On the Neoclassical Tradition in Labor Economics Bruce E. Kaufman Department of Economics Georgia State University Atlanta GA 30303 April 8, 2002
[email protected] The author acknowledges with appreciation the helpful comments received from John Addison, Barry Hirsch, and John Pencavel on an earlier draft of this paper. 1 Abstract In a recent article George Boyer and Robert Smith describe the development of the neoclassical tradition in labor economics. In this paper I re-examine this subject and provide an alternative account of the evolution of thought in the field. I argue Boyer and Smith incorrectly define both the institutional and neoclassical approaches to labor market analysis. The essence of institutional economics is not a fact-gathering, descriptive approach, but a paradigm built on property rights, a behavioral model of the human agent, and theories of imperfect competition. In the case of the neoclassical paradigm, they err by defining it too broadly, making it largely coterminous with constrained optimization. What they refer to as neoclassical labor economics is actually divided into two separate theoretical approaches, one a market-clearing approach associated with the modern Chicago School and the second a nonmarket-clearing approach associated with economists of what I refer to as the "Cambridge Group." Viewed in this manner, the early institutionalists, the postwar labor economists (e.g., Dunlop, Kerr, Lester, and Reynolds), and the labor economists affiliated with the Cambridge Group are all within a common stream of economic thought built around Keynesian economics at the macro level and various non-clearing market models at the micro level.