Of Goal "Iextend to You My Heartfelt Thanks for Sending to Me the Wingfoot Last ' Clan
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Wounded Goodyear Man Is ToldHis Fighting Days Over; Soon Comes Home David Ferguson In Fierce Battles Of Pacific = = AKRON EDITION = I NAME PROTECT OUR GOOD David S. Ferguson, who left tated home. Uncle Sam tells his job in Dept. 137C, spreader me that because of my present AKRON, OHIO, room, Plant 1, in August, 1942, condition Iam to do no more Vol. 33 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1944 No. 43 fighting." David, a statf sergeant, says he has traveled thousands of miles,— both on water and land seeing action in New Ca'e- Goodyear War donia, islands, Chest Fund the Solomon the New Hebrides and all "up and down the line," as he puts it, "ending up on Bougainville is- land." Still Not In Sight Of Goal "Iextend to you my heartfelt thanks for sending to me The Wingfoot last ' Clan. The time tmS- '■&**BmmmW BB' ■«! Iwrote to vou Iwas fighting in ONLY THREE Bk| -.—|flP^ the front lines," says David. Each Gives $10 To United War Chest "We all appreciate the co- operation Goodyear has given DAYS REMAIN our boys. We believe in you, so please do not let us down. "You sneak of medals. What IN CAMPAIGN are my four or five medals in comparison with the sweat, Committee's Opinion Many *^ vBBBBBBB BBrBfew hard work and longhours Good- Don't B_—^P" iHB B wB T year workers put in ? Keep up Understand What the good— spirit and work for one Their Cash Will Buy sause to end this war. "We down here will keep Old As the UnitedWar Chest cam- Glory flying, so Uncle Sam can paign at Goodyear swings into feel proud of our boys." its lastlap, with only three days to go, solicitors Sergeant Ferguson's wife, ' committees and ' - are making a valiant effort to Julia, is emploved in Dept. 641, ■H■ ii J Br IIA ir I -^kL- J9m\ factory cost, Plant 3. The of- reach the $100,000 goal. Latest ficer's father, Charles Fertru- reports reveal that little more David S. Ferguson son, works in Dept. 137B, than half that amount had been spreaderroom, Plant subscribed up to Monday night. to don a soldier's uniform and 1. C. B. Baker, co-chairman of give his best for his country, In a previous letter to The the Goodyear committee, repre- writes to The Clan from some- Clan, Sergeant Ferguson asked tmwm^mrA Tm. H^■■ HM^WtJ lB« M<1 senting labor, it Goodyearites stated that is whereinthe Pacific, that he has to "keep their hisbelief thatno one who is able been wounded and had several chins up" and see that the boys —to give can afford NOT to give attacks of malaria, and he at the front get everything they and that means generously. need tires, tanks, life These members of the railroadrepair crew, Dept. 191B, each in rafts "Itis the peop'e "Now, Iam waiting to be ro- and other needed materials. contributed $10 to the War Chest drive. Standing, left to right: of labor who Frank Stefko, foreman, Dave Rudolph, Tom Green, George most richly benefit from contri- Laricchhiiuta, Frank Ruggeiro, Glydon Marsh, "Ed" Murry and butionsto the War Chest," Baker George Lancaster; seated, Fred Carter,Dominic DeFranzia,Paul said."This is your chance to aid FOREMEN'S FORUM ON LEAVE, HE SEES Hauber, ClemmieBrown, Vick Esola and Carmen Ursitti. T. G. those who are less fortunate McBrayer is division foreman of the department. than yourself, and Iask all of TOMORROW NIGHT HIS SON FIRST TIME you to give freely to this great cause of humanity. There is lit- John Romans, Dept. 380, State Of Manpower tle timeremaining in the drive, Director gas masks, wounded in Kidney Has Article so make your contribution now Commission Will Speak Fiance on July 14, was REPORTED MISSING. — today." SafetyMagazine IS HELD PRISONER home recently on a three- In Do Not Understand fall meeting of the Fore- day pass from the Fletch- s Forum will be held at 8 Hospital at The cheering news that Itis the belief of the commit- er General The latestissue of the maga- many :k Thursday night, October Cambridge, O. The visit their son, Lieutenant M. tee that persons do not «ein the student building zine, "Safety Engineering," fea- Wingard, understand, nor they fully 26, at Rex is now a do was an exciting event for tures an article by Jack Kidney, realize much Akron University, according to John because he saw his prisoner of the Germans, how the "chest" P. Hardy, university's manager of employes service. It last Satur- dollar buys. For that reason the Leslie the three-weeks-old son, John with Goodyear's develop- was received director of adult education. Jr., for the first time. deals day by his parents, Lewis committeegives figures showing ment of the new non-slip pro- Wingard. just how the money is divided: The principal speaker will be coating, Dektred, and is and Olive He ward Keenan, state director tective had been reported missing The National War Fund Serv- RUB OUT THE AXIS titled "Stay On Your Feet." Or- action. ices receive a total of 4'? cents the war manpower commis- iginally developed for pur- in Lewis is a shift n. A movie fi'm will also be the foreman in Dept. 273A, on each dollar contributed. Of George Melonas Is pose of supplying a safety non- this amount, the U. S. O. gets >wn at the opening of the surfacing and his wife works in Reported Missing slip deck for naval timekeeping at Plant C, 22 cents, the United Seamen's vessels, Dektred will, through Aircraft. Service two cents, and the War 'urpose of the forum is de- a new formulation devised by Prisoners' Aid two cents. Seven- ned to help foremen and su- the research laboratory, be used teen cents goes to meet major problems Private George Melonas, — the AlliedNa- "visors 19, is missing in widely for commercial purposes RUB OUT THE AXIS tions Relief and emergency. the ever-changing industrial listed as the France, according to word after war. HUGGLER IS ILL — To the Summitcounty services received by his mother. RUB OUT THE AXIS Bill Huggler, Dept. 104A, those agencies that function Goodyear Aircraft renresen- A former employe of in our own community— 57 cents ive, Mrs. Harry Markle, EDMUND ON PROGRAM quality control bullet seal tanks, Dept. 11115, molds and was taken to the Peoples Hos- of each War Chest dollar is men's personnel ndvisor, cores, George An by W. H. given. Family Welfare, 538, D, was a mem- address Edmund, pital last week. He has decided which pt. Plant will s°rve ber of an infantry unit be- director of education and rec- includes child care and hospital- a memberof the forum panel to take a three months' leave of ization, fore being transferred to a reation, will be a feature of the absence. receives 26 cents, ich will preside at the meet- cavalry reconnaissancetroop. annual meeting of the Eastern Twenty-four cents goes for The young private was Ohio Athletic Association at RUB OUT THE AXIS group work, under which head Representatives of manage- reported lost in action on Cambridge, O., Friday morning, "Bill" Coffman, supervisor is youth and community serv- nt at Goodyear and Aircraft September 22. G o O., ; e r ge's October 27. Athleticcoaches and Dept. 162, accessories, has re- ices. The U. S. veterans re- invited to attend. No tickets brother, James, is also serv- school administrators through- turned from Virginia, where he ferral bureau and bond cam- i necessarv. — ing overseas. out eastern Ohio will attend the was visiting his father who is paigns, is given four cents, and RUB OUT THE AXIS- defray RUB OUT THE AXIS event. ill. three cents is used to the expenses of Reported Missing In MARRIED 30 YEARS administration. E. R. Wolfe, co-chairman of Raid Over Germany Claude Cochran, Dept. 152E, the committee, representing final inspection, and his wife management, isi of the opinion are looking forward to a gala DON'T FAIL TO VOTE that there 100 per Sergeant Harvey Rueschman, Saturday, wouldbe cent I celebration on their participation in the drive if em- gunner — on a Flying thirtieth wedding anniversary. It's your duty as an American citizen to vote to help ployes ress, has been missing on couldmore clearly realize They plan to have an anniver- in the selection of national, state and local officers of gov- their responsibilities.He said: id over Germany since Sep- sary dinner and be "at home" ernment by voting at electionsis both the privilege and the ier 25, his parents were to friends. obligation of every American citizen.Make certain that you "Those who have contributed ied last Saturday. He had your family, eligible vote, have done so most generously, RUB OUT THE AXIS and the members of who are to have a bigger overseas only three go to the polls and vote. How you vote is your own affair, but we must par- ;hs. A graduate of Lee Trautman, Dept. 162, ac- ticination. There isn't a person Greens- 1, but each and every Amer'can citizen should exercise his High School, he formerlv cessories, Plant is back on American right of free franchise. in Goodyear who wcHn't give :ed in Dept. 275, braided the job, following a two weeks' his orher last dollarifhe or «he ttail,Plant 2. illness. actually saw someoneinneed." THE WINGFOOT CLAN- 2 SOD BUSTER'IS MOREMEN NAMED ij I "Lucky 13" On 25-Year Service List I FOR POSITIONS IN !I GOODYEAR j OWNER OF IOWA ! CLUBS TIRE BUSINESS PLANT AT TOPEKA !j | :i Rifle Shooters Have Over : Column In Clan ____r^_fl ~ _______"_ __H __■ -■ _______ ____F^______fl£ All Expected To Be In Their New I.