Scientific In,, t~ ument Society Bulletin March No. 72 2002 Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society ISSN0956-8271 For Table of Contents, see back cover President Gerard Tum~ Vice-President Howard Dawes Honorary Committee Gloria Clifton,Chairman Ron Bristow, Secreta~ Simon Cl~ifetz, Treasurer Willem Hackmann, Editor Peter de Clercq, Meetings Secretary Alexander Crum Ewing Tom Lamb Tom Newth Alan Stimpson Sylvia Sumira Trevor Waterman Membership and Administrative Matters The Executive Officer (Wg Cdr Geoffrey Bennett) 31 High Street Stanford in the Vale Farmgdon Tel: 01367 710223 Oxon SN7 8LH Fax: 01367 718963 e-mail:
[email protected] See outside back cover/or information on membership Editorial Matters Dr. WiUem D. Hackmann Sycamore House Tel: 01608 811110 The Playing Close Fax: 01608 811971 Charlbury OX7 3QP emil:
[email protected] Society's Website Advertising See 'Summary of Advertising Services'panel elsewhere in this Bulletin. Further enquiries to the Executive Officer. Typesetting and Printing IAthoflow Ltd 26-36 Wharfdale Road Tel: 020 7833 2344 King's Cross Fax: 020 7833 8150 London N1 9RY The ScientificInset Society is Registered Charity No. 326733 © The Scientific Inset Society 2002 Editorial jr - JY" "it ! - issue's Mystery Object. It is a model 0 proposed by the German botnist Carl lgnatz Leopold Kny (1841-1916). Knv was profes- sor of Plant Physiology at the ~ndw/rtschaf- tliche Hoch~hule in Berlin who studied the development and growth of plants. Paolo writes that he is not a ~tanist and there(ore his explanation will be quite approximate. The lines on the glass tube of the mystery instrument are just a representation of the so-called 'genetic spirals' (spiralegi, n~atri- ce).