Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Gent's Furnishings
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PEN PORTRAITS A WILY_0R1ENTAL OF NOTABILITIESGuile of a Tricky Native Snake Charmer In India. D. J. McGilllcuddy, Congress man Elect From Maine. GATHERED IN THE SERPEN T S. i It Wes No Trouble to Him to Lure the Reptiles Into His Basket, and ths Supply Was In No Danger of Giving Out and Losing Him a Job. Among the uumeroua objectiouable and dangerous creatures peculiar to tbe orient none is more repulsive than tbe snake. Oue shudders involuntarily as one thinks of its wiggling body and vicious characteristics. Durlug my residence lu India 1 never felt safe from its presence. I liad my closets, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, bed und even my bathtub searched ev ery day lest ono should be found coiled up In some corner, writes Eliza I\. Van Bergen in tbo Christian Intolll geueer. 1 was always on tbe watch for tbe Gent’s Furnishings creatures and ever iu mortal terror of treading on ono. It never occurred to me to sleep witbout a light, and a stick was always near at hand lest I might flnd one unawares aud be un prepared to meet lt. I even looked . Daniel J. McGilllcuddy, Democrat, upon my thin mosquito curtain as a wbose election to congress from tlie slight protection, for It would at least BEGINNING SATURDAY JANUARY 14th Second Maine district wat* one of tbe break its fall should a snake tumble nurprisea of tbe recent political over down suddenly from the celling. In the future we intend to confine our stock to Dry Goods, Nations and Groceries which lines we expect to en- turn in the Pine Tree State, lias been Tbe creatures Iiave a decided pref erence for cool, damp places und often large. We have decided io close out our entire line of Hats, Shoes, Gents’ Furnishings and clear our stock of prominent In tbe councils of bis party i choose the bathroom nnd sometimes for many years. He made bis entry all winter goods to make room for^ spring goods and the special lines which we have decided to carry. Now the tub for tbelr habitation, mucb lo into tbe political ureua in 1884 as a tbe discomfort of its rightful habitue, is your opportunity to buy these goods at prices below any competition. member of the legislature, and since it is not unalloyed bliss to live in a that time he bas grown In power and place infested witb serpents. With SHOES F L A N N E L S H I R T S Yarn Sox influence. such formidable enemies, one never 30 to 50 cents In 1887 he was elected mayor offorgets to be cautions, nor to guard Ham lton Brown-New Stock $3.00 values $2.25 50 cents Boys and Girls $1.00 Lewiston, wbere be was born in 1830, against their presence aud sudden at American Lady ‘ $2.50 worth $3.78 Picnic ‘ 1.75 “ 2.75 3.50 2.75 1.00 “ “ “ 1.25 and was twice re-elected cbief execu tack. It makes one alert to be in tbc Leather & Yarn American Gentleman 3.60 “ 4.50 2.25 1.75 2.25 Mens worth 2.75 tive of his native city. During bis midst of danger and adds spice to life. Household (Mens) 2.S5 “ 4 00 Incumbency of the mnyorallty be in Well, as I started out to say, my Reaper good work shoe 2.60 “ 3.50 2 .0 0 1.80 2.75 « “ 3.S0 Gloves angurated many reforms, cbief of garden was Infested witb snakes, and Sportsman, high top tan 4.00 “ 5.00 $1.00 value Not all wool, 75 cents. which were the extension of tbe wa I was persuaded to have a native Grimsrude *' “ black 4.00 “ 5.00 and terworks system and tbe installation charmer summoned to lure them Venita “ “ boot 5.50 “ 6.50 of a municipal lighting plant. away, nis hideous occupation, weird Complete line boys and girls shoes for 90c to $1.85 according to size Mittens As his name indicates. Mr. McGilll incantations and strange pets sur COMFORTERS 2 .0 0 worth $2.50 caddy is of Irish descent. His fa round the snake chanuer with a pe 50c to $1.00 Good material and quilted $1.40 it ther was a farmer, and bis youth was cullar fascination. His magnetism 2.50 3.00 Extra large, quilted throughout 1.85 spent upon a Maine farm. Hc was ed und skill are considered phenomenal U n d e r w e a r 2.75 it 3.2o Fleisher’s Knitting ucated at Bowdoin college and later in the east. MENS 3 .8 0 (• 4,00 read law witb tbe firm of wlilcb Sen This specimen was tall and lank and Yarn Ribbed Union suits $ 2 25 worth $2.75 • t ator William P. Frye was the bead. had deep, cavernous eyes and an ab BLANKETS 2 50 3.25 The best on the market ; Admitted to tbe bar iu 1883, be lias stracted air. Some of tbe creatures “ worsted “ $2 65 “ 3.00 wero colled around his wrist, which $4.50 all wool blankets worth $5.50 made an enviable reputation as a law Fleeced, garment 50c “ T5 6.50 “ “ “ •* 7.50 $ 1.2 0 yer. On the stump Mr. McGilllcuddy made bim still more repellant. He handled them as if they were per Natural Wool “ 50c “ 75 2.25 wool finish blankets " 2.75 HATS shines. He is a fluent und forceful fectly harmless. About the nock he 2.75 " “ 3.50 speaker, and liis friends predict that All Wool, Suits 2.60 “ 3.00 Price $2.25 worth $3.25 Stiff Brim, Outing Flannel wore a chain with a flute attached. be will prove a worthy successor to LADIES 65 cents cotton 85 Two other jugglers accompanied him. High Crown Best grade others sell th* forensic giants from Maine tbat slnillnrly attired, but miuus the Fine Ribbed Union suits $1.10 90 “ “ “ 1.25 2.75 3.50 Rival, Light 15c our price 11c Lighter 10 cents have preceded blm ut Washington. snakes. Oue carried a closed basket 1.75 “ " “ 2 .0 0 and black on bis arm. 2.75 3.50 Round-up Caleb Powers of Kentucky. Embroidery Edging and Insertion He stopped at a respectful distance 2.75 3.50 Nobby style A complete line mens Three times convicted of complicity to mako.his "salaam,'' which is the A very large assortment, prices very tal the murder of Governor William customary salute of tho country. Then low. Also a line of lace and edgings M ackinaw Coats 1.50 2.00 Boys Hat, top shirts with or without Goebel and eight years spent in jails he approached the aloe hedge which price 6c to 12 cents ’ Price $ 5 .0 0 an d 9 8 0 0 ' Is the record of Caleb Powers, recent Oregon collars 50 cents up inclosed my grounds, squatted himself ly nominated for congress by tbo Re tailor fashion on the grass nnd began publicans of the Eleventh Kentucky to produce weird, plaintive sounds on district, lu 1900 Powers, a young the flute, to which music the reptiles mountaineer lawyer, was secretary of entwined themselves around him and Btato under Governor W. S. Taylor, n seemed to sway tbeir bodies to and Republican. fro. Goebel and Taylor were rival candi After some time a snake appeared, dates. Taylor was given tbe certifi gliding slowly and stenitliily out from cate of election. Goebel made a con- the hedge toward tbo spot where It F'ourtR Avenue and 11 Street beard the enchanting music. The charmer allowed It to come quite close and to wind itself around his arm. Another followed and yet an other. while the other I wo men stood by holding a basket ready to receive them sb soon as they unwound them selves. At least a half dozen ap M IS TO RENT peared and were disposed of in tbis mannor. After being captured they W inter appeared as if in a stupor. By Day Week or Month Horritied with bis performance. I begged bim to stop nnd bade him j We©cther leave the place. He asseuted and. Special Rates to Parties picking up the basket, departed witb taking rooms for Winter the snakes without ever ceasing to play his uncanny tune. Uls compan ions gathered up the rest of his be NAPS longings and followed bim. I paid a Cottage Hotel certain sum for each snako thus dis Second and D. Street patched. I n He came repeatedly thereafter and went through the same -performance, conjuring up more reptiles and dispos ing of them in the same way until I R E A L ESTATE began to suspect some trickery. He‘ refused to allow tbe snakes to be kill Drs Macdonald ed. insisting tbat they wore safrcd and Six City, lots at $175, each—Easy Terms must not be put to deatb. Tt looked a n d S m i t h Tliree corner lots $225 each. Terms given. as lf be replaced the snakes in tlu> Eight nice Addition lots $110 each. hedge after removing them, and thus 137 Main Street One tine business lot on Third street, only *850. he multiplied tbeir number and in Kalispell . Mont creased his gains. Fifty three other choice properties to select from. I was finally forced to hnve him re A. D. MACDONALD, M.D..C.M. moved by the police and threatened Practice. Limited to Surgery and CALEB rowBBS. witb punishment iu order lo keep him You owe it to yourself to away.