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IGNATIUS NIGHT at the MOVIES Film List IP CODE DVD DVD Price FEATURE FILMS BAKM Bakhita $19.95 BER2M Bernadette: 150th Anniversary Edition $19.95 BDSM Blessed Duns Scotus $19.95 CFM Clare and Francis $19.95 DONBM Don Bosco - Special Edition $19.95 EDITHM Edith Stein: The Seventh Chamber $19.95 FAU2M Faustina: The Apostle of Mercy $19.95 GMSM God's Mighty Servant $19.95 IOLM Ignatius of Loyola: Soldier, Sinner, Saint $19.95 JATV2M Joan of Arc $19.95 J23M John XXIII $19.95 JNAM Joseph of Nazareth $19.95 LFLM Life for Life: Maximilian Kolbe $19.95 LOUM Lourdes $19.95 MGM Maria Goretti $19.95 MONAM Mary of Nazareth $19.95 MSTM Miracle of St. Therese $14.95 MT2M Mother Teresa $19.95 OGBM Our God’s Brother $19.95 PPMMM Padre Pio Miracle Man $19.95 PPBHEM Padre Pio: Between Heaven and Earth $19.95 P6M Paul VI: The Pope in the Tempest $19.95 P12M Pius XII: Under the Roman Sky $19.95 PJPIIM Pope John Paul II $19.95 RHRTM Restless Heart $19.95 STAM Saint Anthony: The Miracle Worker $19.95 SBABM Saint Barbara $19.95 STFRAM Saint Francis $19.95 SJBMLM Saint John Bosco Mission to Love $19.95 SMSFM Saint Maria Soledad $19.95 SPPOM Saint Pedro Poveda $19.95 SPETEM Saint Peter $19.95 SPNEM Saint Philip Neri $19.95 SRITAM Saint Rita $19.95 SGMOM St. Giuseppe Moscati $19.95 SJBSM St. John Baptist de la Salle $14.95 STANM St. Teresa of the Andes $29.95 THDM The 13th Day $19.95 GOGOM The Gardener of God $19.95 JSM The Jeweller's Shop $19.95 ND2M The Ninth Day $19.95 PBM The Passion of Bernadette $19.95 RSM The Reluctant Saint $19.95 DOCU-DRAMAS IFSPS In the Footprints of Saint Patrick $19.95 SACEM Saint Celestine $14.95 SAFAM Saint Francis of Assisi: His Life and Miracles $14.95 SEE2M Seelos: Tireless Intercessor $19.95 SARIM St. Rita of Cascia $14.95 DOCUMENTARIES Footprints of God series FGHGM 30Min. Overview of Holy Land - FOG: Over Holy Ground $12.95 FGAM Abraham: Father of Faith and Works $19.95 FGAFM Apostolic Fathers: Handing on the Faith $19.95 FGDSM David and Solomon: Expanding the Kingdom $19.95 FGJM Jesus: The Word Became Flesh $19.95 FGMAM Mary: The Mother of God $19.95 FGMOM Moses: Signs, Sacraments, Salvation $19.95 FGPAM Paul: Contending for the Faith $19.95 FGPEM Peter: Keeper of the Keys $19.95 FGEEM Elijah & Elisha $24.95 Other Documentaries CCCM Catechism of the Catholic Church (6-part series) $19.95 OSM Changing Sides $14.95 DTDM Defeating the Devil: Exorcists Tell Their Story $19.95 DJRM Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? $14.95 FOOFM Faith of Our Fathers $14.95 FFAM Finding Fatima $19.95 FSAM Finding St. Anthony $14.95 GFGM Gifts from God $14.95 GRAM Grace $14.95 HOSTM Hostia $14.95 JAMAM Jacques Maritain $14.95 PJPKLM John Paul II: I Kept Looking for You $14.95 LKLIM Lead Kindly Light: The Life and Message of Blessed John Henry Newman $19.95 LGFGM Lost Gospels or False Gospels? $14.95 MGPM Marriage: God’s Design for Life and Love $19.95 MFKM Miracle of Fr. Kapaun $19.95 MIRAM Miracles $14.95 NOGLM No Greater Love $14.95 OM2M Ocean of Mercy $19.95 PAVIM Paul VI: The Misunderstood Pope $14.95 PJ23M Pope John XXIII: The Real Pope and Saint $14.95 PRAM Prayer: A Surge of the Heart $14.95 RM:1M Religious Mysteries Volume 1 $19.95 RM:2M Religious Mysteries Volume 2 $19.95 FFP2M Saint Maria Goretti: Fourteen Flowers of Pardon $14.95 STCJM Saint Therese of the Child Jesus $19.95 SCPPP2M Solanus Casey $19.95 ECHM The Early Christians (9 – ½ hour programs) $24.95 LTHIM The Last Things $14.95 RJ23M The Revolution of John XXIII $19.95 SOSTM The Secret of Saint Therese $19.95 SHR2M The Shroud of Turin $24.95 SONM The Story of the Nativity $14.95 WSJM The Way of Saint James $14.95 WCOUM The Why? Course (3 – 25Min episodes) $14.95 WOMAM The Woman $14.95 TBPM To Be A Pilgrim $14.95 WPFM Who Is Pope Francis? $14.95 WGIRM With God in Russia $14.95 Your site license package will include three DVDs of the film you choose to show. The cost of your package is the retail price of the DVD times 3. Shipping is free in the Continental U.S. See Site License Agreement for additional shipping to Canada, HI and AK. To figure the cost of your package: Retail price of the DVD__$_________________x 3 = ___$___________________ IP INM Film List_01-2019 .