t I 'l ffi il ilEI il t il il ,7 ;\aochllnann o. En 1l: . ii*natp i:iirr,l],1o tr. , A*rin; 8; ttt'" ssr 69.a7' .qa'"e}'opN 3.9 Arer!*ar 681 b& 6T .trcJ l3 6l Aursuz L8 .{soa"sg t?




r!a.'-'14) jj .t i1 z:a

}C 57 2222: ,"','.''1; - ',,''' nn'.. .r':".:l'r:'' ?2 .::'::: 22-a3 ' D"l

DaJ'q fller. E. B ig6 C" lJ.. 2j f ::,'n L.. .9.. ?-j lnv-, &" !1,j C" .9.., arrC Lelend 5" 5'1. DrrS:use 21 ei:.,'J.rri:l i:e., -llddu61;o l? rili.i.g-n'.*nl.eogl*l:i -'1.:lt-t-:i. ;:jl 'i.. 4 ro-t.. .i,';: .j.,. I tI T T l''',.:. i1 '. 11 '-'r T a.:. *"i!)'

iiuli,l.i '.".jap*rv

l,' ll.. and f'erd]'tg I 3.-..*.nri l{o:rtoo ilr t ' .58 I 32-{8 * .9 I 't2 aa I tu13

* 34 34 34 34.'35 J5 56

60 ,5 36 36 ?, fi 60 I 't6s 36 T ,6 'trto

It c" e!'

tp t-

1,. , Rgllgrs, Ssah Janc : Rcgll,, hr|].'8" Roirehnl{. 4r Roaa8ahr, Ambrs gh

'rI" Sr*


trtich Cffipsqf I

li I ##Ir-ti.to *,,* *n ' ' '',:', i'fo, Ir


rS * 4' 47 45 !J .kersoi, I:e' 46 ldflsou.'-:--- J. I. t6 Ifl*, I.LHJ,g 8"1 Gr E'r and,Qsse t{lleoa Srkea lrb I !{lea" Eest* ?siate of 45 i{tchoan, '!{Ic}oan, Eroa, t& I Joh& S. arl Jass fi. 69


T I I IX n$D FGr ttn ulliTirfct OF NFfADA

I.ji,LruA RIlfEii IR.RI0iTIOIi D15i!:Iff, a eon- poratlon, JOIFI I tt.li;.-gn, A]lltlottr; Vfi,Lftr

LiHU g CA!!(L$ CttiPAi.Yr a ccrpor.aif.onl fiiTriuB, pllTa, $]IIIB t4IITs, Ii. F. FJHEI&, ln{S. [,t,izfin:Tt CliICiEsIEIt, B. Hi- ChI6t|Iib1IER, .ir$G$ Fol'ELLt 3{es. gLIrA }fcxr}3,}itrs" 5A8All T CAirtiElr VISIL CO:J!,II:TT.,IIUNN}T;ILL LA}JD & t LIVIS"IOCLC(llr'/dty, & corporailolli ,rAlE$ Hc&.AX,!'ftAflK S1l'ii,S0ll, nlucKuti lri-lEll cLlL I EF.ALEu,CIltIC C(il:PANy,a, cortoFation, ll. ,' x. suml,g'{,rEn,u su'ru*r.nt$t, r. scliacHr, 'rrollA5 I ElurY, Jos AIJ.Af!IJ, EA}: t'At d9, Iltfiti! I RUBE,EDIiIE }.UBE,JOE soREHIlrE, ai DuJ./r,',u!iJ.CA, !tumgKl bALLAi,LltICA,llttuvb ) ) t ); pim,i t*n ar ): ) oAI, I.iLi. fl. P. ilAr I

ESI/r1'E, HIJIi(rUTlt LAf{D & LrvErTLrch 6Ji"fA$I, ) ) a corporaLton, LILAJ'jUUAI, C. i.L kii.J.li00il, ) ) A. So BitYr.flT, LORBlrlitiEDnIrIZ, A. l,'. EIIA!:DON,) l tslii* !1. llr l;i}:tiAil0tr, c.8. f,/iy, FhA,t !1. )

CHI0lillii't'S.1,dAVIIJ tfcli.Al, l'$t5" 81fir'fJiI-lJD lLtcQUBEr.A. Ilr .rAi{lt}J, cl.i}l.a }t.{ii1'EH,Ii0}f I , . tiA$rILT 5rnlis, Huiilluijlu, J,t];lJ & Lnr]j:i?ucf,

G,iiPAtY, a corpomtion, J, il. Ir;*tjl;# | Lris. Al,lrJrgirFijtII,I, ;ornt' r.. l'liE! l-;rl cL b, FuxiJ].TCII

, e corporailon, C. i;. i,';l.LlA$illli, J. L.

PU..sT,x.}j;il'ilE, Il. C. GUIU)) iiiTL $l1IT;. O},GO1

JOI|Y i3" GALLqciiSii, tJ. F. Flih-Eit'j, rI0; IrAtsIjt,

FI.LI} I.,|:'}KN,

(iRltifii rl. 8ls,t; IiL{ IrAt^Loi;, rL{.}.1i}lTcii cOiiplrfi"fI a corporatlon, ii. SCri'_I A, 'J. A, Ptlrr:tllll

Ci.iultlE FrtElj)l:OPl', tilA f, J. !i.{,i|.f,t]s, JoirFpH

.ilAfllni5, H, lt. iPl:'.OG I;,t1'A3't, r . ,.:. 0ALLiri}liIR,

II. {. ii$,lli, C" A. l}Aiil([iT. Lr,rrtii.il !', H'.JCrlI.;Lt]r;tr J- 11. Lr{NCtS?Utt,f.iII.:,LA!,i lic0$iA, l, ql0$ SCIR&\Ii, f'tu'UrlliLUCA, i.fiS. ;.iELrrRL.FX, I D.j..l:ico, JOti$i mt,lizO, !; ul.lAt: lj0/rIut:i, LOUISS $lcti0tiANr,iAT FtcGG;Ailr S. ni!:j0i;}.;LjN, il" U, $llVIA, I CIHJI] i]ai:t]ucLtAtr\, ]ir' iuilciil Bitr./IileHs r'fAilEL t PLU.IU.Dt,$t,UI'llH IrLUl.,i.',!:It,tAy i.i6VrJl,tr, r.l!,IL r.is l' H. F, tsEftTHA.LtD,lllljj. $i;.Afi JArjs iLtjl,I;:S,

I I.Illlltu\i r.t. Fi}iltu.;l;, l;tJ. HELLIL iti:&u , ttjtruol,D ,J. PHtros*,


liAloHcHI, ittx,L0 iIAIrJ C I, L. u. -i.ft.iTI):I, LIZ|:IE

ltEH0)rY.{l0us,J. c. ;,lffIJXH, JCtl-i rijIDIIi,, GLr$

. i;rLLLi"{i, i;l}JRy ,;. lilalJr'i:-s. i,tcrrii ic:; tilu,L,,J.t:i,

u^taT! F !r1T!t r.. (f r.!rJ*.-{ !r), Dt'lL{ iiil i,Ur}15, $PRA(iff&

H0ODCOCIiliT{ir CUIIPAJX,o cortorailon_ C. t. b'1UJS, C. L. Nf,OioLA$,rltrliN LM-FFJ,EI.L!ri' N. I -; , r,'.ii:.,:;i.j.:.,.D.!ltLll!':i$iioA, GtioltGli t;ELStt, t. sll.0lJ{;, u; {l ., . cA!.rRr;LL, pf,frlrh lli.rriAis; Jollrt ii{yuE}t, c. E. t I .,': .t.. . tiJlGtLET, tt.. H, uAt-tsoii,J. N. ii,L5ii, J. G. I I.i:.., ." HiGo,.iAli,isAAc A $Tiro$ii;!In, f'. o. ;ficlr.YEt

, ri: ICu L. i,lAllTI; , A}ITONECA!iAC:IJI, THE PLY}lijtJTH I r CL\\lPI\Y, a corForaLion, lllill.$; J. HIIITEAC}J' t Drr/4"r ryN I Jorifl$oN, c" Ii. !;r,ktl{, J. l. lillg;t;, I ,: SI.Slq R"l_rc FlcC{4;A::,FIClJllf!8.i, J.rr. !,,.ll. }'LrCl;,Yr.Llli r.1' J"rJ' O;\.t! }icC'{.iliAtt'iictrvlr,Ult I i-;R5" IOUI$E ficC,{iiiA}I,U'ilLIo LIAiIZ:tr IIESTER LTIIC!r, I. UIbT, $O.D!!IA . JL:llli itcVICAr., F,8" I llu.iii , IiAhCAhi,T sCIlc'{iLbT,. .I$,XS T . t:cfilJ{ , JOHN F" IPrltu*r-C,i.lltLtr'1, FTiAtii, YPAliit.lCUIfiRE, j0;]"!,Pll I lr fPARRA(;tllrrRl,j,Orf,-;-c:; PA.-J.l;li and Jo;iri f,(rs,' : ftrct.Ai#r,

coul:).slnt ttra severs.l defandnnlsr filed fholr ant!.arr snd crcse

co:rplal.nt e. I . Tho partieo to e*id sui+- rger; r€pr€sonLad bl' eNdqra- I iri1.5 ai folloxs: sucsoscof to F, H. Silrpson; C,ecil l' aud Fetar LYavj.nlr co-F€{r"t,n{rc dolng busineoa wrder t}re flr.n naate and styLe of &r:'kha!n & ljsvlni V. S, Connol1i I'irs;, li. E. Convay li !{rs. A. C. Sturgeon, Iixecutrl,ces of the batate of ?atli c} J. Conr,ty, I Dcceasod; Franlr Cortlrery; Battlata Cr€or€ttLi'!'. Dll1, C. llst,zllcr end B. F. Edrcards doln5 br.rel esa ao DlIL, lictrger & Ddr+r:da; Pred Dunn; guccessor I Irank I{. Irsteo, io iiarrlct bstasi gerLha ii. L-ean* {suod es. Berlhe $!npscn), Succeasor to Frank Slnpsoni Joe tsaber; Ira lraLlon;

I !'.iu. .I. C. Farrel; lirs. iJrnlna lranclsconir. auccas$or to il-;r.

I IJj-tli:ef l, $ric:3riei; to D, J. Eu,-1s:.; A. -:l,r;i, s:jOr:d:.::r, L,r ii:-j., :.lirr:j


iinu:(til : 5.rdi''.:ri,-oirj..iitoi: ; lJar+l,a .-.,hr,.!.,r. ;-,!r {,' l, A" H. {eeraith end

to Flyrrouth tlompa,:ry; rt. ll. Oakay; . -'

Geo. Par*tri itrg. l'tar? J. Parksr, $uccessor to J, 0. Itsrkerp

Hcrtsr"t Panrosc, succclaofs to 9Jdr P€nrocli Rr5rnold Pactrosoi !iq" I !1. Penrostg Co C" Perr?ri [irE. {rrrr B. Phl}atr.ot GTfgc f;Luner;

drrS F. Poli, euccoeaor iLo [ra- Licgi€ llitoqeontsi Arthw Rlrs6l; I ' (aucceardr to ltorrl! pursel); !1. N" Frrse]; h'l1ton hrlael, t suscessor to liorris Pursolj i{rr. Sarah Jane Rsllenr i }1" llr Jroach; Anbro dosBscbl.; \roa $antlnar succeaBor to t. D. Santin&i I Carlo Scotena; Joe Scsfu.i716gtl. lY, ichachti A. B. Silva, sued ' sg A" B. Sij.laj Fr*nl; ll. lilrrpsca; I ' pany, &* csrpo ra.t lon;- Fc {} I and Fred StroEnlderi A. 't. corB to P. J. Conrva;'and H. F. Sirasey and S" r';1gFpr?;

I Tonagnl, suerl .lE i\rtona f,ane,f;nl; l'irs. L;zdla Trankle; r1" J' t sn 'v{o" t Fla ot , srrccea3ol t o A. tt. tJarler and Panrnga r,stat€i 8r8d


I Ililson, Wll1lgn O" Hl.sc, euecogaor'to ll" W" (lim.) Schacht; rI. I D. Ieagorr J. l{. Hilcoa" -6- I I 0oorge !. $anford represente(l the fol]owlng &ofend'ants: I troon -a,uchobe$y ( Succeseor to H' F' Pouroll) ; trb€tt J' T Srooks; I. R. Sassman; trN-lzabsth Chlchegter; !!uoo Chlahest€!; A. and, F. Charlebols; Roy C. Chlehest€r; trI anlr Cornpston; Janes I and. Hachquet compston; Douglas count5' Farners !ank, a corpora- tton; Eetato of John B. Gallagher' ileceas€d' C. W. Ga]-lagher' I -EILlzabe th Gallagher Desousa, et al ; Fox Dltch Co!0pany' a corpor- atlon; ?effoso anfl W€st GulIcI; Challes Oroso; Kat€ Snith Ga&€i I IIEII A. EAI1; q 11. Iiullnewi].]. and lltl-]'i€ llorrls; {. Jonsen, ftd.: t Eans lbauspo ; J. li. Mann; li{ono Land. & llvesto ck Compatry, a oo!po! atlon; Ifr S. Morgan; |.1i.H. Mofgan; ar thu.r anfl Mollo t lfBtonohl; F. 3. l[ann; John Monza; -ELlza MaKay; Geo. C. lio Vlcar.; Jas. t. and A]-ta ],t. liloliay; NolI HcVlcar; ICre. C. A. I Mcvlcar; JaDes l,loAlllster; A. i. fttts; Mlnnlo hl. Powo]"li Ed.nond loweL1; I'. lT. S€ttel-neyer; Schacht, sett€l-looy€r an&

I Settelnoyer; IleJ-Lle Sunsted.'b; J. C. Snyder; T,ouls Selon1 i I Sohreclc BroB.; Ber.trand. Sal1es; The Plynouth lantl and Stoelc Company,a corporatlon; G. M. '!erry; ti. C. 06rry; thomas 'Wll-Ilams; I !6e Vll].karson; Janes 11. and. John 'lllchnan. Gt'een & I,u]lsford repre€entetl the following defendants: I tntolope Val1o y L{utuaf i'rater company, a callfornla cor - t polatlon; Maly n. Convray; Rlchard. P. Conway; Charfes I:. Day; tanes H. Day; Seland S. Day; Charles ll. lilrh,vood.; Idelle I Bsl"zar, P€arl I{1rlnJ.lood.,f.,otta trvelves;j,'rs. A. T'r.Phllatro; Davld. S. Jones. T W. H. Metson, wlth $. n. M€ring' as oounse]' reples€nteal the foJ.lowlng d.efend.ants: I Atle]. 3a]zar; Mary A. Conl,rtay;Rlchard. P. Conway; I Ieland. Day; C. &. Day; C. I'i. (ir]l]irood; Irtrs. C. I..{.Klrlrwood.; trotte fwo1vo s . I fianfordr

Arthur F" Lash€r reprasenLed .ioerph Pr Fenraeo, sucdosaor ilr

interesi to Paraezo Ercthers. Tiiege interoEts .r{€ro, duri.g tlra uend,enoy l,' of the suj.t, acquire{ b3" tha Sank of i{+'vatla $a\.infis and Trust Caapan]r and ll€ra r€preserrted by ?hatcher and hoodburn and lfillJan porjen o..

I Gcorge B. Thatcirer cnd !,jllifan i+oodhurn, lrlth ?iilltaR For*tan I as counael, represenued lilerra lraclflc Porrar €o.lpan1., srricassor to Truckoo itiver Qeneral llcctric co.rpany, B.r,rJrof }ro.ra{a savtrngs end Tmst I Conpa4y, AnteLope Yallel' Lsnti and Cettle Cc:nptry, and o r.J,ginalJ; rep- resdn+,cd rlnie,lope tr'a1}e.yl.lutual li+ter Cc:::pa.:ry,:rhich uae eubseqlrr:nliy

reprosent e-d by Gresn and lturtf6rdo .' ,, ' ' ,'", '' t --.,-...... Thie'sult vas rc.ferrsd B, l' to "?. Curler, spFnjntcd bl, the CourL on triarch V , 1928, ss SDiciel .llaster in Ghanceryr ro taka testhony ln ,r I the su li, an

aald B. F. Curlei. 0pon the ar:pointnerp. end que,ll,fl catJ.on of eajd

I iiobert it. Fric e es Specl al llast€a, further hoartrg a r,iera llad, thi' I caus* llao arguei,l by carrns.:] for all, I -e- ?hlch had beim tlaterrlaed in the propossd dacree anC further hearirqls

xerc had and evidarce, oraJ. o.,rd.doe[-nantar:r, gneselrted. fhereaftor ^clro ca1.gg}taa fil+,,her ar.ilred by cofieel; coneetisns ln and etldlt ions

tho proposed declee $ere r',ads gnd tho censc :i,rrln eubnitted. to

conctuslons of

Cour* o on H*y tl t ltJly reforerl the natt er to ths Sp$ci8l ltrsXsr to

I ts-re firrt har testlncny rearecti::g clainod right,s of cartain grr+-ias"

f,l.ndlngo of fscf r

purau.a.rt io the direetl-on of thc Court, rosubal tt€d

to the Court arrCto the aftornqys lor +,he sslrera^l po,rtles to lhr

suLt radl.afted proposed fintlirgs of faet, conctu3lons of lar aod dderaoo

CbJectlono io the 4anc uefs fli.ad and i;rgued before llia I *F and Lhs lycldsnco

l. prpriatlon fu drd to tho_v*tars oi lla:ksr hlrref for usa upon t,'alker ltlrrer Indian iteservatl.on itr th€ l;t$s of iistrs46 es aeb forth T tnTle fo[orlng tabu.Ietiottp rririch sho{B irr &}mns roaillt1g fr"out left to rdr'iht the yearo in rlrich. tlre gr,r€tra.I rtg.hi s of epproptt:rllon

I sccrtodt the anou:lt$ of w*ier ex?reesarl 1* cubic feet por secfl:d I at the Fojnt of dlversion acqulred ln sucir years r€spectlvsly, atrd the n:.rrber of scr6a i:'rl.laterl .;nrler auch appropriatiuna. I Prloritv C':"ft,,per Sec- Acreg tI$l'la!-{{ ls59. 26"25 2xT:co I 4effi qntFr I frts @. *'Js J*{k{as -t ii '*€s9. ..WD 'i:ti I ffi .| /)

- l.:t .':.

. r:::'.' l .:.:jl.-.::

riEhtd lrerq adJrtdicate.d for th6ir, of pr+decessorairr

lnterest, ln f,ho rlecree of thj-s Cour^tin the 3u1t entliLi:d, riPaeific

I tlvestock Coropnrqpla ccrps ral,lcn, IAelniiff, ve. fn B. Illck*y, I et a1, lJefsndants't ln i\:tlt;r !io, ?31, are hare'cry swo:.a-l\r l.l accnJed, th€ *r,o por accoBd the use of r"ir:lch thc swner is entltled ai thg

xatsra hsvs becn aonducted or applLed to a boncflcLsl uaco

I All' *f .glre land bolox rlescrlbsd. la al.tuetod Jn to,nahlpg I north rnd rangoa east !f l{s:rnt St^ebk tsssr and Ulridlsn and the dogLryratlsn r'ilo D, B. & l{' t' ls aadg a psrt tf rnch daocrlF, I tLon cf land ss frrllir aa lf .apoclfLcal,lg sst fsrth" '*htire i,ha augrber rf acree descrlb$li under thc aervcral priorl,tl,ea

It ls undor-

lncluded ln th*

spcclfLc daecripblon sf thr ).a,ndEnd tbBt tha land tr ba j.:r.

rJ,gatcd frs4t iho eerrsre-} ;:li,oritlea Ls ilrs nr:.:rber of acfen set forth *nCor rtllo. st acr€6 l*lgetadB " .tsrrurt llc" li

Xyker, {fi s$ of ; fieo. 5i arid L'l N{ of , $ac. E; ?. 1], 14 N", n.

Q- f,laezLt F-:',11Lj6,i'l.rccoeaor to Herqr- st*d, W*Iksr i8?,! "57 &8 ti$, $sc. 28i Si;ir ;j$c, L ilver l.d?g h"gt+ ,,-12 !P; t{2 cf StIf, Sec, 2o;

I {l l|Bf of'rEi, 6 ilc, R. 2t

8.N., B, 23 sEt.t, See-Sec- ,li31i 23 9,. T re62 .96 60 ${4 ef HE|, tI'4 0r sEL, Soc. 18; ?, I llor il. 2;i t g. 186e P ffil of NHl, sEc. 2'r; T" "48 g I[o, Ii" 22 E" I l r.862 a.l* I53 $| of,-srl, see. fo; l{} of tt$i Ssc, 3Ii I 1862 10el 76 Si of lfid, sac. 31j 1862 I"?A SO ll| of sr[, -qco" 32; t" I 9 N., R. 23 E. I L863 2.16 160 I

T rt F,t t+W

strt of :nl IffI I d ;;;#t:;il.-3offi{of &f, sr{, sr'ldoi sef, s*c" ig;"r

1863 slft of ulf|, $wi of DrYtr 5i of- SWtr-Secc 29'. I at)ilF,l, !rE+of, s8l" s* I 2"W 1.80 w| of sEl, pEf of sti!, - Scc. 2Jri !ffi of lEi;, ;fEN of lfrtr 9ac. 25i r863 2,56 160 sE{rr rBfr.ui of Foi, Scc. 24t !IE{ rf }iEf,, Sec.

g I,t., n. 2? E.

'l I ' rs63Ls63dLa 3.23oz4 6 eoor'ir'i'lr $rla|tJl .lcf-G *I*,t*r{,rr.rl llH.Lfrlrt tr s$u s:":-l;flt S| of.rlE4, N$l$, I of $Ef , Suc. 5i ro6i r"ee uo i; ${or I ff,"$,il+a,"6s, 1863 t.?8 8O Mit of trrri, Sec. {t.l $f of

. S s*i of lilii, ileil. rt stf; : , ' . Scoo ?i I '.: 1s53 t.ol 6j E! of Ss{, ssc. ?; T" I ts", R. ?3 8" ! Is63 r.s5 It6 E! of l{iif, sv{, af Nhif,,

I 23Sn a.!.:I: I

' , l.

I 1654 .96 60 sl er sB* of Soc. l5t I 1864 &0 fllri of 5S$, Sec. 21.; I "54 ,-, rA6r* z.16 L@ s! cf,],fi{d,li} qr $+1, Sec. 6t 1861 1.28 nr !lt."irt"t,Ssc. ?i ,, ' 1s64' , !.26 60 k! or slrf, sec* 9l €o sr4, $ec. 6i !fi*, s6c" r?t r 18& L.rz 120 Ei of $et, sl of nEl, I ooc"83 l|tli ol NW|, Sec. J; NEf of NEt, Soc. 5; T"-8 Ho, I n. a3 F. SE| of $i, Scc" 31; Sr{| of $rJt, Soc. 32; I T.9$",$,23B. r864 - 1.18 80 3i of fi-|,, $ecr I?i I t85tr 1.?2 120 1, s6c. l?, '1. 1864 1"S -t) riEl, Ssc" 2C; tl lf,, I R" 23 E" ': r"r* i, , s ts| oc nQ,.*i| $oc. ll; lll of I lai T" 9 il.r B. 22 E" Nt{{ uf llE{, $ac* ?; 1.e6 & {$ ef 5i{}, sE} of if,i$" I sae" 31;

aco Jri

I LS64rE54 .rb.Y6 60 $4srt rrrf s&i,EEIr sco.t".. ft,3t I ' '1"r' : r€64 "16 10 S--or s4,_s!c, :llj ?. I:|'. I ts6t : .4!l 25 sa| of !rE|, sp! of s8fi, soi. ii ri's rl, n, zi'u. I t8o5 r.zs Bo st or st, l;6c"?i 1865 1"28 s i'r} or N'tl; $cc' l?j t fS63 i4O s! trE|, Scc. "6& of 8; . I -rr* frl EI of

1"O& 65 ui of lll{i, Seo. ?i

E,.OA 1360 S€oo 7t Sco" I8 end pet4 ! a+! i€c. l9i . I I ,., : 18ZB1878 1.6I1.61 . l0llo1 soc. 8t I t I I ' .rtr 3.66 230 ryl,s1q, wi of .!!|,sEl, uH|,vHl, 50c"Soc" 'ttl?t }.l8tne4 of lihl+, Soc" 2Oi Is$2 3.6s 2p ssc. t?i sEi rf Nr{i: Sec.2O; I I 1662 3.e @ sg cf !i!i{" tr2 of lEf: E{ . .f sE+,sel. b;

50c* 17t El 18; ffr.'S.sf

NHI fl;is,

t,ta of sltd, $E{ or s[$, lie c. l?i

1S90 "32 20 Irr{j, of HW}, Soc. 2$; ].3FJ T "tz * $! or xt$, scc. 20; t Itts

' !$ii,,!r'ii,, Sec.Sec.__8 tm "611 40 frdtfrit cfrf S; ot !.lEi, Scc, ?i T. $. 23 S. 1,,, ,>t 1$2 5"Eo 3fr It E$ N".{*:toc. 28;"i,tlr ${ of.Ef, Sec. 29i. i,n,l of Frilr $cc" 3l; E! I of. tltst, .qec. ?0; l.l* of

I iieat 1$62 ,16 :o H! of, #Ir|, See, 3oi ii*lkor tiiv6r 1862 ^32 20 sl.of Shl, li+li of riri{" I iltif of 9'.r!r Suc" ?i 'dsat I SiCrt 1852 m lli- rf ii;.i., Soc. 3B; lij of Sll, 9ec. 39i t. d tl", n" 2j E" I r863 E! of ssf, ul{ a3;;51, 56 of $il, scc, 12; lltit qf ,qEl, $A of $.r|, si or tlHi I Sao" lJ; llLg of HE4, $Et, Sec" 14i l. 9 i{., 8''. :? ii" I 165l j.":B t:a-, lf!{f, af Slt'a, $,11,of ii*!i;, 9ac. 19; T. 3 N, , B" 23 8., I

'vY. q,

x| of $E|, r*;| of i{ii}, scc" "38 )) 16; T" 9 J{", it. 22 E. 1.32 11 ll ol H;if, jec. I; T..d I !., R, 2g E" Sl ef ;ild, .;ee.36; l' lJ.tt6L, )tt, ilitf., Ei cf lfrr*, f:I ri sllt, iig* of SHi, Soc, 2i

T -16-

l':- ..,.' .,.: , I_1.. -' ' r " -- Wa a.* tzr- n! ot Jti[, sl or ur{, scc. i;;.r ..' . ' I I ral4 r"es 60 ** o, trwl, ttl of .9{t, sqc. ,. ,,,.., . ..'',,,T*,.1,,' tz;T'U!; T. 99f.r8.22E'' X.r E 22 tl. rs?8 t.6e ra6 scc,.,,eitri I S.":ft*u' Tlir rr"rf or sl'rl' sec' : x; I 1,, 5U *t of s:!$;,socl 3oi: " . 5e14og :tWf, ;;$ft et sr{}, Ssc, 3O; , ,3O }9 NBTo? Sili, $-dl 0r Nul., Ses. 20; T. I l{. , Ir., 23 Eo 1S?8 ,5h 40 H$ or. sti+, se3. 6t T, g !1", ft. 23 E.

NEI cf 3H|, $cc. 2Oj , 16?8 ''lO 25 5?{ or Nx}, }I.-r{+oF slii, ' sac. l9r T, 6 lI" r it' 23 E' 1s8z 3.i,6 zr?i li":raiTglii,;i,,$g of Ni:.,, li;- of SJrf,o Soe: 11;

L882 ,?O 13 Nl:i of i\tlif , 3€c. ?j;i u€2 10.L{ 63t+ Sec, 1; l] or H[, $ec, 1.2i'8, 9 N., It" ;.2 E*

'fi ,.51 u| or s] of t{Ef, Sclgo "32 tJ' 1. r' 6 ,rtara, 22 E" I " ./-.lrehar, L, J", Sueccasar to Leuie t.60

Aruouro, just1rr, Sue{:i'gg+r fo S:ryder, 4 J " C. 1{aat '!i 186J. "2i+ Srtft,Sac, J!;.8$ or sEf, Welkor rsp ;l!, and,iE* OPNAt, Src, 34i . lltrsr Lsl2 ,64 l+o ?. 1.2!f;; n,. ?5 4, r87? "tz ?o t *1s- rdl ft %t T.

t{a}kor lAflJ .Tl 64 w!, t{ rEf,-lllrl Eivcr 9r of 1B€2 2"33 ry7 HE+,Sli? Cr s$i, Sac" 6; T ls85 1"41 11? T. l4 lt., R. 25 ts" 1Ag2 2.{8 wl 5f of :,tt, Sec, 31; f" If I r87/ 1.53 u7 N., n. 25 8" B*rrk of Nevsda Se\rl..tgg snd Tru,rf, Conl+r.y. to .iohn B" Gattaeh€r i::::::it .(wr .;. bi t rgrs,SacJ r n-atkor zfftS I"CS 6J &1ii€r I88? "50 t+2 I r892 1.";O 03 I F-sdl.ri.u . .J r IaurenrJ€Rtrenga,*t arllcc€a,gor to Pets.- , . ,r : .;i-.. Hel&aan" I irlveral&gr 1862 l"fo l@ ii! of-sr{i" roc. z; .rwf I iffi l:3; itr :l Hti:i:j lrll, g&+*_iri+[, f'#il-uil-or I r.rec. Hwf of $Ui,, prac, r sylil-fu,'ffii?**if,'fk". m sit,_s*:,roi-_. , : ill"l'*iit# i /A Blackrrcllr'#.Blackrrcll, #. L. suceaceorsu""aouor to F. d, , .

t{} of ..ff{, sec. l{aLksr 3{i T. 12 lt., &. 23 E. Hlver

/ / Bors,s, Dors Hl].lian (Doro ltilltsns). ' Strceoa:or te $t{I I lrur it. isnr€;;--'

t/a.Lkar lii?0 .5'! t+?.5 Frac" S$ of lfi{t, Fyso. i{} 15 s. 1{l,s€c, 7, 1/+ N. , 31; I. 15 N., Ro

,lrs*r Georf,c Dor Suecoasor /3 'nliref r t. C. C. ard ThomaaK!.nalay,

I I )lt t

Frac. lllil of ]irii" HA .f N{t, soo3 11; lil of slf, $! ot" S,,lf,,Saq" 2; T" l_i I N"r E' 23 Ii' tsurkhem,C. B to CeclL T, ftd

ifurthaili C' B. $rcclseor lo Patrick Jn Conrny'

East' f8?o 'l] '* l,*il 1'tl $cll of liEl, Scc..ti!; t" al-kcr 1880 :".{a llEf llH{, gnq. rro of r N! rf - liivor 18?o r.gt 12| 2!; SHt.of $Hg, s€c. 22i 9! af 5r, S6c. 21,; N;, T Sac" 28; $cc" 29; 52 of Sl, $ec. S; r:,| of :;,-,i, Scc, 19; !:1, rlj of li1..f. T .tt,Jl '1^ - rr\ | .F .l 1r sn $EA ll,r I

I Chlchastorr Bruce, Succoaoor tr Antalop-e Yal.ley Land and Ceitl.a T Copeny, '40 l{osi LF62 "6rr s|. of sHl, .sQ of ltlii, I hr'l k61' NYtOF tN*t, $.c. ?; t. d|tltrfo2F Rlver g rr., ..r

/$ Qtlchta er, Franll, Succeeeor to I Roy l{c9Icer and HelJ, McYlcar, 1e53 OF 5"1ri tof I N.f R. 23 E": I .

: ,' ' .| /q ' : I .t , . Hsgt 1$5e ,c'05 .{ Freco cf tl!;+ 0F Sivl, Frr,c, Ual{isr 1ts63 .390 32"6 tr+. 0P Ylit, OF$ec, 25i I Blvcr L85$ .0?0 6"0 T" 1l !t., n" 23 E. t 1,,

"?ilE" I CeerprP.,w, // Janer, Succossor to ?h+raa Klncloy, t Woet 1663 Frec. ,0a? '!Oof lllli of S:E4r..iec, lja],k.r 1832 ,19j )2 2; l. }f., tl. 23 t" I Blror t _9t,.. Walker 18gO I"O8 *) E! of HII|, 1t[d, sec. 9; Rlvor :ASS .96 €O 1{! of ilk'f, Sec., l0l T, 1900 I.A4 1S 14 N., R. 25 E.

f4 Cor"y, fisinie of P. J., ('.leLtLnnHanch) r I R.r R. 25 E. t /.{ hnvav iistelc cf ?. J., {Yclr,. iianch)r " Hllk$r 1AT, .&0 35 }fdl, Ssl, r:i rf Sld|, Scc" I iilner 18?9 .I8 15 8; ?. g i.t,, rr" 25 E" . rsst ,CI tp :.r, 62

I /Q Coz*::ey, Prank Succoegor t. O. $, Ullaon. J. I" t{lkon rnd..I; tt. &leoc - '. . : , . i '..,, , ': ' ::: I Ut?0 s| of sec" Iugt ,6t| 40 a6; t. t2 !r",' lfdkor R. 25 E. Rlv er

!,ot:.Lth, F. Y. Succeaeor to .jol:rr B. I / ,Jalteshor, r t ' r i{elkcr '.. fs6s .U ao [w]. $] of il]4 rf si,4- I .' ', ' ' j' -1,Wi . l' . , .j' , lo.ty . ,. rllSrrJU ,!',t.I| S+:u!$r d*d*r;{ltTrr1rrrn$ 8f.fiOl].75 ni t, 14 il., B. a5 E" t_ ti 28 Cranottl, Be+,tlets,, (itcansRe^neh), I East 18'/o .96 60 w| rr nirl, Mrl of siri, ! Halkar IS?5 .6n r+O sic. 36;'E; oi tr{, iic. r Rlvar lry .llg g 3jt t. l, |r., B. Aj g" r lFl. fj I "U

-&* ! 'r{o 3r4J rrlrqat. E. rrqgtiE||:,IJl- Iro F.r (r o JU t r. 8.,t Strcccaeort,o . Slnpson, .'.: Ueet, 1890 L.i4 ]2o it! of.SH[, ttirf, Sec. 3; ].lE] liali.erll{alier O9.gf.$ElrtiEi r Soc.soc. iri,ri 9) of HEfm|,, - I Rivcr sE4r-St of $'tJt, Sec.-21; N{ of.ni, Sit olt NHi, Ei ?f 51ft, Soc. 28; $l of NEt, I* of Sl sec. 33i sEA oF.Sl,tt, I S!-of SEf, Sec. !1,3 SWf_oF !Nt, scc..zzi si;t OF!tF*, NEt 0F L'Ei, Sec. 9; T, lA il.| I R. 23 S, sl ol lHd, Sea. li; litt'l 0F i'litif., *toc" ztil"la lt", R. 25 E"

3/ D*y, G. 8., Succerror to F. tl. I 3l.,rpaoa, t$cst l,talkcr 1890 "as 40 l{r,l OFlfi+, gac" 3i ?. t Rhrer Ll l'1", it' 2, 5' DrspLo s." Succsasor tr F' l{" . J2 g{}p6on, .. : I n-cat f$90 .96 S U{ of tt!l-i, Soc" J; t. I lieLkor ll", n. ?3 E" I Rlnar 33 n" 5ous8, Estete cf Ellzabeth Gslleflharr Suscesecr io rlohn 8. Ggllashcri Hslkcr f868 Rlver ffp t8/,I+ LSTI .:' L884

t/ oottauonica, f-odsrto, $ucc€asor t* John B" Gellaghar

T ljalkgr L868 llo 1{} of..i{d,-soc. I; l{Ei Blver 18'71 "+8 ';U+5 of.lillt, sl{| of }Idf, Hi of I 18?5 2"52 ?Jt+ $I{f, $o_c.}1; f. 13 H., I I Rrvcr J; r" u. i.r., #;ur;:. I ''- / DlJ'lr Hal,;gar L&,rardo, $uc;'asecrg _ 1L ond l' f. Allca -I. i.arLia, ef aJ", I ' ll-i of s?iq. lrg,l, s('e. r4allrer Ls69 "66 5i l{i r f,l1ler tgl/+ Eo f.T. Ur {.r }r" 25 r' "96 t'P 'I 1s78 "48 rtoo4taY .'12 50- z.8L 235 Dcnrvan.I{. - - C. succ€naorr I J? /7 t{" nnd ,J.. !f T.:---:---j' L. D" Ser:tlns,-- .: I88o 2'# 16c I ffrl", ltli'ri;li:'l]i;r'i':i,,;: ItLrer $ec. 13.; T" 12 ll., !.' ?'5 c I 'rrl., I 3I $atoa, Frcnk $ucceoeor to HarilEL . listos.

I Eegs fS95 .13 S ri,,,-',.:.1.. nlvaf I ; r' Ita 3? Evanen Eertha Slnpoon, Succagser to . 'l{" f , $!:lpeonn I 1.60

','e1l /Y- +tU< 25; NE{, E} of uw}, ItrIl+ I of SW+, NE+ of SI*, sf of Seo. 35; vlraurl " ,,,rl; L.'ii SEf, iVf of 4 | fI* of SY/*, Soo. 56s E+ t of SW+,Sec. 24; f. 15 $., R. e5 E. t /pralIon, Ita, East 1862 1. 60 100 Ti.bof IrE+, SF.| of xE|, tJ{alkor 1877 1.?6 ]-10 Sec. 8; Iff of slf+, sE+ I Rivor 1887 1.20 .rq of $r'I+, sYI+of 6Sf, Seo. 1900 .64 5; r,tE+of N[f{, Sec. 8; |nQltrD 1906 "7e 45 zt fi. 18BI I.60 100 TI* of SE-1,_ S ec. 21: STtr*. t LB9S EA 40 Seo. ?0; Nf, rPF-29 oi sv;+. \Y'h of ST't, Ssc. ; SE+; Ef of $Ei-, Seo. 30; NE+, I Hb of SI+i., Soc. 3L; f. 9 N., R. 2? E.

{J' - rarretl , trFs. J. C., Suocessor I to John-B. Ga1laghoi, tp€r J. C. Farre I ) , ii{aIk I er 18?5 1.08 7U sE+ of r'rE+,Nrr-b of SE*' lBBO ,46 Eb of SE+, Seo. A. 'r, L4 1889 .84 eo N., R. e5 E. I 4/f Earre].J-, trtsry panksrl Succossor. to John B. Ga]-].aghor,(per. J. O. I Park€r ) , Walker 1880 .60 lT$ of ]ilt{-}, Sec. 11 ; E# 1901 o18 of ITE+,Ssc. 10; f. t4 t N. ! R. e5 E'. f $ I':ox Dltch Company, I East 18 65 10.6e BB5 I,IFI+,S+., Soc. ]-E; SFdof YIa]-ker L870 9.68 BO7 Rlver. L875 8.00 66? $l*;r.fufi-$*,i';; l3iT$l t 1880 3 nB? 7ZA of SftI+, $eo. 14; Ef, of lBB 5 1.9U I60 Sec. 22; Ef , Sb-of NtIf{, 1,890 '70 SVI.',5s.. 2n;'ilb of Sec. I89 5 r..0e 85 24; NFt, ll'i.! of l,l$f$, Soc. I 25i EeLof SE+, Wf , Sec. e6; s# of pb, NtT+of gE+, Sec. U?;lvf of NEt, Ifb of I SEaL,NEf, of SII|, Seo' 55; T. 13 N.. R. e5 p. E+ of sE+, Seo. I0; Wf of Sl'I*, S€a. II; NE+, tllt of T Seo. 15; NE!, lpt, o{-SW.h, seo.16;_Nf, EtIa. of SEt,9q+, Nllr+ of sEt, I Sec. ZB ; SV]I.|of Seo . 33 ; T. le N., R. e5 E.

(i I r .'J.f ./i

I -25- I {f lfranolsooni, !.,hs. Ibnlna, Successor - ' to A. lbntlt and lbe tl Fsnl]-l ) .s. , , ,., I Itfe I t L88e u.oB 150 I{} of NElo",W} of SE+, Nt. 1Yalk6! 18Be .80 50 of SVI?.,IilT/+r So c. 36 ; T. nivor 12 N., R. P5 E. NIY+,ofNE-|, Seo. 1; I. L1 I l{., R, 25 E. '!T. t f/Ibledhoff, eeorge , Faet. ]-e9a l_.08 90 sw{ of Sg+, S60. az; N} T'ial-ke r of NTI+,Sec. 25; N$ of Rlve! N-!, Soo. ?6; Nb of I{8.}, I SEI of IdE|, Seo. 27; I. T'Ies t 1904 .1e 10 le N., R. a5 E. lTdlker I Rtver {$'- $rlstone, F. M., Inc., Sucoos s or I to lleil and.Joe lul sto n€ , T,Ies t -LtJ btJ 2.54 159 N# of Seo. 5Or s+ of sEt' Vilhlk6r 18?B s.B8 ?,43 Sdc. 19: N$ of Seo. I Rlv or 1890 .16 10 2e3 s$ or swtr,$Tt;'$* of SW*, S€c. eo; [. 11 1I., R. A4 l. I {f futstone, .AnnleXt., Suocessor to G0o. H. tr\rlstone, l,Te I s t L861 .08 t2 SX*, Sec. 2?; Eb IYalk€ r L863 I.50 OR E+',oSoc,34; Y{}.,W} Rlvor 1870 2,.40 150 of ssf;, Sec.,25; ilf! eg t 18?5 1. 60 100 lrn.1" trbac. Yf* of SE*. W 1880 1.60 100 Sec. 35; t. If N., F; 1BB5 1. 60 100 23 fr. trIao. of Ssc. 1. l_0 I I'1., R. eg E. 5OtrYoeontoks,John !'., Succossorto I Ib€ d.€r.lcks and. tr\rlstone, East 1862 2.08 Is0 S|, Soc. 25; SS of SE*, T/a,1k6r lB65 1" 60 1nn Seo. 86; SP*, Eb of NW*, t Rlver l Atn 1" 60 l_00 SW+of fft{-}, tr}ao, SW+,-N# L875 1.60 IO0 trW+of SE*, Seo. 35; lB80 1060 100 of trY{*. sE.l of sW+. Nl|I+ I 1885 I.bU 100 of sE*, \t{+-ofNE+,'NE+- of NE-.|,Seo. 36; T. 7 N., R. 25 E. Svf* of M$, Seo. 6; S$ I of NE+, [# of SPf, SE+ of trW*, NPt gf SVtt{,Se o. - 4 ; $W+of SEf, Seo. 6; Nf I of NEl, sW{ of NE+, N* of sE+, NE+gf s'ir-t,soo. 7; tr1},1:,;of SW|, Soo. 8; T. 6 I N., R. e5 E. I tli I ,.i;,...' I ,f/ oggcr i'lra. Ho Bo, liucccsesr ta ll.8o c4p,aard Katc Gageo

I lleat 1S6l r"96 I2o $EJ!of !l{, Si of_ sEf , tfElkor 1665 4"16 2& Ssc. 23; W{ of !it{}, sac" Rlver fg75 "12 & ?5t Ni;t, Sec. 26; slrf of Sl'lf, Sec. 2r+i T, 1l N, , I R, 23 E,

rfl C"S", S*lol, $uccossorto i{. B. I ua.'c ancl .lat a ual.g, l{s*t l,SI s .)2 n g:!f of sBf, $cc" a6; T" I lialkcr 1900 ,32 20 tl it", H" 23 E, Illv er

5-7 o.:+":t'ct, J" 8", liucceasorto I J. B" Gallsghcr iistate r ll&lksr Wz 1,38 365 w|, 3i of. sst, NIL of pl, T Rleor Lglg 4"o9 &3I SEi sf HEl, Soc, 23.3 N! of, Nl, Iiac. 28; Frac" NLI ef Ni:;|, Soc. 29i F.cct of !'1" C. 8' 8. R"; Frec. I E| of 5Ef, Soc, 2O, Saat of !1. C. B" 8" R"! T, lt N", R. 25 E- I rtrccoesora -fi oanaxnar, Ketla, et al, to K" L" Pdar, Faul, li. and Joim t Ocllaghcre Hel"kar fS6g "60 50 u!, Soc. 15i l. U $", Rlvsr fE?O 2.69 22A R, 25 S" t 1.880 J4 1893 "L7.u 11 LBn alF T 1,904 "04,el L7,5 J:f c*ff*r',rrer, FeteF, Psul, ot slo I >ucc€gaotets K" t", Pator, PauJ. H, cnd rlohn Gsllqherr

I Hal.kor 186g n s!{ $i{i, soc. 4lvor .21+ of 2?i i{} 1€?0 r.o7 8? of,l{W$, $oc. 2t'li SE{ of l8€o .o? 6 El, Seo" ?8; T. l[ N., I ,-8y3 .o5 4 R.258. \w 2 1904 .09 7.5 I ji6 **f:.egrror, Ilrry, ot al, Succesoor To Joha B" Gqllssiror ( por J:r.ras I .lehrstona, rialkor f6?1 22.5 lll of uEir tl| or i!{, $'cc,, Ii:.-.ror ],,gl5 clo tfl 30; T. 14 N., It" ;6 d. I 1r160 ro,r 53' I I .;i/ condcr, t. t{., _' West 1A?8 L2S sE{, soo, 16; T. }.1 !t., T l{alker R. 2t E" rq?cr frec. 3t] of !tlo!, Se';" 6i T. :.0 rJ", R. ?4 U. I'rac. ltiil, Frae. Ei of lltr'lt, Frac._ 58{ of. S}Jd, Sec- li tlr'+ of if*{., lloc" 12; T. 10 lJ', R. 4 Ii" Gardtnorr -'4rs, hE., rf,4 ^lit. and Successoro t t'C I,o Dc UIS35' rieet liig4 ttr{{, Sac" "5L 32 11; T" )-: ii; , i{elk6r ll}JO t+3 H" 2i E. " :alirBr "6?

5? r)lurrrn, H. A. end try L., Succosgors !', Lo ll " iicrtrand, ;.ta:kar LglZ 80 ,t$ of.:iild, S::c, 2{i; }li "96 ?.lver 1"8?? ,p 75 ef liWir $ec" J2; t" l+ t{", it" 26 E.

$ O Gtodt, ;irurlalo, Succee,ror t.o H" F, T l(ranpi*1, 9ast t8g* 1?] :.1,;, I "e€ ^t of E$1, )iiii of Ualkar f:.o3 f"44 90 liec. 36; f" L-] s"r R. I 31:rsr 25 E"

6 ,/ *i+rZ,I, Ugo nnd C,ri.1"1.i.o,Suscesgors I +t ll' Jn Srltl€rt Eag! fe9o H! sllf ::l'f, '.{alkcr "61 4a of , E! cf s?l trf S'ht, Sec. 31; T" iJ ?.i-?ar tr R. ?5.E. lll*{'", cf U,fl, Soc" 6; T, 12.!r,, t,.26 E" I SEf of sqt, Sec. J6; T" i.3 l: ", R, 25 :, I $/- {ircenr'.4"J. . Esat l8g9 It sl af SEf rf {i'ri, $oc" l,tr; naJ.xgr ,. T" 12 l!., R. 25 6" I Rlzcr

l-i Crosr"*.*d DiNch Conpany I jia*i, 1865 6"92 577 ui, :olil, !{}.of i:f, s:c. rrisLker iil?o 1".$ 2;.El of :l:'lt, ii4 rif iii;, I Itlr'rr 1S?5 6",p 57i jE{, Sec" 3i sl:t rf iilil, 14eO 8"?? 7zl Soc. l+i NId, H;. rf -rEj.r is85 2"7? z)L $oc. ]0; lli of li}ctr LV+ IstO 2.W 200 of. I'Wl, Src. I!1 lti .rf I i695 2"j6 Lfl lltt, S€c. ?l; lij of l;'-!, 1(rtf tfv) *oc" ?6; f,, 12 tl", 1,. l€F_, I - ': ')r: ;' "| { t a5 E. Fl, s*t|, scc. Ili suj, pf sJ, s9"" l4i lf! of_ffir.$$, SEd, Seo, I 22; lQ.of il?{n scc. zJ! i{El, ii! 9f SU$,soc,-241 N* of N!:*, $,lt of.Nctr I 5| or $df, sttf'.!l|| or sEf sog. Zfi llEt, N* of s!:+, Sll{ of SE-{, scc" J{; tlt{, . Ntl{ rf SYf" Sl of S}, Seci I 3:, r. 13 N"' B" 25 8" l{f rf lioc. 1'/} All rf sec" t.8;.Ul of NElr Nk+, I H| of SWf,soc. ig! T, 13 N., R. 26 A.

ffi Gpssa, Uheoo Succcasor to I Pl.vrcuth Conpury,

Hest ii| of-SHl, Sce. 2!; .:.rri 1862 "gl I T lla.lkor 1851 \t rf sEt,, Soc. t6; T" Rlver 1868 .ln"62 I 1.1,,R. 23 g, rats "23:. 1{l I it: .,. 6f cruul, A" errd Son,

tis,Lksr 1698 1":6 105 Ei-of iiiJ|, rl;l of Sll*., T llver :-srl r.{o r55 rF't, l,;i or'584, Soc, }i T 12 | ;? { "K 'rI! of t;t';{, 1.ry4of g'di; I Sec. 5; T. 13 N", l:" 26

66 iinrlll, A, and tl.r tiucceseor I to Paclflc LLneetcck CrNrpargr,

i'Jalker 1 A4t, lidl "28 ?2 sli, s6c. 3ot *'f HHl, I l{'rer l^uo) "101r 9 Sce" ili t" i4 ll.r :i, r.s?0 ,3r5 33 e5 E. ,!f Soc. i'll ;;1'o 18?5 "8lo 6?"5 of 25; ".r1 t :.88f) i"o88 rec. 36i T. l[ I'1,,,i" 183i .692 CQ 2' '. lEto .{84 !r)) 1895 t7 ")22 t r900 ,623 52 1905 .831 69 {.1' 0 t I 6 7 W1,J:a,Pcrrroee end t{es-t, Succ$aBoFg to John B. Gallaqher.(por Lc"a !by) , Hglk*r Len ,86 72 JiE{., Sco.. }O;. t{* cf Nl4, T Iilscr 1896 1 lat 92 Stll +f llSi, Utit sl :ui:, uo4 'v) { Sse. i5i f . Li H. r P-" t 2' F," t I s I Hgll, F-rcd.["r Suecesser.Lo P3.3nouth Ceopwry" I 'dert 1601: ,.so9 t Ei. cf E| of llwf, sco" j6; l{alkor l$6j r+S Sbt cf 9'*r{r Soe. 25i T" RkcF "trr le,6$ "10? fl,5 1L u", H" 23 S" I Itrr8 !it '' i':i'l- ' j'r:: 6q {ey, trra. ard O. 9., Succsagcratr I 6"1$.", Jasca Coqpetonend vlarcnct*** rnarPc,

lresb 1885 .& ltDl .f Niil, sf.of x$, T rtRlksr 5o 188q 3"56 16r l:ji of Ht4, $Et, Ssc" 19i i lllvBt- r.t of I,l.|, Svc" Fi t" 7 irough H", R. 27 E" l' 0rosk a;d B6di€ T Crcelt

/O Llacl"Lctto, P€tcr Ha.Lker 1866 {1!. :i* }i-1, iJ'l " t?0 o.{. . of srt, .s} ttlvsr t8i3 IO, ot' tirii SVf, Itoc" .[; -\i - Lgb t I '. ^ r'l'" of S9i, !ili, c-*" t, I 'll .iv 1, 1'- u v1 13 rj.r R. 26 A" 7/ HlUbun, Jan+e, ijucces*or to ,\[rO" t Adslfua tllll.bun, _! d6.+ llrrr trac. lii tf il*{r S.sc. /u; lis] ksr lt02 ouu ?" ].2 N", 8" 25 g" T jalv or 7.2 l{lJltnh, l4ao, Su4sssssr }.6 llrs. T ldol.:Lne illllbun,

je 3?- 18?3 "u{) ) Frac; $* cf i{;3i, tj,}c" 15, li:rik cr i?o2 ,06 5 T. 12 U,, it, ,:( l' I ,1i:er

y'J ena" o Chag", S"iccsscor i:+ f . U. I 9ilpaon"

Wegt, ]8S :' L,92 l& r{l ef 5r$, S$ of, tll{, $cc. I i{elkor 2i T. ll il., R. 23 E" iliyer

/? ilunnrnrlllr S. f,. und itonJ,a, lt3.JJ.Lo t -Lo Ho, $ugs$se.l's lr" lJ. lnp mn , ifasi 'rf i{+, 1$t "96 :..! }-j, soc, 15; I iilaLi:er oE{ of .}.+?1,. E;r. of Snl, . iri,z er Se-c"16; lii{t,_'di oi rr:'i, SE*, tl of S',.t, l&i* of I 5'd{, Sec. 22; lli oi: }t}, Sec. 27i ?" 12 ll", A" 23 L" ,i'";',.' '/J -:-li;- i.i-1- ,'.::;,..:.'1, ;je I *e.;;-,:-,..7;;i I tc l" iJ" SLtrFsoa i{+st 1690 o# &a* of l{ttl, $cc" ]f3 T, I Ha_ltsr Z2 lf', R. 23 E" iilvcr . 76 t iosoph, su{c,r;eor'tt iolm 76f!\!ttlr,,Ll:G#lntr I rr, { F€r r-Omt;ir} EroE., ) I Hal.ksr IsB n 2.5 'd] of Sfu ,'ioe" J21 ?., F.][vsr -i.:]rl* .05 l+, I5 l{'. R' 25 S. I 188t .q 2.5 .r'l.of'*Hio Frsc" sdt cf LSte "96 ," lfr{, Seco I}l T" Li fl..' I ,!L€Y/ '6) 2"5 R. 25 E. / / il o-;taao F;rnu f ,o Sucg':seor f,o F" iJ" Shpoirn)

'?ilt j I *' /) '. .A en s* sl 5i{+. Soe.,15; f .. !"n.'_krir l.f :{.,i 3.., l} fi,. I j?.tYtf /$ .i ':rslst,rxt, l*i,:!.:Lrr,,' filif cc*t?nr t-o i{ir;hol I-anC ;}r:d a:-,e* 0e.op:n$',. 'rii..r,.ar I .).3&$ ,.jc 3y E) of ,lf i, Jec. J0; t'. l-i:v ':: -r4;{,,., ,1, 35 F.". Fr'.re, l{L,l el liEE" ste ' r}i Irlg,:., il'i:i sf Sl* i r.:8c.. I r\., L3 ii,., ::,. :6 *_ ,.];lc...r$ r;* r tr i .rhl ll., t..:1,:i'Str;]f I :.P,,!t rtEirss ichrxlar:) ., i:'*-ker l.':i?l ,,U r; . 1 ...! . :,:r:ri :t ,\ t ili8s '.3A ,!+l-zrtr.r,r", J.-u''.. :11,:;rra:sr -/Q ' r1,, i,o :' tr.:.r.1 r..'.-:,r:."..1 .i!.1::( lsbpl;ry I ',..i]'.::r ti::::3 .,ft +t lil{f cf:,lit, $fl":f i{:;ri- ':r,.-:'-]''=. ::.,r,':,:i 11" il l, ,.. i'., .-;; ii-,

'''1.J;1;.;;;r.11.1;,i,.' :l;.:lt,::,. '--' I ,1 "i.ri,;;';: O ]J$-k:rr l.l:* .:r[! l, FL'rc:r ifi f? , _:ii .i oh'l.'Jt"rx:.,fl-:,y';;s;2 ?,,, -BO .li1';gs6gga 'rislol i.o ,jot,n B ,.]:.jl"s:+€r (;car: E. 3., 'r$ I' l,]rtlJref 1,cn5 ,:,lA zfl} 3:,;f .e; :in*, af, ,;irti a.i' Trlvs:f ili;:" 14"r . 9i 1,'.'ln :'i. it , 2;; ;i,, '' ', p,L:rit:r:-i:.ir I 5/ 'r,t.':'.t.: i,rn ; . {i',.:. oo,.r,};- i:.) i+:nr,::r'v , rij 'l ri1.j; ),:.:)i:l ..t],,:,,,+ 3 *il lliii;. '':r:, :'. : ,'.".:; .i:lo.j , jl-! :! ir- 1. .. :r. ;ri ri t' "lil. rr, .?ft l:fl:,-' '.j.. J .. t i;r/ ''-:1.'i - " ) I ':'')"' I I 8z Loir,m, i{ro. C" S" and furnrlre H1l.J.y:.;.te, $uccoseorg la Llnforth t D, ltllgy, ngot 1$?9 l. t-ij of i'l'J;l, jie,:" L; t Hrlkor H., R, 2l ll" I ir.ir.r'f T 83 Lcrsiu" Annolie 0.,, Eest 1.S?i r,,o? 6? Frac. :*{. rf NEt, it',{ cf I'a.L'.dr $8f, E.j of SE{, Scc, 2?i I rtiv$r ?, 81J", R, e? !i" i.*raari, Frado liuqcansfl? t s i{!s. 8+ :l I . tlobiflsgn and l{a4. .1,lear;liaf? Ji;rur IIii :f :i:'Jd, l':.it,, liri rl !{sl}i e r ,)"W,,, Soc, l.! i |,, 1l l! . , I rl ir .)f, ii" 25 :t" 6.3 ,.rncli, S!'pl,ie, l;riccrjsaDr Lo i'e s-- I tr.::lier lilr.'t r llli,cr Cstrps"ly, Test 1J6r '72 {u r f:].c - Iii .i.t' Sl;[ - .)oe, ],i!; rl'&lkcr d, .ti ;i" I "rlyer L_;r:-r,)61.i.,1.7, t:.: Lri :.::isi +_rx *86 o:Ic t.latn 3t .l . l{, 3s::}6d, lluccEaror to I Pr6C. t l1l :r.rd Ctras :!d.rgir,

llc,li:ar- i,S?g 1,,$0 rio l{t of fUi;, 5u{, I'rr.r:. -t} rri I cdt, lg84 "33 4,.' sf.lilitr Snc, ?S; N1'! 3.886 l+,L7 j; "g 3El"t {JEf, Soc" 3 Frac . ;llif , 5!l{, Strc, n3, i. \,) t!," I ft,^ 25 E, '.;;n dt i).ilLell 'r, II.r:14 rirclr:. t,ax uaL..; i;l .!i,.-":..-.,; 3 . 'L l i'l.r;*, Su;,:r'svor. I :'rv.l l:'r-l-L arId Gi;*;r. lioaJrrr

i{a}krr .3ac" jl,; li:.S,i .75 oz.,) il,i of . i-l:jir i,iltr T lilver 1.8.$6 ,75 &2.,5 rf lfl;r+,Sec- 35; T, "t-J N". ,li, ?5 I.

fi I ry"n Csunty D*lrk-(itoacilng, t{, S, and G" J,{. ,) } I ,lueceeeqr t{ W. F,, end C., f,!" flcadi"ng,

i'laot ig83 rr.l, d.L i:|. of $S|, l]sc" 2; 5l t f l'lalh I er Nr,f , IJec. LL; T" lC iI. . -"livor )'1. ?l it" 1l I $f 1.1'r,,, sl:l-,i'r iir"llt, I:;i, i,- tisilrrcaj . i--u,)r,r':s*f t; .'.i.1-,i1 ,i.:r':oi,,lll:ns, ai r'J,

il.rlk+r. liJ*/r+ 2 ..69 ?.?), l!. ai rlt.{, lil:li, SEc. ii t 'iirgt tll.X) '77 4!! Sl of :.ting, i;Ul of irttf , t ..'r2... I ur91 :t2 60 H| of lt{, of N!+, 3oo. Ili T. l4-N., *. 25 E" sEi of $|,1. sec. 3Al i, I 15 lt., it. ?5 E. qO Lyan CounLyDrnk (!;e6t, 5" .{.), $rrccassor to John B. Oaltaghor. (p r Lene ioy),

l{s.}ker }8fll ,64 51 H| of.SiJi, Sac. ?3;.3h'{ llivar 1896 "82 58 ,rf . SHfr- Sac. lJ; Ni{i of 1904 $!if,, liE{ of HDi, Frlc" I "o4 1 r . tltiA rf lii,t, Sec. 2l; T" LL t{., 8" e5 E.

q / Lyon Cew1LyBrnk ('ii!fssn, i" W.), U jucceesor to C" l{. llilson, J. f" I l{llson end J. lJn l{LLBon, E! Sec. 21; S! li;ab 1861 "40 25 oi.ilr,lo 'drlkrr 186? ,,"4 of Sli{, S,:c, 26; N! ol Illvsr 1S63 ,?,} r5 Nii+, sEI of ilEL, EI of. 1964 15 SEt, Soc. 33; frsc. fl'{* $A Sac. 3" 12 lr", ii" 25 T.858 f "3,1 34i i869 "32 I :rl2 .s t0 llnl of !{El_,.Sac.41 5.,2 '1 4 Acree lilif of li.it, 5€c \st5 .u !n " 187t 32"5 3; T" D li". R, 25 f," T TB?9 ,c8"52 1690 .Jc 22.5 t r903 .L2 7"5 { Z Lyan Corarty Bs.n]c( ?ils,r! },,h"), $ucc,raaor le il" l{" .\chech.t,

I Saat, 1888 of ^18f SE6 sf lilf[, 'rlelkol .j+8 F ld| , $oc. I1; t. 13 lt., li" I Itlvor :5 n" q 3 l',gioncnl" .lrt;-,rrr s.':d ll*l-tr, Succerecre I !e Paio:. ll€tr.nen and G€r.ric Il. Flurn*r" 'de{it 18?? r-is s!.of l{x}, i'.i:lto:l rtl;;, iialkor 1885 2.lro :.to rirnl4ol l,i'It: l{J4, ';..6. 1' Rlvor llr4, Sec f8?? 1.11 82 ll oi' " 2; L. lj" t 1683 2"O5 MA il", R, 25 ii, E!-of_,;81.,sec. 35ysj s-].kef 1863 2.0O 1 A.' of.$'Wt,Soc. 36; Ei of I , Rlt rr ----"n' -b:r'' SEl, Soc. J6; ?" J.2N", ,.).., It. 25 8. N,.Il.of Nittr ,\1ntf, 5ec, 5; T 1..11 X.r.ti. 26 E" SEf ,rf Sc{, SW,i,,l.rc . 3l-.: ?. i2 ii., it. 2s;J"

t ?4" |lanlra, .,i:ii.onr,

l{rl k*. .L€Si 'r ll )5 I Rl,vs:" -1-!OO ::l ai 5:'ii::..;iW; ol l;ii,,. :;, lje4, !il; ?. .Liri: - r ::. i6 I *Ji- I '/S fiaan, .I. So, Succesaor f,o tr{elksr I Bl,vcr Dltclr Cornprlry, t{oat . r :i864 1.!0 10O Frac. $E|, $ec" 18; ?" l{al*or ll il., it" 24 Ii. t I11"rqr /$ u"*lr., t{rs" AJ.ice, Ha1kct I f883 oJo lo r.I| of,.9{1,, Scc. 10; ir* Blver ol lfrifr Sac. 15i T" u N", R. 25 E" I penr.oge) Q / u^,asonValloy i3ank, (A. , -iuccisaor to Ssrall Js*rg Ilallona, t Wslkor lF?/r 4"]2' al.t. E| of $ri{, sEl, s6c, 2i Illvor -18€O 2"425 i59 ?..14 li"r.R, 25 E" I89l "72 ffi I'IEN.af sr/f, Soc" ,1li I 15 N., S. Et E" 7E l{a's+,sr0eh,Clergr $uccegsor t o I f r:l,-lk i'argenspBn., l{sllisr \o12 t"68 !!tv sl{i, Sou"133 s$t,, Si',* Riysr iatr' 'io "8.f ?t l#18, Snc. Jti T.. 14 I 1904 25 ll"r 3. 26 U" d/ i[aLiees, Jo R.r Successor t,e I Me:'Lhe .[fimr Ea,ti :1.?o af,t IIS{ rt x.:{, Src" 12; ?. yalr.rr 12 lr,, lt" 25 E" Il1:rer

/l?C ltcn.:s lnl vrcl T:;;netti, Su::eecgors T to i" G" l(au{:aanr

.irinsi li?i ,$o ,'iiiq, Ser. ?3i ?, tl ,'i,. ilal-ksr :i1.33 1"23 :$ ;io lJ .-.r I iil,.rcr. t /6/ ;"texqt Dlbctr ccnrpa'y' Bast 1S65 4eF 3e !/c1ker 1870 5,25 521 I ]llver 1S?5 5"31 U,1 t880 ?0 IBBi "84 ro3 l aQ( i"62 L35 I :gi,ro t I -..... t'l: t" l,: i{"r H. ?5 ,9. S{ of Srtf, Sec" 22; 5! T of .i'i[, Soc. ?8; :il ri ii.] +l )Jif , i{i or'.ce!i{,3+':, :?; I '--2r*" li4, 3)lt *f liii" n Soc. li1; E| of E|, sac. Jj; ?, 13 !l"r tt" a5 $. lo7 l{1llor, Laurq Dtgkfuls.:.rn,Su:s.q3sa5 To .llirxluth Ccn;ury,

ifast 18Tg Frnc. i;i:4 *f lilJf., 3,:*,, I,JgXkor 25; T. }1 it", 8, 2J i:" Jtfir€,r

I / (-u derg-*n, H" 3o,

&rat L*19 58 slil of sl'$, Soc. 1O; lllJl; Itnlkcr "n T 1859 ,x6 $ .f.SEt, riEt ff . str'i, $l af ilrer l89rr r,+6 y2 H{f,, Nii+-of ifnl;, $ec, l!; FJpof llLl, Soc. 16t f, I I lr", R. 2? E. 'rl. /A+ Her.qan, H"r $uccesaortr Nsllle T J" khitacrc gnd 9erthr furr dohncton, Halkor 1858 "36 30 gtl, Soc. 32, to 14 H., I 81ver LW r.t6 130 R- 26 E^ llcAllleterr J" A.r Succoegor to $nt,olopo Talloy l*nd & Ca;tlq I L.APSrry. i.eat f86t "zz J!| Sdf, of Sld, $co. f; T. WeLkee I rr" R. 23 fi, T Rlver t{-0{ of 5-!ii1 ;:sd" ]?; ?,, a N,, R" 22 3.

7'pgf .tcOr:r*an,,I" 0", Succssr:orto T 'v{ilsen ,J" I", G. ltl", and J. l{.

Sast 1861 s-1,ttui" i{f cf ri:i, s*c., I "40 'I iialkor 1862 4 2; llEf , f,2 t:? :i!li . . ri:{d, illtrer L8"{3 ef- 5Etr. Soc. l.; lir{i n ri !R .:4, llli+ Lli{, f.lt 15614 "2t *f rt' rc58 $'rftn $sc. 1; liif, li*c. 1.869 ..t1 20 11,; T. lL il., Ii. :5 E" Lsl2 2,30 ru t87' 7"' LslT I.?8"12 111 1S7? o \,|' x T u83 .2L 1A l€90 "36 22"5 IO t894 "16 1900 4) I rtc3 !" 7,.7-t ''l y'f'6 / l' Ur-"r,notr"J, {io , i:rccaeior io lr::lc$ I aod i-+y ?{iCrr*n, flust .tolo ,oa tt! of il{-- scc, lirii . 'da-l,ker 'I 39 13i Ca\, .s.b 52.5 Sec" l4i ?, l? :r--,,!i" i{ive: i.:)0? 1F I I ng:yryf Ht 8.. andJo o.r.suceasedra /O7 '{. tc rI . f". , o. and .I . H: l{Llson , I llest 1863 .50 11 s| ot rih{, pHi 9t su.1,. lfs-lksr 1B?? jL Soc. 27i.1*itr l{l of.l;Sf , Rivar i{f of liiif , Frrrc. S.Q{, T (74"08 ,tcres), Sqc- 3U T" 12 il", R" 25 g"

/ 06 i{gceffsn, }J. Ilo r Succeqsor: tr Lrrigo I i{c0$x$n end Bay lfdaran"

8s6t tgl6 )g SE!, Soc, llr, loes a1:< I I{alk* t$p "6j T, ll,r R" "SI, 52'5 acree, lt- ?5 Rly* I?O? .15 lo t,

llcKsFr T. lnd A].lnc Successo:s I "iesse /4 tr i{sgt !{oLkar B:lver Dttch Coaparly" +lso irllroorrth O*aparqr lor F tt rl- T r-lglt,o", 'vieat 'lJ*lker 1S6f t "4e 72J Frgc, S| of )i{, l'1,1;" 1852 ,fio9 1 llrlf of ig4.r Sac, i!; '.1', t Ilivrr l€63 ,53tl 4q"5 .11il"r R. 23 E" l8t3 3 Xl. Fr :i., "lCO of'liirl, r:cn ;" 187S "n1 17 rllrtr Soc, 19; ?, -u*.i'1. . I R" zir s. / I 'n li*;'l.aArr itrim ;nd Chrlutinn, Cuclasaors io lisgN lJqLker l,l.rsr T 01t ch Co:rperry, :{;tz':, 'r,'] L354 r'if i:o of ii!i, :ec. lg; l. T i^/.rlkor 11 11., tt. rtt ii,

/// .'l:VL;ar, C" C., 5116a69sci+,o iies+. I lial lar. .:1:'ar I.U.t,rir Cr:FanIr rnd ;il;,r i{o Schcri.e'' ioi p.*:"+, of i.i,1irto, t i.irls i J.6i;4 1 ,i L2) ipas" 5Lt. +i' -..-;, i e: , !:'irii:gr :.86? ,).l, s.:;| r:f $ii.',, :cc, 1i ;riclr Lii63 t,7,ii) i3 I'rac. li-,i or' ;til, l.tc, i.,; 1868 Df iJ.5;,,l{}.}d I '18?A .5 ef of r5l'n" .!.0 0oc. 19! T. 1l tl.r "2i :J. | / !- "\eVLcar, Neil, Succoosorto Roy t lleil ".urd Ucrils6:', 'rv e gt IEOJ 1"!,,t+ 215 ;,{1!cf.-s;il,5i of iil;i,;iii t i'js-Ll * r lan1 ?28 of ;'IE+,l;,:c. ?3 l;!t of '1iv )"5" . i . ; r l-l?.. 5*g.. ).1; i:rri, liJ4i 'ii '.,irr ij. i1J4, tf ll,r', 5gc" 2, , f ,rr:-:r;rr+,1 i:I.,r,ri::lr::,,:it:d;::;t:_. I . ..L Jl -. i,.. iI]4. ir:..: rI j.',;i.. .;- i:rc, i j; ,', :.t - .!Jilz il,2 j ii, :-ll il , ',':Dj 10 I n i.'? 3 t 7 I //3 li:.-.r1,;:J.,;g;,r, :-:.riccr:.irlor ls i.l. ,.t, I'l:i'lacra iurti B, ,'1" u'chnsr.cr.,

Lrl]"::r3 '.rl'iir-r. T l"!-1ili . - 1.'! :s ;,{i ct' Sec, -i, tcir,. .:ii;er 'r.jrl ".-:?'i ,:"::., :;1ri"rg. .-'.irl.0S-It eres , r':ac" !{2 of $l{ af 5ec., J; .onta:inlns I llo.2i! scr: " l. L3 il", R. 26 tj" " t/+ Iglleon, ilgier ::rd Geo" Ao, $lccesr:;.risr I i o Jolin S" C-r1la.r}:er (1:er Frerl lr'rdri ,

i{il|,:dr l?O, ,2t, }) r.ln+nf siil, H| of l&;i cf iivoi. I . 5U*, Se* 91 T. lj+ )1. r -;1 25 '-'" . ,-/,. ::: 'i ^. / /5 i..;:.i1, .r:..',J. , I'o, i'1r;66s1;r; , I :::.1";h.,'.l.ri.; ila.L],arsu st al,

i,trlksr i8?d 1. ji3 j 120 .i) of 5Wi, s",{ of siil, T rttvor 1gg0 L"Zj| .a)) sac. 34j T. 15 N., li"3t h:

1/$ lleurJLh, Jgnnlc, si:ccsesor to Plyno'llh T LDnpeiry,

_ ire:t l".e62 I Frac" l{} rf gEi, Fr-ac" T 'rlaLk$r joc. Ie63 "n8 o:) !iii; of lliih, 2 ; -'" ._.lv,r.,: . r3s3 -1"1ll.r a. :13E" :*l t2 .' I 'i.. /l 7 r:*:ay,, li,, Succussorto .rohn 'i (-;a . L:" r.r_1.;,:h.r I li , ll _ Ok.ry); I ''i{alker lfi!+ ,26 SD| af Slf, t!ec. 9; T, F_lvor l4 $", n. ?5s" I l/d i;lk."r, l.:or"',. l.rucce:sorr,a Llz:rfs ':l :,--r.ii-,;n,eus, :t, *J_1 ';,a.'l-k.sr I ' ig'iO ,i? f.) E :i r:'ll!/i,ll! of 5l{ir.:'1r1g liivor ii1 of Shl;, l,irii of tlll{, Sec. ?8; T. 1/+lt", R. 25 E" irti:,.:!:,:soi to Sa:,sh i,ur,: i'.el)"onr Sili, Soa. 2$, Except, ! t ^' .1 " ecr€r, T. 14 ll", B. ?5 E. 1e74 T 18&) ..1+O )) T itcieo$or 1.., Js:rn iJ, C$1l:tFhcr, llYli .l:; ;rl ; j3l .,1 ;i " tlq ..'at -r.... I t t f i.- )t . j,:; . ..:j,...J-,..;c -, :,1 ..jjr;,.i:r ; :l::..' ri::,i;...:;t;i, =i, l:.1-,

'i ].i .1.,... l T ;:.: ,r'.,1i,,i :;;.i. :tr, )i t I Hl.vsr St, Frac" ii.., o1 t rt, ,,r,t df SHt, Src. 1l; T, Lt1 !1",n. 25 u.

I / iIO Penress, hh", Sugcagsor io jarah J rne RaILong, ,51,glo

I I'{a].ker I*71+ -".:\r 1te 3| of,.si{i, lirc. !?i fi; iilvsr' t66O 2.'lo 225 of. !ln*, Sec" J2;. tli of _ 18Yt "96 & fih+, 56c. 34; ljirt of l$r{f, I r899 .r4 12 soc. 3Jt t. 15 ll., it" 25 B. Nlft, lisc, 2; ili of 5r{, Soc. Lt; T. I4 ll", F,. 25 g" i.' '/.,',1;.t!-' I l7l Porqr, Cheso, C", Jr.u,'. t-':n {,, /!'7t3 Easl 1gl9 .,?)+ l{ E) of.Sw|r.soc. 1l; lr,) I Halksr !.P,8t .56 15 of ltkt, SHt.$f l,'i;|, Sllt, itivor lt0l ,€g 5' :jec. 24; lilir; of SEf,, 5,:r" 23i T, 12 N", R" 2i I).

T l-,') Pii.':, .{. .4., Suceeloor to j\n}.elopn T*r.l*y L?Jtd & C:rit1o Cornpany, t i'lea! 1,664 1,28 s St{ of .'i;ii. ll,rti 6f 5!Jt, halksr 15?6 l"12 S.ec"l-B; T" 9 H", 7,' Ilivor 23 7." I S};f oi ll.-|, lriii o-i sl-ii, Sac.2|; T. ? H., ;r. ?: [.

/ l 3 i1l1':'outi Lancl ri:d Liv*t ock Ccatar:-... I $uccess.rr tc Hest i'iafk3r ii1y.-1 ilgci Ccrnps.ny,

I 1662 ,,062 sW| of 3s|, Soc. J, E! of l'Je-lk.rr jr"402 1863 )Ql liWf, 3r4 €f :li'lt! Sae. lC; Ri"?€r ,t_96/+ 5"35? (j;o illL ef $tc. !; "l]-l of Sec, 186e I?; Aii. of SEe" 3.r i, ef I '!.$i;'9 "l 1': Ji)1, l:;;1,;" lii.., ,:f .i.:i., ,'i..c.. 1?7!\ 53i of !:.t1 Sr':, l:Xt '! 7; rI' t.,lt -*t!l -'\ . ) .'3 1.,:4i,lrl. of t;11] llsc. 't 1{: t t:) l:ac.liaf i1 fII11," ,.'irc, il1,'l ra. of - i{}Jf,, S;lj of . :liif , Ir} c .' 15t7 i t)r+ 2?5 tfiJi, lf i; 1:' l;l{i, 5r:" 18; I l&{f of ild, N} of N} of sec. ir)i r'rac. 'tlt2.oI+4,;iwf, iittfi, Ssc. 19! Frsc. Iit{g,of SE4r liilf Sioc. I 'iifi-F'rac. , JO; Irec. of Ssc. JI; I" It i{., i" 2lr 9" 5:i$,a1 r:ill, s..rc, 1j; tr',J,j I +f f1{, ?:.4c. Sill c f lr."-r., .i;u. T" ti !i, I Llq; il. , :'J .., I

I J6 I Frac. H| of scc. l; ?, IO N", It. 23 8. I / r<-t Pluuner, Coor3e, Ecst i894 &"eo )oo E of !'tlii, lrdf or N{, s} T Halkar ,,1 Jac. ?5i T, 12 fi., ii" Rive:' 25 tt. Ir2 of-S't$, $ec" JO; lnlf of r-rn"i,Sec" 3lt T. t2 ir,, t 26 E" /7F Fodi, L*, \rcocasor to Chas. Ho I ALliEr" ,

:'i'i"5t 'iig1kar. f86? Prac. . S* of W!, F1sa. iy-; T l9O 5 t,52 of il.ii, lisc. 9; Frac" itlyer t{l of Ii, }'r*c" E} of tihi: liec. !6; T" 12 ti., ll. I 25 !;. / ): {. Poli, Polica, succesro:: to Liazle I Hlrony*oue, of a,1, i{a1i

I ,/71 et*"r, r 4dgsr C,, T:rri;.se, Succ,a*s+r ts Jeir-n3" Gsllagholr y',.,tt; ,'j,', ,/ :

llalJtor fg6g ,.8 sEf, 369. jl.ilrdr .il, 3O3 of Ssg" T 1g?O .69 T. l-l N,, 26 E, 't1A57"5 Jl; 18?4 ,La)1 1*1n i11 L27.5 I 1 :.'C, .,31t '.4

/4n i)r:t'arl, irll,r.,! ,r,i r i, :l:c;ss:;rr.r I t,l liur;.is I\o i's*L, Eaat j+O 1895 "61+ $E| of :'Ei.., soc" I5j :.i* ;da|ker I9OO "3t 71"5 ol sHt, Sec" 14; ?" 1l I B{vrl ,'.t,,rP,. 25 8,, t 31 | lAq htrsrl, l{. Mn, Eaet :88O dO X| of sfi|., .';oc"L; l:! of "64 r;. I i{rt.ksr lg65 ro4 iO ii"{f, Soc. 12i l-2 }l*, itlvtt:' L\* Z) .t.

Frsoli., i'il]*,o.:n9uc,::gucr ti' ::e.r'13 I I ?O rurso"L,

last 1895 "64 40 SliJ, of ll.!!, li!;{ r:d ;lr:i'., I Lti0 "34 2I.5 Sec" 15; T. 12 li,, P-,, "ral-ksrRlser t\ :tt

R31I$n3, t | 7 / srrrah J'us, 'i.:a- ''1:r1 i.lrl.L;ri ti"f?tr :ec{} 2:A 5! i, rl 3" ;:,1 . iliv.g,, S; of ;i,''-i,::':- -';i ,1. I ::.5il", R" ?5 i.

I 5A iesaochlr -iabro, fi q;;,.sror '.'t I Pa:it'lc Ll-zugtock ilo:rp;'.r:7e

l'i'aI!:cr 186.if .i97 13 ::-cf ir:Ji. i.-ii.1.i3;. ;; " I lli..3:: It,55 oI)f Lj l;;1, lill*, ,r-".i'...,, :,: ;-,;i, I ian ,O ii'-;i a: 5.':" :';:. I i; :l.i '.i11 ].67i L"?39 f03 rf Ml;, *-r;4, .i.:i 1860 Lnn iJ9 See" ?-0r ';35:i;; si r.;, --t., t i.rri " I .!()e i3 il. il" q'l -'f;i. 1f 1'3;' ) L"o58 'l 52 T" t+ ;ii," il, .l;: ;-', 1695 t,) "ti9? t J.lul, o1)) 79 1 -t71 lc6 I /5 J Pa;*:clil, i;ibr.o, :rhi :j:ij Eac',: i352 &"00 2t* Sl of . , ' l:i; .l .j,-*;i,f l. I J$ > lCC af, S;rie :lcr;, ?.i1j .,'i ;.' I i i.'r,-'--:: l".rilJ ii,: :iii, 1{: .,,l' l-lr i: : , li' r' :l-';;-'i':* :' j,' -- 'r.j-"' rr '.' .itcr li/r; ?" Ii. " I .i. --:.; .:, _., -j:,.- :..t .t . ;; ': :J ;'. l;,i : "'. ,.1'l'j:i, :j i" i'l i |; . ;, I ,ii lll;- ij ..1 .l r or', "'.' ,:, oi. i-i."lr;ri].",.:, 8i :.1 ::' lji- 5E{ of i.ii1,5e:".13; ,.--ri. t SEf cf rr.r1. :$ ol i':;'i, -1'j of liii.i , ,c'rr. i.?i E2 ,:r:!liihi, S:c. lg j .lit ef l+:{:. :i j I r{1, li} ni 5'*'i;, ::,!1. 1i ...!., li* oi rjiii - jj,.?, ::iJi l. .i.,: -1" :; 3: 4' --. l-:11-i' '1.' iiec l-- r . t-r-: " 'J} I ,.'1 -'., ,,! I I I 131 lbsso Thana*r Eest 1r4a? ,93 is E! or.l.;{,-sl of iu+, r;'q I !{aLk qr I9Sr. /+ji ti ,:f \j:, :td of ttlli, ;,-,.r,:. :1ivcl " 3,5; ?. 1l Iro, i]" ?5 E, li:'l* of Siiir Scc" Jli I. I l.l lt,r il. ,5 8," ''ilct-o,- /z{ i1cs r':f-iL:1, r.:rC ir,i.r*, -I,icr-Ji:JL-3 I io 8o 5. Eracka, i'iaL!:er lliTe 65 H] of-E$;, SHi r::' ;-riii, l;$ . i?iyor IS?1+ i,rrl llj! oi 5Hi., ssc. 29i T" 1.1 I t{", !t" 26 s" t56 jja-l"ss. :r*i'irar.d, t 0asi 'df 16.55 2,q9 ill of U!, 1|, rec" r+; u] '.i'. hdkar lili4 3"'t& ;r25 of_ lli, Soc. 5; ;lir:, ,if ItLt'* ].d7, 1.3{ d5 ,:l/*, lrl of El, .jec" ); t tB80 lcJQ 149 Ef , 5oc..l6; $'!r-foi lili|, Hi oI ',iJt, Sllc. ijj ;.;;a Ei rf Sllf , $eo. ?I; T, ! I lt"r lt. 27.:. tl't{f of illft, Sec AZi T " " ? lt". P", P? 8,. I sl oi'.Sai, Jrc. zrl; i'r{ of iEj., il; of ,:*e. JJ; T. l0 lt,! iL. 2? 3" T /37 Seatenar Carlo, Surcossor to L1nforth D. Rilgy,

Essb 1699 t "95 60 3i of lii4, ril of Stid, sss. ltlalkar 1905 20 1; T. l? lt,, R. 25 n. River ")2 T /38 Sclerlnlo A. ant! 5. ,jrd 11" iLrAndf.ce, Stlccls$o eg to PaoLflc Llrrestoclt I ce&ps:ry hls.lksr 1864 {f H} of l{trd, ioc" l; ill;}, ,ij.-rrr "j+89 ,3oc. 1Sf:J "1,95 t6 4* cf i'i14. ?; T. 13 1e70 $z v", R" ;5 il" t . ]6?5 .L,r,z>"/l+3 L2? 3i nf i',r..|,Soe. 1; 1. Lj liis 2"o49 lli i{"" R. 25 11, I885 1.302 104.5 :! of $rr|, $E*, sEl of lr{t, scc" I 1890 "9lL 76 Pi of lja{' J5i s$, 5) of l{}, Scr, 1695 ,so6 P", '.1" 35; lSC I,r?3 9'J T. Uf ti.,r pS j::, I \iD5 I {'lt, fl0 ti| erf :lil:i, S''ii s.f lllil:, srr. _i-1.;i, J-,irr., F.. /z? I ' - t 'i+llr.l!:: i,, l."rr,r:.i, .l.rrt, I:a;11"..1.5;1, 1,;r H l{" $r:hi: ,l;ri', " 'jrrt I :e"Cg .) ,) ;r,'!- r f;fi];" Frac.. l:i o; ii \.:F..i:' ,gf:i; i:.+e" iz|., i',, :.3 :i \|'. " _ I i'i,i,;1.1: {;-.-. iJ" I S4irreck, ilenry, it'arrk &nd J:*, l4o succoaaors tl ';1661lfalkgr ^":tvar I LEtch Cenpany {c" il" Tldd}, .'. ilest tj.6,'i,1 ,t+() iil,ri of tii. lir:c. l:]; t, l,'glkar 11 il;, ;:" ;g E" I :tlrisr -t t4l Scterirt*, Joa, S'1c;s3;.- I u r PaciJlc Livestook Co:-psny ',r nlkcr 1f 64 cPl S| iec. 2$; 3l} of n!, 'rt Hivar l.d65 1'' !'*a ?A.rf io -trf1r. .ril !..;i '!,aio ,2Ct "Ec. ))i r, t) I frl* a ",,fio 't t't .'.1 3-.5'2 ,:.+, Cl. i-l:1, ii.';r tf .(,.1 .. Lej;c i "1.11 : ''l. Ssc" ?3; lii of lisc , 2i; '1.,, i 1 l1Af, I _ 1 'l I i-t rl .Jc rr I rr +l rrrt .!8i0 ,,.{{l ?R .U<) 'l q r-l I ifi)5 'j', ll-- J?4:5 I A\ r. I'f t\ i'ej.dfiilo, nae, ).:tcI'Seor l.^ I ,i*hn i], 0:ri1r'-:jh'crr !{$l.l-:gr }f?f 0,)Y 5Le $l of.i..*c.,.iJ; riirr], r;! ri"iVse lir.tg ?.",;'i ??e.,5 I I Sii.r,, ii; af eEi, lr: :" I ji;; Sr; 'r i liHA, ,t+ ? - j.,i i'rt. Sac. 35; i " l: , , R. ?9 A" ii!i;" 5eg I li:?i af " !; Lr L ,-.1" i.;.e, :cr. :i; ?, il: )l . . i. ;i ;i., I 'i'1., Seti I r::;:.;s., F" i:u.:1sri6$1 /43 -L* i\'n::rtli r {la*prnn}r

I i'.esi i.Sr:? , r i:t) l.:' I l-,.i.i:::: ..t|6'i ii .31i:) i:';l"'';t' l5{:1 -- ttt .,re1 -l I .i'/:rl ')t'' 'ri r'

ta4-r f f Ji..t'irr ,1" j-.r .ilinc..sJc^-',.; Jll..:l'rrlr I l,u:tl ::;i$ lic cl O.:r;.l;;rsr

't Ualkrrr. ;!.36S IL ItEl cr ND], E| oI iEf, I i1l.r'sr .i.F;iii .-qlc. .i; F:sr:" :'ll .rf Sf.;, tV)2 ;i |- o;- :-rl'ri', {'oc. 5i :it1-r J' ii:;;, j6c, 8; lij a.f :int,. I to:, ?j !-"e acr::.r li tii:-i; q. i' 1" 11

( I :.ji;-.r...r,. ,,.. :,.,;i:,:,: 1.., /4 _ ;'r lt;.:," i-:r.i .:.: :j.r?,:-',,:ri:: :.i,r.r:a,u"rt,

',-:.\!: '; q' j .,1 I lr:;lir gr i., -\,i ,, ].j ' it.i'r'.:r j :i,,,.; I "Li|; I r8?o ,?.j2 II. E. 1S?5 '\77 1S3C ..il.Q t I685 .i-0? rB9A -rl?. u 1895 ,I9l ' T L:l\ta . )D7 JT iF)5 ,AF 41 I /16 S.tnpgear Prank 1{1" 33o, Hoal 16S 3,aj ,-*,,5 s! of-liji|, lrrif 6l il{}, ll} iis]ft31 1e9i i"?? 1i7,5 of [i:ji, 5.ec"3; T. 1]. lio,. 'rt r, t ?1 4'!: 9!:rr t9C4 40 b./ j ?o5 .:l] S! of fftI soe. ?Jr rli r? :;r|, ltli[. :;':u. 15; I , I ]2 ir.) ri" 23 B" j! oi 5i:f' i;':c. J; T' L1 t No, it. 3J t" .iJ..J:D3an,l{,rrl-cn lln l;ulccsss.rr t+7 'lu r F, U, Si:r.?flon, t l,las? 1890 :"ts 2*O il! *f ii...gl;,5oc" 2i i, ii 't{ei:(€r l:"r ;t" ?l E" r!_r,tr.f:. S,t?, Ssc. 3ii T' 1,; :1.., T :? aa 'l li.,:r;',.:,.;o: /46 ii.rd1rr..1erry C., io t Liirl+ il1; lrrl-:,;'.tr, ';t, ."J. ..'';)' '.iil: .i...i..nilr 1:i6? , ^r^ ll:r" 3l':ri.rf :,:,.r,- .i1-Lrtil" i'ec" ??; ri; ,.>'illi'"X, i'11.1. I 32i ll;;, S4t), ll; l', :14 rr. t R" ?{" il , 't44 T tr 551Bqc. J,isrds6,:]: D:'"1ch ;.-'*-';-1g;, 't fr r'.-L_i;:r' :;')-, - i.t 6' 1.ll ..:,i[]r,;, .!2i s;12)i ]f I il.:,.:'.t: i.4t,l -;f:i :;i" .;;i ':: i;,',i, i"1'sg, ;.1ii : r: -\J il."!-',5 i1J3 ,j'i i.;:i+, il.rc, ).1j irrs+ , '"7j $61 of li*f , Fruc" NU4el' ' I S:Jt, Frao. :U:; of liEi, !'rrq, $t.; c f- $1{l;, $:c" 10; i{.} of l,ir4' Sqc" 13; I ll] of s|, 31, srJi or sEa, Sac" 14i All of Ssc" 15; i irtI af ll;,1, Frac. ilE! rf l{.i4, lls6. ??;3! or itli'i, t '1. :i.il ifir. T,: 1;? lt", lt 25 3:,

/dO .:;r':-+kxJ:t ') I s ;: " , !

ii,,:,.ri i8'/? 15i ll{. of li-';, li+.:c. l1 i:I'; :t;e1 lilil :t' ):!;*_. liHi.ol S-,," I ii : r' :gill ",L8 .jLt :i l| oL \it'1,o:'--q:l;, i"rr. J, -q""L,i I, I 1.0; f " lJ. " I ts/ Sttos*J.cor, i, ,ln, li^ -+ 1663 1.2e $ lin:| of sif$, $l{i ef Ni{i, I i{:L1ksr 1875 3"e& 1i:lJ S! or'. lll{i, . "'ioc. 4; ,'{Et F"lvor I88? , .24 of tit t, l{ijt, Scc. {; T, r8/7 :.7; 1?O lt-11,, R".;l'.:.E. s't.lfof SEa, Soc..6i ?i I rf HSr Er of 5I4., li+:' 9i Hl of.siif,r.$ac. 10; E{ of l{t{{,r N.ri of 9t.4, I Sec" I5i lnj* of S1i*, Sec. 14i 1" U.il,r lt. 26 E"- sil of 5',;d,Sac..3O; 95 sf.lflt{f,.1,1} of tllf , faf of I .tO{o S,L;;oi ii:-i. llilf ol 15!, ioc. . j1; . Si o.l ?;rt li*l of rl:il.. $t.,f :;;,,-, -.', t Sec' 3?! ii; ol Siii., Scc. )j; I. :.2 li,. H, liii i'1, /5J I ,i.:,rii;le{}i-i, ri" fi, *,'rj ,::luge, $uci:+*gol.s t, P.etfl+k *I io rygy. "

liafklr ao! -: Fr.+r. !i":l; :l i-:14s:-l':l ::i T ...i-tr:t. J:C, -J - t{L4, ,.+i } r .Lrr _ n" 2' il" 5l sf iii:ir ::;rl, Sec, 'r. .JJi I 1.5ll., ,. ii.. 25 I'1" Ui of !la;, iac, ,[; T. t il ll", ii. ::i u" l7 J il-r;r:rli r -\:t..,'il,

.- .1 i',1eL:({ir .'i!5 qL' Jli O-! rt ':, .jC.:. ,_, lU: 'i " I :ilv nr +t* ,i3& ?{) if.i;t^l) Sec" 12; irr-:co :iiiN, i'y6e , ^5'Car-. fl ;lli;, irsc" S]jl .: i iitlf , .'2x, .1.1'l; llj oi ii+t, - lrr...l," i1,,.-r f T ')" irl{;, ,'i:,rc..,-;; l":, ;;", 'r... .,lr;::r, | :l';r-., .,-1ta ,i. I 'i i: 1' 't!. i | rs rrlr '' , tF4' rv .';"-::-,:r1., ,.;."q.1.1;.;1ql .i1 1, I i-.uC Cii r:'-:iira ic itaCri:1e j.ivo,- :.i!O4!'. i_l1rs1g.I-,y, I l4el-krir l Aat. ,458 ?n ,.1 Ri':er +.16 ji' i) .at -r7 .,: 1670 A ], i'?tt 1iq t l-lr$ '! jl.r'! '1..1,"Q r.885 i . :;_ii : e.f".l . 1':', .;.i I Li;ili .:,'. 1 lJ., j-9{n) li: I I iY) E 1..t2 I t 5{ 1'arry, it. l"r dsui,Leof, r liucceeaor T To i{LAoouth ConpcnSr,

i{eet 1.862 .O2t.l t:ac.SEAr:i:c.25i Iti'a-.i o I iialkor 1663 I"'+t5 12i IEt, Scc. 16l t, I[ Rivar 1"86S ,loo a1 Ir. 23 ir,. t 6?a .5a1, Iet+. Fres" s?if $sc. j0i T. T .. ::. i ., 1]' l{", .1." ?4 ti" /56 Trenlc.l,e L. l{" r $uccsssor bo PeL6r. I llendr!.ckt," i'Ielk*r 1854 "t6 80 X| of X}'i., Sec. a; f . 1,? I Itlver i!", R. 26 X. t5? Yur Floet, r1. rJ., ,Succsaror ia I Sarah Jane i'.rilenn r eb afr iJqlksr ]SSO o70 5S Prac..BI of i,1{1, lrrec" I',} Bi.vor fggl i95 80 ef $d4,, Soc. ?i iree" H* of Sl;f, Sec. 15; T,, )-l t ' ll", Re e5 s"

/ S8 i'I.'l ngleyr il-+renca i{lJ.}:La.rs, T 3uccogsar t,a Ll.z.tie ll lronl'uous, tr;1,

il.rlk'rr !:.1 1Yt0 4t ,5 fr'*c,.S'j rI i;':/f, frsc. ii$ I riivit '13 5f- lirli l Sac, j li:r,:., S?)i.+l i.ifli, F:.;ic. li"* *:l iiiif u *5ec. iiJi ? - :it li, r .*" I ,j) a"

E.;gt*ssnt +,+ J;,'irit i*n l t :'--alierrgr rL $ir 18'7i+ .'o trz T :.eaJ 33 /-r? ':'a.Lr:rei$yr I'l:-rri} !'l.L'l".i.i.ensr T S,icccs€+i io i,.l-;:l.e lli.rrir;n :a.::s, iiaiir* L6?O t.'i l'rac. 5! u.f Slii, 5+c. "57 "i lS; iilver F:'qc. N-!\.o"i i.i.li, 3* c, 1.3; j2i I Frac. NLi of llb4, ".sc. ?. 1.4 il., R" 25 li, Succoseor to Sersll Jeno I Ile1lane, at al

6>, ,,2 I 1fl...fi .40 33 1!l-1-r.1*ne..iien;;r, ilriccesoor i,;r /6O ..,t,,r3{3 I il j ;r_,rytr:..t:r,,-:.i::t},, ilslk+r 15"iO !+7"'5 ji of siid, Frrc. li| ri iiiver :ih_'+, S,rc-. 33; Frrc. $l; ;.L I ii.i{. of si!i, .Soc. 1l?; I 1. i4 it"r fr,- 25 s" I $utco,!$o:. i;'o -"ix::oh J::;te illlena r e! glr

I 1C?1, 1.9 l-l;.-{j ',',n ',{.i3.lrars,:n, i-ce" $uccrFso.,.- I /6/ ill"yae*th Conpany,

irle*t, lgri2 'rjalklr "o.i I il"! of N}.f, Sec. 25.i T, I 186J <, 1l N") R. A3 E. -tlv er LB66 "621n i$?6 -r-t , 'lq I .t'; t-: - idj.,i;:n, ,i. I. /&a " iiqsl r.ri6l. sgi; lar. 2J.; iil *f ;i;1. t !'jalhr: 1;,152 54|. c-1'.Slir;, S.gg, :iJ; p lll-\r,: J.) Sii{, of ll}i{, ii'r'lr"3 c r'4 - r_361 a 4tt I) tll. ef S'rl.;,lJl{i, Srs., tj; I 18&3 i i! i. tl.: .18f.of 5'4, lij nf tt':r;, :.86t 1t Sr:$ of .rE{ riec. lE; 'l*T2 j 'tf\ e .44 SIf of Sll{, Sac. 22i 1875 .:"4 ar< 1. l2 lt", R. ?5 s" I \877 1 rlto "52ai 1890 '35 22.i I :!icj

iiil;:rnr l,ilile !i", tl. '/t.J 5, rnd t \':..9r i;".f;q6 ll.lJ;s9, S-.rcc,:.ntn:" tf .i" I", O" li" enrl J" lt. Llli;ri;,

I li{"'.31 a5 .r'-.cf ,,:c. l; 3:f .:; :i5:, ,,r i;nlksr :- -l:1.{ Ii SEi_':-et -i:.,n !! .',! S. ' -_:li.ll ";. ., p./r "24 "l iiivcr 1 1 2t. ;.rl+, 15 tlti cf ilElr Sec.. ?;- 1.95{ i-5 i-i1 of :ti;:.. i':ec. Li.; T. I .i ,: c ':J 1".3i! tln 1.! i.r i,: 1,. ).1l ir;- .,.'!2 :l ',i ..'di l , :,,; Lflr I ,.::i !.j

l:.tl'/ li 1 ,;:+:-\ , jtJ I ]5{}1 .11 I /64 !Lr" u liestoa, $stut* of, 'r Eeot kA"\ '1.2 '*a i. . "t .i :{i/i, r;c= 1A;? i: :;,. Ll;{,r r$tt iu i].., 25 :,, I iiiv{rr I /6 d tt.':;'.,",,,rirl;.,,*," i:'ii:: i i.i:!;l- iJ ;..rf-,ri j,-i- ilr, j.. ,:., ' -: "r,'Jkil:r' l8E$ ' i'-1 :1,3 :l;,f; !.i i:L,:, li,:c" $; , ;ti,.r I er .ig i) ,l ti". ii.. i7 1.

T .-.1i:.. I Yagan, rl. 0., slicc€ssor Le l6b 8. X, Sinpcsn, I leot f8?O 1"92 i6O fl-l sf itti, lifc" 2; 1'. li I'elker ll", lt. t-i] ts" liivar' lili ol r;sc" 3i; '*.1of lirt,, Sl .if lilii,'rJ3 of ;..,1, t N! af Si{t, ll5 rf ifii{, .icu. 36; ?" 12 $", {r, 23 U.

I Surkhat, C" Bo, Succorsor te /6V Patrlck .I" Conveyo I Swertyater L86O x.92 il'|. o I ill;i, {iUi, oI tt*i, Crsck 1861 60 SHf of iii,l, $ac. 2J; i., ? lt", it. 25 g. Xast ?.,lr"5 ircrsi o.f ':i of T ll;,i of Srrc"l0; T. 7 N.,, il" <,o L.

I lellanonica and licl ^ranl, Succr:esotg lo .j*[es .It,cheson,

,..,: 4l I $ireetvaier .1-861, ix) iJi\it ta )it4, D€C. I)i iJi I,n Crsek 13iri a El, 1 of i:11, liec. 16; E.,l, Sor 1'*R 2l..c 21; llrl4 of lli'li, Sl a.{ '/} N'{1, of S!14, $ec. 2?; I T. ? ii., ti. 25 g" /6f i\auzlaa Csulriy fq:gtlr* ihrik, I ljucc** ser za:lgnos ll,. Coaputan,

S1irrot--aClof li1.lt, laas il,t iia:i ?dq$acles, Sec. lO; T. I '1 .Y., Il" 26 U,, /7O iioacir, ij" H,,

I Sxcei".rat or lrl&) 2,2t+ ll+o !ll.of stli, 5!;l c'f lilJi-, ffroak leZO L.2i SE{,, Sec. 1J; NEa, Nilf r885 30 9f W4, Sec. 2?; T.. ? fl. , T il" 25 E" /7/ Hilllaro, itoe., succaee,nrto I ici'n F. Yperraqufu.ro, el ll, lilrl' :1r:l i, :'r. 1$$-r' i ' 1-?- j i.1-l ll! of $+r"-f; E] cf ,':*Ii, 0reol.: j.86:.i ;.!, >+ tc!) iiee ,. Tj ;lEt oi 1loc,,? j I l.$'i t ll of S'rc..,Ji lr.l-1.oi IBSJ )u.) lrc, !i Jiii o.,'11,f , .1e;. r.885 )cv 13; ili of l:lil., Jec. Ii; t l{2 c;f $6a,.1[; i".'ii ut Sec" L:; lli cr 3i4, i:c. I I 169 All of Saco l?l I{* of .-r9l, SB+of rtsi; sno" I 1tl3 lota 9, 1(}, Il, l2r l3o a4r ard 15 ll 8*c" !.89 ?o 7 tr.a Pr 25 Eo I Iotg I md 2 ltr S€{, 19f lot {,r Soc" 181 Set of SI*t, Seo" 183 T. ? r"6 I n ?tE" Erllo, bs, Succnesal *a ?o C" T Ssf,lr, ?odt o cftts& i+ +f See"25f i+ cf n$s I ss!" ,6t t. 6 il" r 11*,i.? io -rallcae lra I '+ &dt"o 1ffO 5'?o 3@ or :s+,'.,I+ r.| or lrd+"s+e" f,bsee xsf4 6"1J 16 Lgl f,fi, of ;3ir :!+ &rl 'rf m*r Ssc. 413 Ff of I nq"s ts+, r* sf #|o t$ or rF*, 0r.r*! 531.of !t3f" Sec" 101 SitSn' f."L| rr. S!Ig" Strt cr' fi'.+, I ro-a. l, ISr ili of 591, ]i:f, ci l-. fo sec. 14 ti ir :tos 1., ? 4 I | 7 7- $lopeono P" 1f6u ii:le*L 1t\{s *"3t; & €* d Qt, rsr{ or si*}, I i:ff,gt 1d{.,,? 5"6s 154 Ef of ffi, St af :t3*. xsrc 3o?:$ m4, 9$, Soco69 stf* ot :E*" }.C75 1.O4 lr5 ng of sf+a slt sf s#*e 1885 8./,S 5N FS cf, S"tf,l €oe. 9g H* I -- -i|; L"$, ;li I ',i rf-:t''I+, of rf; 1,,,'l J.+, s.€e" 169 i$ uf .,'Jl" S,rf cf ;t+*, jaeo_IJ; 5! I t:f iErl"-rE of SIf, Goc* :'ii $ ':f .xfr.$ce,e?i lr+ n1"..itstr s$ cf .r$f'-JEf cf I ,"itr ;f of l;,/if, Sitt, sre. 32f S** of See" 3j, ?. 30 d.o Ro 24 Eo Ir$ of-See.r+-eii pt of t s$, Sac.-tte+ of f+, sA.of :184, ** of rSdr nEf, o"f ffi, Soc. 83 t. 9 I 3o, R. 24 :3, kla r{ght lnaludas tho rigi:t tl *lver} -b}.s$atsr.s ')f t;':!r ftr,* nadnr a prl*r:tty of, .l$$4 tg rcmr *f I .:r dilch ti;ree f.ryi vl.da *a tho 'rldo. icrt.te, throa t',se? cg tlld _t;*p anl irao f€*-t deeps ;r!tb a greda +rf, *xo.ha3f i*ch *-o .bho red,, eed her{ng e eepa::ty o.t I 5d:r €ldlltB f3€'b 5,a- a:eond3 th-elea liriO f#bdall l€&s ? si!ta!!.Lrg -s, ere* irf :p_rrcekar.*J.y fi.fi€€n I l;:r:ov, .tril i:.sri::g a dr1.:th*i.ist,e:. oi hln f,ry.r-t. I Ibc*i fdHdll f,eko tho lle*€r ls dg:ifr€r€d l.uto }6€€tr1 t 6rcalc, thoneo to thc Ls]rds abf|. alosat&astldo F*clJ?.o 0oag$ JotaU Sbock !,alrd Fmkn t73 SuqeoeFo8to G" l{o :tsl]lr, S$sc6eet}? td lh&,edll lsad aad H,vrstoak I cesprrya ne6cd 1860 4.m zfi $| srl, sc. 16grt: I Crc* 186{ 5"30 3p. of_S${r'"s 1?3 fE}, F} of ,-/' i i) 4; s{, s?c" 189.$ of Rts{, 1.'? Xttr I* of ffi, {leo, 191 t $Ef of 9f, $6€6 20t :ir:-}\- cf SPf, $c' fl; t. 10 I i9"r Eo 24 E" 51i1836t, Fo l{" u Sr:etgtrgr +a +F{ ?a3ltry l,and $!d CsttJ. I e.clFargs Sast 1862 31"t2 E{t s9i, So€"tr3$ &8, gae.. t;fsl,lqr 1s63 t,€O rff 4i r" 18.' R"-?iso I ll{"dr 164 1.0? 67 gU+, Saco 181 +*n $n. L8& 1.j/, 34 193 l" 4 $"r llo :5 E" fao }*gsocl'h locd md Sto* Ocaql*ry' I $r-reg€3*srts ,1tr'!*1':p* T'aLLeyr+. *"f &:d gattie Caprqru 1+59 $o I ',i:a}}.c"&ai 1u38 E+, rJ.i-, s$ of ,fJ+u**..:" r6?t 1"28 80 1.;.T" '."tf 4 lf o, Po ?4 3" ni"str :.8ita T.4g JF8 .rl.t, of Si4-, io*. ii I LEE5 {D ill. or' 'kE" 5t E$" s'{t, l€F 19"07"{4 llryto5 r,i"of .s'.ti, sae, 6t rEi af, II8f,, Sc€" ?l !o 4 F.a I fl" 2' 9.' 5*.-J, ji's:r.la, l?g$s8sot to notclc_* t \-i.a1.tl v-€Ad ryld Clttl.E Clllpeqr, Eaat, 3e6e L".ta 12o lg*, rbe. l3t kaeo Si. !i,a3.k+r 3F7/$ l"?S SO .-Seoo'i."1 l" 4 S,, Rc 24 ,'!..1t'?F 1S?6 ,"84 ZJ.fr E" -T,f*g,

Esrt 1$?6 t"2,3 80 he. $$6 S€cn l2l Po I ttel,kc* 1$p 3,& ffi ,i s", n. ?4 B" Sas. .:.f Sectlcn 6 ad' T i, ':" t, S"e g" 2J ts" I I */o* T ffi,em*:.8:fs"t6g;o" Fast I 1€6/, 6n08 -3gO !{a3*oF 1S?6 nivll ,95 60 * {,y*, Ft or s*}, r883 l"do P:,l$l r. a ri., n.-ii T tco n_"_a{scc. ;ry'ffi &o, 3?t f"-+-n"rT" pl I ffiff*i"hH;iffi3* a 5"U - pn e.sg t tr*"-r{r,rr,lr fffi e6c* uo l*?4 J:S 1A*3 3..14 ffi t$ei +,O T oi14 tb $,ry,#ry.$**r, l:p:.ru*l {. A,r-rira $receeqn m v..ell.gr sad Ca.btle l' L@garur,fldop. Esst Halk":r :;| orF!,.soo" l'r or I il$:rar i# hi: 3 fr _,F.id& 4 fri"di*,:ti,#".i,, T iffi .ljJ ,# E4..8e.ler 4 3,, ir"rj frN Jg H t f9$, o64' ,,i 8lffi,9f ffi,#gsffig rsg rsqme,.g I g$g ffig &" *lo Ifi" '.rlhrr*r.rtLcs dafa,ndesrl f-_stjrla sfilt, er r.*€d:. I r6rlc&3r*orn fu J.xter...rnt" bsr€lncgtffi ne{xd l'.r tbls ;.lraygra;b :::f{', thrr:'a rLght;,frr L,'r*c.:colTga sr.tl,tii. g_a.erieeesstrcfui i;...tar:g! I -rllrla tgt Cd.arr:Ceodfu thd decrqs of this 4eict ,.n t}ls Errtt q!: t",ttl*d .tFe€iite l{vasti}r& t Ccr,g:einy,a ereporatl.ono prlsr"t$.ff, ygo f" B' F54&Fr of al., cofcdoetr* In &xdtgl bo ?Ele ar,' terelye t lras*sat to t&o sttr*.latr.o sot fortb tE the fln;t*g' 0f fact, d€rarally adjr:Cg"$dto i:E tha csrnore I of s*tcrr rigb{s acqrdreti try appnogre.ti'n i:r reit +,u tba .rataro of i&rkor rH.,roe sud or rt,e t*:1ll:tal4-axl :i:l.,.,i,T.r n.rra$ rlle,*.*

I ned,a, tho yoar v&a tba r"l,ght of, tlro rppr.ryrlaglon lceruedu the I emouat of KArf sryos8d ln subls feEt of lratc !c aecoad to tho tree of nhldr the cmar ts e,tlu.ed st, thc po.:l.atof illversloau t thrl rcmhr rf, acrot lrrlgatcrt !:g eruchiftt/s *o l.ht ch i,hr !FFe- Fe{.lt+d, vst+* l:as bsafi eoarh$rl€.1nrd EFpltrd ts n tsnaft r:tal usou 'the t ffid dsesilptloa +f tbr lsad :L"l r,tLnb, .!ha nuater of ecsas I trz{g:t,gd Ls faundn

q'nEf sttrae- Yse Ef l"esu ut 3oc ol ItaecrtptLe of Issi I sidlntg."? {g cutd,o qnrco lrfqd€ foet pw *rf- T ssa&1d gated l-.:'o J' :1.e to So ,aadL:lx:tl 3u, noblssca I r3{o 1,3"i w sl" sus" ?91 E* of * anil 1861 lc"d{ (rp of Seco i,; ,+*-tf +r 3n*s?o 1t62 ?.{8 4.d0 T &esdrr 3.?U $.to3:'#i:ifA: ffi" 41 t" 5 Snr :'le :i- 3" 'F] -;ilfHl![ of Soc" 28; md I of _.8-$r_Soc.251 !S of FSl, 59d" See, 25s T, 5Il., n 24,E" I lloblancc ;!.8?0 4o64 ::9s 15O ar:ree ta $*o, 6g Cr.reh .l*ss LiO ln ":3c" 5t I T" J ltqo n 24 E" 3,,1ttta r86e 3"!e 14 fiE{ of, SE{, Ssc" f.2t l4o*coa x6?6 1,92 3e0 t. 3 fl"r .q. 25 S, Cr.€d* tsb.of€.s s!+,utSr soc"soa. ?9'/t da'p$ ofor I A$t, lC9+of Sr+r Soc" 181 T" 3 !1", flo 26 E" I l&leey 1e80 t"€8 B8 88.acrss 1rr ths i'''J} Orcek of 'r$f.TI$ of .q'is, ?O rnC tLa of ;!xr" l?t f. 5 ir,. I ?, t5 3, IlrstgcE 1B$0 f .:;$ 6g n$ af;a|" fce 26; T. I $:usk 5 lr", it. ?t, :i, I I A. one-fifth (1/5) lnterest ln and to the rlght to I tses€rvolr, $tore, and. lnpound. th6 waters of ROBIIISOItrCR-r',EI{, and. lts natural txlbutarLes, Ln tot{x.R Tlt rti tA}:L', to the Extont of 1ts t pres€nt capacity 1n acre feet, 4O5Oacro feot, rlth a pllority of T th€ yea,r I8B8; also the right to reftll saiil L,ower fwon Lake to lts preeent oapaclty eaoh year, .4050 aore fbet, suoh rlght to!e- I f111 belng Llmlted. to a pr,ior.lty of the yea,r 1905; provltled, how- over, that the rlght to refill sald l,owol Twln lake shall be sub-

I Jeot and. subot d.lnqte to the r ight of c€rtaln d.efentlants heleln to I llrlgeto 1020 acres of l-and. no',v lrrlgated und.e.r ltrast High trlne Dltch divertl.ng ivator from the East Fork of the i,'aLker Rlver 1n I lyon County, Nevad.a. A3-so the rlght to reservof, stole and impound.the wators of R03INS0N CRLET{,and lts natuta} trlbutanleg, ln Uppm I tl '2050 TITIS lAlff to the extent of lts present capaclty, aore foet, I with a prlority of the yea! 1905; also the right to r6f111 satd tl I Ulpor 'ftlln Lake to lts present capaclty each year, 3050 acre foet, such right to refllI belng limlto0 to a Brlority of the I year 1906; !rovld.ed., Ilourov€!, that tho rigirt to !eflll sqid UpBor [lrln Lake sha1l be subJect and subord.lnate to the rlglrt of I oortaln d.efend.ants hereln to lrr.igate l-0e0 acr€s of I and. now lrf iga,tod und.er the East 1{1gh llne Dltch rlivertlng water from

I tho East lo!t< of the 'i?alker. Hlve r. ln Syoa County, Nevada. I All of the above stor ed.water is to be used. upon tha lands above d.€scr.1bed.. I HunewllL,8.. II., and CamlIl-s llorr ls ,

Rob lns on l-B60 e.56 IOU H# of STf-},3oo. 6;-W*,_ I and 1861 5.12 ztn u+ of E+, E* of sE+,sE+ Buckeye Lg6a LB.56 L160 of NE+, Seo. ?; !..4 IT., CreokE 1864 12 ?60 R. e5 E. I 1864 Ie.48"16 780 s$ of sD,..|,SE.| of s[r{, rt aa 18?5 480 Seo.t$;;t+' 36; [. 5I'1., ufi R. 25 l 'a',''.]': ft +, 5t*f,'rt+,,# o, I SlV-brSoo. 1; T. 4 N., R. 26 E. I I I I I I 4 N., R. e4 E. I A fivo-flfths (Z/S) lntorest ln and to the rlght to reBervolr, stole and- lmpound.the water.s of ROBri{so}rOREEK, and I lts tributafles, in LoTfxRriirN lAIc!, to th6 extent of 1ts prresenr I capaolty Ln acre feet, 4050 acro feet, wlth a pxlority of re year lBgB; also the right to reflll sald lower Twin trake to lts I Bresent capaolty each year., 4Ob0 acro feet, such r.ight to rofl11 bolng 11r01tetLto a pllority of the S6atr 1905; provldea, howover, I that the rtght to refill said. lorver {wln trake shall be subJect T and. subord.inate to the rlght of celtaLn d.efendants la,roln to lt'rlgate 1020 acf e s of I and. nolv 1Irigated. urd.or EaEt t{lgh llno I Dltah d.lvertlng water fir om tho East tr'ork of th6 TIalke! Rlyer ln Iryon County , Nevad.a. I A11 of tho above stored. iratel 1s to be use(Lupon tho I lantls above d.escfibed.. I Tefry, @. U., M111 1861 5.12 3ZO sE;,1-oF Nq'+, p$-of spt, Cro€k 560. 6; Et of E*, Soo. ( tr'ies t 7;.NE:l of NE{..,Sec. B; I rilalk er. Nff+ of S'.?-1,S',ti of M/+, R1vo:' Sec. 39; NE-ir !ff-l: of SE:]:, Sec. 30; lTIl; of NE-}, 'l I Sec. 18 i T. N", R. 25 E. :,, Jirl.'- I 'the ?fye,lrt} Lanal ned Sf.oae( t Cor4:grryr

RoH'r*cq 1860 30ll{ w {O arrea-ll F }, Scc. 4f I ard r&r. lr4.$8 890 9f of iY'd, '4, of Sllir 3€.c. hrckslt,e 1e62 28"{J0 T?N 5t l. 4-fl"r-R. 25 4 Cmelrr 1663 ]}"1t0 m *f.of Efc :t+, seo 3:lt 1€64 2"# ntu $ft" See" l0i ?, I F", T 1631 3."W t.?o n" 25n. r@ 1"€o ]00 n|" z0 nmc !-o r:4 rl 198.6 lo28 s Sa!i, Seco 29 S| af HE{, T S{, $,c" 3t n* of I{B'i, Sff,, of HO+, :0 ,rcrog,ln 9I{, of }IE+, E+ lf l$$, T $! of Sf1" 20 reraa tn .nf$ tf, 5sr|1 .:O .q'ar*,na.t.u .3{ of SU{e $re, i0l :iJ. af ll+u' 15r T. i, 1f.,. r,. T ?J, t. li +f ]il;i . .'-r* ,?:i ,;| -.f '*i. ,ir, .". ,,' ih, rtt ,rf :r*;fr -:ee. ii, I ;U.L ol Ssa" )45 l. 5 if.,, il" ?/o s.

Hof 186r :.28 80 S0 lwer: 1e .*io Soe" I9i T {k;rdt ?o 6 s,r R" t4 $" *rsn6h . .,)f, I i,'t'gt i:i:LJrar I lil'-rrr. East, :,3@ t*t8 280 ryi of riF+,sf ,rf I'F|, ila:k6r +f of Sgf. flli ..f sEi,, *i?s 3rc' li 3| cf i".r!, Sos- I rtl sr-i of Nrli! sa+ sf, Fito s# of slfu {+$ of S$t, S€4" 129 F+{ :f I :IIte :oc, 13; i-.ol+f llif" .;iE+,tue" t{1 l"lj-.:f .-:11f, j,} rL ii.Lll :t :": ;.+, Slll Li .:J. flfi' . :J.tn"2- j. i tf I ,'l,tl'r lr'F*,r.t fl';f,oihc..?6.; Si uf.tr*,r $ur, 7-79i'f, of iiB*, Sec" l4t ?" 6 I f,.,, R" 25 E" Stft of S*l of Slll+, Sn'" I 351 l" 7 tr.r R. 2l E" A ma-t'){-tb {Vt) htffisr, tr aad to rfir rt8bt to I toraltpl.rr 6tft.€ ard fry.rsn tho iraf.cl of RCffiISOIICEEEtr, aod tta nafirral ,-,,-r-'-,i-:*rlol, l:a t{$Ign ilfl{ L453, tO ?SE wtat sf I lla pro*rrt cFF4d*+F., ,{$50 aeeo foate ylth r glcrtty of the y*rr I .!.?383 aJ,so tho r{.6ht io f-of,lll se:,il 16!r"r trrlq lsko to lta ;**- r t ,}slx.ld.ttr *ecb y.'r*r, ,iSfO *Er* fat., sir4.\ r"i;hi -io reftJ.S I i:*fu1'4 -l-Ld lcrl t+ * p.ri+:d,?.y "rf tbe ysar..LSl!: ::r:r:tdr*d,, h;:ra,lly,.,, T t$gt, 'L\s rtght to re*nl' sstit lkry€r Xkla laks shsll be *ubJoat I anil srbordlaata to :ie rlght of, cartsib :j..rJtmdanteheretn to ll'rlga'f.s 10?0 asrvls c'f lantd .r*r'r ;l.rrJ.gdr.elJmdc ta#l Hl-iJr fdrrs I <ch nou 'ilmcttng .+aie tarm $r. kst Fst of tbt lJal-rrrrr ru"str. to IScn Cct:ab', ilsqadet t rlr e3 1p* qbsre rts?d !s lr to ta u.md t4r tho I 1rtrdr aboyr ?'if.='lt'd c

I $!-npoca, ;?rrak ii", *}fagae ts6o 3"8t$ UA 14 4, sl;+ cf vrf, e1$-of Rob:hec:r :.E{i,r, 1"'43 1EO $ttr -Ss6.?l l"rt le S I *Id 1962 l.5.'ffi VtJ of ffi.r :lE{ of sBdr Sac" hrckage Lc6,i ?u56 16'o 4t I" 5 f,^, P- 4 R" flssls f€S4 o61" {o 95, Sae,.?.4,$ :r$+, ftac, I :f,.of X*f, ?rac, #S of S*, Se. 2f 3 T" 5 fl", R. 2.4E" ;$"of m$, s:,.}r 5l of, I .Ft,' Sq of iq, Soc, ill tlrcc irt of ljf,, Tf.of I?t, L.i, C*.rc.1?3 'f.cf I ffii, Ssc. f9l F$a S*e 3c. i0;.!. 5.$"r R" 15 X" 3l ef 5Ft, Sr+e S€!c' 3/'i t To 6 lfo. P" ?e a *:"to all d€ht, to 6trr€ atrd lrnp€!trd tbroqlc.rrt tLo yaal t liL';h rtata af pr{.c'r;l.qf l!{S *sa lmt of rsttrr auruslly tn ?Cm 1:!tXBill"nl; :a^q1jr.*Rt zur) 'd.-tb peterrl'br af L9{il for use ;11 I "ioot lls.T]ta* ii'ls.ir L,,arr-ls" I 3 rna-f,tft$ {V5} lziarest ln e$d to ttt6 *€bt to ri!6trq|$r, atcro alal {.ug@d t},4 yrtart of EOBII'SOIIglglx atd I Itg mture.L t:*hrtcr.!,er, tu I{AffR. tl{!t l.ltrE, to tlo e':tst of tto

pea*mt copeciffr 4s,o eeo fsslr, rd?{l d Frf€c{tlr of t},a y+ar I 'l,lo L838, 1;:o rtght to rei1n" satd.r.,$,.ae.llCla Lrbe to .1t3 Ff,o- I snat e{Fa{C.ty !}rth yoer, '.i05Oaeso fco*, suri :'lght to rlrilt trtng ilndt,xl to a p;elocl,ty of ths y€sr L*l5t pro?td€de iii'*E'rlcre I 'that +,hs ri6bt to reff.ll eaLil ks.or &.lr l*:ke shall bo cuirj *i:t t .-:l ]- I strd subordl,esie to +,h6 r6ght of csa+.atq g4[sE4c,n!g h€r€lll to

I irr{gat$ lit0 qcass of Land asn l-:FC.gNt€deds EaEt BtgL ldeo . Ul.tch dtwrttag uitae frlo thc Esct lbrk of ths ltalhr Rllar L I lf€o Car:atrf, nr*ds I {lJ. of, tb. abovr rtortd liets Ir to b6 kogo rryor th6 lstib atosje ilca€rt b6d.

I tbr cn$-eH\ilr (fA) fntarcgt aboeo rofarrsd to ta f,orru*r l*ko ls rnbJ ecd to eo agrsdo€at botgsa ft"*:k t{. Siopaon and ",rfu t li.alke Rftw ftrtglticr Bbrtr*st* I l4ono l"and and Li.mgto.* Caepdigr, I *,tqq* il51 7.CA ua FL ss, 3l s*,_s*or Cr

I S!.rbrood, Co l{o,

Rotd:ceo 1€S4 ?o6g #J0 $ saa $ of 1F$,ibeu 3?3 I Crorfir ?" 5 fi., 3" 25 8,, C6:lr.'sy,l.hc, J. A.5 and F.. ?., I ( .,1ppr.cpr{.ab!,ca) '.Jlrgtnis .!.s.90 zo'i> i;ni, i+. ,.':..i'ii; .;:;+, ..i; C:rm& 1363 2oUn J{+v To ? :lfi il; 2i ts. I -*n{'r 3oA) tli, h};f Ii|, ra.':, fr 2 x.," R" 36 S" "r; 5$ af, s!4r soe" ]63 ll, 3 $e. A. ?5 5" I s| .i 51'+r se$" jJ.i 1f., 3 ii., P* p6 E. ii:]. ErJrsr" l::.erl LL:&'.-*oil ":r:d I i,' ;r'x ?'y,:i,sr-'a,. l'-{rg*,nl,e :610 3"2{} :f,o l-J+, :ij+ ':f-ri'."'in ,') :>i t a-"d 3.8?2 /"O liilij Fjt, :Pf :f Se-f, 5:,+ .\eEtcrE tsgi $.3? 'ffi i6t 5T+ cf, i'E*" iel. l?j r,jt:g&t :.i;T? ,.sB SEi of il:-|, ;::'.rf lrril-l Li;97 1"9:""5$ wo ff$ of irf$" il'ltf, rr'Tn{, I rBtg o{E /,o I;t of S,Jtr-l'$-f D{ ;i!}tr lyt8 7"ES t*a Ssa" 2$; H+ sg E?, lL.,tD r).iv !,?s fo .:1?*,.j ii',i; S:e. ?19 I,r';, 1ar7 AA jlt| i1}|, I /fi +f tlrl, 'l| oi' cf :!ii,o oi..l,'f . .-Jrr.. 23; li+-i rl il: i r:)--t''t I .:i'..1',.1s:, llg i:I r'tr ;1;.i, ;r'c" i3i ...'*.1u:' lil,'";,,;'.'u. 2)5 T. 3 d"" ;1, 25 j:, I .iou*ls Da'vid S"c

frytlg 2.fi $o Lots 12 aail $r S6c" 331 I 8@ lu?f,orn 25B cr6B* I lt:.t]'otro, l$rs" lo q :l-.13t :s.31 2"Afr ! i.'1 r-+ts 5u 6 **i 7, ise. il; :.Jl].knc I r"l 11, i.tr,' 31tr T" '7 I Rl"nr ;1", Ro 26 Eo 4rd, tuyfag I R:n t lpcnsgtrl*o 1 Paul Ed tt rL 9| of F,r{" nrco. rF} af lialbf :1,+, Sec. 33; Y' 5 lI,, Rl:e R.,!5 8" ES,Carocd, harl trgbL o64 ss$ o{ r.*}, soo.-7g slS' Lahr of l{E*, 9f of ll1*f,,Suco ttrltrrtory g:"23.rR"?5S" to Vrrdafs (M) +{r$d, CllEs, Saa4ct l*CO 1."6 !r :*| of Soco E4g B" 5 Fr* flo, R" 24 8. .Fft*:atal'o M"e &ua6r XM t"5 (!o{& Ia $ec" !3, and Sco 32e ?n 6 !t", R" P/, lL Y.,cf,eg, Ibygds

vlfgtlda 1€9? 1o6 1@ s*f of Enf, L'| cf ff}, f"''e* .Ef-$of Siff" coc" ?3t f,rt cf I,:l+, Lq? sf 5?+, S€r', 359 €bt|.of f;'fd', S:c" liig E* of .Efr fos. ?2i $-ti sf.:{I*, i{elf, of 3'#, i'!i. a ffi, Saoo ??g To j H." 3o ?5 E. 'J, .lllltcn, Clae" n "i*"rgtuLe 1690 lo23 'i|.of t|Ed, r*{ uf sli}, tl'-r--j. ltlo JJ 3I{ of sti; '9ec.;i3 T" "i30 4 :1., ftc 2t E" fi$, -{€go lJ 3 T, 5 il. u R" t5 &" Laliirs$cal nr{mr sen F" E. Sot0cnrgm, anrl Argust Scboc&t

stat t*72 2.# 160 bs iofss"* Sra,L lir1 ifalkor Lgn fff' g{}c. 'af's{f' ltrTz 45 !'tr 'r'.4t ts$;st af Fi Rlrer 1881 no 5gc.Ll?l 5r*'ofoffH r4,tat- i5' "54 s:.+ ard x864 6oo6 3r.o ofI --.,t, sloofif ss+,ss: d*l* 'r r tt?-l!?I +;-si.+ 3*ltrc$ar!aa t-{86 1"S att sE*. Soc'co ?Ooll *, s$9* 1ii9? 15 E+;af $ii11St*. srts+tofAia f F+t"',4" ::,F: 2oS8 160 rEa'of d*'-F #-o.'trrlt't tlffTE Ig{*" ,F.V* ef$s1*f,s'r$Ss4", Zfg7lg iietoli& 'of 'qF. *!-, io5* sE+"S Seoo8(lo ?8289 7t.t glr+, , I of,I t .rftootf c;*,*, r$tiFri,,'

I --:nd- I sl of S*r -s€o. e9r El of S*r ItEf of S{, Sao. I ,Or l. 6 ls.. R. 23 Eo llso thr rigbt to st*c rod la$c'ud Scn tbg 6ast

I bsrch of t,ha IFEO tsallr R!,ycr and tts trlb*terrt cr, dtn dst I of pclocftf & 19di; 3fr tcrr frct of nsts rnanalrt ln Etr€f, AESnmoIn fn Srl of SrG. 291 t" 6 t,, F. Al E, t .ell of tbc etqor rta.eil rats ls to b. Era.l upca $o I trc{r stom ilrscsilbod. Cbl,cbo ottr 1 rl l scbetlr T l'eat U}6e t"2 ?5 rc} of r$t, Sao. 129 HBll& 186/+ ln? 15 Fl:ac. S* of SS, Scc. lt R[ls T" I r." R. 22 B. I l*| of rlr|, seo. ?3 $$ of 5*f, Sec" 63 t" S ls", R.294

I Hc.K4rp Elf s6. ,

Rodr4quer r86, j.74 196 9$ of .9|r_roc. lil frn* t enit of IE{, lIEd of IS/{, Seo. Ioat 47 I. I {"r R. 22 ts" Cdnrra Fl${ of f,++! Soc. 191 T" Cbs€&s g 8.. R. 23 E. I wt 6f rr.1, scn 24r t, I !s., R. 22 E"

I Pf-W, liLun{a i,!c, Hort 3.862 L.52 95 e| of sE{,,:l$ of-sEJ, I l{alkor 1964 lo8/, a15 :ao. 19t ir'f of i3lff, Saco R5,le x.864 5 2f); f . I Il", E" 23 g, "S 5 arrcr tn SFI of Scc, Lf T t, I tr", R" 22 8. ?|refnfl 1890 2"# 160 9$ of S{, sec. f4l r$ GsI of flE{, nwf,or se{, Sp" I 211t" 3 S., R" 25.8n- I Fearall, E&od S"g 'rta.3.ksr r.86a 1"52 95 lD+, li',lt of, 3i{, Soc. t83 "*sot rs64 1"to rld T" I iI.. Rn 2? E" I ftilrbf I

I _,{o* I !{drgr, Jone T.1 I llort rs78 dO sI* of n4, sb or seio Stlts "61 m+ of sE+, Ssc.It f" I niEa 61f., R. e3 Eo Chlc&cctcrs Erucc te I ltt!t' 1864 o4s n 3Oaorag ll f,.co 6 sod !||llc scc. ?1 t. I fl', Ro 4l Rlr* B. I .lEs&obaqr, I€cn, ' ll€st . te63 1,28 so S*} of l$i}, 66 !dss! J.o I Wa:k* r868 1.29 €o S* of-nl;+, nre}rtr S*"-itb nl.N t#5 t"06 6t d $+f,r I/r acreg ln g*e of SH*, Soco25t T. 9 B"r n" 22 E" I l{e.llllstu, Jqr"re

ltrosi. rd6e o33 8 $Ff of sfd, Soo. ?g t" t gal&rlr r865 .4s p 8 8". R" 23 ilo Flwr rry5 n32 @ Pt ir *1, $ac, I23 r. 6!f,. r S. 22 Bo I ;allrn, Irn, E*ts 3sI/" 5"U ffa l+ of-qu *lc" 2]; :dr Rit{a 3.Sg' Eo64; ffi I 18gi ?8 lf,H'#Ji"H+#* "936 gt, E* of lls{, :ac. i.Sl HAt, E+-of if-+{u ir.Ff af T 94, IAf ot St, 9i' orl St, s!o" ?51 l& -of I*Sr Sas. 36, B' of s+, sc. I 2&f t" 15 ilr R 25 & Sttrorrd.il.f, I. t., Sclu''.ooo Jca lblstotrr, F" i{o e s$:.1tbe PJ.Seortlr T ?,od sd Sras.k Castrry, T ltr rlght ta EttrB and lspund ra'6 the Eest Fork of, tLe faLke RIvr eld H.hrtertea, t ltb d6to of glortty of l€B5, T $ota hraabGaladm fub of vats maual.{y ts Eari f.rtc, Hort latc ald, GrcEo h&., b.tn6 Facolr.lblrr @ Fcenr &ee&, H.dgsp6n* t yill€f, CalL$rala, mcb *rgts to bo urdl rpcu lrlada la satrt t acfdgeporb Vealoy, :111.of tha lqncl sb'r€ ilaeed.ld ts siltr;at.id LE tdrc- I 6bl,pt Dor& mil rugee east of l4otat Dlabilo Saca and $rld5'aa tMn I and tba doslgrl.ttcd Do Bo & l,lor ta bcorglt :6do a part of *rach I ilorcadptlor otr lrDd aE ftlttr aa lf cpeclflcaLly sdt fort!. I 8lGrtrflgI Ea,r1e;Smg1 I nto Bo Sc t{€rg@, by ce tbrougb blu predee**me !n I lrrtrFolt, lc thc {nas tn$ugb EppcofLattcn as gttpbird r*. spoc't.l.BgHl r{gbtr lft fort& fil tht fiadtngr of llct, roil hc 1r I hrerbJ, dffs€€d th rfg$ to itc uao of lo$ suld.a t st of vstc p€f 6.cosd .ffca thr sat6a of nougb b$okr a trd.lrfr,{f of Esst

I trfal,ber Rtr*, $lth s iataclttr .f, l*60, ,for t&c {r:d.grti,olr of ronrEtt-fl9Q asor cmt of ihols cwtah parcot e of lsril al.tuat4d I tq t'hc Creuty of l'lcas, Ststn cf, Colifo:d.e, anql de*qltod as fol- I ]ccJgr st af r,}*, g,eo 61 $tf of 5i{, Scoo 9f T FrFf of ffi, Sc, 16; tsf of:lE{, Sac. 1?3 T" 5 t"r n. n 7.., I !{. D" 3, & }lo I t Brcfil€9Esa Ese@ V" Irc ^{sJlw, }9 crrtirrcr:gh hls predeeascore ln I Itt*rast, ls tho crraor itrrcrqh app*;:r:la+Jon aa atJ.lrd.at#! re- q€c'L1f,6 Lls r{.gbto +et farlA tn tto fr.r:dlnes of fae!, sld l:e ls t herehf deela€d ^"be :ilght to tba Es of tho uotss of $alk6e Rlvc I of 5.14 lof.rr of tnr pricr{.tr of lg?4 fc t&e trrtgettoo elf torr tun&cdl t$!tlit-6d.9!t ecrec, 2"6{d rof.a" of tSr lrfoi*tt of L8€0 f,ar tbo lrrlgstloa of tar ln:m&et tuuLSr rcmo, srd t "936 o"f"no of tnc prlcorlry cf 1#-)1 Jor ths trrlg'a'.lon au' ;:rent3r- t ol,ght asrslr ln addr,tl.on to *.hq *:,tcu:rt of rm*:r r]1s1"yl te'r{n udar aald deccec iio" 731, ,lald l.:nd Lo bc L*fuat-d iralag part of I th,r fcllonl"ug dagerlbrd g.:r'-" fi,r: t FE+, ,3$s" i3 1" 31, 1?., R., ?5 g" I ltl of s*r So. ?tr eb of si, Sca. 24t -tE of S+, S4 of SrS, I Ef of xts+, Sc. 25t $r* or na+, Ef-of S&i, Scc..251 ilnf, g+.9 f,lt, {ts* of sf, $S ot $E+, sb I of SE+, S!€c. 35f t*f of !rf1 Seee 36f ?" ltr X,, tu 25 8., !t; D" I & l{r u@i_orJoE sclsnts t Wo Jor Sd,Eltro, by * througb hl ir ilr-ed*oceore la Lf,tarartr 1o tba omerr though eppaalrlatl.on as rllpr?.ated ro. I opec8Lag hfs rtEbtE !€t lcath la tbc fLadtngs of faeb, aad bar Ln I hsrsw dactr€€d tb. dglt to rc ns of, the *atca of, Vtrglada ad Oogtaun Cree&a of, 1o28 c.f,oio of the ptrrt$r CIf f86f fol thc

T lrrlgatlon of, atgbtt scrrs eal 1a!8 Enf,:o of, t&! Frl€Bt$r sf lS, trr ttr lrrtgati,o of c{Sily ecnsr, t! addttr.m to tbr .lratrr T morat of rl]'ertd to lrj:e rnd* acicl Cccfes llo. ?3lr eeid t Itsod *o te frrfgxkd bdlg F6rt, cf thc f,ollsrtng d.crel.bd pen- +d.er I rl.of mtr ${ or fi$, $e} of Iltr so" Al Si of, !H{, soc. n3 T" 4 f,., E 25 E. Ho-Dn I B" &t4

I iJw-r*gt s_w{ csgflg PcnEe.!g&18{ Y3Xo *r abftoatrdrt, &.sra pastii,a psree ccopargr,

I 1e he'troby adJadg€d to b6 tfr6 o$Ds of tha rtgfob aoqujred Drdlr T ltr rtpcta rtsbt! mat br S*tfr8 tb. @ to E boarllcilel ur tr sld to t$o vrt€s of Stlwr G.{&, poor C!!* end l{cgt Val"ksr I fi{.?€,!, for uco of nrch vatofr rF€rE tbc !ar:.da la Eldll.a ltiadoL, ln lrano Csubr CalJfcr:ula, beredDaftd Coseltad ss sot fctrtb I I:r tlte folloed:g tatnrllatl,co .,rb!eh ghoca t! aollEns maCing .*reil I 13ft to rt8ht, tih€ ai3Br€glrt{ mault of l-rtor put io e lmof;lcd,el

I --A)- I -f6et"!tr utc r*flr.sr,$sft:r{'utiif s,ccdrd r,*rLch satit coerycr$rl' !sr- I d,tted to dlvart at lhs srirural polnt! of rll,vcr*ka1 tbc nraubs of acrls {rtf€ttdd and €hE doocr{gtd.oo of t}rs lmile lrlthln t&lct I tho lalda to be i-etgatad aro to br fouad" c- f- le s&E I 8"0, n1 t I

T . Satd Slera Flcd.flc Fonr &tqpslgrr a coa-gtaatioa, 'e* tt sdjdged a*tl decrgsd ae a rlpad.ao otiuf to cotdtl*rl to t&a

I uga of, tbr b,yrlrarl5'c rf,fest of +.hr,lrators of tla aa!.d Uosl ilslkc I Flvc fsr p€rr* Fqpo&irs for ths geaerat*,on of olscH.cC.iy ead har *hs rtgbt for auch purposa to dtrrcrt .!ald s'stera L7 rneens of I a d6@cr deos s{6gsr aald strem cln Lts orie Ls::d, a:d to e.rect flws oe coadr:1ts srd eucb lgchlagqr ac li:e :;t.re{s et irdlnaly

I stsS€t {s adsquc+.efcr srE& prrao€o to 3c.opeJ,oa!.dl uaohlary md I pc&ce puer anl oLsctcCcd,f mil af!*n glldl !66 rbell rotun suEh aratEre +,o t!16 :latuf,'l c&amal of 3eli otrem rttbotrt rmrca- I Ecaablo CsiHatA€{?of, nrrb$t$Dtisl rl,Lutnutd.ont: gr:urtd,lg m qus}L'"t" the lan,la to shltb uuch rl.nerlera r&*tc ralst fcr puler

I Fapoect odl eir.e sdjudS€d Ero ss falLlisr T 2.638.95 *sca of, lsad t! l.lotro C{rgtrl Cf | ?ostlao at tho boad rmtsr"g of Wosi Halks Rlver, dracri.bcd as fliLl(*|sr el of iB*" O&or gpl, SEi of sec. ?3 T sf, of flE+of Ssc. 24r SC*of .TE*of Saoo 251 tS* of -IIE+, [S of ]l]Q, S] oi' S++, ff'J+ of S+, Sec, ?63 Et{ of fr}, I Soc. ?/9 1. 6lf., R" 22 S" r| of sf, s+i of s+, s&| or st+|r-soc" I 18; ffi of, xt+, Eec. 229 tf#t of I'.+, I I S!6.'30t I. O tr., Ro ?3 E r i,l., D. B. I I !1. }r$ oe lel, rd oe r.+*" fsl, rfi+ oF st*, 16rr. ? w., R.23E,tt.D.B. I :Ti Sf| of S*1, Soc. 10g ?. 6 $., nc e, & S* of s'.ft, tlaa. E1 tsb of m+t, fftl dE I lts t.7 tr., R"2, E;, v. tr ;:t ff. I ffi,"ffii S,f+1$' #.'3,T' * nBfr Sac" f,'l 'f. 7 8.,"Si' R. 23 8", Mo I D. B" & ll. Ioto 2 q"d 3 of Ssrtle 43 ?" ? f,., l" I 2' 8., I't" D, 8" & ;.lo r4 oe m*, ts$ of sE{, ss3o ,3, ?. I f.e Ro 23 B. r ll. D. B" & i'to T ls&?{ s+, 1+}of sr{i, sec. 15t t. 6 tro, 8" 23 8". S!{-of tti$" Soc. 283 1. I8., il" 23 C., t i{" 9. B, & }1" {** o! e{, sso. ?-8t t. I Ne, I- 23 E.r kaaptlng 3oB tcccsl reetangrrlr tn foa, st th€ i{d:,hus€rt Corasf of, saSal I l&{ of NE} H. D, B. & il" sr* or 5s+, tu. 4r r. 6 fi,. R. rJ E I C+of SF+,$ac. 2tL1r+ of, rIFi, Seo.28g to ? !n1 R. 23 E.r t{. D. B. & !{. T qr4:lg # ga&ffi ruq r34Ig4!!!E pJElT.rIgJ VItrfo x61jr* fi3.v* Irri6atlo Dlstcleto a eloratloa, I ts bde6l$' adjudssd to ba thE cfl'asr of, tho f?.on *d us of, tho I f,tocd sata of EasA Sdke Rtver end itE trLlrrtutaa lor atcagc |rr H,dgoport Esssot! d.tustqd oo th6 Esst tl.|ilk6' ru"o, a

I trho umt of ffi, @cb sBtdF to bs itfvurtcd Sroll se!.d rlvs! aad *trod f:r nld rosmfr flno tlo

I l:rosp'oct- I lw of the rS.ghto end p-ior*td.ar h:c'aby atfJudg:it i@il 31oo i.bo 'rigbt to dtvsrt g$cns .Lho t end at arg €n €xceoa of fdty-tr€ t I

'Lh.eu6sil I ser€ f,3dt up to ftftg-ecrl€s thougand nrio fe6t r:rilsr. I thsae le i: tba :dwr a quenttf o,f ratce irr rxcass af .!.r.s i€t€l eouat adJudtcatsd ts tha pcrtte S66st+ to tba qt,at sf :ficb, T e|rcrarb ht !,qt{E ahall aot bo stcrcd i.! Edd rsssfsrytr s ss ?,O Cqptvr ttho gort'l,ee h6eto tDe.lrldl.ug thc plslnti..ftF &al tts T aadgnr of rtoc& r,dt* or vatc fof it@Etco pr49csr. loat 6{ed Halka ELver lrrlgtlon DtrH.ct !l hecebg edJrrfgnd to bo tlo

I . surl€{, of, t}e f,lcn sad u6a of flood s!** at ]leet lfafker Elrla eld I Ita trlbutstes f€F stsrccr tn fegar ldo na*a;-mtr edtcstsa! B€Gt l{egt lJalker Ri'rur, to the *o$at I of f,lf,by*+}6l:$sad er,:ro f+eto I I I I I I I I

I $OJi:- I I I arcb uate to to itt?€ctsal w!8-Tu'r€tr1l[-d*:vss?€d.t frsqr t&s I Clrst of Sovmbe to tho flrst of }kr_r{r of ea$ aeaeto trrlrpcctp I :,?t of tho rlghta md frt,crlttes horo$r aAJdgGd trld elso fi6 rlgbt to ill.wq:t, utl stolo at .ry tlao .[ l':rsler of flJ:tf tAcmed I scF. fr!€t Ep to rdgbt0.-ffv| thtn@d ecnr fut utcr tbrrrc ls l,a t&e !:Lsr a ryatisr of nate LD oncss! of tle total sunt adp t JuSr oatsd to thc parllos havio to thc cstant of scb ssls!, ! rt $at6r shsu aot bc stpr€d ln r&td losdnrlr ao aa to dsFclvs tho I p\qrtisr hcrato lnqLdtng thc pfofuH.ff ard l*g asElgpc of gtotrk I rnP"ar e yrtg for s:wstl.c !tSp66€6r H!}.t6 ru€ llrt6atfcn l[sts:lc* ls r.1* !dJu&*l td.ts I t&t orer aod au.!ld, to thc noc of tn tfooil id nXqpt4rlat€d Eai6rt of, E6st lfhlbor Rl.vs nnd Esst ifalks Rfu'ee aEiI t.}'',,r tctb t utstst unde applleailant f,of gwrlts for tho uso of later nado T 'bo tho Stete $atar Ccmted.oa of the Sbta of CaltJorcl'a, as fc]3rxar r I {a} Etfi,e@ thoured saro fr.O ps rilrlra of t&r Srd eod rmapprrgtatd $aters of sast Wql[

I H.dgepa!ryt Reec'rol.r, or a{r fl{qch +,hffilsf rg c€o t€ baofl*"s$y I u*sd, i:rallrg t]li €xeass 6tcr t-ba Froeent cspelcgty of sald rassi.r^of,J' end tle cnornt a11o'".$drlrdr ptrrdt:Soo 2136 of rd.d Cc'srtgd,co I appcor,nd Jrna 18, !.9?6" (U) n*:ty*efla tbcassoit €dr g€€t, por a6rrd o,f ths I flood anit uqrpnop;riatocl satff of Hest ilalker RIF rd tta tcllb- rrtarl,$s for! Etar€6is ll foper l€lo R6*6flD5rs tr & taach dtoleof t ar eao b€ hmoflsgSg, ueod, berlng ttrs Erecea o"ut t!l6 po.eaat t ecpocatlf pf l:rLd znsa:.voLr. alrd th€ arorart el.loved:ndor pe:ndt l{oo 253'I of s$*.rl Ca:rlals61oaapp:rovtd Jr:e* 18, 1f26.

I (o) trlo i*mdr.ed eero feot tna aarEr of tl:e ugt€ac of eE t tan*ue'd aleeaa fi*rfug trto topar i.sko Foecrrolr, foraor\r ALkc.lJ, t latc, f,or st€Ggs fu saifd rosorwlr, oF so lnr€b t&€roof, ac ca bt I beofi{{al\r uocdn u:dle prt*d.t !?o" Z53g o-t caJd Cmdcalta ap- I le.owd Jrmlr ld, 1936. (dl Hrfiy-ftvo tJrourEnd see fsEt pg. onrcllt tho . of I natarr of Hort LCtld fuvcc €trd 1ts tlttstsr:!.Nr foF storage ls a la$soiA to bc ctmctmcttd ln Laa"lgt |,taadcra, G Bo ucb thseof t sa can bc !@cfLcil,ally Esd, uad,rr gr*.:alt F,o" ?.yt|, at satd C{e- I nlBntan approved. Jr^ure18" 19e6. (o) Gaa inadrc

I lAn cf such dghts r.e.ttlr eald po*l,to lssilcd l;r th_6 t 6**,to !,'atar Cct=Lsd,on of f.hs Si{rto of Cn'ltfrr-ata s.lall ba subjoct to ;os!"6d lxlcr rlgbia, robJeci aleo to flral ecttcl ::1m s&icl I pernl"?c t8| 6afd Cc&oila3ior. 'rlallsr SEdit Rlwc Trrdg**Jon Djlstrlf,t Ery Clstrlt!$a

T s-ueh so .tcd ia gajd:cs*tol' +,o ihe lsrlCs ta ,l.ho Etstnrl "fstsr ct I eard.tlci tl.orsts, la eceor,ja::ee -d th tl.31r respactl.Te :{,ghta. I Ile tbo al:etcgtt! uadee tbo fctlc*riag q:pltcetlaa oado to tlre Statc *rgr4oeF cf Sevada for pertrlta to apll"orn-l&to tlo T ratesE of ldolk* Rlvan ad lts brltntrylae ce edJudg.il t,o b6 t&o qnd c*nerg mtl'i;laal to tbo uee of srich r.atsrs qa eh?ra fn tie fdL I lotCag ache&l.e rotlc.h estr fcrtb tls rms of tbo appl3ccat, ttro a*:l of tho rtr.eu lraa r-hLch tbs :!at$r fs to bo dl-*,..r:.iul" t.!:e t eur:brr af tba app3.5.eat!cn,1&c c:o:ra! cf uct6p.el1rl,Iod for ln I cprt$.cflot per eocond, lho nr:rlgr c.f Bde6 to ba lsrlgtted, e dos*l.utloa of tiro Lurd l: lrhich thg s:larnt cf latd to b€ 5lrt- I .*{.. I gst€al l'r to be for$, tb qpaotg of nata affcr€it b ths Stcta h8{t'eq. I otl tbr mrab of aw to bc lrrlgafuif trlero\ra fea Stoeo fta|bc Dat lfats fu. of Iloserlgtd"on fp}led a€rt I Itc

I llno*r, !!roh A,

rtrS Jmry !8 80 21.5 aqroa h g*t Cf I 20, lgq. S&|r 21.1 accg la Ft oa se*rer. t8l 4.7 sc,rcr la nFI 0l- I l[Sh 3i"? acrog ta Iet,gr n$r sea, ;13, t. 12 tr,, R, 23 E" I nt{rL..rtd ftn O.8 o,t.r. mal 8Oaee"6r ncgU.,Frul, I Ifo'6 ttit6 gatk* cuob 2of6 Jao 4 eccaat! F,+ of nE*. 25s tw ?O-acrra R3,rw la B* cl @, ? scca tn S+) I 0F ;13t, 25 scs€E i.a S} opxE'*f l$ s11er !.8 fil!* Or sE*" 14 T aoe'lg ln m+ 0F s:4. 38 acrrr 1n s,r* CF5E*. 1,0uq?o !a {S.i cF :{*i;- I Scc" 35t f" 12 !t,, r B" e3 E" I Appronradf,aa loj? s.fosr rE{ lfl q{Fad . leegtru J" Do, *t al I llsiFt :!5&9 llotn:^tg 2o66 38 lJsl}ff 238 l,gw {fnrov,oa ftr :1,,520,C.8.9o nd 158"03 rcr€s I fcr G"g,S" gl,ga "6i$4 ad rmss 9e.gr Eeo.Y, $lccacdert tt L, f. !rsCu+s.- :$rc€.C€d Er E. S. Erdiltr, Sr€dsd t, I 0" S.. Ssdlga+,8, 1{€rt 1630 rM !o7) 36 8O coeea tr s} aad eE+" t !ia.l&.a 9., tgto s*8" fl:lrur ltt $0 aeaE ln Ff of ff8f, Seco lzt I go Il If", no 23 Eo .Appravedfsr 1"33 6of"En sd l€O aorro, l. t t Asotre Sccodl, I W6 ^NsSust xo, 1gt4 I I &$await tw 3"2 orf,oro aDd3iD {6.!rc &rtle, Jr 0,1 $uMd gr Uge I lod ftd:Ho Cl6cgl, &|t e&fi 9"6 960 Hd&s 8, 1gl1 T &lve Alpwnd srdea crtleloato lf,S f,e bnf.lr '!Fd "?9 ?9 &irorc I 3915noa.ea tu sFt nS F+, Sec.311 39"5 aqrca lD SE* gF Sli+, I gooc 3t 1" X3 foo R" 26 E" T D$ler, J" D., $uccecdrd t7 fcalol Scgtd h.ud" Ea6t *A4O 9n6 9e t lldirse 'idse 8, tgll

I Sppoaad EEiIF *d,4leate l,tX[[ for to56g6 e.f,.g, adl 155.56 sqcs" ,iO ;cssa 3.a S$ri tF 5J$, t 4O a*oa ia ]** 0-c 3-}f, 25s2 sctr'ot ln n-j+ oF $Ffr 3r"5 lcsse ln sH+ oT slF*' 3.26 .ro$g t la St O$ SI*. $-c" 61 9"4 aere€--;a$I of :i..+C',(.!ocn i 6 f" I l.2 Yor R. !6 iL htl.er, J. 9", Sctcecdo{l $ I Joe4h ?raillJae E6sU 2O{O ncr 9rG 960 'Jalke|f 8" 19ll T B.i"€a Agpoonit srA"r oortJfleEto 1902 fcc t lolG56 c"f.so md 13O.56 c,cne 3fle35aeoa fI3 wl oF Str 34"4! aess !,n I f,+ crF&+, J9,84, gcres la Sn{ cf !lr}; i,l*,?4 au.'ag !:r Sff,.of I i$t, ioo" r'r; 11"!.2 tf". R. :6 is. t L4 I <^ler1 J, D,, &rccedod !g I !" .l. fig63rtrxh, Esqt 20.iO t&v ?"6 9€O lt8t&* 8, 1911 I ifuc .lp!4o",t.l I'nds' ssatlf,lcNtt $iS3 f,tot o?G? onfng" d, ?O"? qcor" 4o ana ln E!* cr Et I 2f.,(,5 aecs |.l H* Of il*|, L24 ccca tn m+-cPrdi, $ro. 61 I l. 12 Eoe R" 26 E. kt"J.orr J. D., Sacsad.(t blr I Lslio A. L Cssa Sest m4O t*g 9o6 9{0 Sd,ksr I, tt[L I Rlvc .|*SFc'rsd rsdsr o#Lli!,ast .!€44 ftr I o3?66 e,f's. *ad J3.56 mes s$l 0r sft, ,Soc"329 .iplfEtnA uader c*htcate 1"$0{ far t o5904 e"foss *ntt 39,04 arcfoc sil* 0P s:+, :bc. 313 I r. x3 I{"g R 25 L FEutt, firrnrkll4l ii$esaCod ry llasoa Ta11ry Beak, I Host 2W 0slob{r 2"2 m 9" lql"e I fi.'':..-t"bXk€f llrr..vc=y.:.@d6F wttfi*to 6,64 lktr 1."iJ51,c""l:e. =j! 19j-1. ;;;a, I 4o a.xrur 1r s*l r|p yD*" 4tJ aerrssLu l:l::,+O? SS; 1?o5 aoros lrr ft{ g^e I sE+, 40 acan t.n FE{ OP.S+, 9o6 eccas ta S1f+0F ff+, 17.9 aesa ttr eE+of S4, Soe. ?8t I t. 12trrR"S& t Fcry, ilLlm 1", East 3ffi AFll 2"1+ w l+ or ss+,sc. 123 ldttd€! 3;6, tgtS Lt-of M+, gg€. lJt lilvc S*+ cl Sfs .9eE"261 I P,f+ 0F EEt, sec, 25; Tul.2r.eR254 t dpncotd for sof"tr eil a,{!r€to I I Prm1r, Charloa Cnn

Eaat 3n .[eI[ ffi I Halk* ?6r-Itx5,. Rislf

I .tppovoil for s.f"g" d 85Ant I Lorlt, lmctfir D. e Eist 49d,f $Ftr I' 100 tsslk* er :.gl? I filrec Approva

I 43fi Jur.ta4r e"8 S* of fl:d l'toc. 3.1 22, tlEg ',i*.of ti:lt, ii:+ 0F 3ef, 3, ct' lilrj, :1tc, I ll9 T" t2 il.a '1. ?5

I AFlxrorod :i'rr? oof,.go ed ac11.*5 Td.g, In::a"l'ic D., I Sasn 5s52 !ry 3' lsa lfsJ"kar. ,!, IYIS I Fime rii::::ttietl :ier engs 3,t s::d f cei"xt I ilie}.-ral, JoLc ll,, iieri jc.os tro 8,sdt t&3 eGffilsr "r+7(B tr7,& 4.f atr+:e 5"ll 53* of Salke SuD€eod'lr# ed l2 rE*, S€c" 8tr J"},:tS I Rleea 19t5 !r€r?s t! l$$ of- $Ff, "?f letre Ln i--f cf- sn+, ?"9 eeos 1a liT| a,+.S, li 1.-17 :s*rr !.a I Sft 0I ii*4" 1,9 n,rsa :!a ::+,r 0F "i;+, 6-15 t ri:.Ti:r la i;+ S,r gii., I I T 8.41 aEFesrr $rl 0F @, 4 atree !.ra 9} T OFSEt, Soc. 9r T" 8n"ra"rt&

-{pprovod for o4?66 cof"ro Bnal T 4?.66 *$r€re rd.th prlortiy ot fl].fag ap'plteatlon nuobs {2{60 I D.ceter 12" 1916" Pertor, Caotgr, T Btrd,agliror 3830 :'Ierd .8?82 *7"62 12" i5 e":s€s L1 Slou{h l3r 1915 IS+ Cf fii.i l0"r;{ (a psrt of a*os la 5i+ ilF ;'t+l $dlsr R3..,c.r) 15.60 aacs :jl l'.'j I oF FE4r U"9{ .r.t: r Lr li"t AF [:,1f; i . i{r p.rr*s Ln ia$a rlY i ai i I 19"6,6.acroe 1n ill { €F Etr Sre, iOo -l , 15 9"" R" 25 E" I :lppeoved for O.ii?8? c,f,"r" snd ff"€2 a*rgo I r11 6f +.hg ls,adg hsrg{Datorg dleecrl bod are si.trtsiad ln tm:aebSpe t:ortlr ',r:,:dran3os east of lbrc1t Dlablo Ba:a od llrlrilsa t sr:.'dtLa ds6l6inat:olr trl{" D, E" ii l'tsr la horobg nade a purt of oach dasclrlptlon of L$::d es *rlly ae lf ,$Faci,flcaiJgr aet forLlr.

T 111 mch applicatlons aid petntta ana o:bJact to rrogtarJ T prlcr r{.ghts entl to flnal astiLca W tho Qato fiu-gboa: r., Euch i:.^apil.ice H.oos" t :" t::s pe-'.*ttes a'row :rm.ed sr€ horeby edJudgcd to bo I the ornfirt of l,ho u;rl cf the goe€Ei:.mp$:tc of vater film .ihe T agrllrral, atfsrlnn qs ab6so sct forth and are atltlsd to all.rst r*nil r6a sucb {Ntsr.s sf ilaL:r* Rlzq u4y'or lta tr{brt;LTl,es se tbe I on6s aay -., :f,or tho bon€f1Elal Frpon€r st:€clf3ad, subJs6t to nnd la scco..nl lrl'th tha giorl-tlae abovr E€t forth.. ifborc!-r8 tlio

I cf Fror6 i:grilcDs fl3a 31.r{n ! tr,.:.o:a1w itB of tilo tl&lls ifsdr aad "ibcn I I ":tfl- I the aallre sitr.eaa, sucb palo:r t,u5.egsiuLl be ilE*ed to be Ldonttcal I fn pdf-at of tl,ns and sE;ai tn po1at, of rtght .rltb dus ragarA to tbe srout horreg atk'r*d {O oecbo ;k4y of t}:o ;ald larii.sr llrali be i,u I ontr tLelt cbalgC tho ::mler, i1!6r!s, Irltct d !tuaFi:,ct'6f Es, t ur il16 polut of dl!€r$ifi sf f.hrr sald !€tafs Br eng thelsJf !'tr.

I ihc nenn* Focldod tU lsvr * {b as t}qf sEf dc so stthou! I loJurt te the r]'glrt Iti ot&ar. p€ltl$c berct.:, ss tfte Ss .i6d rlx,t i hctshr'+ I .{I" 3e,tD *+l ..rr+rryy'parrf ir: tb3 E srin and t&tly. sd *ach |t ti:|oiir ,**l,r:.' t,g, :gllrtd r.rt(.t ,ii,;"f,dj , snil €!i /.Ef:i{rrd 'Yr\g I slnJ {y, tie ouglr .:! d.nii! r, l,ht*1 115d th6jJ. grt3:g'ssgsd !s,t I asBlf.ice :a aad tu tbe uater flghtg rfi:d .t-arrdElherbln doorftbCdu Br enii {:a'ch qrf rh!ffo }oreby la foln:r,..g 4aJ siu6d Enil rqrt.lil^aeC ttda I cfafu*:6 a4t r3ght,s lrr ,rr" ti, ?!" i,ra?fo uf lia;** i1l!:ef aadTe,r 1ts k*rcbgr and,/or i** i"lltltaf..$B, .tf;.*tri the rtgirta JEt G? s:1,i I Epeqaelad iu t-;q3 drcrBo u!.rt rJatr,,'f tho ra4i par*tus 16 A"frb]r I eoJolned $$rl lof?ncl""rfrd r-r.!a, r:atslr'g *i"errtog 6t' la|.e6ft,Firg fu ansr lfay wlt,h |fis fat€fs o,f the *rrd'lalk3r ftilsr cr ita &.ffic I ar tfLbfiefilre Jo .!t tv 1i rluf qtry ,f n*rlr,er J t*"ffrq, *rith rJrs *i ?s8*ita, *rJ<.,yaeat !r.Aa lJ-&n.u{ firrj 11otr61.9.rf ary At !i,: 4g1,.* I .ls:-?J,,!ir i{J tnl,q Ji.d B as Jst f€ltli J.:r iJijg dicrool r'r&Tj.h4.lrto re- gsrrl tc th6 t.S.stivo rlght3 &16 !,t'1eJtLst hbr.f.rr €dB fl.rrh;, and

I sacb or- ttre salC parti.og 13 heaettr rrctoleod and f6siF,B.tnsd frc4! t Avrrf trtdn€i, dJ.vrctlng, daa{fl:rg a'rcf , or ctbs*rtoo sjtirrg dr .jLdL!t- fu€ ry d lhE lrsitsf Bo etla,ttd ro tber tr eay Traute,r, :rr a! 4irly I t'fira fi rs tnr ls *r,? t'ag tlrt{rf,fgrq ."t ih tbe prioe r:;hto Jf oi.h@, ':g.t'ilu; to thig atl,-i: ac ih€ ss..d!.frj l€r€ln rst for?:--t, r''!'.*!{f.

I eu.dt l::rtic:r iur,-l:,g .uLor,' rlgllto a3 ;:.,re!,! ii€el,:!.rl iravs $B t:r:_;3d I r:pfio !haq: sessrol. Lellds ihe r:atars so sCJriiicst€d tD tir!n,, I ."?- I If,Io fhis ciscros,Jrial-1 bB dccris,i i^: Csiel:l1no $L] ci I the rrigbts af ths parttss to thls Ftdt and tli€Lr suceeasors lE lntsrest -!r ard to tlia'.?i,ors af 'rislker Fl'..re;r*rd lts ',ritrf:aries, I dxcapt tbs ur:dat*r:dnod rlghts of i,'aL:rsr Rl"a:r l:rlgatioa Diotr{ct unCer ltg ap$lieatLols to tb6 Slato tr{ator CnlrdgsLc'n of t}re Stats

I of, Crllfor"nla ed tha rmdete:utaod :d.ghts of the ape.11caot6 for I pdrolts &ca tba Stato . ngllecr of th€ Stato of llevada herelaaborn epoclflodn aC lt {s heratg ordered, ed,Judg€d anil decreeil rlrai I ne&a 6f +,he partlgg +€ thl.g srd, t hsB atsr rLght, lliilco iateroat oi' agtats lf or tu tha l'etsrs of satil WsLk* Rl.'bf, lt6 ttrarloses

I oF ltB trLhtdrles .'th6r than as a'hovo s6t fuctlr, ecerpting tla I undo?rrr:!.real rtghto of i.laaksr ff1.ff l:rlgetla f)1sArf(+ an

I gr:+eeeston La tnts:'Eet tlu co:Er€::c!i?a5l of +-;?,J!.ssuJ,! '.ic n:r;r "f"cJ I of +..herlghts herery nij ruiicstcd t'o the se-,r=raL par.ili:r ;l;Jf:?:- Cant" I XIif, ]tctlrtag harBlD Eh&lL afeect the rlgbt, of any of ';ita 'uo prtiea .',rero1o fstqta ths r:*e of uaNsf,, or to er:nlt:ir:a a*. -iho I c;.':!:a:rge u::s irlsrso.f, d6 fa! as tlrey n.ay {c so ,,l'thrat 1j3- I J L6-lousJ.y aiTec l"!..:ngiho rlghta of ary ot' tha btbgF paflles l:r6"s- trg ard Lhe',{ailr i4:sfrn, herel-aafisr :".aatloncdu nagr por*it itre I sald paltJeo to :o'tat+ rJre u!6 of saiit vat6r or to Ciuntrtcs br s* changa tbe uso thoreof, hawing ihre fegarC +,o th6 prtdrj'tJ.oa herdia

I tl!.:t*d, so t'5f, ss the G,rr.aDa:/ be dona .,rlthcrS :L:jurlcusly Affoci,- I ing'lhe t'j"rJrts r:i ir:ri Di:har 1.::,r"il'lsbD tl,is,-"r.11,1" '.i.':,r, I XIf. "'",,';:'t fstt:1n6 jurlsriletloa r.rf tiris * l:rge fsf, I 'i:he t prrrl:cs* r,f ,,'i;sil;i:rg iire.iu.iy ol.,,i8t,.]r *r for co$acabg OA ro&.f$-trg I l,hle ri.:r.?on; slto for regrilaktg Fi:r1losss, incl..rdlrg 6 ehangoof tho pilco cf .::e r:f ;my uator usec, but no tjatsr ghal3 I !@ rcfld or i*Liv*yed r)utsLd€ of tho brsln of .Ltrotfalfte,r $."e excapt tbai api,urtoe€ot to ihe Lr:nds of, lfre" J, A, Cs,,l4y I €rEdR. ?. corr*g mforreal to tr1 aJra f,oregoJ.ng tsb]].atton. '&€ I C€rrt $hall hoqafts uaka stlch r€gulatd.ods os to rrotlea e-il,liftm or srrLstane€of e,-qpappl,icatLcns..f+r (ltsrgo ci, I :corilftsation of lr*r.1;dser;s, or i.or cha.:rgsof place oF r..6nof of .iia lrJe Df tat .ls i-l: nay ds&l !Ec:agg!?"

I Tho eng: of eactr dltch or cenal bergLn gr:l{ror.l.zad to .ihe t dL.rcrt r,rat.)r lYcrl llaJ.k,oarRivcg or iig trthrt^erl.o 31,a11 at h!: or Lts .t';o ei?-rgree l.::si.gl :u:d q,t :lt t!.ceg :s.atnuaJ-a a? or l, B,ce'r t$€ iaistc c f s'r*h Cltcir or cfrhol, a reliablo" slffl.cLant er{ r**l.iy ci::r':'.1il i.::5,;Jeti-eg h,:ril;;sta and s laekli{ n€as1l!i::g

I b+*u *-:::lo or ;'ir,?i' f._ed.es to i:olrpE::o;:rl try f,ito _'I.,l.:r ?,trs.!:r, .'.,hc:'eby -1.:ti,:: ,jj:..,.1*.;f I tbe lnto ;.rcr J i Lch ,;r J.ies-l :!V bc : r3u* la+-gil ald cor*t*t$ n;asurd. ftcn fad!.rce of .arqr cr"ne! of -r:dr I dl, Lch or eelaL tc l:1 s';r,Ll srch r*;;ul:qtLng lcri(lqg aed :-,oe;u.i:g ,j.l;L '-.rJt:l eo :r o: th,.r i.irs-l C:g ,ri lieTn 193?, S {t jI:(& ,.til.l._ ':] t -ll: ,l:+g ar .:.,' .:.:.,'rric,r C:...4j:r,,ld.L;r a..i:c'I{:Br :?rt,i=, ?Tc.) tsl I I day:r natl;ro cr to ne.Intala ra:h r+gu1et;t:rgn lorrtt-:g or rsa:uring da-'i,'o, ths l.:atcr lia8.krf $ha1l crrt off the,,:s-tur irr:i-*. I such dltch ol csrs]. rnt$ tbe sece shs11 !o go !:lsr,6!ted and mai*eineA.

I xl'- ibe- Court, r,.hanelr8r lt eha&l iles ft n€cggsarr, l.,i:alJ- ar:.i:olet s l,.i;tNir 1..::ster, r,;ic ;hel:. !a ri:u:,geg .,rltir i:ha til.rtiT t d'! npf:c{Llcnlr13 r';:.d ,:fi;*tr-iUutlrg.lle r.rltora r.l ij:e iif.ll.:el. lr-'r.)..:!,,. I lig lorks ar:.! )r:'.1;rta:ri*e L:t t::e Stnts nf l{e=,?._,:ts!:il ll -ih: .:,tar,g I I -

lhe satal


I Ui il l' ll XlEo thE &:ziJ€atlo season elo,ag the I lel

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As Amendedthrough June 3, 1996 'l



ARTICLEtr . ... -. -.

APPLICABILITY... .. Section2. I Section2.2 Section2.3 Qaari^- t,r


FILING CEANGE APPLICATIONS AND COMPLIANCEAPPLICATIONS ...... 7 Section3.1 ... . Section3.2 Section3.3 Section3.4 ARTICLErv,......



PROCEEDIIiGSBEFORE THE AGENCY Qaarinn ( | IU Section5.2 t0 Section5-3 Secrion 11 5.4 it 'I ,'l


AGENCYDECISION It Section6.1 ... - -.....11 Secrion6.2 11 Section6.3 ...... 12 Section6.4 ...... i2

ARTICLEVtr... .._...... 12

JTJ-DICIALREVIEW ...... 12 Section7. I Section7.2 Section7.3 Section7.4 Section7.5 t4 Section7.6 Section7.7 Section7.8 Section7.9 Section7.10 Section7.1 1

ARTTCLEVItr.. ._-....16

TRIALDENOVOINCERTAINCASES. ....,..16 Section8.1 ...... 16 Section8.2 ...... 16


INTERYENTION Section9.1 Section 9.2 Section9.3 Section9.4 I8 ,t t







In applicablepan paragraphX of the final decree(the "WalkerRiver Decree")in United

Statesof America,Plaintiff v. Walker River krigation District et. a1.,Defendants, in the United ? 1l Sutes District Cor:rt for the Distict of Nevada" Case kr Equity, C-I25 (the "Walker River I

Action") provides that "panies siull be entitled to changethe runner, mears, place or pupose

of use or the poilt of divenion of [waters of the Walker River] or any thereof in the marurer

provided by law, so far as they may do so without injury to the rights of otlrcr panies hereto,as

the sane are frxed hereby."

In applicabie pan paragraphXIV of the Walker River Decreeprovides tlut the Court 11 reairs jurisdiction for regr atory purposesregarding the point of diversion, manner of use and 3

place of use of waters of the Walker River and its tributaries and that the Court may make such

reguiarionsas to notice and form or substanceof any application for change,or modification of

this Decree,or for changeof placeor rrtannerof useas it may deemnecessary.

In applicablepan paragraphXV of the Walker River Decreeprovides that the Water P'14 ir{aster,with approva-lof the Court,may make such rules as may be necessaryand proper for rn"

enforcementof the Decreeand for carryingout of its purpos€sand objectives. on July 15, 1987,the united stares Boarci of water comm:ssionersand &e chief Deputy

Water Commrssionerfiied a petition in tie Waiker fuver Action for an order establisldngthe

procedure,ruies and regulationsto be foilowed with respectto changingthe point of diversion,

marurerof useor placeof useof Lhewarers of r-heWalker River.

The UnitedStates and the WalkerRiver Paiute Tribe filed objectionsto theproposed rules


On May 17, 1988,the Court in the Walker River Action enteredar orderprovisionally

adoptingthe proposedrules and directingthat they be modified in accordancewith the Court's

order and also clarified. After additional briefing and argumentthe Coun in the Walker River

Action enteredadditional orders conceming the proposedrules and regulatiorson July 7, 1989

and on September11, 1989.

On April 5, f 994, the United StatesBoard of Vy'aterCommissioners filed a petition in the 'amend Walker River Action to the ruies and regr:latiors to corect cenairraddrcsses contained

therein. on May 31, 1994,the court enteredan order approving that petition and amendingthe

rules and regulations accordingly.

On December 22, L995, the Waiker River Irrigation District, the United States of

America, the California State Water ResourcesControl Board, the Stateof Nevad4 the Walker

River Paiute Tribe and California Trout, Iac. filed a Stipuiation for Enry of Order in Subfile No.

C-125-Ain the Walker River Action. The Stipulationfor Eney of Ordersettled a Petitionfiled by the WaikerRiver lrrigadonDisrict on January9, 1991,related to cenainorders iszued by the

Califomia State Water ResourcesConrol Board in 1990 pursuantto Califomia Fish and Game

Cociesection 5937. The Stipulationfor Entry of Orderprovided for additionalamendments to :le naies and reguiationswith respectro californ:a Fish and GameCode section 5937 or any other applicableprovision of Californiaiaw with respecrro the warersof the Walker River acijuciicated in the Walkel fuver Decreeinvolving waterrights esrablished only underthe law of ihe Stateof California.On June 3, 1996,the Coun enteled a Finalorcier pursuarr ro StiDulation

amendedthe rulesand regulationsas providedin the Stipulation.

The ruies and reguiationsset forth hereinare in compliancewith the Coun'sorders of Mav 17,1988, July 7, 1989,September ll, 1999,May 31, 1994and June 3, 1996.



section 1.1 unless the context orherwiserequires, as used in these Rules and

Regulatioru, the following words and phrasesshall have the forowing meaaings:

(a) "Agency" or "agencies"shall mean and refer to ei*rer or borh of the state

Engineer of the State oi Nevada or the C^lifomia State Water ResourcesControi Board as appropriate, which has the responsibility for adjudicating a specific changeapplication or the responsibiliry for determining compiiance with california Fish and Game code g5937 or any other applicable provision qf Ca'lifornjalatr;

ft) "AppLicant"shall mean and refer to any p€rconmaking a changeapplication or seekingto modify, amend,change or establishspecific terms and conditionsfor compliance with CaliforniaFish and GameCode $5937 or any otherapplicable provision of Califomialaw;

(c) "ChangeAppiication" shall mean and refer to any applicationfiled in accordancewith theseRules and Reguiatioruto changethe point of diversion,manner of use and'/orplace of use of the watemof the Walker River adjudicatedin the Walker River Decree. rd) "Compriance Appiication"shall meanand refer to any administrarive proceedinginjtiared by the water Resourcescontrol Boardor any applicationfrled ia accordance '+'irh rhescRuies anciRegurarions to mo

(g) 'contesred Apprication"shall mean and refer to a changeapprication which is protestedpu.rsuant to the provisions of N.R.s. s533.365or carifornia water code gr704, or to a compliance appiicationwhich is opposedas the casemay be. (0 "Intewenor" shal mean and refer to any person who, pursuantto Article rx of these Rules and Regulatioru, is aliowed to appe€r in an agency proceeding by timeiy intervention, or after the time allowed for hppearanceof right lras expired, or who, lraving not so appearedin the agency proceeding, is allowed by the court in the Walker River Action, Pursuant to Rule 24 of the FederarRules of civil kocedure, to appear in a proceedingfor approval or judicial review of an agencydecision or report. "order(s)" G) shanmean and refer to the decisionof the water Resourcescontroi

Board issuedin connectionwith a ComplianceApplication

"Party" 0r) shall mean and refer to any person who appealsor is all0wed to appea:in an agencyproceeding o. in a p.o".eding for approvalor judicial review of an agency decisionor report. !'

(i) "person,,shall mean ancirefer to a corporarion,company, pannersirip, firm, association,society, governmental agencv, Ind.iantribe, or any other entity, as well as a natural

"horestant" 0) shail mean and refer to any personwho protestsa change applicarionpursuant to tlre provisions of N.R.s. s533.365or cariforniawater code g1704,or who opposes a complianceapplication as the casemay be.

(k) "StateEngineer" sha' meanand refer ro the sate engineerof the state of Nevada-

0) "united sates Board of water commissioners" shaii mean and refer to that cenain six personboard apPointed pursuantto the orders of the court ia the walker River Action datedMay 12 1937,January zg, 193g,and lrne 27,1940,to act as a waterE,ster or boardof csErrdssionersto apportion andd.istribute the watersof the walker River, its forls andributaries in the Stateof Nevadaand i.ntt" Stateof falifornia

(m) "walker River Action" sha[ mean and refer to that cenain action entitred "united states of America, piaintiff v. walker River krigation Disrict, et aI., Defendants,,in the united states Distdct couft for the District of Nevada,kr Equrty No. c-125-ECR. (n) "Walker River Decree"shail meanand refer to that cenaia finai decreeentered in the Walker River Action on April 14, 1936,as amendedon Aprii 24, 1940. (o) "rffater Resources Control Board" shall meanand refer to the Caiifornia State Water ResourcesControl Board. ARTICLE N


Section2-1 TheRules and Regulations shall apply to all changeappiications involving

warernghts adjuciicatedh tie WalkerRiver Decree,inciuding *re righrsof the UnitedStates of

America held in tmst for the benefit of the Walker River lndian Reservation,with cenain

exceptions. Theseexceptions are set forth in Sections2.2, ?.3 and 2.4. TheseRules and

Regulationsshall alsoapply to all complianceappiications.

Sectio! 2l TheseRules and Regulations do not applyto any changein point or poinrs

of diversion sought to be made for the Walker River Indian Reservationto a point or points above the boundariesof the Walker River lndian Reservation. Such changes shall be madein accordancewith the provisionsof ParagraphI of the April 2a, 1940order for Entry of Amended

Final Decree to Conform to Writ of Mandate, etc.

Section 23 ThbseRuies and Regulationsdo not apply to any changein the point of diversion and,/orplace of useof water adjudicatedto the United Statesof America for the benefit of the Walker River Indian Resewation,which changeis entirely within the boundariesof the

Walker River Indian Reservation.

Section 2.4

atedto the \

'{tris $flqryffiUtgffi :,$*lW& excepdonshall not appiyto anvtransfer outside the present boundaries of the Walker River Irrigation District, nor shall this exception appiy !' - should there be a changeur the aurhorirygiven the waiker fuver Irrigadon Distnct underNevacia iaw-


Section3'2 Applicantswithin thestate of califomia shallfile a changeapplication with the water Resourcescontror Board on suchforms and in suchmarurer as required by thatoffice. section 33 personsiniriaring complianceapprications shal fr]e such preadingsas required by the Water ResourcesControl Board.

section 3'4 Applicants shall pay suchdirect costsassociared with the processingof the changeapplication or compliaace application,including, notice and attendantpublication costs. In addition applicantsfor changes or partiesinitiating complianceappiications in california shall pay such costs as are allowed by the order enteredin the warker River Action appointingtle Water ResourcesControl Board as Spccial Master.


NOTICE OF CEANGE APPLICATIONS AND COMPLIANCE APPLICATIONS ' S€ctiotr4'I Notice of all changeapplicarions, whether filed in the Stateof Nevadaor Stateof Glifomia, and of compriance appiicationssharl be given by the responsibleagency as follows:

(a) within ninety (90) days after the fiJing of a compleredchange .ft (S applicationor compliance i33.360 applicationin properform, rhe agencyshail causenotice thereof to be /,)lli.*1, pubiishedf;ve times ciuring a period of four consecutiveweeks in a newspapcrof general

cucuiationand printedand publisheciin the countywhere the changeis to occuror whcre

compiiancewiil be required.

(b) In additionto pubiicationas requi,red in (a)above, the agency shail S7o''ol l lth,tcltotl causea notice of the changeappiication or complianceapplication to be publishedfive times i /ht,:^ f l, *'1 during a periodof four consecutiveweeks in newspap€rsof generalcirculation and pdntedand ^ll- llu ,1 hnt t pubiishedin Mono County,California, Douglas County, Nevada, and Lyon County,Nevada.

Provided,howevsr, that publication pursuant to (a) aboveshall satisfy the publicationrequirement for one of the countieslisted in this subsection(b).

(c) In addition to pubiication as required in (a) and (b) above, norice of the changeapplication or comptance applicationshall be given in such manneras may be required by the law of the state where the changeor complianc€is to occur.

(d) Upon thc frling of a changeapplication or complianceapplication, thc agency ti shall immediatelyforward a copy thereofto th}'tnited StatesBoard of Water Commissioners,

P. 0. Box 853, Yerington,Nevada 89a+7iQo th.ql'.[i"y of the other state,ro th9Jnired States

Artomey for the Disrrict of Nevada,100 West Liberty Sneet,Suite 600, Reno,Nevada, 89501, /6\ to tn9fia&er Rivcr PaiuteTribe, Attention: Tribal Qrairperson,P.O. Box 220,Schurz, Nevada,

89427,and.o ,hfl"u"d" Depaltnenrof Wildlife, 1100Valley Road,Reno, Nevada, 89512.

Sectiou4J Any pcrsonholding a water right adjudicatedunder the Walker River

Decreemay file with the agenciesa written requeststating that said p€rsondesires special notice of all change applicationsor complianceappiications filed pursuant to these Rules and

ReguJations.The requestshail statethe post office addressof the personand thereafterupon the ':l -.- irimg of a changeappiication or compiiance appiicarionthe agencyshall immediately forwarci a copy thereof to said personat that address by united statesmaii cenified, retuin receipt requested.

s€ction 4-3 The responsible agencvshall ensure rhat each norice of changeappiicarion or compiiarceapplication shall set fonh: 1-J,.36 o (t) (a) That rhe applicarionhas beenfiled; G) ) (b) The dateof filing; {i

(c) The nameand addressof the applicant; (. )

(d) The nameof the water sourcerhat will be affectedby the application; ) iJ (e) In the case of a changeappiication the location of the existingpoint of &l diversion or place of use and the present marner of use aad in the case of a compliance application the location and name of the dam or other facility affected;

(0 In the caseof a changeapplication the location of the new point of diversio, 46,) or place of use and the new manner of use;

(g) The quantity of water involved in the change application or compliance application:

(h)'The purpose for which rhe applicationhas beenfiled; and (f'' (i) such other hJormation as may be necessaryto perrdt completeunderstanding of rhe proposed changeapplication or complianceapplication. The agency shall ensurethat each notice of publication ofa changeapplication or sll .tu(i complianceapplication includes the dateof frst publicationand the dateof the last publication. s€ction 4-4 hoof that notice of a changeapplication or complianceapplication has 'oeen ilwl giuen in accordaacewith r-herequiremenrs of this Anicle shall be fried with the ^rrn , ort;), , eachsate anciwith the United StatesBoard of water Commissionerswithin 30 davsafter the hnal date of publicarionof the las publishednotice.



section 5.1 Except asotherwise expressiy provided by theseRules and Regulations all proceedingsbefore an agencywith resp€ctto changeapplications and complianceappiications shali be in accordancewith the pnctice and procedureof that agency.

the provisionsof califomia water code section 1704 and opposition to complianceappiications may bc filed in accordance with the practice and procedwe of the water Resourcescon*ol Board. Section 5l Arr agencyshali prepare a fi:ll and completeadministrative record of all had Proceedings conceming a change application or comprianceapplication- To the extent

WA'j'i *py of the changeapplication or complianceapplication; :,:i.,. ffi AU pleadings,motions and intermediaterulings;

$! Evidencereceived and considered;

dii8St t"-"nt of maneroffrcially noted;

fu| Questionsand offers of proof, and objectionsand rulings thereon;

{t'} Proposeafindiags and exceptions;

@J Decisions,opiniors or report of the agency;

fl$ Trarucript of oral proceedings.

10 s€ctiotr 5'4 The unired statesBoard of water commissionersmay panicipareas a Pany ul all proceeciingsconceming a changeappiicat.ion or compiianceapplication before an agency within the time provided by an agency,wirich time shail in no eventbe lessthan sixty (60) days arter the united states Boardof water commissionersreceives a copy of a change appiicationor compliaaceapplicarion, the urured statesBoard of water comm.issionerssharl providethe agencywith cornmen* andrecommendations conceming the changeapprication or compiianceapplication.



upon \ryrittenauthorization by the applicant, or in the caseof a contestedapplication, where the appiicant, prorestant, as weil as any intervenor(s)jointly agreeto an exlension. In the caseof a complianceapplication, the time for agencyaction may be extendedby trre responsibleagency fo! up to two (2) years, if the agency determinesthat additiorul time is required to obtain infomution neededto acr upon rhe application. which uray affect the allocationand distributionof watersof the walker Rive!.

or compliance apolicarionuntil suchcoun actionis concluded.

tl section 62 The decisionof the stateEngrneer and the compiianceorder of the warer

Resourcesconuol Board siurr be served by rheagency on all :anies,.,rrgr.Xlf"j;dl*,i. 6, proceed.ing, on rhlltni,oj staresBoard of waterComm:ssioners -a on [email protected] rheorher

Section6J The repon of the Water ResourcesControl Board shail be prepared,Col; I I armounced o ^11 and fiied in the Walker River Action in accordancewith the ordersentered in the Walker River Action appoiatrngsaid Board as SpecialMaster, with theseRules and Regulations andwith Rule 53 of the FederalRules of Civil hocedure,in that orderof precedence.ln revicw of any repolt and recommendationas to a changeappiication or compiianceapplication rendered by the califomia state water Resourcesconeol Board in its capacity as special Master, the co'n shall not be limited by the "cleariy enoneous" standard prescribed by Fed.R.civ.p.

53(eX2). The repon shall be served by the agency on all parties to the agency administrative

Prcceeding'on the United StatesBoard of Water Corunissionersand on the agencyof the other state.

section 6.4 Decisions of the State Engineer and orders and reports of the water

Resourcescontol Board shall be zubject to the provisions of Article vtr and Article vItr




'sd@ &E i{$St,rt'rierry thereofir thewalker River Action. ewffiffi.*t#lWh not a party to the agencyproceedings may"a

1'' o t}le agency

With respecrro personswho paniciparedin theagency proceedrngs,

accordarcewith the decisionor repoftof theagency regarding change applications, or for juriiciai reviewsf any suchagency decision or report,may be institutedby the filing of a petitionin the Walker fuver Action by any pany to ihe agencyproceedings or upon pedtionby the agency. A petition mu$ be fileci within 45 daysafter serviceof the agencydecision or reportor, if a rehearingis heid, within 45 daysafter the decisionor repo( thereon.Copies of thepetition shall be sewed on the responsibleagency, all parties to the agencyadminjstrative proceeding, on the United StatesBoard of Water Commissionersand on the agency of the other sate, the United states Attomey for the Distict of Nevada, &e walker River paiute Tritre and the Nevada Deparrnentof Wildlife.

Section 7J The Water ResourcesControl Board shali frle a petition in the Walker River Action for approval of a complianceorder within 35 days of its adoptionor, if reconsideration is granted,within 35 daysafter an orderis issuedthereon. Copies of thepetirion shallbe servedon ail paniesto the proceedingwhich resultedin the complianceorder, the United states Board of water commissioners,the state Engineer,the united statesAttomey for the

Disrict of Nevada,the Walker River PaiuteTribe and the NevadaDepartment of Wildlife.

Objectionsto the petitionfor approvalshall be fried andserved within 45 daysof servicethereof.

13 Objecdorsshall be servedon all panieswho wereserved wirh the petirion for approvalof rhe cornpiianceorder.

section 7'4 Thepetition for approvaior judicial revrewshall have the agencydecision, order or reportappended to it and generailvshall statethe groundsfor the petition. Section7.5


-tAn orderof tre water Resourcescontrol Board regardinga comprianceapplication sha take effect upon adoption unlessstayed, except that such ar order is automadcallystayed without applicationfor a stay if the water Resources conuol Board fails to frle a petition for its approval within the time provided in section7.3. The automaticstay provided for herein shall bc deemedlifted upon the filing of a petition for approval of rhe order by the water Resouces Control Board and the actual receipt thereof by the party or parties affected by the order. section 7'6 within 30 days after the service of the petition, or within further time allowed by the coun, the agency shall transrnit to the cowt the originai or a certified copy of the entlre record of the proceeding under review. By stipulation of all parties to the review procecdings, the record '''y b" shortened. The coun may rcquire or perrrit subsequent conecdonsor additionsto the record.

Secfion 7'7 If beforethe date set for hearing,appJ.ication is madeto the court for leave to addirional Present evidence,and it is shown to the satisfactionof the court that additionai evidence is material and that there was good causefor failure to present it in the proceeding ixfore the agency, the ccun n'y receive additionar evicience. The coun sha' receivesuch additional evidence in such manner and form as it deemsappropnate, section 7'8 The reviewsha, be conducted by the courr wirhout a jur/. In irs review. the coun shall consider the administrativerecord, any additionar evidencereceived by the coun. wnnen briefs, and, where deemedappropriate by the coun, onl argument. Ia casesof alleged rregularities in procedure before the agency, not shown in the record, proof thereon may be taken in coun-

Section7.9 .f{&el

whether any party fires a formalrequest judicial for review. Exceptas setforth in Anicre vltr, the court may affirrr the decision or applove the report of &e agency or remand tre case for fur*rer proceedings' The cout may reverscor modify the decisionif said decisionwould impair existing rights under the warker River Decree, adverseryimpact somepublic interestor prejudice zubstantialrights of the petitioner. substantial rights of the petitionermay be prejudicedwhere the adsrinistative findings, hferences, and/or conclusionsare:

(a) Made upon unlawful procedure;

(b) Affectedby other error of law;

(c) Erroneousin view of the reliable, probative and zubstantia-levidence on the whole record;or

(d) Arbitnry or capricious or characterizedby abuse of discretionor clearry unwarantedexercise of discretion.

r5 Sectioo7.I0 LnreviewLng any repon of the WarerResources Control Board, the coun rn the walker River Action shall not be limited by the "clearlyerroneous" standard prescrikd by Fed.R.Civ.P.53(e)(2). Lr the eventthat no objectionsare filed to a p€ritionfor approvaland juciicialreview of al agencydecision or reporr,t}re coun in theWalker River Action may, in irs discretion,accePt the agencydecision or reportregarding a changeapplication without further procecdings.

S€ction7.11 Excepras provided in section 8.2, the scope and standardof review goveminga p€tition for aoprovalof a complianceorder shall be deterrninedby the Coun on a case-by-casebasis.




The tiai shali be to the court without a jury. The eviderce before the court shall include the admiaistrativerecord preparedand filed ia accordancewith theseRules and Regulationsand any other reievant evidenceoffered to and admitted by the coun.

Section E2 In a petition for approval of a complianceorder involving an objection to a compliance appiication of the United Statesof America on behalf of the Walker River Paiute

Tribe or of the Walker River Paiute Tribe on its own beha.lf,the Court shall conduct a trial de novo on the objection of the Tribe or the United States. The rial shall be to the Coun without a jur-v. The evidencebefore the Coun shall includethe administrativerecord prepared and filed

16 i' ln accordarce with theseRuies and Reguiationsand any otherrelevant evidence offered to and aciruned by the Coun. The scopeand $arciardof reviewon a.llmatters other than the objecrron of the Tribe or the ururedSrates shall be deremunedby rhe co'n on a case-by



S€ction9.1 In a.tlproceedings before the federalcoun, whetherfor judicial reviewof an agency recommenciationor for mo'dificationof the AmendedFinai Decree,Fedenl Rule of

Civil hoce

considerwhether the potentialintervenor hes shown good cause for taiiure to panicipatein rhe agencyproceedings.

Section 9J Upon timely application anyone shall be permitted to intervene in an

agencyproceeding: (l)'when a statuteof California,Nevada or the United Statesconfers an unconditionalright to intervene;(2) whenthe proposedintervenor claims an interestrelaring to t}le subjectof the proceedingand is so situatedthat the dispositionof the proceedingmay as a practic€l maner impair or impedethe proposedinterveno/s ability to protect thar interest,udess the proposedinterveno/s interest is adequatelyrepresented by existing panies.

sectiou 93 upon timely application anyone shall be permined to iatervene in an agencyproceediag: (l) when a staruteof California,Nevada, or the United Statesconfers a conditionairight to irtervene;(2) whenthe proposed inteneno/s interestand the proceedinghave a questionof law or fact in comrnon. ln exercisingits discretionthe agencyshall consider

11 whetier the interventionwiii unduiy cielayor preju

S€ctiotr 9.4 A penon desiring to intervene shail serve a motion to intervene upon all pa.ires to the agency prcceedrng. The morion shall state the grouncis therefor and shall be acccmpanied by a pleaciing setting forth the posirion of the proposed intervenor for which

:nrerventionis sought.

l8 I






10 UNITED STATES oF AI.{ERICA, IN EQUTTY.NO.C-12s I1 plaintiff, SUBFIIE NO. C-125-A t2 WAI,KER RTVM, PAIIITE TRIBE, t3 plaintif f -f ntervenor, 14 t5 WAI,KER RTVER IRRTGATION DISTRICT, a corporation, ) l6 et aJ,-, ) ) t7 Defendants. ) ) FIITIIJ ORDER PI'RSSANT l8 TO SETPgLETION WAIKER ) RTVER IRRTGATION DISTRICT, ) l9 ) Pet itioner, 20 vs. ll;&DtBtflcr@uRT EIffTOFNA/ADA 2l CAIIFOR}IIA STATE WATER RESOURCES )1 !9ITIoL BoARD,w. DoNr{AucHAN, EDWIN H. FII{STER . ELISEO I.t. t1 SANANIEGO, JoHN CA.FFREY and DARLEIiIE E. RUIZ, MeEbers of the 24 California State Water Resources control Board, t< EV D Respondents, z6 'r1

By Stipulation for Entry of Order, f il,ed December 22, 1995, 78 as amended by Stipulation filed May 1, 1995, the parties to this t j.itigation have agreed to terninate this subproceeding by Flnal : order Pursuant to stipulation, without trial or adjudj.cation of fact or lav J herein; and the court having considered the natter, j.n accordance with the parties, Stipulation for Entrif of Order ("sti.puration"), the matter having come on for hearing on June 3. 6 1996, and the' court having considered the presentatj,ons of 7 counsel, it is hereby ORDERED,ADJT DGED AND DECREEDas follows: 1. Notice 8 of the hearing on this matter vas given as 9 ordered by the court on May 2, 1996. 2. t0 This court has jurisd.iction over the subject natter of ll thj.s subproceeding and of the partj_es hereto . 3. l2 Thi-s Final Order shall. not constitute an aduission of lj.abilj-ty t3 or fault on the part of any party or as to any issue of t1 fact or law.

I5 4. The withdrawal of the following uotions pending before the l6 court in this supplementaL proceeding is approved: California State l7 Water Resources Controt Boardrs (rBoard'.) Motion to Disrniss Petitj'oner's l8 First ADend.edpetition, uotion of california Trour,, rnc. ('rcrr'')to l9 Disniss walker River rrrigation District.s First ClaiE 20: for Relief pursuant to F.R.C,p. 12(b) (E), the Board,s Motion to petition 2I Disuiss Nevada,s for Declaratory and Injunctive 'r', Relief, and the Board,s l,fotions to Dj.suisE Tribers and Unj.ted 23 States, cross-claius.

5. This Order is entered based upon the Statement of 25 Factual Background set forth in the stipuration and eapitalized ',. 26 tertrs used in trris order shar.r have the neaning gi,ven theu in the ,1 Stipulation. 2E I

: to the licenses of the WaIker 3 River frrigarion DisErict

J United States of Aruerrca 5 and 6 adjudged and decreed pursuant to the Final Decree and walker 7 River Irrigation District nay not i.nterf ere with adverseJ-y E affect thac rLght i.n the course of conply j.ng with 9 Orders of the Board. 7. l0 If it is finally deternined that the United States hol"ds additi'onal u vater rights for the benefit of the warker River rndian Reservation' l2 the Board sha1l have si,x rnonths after that finar. deternination I3 lrithin which to review the question whether the Board's l4 orders require Bridgeport and Topaz Reservoirs to be operated l5 in a uanner whictr interferes witlr or adversely affects t6 such additional reater rights and to roodify its orders, if l7 necessary, according to the procedures for conpliance applj.cations IE set forth in the Adnini-strative Rures, as supplenented and anended 19,. Pursuant to this order, ff the Board does not issue a conpliance 20, order within this six nonth period, the l{arker River paiute i Tribe 21 or the United States, acting on behalf of the walker River paiute 'r1 Tribe' tray file a petition to determine whether the E.ardrs or.ers )a requ're Bridgeport and Topaz Reservoi.rs to be operated in a Eanner ,.i 24 uhich interferes r*ith or adversery affects such add.itionaL water z5 rights and uhether the Board nay require Brj.dgreport and Topaz z6 Reservoirs be operated in a uanner whictr interferes with or )1 adversely affects such additional. water rights. The Board vilI 2t'l ''ra l i inmunity fron "/e suit which it may have by reason of the r Ereventh Arendrent to the L'nited. states constitution with respect io any such peti-tion 3 which seeks onr.y prospective decraratory or r.njunctive reLief. 4 The Board wj_I1 not waive its right to object to a petition S which seeks retroactive or tronetary relief. 6 E. Thi.s order is not intended to resolve and does not resorve any other 7 issues concerninq whether the Board nay requlre g that Bridqeport and ropaz Reservoi.rs be operated in a manner which g lnterferes with or adversery affects any water rights recognized. in and adjudged l0 and decreed pursuant to the Final Decree and not expressly ll referenced. in paragraphs 5 and G above. 9. I? The Administrative Rules are to include procedures regarding conpliance 13 with the requirenents of california Fish and l4 GaDe code section 5937 0r any other appricabre provision of 15 , California lau, as fol.Iows:

A. The 16 i title of the Rules and Regrulations is 'rAdninistrative ri Rures and Regulations Regarding change of point of Diversion. l8 Manner of Use or place of Use of the Water of, the rr walker 19 River and rts Tributaries and Regarding conpliance with : carifornia 20 Fish and caDe code Section 5937 And other provisions ,! of ' 2l california Law. " B. 22 1 erticle I of the Rules and Regulations is auenCled as 23 f oi.lous: , 'o tj' D#ffi1""rt 25 , Section 1.1 Unless the context otherwise reqlurres, as used in these Rules and t6 Regulations, tbe foll_oning vords and -phrases shall the followingr neaningrs: zt.. .have.rAgencyl (a) or "agenciesi shall nean and =efer to either or both of the State 2E Engineer of the state of CaLifornia Nevada or cne State water Aesouices Control : uhich responsibility::::1_ .as - . .approprrare, has rhe for adjudicatinf a slecif ic appJ.icat ion or rhe responsi,bitity oeteraining:l:lS" . for conpl-iance wrth California-u-ppi.".ur. Fish { lnd gale code s-s93? or ..y------$!'r'+ provision of california "tr.,"i- ',AppLicant" la'w; (b) shall Dean any person and refer to makinq a c-hange ippii""ti."" o. 6 seeking to nodify,- dmenc, change specific or establish terns a-nd conditions for-Joiu"-s"igr compLiance 1 lrith california Fish .; c;;-e any o. other applicable provj_sion of iaiifornia 8 lalr: (c) ,rchanqe Aoplication,r shaLl*i.1I.o.,.,". mean and 9 j. anv_afp r i tition ulth::I:. ii l-ea-ii these RuLes and negulations 1-o--cnange l0 the point of diversio", ,-"-"""--.- place li u-s! anoTor of use of the waterJ-"i- trrl- warker ll River adjudicated in the Walker ',compl.iance River Decree. ( d^) appf ication,,'"iJf and ,".r, l2 refer to anv aduiiistrati". p-ilE.al"g initiated by rh; w;G;- R-.-=;;;-."!'"El',.ro. l3 .:?:Id. gr any application riiJl,it.Jia.r,"" wlth these RuLes and- legufationi io-i"aity, I{ 1T"l9l .chanseor esrabli;h -p-.-"-ir1"-;iii-;;riiornj_ai.il, .r,a conditions for conpJ.iance l5 Fish. and Game cod'e siglz'#-CJir"?"ia-'Taw iii-'o.n.. -applicable provision wj.trr l6 r:fp99t to the naters"f of the Wai:

2t I (S) "order(s) " shatL mean and t'he refer to decision of the Water Resources Control 7 Board issued i.n connection with a Conpliance Applj-cation. (h). r'party,' J sha1l uean and. refer Eo any Person vho appears or is allowed to appear in ;l an agency proceeding, or in a pro"."oing fo. or judiciar review of an asency 5 o'ecLs]-onlll::yi_] or report. rrpersonfl (i) sha].l nean and refer corporation, to a 6 couDany, partnership, firm, association, soclity, gdvernnentii' rndian ug"rr"y, 7 rribe, or any-otlri. llrr u, a natural person. ""ti;t;;= r'protestant'r I (l) shall nean and ao refer - ..nt person who protests a cfrange 9 application pursuant to- trre lio.ri.ioi.-wa-t-e-i' of !: l.s. 5533 . 35s or cali.fornil coae l0 s1704, or who oE)Dose< . coupliance^^-*, . ii application o": rstate"""tr," ll (k) Enginee!'i":::T$ shall Dean-SGte rl refer anCl to the state engineer of ttre of t2 Nevada. ,runited . (I) StateE Board of Water Cornn l3 issioners.r shaLl nean and'""far-to tfr"t certaln six person board appointed puisuant I4 to the orders of the c""ii :.n ttre' warxer River Actj.on dated ttay 12, fgaZ, tinua ry ,", l5 1938. and June a7, 1440, to aci i ,.t", Easter or board of conmissioners to"s apportion l6 ald distribute the nat,ers of tfre-' wa:.rer River, its forks and tributari", in tfr" State 1'f I of Hevada and in the state of rrwalker California. (n) River Action'r shal1 mean and IE refer to that certain action entitlE-,,unitea-River states of e.Derica, plaintiff v. Wilker l9 jfflS-]t1on-Dj.strict, et al., Defendants,rr j.n the United States District Court for the 20 District of Nevada, In Equity rrwalker llo.- i-r-zEecn. (n) River Decreen shall Dean and 2l refer to that certain final decree e.nieiea in 'r) the walker River Action on aprii ia,--iiio, amended on April 24, Lg4O. "" (o) rrwater Resources i1 Control Boardr s-hall Dean and refer to the California State ii Water Resources Control Board. 24 i Article fI of the Rules and Regrulations 11 ;] is auended as 1i follows : 26 I ARTICLE II 7'f APPI,ICABTLITY ri 28 '!

section 2.1 The RuLes and ReguLations sha]l apply to all change 1 applications invo1vlng- r.rater righ€s ad j udicated in the r.la]ker River Decree , including the rj.qrhts of the United stites of ArDerrca held in trust for the benefit of the I walker River Indian Reservation, with certain exceptions. These exceptions are set forth l in Sectj.ons A.2, Z.: and Z.C. These RuLes and Regrulations shall also appfy to al] o conpliance applicatrons. Section 2.2 These RuIes and 7 Regrulations do not apply to any chanqe in point or points of ciiv+sio., =irrrshi--to o" 8 nade for the Walker River Indian RJservation to a point or points above the boundaries of 9 the Walker River Indian Reservation. Such changes shal1 be nade in accord.ance *itn tfr" provisions 10 of paragraph I of the--firi'iE""r"" April 24, 1940 order for Entr-y oi anerra"a II to conforn to writ of Handate, etc. Section 2.3 These RuIes and It Regulations do not apply to any change in the point of diversion inaTor pfice of use of l3 water adjudicated to the United. States of America for the benefit of the waLker River I4 Il9.r?" Reservation, which change is entj.rely within the boundaries of the- walker nivei 15 Indi.an Reservation, Section 2.4 Any change in the point t6 of. diversion and/or pl;ce of'use of storage Haters adjudicated to' the Wa1ker Riv6r Irrigation 17 District, nhich change-Walker is entirely within the boundaries of the Rivei rt frrig:ation_ District, sha11 be nade pursuant to adopted rules and regulations of the l9 governing body for said Diltrict. This exceptlon ahall not apply to any-tne transfer 20 outside the present bou-ndaries of Walker Rj.ver Irrigation District, nor shall this 2l exception apply should there be a chanqe j.n the authority g'iven the walker i,iv"r )', Irrigation oistrict unaler Nevada laH. t1 Article Iff of the Rules and Regrulations is aroended as 74 follows:

ARTICLE III FT1ING CIIA,NGEAPPLTCATIOHS 26 AND COT-iPLIANCEEPPLICETTONS Section 'r1 3.1 Applicants nithin the State of Nevada sha11 file a change application with the State Engineer on suih 2t rorlls and in such nranner as required by that

2 Secrion 3_Z Applicants within the State of californi.a shal_L file a change appli.cation sj.th the Water Resources Control Eoard on such foros and in such oanner as { requLred by that office. Section 3.3 persons initiatLng cgnpli.ance applj_cations shall fiI; sucrl preaor-ngs as requj.red by the Water Resources 6 Conrrol Board. Section 3.4 Applicants shal"I pay such 7 direct costs associat-eo witfr tir"- prJ".'.=r"q 3f . !h. . change application or Lorpii"r,". 8 applrcation, including, notice and atlendant publication costs- In addition applicants 9 for_ changes or parties initiatinq .lipii.""" appJ..lcaclons in California shal.l pay such t0 costs as are alloued by the order eritered in the wallcer River Actj_on appointing tn" w.""r l1 Resources control Board a!- speciai ltlaster. E. Article t2 IV of the Rules and ReguJ.ations is amended as l3 fol-Ioss:

l4 ARTICLE IV NOTICE OF CHANGEAPPLICATIONS t5 A.}ID COMPLIANCEAPPLTCATIOIIS Sectj.on 4.1 Notice of all change 16 applications, nhether filed in ttre State of Nevada or State of California, and of l7 conpliaTce applications shall. be given Ly the responsible agency as follows: l8 . (a) wirhin ninety (90) days after the filing of a coDpletea cira;ee' appiication-forn, t9 or compliance application in pr-oper- the agency shalL cause notice thlreof to be 20 published five tiues during a period of four consecutive seeks j.n a newlpater of qeneral 2l circulation ancl printed ana puiflsfrea"in ttre county 'rt where the change is to oceur or nhere compliance will be required. . . (b) In addition to publication as t1 required in (a) above, the agenty ,hail a notice of the change ap;Iication ".r,."or 24 compliance application to- be ;ublished five tlnes during a period of four consecutj.ve tq weeks in net spapers of general circulation and. printed and publishad in Mono County, 26 california, Douglas County, Nevada, and Ly;n 'r', eounty, llevada. provided, however, that publication pursuant to (a) above shall satisfy the publication requirement for one 28 !

I of the counties listed in (b) . thj,s subsecElon 'l (c) In addit_ion to publication as in. (a) and :,.3:]:"d (b) above. notice of the J application or cornplian." :lalgu be ',unn"i uppii.ution :ll1l . siven in T5*,"y be r-equlred by the 1aw ",r"r,of "ih"." cnange th; ;i;re ""' .rr" -or conpliance is to o""a.-.- .ppriiSl:.o"[pj"".ll:,-Ii]i;;- -;i a chanqe 6 aeencyshar.l #iiii.1qi; 11J'.?X"'J,-i""l'j thereof to the united st-t"= 7 coDnissioners, oi *u...":i; -g: eox- ss:;'-v.iirrg.or,, to". Ere agency of E I::,.9. to.8s447, the rhe other :gare: United staie" iittoin"-v--to, tn" District of Nevad.a,roo w""t--iiil.ii 9 suite i.r."t, 600, Reno, Nevadu,'Atl;;;l-.;: eglor]-iiii""*.rx." -"= paiure rribe, IO chairperson.1..":- p.o.,a"x--zzbl"i;;;", ,=ib.r and Nevacla, .8-?!?!r ro tl: xe.r.d. o"p-"llr".,t of lt y;iil]r", 11oo valley Road, n"-,ro-,-*i.v.aa, section 4.2 , hJ - person holdinq a 3?::: _.ight adjudrc-ared under rhe waJ.ker IJ r

I (a) O gopt of the change apPlication. or conpl j.ance applicatj.on; (b) -. AtL pleadinii, notions and rnterDediate ruIings,. J ) Ev j-dence id...a j" received and "on" (d) Stateuent of tratter officiall-y noted r. ana object{:l=o:::.;:lid:";::::;.of nroof, 6 t) Proposed findj'ngs and "*""pt.o.=,! 1 Decisions' opinions of the or report 8 ,*. "n",13i, ":"*:;'";'1',o':;.. jilii; 9 record sha1li{i' be:lI1: fiLed with- ih" other .g"r,cy of the state and vittr trre uniiea states Board l0 of water Conroissioners. sectl^n 5.4 The united states Board lt of water c,onmissioners niv-participaie party is-l in a_1J.proceedings ctniernrng a chanqe l2 application or conpliaice appLication an agency.. before -within the tine^ p.".*.ia"aE-;; l3 agency, uhich tine shall in no event than be less -sirty (60) a"y. after--tiie United states l{ Board of water coniissioners receives of ;;;t a change application or coupliance" l5 application, the u;ited siales-tfr. Board conmissj.one-s of water shal1 proviJ" ,iih I6 co@ents and reconnendations "g"""y change j.on itr. applicat or corapl iince"onc6rniig app f i.cai:.on. l7 G. Article vI of the Rules and RegruIaiions is amendecl l8 fo lIows : t9 ARTTCI,E Vr 20 AGE}TCYDECISTON Section 6,1 ,Th: responsible agency 2l :1.11-.ry1.-e or riect a ci,^"nqe-ipfrilation a conpliance appricati6n 71 ellc.::_.":- .upon within (r, year after the date of initial f]11nS, that. the aecision 'r2 postFoned-except ,jV be for an additional tine perioa not .'q (2.) aaditionai 24 wr]'ltenl:., -:I:"99-. v-"i-r-r--up"" authorization by the appli-cant, or in the case of, a contest6a 25 "pp11?"ll"il'where P:^:l-p_1-t_",11t,- ?rotesrant, as uetl as any rnEervenor (s) jointly agree to an extensionl ?6 rn Ene case of a conpliance application, the time for. agency acti6n nay )'l be Z-"t."1.-Jil, tn. ::sl,,ols_{,1e ag-er.rcyfor up to two 121 yiars, rr rne agency deterDines that additior,.i 28 t.ir" 11 I r.s requl,red to obtain inforDation needed to ::! ."p"" -the appJ.icarion. wtrere in-action t nas been fiLed in any court which uay affect the allocation and distributi-o"-"f-ilt".= or J the Rj_ver, the aqency ,"V good.t{aLker ,itiriofO to, cause shovn any penainq a.;i.i;; .hllg. applj.cation or coropliince application"". unti.f such courc acrion i.; ;;;;iu;:;:-' section 0.2 The decision-"rA"r oi ilre Engj-neer ""f state and the couptian-e -serveathe 6 I{ater Resources controi goa.d sir-a-ii-le on arr p"rti"s-l"- uiJ ig..,"v 7 aqErn]strat].vel1-_.L."_-1n_"j:y proceedj.ng, states on the u;j.tea Board of water co-riri.""l""!i= ano on I the agency of the other state Section 6.3 The report of the Water 9 Resources control eoara sitaii l" announced l."p"r"a,'River and filed in the walkLr-entereal t0 Action in accordance with tire _in the walker River Action appoinEng"ia"-rs Board saia il as Special ltlaster, wittr €6ese nuf-es ana Regulations and with RuIe 53 tir"-Eaer"f t2 Rules of civit procedure, ir, "itfr"i-1JJ"" precedence. rn review of any repoE and"r t3 recouuendation as to a change aipliiation conpliance or apptication renaeila-- lv the l.l garr.rornta State Water j.n Resources Ctntrol Boald its capacity.as Speciaf lristei, tne 15 l court shall no€ be itrit"i- uy iirJ-iIi""r:.y erroneousr standard prescribed bi l5 l:g.R:c+v.p.. s3 (e) (2) . rhe- report-siral1 be served by the. agency on all pirties to the t7 lgency administrative 'warJ-a;;;i=Jior,"rsproeeedinC, on the united srates Board of 1t and on the agency of the other stiEe. Section 6.4 Decisions of the-i-irl State l9 Engineer and orders and reports- -su-UGctilat., Resources control Board stiall Ue"f -i,rticte co 20 ii !!e provisions of Article Wr anA VITT. 2l n. Article 'r', vrl of the Rules and Regulations is anended as f oll.ows : 7'l ANTTCIIE VIr 24 JIIDICIIIJ RSYIET 'r1 Section 2.1 All aqency decisions, orderE . or reports stra1l be sutinittJa Jo trre court in the walker River Action. Gy-party 26 to an agency administrative proceeaini ifraff b€ entitled to petirion )1 tor'juaiciai-rev:.ew Enereof rn the walker nivef Action. Any other entity or individual not p"ili 28 . to thi L2 I agency proceedi-no 't :l:n;"-e""-.-y-!ffi _"::=: .r to why sucnr:i"d".;-.r"Xl.".r:lr";.;::: entity ..-iijiria"a.t not a pany to ,uas the agency proceedings. with to persons ;n. p"-.li"li-"i?T agency:::!:"t proceedings:. in rhe court J consider ,!h" sha11 nor new airi.i."i-*ii;.Iiio""-s-o;; wirhour.a".- or -a:gulel!s, shoving of .ur.r=. ror failure - of ti ectio-ris-# "l'."irf.X'.T" o;;.=*ln:;":; 6 proceeding._orj i" section 2.2 proceedinqs for approvaL 7 o_f Eodifications of-- ln^accordance .the waLker River Decree with ttre aeclsio]r or 8 .?::::, "i"ilpora ;::_ _- qqr_r-l-crJ.::q.:9-il9 o, . r revl_eq, "r,u"q.-ip;ril"iii.,",of 9 1ny such aqency :::1:1"" ^or reporr,.nay.be i"ltit"i"a- by the ::jllg . of a perir.i on in t-ir. w"f-L-"? l0 Actron by any party-to_th" air,., or upon petition by cne agency.";;;"y-p;;eedings A petition ll Eust be fiLed wirhin ls thle dafs t"ll:.""' or agency decision. or report"dr"r t2 is . :.r a Ill?:ti"s herd, vithin 4s days "ilalter tne oe:+slon or report Ehereon. I3 petition copies of the sharr be * ti"-'.l1iol,=iu.---ag"rr"y agency, all- Dartie:.""5"LJ t4 administrative to tt $roceeding,- on the" United stares Board of r.rater coihi.!1""!r:, l5 the agency -st-aE,-"ii-" ino on of rhe ottrer ir,it.a states Artorney f".,.iI" Di-s;-ia l6 pa:.ute Ji=rlrr.u., lll-3_IT.: River rribe and rhe Nevada uepartEent of Wi1dlife l7 Section 7.3 Thg Water-pJi:.tio?-t control Board . Resources sharl tire a -"ppii-"..j -.r t8' River Action trre conplianceIllk:t . .for a to order sttfr:n 35 days adoption or, of its !i if reconsid.."tion--iJ-"ij.r'-i=r^irru"a giir,a.o, to :_i:!in 3s days afrer ." 'i lli1iS". lgnies of, the p"t-itt"--"r,"i.r-;;;;""ailii u" 'r1 il on art part ies-to li resuJ.ted:::y:3 . th; *,r,r.n in the conElrance order, ,l states Board the United )', |' of w'ater. corrir-ri"ili=]' an" ri :::.:,_E1*l."l,tr:e.-unitea-s1-a-ti-s'"iido.r,"y t1 ii ::...-:1" _Di.srrict of .llevada, trr. wi]-rEi-ii"", sarure Tribe and the Nevadi-o"plili.". il gbjections ot 21 ii 1_t]31tf?. to the petirion for :l shalr be rired daysllllo':r of and s"".r1J?-i1-ii" ns J< service rhereof,. oal""tl"i= arr parties !i.i.:.r rc rl :::":q-91. ,i,o i"""-*ri-rrZa- witrr for approvar 26 ti :l;"::.t.t.n or-ti"'iirifi."""" l il Section 7.4 The petition J't or judicial for-ii"*.Ii"rr"y approval review rr""" it decision, order "n"rr 28 ti or r"por€ .p;;;.j'i=. iE .rra 13 I generaLLy shall- state the grrounds for the peEit ion , ) Section 7,5 The decision or report of the- -agency regarding a change application .' shall not take effect unless and until the court having jurisdiction over the Walker Rrver Action finally approves it and enters an order uodifying the Wal,ker River Decree accordingly. An order of the Water Resources Control- Board regarding a coupliance o application shaLl take efflct upon aioption unless stayed, except that such an order is 7 aut.oDatically stayed without application j"f for a stay the Water Resources ControL Board 8 fails to file a petition for its aDDroval_ srthin the tine provided in section 7.i'. The 9 automatic stay provided for herein sha]I be deemed lifted upon the filing of a petition l0 _!or approvaL of the order by the llater Resources Control Board and the actual. n receipt _ thereof by the party or parties allectect by the order. l2 Section 7.6 wtthin 30 days after the service of the petition, or wi€hin further I3 tj.De alLowed by the court, the agency shall transuit to the court the originai or a l4 certified copy of the entire reiord of the proceeding under review. By stipulation of l5 aL1 parties to the revielr proceEdings, the record nay be shortened. Tfre coulrt ,..,, l6 require or perllit subsequent corrections oi additions to the record. t7 Section 7.2 If before tbe date set for hearing, application is made to the courc l8 for leave to present additlonal evidence. and it is shosn to the satisfacti.on of the court 19 that additional evidence is naterial and that there was good cause for failure to present 20 it in the proceeding before the ageniy, the court Day receive additional evidence. The 2l court shall receive such additi.onal evidence in such hanner and forro as it deens 1'' appropriate. Section 7.8 The review shall be 1a conducteg by the court without a jur1z. In rts revierr, the court shall consider the 24 adrinistrative record, any addj.tional evidence received by tbe c-ourt, r.rritten )< briefs, and, Hhere delnecl appropriate by the court, ora] argxuent. In cases of alleged 26, irregularities in procedure before the agency, not shown in the record, proof J'f thereon nay be taken in court. 2t I Section 7. 9 The Court shall de conduct a novo revier./ of all ug;"V decj.sions 1 ."9i!9ir,s change applications wfritn .""o^..,a uodification of tle walkei Ri.r"r- irrespecti.ve ;;;.;, of- r.iheth".-;;y ' party files- -E;;.p; a f orroaI reguesc f or judiciaf rJv:.eJ. .l as set forth jn Article VIII, the affirtr ,iy the decision or approve the "ou_treport of the agency or rernand, thi case proceedings. for further Tl. co.u-rt_nay reverse or nodify 6 the decision if said aecision- lroul,d existing inpair rights under ifre--- wafk", River 7 Decree, adversely inpact sooe publj.c or prejudice interest . subsiantial .1gntu of the I petitioner- substantial petitioner iidnt= of the Day be prejuaic-d-:.ni"r""""=, $here the 9 admj.nistrative findini=, and/or conclusions are: lo, (a) Uade upon unlar,rful_ procedure; (b) Affecrid by orher .ii"i-"i-i".r;-the ll , (c) Erroneous in view of probative reliable, and substantial evidence on the r2 nhole record; or (d) Arbitrary or capricious or characterized by abuse of dt.scretion or cleirly unwarranted exercise of discretion. Section 7.10 In reviewing any report of the water Resources ControL Soira, thi court l5 in the walker River Action shafl not be lj,nited by the r.clearly prescribed standard l6 by Fed.R.civ.p."rrorraoo",, 53(e)(2). In the event : that no objections are' filed to a l't . petj.tion for approva). and judici.al revi.ew of an agency decision or report, 'Eay,the court in l8 l, the t{alker River Action 'decisionin its discretion, accept the agency or l9 fepo.rt regfarding a change- a-pp1i-cat,ion withoui further proceedings. 20 Section 7. 11 Except as provided in sectj.on 8.2, the scope and standald of revien governing 2l a petition for appiovaf of a conpl.j.ance order shal1 Ue aetiinin"a Uy-tl- ,t court on a case_by-case basis. ta f. Article vlff of the Rules and Regulations is be aDended 24 as foilows: 7< ARTICLE VIII TRTAI DE NOVO TN CERTAIN CASES 26 Section 9.1 In al1 reviei, proceedj,ngs 'r1 involving a llans? apptication o.-pioi"rt a change application of the United- States of"t ti America on behalf of the walker 2E ei.r"r-piiut" . 15 I TI_io.__:-r:r. rl: walker River pai-ure rribe on :-: -"*,r trenart. the court shall condrrcc--io a 7 trtal de novo. The trial siraii court Je tne lrithout a jury.-include The evidence before J the court shatl the record prepared and filed :." -;;-;;y-"a.i"l=tiutr..r. these wi r I Rules and Resulari;; ".""iJuiJ-e otner of-rered :::.::l:_."idence to u"J-"iii'tted by Section 8.2 tll 1If:?:?1 or . r.irJ.,""'.,u.l"iilliir"n oblection to a "o,opcornpliance application united 'Aruerica of tne srates of fi-;;;i;"oi -n.r.r...r,. walker River paiute Tribe -o,..r-;i--;; E River paiute Tribe on its ". court l"rrl1il tfr. shall conduct a trial a" tir. 9 objection of the Tribe or the "o"o-"i, The u;ii;J sl.t... tril] shall be to the Court without a l0 ]ury. The evidence before the Couit- shall include the adruinistrative -ttr-e-se pa"o.r.O and ll f iled in accordance with """ord niiJ! Regulations and any ottrer reievint--"iii""".-dt"J.-' ""a t2 offered ro and aor'ltted uy trrl scope rn" and standard of revfew on all uat!,ers l3 other than the objection of the Tiiie-o=r United ttre states strl t f be deterninJ------U-v tne l{ Court on a case-by-case basis. .'t Article l5 IX of the RuLes and Regrulations, although not anended, applies t6 to proceedings involving conpliance applications. 10. walker 17 River frriqation Dj.strict or any person whose 18 water riqiht is affected by a conpliance application as defined by l9 the Rules and Regulations rnay itlplenent any fi.nal order with respect to 20 sucb coropriance application, to the extent practicabre 21 and laufuI, with a change application as defined by the Rules and )1 Regulations . 11, 11, The June Z:-, LggO and the Decem.ber10, 1990 orders of 24 the Board, t{R 9o-9 and wR 90-18, are consid,ered conpliance ord.erE 71 according to the Rules and Regnllations as supplenented and anend.ed 26 by this order.

71 .I 28

IO !

I 12. The Stj.pulation for Entry of Order as amended is ,, considered, the Board,s petition for approvai. of compliance orders 3 wR 90-9 and I{R 90-1g in accordance !./ith Arti.cle VIf of the Rules I and Regulations anended pursuant to this Order. J 13. The first claiu for relief of the First Amended 6 Petition, Nevad.a,s petition, the cross claiur of the Tribe anct the cross 7 clain of the united states are considered as objections to I the Board's petition for approvar of eoupliance ord.ers wR 9o_9 and 9, I'lR 90-18 pursuant to Articl-e vff of the Rules and Regulat.ions r0i amended pursuant to this Order. .i ut, 14. The Court hereby accepts and approves coupl.iance oralers t2 WR 90-9 and WR 90-18.

l3 15. The Walker River lrrigation District nay file with the t4 court one or Dore of the following three change applications nith l5 respect thereto: t6 (a) an application to change up to tvo ttrousand (2,000) acre feet, including an additional anount of uater necessary r.o satisfy seepage and evaporation rosses of such quantity, of walker l9 River Irrigation District,s storage rights for irrigation in 20 Bridgeport Reservoir, i under Lj.cense 9402. to storage rights for i 2l recreation in Bridgeport Reservoir; I )1 i (b) an applicati.on to change i a portion of Walker River 23i Irrigation District,s storage rights for i.rriqation in Bridgeport 24 Reservoir, to an instream flotr right in an amount necessary Eo 25 suPplenent the rer-eases that r,rould otherwise occur fron Bridgeport 26 Reservoir so that a continuous ninimrrm release of water of not 7'l less than 20 cubic feet per second (cfs) is uaintained when the 2t

1? tenperature is Oo I Fahrenheit or greater and a continuous :ninimum release of i.rater of 2 not Less than 3 O cf s is naintai-ned when t'he temperature J is less than O. Fahrenheit; and 4 (c) an application to change a portion of Wa]ker river Irrj.gation Dj_strict,s J storage rights for irrigation in Topaz Reservoir, under 6 License 600o, to an instrean flow right, consistent r.rith walker 7 River Irrigation District,s operating 8 practr.ces starting j.n 1991, in an amount nece.ssary to provide a contj.nuous 9 ninimum blTrass of 5 cfs of vater.

l0 15. In the event the walker River i frrigation. District files with the Court ll one or mo,re of the three change appLj.catj.ons referred to in paragt.nn 12 61. the walker River rrrigation District wiLl. serve a copy l3 of such application on each of the parties to 14; the Stipulation. L7. Because l5 the Adninistrative RuLes deal only uith change appLicati'ons t5 entirer-y nithin the boundaries of Nevada or entirely trithin the 17 boundaries of California and do not address the three change applj.cations l8 referred to in the proceeding paragraph, only the jurisdiction l9 court has to consider such applicatj.ons. 18. The parties 20 to the stipulation, except the Board and the state E:ngineer, 2l if acting pursuant to their responslbilities vith )7 resPect to change applieations under the Adninistrative Rules, and except 23 the united states and the walker River paj.ute Tribe, ni1r. i not protest 24; or object to the approval of the change applications referred 25 to in paragraph 12. In addition, if it is finally detenoined 26 that the United states holds additional nater rights )', for the benefit of l{alker River rndian Reservation as a resurt of 28

l- at i'

the I construction of Weber Reservoir and the Act of June 22, Lg36, 49 1 Stat. 1806-07 and the Order of the Secretary of the fnterior dated J septeEber 2s, 193G, the approvaL of any such cnange appLicatj"on .1 shaII be subject to reconsideration for its effect on any 5 such additionaf lrater rights. upon reasonabre notice to the parties 6 to the Stipulation and with the approval of the court, the 7 approval tray be reconsidered as a part of any proceeding consrdering I the nerits of the claius of the united states and wal-ker 9 River paiute Tribe to those additional r^rater rights. l0' 19. The i{alker River lrrigat.ion District rnay file directly l{ith lt the Court change applications under License Nunbers 9407 and 12 5000 in addition to or in place of the change applications referred 13 to in paragraph 14.

14 2Q. The parties to the Stipulation Iuay protest. any future l5 changre applj.cations ( s ) other than the ttrree change applications :' referred 16 to in paragraph 13. 77 2f. The second clain for relief in tlre First Amended lEi Petition is disnissed without prejudice. l9 22- This order applies only to the walker River Actioh, as 20 defined in the Adninistrative Ru1es, or supplemental proceedlnqs j-n 2l the walker River Action, and shall not apply to or constitute 'r7 precedent in any other proceeding r*hich involves an interstate 23 strea[ in California and Nevada other than the Wa].ker River. 24 23. The provisions of this order sball not in any way affect tt or prejudj.ce the positj.ons of ii the partj.es rrith respect to the 26 ltotion to rntervene l) of uineral county and the crains whi.ch il Mlneral 27 county seeks to assert li in subproceed.ing c-125-c, nor shar.r it in 2t rl 'to any way affect or prejudice the positions of the parties uith

and the Walker Rj-ver 7 respect to the clairos of the United States Paiute Tribe to additionat vater and it does not affect the J ''-o those clai.ms. 4 iurisdiction of the cour! deterroine 21 . Each Dartv to the stipulation hereto shall bear its ovn

6 costs and attorneys' fees. of 1996. 1 DArED this -?d day ,

8 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE l0 1t l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9


2l t',


24 t<



28 (

i;: ?iie DIsfSic? coiJ?T oi r,,r r,,,r=o s:.ii:s oi ;i.-;alc.\ ii,t Ai:D aot T:tE tI::?iC? oF irEviD.{

1 ir-lli?:D STAI- OF fi,E?IC;r, ) in Equity

Plainirff, t c-I25. _ vS_ ) ? iYAL:€? ?TVER IRRIGATION ) DIS:?,-IT, a cor.coratlon, o et d.!5. . ) - Defenciants. )

't1 QRDER-i;-PPEoVi S RitLES ;iiD gEC,iirjTIO.'tS !oR-prstRlsTlgil oF narlR 1' Oll-T!G---"-

The llater .:.aller Coa.o.issioners of the giye! Sireae' Sysieg hav:ng:.on the Z?th clay of F.ugust, 1953, fi!.ed herein iheir . -RTJ15 ;IID IJA!!8 REGULlIIONS FOR I?iE DI5-A,IETiTIC]I Oi OI{ THE ,r;!=? RIrE? ppo-rrISIO SiItE&V STSTEiI U?IDE?E S Oe itri-o_rsg1.p:Irs 0i D!CR= III EQttIlf, il0. C-125-, aad it aplearing to ..he Cou:i thai sald rr:les and. regulatloni ar? necessary r.or thq ;:roger ac::r:siralioR of said Decree C-125; snd good cause app=ar:ng It is OR!5P'ED that sa:i gul.es and regr:1.!_tions ado?ted by ihe loard ilater r..alLer oi Coaa:.ssio:rers oi tia Rive! Sirear! S,.s::n o:r y ire ?Sih

ni: Dis:iicr c:um oF Tii: u:jI::J 5TiT9S o: i.r"iinl3.i, ;:; .ii;D ioR ?iii ti!??ifi, oF i;i\.;D...

uil:::D ST;,?!S O: ..-.;.=RIC.:.. ) In EgqitT Dtr;-ai t: ) _ v-riJ. € -vs_ ) 7 Y+!5+:.Rrl]'B r-D_?rc.irro!r u.l.Jr-.c.l.u.l_,a cor?a!ation. ) eE dts., ) a .Defeniant:. t



To the Eoaorable Roger ?. poley. Juie of the Uni.ted States Di.strici Co..rt, irr and for the Dis:;ict of iieve&, the Board of Haier Coaqissionars of the t{a!!er River Stlees Syste!, respect-::rlly sui=ii the ?O:.F.S IA ;.1:D !!cULs,lfO;.lS FOA fCa DIS:!-JBUTIO!; Oi lri!= OF T._= ITAIIG? 10 -UVS3 Sif.A-ti.t Sy:Tfi.i UiEli ?:ri PRQIr!SiO\S oS piR.:.G?npE tS OF D!CA:-= ilt EQUItr, tro. c-12S, ad,opied.by the un,rni=ous resolutlon ,1 of saici Bosrd o: ,._..aie: Co;;i:sioaers on the 2Sth Cay.of ,1u9:st. 1953. i{Et:ioi:. ssj.i goard oi ilate: Cc;_nissioners respec:..uiiy lrray that suqh rules and ::7rlat!o:rs 5e ap;oved by ihc Cour:, anC jor sr:ch -.urii..:r and otl"r ord:a: es. ei:?eiF .iro9er. :':i. :.lj !i_'l:i :-l_cor l irssr urtra:€ oi

'ae '.,

( (' (: ***ri#+r";,S+iEitffi= u:xlIl tia c;5, !l . DistEC!

Pu--!u:tg :o th! Frcriri.n! of Sr*-lcE 15 of t.hq Dcc; re. of th,r Ulrltcd, Stiia, Dl5Bric! _Corl.:*._for thc. D&trict of i:errdr, C$. !l Equif, j, C-12 tborr i! .ub- ldtr.d heret itb nrlc! rad rcguJstiEtrs ,or th. dtstlibu** * Fo! dj,stributi,on purDolcs ":..r;;rJ;;. th. rive, shall ba dividcd. iato ri.x d:vl.5io3! s.c olrt as folLgrs;

Dirision llo. l. Itut area on Llr llr,j.E Eeller i.izcr co:rslltjng ._hr of sqhr:= Ld:Er 8e!crr"at1cs, ?Jld elc.ndLag !ro: lfe.llcer L.Ia.-jo thc ir.bber Dts. D.lrjsj.od l{o. 2- thag arer conlist!.rg sl lendr sc!,rrcd, j:lttr lhe l.b::: il:l}c! -q:;c: a!o! tbo lc*€tcn ilc:l. to $! cs:rilrsltEE o! !h! :.,sg orC !,.!!t tisltr! tlreFi- Di]rislorr l!o. 3. lteL :r'ei ccnsi,stj:g of li.E d.r s.r!.ed. lroe tjrs Ealt t{.Ik , ,$.e. :to3 t!r. co:{lur'leo o.f th! ist rrd. :rc!! I{.lbr p.lr"_ to lrj.d3?ors Dra. Diri!.lolr l:o. A. !b:t et'er co_sict::E ol &.Ed, sct ed, .frq! th. ,as! l,.alt=. p+zc:- a:rd itc t=bute!"ic, .bo?! Bridg.poE !.i:., ;qud,s:!r3 Fi:lcipsJ.l, of Bddglpo* Vaf:.] D:njs:oa tfo..r. ttlri r:ee cois_iir'g of l|.B4! seF.d flot thO lJect lia.ller::ive: e.d its t!.:butar:cs frE! th. conllu-_ncc of th! !.st e:iC lresi :j!l.isr Rl'ne:s :o it. :::takG Caaai tgr !o.!aa Relorrcir. Dir-is:.cn lio. 6. ?}:,t erce coisis!=g of la'l'd! leFed ,rca thc i.,cs.. lilil!.r ?:.;.-_ a.!ri:ts tr:!.rt:.:::: above foaEz L.ke lel:kc C=ral ana c_-:::js."i,rg Or=r"rr,_, o, /L1'-clo.!! YrlI.7.

4 { dt'r3 lhaf tor tij.r.ij!=!! llo3. 2 l, 2, 3, 5, ada,6 thc irr:;a::si sr33on sletl, e_r. era Jtoi '"54 l:rst dey oa i:Jrclr to thE thirt7_fl!.st dl7 of octob:r ol rzch r..ar. rr". I *i iii'iJiii,i )n p "''. .::: -o:'.:.::" Drvilio:' ri6. 6 r.rov" shE t?9 '-:'*i:.t.:illl:t::"1,::1.,,..:.1,:-?. j+-GG;;::.;;-t:i";*.;ril":-";;;."r cole":llc f1!:eca-!I c.y oi!.pii.o".:::""a"t y"..J

?hn! ic. |j17i:=n' g, 5'.Z3 | 13 A.r-s\/n e l!o!. I, J, :j:d, j, Lhe ,:rL:.. of :;arcr ls 1,2 ci:brc :.ec! :::- second o.f vrlcr jor ::cb I@ ac:cs of l:nd entltlaa to uaLci L\creulc-i. jor .rr ThaL Dlvi.lon, lio!. and 6, Uro duty oa rr8:er 11 1,.6 cul,!c lcci ocr sccond ' i.- '.' of vat.r. 4,7 " /rr- tor crc[ IOJ rc..'! of hnd ciL::I.d !,g ,:Lcr.r,lcrei.:C::- e-)

I ('r

ThaC :hc ta:.lrts of C:v:!.3jo n of L?:et Lhe ' Jrgr.r rj-ve! :!r aech ci t3 dl:.rii:c:rs ar! dcslgnalad to bc as jollol;s: Irwin Miller Divi.sion lto. i,.

thr outlet L..ks ot th. .ber Da.g of thr Intlie! Scrylcc. Larry }iasini Diz:si.oq l:o. Z.

J T1l! "'c8alc! Dlich - Th. Dri:Z Dftcb Tha StB -,-/ DLt cf! Tlrc irbs! Hyl,oacl D1: ch - lha Cerpbcll fdrirsbLldrfe.

Tb. Fox+lckrt Coi3^1{dltcd Dl! Cr Thc l_:lbtE. Ditc!, l1lr Caealf,eod+fuJL :.hrtual Di!c! ?h. fll€h DtrEb. Th. S::osniri., it€t Dltcb Tb! Et:!sd&r Er,st Dlt cb ilrc i-r! p:.Ecb. !j,t*.! cellistb6 of ! cii:r:rsioar ?b. Dretcr Erst Dli,*, Tbc Dl.ter HGst DL!.i Thr E3st Udlcr El?cr Eaac! Circ:sioE! carEi.stir8 of :2 di?c.si.:ts th. larradlc 3e.Bcb E st DltEi lh: Reveaclla RaEch. ltcct Ditcl lhr RosBscll. l.rscb. dltC:ar cqtsistirg of Z Cjvcrrion! ?he ScejJilc Ree.ch ditcle! consist:st o, , div;;i;; ih6 !lFou..I ta.rcb Di! cn Fred Dress ler Di\d.-:o3 !to. 1,.

G:.5j:: 3tat1.ls 3hell be eltabl:sh.d at the pojjits of ci:r,. !:lo p=,_€+c_ I'!!:f olt Vlri,:ri:. Cre.k, Gr:$ Cre.k, Sre:;.3 g5..L, ?.o5-t:on Crc.t aboi.c a1j : eio.r -+.tin !,rk:!, 3ucl:.yc Cr!:lc srl .grauac:i Crcek, a-1C l' d.r'il,l..,ccord E!:::ialrad es to Li! :r.ilo:r dr4:!1g thc lrri€aLi.on sc43o!:, srC ghcle 5La!!ris s5dL bc da=:a :J bc thc psj.:rrs ot 4iver3ioD tor the Bridielort !ral!!y Dlvision. jirr::=s :hc ils::.::i !h,:fl b= ..hc ct:lsi:EcieC ..1 ._,?.::sc of Divi5ion ::o. L trsc.s lij iij.nla:lrEci by tir: 3o:,:.i; P.t"ici.id hov€ver, eflorts viII be n1d: to havs Lic siat:ons tn=::l!cC :.d i:J:r:a-!-..d :.i' !l'c Unj'Lcd S:3'-ei Ccolog:ca]. S.J:1Ey to r.he 3iti .-[:.L n cooDlaarrvc sl,rri:g of o:: Iirer anr.l su.o:lrj,sion Eay b9 brDusi:: nborrl-

SultJblc t:cr.C! .tof: U" ,', f/rJgjnla!1cC n3 Lo thc iJrt:o:r irrto dfiCge:o.*-

ec:clvoi: :::ou*h Lh. usa o! CaLL1.[cvuls ]r:.th d,.tc consiccrnilon b.:--:J 6:vai !o ('c,.- ( (-

thc ciisci-i:E3 th:!'J3i: th. prj:r-coori Drar oritlel, ana A:f:,. c/a.iore,--5n loss"a. aecoica o! thc. e!-:rrt ri

At dl |-=c tbe tlgh'-! of ..ll users hrt jlrg eq!.il p!:o=:le! shall :c a.!?lc cd, co-uallt. I! at rny ti:6 c!.!u!e..rrts i.Ed.ic!,t. thrt 3 u5.r o! ret.r ,Jr :.lr7 Dlyj,:ton h.rl.!.r8 a Cccr.cd f;hg i.i..b. a p=orlc7 er.-llea tlrc..r, or equrl:o, tht! o, a u3!r of '.'tcr ln Dirisioa i, is ao: feceid-=g hls prj,or qr equr.t:i3ht sl'lcc. te .Jre r-ho cr.e.-_ o! vatc! to r.hj-c.\ h. _ ."he !/aLcr.rb,stel, or h_ "Et:--Lcd, dlpulLca, .s.\lJ..L roF-::i rel..sr s,ljf:3i.a! rr.t!= giri.sior J:!E lro. l. us.rr to s.Frir !rs.!s l' Div:.c:cBe r, z r,,d.j; re tn: *,.r .J; ;;;*":;J;t :"..' us.r! j.a DiY:j.sica! l, Z &1d J-

Tt! Frpot oJ !h. Chilg lcFury ti:r.-e, CoE=j..5lioDcF of ja. L. th. lo:h dry of tuSue! 1953' setti:s out s?cd,J1c4rj lbc poiat! at vhia rit hcrdgrtr! ""r"'. ar. to be b3'"allcd ls 3i:ec.!ed. hi:eto a_1d.E:4,r a pat blreof. Richard Iuls tone Dl?iriEl Mo. 5.

.-- thc Kc]-ly-,Ujcell Dlt c-\ D. & 'i _Thc c. tf. Di:5 lhe L.. Sa5cesJ D::.-L. -- ?hc !i:sr Sjfq Ce.i.a:- thr ?Er:::I D:!c3 _/--4. lor., F:.ls:one Di: ci ,/- lna ca8c .rcteson l:!ct -The trcsi i.elkcr Di: c-r .-?hc Fqlstons Dite.! -fh: i-!e66-9.-fscr- D::dr -rjle u].cksrr::: Di! -Th. c_: AL=br--lL D:! cb ' rll::'l)da!:h DiL c.h {lrc Colo'!j. ' C$iI jlte Snt'orl! C,llrrl

Bruce Park Divj.lj.on lto. 6.

ih" lscli'):. Dit ch thc Syaul!. Dlrch ih..r D.kxU D!: c:r T:c f:s: Coo.Lrou;lr :iich l/.u r:umey Ditc.r p. T;r: i T. Slout:1 !it:.. tlrc forrcll l)!.t ch lhc lJcxl Coo(!lo ;:r Ui:ch ?rc lllZ glou.th D!--ch Thc llar3t 0!r ch il:c lb:n a ji- rI ::: Cr,=cy l)r ! c\ :5r.' ?.1ifar D.l;ct | ) j \ (. '( '(

iff ::::::i'"1'f:':in r:-o:tr.osa c::ron cre:k Ps,,cr coi:Fenr.t c!r1!rs::i.ts .f r, di;:"i::.fic ?iclcLc r'i::dor,ir --'"" ;;:::',jj.:,:if 1..l:ffi ll-%ffi ;ft :? ;,j3:,**;:l : :'hat g.sssanL !e :rr.rious ordcf, of :his tsoa.d,a!:d i.3 gc...c!ic: !,i..h pi:ajiap:: Ll, of thc i..::, tt i5 rcqui-!.ed,Lhe!. r.g alf,. di?ersiois jn Divisions tlos' 2r 6, thoro J, 5, an.i sh+ll bc establj:bed aL !l!c o--.trcrsom e:T.rs. r. reliable, su::fle er.c anc ca!!; eFlF.icC loclc rcguLatfug r.iaga:e .nd a Elnsuiirg dericr of . tj|P" tia? Eech L-itb t!! €plrrra.l' o, t!, Eosrd of llalcr Cocrirsioocrs rt hu been .Da!sir:.f held th3! !'=!!, carco lletcrE+es ,J o; Recb.rguLrr .r.: rlr apit!'y.d tnra oi Lig dericc :easu:! e-d. ttat.rll her,lE&tlr Eust be equi;Fld vl'th lcrsl. q.pe l€rd.eete! jof ih. ot t|. .rlgulation I1o/ oi r1rte! irtto thr d!tcb.s. Diraliqt lto. - I soq=,er tu.an dccree r&ht! thsough th. dise\a_go ar,rou;l,_af," terggtoq lrer: r.id ,,.c.o, gh! .i,os d*,!rag! 3:r,stc! of rh. *r:.!cr lrlver L=:s::or Dfstri.*,. I gag,"g strtlon :,L p*!.rr at thr lercr c',d of :5eon ,Oa_;;;;.. thc tr3t.! tor tb.c LBd$a Scrriec.

&, dcte-j*Lag th. ye..r priqlatjr of to bc sr!?cd. to ..bc :rd:rridF-r Ceq..eC !5c:, -lj:Cc! t!l! VeIk!!. llrer- S:?erE. qhj.cf SJEt.s, tlc D..ruty !.-.tqr CaFri.sslclr.r $ral! aF:fl. the lollovi.lg jo=1rL,.

I{e shdl dete--ilro ut! tofil €ou[t o, r6tcF .lrterj.f3 .,:t. ir-c.Lbc: pive: S:r..:Q sJrstcs t!"roq5 neturd'!harll1'r-g' tE sher'r lid to Lid5 acc.=..rat,cd toirl 0f n".-!=r !!'ov r'='"c: :lc a=c:'!t of rctu.r .,o Jlor.r he co=!ste, b= !!tu::::-_!g io the stre$r sl.s:e: :5ru3:r s:!.trga, c:'ai:r e.nals or r:r:,. ot,h:r so,.lt.ca!. th" sla to^.il oi :,!,taa :i:i !:i es: i:to ioti:acs 5h{1 5e.coasicaEl !o be tha total a:orl1.. o: nnE.ea avlt:..lg to jea..: r:c vesllC ,_:i:! L.rder urg. decrcr and tltc 7ea, of --o .!r:o=r-]. bq 3iFaed shrll .:: Car.:t bjf tlr. C.risi Depug, ila!.: Co=ri.ssio::e.--r.rc::e.:. ,ClEc-:=:d i:? . th:s:_.rfo=n.!:o::. / lj a-_ $7 tr- :h: ;ii'- DcF.rty ''i:i:r ,/ ca!=i:ssi.ocer det.:-_:rca-ve=.=-'cigtL=:::r*c3 .-::a.-.::At ther:tier: L!l! / .,, . -. lrorc!rorc:i3'-e: :i3.- e: ar,.':: r;r - r_ i! tha'1 j'3 ":rat icquir'c lrrl !h' i:'ahts i "o ot ar! o. thc veslcd u:!:i :.jlcli:di:i:]:,' .1-; i: l'li: ih i :i j.rL: ol- l.dl:.: :i'.':t' Ir--it3: io:t _:l3tr: c: :_.1d.o:::.:3 s Lil::l;

'j=='-.:-=-::\'rz c stl*!i-+d - lf ,1: ac7 i-|E !he ahicf DeDu!,., Iticr Cor=i::iorer :ir:crt":""n !'rYesris:"i'n cc:-'=:-a Lr-.r! --:1:...::cir, ,!t.cr a" ,,"" ,.-=-"*;." ".:,;".::"': r5 cr:'|!; to !n::c' r'|c ': :--,r:

3oall hav! th: au:lia::7 41d L\cy 31.3l]. !. trsFoiriblc ,or =..::tlJ::::: !::=:n! of the bilrs.E-.d accrrErss or Lh. dor..t sic .;""...";.t s:5-!r che lGi:.::r:s lhoalfgr ai jnoltE}tl7 E:r:i.n;j. Thc goald sheL]. refcr el1 lcg.I art-.cr! to the EotrCs agto_rej,, here:gforo rppojJr:cd d:--clv by tbc Couri-.

lhr Bo..d, shr.L]. !!ct tcoi_rr:rdl7 ard, at such orhcF ].j !7 rhe coaler or rh' Bo.:d aad shalr r.gth.!. a,c!r!!ra! ::ff:t"T:.,- shalL cansid,er "J: Eong a!!:r other B!:_-3 L\at trJr F;o.o-.rIZ c.rE. bar?fr th= ard. rAict th:y conli.C,rr =3..t.:! r.itll_t tll. jurisd:ci1or.. ,f th, aorFC, t5c pqft!:Bt oJ !h! .i. bilJ.s bf Chri:=r.o, Trcarrlrer !.nd. S.er.:a.r? e!d. shgU a!El.?ec ..hr or iejcc: actictr of ths!. officcr! r! .,lBL t=!. - lhcrj :rrlec and regld.atiln! subjcct to t-t. a;lro.rd of th? Coust Eey b! E=laed ot s:taEgcd by a trrJor+:, of th. loard- ihs tor.goj:A :ul,:s and rcEul:.tlrns adopt,:db.r thc qrtz::!.F.:s*r"1.jl j,ijr. ilsier Co-risrjonc= thl,s Zjlh d.], of ;uEusi,, :.?51,

*\*\{[a.ss, 5e=:at:;..lia:rager ' EJ=.,=i,4,u-. ^(.;:..<411 ; n-)(, €i1,J=-- %.-.rZbze- -&*Q)r4a-

(6) e:

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!e:!r5t:::r.vsysq= . iqiu3.. t:t, lgjJ

o: :.:_:I1::.* .ui:j.:.c sia:a! i;:,."ef co_=:!!i.o-.r:_ : ?r-laloa, l;qrter


LB acso-t-. c! id,t: ..te r.quelt of io'J: gcc:lts:Z RoJ !:. :i-G!trcr., I lEvo EEd. ai larerE+-aclol ."ho ;( ne.bers o! sc:.!rr L:lj.: Eate! ;Ec:!!3r7 to b.. irstd.l_:d !r' !E'5!psr 741eJ te priog:rl7 coa:lqr +-hr g.o, oa .rr!., r.E:;:,::on i5 th. rr!Pcc:;?c cl:clcs .,hi'! ia ::! €rg!:(t the r.ata! ls Cl,st:::.;tcd unCc! L\! recs:td, p:oposr-t o! ..5E -Ff- su.:itted b, Arc-c .I. Uf::r,r. *; ioe,.ian og ..::e!. dsrecca. u!.:a=B::f:ed, -"!e bt d1y.-!on n:=5:r ass:;::a :-.:.r t5. l:-!1Lrr *po* rcferqise tg lErie!:t hclr./j,.-h trrd,a. !:sk!tE Crcek!


f- Sclan LL:: h.!d!3r. - h 9"* Ill: hezifr.;r. >_ scre' Lj.j: L!!dE".r,.. l- Sc:ry llj.. h.dl:._ t::: ruc.lca- I !"yj.o -9- or cqtE-!.a vitrr .-*rq J:- !f :3'C .e!|l::.:- Sc:., I1:i, hcrdgs:r j-e.i-*a-ti!_l,oC8j-. o::s s:c1o;i:les.: f:o..'a"'= -_\. otirr. . iotrl 3cr iucktrre Crcr&_i scre-e l!j!, hcad3ica a: :13 tl:r- Rob!-.;:n C--!k:

Dielss:rlr Do,

2- Sc:::r Ljj: l.aCEr,:. ^ J- S:=r ljj-_ i.:aair:o- J- S.:.v l:ji hr:Oia::- F- 2 Se::.r ll:: h:icaai:: (Dcub!.e h:a:::rr) 1-: h!ai3:.:=r (Dout!.: i-:ai!:_-:i =

to:rl iqr .r.:5in::- Cracl:_7 ::;.r:;c! d.zic c!- C:::r :--c:l( - A:!i: iort:

D:...cr5:o:: tio.

l- ! sc:::r I:j: h.lc--::.! (louelc l::r.:;e:c) 1.1- Sc:rr Lif: ::laa::,:a- Z'.- ; S:i.3r ilJi i::ic;:--:s (Dousle herl;:_-:)

To:rl :!r r:;i: a!* og cic!^ Creeii_J @nt.cl cc":ce!.

(a) ( (-

it. --i-a - a--.!r-

DIveFsion llo.

7- Sc-r ].tft, h.:C5at.! 5 o$e llcl1on_ilash bosree in L\! g.-hor.

Tola]. for t/lrgiiir Creek-l conlFl dclricr-

East ltal&lr A!"e!

DLysrsioa No.

2- Scr6. l3:"- herfu:to.

. , . local for Eist t.-elkcr Riycr-I ca:rlreL Ccalc.. ' Ih15 !.F;.- sheus tlr,t. tB cB|!,ro! d,stri€.e! r.i:l !! th: lrniq- t$.,t E:'. be iasrr.Ire4r". p.*:l].!b d,.I:Tl* Er.+l.F*.I1+:':..I: * *+r bc n s.s!ar:r jr lhr nriurE to lns..:ll 2 oB 3-E!r" sE . grg€.

lfo dsticc! aro shor.! r's !.cc.srqf otl t,br !Ecl! creslE a, tnc,' srlds; lurai3h csouB! r3t€r to ::lL :h 4cca.. albtrd to t!,:=.. Eo|,c'r', slould thcF! bc _t, ques'.ion .,!oag lbr Srld.gcporg trgs!:t ar to thr dlstrl,lstids oC vat!!:sog th c=-Jv:r it c:y bc n!c!rs3l:r tg rrqulta locl !'c.,r3!er at !clrs!.d s&cc.

Lclp!€tullt $El::Gd,

t ol g,fl-f MEMORANDUM 1o September29, 2000 CTN To: lermit FileNo. 49400,Certfficate 14312 PermitFile No. 49401,Certificate 12g63 From: Carl Barrick

TheWalker River Decree C-125, April 14,1936, on page 23, w.qs1 ClaimNo. 30on the latt9r niver, 1890priorityro, r..i+ JfJ rzo-cJnuol* ucies, has u r*ge wi$n descriptionof lands lmitl Jaley andwithin Mas"" v"ri"y. t+:tz and12g63 were statingthe issued undergroundwarer right was,,rppi;;;ilL walker River Decree. September ^ *On 28, 2000,I requestedinformation concerning Claim No. 30 from !.o-gerlezafltr, WarerCommissiorc; for the Walk;;niuo Oo.".. He providedan Injel Card,a Maf of DecreedW"t", night , ,"d oth.r-.ut rials. He told me on the telephonethat since 1932decreed water under craim No. 30 hasbeen delivered to 120 acreswithin the sE%SW% and the s% sE%oftectionli, r.rzN., n-rE., M.D.B.& andthat this M. 120acres is the warerrightJil; No. 30 recopized U.S.Board by the of WaterCommissioners-and the *At"d;?-rrr- i-ffi"* f"fgation Distict. Theto.poqTphy . andelevation of the landin this part of SmithValley showthat delivered^by X-"::r":^TT:9: gravitytom theColony Oiictr to theplace of useof and12863, so tr,";" c"nin.ui", ale-iJ supprementalrothe walker RiverS:*I,S:_r-lo312Decre e. #5 Card #10,7 0l WALKERRIVEF IRFIGATION DISTRICT YEFINGTON,NEVADA Name: COSTA.Jarnes P. li Norma Annett Address: 7 Vp.le t te Di.- IndexNo, 60 l0-071-05 Carson City, NV 89703 c-125 P. 23 LyonCounty No. , clain No. 30 D6y, C.E. Ditch Colony I a. R23E




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