Thirteen Named Candidates
THE CONCORDIAN Volume VLVII CONCORDIA COLLEGE, MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA, SEPTEMBER 28, 1956 No. 2 "Lucky" Thirteen Named Candidates Student Association President Roger Hott Wednesday released the names of thirteen candidates Debaters Prepare For Season's Resolution for Homecoming queen, nomin- Nineteen debaters, including ated under the new rules adop- eleven without previous college ted this year by the student debating experience, have been body. meeting with debate coach, Mr. The candidatas with their Alwin Monson, for the past two home towns, majors and minors weeks doing background work are: Sonja Christianson, Moor- on the proposition: Resolved: head, elem. ed., art; Judy Gryte, That the United States should Wahalla, N. D., sociology, Eng- discontinue direct economic aid lish; Maurine Eiken, Clarissa, to foreign countries. Minn., bus. cd., English; Sonia Mr. Monson said Concordia Lee, Roseau, Minn., elem. ed., will be represented in eight col- sociology. lege debate meets throughout Viola Shannon, Hoople, N. D., the year, including that of the English, history; Audrey Huge- national forensics honorary so- len, Maddock, N. D., music, Eng- ciety, Phi Kappa Alpha, at the lish; Mardeth Bervig, Halstad, University of South Dakota. Be- Minn., bus ed., psych.; Marlene sides the annual Red River Val- Bergo, Riverdale, N. D., bus. ed., ley tournament here, Feb. 8 and psych. 9, Concordia will attend meets Eileen Br>njulson, Moorhead, at the University of South Dako- elem. ed., music; Margaret Rys- ta, at Vermillion; S.T.C., Eau stad, East Grand Forks, Minn., Claire, Wise; University of bus. ed., sp3ech; Donna Madison, Nebraska, at Lincoln; Northwest Big Sandy, Mont., socio-psych., College Tournament in St.
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