CONTENTS Page r. summary 1 II. The need for more adequate infonnation on Material Supply 4 III. The effects •f material shortages 6 A. On Construction Volume 6 B, On Construction Time 6 c. On Prices 7 IV. Supply and price trends since V-J Day 13 A. Production levels at the end of the war 13 1. The general level 13 2. Lumber and wood products 14 3. Preducts made from iron and steel 17 4. Other products 18 B. VEHP production aids and controls 19 1. Priority assistance 20 2. Production directives 20 3. Premium payments 21 :1 Labor recruiting 22 4. )1 , s~ Special lumber programs 22 6. Aids f•r new materials 23 7. Infonnal expediting assistance 23 • c. The supply situation in 1946 23 1. Materials output 23 2. Construction costs and volume 24 n. Supply trends in the decontrol peri•d 25 1. Relaxation of centrals 25 2. Initial effects on production, prices and demand 26 3. Current trends and eutlook 27 v. Current and future supply problems 30 APPENDIXES A. Preblems ef individual materials B. statistical tables Rsusing and Home Finance Agency Februar.r 4, 1948 ...... ..,1!11!'19! ..U-""l!lllll .... -•1111!1•t'l!llt. •a _u...,.:.. !l!l!!h""H-. ..,+,...,,.., --"""'""''-•-.~.,.......,.....,..._.,,,__ . ..,,.,..,...,.,""". ~.,.... """'""' ·-· _......,, ·-x•-1'*'°"""'.1. -·•-••¥.1'24111!11!u;t!ll'P.. !ll!!t!lll .. tl!!!'J!!!!!Hl!!l!M" . l!IJ... llJ!l.MUl!Q!ll!l!#llllll 1111!!.,
[email protected]•™·- · ~ .. ~ _,,,~~ ! BUILDING W\.TERIAL SUPPLY I, SUMMARY Building material shortages were the primary: limj.ting factors in the volUi~e of housing construction immediately after the end of the war; and at the present time more than two years cU'ter v ...