Conducteur Chic
CCCHHHIIICCC ––– 444000 xxx 222666’’’ This image-packed feature program deciphers trends in fashion, architecture, gastronomy and design, presenting a world of creativity and wellbeing. Chic ! goes in search of those who aspire to a different way of life, and discovers surprising initiatives, off-beat life-styles, and unusual creations… “Chic ! meets” A creative talent welcomes us for four days to his or her world, interior, and town or city, sharing their favourite addresses, and revealing a personality of their choice: The designer Martino Gamper, pastry chef Cristian Escriba, interior designer Paola Navone, designer Zandra Rhodes… “Rising Trends” Deciphering new trends, discovering new practices: Temporary shops, cooking with candy, luxury for hire, the new bathrooms, fashion illustrators “A potted history” Exploring familiar every-day living though the history and etymology of cult objects, designer furniture, food, and inventions: Converse, table football, the fan, Monopoly, Chupa Chups, the Polaroïd… “Insights” Viewers invite us to visit an outstanding or unusual place and to discover their original or offbeat life styles: Puerta American Madrid, a restaurant in a church, living in a water tower, working under a tree… CCCOOONNNDDDUUUCCCTTTEEEUUURRR CCCHHHIIICCC Site web : PROGRAM N°1 “Chic ! meets” : Zandra Rhodes, Glam Rock fantasy Broadcast on 24 November 2005 We went to London to meet Zandra Rhodes. The designer, who was the height of fashion in the 60s, invites us to her London apartment on the roof of the Fashion and Textile Museum. A South American-style interior fuses with glam rock fantasy at her brightly coloured home. "A potted history" of the Mont Blanc pen Broadcast on 4 April 2006 This little gem of a writing implement was born in 1906 out of a meeting with three German businessmen.
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