The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long Hanoi
Consultations: ICOMOS consulted its International Scientific Committees on Archaeological Heritage The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long Management and on Historic Towns and Villages, and Hanoi (Vietnam) independent experts. No 1328 Literature consulted (selection): Amis du Patrimoine Architectural du Viet Nam, Colloque Unesco: Sauvegarde du centre historique de Hanoi, 1993, Paris, APAV. Official name as proposed by the State Party: Brooks, G., Hanoi, Viet Nam – Conservation of an ancient city in The Central Sector of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long- transition, The heritage and social changes symposium papers, Hanoi Sofia, BNC/ICOMOS, 1996, pp. 239-41. Location: Decoster, F., and Klouche, D., 1997, Hanoi, Paris, Institut français d’architecture & CNRS. National Capital Logan, W. S., 2000, Hanoi, biography of a city, Sydney, UNSW Hanoi Press. Socialist Republic of Vietnam Papin, Ph., 2001, Histoire de Hanoi, Paris, Fayard. Brief description: Sauvegarde et développement du patrimoine de Hanoi et Hué, 1994, UNESCO, Paris. The Thang Long Imperial Citadel was built in the 11th century by the Ly Viet Dynasty, marking the Technical evaluation mission: 19-22 September 2009 independence of the Dai Viet. It was built on the remains of a Chinese fortress dating from the 7th century, on Additional information requested and received from the drained land reclaimed from the Red River Delta in State Party: None Hanoi. It was the centre of regional political power for almost thirteen centuries without interruption. Date of ICOMOS approval of this report: 17 March 2010 The Imperial Citadel buildings and the remains in the 18 Hoang Dieu Archaeological Site reflect a unique South- 2.
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