ORIGINS of CYBERSPACE a Library on the History of Computing, Networking, and Telecommunications

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ORIGINS of CYBERSPACE a Library on the History of Computing, Networking, and Telecommunications ORIGINS OF CYBERSPACE A Library on the History of Computing, Networking, and Telecommunications By Diana H. Hook and Jeremy M. Norman With Contributions by Michael R. Williams Pres Eckert (center left) and John Mauchly (center right) working with the ENIAC, the first large-scale general-purpose electronic digital computer, from which all later electronic digital computers descend. Also visible in the photograph (left to right) are Pfc. Homer Spence, Elizabeth Jennings, Herman H. Goldstine and Ruth Lichterman. First operational in May , the ENIAC was announced to the public in February . From to it was the only operating electronic digital computer in the world. It weighed tons, contained , vacuum tubes, , resistors, , capacitors, switches, and relays, and required kilowatts to run. (Photograph used by permission of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering and Applied Science.) Novato, California:, 2002 ® (Reproduced at actual size.) CONTENTS Genealogy of the First General-Purpose Programmable Digital Computers xiii Acknowledgements x Collecting the Printed and Manuscript Records of the Early History of Computing, Networking, and Telecommunications BY JEREMY M. NORMAN From Telegraph to Interactive Electronic Media From Gutenberg’s Press to Desktop Publishing Collecting the Incunabula of a Media Revolution Our Bibliographical Techniques How Technological Change Influenced the Plan of this Library Reasons Why Previous Collectors May Have Ignored the History of Computing The Place of This Library in the History of Private Collecting of Rare Science Books Mathematical Tables—Computational Aids and the Work Products of Human Computers Bibliographical Background My Experience with Rare Books and Manuscripts on the History of Computing and Telecommunications Defining the Scope of this Library Collecting Methodology Some Particularly Useful Reference Works How We Wrote this Book The Arrangement of This Bibliography Choosing the Title Summaries of the Six Chapters The Contribution of Turing and Other Theoreticians to Theoretical and Actual Computing Origin of the Stored-Program Concept Computing under the Nazi Regime Eckert’s Role in the History of the Stored-Program Concept The Scope of This Book Checking Library Holdings of Nontraditional Twentieth Century Publications on Computing Why This Book Was Printed on Paper vi (Reproduced at actual size.) Origins of Cyberspace Timeline 1 Mechanical Calculating and Mathematical Tables in the th and th Centuries 2 Charles Babbage: Mathematician, Economist, and Designer of Calculating Engines Charles Babbage, Computer Designer and Technologist BY JEREMY M. NORMAN 3 Networking and Telecommunications in the th and Early th Centuries Latimer Clark, Entrepeneur of Submarine Telegraphy and Collector 4 From Human Computers to the Theory of the Universal Machine: Computing from the th Century to the Beginning of World War II 5 The Universal Machine from Theory to Practice: Computing and Related Fields from World War II to the First National Data Networks 6 Pres Eckert, Co-Inventor of the Stored-Program Electronic Computer and Co-Founder of the Elec- tronic Computer Industry: Development of ENIAC, EDVAC, BINAC, and UNIVAC References Name and Subject Index vii This book describes a library of technical reports, books, pam- techniques included traditional descriptive bibliography, bio- phlets, ephemera, letters, typescripts, manuscripts, prints, bibliography, and what might be called descriptive or annota- photographs, blueprints, and medals on the history of com- tion techniques found in some catalogues of museum or rare puting, networking, and related aspects of telecommunica- book library exhibitions. Throughout the diversity of Origins tions. The material it describes ranges chronologically from of Cyberspace we employed an elaborate system of cross-refer- to about . There are annotated entries. ences that was only possible in a work of this complexity because the software maintained the integrity of the cross-ref- Few of the bibliographies of scientific and technological clas- erences throughout the editorial process. sics consulted by twentieth-century science collectors included any representation of computing. Harrison Horblit’s One When we wrote this book the convergence of electronic media Hundred Books Famous in Science and Printing and the Mind of and computing technologies through the Internet had begun Man cited only the seventeenth century invention of loga- so recently that there had been no previous bibliographic effort rithms by John Napier relative to the history of computing. to document this development for rare book collectors. Nor Bern Dibner’s Heralds of Science also cited that and Napier’s had there been documented efforts to collect the history of Rabdologiae. En Français dans le texte ignored the topic of com- these subjects before the Internet was established. The only puting entirely. Hook and Norman’s catalogue of The Haskell significant bibliographies of private collections of rare books F. Norman Library of Science and Medicine also included the concerning aspects of computing or telecommunications were writings of Napier and a few works by Charles Babbage. the catalogues of the libraries of Sir Francis Ronalds and Haskell Norman’s One Hundred Books Famous Latimer Clark, which were formed before the in Medicine cited one computer-related refer- end of the nineteenth century. Both of these ence. Morton’s Medical Bibliogra-phy, fifth edi- libraries collected the history of electricity, tion, edited by Jeremy Norman, included a magnetism, and telegraphy. Yet convergence of handful of references to computing in medi- electronic media through the Internet drew cine. Dibner, Printing and the Mind of Man, our attention to historical relationships and Hook and Norman also contained a few between electronic media. One of the most references to the telegraph and the telephone. basic was that telegraph networks were the first data networks for the communication of infor- One reason why the traditional reference mation. The Morse code may be viewed as the works for collectors of the history of science first widely used data code. Around the time ignored computing is that most of these were that the world began to be fully wired for written around the middle of the twentieth telegraphy, Hertz in theorized the possi- century before computing was pervasive. bility of wireless transmission. In , having Dibner first published Heralds of Science in read Hertz’s work, Marconi invented wireless . Horblit based his book on an exhibition telegraphy, later called radio. Initially what was at the Grolier Club held in . The Printing transmitted over radio was telegraph code. and the Mind of Man exhibition was held in . Though we published the catalogue of the Haskell F. The merging of wireless transmission and information pro- Norman library in , Dr. Norman began forming his library cessing was made about one hundred years after the invention around . In book selection he was profoundly influenced of wireless telegraphy, when the Internet enabled computers to by the works just mentioned, and also by William Osler’s evolve into personal communication devices. For this to occur Bibliotheca Osleriana, posthumously published in , but a complex series of technological advances had to take place, describing a library formed before Osler’s death in . only the most basic of these could be briefly summarized here. Another work equally influential on Dr. Norman was the cat- The telephone, an analog device, had to be invented (), alogue of the library of Harvey Cushing. Virtually the only and telephone network technology had to evolve. The elec- books relevant to computing in the Osler and Cushing tronic digital computer had to be invented (‒), and libraries were also the writings of John Napier. computing technology had to develop for about fifty years. Data networks using telephone lines had to advance in paral- Collecting new subjects such as computing, networking and lel with computing, leading to the formation of of the first telecommunications involved collecting types of documents national network of mainframes, ARPANET, in . This that had not typically been included in private libraries of rare would eventually lead to development of the Internet in the science books. To describe a library that broke new paths, s. From their beginning in , cellular telephone net- combining manuscripts, typescripts, and photographs with works had to be developed. About fifty years after the inven- printed and duplicated material produced by a wide variety of tion of electronic digital computing, wireless handheld infor- methods, from traditional letterpress to mimeograph, blue- mation processors with Internet connections had to be invent- print, ditto, and photocopying, we found it necessary to ed. Digital telephone networks had to be built in addition to employ a variety of bibliographical and organizational tech- traditional analog telephone networks, enabling the invention niques that had not typically been combined in this way. These of wireless digital telephones with web browsers. 4 Through these, and many other necessary complex technical ABOUT THE AUTHORS developments, such as increases in bandwidth and satellite communications, and a multitude of advances in software, Diana Hook received her BA in classical literature overall features of the wired and wireless Internet could be from the University of California at Santa Cruz in
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