The Weather Sorving the StaN ,. Pari., e I • a II J klday. University of Iowa Scattend Ulandenbo'll'­ ,. ~rs aDd cooler WedDn­ Campus and cla,. Rlth Ucla,. II: low, Iowa City n. "Ida M 0 n.a ." 81; owan low. 65. Iowa City. Iowa. Tum t II, 1953 - Vol. 97, No. 224

Ike,, Dulles Plan Retaliation

If Reds Withhold Prisoners 100• 'Am'erica ns DENVER (,IP) - President Eis- 40 I enhower and Secretary of State how, Dulles and his party left for DuUes MOl1day diJcUBsed plans Washingto~ . The Pre~ident went for American retaliatory stePs to Denver s. Ch.erry Hills country .gainst the Communists in Korea c!ub for. his first rouna oC golf if they refuse to release all U.S. since arrIving here last Saturday. prisoners ot waf. The President an? Mrs. Eisell- Dulles told a news conference hower plan to remam In ColoradQ Reach Freed om Village at the President's vacation head- for at least three weeks. They I * * * quarters here that the United may extend their stay1 until about bb h h No Wounded states "presumably would adopt Labor Day. FII 80 y Puts t e Bite on :Butc I reciprocal measures" j[ the Reds A reporter also asked Dulles POW Ig ht withhold American prisoners in whether "evidence ot Communist • CHARLESTON. W. Va. OP}-Fourteen-mol\lh-old DObby Taylor 0 violation ot the armistice t,rrns. atrocities" would be placed before made news Monday. He blt"a dog. P W's Are Asked whether "rec1procal the Uni~ed Natlons. M Inel d ·Bobby not only bit the dog, he had to be pried loose from ~s measures" meant that Communist "r don't know," Dulles said. "jt ay u e tooth-hold on the pup's nose. prisoners would be withheld in depends upon how much evidence . ' You see, Bobby's pel "Butch" had the audacity to confiscate a 0 LI tJOel turn under such circumstances there is. It hasn't been collated piece of tried chicken lrom hI! master's hand. n IS ay Dulles replied: "That would see~ yet." 3 Pro-Reds Bobby promptly $ank his teeth into Butch's nose and held on. to be a normal rrocedure." * * * Mrs. Robert Earl Taylor of Charleston, the boy's mother, forced ROKa WIt Cooperate M t Rt All her son's mouth open to free the (log. PANMUNJOM (Tuesday) ~,4>)-. After the 70-mlnute session in US e urn HONOLULU TIPl-Three Ameri- Bobby got another piece of chicken. Americans freed from Ion g Eisenhower's summer Whit.e cans softened to communism may Th e d 0, k ep t hIS· dl s t ance. months and years of Communist ' D II S captivity were homeward bound House office in the Lowry air POW sues ays be aboard the first planeload of today while the trartlc down force base administration build- , liberated prisoners or war flying M . P Ik ' , Freedom Road moved again. ing. Dullei repeated that he had home Monday.' One hundred Americans and received frqrn Ilhee "unqualified WASHINGTON (,4>)-Secreta~y A partial news blackout and con- artln ra,·ses e s ' ' 300 olher Allled prisoners were and categoric assurance" that of state John Foster Dulles Said tradictory statements by military) , T h' /. In today's lI~ration quota. The. South Korea won't upset the Monday night on returning trom spokesmen here indicated a po..;- oug Fore,·gn P exchange be,an promptly at 9 armistice. Korea the Communists must re- • • sible . repeat performance or a 0 , cy a.m. (6 p.m. Iowa time Mondny). The secretary also said he had turn all American war prisoners, "mystery flight" in last spring's The first American arrivab. ap_ Informed Japanese Prime Mlnls- even those convicted' of so-called ( Oall, I... , .. Pholo b,. Phil Be,~) sick and wounded prisoner ex- WASHINGTON ~A') _ Housel pea red helllthy. ter Yoshida in Tokyo that the crimes. change. Then a iroup 01 freed cap-ISpeaker Joseph Martin (R-Mass.) The Communists had said there United States feels Japan must He told reporters at the Wash- JOHN McCONNELL. CENTER, adjust the cap on hi. brother, tlves suspect d of having swal- said Monday night President EI,- would be no sick and wounded DSsume "a larger responsiblllty" initon airport the United Nations San Francisco. Univer~itles who were sent to the Wash. Cross, a native of Grinnell, n final appeal for wage raises for Campbell, who has been. an in- FREE~OM VILL:"GE, Korea (,4»- , Terrific Impact ChassB, University of Chicago spe- Des&lDatlon Unannounced educ!ltlOn conference under thel received his B.A. degree from Ok- city streets department workers. structor in economics at. SUI for Returmng Amencan prisoners of Continuing, Martin said: "Tbe cia list in Spanish literature. as Destinations and landing time acusPlcels Off thde t~OCkefeller and lahoma Agricultural and Me- Smith represented local 238 of the two Y41ars. graduated from Cor- war bitlerl~ reported r.:0nday that significance of that act had a chairman of the SUI department ot the bi, air transport were not arneg e oun a Ions. h i I II . 19'0 H t t h fr d h I r . . some of thell' fellow prisoners who . . d H h ill f d c an ca co ege In ,. e re- cams ers, c au curs an e pe S nell In 1950. He chose the UnI- . terrlflc Impact on the capitals of of tomance languages has been ap- announce . 516 anc ~rua ~ cond erd tgrees t~n ceived his M.A. from Oklahoma union of the American Federation verslty of lllinois for work on his tel.1 for the Communist hne. were thc world. proved by the state board of epu- Tod a y' s prisoner exchange - h gra t ~~ eman W de Iver ~ Agricultural and Mechanical col- of Labor. B A deiree. bemg sent through in the prISoner "To both the Iron Curtain cation SUI President Vir&ll M brings the total or AWed return- ~o arge 0 t e nes9ay a lege in 1949. He will receive his Smith said that a "substantial . T~e brothers have no particular exchange to try to s~read the Red countries and the free naUons it Hancher announced Monday. •. ees to 2,774, including 648 Amer!- mmencemen. . Ph .D . d egree f rom SUI on ,.., ed - increase " shou lbd e given' to explanation for choosing separate doctrines in the Un~ted States. was a s i gn th lit some backbone Guatemala-born and U.S. edu- cans . nesdjlY for his thesis on the Unit- street department workers. He schools lor their master's work. A handful of others, co~pletely had been put into American for- cated, de Chascat succeeds Prof. ,Iowans released to~ay are Cpl. Sc h001 Bu dget Hearings ed States and the North Atlantic based his claim on the fact that John went to Purdue because sev- overcome by lhe Red 'brain- , C E. Cousins who becomes pro- RIchard A. HolmqUISt, son or To Be Held Today treaty. "the cost of living is at an all-time eral undergraduate friends were washing" chose to remain in COIlJ- N P I' Ad I' f~ssor-~merlt~s after serving sur Mab ~1 Holmquist, Boone, and Cpl. Hill will assume his duties as high." p:oing there too' Campbell ,went t.o munist territory, the angry free ew 010 m sSlon since 1918 and heading the de- Melvlll E. Kammrad, s~m 0" Em- The Iowa City board of educa- as.sistant profe.e pootoUice .t low. lI.n.lar, D.b8,.. ••• ...... 10 Manaclnl J'.dJtor ...... -'-.II ..". City. under !be ..,t eli ~_ eli '~D I... • •.•. Ie II .... T.-', Hr..... EdJlDr ...... Sarah AdamI _M_ArC_b_2,_18_'7I_.__ ->- ______10I.... 1I "-YI ...... _ Canadian Elections AlIt. NeW. Editor ...... ROD VaIl!no K ....'. Rhee Tells His People IMlw:EIER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ------City Ultor ...... Ben IIankIoo TORONTO (JP)- Louis St. Lau­ Tba AuoclatH Preu III .ntlUod ex- Call 4191 rr_ .... Ie .".1, •• Ie .....t. Cit,. Editor ...... Pa~Pe"" SEOUL (JP)-The South Korean rent, 7i-year-old Canadian prime cllll1vely to the ..... [or repubUcatlon r ..... _. 1'._•• _ ...... ,. lie., 9 ...... • -'----- 01 .U .... l~·l n.w. pr!n'~ In tbu """M eNol ...... -~ u'"" ~ ~ .r ...... H ..... Ie Tile Dati, I..... Socl I .~I

\ .. ! mE DAILY IOWAN-low. City. 1•. -1'11" .. AU.. 11, 1I53-P.p I Reds (ounter Children Receive Final Swimming Lessons French Ordered To Strike lSU! Junior Wins 24 on Missing Plane -~~~ FAir Beauly Contest Found Safe in libyan For Higtier Railroa~ Wages U.S. Food Gifts WEISBADEN, Germany (R') - PARIS (N)- More than halI of \All 24 men aboard a U.S. air force IFranee's raU workers. were or- ures, but it was labor that was Flyin, Boxcar were safe Monday By Propaganda Idered Monday night to strike at reacting mo t violently -partlcu- . night after parachuting from the once tor Miher waecs and to pro- larly against the proposals to boost . big transport plane over the Llb- BERLIN (JP)-The Communists I test government economy decrees. Ithe retirement of some work- yan desert late Saturday. waged unceasing war on· Ameri­ a~e can rood relief Moqday with ra­ The new trike call came I en in government-&wned indu -I U.s. air force European head- dio blackouts. arrests, confiscn- I than 24 hours alter harried France trie . quarters said the men, none oC tWllS, and scare-propaganda in began to emerge from a para1~- The ix-day strike at post omce whom was seriou Iy injured, were East Germany. ing glllneral walkout. workers still had delivery of mail, taken by helicopter and ground I It was ol'!lered to 5uppon strik-Iong distance telephone calls and rescue teams to a U.s. air force The 300,OOO-watt main trans­ ing po tal, telegraph and telephone telegrams a I m os t completely hospital at Wheelus field, about mitter of RIAS, the U.S. state de- I pertmenl station in Berlln, )Vas workers. strangled. 60 miles [,om where the plane .... ~~- C"n 5 glVCl demonstrations today and WI"nnl-e To Call"fornl"a ToW7. I_W_~_k_~__ Y'_' ______nine wlU present demonstrations -----r.:::-""tru-ct1-.o-n-----_ ROOMS for • mm. Student kitchen In- IF M '" Sf d -.:~=.;:.;;==::-____ eluded. reaoonable. Cau 1-1051. III •. at 9 B.m. Wednesday. or ee mg u y ___ Johnson. The livestock show will take . ) , rou can "pick 'up Cash" belore tlnal. al a tulor. Aelverl..... the cour"" and IUN FURNISIUD • roomo. lIalhll 123~ S. place at the new 4-H club lalr-l . Prof. J ohn Ross Winnie, chief pf four phone In !!Us column /lOW . Dial 4181. CUnlon. grounds Thursday and Friday. television production at SUI, will --~------About 200 Johnson c?unty youths attend a meetipg of the American ..... LLRooM d• ...,. lHIoJII. J41m.1 Youel. BACHELOR 8"" r\Dlen~ . 11M N. Dubuque. I Wurl ... DIAl HIS. Dial 8 - 2Il~. have entered stock 10 the show, University Film Producers In Los ----A~u~to-m--oo-u~· e-.~W~an-id~~-- whlth Includes 200 head ot cattle, Angeles Aug. 17 to 23. Rooms for Rent 400 head of bogs and 40 sheep. .. . . Hog judging will begin at 1 p.m. W.1OOle will be of WANT .wreckeC!. Chevro)eto. Bulckl. Any e~alTman. o~e VERY nice room. 1-2518. modeL P)lOQC 1-:1481. T}lureday and beet heifer judging seSSlon of the meetmg, which ~III It 9:30 a.m. Friday. co~cern . the .problems o[ producmg rouT IAUAIA _,. - lor men. Near hoopltal . Dill 203'l tUde Wanted o . unlverslty film programs for tele- I(IC(J • UIIOC[ ...... room. Male Itudent. CO N. DII- ----~;;.;....;.;-==.;:..---- n Sal1.lrday an a n ~ual auctl~n vision. Held at the University of ,.--____ PLUS _____. buque. "MAKE po dally. Sell turnlnous name pl.te.. Write Reeve. Co.. Attleboro. of 4-H club members stock WJ]) Southern the meeting '10LLY FROUCS" . I"'UU'M/:i for men. Private entrance. Dtal Man. 1'1'" IImple anel detatIJ." be helcJ .at the Iowa City ~ales Co., will attract representatives of more Harvey LEMBECK· Joyce HOLOEN • Glenda FARREll @ 7485. on S. LIOn st. than 70 colleges and universities Adm. Thla .Enracement Only - A U.P.A. Colortoon - A youn, man lor deUvery .i.ork. full - Iraduat. .Iuelen~. Pbon. or.,..rt LIme. DIal 411 • . The new 4-H club fairgrounds now producing films. Glen ROBER1S· Patricia HARDY· Jaclym GREENE \lATINEES 46c Children Z5c COMEDY & LATE NEWS wil I be dedicated Friday. The lalr- After the meeting Winnie will A man (or sale. work. olIO a lad y or (ro d th f th I Clt I .~;;~~~~;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~~:E;v;es;.~8;&~0~;;;;~!A;;D;y;U;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4JII-LAAGJ:~~~;;~;j~~~~W;~;U rOOIll for cJrlJ on bus Une. Cau ma" for sales clerk. apply II) person . air un 5 are ~o u ~ e owa y stay on in .California for about 1 ..... Larew Co. Eo Wa.hlnll<>n. port on highway 218. three weeks to complete WOrk on ROOMS lor &raduate women., Phone .'18t a Ford Foundation Study grant G.E. REFRIGERATOR which he was awarded earller in Fall from Horse the year. He Will work. at ABC, CASHIER wanted. Apply In person. Cap. Old, but dependable. NBC and CBS television studios in Itol Theater. Good finish. $20. - worth ,Kills Batavia Gi;J , and with companies Baby Sitting much more! · . B now producing films for television. Ten-year-o ld Lmda MarJet, a- ., ' . BABY Illtln' Inyt\me. DIal ' · III2t. See Today only at 107 Finlcbin! " tavia, died at University hospitals WIDDl e s?ent the first. three A.M . baby nun, In JD¥ b_. Pboae Phone' 8-1721. about 7:30 Sunday morning as the weeks of hIS studyotgrant 10 New result ot a fall from a horse. York earlier this year, where he '-IT"'. Sh th d ht f Mr studied television production. in .. e was e aug er 0 . ' network studios. and Mrs. Henry Marlet, BataVia. ======:======.1 Her parents were not present at you can RENT the Lime of the accident. Death was'ilttributed to a skull Full Time Floor Clerk vaember. J944 . He Lq a meml:w.\" SEARS ROEBUCK CO. or the Phi Beta Kappa and Delta ONL Y BOAT THIS YEAR lJpsllon fraternities. ,L!I r d 8-' ~ Righil1ander BM~!~n ~_H U~m~D_e~~~~' a~r~s~,~' ~_~ ~~~~~m Spahn coasted to hi 15th victory Kiner Holds New 50n 'H . ' /. T A' I HII T·II :::!~Yba~~!~\::~~efQ~~::~: 1 oln Ine Ops I I e of 23 horses popped into the entrY Probable second ehoice Is Kim-IHambletonian wi~ Hanover's in the sixth inninl, whipping st.1 A d W· box Monday for the 28th Hambl ~- berly Kid, to be driven by n-IBertha in 1930 and ChestertowD Louis. 8-2, before 34,950 (ans and n rews, Ins NEW YOR (t?)- If Monte lr- ian Stakes, making the world year-old Tom Berry, whQ won the In 1946- cutting BI'O{lklyn's National league • • vin of the New York Giants, can trotting derby the richest ------. lead to 61h games. TenniS Crown maintain his National league bat- history with a gross value of h Spahn, the league' bo south- ting supremacy he will become 17,117.98. 'L D'~ I ,- paw, beaten only fIve tImes this Iowa City's Art Andrews, victor onll' the second right-handed Size of the field, largest ever e al owan year, relaxed after the Braves had in a brilliant seml-fin!!1 ..... 91~1,. swinger in over a decade to win the 3-year-old sulky clasliic tl) built up a seven-run It,ad and the fell to defendIng champion Dr. the league's batting champIonship. raced Wednesday afternoon. Cardinals counted once each in Dick Hainline In the un .. ", Ul ,.It! 's Jackie Robinson has even the oldest veterans the sixth and eighth Innings. Iowa Open tennis tourney at been the only righty hitter to cap- the grand circuit which opened The Braves chased Harvey Had. Cedar Rapids Sunday. a four-day stand Monday at Good dix, who went in with a 14-4 rec- Ti k ord. wtth one run In the first in- The stocky high school youth, t . me par . ning, five In the second and an- who upset second-seeded Bill Ball Heading the list is Newport other in the fifth. Cliff Chambers of Cedar Rapids, 6-4, 6-3 to reach Star, owned by Octave Blake, allowed only one hit in three in- the linals, was no match for Hain- president of the grand circuit. nings 01 relief and Al Brazle was line. The Rock Island resident The field will get away behind Pa&"e 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City. Ia.-Tuel.. Auc. 11, 1.U nicked for the final tally without easily out-gunned Andrews, 6-2, the mobile gate with 10 horses in a hit (n the eighth. 6-0. the first tier, 10 in the second and Andrews forfeited his chance at 3 in the third. \ The loss dropped the Cardinals 8 d d h Before You Leave Town . the I -an -un er crown w en he Tho first heaot Is scheduled for Into fourth place. five games be- d f Ited t J h Ch f 0 I 'V' hind the second-place Braves. e Ia u 1 I 0 a n I t annerH . I'0 e - 1 p.m. Iowa time. The winner Is we n 0 p ay aga ns am me. .. the first horse to win two heats. Fill'er Up At The . .. Hainline and Ball teamed to win Each heat is one IT\lle. Value to , . the men's doubles f.rom Andrews ture the crown in the past 10 sea- the winner will be $63,126.59. Porterfield Blanfult of nil)e victo~ies in 13 WEST ON HIGHWAY 6 have the same number of hunting I All 5 L· CI h t CI.:.· . _ games In ~re west.

gratory~pili~~wn~lastu~~m~ waterfowl regulations an- n - ta~ Ions . as •a · nlcago I • i==:====~~~~~-~--~---~------~~~~-;~ :,:~t~f~~~~:'I;:':~;~; Collegian's To Bank Hopes on Passing Attack Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, It OhioandWi~on~n. CHICAGO~ ~Ap~~ex~rt --~-----~~.~~-~------~~~------Secretary 01 the interior Doug- . .' h AHEAD 'Of tHEM Att las McKay announced the 1953-54 speedy coUeg~le squad Will be over the Philadelphia Eagles. Tamburo of Michigan State. Qefen Ive speed, especially at t e basic regulations and said specific gunning for an upset against the ~he series between the cream or Although offensive tactics wlll halfback positIons where Lion th 11 ' t d th h catch the eyes of the nation's TV pressure will be a oplied by Bobby IS'*' shooting dates lor the individual powerlul Detroit Lions in the 20th .e co .eglathe crNopt?n 1 eFc tSbllll-1 fans, this contest may resolve into Layne's passing to' 230-pound Leon terflthl QulltJ I'pest higher than its nearest competitor aDd states are to be chosen by them Annual All-Star football game at pions 10 e a lona 00 a b d f . d C 1 00 I t \ 1 t d 11 t 6 ' 1 I a super e enslve battle. Hart an loyce Box. • Ch.. ' . b d based receDt an d b e announced a er. Soldier 1ield Friday night. cague now s a.n sam avor All-Star success against the be- ______~_ 31 % highe" thaft the annie of the five other leadlog flO I •• • " , States may generally choose . a! the pros With two ties. hemoth pros always hall hinged on IN LIFE 5 their hunting days anytime be- The game Will be telecast na- As usual, Dodd has rounded up detenslve fi nesse and this collegi- An aerial view of Iowa Stadium chemical .Dalyaes liviog ao index of good quality for the COUDtry SlX ~t~lnl tween Oct. 1 and Jan. to, based tionally ove-r DuMont TV Network the best avajlable performers from ate team may offer surprising re- '30 p.m Iowa tl' n filled with 53,000 people will ap- cigarette brands. Th, i"J", ./gooJ 'lualil] tabl,-II ral;O of high slIgllr to low nlC,tl"­ on the numb er 0 f d ays a II a tte d th e at 9. . m~. the 1952 collegiate season. A nota- sl'stance to the pro champl'on . h' h th I ' pear In Life magjlzine Oot. 19. It !Iyways to w IC ey Ie. The underdog collegians, coach- ble absentee. is halfback Billy Ves- LI·ons. Is b I . . i i n e ng used in an advertisement sb.WI CblSlfr/i,/J IflUllily higMt. The MisslS! pp yway season ed for the second straight year by sels or Oklahoma, who is commit- The collegians aren't heavy, as tor the New York Stock Ex- will be 55 consecutive days or two Bobby Dodd of Georgia Tech, will ted to start tanadian play the pro weights go, but they have (ine change. periods of 25 days each, the same be quarterbacked by a trio of same night of the All-Star game. liS last year. extra-ordinary passers, Jack Scar- Dodd's eUte "half-hundred" lists Ne .ers. effects to nose, 3. First with prelll~1I ....'1tJ Shooting bours for woodcock bath of Maryland, Tommy O'Con- eight players from the all-America 2. will be 1h hour before sunrise to pell of Illinois and Dale Samuels squad o! Jast tall. throat .nd Ilnu,n froll llIOk· In both relul.r and "'nl-,I". sunset, the same as last year. ' of Purdue. • I These include Soarbath, tackle McKay sald in a news release Their aerial shots to such re- Kline Gilbert of Mississippi, Inl ChI,terfteld. Prom the report Much Milder with an extraorciinarily tbat the bag an~ possession limits ceivers as Bernie Flowers of Pur- guards Marvin Matuszak of Tulsa, In the MississipPI flyway for ducks due, Paul Dekker of Michigan and John Michels of Tennessee, of a medical .pecialist who bas been good lute , I. and geese wI\] be the same as last State, and Harry Babcock of Geor- and center Pete Brown of Georgia year - " and 1 for ducks and 5 gla, plus a rugged, mobile defense, Tech on the oftense, and end Tom Jivinl ,sroup of Cbesterfield smokers Don't you want to try and 5 for geese. could produce the first co llegiate Scott of Virginia. and l1ne backers --~--....--- triumph since 1950's 17-7 decision Don Moomaw"'o{ UCLA and Dick regular examinations every two month. a ci,.rett, with. IKE THE PRO for wen o'Vcr a year. DENVER (JP)-Prtsldent Ei ~e n­ record like t'"., ho~er shot one of his best golf iames of the year Monday, scor­ Ing an 83 in the first round he has DAVIS nlayed. since starting his vacatlon. Gov. Dan Thornton of Coloralio, - etcaltC"W one of his opponents, disclosed the score.

NA'I'IONAL L~OV. W 1. Pd. OB II'"'''' ...... ,. n lIB...... II to ..III!11' .-na•• I...... , III ., .Ill .t. ...aI ...... II' .. .11' M... y ••k ... . 111 It .all ca...... ,. .. I. ."' 250 Trotters, pacers, runners in 12 .ex­ Cklu,...... n .. .111 citing raee. each day for .huge pur~l...... , • ..•• II 111 .I•• If.... ,.· ••••• 1I. ,l1li1 ...11 •• I, 8'- ...... I Gal, 0 •••T_,.· Id...... 1,. •• t N•• y.,1t Ca.,lIl) - .n­ ilia. nt·" ...... U. 4,·71 • ...... 1.... .1 .It&.••• ,. C.I,,,, - ...... ("" n. 1»Ra.a (I·U). It. L .....1 .U...... 4.. ,1111 - 1111· -- It. 14 .. , •• 11 ...11 II ... ' ...... 41·11. ), ~.,A MUSICAL l\ et.... _ ...t C ....r. - (Je..... (6-8, .... III... n· •• ). AII.aIC,,,,. LIAOV. W L .... os K_ y ••1t . . .. 11 II ..,. !·l!kl~~e~e . ~ " ....r ...... n .. .• ( mou•• lar., lorceOUB daRC- CIo ...... n .. .in • Inl elrl.. Tllrfe hour. of ...... ,. Il II MA ~ ~" .ncb"nlmefll.• memorable W.... .,...... M 11 .tlll I,nl,bt •.. AlIt. 19 ..,. Sept. J PIdla•• I...... II .411 , h"eI' ...... lit Hippodrome .t.... r...... two It...... IT 1t .... CIRCUS _till... ~. Twl... iI,. , ...... , .• a ••• lIo ...... ,... I, a.te•• 'UN HATUIIS __. • 14Otr ..._ • 1 0.1,00_ ...... ,...... ai1 "tea...... , .... , ..... Now. '1m" .t...... ,'. P"".n IIU· -. 1.,..• ..,111. - 'AIM 'IATVIIS ~.tI_ ~_ ...... ~ ('''' ...... '-. (l·I)...... AfIttI. te ...... 6.... ,...... a.1NI& •• ••...... It·lwl••• ,II., - 1 S. Dubuque "'_. _ •••Fj _,.... _I...., •.,. __ 0 ..,. 41-11) ...."" n·" ... La .... 41-11M ... ""u.n.!' (4-'). ... -...... a ...... ,,lia (t.a.l·alrIlU - 218 E. lin". 411-1, ... , ...... 111-7) ... 1t.1I· Washington DIDal _nllnD SUTI ••• (11-1, ••• c...... C'·1). II All. .. IIln sa. •• CASH 01 ..ON.,. 0 ..... TO CII'-II .1 CIo...... C.I,III) - ,.11.­ n.n MIl .0.... II... 0 ...... ta \1 ....) n. La••• Ul-1I).
