TAPPAN ZEE HIGH SCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCT/STUDENT HANDBOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Please read, sign, and return this acknowledgement AND the Emergency Contact Information on the back of this sheet to your homeroom teacher by Friday, September 11, 2020. I have received and reviewed the information contained in the Tappan Zee High School Student Handbook and agree to abide by the rules, regulations, and procedures contained therein. Student Name ____________________________________ (Please Print) Student Signature __________________________________ Grade _______________ Date _______________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date Printed Parent/Guardian Name 1 EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION 2020-2021 STUDENT: Grade: Last Name First Name STUDENT HOME PHONE: PARENT: Last Name First Name Phone 1: ( ) Cell ___Work___Home___ Check one Phone 2: ( ) Cell ___Work___Home___ Check one PARENT: Last Name First Name Phone 1: ( ) Cell ___Work___Home___ Check one Phone 2: ( ) Cell ___Work___Home___ Check one OTHER CONTACTS In the event of an emergency, the parent/guardian will be contacted first. Please list additional people to whom you give us permission to release your child to in the event of an emergency school closing. Contact 1: Last Name First Name Phone: ( ) Cell ___Work___Home___ Check one Contact 2: Last Name First Name Phone: ( ) Cell ___Work___Home___ Check one Contact 3: Last Name First Name Phone: ( ) Cell ___Work___Home___ Check one You may also change this information at any time by emailing
[email protected] or calling 845-680-1654. 2 2020-2021 TAPPAN ZEE