January 2016

Redenhall Harleston Needham Brockdish Billingford

Benefice of Redenhall with Scole - Church of - Diocese of Norwich

facebook.com/redenhall.scole twitter.com/RedScole 1 Ramblings from the Rectory

January is all about new resolutions and fresh beginnings. I hear lots New Year's Resolutions about cutting down smoking, more exercise, looking for a better job etc. I'm sure you could add lots more of your own. Sadly, so many new starts don't even make it past the end of January. I was chatting to a gym owner. He loves New Year because loads of people sign up at his gym (not in Harleston). They're all enthusiastic and confident that this is the start of a whole new, healthier lifestyle. They're so confident that they insist on paying for a whole year. Some, well a few, will become regulars but many barely make it past January, still fewer to Easter. For him and most gym owners New Year's Resolutions pay the bills and human weakness makes sure that the gym isn't overcrowded past January.

I can be a little cynical about New Year but I do know that a fresh start can be such a powerful thing. I know that I need a mental, physical, and spiritual clean slate regularly, otherwise all my failures just build up and going on just seems beyond me. Thankfully, I get that fresh start every time I pray, every time I ask for forgiveness, each time I am set free and can start again, clean and pure. But with really big things I need a little more help. When I have lost someone close to me I have needed the funeral to really mark the fact that I won't see that person any more on this earth. I need those prayers; that ritual. I need to sprinkle soil into the grave and commit them to God's safe keeping. It doesn't take away all the pain or tears but it helps; it helps.

That is why we have these rites of passage. But what happens when a major life change happens and there isn't a rite of passage? For example, what about divorce? With divorce being far from uncommon I suspect that there are many, many women and men who feel bereft and empty following their divorce: People in need of a rite before God to mark what has happened and allow them to walk on knowing that God is walking with them. I hope that they are able to find someone who can help them in their pain. Cont....

2 ....cont Moving house can also be a life changing event. Again, I have found that marking that change by blessing the house and those who will live in it helps to mark this transition. Becoming a parent is certainly a life changing event that is as least as momentous as getting married, again this can be marked with prayers and blessings. Rites marking these, and so many other life events are so important and I feel privileged to have been able to provide these to many people over the years. If any of you would like to explore how to mark an important life event then I would be happy to talk with you. New beginnings can be essential to being able to carry on in life. This New Year, whatever your future holds, I wish all of you the Father's blessing and love, his comfort and peace, in this world and in the next. God bless, Nigel.

You've blessed me with friends and laughter and fun With rain that's as soft as the light from the sun You've blessed me with the stars to brighten each night You've given me help to know wrong from right You've given me so much, so please Lord give me too A heart that is always Grateful to you.

Taken from http://www.faithandworship.com/Celtic_Blessings_and_Prayers.htm

Look Out For in 2016. Ely Outing in April, Quiet Day in May, Summer Lunch and Otley Hall Retreat Days Stillness, Mindfulness, Meditation. Free & Open to All Oasis Prayer Space, Archbishop Sancroft High School. Weds 20th January at 7.30pm.

NEEDHAM House Group in Needham is on 19th January at George & Sylvia Millers home, led by Revd Nigel Tuffnell 01379 308905. Needham Coffee Mornings with Cake, Raffle and Stalls. In The Red Lion at 10.00am on Tuesday the 5th January and also on 2nd February. 3 SCOLE Treasurer. Do you know someone who would be our ‘Church Treasurer’ and take minutes at meeting 6-8 times a year? Please contact Rev Sue details back page. Scole Home Group is on 14th January, 7.30pm at Rev Sue’s. Call 01379 740325 if you would like to come.

Saturday 6th Feb

Scole Church - 6.30 pm for 7pm Bookings Rev Sue Auckland Tel: 01379 740325 Email: [email protected]

BILLINGFORD Advent and Light weekend at St Leonard’s Billingford. A steady stream of people visited our church on 28th and 29th November,they enjoyed the 25 displays ,all very inventive. The church looked different but beautiful. Visitors also enjoyed hot drinks, a variety of cakes and egg and bacon rolls cooked to order,these proved very popular. Although not really a fund raiser we did make £280. Our thoughts for the weekend was to encourage a larger congregation to our carol service at 4pm on 29th, as last year only a disappointing 16 attended. We were delighted when our congregation swelled to 60 and Carols by Candlelight led by Nigel and Lynda was a success and enjoyed by all who attended. Thankyou to everyone who decorated the church, cake bakers and everyone who helped in any way. Special thanks to Georgina for organising the event. Sue Redgrave BROCKDISH Quiz Night in Brockdish Village Hall Saturday 9th January at 7.30pm Tickets £5 and remember to bring your own drink. Call Jan 01379 668630 4 HARLESTON The Churches Trust Sponsored Bike Ride & Walk. This year, Maureen, Peter, Jean and Michael visited cathedrals, churches and chapels in Norwich and I went on my bike around the churches and chapels in “The Saints”. Between us we raised £566 for St John’s Church, Harleston and the Norfolk Churches Trust. A deduction of 5% for administration and printing is made to all monies submitted; the remaining 95% is divided equally. Last year £103,595 was raised for the Norfolk Churches Trust. Thank you to all who helped in any way to make this event possible and successful. Gill Green,Local Organiser. Thursday House Groups is on 12th January at Gill & Nigel’s home and 26th January at Sheila’s at 7.30pm. Please call Sheila 01379 852762 if you would like more information. Light House Group is on 15th January at 2.00pm. This time it will be at Gill & Nigel’s home 2 Shotford Road, Harleston. This group is a Mission & Disciple- ship group and if anyone would like to join just contact Revd Nigel Tuffnell. Details back page. Christian Unity Service will be held at the RC Church at Jays Green Centre, Harleston on Sunday 24th January, starting at 5.30pm tea for 6pm service.

Mothers’ Union Thank you to all members and friends who came to our December meeting, to Anne for writing the quiz, and to everyone for the delicious bring-and- share supper. An enjoyable evening to end to our year. The first meeting of 2016 will be on Thursday 7th January, 7.30 pm, Methodist Hall. A short AGM will be followed by a talk, given by our member Mr Brian Wright, entitled “Henry Blogg, Lifeboatman”. Just a reminder that the members’ annual subscription for 2016 (increased this year to £24) is due to be paid at this first meeting of the New Year, and to say that we welcome ladies and gentlemen to join us at our meetings - you don’t have to be MU members. I wish all members and friends a happy and peaceful New Year. With love, Daphne.

5 Lent 2016

Lent Groups will be from the Week Beginning Sunday 14th February to the Week Ending Saturday 27th March This year we will be exploring Healing together Healing - and forgiveness / Healing - creation Healing - relationships / Healing - the body Ash Wednesday Services 7pm, 10�� February at St. John's Harleston & St. Andrew's Scole

Brockdish - Group 1 Alternate Mondays & Tuesdays 7.30pm. Varies at Roy and Val’s or Louis’ and led by Revd Sue Auckland 01379 740325, [email protected] Thorpe Abbotts - Group 2 Led by Lynda Mansfield call 01379 740401 or [email protected] for day and venue as these might vary. Harleston - Group 3 Tuesdays 7.30pm Hosted by Sheila Thurlow, 72 London Road, Harleston or Nigel and Gill Mutimer, 2 Shotford Road, Harleston. Led by Revd Nigel Tuffnell and Sheila Thurlow 01379 852762, [email protected] Needham - Group 4 Wednesdays 2.30pm. Hosted by George and Sylvia Miller, Ivy Farm House, 44 High Road, Needham. Led by Nigel Tuffnel, 01379 308905, [email protected] Scole - Group 5 Thursdays 7.30pm. Hosted and led by Revd Sue Auckland, 8, Karen Close, Scole. 01379 740325, [email protected] Harleston - Group 6 Thursdays 7.30pm. Hosted by Don and Joan Blagg, 24 Church View, Harleston or Brian and Kay Wright, 36 Mendham Lane, Harleston and led by Revd Nigel Tuffnell and Don Blagg, 01379 854156, [email protected]. Please either add your name & telephone number to the form at the back of your church or contact the leader to book your place. 6 Benefice Prayer Day Saturday 30th January Our Prayer Day is an opportunity to pray for your church, your village and your Benefice. We come together to thank God for his grace and many blessings but also to seek his purposes for each church and our Benefice, through prayer and quiet time. Prayer should underpin all we do; we can do nothing in our own strength and unless our purposes for our churches is what God wants, we shall not be successful. Below are the times we will be at each church Time Church Time Church 9.30 - 10.15 Thorpe Abbotts 2.00 - 2.45 Brockdish 10.30 - 11.15 Needham 3.00 - 3.45 Billingford 11.30 - 12.15 Redenhall 4.00 - 4.45 Scole 12.30 - 1.15 Harleston Please join us for this day of prayer, for the whole day or just the 45 minutes in your church as we seek to know and understand God's vision for his church in our Benefice. Every blessing, Rev Sue.

News from Harleston Primary ECO RANGERS – SWIFT ACTION In recent weeks, the Eco Rangers have teamed up with Swift Action Harleston, an organisation trying to increase the population of swifts in the area. The children wrote a letter to everyone in the school asking for their help in protecting the swifts, this included whether they would like to be nominated for having a free swift nest box installed in their garden. We have had a positive response from the letter and the children will now start to analyse the data collected through the completed questionnaires. They also appeared in the newspaper recently in order to promote this campaign and encourage everyone to help these brilliant birds. Look out for even more exciting news about this new initiative! Swift Action Harleston

7 40ACTS 2016 WEDNESDAY 10 FEBRUARY TO SATURDAY 26 MARCH 2016 What is 40acts? 40acts is a generosity challenge which invites people to do Lent a bit differently. During the 40 days of Lent, 40acts participants will be invited to take part in 40 simple acts of generosity which will challenge them to ‘do Lent generously’ in 2016. Lent commemorates a pivotal point in the history of the church, when Jesus prepared to give himself up as a sacrifice. Traditionally we mark Lent by giving something up, but what if it could be more than that? What if Lent were a preparation for a lifetime of big- heartedness? Small acts of generosity, performed by thousands of Christians across the UK and beyond, have the power to make a big change to our communities. An introduction to 40acts theme 2016: Jesus at our table The sharing of food and being hospitable represents generosity at its most practical. Yet there is something even more fundamental at work when we eat together and welcome others into that fellowship. Sitting at a table to eat in Jesus’ time was a sign not just of possible friendship but of acceptance into a totally new, forgiven, restored relationship. Jesus ate with sinners and church leaders; he ate with a crowd of five thousand and with children. Table fellowship meant friendship, peace, acceptance and unconditional love: community. The book of Acts describes the generous community of the early church: ’All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer… They shared their meals with great joy and generosity’ (Acts 2:42–46 NLT). But why Jesus at OUR table and not at his? At first glance this might seem presumptuous; who are we to invite Jesus to our table? But that is exactly the point. During his ministry Jesus walked the earth without a physical home. Other people’s homes became his. He invited Cont... 8 ...... himself and was invited to many tables, and indeed this still happens. That is the beauty of the gospel: expectations are reversed and new truths are born. God, in his great generosity, seeks to sit at our, and at everyone's, table. And after sitting with us, we are promised a feast at his heavenly table (Psalm 23:5-6). 40acts this year asks you to invite others to share at the table. Jesus will be there. Welcome to 40acts 2016.

To download your individual pack visit www.40acts.org.uk after 4th January.

Chatty Church St John’s Harleston Saturdays 16�� January and 20�� February at 2pm Great fun with activities, games and chatty time for parents/carers and their children. Refreshments and Snacks. Similar but lighter than Messy Church & Free of Charge. Every 3rd Saturday of the month. For more info contact: Claire McEntee: 07810 565805 Fiona Wilson: 07702 972656 Office Email: [email protected]

MESSY CHURCH New Year Party at Scole Church Saturday 9th January at 2.00pm Great fun & activities for primary age school children followed by refreshments. Free of charge - remember to bring an adult! NOTICE! Harleston Celebration Service has now changed back to the 3rd Sunday and will start at 6.00pm 9 THE REGISTERS Funerals 27th Nov Nancy Templeton-Harris at St Mary’s, Redenhall & Earlham Crematorium. 3rd Dec Gwendoline & Stanley Lovell (Wortwell) at Waveney Crematrium. 7th Dec Ruby (Ruth) Banham at St Andrew’s, Scole. 10th Dec Donald Kerrison (Fred) at St Andrew’s, Scole. 11th Dec John Rogers (Harleston) at Waveney Crematorium.

PLEASE PRAY FOR Irene Ambrose, Joyce Rudderham, Kathryn Taylor, Patricia Woodworth, James, Fred and Chris McDonald, Karen & Mike Rayner, Peggy Stygall, Susan Hartgrove, David Jackson, Joan Mitchell, Little Thomas, Raymond Battes, Peter, Mollie Beckett, Liam Brown, Anne Epps, Elizabeth Epps, Geoffrey, Michael Palmer, Mike Wilson, Dorothy and Cyril, Lois Bailey, Brian & Audrey Williams, Henry Vines, Paula & Johnny Hunt, and for all the residents of Oaklands and The Trees nursing homes. Please also pray for vibrancy and spiritual growth in our churches, schools and parishes, especially through: Open the Book, our house groups, prayer meetings, public worship, Messy Church, Children's Church, Family Chatty Church, Foodbank and The Compassion Mission. If you know someone who would like our prayers please contact a member of the Ministry Team or the Benefice Administrator; details on the back page.


Tuesdays 9.30am Short Prayer Time - St John’s, Harleston Weds 11.00am Short Prayer Time - St Andrew’s, Scole Thursdays 9.15am Short Worship & Prayer - St Andrew’s, Scole 10.00am Short said Holy Communion - St John’s, Harleston 21st January 11.15am Holy Communion - Trees Nursing Home

10 JANUARY SUNDAY SERVICES AND READINGS N.B Psalms Morning or Evening Prayer only Sunday 3rd 9.30am Holy Communion St Leonard’s, Billingford Gold 9.30am Morning Prayer St Peter & St Paul, Brockdish Epiphany 9.30am Holy Communion BCP St Mary’s, Redenhall Psalm 72 11.00am St John’s, Harleston [1-9] 10-15 Informal Worship with Bright Sparks children’s church Ephesians 3. 1-12 11.00am Holy Communion St Andrew's, Scole Matthew 11.00am Morning Prayer St Peter’s, Needham 2.1-12 Sunday 10th 9.30am Morning Prayer St Peter & St Paul, Brockdish Gold 9.30am Morning Prayer St Peter’s, Needham Baptism of 9.30am Morning Prayer All Saints, Thorpe Abbotts Christ Psalm 29 11.00am Holy Communion with St John’s, Harleston Acts 8.14-17 Bright Sparks Children’s Church Luke 3. 11.00am Morning Prayer St Andrew’s, Scole 15-17, 21-22 Sunday 17th 9.30am Morning Prayer St Leonard’s, Billingford White 9.30am Holy Communion St Peter & St Paul, Brockdish Epiphany 2 11.00am Holy Communion with St John’s, Harleston Psalm 36. Bright Sparks Children’s Church 5-10 11.00am Morning Prayer St Peter’s, Needham 1 Corinthians 12.1-11 11.00am Informal Worship St Andrew’s, Scole John 2.1-11 4.00pm Evening Prayer BCP St Mary’s, Redenhall 6.00pm Celebration Service St John’s, Harleston Sunday 24th 9.30am Morning Prayer St Peter & St Paul, Brockdish White 9.30am Holy Communion St Peter’s, Needham Epiphany 3 11.00am Morning Worship with St John’s, Harleston Psalm 19 Bright Sparks Children’s Church [or 19.1-6] 11.00am Holy Communion St Andrew’s, Scole 1 Corinthians 12.12-31a 11.00am Morning Prayer BCP St Mary’s, Redenhall Luke 4.14-21 4.30pm Celebration Service St Andrew’s, Scole Sunday 31st Benefice Service Gold St John’s, Harleston at 10.30am Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas) Hebrews 2.14-end / Luke 2.22-40

11 CONTACT LIST Ministry Team Rector, Revd Nigel Tuffnell - The Rectory, 10 Swan Lane, Harleston. IP209AN Email: [email protected] Tel: 01379 308905 Blog: https://nigeltuffnell.wordpress.com Revd Sue Auckland Tel: 01379 740325 or [email protected] Revd Lyndy Domoney Tel: 01379 650445 or [email protected] Lynda Mansfield Tel: 01379 740401 or [email protected] Jamie Worthington Tel: 01379 741437 or [email protected] Peter Edwards Tel: 01379 740779 Benefice Administrator Lucy Elton-Cooke, Wedding, Baptism, Funeral Enquiries and News Letter Editor Office: St John’s Church, Harleston. Postal: C/O Revd Nigel Tuffnell Email: [email protected] Tel: 01379 851148 from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm Churches St John’s - Harleston Lucy Elton-Cooke 01379 851148 St Mary’s - Redenhall Lindy Ellis 01986 788326 St Peter’s - Needham George Miller 01379 852059 Charles Chenery 01379 741225 St Peter & St Paul - Brockdish Jan Croxson 01379 668630 Ann Cork 01379 668635 All Saints - Thorpe Abbotts Christine McDonald 01379 669116 St Leonard’s - Billingford Pauline Greenard 01379 740730 Brian Nunn 01379 740723 St Andrew’s - Scole Peter Edwards 01379 740779 Kay Liffen 01379 741054 Maurice Cormack 01379 741197 Schools Archbishop Sancroft CEVA High Mr R Cranmer 01379 852561 Harleston CEVA Primary Mr L Richardson 01379 853211 Brockdish CEVC Primary Mr J Crawley 01379 668284 Scole CEVC Primary Mr M Carlyle 01379 740654

7 welcoming churches at the heart of our communities learning to put Jesus first; sharing love and Good News. www.7churches.org.uk 12