USIC <' Epartment Upset
TheU~EC etriev-er University' of Maryla.nd Baltimore C.ounty Volume Seven, Number Seventeen Monday, February 12, 1973 Check off system proposed for fees by Mike Cohn If some clubs did not make The - SGA is planning to themselves more prominent on present a proposal to the campus and more benefical to Review Board this week the students, then they would allowing students to allocate recei ve no money from them, fees to organizations at the Tibbets said. time they register for classes. The only organization whose This would give the students budget would not be affected control over how their $18 is by the student distribution is distributed. the SGA, who would receive $3 SGA president, David Tib from every student for betts said that each spring a list operating expenses. of s,udent organizations would be included in the pre registration packet. The Lowe seeks student would then check off how much of his $18 he wishes to give to each organization. AutonolllY There will be a mandantory donation of $3.00 to the SGA, so Act repeal each student will actually have control over only $15 of the by Dennis Gring-'" rilandantory $18 fee. House Speaker Thomas The student fees of incoming Hunter Lowe's bill to repeal the ... officially withdrawn first semesterfreshman will be 1952 Autonomy Act for the placed in a pool, an0 Uni versity of Maryland is 'Negative' attitude distributed in equal proportion expected to come before the to those of , the rest of the House of Delegates in two campus. weeks . • Questioned about the The bill, if enacted would gi ve the General Assembly far USIC <' epartment upset possibility of some organizations receiving little, more authority in University affairs than just annually withdrawal of the music major or no funds, Tibbetts said that by Robert Molinaro nothing to do with the merits of approving its budget.
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