Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling: a Method to Diagnose Sources of Annular Mode Timescales
STRATOSPHERE-TROPOSPHERE COUPLING: A METHOD TO DIAGNOSE SOURCES OF ANNULAR MODE TIMESCALES Lawrence Mudryklevel, Paul Kushner p R ! ! SPARC DynVar level, Z(x,p,t)=− T (x,p,t)d ln p , (4) g !ps x,t p ( ) R ! ! Z(x,p,t)=− T (x,p,t)d ln p , (4) where p is the pressure at the surface, R is the specific gas constant and g is the gravitational acceleration s g !ps(x,t) where p is the pressure at theat surface, the surface.R is the specific gas constant and g is the gravitational acceleration Abstract s Geopotentiallevel, Height Decomposition Separation of AM Timescales p R ! ! at the surface. This time-varying geopotentialZ( canx,p,t be)= decomposed− T into(x,p a,t cli)dmatologyln p , and anomalies from the(4) climatology AM timescales track seasonal variations in the AM index’s decorrelation time6,7. For a hydrostatic fluid, geopotential height may be describedg !p sas(x ,ta) function of time, pressure level Timescales derived from Annular Mode (AM) variability provide dynamical and ashorizontalZ(x,p,t position)=Z (asx,p a )+temperatureδZ(x,p,t integral). Decomposing from the Earth’s the temperature surface to a andgiven surface pressure pressure fields inananalogous insight into stratosphere-troposphere coupling and are linked to the strengthThis of time-varying level, geopotentialwhere can beps is decomposed the pressure at into the a surface, climatologyR is the and specific anomalies gas constant from and theg is climatology the gravitational acceleration NCEP, 1958-2007 level: ^ a) o (yL ) d) o AM responses to climate forcings.
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