Key Stage Three History Curriculum Outline

Year 7 Curriculum

Pupils will start with a short “Introduction to secondary History” course, before studying a chronological overview of British history, beginning with the Norman conquest and ending with the Tudors. All pupils are in mixed ability classes and study the same curriculum. A key assessment will take place at the end of each unit. Pupils will undertake extended homework projects which will relate to what they are studying in class.

Timeline Content and assessments Skills/ Keywords

Term 1 ● What is History and how do we study it? ● Using evidence ● Who were the claimants to the English throne in 1066? ● Cause and consequence ● The Battle of Stamford Bridge ● Communication ● The Battle of Hastings and why William won William of Normandy, Harald Haardrada, Assessment: “William’s actions were the main reason for his victory Harold Godwinson, Hastings, Arrow, Vikings, ​ at the Battle of Hastings.” Norway, Wessex, How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. (16 Cavalry, Shield, Monarch, King, Tactics, marks + 4 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Stamford Bridge, Normans, Cause, Consequence

Term 2 ● How did William the Conqueror gain and keep control of ● Change and continuity England ● Communication ● English uprisings and the use of Norman force to crush them ● The feudal system William Duke of Normandy, William the ● The Domesday Book Conqueror, Castle, Harrying of the North, ● Castles Taxes, The Domesday Assessment: Write an account of how William gained and kept Book, the Feudal System, Castle, Stone Keep, ​ control of England after 1066. (8 marks) Motte and Bailey

Terms 3 ● Medieval life ● Using evidence and 4 ● Role of the Church ● Communication ● The Peasants’ Revolt ● The Black Death Feudal system, Poll tax, Rebellion, Peasant, ● The Crusades Black Death, Buboe, Pandemic, Epidemic, Flagellants, Miasma, Crusade, Pilgrimage, Assessment: Source C supports the Christians. How do you know? Pilgrim, Holy Land, Relic, Shrine, Christian, ​ (4 marks) Muslim, Jew

Term 5 ● The Renaissance Renaissance, Printing press, Symmetry, ● Art, architecture, religion, science, literature, key figures Progress, Architecture, Medicine, Literature, ● The printing press Anatomy, Donatello, Michaelangelo, Vesalius ● Comparing the Renaissance period to the Medieval period

Assessment: Was Leonardo da Vinci the greatest genius of the ​ Renaissance?

Term 6 ● The Wars of the Roses ● Historical interpretations ● Who were the Tudors? ● Communication ● Henry VII ● Henry VIII Civil War, House of York, House of Lancaster, ● The Reformation Richard III, Tyrant, Catholic, Protestant, Reformation, Relic, Shrine Assessment: How convincing is Interpretation A about Henry VIII’s ​ motivation to reform the Church of England?

How to support your son: ● Encourage your son to watch the news (we recommend News Round) and to be interested in current affairs ● Encourage your son to do his own research on the middle ages and what life was like in England ● Help your son to come up with a list of questions he would like to answer from his research ● Use the internet to look at different sections of the Bayeaux tapestry (Battle of Hastings) ● Visit some local Castles like Farleigh Hungerford or Nunney Castle ● Encourage your son to read some historical fiction, such as Kevin Crossley-Holland’s The Seeing Stone ​ ● Encourage your son to read about the different personalities of the Tudor Monarchs

Year 8 Curriculum

Pupils will start with a short overview of the momentous changes in Britain between Henry VIII’s “Break From Rome” and the start of WW1, as well as the challenging issues involved in the history of slavery and civil rights in America. All pupils are in mixed ability classes and study the same curriculum. A key assessment will take place at the end of each unit. Pupils will undertake extended homework projects which will relate to what they are studying in class.

Timeline Content and assessments Skills/ Keywords

Term 1 ● The Tudor Religious Roller-Coaster Divorce, Schism, Reformation, Catholic, Protestant, Dissolution, Regent, Martyr, ● The King’s Great Matter & Break from Rome Indulgences, Gloriana, Armada, Virgin, Monarch, Recusant, Religious Settlement, ● Boy King Edward VI Martyr, Poor Law, Vagabonds

● Bloody Mary

● Elizabeth as ‘The Lion’s Cub

● Elizabeth’s ‘Middle Way’ & Religious Settlement ● What did Elizabeth actually look like? Portraiture & Propaganda

● The Mary Queen of Scots saga

● The Armada

Assessment: “The Spanish Armada was defeated because of the experience of the English commanders”. How far do you agree with this statement? Term 2 ● The Stuarts, The Civil War & The Protectorate ● Plot, Execution, Assasination, Coup ● James I & religious extremism d’etat, Spymaster, Conspiracy ● Cavalry, Infantry, Divine Right of Kings, ● The Gunpowder Plot Civil War, Musketeer, Parliamentarian,

Pikeman, Royalist, Propaganda, ● The Pilgrim Fathers Regicide, Death Warrant, Republic, ● Portraiture & Propaganda Roundhead, Cavalier, Ship tax, Tyrant, Puritan, New Model Army ● Eleven Years of Tyranny? Causing the Civil War ● Interregnum, Lord Protector, Major-General, Republic, ● Who fought who? Cavaliers vs Roundheads Commonwealth Prince Rupert vs ‘Black Tom’ Fairfax ● Witchcraft, Witchfinder General, Superstition, Witch trial, Witch hunt, How? Tactics, weaponry, New Model Army Familiar

Where? Battles of; Edgehill 1642

Newbury 1643 Marston Moor 1644 Naseby 1645 Regicide

● The Puritan Republic in action

● Witchcraft - why were so many harmless women legally murdered by their neighbours?


Term 3 ● Royal Restoration & Scientific Revolution ● Restoration, Coronation, Bubonic, ● The usual Charles II stories; Pneumonic, Epidemic, Plague doctor, Immunity, Firestorm, Diarist 1. Charles II as ‘King of Bling’ ● Anatomy, Amputate, Philosophy, Age of 2. 1665 Plague Reason, Astronomer, Inventor, Genius 3. 1666 Great Fire 4. 1685 death ● The clever stuff

MEDICINE – Andreas Vesalius & anatomy

Ambroise Pare & blood loss control

William Harvey & physiology COSMOLOGY – Nikolaus Copernicus + Galileo Galilei & astronomy Edmund Halley & comets TECHNOLOGY – Christiaan Huygens & technology Thomas Savery & steam power PHILOSOPHY - John Locke & society

SCIENCE - Robert Boyle & chemistry

Francis Bacon & scientific methodology

Isaac Newton & gravity

Assessment: The Scientific Revolution via ‘Dragon’s Den’ pitch to The Royal Society ● Agriculture, Rural, Workhouse, ● The ‘Industrial Revolution’ era - the 5 revolutions; Domestic System, Entrepreneur, 1. Agricultural Industrialisation, Urbanisation, Factory, 2. Demographic Steam power, Apprentice, Spinning 3. Industrial machine, Steam engine, Canal, Railway, 4. Social / Urban Democracy 5. Transport

Term 4 ● Empire & Slavery ● Slave. Abolitionist, Plantation, Slave ● Part 1 - The British story from Hawkins to Wilberforce Trader, Merchants, Middle Passage, ● Connections between Industrial Revolution and slave trade Triangular Trade, Empire, Business, ● The Triangular Trade Cash crop, Manufactured goodsCivil ● The West Indian experience War, Abolition, Union States, ● Abolition; campaigning => 1807 & 1833 Confederate States, Slavery, Emancipation, Reconstruction, ● Civil Rights in the USA Migration, Jim Crow Laws, Segregation, ● Part 2 - The American story from Lincoln to Obama Racism, Discrimination, Lynching, Civil th th ● Civil War & Emancipation; 13 ​ & 14 ​ Amendments rights, Equality, Deep South, Passive ​ ​ Resistance, Active Resistance, Privilege, ● ‘Reconstruction’, the KKK and ‘Jim Crow’ vHistorical legacy of slavery, Affirmative ● The Great Migration, the NAACP and The Harlem action Renaissance ● The 1950s – Brown vs Topeka => Little Rock ● The 1960s - Integration vs Separatism ● Successes vs ongoing problems

Terms 5 ● The First World War ● World War, Short-term cause, Long-term ​ and 6 ● How did a sandwich cause a global war? > long term cause, Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, and short term causes of WW1 Assassination, Trench System, Offensive, ● Why did most soldiers live underground? > origins and Defensive, Strategy, Attrition, Allies, development of trench warfare on Western Front Armistice, Conscientious Objector, Court ● Would you have been scared of ‘Big Bertha’? > martial, Cowardice, Desertion, Valour, understanding of WW1 weaponry and battle tactics Hand Grenade, Pals Battalion, ● What was Tommy’s daily routine? > exploration of realities Patriotism, Propaganda, Shell Shock, of life in the trenches Shrapnel, Trench Foot, Trench Fever, ● Why did Miss Perkins turn into a canary and explode? > Bully Beef actualities of ‘’ and input of women on the home front ● Was the white feather more frightening than the firing squad? > roles of coercion, public opinion, propaganda etc in ‘feeding the front’ ● Was it really ‘lions led by donkeys’? > examination of Haig/’tommies’ reputations ● Dix or Owen? > consideration of evocations of the horrors of trench warfare by artists and poets ● Was the German Army ‘stabbed in the back’? > understanding of Western Front end-game campaigns in 1918 ● Peace at last or a 20 year truce? > consideration of the Treaty of Versailles

Assessment: END OF YEAR 8 EXAM

Year 9 Curriculum

Pupils will start with a short overview of some of the tumultuous and dramatic events of the 20th century which they will be studying, as well as ‘health warnings’ about the challenging issues involved. All pupils are in mixed ability classes and study the same curriculum. A key assessment will take place at the end of each unit. Pupils will undertake extended homework projects which will relate to what they are studying in class.

Timeline Content and assessments Skills/ Keywords

Term 1 ● Completion of WW1 studies from Year 8 ● See Year 8 listing

Assessment: To what extent was trench warfare ‘hell on earth’? Students to create a presentation in a medium of their choice, and write a reasoned and substantiated judgement [nb examples by other students, esp. models, poetry and art]

Terms 2 ● The rise of Nazism, the Second World War & ● Nazi, Nationalism, Socialism, and 3 Was every Nazi belief based on hatred? Anti-semitism, Appeasement, , > Exploration of Nazi ideology Civilian, Concentration, Concentration Would you have been a Nazi? camp, Dictatorship, Eugenics, > Understanding of appeal of Nazi promises Evacuation, Facism, Democracy, Fuhrer, How did Member number 555 become Fuhrer Hitler? Genocide, Gestapo, Holocaust, Home >1919>1933 process of ‘Machtergreifung’ Front, Luftwaffe, Nationlist, Persecution, Did ordinary Germans support Hitler because of fear or Western Front, Eastern Front, Soviet persuasion? Union, Communism, Swastika > Understanding of ‘Gleichschaltung’ via power of Himmler’s SS state and effectiveness of Goebbels’ Ministry of Propaganda How totalitarian were the Nazis? > Insight into workings of Third Reich [?compare with Stalinist USSR]

What, How and Why platforms to explore the Holocaust Complete Holocaust studies with assessment exposition – Why have we devoted so much time to studying Nazi racism?

Was World War 2 inevitable? How global was WW2? Why didn’t Britain lose in 1940? Which was the most important WW2 weapon, and why? Did the sun always shine on the British armed forces? Which was the most important WW2 battle, and why?

ASSESSMENT - DUNKIRK 16 MARK question. “Operation Dynamo was a military success”. How far do you agree with this statement?

Term 4 ● The ● Communism, Capitalism, Arms race, ● What do communists believe? MAD, Thermonuclear armageddon , ● What do capitalists believe? NATO, Warsaw Pact, Cold War, ● What was ‘cold’ about the East-West conflict between 1945 & Dictator, vCIA, KGB, Spy, Soviet Union, 1991? Traitor, Treason, Stalinism, Domino ● How did the Cold War grow out of WW2? Theory, Economic warfare, Psychological ● Were the wars in Asia inevitable? warfare, Sleeper, Viet Cong, NVA, GI, ● How did Charlie defeat Uncle Sam? Conscription, Draft , Draft dodger, ● Who won the Space Race? ARVN, Peace treaty, Anti-war ● Does MAD make sense? movement, Hippies


Term 5 ● The War on Terror & aspects of post-1945 world history ● Terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism, ● What is the difference between a freedom fighter and a Democracy, Petrodollar, Regime change, terrorist? Conspiracy, Multicultural, Globalisation, ● How do you fight a war with no battlefields? Radicalisation, Age of Affluence, ● How do you defeat an idea? Swinging Sixties, Recession, ● Who, When, Where, What, How and Why platforms to Privatisation explore Multicultural Britain ● Did granny and mum have more fun as teenagers than I do? Compare ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s & Noughties with today re entertainment, technology, work & home, transport etc


Term 6 ● GCSE intro projects ● Jazz music, Flapper, Production line, ● 1920s America – The ‘Jazz Age’ vs the ‘Dark Side’ Credit, Shares, Standard of living, ● The groovy new stuff; Cinema, Fashion, Music, Art & Post-war, Pre-war, Migration, Economic ​ architecture, Technology ● The ‘Dark Side’; organised crime, racism & the Klan, immigrant Boom, Prohibition, Bootlegger, ​ poverty, the Red Scare Hollywood

Assessment: END OF YEAR 9 EXAM ● Organised crime, FBI, Mafia, Racism, Immigration, Overproduction, Underconsumption, Market saturation, Economic crash, Financial Depression, Homelessness, Bankruptcy, Tent cities, Red Scare, Union