Eau Claire County Board of Land Use Appeals AGENDA
Eau Claire County Board of Land Use Appeals 721 Oxford Avenue, Room 1277 • Eau Claire, Wisconsin Wednesday, March 13, 2019 • 5:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Confirmation of Public Hearing Notice 3. Appointment of interim – secretary (clerk) / Discussion – Action 4. A request for a variance from the Title 17 of the Eau Claire County Code to disturb slopes in excess of 30 percent for the purpose of constructing an accessory structure, (Town of Washington) / Discussion – Action 5. Review / Approval of Minutes from January 28, 2019 / Discussion – Action 6. Adjournment Post: 3/06/2019 - Media, Committee members, Rod Eslinger, Jared Grande Please note: upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through sign language, interpreters or other auxiliary aids. For additional information or to request the service, contact the County ADA Coordinator at 715/839-4710 (FAX) 715/839-1669 or (TDD) 715/839-4735 or by writing to the ADA coordinator, Human Resources Department, Eau Claire County Courthouse, 721 Oxford Ave., Eau Claire Wisconsin 54703. EAU CLAIRE COUNTY BOARD OF LAND USE APPEALS STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION - VAR-0002-19 DATE PREPARED: March 7, 2019 PUBLIC HEARING DATE: March 13, 2019 PROPERTY OWNER: Maurice Minnefield, 700 Harris St, Ste. 201, Charlottesville, VA 22903 AGENT: City Desk Studio PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Parcel #1 – SW ¼, NW ¼, Section 3, T26N - R8W PARCEL SIZE: Parcel #1 – 9.82 acres ZONING DISTRICT: A-2 Agriculture – Residential District EXHIBITS 1. Staff Report 2. Variance Application 3. PowerPoint with site pictures and video REQUEST AND BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a variance from the Board of Land Use Appeals (Board) to disturb slopes in excess of 30% to build a drum room, echo chamber and isolation pod onto an existing single-family residence.
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