Creating an Efficient Marketing Plan for Aid to ArtisansU December 16th, 2015 Authors: Ife Bell
[email protected] ______________________ Anjali Kuchibhatla
[email protected] ______________________ Melissa Rivera
[email protected] ______________________ With contributions from: Michel Sabbagh In Cooperation With: Maud Obe,
[email protected] Senior Program Coordinator, Aid to Artisans Proposal Submitted To: Professor Fred Looft,
[email protected] Professor Brigitte Servatius,
[email protected] Washington, D.C. Project Center This project is submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree requirements of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions or options of Aid to Artisans or Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Abstract This purpose of this project was to develop a marketing plan for sustainability of Aid to Artisans’ e-platform, Aid to ArtisansU. The team accomplished this by completing the following five steps: defining the mission, identifying the target audience, advertising through print and social media marketing, and finally, locating sponsors to finance it. We provided short-term and long-term recommendations to update the platform and maintain the website for future sustainability. 1 Acknowledgements We would like to thank our advisors Brigitte Servatius and Fred Looft for their advice and guidance in this project. We would also like to thank our sponsor, Maud Obe, for mentoring and teaching us about working in the nonprofit sector. We would like to extend our gratitude to everyone we worked with who helped us in the completion of our project: thank you to the entire Creative Learning and CreativeU staff for your support and helpful information! Readers interested in more information about this project should contact Professor Fred Looft or Brigitte Servatius via email at [
[email protected]] and [
[email protected]].