A ​Teacher's Perspective on Educational Change 1 A

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A ​Teacher's Perspective on Educational Change 1 A running head: A TEACHER’S PERSPECTIVE ON EDUCATIONAL CHANGE 1 ​ A Teacher’s Perspective on Experiences of Educational Change: A Qualitative Self-Study Melanie Clark Department of Integrated Studies in Education McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada December, 2019 A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Arts in Educational Leadership ©Melanie Clark ​ 2019 A Teacher’s Perspective On Educational Change 2 Abstract This qualitative self-study explores three different educational change processes as experienced by a secondary school science teacher in an urban setting in the province of Quebec, Canada. Through reflecting on the teacher’s own experiences in three different contexts of educational change, the teacher provides insight into how issues of agency, group size, collegial relationships, hierarchy and politics impacted the teacher’s decision-making and affective domain as a participant and their perceptions of self-efficacy. High levels of agency, small group sizes, trusting pre-existing relationships, lack of hierarchy and low levels of political involvement in the change initiatives all increased the teacher’s engagement and self-efficacy in the reforms. Suggestions are provided for participants and change leaders in designing future change initiatives to increase participant engagement and achieve more successful outcomes in educational reform. Résumé Cette auto-étude qualitative explore trois différents processus de changement pédagogique tel qu’expérimenté par un enseignant de science au niveau secondaire dans un milieu urbain au Québec au Canada. En se penchant sur les propres expériences de l’enseignant dans trois différents contextes de changement éducatif, l’enseignant nous éclaire comment les questions dans la façon d’agir, de la grosseur du groupe, de relations collégiales, de hiérarchie et de politique ont influencés la prise de décision et le domaine affectif de l’enseignant en tant que participant et leurs perceptions d’auto-efficacité. La facilité d’adaptation, de petits groupes, faire confiance aux relations préexistantes, le manque de hiérarchie et un bas niveau d’implication politique dans les initiatives de changement ont tous augmentés l’engagement et l’auto-efficacité A Teacher’s Perspective On Educational Change 3 de l’enseignant dans les réformes. Des suggestions sont proposées aux participants et aux responsables du changement pédagogique dans la création d’initiatives de changements futures afin d’accroître l’engagement des participants et d’atteindre de meilleurs résultats dans la réforme de l’éducation. A Teacher’s Perspective On Educational Change 4 Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge my appreciation to my supervisors, Dr. Caroline Riches and Dr. Lisa Starr. Thank you for asking the questions and sharing the insights that held a mirror to my ideas and allowed me to make this research my own. I would like to acknowledge Katherine Davey of the Lester B. Pearson School Board as well as Dr. Anila Asghar and Ying-Syuan (Elaine) Huang of McGill, for their time and ​ contributions to our PLC. I would also like to recognize Dr. Dale Boyle, Dr. Joseph Levitan and Dr. Blane Harvey from McGill for their feedback on early iterations of my research in their courses and for their literature suggestions, with particular thanks to Dale Boyle for introducing me to the concept of self-study. Thank you to my colleague Manon Rocan for her translation of the abstract. I am deeply indebted to my beloved teaching colleagues from Montreal, many of whom ​ were co-participants in these change processes. You taught me that being vulnerable to each other makes us better teachers; thank you for the learning, love, laughter and tears. I hope to foster that environment of cooperation and high standards of pedagogy during the rest of my teaching career. Thanks also to my administrators for their encouragement and support of my ​ graduate studies. Darren, thank you for believing in me, for your advice, your proofreading, and for helping me find quiet time to write. Nathalie, thank you for your encouragement and your example; every time I felt discouraged, I thought of the challenges you’ve taken on and decided I could keep going, too. Finally, thank you to Eli, Ben and Anna for your patience during the many weekends that you lost Mom to her computer. A Teacher’s Perspective On Educational Change 5 I would like to dedicate this work to my parents, Brent and Nancy. I know you would have been proud. Preface I am the sole author of this thesis. All reflections upon which this self-study was based were also wholly my own. My supervisors provided feedback on draft versions. A Teacher’s Perspective On Educational Change 6 Table of Contents Abstract 2 Acknowledgements 4 Preface 5 Table of Contents 6 Chapter 1: Introduction 10 Background on My Study 15 How I Came to be a Teacher in Quebec 17 Relevance of My Study 19 ​ Chapter 2: Literature Review 20 ​ Self-Study and Critical Reflection through Autobiography 20 Use of Memory as Data Collection Tool 21 ​ Educational Change 24 Gauging the Success of Educational Change Projects 26 Change: Reasons for Failures in the Past 28 Defining Politics in Educational Change Processes 28 Hierarchy in Educational Change 29 A Teacher’s Perspective On Educational Change 7 Teachers and Educational Change 30 What is the Role of Teachers in Educational Change 30 What Motivates a Teacher to Change 31 Teachers’ Confidence, Inner Dialogue and Emotions: Connection to Change Processes 31 Resistance of Teachers to Change 32 Teacher Engagement in Change Processes 33 Staff Development and Leadership 35 Impact of Agency on Teachers in Educational Change 36 Chapter 3: Research Methodology 39 Introduction 39 Purpose of My Study 40 Research Design 40 ​ Ethical Considerations 47 Trustworthiness and Quality in Qualitative Research 47 ​ Chapter 4: Discussion 52 Change Process 1: Professional Learning Community 56 High Level of Agency, High Self-Efficacy 59 Relationships and Group Size 61 A Teacher’s Perspective On Educational Change 8 Hierarchy, Political Motivations and Implications 66 Change Process 2: Induction into an IB School 71 Moderate Agency, Varying Levels of Self-Efficacy 73 Relationships and Group Size 82 Hierarchy, Political Motivations and Implications 89 Change Process 3: School Reform Movement 96 Low Agency, Low Self-Efficacy 97 Relationships and Group Size 102 Hierarchy, Political Motivations and Implications 106 Chapter 5: Analysis and Conclusions 111 ​ Connections to Educational Change 111 Summary of Factors Affecting the Success of Change Processes 112 Agency and Self-Efficacy 112 Group Size and Relationships 114 Hierarchy 120 Political Motivations and Implications 124 Analysis of Methodology 125 Self-study and Autobiographical Inquiry 125 Memories and Emotions during Reflection Writing 125 Critical Friends 126 A Teacher’s Perspective On Educational Change 9 Conclusions 126 Take-aways for Future Designers and Leaders of Change Processes 126 Take-aways for Future Participants in Change Processes 129 Impact on My Future Practice 131 References 134 Appendix 1: Framework for Analysis 144 ​ A Teacher’s Perspective On Educational Change 10 Chapter 1: Introduction Attempts to create change within the education system usually create polarity; simultaneously welcomed and desired by some while feared and opposed or avoided by others. Whether embraced or abhorred, change processes require many resources. This investment may lead to end results that exceed expectations, results that differ from the intended objectives, or that produce no change at all. Through my ten years of high school teaching experience, I have been asked to be a part of changes that have affected nearly every aspect of my day-to-day teaching life. These have included implementing a new provincial curriculum, joining and integrating into an International Baccalaureate (IB) school, creating and leading a professional learning community (PLC), and being part of a team tasked with designing a new secondary school model. There has been a wide range of challenges, obstacles, successes and stressors in implementing these changes. Some change processes have progressed smoothly and shown positive results, while others have seemed unnecessary, ineffective and frustrating. In 2007, I was a new teacher at an English public secondary school in Quebec at a time when the new Quebec provincial curriculum, known as the Quebec Education Program (QEP), was being implemented at the secondary science level. The messages and tone I received from people directing the change were not in tune with the mood and messages I was getting from my teaching colleagues. What I heard from the school board consultants and administrators during that time was a message that change was necessary, that their new program and all that it entailed must happen as a complete package, and that all teachers needed to get on-board. This was in conflict with what I heard from teachers, who were feeling unconvinced, unprepared and A Teacher’s Perspective On Educational Change 11 unsupported. As a new teacher, it was a challenging time to join a school staff; veterans within the staff, who in less tumultuous times would have been confident support systems for new teachers like me, were being pushed out of their comfort zones, being asked to learn new teaching techniques, new terminology, and to think about instruction and assessment in ways they never had before. I was trained as a Science
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