IBM Cognos Report Studio Version 10.2.2: User Guide Chapter 5

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IBM Cognos Report Studio Version 10.2.2: User Guide Chapter 5 IBM Cognos Report Studio Version 10.2.2 User Guide Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 1013. Product Information This document applies to IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Version 10.2.2 and may also apply to subsequent releases. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corporation 2005, 2015. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Introduction .................................xlix Chapter 1. What's New in Cognos Report Studio? .................1 New features in version 10.2.2 .............................1 IBM Cognos Active Report preview...........................1 IBM Cognos Active Report output ...........................1 IBM Cognos Active Report templates ..........................1 Reusable report styles ...............................2 Slider orientation in IBM Cognos Active Report ......................2 Tabbed reports in HTML output ............................2 Dynamically named worksheet tabs in Excel 2007 output ...................2 New maps in IBM Cognos BI.............................2 Report run format restrictions ............................2 Support for IBM Cognos Theme Designer ........................3 Improvements to the current default chart technology ....................3 Enhancements to extensible visualizations ........................3 New features in version .............................4 Extensible visualizations in regular reports ........................4 Extensible visualization render method .........................4 Report booklets .................................4 New features in version 10.2.1 .............................4 Improved IBM Cognos Active Report performance .....................5 Extensible visualizations in IBM Cognos Active Report ....................5 Option to group or ungroup repeating cells in Excel 2007 reports.................5 Crosstab values as percentages ............................5 Share sets between reports..............................6 Improved text-based relational filters ..........................6 Improved data container and query naming support .....................6 Search parameter Ends with any of these keywords .....................7 Removed Features in Version 10.2.1 ...........................7 IBM Cognos Statistics ...............................7 New features in version 10.2.0 .............................7 Updated world and Africa maps............................7 Interactive repeater tables ..............................7 Improved IBM Cognos Active Report integration with IBM Cognos Workspace ............8 Improved support for bidirectional languages .......................8 Macro tab in expression editor ............................8 Inherited table styles in lists and crosstabs ........................9 Enhanced crosstab headers .............................9 Prompt API...................................9 Excel 2007 Data report output format ..........................9 Global classes for accessible reports ..........................10 Changed features in version 10.2.0............................10 Change in line break rules in PDFs ..........................10 Support for inline prompts in reports viewed on mobile devices.................10 Cognos Business Insight and Cognos Business Insight Advanced are renamed ............11 Removed Features in Version 10.2.0 ...........................11 Saving and opening reports on your computer ......................11 New features in version 10.1.1 .............................11 New active report controls .............................11 Conversion of controls to other types of controls ......................11 Improved user experience when authoring active reports ...................11 Active report access code ..............................12 New startup options ...............................12 Keyboard shortcuts for accessibility ..........................12 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2015 iii Updated maps .................................12 Custom groups .................................13 Larger worksheet sizes for Microsoft Excel 2007 report outputs .................13 Microsoft Excel 2007 supported as an external data source...................14 Changed features in version 10.1.1............................14 Specify how to show no data contents .........................14 What's new in version 10.1.0 .............................14 New Features in Version 10.1.0 ............................14 Changed features in Cognos Business Insight Advanced version 10.1.0 ..............22 Removed Features in Version 10.1.0 ..........................23 Chapter 2. Getting started with Report Studio ...................25 Building IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Applications ....................25 Relational and dimensional reporting styles ........................26 The User Interface .................................29 Work in design, structure, or Active Report preview view ....................33 Report Layout and Queries ..............................33 Layout ....................................33 Queries....................................35 Report Objects ..................................35 Find Objects in a Report ..............................36 Options.....................................37 Web Browser Settings ................................41 The IBM Cognos Software Development Kit ........................41 Chapter 3. Creating a report ..........................43 Specifying the Data Package ..............................43 Refresh the package ...............................44 Choosing a basic report layout .............................44 Inserting a data container from the toolbox tab ......................45 Add Data ....................................46 Data source icons ................................46 Insert a Single Data Item ..............................47 Validate a Report .................................48 Save a Report...................................49 Running a report .................................50 Specify Not to Render a Page If It Does Not Contain Data...................52 Controlling the Rows Per Page for Multiple Containers in HTML and PDF .............52 Producing a Report in CSV Format ..........................53 Producing a Report in Microsoft Excel Format .......................53 Producing a Report in XML Format ..........................57 Set PDF Page Options ...............................57 View Lineage Information for a Data Item .........................58 The IBM Cognos Business Intelligence lineage tool .....................59 Access the IBM WebSphere Business Glossary ........................60 Support for bidirectional languages ...........................60 Reports for workspaces in Cognos Workspace ........................62 Prompts in workspaces in Cognos Workspace .......................63 Enable filters in workspaces in Cognos Workspace .....................63 Creating Reports for IBM Cognos for Microsoft Office .....................64 Creating Reports for Mobile Devices ...........................65 Creating location-aware reports............................65 Chapter 4. Lists ................................67 Set List Properties .................................67 Hide Columns in List Reports .............................68 Using Repeaters ..................................68 Convert a List into a Repeater ............................69 Example - Create Mailing Labels ...........................69 iv IBM Cognos Report Studio Version 10.2.2: User Guide Chapter 5. Crosstabs .............................71 Crosstab Nodes and Crosstab Node Members ........................71 Set Crosstab Properties ...............................73 Create a Single-Edge Crosstab .............................74 Create a Nested Crosstab ...............................75 Creating headers automatically for sets in crosstabs ......................76 Showing crosstab values as percentages ..........................76 Specify the Default Measure ..............................77 Swap Columns and Rows ..............................78 Indent Data ...................................78 Change a List into a Crosstab .............................79 Example - Add Aggregate Data to a Crosstab ........................79 Example - Create a Discontinuous Crosstab.........................80 Chapter 6. Charts ...............................83 Current Default Charts and Legacy Charts .........................83 Creating Charts ..................................83 Chart Objects ..................................84 Chart Types ...................................87 Choosing a Chart Type and Configuration ........................87 Column Charts .................................88 Line Charts ..................................89 Pie Charts ...................................90 Bar Charts ...................................91 Area Charts ..................................92 Point Charts ..................................93 Combination Charts ...............................94 Scatter Charts .................................94 Bubble Charts .................................95 Quadrant Charts.................................96 Bullet Charts ..................................97 Gauge Charts..................................98 Pareto Charts ..................................99 Progressive Column Charts.............................100 Microcharts ..................................100 Marimekko Charts ...............................101

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