with someone. Then we have Cheeke and Law scrapping. Froebel and Kearley congratulating the energies of such pent up within them. each other on riding Steuart. Smallman-Tew Now enter the gunroom and have a look luridly describing his recent date. Boyle singing around. The first thing we notice is the bald (he wants to take over Grandpaw Jones' radio eagle over the door. fierce and proud. a symbol spot) . and other varied activities - all this of our cadet ideals. We see also the notice within the bounds of one room. board always gaily decorated with cartoons of Now one cannot possibly appreciate the various cadet activities or members of the position of the gunroom in our lives unless he College Stalf. Also there are orders and notices has some idea of our sacred gunroom institu­ on various subjects with suitable humorous tions. most important of which is the gunroom comments written on them by cadets. There meeting. These meetings happen as frequently is as well a large framed cartoon of naval activi­ as necessary and sometimes oftener. We discuss ties hanging on the wall. sent to us by an old and vote on such Utopian questions as "Every friend. the O.c.C.W. of our Junior year. We weekend a stand-down." and other more prac­ have seen fit to make this even more appropriate tical issues such as how to spend all the can teen to our gunroom by assigning various personali­ fund so as not to leave any with which to buy ties of the College Staff to the characters of this candlesticks. At the gun room meeting the spirit cartoon. Then too there is the pipe C'P.A. of democracy prevails. A majority is required to system" to an outsider). lest we should forget shout down a suggestion or cheer it to success. the old mechanism from which our Big Brother. Then there is Padre's Half Hour. another the Hall Porter. watches over us and regulates gunroom institution. The keen interest of our our daily activities. We are very fortunate to term in religion is shown by their capacity have in the Senior Gunroom a pipe of such over­ attendance at these weekly functions and the whelming volume. that having heard it so penetrating questions. which arise from their clearly. we find it much "easier to rouse our­ discussions with the Padre. selves and obey it instantly." Since the second term started in January the And. on the roster of gunroom furnishings : biggest sensation was caused by Fox breaking the broken propellor clock. the overworked our record of " Shake Rattle and Roll." over piano. the radio (dying of slow competitive Culley's head. On the social side. dances at strangulation). the sofas (almost mcmerated Victoria College and Normal School have been once by a lighted cigarette dropped between the big topics of interest. while. of course, an their cushions). the magazine rack with its air of eager anticipation and furious planning overworked deck of cards. and the oak tables. filled the gunroom atmosphere for a fortnight grim and scarred reminders of many a gunroom before stand-down weekend. battle for tea and jam. Now the exams are drawing near we expect Now put together these people and this place gunroom activities to slow up quite a bit, until THE LOG-19'i'i 60 lhat glorious day when we write our last exam. live in harmony with the rest of our term and If lhere is a gunroom at all after that date find. at its best. that relaxation and comradeship I sball be very much surprised. which is such a necessary part of service life. No matter what it may seem like to an out­ We will all carry happy memories of the gun­ sider. to us tbe gun room is borne. Here we must room with us for many years.

IN THIRTY YEARS WE'LL SEE- BLACKER-l i c of the Complaint Department JUTRAs-Celebrating his twenty-eighth wed­ at Royal Roads. ding anniversary. BLAKELY-Still dedicaled to simplifying KATo--Saying "Watch the dirty birdie," as Army "Red Tape" he flicks the shutter of his camera at a bur­ BOYLE-Singing Bcd Time Lullabies on lesque show. "Kiddies Half Hour." KEARLEY-With a wife, ten children and a BRADY-The most senior naval cadet in the small kingdom of his own back in old RCN. "Newfie." BROUGHTON-Author In collaboration with KENNEDy-Still gathering football gear out­ Don Lewis of "Contract Bridge in Five Easy standing from the '54 season. Lessons"-written for tbe benefit of Denis KIRK-Flag Officer of Lake Simcoe. Boyle. KRISTJANSON-Writing a thesis entitled "Tou­ CAhIPBELL-Building Braille instruments for jours I' Amour." blind flying. LAMARRE-Collecting quarters for the Ex­ CAUSIER-R.O.T.P, Attacbe, University of Cadet Fund. Saska tchewan. LAW-Still thinking about a girl in England. CHEEKE-Explaimng tbe "Theory of Evolu­ LAWEs-Working on a statue of his demi-God tion to the people on tbe moon (being the -Dave Cheeke. first man there. and in his own rocket ship). LEwIs-Teaching "Charleston" as a basic foot CooK-A "punchy" boxing instructor at the drill for the Infantry Corps. school for young "bird-gunners." LOGAN-General Manager of the Beacon Hill COULTER-Owner of the on I y store in Canada parking lot. that sells mouldy-green cap badges. LOWTHIAN-Owner of Canada's "Buudoch CROOK-President and treasurer (fin collector) Brand" Pipe Tobacco Company." of SAA (Smokers Anonymous Association). MCPHERSON-Endeavouring to institute the CULLEY-Communications Officer, Oak Bay corn popper as general issue for every soldier. Underground. MAHOOD--Advertising Manager for Edmonton DE WILDE-Telling his band of natives in Oil Companies, the Belgian Congo of his happy years at MUIR-Director of Studies at St. Anne's Royal Roads. School. DRUMMOND--Cackling gleefully as he sinks MULLARKEY-Still a genius. his bathtub fleet. OKE-Wearing Mahatma Ghandi's sheet. Fox-Setting out cod fish nets in the middle PFRRIN-Suppl ying the musical background of Saskatchewan. for Boyle's program. FROEBEL-Still trying to figure out the mis­ POIRIER-Running his aircraft carrier into a take in his calculations of the number of fog bank to fool his pilots straws it takes to break a camel's back. GAGosz-"Hot Rocket Eddie" selling fire­ RENAUD--COnstructing a parking lot on the College grounds for retired cadet officers. works at the Red Deer Fair. GILLILAND--Bandieader for the Kitsilano RO:-"IYN-Teaching "morality" at whistle stops Boy's Band, along the Great Northern Railway. GOLPHIN-Devoting his life to the establish ­ RYLEY-Leading the Confederate Army on a ment of Brownsburg as a town. march against Washington. GRIMSTER-Admiral Grimster, Officer Com­ SCHAUBEL - Canada's answer to France's manding the WRENS. Napoleon. HALE-Ringing bells to call his mates to "sup­ SEGERS-Transferring to the RCAF for "per­ sup" aboard "HMCS Lost Chord." sonnel" reasons. HEALEY-Engineering Officer, "HMCS East S:"IALLMAN- TEW-Installing easy chairs and General." TV sets in Expediters for the use of second HICKS-Incorporating the Dewey Decimal Navigators. System into his ever-expanding library of STEUART-Coach. general manager, and water Esquire Calendars. boy for the Royal Roads football team. JACOBS-Still writing eight letters a week. V ALIHORA-Doing barrel rolls in a Harvard JEFFERIEs-Trying to convince a prospective enroute to Mars. navigator that POLARIS is in the southern VAN DUSEN-Still thinking? ? ? ? ? I bemisphere. VOLK-The nation's No I TV comedian. THE LOG-1955 61

Three Belgian::- Di~cover Royal Road~ and Canada

By S C P. SEGERS the one we were used to; but anyway we tried to do what was asked of us, though we had It happened in early September. 1953. Dur­ rather a rough time the first week. During the ing a French period at the MIlitary School in second week we met a few French Canadians Brussels the Commandant of the establishment and they were really a great help to us (even came in unexpectedly. Everybody knew that to go on charge with). Renaud with his something special had to be announced He experience in college life appeared to be quite told us briefly that a few Belgian Cadets had a character. as been given the opportunity to take an intense [. naval training in Canada. It would be a four In classes we did not have too many troubles years' course. starting out at the Canadian West because of the kindness of the professors and a a Coast Anybody interested could apply, and special English course which we had together ld about fifteen out of a hundred volunteered. The with the French Canadians. By the time our selection started right away and after different first leave was granted. we managed well enough t· tests and in terviews three of us were selected. in English to interest the young ladies we met We left the Military School. enjoyed a few days in town. As our first year in Royal Roads leave, said goodbye to family and friends and went on, we got to know our termmates better boarded a Royal Sabena DC6 on September and better, and though we had some different the 14th. Our final destination: Victoria, B.C. opinions about skylarks and circles, we built With our very smalI knowledge of English. it a solid bond of friendship which we hope will seemed adventurous, but we were assured that go on after Graduation. our first year we had had in the Military School In sports we did all right, soccer being the would help us along. one we enjoyed most of all. In classes we had the same troubles as our friends to keep awake. Via Shannon and Gander we reached New A Monday morning test was the same surprise York. where we left out DC6 for a TCA to us. Finally Graduation 1954 brought us Northstar. Our trip across Canada was as the same happiness of all junior cadets. successful as our flight across the Atlantic and so we arrived safely at Pat Bay Airport. Vic­ With the naval cadets we spent a fine summer, toria. In town we met the first Royal Roads training both in H.M.C. Dockyard, H.M.C. cadet. Ted White. From both sides we tried Royal Roads, as well as aboard HMCS NEW hard to understand each other and Ted did his GLASGOW. The highlight was our cruise down best to give us a few tips about life at Royal to California, which we will never forget. Roads. Finally we arrived at the College where As members of the famous "55" Senior Term e's we were received by a French-speaking officer, we took part in its responsibilities. Wearing Captain Tremblay. We were quite surprised bars in one or other term we tried to impress to hear Canadian French; it was quite different on the Juniors the existing training principles to what we had heard in Europe, but good wilI of the College. We had some realIy fine nd on both sides helped us to understand him very moments where we felt a "unit of 55." (Such rapidly. The interior of the Castle impressed as when the Senior Term defeated the Junior us very much and everything seemed to be fine Term in sports.) Our only wish was to co­ until we arrived at the Cadet Block after coming operate in realizing Professor Cook's splendid up Neptune Steps. (We did not know then idea: "55-4-'55." that this was a privilege of cadet officers.) Besides the academic and the military train­ As soon as we entered the Cadet Block things ing we underwent in Royal Roads, we learned started to look differen t. A few people wore to know more about Canadians and more about uniforms. and the remainder wore civilian Canada, making trips back East during our clothes and had a stoic grin on their faces. They Christmas holidays. On the other hand our marched down the lower halIs arms swinging friends learned something about our country at shoulder height. Our brains were gelds of and our people. If we meet each other again question marks. . .. Coming up the stairs we -I am quite sure some of us will meet again­ let it be in peace-time: but if not, let us show met D. J. Brown and fortunately we had some we know and understand each other in the military experience, otherwise we would have fight against a common enemy. been scared. . .. Anyway we managed to get alCf in the Junior Gunroom where we met our future We shall be proud for ever to be graduates term mates. I remember D. Boyle as the first of a Canadian Military College and our sincere I tried to talk to. It was rather hopeless and thanks go to the Staff of Royal Roads and our I am sure he agrees with that. We soon found fellow cadets for the training we received and the system in Royal Roads to be different from our wonderful stay at the College. 62 THE LOG -1955 JUNIOR GUNROOM NOTES

By J C R. L. WALKINGTON hundred souls, to plan nocturnal operations of any description. The success of these adventures HO among the members of the Junior has been shown by the appearance of dinghies W Term has never felt the need of suddenly in the Quarter-master's lobby, small auto­ cutting loose and screaming his opinion of life mobiles on the dais, corpses of Flight-Leaders in general. and of Royal Roads in particular, to and Slack Party members strewn about the anyone who will listen' Does the Cadet exist Cadet Block, mysterious signs, bearing the who has never sunk blissfully into a three-inch­ inscriptions "H M.C.S. VENTURE-C.P.O.'s high sofa with a cup of "k ye" in one hand, a Mess." "Department of Electrical Engineering." cigarette in the other. and a bun clamped between "All my love-always, Judy," etc.-and push­ his teeth, after havtng completed his daily quota ups on the quarter-deck. of circles? Where is the defaulter who is not grateful for the whisks which are kept in the An extensive array of equipment is provided corner by the radio' Show me not this man; for the athletes of the term, including buns to for him the Junior Gunroom has no place throw, less energetic cadets to hide behind, and benches, sofas and just-polished boots to jump Yes, the Gunroom is an Indispensible part on. The Junior Term will carry too memories of life at Royal Roads. In it can be found of those weekly "birthday" parties-hilarious recreation to suit any taste. For the music lover episodes attended by much singing and shouting there is a wide selection of records ranging from followed by a mad scramble to head off the George Formby through "Eighteen Top Hits" unfortunate victim in his dash to safety in the to modern Jazz. Those who delight in con­ ditty lockers. As the old song says, "Camp spiracy and intrigue can always find a few Borden was never like this'"


By HAIR B of any Cadet who IS caught up in his essays and lab. reports?" "How the time fiies," remarked Cadet Viscosity, as he made himself comfortable in "There isn't such a Cadet." replied P. H. the chair. "This IS the kInd of chair we should By this time Viscosity had his brushcut and have in the classrooms to rest our tired bones was looking it over in the mirror. "Should get In Give me a brushcut. please I've finally me through Sunday Wtng Parade," he said; got used to short hair." then he put on his tunic and was gone. JUSt then Cadet P. H Meter entered, 6 We were fortunate that the conversation minutes ahead of his allotted time. Immediately, dIdn't turn to those questions; which of the he suggested running the clIppers down the three services is superior?; or, which of the middle of Viscosity's head. provinces or cities are the best in Canada? P. H. passed the time by looking into the We could hear the next customer come up mirror. "What's your beef. P.H.? You are the steps, to enjoy his full 8 minutes of relaxa­ suspiciousl y quiet ton ight." Viscosity's voice tion in the barberchair. His thoughts seldom broke into the steady hum of the clippers. "Oh," wander far from the College; perhaps briefly, he replied. "I am just hoping that the 55-4-55 they wander to his home or to his ladyfriend. , slogan will soon become a reality. When you The main topic discussed in the chair concerns are a borderline rose, as I am. it means a lot the pros and cons of this institution. How can to know you've made it." one fulfill all the demands placed on him and still be a successful graduate. "55-4-55." It Viscosity agreed. Then he saId, "Let's have has happened several times before. Why not one more good skylark soon; this place needs now' something like that. We'll get together with Perhaps the weekly respite enjoyed in the Charlie Kinetic. By the way, do you know barberchair has helped to make the memories "Next please ... " of Royal Roads more valuable and lasting .


By C-W C C. P. LAWES A cloud of smoke is now beginning to hover over the scene, and as we push our way through Tonight IS one of those unaccountably won­ It we find the old sa lts, Wood, Reimann and derful evenings when the members of Cartier Crowe, spinning salty dips to one another. gather for a flight party. Actuall y, the hockey team won a game a week ago but the Leading Among the men who helped our flight to Cadets have kept calling off the gathering on climb to fifth place in the inter-flight basketball "economic grounds" (one is R .O.T.P. and the were Booth, Dallison, Kinloch, Kravinchuk and other is reserve, that should explain it). Care­ Stinson. This quintet have their feet on the fully open the door, peek in : yes, it is safe, ground once again, and are anxiously awaiting Lewis isn't here yet with his bag of panty a bigger and better hoop season in '5 6. tricks. But the rest of the flight is here. Schau­ In the corner, Logan, Moore and Lawes are bel 's face is turning red: it seems his white socks discussing the merits of se nding a senior down have been uncovered. Kirk is putting up an to colours in the morning. On the other side excellent fight in the corner, but I think that of the room H enry is showing Cartier's basket­ Day and Byer will succeed in pouring the con­ ball-team representative, Johannes, and our tents of a coke bottle down his neck. Nearby flight 's first string hockey centre, Haenni, the Blacker, Allatt, Mulgrew and Viner are seri­ goaling style which won him the acclaim of ously discussing the pros and cons of the next his teammates and the title of "Shut Out big swim meet on Saturday. These four along Henri." with Day and Renaud make up the flight's But now the smoke has thickened and the ever-improving aquatic team. Ah ~ Speaking of Renaud, that must be "Frau" now. As part cokes and chocolate bars have gone. So let us clean up Room N o. I while our beloved Flight of the evening's entertainment he has promised Leader gushes forth o n his final theory of the to sing us another of his French ballads. Usually even ing, and let us be off to bed. Frau has to leave early; he is working on his third volume of the Victoria telephone direc­ P.S. To those ex-cadets who remember tory, and memorizing the number of every Cartier as the flight to beat in sports, " Bons feminine name he comes across. memoirs.


By S C J. KENNEDY Brady, of course, was for spending the entire evening arguing about the Ordnance Branch " Flight Leader pays." with Hale. What welcome news ~ Another joyful meet­ ing of the clan , a flight party. As we have no Savoy gained some very rapt listeners in the rich reserve types in the flight, our new Flight persons of Safar, McGaw, Annad, and Fraser Leader, Cheeke, kindly consented to make his while he expostulated on the advantages of generosity known. civilian life. The din increased and it was only with difficulty that Mara, Edge and Salmon Because of the rarity. everybody was there. were able to relive out recent hockey victories. If there is one thing above all else this flight has A very evident conspiracy was taking place it is spirit, and with a capital "S." The Refer­ in the far corner, the furtive looks on the faces ence Library was soon reverberating to the lusty of Corneil and Williamson could mean but one strains of the "Fraser Flight Song," written for thing-skylark. And Kennedy and Van Dusen us by Wyers. Drummond's offer to do us an­ were telling them some of the tricks they used other imitation of Jimmy Durante was met on their seniors. with a hearty roar of disapproval and even Jeffries dared not offer his latest joke from the The party concluded with one last song from Segers, and Perrin promised to keep his ukelele Readers' DIgest. Kato and Dunnison were quiet this time. Hicks left edrly, saying that again arguing as to the relative merits of th ~ girls of Victoria and Nanaimo. And by th,; he had to go back to the dark room. eager expressions on De Caux's and Hendrick­ Quickly things were squared away, and as son's faces, they certainly weren't missing any­ we left we determined to win our next game, thing. Bryski even forgot about his cast for a so that we could again enjoy the warm comrade­ while and let his thoughts wander far afield, ship of being together as a flight. 72 THE LOG-1955


By C-S L E LAW Ing of third place in hockey On the basketball court Chell, Golphin and Macdonald starred to The purpose of flight-notes IS to record for give us a second in basketball. I n the swim­ postertty the achievements made by the vanous mect Champlain again excelled - and won. flights in inter-Right activities throu~hout the Much of our success here is to be attributed to year For Champlain FlIght thIs IS hardly strong swimmers like Flynn, Kristjanson and necessary. Whereas lesser Rights may soon be Boyle forgotten, nobody associated wit.h the. College will ever forget the ChamplaIn Fltght of These numerous victories in spOrt have led 1954-55. to many partIes for our flight throughout the year At these get-togethers one discovers what Our achievements actually do border on the a wonderful personality our flight has. Fitz­ spectacular. Certainly, we have skated through Clarke, in the corner, argues with Pennington tnter-flight sports in a way whIch has never had over who has had the most days on slack party a preceden t. Milo and McMurtry are shown a game of To begin wIth we ended up in second place "blowing" by McPherson Belovitch enquires in soccer. Such cadets as Gagosz, McPherson about studies, Gower questions McLeod about Wallace and Cooke were responsible for our his service ribbon (which is tl.e only one in the wins. Next came the regatta. Old salts, like College worn by a cadet) ; Mitchell and Werner, Boyle and Gilliland, "pulled" us to the top of quiet types, sit back and enjoy heartily the the standings here, too Marksmen like Hutson antics and jokes of the rest. and Jackson helped to gIve us an excellent Right average in the inter Right nRe shooting. For This same group functions Just as smoothly the second year in a row we were the holders of on the parade square as in sports or at a flight the shooting trophy Our next Right victory party. Champlain Flight. as part of Two came in boxing, tn which we had exceptional Squadron, is noted as one of the better flights strength and talent Boxers like Draper, in drill and is making a strong bid for the Mahood, Gilliland and Oke put us where we coveted WIsener Cup. expected to come-in first place After Christ Is anything wanttng in a flight with so much mas we continued piltng up victories in hockey, sportsmanship, drive, keenness, ability and will basketball and swimming Hockey players like to win I Hardly. May Champlain Flight be Draper. Gagosz and Law gave us a final stand- victorious forever I

Bl/ J C W J j\lcMAS1TR concedes that oppOSItion eXIsts. WIth seventeen Juntors and nine Sentors, MackenZIe IS tted for first place in the WIsener MackenZIe set out thIS year to become the best Cup race as this article is betng written and is Right, In the best squadron, In the Wing Some also leading in volleyball. people may question the preceding statement, Although we may not finish first in sports, but you can be assured that it won't be Mac­ no one will deny that Mackenzie has had a kenzie Flight members who do the questioning. good year. From the first day wc went on Inter-flight activities started WIth soccer, in parade as a Right, our Flight Spirit started to which we copped a not-too impressive fourth build. With the help of some lively flight place We also placed fourth in the cross­ parties we soon got to know each other better. country run but moved up to a thIrd in boxing With Nuttall in our ranks, we were never with­ The rifle shooting competition gave us a third out laughs. place, and after the swim-meet we had a tie for 10 Mackenzie's new Sentors will fall the fourth place despite the underwater efforts of Job of keeping up the reputation of the flight. "Submarine" Brown We copped a big first and If this year's spIrit and drive are any tn basketball which put us In second place in Indication, there's no cause for worry. To the Inter-flight competition. MackenZIe's graduates go the best wishes of In hockey the old :--1ackrnzle dnve really those remaining behind, and we hope that they showed and the cry went through the wing, have the best of luck in the years to come. "Beat the Mackenzie Machine." Naturally no We know that they will remember always one did, and we copped a decisive, undefeated Mackenzie Flight; for It contributed so much first place in a sport in which Mackenzie hardly to their stay at Royal Roads, IIlDSO~ FLIGHT

By F L J. V ALIHORA gave the other flights stiff competition during L C E. LOWTHIAN the elimination bouts and the slugging "Mau­ Mau" from Africa fought in the finals. For the second straight year, Hudson started off very strongly in sports by easily winning the Hudson possessed some skilful hockey players soccer championship. Sparked by the "Flying thiS year such as Poirier, Langlois and Howard. Dutchman" De Wilde. Hudson showed the but in general the flight lacked sufficient players. other flights the finer points of the game by The other flights seemed to be rather adept at scoring goal upon goal against them Although invading our end successfully and consequently the quantity of soccer players was seriously cut we lost the greater number of our games. Hack down by a large representation on the football managed to "snare" many of these pucks head- team. the remaining few were all that were 109 for our net but our opponents must have needed to defeat the other soccer teams had luck on their side. Too many went in. Led by Martin. Hudson flight racked up In swimming the whole College had its eyes more points than three other flights which on that "Amphibious African" Steuart. as he happened to be running on the same course in displayed his record-breaking style during the the inter-flight cross-country run . As in former Individual and flight competitions. Smallman­ years, some members of the flight showed con­ Tew and Alexander, members of the representa­ sideration for the weaker runners by staying tive team, used their skill to put Hudson in with them to make sure that they would cross good standing. Some of our divers, out of the finish line before rounds. These "Spartan" sheer necessity. learned new dives during the types were neck and neck with Lt. Peterson's competition as two different dives were called o Jeep all the way, but pulled out strongly near for. Our less experienced swimmers relied upon the finish line. (Does this prove that man is the "gutter-crawl" to gain speed during the better than machine?) flight plunge. The Air Force has always been faster than Hudson started the basketball season much the Navy, and since Hudson has a large pro­ the same as it did in previous years by winning portion of Air Force cadets we showed this all of its games. Near the end of the season we speed on many occasions - yes, boat-pulling, were edged out by Mackenzie and Champlain, the Navy's cherished form of recreation. Our however, who managed to take three games naval branch contributed only a coxswatn to away from us. Hudson is making up for these guide Hudson's floating power along the right losses by winning all of its games in volley ball. bearing. The other flights found the ball doing amazing things. We in Hudson are, in general. a peaceful group; consequently we did not concern our­ Spikers such as Volk and De Wilde, and selves to any great extent over the bloody fiascoes stars such as Crofton will, we hope, help the that took place in the gym prior to the holiday flight post a solid column of wins on the volley­ season Some of Our more talented members ball tall y sheet.


By S C R. W. CAUSIER "They sure arc a stern looking bunch, aren't . L . C R. W. BLAKELY they-what's that one wearing a red sash for, S C J. A. MULLARKEY Gramps?" C-S L R. D. COOK "Well. now let's see that picture again. Oh, that's 'Wheaties' Broughton. He was in charge In the year 2005 R . G. Blakely and his of the flight. and the sash was a symbol of his grandson were looking through the various rank. As I recall he was a pretty fair swimmer. mementos of his younger days. Engaged thus Beside him is Pudge Cook, who had been the youngster came across a group picture of coerced into another flight. but managed to young men all dressed in blue with red stripes plead his way back into La Salle. Along with down their trousers. he was extremely puzzled the next fellow he made up that great team of by this tattered yellow photo. Cook and Coulter, Duty Cadets extraordinary. "Who are these people. Gramp I" asked the Next we have 'Rip Van' Coulter who used to little fellow. sleep in until ten after seven and w'ould fly into "Well." replied the dignified old man, "those the mess at the last minute. And there's 'Smily' people were all in La Salle Flight along with Cheeke-I'll always remember that cute little me back in 1955 when I was going to Royal grin of his. Beside him is Wild Bill Cully, who Roads." played goal for the flight in soccer and hockey. 74 THE LOG I 9 5 s

The next man is 'Wee WIllie' Causler, who Bethell. who is carrying on the family tradition spent most of his spare time in the dark-room, of being in La Salle Flight, 'Fighting-Doug' developing. See this bow-backed cadet I That's Brown, 'Gargantua' Dzuba, 'Skylark' Frank Newfie Kearley, who used to expound strange lin, 'Hard-rock' Herbert, 'Bugles' Hessin, ideas to all listeners. The fellow with the dark 'R.C.H.A.' Kempffer, 'Twitch' Kerr, 'Buck-Up' circles under his eyes is 'Speedy ' Dave Grimster, MacNab, 'L'I Abner' Plowman and 'Mumbles' who came back from football and basketball Tynan complete the picture. excursions with a 'plastered' look on his face . "They most certainly were a wonderful Then at the end of the front row is 'Honest group of people to know and live with, I guess John ' Mullarkey, who seemed to get his direc­ I had more pleasant experiences with this group tions mixed up every now and then, much to than with any other I have ever known. Wild Bill's horror. Now in the back row we have a couple of fellows who liked the place "Well. sonny, it is getting late; it's time to so much they decided to stay an extra year. One pipe down and turn in." The Old Man is Ron Binnie and the other is 'Bigger and removed his glasses, rubbed his eyes, and silently Better' Mansfield Then there is 'Sure-shot' reminisced upon the La Salle Flight 1955.


By No. 3811 C-W C C. P . LAWES patience and care he exercised as a teacher, nor (A Member of his Last Class) shall we forget the intense personal interest he took in each individual cadet in our term. Professor L. A. Brown began his dis­ Nothing that a cadet asked of him was ever ttnguished career of training cadets when he left undone The individual success made by joined the staff of Royal Military College in every cadet at the College was his greatest 1921-as an Associate Professor of Mathe­ interest matics. During World War I he held a Com­ mission with the Engineers and in 1938 became We also remember Professor Brown for his a Captain in the 5th Field Company at keen interest in College sports. Anyone attend­ Kingston. In 1940 he was promoted to the ing the college football or basketball matches rank of Major. In August, 1942, he was could count on seeing him there. Though he transferred to Royal Canadian Naval Colleg~ has retired from the foreground Professor at Royal Roads and was made Director of Brown still takes an active interest in the Studies. He retired in 1942 College and all the cadets he knew. Those of us who knew Professor Brown last We at Royal Roads sincerely wish Professor year were greatly impressed by his outstanding

CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF A RECRUIT Symbol Rec. Accepted Atomic Weight 160 Ibs. Auiulfy Great. Density Very (from " Cadet Officers' Theory") . Lustre Dull. DurabtilfY Can be used constantly if given five hours rest in twenty-four. Has great affinity for webbing, circles, and members of I ts own species. Reacts violently in the presence of females. Can easily be controlled by addition of a small proportion of cadet officers. f"HE LOG-1955 71 CADET OFFICERS 1954-55

FIRST TERM SECOND TERM CoW C RYLEY, C. E. S CoW C LAWES, C. P. CoW F L COOK, R. D. CoW F L YOLK. S. J. No. I Squadron No. I Squadron CoS L COOK, R. D. CoS L LAWES, C. P. Cartier Flight Fraser Fltght Cartier Flight Fraser FlIght C-F L Schaubel. E. V . C-F L Drummond. C-F L Renaud. F. C-F L Hale, D. A. L . C Kirk, P. A. T. G. L C Schaubel. E. V. L IC Kato. G. Y. L C Moore, W. J . L CHicks, R. J. L C Brady. E. C. L C Drummond. T. G L C Segers, P. M. L. CLewis. D. G. No. 2 Squadron No. 2 Squadron CoS L MCPHERSON, J. A. CoS L OKE, D. H. Champlain Flight Mackenzie FlIght Champlam Flight Mackenzie Flight C-F L Law, E. B. C-F L Lamarre, D. C-F L McPherson. J.A. C-F L Crook. E. D. L COke, D. H. L C Ryley, C. E. S. L CLaw. E. B. L C Lamarre. D. L. C Mahood. T. B. L. C Froebel. R. A. L C Kristjanson, R. W. L. C Romyn. P. F. L. C Jacobs, C. D. C. No. 3 Squadron No. 3 Squadron C-S / L STEUART, I. K. CoS L CHEEKE, J. D. M. Hudson Flight La Salle Fltght Hudson Fltght La Salle Fltght C-F L Yolk, S. J. C-F L Cheeke, J. D. M. C-F L De Wilde. J. C-F L Broughton.W.J. L C De Wilde. J. L C Blakely. R. G. L / C Steuart, 1. K. L C Culley, R. W. L C Muir, D. W. A. L C Broughton. W. J L C Valihora. J. L. C Kearley, E. J. The Band The Band L . C Healey, E. J. C-F L Healey, E. J. L. C Gilliland, L. M. L C Gilliland, L. M.

THIRD TERM FOURTH TERM C-W IC OKE, D. H. CoW C LAWES, C. P. CoW / F/ L KIRK, P. A. C-WF, L MCPHERSON, J. A. C-W W 0 CROOK, E. D. No. I Squadron No. 1 Squadron CoS L SCHAU BEL, E. V. CoS L LAW, E. B. Fraser Flight Cartier Flight Cartier Flight Fraser FlIght C-F L Lewis. D. G. C-F L Kato. G. Y. C-F L Schau bel. E. V. C-F L Cheeke, J. D. M. L C Lawes, C. P. L C Jefferies. R. F. L CLewis, D. G. L. C Drummond, T. G. L C Blacker. R. J. W. L C Kennedy, J. C. L C Renaud, F. L C Hale, A. D. No. 2 Squadron No. 2 Squadron C-S/L CROOK, E. D. C-S L OKE. D. H. Champlain Flight MackenZIe Flight Champlain Flight Mackenzie Flight C-F L Mahood, T. B. C-F L Romyn. P. F. C-F L Lamarre, D. C-F L Ryley, C. E. S. L, C Gagosz, E. L / C Jacobs, C. D. C. L C Kristjanson, R.W. L. C Jacobs, C. D. C. L C McPherson, J. A. L C Ryley, C. E. S. L / C Mahood, T. B. L C Romyn, P. F. No. 3 Squadron No. 3 Squadron CoS L COOK. R. D. CoS L BROUGHTON, W. J. Hudson FlIght La Salle Flight Hudson Flight La Salle FlIght C-F L Steuart, 1. K C-F L Broughton,W.J C-F L Valihora, J. C-F L Blakely L C Valihora. J L. C Blakely, R. G. LiC Campbell. T.1.V. L C Cheeke, J. D. M. L C Yolk. S. J. L C De Wilde, J. L C Lowthian, C. E. L C Cook, R. D. The Band The Band C-F L Gilliland, L. M. C-F/L Gilliland, L. M. L C Healey, E. L/ C Coulter, D. M. L /C Coulter, D. M.


INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CLLB By SIC S. J. VOLK offered These were received WIth interest, as In 1954-1955. the "LR.C." functioned unusual and unexpected thoughts were revealed under an entirely new.policy. In past years, We were sorry that Captain Strange was unable the Club had had a limited membership and to speak directly to the Club on this subject. For the last meeting of ··I.R.C." we had Mr comp~lsory attendance. This year an exact OppOSite plan was followed very successfully, Keith MacDonald who recently returned from membership was not restricted and attendance Formosa where he served with the World Health Organization as part of Canada's U.N. Com­ was ,:,olunta~y. Th~ Club did not hold as many meetings as m prevIOus years, bu t this did not mitment. Me. MacDonald spoke to us on prov:e detrimental. In fact the smaller number aspects of life and thought in Formosa, and msplred a greater amount of enthusiasm among mentIOned the aid being accorded the Formosans the members, as the large attendances proved. by the Western World. Mr. MacDonald suf­ fered a barrage of questions regarding his topic ~he speakers, both cadets a~d visitors, did par­ ticularly well With their tOPICS, and the evenings and all those in attendance benefitted greatly were all considered profitable. from the information which he presented. The first meeting of the "LR.C." was a It was with pleasure that we welcomed to debate early in the fall term on the subject our meetings members of the Staff and their "Should the Western Powers Rearm Wes~ wives. especially Wing Commander Middleton. Germany." Following the presentation of the who attended almost all of our meetings. The members of the "LR.C." owe special a.rguments by the speakers, an energetic discus­ sion ensued. All the members in attendance thanks to Professor Burchill. who seems to be participated in the discussion and it was with blessed with the ability to produce excellent reluctance that the meeting was ended. A vote speakers at short notice. His helpful guiding hand has had much to do with the success of was needed to try to decide the question, and it the Club and the excellence of the programmes. was fitting that a draw was declared. The new executive is to be chosen at the Shortly before Christmas, Captain Strange, the Chief of Public Relations for Naval Head­ next meeting. and we hope that they will be able quarters in Ottawa, visited Victoria and spoke to make the Club an even greater success next year. They will have their hands full. on the "Importance and Future of the Navy." SIX of our members attended his lecture, and President: S. J. Volk presented to the rest of the Club at the next Vice President: C. E. S. Ryley meeting the arguments which Captain Strange Secretary: P. D. Crofton

VE7 ASC ON THE AIR By SIC R. A. JUTRAS versatile: it has a VFO and covers all the bands. As every intelligent cadet knows, the finest from 160 to 20 meters. Ted has been enter­ hobby that anyone can take part in at the tainin.g dreams for a 20-meter rotating antenna College is undoubtedly amateur radio. A dozen but time and money are in short supply this cadets who have been quick to realize this have year. Let us hope that some of these difficulties helped to make the club better this year than will be overcome within the near future. In It ever has been. the meantime, experimenting will take prece­ dence over everything else. While most of the members concentrated thei~ attention on kits, Ted Mahood, the club's Experimenting has been more active this year p.reSI?ent, spent most of his time tracing the than in the past. A few lectures on elementary circuit of a home-made transmitter and rebuild­ practical theory were given before Christmas to ing it. As soon as he gets all the "bugs" out the novice. and kits were made available to the of it, he'll be putting it on the air. In the members for the first time in the club's history. meantime, he's our only "ham" licensed to These w~re two tube, bread-board style super­ operate our grid-modulated naval transmitter. regenerative receivers. Their simplicity of con­ Unfortunately, its potential power output of structIOn and ease of operation make them 500 watts to an 813 is limited to about 30 suitable for the novice. watts because of a weak power supply. As a More kits and ~ore tools and parts are forth­ result. DX operation has been very limited. commg, and a raid on the physics laboratory South America is the only continent that has has Yielded a badly needed oscilloscope and an been reached so far. The set, however, is audio signal generator. By next year, the club 80 THE LOG 195 5

should be well stocked for another busy year. to teach code to anyone because of the time It is hoped that a lice?sed operator will .be involved in becoming proficient at it. found among next year s recruits; otherWise It will be a forlorn little knot of club mem­ some hard work will have to be done by at bers who will hear the sad words. "VE7 ASC least one cadet to acquire the sending speed of is off and clear." at the end of the year. Amateur 10 words a min ute necessary to pass the radio is a recreational activity which doesn't examination. This year, no effort was made shake off easily.


SCI. K. STEUART J C Brown, R J. has brought the Army's r interest in by starting the production of scale rt The Model Club started with a great model tanks. With the help of the shipwrights, U "thrust" early in the academiC year. Our certain cadets have become interested in bringing " power plants" are Professor Carlsen (Eco­ back the spirit of "pure" model-craft by making nomics) and Flight Lieutenant Simkins CCO. models of all descriptions just from blueprints Modal Operations). Their performance data and photographs. are on the secret list. The first step in promoting a functional Model Club was the annexing of the Hobby Shop at the Engineering School with all its tools and equipment This was accomplished without much resistance on the part of the alien "hobby craftsmen," Senior Cadet Bill Culley (Bill was assembling a wooden Luger pistol from a kit containing ready-c ut parts. He later sent It to his grand­ mother for her birthday ) The next step was to convert hobby funds into model kits, spare balsa wood, Jetex units and accessories. With the tools we already had, we were well on our way. One group of cadets was organ ized to assemble and decorate plastic scale models of modern aircraft from a large reserve of kits. To accommodate this group, the work benches in the storage room adjacent to the hobby shop were also annexed. A beautiful collection of aircraft pictures arrived and were soon decorat­ The test and flight department occupies the ing the walls above the work benches. These hobby shop itself Flight Lieutenant Simkins "pin-ups" have created the correct atmosphere has done his best for the club and sees to it that for the manufacture of our important projects. we have all the equipment that we need. The Assembled and painted scale models find main employment of this department is the their way to the Library, where they attract a study and development of Jetex powered flight. good deal of interest. These are intended for Our flying test beds are easily assembled models instructional purposes in Military Studies. based on the principle of the hand-launched Student interest is calculated to rise by a per­ glider The Jetex unit is clipped to the lower centage inversely proportional to the fourth root fuselage and when ignited. supplies a thrust of of the thrust of a Pogo. It is hoped that some about three ounces for ten seconds. Small Jetex cadets, as future officers on the staff of Royal aircraft. apart from being easy to make and Roads. will use the models built by themselves reasonably cheap, are ideal for our limited as cadets, to illustrate lectures. space A large free-flight gas model aircraft IS being Our experiments. however. have not yet built by J / C Alexander. S C C ulley has under­ met With too great success. We have, though, taken to complete a large scale-model of a had a number of hot flights. We are becoming Mitchell Bomber What to do with it. has yet increaSIngly experienced in the handling of our to be decided. S C Drummond. feeling that the models. Our aim is to find a consistently good Navy has been neglected. assembled a plastic flyer, put it into quantity production. and then scale model of the U.S. aircraft carrier "Wasp." hold flying competitions on the lower playing He frowned at the idea of having to cement a fields. These should be exciting and should large number of little aircraft to the flight deck, prOVide an excellen t week-end relaxation. THE LOG-1955 81

CA:\IERA eLL'B J, C D DU:-;r-;ISOr-; materials. An automatic dryer and finisher I t is a secl uded room of shadows in the occupies the centre of the room, and if you dungeon-like cellar of a castle-a mysterious mention safety lights and portrait lights, we room Behind the bolted door and into the have them too consuming absence of white light many young At present. Kato IS the only member qualified men have become lost to the outside world. to operate the press camera, but it is hoped there Eerie yellow lights offer the only chance for will be a few more "operators" before the end even a shadow to survive. Hernando's Hide­ of the year. Soon the club hopes to have some away had nothing on this place: This is th~ of its members going into Naden to learn more Dark Room. about photography in general and portraiture in particular. So if you see someone this sum­ The shadows who inhabit this place are, of mer who is looking over the angles of some course, members of the Camera Club Lieu­ luscious girl-friend of yours. you can rest at tenant Peterson is the enthusiastic sponsor of case. His intentions are probably honourable; the club. George Kato (alias Cadet Flight all he wants is one or two good photographs. Leader Kato, to Juniors) the president, and also Besides, who knows, he may even print a picture consulting engineer. J C Dunnison is secre­ of your girl friend for you. If not he may enter tary. The members, who at first were few, one in the big photo display which is coming up. have since Christmas swelled their ranks to mcl udc nearl y thirty mem bers. That's right: All the "buggy" shutter operators are going to co-operate with Lieut. The equipment possessed by the club includes Peterson to show all cynics what can be done. J wonderful press camera, enlargers and printers, The display will be an open event, and we are developing tanks, and developing and printing hoping everyone will contribute.

THE R4.ND By S C D. M. COULTER first term the famed "Double Shuffle" took place September of this year found the band a mere in which bars changed hands with rapidity. shadow of its former self. The remaining This so impressed the Juniors of the Band that experienced bandsmen, remnants of the big they pulled the same stunt: they however "chop," were Gilliland, Healey, and Coulter. received "B," not bars. At Christmas time the Band lost its bass drummer, Morgan. Nuttal Around this "hard core" was to be built a fine was recruited to fill his shoes. mechanism which would ably perform the function of providing music for the Wing. This year has seen a number of changes in the Band. The Band has brought forward some The Royal Roads Band so ably performed new pieces. Its pride is the Slow March, which its duty that it was called upon to provide the is liked by the entire Wing. The" Advance in music for everyone of the V.1.P. parades and, Review Order" is new, and the louder "Alert" only with difficulty, did it persuade the Wing is another innovation. that it could not play for the Graduation It is the hope of the graduates that next ceremomes. year's Band will be as good, if not better than Among the other attributes the Band has this year's. May the tradition of playing provided a haven for "sky-Iarkers" During the "Banana" on the circle be maintained.

TWO GUN PETE THROUGH 90° By C-F L 1. K. STEUART They're betting it's to heaven or hell he's boun'. Those boots belong to Two Gun Pete, Two Gun Pete is a-klink-hard outlaw, 1 hey tramp through the dust 'cos they're on There ain't no man yet beat him to the draw. his feet. He's done gunned down at least-klink-four; The big spurs go klink-klink in the heat, Figgers it's time to notch a few more. Klink· klink slow and steady down the street Little hombres hide when bullets-klink-fly Slow and steady he sets them down, But Two Gun Pete stands straight and high. Omlnolls klinking through the frontier town With snarling lip and wicked eye, Too bad the sheriff made Pete frown, Hankerin' to meet the other guy. 82 -r H E LOG - I 9 S Ii TH [ [OG I 9 5 5 81 INTERN/\, TIONAL GALLERY

rr Breathes there a man .. My home) my natz'Ye land))

The paintings of Canadian citIes commis­ statistical word "cItI es" - to come forward. sioned by the House of Seagram formed one of But instead of paint. our fine artists employ the most discussed collections on tour this past words. We editors feel that their pictures of year. I t "claimed" to present the important what they consider the most important centres cities of the land \Ve say "claimed"; for. to are no less graphic, and no less full of spirit our horror. we found on examining the Sea­ than the products of the House of Seagram gram's product-the pictures. we mean-that Nor are we hemmed in by mere nationalism. a number of centres most deserving of fame had for we include proud citizens of at least four been omItted Surely having produced a cadet countries' suitable for the Senior Term of Royal Roads is one of the greatest claims that any centre of So, follow our artIsts as they sweep from population can boast. And so we hasten to the western regions of our great nation to its correct this grave error by inviting citizens of easternmost island province. to our great sister some of our neglected. slighted. but deserving nation to the south, across the Atlantic to centres of population - we avoid that coldly Europe. and finally to deepest Africa'

SHA WNIGAN LAKE WARNER, ALBERTA By LC D. A. HALE By C F L D. J. CHEEKE Shawnigan Lake is a small village about Warner IS a typical Western prairie town; thirty miles north of Victoria. Probably no­ eight elevators. a few stores and a residential body from Victoria ever heard of the place. but district. It is situated in Southern Alberta that won't disturb the citizens of Shawnigan sheltered on the \Vest and South by the Milk Lake. few of whom have ever heard of Victoria. River ridge. with a gentle rolling landscape to A small comparatively isolated community that the North and a gradual flattening into the is relatively untouched by the events of modern true prairie to the East. It is the county seat, life. Shawnigan has little need for communica­ being one of the larger. more centralized towns tion with the outside world. in the district. The Warner high school sup­ plies the educational facilities for most of the There is one street. which is really just part county. The weather situation there is the of the sideroad which turns off from the high­ same as most places on the prairies. It is either way. Along it. you will find the grocery store. too hot, too cold or else the wind is blowing. the service station and the crowded cafe. Further It is a farmers' village. existing solely for down the street you pass the bleak old village their needs. There is talk of industry because hall. the new modern school house, and the of the unlimited water supply. but so far lonely deserted train station. each one of them nothing has resulted. In future. it will prob­ significant by the contrast that they provide. ably grow to a certain extent. but its growth, we residen ts hope. will not be spectacular Most of the houses are scattered along the enough to make us "city folk." lakeside partially hidden by the dense forest, which creeps down to the water's edge. Further * * * back from the lake you find a few farms. SANGUDO, ALBERTA encompassed by tall fir trees. By S C R. A. FROEBEL Sixty-five miles north-west of the "Oil­ Shawnigan Lake never had any claims to Capital" of the Universe. in the richest farming fame or fortune. and probably never will have. area in Canada. in the cen tre of the oil-pro­ Its beauty lies in its peaceful serene environment, ducing sands of Alberta. in a large bend of the a situation that is swiftly becoming a thing of Pembina River. lies "Sangudo." the past Perhaps the scenery of Shawnigan But you ask. "Where did it get a name like Lake, scenery that inspired Bruce Hutchison to that'" many of his finer works, will some day dis­ No' It is not Mau Mall: That conglomera­ appear. giving place to a more modern com­ tion of letters was constructed from the munity. When this happens, British Columbia "initials" of the first seven settlers that settled will have lost something precious in the district. The population. about fOUl Certainly there are few that are able to claim hundred. lives in frame houses of some sort. a home-town such as this, a type that is becom­ The last "tee pee" was officially burned several Ing more rare as the years pass. years ago. 1 86 THE LOG 19'5 i

There are several irocery stores, one of which after it has been scheduled. Now everyone 0 is reasonably modern-accepts money as well realizes this, but half an hour after the event 0 as furs. is supposed to start everyone still says to him­ fri The village's big boast is the three sheet self "Oops, I'm going to be late:" He then fat curling rink. built several years ago to keep the continues to enjoy himself thoroughly, dawd­ Ii Sangudonian ego high. There is also a skating ling and talking to other people who are also 00 rink which can or cannot be usocl depending going to be late. Usually everyone arrives lic on the weather. which is much milder than in together and no one misses anything. That's fel the rest of Alberta. the beauty of it. No one misses anything, and to· On the social side there are those ladies' (?) yet everyone still gets the pleasure and satisfac a< leas where the old maids get together and discuss lion of being wickedly carefree about time. ad everything but their own affairs. the weekly Occasionally someone from Toronto with sp western movie which everyone sees several times: ,1n ulcer starts to fume, and tries to reform every­ Ih and the Saturday night dance. of which no more body. Whereupon all the people smile patroniz. need be said. ingly nodding their heads knowingly and keep right on being good and late for everything. * * * After a while the reformer usually resigns CHAPLEAU. NORTHERN ONTARIO himself in disgust and says if everyone else is By S C T. CAMPBELL going to be late he will be darned if he wilt You know on the map where Lake Superior break his neck to be on time. If he is lucky he has a big bump right on top? And then about soon catches the spirit of the thing and he finds, an inch left of that bump there is a little empty possibly for the first time. that life can be fun. space? Well. that's Chapleau. * * * "I know that place." you say. "You go MILLGROVE, ONTARIO through it on the C.P.R.: lawns and flowers By J . A . MCPHERSON around the station. high snowbanks in the Millgrove is my home town. winter." It is situated at the western tip of Lake Sure. everybody's been through Chapleau. Ontario, a few miles from the water's edge. Of course. you don't see much from the Although one does not ordinarily refer to Mill­ station. (This last is a stock reply dreamed grove and Hamilton as twin cities, Millgrove up by the new Chamber of Commerce. Without is situated just seven miles north of the actually lying. it implies that there IS more "Ambitious City," on the number 6 highway to see.) to Guelph. As a matter of fact there are some things to One can hardly say that Millgrove is not an see in Chapleau, although you probably won't industrial metropolis. It is, in fact, thriving read of them in the tourist folders. Every with com merce. The largest industry is a pickle factory, the fragrance of which engulfs the ~inter day you might see a motherly looking ltttle woman standing outside Smith and entire residential area on summer days. Many Chapples Department Store seeming to ignore Millgrovians arc market gardeners, or profess the icy wind that howls at the passers-by as to be, and can often be seen doodling around they hurry along, collars up, hands thrust deep in their back yards with overgrown pet horses Into coat pockets. She seems to be selling some­ or toy tractors. thing, and very few people fail to stop and The complexity of Millgrove's commercial reach a little deeper into their pockets. That's activity is well exemplified by one astonishing Mrs. Moore selling hockey pools to support fact: the Millgrove railway station is situated the local hockey team which plays in the new, ten miles from the heart of the city, so that unpaid-for Memorial Arena. The Arena com­ trains do not interfere with the rush hour mittee have reserved a special seat for her at the traffic. Arena-in the penalty box. I wonder how But let me tell the whole story. It would many hockey teams have such a mother. be unfair to deceive the reader into thinking that Millgrove is a place of opportunity and . ~n Chapleau we have developed a system of ltvlng all our own. How often while in your fortune. Surel y no one who has ever been thert usual mad rush to get somewhere on time have will den y that it is the dreariest, dullest. deadest you said "If only I had more time ... " [own in Ontario. One could rightly compare it to Victoria, B.C .. which is known across the Just think of all the high blood pressure, nation as being a home for "newly weds and and nervous breakdowns we could avoid if we nearly deads." After the sun goes down Mill­ always had all the time we could use . Everyone grove is virtually inert. There are no bright in Chapleau realizes that pure enjoyment, and lights, no night clubs. no pool rooms, no also the healthiness, of being a slowpoke. So movies. Most people find it wise to escape It IS an unwntten law that every function, from from Millgrove's clutches at an early age; before the High School wiener roast to the Women', they decay and become a material part of the Auxiliary Hallowe'en tea, starts at least an hour living cemetery. '1 H E LOG - I 9 5 5 87

Under these Circumstances, It is strange to If you are ever down that way give me a note that the people of Millgrove are cheerful. buzz. Just ask the operator for 92·J and tell friendly, and not at all discourag~d by the ill the party line Dave sent you. fate that has placed them there Everyone has a profound sense of duty and obligation, not * * * only to his neighbour, but to the entire popula­ BREWER'S MILLS. ONTARIO tion of the community. When one returns By S C R. F. JEFFERIES from the "outside" he is greeted by all the inhabitants with sincere welcome. On such The only thing I want to say about Brewer's Mills is that there is no brewery there. The occasions he forgets his desires for fun and name originates from an earl y settler named Mr. adventure and relaxes and enjoys the warm Brewer. who, I must admit. quite possibl spirit of friendliness that predominates in this, r the friendliest of towns. could have made a little moonshine. He prob­ ably did. The population of Millgrove is ninety·seven. * * * * * * A SONG OF A CITY PORT ROWAN. ONTARIO (To be sung softly. to the tune of By D. C. GRIMSTER "Claire de la Lune") Remember when I arrived two weeks late By gar dere With Healey' Yes, it was that fateful Friday Between Montreal and afternoon in September, 1953. We arrived Ole Hog Town about '3 o'clock in the afternoon (now 1500) Dere is one de and were ushered into the Junior Gunroom Tam fine-st little cities where we were introduced to our termmates. You evair did see. The usual greetings were given all round and She's green as pea we proceeded to try to find out what went on Soup in summer. around this place and where they kept the girls. An' white as ole Mrs. Laloncette's face We hadn't seen any. In winter. All went well for the first few days except She's as hustling as de rivair in spring. for one small detail. I had now become Healey, Eh bien. nestled down in de Gatineau and Healey, Grimster. I didn't mind that too Like a partridge, much but when they tried to tell me that I She is a place where some day came from his home town that was too much. I'll hang up When I was asked how I liked Owen Sound. My haxe. [ would haughtily reply that I didn't know You know- because I have never been there. Then the By gar, she's parfait. questions would start /lying and I would have Who is she? to explain. Eh bien! Who else! No. I don't come from Owen Sound. My She's Ottawa of cours' home is in PORT ROWAN. ONTARIO. Where -PIERRE ANONYMOUSE . is it> Well. it's on the north shore of Lake Erie on the Inner Long Point Bay. You know * * * BLOOMFIELD. ONTARIO where Long Point is, don't you! Never studied geography, eh' Did you ever hear of London' By S C R. J. HICKS Good. It's about 65 miles south east of Bloomfield. Ontario. is situated in the heart London. Gee, I thought that everyone knew of a thriving agricultural locality on the where Port Rowan is. Didn't you ever go bass picturesque Bay of Quinte and in the U.E. fishing in July, duck hunting in November, or Loyalist stronghold of Prince Edward rabbit shooting in January' Well just come County. The locale could easily be described down sometime and I'll show you a sportsman's as the playground of On tario; for its beaches paradise. and fishing are incomparable. Although the No, we aren't all sportsmen. We follow the canning industry is the village's greatest claim rest of civilized man fairly closely. There's the to fame, it is also near the town of Picton, the Bay Theatre, Joe's Restaurant, Jack's Billiard fame of which. any "bird-gunner" who has Hall (6 tables), five or six, no, maybe eight spent a summer with the artillery there, will stores. assorted garages and service stations, a recite. Brewer's Warehouse, and, you know, the usual. * * Population' Well. I'd say about 500, not MONTREAL counting cats and dogs. You think that we City of Sin. are isolated eh? Never, my friend. We have Old dusty coal bin. a train daily, except Sundays (No. 88 C.N.R.), I hate youall. and a tri·daily bus service. Mail comes in on And since I live there the "88." Oh yes, we have phones too. I'd rather be most anywhere Nothing fancy, but they work. Negative dials' Other than Montreal. 88 THE LOG I 95<;

ANOTHER HO\lE rOWN of Gold chocolates, 1 hey were made in By CWWO E, D . CROOK Bedford Our town IS situated at the mouth of the Honoured readers, patronlzers and fellow Sackville River and has an enviable reputation cadets who read this una ware, as a year-round playground, You can catch have the privilege of Introducing you t.o a r mOre fish in the harbour than you want (fresh TOWN, not an inferior CITY sllch as the conceited or salt), and man, are they big: Our salmon Toronto or the boastful Ottawa, but a TOWN make B,C. salmon look like minnows, Th~ which does not have to boast, hunting is good also There are plenty of deer, Naturally. this TOWN is in Quebec to the partridge, and rabbits in the hinterland, The sOllth of the mighty St, LaWlence River More rabbits I don't know what you people would than that. this Tow~ IS located along the valley call them one kicked my brother Bill-broke of the St. FranCIS River and IS pan of the two ribs. They s.ue are a powerful animal. pIcturesque Eastern Townships, This TOWN contaInS a round house of the provide good eating for days And. you should Canadian National Railways whose routes con­ see ou r deer. nect Quebec City, Montreal and Portland. Bcd ford has a monopol y on night places III Maine, The population of this TOWN i~ small. the area Very modern, classy places they are. it being in an agricultural district. The Inhabi­ lOO, tants are intimately acquainted with each other. For the benefit of the prairie folk. on your are friendly, active and cheerful nights out, I recommend clams, lobsters, oysters. r present my hometown, RICH~IOND. or shrimps that arc cooked in Bedford, You should see the girls in Bedford, Maybe * * * you haven't heard the song, "There Nothing SHEDIAC Like a Maritime Girl"; but what the song says BI} S C C. F POIRIER IS true and Bed ford has more than its share. If you don't believe me just phone 3345 and ask Pleasantly situated four miles cast of Scoudauc for oh, no. I guess you'd better not, Well. and five miles west of Barachals is the Utopia of since space IS IIInited I guess I better not continue the cast, known to the world as Shediac. This this story Actually I was Just getting started. thriving communtty prides itself on being the It is so frustrating to try and explain what "home of the lobsters" and of posseSSIng the UtopIa is Itkc All I can say is. come and see finest beaches in the world for yourself, If you get lost go to the second A skyline of colourful nylon and canvas is a house past the Bowlaway and say I sent you­ familiar sight In the summer months when the I guarantee that you'll be looked after. refreshing winds and placid waters make Shediac Bay a yachtman's dream, Shediac's hospitality finds a place in winter a; * * * BRIDGETOWN well as summer activities, The cool months of ANNAPOLIS CO,. N,S November and December turn Shediac Bay into a solid sheet of ICC proVIdIng a paradise for BI} D, G, LEWIS skaters, ice-boat enthusiasts and smelt fishermen Those of you who have been fortunate Whether it be the wild night life of clubs and enough to ha\'c made a viSIt to Nova Scotia and cafes, a sportsman's holtday of swimming, sail­ the favoured ones who live there, will un­ Ing, skating, hunting. and fishIng or a few weeks doubtedly agree with me that the Annapolis of rest among pleasant surroundings you would Valley is one of the most scenic spots In Canada find Shediac to be exactl I' what you were look­ The Valley's populatIOn is not too dense Ing for One of the many small towns is that one in * * * which I am especially inrerested, Bridgetown, BEDFORD It has only 1,000 lucky occupants, but I belie"" they must have placed the pick of the crop By S C J, Fox there Their feelings are expressed to visitors If you were In Nevada you'd go to Las or those passing through by large signs stating Vegas, if you were In France you'd go to , "Bridgetown. the friendly town, welcomes if you were in California you'd go to Holly­ you." placed at the three entrances Into the wood. if you were In Nova ScotIa you'd go to town Bedford, Bedford is at the Junction of all maIn The Industrial activities of the town are not train routes and highways to Haltfax and Dart· too great. I am sorry to say The main mouth We have the best natural baSIn in the factories for employment are small in number world (Oh, how you navy types would ThIS lack of employment opportunity IS the thrill to the sight of the thousands of ships only reason why the town is not more densely which have often anchored there), Industry populated, and, if the federal government abounds-on a small scale; four mills, a cement would pay more attention and give more con works, a pop factory, and Moir's chocolate sideratlon to this province, rather than drawing plant. Surely you've eaten from a box of Pot the population away by much more extensive THE LOG-1955 80

~mployment plans in Ontario and Quebec. we The countryside IS dotted with large estates should indubitably have a population per area which serve as the vacation homes of the wealthy greater than Ontario. for It would lose the more business men of the country. Many local intelligent portion of its population. who would people find employment as gardeners. tenants. be attracted back to their homeland and farm managers of these beautifully-kept The apple industry. for which the AnnapolIs relics of an age-gone-by. The wealthy people Valley is famous. has dwindled in the last few own the large estates. have homes elsewhere, years. There has not been the former market and are usually in the neighborhood for the fox­ for good apples. Still. every spring around the hunting in the fall and the two "seasons" of first of June the trees blooming out in all their Christmas and Labour Day. radiance add greatly to the beauty of the The people in the town live a much qUieter countryside. Bridgetown and its surroundings life. They own the town's few stores. go to have their share of this magnificence. One can the Baptist church every Sunday evening and only appreciate what I mean by seeing it. die to be remembered in the county weekly Our "friendly little town" has proved itself paper as "prosperous merchants of Upperville." more than just a little town in sports and, If Thackeray were to describe the wealthy, whatever the season of the year. the games played and Thomas Gray, the townspeople. I think at that time are participated in by all. Many Steinbeck alone could describe the tenant have heard of Bridgetown through the name it farmers. They. both coloured and white, can has made for itself in sports. be seen in town on Saturday evening. buying Yes. it is a wonderful town to live in, a place groceries. meeting friends and getting drunk. where a person can be happy to be alive. Many Theirs is a hard life but they survive. of you have probably heard of Paradise, Nova After all this, it is still home. Scotia (in connection with Dr. Otto Strasser). Well. when I am asked where my home is, I * * * sum up the life of this heavenly town by saying SCHELLEBELLE that I am from Bridgetown. five miles from By S C P. SEGERS Paradise. Ages ago Caesar wrote. "Among all the Germanic tribes, the Belgians are the strongest." * * He found that out in Schellebelle which means ST JOHNS. NEWFOUNDLAND "Scaldis bellum," or "war on the River By S C E. J. KEARLEY Scheidt." It all happened in the year 57 B.C. "How often I think of that beautiful town In a nearby village called Serscamp, which means That IS seated by the sea." "Caesar's camp," the Romans reached the most '1 hese words of Longfellow could well be northward point in the country of the Mena­ used by any person who has ever spent some piers, one of the Belgian tribes. Caesar never lime in St. Johns. Newfoundland. crossed the Scheidt in that country and appar­ ently in a big battle the Roman legions were This romantic old seaport, situated at the brought to a stop in Schellebelle. eastern extremity of North America, holds the charm of the old world and mingles it with the That's what the story tells us. Anyway. bustle and activity of the new. Schellebelle is quite an old place. The church dates from the thirteenth century. It is situ­ Its sheltered harbour, towering hills and ated ten miles east of Ghent. the capital city of bracing sea air give it a character all its own. East Flanders. which has a population of The people. too. have a natural hospitality and 100.000. Schellebelle itself has a population friendliness which always leaves its impression of only 3,500. on the visitor. It is quite industrialized. and people from all One finds there every imaginable activity from around get work in its many factories. The golf at Balli Halli. to sailing along the idyllic main industries are the brassiere and corset shores of Topsail Bay. industry and the shoe industry. Schellebelle's St. Johns is a wonderful place, a place to be brassiere business is the largest in Belgium; it enjoyed, remembered, and, above all, lived in. exports brassieres to England. German y and the Netherlands. * * * The story goes around in the neighboring UPPERVILLE villages that if you ask a girl from Schellebelle VIRGINIA. U.S.A. what kind of a job she has, you promptly get By F L C. E. S. RYLEY for an answer brassiere-stitcher. If you ask a Upperville itself is situated in the heart of boy. he's a shoemaker. that part of Virginia which is noted for its fine I should say Schellebelle's situatIOn is excel­ horses, both racing and hunting. The town's lent. I should call it a perfect spot in God's own horse barn is the oldest one in the country. country, but I hear that only Ontario is God's Foxhunting enthusiasts delight in the seven or country and, therefore, I just call it a happy eight packs of hounds within riding distance. place. doing fine and worth visiting. 90 THE LOG ·19'i5

JOHANNESBURG Silver-painted steel poles are used for street By SIC I. K. STEUART ligbting and the support of overhead wires and create a neater appearance than the rough wooden At seeing a strange word like Johannesburg, poles of most Canadian cities. I should say the reader may be partially or wholly in the that South African streets and highways have an dark: so here are the basic facts to give him a edge on these in Canada and our railways are grip. Johannesburg is a city, in the province certainly laid with more care and neatness than of Transvaal, in South Africa. tbe C.P.R. or C.N.R. Johannesburg came about as the result of a famous gold rush and has been the centre of the Jobannesburg is an average manufacturing world's gold mining industry since a nugget city and tbe people tbere are much the same as first stubbed a prospector's toe there in 1885. people in any other city. The biggest difference The Main Reef containing the nuggets runs east between them and Canadians lies, of course, in and west for fifty miles or more on either side their political activity. Johannesburg politics, of Johannesburg and its path can easily be like their newspapers are very active. traced by a string of gold mines, factories and towns. The Reef follows the Witwatersnand Here are a few questions over which the Divide which is straddled by Johannesburg. reader no doubt ponders whenever he or she hears mention of Johannesburg or South Africa. Tbe population of Jobannesburg consists of Q-Are you ever endangered by lions and about half a million Europeans and about three tigers and otber wild animals down there! quarters of a million natives. Homes con­ structed of wood are virtually non-existent, the A-No, unless you play Daniel at the zoo. main building material being brick. The more The nearest wild animals are protected in the beautiful suburbs lie on north side of the city Kruger National Park, three hundred miles east, while the poorer suburbs and manufacturing where you can see an abundance of South and industrial areas lie east, west and south. African animals from ape to zebra if you care to. The majority of buildings in Johannesburg are Q-Have tbe Dutchmen made Dutch a less than thirty years old. If you called it a second language I brand-new city you wouldn't be far wrong. A-There are very few Dutchmen in South The usual features of any city are to be found Africa. You mean A frikaners whose language there; a university, scbools both primary and is A fri kaans. secondary, a cathedral. hotels, law courts, libraries, museums. and four large cinemas Q-Is Rhodesia part of South Africa! whicb rank with the best in the world. A-Rhodesia is a country in Southern Africa Blocks of flats are continually under con­ adjacent to South Africa, but otherwise has no struction. Most of these are ten stories high, connection at all. Jnd they lend to Jobannesburg a silhouette not found in Canadian cities. Q-What sort of money do they have l A-Pounds. shillings and pence. Public transport is as efficient as it is in any Canadian city. It is at least half as cbeap as it is Q-Do they have the same types of car~ in Ottawa and at least a third as cheap as it is down tbere as we have here I in Vancouver. Electric and diesel double-deck buses handle most of tbe city's transportation. A-They have exactly the same types of cars These are aided considerably by double-decked down there as we have here. street cars called trams. Public transport is Q-Do they have the same films and records entirely municipal except for tbree or four small down there as they have here! private companies whicb serve areas beyond the city limits. A-Yes, exactly the same. Q-How do you find the Mau Maus down Spons are extremel y popular in J ohannes­ there? burg. Even ice hockey is played. Practically every school has a swimming pool of its own, A-We don't worry too much about lV\au and every suburb has a public pool. Swimming Maus, primarily because there are no Mau Maus is a summer spOrt because winter is not unknown in South Africa. Mau Maus are indiginous to and all pools arc unheated. Englisb rugby and Kenya, two thousand miles north. soccer are league games played in winter. The Wanderers Club is the largest sports club in Q-Do you think Ripley would be interested Johannesburg. It enters first-class in all the in Johannesburg? leagues. A-No comment. ILfi ltceIralIrJ

§ ce cc It fi (0) Ifi1


By LlC I. K. STEUART Helmets are buckled on with grim resolution. This little pig said, "Team down," and gave Way to drive, you look real hard, the count. Team's all set for another yard. This little pig threw that All-American pass, We want a touch down~ Come on, let's really And this little pig caught it with superb class. go to town' This is the game we've looked forward to. Silence! One hero horizontal. too bad he had to fall, See that padded hero plow right through. The roughest. toughest of games. (He didn't Rah' Rah' for the one-man game, even have the ball). Flop, flop he's down, 0 what a shame. Helmets off, a solemn host, Cheer Leader, sound Down, ream back. hop, tWo three, Last Post. Our heroes huddle to get the gen What thought O.K., you guys, we've gotta drive now. is free? It's only three minutes to picnic and chow. Into line with hard look, panther-poised on one Gun. last play. scores have climbed by leaps knee, and bounds, Ready set, one-two-three (what will it Very impressive. Say, is it really as exciting as be?) it sounds? An end run, or a two, four foxy? Heigh ho, picnic time at last, There the ball goes. yelling spectators are on "Boy, was that second quarter ever fast. their toes. "Yeah, was it ever, I couldn't move when What determination. what mad action, Gunkhead passed." Blocking, t3ckling, heroes' cleats give good They're having a wonderful he-man game traction. today. How well our team has played its cards, Rock line up for kick off on second half of play. That magnificent rush has gained two yards' Slow up and down the field. in dazzling stale­ Striped men are on the scene to referee, mate We demand methods scientific for a game so This blurt of movement has drawn a record terrific. gate. Whistles, hooters, flares, and a gun for show; "Don't get restless, son. Hurry up with that yard chain, Joe "This is big time hero stuff, to the very last Substitutions, new ends in. let's go' gun'"

November 16-Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-two ROYAL ROADS Karl Pentow waIted for the electric shock to cells By zero-six-three-five the sun's rays had stab his foot. It was zero five-five-nine on penetrated through the heavy growth of the area Tuesday, the sixteenth of November, and the and the entire glass building was given a cold process of another day was about to begin. luminosity. The young group filed into the Karl was becoming used to riSIng routIne for the subsistence hall and sat down to a breakfast of waker had been employed since his arrival in hot gruel. brown bread and strong tea. They early August. ate in silence and occasionally one of them took a quick glance through the wall at the kitchen He arose naked from hIS cot and stepped down members who prepared their morning meal on the glass floor. He could see Mulhoff on the The hall lieutenant also watched floor directly below hIS own. Through the glass wall he watched Kertz In the next cubicle Karl spen t the rest of the morning attending rub his foot. The dormitory lieutenant in th~ lectures on all of the sciences, and political theory cubicle three to the right and two floors below and administration The lectures took place in flashed a beam at Karl. who quickly put on his the class wings and were carried out by "the two-piece grey uniform Karl already had two crisp dried" method. For Karl and the others beams to his credit now. One more and he the curriculum was not overly demanding for would undergo disciplinary alignment. He they had had a thorough grounding in all of made a mental note to be more alert. Karl's their subjects under a national educational year mates dressed almost in time with one system. At one-one-zero-zero the instructor lnother and then headed down to the cleaning left and the study lieutenant supervised a period THE LOG-1955 9'i

of callsthenics. Classes were resumed and at phYSical means. Karl steam was victOriOUs and one-three-zero-zero the young group marched he almost felt happy when he returned to the to the subsistence hall and ate the second meal cleaning cells. of the day. As Karl sat in the eating area he thought of pictures he had seen of the old cadet The evening food was eaten and back In the blocks, as they had been called. Karl had dormitory Karl spoke to Mulhoff and Kertz deduced that the present dining area had once about using their microfilm notes for a review been the site of a building referred to as the period that evening. An argument developed Castle. Karl was awakened from his reverie and before Karl real ized it, he had obtained his when he realized that the steady stare of the third beam. lieutenant was directed at him. There was no At two-zero-zero-zero Karl was led to the talking at the tables and the meal was over in light room. He was to remain awake for its usual thirteen minutes. twenty-four hours in a glass room that was The four years or terms went on parade imme­ smothered in a heavy. red. light. Karl stood diatel y after their meal. and already the young perfectly mute and withdrew-further into his group was becoming


By J C L. NUTTALL will recall. saw one of the more musically inclined officers. devoting the entire evening to It has become my sober duty to try to bring the instruclion of the centre dorm choir. This home to the Junior Term. in this flowery note. choir being composed of four cordent- but the gravity with which all situations at Royal talentless- vocalists and one fanatical conduc­ Roads must be regarded. Word has been for­ tor. made a complete shambles out of that stir­ warded to me from the Wing Office - from ring ballad. the Royal Roads School Song. whence come all great things - that life in its Whereupon the tortured officer decided that this en tirety is being treated far too I ightl y by us group would make a far better P . T. team. They Juniors. Term-mates, I can not impress upon forthwith spent the balance of the evening in you too strongly the solemnity which must now grou p ca I isthen tics. permeate our entire existence. I was profoundly shocked at the antics of my We shall review some of our earl ier heresies term-mates during these evenings, but as you no During the far-famed week of the "stand by doubt noticed. I remained quietly in the back­ a beds," the cadet officers, giving freely of their ground until the night the west dorm com­ d time to assist us in learning that all important pletely lost all reason . Who can forget the way element: self-control. were met with constanl I strode into this pack of madmen, my blanket gales of laughter from the three dorms. wrapped around my form toga-fashion. and )' Laughter! ! ! -during this most sincere and took complete conlrol of the situatIon with on~ k solemn week! My cheek still blushes with withering glance. The rest is history: my shame. No doubt some of you will still shudder impassioned plea. whilst standing atop the upon recalling your own actions. when a Flight lockers, for sadness at Royal Roads. a few of Leader approached soliciting aid in getting rid the rabble, who dared to question my of a pair of drawers he had just discovered lying philosophy. being herded Immediately into the dormant upon our changing room floor. His drying room for a little energetic meditation. insistence on a public auction was quite justified. My sweeping ex it whilst weeping Cadet Officers when you consider that this was the onl y faIr reached to touch the hem of my gown Ah method readily available. of giving us all a yes, a totally magntficent night! chance to wear them. From this peak however. things rapidly Then we have the following night, which deteriorated. until slackness became practically still lingers upon the records for having collected the order of the day. Evening Quarters, that or even more decibels than usual This night, you most solemn of rites. was rent asunder by con- d 96 THE LOG-195S stant gales of laughter. MornIng Wing Parade From this time on. we must strive to the became a night at the burlesque. And that utmost to rid our daily life "des situations horrible breakfast parade. when the JunIOr comiques." Might I suggest. chaps. that you Term Senior collapsed weakly onto the Cadet pick some outstanding example of inteIlectual Wing Adjutant. and received a well-deserved seriousness. and try to copy hIs attitude. In reprimand. all fairness to you. I shall add that my qualifica­ Only the Junior Gunroom retained some tions for the position are superb. vestige of its former humility Some of term­ For instance: all of you wiIl remember the mates even forgot their lofty positions so far night. after a particularly disgusting evening as to laugh at those downtrodden minions. the Seniors. I must remind you that Seniors arc quarters. The entire Junior Term with my exception. was marched off to their just desserts here only to help us Juniors. They should not be made laughing stocks OccasionaIly even (no pun intended) in the mess. For my exemp­ Juniors forget some important item a mis­ lary conduct on that parade. I was given the placed and or broken spiffy. or possibly a layer grand order of the "Tie in the Mouth" and as of two of frouse. From now on no more a fitting climax, allowed to display the decora­ sniggers when a Senior politely informs you of tion in the mess. Later, you will recall. five these errors. please. After all. we must remem­ disciples and myself were permitted to strap on ber the position we have to maintain. the rarely seen delicacies, the gaiters, and further­ more were allowed to wear them for a whole The Sunday Wing Parades will have to be week. At this latest recognition, the admiration regarded in future with something more than of the Cadet Officers grew by leaps and bounds. light-hearted contempt. Although of littl~ My friends and I were never completely free. importance. they arc our only chance to inspect during that week. of the unsuitable lime-light the Commandant. and if for no other reason. that always follows public figures. Why. some these parades should be treated with Itttle less days we received over five encores after particu­ levity. larly spectacular performances on the quarter­ On some of the pre-stand-down parades I deck. recall some snickers after we had been requested. in the most servile manner possible. to check Surely after reading the above. no doubt will our hands. That this is regarded in a humorous remain in the heart of any Junior as to whom light astounds me. CheckIng lazy and slack to follow in times of future crisis. hands. is a matter of grave Importance. affecting In parting. I shall leave my motto. which every Canadian at home and abroad. It must has so far carried me through hell. mud, and be practiced at every spare moment. and without slack party. "Keep your spiffy shone, check a silly smile adorning our features. your hands, and don't smile."


BII S C E C. BRADY check her heading In the gyro repeater and Cold winter dawn: a fngate alone at sea. and returns his eyes to the horizon. the line of the horizon. darkly Indistinct when The signalman. his visual skills unrequired the watch came on. now sharply defines the this lonely morning. squeezes into his corner. grey of sea and sky. alone and afar with his thoughts. Pitching easily with the swell as she cuts The two lookouts stand rigidly facing for­ her way smoothly forward at this early hour. ward. only occasionally stirring enough to scan Silence holds her save for the steady hiss of the the empty arc of the horizon. Earlier when bow wave and the occasional rattle of the they first came up they would have restlessly ngging. Astern a steady line of troubled surface attempted to keep warm but now they passively marks her passing. accept the sweeping cold. Upon her frosted bridge the hooded watch stand with the drawn appearance of monkish Below. down the ladder in the wheelhouse, ascetics the austere dawn has pierced the misted glass The Officer of the Watch. mittened hands of the ports. dispelling the darkness that greeted thrust deep within his convoy coat. leans back the watch when it formed up here earlier against the binnacle. his eyes calmy intent upon Then the erie blackness. broken only by the the horizon far ahead. The biting impact of faint red glow of the gyro repeater, exercised a the cold as the frigate cleaves through the frigid mystic effect on those told for the wheelhouse air seems to have no effect upon his expression­ Soft-voiced con versation flowed with a quiet less face. MechanicaIly he glances down to earnestness. LOG-1955 THl 97

But now the cold light that enters. reveals a Back up the ladder, through the lock. briefly harsh reality and deathly stillness prevails along the flat and down into the heated clangour The gash hands of the watch are sprawled of the engine room about on the deck in sleep. Their petty officer Here amid the throbbing of the lunging sits back against the bulkhead. infinite patience pistons and the hiss of escaping steam a pett), and acceptance in his eyes. Only the erect helms­ officer and two stokers stand watch. man is fully alert. protecting his seaman's pride One stoker moves about oiling while his mate by the steadiness of his course. and the petty officer. coffee cups in hand, carry Below. once more. along dark flats. under on a shouted conversation above the thunder bulging hammocks. down slippery ladders of the engines. through an air lock and into the suddenly over­ A momentary pause as the petty officer powering heat of the boiler room glances at some gauges and makes an entry in the log and the loud voiced conversation Day or night. It makes no difference here. resumes. On the bridge, a bitter cold that numbs, a sullen grey sea and a dawning sky Down here. deep And now back to the upper deck, a few Ve minutes climbing and once more there is the within her. intense heat, brilliant illumination and roaring boilers. cold. the silence and the sight of sea and sky. r· Aft along the slippery deck, below the spon­ Ie A stoker petty officer looks on as a busy son. alongside the after chart house to the stoker peers into the flames, adjusts feed valves solitary station of the after life sentry. s. and checks pressure gauges. Glistening beads Patiently waiting his relief he stands alone e. of perspiration stand on the foreheads of both in the cold of the morning. a hooded young t men. ordinary seaman not long out of Cornwallis. r· The Adventures of Slack-Party Burtie ill m Or An Ode to Morgan I'm Slack-Party Burtie, At last [ am done. [ nse at five-thirty The time has come To put on my gal tors and webbing. When I'm freed from the Slack Party's plzght. A cold winters' morn But alas' and alack' [s beginning to dawn . My bed was too slack, And the frost through my bloodstream IS ebbing. So J go on defaulters tonight. When nine-thirty comes round Then downstairs [ go Behold. J am found To prepare for the show, Before the Cadet Office door. My boots must be shinY and black . They summon me in [ whisk and I brush To be charged for my sin. [n a hornble rush In J march, and am standing before To get froust off my front and my back. The D.C. S L [t takes but a jiffy Who leans back and says "Well?" To polish my spiffy And then they read out my cnme. r. For that early morning inspecllon; "You' II have to confesss Your bed was a mess! My brass must be clean Is this not the second time? With a shimmering sheen, Or else they might raise some object/on' Your allitude's poor, Of that 1 am sure, Comes the inspection: And 1 actually shudder to think (I'm far from perfectIOn) , That If the Nauy ha.d you They find stacks of froust on my back; [n charg~ of a few Also they spy Of lis ships, how qUickly they'd sink! Gobs of filtheys on my lie, An R.C.N. man So they tell me I'm awfully slack. Must be as sharp as he can, That's what the Navy expects. "For that ternble display Why, If you'd a commission Take five Circles'" they say. Your slack disposition Then at last [ am through, and soon \Vould reduce the whole Navy 10 wrecks! se I'll have finished my day An improvement in you let Of punishment "A," Is long overdue; And can take off my gaitors at noon. You'd do well to heed what I say. 98 THE LOG-1955

For a bed wIthout form For tvencng Quarters Parade Made with sheets that are tom A list has been made Take one day's punishment 'A'." Which the Adjutant reads out with glee. Back to Slack-Party. Burtie! Circles for beds Fall in at twelve-thIrty. Or a mess en/ he heads To me that's familiar routine. Among those l find several for me. Weanng my belt 111 the mess !vI y downtrodden life Cost me six, and no less. or /oel and of strife I'd know better by now It seems Has but one consolation. And so it goes on For ofT charge l must come The whole day long l get circles for thIS and for that. To Joen en the fun Of the Royal Roads Graduation' If my boot-lace IS lunnkled, Or my collar es cnnkled, Do they have an award for the poorest slack­ Or the crease 111 my pants has gone flat. parry turnou t I


(From "Scots Wha Hae") Wha wIll fill a muddy grave (Blow bubbles!) By J C J H FYFE Wha sae base as such a knave (Repeater). DOGGIE NIGHT: Let him turn and flee Recruits. wha hac got all their breath (Take - INTO TIlE GULLY six') Wha for Junior's pride and law (RRSO's') Recruits, wha can hear what a sentor saith (Out Recruits wIll nae run sae slow (Last fifteen do on the Square). it again') Welcome to a gory death (Obstacles this Junior finish or Junior fa'. way!) Let him follow me (Over the hill!) Or to victory ON CHARGE. INITIATION DAy- WAKEY ' WAKEY ' By oppression' s woes and pains, Now's the day and soon's the hours (1 400. Circles run in servile chains. (Gaiters) 20th Oct., 1954) We have drained our dearest veins Recruits wha can nae bow noe lower But we shall be free (Skylark!) See approach proud seniors' power (C W C) PILLOW FIGHT' Chains and slavery (Twen ty four hours of La y the proud Sentors low. the ball and chain) Tyrants fall in every foe, -GuN-Roo:,,! CONF-ERE~cr · Liberty's in every blow. Wha will be a senior's slave. Let us do or die.


By G. H. HERBERT gorax beads hanging about her neck. a gift of the groom. Parson Pascal offiCIated at a quiet little wed­ ding in the General Scientific Lab. on Friday, The matron of honor, Miss Betty Beaker. November 13th. when he united in holy was dressed quaintly with an original copy of matrimony Florence Flask. only daughter of the watch glass on her head Mr. and Mrs. Erlenmeyer Flask. to Timothy FollOWing the ceremony. the wedding party Testube, eldest son of Mr and Mrs. Pyrex returned to the Lab. where a reception was held Testube for 20 guests at the home of the bnde's parents. Locker 16 The wedding was performed by the Itght of The decorated table was centered by a three­ a Bunsen Burner. as the fragrance of ammonia layer wedding cake composed of many com­ floated through the Lab They entered to the pounds and flanked by flowers In H20 A strains of "The Laboratory Waltz," played on toast of sulphuric acid was made to the bnde the resonant tuning fork. by Peter Salt. The bride was charmingl y dressed In an array Later in the week a "locker warming party" of clamps. etc., which was topped off by a was held which went "off" with a great beautiful 2-holed Cenco stopper and a string of "explosion ..


By S C E. C. BRADY decided to resuscitate the department by regain­ ing those former contacts and by presenting Quite a few years ago it was the practice of articles about them. this department to carryon an exchange of It is hoped thaI a continuation of this ex­ ideas and customs with other service colleges. change policy will result in an ever-increasing The United States Naval Academy originated degree of friendship between Royal Roads and this idea soon after the war intending to foster other service Colleges. an understanding between the various naval This year we are pleased to present articles colleges of the Western World. When Royal on the Royal Military School of Belgium and Roads changed successively from the Royal the United States Air Force Academy, and a Canadian Naval College to the RCN-RCAF series of photographs from three naval colleges. College and finally to a Canadian Services Considerable widespread in ter-college corre­ College the scope of exchange was broadened spondence has been carried on as well and we to include colleges of all three services. particularly wish to thank the Royal Naval Lately this policy of keeping In touch was Engineering College, Manadon, for excellent not carried out and the Loq did not carry any material and regret that a lack of space does exchange articles. However, this year it was not permit us to include it all here.


By S C C. D. C. JACOBS Soon after Belgium became an independent state in 183l, the need for an efficient officer corps to train its own armed forces resulted in the foundation of the Royal Military School in l834, situated in Brussels with the motto "Cum rege, pro Jure et honore." Its original purpose was to form officers for the artillery, the engineers, the staff corps, and the navy. In l840 a special section for the infantry and the artillery was created. The naval section ceased to exist in l862 and, on account of the creation of the Staff College in l869, the staff section also disappeared. To be admitted to the School. the candidates From this date the Military School consisted have to be graduates of classical or scientific of two sections only: Infantry and Cavalry on humanities. Then they have to pass a series one side, Artillery and Engineers on the other. of examinations. Starting in April they are The duration of study was two years for the given medical. physical and psychotechnical former section, and four years for the latter. tests, and a very thorough examination in the mother language, either French or Dutch since During both World Wars the school was the country is bilingual. Those who succeed closed. In 1946 the college was reorganized write examinations in history, geography and in two sections: the "All Arms" section, cover­ a second language at the end of June, and those ing three years, and the "Poly technical" section, who pass again go on in August to the final covering five years, examinations in physics, chemistry and mathe­ The Staff Organization, which comes matics which are both written and oral. directly under the Minister of National Defence, Before actually entering the Military School comprises the Director of Studies, the Director the candidates get their basic military instruc­ of Military Instruction and Education and the tion in a two months' camp starting mid­ Commander of the Headquarters Company. September They are still open for elimination. The teaching staff is con trolled by the Director There, final decisions about admittance of of Studies whereas the Director of Military candidates are made, on which occasion they Instruction and Education commands the Cadet receive the blue beret, the rank of corporal, and Companies and the Educational Officer. T~e are accepted as cadets of the school. The whole teaching staff is composed of Clvlltan and mtll­ event is accompanied by a colourful parade held tary professors, lecturers and repetitors, in Brussels. THE LOG-1955 101

Life m the R.M.S. is characterized by mtense sports tournament between Sr. Cyr, the Royal study: from 8 till 12 a. m and from 2 till 8 Academies of Sandhurst and Breda. and the p.m. Of the weekly program three hours are R.M.S. Each year the competition takes place spent m drill. three hours in motor-bike riding. m a different country On this occasion cadets and three hours in sports. Another three hours have the opportunity of putting their courses of sports. however, take place as early as 6 m a second language and English to use. o'clock in the morning on Mondays, Wednes­ On graduating from the "AI1 Arms" section days and Fridays. About fifteen to eighteen the cadets are posted to the Arm y or Air Force. lectures of 75 minutes duration take place a Account is taken of their desired corps or branch week. The same amount of free study time as far as possible. Complementary military is provided. The remaining time is absorbed trammg IS also given in four-month courses in by lab-exercises. differen t "Arms Schools." After this course The cadets are frequently tested There is the young officers go to their units. Recently, one oral test after any three lectures in all naval ~andldates have been trained in foreign courses. After a substantial part of a course countries. is covered there is a more extensive written and To be admitted to the Poly technical section, oral examination. After the summer holidays, the applicants must pass extensive examinations from the end of july til1 mid-August, there in mathematics. The programme of the studies is a review of all subjects followed by final is the same as the one in Belgian Universities oral examinations. for graduates in engineering. On reaching their One day a week is devoted to military train­ fifth year the cadets are directed into one of ing in the field. For these schemes the school four specialities: Armament and Ballistics, Con­ uses its own transport. tank units, gun batteries struction and Demolition. Telecommunications. and half tracks which are provided by a RACS and Automobile Mechanics. company permanently stationed in the school. Cadets of the "All Arms" section are pro­ Each year a three weeks' training camp takes moted to second-lieutenan ts and go on to the place in May. The purpose of the military School of Applied Science. where they wil1 instruction is to enable cadets to act after two spend their remaining three years. years of study as infantry platoon commanders. AI1 promotions or terms bear a number. At After succeeding in their first year, cadets receive the presen t momen t the first year "AI1 Arms" the rank of adjutant, which is the highest non­ promotion (junior term) is the 94th and the commissioned rank. Success in the second year first year "Poly technical" promotion is the is awarded with the rank of second-lieutenant. 1 09th. The whole of the Military School Cadets have to know both languages of the forms the first battalion of the Belgian Army. country equally well. and to attain this aim In both World Wars graduates of the establish­ the school is run one week in Dutch and the ment brought credit to both the School and other in French. Worth noting is a yearly the cou n try.


By S C J. VALIHORA entrance into the academy. (From Informal ion supplied by Thomas F. A well-rounded education. including the Corrigan. LI. Colonel, USAF) social humanities. science and athletics, with emphasis on the study of English wil1 be given The United States Air Force is currently In at the Academy. An airmanship program to the process of setting up an academy to train train the cadet as a qualified aerial navigator aircrew officers for the regular and reserve forces. will be given as a continuous course during the Temporary accommodation for the first cadets four college years. In addition to the navigation has been arranged at Lowry Air Force Base in training. a short flight training course is to be Denver, Colorado. The permanent site of the given to senior cadets Intensive pilot training academy wil1 be constructed at the foot of the is to be given to suitable personnel after gradua­ Rocky Mountains near Colorado Springs. Colo­ tion from the academ y. During the course of rado. On July II, 1955. the first class of their n3vigation training. the cadets will make three hundred cadets will be admitted a number of training flights every year. The candidates for entry must be nom mated The academic curriculum deals with two by a Senator or Congressman. All cadets will primary areas of learning. namely humanities be selected on the basis of competitive examina­ and scientific studies. Among other subjects tions of col1ege entrance level. Of course, a the humanities courses include philosophy. good general character and personal ity. and a history. and a foreign language. The scientific knowledge of aviation are also desired Men study provides the future career officers with a in a military service may also apply for the fundamental knowledge of the Aeronautical 102 THE LOG-195'5

Sciences. In the senior year. subjects such as During the summer months. cadets will make aerodynamics and aircraft design are included field trips throughout the United States to visit in the course The courses are related to air­ Air Force installations and learn the practical craft equIpment and aviation problems rather aspects of flying. Courses of instruction will than to purely theoretical situations. be given in the firing of automatic weapons and Sports and physical training will be an im­ the operation of auxiliary aircraft equipment portant part of the Academy life. An extensive and manoeuvre. program of intramural and intercollegiate com­ A four-week leave is granted to cadets during petition in a wide range of sports will. be the summer Except in the freshman year. included. Football. soccer. hockey. wresthng additional leave is given at Christmas. and baseball will be Included in the sports pro­ gram. After the cadet body has expanded with The United States Air Force Academy time. games with Annapolis and West Pomt promises to be one of the foremost military are quite probable colleges in the world.

R.M.C. NEWSLETTER In September No. 2140 Air Commodore D. At the end of January the College was visited A. R. Bradshaw. D.F.C. CD .. succeeded No. by the Advimry Board. This was the first 1137 Brigadier D. R. Agnew. CBE .. CD .. as post-war meeting of the Board and representa­ Commandant of R.M.C tives of Royal Roads and CM.R. were present. Early in October the Annual Meeting of the The representative of Royal Roads is W. A. R.M.C Club of Canada coincided with the Mather. President of the CP.R Opening Exercises. at which General Sir Neil In February the Cadet Wing was addressed Ritchie. G.B.E.. KCB .. D.S O. M.C. was by Dr W. E. Trueman. Chairman of the Inspecting Officer Colonel K. H Tremain. National Film Board. who gave an account of O.B.E .. E.D .. was elected President of the Club the work being done under his direction. to succees Lieutenant-Colonel R R. Labatr. This was an important meeting for Royal Roads The Recruits' Cakewalk was held early in since under the new constitution "Gentlemen March. This is about the sixtieth annual who have received their Honourable Discharge presentation of the show. which is put on by from Royal Roads or Le College Militaire ROyal the Recruit class for the amusement of the rest shall be admitted to Associate Membership upon of the College. At the end of the entertainment their making written application to the General the custom is that the Commandant presents a Council. Associate members shall enjoy all the huge cake to the recruits and the CWC grants privileges of ordinary members but shall have them a "'Lids-Off." no vote at meetings of the Parent Club." 01 The annual R.M C -U.S M.A hockey game course if you go on to R.MC you are still took place at West Point this year E. H eligible for full voting membershIp Garrard. a former CWC at Royal Roads. scored The R.M C vs. Queen's UniversIty football one goal In thIS game. which R M.C won 3-2. game. which takes place on the Saturday of the The Cadet Wing is. this year. the largest Ex-Cadet Weekend. was won by R.M.C this ever Of the 403 Cadets. 96 are ex-R.R. A year. representative group of seven Cadets of CM.R A few days later the College was viSIted by Joined the Second Year of the College in Major-General the Rev Canon V J Pike. September These-the first to Join R.M.C Chaplain-General to the British Forces. who from CM.R. have been well integrated into delivered an address to the Cadets the Wing. They will be joined by the Later in the month the College was visited remainder of CM.R.·s initial intake class in by Sir Robert Watson-Watt who opened the the fall of 1955. Lecture Series with an address on "Electronics and the Serviceman" SIr Robert invented radar All the CSL's of Squadrons this year have in 1934. been graduates of Royal Roads. No. I Sqn has In November the Recruits' Obstacle Course C A. Shook. a former Editor of the Log. No was held. followed by an unusually boistrous 2 Sqn has W H Johnston. a former President "Lids-Off." which means that the Recruits have of the SenIor Gunroom No.3 Sqn has G. R. all the prIvileges of the Fourth Year (except Skinner. who was Secretary Treasurer of th~ that the.y must still double the Square and may Camera Club and an outstanding member of not prefer charges). until midnight. the Rifle Team No 4 Sqn has W. H. Jopling. Later in the month the College was addressed one of the finest all-round men Roads has by Abbe Arthur Maheux. the distinguished produced educator. on the topic "Lubricating National No. 3923 Cdt. G. Mainer. Frictions ... Assistant Editor. The Marker. EX-CADETS ~


THE LOG-1955 10:; EDITOR'S NOTE The Staff extends its thanks to all those doubtedly mcrease many pleasant assoCIations ex-cadets who have contributed to or com­ of the past. municatzd with the Log this year Special An effort was made to retam as much as men tion should be made of the fine efforts of possible of the author's natural style and Lieutenant Joy. Dr. Schieder and Professor humour in each class report. In many cases. how­ Cook. who so gladly supplied assistance and ever. that information has been supplemented organized the material. or condensed as was necessary. The Log was faced with a slight shortage of We hope that the section has been improved material from some of the earlier terms this by these few changes. and that it will provide year. an understandable dilemma It would be interesting reading to the ex-cadets of Royal well to improve this situation in the future. Roads. however. as added information would un- THE EDITOR

CLASS OF 1943 By C. L. HOPKINS H. J. WADE is appointed to the staff of the Department of Torpedo Anti-Submarine War­ C. L. HOPKINS is working on the Mechanical fare in Ottawa. He is currently on course in and Electrical Engineering Staff. Dockyard. England. Halifax. He is the proud father of twin sons. born in June. 1954. R. A. SHIMMIN is stationed at Naval Head· H. C. AR SDORF is on S.N.A.M. at HMCS qua rters. Otta wa SHE! RWATFR. Twins. a boy and a girl. were K. R. CROMBIE is serving in COND in born to his wife in June. 1954. Hamilton. He is said to be contemplating the A. L. COLLIER took a dagger Navigation commercial aspect of tree farming in the Niagara Direction course in England in the fall of 1954. Peninsula. He took over as Navigator in HMCS MAGNIFI A. B. C. GERMAN is Staff Officer "G" with CENT a short time later. CANAV BRIT. C. G. PRATT is to be taking the Dagger N.D. course in England in the spring of 1955. and J. G. WATERS is working at the Communica­ is then to be Squadron Navigator of the 1st tions School. HMCS CORNWALLIS. Canadian Escort Squadron. His ship will be N. R. MILLEN is Navigating Officer aboard HMCS ALGONQUIN. HMCS ONTARIO. A. B. TORRIE relinquished command of M. A. CONSIDINE is a Communicator with HMCS PORTAGE when she paid off into the Can. Flag Pac. reserve. H. G. J. WALLS is taking humanities at N. E. CLAYARDS is at the T.A.S. School U.B.C. HMCS STADACONA. The second visit of the proverbial stork is expected soon at Chez Lou SPENCE is well established at Toronto CIa yards. JON NICHOL. too. is well established at Van­ couver. B.C. D. R. CHASSELS retired from the RCN in the fall of 1954 to attend U.B.C. He is attend­ BOB McLEAN recently left V.S. 881 to join ing the Theological School there. with the HMCSR VENTURE at Esquimalt. B.C. object of taking orders in the Church of Eng BING KILPATRICK is a Lt. RCR (R). RTD. land in Canada. living in Halifax, N.S. D. S. JONES became Engineering Officer in The suggestion has been raised and supported HMCS IROQUOIS in the summer of 1954 by Bing and several others of the class of '4"3 J J. MACBRIEN won the American D.F.C. that a Memorial Trophy be contributed to m operations in Korea. while on exchange With commemorate those of the class who lost their the U.S N. He is now at Naval Headquarters lives in Korean action: Ross ANNETT. WILLY In Ottawa. SPENCER and JOHN MURPHY. As soon as an accurate address list has been compiled it may P. G. MAY is serving on the staff of SACLANT be possible to contact each member of the' 4:1 In Norfolk. Va .. U.S.A. class about such action. In any case, the Ex R. W. J. COCKS is commanding an Avenger Cadet Club would appreciate any views of class Squadron on HMCS MAGNIFICENT. members about the trophy. 106 THE lOG I 9 1 ~ CLASS OF 1944

BROOKS, G. W. S. - Bud IS still 10 the much- better. He is still working as a supply prairies now serving as a school relations officer officer in H.M.e. Dockyard, Esquimalt. near Regina. Norah, wife, Debby, daughter MACLEAN, R. e.-Doughey is the father of and Bud spend many of their leaves in Victoria two children and a bonnier two we have rarely staying with his parents. seen. He is now at H.M.e.S. VENTURE pay­ CAl\!ERON. A K.-Casey is back at sea as ing for his athletic sins at CORNWALLIS and supply officer of the CAYUGA. We were all very SHEARWATER where he was an ardent footbali sorry to hear of the unexpected death of his wife player. Peggy who died in the fall of 1954. Four of MACPHERSON, J. A.-Ian is the first of the the pall bearers were ex-cadets: Bud Smith, term to make Time Magazine. He was appar­ Dave Manning. Dunc McNichol and Danny ently caught pulling an umbrella down over Marcus some duchess' head in Quebec. He is in Ottawa COCHERAi\!. A M.-AI came west to become as an aide to the Governor General. rhe "Flag" to Flag Officer Pacific Coast. He is NASH, D. P.-Pat is the first in our term to now usually seen resplendent with aiguillettes be promoted and is now a Lieut.-Cdr. (E). and full of ceremony. NEV, M. F.-Mike was killed in Kenya this COTE. J. P -Jacques is back In his native year while serving with the Kenya Police Force. Quebec serving as a staff officer to a Reserve N!VE'N, R. K.-Dick is a navigator. He and Naval Air Squadron. Dave Jellett are the stalwarts that run the navi­ Fox. A. E.-Alex is the acting e.0. of the gation training centre in H.M.e.S. NADEN Navy's first jet flight. He and his wife have Dick is more of a free lance navigator and is one child and arc due to have another. shortly to take up an appointment to H.M.e.S. FRANK. J F -Johnny is still in Halifax and CRESCENT. hke all the engineers has been promoted to REYNOLDS, E. K.-Ted is still the sports Lleut -Cdr. (E). director of CJVI in Victoria. He broadcasts all JFLLETT. J 0 Dave IS the officer in charg~ the local sports events and is becoming a local of the navigation and direction training centre celebrity at H M e.S NADE:-..! in EsqUlmalt. ROWLEY. H.-Envy strikes again. Another JOY. H D -Don IS completing his second engineer has been promoted to Lieut.-Cdr. year as a squadron commander at Royal Roads ahead of the rest of his term. He expects to go to sea In September. SANfORD, F. A.-See above. KOESTER, e. B Bev still takes a very activ~ SMlTH, R. N. G.-Bud was the supply officer Interest in the Navy He comes back every year of H.M.e.S LABRADOR when it made its epic to Royal Roads to teach navigation to the North West passage this summer. U N.T.D cadets. Bev IS now a school teacher. WIGGS, E A.-Ed has not been very well MARCUS. D. L Danny has worked himself this last year He is still at H M e.S SHEAR­ Into poor health although recently he looks \\' \TER in Dartmouth. N.S.

CLASS OF 1945 By ED COSI'ORD !tvlng in the centre of the city north of the University. ROGER MORR!S-practislng law In Toronto, expecting his second child in January, 1955. BOB STONE- is a stock and bond ban in a The first is a girl. "Deborah." He owns a good Toronto brokerage house, doing well. comfortable bungalow in North York and a several children, charming wife. beautiful red convertible PETER CORNELL-is the first In the class of 41 to attain the rank of Lieutenant Commander PETER LAWSON, hVlng In Toronto selling (R) and held that rank while commanding a plastics throughout On tario He recen tl y be­ Bangor Minesweeper based at HMCS STAR on came engaged to June Marler of Montreal the Great Lakes during this past summer. He (Transport Mlnlster's daughter) and he will IS now finishing off his PhD. Thesis in Eco­ be married in May in Montreal. nomics at Harvard University and acting as a AL SUTHERLAND--is now 10 second year part tim~ lecturer in economics. Holds an law at the University of Toronto Law Faculty Imperial Oil Company Scholarship. Married and was 9th in a class of 55 last spring. His and has several children. He is as jovial and father died last year and the family arc now rotund as ever, the most salty of all the VRs. THE LOG-1955 107

GRAHA,\I DAwso;-,; - is approaching th~ He left Toronto last September and has spent deliverance of fourth child (wIfe more actively the tnterventng ttme In Peterborough where he concerned), the construction business in Britisb has been widening hIS knowledge of Switch Columbia is keeping him thoroughly occupied Gear Paul will now be doing sales work for His firm had a good sbare of the con tract for four years and a half in the technical and the recent new Burrard Bridge in Vancouver administrative SIde of the bUSIness. He writes tbat he now bas con tracts as wIde­ d spread as \Vhltehorse and Fort MacMurray, and JIl\.l PATERSON-JIm IS now in London, Ii is enjoying a good volume of business In SpllC England, with the Alumtnium Company's of stiff competition. British and European sales office. Jim has a DAVE MATHER--


By LEET is with the R.C.A.F. at North Lulfenham. SAl\! Toy - No 262 MESSRS. CREERY and GRAHAM are free-lancing BOB MONTGOMERY - No. 247 journalists on British tabloids. D.N. will soon join the happy throng, as he is presently on a Your western co-responden ts report as world encircling tour and was last reported as a follows: errors, libels, slanders and omiSSions charter member in the Bombay Bicycle Club excepted-of course. In the statistical department -of fifty known In the land of milk and honey at H.M.C.S members in the class there have been twenty­ NIAGARA is WEE WILLIE (believe it or not seven matrimonial connections resulting in the men, \VILLIE has lost his state of bachelor­ procreation-at the moment-of a total of hood) and MURWIN (who leads the field in twenty-eight and a half bairns. (This total baby bonus collections). includes some which as yet have not attained On the domestic scene, we have SALTY BOB unit status). in Montreal. father of one and employed by Unfortunately at divisions the following c.l.L. SPRINGER ATKINSON, presently is en­ members did not muster and have been awarded gaged in straining the muscles of the most recent two days slack party: LA~!BIE, NURSE, RE­ edition of naval cadets under the Venture Plan FORD, STEELE, and WALES. -COL WOOD run anyone? The overseas representatives whose correspon­ dence did not reach us in time for this epistle, BURP presently is engaged in T.A.S. (not Telephone Answering Service) at Naden. and who may be contacted through H.M.C.S. NIOBE, London, are ELLIS, HAYES, HENLEY BETHUNl' is now living in a new home in (skiing in Switzerland at Christmas), BAYLEY, Burlington, Ont., and is working in the field of HOPKINS (expected back in Canada about May), electrical engineering. BILINGUAL BRENCH i~ McLEAN, RUSK (Harry was married in Hamil­ meeting the public for c.1.L. in Montreal. and ton in December before he went overseas), and now wishes he had brushed a little closer to SMITH (now attached to the R.N.) KNOX· "Tess" and "Side Pockets Sam." THE LOG-1955 109

K.D.B. is designing skyscrapers for a firm of DIA~IO"D JIM completed a voyage, under architects in Vancouver. sail. from Halifax to VictOrIa in the H.M.CS. J.Y. is the E.O. in H MCS. TORO:-


By F. D, MALLOCH is on a "Dagger" course in the U.K, and no doubt is "walking on air." having recently been Nineteen fifty-four has seen many of the married "PANCHO" COSTIN and HUGH mem bers of the term of '48. both service and PLANT have jusl completed long "N" courses in civilian occupied once again with courses England, Hugh also navigates a baby carriage educational-be it courses marital or courses complete with little girl when not tied up with intellectual. an R.N. tactical course, while Pancho has Perhaps the most newsworthy "civvie" is returned to Canada with wife, June. and has GEORGE COWLEY. "Kelly" was last heard of joined "Maggie." JIM KNOX. now an engineer, working as a salesman in Dakar (or was il is taking a Dagger "E" course at Greenwich, Algiers?) and planning a trip across the Sahara and has successfully "engineered" an engage­ ment to a young lady from Plymouth, Desert' "BUTTONS" McDONALD, AL MORRIS and Returning to this side of the Atlantic, at CORNWALLIS we have "ALGY" LOWE, happily JACK WATSON are all in England on Long married to a Halifax girl and taking a long T.A,S. courses Al and Jack have recently communications course, Also at CORNWALLIS. become blushing bridegrooms, while Buttons with wife and young son, is "BOOTS" BOOTH. has already two "blooming" yo.ung lllIJpers, employed as divisional officer for new entries, "CLUEY" ATWOOD. an aeronautIcal engllleer , 110 THE OG 1 9 5 :;

Algy and Boots are about to be knocked int.o lieutenant in the R.C.A F. (presently In shape by "KNOCKFR" WHYTE. a newly quall­ France) but be has a wife and young son' fied P \'1 R.T specialist posted to CORNWALLIS. Heading back to Oakville, Ont, we have and one of our few RC.N bachelors. Also PETER MCINTYRf WIth the Bell Telephone Co. unmarried, and also on the east coast are CRAIG a wife, and a little girl. In Kingston (not in BALSON. an aeronautical engineer at SHEAR­ the "Pen") are Pr'TFR HILL, with his own WATER and "DAN BUOY" CURRIE, taking a insurance business, and "SMITTY" SMITH, a long electrical course at STADACONA Tbis will recently married and full-fledged CA. with be a surprise, but Don always was one for a Dupont of Canada. change of view' "JOLK" A'IDRFW is an engineer, tbe proud fatber of tWIns, and when ROBIN LECKIL is with tbe R.C.N In last heard of was helping to keep steam up Ottawa "LECK" owns an MG. and a aboard H.MC.S. Q\.,fBI·C If our information "Pointer" dog, WALLY TILDEN is also In is correct. this would make him a ship mate of Ottawa, is married with two young fry, and is ER'l11 MCCliBBIN who is married and an manager of Tilden Rent-A-Car Co. electrical engineer of fairly long standing. "WABBIT" MORTON tied the matrimonial Here in Montreal we are fully equipped to splice last September and is now serving in handle all manner of troubles. We just lack H.M.C.S. MICI\IAC while DlNNY PRATT, medical doctors-bowever, we do know some reportedly still single, is a "ball of fire electrical pretty nice nurses, and we do have a doctor of officer" aboard one of the Tribal destroyers ph )'sics in the person of "OZZIE" OSBORNE, Last but not least in tbe east is TED LISTER PH.D., who is quite newly married and a research wbo now has two youngsters and expects to physicist witb Canadian Marconi Co. If you graduate in 1955 from Dalbousie witb a B A. have legal troubles, see MARC BRIERE or in economics and pbilosophy "JENNY" PROVOST, both are lawyers and both After completing a surface and aIr operations are married with one child eacb. If its financial course near Chicago, "MURCH" MURISON has difficultIes, go to SA!>.! CARPENTER or "EDDIE" headed west, togetber with new family, to join PRICE (wbose twins are now three years old, H M.C.S. CAYUGA. ROBBIE YOUNG (that old by the way) Sam was married last fall and has married man with a little girl and boy) is just completed his CA. (passing bis exams on 1 tbe first crack) Eddie is presently with already in CAYUGA and has JUSt finisbed 13 2 months in the Far East "GUNDER" MILES, McDonald, Currie \'1 Co. and is continuing with electrical officer in H.M.C.S HURON, IS on bis his CA "TURBO" LABELLE, married and an way home after a spell in the Korean area. Also architect, stands ready to design you a home on the west coast are HAI\IISH BRIDG:-"IAN, now and or a moustache ~ If you need insurance we first lieutenant of FORTUNE and PETER bave "BUCK" SIRCOM and TIM COUGHTRY SHIRLEY who is supply officer in H M C S. with tbe Sun Life, Tim is selling successfully, STETTLER and the proud father of a young son. believe me~ Buck looks after any irate customers Tbe McGill "Red men " bave had to get along and in addItion is takIng four courses at Sir without BOBBIE "ICAL! IS1TR as be is now George Williams College. witb Consolidated MInIng and Smelting Co. ill Trail. B.C., and IS also married Also "out In the engineering field are "IRON HORSE" west' IS BOB McBURNfY, but that IS all w~ ROWLANDS with the Diesel Engine Dept. of know The trails of "MOUSf" RIDDELL and Fairbanks-Morse, "JE"NY" POITRAS (recently "G.B" WHYTE are buried even deeper We returned from a scbolarship tour of European hope to hear of them soon industry) who is married and a field engineer for Sir Robert McAlpine. general contractors, That man with "head In the clouds" IS and DAVEY MALLOCH in the Plant Engineer­ BRUCE SHEASBY, for not only IS he a flight- ing Dept of Northern Electric.


BI/ HARVEY KNIGHT be back at tbe C \'1 R Squadron at Vancouver LORNf BROuGHTON was marrIed last Decem­ shortl y H '\NI, T A:-"IOWSKI has finIshed his ber. His wife's name is LorraIne Mean while ~lcond season WIth the Ottawa Roughridcrs and Lorne is instructing navIgators at Winnipeg. managed to stay alive He even bad enough "B A." HOWARD is still leadIng the race with energy left over to court a Toronto girl named two boys and a girl In hIS spare tIme he's Freida whom be married recently. Hank is in doing some engineering in Toronto, and living Tclccomm here at Rockcliffc. ANDY CLARKE on Saranac St. NOEL (GABBY) LYON spent a is also with us here in the capacity of Nav weekend in Ottawa recently wbile on course at Leader with 408 Pboto Squadron. Gus WITT the Instrument Flying School at Centralia. He'll paid a recent visit to Ottawa from the balmy THE LOG-1955 III city of Vancouver where he IS Telecomm Officer told ~o me that RAY HOWfY is now flYIng a He tel1s me that S\IITTY and RAY E:-'IERSm,; desk In the A'r Plans branch of Air Division are hiding out In the bush somewhere at a at ;\letz, France, I couldn't believe it without couple of radar stations, KE:-;NY LEWIS and seeIng it. so TED DrLO:-':G Invited me over to CURLY CHARRON are both enjoying the plea­ witness his own domesticity in Halifax where sures of Germany, Curly as an intel1igence officer he's with the MarItime \Varfare School DAN at Zweibrucken and Ken as a fighter pilot at the F:\RRFLL "t last reports was stil1 instructing edge of the Black Forest near Baden Baden Radio Officers at Clinton Tarnowski tells me BILL PETERSO:-.1, CARL LONG\IUIR, BILL th,lt Ro:-.: FORTIER, recently married, commutes MARSH and PAT MAXWELL are all found on business between Montreal and Ottawa tucked away at Grostenquin or "gross tin can" FRED MOORE, stIll in the test pilot business in France, The first three fly Sabres while ,\1ax with the RCAF, is now testing CF 100's with handles the logistics. Speaking of supply people. AVRO, Toronto, after his spel1 at Canadair where is DOUG LrSS? lowe him a drink. PAT r spent an enjoyable two hours with RIP KIRBY, HIGGS marrIed a school teacher at Fort DICK H \, IILTON and ROGER SWEENY in the Churchill. became the father of twins and r wardroom of Rip's ship last summer, haven't heard of his whereabouts since, Maybe the shock was too much for him I understand (HARVlY K0IIGHT is a transport jockey with that HI CARSWELL is instructing at Claresholm 412 (T) Squadron, at RCAF Station Rock­ on an aircraft more his own size It has been el iffe,)

CLASS OF 1950 By SEVERAL CU.\I:-'llNG, J. M,-Married to an ex-R,N, ALLISON, W, C.-Seen at Sal rna, B,C .. last wren officer Has one child, Now serving In summer, and is believed to be working in the H,M C.S, SIOUX as navigating officer. East, COTARAS, C. Married, and serving In ARSENAULT, G - Studied at Ohio State U:-':G-\\,A, a coastal mine-sweeper. University last year, and hopes to lecture at DES '\ULLES, H, P,-Hank is zone super­ R,M,C. this year, Guy is getting married visor for Traders' Finance Co, in Montreal. shortly, DEVLIN, J, K,-Joe is a lieutenant in the BARBEAU, A,-Andre is still studying for 4th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse his M,D, at the University of Montreal. Artillery, stationed at Camp Utopia, N,S, BELL, R, J, M,-Ricky's busy life with the GEDDES, J, L.-John was seen at Salmo, Ld,D,H, (R,C.) in Calgary does not prevent B,C., last summer. He is now working at a him from keeping in touch with the other bank in Trail. B,C. members of his term, GERMAIN, V, L.--Still studying at McGill. BELLAII.lY, C. P,-Pete is still working near HAI\\.\IOND, G, F,-Gary is a lieutenant in Kitimat, B,C. the 4th R.C.H,A" stationed at Camp Utopia, BLACK, K, R -Ken is a lieutenant in the HARLEY, G, p, - Peter was working for Royal Canadian Dragoons. He is at present General Electric last year, and now at the stationed at Petawawa, Harvard School of Business Administration in Boston, BULL. R, W,-Bob is a lieutenant in Lord Strathcona's Horse: he has just been posted rLSLEY, C.-"Chuck" is a lieutenant in the from the regiment to the R,C.A,C.C. school. R,C.N, (Supply), Is now stationed at Gunnery Wing, at Meaford, Ont, He received H,M,C.S, VENTURE as captain's secretary, He two Belgian decorations in October, 1954, for is married and has a son born in June, 1954, his actions in a period in which he was attached KERR, J, S,-Working for Taylor Forge and to a battalion of Belgian infantry in Korea, Pipe in Toronto, Bob was married to a Victoria girl in August. LOOMIS, D, G.-Dan is a lieutenant in the 1954, 1st Battalion R,C.A, and is stationed at London, CHASTER, W C.-Lieutenant in the R,C.N Ont. Dan graduated from Queen's University married and has one child StatIoned at with honours in chemical engineering in May, H,M,S, DOLPHIN, where he is taking a sub­ 1954, marine course, McEWEN, W G Wes is with the R,C.A,F, COCKBURN, R,-Bob is with STAN EASSON in Europe, in a Sabre squadron (No, I Fighter Wing, McKEE, I F -In the R,C.N , on the East stationed at Marnille, France), Coast CRICKARD, F, W,-Fred is a lieutenant in McLOUGHLIN, E P,-"Duke" is a flying the R,C.N, at STADACONA doing a pre-gunnery officer stationed at Gimli, Man He IS sports car editor for the station paper there course I 12 THE LOG-195'i

MAINGUY, D N. Dan married Susan STILES. P. M.-Pete is attending the Uni­ Wainwright last January; IAN WISHART was versity of British Columbia. best man, and HENRI DESSAULI ES was the SULLIVAN, W. D . - Bill attended the other member of the class present. Dan is now Ontario College of Education, and is now teach­ in H.M.C.S. ALGONQUIN. ing somewhere in Ontario. MILLER, M. C. - Mike is a civil engineel graduate from the University of Toronto. He SWARTMAN. R. K. - Bob is engineering is working for the City of Toronto In the officer for 414 Fighter Squadron overseas. engineering department. SWEENY, R. D. G. - Gunnery officer. MOFFAT. A. C.-Monte is a lieutenant in H.M.C S. STETTLER. (he 4th R.C.H.A., stationed at Camp Utopia. WALLIS, A D. - Fl ying officer with 407 NELLES. W. A.-A lieutenant in the R.C.N .. Squadron. based at Comox, B.C.. engaged in stationed at CORNWALLIS supervising ordinary maritime reconnaissance. seaman training. WERNER. J .-Joe took third year engineer­ OKROS, R. D.-Dick IS now married. His Ing at U B C. last year He did not return for wife is the former Aileen Smyth of Victoria. his fourth year. They have two children. Dick is gunnery officer of H.M.C.S. MICMAC . WITHERS, R . M.-Married last May; BRIAN SI,\.IONS was best man, and HARLEY, LOCHEAD PAGNUTTI. J. P.-Joe is in the engineering branch, R.C.A.F., stationed at Vancouver. His and WISHART were the ex-cadets of Royal Roads work concerns the training of reserve tradesmen. present. Ramsay is a lieutenant, R.C. Signals, stationed at the School of Signals, VIMY Bar­ PARIZEAU. M.-Married. and now studying racks, Kingston. in England. PATTERSON , D. C. - Attended McMaster WISENER. G.-George is finally engaged. He lives in Toronto, where he is an engineer with University in Hamtlton last year with HERB Imperial Oil. PITTS. Herb is now in the Queen's Own Rifles. PEACOCK. R. S. - Bob is still in Calgary WISHART, I. S. - Ian is in his first year with the P.P.c.L.I.. at Currie Barracks. He is divinity, at th~ University of Edinburgh. now married. WATT, W. H.-Bill is a lieutenant with the PERRAULT. M. Y. J. N -"Nick" is a lieu­ 1st Bn. P.P.c.L. 1. at Currie Barracks, Calgary. tenant in the R.C.N. (Instr.). now stationed at He is married, and has a son, born early in H.M.C.S. VENTURE. January Bill is about to leave the army to sell PIDDINGTON, M . C. W.-Mikc is in his final real estate in Calgary. year of divinity at Wyclilfe College, Toronto. LALONDE, L. SM.-With the R.C.A.F. In RHODES . M . A.-"Dusty" is a flying officer, Germany. R.C.A.F., in the air-sea rescue service He is BANDY - After completing his course at believed to be stationed at Greenwood. N .S. R.M.C., is now stationed at CORNWALLIS, with RIDDELL. S. W. - Stan is a lieutenant. NELLES. training ordinary seamen. R.C.N., on course with the Royal Navy at ALLEN-Married and expecting a baby in Portsmouth, England. He is married. and has March, 1955 He is now on H.M.C.S. a daughter. born in January, 1955 NOOTKA as T. A.S. officer. Ross. S M -Stirling IS a lieutenant, RC.N. , MAY - Joe graduated with WISHART in with the Mediterranean Fleet of the Royal philosophy at Toronto University, with first Navy. class honours and a couple of scholarships. His SANSUM. V . H . - Vic's present location is present location is unknown. unknown. He has not been seen since he left Information of the class of ' 50 was grate­ V.B.C. several years ago. fully received by R. J. Bell. A. D . Wallis, C. SMYTH. R. F.- Gunnery officer in H .M.C.S. Ilsley. I. Wishart. F. W. Crickard and P . M. NOOTKA . Stiles. Ii I'


By A. W ROWSE and C. A. LOWRY H. R. BOHNE, attending U.B.C. to get his A. J. BEEMER now attending Queen's Uni­ B.A.Sc. in civi l engineering. Dick is a lieutenant versity where he is to get his degree in electrical in the Royal Canadian Engineers. engineering. Art is a lieutenant in the R .C.C.S. L. F. J. BOLGER - A mechanical engineer A. R . BLACK is attending the University of from the U . of A., Len is a pilot in the new all­ Toronto. in fourth year civil engineering. weather Fighter Squadron, 409 (A W) Sqn.,

------~~--~~~=------~~------~ THE LOG-1955 11) stationed at Comox. B.C Len was married on W. T ,'vIARCHANT - Bill IS an officer in September 4. 1954. H.M.C.S. ONTARIO. J D CHALMERS, an electrical engIneer work­ D. J. MARTIN - "Duke" is workIng for Ing for Canadian Westinghouse in Hamilton. Texaco in OntarIo. He is married and has a family. N E. CRESSEY graduated from the U. of S in civil engineering in 1954. He is now work­ G. R. MFEK-Geoff is taking submarine Ing for C.D.N CELANESE in Edmonton. training in H.M C.S. DOLPHIN. L A. DZIOBA - Larry is communications D. S MILLER - "Dusty" graduated from officer In H.M.C S ONTARIO. Queen's University in 1954 in mechanical engineering and is now a flying officer in the V G ERNST - Gary is an engineer in R.C.A.F. (Pilot). H M C.S ONTARIO. G. E. FORMAN-Max IS a graduate in elec­ A. J. C. MORIN-"Gus" is a flying officer in the R.C.A F (Pilot). tneal engineering of U.B.C. in 1954. He is a sub-lieutenant in the R.C.N .. in the Air Arm. R. C. OR!\IE-Bob is taking a constructors' R. A. GIBBONS - Bob is an engineer In course at R.N.C. Greenwich. H.M.C.S. ONTARIO. D. F. PEARSON-Don is attending V.B.C. R. D. GRoss-Bob is attending U.B.C. to for his M.A. in geography. He plans to work in get his B.A. He is a lieutenant in the Royal the federal civil service. Canadian Armored Corps (Lord Strathcona J. M. PEERS - John is boats officer in Horse) . H.M.C.S. ONTARIO. R. I. HITESMAN-Dick is a gunnery officer. P. J. PINSONNAUL T - Pierre is attending in HM.C.S. CAYUGA. U.B.C. for his B.A.Sc. in chemical engineering. He is a lieutenant in the Royal Canadian R. M. HOUSTON - Rod is an engineering Engineers. officer in H.M.C.S. ONTARIO. J. R. HUDSON-John graduated from V.B.C. A. W. ROWSE-Art is a flying officer in the in 1954 in mechanical engineering. He is a RC.A.F. (Pilot). flying officer (Navigator) in the R.C.A.F. J. N. SOSNKOwSKI-Joe is gunnery officer in J. R. JEFFERIEs-Jeff is lieutenant in the H.M.C.S. CRUSADER. Royal Canadian Regiment (R.C.I.C.) M. M. SOULE-Marc is attending U.B.C. for R. D. KEEN-Ralph is attending U.B.C. his c.L. B. He was married in the summer of for his B.A.Sc. in civil engineering. He is a 1954. lieutenant in the R.C.E. Ralph is married and has one daughter, SIMONE. P. J. A. TRAvES-Peter is now serving in H M.C.S. HAlDA. N. S. KERR - "Nails" graduated from the University of Toronto in civil engineering in J. M. VIVIAN-Jerry is also an engineering 1954. He is now working for Imperial Oil officer in H.M.C.S. ONTARIO. Sales in Toronto. M. A. J. WHITE-"Mo" is a flying officer R. W. KOSTIUK- Bob is a pilot in the in the R.C.A.F. (Pilot), stationed in No. 3 R.C.A.F.. holding the rank of flying officer. Fighter Wing at Zweibruken, Germany. He is married and has a daughter, SANDY. W. J. LAW-Bill is in Osgoode Hall taking law. He spends his summers with the Navy. J. M. WILSHER-John graduated from the U. of A. in civil engineering in 1954. He is C. A. LOWRY - Clark is attending U.B.C. now working for Calgary City Gas. John was for his B.A.Sc. in civil engineering. He is a married on September 11. 1954. lieutenant in the R.C.E. J. D. YouNG--Derrik. also, graduated from K G. MCCRIMt-.!ON-Ken is a flying officer the U. of A. in 1954, in electrical engineering. in the R.C.A.F. (Pilot). He is a radIO officer in the R.C.A.F. holding the rank of flying officer. K W. MACMILLAN-Ken is a radIO officer in the R.C.A.F., holding the rank of flying Word comes from Art Rowse that the officer. He graduated in mechanical engineering R.C.N. (El members of the class of 1951 will tn 1954. is now married. and has a small family. be going back to England for a year's specialist training in April. They will be taken aboard E. A. MAKIN-Eric is an assistant navigator the H.M.C.S. ONTARIO when she returns from in HM.C.S. HAIDA. Australia. 114 THE LOG ·1951 CLASS OF 1952

By A. F GRIFfIN and J. C. GRAHAM is no knowledge of his present employment J. E. CZAJA is finishing off Mechanical Engin At HMS THUNDERFR we find "SCUD" eering at the University of Montreal. while R EYRE AL INGLIS. BERT WAGNFR. DICK J. DAVIES is doing likewise at the University STONE and ARTHUR GRIr:FIN. completing the of Toronto. There will be wedding bell· final term of the Basic Engineering Course. ringing for him too this fall. They will be leaving for Canada in April to I A MACDONNELL is taking Commerce do a year at sea before obtaining their ~atch and Finance, but he is at Sir George Williams Keeping Certificates. I nghs was married. 10 College in Montreal. Plymouth in December. 1953. to MIss Elatne Mercer of the Royal Jubilee Hospital. Victoria, J R NEROUTSOS is enrolled in McGill Um and they now have a son. named Bruce Allan ver.sity. working for a degree in Civil Engin­ Wagner and Eyre married English girls, Miss eenng. Sylvia Spurrell and Miss Joan Newham, respec· C. A. SrRGEANT is now married. and work tively, at Plymouth last August In the same ing in Peterborough, Ontario. month, An Griffin flew to Victoria to marry J. E MACDONALD is working for the gov­ Miss Beverley Ann RivcttCarnac. Dick Stone, ernment at Fort Churchill. still fighting to stay single, has been hiking in J. C. TIL L is happily married, and taking Northern Europe and skiing in Austria an Arts Course at Queen's University. The executive Sub-I ieutenants are finishing their sub's course at Portsmouth. having left September in London was the time and place the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, at the for the wedding of NIG BRODEUR and Miss end of 1954. They too have chosen a married Ann Buckle of Victoria. WILLY EVANS chose life. leaving only CHRIS SrnIOUR, BILL HALL himself a bride from Halifax the same month. and Russ WILCOX to grow beards and tour KrN HorFFR was also reported to have been the continent during their leave periods PAUL married in September. GODBOUT chose a wife from below the border At Queen's University we find HANK in Cleveland, and was married in February, BI' PPLL. KEITH MCKEY. RAY TARDIFF, ANDY 1954. BILL VALLEVAND married Miss Janet WOJCIECHOWSKI and AUB LAWRENCE all Bowden, from Victoria, in Halifax in January. working for degrees. Lawrence and McKey did 1954. BRIAN VALIQurTTF married Miss their summer training at Westinghouse in Blanche Girard. from Victoria, 10 April. and Hamilton last summer. the couple enjoyed a honeymoon afloat (enroute GEORGE SKINNER, HARRY JONAS. CHUCK to England) in April It was rumoured that CASSON and BOB THO.\\PSON are finishing their they made only one appearance on the trip over, 4th year at R.M.C George is a Squadron that being as they disembarked We sailors Leader there. JOHN GRAHAI-.I and DON know how seasickness can get you down' BUCHER failed their repeat year at R.M.C. Rumour has it that H:\RR\ STROUD Jockeyed John is now at the University of Toronto, Sabres across the pond for some time, but there and Don is with Westinghouse in Hamilton

CLASS OF 1953 By W. H. ATWOOD. J. H. UPTON WILSON and JERRY V AN SICKLE. Jerry is and R. W. TILL now married. the only executive type of the class who is. BRYAN ELSON and JOHN HAR­ BOB JEKYLL. BILL ATWOOD and GORD WOOD spent nearly a month in Plymouth while SMITH are taking the course at H.M.S. THUN­ H .M.CS. LAUZON'S boilers were being repaired. DERER that precedes the naval architecture They later moved over to the continent. and course to begin at Greenwich next September. eventually found their way to Istanbul. DICK All three have now hoisted up their first gold WILSON is also with the R.C.N in the East. stripes. Bob and Bill spent Christmas skiing in though his exact location is unknown. Austria. Word comes from Bill that Gord Other visitors to England were JEFF UPTON caused quite a stir at Manadon as he was the and FRASER ISBESTER who found time to visit first midshipman to arrive at R.N.E.C. already London after their summer training (in Ger­ married. He now has a baby daughter. many). They returned to R.M.C. where the A pleasant surprise was in store for the boys class has done very well. CLIFF SHOOK, BILL at Plymouth when the First Canadian Escort JOHNSTON and BILL JOPLING are all squadron Group paid a call. bringing DOUG BOWIE, DICK leaders there this year. THE IOG-1955 11 'j

On the other side of the country. Ross mg as a TC A. pilot m Montreal. RAYMENT. JOH:-: COBURN and BOB KELLY JACK SWAY:\E has left R.M.C and from are at U.BC Ross. now in the RCA.F .. has reports has been married very recently. He i, a baby daughter. while Bob recently celebrat~J now serving as a second lieutenant m the R.CA the birth of hiS second child. a son. STU MATHESON is enrolled at the University JI~I STANDEN has JOU1ed the ranks of those of Western Ontario, taking journalism. at the University of Toronto. He is starting JOHN HAGERl\IAN is finishing off an ffigineer­ medicine there DA \,E SI\,IITH is studying for Ing course at Queen's University. the Angilcan ministry at Trinity College. Uni­ GUY LESSARD was with the First Royal versity of Toronto. FRED BLACK. also at the 22nd Regiment as a second lieutenant, when U of T . is taking aeronau tical engineering. and last heard from. IS reported to be doing very well. RON TILL IS at the U of still pursuing actuarial IAN PAUL is attending Teacher's College in T. Victoria. science Last year he passed the first two of eight exam inations given by the Society of ROBIN "BOBO" WATT is now married, and Actuaries. IS an observer in the Fleet Air Arm. HUGH GARRARD. now at R.MC . was seen LEN PYE IS married, and still in Vancouver on the West Coast with the R.CN. last sum­ studying accountancy. mer. as was BOB YANOW. now in his last year RICK NOBLE, married, and a proud father. is of commerce at U. of S. working in Noble's Garage, Moncton, New Ross BURNHAM and DOUG HARDWICK arc Brunswick. reported to have been seen at a party in Halifax BILL Fox was recently married and is now last summer. attending the University of Toronto. J I~I BUCHAN is now married and living in IAN ROCHESTER is working in Ottawa. Victoria. BC He is an acting sub-lieutenant DAVE YOUNGER is studying chemical for the Naval Reserve. engineering at McGill University. SCOTTY PRICE. previously taking instructor The majority of the other graduates of . 5 3 courses in the Reserve Air Force. is now train- are now in their fourth year at R.M.C


Bob Adams. Bob is back home m Saint Gil Johnston Gil got married last October John working as a teller in the Bank of Nova Now he is working on his Chartered Accoun­ Scotia tancy and doing very well at it. Andy Anderson. Andy plans on making Murray Kennedy Murray is another going teaching his career. He is now attending Sas­ into teaching He is attending London Teachers katchewan Teachers College in Saskatoon College this year. Ollie Aponiuk. Ollie also plans on teaching Dave Kerridge. Dave, now that his ear is as a career and he is with Andy at Saskatchewan cleared up. intends to apply for Venture again Teachers College. this fall. He has been working on the Hydro­ Jack Bradshaw. Jack got his scarlet tunic graphic Survey ships this past year, as well as shortly after leaving the College. He is training working in California. with the R.CM.P. at Rockcliffe and likes horses very much. Walt Kullman. Walt is back in Toronto working as a radar instructor in the Provincial Bob Cripps. Bob is attending Engineering Institute of Trades. lectures at University of Saskatchewan. He expects to major in Physics next year. Bob Colin McClellan. Colin is another continu­ Lynch is one of his classmates. ing with his Engineering, Civil now. University of Toronto now claims his allegiance. Roy Fletcher Roy is taking first year Arts and Science at University of Alberta and next Curt McSweeney. Curt has been working year hopes to take Geography as hiS major at home He is awaiting word on his applica tion to the R.CMP. Ed Hildebrand Engineering at the U nlver slly of Manitoba is occupying all of Ed's time "Red" Nielsen Regina College has Red safely tied up in Its commerce course. He'll Don Hodge. Don has become an apprentice soon be tied up in other respects too. fur trader with the Hudson's Bay Company He is moving about the north uf Saskatchewan Paul Price Paul came back to Victoria and in his work which he likes very much. is now working in a bank here 116 THE LOG - 1955

Pete Sorokan. Pete returned to teaching this Mark Taylor Mark is another teacher. ThiS past year but next fall he expects to enter Law' past year it was Saskatchewan Teachers College at the University of Saskatchewan. in Moose Jaw and next year hc will attend the Stevie Stevenson. Stevie is attending the University of Saskatchewan for his Bachelor of University of Manitoba in his home town of Education. Winnipeg. He is taking a course in Aeronautical Jim Walker. Jim is kept busy by Calgary Engineering. Power Ltd for which he works CLASS OF 1954 By C G BALF Toronto and hopes to go to Queens next year It may be human nature, when reflecting We occasionally see BOB WEBSTER and JIM about the past, to tend to exaggerate the good McNAMEE around Kingston. Bob is working times and to forget about the less happy events: in Picton and Jim is in third year geology at however, there seem to be so many happy Queens. memories of Royal Roads that I fee! that it car: RAY BARBEAU is at the University of Mon­ safe! y be said that we enjoyed our two years treal studying mining engineering, but he still together. Now, less than a year later, the motto finds time to be an active member of the reserve. of our Dominion, "A Mari Usqlle Ad Mare, " All winter the snow-covered slopes of the could be applied to the graduating class of '54. Laurentians have been attracting Ray, an avid In addition to having the members of our term skiing enthusiast. dispersed throughout the length and breadth of BOB DEJONG is taking the general arts option the nation, we have some serving in the ships of at Bishop's University in Lennoxville, Quebec. both the Canadian and Royal Navy, so that Needless to say, Bob is as ardent an infantryman actually even that motto is not sufficiently as ever. comprehensive. CHARLIE OLSON is in Antigonish, Nova Starting on the west coast we have JIM Scotia, at St. Francis Xavier University. He is WAINWRIGHT who is working in Victoria and taking commerce and will have his degree next is to be married in August. year. Charlie took summer training at H.M.CS. "Mo" FRASER is at U.B.C in Architecture. SHEARWATER as an observer and did extremely Mo is still keenly interested In the Navy and well. has joined the U .N.T.D. Turning our attention now to the senior "HORIZONTAL" SMITH is in the employ of service, KEN FOSTER and TED WHITE are in B,C Electric and intends to go to U.B.C next H .M.CS. MAGNIFICENT. FRED SIMPKIN year. received a card from Ted who said he was looking forward to playing hockey when the GARY HUNT has his pip and is with the 1st "Maggie" arrives back in Halifax after her Battalion P .P .CL.I. in Calgary One of his cruise to Esquimalt. Ted and Ken will also assignments last fall was teaching English and be looking forward to a cruise to Britain and at that time a fellow artsman rcmarked that it the Mediterranean this summer. was an excellent example of the blind leading the blind, In September, D. J. BROWN, CHARLIE GUN­ RON McKINNON is in third year Honour NING, RON MACE , PAT TISDALL and MIKE Economics at U . of A. He has been pledged to TOWNSEND boarded the Cunard liner, Ascania, D.K.E. and says that he is succeeding in having bound for England. During the voyage RON a good time all the time. met PAT H UNT from Toronto and later when they met again in Londonderry they became We seem to have lost contact with KEN engaged. BICCUM , but he planned to work in Brandon In December, our five engineers completed this year and then the next year to enter their small ship time and went to H ,M,C Western's School of Business Administration. OCEAN and H.M.S. THESEUS, sister aircraft FRANKIE MOREWOOD in actuarial science at carriers. At Christmas, they sent a card U. of M., is enjoying univcrsity life and has expressing their sympathy to those of us still joined a fraternity. in the old routine. From all the news received, JOHN WILSON is at Western and will get his they seem to be leading a grand life. Their degree this year. He thcn plans to go to Osgoodc pay is equivalent to an R.N. Commander's and Hall. so that in four years our term will have a with this PAT and MIKE have bought a '27 lawyer to get us out of any scrapes. The way Rolls Royce. In April. they will receive a in which he was able to talk himself out of month's leave and then enter the new school charges in the Cadet Officc seems to indicate for " Steam Plumbers," H.M.S. MANADON. success in this profession. We, the contingent of fifty-one Royal Roads' MIKE GRVNWELL is working in Kitchener cadets in the third ycar, are looking forward to and plans next year to attend university, the day when we join the ranks of those listed RAY QRAY is employed by a sales firm in above as verit<1ble "ex-cadets," THE LOG-1955 117 CANADIAN NATIONALISl\I

By FLIGHT LIEUTENANT G. H. KNIGHT Surely even the least perceptive of Intelligent CLASS OF 1949 Canadians can know no dearth of noteworthy feats in the past or quasI-contemporary history, "No one knows my country, neither the either political or economic. financial or military. stranger nor Its own sons. My country is hidden of this country. Even in the present hectic days in the dark and teeming brain of youth upon of trying diplomacy Canada's participation in the eve of manhood. My country has not found international affairs is gaining pronounced itself nor felt its power nor learned Its true respect and admiration. while startling strides in p(ace. It is all visions and doubts and hopes the agricultural. commercial and industrial pro­ and dreams. It is strength and weakness, gress of this country are providing unprece­ despaIr and joy. and the wild confusions and dented prosperity. restless strivings of a boy who has passed his boyhood but is not yet a man. We have not To quote an extract from Mr. Leslie Roberts' felt the pulse of its heart. the flex of its muscles, Canada the Golden Hinge: "In the opening the pattern of Its mind. For we are young my years of the second half of the twentieth century. brothers and full of doubt and we have listened Canada possesses a treasure trove of weal th too long to timid men. But now our time is which cannot be matched in the Western World. come and we are ready." That wealth lies in the seas off Nova Scotia; in With the foregoing words. Bruce Hutchison. the forests of the North; in the giant timbers in his book. The Unknown Country, lays bare of the Pacific coast and its offshore islands. It the inner mind of a young nation born and resides in the mines of seven provinces; in the raised in the shadow of two towering giants. great Alberta oil pools; in the soil of the great Little effort is required to appreciate the ingredi­ plains. It rests in the orchards of Niagara; in ents which have contributed to the brewing of the valleys of the Rockies; in the waters off the such a national character. Through close West coast; in the humming factories of the cultural and economic association with Britain, Heartland from Windsor to Quebec. It lies too and because of geographic proximity and com­ in the Canadian people and the qualities they mercial intercourse with the U.S.A .. we have possess." been showered on all sides by vollies of greatness beside which our own endeavours, at a cursory More specifically. one might make reference glance, have appeared insignificant. Unfor­ to the two greatest Canadian engineering and tunately. hypnotized by the propagandized economic achievements of recent date: Kitimat accomplishments of the numerically greater, we in the West and Ungava in the East. Both have turned our backs on our own progress, challenges were met with indefatigable courage. often without so much as this casual glance. ingenuity and determination unsurpassed in the Indeed. in many Canadians, an apologetic world today. Progress of this SOrt made complex has insidiously taken root. Instead of Canada's mineral production alone surge to a taking pride in their national achievements, 1954 all-time high of $1,454.000.000. It is they have resorted to grossl y underselling them­ reported that Canada. already the world's selves while admiring the progress of others. largest producer of nickel. is squeezing the Belgian Congo for top spot in the free world's Professor Lower once stated: "One of the uranium production. In the showcases of largest spaces still marked uninhabited on the national progress are exhibited the accomplish­ map of modern knowledge is Canadian history. ments of multitudinous fields. ranging from A few of the natives know the region, of course, cobalt bombs and atomic reactors through and know it intimately, but to outsiders, Arctic navigation techniques and aircraft and whether of the English language or not, it is electronic development and production to the still a trackless jungle." It is regrettable that this starr of the St. Lawrence Seaway programme. statement has had to be qualified to embrace The list is virtually endless. only "a few of the natives." Nevertheless, with the passage of time has come complete self­ It would appear that any further indication determination for the Canadian people. and this, of lack of national pride on our part can only coupled with the stimulating effects of a forceful suggest personal ignorance of the Canadian and noteworthy participation in World War II qualities. abilities. assets and accomplishments and ever increasing postwar internal prosperity, of which nations all over the world are taking has laid the foundation for a surge of national­ note. In these days it is a rare occasion when a istic sentiment and aspirations. foreign ruler or representative sets foot on this If we are to take greater pride in our own continent without visiting Canada and consult­ endeavours as a nation, we must enthusiastically, ing with its officials. Witness the recent visits of but with the necessity of maintaining an open Emperor Haile Selassie. Sir Winston Churchill. mind ever in our thoughts. educate ourselves in, Sir Anthony Eden, Mr. Julius Raab. Premier and take an active interest in, Canadian pro­ Mendes-France. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. gress and development, Premier Yoshida. Prime Ministers Menzies 118 THE LOG 1 955

and Kotelawala and many others all w,th,n IS an advocate of blowIng the natIOnal horn. the past few months. No valId reason exists To an extent this IS true. although certainly not for our not taking the stand adopted by to the degree of national. harmful arrogance. the Hon. Lester B. Pearson who. In reminding It IS time. however. that we as Canadians paused a University of Rochester audience of Canada's and took stock of our national assets and became willingness to construct the St. Lawrence Seaway cognizant of our position in world affairs. and on its own. stated: "It was a challenge to our of our ever increasing potential. in order that we national pride and our new national strength may be guilty never again of an apologetical which we knew that we could meet. and which national complex. but rather that we may we desired to meet." impress the citizenry of the world with our In retrospect. it would appear that this writer Justifiable pride and success.

EX-STAFF SECTION FORMER COMMANDANTS CAMPBELL. F.: F ·L. B.P.H.E .. is posted at CAPTAIN H. S. RAYNER. D.S.C l!1 Bar. RCAF Station. Trenton. He was a Squadron R.CN.. was Commandant of Royal Roads Commander until he left in 1953. from 1947 to 1949. He has been promoted to CHADWICK. E. M.: LCDR. CD .. R.CN . Commodore since that time. and is CO. of is Deputy Director of Personnel (Men) at HMCS MAGNIFICENT. Commodore Rayner NHQ. In his years at the College. he was is to be Chief of Naval Personnel. NHQ. Executive Officer shortly. CLARK. J. M.: INSTR LCDR. B.Sc .. CD. GROUP CAPTAIN J. B MILLWARD. D.F.C. R.CN .. was in the Maths Department until M.A .. Commandant from 1950-1952. is now 1951. He is now at the Education Training on course at the National Defence College. School. HMCS STADACONA COLONEL C B. WARE. D.S.O .. CD. has CONNOR. G. L. INSTR LCDR. B.A. been promoted to Brigadier and is now the R.CN. A former member of the Department Commander of the Canadian Military Mission of Economics and History. now lecturing at to and Military Attache. Tokyo. He HMCS VENTURE. was Commandant of the College from 1952 1954. DE ROSENROLL. G. M.: LT. R.CN .. was a Squadron Commander at the College until EX-ST AFF MEMBERS 1953. He is now training with the R.N. AITKENS. J. 0 .. LCDR (E). CD .. R.CN .. DFANE. W A.: F L. B.P.H.E .. was th~ IS posted at Naval Headquarters He was Pl!1RT officer until 1952. He is now with the Engineering Officer at the College until he left 412 (T) Squadron at Rockcliffe. Ontario. m 1951. DEVOOGHT. 0 V .. F O. L.D .. is at RCAF Al\IYOT. G. C: INSTR CDR. B A .. R.CN . Station. Trenton He was formerly NCO i c was in the Maths Department at the College Drill. until 1949. He is now the Director of Studies EDWARDS. I. R . CHAPLAIN

HASE. C F. B' L T E) R.CN. Now SLocmlB. GA' L T I :'1.Ad.). CD. Engineering Officer of H:VICS PF:-IETA:-IG. h~ R.CN. was a Medical Administrator at the was Enl(ineering Officer at Royal Roads. leaving College In 1954. he was posted as Adminis­ in 1952 trative Officer. Naval Hospital. HMCS CORN­ INGALLS. R B. G C 0 S.O , OF C . CD WALLIS is the CO. RCAF Station, Winnipeg. He lefL SONET. E.: M.A. Dr d'Unlversite Dr Royal Roads in 1949. having been the OCCW Sonet retired in May. 195'3 He toured the to that date continent In 1953-54 and is now living in KARAGIANIS. A. C: L T (E). CD. R.CN Victoria. B.C He was formerly in the Depart was Assistant Engineerinl( Officer untIl 1950 ment of Modern Languages. and the Depart­ He is noW stationed in HMCS STAR ment is now adopting his French Grammar LAPORTE. J. H.: CHAPLAIN. R.CN. the text. R.C Chaplain until 1952, is now at HMCS STRODYK. A : M.A. IS now living in Vic­ SHEARWATER. toria. He was a member of the Department of LAUZIERE. A. E .. Asst. Prof .. D.d·Univer­ Modern Languages. leaving the College in 1949 site, is at RMC Kingston. In 1952 he left TnlBRELL. R. W.. CDR. D.S.C.. CD .. Royal Roads. having been in the Department R.CN .. was the OCCW from 1952 to 1954. of Modern Languages. He is now with the R.N .. and is to be CO. MAXWELL. J. W.: CDR (S). CD., R.CN .. of HMCS ST. LAURENT is the officer in charge of the Supply School. HMCS NADEN. He was formerly Supply TUCKER. J. B: L T (S). R.CN .. is posted Officer at Royal Roads. leaving in 1949 in HMCS NIAGARA and is now at Washington. D.C He was Staff Adjutant until 1949. MARGERISON. C C: SLDR. 0 F.C .. CD. Formerly Staff Adjutant at Royal Roads. he WALL. T. W.: LCDR (P)P. R.CN. A left in 1952. and is at AHQ. Squadron Commander until 1950. he is now MORROW. 1. B. B .. LCDR. CD .. R.CN .. is orc ABCD School. HMCS STADACONA. First Lieutenant. HMCS QUEBEC. LCDR WARD. R. M.: CHAPLAIN (R.C) . Morrow was Executive Officer at Royal Roads. R.CN .. is at NHQ. He was the R.C Chaplain leaving in 1954. prior to 1953. MYLREA. R. P.: LCDR. R.CN .. is P~RT WICKEN. J M.: S L. CD .. is now stationed Officer at HMCS BYTOWN. He was P~RT at RCAF Station CENTRALIA. He was Squad­ Officer at Royal Roads. leaving in 1949. ron Commander in 1950. PEGLAR. B A.: CHAPLAIN (P) is on WHITE. R. R .. is now in civilian life. his HMCS QUEBEC. He was the Chaplain at location being unknown. He was the R.C Royal Roads until 1954. Chaplain at Royal Roads prior to 1949.

1953-55 "EARLY" GRADS

R. E. Adams R. J. Fletcher D. C Kerridge P. W. Price 257 Charlotte Street. 317 Assiniboia Hall. Box No. 147 19-15 Kings Road West Saint John. N.B. U. of A .. Edmonton. HMCS SHEARWATER. Victoria. B.C Alta. Dartmouth. N.S. P. Sorokan J. E. Anderson 647 University Ave .. W. J. Kullman 816 8th St. E .. E. G. Hildebrand Saskatoon. Sask. Saskatoon. Sask. 988 Waterford St .. 143 Madison Ave .. Winnipeg. Man. Toronto 5. Ont. J. M Taylor O. B. Aponiuk 920 9th Ave. N.W .. 40 I Main Street. D. R. Hodge C H. McClellan Moose Jaw. Sask. Saskatoon. Sask. Hudson's Bay House. 51 Lynngrove Ave .. Toronto 18. Onto J. N Walker Stoney Rapids. Sask. Consort. Alberta. 3 Cst. J. R. Bradshaw R.CM. Police. J. G. Johnston C F. McSweeney Last Known Addresses: "N" Division. Box 1175. 36 Mundy Ave .. D. L Fraser Ottawa. Ont. Creston. B.C Kapuskasing. Ont. -II I'} Victoria Ave .. Regina. Sask. R. F. Cripps M. B. Kennedy G H. Nielsen 312 - 10 Street E.. 7 Nelson St .. Regina College. J R. Stevenson Saskatoon. Sask. Leamington. Ont Mens Residence Rm 303647 Strathcona St. Regina. Sask. Winnipeg. Man. 120 THE LOG -1955 AWARDS


F. W. CRICKARD. who graduated from Royal Officer-of-the-Watch Telescope. On summer Roads as Midshipman in April. 1950, has training he was awarded the King's Canadian become the first Canadian to win the Good­ Dirk as the best all-round cadet completing his enough Memorial Prize awarded by the British final phase of professional training. Admiralty. In September, 1950, he was promoted to th~ The prize is awarded annually to the Sub­ rank of Midshipman and posted to HMCS Lieutenant who, while undergoing technical ONTARIO. From the ONTARIO he went to courses in the United Kingdom for the rank of HMCS MAGNIFICFNT and then to HMCS Lieutenant. obtains the highest marks in Gun­ CRESCENT He was promoted to acting Sub­ nery, provided also he has taken a first-class in Lieulenant in January, 1952. and in May of seamanship. that year he left for training with the Royal Navy. He rejoined the MAGNIFICENT in Fred came to us from St George's School in February. 1954 Vancouver-the holder of the Naval Officers' Association of B.C Scholarship. He was The presentation of the award was made in awarded the Director of Studies' Cup In his first Portsmouth by Commodore Rayner, who was year, and as Cadet Wing Commander in hi~ Commandant at Royal Roads during Fred's second year. he received the H E. Sellers' first year here.

During summer trawwg two ex-cadets of athletic ability and sportsmanship In equal the Class of '54 received awards that brought proportions. " honour both to them and to the College. Al a special parade, H.RH. the Duke of Edin­ No. 3657 J. R. Wigmore won the McManus Memorial Trophy "presented annually by the burgh, Admiral of the Fleet. presented No. 3502 University of Western Ontario Contingent of C. T. Gunning with the Queen's Canadian the COTC to the outstanding Second Year Dirk. This is "awarded to the best all-round Cadet at the Royal Canadian School of cadet completing his final professional training Infantry." This is the first time tbat a Royal period considering O.L Q. 's, academic standing, Roads Cadet bas won this award. THE LOG-1955 121 OBITUARIES

~plte of the many College actIvitIes he under­ took. Ronald was at the same time one of the College's outstandIng athletes. notably in rugby, hockey, and in captainIng the basketball tea m. I n add i tion. he grad ua ted as t he Cadet Wing Commander. an appointment he earned out with the typical quiet efficiency. determina tion and humour that was so characteristtc of him. Ronald then proceeded to Royal i\lilttal)' College, where he graduated with further ath letic laurels. another Cadet Officer appointment He also jOined the R.C AF He served that ,ummer with 435 Transport Squadron In Edmonton. having earned his pilot's wings during the previous summer training periods In September. 1953. he was posted to the Uni­ wrsity of Alberta for degree engineering studies. That this task was successfully completed can best be attested for by the fact that he wa~ offered a fellowship at the end of the year. RONALD FRANK HOLLAND Flying Officer Holland then rejoined many Ronald Holland came to Royal Roads from of his classmates for a course at the Operational Kelowna in the Interior of British Columbia. Training Unit at North Bay, Ontario. During a district that was rightly proud of the fine this training period, the unfortunate accident young scholar and athlete that joined the second occurred wherein Flying Officer Holland lost his Tri-Service class to enter the College. life on 17 August, 1954. Though seemingly quiet. he quickly became Should our country al ways be able to count well known and well liked by all his classmates. on such young men stepping forward, her futun' Academically he was always near the top, in would be secure.

through his years at John English and Mimico High Schools. By the time he graduated from High School in 1951, he had won many honours as an Air Cadet, rising to the rank of Warrant Officer, and had amassed a total of I SO hours as a private pilot. While at Royal Roads. Rick distinguished himself by his conscientious nature and his diligent application to his academic and military training. He was twice a member of the Col­ lege Swim Team and an active participant in all social and athletic activities. As always, flying remained his chief interest and in the summers of his years at Royal Roads, he trained as a pilot at Trenton and Centralia. He gradu­ ated from Royal Roads in 1953 and received his Commission as a Flying Officer in the R.C.A.F. a year later. At the time of his tragic death in a training accident near Chatham. N.B., he was under­ going advance training before being posted to Europe with the R.C.A.F. One of the last of RICHARD FRANCIS SLEE a vanishing race-those seemingly born to fly­ Richard Francis Slee was born on May 30, Rick leaves to mourn his passing, his wife and 1932. Airminded from early youth, Rick infant son, his parents, and a host of friends, learned to fly at the age of fourteen while an to whom his ready smile and cheerful laugh Air Cadet and pursued this pastime avidly will always be a remembrance. 122 THE LOG·-1955

MICHAEL F JANEY ating he went to London to continue his acting career. There, he joined the Kenya Police Force, On the 2 Novem­ and in January of 1954 he was flown out to ber, 19'54, Michael Kenya as an Assistant Inspector. Shortly after F .), A. Ney was his arrival he was promoted to Inspector. buried in Nakuru, Ken ya. He was killed While returning to Naivasha from an ad­ In an accident while vanced post, Mike was killed by a police jeep serving as an Inspec­ which ran into his car killing him and injuring tor of the Kenya the other occupants. The accident happened Police Force. on his first day back on duty after recovering M Ike graduated from a serious operation. He was buried with from Royal Roads in full military honours. July, 1944, and en­ As a cadet. Mike was an honour student. tered the KC.N V R. as a Midshipman After Editor of the Log, and well respected by all. the war, Mike's interests turned to dramatics. Now, having served his country and Empire At the University of Toronto, he took a very so well, both in peace and war, he has earneJ active part in the University stage and on gradu- a high place amongst the graduates.

life there as a member of the Army cadet corps. In September, 1950, Alick entered his junior year at Royal Roads. Within a brief perioJ he became one of the most popular and enthusi­ ast ic mem bers of his term. His presence was an asset to any term activity, and his congenial personality and executive capabilities were not to be unrecognized. He was appointed as Cadet Wing Commander in his senior term and it was in this position that he gained the honour of parading the wing before our present queen and the Duke of Edinburgh when they visited Royal Roads in 1951 . As a scholar he was one of the finest, gradu ating from Royal Roads at the top of his class. As a sportsman he was the term's keenest. excelling in his favourite, hockey. In 1952 Alick entered R.M.C. and continued his brilliant record. Again he was appointed \Ving Commander in his senior year. a position he executed with exceptional ability. Wherever he was known, Alick gained the deepest respect JAMES AUCK MARSHALL of his subordinate and the highest esteem of It was with the deepest regret that we learned his instructors. of the death of Alick Marshall last summer. Beneath an air of efficiency there was a He was killed in a flying accident on July 17 wonderful sense of humour With his own at Portage la Prairie while serving with the academic accomplishments came the willingness R.C.A.F. There ended one of the most promis­ to help the less gifted of his term; with his Ing careers that has had its roots 111 the services eagerness went a natural ability to inspire and colleges in recent years. \rad all those beside him. We will always Alick was born in Castor, Alberta, in April. remember Alick as the red-haired young man 1932. (Coincidentally, his birthday was the who was such a shining example yet so very same as that of the R.C.A.F.) Educated in human. We have been proud to be his friends Castor as well, he was undoubtedly one of the and associates, if. most regrettably, for only town's finest sons He even began his service so short a time THE: LOG-1955 121 CHIPS FRO}I THE LOG

The College regrets the departure of. DOCTOR I. A S HE~DrRSO" on hIS promo­ BRIGADIER C. B. WARE who has left us for tion to ASSOCIate Professor of Chemistry Japan. where he is now serving as Head of the On a VISIt by the Stork: Canadian MilItary Mission. In Tokyo. LIEUTENANT-Cm\MANDER H. V CLARK. a CO.\\,\IANDlR TIl\IBRELL. who has gone on a daughter. staff course at the HMCS NIobe. In England. FLIGHT LIEUTENANT SI~\KINS. a son PROFESSOR L A. BROWN. who retired last yeal PI P\V3 GLOVER. a son from his post of Director of Studies to take a SGT H. W KENNEDY. a son. well-earned rest The follOWing Marriages took place. LIECTENA:--;T G SLOCO:--IB. who IS now serving Doctor I A. S. Henderson to Miss Mary Rettie. In Halifax Mr. G. J. MacKenZIe to l\1iss Winnifred Brown. W.O II COBAIN who. after working with the Doctor R Oldham to :V1rs. Dorothy Sourkoff drill staff for two and a half years. was posted Many Thanks to: to Penhold LIEUTENANT TURt-:ER. who did such an able Hearty Congratulatrons to: job of coaching our football team and who has PROFESSOR C. C. COOK on his well-deserved now returned to duty with the 1st Canadian promotion to Director of Studies. Guards at Petawawa. DOCTOR R. M. SCHIEDER on receiving his The College extends a hearty welcome to: Ph.D .. and on his promotion to Professor of CAPTAIN JOHN A. CHARLES, who comes to us English. as Commandant after serving as Commander DOCTOR R. STEWART on receiving his Ph.D. Canadian Destroyers in the Far East. Dr. Stewart was recently made Associate Pro­ WING COl\\l\\ANDER A. H. MIDDLETON, who fessor in Chemistry comes to us from the RCAF Staff College to DOCTOR H. D. S:-'IITH on his promotion to become O.c.C.W. Professor of French DR. R. STEWART. who has returned to us from PROFESSOR G. F. DALSON on his promo­ the University of Washington. tion to Professor of Mathematics and to Head MR. E. L. HEIGHTON from Dalhousie Univer­ of the Department. sity. who comes to us as a lecturer in PROFESSOR H. M. DUTTON on his promotion mathematics. to Associate Professor of Physics. COMMISSIONED OFFICER E. Y. PORTER who DOCTOR J. D. KEYS on his promotion to Asso­ has taken over the duties of Medical Officer. ciate Professor of Physics. SGT. A. T. JONES who is posted to the drill staff. DOCTOR R. OLDHAM on his promotion to P1PR3 R. BOLT who is posted to the P. £1 R.T. Associate Professor of French. staff.

AN ODE TO A DRIED UP BALL-POINT PEN Author Unknown It was such a beautiful piece of machinery. soon rose to fame and distinguished itself by so elegan t. so smooth and so slim. I cherished failing its author in English. After this tragic every toothmark on its weather-beaten. horny beginning. it improved even more considerabl y hide. Why did such a cruel fate have to dry and later helped its master pass Calculus. This up my ball-point pen! remarkable feat. which is probably the most astounding. world-shattering event since Ivan The debts lowe this trusty I ittle device arc stopped painting pictures of Stalin. endeared it beyond enumeration. I think of all the little to its master forever cheating notes and essays that It has written As its death drew near. ItS eyesight grew dim Why. oh why. did this have to happen to my and its speech faltered Finally on one lament­ trusty little friend] able day its ink finally went to the great un­ known cesspool where all good inks go. Its life history was short and tragic. Although it rose from humble beginnings (it was bought The Ball-point is dead. Long live the slave-like for the ridiculous price of 39c). it Pencil! CANADIAN (RUGBY) fOOTBALL TEAM, 1954- 55 ~~c;. ~ry~:n ;GTh~;dLR~!: ; ~ '. ~ : ~!~i:.n~~rw:'Kr~sti:~~:~.r I C:'E . GS. ~!"~'y. J ·O~A~~:'~~YH ~ "';~S::~I~y~~~a,~rJ~h~·n~~ s~·p .D~~n::I~~~ n~ ' A~ ' ~~WJ~:.!t D. D. Srown; Second Row: G. Sovoy (Waterboy), D. Allatt, C. E. Edge , A. Mills, D. Martin, F. Quartz, S. J . Volk, E. B. Law, R. R. Plowman, ~~uJt: I~:'°T~~!~~ ' ( ~~oBcO~~' ~~u\~E~rp~te~~o~a7~:~so~~).te~~.o~)ie!~o;t (! :sis:t:~t ~'o~h)~' C~ · F~ ' p~i~:'~D~dFr~;e~r~s~:, : : ~'ul~:ny;~ j~ti,~o~:; ; E. v. Schoubcl. Missing: P. N. Howard. SPORTS BOXING By C-F/L D. Lamarre, Sports Edito~ . Boxing came as the last sports event before Sports can effectively develop many splend.d .quah­ Christmas, the finals being held in the gymnasium ties latent in all personalities. Such qualities as self­ all Friday I1Ight, December 5. The finals were, how­ control, courage, alertness, co-operation, rr:er:~al and ever, only the highlights of three weeks of elimination physical endurance, and a sense of responsibility can bouts from cadets of all Hights. (Everyone at Royal be moulded into one's character through a well­ Roads must don the g loves at least once.) directed sports program. I n the first bout of the night Fox defeated Schau bel The sports program at Royal Roads would be hard by decision in the li g htweight division. In the to heat when looked at from this point of view. A welterweight division Coulter scored a T.K.O. over well-chosen schedule of games varying from football Gilliland. Cook outfought Mahood to take the middle­ ill the autulllll tcnn to track and field in the spring weiRht division. Draper defeated Lamarre by decision term allows cadets healthful exercise and recreation. in the li g ht heavyweight division. Finally Oke won The aim of the College is not primarily to produce by T.K.O. over that battling "Mau Mau" from Hud­ oUbtanding athletes, but rather to give all cadets a son Flight, S teuart, to take the heavyweight title. fair knowledge of a variety of sports. Prizes and awards were presented by Air Com­ There is a two-fold sports schedule available to modore Orr. A special award went to Cook, who the cadets. This is comprised of a representative was voted the boxer demonstrating the greatest team in many of the sports, and also Hight teams. ability and sportsmanship. Each of the six Hights play with the object of winning the Inter-Hight High Aggregate Shield. For each sport. points are awarded on a basis of 60, 50, 40, 30, INTER-FLIGHT SPORTS 20 10 for first to sixth place respectively. The Aight SOCCER aC~111l1ulating the largest number of points in the The year started with Inter-flight soccer. It always ten intcr-flight sports throughout the year w in s the proves a little confusing for the Leading Cadets to shield. orgal1lze their teams, when many cadets arrive at At thi .. point one cannot give a fina l account of the College complete strangers to the game. Th~ the year's sports program, for the Volleyball and matches, however. proved ve ry interesting and scores Track and Field results have not been obtained. su~h as 0-0, 1-0, I-I, were not uncommon. The teams thIS year were especially well-balanced. NON-COMPETITIVE SPORTS Hudson finished far ahead with 39 points. S haring M allY other activities take part in the sports pro­ second position with ~9 points were La Sall e, Champ­ gram \\" hich do not entcr in th e competit ion for the lalll and M aekenz.e I' hghts. Only one point behind H i~h }\ggregate Shield. Ihcm came Fraser, two points ahead of last-place The 1'. and R.T. Office has designed for the Cadets Cartier. a vcry fruitful physical training syll abus correspond­ The Soece r season culminated in a li vely game ing to the division of the academic year with four !'etween Seniors and Juniors. Unfortunately for the mid -terms and which includes work on parallel bars, JlIl1IOrS trad.llol1 was broken and the Seniors took bo' horse. rope climbing, etc. Furthermore, classified them, 3-0. The Belgians sparked the Seniors, Paul under the term of Recreational Activities sports such Segers scored two and J eff De Wilde scored one. as golf. tennis and badminton may be practised during free periods, all facilities being available to the Cadets. ADMIRAL NELLES ANNUAL INVITATION CROSS-COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE FOOTBALL RUN 1954 Last year's team, exhibitin g speed and endurance, This year, a total of ten teams, including two each returned to the Coll ege the Douglas trophy. This from Royal Roads and Venture, entered the invitation was quite remarkable. since they were playing in the cross-cOlin try. All contenders were bidding far the intermediate league against opponents who far out­ course title, having Pllt in many weeks of hard weigheel them. Last year, however, our team suffereu training. Every team was made up of four runners. a number of serious injuries. The fee lin g that by The eOllrSe extends over 4.2 miles of the College entering against small er teams we could cut down grounds. Unfortunately the competitors had no tillle OUr injury rate prompted Royal Roads to enter the to jog along and enjoy the beauty of the course. newly-fermed Junior League with Oak BaV Drakes, Their minds were concentrating on running as fast C & C Taxi, Vampires and HMCS VENTURE as as possible. opponents. The civilian teams weren't much of a match. Royal The run was held on Saturday, 27 November. The Roads rolled over the Drakes 39-0 and 65-5 and weather was clear and "arm, much to the delight annihilated the Vampires 53-0 and 49-1. The Rames of the runners. against Venhlre. howe\'er, proved tremendously Victoria College's B. Parry-Wittingham crossed exciting. They were a ll closely contested. Venture the finish lin e first with a time of 21 minutes 54 took the first one 12-10 .. but Royal Roads came back seconds. His team-mate, J . 'N. Moore, crossed just in the next game with a 18-12 w in which gave them 3 seconds behind him. With the other two on the the newly instituted J . C. Hibbard Trophy. The last team placing 9th and II th Victoria College took first encounter. whell the Douglas T rophy was at stake. place in the run with a low 23 points. was more than exciting. Royal Roads. battling against Victoria High School placed second with 43 points. a 5-1 lead which Venture took early in the game, Venturc's "A" team was close behind with 47 points. had manaRed to pull a head on Law's short pass to Martin. Okc. Kristjanson, and Jackson placed 7, 13, Bain which went for a touch-down with six minutes 17 and 21 for Royal Roads' "A" team to give them I emaining in the last quarter. Binnie converted to fourth position with 58 points. g-ive us a precarious two-ooint lead. It looked as Other competing schools were U.B.C., University thollllh we could hold it. Then. with the minute HaR School. and Belmont High School. lip, Venture got a first down (by a hair's breadth \ on our thirty yard line. And they passed! That Again Royal Roads put up a strong showing, but as short pass down th e centre is one which none of us \'et ouhidc competition is still a little too strong for shall ever forget. Their touchdown was converted the cadets. and Venture now had the DouRlas Trophy that had Times such as the winning times which \Ve have lain on OUr shelf for three of those four years of seen these last three years on the course in the its existence. Invitation Event are almost beyond the reach of \Vith La' ... ·. Binnie, Brown and Bain leading the tadet entries. Our crowded curriculum doesn't allow ,core sheet th e team racked up a total of 254 points. suffi cien t time for cadets to work themselves into compared to 53 scored against us. that fine peak of condition demanded of good long­ The distribution went as follows: Law. 65; BrowlI. distance runners. Yct the time will certainly come D. D .. 45 ; Binnie, 40 ; Bain, 35; Leslie. 12: Quartz. again when the Admiral Nelles Trophy will once more 10; Mara. 7; Broughton. 5; Schaube!. 5; Ryley. 5; rest .on our trophy shelf (as it did in 1948, 1949, \.rimster, 5; Drl1mmond, 5; Poirier,S; Howard ,S: 1950, and 1951) . \ llatt. 5. Let us hope this time will be soon. BOXING TEAM Reor: J . A. Fall, D. M. Coulter, Sgt. H. W. Kennedy, R. D. Cook. T. B. Mahood. Front: P. N. Howard, D. H. Oke, E. A. Mansfield, D. Lamorre. SWIMMING TEAM Reor: Sgt. A. T. Jones, D. Froser. D. R. Boyle, B. B. Smallmon-Tew O. F. McNab, F L E. Simkin,. Front: P. A. FlynnMt~lr!g :KW~ I / ' B~LI~:~:n~' J . C . Alexonder. RIFLE TEAM Reor: W. J, McMaster, J. M. Thlbldeou, CPO D. W. Barker, F. G. Hutson, L. E. McGaw. Front: G. H. Jockson, E. Go~osz, D. L. Lewis. Mining: R. Gilhlond. INTER-FLIGHT CROSS-COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE BASKETBALL 11\ the midst of the soccer season came the 4.2 mile fly C-F/L W. J. Broughton CfOss-country run. Representative basketball was a success story this The Wing assembled by flights at the starting line year from s tart to finish. Everyone '\las sceptical on Creery Field. At the sound of a gun they were about OUr team's chances this year as there were only off. Mackenzie's Paul Romyn took an early lead five players back from the previous year. Starting and set a very swift pace all the way. Kristjanson, practices and games before Christmas, the team took however, eventually passed him and crosse~ the finish a long time to get rolling. But once underway, their line first. His time was twenty-three mlllutes and sound playing led them to an overwhelming victorv twenty-five seconds; a wonderful displa~ of endurance. in the C.S.c. Tournament. . Champlaill Flight, Kristjanson se tting the pace, This year, as last year, R. Binnie was the out­ placed first with 559 points. Then followed La Salle standing player on the team. One could almost say with 604; Hudson, 665; Mackenzie, 701; Cartier, 800; "as Binnie goes, the team goes." In the tournament alld finally Fraser, 840. Royal Roads met College Militaire Royale de St. Jean in the first game. Behind twelve points early in t·he game, Royal Roads whittled at the lead until THE SWIM GALA they surged ahead in the final quarter to win 58 to By C-F,'L '.". J. Broughton 49. The three top scorers were Doug Brown with 17, "Timers and judges ready!" Ron Binnie with 13 and Tim Ryley with 12. "Swimmers take your marks!" After R.M.C. flattened C.M.R. by thirty points Bangl things looked grim. Playing one of their best games Splash !-glugl-glugl-glug!-glug I of the season, Royal Roads again came from behind The inter-flight swim meet was on I Held for the to romp home with 72 to 48 victory. Ron Binnie was tirst time at the new twenty-five yard Naden pool, the ~tar 01 this game, scoring 27 points, while tearf1- the meet was a success in every way. Also for the mates Doug Brown and Jim De Vaney scored 14 first time, open events were held for cadets to try and 9 respectively. to break existing Royal Roads swimming records. The basketball schedule was high-lighted also by In the swimming, Champlain, La Salle and Hudson a weekend trip to Vancouver a week before the Flights were endowed with the best fishes and headed tournament. Playing against a far superior team, nearly every event; all events were relays, with the Royal Roads held the University of British Columbia exceptioll of the Flight plunge. Everyone participated. to a score of 36 to 36 in the first hall. In th e last The diving competition provided many a laugh. hall, a brilliant display 01 ball handling left the Royal The "strail!ht dive" was by far the most popular Roads team far behind. The final score being 83 di ve used by the competitors. Paul Segers gave us to 44. a display of diving, Belgium-style, by falling like In the Victoria league, the team acquitted itself a stin' board from the high tower. To everyones well. Alter losing their first six games, the repre· delight he accomplished the same feat backwards 011 sentative basketball team, under the coaching 01 Lt. his second dive. Bates, became a winning squad. At the end of the meet, a ISO- yard medley relay Here are the game scores and individual point between Juniors and Seniors was held. Despite a scores lor the 1954-55 season. fourteen-second handicap, the Senior team with Royal Roads 67 Esquimalt High School 82 Steuart, Broughton, and Boyle pulled ahead of " 42 Normal School I 82 Fraser, Flynn, and Kerr to win by two yards. 28 Victoria College 43 The final standin gs in the swim gala were as 52 Fletcher's 60 follo\\'s: 41 Victoria High School 55 Champlain 60 points 87 H .M.C.S. Naden 67 La Salle 56 " 54 H.M.C.S. Venture 25 Hudson 42 58 H.M.C.S. Venture 43 Fraser 33 44 University 01 British Columbia 83 Mackenzie 33 55 Normal School II 41 Cartier 28 54 Pedagogues 34 53 H .M.C.S. Naden 40 Thanks are expressed to the Officers and Faculty 58 College Militaire Royale 49 who ran the swim gala and made it such a success. 72 Royal Military College 48 Name Games Played Points Points per Game INTER-FLIGHT RIFLE SHOOTING JIC Binnie 14 201 14.4 By JIC W. J. McMaster )IC Brown 15 156 10.4 C FIL Ryley 13 105 8.0 Sports programs of nlilitary colleges would not be JIC Johannes 15 79 6.5 complete without a Rifle Shooting competition. This JIC Crolton 14 70 5.3 year, some impressive targets in the inter-flight shoot­ J/C DeVaney 15 69 4.6 ing were racked up, and we were disappointed that JIC Wood II 39 3.5 the didn't draft any cadets to sniper C SIC Law 8 15 1.9 battalions. SIC Grimster 8 12 1.5 The results 01 the inter-Right competition were JIC Safar 10 15 1.5 as lollows : These dQ not include the scores and points gained Out 01 a possible 340 points: at the Como x basketball tournament, held a week Champlain 325 after the C.S.c. Tournament. Fraser 310 INTER-FLIGHT BASKETBALL I mmediately following the Christmas holidays while Mackenzie 308 the Representative Teams were training hard, the La Salle 302 remainder 01 the Rights were battling for basketball Hudson 297 supremacy. Seeing some 01 the first games, one Cartier 297 would have thought that we were still in the football season. As the season proceeded, however, skill was The rifle shooting was under the direction of Chiel added to determination and the game came to Barker this year and to him must go congratulations resemble basketball more and more. for the way in which the shooting was carried on. The competition was quite good. Mackenzie Flight His timely tips and advice enabled many to better took a definite hold of first position before the season their scores, and his keen eye was ever on the lookout was over. Hudson and Champlain followed, and then for possible representative team material. came La Salle, Cartier and Fraser. It is often the case that the Inter-Flight Shooting The points awarded were: >erves to introduce many to the sport 01 target shoot.. Flight Won Lost Points inl:. It also provides a competition between flights Mackenzie 8 2 26 where keenness of eye and steadiness 01 hands pays Champlain 6 4 22 off. This year the competition was keen, and the Hudson 6 4 22 results were close. Let's hope that it is just as keen La Salle 5 5 20 next year and that Chief Barker gets that perfect Cartier 3 7 16 target he's been longing for. Fraser 2 8 14 VOLLEYBALL R.eor: A. F. Joho""ps, P. D. Crofton, LCDR H. Clark, C. J . Devoney, E. B. Low. Front: R. S. Binnie, D. Grimster, J . C. Wood. Missing: C. E. S. Ryley, W. Slipchenko.

BASKETBALL Reor: J . C. Wood, J. G. Sofa, D. Grimster, P. S. Blnni., E. B. Low. Front: A. F.Joho"nes, D. D. Brown, P. D. Crofton, H. R. Wheatley, C. J . Devoney. C.S.C, TOURNAMENT frolll Royal Roads set the pace to gain another On the morning of Wednesday, 23rd February, the "ictory. C.M.R., however, kept ahead by winning the SO yards Back Style race, Christie being the Royal Roads tournament team embark~d for ?t. Je~n, victor. The final event decided the swimming meet. P.O., confident, after many we~ks of mtcnSlve traIn­ ing, that they would return WIth the Claxton Cup. Boyle, Steuart. Broughton and Flynn swimming in \lve enjoyed a day of rest after the long triP and the 200 yards Free Style relay pulled into an early then on Friday Colonel Le Hale, Commandant of lead, but were edged out in the last lap by the strong C.M.R., performed the opening ceremollles. The C.M.R. team. C.M.R had won the tournament. The victory for C.M.R. gave great boost to their tournament was under way! ,pirits, since it was the first tournament held at their This year, once again, our greatest success was College. I t was only their second year in competition. achieved on the basketball court. Royal Roads and The results of the tournament may be summarized C.M.R. opened the hoop battle with Royal .Roads by the words of W IC Middleton: edging out C.M.R., 58-49. That same day tn. the second game we watched R.M.C. score a decIsIve "The competition was exceedingly close this year and although C.M.R. was victorious, the Claxton Cup 73-43 win over the tired C. M.R. team. I n the final might just as easily have been won by one of the game Binnie sparked Royal Roads a," to a ~ery other colleges. Much praise is due to the coaches conclusive victory over R.M.C. by scoring 27 P,?tnts. At half time Royal Roads led by a meek margtn of and members of Our teams for the efforts they put one point. However in the last half the Royal Roads into preparing for the tournament and for the sports­ "fiye" of Ryley, Binnie, Brown, Devaney and Crofton manship they displayed while at C.M.R. Althou~h caught fire and pulled away from a 44-44 deadlock they did not win they were a credit to Royal Roads.' to a spectacular 72-49 finale. Our efforts weren't as rewarding in the other four events. I n the initial game of volleyball C.M:R. proved itself the team to be beaten by dowmng R.M.C. 3 games to 0; scores were 15-4, 15-8, and 15-12. Royal Roads. on the other hand, managed to take one against C.M.R., IS- II. The other scores were 15-8 and 15-3 in favour of C.M.R. Royal Roads. however, was again subdued 2 games to I by R.M.C. with scores of 15-9, 14-16 and 15-5. The most "colourful" of the events was the boxing competition on Friday night. c.¥.~. showed the greatest strength in the ring by winning 6 out of 8 bouts, R.M.C. took 4, while Fox and Lamarre were the only two able to gain victories for Royal Roads. C.M.R. started with a streak of three victories. I n the first bout Mitchell defeated Moggrldge of R.M.C. with a first-round T.K.O. In the third r,?und of the next fight Coulter from Royal Roads In a rough battle was knocked out by MacNeil of C.¥:R Then Mahood of Royal Roads lost a close deCISIon to Adams of C.M.R. C.M.R.'s streak was halted by Lamarre of Royal Roads, who defeated Gallinger of C.M.R. in a T.K.O. Draper of Royal Roads had a tough break in the next bOllt by losing to R. M.C.'s Naudie in T.K.O. Royal Roads' final victory was realized when Fox defeated Pagne of R.M.C. by a SKIING unanimous decision. By L I C D. M. Coulter After a brief intermission the second half of the A number of the ski trips were made this year bouts began with Armstrong of R.M.C. winning. ~ver by the more venturesome cadets. The first was to Howard of Raya1 Roads in a UnanImOllS deCISIOn. all old stamping ground, that mecca for skiers, Deer C.M.R.'s boxing talent was again displayed in the Park Lodge in the Olympics near Port Angeles. eighth bout when Vienni of C.M.R. outfought The trip over was made in HMCS ORIOLE IV. Zagrodrey of R.M.C. There \\ ere eight Royal Roads cadets and eight In the nex t two bOllts Oke and Cook put up a Venture cadets in the group. The boat took 4 'h great fight against Wash brook of C.M.R .. and Graham hours to cover the 26 miles, since the Strait was quite of R.M.C. respectively. However theIr opponents rough. Even such old salts as Blacker and Coulter proved a little too strong for the Royal Roads boys. looked green (so it may be imagined how the army Both lost by decision s. In the final two bouts we types looked). Since the Strait was too rough for watched Romano of C.M.R. defeat Whatman of the ORIOLE to return Sunday night we spent the R.M.C. and Rochester of R.M.C. defeat Hinton of night at the U.S. Coast. Guard Station and returned C.M.R. Monda)' mQrning on the "Chinook." The singular On Saturday the outcome of the tournament rested hardshIp encountered was a missed physics lab. Mon­ in the results of the shooting and swimming com­ day morning. petitions. Royal Roads came last in the rifle shooting Mount Hollyburn was the next "port of call." but still did very well, only a scant 3 points separating Unfortunately it rained and skiing was hindered first and last places. Jackson led the Royal Roads considerably. The trip over and back was made team with a "99" target. The final results were R.M.C. with the RC.A.F. 487, C.M.R. 485 and Royal Roads 484. Royal Roads' entries in the cross-country ski-run , ponsored by the Sno-Bird Ski Club of Victoria, at The swimming results decided the final standing Mount Brenton lip-island, placed 3rd, 10th, and 13th. of the three Colleges represented in the tournament. The weekend before stand-down, six skiers flew C.M.R. clinched first place by walking a way with over to Vancouver via T.C.A., secured aU-Drive the swimming laurels. Royal Roads came a close and with Jericho Bay Army Camp as a base proceeded second. and R.M.C. was last. Royal Roads got off to a to do some skiing. After a Saturday evening of good start in the first race with Boyle. Broughton and relaxation, the skiers set out on Sunday for Grouse Steuart winning the medley relay. Steuart increased Mountain. The skiing was extremely good and the the point margin by winning the lOa yards Free Style only complaint this weekend seems to have been the race. The teams of Freill and Dion from R.M.C. ex pense. Some extra costs were accumulated which and Morin and Newman from C.M.R gave too much perhaps could have been avoided. opposition in the diving to MacNab and Alexander I am Sure the Juniors are looking forward to further of Royal Roads, Royal Roads coming last in this trips next year. On behalf of the skiers I should like event. In the SO yds. Free Style, Steuart again swam to thank Lieutenant Joy and Professor Keys, and for Royal Roads, finishing a close second to C.M.R.'s also the other members of the Staff who made these Christie. In the SO yards Breast Style race Broughton trips possible. fi

HOCKEY pated in an athletic tournament in the East. All Hockey is Canada's greatest sport. Here at Royal the Corps of the Army (including the R.C.A.) wer< Roads, however, it is one of the few sports which represented whln the attack was made and, sad as I does not receive its due. At the College, a 'winter's it makes me say this, we were all helpless. In the I hockey consists of but five inter-Right games. Every onslaught which took place, they had us at their mercy. Wednesday in the third term, classes were started II early so that the Cadets arrive at the Memorial Arena The enemy was so successful in its attack as it in Victoria by noon to begin their inter-Right matches. was, mostly because of the close co-operation which It is rather surprising to see such a good brand of exists between the air and the ground members of hockey from cadets. this sabotaging organization. Anyone who ate an The final inter-Right standings are as follows: "RCAF Special Sundae" before boarding the plane T Pts. will testify to this. The reckless driving of frustrated W L jet aces, coupled with the poison served at the dry 1. Mackenzie 5 0 o 15 canteen at RCAF Station Winnipeg, made the poor 2. Cartier 4 1 o 13 Army cadets terribly afraid that the plane was not 3. Champlain 3 2 o 11 going to land at all, leaving them to the most horrible and unsoldier-like of deaths. 4. Hudson 1 3 1 8 1 3 1 8 Needless to say, the morale of the captives was 4. Fraser thoroughly shattered by the experience. The poor 6. La Salle o 5 o 5 unfortunates, fortunately, were rescued at Vancouver This year an extra Wednesday afternoon was set by those stalwart sons of freedom (no, not aside for three of the most exciting games of the Doukhabours), the Canadian Army. The victims of season. The first was a game between a repre­ these "subversives in blue" were wined and dined sentative team from Royal Roads and one from by the Army, and retired for a well-earned rest in VENTURE. Howard scored three times to lead luxurious, wide beds; between clean fresh sheets, Royal Roads to a 4-0 victory, Fox scored the other under soft fluffy blankets. However, this contented goal. 51umber was not to continue; for at the first crack The second game was between the Staff of Royal of dawn, one of the saboteurs who had gained an Roads and the Staff of Venture. Again the "Big inside track in his efforts to knock the props from Blue Machine" came through with a victory, winning the well-being of Canada's defence, broke into the 7-0. Much credit for the victory goes to Padre suites provided for the victims by the afore-mentioned Maclean who scored three goals, to the fine defence pillars of Democracy (the Canadian Army). With of \Ving Commander Middleton and to the spectacular his close-cropped brush cut and his parade square net-minding of Dr. Stewart. bellow, he ruthlessly turned out the weary survivors. The third game was the annual Junior-Senior game. However, the morning was made a bit rosy by a This was a fast, exciting game with the Seniors beautiiul breakfast in exotic surroundings - Army carrying the edge in play to gain a 3-0 win. Culley, mess halls even have murals on the walls. The who also net-minded for the VENTURE game, thoughts of a beautiiul day were shattered by some scored IllS second shutout of the day. more exposure to those agents of discomfort, and It is hoped in the future that hockey will become we were again carted a way like doomed people. (1 t a major sport at Royal Roads. Talent such as we seems that this Air Force has a great deal of influence have seen this year should not go to waste. on the activitie. of Royal Roads cadets, especially whon the Commandant is in Ottawa.) INTER-FLIGHT TRAP SHOOTING However, the saboteurs had been cowed by their i By C-W/C C. P. Lawes contact with the Army and they gave the poor cadets This year trap shooting was placed on an inter­ a restful trip to Victoria, this time missing the Right basis. Each Sunday's duty Right assembled mountain on Salt Spring Island by more than 100 on the square with the guns, ammunition and a feet. sufficient number of clay pigeons. From there the By mid-afternoon the recovered cadets were back cadets, accompanied by the Officer-of-the-Day and in the class rooms (studies were made optional, so the Petty-Officer-of-the-Day, drove to the trap range. naturally they were in attendance at classes all after .. noon) and with all the memories (ha-tee-daw) of Even though the shooting was made an inter-Right the past few days completely erased from their minds. i event we found that it was just as easy as ever to miss the cadets carried on with happy existence at Royal the black birds. However, everyone enjoyed himself, while learning something about shooting. When all Roads. I the results were in, the flights stood in the following However, one thing was impressed upon their order: minds, and that was never to trust their so-called Hudson, Fraser, Cartier, Mackenzie, Champlain. brother service, the Air Force. . La Salle. The true nature of this terrible organization which has secured the taxpayers' money, was finally revealed. The Army, certainly, will n~ver trust them­ AN ARMY CADET'S IMPRESSIONS OF selves in their hands again. THE AIR TRIP FROM C.M.R. Nor will the Army have anything more to do with (Dedicated to Members of the Tournament Team) the RCAF Special Sundaes. By JIC W. ]. McMaster People of the actual senior Canadian service, the CONCLUSION Army (the R.C.R. was formed in 1867, 43 years A few sports events have yet to be held before before the R.C.N. came into being), have long been aware of strange people who run around in bluf the winner of the Shield is declared: The Rights are uniforms. of two distinctly different shades. Those now battling their way through volleyball. Later wearing the darker shade arc sea-going taxi-drivers in the month a track and field meet will be held to (who drive taxis whieh the soldier sometimes has to end the year's competition. At this time Champlain take). What the others are, the Army has never Flight seems to have secured a hold on first place, been too sure. That is, until recently. They are a fifth column, operating for some foreign but there is nothing to stop the other flights from I power, who wish to ruin the health, the morale, and battlin>: for second place. The standings to date the moral well-being of the Army. This was demon­ are: strated beyond a shadow of a doubt on the night of Champlain 365 February 27, 1955. On that night an attempt was made to rupture the stomachs of all the good soldiers Mackenzie 295 aboard one of those roaring, bucking, fire-spitting. Hudson 256 cold, nauseating, twisting, monsters that was once only an idea in the Wright brothers' minds. This La Salle 235 attempt was nearly successful. The attack was made Cartier 175 against those members of that excellent organization which is known as the Canadian Army, who partie i- Fraser ISO No. 1 SQUADRON



COACHES CPO F. Potts, Sgt. A. T. Jones, CPO D. W. Barker, Sgt. H. W. Kennedy, PO R. A. Bolt. Missing: Lieut P. J . Botes.