Redenhall with Harleston Town Council Clerk: Mrs. L. Ling Chairman: Mrs F. Bickley

Minutes of a meeting of Town Council Held at Harleston Leisure Centre On Wednesday 16th October 2019 at 7.00pm

Present: Councillors – Frances Bickley (Chair), Adrian Brownsea, Trevor Graham, Carolyn Malinowski, Zoe Moyse,

Also, Present: County Councillor Martin Wilby, Lynda Ling (Clerk), Rosie Riches (Office Assistant) two members of the public; Mr B. Woods and Mr M. Dutfield

1. Election of a Vice Chairman - Cllr Bickley welcomed all of those present to the meeting and asked for nominations for Vice Chairman. Cllr Bickley proposed Cllr Kuzmic in her absence. Cllr Malinowski proposed Cllr Graham, seconded by Cllr Moyse – Vote was unanimous for Cllr Graham who took his seat next to the Chairman. ALL AGREED

2. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend – Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Michael Hardy, Sue Kuzmic, Lizzy Pegg and Tom Whatling.

3. Declarations of pecuniary and other interests – None

4. Approval of minutes of the last Town Council meeting, and note the draft minutes of committees • Town Council Meeting of 18th September 2019 • Amenities Committee Wednesday 2nd October 2019 • Leisure Centre Management Committee Monday 7th October 2019 • Finance Committee Tuesday 8th October 2019 • Planning Committee Tuesday 8th October 2019

Agreement proposed Cllr Brownsea, seconded Cllr Graham ALL AGREED

5. Matters arising from previous minutes – None

6. Reports Police – None

District Councilor report – None

County Councilor report – Cllr Martin Wilby reported the following: • Congratulations to Jan Croxton on being awarded the British Empire Medal for her outstanding services over many years to the village of Brockdish. Jan was presented with her medal by The Lady Dannat, MBE HM Lord-Lieutenant, in a ceremony at the Great Hospital in Norwich. • The Armed Forces Covenant Board has launched a fund to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the end of the second World War. The Norfolk 2020 Commemoration Fund is open for events or projects that commemorate the 75th anniversaries of Victory in Europe (VE) Day, Victory in Japan (VJ) Day, or the 80th anniversary of the battle of Dunkirk and operation Dynamo. The Covenant Board are working with Norfolk Community Foundation, who will manage the £10,000 fund, making individual grants of up to £500 available for non- profit groups. Apply on the Norfolk Community Foundation Website. 26

• NCC has been awarded £500.000, towards the business case for building the bypass, this is a very welcome green light from the Government for the vital Long Stratton bypass. We have made it clear that we will be seeking the majority of the estimated £29million cost from the Department of Transport. Once planning permission is secured and the funding in place construction could start in 2022. • NCC has launched a new service for 0-5 year old’s and their families in Norfolk, for further information Tel: 0344 800 8020 email: [email protected] • ’s Community Pub of the Year winner was the Kings Head at . • Two grants have been supported (1) Summer Reading Challenge (2) Cycle Paths • £1,400 in the Parish Partnership which will be donated to Harleston, this should more than cover the legal expenses of amending the Car Park lease. • Looking forward to the Christmas Lights switch on, Saturday 30th November. • Surgery at HIP on Saturday 7th December 10am

Cllr Brownsea asked Cllr Wilby why the service bus from Park and Ride at Harford does not accept bus passes? Cllr Wilby replied that this service is a separate entity and is entirely self-funding. It has also been noted that there are 2 early morning busses going from Harleston to Norwich when 1 double decker bus would accommodate the same passengers, Cllr Wilby commented that because of the overgrown hedgerow and trees there had been too much damage to the previous double decker bus on this route.

Chairman’s report – Cllr. Bickley commented on an email from the mayor of Bungay and has replied to say that we are very interested joining the Forum of Mayors and Chairs to establish a network, although we may not be able to attend the first meeting on 29th October but to please keep us in the loop for future events.

Councilor reports (for information only) – Cllr Moyse - reported that along with herself Cllrs Graham, Malinowski and Pegg had attended councilor training during the past week, they had all found this to be very informative. Cllr. Graham – training should be suggested to all new councilors, and money be put aside in the budget to allow for this.

Clerk’s report (for information only) – • Remembrance Sunday – road closure application has been submitted. Confirmation required of all who are willing to take part in the parade. • Christmas raffle – preparations in hand for selling the Christmas raffle tickets, a lot of help has been given by Carol Wiles and Cindy Debenham who will be visiting all of the businesses in town asking for raffle prizes. A big thank you to these two ladies who assist every year with this and Santa’s Grotto. • Up and coming roadworks – Mendham Lane – 15th to 18th October, road closure for planned new water connections. Wilderness Lane – 22nd to 28th October 2019 – Cadent – gas works -no carriageway incursion. • Meetings attended – Harleton’s Future Management Committee – Discussion on a variety of subjects including a defibrillator, Mayflower 400 bunting, reports from subgroup chairs and communications working party. 7. Finance • Update on monthly income and expenditure – Cllr Brownsea questioned the increase in cost of insurance, Cllr Malinowski replied that this was down to incorrect input and will be corrected.

• Approval of items of expenditure invoiced since the last meeting – Payments made since the last meeting Town Council £12,217.35 Leisure Centre Management Committee £4,202.64 BACS payments for Town Council £16,581.86 and cheques for £9.14 Agreement proposed Cllr Malinowski, seconded Cllr Moyse ALL AGREED


• Update on budget discussions – Cllr Malinowski is coordinating and working on the figures and a forecast for the current year’s income and expenditure. It is hoped to have a complete picture by next week. • To resolve to agree to seek the approval of the Secretary of State for Housing Communities & Local Government to apply for a PWLB loan of £87,885.00 for replacement LED lanterns – Defer until December meeting due to new information. Business case needs to be prepared and put forward to all councilors.

8. Committee and Working Group reports Finance Committee Cllr Malinowski had covered this under Finance Amenities Committee Cllr Brownsea confirmed to members that he is Chairman with Cllr Moyse as Vice Chair. Leisure Centre Management Committee Cllr Moyse informed members that an increase in cleaning hours for the gym had been approved. A new website is currently being designed for the gym to include the ability to accept payments. Planning Committee – to include an email received regarding a new action group which has been formed in Harleston Cllr. Graham informed members that he is now the chairman for Planning with Cllr Kuzmic as Vice Chair.

Standing orders were suspended at 19.43pm and reconvened at 20.07pm

Cllr Bickley read out an email from member of the public, Mr. B Woods who was then asked to comment further on the matter.

Mr. Woods informed the council members that a group has been started called “Action for Harleston” which has attracted 572 members to date, as there appears to be an unwillingness to ensure the infrastructure is of an acceptable standard and current provisions have deteriorated since the publishing of a report, with the closure of the Apollo and re-development of the site.

It has been suggested that there could be new homes in the following numbers: Apollo 46, Carters Yard 97 and Briar Farm 350. It has been discovered that there is more information which is not readily available in the public domain on South Norfolk’s planning site but it is recorded on Broadland District Council. The group feels that there should be a slow down on the rate of new build and will work solely on factual information. Cllr Brownsea reminded the meeting of his concerns as minuted at last month’s Town Council meeting.

Mr. Woods commented that everyone on the council has legal and moral responsibilities. Cllr Brownsea said that if planning applications are only being shown on Broadland site and not South Norfolk this is a deliberate move to hide information. Mr. Woods responded that this is not actually on the Broadland Planning site. More members to “Action for Harleston” would be welcomed and an article is due to appear in next month’s Grapevine magazine to say what the group’s aims are.

The second member of the public, Mr. M Dutfield commented that the South Norfolk website proposed new planning is 1015 in total for Harleston. Is this council aware of GNLP consultation in the New Year? Cllr Brownsea commented that we must urge that the communication breakdown is rectified without delay. Mr. Dutfield said that Broadland District Council has held discussions on how the Briar Farm development will be shielded with planting along the boundary to Jays Green and the A143.

9. General items for discussion and agreement • Update on the Parish Partnership application for an emergency entrance onto the car park from paddock road, and SNC’s response to the council’s comments regarding legal costs – Cllr Bickley, this has already been covered during County Councilor Wilby’s report, it was felt


that the £1,400. Offered by Cllr Wilby would more than cover any legal costs. Proposed Cllr Bickley, seconded Cllr Moyse ALL AGREED

• Mayflower 400 - any items for discussion and updates – Cllr Graham – Public up-date on 14th November. Launch event in St Johns Church on 20th November.

10. Significant correspondence List as circulated – item 2 – Cllr Malinowski will raise the question of a conclusive list of walks at the next HIP meeting with the need to produce just one document. Cllr Graham Item 9 It would be interesting to attend training on Neighborhood Plan writing in 12 – 16 months’ time. Cllr Malinowski will circulate a link to all councilors of the training calendar.

13. Date of next meeting • Wednesday 20th November 2019 at 7.00pm in the Leisure Centre, Wilderness Lane, Harleston

Meeting closed at 20.14 Signed: ………………………………………

Date: …………………………………………

Memorial Leisure Centre, Wilderness Lane, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9DD Telephone: 01379 854519, email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday & Friday 9.30am to 1pm and Wednesdays 1pm to 5pm