A Tourist’s guide to Grenoble In Grenoble, let innovation inspire your events! 6HWLQDEUHDWKWDNLQJQDWXUDO HQYLURQPHQWDWWKHKHDUWRI WKH)UHQFK$OSV*UHQREOHKDV LQQRYDWLRQZULWWHQDOORYHULW &RQYHQWLRQ%XUHDX The greater Grenoble area is home to many universities and competitive international research centers. It also stands out for its strong policies in favour of sustainable development. This means that, like the city’s VFLHQWLÀFUHVHDUFKDGYDQFHVLWV companies also shine on the world scene. Enterprises specialized in outdoor activities and especially mountain activities drive Grenoble’s dynamic economy. Grenoble boasts a wealth of exceptional cultural and heritage sites, with two national stages, more than a dozen museums, and numerous festivals. On top of all this, the city offers three convention centers that can welcome up to 3000 people, 200 meeting facilities, more than 4500 starred hotel rooms, plus several charming and unique venues. :LWKRXWDGRXEW*UHQREOHLVD 7RXULVW2IÀFH&RQYHQWLRQ%XUHDX WRSSLFNIRUSURIHVVLRQDOHYHQW 14 rue de la République - 38000 Grenoble - France RUJDQL]HUV Tel. +33 (0)4 76 03 37 53
[email protected] Table of contents Welcome to Grenoble ..............................................................................................................5 Highlights ................................................................................................................................................6 Dauphinois delights ................................................................................................................10