Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Founded Jointly by F. Korte and F

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Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Founded Jointly by F. Korte and F FEB – Fresenius Environmental Bulletin founded jointly by F. Korte and F. Coulston Production by PSP – Parlar Scientific Publications, Angerstr. 12, 85354 Freising, Germany in cooperation with Lehrstuhl für Chemisch-Technische Analyse und Lebensmitteltechnologie, Technische Universität München, 85350 Freising - Weihenstephan, Germany Copyright © by PSP – Parlar Scientific Publications, Angerstr. 12, 85354 Freising, Germany. All rights are reserved, especially the right to translate into foreign language. No part of the journal may be reproduced in any form- through photocopying, microfilming or other processes- or converted to a machine language, especially for data processing equipment- without the written permission of the publisher. The rights of reproduction by lecture, radio and television transmission, magnetic sound recording or similar means are also reserved. Printed in GERMANY – ISSN 1018-4619 © by PSP Volume 24 – No 11c. 2015 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin FEB - EDITORIAL BOARD Environmental Toxicology: Prof. Dr. H. Greim Chief Editor: Senatskomm. d. DFG z. Prüfung gesundheitsschädl. Arbeitsstoffe TU München, 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany Prof. Dr. H. Parlar Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Analytische Chemie Prof. Dr. A. Kettrup TU München - 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Analytische Chemie e-mail: [email protected] TU München - 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany FEB - ADVISORY BOARD Co-Editors: Environmental Analytical Chemistry: Environmental Analytical Chemistry: K. Ballschmitter, D - K. Bester, D - K. Fischer, D - R. Kallenborn, N Dr. D. Kotzias D.C.G. Muir, CAN - R. Niessner, D - W. Vetter, D – R. Spaccini, I Via Germania 29 21027 Barza (Va) ITALY Environmental Proteomic and Biology: D. Adelung, D - G.I. Kvesitadze, GEOR A. Reichlmayr-Lais, D - C. Steinberg, D Environmental Proteomic and Biology: Environmental Chemistry: Prof. Dr. A. Görg Fachgebiet Proteomik J.P. Lay, D - J. Burhenne, D - S. Nitz, D - R. Kreuzig, D TU München - 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany D. L. Swackhammer, U.S.A. - R. Zepp, U.S.A. – T. Alpay, TR V. Librando; I Prof. Dr. A. Piccolo Università di Napoli “Frederico II”, Environmental Management: Dipto. Di Scienze Chimico-Agrarie Via Università 100, 80055 Portici (Napoli), Italy L.O. Ruzo, U.S.A - U. Schlottmann, D Prof. Dr. G. Schüürmann UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum, Environmental Toxicology: Sektion Chemische Ökotoxikologie Leipzig-Halle GmbH, K.-W. Schramm, D - H. Frank, D - D. Schulz-Jander, U.S.A. - Permoserstr.15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany H.U. Wolf, D – M. McLachlan, S Environmental Chemistry: Prof. Dr. M. Bahadir Managing Editor: Institut für Ökologische Chemie und Abfallanalytik TU Braunschweig Dr. G. Leupold Hagenring 30, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany Editorial Chief-Officer: Prof. Dr. M. Spiteller Selma Parlar Institut für Umweltforschung Universität Dortmund PSP- Parlar Scientific Publications Otto-Hahn-Str. 6, 44221 Dortmund, Germany Angerstr.12, 85354 Freising, Germany e-mail: [email protected] - Prof. Dr. Ivan Holoubek RECETOX_TOCOEN Marketing Chief Manager: Kamenice 126/3, 62500 Brno, Czech Republic Max-Josef Kirchmaier MASELL-Agency for Marketing & Communication, Public-Rela- tions Environmental Management: Angerstr.12, 85354 Freising, Germany Dr. H. Schlesing e-mail: [email protected] - Secretary General, EARTO, Rue de Luxembourg,3, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Prof. Dr. F. Vosniakos T.E.I. of Thessaloniki, Applied Physics Lab. Abstracted/ indexed in: Biology & Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 14561, 54101 Thessaloniki, Greece BIOSIS, C.A.B. International, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Current Awareness, Current Contents/ Agricul- Dr. K.I. Nikolaou ture, CSA Civil Engineering Abstracts, CSA Mechanical & Trans- Organization of the Master Plan & portation Engineering, IBIDS database, Information Ventures, NISC, Environmental Protection of Thessaloniki (OMPEPT) Research Alert, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI Expanded), 54636 Thessaloniki, Greece SciSearch, Selected Water Resources Abstracts 0 © by PSP Volume 24 – No 11c. 2015 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin CONTENTS ORIGINAL PAPERS EFFECTS OF POLY(2-ETHYL-2-OXAZOLINE) EXPOSURE 4072 ON OVARY HISTOLOGY OF ZEBRAFISH (Danio rerio) Nazan Deniz Yön, Cansu Akbulut, Selda Güneş, Müge Alsaran, Uğursoy Olgun, Figen Esin Kayhan and Güllü Kaymak INVESTIGATION OF MYXOMYCETES DIVERSITY ON 4077 KUSEYR MOUNTAIN; THREE NEW RECORDS IN HATAY/TURKEY Hayri Baba MONITORING SOIL RESPIRATION DYNAMICS DURING THE BIODEGRADATION OF 4087 CRUDE OIL CONTAMINATED SOIL UNDER DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Xinping Zhu, Pujia Yu, Ni Han, Hongtao Jia, Xinjun Wang, and Kobil Gafurovitch Kodirov THE EFFECT OF PLANTING GEOMETRY AND SEED PRIMING 4095 ON SUNFLOWER YIELD UNDER RAIN-FED CONDITIONS Mehmet Demir Kaya, Suay Bayramin and Gamze Kaya LIFE TABLE CHARACTERISTICS OF Orius minutus (L.) 4102 (HEMIPTERA: ANTHOCORIDAE) FEEDING ON Bemisia tabaci (GENNADIUS) (HEMIPTERA: ALEYRODIDAE) AT THE LABORATORY CONDITIONS Davut Efe, Mehmet Salih Özgökçe and İsmail Karaca RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 4108 OF SOILS AND NUTRIENT STATUS OF PLANTS ON YIELD OF POTATO Kürşat Korkmaz, Özbay Dede, Halil Erdem, Soner Çankaya and Mehmet Akgün DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF A DIATOM-BASED INDEX OF BIOTIC INTEGRITY FOR 4114 RIVER ECOSYSTEMS IMPACTED BY ACID MINE DRAINAGE IN GAOLAN RIVER, CHINA Xiaoyu Dong, Xinghuan Jia, Wanxiang Jiang, Naicheng Wu, Tao Tang and Qinghua Cai DEVELOPING A CLIMATE-BASED RECREATION 4125 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR A MEDITERRANEAN ISLAND Hossein G.T. Olya and Habib Alipour QUANTIFICATION OF THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF 4142 EXPOSURE TO AIR POLLUTION (NO2) IN TABRIZ, IRAN Mohammad Ghanbari Ghozikali, Alessandro Borgini, Andrea Tittarelli, Abdeltif Amrane, Kazem Naddafi, Mahmoud Mohammadyan, Gholamreza Goudarzi, Roberto Bono and Behzad Heibati IMPACT OF COPPER AND ITS Ca MIXTURES ON THE 4149 GLUTATHIONE S-TRANSFERASE ACTIVITY, GLUTATHIONE LEVEL AND METAL ACCUMULATION IN TISSUES OF FRESHWATER FISH Oreochromis niloticus Gülbin Firidin and Ferit Kargın 4070 © by PSP Volume 24 – No 11c. 2015 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin ANTIMONY DISTRIBUTION AND EFFECT FACTORS 4157 IN THE SURFACE SEDIMENT OF NANSI LAKE, CHINA Tongguang Shi, Lu Zhang, Yuanxin Cao and Shiliang Wang EVALUATION OF CONTAMINATION DATA 4165 WITH NON-DETECTS USING CENSORED DISTRIBUTIONS Michal Fusek, Jaroslav Michálek and Milada Vávrová DIRECT APPLICATIONS OF CERIUM AND YTTRIUM ON VEGETABLE PAK CHOI 4173 Yu-Fu Hu, Cheng-Ming Yuan, Shuang-Long Jiang, Ke-Ya Ma, Jia-Jia Peng, Qin Pu and Shu Yuan A METHOD OF USING ELECTROCOAGULATION-FLOTATION 4179 TECHNOLOGY FOR TREATING ZINC-CONTAINING SIMULATED WASTEWATER Ni Liu, Qiaoping Kong, Hongxiang Zhu, Xuejuan Cao, Jin Wang, Hui He and Shuangfei Wang PREGNANCY EXPOSURE TO ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTANTS 4184 AND PLACENTAL WEIGHT IN A TUNISIAN POPULATION Abdel Halim Harrath, Saleh Alwasel, Ichrak Khaled, Lamjed Mansour, Alexander V. Sirotkin and Mohammed F. Faramawi ARE THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC PERFORMANCE INDEXES AND THE 4190 DROUGHT FACTOR INDEX SATISFACTORY SELECTION CRITERION FOR STRESS? Nuran Çiçek, Özlem Arslan, Şeküre Çulha-Erdal, Füsun Eyidoğan and Yasemin Ekmekçi DOES THE ASSOCIATION OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI AND TWO- 4199 SPOTTED SPIDER MITE INCREASE GOSSYPOL SYNTHESIS IN TWO COTTON CULTIVARS? Ozan Demirözer, Hülya Özgönen Özkaya, Tolga Aldemir and Melis Karapire SYNTHESIS OF SnS2-CNT NANOCOMPOSITES WITH EXIMIOUS 4205 VISIBLE-LIGHT-DRIVEN PHOTOCATALYTIC DEGRADATION OF TBA Ze-Da Meng, Lei Zhu, Kefayat Ullah, Shu Ye and Won-Chun Oh TRANSFER FACTOR AS INDICATOR OF HEAVY METALS CONTENT IN PLANTS 4212 Nataša Mirecki, Rukie Agič, Ljubomir Šunić, Lidija Milenković and Zoran S. Ilić TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENT, PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENT CONCENTRATION AND 4220 ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF LEAVES AND BULBS OF SELECTED Eucomis L'Hér. TAXA Piotr Salachna, Monika Grzeszczuk and Janusz Wilas INDEX 4226 4071 © by PSP Volume 24 – No 11c. 2015 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin EFFECTS OF POLY(2-ETHYL-2-OXAZOLINE) EXPOSURE ON OVARY HISTOLOGY OF ZEBRAFISH (Danio rerio) Nazan Deniz Yön1,*, Cansu Akbulut1, Selda Güneş1, Müge Alsaran1, Uğursoy Olgun2, Figen Esin Kayhan3 and Güllü Kaymak1 1Sakarya University Department of Biology, Sakarya, Turkey 2Sakarya University Department of Chemistry, Sakarya, Turkey 3 Marmara Universtiy, Department of Biology, İstanbul, Turkey ABSTRACT Poly (2-oxazoline)s are one of the class of poly(oxa- zolines) which has been studied since 1960s [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Poly(2-oxazoline)s have been widely used in biomed- 9, 10]. Poly(oxazolines) are generally used in adhesive and ical applications for the last years. They can mimick natu- coating formulatons [11, 12, 13] as pigment dispersants in ral systems and they generally used as liposomes, drug and inks and drug in delivery applications [14,15]. Polyoxazo- gene deliver and pseudopeptides. In this study histological line-based or polyoxazoline-derived polymers can mimick effects of different doses (10 mg/L, 50mg/L) of poly(2- natural systems so they have significant application poten- ethyl-2oxazoline) on ovary tissue of zebrafish were inves- tial in a large number of technological contexts, whether tigated. After 5 days of administation, ovary tissues were this be the formation of stealth liposomes, or formation of dissected and histomorphological changes investigated un- membrane structures and it’s used as carriers of drugs or as der light microscope. Severe structural deformation
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