U.S.-China Scientific Exchange: a Case Study of State-Sponsored Scientific Internationalism During the Cold War and Beyond
ZUOYUE WANG* U.S.-China scientific exchange: A case study of state-sponsored scientific internationalism during the Cold War and beyond IN FEBRUARY 1972 President Richard Nixon of theUnited States embarked on his historic journey to Beijing. The dramatic tripnot only opened a new era in U.S.-China relations, but also began an exciting process ofmutual discovery be tween the two peoples. If it is true that, as the China scholar A, Doak Barnett wrote, "never in themodern period have twomajor societies been so isolated from each other for so long in peacetime," the end of the schism also brought forth unprecedented exchanges inmany walks of life, especially in academia.1 The geopolitical move by the two countries to counter Soviet aggression paved the way for interactions in science and other fields. The contacts flourished through the 1970s and expanded even furtherafter the establishment of diplomatic rela tions and the launching of China's economic reformsby the end of the 1970s. This intellectual open door proved to have profound social and political, as well as scientific, impact, especially in China, which had just begun to emerge from the devastating Cultural Revolution of 1966-1976. Despite itsconsiderable significance, scientificexchange has often been treated as a sideline inU.S.-China relations. Several excellent studies examine U.S.-China academic and educational exchanges, but theybarely touch on the scientific com *Department of History, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA 91768. I thank Richard Suttmeier, Lawrence Badash, H. Lyman Miller, Gene Rochlin, Wolfgang Panofsky, Xiaojian Zhao, Fan Dainian, JimWilliams, Peter Westwick, Jessica Wang, and Benjamin Zulueta for reading drafts of the paper and for stimulating discussions and com ments.
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