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it. • #v y ' - '• . •' n •'• '"i^ v-h' ; •' : ..• o /•_>•• . ' ...• Vi'T I t, ~n' . :-••/. •;v7-,- .• H 'i*^- _•*.-•"•'• \W Kv'" V aiiiiiimii/ ' #t" •j'T" ^ • V •'./"• If.. V '• • -. r«V.w -' ^. • •••• '>r?^ ii- • -• I ' 4 •.-. • * V .. • . ' "v • ^ K •Ik r. <t-.', /• _ •••. 'w.-Vi..'*'— «• *. y .y f k'-'t, ••• . V •:.; ..p ^ fV.rr, , ..z»„312 R/GR SCHOOL ^UILL :< »1<! K.-S fc» ftUS ❖ ❖ store for Yottt^^ ❖ ❖ &cx\ " Whatever your •• ❖ *ih to Sia00,1hT,Ls"art-1- ^s'so'sW 'ih 'ic ^ — pn. f ❖ Stttts ta 0rdE-ir r^»SSSi2,''«SP Tlie Sero-e Q • ❖ popular. This ®0'"mer is *)tt» P'Hce with the 'he „ew .r.f;rr'^"y Makes her bow to the public^knowin. ^he to S35.00 pj. '®' ranu.i„rr 2 T'' 't« seriousness ot hie. disappointments. She will not *!?(» ^^dfiTa&tdtshl buys her je'welry at Ranges, which is Iri? Jlfan's i^rhys p,. the popular store for i • with critical men- sprino- ' , , fflammmammt TOatclps. |ramontl Slmgi, ^ brims are also fi„din J^J^ys with hio-her crow^n^ u •4* (Sraiiuating Presents. 'J-re unsurpassed in In ^ narro,, •4b t ^ P™P°'''i"ns as' wen'"" •'""P'-avs •4? ^E«ge's « Men sStraws in all the new sh '" ♦4b Men's White and Fanr'w ' S5.00. '4' •4b . .fr<- this,. sprniff'"T^'riesand summer.for fancwaV ' ''"'"ftoincrVests A Sale That Knocks Hard. f ^ indicative of the .special """««ally wid Popuh, • ♦4b f Price.s SI..50, $2.00, $2 so ,, "'''^ '"oet th" "f Pa/t •'' ♦4( A Rip Roaring Money Saver. f ^' •"l>ioS5.00 'he o-rowi„<, '/•'"eriis •4b t Men's Neeii- ' •''-'"'and. '4b ^ Hio-h o-rade worinanshi ^''•rt: i' seated in these supe-P P.^"d '4b to lead the World in i •4b I' Sl.OO.Sl.SOandS^OCwtrlcr:rtheand $2.0(1. qtnhr^'"''"^oT';^of their "^^^turei-tsare , ^ # • „ ' ProdimtTo"'" <i^ _. Men's u '^"oiieS. p,. ^'o^Rluy^SATURDAY, 9A. M„ MAY 20th, AND CONTINUES lO^DAYS, RAIN OR SHINE -i- ^f'^^.'hread half-hose i, ® ''''' •4b Never Vbeforef -r,I i,i«;torvy Of Trenton has thereembroideries,been such lowwhitepricesgoods,made.hoisery,WeInotionshave andthe ^ .some desiffns. Prices 25 50 ^«onsjv latest innovelties, 6 Remarkable bargains in towels and table linen. Y7ouldn't that •4b $ '•'^ortment dressmakers supp quoting prices, dollar goods at fifty cents, hand- •4b make you h g y^ facination about you of savingmoney j m n,,„ •4b Come and q t of your trade. Don't fail to get our prices on clothing, hats and •4? we S footwear. Look for the big sign, two doors south of the post •4;» •4b rf'na'onL lUe .rLt American Ba, ana •4? Friday. R. G. TRENTON, MISSOURI. two btoORS SOUTH OF POST OfFlCt. 2 HIGH SCHOOL ^UILL HIGH SCHOOL ^UILL ^2i3SiAj:!Sik7iiSSiAi>Tii!!Sii?<iilSii8Sii!SiiSii!r4iiSSiAt!!SiAiSSii^i!Sii!Sii»T4i^i^ii^Ai%i?<ii?«i?4»Ti»?ii?4i^t^^4>2r4i?4A »2 iS" riS? TV^itten Hardware Oo. •)}? t JERSEY ICE OREAM •ij? »2 "if? <)?(» •iji? «i5? 'k »2 "if? WHEN YOU DON'T FIND •ij? <$? 4? •j? >1 WHAT YOU want IN 'if? «)i? OUR LINE COME TO US 'i? •){? tBUT BETTER STILL WITH WHOLE 'if? COME TO US FIRST ❖ "if? ❖ FRUITS AT "if? •jj? W "i? ci* IV "if? i" FOSTER'S Soda Fountain WiTTEN Hardware Oo •it #^ •«(•#•»•#-i-•«(•-t-«•«•-t-# ^ .ij. .j, ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^ II I VW%%^VVV VWS»VWVV*'"V^V^'W^^V*WS L. D. SRENC I WHEN YOU NEED ANYTglNG^gpH A GO-CART P TO ACASKET, COME ANDSE^Tng^^^^ SEl-US I PALMER BROS. EI\/1F=RE©S RLOUR Jyj) fil] g UNDERTAKERS You had better not try it, id AND Unless you want to continue to buy it, For there is none, in qualit}^ I furniture That is anywhere nigh it. DEALERS TRENTON. MISSOURI NORTH ELM STREET RHONE No. 16 HIGH SCHOOL ^UILL I # 4, # cj- '!• i- •!. t <, .J. ^5. ^,1. ^ ,J, .J. ,t. ,J, ^,j, ,j. ,J, ,J;, .J, ^^.J. ^^ Res. Phone 424 Office Phone 118 Farm Phone 148' 4? W •ill? •»? W. A. McVAY •iS? •»? 'k w •)}? •#? •S? DEALER IN cl-» •j? *ij? G-rain, Iinplements, Veliicles, Hardware, •jj? •ill? •i}? •ii? •i? •j?? 116 WATER STREET •iji? •jj? •if? •jji? •i"•}? •si? rtf) tt. Proprietor of GRAND RIVER STOCK FARM t OF HEREFORDS m M AF=R K E T A,_WAVe V. D IX tS C Q f me QUILL Vol. I MAY, 1905. No. 6 THE GOLDTREE. iHE apartment, in which our story commences, looUed very simple and bare. Along the white-washed walls, whose only adornment consisted in a few old maps yellow with agfe;-there stood two nar row beds, a book shelf, and a wardrobe, on which a globe had found a resting place. A long table, adorned with many ink spots occupied the middle of the room, and two boy^s of about twelve years, sat on hard chairs by the table, The boy with light hair brooded over a difficult passage of Cornelius o e Neposand with many a sigh thun^bed the heavy dictionary; the lad with brown locks, however, was striving earnestly to extract the cube root of o a number of nine figures. The name of our philologist was John, that w of the.mathematician, Henry. <1 At times the boys raised their heads and looked long-ingly towards the open window, through which the flies, humming and buzzing, flew in and out. In the garden the golden sunshine lay upon the trees and o >-( hedges, and how scornfully a blooming lilac bush looked into the study of our two hopefuls. Still another hour would the poor boys be obliged K to sit and sweat, before they would be allowed to go out into the open Oh air and the minutes crept along like the snails on the gooseberry bushes out of doors in the garden. An arbitrary shortening of the study hour was not to be thought of, for in the next room, seated at a writing table was the Doctor Schlagentzwei, (Beat- em-in-two) to whom the boys had been entrusted for their moral and intellectual advancement. The con necting door stood open, so that the Doctor could convince himself at all times of tfie presence of his charges and watch over their behavior. ''Hannibal could have done something more sensible than to have crossed the Alps," muttered John, and "Ninetimes 81 is 729," grumbled Henry with a low voice. Then they both looked upfrom their work, look ed at each other and yawned. Suddenly they heard a loud buzzipg. A goldTbeetle, which may ha^ve been sitting on the lilac bush out of doors, had stra,yed into the room. He wheeled about three times in a circle around the boys' heads and then—splash! he lay in the ink well. "Really it.serves him quite right," said Henry, why did henot re^ 6 HIGH SCHOOL ^UILL HIGH SCHOOL ^UILL main where he was well off." But to be drowned in ink, that is, indeed, too miserable a death. Wait, comrade, I will rescue von." green curly vines twisted themselves around the moss covered stems. Above in the branches flitted singing birds in brilliant festive feather 1holder,11^" TTbut John accomplished the work oft.>-=et!erescueoutmoreof thequicklyink withwithapenhis garb, and stags, deer, and other forest animals, sprang gaily through the bushes. watched him"ahim, as he preparedT,his toilet with his four feet.^he blotter and Now the -woods grew light. Among thetrees something gleamed and glittered like a sheet of fire and John -whispered to his compainon: 1he wipedVw''his ^ink stained fihwerhisonthorax-his h-iirand black"he horns,"tn i - said John as "Now it is coming-." beetles: He dwells in a castle built of n !. They entered a forest meadow in whose midst stood a single tree. with rose leaves. Crickets and locustsarehis™'" This however, was no ordinary tree; it was a fairy tree of which John his torch-bearers." his musicians and fflow-worms had so often heard, the tree with the golden leaves. The boys stood in ||You are a silly fool," said Henry. open mouthed wonder, stricken dumb -^vith astonishment. "And he who meets the kinp- n-F ^ i i, ri i. There stepped fortli from behind the tree trunk, a d-warf, no largei' "that one is aIncky child. Lisfen Henrv contmued John, than a.three year old child, not big-headed and flat-footed, as dwarfs tons, an adventure perhaps or some otl ^oin^ to happen generally are, but slender and delicatel}^ formed. He wore a green day is, you know, the first of t"" mantle and the two bo3'^s knew -whom they had before them. Til 1 , ^when more than one miracle mav har^ pen. Lode, how he beckons to us with his feelers and. iSses hrs wrn; The dwarf took a few steps forward and bowed low. "The enchant covers. Now he is^going to change himself immediately and stanrbe ed princess awaits her deliverer," he said, "which one of you will under fore us like an elf dressed in aking's mantel, with agolde^i helmet on hl^s take the daring enterprise?" "I," said John with joyful voice. And at once the dwarf led forth a "Yes, he is going to fly away" said Henry, and laughed. "Buzz- little steed, which was milk white and was champing a golden bit. whizz—there your are." The boys went to the window and looked after the beetle Th •'Do not do it John!" suggested Henry anxiousl}', but Jolin was al gleaming jewel cut through the air in wide circles, and disappeared on ready sitting in the saddle.