The Weather Sorving the StaN ,. Pari., e I • a II J klday. University of Iowa Scattend Ulandenbo'll'­ ,. ~rs aDd cooler WedDn­ Campus and cla,. Rlth Ucla,. II: low, Iowa City n. "Ida M 0 n.a ." 81; owan low. 65. Iowa City. Iowa. Tum t II, 1953 - Vol. 97, No. 224 Ike,, Dulles Plan Retaliation If Reds Withhold Prisoners 100• Mo.re 'Am'erica ns DENVER (,IP) - President Eis- 40 I enhower and Secretary of State how, Dulles and his party left for DuUes MOl1day diJcUBsed plans Washingto~ . The Pre~ident went for American retaliatory stePs to Denver s. Ch.erry Hills country .gainst the Communists in Korea c!ub for. his first rouna oC golf if they refuse to release all U.S. since arrIving here last Saturday. prisoners ot waf. The President an? Mrs. Eisell- Dulles told a news conference hower plan to remam In ColoradQ Reach Freed om Village at the President's vacation head- for at least three weeks. They I * * * quarters here that the United may extend their stay1 until about bb h h No Wounded states "presumably would adopt Labor Day. FII 80 y Puts t e Bite on :Butc I reciprocal measures" j[ the Reds A reporter also asked Dulles POW Ig ht withhold American prisoners in whether "evidence ot Communist • CHARLESTON. W. Va. OP}-Fourteen-mol\lh-old DObby Taylor 0 violation ot the armistice t,rrns. atrocities" would be placed before made news Monday. He blt"a dog. P W's Are Asked whether "rec1procal the Uni~ed Natlons. M Inel d ·Bobby not only bit the dog, he had to be pried loose from ~s measures" meant that Communist "r don't know," Dulles said. "jt ay u e tooth-hold on the pup's nose. prisoners would be withheld in depends upon how much evidence . ' You see, Bobby's pel "Butch" had the audacity to confiscate a 0 LI tJOel turn under such circumstances there is. It hasn't been collated piece of tried chicken lrom hI! master's hand. n IS ay Dulles replied: "That would see~ yet." 3 Pro-Reds Bobby promptly $ank his teeth into Butch's nose and held on. to be a normal rrocedure." * * * Mrs. Robert Earl Taylor of Charleston, the boy's mother, forced ROKa WIt Cooperate M t Rt All her son's mouth open to free the (log. PANMUNJOM (Tuesday) ~,4>)-. After the 70-mlnute session in US e urn HONOLULU TIPl-Three Ameri- Bobby got another piece of chicken. Americans freed from Ion g Eisenhower's summer Whit.e cans softened to communism may Th e d 0, k ep t hIS· dl s t ance. months and years of Communist ' D II S captivity were homeward bound House office in the Lowry air POW sues ays be aboard the first planeload of today while the trartlc down force base administration build- , liberated prisoners or war flying M . P Ik ' , Freedom Road moved again. ing. Dullei repeated that he had home Monday.' One hundred Americans and received frqrn Ilhee "unqualified WASHINGTON (,4>)-Secreta~y A partial news blackout and con- artln ra,·ses e s ' ' 300 olher Allled prisoners were and categoric assurance" that of state John Foster Dulles Said tradictory statements by military) , T h' /. In today's lI~ration quota. The. South Korea won't upset the Monday night on returning trom spokesmen here indicated a po..;- oug Fore,·gn P exchange be,an promptly at 9 armistice. Korea the Communists must re- • • sible . repeat performance or a 0 , cy a.m. (6 p.m. Iowa time Mondny). The secretary also said he had turn all American war prisoners, "mystery flight" in last spring's The first American arrivab. ap_ Informed Japanese Prime Mlnls- even those convicted' of so-called ( Oall, I... , .. Pholo b,. Phil Be,~) sick and wounded prisoner ex- WASHINGTON ~A') _ Housel pea red helllthy. ter Yoshida in Tokyo that the crimes. change. Then a iroup 01 freed cap-ISpeaker Joseph Martin (R-Mass.) The Communists had said there United States feels Japan must He told reporters at the Wash- JOHN McCONNELL. CENTER, adjust the cap on hi. brother, tlves suspect d of having swal- said Monday night President EI,- would be no sick and wounded DSsume "a larger responsiblllty" initon airport the United Nations <!ampbell, while their mother, Mrs. Jes Ie l\lcConnell, proudly lowed Red indoctrination wa 8 enhower demonstrated a new _____________ for defense of its home islands. command "wouldn't return" Chi- watches. Both brothers will receive their Ph.D. derree at \Yeoes- !tlown under wraps to the United "toughness" in American toreign BULLETIN "We don't expect Japan to as- nese and North Korean Commu- day's commencement ceremonIes. John Wi ll receive his decree In States. policy when he ordered the U.S. PANMUNJOM (Tuesday) (,4»­ sume responsibilities , for areas nlst prisoners convicted of crimes phYSical educaUon and Campbell In eco'lomle . The first report from Tok 0 7th Fleet to stop protecting Red The 00""" ...." ..Id &o4a, they other than Japan," Dulles said. "until we know the attitude of the said 17 disabled Americans lertlChlnG against possible attack would. return U' capUves in "But Japan is not doing all we Communists toward ours." SUI T GI Ph D D ' Haneda airport Monday nliht [rom Formosa. WedDesday'. extlhaD&'e, InclucUnr could hope for its own security." Dulles had conferred with Presl- 0 lye •• eg rees but iave no destination or arrivai The result, he said, has been 110 Amerl...... 26 British, Z5 TurluiJ Clark Estimates POW, dent Eisenhower in Denver earlier time In the U.S. "an amazing chain of events" that and 250 80uUl K.oreana. Gcn Mark Olark supreme com- Monday on plans for American T B I Th . litary k h led to n truce In the 3-year-old mond~r of United' Nations forces retaliatory steps against the Com- h eln.: ml lt StPOd est man I ere Korenn war and round reflection I Is I ad ' Th In the Far East estimated at a munists in Korea if they refuse tO 0 2 rothers Wednesday WI 0 a"'d r in d~mpt de 0 rC ract In the current strife behind the pr oners n t ay s group. ere ' . h s wor s n Ica e more f ree d I r C t I were no ambulances In the first Washington news conference last release all U.S. pnsoners of war. prisoners might be aboard. Sov et . ron ur a n. contingent plI~slng through Pan- Thursday that the Reds hold from At commencement exercises MartIn also declared that smce munjom. 2000 to 3000 more American /.. / • I He had said that the plane's the Eisenhower administration R d &0 R II C 11 p'risoners than the figure 3,313 3 Po ,fica Sc.ence Wednesday two brothers from vanced degree in economIcs. manifest showed 21 n~ssenl!'ers , took olCice last Jan. 20 , "record The ~=ricDns j~mpe~ from they have agreed to return. S d N d Harvey, Ill., will be among the John wlll teach at Longbeach Includlni 17 ex-POW s whose after record has been broken" in the high tailgates ot the Russlnn- The. cabinet officer said this tu en's ame graduates. Although brother com- State colleie, Longbeach, CGIU.; names could be released and three the realm of national prosperity Rep. Joseph Martin built trucks and responded to roll government is greatly ~oncerned T T h· J b binatlons have not been uncom- next year. He will be an instruc- ex-POW's w~ose names could not -more jobs, higher wages. blgg~r Gioc$ Ike Credit call alertly: "Yes sir." But some over "the rIsk that some of our 0 eac .n9 0 s mon brothers who are candidates tor In physical education and will be r~iea sed due to their mental savin is deposits. were choked wltl'\ emotion as they prisoners ot war may be withheld for doctor of philosophy dearees coach the college baseball team. condition." . Claims GOP prowe eign policy." reachjld freedom. and not exchanged" by the Com- . !h ree ~t udent s in the SUI ~o- are unusual in SUI commence- Asal.tant Proles or The 21st passenger was descrlb- Martin set forth his claims nr Narrators recalled. h.ow Eisen- A ~umber of Communist Red munists. ht.lcal sCience department "ho ment ranks. Campbell, 25, will be an assls- ed as a reiUlar evacuation pa- Republican prowess in a televised hower offered 15 million dtollau Cross worken; observed today's Atter conferring with Eisen- Will receive their Ph.D. d.egrees on tlent, not a released priJoner. Wm entitled "The 83d Con~esa- in f~ee food to Easl Germany and exchange. With them were Red _________~ ___ IWednesday, have recelve~ ap- John James McConnell will re- tant pr~fessor in economics at the Finally. all military sources An Appraisal," lIponsored by the a million-ton wheat ,1ft to Pakis- Cr~s representotives from Allied polntments to college facuille.~ . ceive ~is Ph.D. degree In physical University of Nebraska next raIl. said none of the names could be Republicnn national committee tan. nations. Returns They are: Marvin Summers, educatlon. Hi ~ brother, Campbell Both men took their undergra- released. and the GOP congressional cam- Martin said another move "de- Ule Clqled Ambulanees .. ,. h T· Claude Cross and Duane Hill. Robertson, Will receive the ad- duate work at Cornell colleJe in TIl group wa expected to reach paien committee. sll/ned to strengthen our position. Streamint north through Fan- From BfI.S r.p Summers has been appointed J Hawaii Tuesday Tho telecast '!Vas schedujed for not only wfth the people behind munlQfll were N&rth Korean an assistant professor of poJitcal Cit C 01 OK' Mt.
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