Commissioner Britt moved that the Board adjourn until Thursday, December THE CITY RECORD. 4, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon. Commissioner Livingston seconded the motion. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORE. Carried. MOSES M. McKEE, Secretary. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the BOARD OF CITY RECORD. Board of Elections, City of New York, No. 107 West 41st Street, Borough of , New York, December 4, 1913. ARDOLPH L. KLINE, MeyoL The Board of Elections of The City of New York, having met on the 4th day ARCHIBALD R. WATSON, CORPORATION COUNSEL, WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, COMPTaor.r.sL of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22 of the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for City offices DAVID FERGUSON, SUPERVISOL in the several counties included within The City of New York, at the general election Supervisor's Ofce, Park Bow Building, 13-21 Park Bow. held on the 4th day of November, 1913. Published daily, at 9 a. m. except legal holidays, at Nos. 96 and 98 Reade street (north side), between West Broadway and church street, . The Secretary presented to the Board a certified copy of the statements of the Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 3 cents a copy. Boards of County Canvassers of the counties of New York and Kings, as to the votes SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names. salaries, etc., of the City employees), Two Dol- cast within said counties for candidates for City offices, lars; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry List, 5 cents each assembly district; Law The Secretary submitted tabulated statements of the whole number of votes Department Supplement, 10 cents; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each section; cast for all candidates for City office shown by the certified copies of the statements postage prepaid. of the Boards of County Canvassers of the counties of New York, , Kings, ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY Racoon must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before Queens and Richmond, to have been voted for and of the whole number of votes publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. cast for each of such candidates. COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least On motion, the following resolution was adopted, viz.: THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Resolved, That the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, as constituted Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Oct at New York City. by the provisions of section 440, chapter 22 of the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, having canvassed the certified copies of the statements of the Boards of County Canvassers of the counties of New York, The Bronx, Kings, TABLE OF CONTENTS. Queens and Richmond, as filed with it, of the votes cast at the general election, held on the 4th day of November, 1913, for candidates for City offices, do hereby deter- mine, declare and certify as set forth in the statements and declarations herewith Approved Papers for Week Ending Decem- Instructions to Bidders for Work to be submitted, copies of which are hereto attached; and be it further ber 27 1913 12142 Done or Supplies to be Furnished 12164 Resolved, That a copy of said statements and declarations be filed with the Assessors, board of- Manhattan, Borough of- Completion of Assessments 12160 Minutes of Meetings of Local Boards 12150 Board of Elections of The City of New York. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Depart- Proposals 12155 We certify this determination and declaration to be correct, and have signed ment of- Statement of Operations of Bureau of the same as Members of the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, and Proposals 12154 Buildings for Week Ending De- Board Meetings 12153 cember 13, 1913 12150 attested thereof by the Secretary this fourth day of December, one thousand nine Bridges, Department of- Municipal Civil Service Commission- hundred and thirteen. Proposals 12159 Notices of Examinations 12158 1AS. KANE, Chairman. Bronx, Borough of- Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Build- T. G. BRITT. Proposals 12160 ings, etc. 12164 Brooklyn, Borough of- J. A. LIVINGSTON, Auction Sale 12162 Official Directory 12150 Attest : MOSES M. McKEE, Secretary. Proposals 12161 Parks, Department of- Proposals 42159 Change of Grade Damage Commission- Time and Place of Meetings 12162 Police Department- Board of Elections of The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 West Changes in Departments, etc 12150 Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Prop- 41st Street, New York, December 4,- 1913. Docks and Ferries, Department of- erty 12154 Proposals 12154 Public Charities, Department of- STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW Education, Department of- Proposals , 12160 YORK, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF Contracts Entered Into 12150 Synopsis for Week Ending December NEW YORK. 12149 Proposals 12161 20, 1913 In relation to votes given for Mayor, Comptroller and President of the Board of Elections, Board of- Public Service Commission, First District- Statement and Declarations 12133 Notice of Public Hearing 12159 Aldermen. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of- Proposals 12159 The Board of Elections of The City of. New York, having met on the 1st and Notice of Public Hearing - Franchise Queens, Borough of- 4th day of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22, of 12154 Matters Proposals 12154 the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board Notice of Public 'Hearings-Public Street Cleaning, Department of- Improvement Matters 12154 Proposals 12159 of Canvassers of The City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given Finance, Department of- Supreme Court, First Department- for candidates for City office in the several counties included within the City of Confirmation of Assessments 12156 Filing Bills of Costs 12162 New York, at the general election held on the fourth day of November, one thousand Corporation Sale of Buildings 12157 Filing of Preliminary Abstracts 12162 Interest on City Bonds and Stock 12158 Hearings on Qualifications 12162 nine hundred and thirteen, do certify as follows: Notice of Sale of Tax Liens, etc 12158 Sureties on Contracts 12158 Supreme Court, Second Department- For Mayor. Vouchers Received December 26, 1913 12147 Filing Bills of Costs 12163 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Warrants Made Ready for Payment Filing of Preliminary Abstracts 12163 votes given for the office of Mayor was six hundred and thirty-three thou- December 26, 1913 12145 Hearings on Qualifications 12163 Supreme Court, Third judicial District- sand nine hundred and twelve 633,912 Fire Department- Application for Appointment of Com- Abstract of Transactions from Decem- missioners 12164 ber 8 to December 13, 1913 12149 Of which there were cast Proposals 12158 Water Supply, Board of- In the Counties of New York and Bronx, three hundred and thirty thou- Health, Department of- Proposals 12159 Amendment to Sanitary Code 12154 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Depart- sand eight hundred and ninety-six *330,896 Proposals 12154 ment of- In the County of Kings, two hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred Resolution Adopted 12154 Proposals 12158 and twenty-five 229,625 In the County of Queens, fifty-seven thousand four hundred and ninety-three. 57,493 In the County of Richmond, fifteen thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight. 15,898 BOARD OF ELECTIONS. 633,912 *The statement of canvass of New York County includes the void ballots in Board of Elections of The City of New York, Constituting and Acting as the Board whole vote; not so in canvass of other counties. of Canvassers of The City of New York. Of which The members of the Board of Elections of The City of New York met at their i New York Kings Queens Richmond headquarters office, No. 107 West 41st street, Borough of Manhattan, on Monday, County. County. County. County. Total. December 1, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon, in pursuance of the following call, viz.: "Board of Elections of The City of New York, General Office, No. 107 West 41st Edward E. McCall received 129,113 77,826 20,097 6,883 233,919 Street, New York, November 28, 1913. John Purroy Mitchel received 178,224 137,074 34,279 8,640 358,217 .. "Dear Sir-You are hereby notified that pursuant to the provisions of sec- Charles E. Russell received 17,383 11,636 2,865 249 32,133 ti on 440, chapter 22 of the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consoli- Newman H. Raymond received 412 587 118 96 1,213 dated Laws, the members of the Board of Elections of The City of New York William A. Walters received 952 538 129 2$ 1,647 are requested to meet for organization as the Board of Canvassers of The City Scattering 18 5 2 25 of New York, at -12 o'clock noon, on Monday, December 1, 1913, at the head- There were blank 2,241 1,964 4,205 quarters office, No. 107 West 41st street, to canvass the statement of the County Boards of Canvassers of the counties of New York, The Bronx, Kings, Queens Total 328,343 - 229,625 57,493 15.898 61313Q and Richmond, City of New York, of the votes cast in subsidy for all city officers. "Respectfully, THOMAS J. KENNY, Deputy Chief Clerk." The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of which were counted for the several candidates for the office of Mayor was Present-Commissioner J. Gabriel Britt, Commissioner Moses M. McKee, Com- 86 missioner James Kane, Commissioner Jacob A. Livingston. eighty-six Commissioner Britt moved that the Commissioners of the Board of Elections or- ganize as the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, and that Commissioner Of which there were cast S In the Counties of New York and Bronx .0 Kane be elected to act as Chairman of the said Board of Canvassers. 42 Question put by Commissioner Livingston and unanimously carried. In the County of Kings, forty-two In the County of Queens 0 The Constitutional oath of office as Member and as Chairman of the Board of In the County of Richmond, forty-four 44 Canvassers of The City of New York was administered to Commissioner Kane by Commissioner McKee, Secretary, Board of Elections. 86 The oath of office as a Member and as Secretary of the Board of Canvassers The number of general ballots which were rejected as void on which no vote of The City of New York was then administered by the Chairman to Commissioner for any candidate for the office of Mayor was counted was four thousand McKee. seven hundred and seventeen r 4,717 The oath of office as a Member of the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York was then administered by the Chairman to Commissioner Livingston. Of which there were cast The oath of office as a Member of the Board of Canvassers of The City of In the Counties of New York and Bronx, two thousand five hundred and New York was then administered by the Chairman to Commissioner Britt. fifty-three 2,553 The Chairman requested the Secretary to deliver to the Board the certified copies In the County of Kings, one thousand six hundred and fifty-one 1.651 of the statements of the County Boards of Canvassers of the counties of New York, In the County of Queens, three hundred and fifty-seven 357 The Bronx, Kings, Queens and Richmond, as to the votes cast within such counties In the County of Richmond, one hundred and fifty-six 156 for candidates for City offices, required to be filed with the Board of Elections by the County Clerks of said counties, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, 4,717 chapter 22 of the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws. The Secretary presented to the Board a certified copy of the statements of the For Comptroller. Boards of County Canvassers of the counties of Queens and Richmond, as to the That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes cast within said counties for candidates for City offices. votes given for the office of Comptroller was six hundred and thirty-three The Secretary also reports that up to this time he has not received the certified thousand six hundred and seventy-seven 633,677 copies of the statements of the Boards of County Canvassers for the counties of New York and Kings. Of which there were cast Thomas J. Kenny, Deputy Chief Clerk of the Board, reports that he communicated In.the Counties of New York and Bronx, three hundred and thirty thousand with the County Clerks of the counties of New York and Kings, and has received eight hundred and ninety-six *330,896 the information that the same will be in the hands of this Board by Thursday, De- In the County of Kings, two hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred cember 4, 191:0: and twenty-five , 229,625


In the County of Queens, fifty-seven thousand one hundred and ninety-seven 57,197 William L. Ransom received one hundred and twenty-eight thousand, seven In the County of Richmond, fifteen thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine .... 15,959 hundred and eight 128,708 Leon A. Malkiel received eleven thousand nine hundred and ninety-six 11,996 633,677 George K. Hinds received two hundred and ninety-nine 299 The statement of canvass of New York County includes the void ballots in Of which scattering five 5 whole vote; not so in canvass of other counties. Of which there were blank four thousand four hundred and nineteen 4,419 Of which Of which there were void one thousand nine hundred and eighteen 1,918 New York Kings Queens Richmond 251,190 County. County. County. County. Total. The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Herman A. Metz received 133,474 87,934 25,073 7,653 254,134 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of Justice William A. Prendergast received 154,611 112,188 24,994 7,335 299,128 of the City Court was Frank A. Sieverman received 17,468 11,614 2,871 238 32,191 We certify this statement to be correct, and have signed the same as members o-f Arthur C. Lasswell received 410 618 172 107 1,307 the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, and attested by the Secretary Theodore Sutro received 18,163 14,476 3,955 601 37,195 thereof this fourth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. Erwin A. Archer received 1,039 584 131 25 1,779 JAS. KANE, Chairman. Scattering 7 1 .... 8 J. G. BRITT. There were blank 3,171 2,211 .... 5,382 J. A. LIVINGSTON. Attest : MOSES M. McKEe, Secretary. Total 328,343 229,625 57,197 15,959 631,124 Board of Elections of The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 West The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of 41st Street, New York, December 4, 1913. which were counted for the several candidates for the office of Comptroller STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW was eighty-six . 86 YORK, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Of which there were cast In relation to votes given for President of the Borough of Manhattan. In the Counties of New York and Bronx 0 The Board of Elections of The City of New York, having met on the 1st and In the County of Kings, forty-two 42 4th days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of sectic n 440, chapter 22 of In the County of Queens 0 the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board of In the County of Richmond, forty-four 44 Canvassers of The City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for candidates for City offices in the several counties included within The City of New 86 York, at the general election held on the 4th day of November, one thousand nine The number of general ballots which were rejected as void, on which no vote hundred and thirteen, do certify as follows: for any candidate for the office of Comptroller was counted, was four thou- That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of sand seven hundred and seventeen 4,717 votes given for the office of President of the Borough of Manhattan, was two hundred and fifty-one thousand, one hundred and ninety 251,190 Of which there were cast In the Counties of New York and Bronx, two thousand five hundred and Of which fifty-three 2,553 Thomas Darlington received one hundred and three thousand eight hundred In the County of Kings, one thousand six hundred and fifty-one 1,651 and one 103,801 In the County of Queens, three hundred and fifty-seven 357 Marcus M. Marks received one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hun- In the County of Richmond, one hundred and fifty-six 156 dred and forty 129,640 Simon Berlin received eleven thousand seven hundred and ninety-six 11,796 4,717 Edward A. Packer received three hundred and sixty-seven 367 Louis F. Meinecke received six hundred and eighty-five 685 For President of the Board of Aldermen. Of which there were scattering nine 9 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Of which there were blank two thousand nine hundred and seventy-four 2,974 given for the office of President of the Board of Aldermen was six, hun- Of which there were void one thousand nine hundred and eighteen 1,918 dred and thirty-three thousand two hundred and seven ..... 633,207 251,190 Of which there were cast: The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of In the Counties of New York and The Bronx three hundred and thirty which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office thousand, eight hundred and ninety-six 330,896 of President of the Borough of Manhattan was In the County of Kings, two hundred 'and twenty-nine thousand, six hundred We certify this statement to be correct and have signed the same as Members of and twenty-five 229,625 the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York and attested by the Secretary In the County of Queens, fify-seven thousand and forty-six 57,046 thereof this 4th day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. In the County of Richmond, fifteen thousand six hundred and forty 15,640 JAS. KANE, Chairman. ' J. G. BRITT, 633,207 J. A. LIVINGSTON. The statement of canvass of New York County includes the void ballots in Attest : Mosas M. McKEE, Secretary. whole vote, not so in canvass of other counties. Of which: Board of Elections of The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 West 41st Street, New York, December 4, 1913. New York Kings Queens Richmond STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW County. County. County. County. Total. YORK, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF Joseph A. Goulden received 129,905. 78,590 . 22,737 7,207 238,439 NEW YORK. George McAneny received 157,185 119,143 26,802 7,429 310,559 In relation to votes given for President of the Borough of The Bronx. Algernon Lee received 17,619 11,786 2,949 248 32,602 ' The Board of Elections of The City of New York, having met on the 1st and 4th John A. Shedd received 421 691 156 109 1,377 days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22 of the Maurice Simmons received 18,655 15,805 4,265 618 39,343 Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board of Edmund Moonelis received 1,034 574 134 29 1,771 Canvassers of The City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for Scattering 3 3 6 candidates for City offices in the several counties included within The City of New Of which there were blank 3,521 3,036 6,557 York, at the general election, held on the 4th day of November, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, do certify as follows: That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Total 328,343 229,625 57,046 15,640 630,654 given for the office of President of the Borough of The Bronx was seventy- the number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of nine thousand seven hundred and six 79,706 which were counted for the several candidates for the office of Comptroller, was eighty-six 86 Of which Richard H. Mitchell received twenty-six thousand and twenty-one 26,021 Of which there were cast: Douglas Mathewson received thirty-four thousand eight hundred and fifty-six 34,856 In the Counties of New York and The Bronx Edward J. L. Raldiris received ten thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven 10,867 In the County of Kings, forty-two 42 Frederick L. Schlueter received five thousand six hundred and nineteen 5,619 In the County of Queens Peter Lindeman received ninety-six 96 In the County of Richmond- forty-four 44 Henry C. Botty received three hundred and eighty-two 382 Of which there were scattering two 2 86 Of which there were blank one thousand two hundred and twenty-eight 1,228 The number of general ballots which were rejected as void, on which no vote Of which there were void six hundred and thirty-five 635 for any candidate for the office of President of the Board of Aldermen was counted, was four thousand seven hundred and seventeen 4,717 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Of which there were cast: which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office 79,706 In the Counties of New York and the Bronx, two thousand five hundred and of President of the Borough of The Bronx was .... fifty-three 2,553 We certify this statement to be correct and have signed the same as Members of In the County of Kings, one thousand six hundred and fifty-one 1,651 the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York and attested by the Secretary In the County of Queens, three hundred and fifty-seven 357 thereof this 4th day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. In the County of Richmond one hundred and fifty-six 156 JAS. KANE, Chairman. J. G. BRITT. 4,717 J. A. LIVINGSTON. We certify this statement to be correct and have signed the same as Members Attest : MOSES M. McK E, Secretary. of the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, and attested by the Secretary thereof this fourth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. Board of Elections of The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 West JAS. KANE, Chairman. 41st Street. New York, December 4, 1913. J. G. BRITT. President of the Borough of Brooklyn. J. A. LIVINGSTON. STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW Attest : MOSES M. McKEE, Secretary. YORK, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Board of Elections of The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 West The Board of Elections of The City of New York, having met on the 1st and 4th 41st Street, New York, December 4, 1913. days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22 of the STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board of Can• YORK, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF vassers of The City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for can- NEW YORK, didates for City offices in the several counties included within The City of New York. In relation to votes given for Justice of the City Court: at the general election held on the 4th day of November, one thousand nine hundred The Board of Elections of The City of New York, having met on the first an and thirteen, do certify as follows: fourth days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 2 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of of the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board votes given for the office of President of the Borough of Brooklyn, was two of Canvassers of The City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for hundred and twenty-nine thousand, six hundred and twenty-five 229,625 candidates for City officers in the several counties included within The City of New York, at the general election held on the fourth day of November, one thousand nine Of which hundred and thirteen, do certify as follows: Frank Mann received eighty-one thousand two hundred and ninety-seven.... 81,297 Lewis H. Pounds received one hundred and thirty-three thousand and eighty- That it appears upon such f stimate and canvass that the whole number of votes given for the office of Justice of the City Court was two hundred and fifty-one nine 133,089 thousand, one hundred and ninety 251,190 Bernard J. Riley received eleven thousand six hundred and ninety-one 11,691 John Berry received five hundred and thirty-four 534 Of which Of which there were blank three thousand and fourteen 3,014 Robert L. Luce received one hundred and three thousand, four hundred and eighty-five 103,485 229,625 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27,1913. THE CITY RECORD. 12135

The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Ingerman received eleven thousand, nine hundred and ninety-seven 11,997 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Maxim Romm received eleven thousand nine hundred and twenty-five 11,925 of President of the Borough of Brooklyn was forty-two 42 Julius Halpern received eleven thousand, eight hundred and ninety 11,890 The number of ballots rejected as void for any candidates for the office of John Guttman received eleven thousand, eight hundred 11,800 President of the Borough of Brooklyn was counted, was one thousand six Timothy N. Holden received three hundred and five 305 hundred and fifty-one 1,651 Nathan E. Badgeley received three hundred and fifty-nine 359 We certify this statement to be correct and have signed the same as Members of Herbert D. Burnham received three hundred and forty-four 344 the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York and attested by the Secretary Wilbur F. Rawlins received three hundred and ninety-two 392 thereof this 4th day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, Scattering 12 JAS. KANE, Chairfnan, Of which there were blank twenty-one thousand four hundred and eighty- J. G. BRITT. seven ` 21,487 J. A. LIVINGSTON. Of which there were void seven thousand six hundred and seventy-two 7,672 Attest : MOSES M. McKEE, Secretary. 1,004,760 Board of Elections of The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 West The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of 41st Street, New York, December 4, 1913. which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office In relation to votes given for President of the Borough of Queens. of Coroner of the Borough of Manhattan was .. STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW We certify this statement to be correct and have signed the same as Members of YORK, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, and attested by the Secretary NEW YORK. thereof this fourth day of December, one thousand, nine hundred and thirteen. The Board of Elections of The City of New York, having met on the 1st and JAS. KANE, Chairman; 4th days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22, of J. G. BRITT, the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board J. A. LIVINGSTON. of Canvassers of The City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for Attest : MOSES M. McKEE, Secretary. candidates for City offices, in the several Counties included within The City of New York, at the general election held on the fourth day of November, one thousand,, nine Board of Elections of The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 West hundred and thirteen, do certify as follows: 41st street, New York, December 4, 1913. That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW votes given for the office of President of the Borough of Queens was fifty- YORK, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF seven thousand two hundred and thirty-nine 57,239 NEW YORK. In-relation to votes given for Coroner of the Borough of The Bronx. Of which The Board of Elections of The City of New York, having met on the 1st and Maurice E. Connolly received thirty-three thousand one hundred and seventy- 4th days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22, seven 33,177 Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board of Can- Leonard C. Smith received twenty-one thousand five hundred and thirty-nine 21,539 vassers of The City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for can- William Burkle received two thousand five hundred and twenty-one 2,521 didates for City offices, in the several counties within The City.of New York, at the Richard Cooke received one 1 General Election held on the 4th day of November, 1913, do certify as follows: H. Van Rossman received one 1 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes given for the office of Coroner of the Borough of The Bronx, was one 57,239 hundred and fifty-nine thousand four hundred and twelve 159,412 The number of general ballots "protested as marked. for identification," all of Of which ' which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Jerome F. Healy received twenty-six thousand and thirty-seven 26,037 of President of the Borough of Queens was none .... Harry P. Minogue received twenty-five thousand seven hundred and sixteen 25,716 The number of general ballots rejected as void for any candidate for the Andrew J. Kelly received twenty-four thousand four hundred and eleven 24,411 office of President of the Borough of Queens, on which no vote was counted, William J. Flynn received twenty-six thousand three hundred and sixteen 26,316 was three hundred and fifty-seven 357 Luis P. Bernstein received nineteen thousand one hundred and sixty-six 19,166 We certify this statement to be correct and have signed the same as Members of George P. Zipf received twenty thousand one hundred and twenty-one 20,121 the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, and attested by the Secr'tary Edward S. Rapport received five thousand six hundred and twenty-three 5,623 thereof this fourth day of December, one thousand, nine hundred and -thirteen. Robert Landsdowne received five thousand six hundred and forty-four 5,644 JAS. KANE, Chairman; Alfred W. Metzger received one hundred and six 106 J. G. BRITT, Julius Rosenfield received ninety-one 91 J. A. LIVINGSTON. Virgil M. Adams received three hundred and twelve 312 Attest : MOSES M. McKEE, Secretary. Joseph Manisof received five hundred and ninety-seven 597 Andrew J. Flynn received three hundred and thirty-eight 338 Board of Elections of The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 West Scattering I 41st Street, New York, December 4, 1913. Of which there were blank, three thousand six hundred and sixty-three.: 3,663 STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW Of which there were void, one thousand two hundred and seventy 1,270 YORK ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 159,412 In relation to votes given for President of the Borough of Richmond. The number of general ballots "Protested as marked for identification," all The Board of Elections of The City of New York, having met on the 1st and of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the 4th days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22, of office of Coroner of The Borough of The Bronx was the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board We certify this statement to be correct, and have signed the same as Members of Canvassers of The City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for of the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, and attested by the Secre- candidates for City offices, in the several Counties included within The City of New tary thereof this fourth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. York, at the general election held on the fourth day of November, one thousand, nine JAS. KANE, Chairman. hundred and thirteen, do certify as follows : J. G. BRITT. That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of J. A. LIVINGSTON. votes given for the office of President of the Borough of Richmond was Attest : MOSES M. McKEE, Secretary. fifteen thousand eight hundred and forty-three 15,843 Board of Elections of The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 West Of which 41st Street, New York, December 4, 1913. Charles J. McCormack received seven thousand four hundred and twenty- STATEMENT' OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW four 7,424 YORK, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF George Cromwell received six thousand nine hundred and fifty-one 6,951 NEW YORK. William Wirt Mills received one thousand one hundred and sixty-eight 1,168 In relation to votes given for Coroner of the Borough of Brooklyn. Rudolph Rochow received two hundred and nine 209 The Board of Elections of The City of New York, having met on the 1st and James Adamson received ninety-one 91 4th days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22, of the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board 15,843 of Canvassers of The City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for candidates for City offices, in the several counties within The City of New York The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of at the general election held on the fourth day of November, one thousand nine hun- which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office dred and thirteen, do certify as follows: of President of the Borough of Richmond, was forty-four 44 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes The number of general ballots which were rejected as void, on which no vote given for the office of Coroner of the Borough of Brooklyn, was four for any candidate for the office of President of the Borough of Richmond hundred and fifty-nine thousand two hundred and fifty 459,250 was counted, was one hundred and fifty-six 156 We certify this statement to be correct and have signed the same as Members of Of which the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, and attested by the Secretary Edward Glinnen received seventy-nine thousand three hundred and seventy- thereof this fourth day of December, one thousand, nine hundred and thirteen. three - 79,373 JAS. KANE, Chairman; Alexander J. Rooney received seventy-eight thousand three hundred and G. BRITT, one 78,301 J. A. LIVINGSTON. Ernest C. Wagner received one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hun- Attest : MOSES M. MCKEE, Secretary. dred and twelve 128,412 Frank S. Senior received one hundred and three thousand five hundred and City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 West sixty-six 103,566 Board of Elections of The Thurston H. Dexter received twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and twenty- 41st Street, New York, December 4, 1913. two 29,722 STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW 11,815 YORK ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF Simon Frucht received eleven thousand eight hundred and fifteen William Rachlin received eleven thousand eight hundred and sixty-one 11,861 NEW YORK. Walter G. Howell received six hundred and four In relation to votes given for Coroners of the Borough of Manhattan. 572 Th-e Board of Elections of The City of New York, having met on the 1st and Samuel Eden ,received five hundred and seventy-two Hugo Nacciarone received five thousand and sixteen 5,016 4th days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22, of 10,008 the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board Of which there were blank ten thousand and eight of Canvassers of The City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for 459,250 candidates for City offices, in the several Counties included within The City of New York, at the general election held on the fourth day of November, one thousand, nine The number. of general ballots "Protested as marked for identification," all of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the hundred and thirteen, do certify as follows: 42 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of office of Coroner of the Borough of Brooklyn, was forty-two votes given for the office of Coroner of the Borough of Manhattan, was one The number of general ballots which were rejected as void, on which no million and four thousand, seven hundred and sixty 1,004,760 vote for any candidate for the office of Coroner of the Borough of Brook- lyn was counted, was one thousand six hundred and fifty-one 1,651 We verify this statement to be correct, and have signed the same as Members Of which Richard J. Delaney received one hundred and four thousand eight hundred and k f the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, and attested by the Secre- 104,856 tary thereof this fourth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. fifty-six JAS. KANE, Chairman. Julius Harburger received ninety-nine thousand five hundred and thirty-three 99,533 iO4,' J. G. BRITT. John W. Perilli received one hundred and four thousand and eighty-eight J. A. LIVINGSTON. Eugene A. Johnson received one hundred and three thousand and sixty-seven. 103,067 Patrick D. Riordan received one hundred and twenty-seven thousand eight Attest : Moss M. McKEE, 'Secretary. 127,876 hundred and seventy-six Board of Elections of The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 West Timothy Healy. received one hundred and thirty-two thousand two hundred and thirteen 132213 41st Street, New York, December 4, 1913. Israel L. Feinberg, received one hundred and twenty-seven thousand two hun- STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF dred and sixty-nine 127,269 Herman Hellenstein received one hundred and twenty-seven thousand six hun- NEW YORK. In relation to votes given for Coroner of the Borough of Queens. dred and seventy-five 127,675



The Board of Elections of The City of New York, having met on the 1st and Sydney W. Stern received four thousand one hundred and ninety 4,190 4th days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22, of Irving Ottenberg received four hundred and thirty-one 431 the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board Alfred P. W. Seaman received three thousand one hundred and seventy-three 3,173 of Canvassers of The City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given Of which there were blank four hundred and thirty 430 for candidates for City offices, in the several counties within The City of New York Of which there were void two hundred and ten 210 at the general election held on the fourth day of November, one thousand nine hun- dred and thirteen, do certify as follows: 23,920 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of given for the office of Coroner of the Borough of Queens was one hun- which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of dred and twelve thousand six hundred and nineteen 112,619 Justice of the Municipal Court, City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, Fifth District, was none .. . Of which We certify this statement to be correct and have signed the same as members of Carl Voegel received twenty-eight thousand one hundred and thirty-eight 28,138 the Board of Canvassers of the City of New York and attested by the Secretary Daniel M. Ebert received twenty-seven thousand six hundred and eighty 27,680 thereof this 4th day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, Christopher Marsden received twenty-five thousand two hundred and sixty- JAS. KANE Chairman. six 25,266 G. BRIT1t, Anthony Moors received twenty-five thousand five hundred and forty-nine 25,549 . A. LIVINGSTON. Edwin C. Brooks received two thousand nine hundred and thirty 2,930 Attest: Most.s M. McKEE, Secretary. Anthon Rabot received two thousand eight hundred and ninety-two 2,892 John F. Lucas received one hundred and fifty 150 Board of Elections of the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 James Hefferen received two 2 West 41st street, New York, December 4, 1913. Joseph Tyrnam received one 1 STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW Wm. Connors received one 1 YORK ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS Of THE CITY OF W. J. Wheelehan received six 6 NEW YORK. Wm. O'Hara received one 1 In relation to votes given for members of the Board of Aldermen. Charles Grimer received one 1 The Board of Elections of the City of New York, having met on the 1st and 4th A. D. Van Siclen received two 2 days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22 of the Laws of 1909, constituting. chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board of Can- 112,619 vassers of the City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for candi- The number of general ballots "Protested as marked for identification," all dates for City offices, in the several counties included within the City of New York of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the at the general election held on the 4th day of November, one thousand nine hundred office of Coroner of the Borough of Queens was none .... and thirteen, do certify as follows: The number of general ballots which were rejected as void, on which no vote First Aldermanic District. for any candidates for the office of Coroner of the Borough of Queens was That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of counted, was three hundred and fifty-seven 357 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the We certify this statement to be correct, and have signed the same as Members First Aldermanic District was five thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight.. 5,958 of the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, and attested by the Secre- tary thereof this fourth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. Of which JAS. KANE, Chairman. Bernard E. Donnelly received three thousand one hundred and twenty-seven. 3,127 J. G. BRITT. William Crowley received two thousand five hundred and forty-six 2,546 J. A. LIVINGSTON. Ernest Poole received forty-nine 49 Attest : MOSES M. McKEE, Secretary. Melvin Dodd received eight 8 Of which there were blank one hundred and seventy-five 175 Board of Elections of the City of New York, Borough of -Manhattan, 107 Of which there were void fifty-three 53 West 41st street, New York, December 4, 1913. STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW 5,958 YORK ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of NEW YORK. which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of In relation to votes given for Coroner of the Borough of Richmond. member of the Board of Aldermen was six 6 The Board of Elections of the City of New York, having met on the 1st and 4th. Second Aldermanic District. days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter '22 of the That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board of Can- votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the vassers of the City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for candi- Second Aldermanic District was six thousand three hundred and seventy- dates for City offices, in the several counties included within the City of New York seven 6,377 at the general election held on the 4th day of November, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, do certify as follows: Of which That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Michael Stapleton received three thousand five hundred and eighty-one 3,581 given for the office of Coroner of the Borough of Richmond was fifteen Joseph Carpincto received two thousand one hundred and forty 2,140 thousand six hundred and thirty-eight 15,638 Nathan Stupnicker received five hundred and seven 507 Of which there were blank ninety-nine 99 Of which Of which there were void fifty 50 James L. Vail received six thousand five hundred and forty-nine 6,549 Martin Hughes received five thousand one hundred and sixty-one 5,161 6,377 William H. Jackson received three thousand five hundred and thirty-six 3,536 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Albert Rafalsky received two hundred and fifty-three 253 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office William D. Hill received one hundred and thirty-nine 139 of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none Third Aldermanic District. 15,638 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of Third Aldermanic District was seven thousand one hundred and fifty-six 7,156 Coroner of the Borough of Richmond was forty-four 44 The number of general ballots which were rejected as void on which Of which no vote for any candidate for the office of Coroner of the Borough of Rich- John J. White received four thousand two hundred and sixty-four 4,264 mond was counted was one hundred and fifty-six 156 Isidor A. Rubin received nine hundred and sixty-six 966 We certify this statement to be correct and have signed the same as members of Charles G. Ognibene received one thousand one hundred and eighty-seven.: 1,187 the Board of Canvassers of the City of New York and attested by the Secretary Ludwig Closs received two hundred and forty-three 243 thereof this 4th day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. Al Zabriskie received five 5 JAS. KANE, Chairman. Of which there were blank four hundred and twenty-six 426 J, G. BRITT, Of which there were void sixty-five 65 J. A. LIVINGSTON. Attest : MOSES M. McKEE, Secretary. 7,156 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Board of Elections of the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 107 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office West 41st street, New York, December 4, 1913. of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW Fourth Aldermanic District. YORK ACTING AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of NEW YORK. votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the In relation to votes given for Justices of the Municipal District Court, Borough Fourth Aldermanic District was five thousand seven hundred and twenty- of Manhattan. four 5,724 The Board of Elections of the City of New York, having met on the 1st and 4th • days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22 of the Of which Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board of Can- William H. Burns received two thousand nine hundred and fifty-six 2,956 vassers of the City of New York, to canvass and estimate the votes given for candi- Morris Tomberg received two thousand and six 2.006 dates for City offices, in the several counties included within the City of New York Samuel Percy Kramer received six hundred and sixty-seven 667 at the general election held on the 4th day of November, one thousand nine hundred Of which there were blank eighty 80 and thirteen, do certify as follows: Of which there were void fifteen 15 For Justice of the Municipal Court, City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, Second District. 5,724 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of votes given for the office of Justice of the Municipal Court, City of New which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office York, Borough of Manhattan, Second District, was thirty-one thousand of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none 31,289 two hundred and eighty-nine Fifth Aldermanic District. That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Of which votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Aaron J. Levy received eleven thousand four hundred and eighty-six 11,486 Fifth Aldermanic District was seven thousand one hundred and two 7,102 Gustave Hartman received eleven thousand and sixty-nine 11,069 David Goldstein received five thousand one hundred and eighty-seven 5,187 2,811 Of which Alexander Levine received two thousand eight hundred and eleven Joseph M. Hannon received four thousand four hundred and sixty 4,460 I Scattering John H. O'Connell received two, thousand two hundred and seventy-six 2,276 Of which there were blank five hundred and fifteen 515 Nicholas Pratt received one hundred and two 102 Of which there were void two hundred and twenty 220 Fitzhugh Smith received seven 7 2 31,289 T. J. Bedford received two Of which there were blank two hundred and ten 210 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Of which there were void forty-five 45 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of Justice of the Municipal Court, City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, 7.102 Second District was none The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of For Justice of the Municipal Court, City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, Fifth which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office District. That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none given for the office of Justice of the Municipal Court, City of New York, Sixth Aldermanic District. Borough of Manhattan, Fifth District, was twenty-three thousand nine hun- That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of dred and twenty 23,920 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Sixth Aldermanic District was six thousand one hundred and fifty-six 6,156 Of which Josiah A. Stover received six thousand six hundred and twelve 6,612 Of which Charles W. Coleman received eight thousand eight hundred and seventy-four 8,874 Charles C. Peters received one thousand two hundred and ninety one 1,291 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913. THE CITY RECORD. 1187

Frank J. Dotzler received two thousand two hundred and fifty-seven 2,257 Of which there were blank one hundred and sixty-five 165 Max Steindler received one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five 1,855 Of which there were void forty-three 43 Abraham Caspe received six hundred and seven 607 Of which there were blank eighty-five 85 6,188 Of which there were void sixty-one 61 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office 6,156 of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Fourteenth Aldermanic District. which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Seventh Aldermanic District. Fourteenth Aldermanic District was seven thousand two hundred and eighty- That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of five 7,285 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Seventh Aldermanic District was six thousand seven hundred and fifty-four 6,754 Of which William J. Lein received three thousand seven hundred and six 3,706 Of which Daniel D. Thompson received three thousand two hundred and eight 3,208 Frank L. Dowling received three thousand six hundred and ninety-one 3,691 John Privaca received two hundred and eleven 211 William L. Turner received two thousand three hundred and eighty-one 2,381 Alfred I. Anderson received seven 7 John Mullen received one hundred and thirty-five 135 Of which there were blank one hundred and eighteen 118 James H. Duffie received eighteen 18 Of which there were void thirty-five 35 William M. Reiber received three hundred and sixteen 316 Of which there were blank one hundred and sixty-five 165 7,285 Of which there were void forty-eight 48 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the 6,754 office of, Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Fourteenth Aldermanic The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of District, was which were counted 'for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Fifteenth Aldermanic District. of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Eighth Aldermanic District. votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Fifteenth Aldermanic District was ten thousand three hundred and forty- That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of six votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the 10,346 Eighth Aldermanic District was five thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine 5,989 Of which Ashton Parker received three thousand and fifty-five 3,055 Of which Max S. Levine received two thousand four hundred and sixty-eight 2,468 William F. Quinn received five thousand and fifty-seven 5,057 2.620 Isidor Cahn received one thousand six hundred and forty-two 1,642 Louis Jacobson received two thousand six hundred and twenty William Evans received one hundred and thirty-two Max Pine received seven hundred and twenty-two 722 132 Harold • M. Wyckoff received seventeen Of which there were blank one hundred and forty 140 17 39 Of which there were blank three hundred and forty-six 346 Of which there were void thirty-nine Of which there were void ninety-seven 97 5,989 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of 10,346 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Fifteenth Aldermanic Ninth Aldermanic District. District, was none That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Sixteenth Aldermanic District. votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Ninth Aldermanic District was five thousand eight hundred and forty-two. 5842 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Sixteenth Aldermanic District was six thousand eight hundred and forty- Of which one John F. McCourt received three thousand eight hundred and seventy-five 3,875 6,841 1,601 Terence J. Murphy received one thousand six hundred and one' Of which Charles G. Teche received one hundred and sixty-five 165 John T. Egan received three thousand one hundred and two 3,102 John McNickle received seven 7 1 John P. Gallagher received one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four 1,964 Samuel May received one 18 Francis J. Lantry received nine hundred and forty-one Of which there were blank one hundred and eighty-nine 941 4 Herman Krack received two hundred and eighty-nine Of which there were void four 289 William J. Daly received three hundred and eighteen . 318 Of which there were blank one hundred and seventy-seven 177 5,842 Of which there were void fifty The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of 50 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office 6,841 of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none The - number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all Tenth Aldermanic District. of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Sixteenth Aldermanic given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Tenth District, was none Aldermanic District was six thousand one hundred and ninety-five 6,195 Seventeenth Aldermanic District. That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Of which Hugh J. Cummuskey received two thousand and sixty-two 2,062 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the 3,202 Seventeenth Aldermanic District was nine thousand nine hundred and four- Frank Dostal, Jr., received three thousand two hundred and two teen Thomas Burnett received six hundred and twenty-eight' 628 9,914 4 August Leibrock received four Of which Valentine A. Schutz received one hundred and one 101 George A. Schaefer received .three thousand and forty-one Of which there were blank one hundred and thirty-seven 137 3,041 Daniel M. Bedell received four thousand two hundred and fifty-five Of which there were void sixty-one 61 4,255 Gordon Ireland received one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven 1,987 6,195 Alexander M. Copstein received two hundred and twelve 212 William McKinley received nine The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of 9 Of which there were blank three hundred and twenty which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office 320 Of which there were void ninety 90 of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none Eleventh Aldermanic District. 9,914 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the Eleventh Aldermanic District was seven thousand four hundred and thirteen 7,413 office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Seventeenth Aldermanic - District, was none Of which Louis Wendel, Jr., received four thousand two hundred and nine 4,209 Eighteenth Aldermanic District, Joseph A. Miller received two thousand eight hundred and ninety-five 2,895 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Frank Vesper received one hundred and forty-three 143 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Eighteenth Joseph H. Runzie received eleven 11 Aldermanic District was seven thousand three hundred and fifty-four 7,354 Of which there were blank one hundred and twenty-two 122 Of which Of which there were void thirty-three 33 James J. Nugent received three thousand three hundred and forty-eight 3,348 7,413 Joseph Pabain received three thousand two hundred and eighty-three 3,283 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Edward Lentz received four hundred and eighty-four 484 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Of which there were blank two hundred and four 204 of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none Of which there were void thirty-five 35 Twelfth Aldermanic District. 7,354 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Twelfth Aldermanic District was seven thousand and thirty-one 7,031 of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Eighteenth Aldermanic Dis- trict was none Of which William P. Kenneally received four thousand seven hundred and forty-six 4,746 Nineteenth Aldermanic District. That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Henry Bossert received one thousand and sixty-seven 1,067 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Nineteenth Ernest A. Hoffman received six hundred and sixteen 616 William Adler received three hundred and ninety-three 393 Aldermanic District was thirteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-two 13,992 Of which there were blank one hundred and seventy-eight 178 Of which Of which there were void thirty-one 31 Charles M. Havican received four thousand three hundred and thirteen 4,313 William D. Brush received five thousand one hundred and forty-six 5,146 7,031 James Walsh received three thousand seven hundred and seventeen 3,717 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Louis Chaskin received three hundred and seventy-seven 377 which were counted for the'several candidates voted thereon for the office William H. Lorch received seventeen '17 of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none Of which there were blank three hundred and thirty-one 331 Thirteenth Aldermanic District. Of which there were void ninety-one 91 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the 13,992 Thirteenth Aldermanic District was six thousand one hundred and eighty- The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of eight 6,188 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Nineteenth Aldermanic Dis- Of which trict was none John McCann received three thousand eight hundred and thirteen 3,813 Twentieth Aldermanic District. James J. Dawson received one thousand one hundred and twenty-four 1,124 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Ernest Rurode received nine hundred and forty-eight 948 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twentieth John McCormish received ninety-five 95 Aldermanic District was seven thousand two hundred and seventy-two.., ... 7,272


Of which Twenty-seventh Aldermanic District. John J. Reardon received three thousand two hundred and twenty-three 3,223 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Bernard Colle received three thousand and ninety-five 3,095 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Joseph L. Sugar received seven hundred and ten 710 Twenty-seventh Aldermanic District was seven thousand nine hundred and George H. Creasy received four 4 sixty-four 7,964 Of which there were blank one hundred and ninety-nine 199 Of which there were void forty-one 41 Of which James Francis Mullen received two thousand five hundred and forty-six 2,546 7,272 Nathan Lieberman received one thousand nine hundred and seventy 1,970 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Benjamin Seidenstein received two thousand three hundred and twenty-two 2,322 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Samuel Banaim received nine hundred and eleven 911 of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twentieth Aldermanic Dis- Of which there were blank one hundred and fifty-two 152 trict was none 0 Of which there were void sixty-three 63 Twenty-first Aldermanic District. That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes 7,964 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty- The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of first Aldermanic District was eleven thousand four hundred and seven 11,407 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty-seventh Aldermanic District, was none Of which Edward S. Brogan received three thousand six hundred and fifty-one 3,651 Twenty-eighth Aldermanic District. Oscar Igstaedter received five thousand seven hundred and eighty 5,780 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Estelle G. Feigenbaum received three hundred and three 303 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty- Peter M. Johnson received twenty-six 26 eighth Aldermanic District was six thousand four hundred and thirty-five.. 6,435 John M. Royall received one thousand two hundred and forty-two 1,242 Of which there were blank two hundred and seventy-three 273 Of which Of which there were void one hundred and thirty-two 132 Joseph M. Pollard received two thousand four hundred and nine 2,409 Joseph W. Spencer received three thousand six hundred and sixty-six 3,666 11,407 Arthur D. Chapman received seventy-seven 77 H. Carl Grunskold received five The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of 5 Of which there were blank two hundred and thirty 230 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Of which there were void forty-eight of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty-first Aldermanic Dis- 48 trict was none 6,435 Twenty-second Aldermanic District. That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty- of which were counted for the several candidates -voted thereon for the second Aldermanic District was seven thousand seven hundred and fifty-one. 7,751 office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty-eighth Alder- •manic District, was none Of which Twenty-ninth Aldermanic District. Edward V. Gilmore received three thousand and thirty-six 3,036 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Henry Ottes received three thousand five hundred and seventy-three 3,573 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty- Elias Wolf received eight hundred and eighty-four 884 ninth Aldermanic District was five thousand and ninety-one 5,091 Frank Bortlik received twelve 12 Of which there were blank one hundred and ninety-eight 198 Of which Of which there were void forty-eight 48 John F. Walsh received two thousand and sixty-six 2,066 Frederick Trau received two thousand five hundred and sixty-four 2,564 7,751 Aaron Miller received two hundred and seventy-nine 279 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification,".all of Thomas Drew Stetson received twenty-six 26 which were counted for the several candidates voted therew for the office Of which there were blank ninety-five 95 of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty-second Aldermanic Of which there were void sixty-one 61 District was none Twenty-third Aldermanic District. 5,091 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty- which were counted for the several candidates voted, thereon for the office third Aldermanic District was fourteen thousand five hundred and seventy- of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty-ninth Aldermanic 14,571 District, was none one . Thirtieth Aldermanic District. That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Of which Thomas F. Burke received four thousand four hundred and forty-three 4,443 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirtieth John H. Boschen received nine thousand two hundred and seventeen 9,217 Aldermanic District was eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-six 8,736 Marcus Joseph Kramer received three hundred and fifty-six 356 Of which Joseph F. Lloyd received nineteen 19 . l Reginald E. Wigham received two thousand six hundred and seventeen 2,617 James Strassburg received one 441 Ralph Folks received five thousand six hundred and thirty-one Of which there were blank four hundred and forty-one 5,631 94 Max Schott received one hundred and thirty Of which there were void ninety-four 130 - John S. Conroy received eleven 11 14,571 Of which there were blank two hundred and ninety 290 Of which there were void fifty-seven The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of 57 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office 8,736 of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty-third Aldermanic Dis- The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of trict was none which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Twenty-fourth Aldermanic District. of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirtieth Aldermanic Dis- That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes trict, was none given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty- Thirty-first Aldermanic District. fourth Aldermanic District was nine thousand eight hundred and ninety- That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes eight 9,898 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty- first Aldermanic District was three thousand eight hundred, and eighty-five 3,885 Of which Frank Mullen received four thousand six hundred and sixty-six 4,666 Of which John A. Bolles received four thousand five hundred and sixty-three 4,563 Thomas J. Taaffe received one thousand four hundred and sixty-two 1,462 John Edward Russell received three hundred and three 303 Hyman Pouker received one thousand six hundred and eighty-one • 1,681 John M. Royall received one 1 Jacob Gruber received one hundred and eighteen 118 Of which there were blank two hundred and ninety-four 294 Henry Bush received three 3 Of which there were void seventy-one 71 James H. Anderson received four hundred and sixty-seven 467 Of which there were blank eighty-eight 88 9,898 Of which there were void sixty-six 66 'fhe number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of which were counted for the several candidates for the office of Member of 3,885 the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty-fourth Aldermanic District was none The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Twenty-fifth Aldermanic District. which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty-first Aldermanic Dis- given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty- trict, was none Thirty-second Aldermanic District. fifth Aldermanic District was five thousand six hundred and fifty-seven 5,657 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty- Of which Charles Delaney received two thousand eight hundred and thirty-four 2,834 second Aldermanic District was four thousand seven hundred and nine 4,709 Emanuel S. Berge received two thousand and twenty-six 2,026 Mayer Weinstein received five hundred and ninety-three 593 Of which 5 Callaghan McCarthy, Jr., received two thousand and eighty-eight Eben Owen received five 2,088 Of which there were blank one hundred and fifty-nine 159 William Duggan received two thousand one hundred and forty-nine 2,149 40 Witho Hedman received two hundred and ninety-seven 297 Of which there were void forty James Andrews received one 1 5,657 Of which there were blank one hundred and twenty-eight 128 Of which there were void forty-six 46 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office 4,709 of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty-fifth Aldermanic Dis- The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of trict was none which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Twenty-sixth Aldermanic District. of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty-second Aldermanic That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of District was none votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty-third Aldermanic District. Twenty-sixth Aldermanic District was seven thousand three hundred and That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes seventy-two 7,372 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty- third Aldermanic District was ten thousand eight hundred and twenty-five 10,825 Of which George William Clune received two thousand four hundred and sixteen 2,416 Of which Henry H. Curran received four thousand five hundred and eighty-five 4,585 Samuel Brand received two thousand four hundred and seventy-nine 2,479 Robert W. Bruere received one hundred and thirty-four 134 Samuel Marks received three thousand six hundred and thirty-seven 3,637 Of which there were blank one hundred and eighty-eight 188 William H. Chorosh received three thousand nine hundred and eleven 3,911 Of which there were void forty-nine 49 Theresa S. Malkiel received three hundred and eighty-one 381 John W. Osterberg received nineteen 19 7,372 Scattering two 2 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all Of which there were blank two hundred and fifty , 250 of which were counted for the several condidates voted thereon for the Of which there were void one hundred and forty-six 146 office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Twenty-Sixth Alder- manic District, was none 10,825


The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Patrick H. Cleary received seven hundred and sixty-four 764 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Of which there were blank two hundred and seventy-three 273 of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty-third Aldermanic Of which there were void forty 40 District, was none Thirty-fourth Aldermanic District. 7,693 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty- which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office fourth Aldermanic District was seventeen thousand seven hundred and of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Fortieth Aldermanic District, eighty-three 17,783 was none Forty-first Aldermanic District. Of which: That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Michael J. McGarry received five thousand four hundred and thirty-three 5,433 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Forty- Anthony J. McNally received six thousand and seventy-two 6,072 first Aldermanic District was three thousand two hundred and eighty 3,280 Isaac Kuttner received four thousand and thirty 4,030 Henry Salmi received one thousand two hundred and ninety-eight 1,298 Of which: Casper Kohler received twenty-three 23 William F. Quigley received one thousand three hundred and thirteen 1,313 Henry Cohen received two 2 Frederick W. Wilmot received one thousand four hundred 1,400 Of which there were blank seven hundred and forty-four 744 Alexander P. Nagler received fifty-four 54 Of which there were void one hundred and eighty-one 181 James Jewell received two 2 James M. King received three hundred and ninety-six 396 17,783 Of which there were blank eighty-three 83 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Of which there were void thirty-two 32 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty-fourth Aldermanic 3,280 District, was none The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Thirty-fifth Aldermanic District. which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Forty-first Aldermanic given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty- District, was none' fifth Aldermanic District was two thousand nine hundred and eighty-four 2,984 County of Kings. Forty-second Aldermanic District. Of which: That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Peter Schweickert received one thousand two hundred and eight 1,208 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for Thomas J. Mulligan received seven hundred and eighty-two 782 the Forty-second Aldermanic District was seven thousand six hundred and George W. Johnson received eight hundred and twenty-six 826 eight 7,608 Martin Siegel received ninety-five 95 4 A. Arthur Crabbe received four Of which Scattering, fourteen 14 John F. Quayle received two thousand four hundred and sixty-nine 2,469 Of which there were blank twenty-six 26 Michael J. Hogan received three thousand two hundred and sixty-eight 3,268 Of which there were void. twenty-nine 29 Robert F. Downing received one thousand four hundred and eighty 1,480 2,984 Ernest Appuhn received one hundred and fifty-two 152 Gustave A. Maim received twenty-five 25 The number of general ballots, "protested as marked for identification," all Of which there were blank two hundred and fourteen of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the 214 office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty-fifth Alder- 7,608 manic District, was none The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Thirty-sixth Aldermanic District. which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Forty-second Aldermanic given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty- District, was none - sixth Aldermanic District was five thousand nine hundred and seventy 5,970 The. number of ballots which were rejected as void, on which no vote for any candidate for the office of Alderman was counted, was fifty-six 56 Of which: Forty-third Aldermanic District. Robert L. Moran received two thousand three hundred and twenty-eight 2,328 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Joseph C. Luke received two thousand one hundred and twenty-nine 2,129 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the 1,108 Fred Mulhan received one thousand one hundred and eight Forty-third Aldermanic District was five thousand eight hundred and Philip Hampel received two hundred and twenty-nine 229 8 twenty-seven 5,827 Walter L. Pftuger received eight Of which Of which there were blank one hundred and twenty 120 Michael Carberry received three thousand three hundred and seventy-five 3,375 Of which there were void forty-eight 48 William Louis Berand received one thousand three hundred and twenty 1,320 5,970 Henry Kearns received four hundred and fifty-six 456 Hugh O'Mally received one hundred and thirty-five 135 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Conrad Schmidt received ten 10 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office August Nederhofer received two hundred and seventy-four 274 of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none Of which there were blank two hundred and fifty-seven 257 Thirty-seventh Aldermanic District. That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes 5,827 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty- The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all seventh Aldermanic District was eleven thousand three hundred and sixty. . 11,360 of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of Alderman was none Of which: Of which there were void forty-seven 47 James R. Ferguson received four thousand and sixty-two 4,062 Charles Rathfelder received three thousand four hundred and eighty-four 3,484 Forty-fourth Aldermanic District. Moses Kaplan received two thousand four hundred and twelve 2,412 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes George R. Christian reecived eight hundred and fifty-eight 858 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Forty- William H. Francis received twenty 20 fourth Aldermanic District was six thousand one hundred and fifty- Of which there were blank four hundred and thirty-nine 439 seven 6,157 Of which there were void eighty-five 85 0 f which 11,360 Frank Cunningham received three thousand seven hundred and forty-one 3,741 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Robert H. Demars received one thousand three hundred and fifty 1,350 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Gustave Henning received four hundred and forty-five 445 of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty-seventh Aldermanic Camille Collin received seventy-six 76 District, was none Morris H. Smith received sixteen 16 Thirty-eighth Aldermanic District. John R. W. Dannatt received three hundred and seven 307 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Of which there were blank two hundred and twenty-two 222 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty- eighth Aldermanic District was twenty-two thousand seven hundred and 6,157 sixty-six 22,766 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of Alderman was none Of which: 51 Harry Robitzek received six thousand six hundred and twenty-four 6,624 Of which there were void fifty-one Harry B. Harris received five thousand seven hundred and forty 5,740 Forty-fifth Aldermanic District. Harry Cohen received six thousand five hundred and seventy-five 6,575 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Frederick Meyer received two thousand one hundred and two 2,102 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Andrew J Lounsbury received eighty-three 83 Forty-fifth Aldermanic District was eight thousand three hundred and James P. Haggerty received six hundred and sixty-three 663 thirty-five 8,335 Charles Lambach received seven 7 Of which there were blank seven hundred and ninety-one 791 Of which Of which there were void one hundred and eighty-one 181 John E. Corrigan received two thousand three hundred and eighty-one 2,381 John S. Gaynor received five thousand four hundred and six 5,406 22,766 Eugene H. Van Cauteren received three hundred and ninety-one 391 Thirty-ninth Aldermanic District. Preston E. Terry received fourteen 14 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Of which there were blank one hundred and forty-three 143 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Thirty- ninth Aldermanic District was seven thousand eight hundred and seventy... 7,870 8,335 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all Of which : of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of Alderman was none Eugene P. Mahony received two thousand eight hundred and fifty-four 2,854 James Hamilton received four thousand four hundred and eighty-two Of which there were void forty-six 46 Morris Schultz received one hundred and sixty-seven 167 Forty-sixth Aldermanic District. Joseph H. Jones received six 6 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Of which there were blank three hundred and twenty-one 321 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Of which there were void forty 40 Forty-sixth Aldermanic District was ten thousand six hundred and thirty seven 10,637 7,870 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Of which which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Vincent A. O'Connor received two thousand seven hundred and forty-eight 2,748 of Member of the Board of Aldermen was none Edward H. Taylor received five thousand nine hundred and forty-four 5,944 Fortieth Aldermanic District. Alexander McClinchie received one thousand four hundred and eighty-eight. 1,488 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Thomas A. Hopkins received two hundred and twenty-two 222 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Fortieth Charles A. Breden received forty-five 45 Aldermanic District was seven thousand six hundred and ninety-three 7,693 Of which there were blank one hundred and ninety 190

Of which: 10,637 William Koerner received two thousand three hundred and fourteen 2,314 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all Jacob Weil received three thousand five hundred and seven 3,507 of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon was none.. John G. Bogjrt received seven hundred and eighty-two. 782 The number of ballots which were rejected as void, on which no vote for John McMillan received thirteen 13 any candidate for the office of Alderman was fifty-four 54


Forty-seventh Aldermanic District. Fifty-fourth Aldermanic District. That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Fifty- Forty-seventh Aldermanic District was eight thousand two hundred and fourth Aldermanic District was seven thousand and nine 7,009 sixty-nine 8,269 Of which Of which James E. Finegan received three thousand and eighty-seven 3,087 Martin Weinberger received two thousand one hundred and seventy-two 2,172 Jesse D. Moore received three thousand three hundred and ninety-seven 3,39'I John Deimer received five thousand two hundred and twenty-nine 5,229 Charles Arnold received three hundred and twenty-seven. 327 Barnet Fineberg received seven hundred and twenty-four 724 Daniel Boyd, Jr., received eleven it Of which there were blank one hundred and forty-four 144 Of which there were blank one hundred and eighty-seven 187

8,269 7,009 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all The number of genedal ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office office of Alderman was none of Alderman was twenty-nine y' Of which there were void fifty-nine 59 Of which there were void eighty 80 Forty-eighth Aldermanic District. Fifty-fifth Aldermanic District. That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Forty- given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Fifty- eighth Aldermanic District was seven thousand four hundred and eight 7,408 fifth Aldermanic District was six thousand four hundred and seventeen 6,417

Of which Of which James J. Molen received three thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine 3,839 Frank T. Dixson received three thousand one hundred and twenty-three 3,123 Daniel J. Ryan received three thousand three hundred and fifteen 3,315 William H. Prange received one thousand three hundred and seventy-four 1,374 Otto Stiefel received one hundred and fifty-six 156 Henry Eiser received one thousand four hundred and forty-eight 1,448 William W. Selling received twenty-two 22 Jacob Levine received two hundred and eighty-six 286 Of which there were blank seventy-six 76 John L. Watkins received nine 9 Of which there were blank one hundred and seventy-seven 177 7,408 6,417 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification" all of of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the [Forty-eighth Alder- of Aldermen was none manic District was seven 7 Of which t,here were void sixty-four 64 Of which there were void seventy-four 74 Fifty-sixth Aldermanic District. Forty-ninth Aldermanic District. That it appears on sucl1 estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes That it appears upon such estimate and vote that the whole number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Fifty- given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Forty- sixth Aldermanic District was seven thousand nine hundred and eighty-one 7,981 ninth Aldermanic District was six thousand six hundred and eight 6,608 Of which Of which William P. McGarry received three thousand seven hundred and twenty- Francis P. Kenney received three thousand three hundred and twenty-three 3,323 eight 3,728 Angelo V. Franze received one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four 1,954 James M. Manee received three thousand two hundred and twenty-four 3,224 Robert F. Timms received nine hundred and fifty-two 952 Paul Muller, Jr., received two hundred and fifty-one 251 Oscar Hild received one hundred and fifty-three 153 Herman Lorenz received twenty-three 23 Edward H. Brown, Jr., received nineteen 19 John Reilly received five hundred and seventy-one 571 Of which there were blank two hundred and seven 207 Of which there were blank one hundred and eighty-four 184

6,608 7,981 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of Alderman was none of Aldermen was none Of which there were void fifty-five 55 Of which there were void fifty-eight 58 Fiftieth Aldermanic District. Fifty-seventh Aldermanic District. That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Fiftieth given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Fifty- Aldermanic District was fifteen thousand four hundred and fifty-seven 15,457 seventh Aldermanic District was eighteen. thousand two hundred and seventy- six 18,276 Of which Charles W. Dunn received five thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine 5,769 Of which Edward B. Valentine received seven thousand one hundred and forty-three 7,143 Henry Ward Beer received six thousand three hundred and forty-four 6,344 Ludwig Lore received six hundred and ten 610 Robert H. Bosse received eight thousand and twenty-seven 8,027 Frank C. Foster received sixty-four 64 James F. Weales received two thousand seven hundred and ten 2,710 Theodore Quets received one thousand three hundred and ninety-eight 1,398 Joseph Stein received five hundred and seventy-five 575 Of which there were blank four hundred and seventy-three 473 Herbert C. Johnston received forty-two 42 --- Of which there were blank five hundred and seventy-eight 578 15,457 18,276 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification, "all of of which were counted for the several candidates voted theron for the office which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of Alderman was none of Aldermen was none Of which there were void one hundred and two 102 Of which there were void one hundred and nineteen 119 Fifty-first Aldermanic District. Fifty-eighth Aldermanic District. That it appears upon such estimate and votes that the whole number of votes That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the EFifty- given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Fifty- first Aldermanic District was nine thousand and eighty 9,080 eighth Aldermanic District was nine thousand four hundred and three 9,403 Of which Of which George R. Holahan, Jr., received two thousand eight hundred and seventy- John J. Canavan received two thousand three hundred and thirty-three 2,333 eight 2,878 0. Grant Esterbrook received five thousand and eleven 5,011 Ardolph L. Kline received five thousand eight hundred and twenty...... 5,820 Wallace H. Erskine received one thousand five hundred and nine 1,509 Charles H. Matchett received one hundred and forty-three 143 Philipp Vogel received two hundred and thirty 230 John H. Cardwell received twenty-three 23 Francis Hutchinson received twenty-nine 29 Of which there were blank two hundred and sixteen 216 Of which there were blank two hundred and ninety-one 291 9,1 i 9,403 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all The number of general ballots "protested as.marked for identification," all of of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office office of Alderman was six 6 of Aldermen was none Of which there were void ninety-one 91 Of which there were void fifty-seven 57 Fifty-second Aldermanic District. Fifty-ninth Aldermanic District. That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes given for the office of Member of Board of Aldermen for the Fifty-second 90 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Fifty- Aldermanic District was nine thousand and twenty ninth Aldermanic District was eighteen thousand two hundred and ninety- two 18,292 Of which Thomas E. Rochford received two thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven 2,997 Of which Daniel R. Coleman received three thousand six hundred and forty-five 3,64' Harry Mayo Manny received four thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine 4,769 John R. Redmond received one thousand five hundred and forty-nine 1,549 Arnon L. Squiers received seven thousand one hundred and four 7,104 William J. Cumberbeach received one hundred and forty-six 146 Leon Longuemare received two thousand two hundred and eighty-seven 2,287 Leroy S. Zider received twenty-three 23 George Maedel received three hundred and sixty-nine 369 George C. Holmes received four hundred and nineteen 419 George A. Morrison received three thousand four hundred and three 3,403 Of which there were blank two hundred and forty-one 241 Of which there were blank three hundred and sixty 360

9,020 18,292 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon was none which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Of which there were void fifty-two 52 of Aldermen was none 86 Fifty-third Aldermanic District. Of which there were void eighty-six That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Sixtieth Aldermanic District. votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Fifty-third Aldermanic District was eleven thousand five hundred and forty- given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Sixtieth 7,256 one 11,541 Aldermanic District was seven thousand two hundred and fifty-six Of which Of which George Hilkemeier received two thousand four hundred and eighty-three 2,483 John E. Commiskey received four thousand four hundred and thirty-five 4,435 Jacob Bartscherer received three thousand six hundred and seventy-nine 3,679 Frederick H. Stevenson received six thousand seven hundred and twenty-one 6,721 Charles F. Gackenheimer received nine hundred and sixteen 916 Bertha M. Fraser received two hundred and twenty-eight 228 Thomas T. Bostwick received eight 8 Robert P. Johnston received thirty-one 31 Of which there were blank one hundred and seventy 170 Of which there were blank one hundred and twenty-six 126 7,256 11,541 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification,'",all of The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon was none of Alderman was none Of which there were void forty-three 43 Of which there were void seventy-four 74


Sixty-first Aldermanic District. Of which . That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Alexander Dujat received six thousand, two hundred and six 6,2016 given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Sixty- Vincent Kenna received three thousand, four hundred and fifty-five 3,455' first Aldermanic District was nine thousand one hundred and twenty-one 9,121 Christ Beisele received four hundred and eleven 411 William Stiehl received twenty-nine 29 Of which Michael Connor received one 1 Francis P. Bent received three thousand six hundred and thirty-eight 3,638 William H. Pendry received four thousand seven hundred and seventy-six 4,776 10,102 Joseph A. Weil received five hundred and twenty-one 521 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Samuel E. Vredenburgh received ten 10 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Of which there were blank one hundred and seventy-six 176 of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Sixty-eighth Aldermanic District was none 9,121 Of which there were void fifty-one 51 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Sixty-ninth Aldermanic District. which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of of Alderman was none votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Of which there were void seventy-eight 78 Sixty-ninth Aldermanic District was four thousand, one hundred and eighty 4,180 Sixty-second Aldermanic District. That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of votes Of which given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Sixty- Frank E. Knab received one thousand, nine hundred and eleven 1,911 second Aldermanic District was five thousand two hundred and twenty 5,220 Charles A. Post received two thousand, two hundred and sixty-nine 2,269

Of which 4,180 Jacob J. Velten received one thousand seven hundred and two 1,702 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Abraham M. Levy received two thousand five hundred and eighty-eight 2,588 which were counted for the several candidates for the office of Member of the William Shapiro received seven hundred and ninety-seven 797 Board of Aldermen for the Sixty-ninth Aldermanic District, was none Of which there were blank one hundred and thirty-three 133 Of which there were void thirty-six 36 Seventieth Aldermanic District. 5,220 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon was none Seventieth Aldermanic District was twelve thousand, four hundred and Of which there were void forty-seven 47 forty-eight 12,448 Sixty-third Aldermanic District. That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole numbet of Of which votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the John H. Leich received four thousand, seven hundred and thirty-five 4,735 Sixty-third Aldermanic District was ten thousand, three hundred and ninety- John Kochendorfer received six thousand, six hundred and twenty-seven 6,627 seven 10,397 Peter J. Flanagan received three hundred and forty-three 343 George B. Blydenburgh received seventy-four 74 Of which Emil Mayer received six hundred and sixty-nine 669 Joseph J. Monahan received three thousand. two hundred and ninety-eight 3,298 Edward Eichhorn. Sr., received five thousand three hundred and forty-two... 5,342 12,448 William P. Sandeford received nine hundred and fifty-four 954 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Charles Meyer received four hundred and sixty-seven 467 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office George A. Karkella received thirty-one 31 of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none John 0. Nelson received thirty-five 35 Of which there were void eighty-eight 88 Of which there were blank two hundred and seventy 270 County of Richmond. Seventy-first Aldermanic District. 1,(1397 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification,': all of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Alderman for the which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Seventy-first Aldermanic District was four thousand eight hundred and of Aldermen, was none fifty 4,850 Of which there were void thirty-seven 37 Sixty-fourth Aldermanic District Of which That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of William Fink received two thousand two hundred and forty-three 2,243 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the James J. Santry received two thousand and fifty-nine ' 2,059 Sixty-fourth Aldermanic district was twelve thousand, six hundred and John Anderson received four hundred and seventy-eight 478 seventy-seven 12,677 Irving Merrill received thirty-three 33 Godfrey Dazet received thirty-seven 37 Of which Joseph F. Hammill received three thousand, three hundred and twenty-four 3,324 4,850 Charles J. Moore received six thousand, five hundred and two 6,502 The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of William A. Kelly received one thousand, three hundred and eighty-three 1,383 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Abraham Meyer received one thousand, one hundred and seven 1,107 of Alderman, was seventeen 17 James Blackwood received twenty-nine Z9 Of which there were void thirty-eight 38 Of which there were blank three hundred and thirty-two Seventy-second Aldermanic District. 332 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of 12,677 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Alderman for the The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Seventy-second Aldermanic District was five thousand two hundred and which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office fifty-seven 5,257 of Member of the Board of Aldermen, was none Of which there were void sixty-eight 68 Of which Sixty-fifth Aldermanic District. John J. O'Rourke received two thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine 2,939 That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Michael G. Krauss received two thousand two hundred and ten 2,210 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Otto Eichle received one hundred 100 Sixty-fifth Aldermanic District was eleven thousand, six hundred and William F. Walter received eight 8 twenty-nine 11,629 5,257 Of which The whole number of ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Jacob Gralla received two thousand six hundred and eight 2,608 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office Isidor M. Rosenbloom received three thousand seven hundred and seventy- of Alderman, was sixteen 16 eight 3,778 Of which there were void fifty-two 52 Thomas F. Thornton received one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine.. 1,929 Seventy-third Aldermanic District. Hyman Lurio received two thousand four hundred and fifty-two 2,452 That it appears upon such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Charles W. Williamson received twenty-nine 29 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Alderman for the William Fischer received five hundred and fifty-four 554 Seventy-third Aldermanic District was five thousand one hundred and Of which there were blank two hundred and seventy-nine 279 eighty-three 5,183

11,629 Of which The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of Charles P. Cole received two thousand five hundred and seventeen 2,517 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon was none George W. Dubois received one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine 1,839 Of which there were void one hundred and fifty-one 151 Albert H. McGeehan received six hundred and sixty-seven 667 Franz Schmitt . received seventy-five. . 75 County of Queens. John 0. Johnson received eighty-five 85 Sixty-sixth Aldermanic District. That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of 5,183 votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the The number of general bollots "protested as marked for identification," all of Sixty-sixth Aldermanic District was ten thousand, seven hundred and four. . 10,704 which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the Seventy-third Aldermanic Dis- Of which trict was eleven 11 Samuel J. Burden received five thousand, seven hundred and one 5,701 Of which there were void sixty-six 66 George Ripperger received four thousand, four hundred and twenty-seven 4,427 We certify this statement to be correct and have signed the same as members John Herman received five hundred and forty-four 544 of the Board of Canvassers of the City of New York, and attested by the Secretary William W. Oswald received thirty-two 32 thereof this fourth day of December. one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. TAS. KANE, Chairman. 10,704 J. G. BRITT, The number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification," all of J. A. LIVINGSTON which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon was none Attest : MOSES M. McKEE. Secretary. Of which there were void forty-four 44 Sixty-Seventh Aldermanic District. Board of Elections of the City of New York, 107 West 41st Street, Borough of That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of Manhattan, New York, December 4, 1913, votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for' the The Board of Elections of the City of New York, having met on the 1st and Sixty-seventh Aldermanic District was nineteen thousand, three hundred and 4th days of December, 1913, pursuant to the provisions of section 440, chapter 22 of thirty-five 19,335 the Laws of 1909, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws, as the Board of Canvassers of the City of New York, and canvassed and certified statements of the Of which Board of County Canvassers of the Counties of New York, The Bronx, Kings, Queens Albert C. Benninger received nine thousand one hundred and sixty-four 9,164 and Richmond of the votes cast at the election held on the 4th day of November, 1913, Otto C. Gelbke received eight thousand, seven hundred and fourteen 8,714 for city offices in the City of New York, do hereby determine, declare and certify Carl Halbnierer received one thousand, four hundred and fifty-seven 1,457 That John Purrov Mitchel, by the greatest number of. votes, was duly elected Mayor of the City of New York 19,335 That William A. Prendergast. by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected The whole number of general ballots "protested as marked for identification,' Comptroller of the City of New York. Al of which were counted for the several candidates voted thereon was none That George McAnenv, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Presi- Of which there were void one hundred and forty 140 dent of the Board of Aldermen. Sixty-eighth Aldermanic District. That William L. Ransom, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Jus- That it appears on such estimate and canvass that the whole number of tice of the City Court. votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Aldermen for the That Marcus M. Marks, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Presi- Sixty-eighth Aldermanic Distrjct was ten thousand, one hundred and two 10,102 , dent of the Borough of Manhattan. 1142 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913.

That Douglas Mathewson, by the greatest number of votes,. was duly elected That James J. Molen, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alderman President of the Borough of The Bronx, for the Forty-eighth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Lewis H. Pounds, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Presi- That Francis P. Kenney, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- dent of the Borough of Brooklyn. man for the Forty-ninth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Maurice E. Connolly, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected That Edward B. Valentine, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected President of the Borough of Queens. Alderman for the Fiftieth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Charles J. McCormack, by the greatest number of votes, was elected Presi- That Ardolph L. Kline, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- dent of the Borough of Richmond. man for the Fifty-first Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Patrick D. Riordan, by the greatest number of votes. was elected Coroner That Daniel R. Coleman, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- of the Borough of Manhattan. man for the Fifty-second Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Timothy Healy, by the greatest number of votes, was elected Coroner of That Frederick H. Stevenson, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected the Borough of Manhattan. Alderman for the Fifty-third Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Israel L. Feinberg, by the greater number of votes, was elected Coroner of That Jesse D. Moore, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alderman the Borough of Manhattan. for the Fifty-fourth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Herman Hellenstein, by the greatest number of votes, was elected Coroner That Frank T. Dixson, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- of the Borough of Manhattan. man for the Fifty-fifth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Jerome F. Healy, by the greatest number of votes, was elected Coroner of the That William P. McGarry, by • the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Borough of The Bronx. Alderman for the Fifty-sixth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That William J. Flynn, by the greatest number of votes. was elected Coroner of That Robert H. Bosse, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Aldeir the Borough of The Bronx. man for the Fifty-seventh Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Ernest C. Wagner, by the greatest number of votes, was elected Coroner of That 0. Grant Esterbrook, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected the Borough of Brooklyn. Alderman for the Fifty-eighth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Frank S. Senior, by the greatest number of votes, was elected Coroner of That Arnon L. Squiers, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- the Borough of Brooklyn. man for the Fifty-ninth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Carl Voegel, by the greatest number of votes, was elected Coroner of the That Jacob Bartscherer, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- Borough df Queens. man for the Sixtieth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Daniel M. Ebert, by the greatest number of votes, was elected Coroner of the That William H. Pendry, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- Borough of Queens. man for the Sixty-first Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That James L. Vail by the greatest number of votes was elected Coroner of the That Abraham M. Levy, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- Borough of Richmond. man for the Sixty-second Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Aaron J. Levy by the greatest number of votes was elected Justice of the That Edward Eichhorn, Sr., by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Municipal Court, Second District, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. Alderman for the Sixty-third Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Charles W. Coleman by the greatest number of votes was elected Justice of That Charles J. Moore, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- the Municipal Court, Fifth District, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. man for the Sixty-fourth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Bernard E. Donnelly by the greatest number of votes was elected Alderman That Isadore M. Rosenbloom, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected for the First Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Alderman for the Sixty-fifth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Michael Stapleton by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- That Samuel J. Burden, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- man for the Sixty-sixth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. man for the Second Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Albert C. Benninger, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected That John J. White by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman Alderman for the Sixty-seventh Aldermanic District in The City of New York. for the Third Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Alexander Dujat, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- That William H. Burnes by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- man for the Sixty-eighth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. man for the Fourth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Charles A. Post, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alderman That Joseph M. Hannon by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- for the Sixty-ninth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. man for the Fifth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That John Kochendorfer, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- That Frank J. Dotzler by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- man for the Seventieth Aldermanic District in The City of• New York. man for the Sixth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That William Fink, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alderman That Frank L. Dowling by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- for the Seventy-first Aldermanic District in The City of New York. man for the Seventh Aldermanic District in The City of New York, That John J. O'Rourke, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- That Louis Jacobson by the greatest number of votes.was duly elected Alderman man for the Seventy-second Aldermanic District in The City of New York. for the Eighth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Charles P. Cole, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alderman That John F. McCourt by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- for the Seventy-third Aldermanic District in The City of New York. man for the Ninth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. We certify this statement to be correct and have signed the same as Members of That Frank Dostal. Jr., by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- the Board of Canvassers of The City of New York, and attested by the Secretary man for the Tenth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. thereof this Fourth day of December, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirteen. That Louis Wendel. Jr., by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- man for the Eleventh Aldermanic District in The City of New York. JAS. KANE, Chairman. That William P. Kenneally by the greatest number of votes was duly elected T. G. BRITT, J. A. LIVINGSTON. Alderman for the Twelfth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Attest : MOSES M. McK i, Secretary. That John McCann by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman for the Thirteenth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That William J. Lein by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman APPROVED PAPERS. for the Fourteenth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That William F. Quinn by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- man for the Fifteenth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. FOR THE WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 27, 1913. That John T. Egan by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman No. 1848, for the Sixteenth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of subdivision 8 of section 188 That Daniel M. Bedell by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- of the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and it man for the Seventeenth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to That James J. Nugent by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- the amount of five thousand five hundred dollars ($5,500), the proceeds whereof to man for the Eighteenth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. be used by the Department of Street Cleaning for the purpose of hiring trucks, That William D. Brush by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- horses and Drivers in the collection of ashes, street sweepings and rubbish in the man for the Nineteenth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Borough of The Bronx. All obligations contracted 'for hereunder to be incurred on That John J. Reardon by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- or before December 31, 1913. man for the Twentieth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 16, 1913. That Oscar Igstaedter by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- Approved by the Mayor, December 22, 1913. man for the Twenty-first Aldermanic District in The City of New York. No. 1849. That Henry Ottes by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of section 419 of the Greater for the Twenty-second Aldermanic District in The City of New York. New York Charter, the Commissioner of Public Charities be and he is hereby au- That John H. Boschen by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- thorized and empowered to purchase, in the open market, without public letting: man for the Twenty-third Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Two gasolene automobile buses, holding sixteen persons each, at four thousand That Frank Mullen by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman dollars, $8,000; one gasolene automobile truck (5-ton), $4,500. The total expense of for the Twenty-fourth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. which shall not exceed the amounts herein prescribed. That Charles Delaney by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. for the Twenty-fifth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval That Henry H. Curran by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in'section 40 of the Greater New man for the Twenty-sixth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. That James Francis Mullen by the greatest number of votes was duly elected No. 1850. Alderman for the Twenty-seventh Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Joseph W. Spencer by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of section 419 of the Greater New York Charter, the Trustees of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals be and they are hereby man for the Twenty-eighth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. authorized and empowered to purchase, in the open market without public letting, That Frederick Trau by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman an automobile ambulance at a cost not to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000). for the Twenty-ninth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. That Ralph Folks by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. for the Thirtieth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval That Hyman Pouker by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New for the Thirty-first Aldermanic District in The City of New York. York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. That William Duggan by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- No. 1851. man for the Thirty-second Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions of subdivision 8 of section 188 of That William H. Chorosh by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be an.I man for the Thirty-third Aldermanic District in The City of New York. it is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to That Anthony J. McNally by the greatest number of votes was duly elected the amount of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000), the proceeds whereof to be rise' Alderman for the Thirty-fourth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. by the President of the Borough of The Bronx for the purpose of completing the That Peter Schweickert by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- repairs to the pavement on White Plains road, between Morris street and the City man for the Thirty-fifth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. line. All obligations contracted for hereunder to be incurred on or before July 1, 1914, That Robert L. Moran by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. man for the Thirty-sixth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval That James R. Ferguson by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alder- or disannroval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New man for the Thirty-seventh Aldermanic District in The City of New York. York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. That Harry Robitzek by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman No. 1852. for the Thirty-eighth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of section 419 of the Greater New That James Hamilton by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman York Charter, the President of the Borough of Brooklyn be and he is hereby authorized for the Thirty-ninth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. and empowered to enter into contract in the open market without public letting, for the That Jacob Weil by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Alderman purchase of the necessary bound calendars for the Supreme Court in the Second for the Fortieth Aldermanic District in The City of New York, Department for the year 1913, at a cost not to exceed one thousand one hundred and That Frederick W. Wilmot by the greatest number of votes was duly elected seventy-three dollars and fifteen cents ($1,173.15). Alderman for the Forty-first Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. That Michael J. Hogan, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval man for the Forty-second Aldermanic District in The City of New York. or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New That Michael Carberry, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it man for the Forty-third :Aldermanic District in The City of New York. No. 1853. That Frank Cunningham, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- Resolved That in pursuance of the provisions of subdivision 8 of section 188 of man for the Forty-fourth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. the Greater New York Charter. the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be an l That John S. Gaynor. by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- it ,is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to man for the Forty-fifth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000), the proceeds whereof to be used by That Edward H. Taylor, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alder- the Park Commissioner. Borough of Queens, for the purpose of making repairs to man for the Forty-sixth Aldermanic District in The City of New York. the Barclay Mansion, located in Gaynor Park, Astoria, Borough f Queens. Al! That John Diemer, by the greatest number of votes, was duly elected Alderman obligations contracted for hereunder to be incurred on or before April 1, 1914. for the Forty-seventh Aldermanic District in The City of New York. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913. THE CITY RECORD. 1143

Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval approves of the issue of corporate stock of The City of New York to an amount or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New not exceeding fifteen thousand dollar.; ($15,000) to provide means for the con- York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. struction of a zebra house yard in the New York Zoological Park, under the No. 1854. jurisdiction of the Department. of Parks, Borough of The Bronx, and that when Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions of subdivision 8 of section 188 of authority therefor shall have been obtained from the Board of Alder4nen, the the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and Comptroller be and is hereby authorized to issue said corporate stock of The it is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to City of New York in the manner provided by section 169 of the Greater New the amount of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350), the proceeds whereof to be York Charter, the proceeds thereof to the amount of the par value of the stock used by the Court of Special Sessions of The City of New York for the purpose of to be applied to the purposes aforesaid," reimbursing 1913 Account known as No. 2381, Office Supplies. -be and the same is hereby amended to make the amount read eight thousand dollars Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. ($8,000). Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913,' without his approval York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New No. 1855. York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions of subdivision 8 of section 188 of No. 1861, the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of Subdivision 8 of Section 188 it is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to of the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and the amount of five hundred and fifty dollars ($550), the proceeds whereof to be used it is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue Special Revenue Bonds by the Court of Special Sessions of The City of New York, for the purpose of to the amount of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500), the proceeds whereof to be used reimbursing 1913 Account known as No. 2383, Transportation, Carfares. by the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity for the purpose of mov- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. ing his department into the new municipal building. All obligations contracted for Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval hereunder must be incurred on or before March 1, 1914. or disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913, York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval No. 1856. or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of subdivision 8 of section 188 York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. of the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and it No. 1862. is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to Resolved, That, in pursuance of the, provisions of Subdivision 8 of Section 188 the amount of six thousand one hundred dollars ($6,100) the proceeds whereof to of the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and be used by the Court of Special Sessions of The City of New York for the purpose it is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue Special Revenue Bonds to of equipping and furnishing two new courts recently established in the Borough of the amount of two thousand one hundred dollars ($2,100), the proceeds whereof to The Bronx, as follows : For the new Court of Special Sessions, located in the Bergen be used by the Chief Clerk, Court of Special Sessions, for the purpose of equipping Building, 177th st. and Arthur ave., $3,100; for the new Children's Court, located at the new quarters of the Court of Special Sessions in the County Court House, Bor- No. 353 E. 137th St., $3,000-$6,100. All obligations contracted for hereunder to be ough of The Bronx. incurred on or before April 1, 1914. All obligations contracted for hereunder must be incurred on or before February Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. 1, 1914. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New No. 1857. York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. AN ORDINANCE to transfer certain members of the Board of Water Supply Po- No. 1863. lice Force to the Police Force of The City of New York. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Estate of H. C, Be It Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York as follows: Miner, Inc., to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and thor- Section 1. The member of the police force of the Board of Water Supply of oughfares of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police De- the City of New York now holding the position of Inspectors in the said police force partment; such permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from of the Board of Water Supply of the City of New York, upon the termination of the receipt hereof from his Honor the Mayor. their service on such force by reason of the completion of the work for which they Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. were appointed by said Board of Water Supply, shall be severally eligible for trans- Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval fer to the Police Department of the City of New York as captains of said Oblice or _disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New force at the same salary now received by said inspectors as inspectors of the York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. police force of the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York, upon the No. 1864. written request in each case of the Board of Water Supply; accompanied by the Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Frank Zagarino, consent, also in writing, of the person to be transferred, and the further consent of of 852 Gates ave., to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and the Police Commissioner of the City of New York. The time served as a member of thoroughfares of the Borough of Brooklyn, under the supervision of the Police De- said police force of the Board of Water Supply shall be included and counted as partment; such permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from service in the Police Department of the City of New York, in determining pro- the receipt hereof from his Honor the Mayor. , motion, retirement, and the persion as hereinafter provided; provided, however, that Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9,1913. no person becoming a member of the Police Department of the City of New York in Received from his Honor the Mayor December .23, 1913, without his approval the manner herein provided shall be entitled to participate in the benefits of the re- or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New lief or pension fund of the Police Department, unless he shall pay into such fund York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. the total sum that he would have been required to pay, in order to participate there- No. 1865, in, had he been a member of such force from the time he entered the service of Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Phillip Meyrowitz such Board of Water Supply. to erect, place and keep a barber pole within the stoop line in front of premises 1292 Section No. 2. No person, however, not a member of the police force of the Washington ave., in the Borough of The Bronx, provided the said barber pole shall Board of Water Supply of the City of New York at the time this ordinance has taken be erected so as to conform in all respects with the provisions of the ordinance in effect shall be eligible for transfer to the position of captain in the Police Depart- such case made and provided; the work to be done at his own expense, under the ment of the city of New York, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1 of this direction of the President of the Borough, such permission to continue only during ordinance. the pleasure of the Board of Aldermen. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New or disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it, No. 1866. No. 1858. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Folly Theatre Resolved, That the following resolution, adopted by the Board of Aldermen July Company to erect, place and keep a storm door within the stoop line in front of the 15, 1913, and received from his Honor the Mayor September 23, 1913, without his premises corner Graham ave. and Debevoise st., in the Borough of Brooklyn, provided approval or disapproval thereof; the said storm door shall be erected so as to conform in all respects with the pro- Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions of subdivision 8 of section 188 of visions of the ordinance in such case made and provided; the work to be done at the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and it is his own expense, under the direction of the President of the Borough, such permis- hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to the sion to continue only during the pleasure of the Board of Aldermen. amount of seven hundred and forty dollars ($740), the proceeds whereof to be used by Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. the President of the Borough of Queens for replacing plaster ceilings with metal in Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval the Town Hall, Jamaica, Borough of Queens; all obligations hereunder to be con- or disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New tracted on or before December 31, 1913. York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it -be and the same is hereby amended so that one hundred and sixty dollars ($160) No. 1867. thereof, now available, may be used for the purpose of replacing a ceiling in the Town Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Dennett Sur- Hall in the former village of Flushing, Borough of Queens, the time for such ex- passing Coffee Company to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets penditure to be limited to May 1, 1914. and thoroughfares of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. Department; such permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval the receipt hereof from his Honor the Mayor. or disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval No. 1859. or disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New Resolved, That the Board of Aldermen hereby approves of and concurs in the York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. following amended resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment No. 1868, at a stated meeting held November 26, 1913: Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Columbia Resolved, That the following resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Theatre Company to parade five men with advertising signs through the streets and Apportionment on October 23, 1913: thoroughfares of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police "Resolved, That the following resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate Department; such permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from and Apportionment on July 17, 1911: the receipt hereof from his Honor the Mayor. "'Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 47 of the Greater Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. New York Charter, as amended, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval hereby approves of the issue of corporate stock of The City of New York or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New to an amount not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) to provide means York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. for the construction of a zebra house yard in the New York Zoological Park, No. 1869. under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks, Borough of The Bronx, and Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Otner Bros. to erect, that when authority therefor shall have been obtained from the Board of Alder- place and keep a booth within the stoop line in front of premises 265 W. 41st st., men, the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized to issue said corporate stock in the Borough of Manhattan, provided the said booth shall be erected so as to con- of The City of New York in the manner provided by section 169 of the Greater form in all respects with the provisions of the ordinance in such case made and pro-' New York Charter, the proceeds thereof to the amount of the par value of the vided; the work to be done at their own expense, under the direction of the President stock to be applied to the purposes aforesaid' of the Borough, such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Board of "-be and the same is hereby amended by making the amount read. seven thousand Aldermen. four hundred and eighty-one dollars and sixty-eight cents ($7,481.68)." Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. -be and the same is hereby rescinded. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23 1913, without his approval Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. or 'disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. or disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New No. 1870. York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Carey's Sample Boot No. 1860. Co. to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and thoroughfares Resolved, That the Board of Aldermen hereby approves of and concurs in the of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department; such following amended resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof at a stated meeting held November 26, 1913: from his Honor the Mayor. Resolved, That the following resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. Apportionmer on July 17, 1911: Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval "Resolved, That. pursuant to the provisions of section 47 of the Greater New or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment hereby York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it.



No. 1871. permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Savoy Sample trom his Honor the Mayor. Boot Shop, of 247 W. 125th at., to parade a man with an advertising sign through the Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. streets and thoroughfares of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval Police Department; such permission to continue only during the period of thirty or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New days from the receipt hereof from his Honor the Mayor. York Charter, the same took effect as it he had approved it. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. No. 1884. . Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his'approval Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Charles Freysinger or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and thoroughfares of the York Charter, the same took effect as it he had approved it, Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department; such permis- No. 1872. sion to continue only during the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof from Resolved, That perrpission be and the same is hereby given to William T. Hague his Honor the Mayor. to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and thoroughfares of Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department; such Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval permision to continue only during the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof or disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New from his Honor the Mayor. York Charter, the same took effect as it he had approved it. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. No. 1885. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Winfield W. Scott or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and thoroughfares of York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department; such permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof No. 1873. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to John Scholl to from his Honor the Mayor. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and thoroughfares of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department; such per- Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New mission to continue only during the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof Y ork Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. from his Honor the Mayor. No. 1886. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Harry Brattholz, Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval of 2360 Amsterdam ave., to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New and thoroughfares of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. Department; such permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from No. 1874. the receipt hereof from his Honor the Mayor. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to H. M. Schloss- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. heimer to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and thorough- Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval fares of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Depart- or disanoroval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New ment; such permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from the York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it, receipt hereof from his Honor the Mayor. No. 1887. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. Resolved, That the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval Commissioners of Deeds: or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New William V. Young, 209 McDonough st., Brooklyn; Helen A. Hintze, 382a Monroe York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. st., Brooklyn; John W. Collins, 271 McDonough St., Brooklyn; Harry Samuels, 929 No. 1875. Marcy ave., Brooklyn; Peter J. Young, 209 McDonough St., Brooklyn. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Nathan Vladinger Arthur A. McQuilkin, 100 W. 91st st., Manhattan; C. S. Chappotin, 52 W. 82d to erect, place and keep an awning or marquise within the stoop line in front of prem- st., Manhattan; Richard D. Dunn, 162 W. 84th st., Manhattan. ises 168 Forsyth St., in the Borough of Manhattan, provided the said awning or mar- Walton F. Weed, 226 W. 97th St., Manhattan. quise shall be erected so as to conform in all respects with the provisions of the ordi- Joseph Leone, Jr., 540 W. 146th st,, Manhattan. t,ance in such case made and provided; the work to be done at his own expense, under Charles Lloyd Killeen, 450 W. 164th st., Manhattan; Marie Frances Wainwright, the direction of the President of the Borough, such permission to continue only during 453 Fort Washington ave., Manhattan, the pleasure of the Board of Aldermen. Frank E. Varriale, 1324 72d st., Brooklyn; Andrew F. Van Thun, Jr., 1469 55th Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. st., Brooklyn; Samuel Burgio, 2130 W. 9th st., Brooklyn. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval Edwin S. Gleason, Rossville, Staten Island. or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the. Greater New William A. Daly, 918 Whitlock ave., Bronx, N. Y.; Alice Pollak, 810 Dawson York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. st., Bronx, N. Y.; Charles Liebltng, 785 Hewitt place, Bronx, N. Y.; Edward S. No. 1876. Moore, 163 Southern boulevard, Bronx, N. Y.; Maxwell E. Bloch, 854 Intervale ave., Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to J. Rubin, of 404 E. Bronx, N. Y. 149th st., to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and thorough- Mark Rudich, 259 Vernon ave., Brooklyn; Martha E. Cahn, 154 Tompkins ave., fares of the Borough of The Bronx, under the supervision of the Police Department; Brooklyn; Isidor Simon, 524 Kosciusko St., Brooklyn, such permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from the receipt Edward Mercein Thomas, 368 Carlton ave., Brooklyn; Edward Andrews Ingraham, hereof from his Honor the Mayor. 444 Clinton ave., Brooklyn; Mary E. Haynes, 186 Prospect place, Brooklyn; Edward Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. A. Hayes, 134 Prospect place, Brooklyn; Nathan Goldflam, 209 Underhill ave., Brook- Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval lyn. or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New Max Eisenberg 51 Avenue B, Manhattan; Harry Rosenwasser, 308 2d St., Man- York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. hattan. No. 1877. Charles L. Dixson, 303 W. 18th St., Manhattan. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Maiden Lane Jeremiah W. Kennedy, 1 Judge st., Elmhurst, Queens. Art Co. to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and thoroughfares Daniel L. Donovan, 8017 10th ave., Brooklyn; Anna M. Copping'er, 521 58th st., of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department; such Brooklyn. permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof Joseph Federbusch, 827 3d ave., Manhattan. from his Honor the Mayor. David Hochberg, 246 South 4th st., Brooklyn; Charles Martin Windels, 162 Lee Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. ave., Brooklyn. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval John W. Engel, Broad Channel, Queens. or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New. Samuel Simon, 409 Pennsylvania ave., Brooklyn; Adelbert Cramer, 211 Hendrix York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. st., Brooklyn; Samuel Feinstein, 342 Wyona st., Brooklyn; Julius Kurtz, 570 Schenck No. 1878. ave., Brooklyn; Emanuel Greenberg, 45 Bradford St., Brooklyn. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Sample Shop, Frederick Freeman, 2394 Grand ave., The Bronx, N. Y.; Philip J. McKinley, Inc., to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and thoroughfares 3040 Bainbridge ave., The Bronx, N. Y.; Myer Keller, 1813 Crotona ave., The Bronx, of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department ; such N. Y. permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof Jacob Graff, 1237 Hoe ave., The Bronx, N. Y.; Anton Herbst, 803 E. 166th St., from his Honor the Mayor. The Bronx, N. Y.; Edward G. J. McMenamin, 1382 Prospect ave., The Bronx, N .Y.; Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. Louis Howard Solomon, 1422 Stebbins ave., The Bronx, N. Y. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval Morris Caesar, 361 Clifton place, Brooklyn; Samuel Krellberg, 1 Rutgers St., or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New Manhattan. York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. Nathan Abraham, 20 E. 97th St., Manhattan. No. 1879. Robert Lester Leake, 303 E. 25th St., Manhattan; Christopher E. Maguire, 333 Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to A. Silverman, of 42 E. 28th St., Manhattan. Broadway; to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and thorough- Charles Jerome Carroll, 97 Norman ave., Brooklyn. fares of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department; Rose Rosenberg, 118 W. 112th st., Manhattan; Philip Giordano, 31-33 W. 124th such permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from the receipt st. Manhattan. hereof from his Honor the Mayor. Louis Fleischer, 2069 Pacific st., Brooklyn; A. Abraham Sarafan, 1484 Eastern Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. Parkway, Brooklyn; Anthony Shimko, 280 Sackman st., Brooklyn. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval Catharine F. Calahan, 659 45th st., Brooklyn; Carmelina M. Terra, 473 6th ave., or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New Brooklyn. York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. Etta Aronsohn, 552 Metropolitan ave., Brooklyn. No. 1880. Charles H. Ebbets, Jr., 249 Sterling St., Brooklyn; Herman Prager, 145 Rutland Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the American road, Brooklyn; George F. Eschbach, 554 Eastern parkway, Brooklyn. Watch & Diamond Company to parade a man with an advertising sign through Arthur F. Van Dewater, 184 Madison ave., Flushing, L. I. the streets and thoroughfares of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision Herman Scheidlinger, 168-170 E. 81st St., Manhattan; Charles Paul Kleber, 150 of the Police Department; such permission to continue only during the period of E. 83d st., Manhattan. thirty days from the receipt hereof from his Honor the Mayor. William F. Presley, 375 E. 159th st., The Bronx. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. Solomon J. Rosenthal, 4660 Atlantic ave., Morris Park, L. I. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval Michael H. Murphy, 123 Cherry st., Manhattan; Emil Greenberg, 66 Jefferson st., or disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New Manhattan. York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. William J. Chin, 580 11th st., Brooklyn. No. 1881. Jacob Bluher, 23 Meserole st., Brooklyn. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to S. Lipsit, of 5 Ernestine Kohn. 1027 College ave., The Bronx, N. Y.; L. Arnold Lipsman, 1103 Cortlandt St., to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and Washington ave., The Bronx, N. Y.; T. L. Elliman, 1090 Washington ave., The thoroughfares of the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Bronx, N. Y.; Leon J. Schaff, 1407 Brook ave., The Bronx, N. Y. Department; such permission to continue only during the period of thirty days from Mae Gaskell Mauer, 688 Macon st., Brooklyn; Harry Leicester Leggatt, 662 the receipt hereof froth his Honor the Mayor. Madison st., Brooklyn. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. Mabel Mendel, 274 W. 140th st., Manhattan; Louis J. Rosett, 485 Central Park Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval West, Manhattan; John M. Reardon, 363 W. 116th st., Manhattan; Edward Cavan- or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New augh, 215 W. 101st st., Manhattan. York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 23, 1913. No. 1882. No. 1:::. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to S. Palitz, of 71 Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions of subdivision 8 of section 188 Broadway, to parade an advertising man through the streets and thoroughfares of of the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department; such it is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to permission to continue only.during the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof the amount of three hundred dollars ($300), the proceeds whereof to be used by the from his Honor the Mayor. Public Administrator of Kings County for the purpose of reimbursing said official Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 9, 1913. for premiums on official bonds for years 1912 and 1913. Received from his Honor the Mayor December 23, 1913, without his approval Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 16, 1913, or disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New Approved by the Mayor December 24, 1913, York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. . No. 1889. No. 1883. Resolved. That in pursuance of the provisions of subdivision 8 of section 188 of Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Annie D. Perling the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate. and Apportionment be and to parade a man with an advertising sign through the streets and thoroughfares of it is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to the Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department; such the amount of three hundred and seventy-five dollars ($375), the procec is whereof SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913. THE CITY RECORD. 1*I4k to be used by the City Chamberlain for the purpose of meeting the cost of moving Received the furniture and equipment of his office to and the installation of a storage vault in Finance Invoice in Depart- the new Municipal Building. Voucher Dates. ment of Name of Payee. Amount. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 16, 1913. No. Finance. Approved by the Mayor December 24, 1913. No. 1890. District Attorney, New. York County. Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment adopted the following reso- 158188 12- 1-13.12- 4-13 12-19-13 Benjamin H. Tyrrel $199G 95 lution at a stated meeting held December 11, 1913: Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, pursuant to the pro- District Attorney, Queens County. visions of section 56 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby recommends to the Board of Aldermen the establishment of the grade of position of Appraiser of Real. 159198 12-22-13 Great Bear Springs Co. $3 60 Estate in the Department of Finance, in addition to those already established therein,, with salary at the rate of six thousand dollars ($6,000) per annum, for one (1) Department of Education. incumbent. Resolved, That the Board of Aldermen hereby approves of and concurs in the 136486 11- 7-13 H. Hanig $29 00 above resolution and fixes the salary of said position as set forth therein. 143603 12-21-13 Emil Wagner 70 00 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen December 16, 1913. 149155 12- 4-13 Samuel Rovinsky 8 00 Approved by the Mayor December 24, 1913, 156410 Nicholas P. Lorenzo 1,507 50 P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk. 157635 12-18-13 A. D. Eversten Co. 38 03 157639 12-18-13 , George S. Miller 73 40 157647 12-18-13 H. W. Johns-Manville Co. 79 06 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. 157668 12-18-13 Monroe M. Golding 218 46 157672 12-18-13 William Rabe 40 00 157683 12-18-13 Godfrey, Keeler Co. 268 00 WARRANTS MADE READY FOR PAYMENT IN DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 157687 • 12-18-13 John A. O'Brien 39 38 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1913. 157688 12-18-13 A. D. Evertsen Co. 575 00 Below is a statement of warrants made ready for payment on the above date 157690 12-18-13 L. P. Gfroerer Co. 59 90 showing therein the Department of Finance voucher number, the date or dates of the 157709 12-18-13 H. Gordon 26 00 invoices or bills, the date the voucher was filed in the Department of Finance, the 157710 12-18-13 F. J. Kloes 55 00 name of the payee and the amount of the claim. 157711 D. S. Guyon 29 60 Where two or more bills are embraced in the warrant, the dates of the earliest and 157716 12-18-13 William H. Ellis 80 90 latest are given. 157726 12-18-13 W. C. Redlich 410 00 All of the warrants mentioned are forwarded through-the mail unless some rea- 157728 • 12-18-13 Max Sussman 450 00 son exists why payment is to be made in person, in which event written notice will be 157743 12-18-13 Max Sussman 265 00 promptly given to the claimant. 157754 12-18-13 The United States Graphite Co 40 00 In making a written or verbal inquiry at this office as to any of the below men- 157770 10-27-13.10-30-13 12-18-13 Julius Haas' Sons • 87 02 tioned warrants, it is requested that reference be made by the Department Qf Finance 158548 12-20-13 H. Herman Lumber- Co 30 00 voucher number. WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Compftoller, 158549 12-20-13 Duparquet, Huot & Moneuse Co 359 00 158551 10-15-13 12-20-13 S. J. McCullough & Co. 275 00 Received 158553 12-20-13 Richmond School Furniture Co 112 00 Finance Invoice in Depart- 158594 H. Sacks 69 42 Voucher Dates. ment of Name of Payee. Amount. 158602 12-20-13 Julius Haas' Sons 35 93 No. Finance. 158623 A. Smith & Son 42 00 158625 12-20-13 Alfred Billingham 56 00 Commissioners of Accounts. 158629 12-20-13 V. H. Beadle 60 00 158634 12-20-13 Samuel Gallucci 239 00 12-20-13 Harry M. Rice $124 03 158742 158631 12-20-13 Felix Menz 118 00 157732 12-18-13 W. G. Hawthorne Board of Ambulance Service. 294 00 159622 12-23-13 Chas. Rosenberg & Co. 2 50 159694 12-23-13 Rockaway Beach Hospital $80 00 159623 12-23-13 Mullon Bros, 4 04 159624 12-23-13 James I. Kelly 13 50 Armory Board. 159625 12-23-13 William Buchanan 15 03 159627 12-23-13 The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co 5 86 158306 12-19-13 A. Pearson's Sons $198 00 159629 12-23-13 H. Fortenbach 12 65 158309 12-19-13 Cavanagh Bros. & Co. • 30 74 159630 12-23-13 L. P. Gfroerer 24 91 158317 12-19-13 Cavanagh Bros. & Co. 432 00 159534 12-23-13 Jas. H. Draper 10 80 158329 12-19-13 Thomas Foulks 35 85 159535 12-23-13 Jas. H. Draper 13 50 158342 12-19-13 Cavanagh Bros. & Co. 127 46 159536 12-23-13 Roger Williams . 4 00 159703 12-23-13 Thomas J. York 31 25 159541 12-23-13 John A. Lenehan 17 25 159542 12-23-13 Jas. H. Draper 6 00 Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. 159544 10-29-13 Paul C. Taylor 5 67 159545 12-23-13 Gregg Bros., Inc, 3 15 $58 53 156906 12-17-13 G. & T. Tyre Repairing and Supply Co. 159551 12-23-13 H. Feigenbaum 23 50 159558 12-23-13 J. F. Valois 2 50 Department of Bridges. 159559 12-23-13 J. F. Valois 3 50. 159560 12-23-13 F. W. E. Coates 159488 12-23-13 Standard Oil Co. of New York $48 16 15 00 159561 12-23-13 F. W. E. Coates 159489 12-23-13 Towns & James 18 87 5 00 159562 12-23-13 J. F. Valois 159491 12-23-13 Department of Water Supply, Gas and 3 25 Electricity 5 00 159563 The New York Association for the Blind 159492 12-12-13 12-23-13 A. J. & J. J. McCollum 10 70 13 75 159564 6- 1-13 12-23-13 Goetz & Co. 59 25 College of The City of New York. 159565 6- 1-13 12-23-13 Goetz & Co. 1200 159566 11- 6-13 12-23-13 F. W. E. Coates 15 00 158389 Church E. Gates & Co. $29 41 159567 6- 1-13 12-23-13 Goetz & Co. 300 158389 12-19-13 Church E. Gates & Co. 29 41 159569 12-23-13 Goetz & Co. 20 25 159570 12-23-13 Goetz & Co. 2 75 Normal College, 159571 12-23-13 F. J. Kloes 1400 159573 12-23-13 J. Friedman 24 56 159658 11-23-13 Wm. A. Prendergast $1,340 75 159574 12-23-13 S. Rovinsky 2 50 159575 12-23-13 Reid's Express 24 50 Department of Correction, 159576 8- 4-13 12-23-13 L. E. Atherton 2830 159577 12-23-13 F. J. Kloes 540 J. Edward Ogden Co. $28887 156987 159578 12-23-13 Paul L. Bryant 15 97 156996 12-17-13 Fairbanks Co. 6000 12-17-13 Imperial Garage 600 159579 12-23-13 C. W. Keenan 1 25 157089 159580 12-23-13 Wm. H. Strang 1900 County Clerk, Queens County. 159583 11-12-13 12-23-13 Burns Bros. 488 159585 5-31-13 12-23-13 New York Calcium Light Co 1 45 159672 12-23-13 Western Union Telegraph Co. $1 00 159588 12-23-13 J. Weiss 34 75 159673 12.23-13 Fred W. Briese 1 00 159590 11- 8-13 12-23-13 George Morley 9 50 159674 12-23-13 Elliott-Fisher Co. 2 40 159591 10-24-13 12-23-13 Brooklyn Window Shade Co. 18 75 159675 12-23-13 N. Y. Telephone Co. 15 94 159592 8-23-13 12-23-13 The Macey-Dohme Co. 490 159676 12-23-13 Remington Typewriter Co., Inc. 70 159593 9-15-13.10-25-13 12-23-13 Parex Mfg. Co. 4 28 159677 12-23-13 George Gaige 45 159594 10-17-13.10-23-13 12-23-13 Tower Manufacturing & Novelty Co 1 80 159680 12-12-13 12-23-13 George Gaige 24 66 159595 10- 7-13 12-23-13 Educational Publishing Co. 1400 159596 10-31-13 12-23-13 Eugene Dietzgen Co. 880 County Clerk, Kings County, 159597 7-11-13 12-23-13 Robt. J. Anderson, Inc. 3 45 $1800 159598 10-28-13 12-23-13 Manhattan Electrical Supply Co. 19 34 159679 12-19-13 12-23-13 George Gaige 100 00 12-23-13 George Gaige 2 75 159599 11-25-13 12-23-13 Hugh D. McGrane 159681 12-18-13 159600 10-15-13 12-13-13 M. J. Tobin 700 Municipal Courts. 159601 Franklin, Simon & Co, 5 97 159602 5-14-13.11-10-13 12-23-13 Parex Mfg. Co. 84 159177 12-22-13 N. Y. Telephone Co. $6 47 159603 9-17-13 12-23-13 The Kny-Scheerer Co. 2 25 159190 12-22-13 Tower Mfg. and Novelty Co. 8 55 159604 12-23-13 A. E. Keller 11 56 159191 12-22-13 Great Bear Spring Co. 90 159607 12-23-13 Herman Glasser 25 160095 12-17-13 12-24-13 Clynta Water Co. 7 50 159608 12-23-13 E. J. Flood 14 87 159609 12-23-13 Jas. J. Fay 14 65 City Court. 159610 12-23-13 B. P. Eldridge 14 60 12-23-13 M. E. Cleary 7 43 12-23-13 Fallon Law Book Co. $4 25 159611 159823 159613 12-23-13 John Byrns 8 68 1030 Supreme Court, Queens County. 159614 12-23-13 Anton Orgelfinger 159615 F. Nebeling 12 70 159691 12-23-13 N. Y. Telephone Co. $13 79 159616 12-23-13 H. P. Minogue 21 73 159617 12-23-13 L. Guerr 9 55 Supreme Court. 159618 12-23-13 Davis Bros., Inc. 18 15 A. D. Evertsen Co. 4 33 158537 10- 1-13.10-31-13 12-20-13 Ahern & Randel $3220 159619 159621 12-23-13 R. Solomon & Son 866 29,735 50 Surrogates, New York County. 159631 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller 159632 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller 6,88572 24,111 66 156192 12-16-13 Arthur Mountain & Co. $33 50 159633 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller 12-22-13 Julius Harburger 374 94 159634 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 5,28672 158901 2,110 93 158902 12-22-13 N. Y. Telephone Co. 37 87 159635 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller 13 65 100 18 159693 12-23-13 John H. O'Donnell & Co. 159636 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 12-23-13 Quick & McKenna 12 50 159637 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 1,358 27 159692 349.16 159638 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 1,083 21 Surrogate, Kings County. 159639 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 19414 $87 75 159640 11-23-.13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 157944 12-19-13 Van Brunt Tandy 1146 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913.

Received Received Finance Invoice in Depart- Finance Invoke in Depart- Voucher Dates. ment of Name of Payee. Amount. Voucher Dates. ment of Name of Payee. Amount. No. Finance. No. Finance. 12-22-13 Gas Appliance Sales Co. of America. 273 00 159641 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 1 52 159113 5569 159642 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 990 69 159116 12-22-13 Otis Elevator Co. 159643 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 568 12 159832 12-23-13 Kanouse Mountain Water Co 300 70 159644 - 11-23 13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 917 96 159833 12-23-13 Crown Stamp Works 4 27 159645 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 8 40 159834 American Hand Laundry 12-23-13 The Holbrook Mfg. Co 10 67 159646 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 06 159835 8 95 159647 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 1 45 159836 12-23-13 Barnett & Brown 18 13 159648 11-23-13 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller 425 56 159837 12-23-13 Manhattan. Electrical Supply Co 12-23-13 Prest-o-Lite Co. 300 159659 12-23-13 The Clark & Wilkins Company 118 66 159838 159660 12-23-13 S. Tuttle's Son & Co 1,715 45 159839 12-23-13 Manhattan Accessories & Distributing 159821 12-23-13 Board of Elections 400 00 Co. 20 00 159840 12-23-13 Ford Motor Co. 368 Department of Docks and Ferries. 159841 12-23-13 International Motor Co. 31 65 159844 12-23-13 Tinken Roller Bearing Co 8 85 12- 9-13 Philip Gurian $64 00 151838 159846 12-23-13 Church E. Gates & Co. 300 New York Shipbuilding Company 41103 00 151961 159847 12-23-13 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co 1 75 Brooklyn Lumber Company 1,050 71 155431 159848 12-23-13 Chicago Fuse Co. 1260 12-23-13 New York Telephone Company 101 23 159968 159849 12-23-13 Gillette Clipping Machine Co 1.75 159969 12-23-13 New York Telephone Company 48 95 159851 12-23-13 H. W. Thompson 400 12-23-13 New York Telephone Company 12 57 159970 159853 12-23-13 Henry W. Schmall 400 Board of Excise, Queens County. 159854 12-23-13 South Brooklyn Auto Livery & Sales Co. 4200 159193 12-22-13 Geo. S. Jervis, Special Deputy Com- 159855 12-23-13 Municipal Garage 4200 missioner of Excise $32 73 Department of Health. Board of Estimate and Apportionment. 158244 7-15-13 Mart & Lawton $262 72 160037 J. F. Hazrick $4000 158250 12-19-13 Henry Allen 44 50 123006 The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank 158266 12-19-13 N. Stafford Co. 23 18 Building 189 20 158278 11-18-13 12-19-13 T. Carpentieri 35 txl 159412 12-22-13 Hiram Thomas, Clerk• 72 20 158296 12-19-13 Alexander Grant 77 40 159983 12-23-13 A. A. Benedict 2 00 159139 12-22-13 Aaron Buchsbaum Co. 1,080 45 5 20 r 159984 12-23-13 T. M. Stewart 159133 12-22-13 Meyer-Denker-Sinram Co. 361 00 1680 159985 12-23-13 T. M. Stewart •• 159137 12-22-13 Borden's Condensed Milk Co... 1,228 82 200 159986 12-23-13 Howard & Morse 159704 Joseph Balaban Co. 1,598 50 13 50 15 12-23-13 D. Van Nostrand Company 159709 12.23-13 Knickerbocker Ice Co. 2 37 15 65 159990 12-23-13 H. C. Griffin & Co 159711 Burton & Davis Co. 600 7 10 159991 12-23-13 Hein Photographic Supply Company 159713 12-23-13 Hollingsworth & Vose Co. 12 50 750 00 160017 12-23-13 Hiram Thomas 159714 12-23-13 Standard Oxygen Co. 900 12-23-13 The Macey-Dohme Company 4280 160038 11-29-13 159715 12-23-13 J. Rheinfrank Co. 21 75 12-23-13 Greenhut-Siegel Cooper Company. .. 4 50 160039 159716 Aseptic Products Co. 1320 12-23-13 Bausch & Lomb Optical Company 9920 160040 12-11-13 159717 12-23-13 A. P. W. Paper Co. 5 75 Department of Finance. 159718 12-23-13 Baker Vehicle Co. 1 16 159719 12-23-13 Thomas C. Dunham 3 75 158172 12-19-13 P. F. Kenny Company 8,318 70 159720 12-23-13 Knickerbocker Ice Co. 430 159657 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller 200,000 00 159722 12-23-13 James A. Miller 2 10 159682 Railroad Company 87,500 00 159723 12-23-13 C. I. Vail 960 159695 Guaranty Trust Company of New 159724 12-23-13 Lehn & Fink 14 40 York X100,000 00 159726 12-23-13 D. Davis & Sons 4 00 159698 12- 6-13 12-23-13 Tower Manufacturing and Novelty Co. 2 25 159727 12-23-13 E. R. Squibb & Sons 6 56 159725 12-23-13 McKesson & Robbins 1 50 159729 12-23-13 Henry Bainbridge & Co. .. 8 88 159758 Guaranty Trust Company of New 159730 12-23-13 The Smith-Worthington Co. 1200 York 250,000 00 159732 12-23-13 E. B. Meyrowitz 2 70 159759 Guaranty Trust Company of New 159733 11-19-13 12-23-13 Agent and Warden of Auburn Prison 640 York 1,000,000 00 159734 12-23-13 I. S. Remson Mfg. Co. 480 159760 Guaranty Trust Company of New 159735 12-23-13 Library Bureau 9 20 York 500,000 00 159738 12-23-13 McElraevy & Hauck Co. 120 00 159779 12-23-13 Elliott-Fisher Company 286 00 159740 9-30-13 12-23-13 Herman Kornahrens 25 03 159780 12-23-13 Remington Typewriter Company 175 00 159741 12-23-13 A. Isaacs & Co. 15 00 159781 12-23-13 Remington Typewriter Company 1 70 159742 12-23-13 Manhattan Electric Supply Co. 264 159782 12-23-13 T. C. Moore & Co 20 25 159743 11-11-13 12-23-13 Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co. 10 63 159783 12-23-13 The B. F. Cummins Company 3 50 159744 12-23-13 Thomas C. Dunham 2 25 159784 12-23-13 American Writing Machine Co., Inc 19 72 159745 11-17-13 12-23-13 Ideal Ventilator Co. '1300 159785 11- 8-13 12-23-13 J. B. Lyon Co. 37 50 159746 12-23-13 Art Metal Const. Co. 4 49 159787 12-23-13 Nickel Towel Supply 84 22 159747 12-23-13 Consolidated Gas Co. of N. Y. 2000 159788 12-23-13 The Diamond Towel Supply Co 9 75 159748 12-23-13 Sheppard & Kellett 14 99 159789 12-23-13 Peerless Towel Supply Co 6 92 159749 12-23-13 Philip A. Salomon 700 159790 12-23-13 Foster-Scott Ice Co. 135 80 159750 12-23-13 Thomas Glackin Co. 25 00 159791 12-23-13 Knickerbocker Ice Co. 12 93 159751 12-23-13 George Ermold Co. 350 159792 12-23-13 Fred M. Schildwachter 6 44 159752 12-23-13 The Western Union Telegraph Co 16 75 159793 12-23-13 Kanouse Mountain Water Co 113 70 159754 12-23-13 Merck & Co. 23 45 159794 12-23-13 The Barton Manufacturing Co. 9 26 159755 12-23-13 Armour & Co. 3 25 159795 12-23-13 The Barton Manufacturing Co 13 45 159756 11-21-13 12-23.13 Ideal Ventilator Co 9 75 159796 12-23-13 Theo. Moss & Co. 13 69 159797 12-23-13 Tremont Hardware Co., Inc 6 00 Commissioner of Jurors, Bronx County. 159798 12-23-13 Foster Scott Ice Co. 7 50 157511 12-18-13 The General Fireproofing Co $2,765 62 159800 12-23-13 D. Dworkin 9 00 12-24-13 Thorndyke C. McKennee 2 25 159801 12-23-13 A. Melnick 3 25 160093 160094 12-13-13 12-24-13 The Diamond Towel Supply Co 100 159803 12-23-13 J. Harris & Co. 12 00 157810 12- 3-13 12-18-13 George Concannon 35 00 Board of Inebriety. 159825 12-23-13 Robert R. Moore, City Chamberlain 21 00 34 46 159826 12-23-13 New York Telephone Co 159341 • New York Tel Co. 1608 160018 12-23-13 Louis W. Meyer 27 00 160049 12-24-13 Edward M. Morgan, as Postmaster 21 00 ` Law Department. 160061 Metropolitan Life Insurance'Co 400 00 160062 John U. Brookman 300 00 59525 C. N. Cronyn 1,303 95 160063 Kenneth M. Murchison 750 00 56538 12-17,13 Liberty Photo Co., Inc. 6600 160064 Estate of F. P. Burke, deceased, Cath- 56546 12-17-13 R. L. Randall 42 39 erine G. Burke and Leo H. McCall, 58959 12-22-13 Tower Mfg. & Nov. Co. 24 20 trustees 1,650 00 58960 12-22-13 Public Service Cup Co. 700 160065 Stuard Hirschman 1,249 97 58961 12-22-13 A. Rudolph 10 30 160066 Stuard Hirschman 1,147 46 58962 12-22-13 The Record & Guide Co. 200 160067 Stuard Hirschman 1,128 55 58963 112-22-13 Joseph Spengler 5 25 160068 Mrs. Adelaide C. Denton 375 00 58964 12-22-13 Acme Typewriter Exchange 2 05 160069 John D. Crimmins 2,650 00 5W)99 Kolesch & Co. 1 79 160070 American Real Estate Co. 937 50 59000 George Lang & Co. 19 80 160071 Stuard Hirschman 1,009 63 59001 12-22-13 New York Telephone Co 3990 160072 William C. Bergen 1,125 00 59815 12-23-13 Archibald R. Watson 50000 160073 William C. Bergen 1,125 00 59817 12-23-13 William A. Cokeley 1,052 50 160074 William C. Bergen 1,406 25 59818 12-23-13 Thomas J. Totten 372 50 160075 Mary E. Campbell, Mary Campbell, 59819 12-23.13 Jere W. Kennedy 50000 Sadie Campbell, Susan Campbell Kier- 59820 John H. Murphy 7500 nan and Alice Campbell Good 896 89 58990 12-22-13 W. F. Olpp 6000 160076 Mary E. Campbell, Mary Campbell, 58995 Stuard Hirschman 726 18 Sadie Campbell, Susan Campbell Kier- 58996 Stuard Hirschman 8475 nan and Alice Campbell Good 284 37 160077 Broadway and 95th St. Realty Co 7,000 00 Mayor's Office. 160078 Park Row Realty Co 132 00 159923 12-23-13 John L, Walsh 158 92 Fire Department. 159924 12-23-13 New York Telephone Co. 33 28

158821 William Brennan $64 50 New York Public Library. 158822 Livingston Nail Co. 432 00 155344 12-16-13 P. H. O'Day & Son 195 00 160052 The New York Public Library, United 159044 12-22-13 Fred Thomas 15 00 States Trust Co. of N. Y., Assistant 159045 12-22-13 Homer L. Bartlett 10 00 Treasurer . 1,097 31 159048 E. G. Soltmann 300 160052 The New York Public Library, United 159091 12-22-13 C. H. Reynolds & Sons 72 50 States Trust Co.' of N. Y., Assistant 159097 12-22-13 Abraham & Straus 38 30 Treasurer 9,939 33 159099 12-22-13 Isaac G. Johnson Sons 25 50 160052 12-24-13 The New York Public Library, United 159101 12-22-13 Livingston Radiator & Manufacturing States Trust Co. of N. Y., Assistant Co. 9260 Treasurer 3,111 24


Received Received Finance Invoice in Depart- Finance Invoice in Depart- Voucher Dates. ment of Name of Payee. Amount. Voucher Dates. ment of Name of Payee. Amount, No. Finance. No. Finance. 160053 12-24-13 The New York Public Library, United 159267 X12-22-13 Geo. M. Eddy & Co 144 25 States Trust Co. of N. Y., Assistant 159269 12-22-13 Staten Island Supply Company 60 80 Treasurer 1,478 41 159270 12-22-13 W W. Cornell 33 75 159272 12-22-13 The Destructor Company Department of Parks, Manhattan and Richmond. 98 75 159273 12-22-13 Geo. C. Knesel 21 90 159346 Dover Boiler Works, W. F. Birch, 154696 .12-15-13 John J. Lutz 75 00 Owner 2,128 (i0 157593 12-18-13 William J..Olvany 115 00 159041 12-22-13 Dunbar Contracting Co 3,866 31 Public Service Commission. 159057 12-22-13 Schoverling, Daly & Gales 26 00 159078 12-22-13 Manhattan Hardware & Bicycle Co 34 98 159278 12-22-13 F. E. Brandis Sons & Co $46 70 159808 12-23-13 N. Y. Central and Hudson R. R. R. Co 600 159279 12-22-13 E. J. Brooks & Co 60 00 159809 12-23-13 American Soc. for the Prev. of Cruelty 159280 10-31-13.12- 8-13 12-22-13 M. B. Brown Ptg. & Bdg. Co 1,201 06 to Animals 3 00 159286 The Halftone Press Company 28 25 159810 12-23-13 Robert Walter Ellis 8 50 159287 12-22-13 David L. Hernpan 640 00 159811 12-23-13 John J. McCarthy 110 05 159290 12-22-13 Keuffel & Esser Company 320 15 159812 12-23-13 American Musuem of Nat. History 1,294 83 159293 11-28-13 12-22-13 Law Printing Company 930 74 159813 12-23-13 N. Y. Public Library, E. W. Sheldon, 159297 '12-22-13 Chas. E. Miller 96 36 Treasurer 803 59 159298 10-27-13.12- 3-13 12-22-13 -Clarence S. Nathan 133 50 159300 12-22-13 Patton Paint Company 167 39 Permanent Census Board. 159301 12-22-13 The Peerless Blue Print Company • 49 20 159302 10-24-13.11-21-13 12-22-13 The J. W. Pratt Company 309 10 159696 12-23-13 'George H. Chatfield, Secy $8 39 159303 12-22-13 Public Service Commission, Second 159697 11- 1-13 12-23-13 Knickerbocker Ice Co 3 83 District 53 40 159699 12- 8-13.12-12-13 12-23-13 A. B. Dick Co • 10 00 159309 12-22-13 Tower Bros.' Stationery Company 114 75 159700 12- 8-13 12-23-13 H. Scheeren 5 00 159319 12-22-13 New York Telephone Company 573 62

President, Borough of The Bronx. Department of Public Charities. 156061 12-16-13 Bonavia Cont. & Const. Co., Inc., As- 156679 12-17-13 Meyers' & Grayson $52 05 signee of George Bonavia $2,782 49 156791 12-17-13 Bloomingdale Bros. 59 33 157130 The Barber Asphalt Paving Co 2,283 01 159862 Charles Henry Mattlage ... 77 26 157135 12-17-13 The Barber Asphalt Paving Co 936 92 159863 12-23-13 Sulzberger & Sons Co. 57 64 157927 12-19-13 John H. Parker Co 46,800 00 159869 12-23-13 Knickerbocker Ice Co. 44 39 157928 12-1913 Handy Bros. Cont. Co 5,515 74 159870 12-23-13 Robert P. Lawless 1,523 51 158870 12-22-13 N. Y. Trap Rock Co 987 84 159871 Robert P. Lawless 29 92 158876 P. J. Kane Cont. Co 500 00 159872 12-23-13 Russell Uniform Co. 140 60 159966 12-23-13 R. H. Gillespie, Chief Engr , 30 1.59873 12-23-13 Russell Uniform Co. 81 85 159967 12-23-13 Cyrus C. Miller, Prest., Bor.of The 159875 12-23-13 Borden's Condensed Milk Co. 496 68 Bronx 100 00 159878 12-23-13 John Bellmann 1,677 f0 159884 12-23-13 Manhattan Supply Co. 483 44 President, Borough of Manhattan. 159888 12-23-13 Sulzberger & Sons Co. 2,371 05 159887 a 12-23-13 Westchester Fish Co. 78 20 154091 12-13-13 The Barber Asphalt Paving Co '5O1 52 159889 12-23-13 Sulzberger & Sons Co. 890 07 154093 12-13-13 Wm. F. Cunningham 28,285 45 159890 12-23-13 Robert P. Lawless 2,102 59 154640 12-15-13 Northeastern Const. Co 400 00 159895 12-23-13 Meeker & Co. 4,851 21 158662 12-20-13 Nason Mfg. Co 85 82 159896 12-23-13 Middle Lehigh Co. 36 80 r58665 Manhattan Elec. Sup. Co 36 14 159905 Flatbush Water Works Co. 1,608 66 158667 Nason Mfg. Co 60 04 159908 12-23-13 Bruce & Cook 170 94 158669 12-20-13 Stanley & Patterson 156 81 159909 12-23-13 N. Y. Telephone Co. 689 33 158679 Empire City Iron Wks 49 91 158697 12-20-13 Jacob F. Fuessel 95 59 Sheriff, Kings County. 158698 12-20-13 Thomas Watson 74 69 158715 12-2-13 Keuffel & Esser Co 710 16 155398 12-16-13 Grace Barnett $17 48 158728 12-20-13 Manhattan Elec. Sup. Co 66 60 158730 12-20-13 Manhattan Elec. Sup. Co 51 12 Tenement House Department. 158734 12-20-13 Nason Mfg. Co 49 06 159470 12-22-13 'W. J. Fitzgerald 9,83250 159413 12-22-13 John J. Murphy $62 10 159471 12-22-13 The Aztec Asphalt Co 6,141 58 159475 12-22-13 U. S. Wood Preserving Co 2,052 74 United States Volunteer Life Saving Corps. 159476 12-22-13 U. S. Wood Preserving Co 3,540 62 159329 12-22-13 Burroughs, Wellcome & Co. $28 56 159477 12-22-13 Republic Const. Co 619 31 159331 N. Y. Telephone Co. 7 28 159485 12-22-13 Harlem Cont. Co 1,28416 159337 12-22-13 Johnson & Johnson 28 56 159486 12-22-13 Harlem Cont. Co 996 17 Board of Water Supply. President, Borough of Brooklyn. 158013 12-19-13 Zincograph Co. S209 50 156198 12-16-13 ` Thomas O'Connor $3,675 78 158025 12-19-13 J. E. Bates & Co. 48 00 156908 12-17-13 Altman Plumbing Co 164 80 158037 12-19-13 C. E. Hasbrouck 42 00 157118 The N. Y. Trap Rock Co 839 52 158053 12-19-13 Standard Underground Cable Co 457 13 157123 John C. Schrade, Inc 3,127 86 158075 Henry Metcalf 90 00 157125 12-17-13 Carmine Carraturo 4,494 56 158098 9-24-13 12-19-13 The Cook & Wilkinson Co 249 89 158528 12-19-13 Ulrich & Co 2,172 30 159398 12-22-13 Rinehart & Dennis Co. 80,501 50 159814 Am. Museum of Nat. History, Chas. Walker & Pattison, assignees of A Lanier, Treasurer 7,346 32 Francis Lenz, assignee of Kraft & Co 73 50 158836• 12-20-13 Bonacci Contracting Company 9,309 61 158839 12-20-13 Arthur C. Jacobson & Sons 495 36 Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. 158841 • 12-20-13 Joseph Jennings 3,094 00 158842 Ulrich & Co 1,209 00 158129 12-19-13 Agent and Warden of Auburn Prison. $199 00 158844 National Fireproofing Company 2,528 76 158130 John E. Donovan 895 41 158845 12-20-13 Hugh S. Blake 57960 158133 12-19-13 Connelly Iron Sponge & Governor Co 67 60 158840 12-20-13 The Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 4,553 42 158140 12-19-13 Cross, Austin & Ireland Lumber Co 18 35 159374 12-22-13 Autographic Register Company 26 50 158144 12-19-13 Voorhees Rubber Manufacturing Co 647 93 159375 12-22-13 The Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 264 64 158147 12-19-13 D. B. Fleming & Sons 82 62 159377 12-22-13 Nicholas Sanzo 45 00 158148 12-19-13 Geo. H. Waters Co. 128 44 159388 12-22-13 Municipal Garage 11 66 159420 12-22-13 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. of New 159390 12-22-13 Henry Endner 3 00 York 32.25 159392 12-22-13 Municipal Garage 2000 159431 12-22-13 Edward Cole ., 70 00 159393 12-22-13 Oriental Rubber and Supply Co 2 25 159432 12-22-13 Joseph B. Finan 70 00 159394 12-22-13 J. Krauss & Co 1400 159436 12-22-13 Crown Metal Construction Co 322 50 159395 12-22-13 J. Krauss & Co 21 06 159441 12-28-12 12-22-13 President of the Borough of Brooklyn 300 00 159396 12-22-13 Frederick Loeser & Co., Inc 113 44 159445 F. F. Fuhrmann 4 30 159666 12-23-13 Edmond Beardsley, Chief Clerk and President, Borough of Queens. Auditor 445 50 137501 11-10-13 Joseph L. Sigretto Company $4,781 70 159667 12-23-13 Edmond Beardsley, Chief Clerk and 137503 11-10-13 Joseph L. Sigretto & Co 4,836 12 Auditor 69 98 158501 12-19-13 Standard Bitulithic Company 91 87 159668 12-23-13 Edmond Beardsley, Chief Clerk and 158502 12-19-13 The Hastings Pavement Company 197 20 Auditor 201 04 158503 12-19-13 Borough Asphalt Company 126 75 159669 12-23-13 New York Telephone Co 131 40 159976 12-23-13 G. Howland Leavitt, Superintendent 159670 12-23-13 New York Telephone Co S 47 Highways 20 00 159671 12-23-13 James A. Swayne, Clerk 53 55 159977 Richard Van Twistern 2 80 158703 12-20-13 A. D. Shepard, Jr. 333 02 .159979 12-23-13 John W. Moore, Superintendent 182 18 159707 12-23-13 School District 12, Towns of Cortlandt 159980 12- 2-13 12-23-13 John B. Slee 50 00 and Yorktown, Wilbur M. Chase, Col- lector 3,393 34 President, Borough of Richmond. 159708 School District No. 4, Towns of Os- sining and Mount Pleasant, Leonard S 151944 12- 9-13 Felt & Tarrant Manufacturing Co.... $250 00 Sherwood, Collector 26 87 159251 12-22-13 Richmond Borough Pub. & Ptg. Co., 63 00 159708 School District No. 4, downs of Os- 159266 12-22-13 Expanded Metal Engineerit g Co.... 25 00 sining and Mount Pleasant 26 87

Finance VOUCHERS RECEIVED IN DEPARTMENT OF If the vouchers are found to be correct, and properly FINANCE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1913. payable to the respective claimants, it will be my endeavor Vouch- Invoice Name of Payee. Amount to have the warrants therefor made ready for payment er No. Dates. within the next seven days. Department of Bridges. A statement is herewith submitted of all vouchers If any claimant within the time stated does not receive filed in the Department of Finance on this date in which his warrant or a written notice in relation thereto, then 160966 Thompson-Starrett Co.....$154,910 14 is shown the Department of Finance voucher number, the written or verbal inquiry may be made at this office, date or dates of the invoices or bills. the name of the using the Department of Finance voucher number as a Department of Correction. payee and the amount of the claim. Where two or more ready means of reference. bills are embraced in one voucher, the dates of the 160674 12- 5-13 Patrick A. Whitney $161 25 earliest and latest are given. WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. X 48 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913,

Finance Finance Finance Vouch- Invoice Name of Payee. Amanat. Vouch- Invoice Name of Payee. Amount. Vouch- Invoice Name of Payee. Amount. er No. Dates. er No. dotes. er No. Dates.

County Clerk, Richmond County. 161036 Bessie Isaacson 4 30 160803 9-30-13 F. Bischoff 238 08 161037 J. & B.. Bernstein 41 08 160804 10- 1-13 Sulzberger & Sons Co 160645 Margaret Pfaff $13.00 151 42 161038 Humane Society of New 160805 11-24-13 National Biscuit Co 160646 12- 6-13 Staten Island World 142 00 1 38 York 10 00 160806 11-30-13 Rebecka Melicow 1080 City Court of the City of New York. 161039 John T. Mayers 34 45 160807 10-31-13 P. Lawless' Sons 163 63 161040 John Simpson 14 87 160808 10-31-13 The J. M. Horton ICe Cream 160734 The American Law Book 161041 Paul Moylan 1 94 Co. 3 65 Co. $650 161042 Agnes Keating, Daughter of 160809 10-31-13 Samuel E. Hunter 24 75 160735 12- 15-13 Underwood Typewriter Co 140 18 John C. Keating 107 14 160810- 11-24-13 Burton & Davis Co 2738 161043 The Aetna Accident & Lia- 160811 11-19-13 The Arlington Chemical Co 124 00 Municipal Courts. bility Co. 4 62 160812 A. F. Grassmann 109 19 161049 Goldman, Sachs & Co 242,675 00 160813 11-30-13 R. F. Stevens Co 160892 Frank Bulkley $3 00 177 75 161050 Goldman, Sachs & Co 242,765 00 160814 11-29-13 Robt. P. Lawless 75 87 City. Court and Surrogate's Court, Richmond. 161051 Goldman, Sachs & Co 728,025 00 160815 11-30-13 The Empire State Dairy Co 13 26 160592 Regina A. F. Cahill 180 00 160816 11-25-13 John Bellmann 11 70 160647 The N. Y. L'aw Journal $700 160593 Alice A. Chadwick 375 00 160817 12- 4-13 John Bellmann 128 69 160648 11-29-13 Remington Typewriter Co 37 90 160594 Wm. J. Arnow 25 00 160818 11-24-13 John S. Sills & Son 7 48 160649 11-30-13 N. Y. Tel. Co 791 160819 10-31-13 Great Bear Spring Co 360 160650 Margaret Pfaff 1300 Fire Department. 160820 11-29-13 Knickerbocker Ice Co 395 94 160651 John J. Flynn 6.10 160719 Jos. Johnson $10 96 160821 11-29-13 Brady Bros. 162 00 160652 Wm. Finley 780 160720 Jos. Johnson 18 70 160822 10-31-13 Brady Bros. 19800 160823 8-30-13 Knickerbocker Ice Co. 160721 Jos. Johnson 5,925 21 61 88 Court of Special Sessions. 160824 9-13-13 Milton, Bradley Co. 160754 11-14-13 The Vacuum Oil Co 109 24 5808 160825 10- 9-13 Bobbink & Atkins 179 30 160722 11-30-13 N. Y. Tel. Co $116 26 160755 12-11-13 The Goodyear Tire & Rub- 160826 11- 1-13 Richmond Garage 900 160723 11- 3-13 The Banks Law Pub. Co - ber Co. of New York 199 61 11 05 160827 11-20-13 The B. F. Goodrich Co 221 47 160724 11-29-13 Stevenson & Marsters 7 15 160756 11-20-13 The Fisk Rubber Co 4 00 160828 10-31-13 Cadillac Motor Car Co 10 10 160725 Elder & Ells 3 15 160757 12-10-13 The Storage Battery • Sup- 160829 11-29-13 The Manhattan Supply Co 2800 W. Sauter 2 50 ply Co. 338 160726 160830 5-15-13 Dennison Mfg. Co. 35 85 160727 11-22-13 Library Bureau 3 160758 12- 8-13 Detroit Cadillac Motor Car Co. 40 160831 11-19-13 Bramhall, Deane Co. 18 00 160728 12- 2-13 Salvesen & Dybvik 5 5 160832 11-10-13 F. S, Watt 2184 160729 11-13-13 The Roberts Numbering 160759 11.21-13 United States .Tire Co 25 00 160833 11- 7-13 M. H. Gottesmann 4 56 2 45 160760 11-18-13 The White Co 82 30 Machine Co. 160834 11- 7-13 Vacuum Oil Co. 1600 Mrs. M. J. Rorke 8 41 160761 10-2113 Manhattan Supply 'Co 8 30 160730 160835 10-21-13 Daniel J. Warren & Co 4 50 160762 12- 2-13 Chas. E. Miller 89 70 160731 10-15-13 Wm. J. Browne 3 00 160836 10-18-13 Ageut and Warden 7500 160732 12- 1-13 Jas. T. Boyle & Co 55 160763 12- 9-13' Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 12 35 160837 11-29-13 Frederick Loser & Co., Inc 160764 12- 9-13 'Motor Car Equipment Co 7 92 535 160733 11-30-13 N. Y. Tel. Co 96 35 160838 11- 7-13 A. Pearson's Sons 27 00 160765 12-15-13 The C. G. Bfammar Co 11 25 160745 10-31-13 Berkshire Springs Co 45 60 160839 Agent and Warden 72 00 160746 11-30-13 Foster-Scott Ice Co 21 10 160766 12-11-13 Lowe Motor Supplies Co 9 60 160840 10- 8-13 Department of Correction 120 00 160747 10-19-13 A. Pearson's Sons 15 00 160767 12- 9-13 The Smith-Worthington Co 44 88 160841 11-21-13 Department of Correction 437 00 160748 11-30-13 Knickerbocker Towel Sup- 160768 12- 8-13 Montgomery & Co 20 38 160842 11- 8-13 Whitcomb &'Barrows 9645 ply Co. 15 35 160769 12- 8-13 Republic Rubber Co 16 50 160843 11-18-13 Chas. W. Brucher 160749 11-30-13 John Konig 2 49 16077k 11-22-13 Remington Typewriter Co 60 85 50 160844 11-21-13 General Supply and Equipt. 160750 10-16-13 George Solms 35 00 Cor. 3690 2 50 - Department of Parks, Borough of Brooklyn. 160751 11-29-13 Richmond Ice Co 160845 11-29-13 James Beggs & Co 154 32 160752 11-29-13 Great Bear Springs Co 6 90 160787 11-25-13 The Flatbush Gas Co $23 160846 11- 1-13 Alois L. Hofaker 16 00 160753 12- 1-13 The Peerless Towel Sup. Co. 7 80 1607.: 10-15-13 W. A. Manda 2 0 160847 11- 8-13 The Blake & Knowles Steam District Attorney of New York County, 160789 11-12-13 'Julius Roehrs Co 3150 Pump Works 50 00 160790 11-29-13 A. H. Hews & Co., Inc 12160 160848 11-14-13 Candee, Smith & Howland 160886 Arnold J. Wisch $79 60 160791 11- 7-13 Keuffel & 'Esser Co 164 61 Co. 1 50 160::7 Jas. Ewing, M. D 435 00 160792 12-19-13 Buff & Buff Mfg. Co 10000 160849 9-11-13 The East River Mill & Lum- 160888 Peter P. McLoughlin 45 00 160793 11-12-13 The Manhattan Supply Co 289 42 ber Co. 121 58 160889 Stewart Liddell 73 B0 160794 12-20-13 Hill & Langstroth 142 31 160850 9-22-13 Hull, Grippen & Co 44 47 160890 Bartholomew Moynahan 480 00 160795 12-15-13 The Manhattan Supply Co 800 160851 11- 7-13 G. B: Raymond & Co 379 40 160891 Thos. W. Osborne 256 40 160796 10-20-13 Standard Oil Co 192 38 160852 11- 5-13 The Manhattan Supply Co 44 18 160797 12-11-13 Thomas M. Delaney 3 85 160853 11-14-13 John Simmons 'Co 13 13 Department of Education. 160798 12-10-13 Department of Correction 5600 160854 11- 1-13 Arthur C. Jacobson & Sons 178 43 160799 12- 3-13 James A. Heaney 373 00 160855 11-19-13 George Gratz, Jr 560 00 Theresa Sofia $11,000 00 160595 160856 9=19-13 L. Barth & Sons 4 85 160596 Chas. Delaney and Peter De- Police Department. 160857 11-19-13 George Gratz, Jr 5 00 laney, as being owners, les- 160858 11-25-13 Hardgrove & McDermott 20 00 sees and parties in interest. 21,403"33 160884 12- 9-13 Frank J. Lennon Co $1,614.08 160859 12- 3-13 Neptune B. Smyth 931 00 Prendergast, Comp- 160885 11- 1-13 The Texas Co 261 36 160694 Wm. A 160860 11-10-13 Edward Purvis 1500 L. Wertheim, Coal & Coke troller 85 39 160893 160861 10-28-13 Remington Typewriter Co 1 30 Wm. A Co. 963 87 160695 Prendergast, Comp- 160862 10-23-13 J. W. Pratt Co 350 50 67 160894 11-28-13 N. J. Anderson & Co 75 00 troller 160895 12-10-13 Joseph J. Grady, Inc 9 45 160863 5-16-13 E. Leitz 3 50 160696 Wm. A Prendergast, Comp- 160864 11- 7-13 The S. S. White Dental Mfg 36 160896 12-24-13 'Max Fuchs Co 297 82 troller Co. 400 160897 12- 5-13 Jas. Curran Mfg. Co 79 00 160697 Wm. A Prendergast, Comp- 160865 12- 3-13 Peter J. Donohue's Sons 20 00 10 troller 160866 11- 5-13 Wm. Langbein & Bros 163 27 Prendergast, Comp- President, Borough of The Bronx. 160698 Wm. A 160867 11-25-13 0. Charles Meyer 4750 50 98 160901 Amos L. Schaeffer $24 85 troller 160868 8-30-13 John W. Sullivan Co 5 65 Prendergast, Comp- 160902 J. H. Browne 8 18 160699 Wm. A 160869 10- 7-13 John Wanamaker, N. Y 4 20 236 77 160903 Andrew J. Thomas 125 00 -troller i60870 11-17-13 George A. Millar & Co 3 18 90000 160904 U. S. Wood Pres. Co 2,158 04 160715 12-17-13 Eugene Frank 160871 11-14-13 John Greig 7 04 The Asphalt Const. Co 428 15 160714 12-19-13 Eugene Frank 540 00 160905 160872 12-15-13 James S. Barron 5,002 18 28 80 160713 12-24-13 Cockerill & Little Co , Inc.. 13,506 17 160906 The Asphalt Const. Co 160873 11-18-13 Troy Laundry Machinery Nicholas Mastrogiami 1,670 08 1607.19 12-22-13 Wm. J. Olvany 38300 160907 Co. 146 00 Burnside Cont. Co 1,416 10 75 40 160717 12-22-13 Wm. J. Olvany 160908 160874 11-30-13 J. J. Snyder & Sons 9 95 65000 160909 The Barber Asp. Pay. Co 926 31 160716 12-22-13 Reid, King & Co 160875 11-26-13 Abraham & Straus 13 66 160910 The Barber Asp. Pay. Co. 625 24 160876 10-31-13 Municipal Garage 553 13 Board of Estimate and Apportionment. 160911 Estates Cont. Co 3,370 25 160877 4-28-13 Tower Mfg. & Nov. Co 623 160912 Del Balso Cont. Co 3,196 38 160736 12- 2-13 Howard Dustless Duster Co. $3 19 160878 11-30-13 J. J. Snyder & Son 30 00 160913 Driggs & McLaughlin Cont 160737 12- 5-13 D. Van Nostrand Co 3900 Co. 1,924 65 160879 11-21-13 Abraham & Straus 47 31 160738 12-16-13 The Caxton Magazine 300 160968 Richard Carvel 4,905 00 160739 11-30-13 New York Telephone Co 18 75 President, Borough of Brooklyn. 160969 Richard Carvel 5,670 00 160740 11-30-13 New York Telephone Co 69 95 160771 12- 6-13 Flatbush Water Works Co. $60 56 160967 Benedetto & Egan Const. 18 14 Co. 8,103 90 160741 11-30-13 New York Telephone Co 160772 Treasurer Brooklyn Inst. of 2490 160970 John F. Dalton 160742 12- 1-13 Charles Baeszler Arts & Sciences, Academy of 882 91 665 160743 G. Gilligan of Music, Brooklyn 2,344 55 160971 Frymier & Hanna Co 8,786 98 1250 160972 Jas. Harley Plumb. Co 2,430 00 16044 12-12-13 The Tabulating Machine Co. 160773 Charles Hewey 11 30 160973 Mitchell Const. Co 160774 9- 9-13 Morton I. Katz 34 90 11,006 32 Department of Finance. 160974 Herbert J. Wilks Co., Inc 980 00 160775 11-13-13 Isaac Barrows 11 60 Herbert J. Wilks Co., Inc 248 32 $250 00 160776 11- 5-13 Herman Kayfetz 21 20 160975 160581 Mrs. Antonio Reitz 160976 Luke A. Burke & Son Co , Wm. Henderson 875 00 Siegel & Gottlieb 9 50 160582 160777 Inc. 431 00 Henry J. Ahrens 375 00 160778 Mendel Realty, Inc 49 50 160583 160977 Raymond F. Almirall 21 55 Wm. Horrmann et al., Exe- 160779 10-21-13 Frank R. Huffmire 9 50 160584 160978 Raymond F. Almirall 151 05 cutors"of Estate of A. Horr- 160780 William J. Bloeth .. 7 50 160979 Frank J. Helmle 101 25 40 00 160781 F. Donovan's Son 538 29 mann, deceased 160980 Frank J. Helmle 108 20 Monahan Express Co 1,500 00 160782 12-1543 Edward E. Buhler Co 381 00 140585 160981 Frank J. Helmle 311 76 Rose C. Newman 1,50000 160783 10-31-13 F. N. Du Bois & Co 126 19 IW586 160982 Frank J. Helmle 136 25 Martin Walter 1080 00 160784 Vulcan Rail & Const. Co 967 72 160587 160983 Frank J. Helmle 157 50 New York Wholesale Fish . 160785 John R. Sheehan & Co 5,252 40 160588 160984 Frank J. Helmle 4 23 Dealers' Association 83 33 160786 Frank J. Helmle 66 75 160985 Frank J. Helmle 25 00 362 50 160961 Uvalde Cont. Co 5,219 00 160589 Geo. Dressler 160986 Hardgrove & McDermott 45280 Wm, H. Rolston et al., Trus- 160962 B. Turecamo 10,::: 74 160590 160987 John W. Sullivan Co 1,90000 tees of Roswell G. Rolston, 160963 Newman & Carey Co 8,371 08 160988 Bendetto & Egan Const. Co. 4800 deceased 375 o{. 160989 Raymond F. Almirall 10 28 6610591 Jacob Bernstein 750 00 President, Borough. of Manhattan. 1.6.0$97 John H. EclshofE,. Jr .480 02 161023 Henry H. Lloyd . $933 62 Board of Water Supply. 161025 National Surety Co 10 00 16102T Wm. A. Prendergast 7,312 50 161026 11- 7-13 National Surety Co .12 53 160705 Herbert D. Pease and A. J. President,. Borough of Queens. Provost 16t7 11- 8-13 'National, Surety Co 120 00 $833 33 161028 Anna Krooss 4 22 "0954 Joseph Flanagan $10 00 160706 Mason & Hanger 'Co 72,918 32 161029 _ Dominic A. Trotta 10 30 160955 Eon Engineering Co 1,803 50 160707 Pittsburg Cont. Co 166,780 55 N. Y. Tel. Co 161030 Andrew J. 'Provost 5310 160956 11-25-13 Peter J. McDonnell House 160709 4,487 98 161031 James R. Howe 40 49 Moving Co. 462 38 160708 American Manganese Bronze William Sierrichs 35 00 Co. 4,840 81 161032 Department of Public Charities. 161033 Otto Ruckert 54 89 160710 Harrison & Boice 20,504 45 161034 Henry Gatzert 14 20 160080 Frank J. Helmle $1,221 13 1(0711 Holbrook, Cabot & Rollins 161035 The Chauncey , Real Estate 160081 Albert Winternitz 35,000 00 Corp. 87,520 75 Co. 15 23 160802 11-30-13 Rebecka Melicow 108 00 160712 Grant Smith & Co. & 'Locher 83,419 50

1. ~>li ~`e. ..n.`u x .:..: .y,


Finance Finance Finance Vouch- Invoice Name of Payee. Amount. Vouch- Invoice Name of Payee. Amount. Vouch- Invoice Name of Payee. Amount. er No. Dates. er No. Dates. er No. Dates. 160880 Mrs. Emma B. Tomp kins.. 5000 160624 A. B. Noon 10000 160929 New York & New Jersey 160881 Sarah W. Rodermond 10000 160625 12-18-13 R. & L. Co 55 81 Globe Gas Light Co 14,488 27 160882 Helene Pagenstecher 225 00 160626 12 4-13 Shaw Walker Co 4 99 160930 Edison Electric Illuminating 160883 Reginald H. Kcays 7500 160627 11-21-13 The Texas Co 127 84 Co. 45,148 55 160628 10-31-13 Remington Typewriter Co 66 55 160931 New York & Richmond Gas Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. 35000 160629 11-24-13 Addressograph Co. Co, 199 54 160630 6-13-13 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co 4468 160932 New Amsterdam Gas -Co 4,637 10 160599 12- 9-13 Katonah Lumber Coal & 37 05 Feed Co, $13 60 160631 7-26-13 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co 164933 The Standard Gas Light Co 66030 51 80 160934 160600 12- 6-13 The Astoria Light, Heat & 160632 8-16-13 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co Consolidated Gas Co 9,174 46 46 39 Power Co. 10 40 160633 2-24-13 Century Tire Co 160935 Northern Union Gas Co 485 62 160634 12-10-13 Combination Rubber Manu- 160936 11- 1-13 Central Union Gas Co 674 32 160601 12-18-13 Thos. Stokes & Sons, Inc 17 70 33 10 160602 12- 4-13 Gilbert & Barker Mfg. Co 49 45 facturing Co. 160937 Westchester Lighting Co.. 53 25 160603 12-15-13 Henry Hencken 37 50 160635 12- 3-13 The Pitometer Co 22 00 160938 The Bronx Gas & Electric Fred Rhode 100 00 160636 12-13-13 Henry Maurer & Son 14 03 Co. 112 16 160604 160939 160605 F. F. Fuhrmann 111 43 160637 11-22-13 Neptune Meter Co 2 50 New York Mutual Gas Light 160606 6-16-13 Roneo Co. 23 52 160638 12- 1-13 C. L. Dooley 643 00 Co. 697 50 160940 160607 12- 6-13 Feodor Burgmann 23 32 160639 11-29-13 Shadbolt Manufacturing Co. 91 00 Jamaica Ga's Light Co 173 25 160941 160608 12- 8-13 Murphy Varnish Co 22 80 160640 10-17-13 Buick Motor Co 7 05 Richmond Hill & Queens 160609 The Sherwin-Williams Co 7 25 160641 10-25-13 Chas. Bannon 20 82 County Gas Light Co 45 38 160942 Woodhaven Gas Light Co 160610 12-11-13 F. W. DeVoe & C. T. Ray- 160642 7-27-13 F. H. Meiers 12 66 69, 23 160943 Newtown Gas Co 410 10 nolds Co. 7 20 160643 9-19-13 Jas. McCullogh 13 57 160611 12-13-13 Henry Maurer & Son 13 50 160944 East River Gas Co 399 75 160644 10- 3-13 Geo. W, Odell 18 06 160945 New York & Richmond Gas 160612 11-30-13 Jas. Thompson & Son 9 75 160920 Brooklyn Union Gas Co 291 00 160613 12-18-13 A. F. Brombacher & Co 26 40 Co. 22348 160921 Richmond Hill & Queens 160946 Brooklyn Union Gas Co... , 39660 160614 12-12-13 Dennis McCarthy 5 00 County Gas Light Co 400 160615 12 1-13 Dennis McCarthy 5 00 160947 Edison Electric Illuminating Woodhaven Gas Light Co 13 50 160616 1-27-13 Canavan & Deigan 199 45 160922 Co. 3,654 07 Newtown Gas Co 249 00 l6017 12-12-13 Jos. I). Duffy 181 67 160923 160948 The New York Steam Co 796 11 New York & Queens Gas Co 10 50 24 0) 160924 160949 Trustees of Columbia Uni- 160018 12- 1-13 Jas. Kelly 1,844 23 5 00 160925 Westchester Lighting Co versity 12503 160619 11-30-13 Daniel Sullivan Welsbach Street Lighting 160(20 9-30-13 The Western Union Tel. Co. 3 00 160926 160950 New York Telephone Co 832 12 Co. 985 84 160621 10-28-13 Eimer & Amend 2 5) 160951 Johnston Heating Co 504 00 160622 12-10-13 Alfred Chatwin Supply Co 243 00 160927 Brooklyn Union Gas Co 10,914 27 160952 Guarantee Construction Co 727 32 John Fox & Co 160623 11-28-13 Geo. Allen & Son 925 00 160028 Flatbush Gas Co 1,182 40 160953 5,780 08

Department of Public Charities. tan Training School, $180; December 11, Central Office, Manhattan, $750; Decem- to $180; December 15, Cleary, Joseph E., Long, William, Hospital Helper, Sea View ber 13, Turner. Mabel M., Hospital Helper, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training December 22, 1913. Hospital, $240; December 10, Madigan, Sea View Hospital, $480; December 12, School, from $180 to $240; December 8, Dee, John W., Hospital Helper, Metro- Sxn0 psis of the Department for the Richard, reappointed, Hospital Helper, Walsh, Anastasia M., Hospital Helper, politan Training School, from $360 to week ending December 20, 1913. Metropolitan Training School, $180; De- Sea View Hospital, $480. $480; December 8, Farnham, Frank R., Communications were received from cember 13, Maguire, Mary, Hospital Help- Dropped-December 16, Behan, Pat- Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training heads of institutions, reporting meats, er, Cumberland Street Hospital, $192; De- rick, Pilot, Steamboats, $1,400 (illness, un- School, from $240 to 8360; December 1, milk, fish, etc., received of good quality cember 6, Mason, William, Hospital til he reports for duty) ; December 17, Foster, Thomas, Hospital Helper, Metro- and up to standard. Helper, Sea View Hospital, $240 De- Booth, T., Hospital Helper, Farm Colony. cember 9, Morgan, James, Steamfitter, Sea $180; December 11, Burke, Frederick, m,litan Training School, from $120 to Central Office-Appointments, resigna- $180; December 18, Marshall, Robert W., tions, dismissals, etc., as oer list attached. View Hospital, $5.50 per day (temporary Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training emergency) ; December 18, Murray, Rev. School, $180; December 13, Carberry, Ber- Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training Central Office-Contracts and proposi- School, from $180 to $240; December 16, tions accepted during the week. Tos. G., Chaplain, Sea View Hospital, $450; nard, Hospital Helper, Cumberland Street December 12, McCaffrey, Daniel, Stoker, Hospital, $240; December 15, Connolly, O'Keefe, William W., Hospital Helper, Appointed-December 10, Aginian, Mis- Storehouse, from $360 to $420; December han, Hospital Helper, Sea View Hospital, Sea View Hospital, $3 per day (tempor- Nora, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan ary emergency for 1 day) ; December 11, Training School, $240; December 10. 18, Cavton, William, Hospital Helper, $240; December 12, Ashley, Edward, Hos- Metrop~)litan Training School, from $240 pital Helper, Sea View Hospital, $240; McCullough, Mamie V., Trained Nurse, Crosby, Myrtle, Hospital Helper, Metro- Metropolitan Training Schaal, $600; De• politan Training School, $360: December to $360; December 8, Reynolds, Charles December 14, Barnes, James, Hospital J., Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Train- cember 10, McGinnis, Charles, Hospital 10, Davis, WVilliam, Hospital Helper, Met- Helper, Cumberland Street Hospital, $240; ing School, from $180 to $240. December 8, Blakely, Fred C., Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training School, ropolitan Training School, $180; Decem- $180; December 11, McMahon, Hugh, Hos- ber 10, Dee, John M., Hospital Helper, Title Changed-December 13, McMor- Helper, Metropolitan Training School, row, Michael, Stoker, Steamboats, $3 per $180; December 10, Boehm, Paul, Hospital pital Helper, Storehouse, $360; December Metropolitan Training School, $180; De- 13, McMahon, Mary, Hospital Helper, cember 14, Delaporte, August, Hospital day (from Licensed Fireman to Manic Helper, Sea View Hospital, $240; De- Sinker). cember 11, Boyle, John F., Hospital Help- Metropolitan Training School, $240; De- Helper, Cumberland Street Hospital, $240; cember 13, O'Byrne, John, Hospital December 13, Dennis, John J., Hospital Transferred - December 10, Guerin, er, Metropolitan Training School, $180; Andrew J., Tel. Operator, Centra Of- December 13, Chimber, Philip, Stoker, Helper, Metropolitan Training School, Helper, Metropolitan Training School, $180; December 15, O'Rourke, John, Hos- $180; December 15, Farrell, Julia C., Vis- tice, Manhattan, $600 (to Department of Sea View Hospital, $3 per day (tempor- Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, at ary, emergency for 1 day) ; December 11, pital Helper, Cumberland Street Hospital, itor, Bureau of Dependent Adults, Man- $240; December 16, Raycroft, William, hattan, $900; December 12, Fay, Frank, $900; approved by Civil Service Decem- Clark, Helen, Trained Nurse, Sea View her 2, 1913). Hospital, $600; December 9, Crowley, Hospital Helper, Cumberland Street Hos- Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training pital, $480: December 12, Reilly, Annie, School, $180; December 12, Flynn, Peter, Corrected - November 1, Morales, Michael, Stoker, Sea View Hospital, $3 Claude, Hospital Helper, Kings County Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training per day (temporary emergency, for 5 Hospital, $240; should be November 8; (lays) ; December 10, Davidson, Ambrose, School, $240; December 1, Rhodes, John, School, $180; December 10, Gorman, John, Hospital Helper, City Home, Blackwells Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training December 11, Connell, John, Watchman, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training Coney Island Hospital, $480 (name School, $180; December 16, Dodge, Eliza, Island, $180; December 8, Rogers, Edward, School, $180; December 18, Haut, Charles, Hospital Helper, Kings County Hospital, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training changed to O'Connell) ; November 1, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training Scott, Harry H., Hospital Helper, Kings School, $240; December 10, Dolan, $180; December 11, Roland, Frank W., School, $360; December 10, lieary, Mar- Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training garet, Hospital - Helper, Metropolitan County Hospital, $240, should be Novem- Michael, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan ber 7. Training - School, $180; December 12, School, $180; December 11, Sackett, John Training School, $180; December 13, Ken- R., Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Train- nedy, Frank J., Hospital Helper, Cumber- Contracts Awarded - Meyer, . Denker, Dougherty, Frank, Hospital Helper, Met- Sinram Company, 910 E. 5th st., City, coal; ing School, $180; December 8, Scullin, land Street Hospital, $480; December 10, ropolitan Training School, $180; Decem- surety, $850; amount of award, $2,820.. Elizabeth, Hospital Helper, Sea View Hos- Marthens, Mary, Hospital Helper, Met- her 15, Elbe, Johanna, Hospital Helper, Gavin Rowe, 17 Battery place, coal pital, $240: December 9, Starters, Marion, ropolitan Training School, $360; December Lity Iiume, Brooklyn, $240; December 16, surety. $2.605; amount of award, $8,675. Hospital Helper, Sea View Hospital, $480; 11, Mitchell, Walter, Hospital Helper, Farrell, Julia C., Hospital Helper, Central John.F. Schmadeke, 497 Union st., Brook- Office, Brooklyn (Children's Bureau), December 9, Ubbens, Ottilie, Hospital Metropolitan Training School, $180; Helper, Metropolitan Training School, December 10, 'Dram, John, Hospital lyn, coal ; surety, $1,530; amount of $480; December 12,' Feely, William, Hos- awar(l, $5,096. John W. Peale, 70 E. 45th $360; December 12, White, Patrick J., Helper, Metropolitan Training School, pital Helper, Metropolitan Training st., coal.; surety, $17,020; amount of School, $180; December 8, Finley, James, Hospital Helper. Metropolitan Training $180; December 9, McEvoy. Elizabeth, School, $180; December 15, Wilshire, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training award, $56,730. Pattison & Bowns, 1 Hospital. Helper, Sea View Hospital, $240 Broadway, coal ; surety, $18,115 ; amount December 12. Flynn, David, Hospital Clara R., reappointed, Trained Nurse, School, $360; December 15, McGowan, Metropolitan Training School, $600. Patrick, Hospital Helper, Cumberland of award, $60,377. Pattison & Bowns, 1 Helper, Sea View Hospital, $240; Decem- Broadway. coal; surety, $585; amount of ber 1, Gavin, George W., Hospital Helper, Resigned-December 12, Allen, Agnes, Street Hospital, $240; December 14. Mc- Shane, James, Hospital Helper, Metropoli- award, $1,935.50. Bradford Street Hospital, $480; December Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training Propositions Accepted-James J. McAI- tan Training School, $180; December 16, 13, Gillespie, James J. Hospital Helper, School, $240; December 17, Daly, Rev. lister, 982 Manhattan ave., Brooklyn, coal, McVeigh, Thomas, Hospital Helper, Met- Metropolitan Training School, $180; De- Bernard. Chaplain, Sea View Hospital, X170.50; Win. Horn, Stapleton, S. T., meat,, ropolitan Training School, $180; Decem- cember 8, Gormley, John, Hospital Helper, $450; December 15, Drybulska, Lillian, $119; Wm. Schmidt, Tompkinsville, S. I., Metropolitan Training School, $180; De- Trained . Nurse, Metropolitan Training ber 8, Price, William J. F.. Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training School, meat, $38.85: Cooke Milk & Cream Com- ccmber 11, Graham, Christopher, Hospital School, $600; December 14. Flynn, David, n~inv, 294 Graham ave., Brooklyn, cream, Helper, Metropolitan Training School, Hospital Helper, Sea View Hospital, $480; December 12, Reilly, Thomas, Hos- pital Helper, Metropolitan Trainin<, $345. $180; December 26, Gross, Louis, Clerk, $240; December 10, Gerrard, Michael, J. McKEE BORDEN, Secretary. Central Office, Manhattan, $600; Decem- Hospital Helper, Bradford Street Hos- School, $180; December 10, Ryan, Patrick her 12, Harmon, Walter, Hospital Helper, pital, $240; December 14, Goodwin, Cath- J., Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Train- Metropolitan Training School, $180; De- erine, Hospital Helper, Kings County Hos- ing School, $180; December 11, Schneider, Fire Department. Fred, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan cember 17, Haynes, Peter, Pilot, Steam- pital, $180; December 10, Gorman, James, Abstract of transactions from December, boats, $1,400 (temporary emergency) ; De- Hospital Helper, Sea View Hospital, $240; Training School, $180; December 11, Smith, Robert, Hospital Helper, Metro- 8 to December 13, 1913. cember 15, Healey, James, Hospital Helper, December 7, Haulkner, Agnes, Hospital, December 8, Metropolitan Training School, $180; De- Helper, Kings County Hospital, $180; De- politan Training School, $180: December cember 15, Healey, John, Hospital Helper, cember 9, Hockman, Ernst, Hospital 13, Sutcliffe, Winnifred, Hospital Helper, Trials-The following penaltiese were Metropolitan Training School,$180; De- Helper. Sea View Hospital, $240; De- Metropolitan Training School, $240 ; De- imposed as result of trials held on dates cemher 9, Higgins, Katie. Hospital Helper, cember 10: Kappes, Waldo B., Hospital cember 11, Tobin, Michael, Hospital specilied Sea View Hospital, $480; September 6, Helper, Kings County Hospital, $240; Helper, Metropolitan Training School, December 2. 1913-Lieutenant Simeon Ilockman, Ernst, Hospital Helper, Sea December 13, Kerwin, Josephine, Hospital $180; December 10, Ubbens, Ottilie, Hos- 1, Corper, Hook and Ladder Co. 128, f.r View Hospital, $240; December 10, Hogan, Helper, Kings County Hospital, $240; De- pital Helper, Metropolitan Training absence without leave (3 charges) and Collins T.. Hospital Helper, Sea View cember 13, O'Loghlen, Thos. J., Hospital School. $360; December 11. Voelp, Wm. conduct unbecoming an office and gentle- Hospital, $240; December 13, Hornett, Helper. Sea View Hospital, $240 ; Decem- Hospital Helper. City Home. Blackwclls man (2 specifications). Dismissed from Richard, Hospital Helper. Metropolitan her 10. Rhatigan, Joseph. Hospital Helper, Island, $420; December 11, Webster, the service from 8 a. nn. December 3, Training School, $180; December 11. Ken- City Home, Brooklyn, $216; December 15, William, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan 1913. nard, Elizabeth. Hospital Helper, Sea Shaughnessy, Agnes, Trained Nurse, Training School, $180; December 13, December 8, 1913-Batteryman James J. View Hospital, $480; December 16. Lake. Kings County Hospital, $600; December Whiting, George, Hospital Helper, Met- Woodbridge, Bureau of Fire Alarm Tele- Arthur B., Hospital Helper, Cumberland 11, Skinner, Alexander T., Hospital Helper, ropolitan Training School. $240; Decem- graph, Manhattan, for making false state- Street Hospital. $240; December 11, Leary. Kings County Hospital, $180; December her 10, Woodward, Frank L.. Hospital nient in reference to debt complaint. John, Hospital Helper, Sea View Hospital, 15. Smith, Joseph W., Hospital Helper, Helper, Metropolitan School. 180; De- Suspended from duty without pay for $240; December 10, Lee, Annie, reap- Kings County Hospital, $360; December cember 25, O'Neill. Edith, Clerk, Central three days, from 8 a. m., December 9, pointed, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan 10, Stayers, Marion, Hospital Helper, Sea Office, ManhIttan, $600. 1913. Training 'School, $180: December 15, Le View Hospital, $480; December 21, Timon, Promoterl-December 12, Chase, Frank.. Employment of Temporary Laborers- Hospital Helper, Storehouse, fr(m $150 The 1fi1tniclttoj Civil Service ('QmmissiDn ROi. I Hospital Helper, Metropoli- K., Stenographer and Typewriter,


was this day notified of the employment, Bills Audited-Manhattan, The Bronx to the contemplated improvement, pro- Ardolph L. Kline, Mayor. pursuant to the provisions of subdivision and Richmond: Schedule 108 of 1913, vided it did not affect his property. Robert Adamson, Secretary. 11, Civil Service rule 19, of temporary open market orders, $2,219.25; schedule James Matthews, Executive Secretary. Mr. George C. Wheeler, in behalf of John J. Glennon, Chief Clerk and Bond and Laborers, with compensation at rate of 110 of 1913, contracts, $7,452.35. Brooklyn the petitioners, submitted alternative plan Warrant Clerk. $3 per diem, for emergency service in and Queens : Schedule 74 of 1913, con- for the improvement. Bureau of Fire Alarm Telegraph, Man- BUREAU OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. tracts, $10,851.95. Adjourned. Room 1, City Hall, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturday; hattan, Bronx and Richmond, as follows: December 12. LOUIS GRAVES, Secretary. 9a.m.to12m. William Neely, for 1 day, from 8 a. m. John L. Walsh, Commissioner. Resigned-To take effect 8 a. m. De- Telephone, 4334 Cortlandt. December 3, 1913; Charles Bock, for 4 cember 16, 1913: Probationary Fireman A meeting of the Local Board of the days from 8 a. m. December 3, 1913. Julian J. Rauf, Engine Co. 224. Greenwich District was held on Tuesday, BUREAU OF LICENSES. Retired-To take effect 8 a. m. on dates December 9, 1913, at 11.30 a. m., in the 9 a, m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Extension of Time Granted-To the Telephone, 2030 Worth, specified: Livingston Nail Company, until Decem- Council Chamber of the City Hall. James G. Wallace, Jr., Chief of Bureau. December 7, 1913-Fireman James W. ber 20, 1913, for completion of contract Present-Aldermen Donnelly, Dowling, Principal Office, 57-59 Centre street, Stapleton, Hook and Ladder Co. 121, on dated February 7, 1913, for furnishing Hannon and President McAneny. annual pension of $700. and delivering horseshoeing supplies. John Application, pursuant to section 369 of December 9, 1913-Lieutenant Lawrence the Ordinance, of Mrs. Augustus Con- ARMORY BOARD C. Orr Company, until December 5, 1913, Mayor, Ardolph L. Kline; the Comptroller Martin, Engine Co. 251, on annual pen- for completion of contract for furnish- roy, for permission to maintain a news- William A. Prendergast; the Acting President o~ sion of $1,050.• ing and delivering supplies for Division stand at the northeast corner of Church the Board of Aldermen, 0. Grant Esterbrook; Chief December 21, 1913-Captain Henry and Cortlandt sts., the Alderman of the of Coast Artillery, Elmore F. Austin; Brigadier. of Buildings. General John G. Eddy, Commodore R. P. Forahlea Platt, Engine Co. 223, on annual pension Bills Audited-Brooklyn and Queens: District having refused his approval of the President of the Department of Taxes and of $1,250. Schedule 75 of 1913, contracts, $1,500.25. such application. Assessments, Lawson Purdy. Fires Reported (Week Ending Decem- Rev. Louis R. Streeter, Pastor of the Clark D. Rhinehart; Secretary, Room 6, Base- Payrolls Audited-Payrolls from De- ment, Hall of Records, Chambers and Centre ber 6, 1913)-Manhattan, The Bronx and cember 1 to 15. 1913, inclusive, all bor- John Street Church, appeared in behalf streets. Rithmond, 159; Brooklyn and Queens, oughs, aggregating $345,401.87, duly au- of Mrs. Conroy and urged that her license Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 83. be renewed. 0a.In.to12in. dited, were this day forwarded to De- Telephone, 3900 Worth, December 9. partment of Finance. Mr. Benjamin Bulmer appeared in be-. Appointed-To take effect at 8 a. m., December 13. half of Mrs. Hickson, the holder. of the on dates specified : December 10, 1913: Bills Audited-Manhattan, The Bronx new license, and urged that, inasmuch as ART COMMISSION. The following named probationary Fire- and Richmond: Schedule 111 of 1913, the proceedings through which she had City Hall, Room 21. Office hours, 9 a. m, to obtained her license were in every way 5 p. m.; Saturr?ays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. men to be 4th grade Firemen, at rate each contracts, $21,055.74; Schedule 114 of Telephone call. 1197 Cortlandt. of $1,000 per. annum, and assigned to 1913, miscellaneous, $115. legal, she be placed in possession of the Robert W. de Forest, President Metropolitan stand. Museum of Art, President: Frank L. Babbott, companies specified: Conrad C. Schwall, JOS. JOHNSON, Fire Commissioner. Mr. Crowell, legal adviser to the Mayor, Vice-President; John A. Mitchell, Secretary: George Engine Co. 6; George Schafer, Engine L. Rives, Trustee of New York Public Library; Co. 9; Harry J. Murphy, Engine Co. appeared and stated that the Corporation A. Augustus Healy, President of the Brooklyn In- 18; Michael Moran, Engine Co. 214; Changes Ii Departments, EIe. Counsel had been asked for an opinion stitute of Arts and Sciences; Ardolph L. Kline, as to whether or not the consent of thG Mayor of The City of New York; I. N. Phelps Fredie Zschorne, Engine Co. 234; George Stokes, Architect; John Bogart; Karl Bitter, Hoag, Engine Co. 237; Anthony W. G. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Alderman was necessary in such cases. Sculptor-, George W. Breck, Painter, Conmy, Engine Co. 239; Francis A. Gar- December 23-George B. Fenning, 48 On motion the matter was laid over for. Job" Quincy Adams, Assistant Secretary. della, Hook and Ladder Co. 20; Andrew St. Johns place, Brooklyn, appointed as two weeks. F. Crowley, Hook and Ladder Co. 108; temporary Bookkeeper in the Auditing Adjourned. LOUIS GRAVES, Secretary. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Walter Sandberg, Hook and Ladder Co. Bureau, Division of Expert Accounting, No. 11 City Hall, 10 a, m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays, 119. at $1,200 per annum, taking effect as of l0 a. m. to 12 m. December 15, 1913-Louis S. J. Moran, December 19, 1913. Bureau of Buildings. Telephone, 7560 Cortlandt. December 17, 1913. 0. Grant Esterbrook, Acting-President. Engine Co. 59. Dennis C. Haggerty, 410 West End ave., ALDERMEN. To take effect from December 15, 1913: New York, appointed as temporary Book- Statement of operations, week ended Borough of Manhattan-1st Dist., Bernard E. Dennis Flaherty as ununiformed Fire- keeper in the Auditing Bureau, Division December 13, 1913. Donnelly; 2d Dist., Michael Stapleton; 3d Dist., Plans filed for new buildings, 5; esti- John J. White; 4th Dist., James J. Smith; 5th Dist., man, at rate of $1,000 per annum, with of ' Expert Accounting, at 41,800 per an- Joseph M. Hannon; 6th Dist., Frank J. Dotzler; assignment to Engine Co. 211, the time num, taking effect as of December 17, mated cost of new buildings, $35,400; plans 7th Dist., Frank L. Dowling; 8th Dist., Max S. served by him prior to his resignation filed for alterations, 57; estimated cost of Levine; 9th Dist., John F. McCourt; 10th Dist., 1913. _ Hugh J. Cummuskey; 11th Dist., Louis Wendel, Jr.; in such capacity to be deducted from re- Thomas J. Hogan, Jr., Clerk, Executive alterations, $92,556; buildings reported as unsafe, 46; other violations of law re- 12th Dist., William P. Kenneally; 13th Dist., John quired probationary period. Division, t $1,650 per annum, taking ef- McCann; 14th Dist., John Loos: 15th Dist., Niles Bills Audited-Manhattan,- The Bronx fect as of December 1, 1913. ported, 115; unsafe building notices is- R. Becker; 16th Dist., John T. Eagan; 17th Dist., sued, 113; violation notices issued, 352; Daniel M Bedell; 18th Dist., James J. Nugent. and Richmond: Schedule 107 of 1913, Mary E. Brennan, Clerk, Executive Di- 19th Dist., William D. 'Brush; 20th Dist., John J, violation cases forwarded for prosecution, open market orders, $7,077.17; schedule vision, at $2,250 per annum, taking effect Reardon; 21st Dist., Oscar Igstaedter; 22d Dist., 109 of 1913, contracts, $17,466.44. 10; iron and steel inspections made, 2,883. Edward V. Gilmore; 23d Dist.. John H. Boschen; as of December 1, 1913. 24th Dist., John A. Bolles; 25th Dist.. Charles December 10. Ella M. Partridge, temporary Stenog- Delaney; 26th Dist., Henry H. Curran; 27th Dist., Trial-The following fine was imposed rapher and Typewriter, Municipal Refer- Nathan Lieberman; 28th Dist., Courtlandt Nicoll; Board of Education. 29th Dist., John F. Walsh; 30th Dist., Ralph Folks; as result of trial held this day : Fire- ence Library, services cease close of busi- 31st Dist., Hyman Pouker; 32d Dist., Thomas A. man John J. Connor, No. 2, Engine Co., ness, December 31,' 1913. December 17, 1913. McGrath; 33d Dist., Samuel Marks. 82, for absence without leave and violation William W. Career and Fred Brehm, In compliance with section 1546 of The Borough of The Bronx-34th Dist., James L. of section 117, rules and regulations, 1912, Cashiers, Bureau for the Collection of Greater New York Charter, I beg leave to Devine; 35th Dist., Thomas J. Mulligan; 36th inform you that the Board of Education Dist., Thomas H. O'Neil; 37th Dist., Philip J and of general order 61 of 1912; three Taxes, services cease close of business Schmidt; 38th Dist., Abram W. Herbst; 39th Dist., days' pay. December 31, 1413. has entered into contracts with the fol- James Hamilton; 40th Dist., Jacob Well; 41st Appointed-To take effect 9 a. m., De- Michael T. Grace and Joseph Prince, lowing named contractors: Diet. Frederick H. Wilmot. cember 10, 1913: David F. J. Doody, as Cashiers, Bureau for the Collection of R. Bernson, 161 E. 110th st., City, for Borough of Brooklyn-42d Dist., Robert F. item 1, construction of a portable school Downing; 43d Dist., Michael Carberry; 44th Dist., Telephone Operator, Bureau of Fire City Revenue, services cease close of busi- Frank Cunningham; 45th Dist., John S. Gaynor', Alarm Telegraph, Brooklyn and Queens, ness, December 31, 1913. building at Forest Hills Gardens, Queens; 46th Dist., James R. Weston; 47th Dist., John surety, Massachusetts Bonding and Insur- Diemer; 48th Dist., James J, Molen; 49th Dist.; for a temporary period not exceeding two Samuel Marks and Joseph P. Taylor, Francis P. Kenney; 50th Dist., Charles W. Dunn; months, with compensation at rate of $720 Listing Clerks, Stock and Bond Division, ance Company. 51st Dist., Leo V. Doherty; 52d Dist., Daniel R. per annum. services ceased as of the close of business L. J. Wing Mfg. Company, 352 W. 13th Coleman; 53d Dist., Frederick H, Stevenson; Dropped from Rolls-To take erect 8 December 26, 1913, respectively. st., -City, for installing forced draft ap- 54th Dist., Jesse D. Moore; 55th Dist., Frank T, paratus in various schools in Manhattan Dixson; 56th Dist., William P. McGarry; 57th Dist., a. m., December 10, 1913: Temporary Tele- December 23-Robert H. Hall, 878 E. Robert H. Bosse; 58th Dist., 0. Grant Esterbrook; phone Operator Frank S. Gillen, Bureau 176th st., Manhattan, appointed Bank Mes- and Brooklyn; surety, Illinois Surety Corn- 59th Dist., George A. Morrison; 60th Dist., Otto of Fire Alarm Telegraph, Brooklyn and senger in the Bureau for the Collection pan Muhlbauer; 61st Dist., William H. Pendry; 62d y. P. Moller, Hagerstown, Md., for fur- Dist., Jacob J. Velten; 63d Dist., Edward Eichhorn; Queens, period of time for which he was of Assessments and Arrears of the De- 64th Dist., Henry F. Grimm; 65th Dist., James F, appointed having terminated. partment of Finance, at $1,200 per annum, nishing and erecting a pipe organ, item 1, Martyn. Employment of Temporary Laborers- taking effect December '24, 1913. at the Boys' High School, Brooklyn; sure- Borough of Queens-66th Dist., George M, ty, American Surety Company. O'Connor: 67th Dist., Otto C. Gelbke: 68th Dist., The Municipal Civil Service Commission Alexander Dujat; 69th Dist., Charles Augustus was this' day notified of the employment, P. M. O'Brien, 22 E. 42d st., City, for Post; 70th Dist., W. Augustus Shipley. pursuant to the provisions of paragraph Borough of Manhattan. general construction of addition to Public Borough of Richmond-71st Dist., William Pink; School 45, Queens; surety, National Sure- 72d Dist., John J. O'Rourke; 73d Dist., Charles P. 11, Civil Service rule 19, the following A meeting of the Local Board of the ty Company.. Cole, laborers for emergency service in' the Washington Heights District was held P. J. Scully, City Clerk. Frank J. Felgenhauer Company, Inc., 4 Bureau of Fire Alarm Telegraph, each on Tuesday, December 2, 1913, at 11 a. m., Court square, Brooklyn, for general con- for a period of five clays, .with compen- in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. struction of new Public School 96, BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS, sation at the rate of $3 per diem, to take Present- Aldermen Boschen, Igstaedter, Queens; sureties, Maryland Casualty Com- Office, Bellevue Hospital, Twenty-sixth street effect 8 a. m. December 8, 1913: Marks and Acting President Frothing- pany and Globe Indemnity Company. and First avenue. Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond- ham. Telephone, 4400 Madison Square, Herbert A. Dunlap, Arthur Flynn, Henry James I. Newman, 229 Hemlock st., Board of Trustees-Dr. John W. Brannan, Constructing the Tunnel street extend- President; James K. Paulding, Secretary; John G. Wagner, Julius Belzner, John Barrett, Brooklyn, for improving the premises of ing from Bennet ave. to Riverside drive Public School 9, Queens ; surety, National O'Keeffe, Arden M. Robbins, James A. Farley Thomas Moroney, A. Duprey. at about 190th st., with elevator shaft at Samuel Sachs, Leopold Stern; Michael J. Drum Brooklyn and Queens : Frank McGuire, Surety Company. mood, ex-officio. sort Washington ave. General Medical Superintendent, Dr. George Harry Butler, Thomas O'Laughlin, Frank A. E. PALMER, Secretary, Board of Mr. Bernard Loft appeared and stated O'Hanlon, Serghue, Matthew Cullen, John Kennan, Education. that the property owners were engaged William Duffy, George Martin, Charles upon the preparation of a new plan for BOARD OF AMBULANCE SERVICE, Cullen. this tunnel street, and requested an ad- Headquarters, 300 Mulberry street. Resigned-To take effect 8 a. m., De- journment until such plan was ready. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m, Saturdays cember 12, 1913: Probationary Fireman 12 m. Acting President Frothingham suggested President, Commissioner of Police. R. Waldo', Leon Brischkat, Hook and Ladder Co. 18. that an attempt be made to have the Secretary, Commissioner of Public Charities, M, J. Drummond; Dr. John W. Brannan, President Contracts Executed-For furnishing and property owners in accord as to the new delivering two motor-driven tractors for of the Board of Trustees of, Bellevue and Allied proposition before it was presented to Hospitals; Dr. Royal S. Copeland, Wm. I. Spregell water towers, $8,980; R. & L. Co., 1880 the Local Board. berg; D. C. Potter, Director. Broadway, Manhattan, principal; Illinois Ambulance Calls-Telephone, 3100 Spring. On motion of Alderman Boschen, all Surety Company, surety. For furnishing Administration Offices-Telephone, 7586 Spring proceedings for constructing the tunnel, and delivering five two-wheel gasoline street as at present laid out, were dis- tractors, $18,750. Front Drive Motor Com- continued. BOARD OF ASSESSORS, pany, Hoboken, N. J., principal; United Adjourned. Office, No. 320 Broadway, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m, States Fidelity & Gauranty Company, su- Saturdays, 12 m. rety. LOUIS GRAVES, Secretary. Joseph P. Hennessy, President, William C. Ormond. December 11, 1913. Antonio C. Astarita. Thomas J. Drennan, Secretary. Trials-The following fines were im- A meeting of the Local Board of the Telephones, 29, 30 and 31 Worth, posed as result of trials held this day: Washington Heights District was held on Fireman James J. Deasy, Engine Co. 26, Tuesday, December 9, 1913, at 11 a. m., for violation of section 104 of rules and in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. BOARD OF CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY The Mayor, the Corporation Counsel and the regulations, 1912; one day's pay. Fire- Present-Aldermen Boschen and Act- Comptroller. man Thomas F. J. Brady, Engine Co. 27, ing President Frothingham. OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR. for absence without leave and being un- Widening and changing the grades of STATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING Park Row Building, No. 21 Park Row. which the Publ ; Offices In the City are open David Ferguson, Supervisor. der the influence of liquor, drug or com- various streets in the vicinity of River- for business and at which the Courts regularly Henry McMillen, Deputy Supervisor. pound (2 charges) ; ten days' pay. Fire- side drive and 181st st. open and adjourn, as well as the places where Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays man Ernest P. McCallen, Engine Co. 72, Representative of the Miami Realty such offices are kept and such Courts are held, 9a. in. to12in. together with the heads of Departments and Distributing Division, Nos. 96 and 98 Reade for absence without leave; one day's pay. Company appeared in favor. Courts. street. near West Broadway. Charge Dismissed (Tried this Day)- Representative of the Henry Morgen- Telephones, 1505 and 1506 Cortlandt. Engineer of Steamer William J.. Galvin, thau Company appeared in favor and sug- CITY OFFICES. Engine Co. 18, for absence without leave. gested that provision be made for steps BOARD OF ELECTIONS. Death Reported-Automobile Engine- leading from the end of 181st st. down to General Office, Municipal Building, 18th Floor. MAYOR'S OFFICE. man John G. Stover, Bureau of Fire the drive. Commissioners: J. Gabriel Britt, President No. 6 City Hall, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturday. Moses M. McKee Secretary; James Kane and Alarm Telegraph, Brooklyn and Queens, Representative of Dr. Paterno appeared 9am.to12m. Jacob A. Livingston. 11.30 a. m., December 10, 1913. and stated that his client had no objection Telephone, 8020 Cortlandt. Telephone, 1307 Worth. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913. THE CITY RECORD. H151

BOROUGH OFFICES. COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL INVESTIGATION AND Thomas L. Fogarty, Second Deputy Commis- Manhattan. Harry M. Rice, Commissioners. STATISTICS. sioner for Brooklyn and Queens, Nos. 327 to 331 Municipal Building, 18th Floor. Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, 9a. Tilden Adamson, Supervising Statistician and Schermerhorn street, Brooklyn. Telephone 2977 William C. Baxter. Chief Clerk. m. to 5 p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a. in. to 12 in. Examiner. Room 180. Main. Telephone, 1307 Worth. Telephone, 4315 Worth, STOCK AND BOND DIVISION. Dr. John F. FitzGerald, General Medical Super. Intendent. The Bronx. James J. Sullivan, Chief Stock and Bond Clerk. Room 85. 1. McKee Borden, Secretary. No. 368 But One Hundred and Forty-elghtb COMMISSIONER OF LICENSES. Plans and Specifications, Contracts, Proposals street. Office, No, 277 Broadway. OFFICE OF THE CITY PAYMASTER. and Estimates for Work and Materials for Building Jghn L. Burgoyne, Chief Clerk. No. 83 Chambers street and No. 65 Reade Repairs and Supplies, Bills and Accounts, 9 a. m, Telephone, 336 Melrose. Herman Robinson, Commissioner. street. Samuel Prince, Deputy Commissioner. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m, to 12 m. Brooklyn. ohn J. Caldwell, Secretary. John H. Timmerman, City Paymaster. Bureau of Dependent Adults, foot of East wenty-sixth street. Office hours, 9 a. in. to Nos. 435-445 Fulton street. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE. George Russell, Chief Clerk. 9 a. in. to 12 In. Charles A. O'Malley, Appraiser of Real Estate. 5 p. in. Telephone, 693 Main. Telephone, 2828 Worth. Room 103, No. 280 Broadway. The Children's Bureau, No. 124 East 50th street. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. in. Queens. DIVISION OF AWARDS. Henry W. Sharkey, Chief Clerk, No. 64 Jackson Sterling Potter, Superintendent for Richmond Joseph R. Kenny, Bookkeeper in Charge. Borough, Borough Hall, St. George, Staten Island, avenue, Long Island City. COMMISSIONERS OF SINKING FUND, Rooms 155 and 157, No. 280 Broadway. Telephone, 3375 Hunters Point. Telephone, 1000 Tompkinsville. Ardolph L. Kline, Mayor, Chairman; William BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXIS. Rirhmord. A. Prendergast, Comptroller; Robert R. Moore, Borough of Manhattan—Stewart Building. Borough Hall, New Brighton, S. I. Chamberlain; 0. Grant Esterbrook, Acting Presi- Room 0. DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING, Alexander M. Ross, Chief Clerk. dent of the Board of Aldermen, and Henry H. Frederick H. E. Ebstein, Receiver of Taxes. Telephone, 1000 Tompkinsville. Curran, Chairman Finance Committee, Board of John J. McDonough and Sylvester L. Malone, Nos. 13 to 21 Park Row, 9 a. m, to 5 p. m, All offices open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. Satur Aldermen, members; John I orb, Jr., Secretary. Deputy Receivers of Taxes. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 in. days, from 9 a. m. to 12 m. Office of Secretary, Room 9, Stewart Building, Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building, Telephone, 3863 Cortlandt, No. 280 Broadway. Borough of Manhattan. Third and Tremont avenues. William H. Edwards, Commissioner. Telephone, 1200 Worth. Edward H. Healy and John J. Knewitz, Deputy James F. Lynch, Deputy Commissioner, Bor. BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND Receivers of Taxes. ou h of Manhattan. APPORTIONMENT, Borough of Brooklyn—Municipal Building Julian Scott, Deputy Commissioner, Borough of The Mayor, Chairman; the Comptroller, the Act- DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. Rooms 2-8. Brooklyn. Alfred J. Boulton and David E. Kemlo, Deputy James F. O'Brien, Deputy Commissioner, Bar• Ing President of the Board of Aldermen, President Municipal Building, 18th floor. of the Borough of Manhattan, President of the Receivers of Taxes. ou h of The Bronx. Arthur J. O'Keeffe, Commissioner. John J. O'Brien, Chief Clerk, Borough of Brooklyn, President of the Borough of William H. Sinnott, Deputy Commissioner. Borough of Queens—Municipal Building, Court The Bronx, President of the Borough of Queens, Edgar E. Schiff, Secretary. House Square, Long Island City. President of the Boroug Richmond, William A. Beadle and Thomas H. Green, Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. M. Deputy Receivers of Taxes, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, Saturdays, 9 a in. to 12 in. Borough of Richmond—Borough Hall, St. George, DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND oseph Haag. Secretary; William M. Lawrence, Telephone, 380 Worth. New Bri hton. ASSESSMENTS. Assistant Secretary; Charles V. Adee, Clerk to John De Morgan and Edward J. Lovett, Deputy Hall of Records, corner Chambers and Centre Board. Receivers of Taxes. streets. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, No, 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS AND 9a. in. to12m. 2280 Worth. CENTRAL OFFICE. Commissioners—Lawson Purdy, President; Chas. No. 148 East Twentieth street. Office hours, ARREARS. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER. Borough of Manhattan—Stewart Building J. McCormack, John J. Halleran, Charles T. Nelson P. Lewis. Chief Engineer. Arthur S. from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Saturdays, 9 a. in. to White, Daniel S. McElroy, Edward Kaufmann, 12 in. Room B. Tuttle, Assistant Chief Engineer, No. 277 Broad. Daniel Moynahan, Collector of Assessments and Judson G. Wall. way. Room 1408. Telephone, 2281 Worth. Telephone, 1047 Gramercy, Telephone. 3900 Worth.] Patrick A. Whitney, Commissioner, Arrears. BUREAU OF FRANCHISES. WilliamWright, Deputy Commissioner. George W. Wanmaker, Deputy Collector of Harry P. Nichols, Engineer, Chief of Bureau; John B. zgerald,Fit Secretary. Assessments and Arrears. 277 Broadway, Room 801. Telephone, 2282 Worth. Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS STANDARD TESTING LABORATORY. Rooms 1-3. AND ELECTRICITY. Otto H. Klein. Director, 125 Worth street. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES, Charles F. Bradbury, Deputy Collector of As Nos. 13 to 21 Park Row, 9 a. in. to 5 p. in.; Telephones, 3088 and 3089 Franklin. eeenments and Arrears. Pier "A" N. R., Battery place. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Saturdays, 9 Borough of Brooklyn—Mechanics' Bank Build Telephones: Manhattan, 8520 Cortlandt; Brook- a. m. to 12 m. Telephone, 300 Rector. Ing, corner Court and Montague streets. Robert A. C. Smith, Commissioner. yn, 3980 Main; Queens, 3441 Hunters Point; Rich- EFFICIENCY AND BUDGET ADVISORY STAFF. Theodore G. Christmas, Deputy Collector of mond, 840 Tompkinsville; Bronx, 3400 Tremont, Room 828, 51 Chambers street. Telephone, 1684 Charles J. Farley, First Deputy Commissioner. Assessments and Arrears. Richard C. Harrison, Second Deputy Commis- Henry S. Thompson, Commissioner. Worth. Benjamin F. Welton, Efficiency Engineer Borough of Queens—Municipal Building, Court I. W. F. Bennett, Deputy Commissioner. in Charge, sioner. House Square, Long Island City. Matthew J. Harrington, Secretary. Benjamin A. Kelley, Water Registrar, Borough Peter L. Menninger, Deputy Collector of Assess- of Manhattan. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, ments and Arrears. BOARD OF EXAMINERS. 9 a. in. to 12 in. Telephone, 3545 Cortlandt. Borough of Richmond— St. George, New Frederic T. Parsons, Deputy Commissioner, Rooms 6027 and 6028, Metropolitan Building' Brighton. Borough of Brooklyn. Municipal Building, Brook. No. 1 Madison avenue, Borough of Manhattan, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Edward W Berry, Deputy Collector of Assess- lyn, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. ments and Arrears. BOARD OF EDUC4TION. John L. Jordan, Deputy Commissioner, Borough Telephone, 5840 Gramercy. Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF CITY REVENUE of The Bronx, Tremont and Arthur avenues. George A. Just, Chairman. Members: William Manhattan, 9 a. in. to 5 p. m, (in August 9 a. in, AND OF MARKETS, M. P. Walsh, Deputy Commissioner, Borough of Crawford, Lewis Harding, D. Everett Waid, John Queens, Municipal Building, Long Island City, Kenlon, Charles Buck and Cecil F. Shallcross, to 4 p. in.); Saturdays, 9 a, m. to 12 in. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broad- Telephone, 5580 Plaza. way, Room K. John E. Bowe, Deputy Commissioner, Borough Edward V. Barton, Clerk. of Richmond, Municipal Building, St. George. Board meeting every Tuesday at 2 p. m. Stated meetings of the Board are held at 4 p. m. Sydney H. Goodacre, Collector of City Revenue on the first Monday in February, the second and Superintendent of Markets. Wednesday in July, and the second and fourth William Strohmeyer, Deputy Superintendent of Wednesdays in every month, except July and Markets. EXAMINING BOARD OF PLUMBERS, BOARD OF INEBRIETY. August. William A. Griffith, Deputy Collector of City Members of the Board: James M. Morrow, Chair. Office, 300 Mulberry street, Manhattan. Joseph Barondess, Nicholas J Barrett, Henry J. Revenue. man; John J. Hannegan, Fred B. Robertson; ex. Telephone, 7116 Spring. Bigham, Thomas W. Churchill, Joseph E. Cosgrove, MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LIBRARY. officio members: Rudolph P. Miller, Edwin J. Fort. Thomas J. Colton, President; Rev. William Francis P. Cunnion, Thomas M. De Laney, Martha 280 Broadway, Room 150. Municipal Building, 8th floor. Morrison, John Doming, M.D.; Rev. John J. Lincoln Draper (Miss), Ernest F. Eilert, Rev. Telephone, 1268 Worth, Hughes; William Browning, M.D.; Michael J. menM. Farrar, D.D., Alexander Ferris, George DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Saturdays; Drummond, Commissioner of Public Charities; Gillespie,John Greene, Robert L. Harrison, Centre and Walker streets, Manhattan. 9a, in. tr12m. Patrick A. Whitney, Commissioner of Correction. t uis Haupt, M.D., Ella W Kramer (Mrs.), Peter Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, Executive Secretary, Charles Samson. J, Lavelle, Olivia Leventritt (Miss), Isadore M. Levy, Alrick H. Man, John Martin, Robert E. 9 a. in. to 12 in. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays, 9 a. m. Burial Permit and Contagious Disease Office FIRE DEPARTMENT. to 12 m. McCafferty, Dennis J McDonald, M.D., Augustus always open. Board meets first Wednesday in each month, at G. Miller, George C. Miller, Henry P. Morrison, Headquarters: Office hours, for all, from 9 a. m. Telephone, 6280 Franklin, to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 iii. Central offices and o'clock. Louis Newman, Antonio Pisani, M.D.; Alice Lee Lederle, Ph.D., Commissioner of Health Post (Mrs.), Arthur S. Somers, Morton Stein, Abra- Ernst J. fire stations open at all hours. ham Stern, M. Samuel Stern, Ernest W. Stratmann, and President; Joseph J. O'Connell, M.D.; Rhine OFFICES. BOARD OF PAROLE. OF THE NEW YORK Cornelius J. Sullivan, James E. Sullivan, Michael lander Waldo, Commissioners. Headquarters of Department, Nos. 157 and 159 CITY REFORMATORY OF MISDEMEAN. Eugerfe W. Scheffer, Secretary. East 67th street, Manhattan. Telephone, 640 J. Sullivan, Bern rd Suydam, Rupert B. Thomas, Herman M. Biggs, M.D., General Medical ANTS. John R. Thompson. Christine Towns (Mrs.), Plaza. Officer. Brooklyn office, Nos. 365 and 367 Jay street, Office, No. 148 East Twentieth street. John Whalen, Ira S. Wile, M.D., Frank D. Wilsey, Walter Bensel, M.D., Sanitary Superintendent, George W. Wingate, Egerton L. Winthrop, Jr., Brooklyn. Telephone, 2653 Main. Patrick A. Whitney, Commissioner of Cor- William H. Guilfoy, M.D., Registrar of Records, Joseph Johnson, Commissioner. rection, President. members of the Board. Thomas W. Churchill, President, James McC. Miller, Chief Clerk, George W. Olvany, Deputy Commissioner, John B. Mayo, judge, Special Sessions, Man. Borough of Manhattan. Philip P. Farley, Deputy Commissioner, Bor• hattan. John Greene, Vice-President. Robert J. Wilkin, Judge, Special Sessions, A. Emerson Palmer, Secretary. Alonzo Blauvelt, M.D., Assistant Sanitary oughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Superintendent; Geor a A. Roberts, Assistant Daniel E. Finn, Secretary of Department. Brooklyn. Fred H. Johnson, Assistant Secretary. Frederick B. House, City Magistrate, First C. B. J. Snyder, Superintendent of School Chief Clerk; Shirley W. Wynne, M.D., Assistant Lloyd Dorsey Willis, Secretary to Commissioner, Registrar of Records. Walter J. Nolan, Secretary to Deputy Commis. Division. Buildings. Patrickjonee, Superintendent of School Supplies, Borough of The Bronx, No. 3731 Third avenue. sioner, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Edward J. Dooley, City Magistrate, Second John Kenlon, Chief of Department, in charge Division. Henry R. M. Cook, Auditor. Marion B. McMillan, M.D., Assistant Sanitary Thomas A. Dillon. Chief Clerk. Superintendent; Ambrose Lee, Jr., Assistant Chie Bureau of Fire Extinguishment, 157 and 159 East. Samuel B. Hamburger, John C. Heintz, Rosario 67th street, Manhattan. Maggio, Richard E. Troy. Henry M. Leipzi er, Supervisor of Lectures. Clerk; Arthur J. O'Leary, M.D., Assistant Registrar Albert Shiels (District Superintendent), Di- of Records. Thomas Lally, Deputy Chief In charge, Bor. Thomas R. Minnick, Secretary. oughs of Brooklyn and Queens, 365-367 Jay street, Telephone, 104.7 Gramercy. rector of Division of Reference and Research. Borough of Brooklyn, Platbush avenue, Willoughby Claude G. Leland, Superintendent of Libraries, and Fleet streets. Brooklyn. A. J. Maguire, Supervisor of Janitors. Travers R. Maxfield, M.D., Assistant Sanitary William Guerin, Deputy Chief In charge Bureau Superintendent; Alfred T. Metcalfe, Assistant of Fjre Prevention, 157 and 159 East 67th street, BOARD OF REVISION OF ASSESSMENTS. BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS. Byrne, M.D., Assistant Registrar Manhattan, William H. Maxwell, City S_upenntendent of Chief Clerk; S. J. William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. of Records. Leonard Day, Electrical Engineer, Chief of Schools, and Andrew W. Edson, William L. Ettin- Borough of Queens, Nos. 372 and 374 Fulton Bureau of Fire Alarm Telegraph, 157 and 159 East Archibald R. Watson, Corporation Counsel. ger, John H. Haaren, Clarence E. Meleney, Edward Lawson Purdy, President of the Department of street, Jamaica. 67th street, Manhattan. B. Shallow, Edward L. Stevens, Gustave Strauben- Taxes and Assessments. John H. Barry, M.D., Assistant Sanitary Super- John R. Keefe, Clerk, in charge Bureau of muller, John H. Walsh, Associate City Superin- intendent; George R. Crowly, Assistant Chie Repairs and Supplies, 157 and 159 East 67th street, John Korb, Jr., Chief Clerk, Finance Depart- tendents. . ment, No. 280 Broadway, Clerk; Robert Campbell, M.D., Assistant Registrar Manhattan. Telephone, 1200 Worth. DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS. of Records. Darwin L. Bardwell, William A. Boylan, William Borough of Richmond, No. 514 Bay street, A. Campbell, John P. Conroy, John W. Davis, Stapleton, Staten Island. LAW DEPARTMENT. John Dwyer, James M. Edsall, Cornelius E. BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY. John T. Sprague, M.D., Assistant Sanitary OFFICE OF CORPORATION COUNSEL. Franklin, John Griffin, M.D., Henry W. Jameson, Superintendent; Charles E. Hoyer, Assistant Chie Office hours, 9 a. in. to 5 p. in.; Saturdays, Office, Municipii Building, 22d Floor, Henry E. Jenkins, Cecil A. Kidd, James Lee, Charles Clerk; Frederick S. Williams, Assistant Registrar 9a.m.to12m. Charles Strauss, President; Charles N. Chadwick W. Lyon, James J. McCabe, Ruth G. McGray of Records. ' Main office, Hall of Records, Chambers and and John F. Galvin, Commissioners, (Mrs.). William J. O'Shea, Arthur C. Perry, Jr. Centre streets, 6th and 7th 6)ors, Joseph P. Morrissey, Secretary. John S. Roberts, Albert Shiels, Edgar Dubs Shimer, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, Telephone, 4609 Worth. J. Waldo Smith, Chief Engineer. Edward W. Stitt, Grace C. Strachatr (Miss). Archibald R. Watson. Corporation Counsel. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, Joseph S. Taylor, Benjamin Veit, Joseph H. Wade. Louis F. La Roche, Commissioner of Parks for Assistants—Charles D. Olendorf, William P. Burr, 9a.m.to12Dr. BOARD OF EXAMINERS. the Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond. R. Percy Chittenden, William Beers Crowell, John Telephone. 3150 Worth. Clinton H. Smith, Secretary. William H. Maxwell, City Superintendent of L. O'Brien, Terence Parley, Edward J. McCormick, Offices, Arsenal, Central Park. David S. Garland, Curtis A. Peters, George M. Schools, and James C. Byrnes, Walter L. Hervey' Telephone, 7300 Plaza. BUREAU OF THE CHAMBERLAIN. Jerome A. O' onnell. George J. Smith, Examiners, Curtis, John F. O'Brien, Edward S. Malone, Edwin Office hours, 9 a. m, to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, J. Freedman, Louis H. Hahlo, Frank B. Pierce, Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broad- BOARD OF RETIREMENT. 9 a. in. to 12 In. way, Rooms 63 to 67. Richard H. Mitchell, John Widdecombe, Arthur Thomas W. Churchill, Abraham Stern, Arthur Michael J. Kennedy, Commissioner of Parks for Sweeney, William H. King, George P. Nicholson, Robert R. Moore, Chamberlain. the Borough of Brooklyn and President of the Park Henry J. Walsh, Deputy Chamberlain. S. Somers, William H. Maxwell, Josephine E. Charles J. Nehrbas, William J. O'Sullivan, liar. Rogers, Mary A. Curtis Lyman A. Best, Principal, Board. ford P. Walker, Josiah A. Stover, William E. C. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Offices, Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park, Telephone, 4270 Worth. Public School 171, Brooklyn, Secretary. Telephone Mayer, John Lehman, Francis Martin, Charles 4140 Cypress. Brooklyn. McIntyre, Clarence L. Barber, Isaac F. Cohen, Office hours, 9 a. in. to 5 p. in.; July and August George H. Cowie, Solon Berrick, James P. O'Connor, 9 a. in. to 4 in. CHANGE OF GRADE DAMAGE COMMISSION. p. Elliott S. Benedict, Isaac Phillips, Edward A. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Telephone, 2300 South, McShane, Eugene Fay, Ricardo M. DeAcosta, Office of. the Commission. Room 223, No. 280 Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broad- Thomas J. Higgins, Commissioner of Parks for John M. Barrett, Frank P. Reilly, Leon G. Godley, Broadway (Stewart Building), Borough of Man- way, 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. (June, July and August, the Borough of The Bronx. Alexander C. MacNulty, Samuel Hoffman, John W. hattan, New York City. 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.); Saturdays, 9 a. in. to 12 in. Office, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park. Golf, Jr., William R. Wilson, Jr., Charles E. Nellany, William D. Dickey, Cambridge Livingston, Telephone, 1200 Worth, Office hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. in.; Saturdays, Patrick J. Walsh, Ashton Parker. David Robinson, Commissioners. Lamont Mc- William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. 9a. in. to12in. Secretary to the Corporation Counsel—Edmund Loughlin, Clerk. Douglas Mathewson, Deputy Comptroller. Telephone, 2640 Tremont. Kirby, Jr. Regular advertised meetings on Monday, Tues- Edmund D. Fisher, Deputy Comptroller. Walter G. Eliot, Commissioner of Parks for the Brooklyn Office, No. 153 Pierrepont street. Tele. day and Thursday of each week at 2 o'clock p. m. Hubert L. Smith, Assistant Deputy Comptroller. Borough of Queens. phone, 2948 Main. James D. Bell, Assistant in Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays George L. Tirrell, Secretary to the Department. Office, The Overlook, Forest Park, Richmond charge. 9 a. in. to 12 in. Thomas W. Hynes, Supervisor of Charitable Hill, L. I. BUREAU OF'STREEr OPENINGS. Telephone, 3254 Worth. Institlutions Main office, No. 90 West Broadway. Tele. Water S. Wolfe, Chief Clerk. PERMANENT CENSUS BOARD. phone, 5070 Barclay. 'Joel J. Squier, Assistant in CITY CLERK AND CLERK OF THE BOARD charge. OF ALDERMEN. BUREAU OF AUDIT. No. 114 But 47th streeet, fourth floor. Office Brooklyn branch office, No, 166 Montague' hours, 9 a. in to 5 p. m.• Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m, City Hall, Rooms 11, 12; 10 a. m. to 4 p. m,; Charles S. Hervey, Chief Auditor of Accounts, street. Telephone, 5916 Main. Edward Riegel. Room 29. The Mayor, City 1uperintendent of Schools mann, Assistant in charge.. Saturdays, 10 a, m. to 12 in. and Police Commissioner. George H. Chatfield, Telephone, 7560 Cortlandt. Harry York, Deputy Chief Auditor of Accounts. Queens branch office, Municipal Building, Court Duncan Maclnnes, Chief Accountant and Book- Secretary. House Square, Long Island City. Telephone, 3886 P. J. Scully, City Clerk and Clerk of the Board Telephone, 3591 Murray Hill. of Aldermen. keeper. Hunters Point. Walter C. Sheppard, Assistant in Joseph F. Prendergast, First Deputy. John J. Kelly, Auditor of Disbursements. charge. H. H. Rathyen, Auditor of Receipts. JJames J. Hines, Chief Clerk of the Board of DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES. BUREAU FOR THE RECOVERY OF PENALTIES. Aldermen. David Rothschild, Bookkeeper in charge Division Joseph V. Sculley, Clerk, Borough of Brooklyn. of Refunds. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No. 119 Nassau street. Telephone, 4526 Cort. Matthew McCabe, Deputy City Clerk, Borough James J. Munroe, Chief Inspector. Foot of East Twenty-sixth street, 9 a. m. to landt. Herman Stiefel, Assistant in charge. R. B. McIntyre, Examiner in Charge, Expert bp m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. of The Bronx, BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF ARREARS OF George D. Frenz, Deputy City Clerk, Borough Accountants' Division. Telephone, 7400 Madison square. PERSONAL TAXES, of Queens. LAW AND ADJUSTMENT DIVISION. Michael J. Drummond, Commissioner. William K. Walsh, Deputy City Clerk, Borough Albert B. Hadlock, Auditor of Accounts. Room Frank J. Goodwin, First Deputy Commissioner; No. 280 Broadway, 5th floor. Telephone, 4585 of Richmond. 186. tephen A. Nugent, Third Deputy Commissioner. Worth. Geo. O'Reilly, Assistant in charge. ,r 12152 THE CITY' RECORD, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913.

TENEMENT DOUSE BUREAU AND BUREAU OF Maurice E. Connolly, President. COMMISSIONER OF RECORDS. RICHMOND COUNTY, BUILDINGS. Hugh Hall, Secretary to the President, Hall of Records. No. 44 East Twenty-third street. Telephone, Samuel Brock, Secretary of the Borough. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., excepting months 61 • Gramercy, John P. O'Brien, Assistant in • Josenh Flanagan, Commissioner of Public Works. of July and August, then 9 a, M. to 2 p. m.; Sat- COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. harge. G, Howland Leavitt, Superintendent of High. urdays, 9 a. m. to 12 in. ways. Village Hall, Stapleton. Edmund O'Connor, Commissioner. Charles J. Kullman, Commissioner. John R. Higgins, Superintendent of Sewers. William F. Thompson, Deputy Commissioner METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE COMMISSION. DJohn W. Moore, Superintendent of Buildings. Office open from 9 a. in. until 4 p. m,; Saturdays Telephone, 6988 Main, from 9 a. in. to 12 in. Office, No. 17 Battery place, George A. Soper, Daniel Ehntholt, Superintendent of Street Cleaning. Telephone, 81 T',mpkinsville, Ph.D., President; James H. Fuertes, Secretary: COUNTY CLERK, H. de B. Parsons, Charles Sooysmith, Linsly R. Francis X. Duer, Superintendent of Public Build- ings and Offices. Office, Town Hall, Flushing, L. I. Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Office hours, 9 a. in Williams, M.D. COUNTY CLERK, Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Saturdays, Telephone, 1740 Flushing. to 4 p. in.; during months of July and August 9 a. in. to 12 in. 9 a. m. to 2 p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a. in. to 12 in. County Office Buil'ling, Richmond, S. I., 9 a. to Telephone, 1694 Rector. Charles S. Devoy, County Clerk. to 4 p. m.; Saturda;s, 9 a. in. to 12 m. BOROUGH OF RICHMOND John Feltner, Deputy County Clerk' C. Livingston Bostwick, County Clerk, President's Office, New Brighton, Staten Island. Telephone call, 4930 Main. Telephone, 28 New Dorp. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. George Cromwell, President, Maybury Fleming, Secretary. COUNTY COURT, Municipal Building (14th Floor), 9 a. m. to 4 COUNTY JUDGE AND SURROGATE, Louis Lincoln Tribus, Consulting Engineer and County Court House, Brooklyn Rooms 1, 10, p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 in. Acting Commissioner of Public Works. County Court—J. Harry Tiernan, County Judge. Frank Gallagher, President; Richard Welling and 14, 17, 18, 22 and 23. Court opens at 10 a, m. John Seaton, Superintendent of Buildings, daily and sits until business is completed. Part I, Terms of the County Court. Alexander Keogh, Commissioners. H. E. Buel, Superintendent of Highways. Trial Terms, with Grand and Trial Jury. Second Frank A. Spencer, Secretary, Room No. 23; Part II., Room No. 10; Part III., John T. Fetherston, Assistant Engineer and Room No. 14; Part IV., Room No. 1, Court House, Monday of March, First Monday of October. LABOR BUREAU. Trial Terms, with Trial Jury only. First Mon• Acting Superintendent of Street Cleaning. Clerk's office, Rooms 17, 18, 19 and 22, open daily Municipal Building (14th Floor). Ernest H. Seehusen, Superintendent of Sewers. day of May, first Monday of December. Telephone, 1580 Worth. from 9 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Saturdays, 12 in. John Timlin; Jr., Superintendent of Public Norman S. Dike and Lewis L. Fawcett, County Special Terms, without Jury—Wednesday of each week, except the last week of July, the month Buildings and Offices. Judges, Offices, Borough Hall, New Brighton, N, Y„ ohn T. Rafferty, Chief Clerk. of August and the first week of September. MUNICIPAL EXPLOSIVES COMMISSION, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 in. Surrogate's Coutt, J. Harry Tiernan, Surrogate. Jelephones, 4154 and 4155 Main. Monday and Tuesday of each week at the Bor- Nos. 157 and 159 East 67th street, Headquarters Telephone, 1000 Tompkinsville, Fire Department. ough Hall, St. George, and on Wednesday at the DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Surrogate's Court, at Richmond, except during the Joseph Johnson, Fire Commissioner and ex• CORONERS. officio Chairman; Geo. 0. Eaton, Sidney Harris, Office, 66 Court street, Borough of Brooklyn. session of the County Court, when all Surrogate's Bartholomew Donovan, Russell W. Moore. Borough of Manhattan—Office, 70 Lafayette Hours, 9 a. m. to 5.30 p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to matters shall be made returnable at Borough Hall, Albert Bruns, Secretary. street, corner of Franklin street. 1 p. in. St. George, on Saturday at 10.30 a. m. There will Meetings at call of Fire Commissioner. Open at all times of the day and night. ames C. Cropsey, District Attorney. be no Surrogate's Court during the month of Coroners: Israel L. Feinberg, -Herman Hellen- Jelephones, 2954-5-6-7 Main. August. Office at Richmond is open daily from stein, James E. Winterbottom, Herman W. Holtz- 9 a. m, to 4 p. in., Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon. hauser. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. POLICE DEPARTMENT, Telephones, 5057, 5058 Franklin. Surrogate's Court and Office, Richmond, S. I CENTRAL OFFICE. Borough of The Bronx—Corner of Arthur avenue No. 44 Court street (Temple Bar), Brooklyn, Surrogate's Chambers, Borough Hall, St. George, a. m. to 4p m.; Saturdays, 9 a. in. to 12 m, New Brighton, N. Y, No. 240 Centre street, 9 a. m. to 5 p. in. (month and Tremont avenue. Telephones, 1250 Tremont and 1402 Tremont, Frank V. Kelly, Public Administrator., William Finley, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court, of June. July and August, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.) Telephone, 2840 Main. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 in. Office hours, 8 a. in. to 12 p. in. every day. Telephone, 3100 Spring. Jacob Shongut, Jerome F. Healy, Rhinelander Waldo, Commissioner. Borough of Brooklyn—Office, 236 Duffield street, REGISTER. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, near Fulton street. Telephone, 4004 Main and Douglas I. McKay, First Deputy Commissioner, Hall of Records. Office hours, 9 a. m, to 4 p. m„ Borough Hall, St. George, S. I. George S. Dougherty, Second Deputy Commis 4005 Main. excepting months of July and August, then from Albert C. Fach, District Attorney, stoner. Alexander J, Rooney, Edward Glinnen, Coroners. 9 a. m. to 2 p. in., provided for by statute; Satur- Open at all hours of the day and night. Telephone, 50 Tompkinsville. Harry W. Newberger, Third Deputy Commis. d ys,9a. in. to12in, Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a, in. loner, Borough of Queens—Office, Town Hall, Fulton Edward T. O'Loughlin, Register, to 12 an. James E. Dillon, Fourth Deputy Commissioner. street, Jamaica, L, I. Alfred T. Hobley, Deputy Register, William H. Kipp, Chief Clerk, Alfred S. Ambler, G. J. Schaefer. Telephone, 2830 Main. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 10 p. in., excepting PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Sundays and holidays; office open then from 9 a. m, Office, Port Richmond. to 12 m. SHERIFF, William T. Holt, Public Administrator. PUBLIC RECREATION COMMISSION. Borough of Richmond—No. 175 Second street Temple Bar Building, 186 Remsen street, Room Telephone, 704 West Brighton, 51 Chambers street; Room 1001. New Brighton. Open at all hours of the day and 401, Brooklyn, N. Y, fames E. Sullivan, President; General George W, night. 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, 12 m, SHERIFF, Wingate, Charles B. Stover, Mrs. V. G. Simkho• William H. Jackson, Coroner. Charles B. Law, Sheriff. County Court House, Richmond, S. L' vitch, Gustavus T. Kirby, George D. Pratt, Rob. Telephone, 7 Tompkinsville, Lewis M. Swasey, Under Sheriff. Joseph F. O'Grady, Sheriff; Peter J. Finn, Jr., bins Gilman, Cyril H. Jones, Acting Secretary. Telephones, 6845, 6847 Main, Under Sheriff, Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Saturdays, Office hours, 9 a. in. to 4 p m.; Saturdays. 9a.m.to12m. SURROGATE. 9 a. in. to 12 in. Telephone, 1471 Worth. COUNTY OFFICES. Telephone, 120 New Dorp, Commission meeting every second Thursday at Hall of Records, Brooklyn N. Y. 4 p. M. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate, NEW YORK COUNTY. John H. McCooey, Chief Clerk and Clerk to the Surrogate's Court. THE COURTS. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. Court opens at 10 a. m. Office hours, 9 a. m. , The Public Service Commission for the First COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. to 4 p. in., except during months of July and District, Tribune Building, No. 154 Nassau street, Room 127, Stewart Building, Chambers street August, when office hours are from 9 a. in. to APPELLATE DIVISION OF THE SUPREME Manhattan. and Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p, m.; Saturdays, 2 p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 in. COURT, Office hours, 8 a. in. to 11 p. m., every day in 9 a. m. to 12 in. July and August, 9 a. m. to elephone, 3945 Main. 7IRST JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. the year, Including holidays and Sundays. 2 p. m. F'Court House, Madison avenue, comer Twenty Stated public meetings of the Commission. Thomas Allison, Commissioner. fifth street. Court open from 2 p. m. until 6 p. m, Tuesdays and Fridays at 12.15 p. m., in the Public Frederick P. Simpson, Assistant Commissioner. BRONX COUNTY. Friday, Motion Day, Court opens at 10.30 a. m. Hearing Room of the Commission, third floor of Telephone, 241 Worth, Motions called at 10 a. m. Orders called at 10.30 the Tribune Building, unless otherwise ordered. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. a. m. Commissioners—Edward E. McCall, Chairman; Seventh floor, Bergen Building, Arthur and Tre• George L. Ingraham, Presiding Justice; Chester Milo R. Maltbie, John E. Eustis, J. Sergeant COMMISSIONER OF RECORDS. B. McLaughlin, Frank C. Laughlin, John Proctor Cram, George V. S. Williams. Counsel, George S. mont avenues, Bronx. 9 a. m. to 4 p. in Satur- Office, Hall of Records. days, 9 a. m, to 12 m. July and August, 9 a, in. to Clarke, Francis M. Scott, Victor J. Dowling, Coleman, Secretary, Travis H. Whitney. John F. Cowan, Commissioner, Henry D. Hotchkiss, Justices; Alfred Wagstaff, Telephone, 4150 Beekman, 2 p. in. Frank K. Bowers, Deputy Commissioner. John A. Mason, Commissioner, Clerk; William Lamb, Deputy Clerk. William Moores, Superintendent. John A. Pachler, Assistant Commissioner. Clerk's Office opens 9 a. m, James J. Fleming, Jr., Chief Clerk. James A. McMahon, Secretary., Telephone, 3340 Madison Square.- TENEMENT HOUSE DEPARTMENT, Telephone, 3900 Worth. Telephone, 3700 Tremont. John J. Murphy, Commissioner, Manhattan Office hours, 9 a. in. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, SUPREME COURT—FIRST DEPARTMENT. office (Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond), 9 a. m. to 12 m. During the months of July and August, from County Court House, Chambers street. Court Municipal Building. Telephone, 1526 Worth. Wil- QUEENS COUNTY. open from 10.15 a. m. to 4 p. m. liam H. Abbott, Jr., First Deputy Commissioner, 9 a. in. to 2 p. in. Special Term. Part I. (motions), Room No. I6. Brooklyn office (Boroughs of Brooklyn and . Special Term, Part II, (ex-parte business), Room Queens), 503 Fulton street. Telephone, 3825 Main. COUNTY CLERK. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. No. 13. Frank Mann, Second Deputy Commissioner, Nos. 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 New County Court House. Office hours, 9 a, m. to 4 p. m.; July and August, Special Term, Part III., Room No. 19. Bronx office, 891 East 149th street. Telephone, Special Term, Part IV., Room No. 20, Office hours, 9 a. in. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 2 p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m.; 7107-7108 Melrose. William B. Calvert, Superin• Special Term, Part V., Room No. 6. 9 a. m. to 12 m. During the months of July and Queens County Court House, Long Island City. tendent. al Term, Part VI., Room No. 31, August the hours are from 9 a. m, to 2 p. in., except Thorndyke C. McKennee, Commissioner of Spec Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Saturdays, jurors, Tria Term, Part II., Room No. 34. 9 a. in. to 12 in. on Saturdays. Term, Part III., Room No. 32, William F. Schneider, County Clerk. Rodman Richardson, Assistant Commissioner of Tria jurors. Tria Term, Part IV., Room No. 21. Charles E. Gehring, Deputy. Tria Term, Part V., Room No. 24, Wm. B. Selden, Second Deputy. Telephone, 9631 Hunters Point. Tria Term, Part VI„ Room No. 18. BOROUGH OFFICES. Herman W. Beyer, Superintendent of Indexing Tria Term, Part VII., Room No, —. and Recording. COUNTY CLERK. Term, Part VIII, Room No. 23, Telephone, 5388 Cortlandt. Tria No. 364 Fulton street, Jamaica. Tria Term, Part IX., Room No. 35, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Office open, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. Tria Term, Part X., Room No. 26, Office of the President Nos. 14, 15 and 16; DISTRICT ATTORNEY. to 12 m. Tria Term, Part XI., Room No. 27. City Hall, 9 a. m. to 5 p, in.; Saturdays, 9 a. in Tria Term, Part XII., Room No. —, Building for Criminal Courts, Franklin and Leonard Ruoff, County Clerk. to 12 m. Telephone, 151 Jamaica. Tria Term, Part XIII., and Special Term, Part George McAneny, President. Centre streets. 71I., Room No. 36. Leo Arnsteirl, Secretary of the Borough. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 5,15 p. in., Saturdays Trial Term, Part XIV„ Room No. 28, Louis Graves, Secretary to the President. 0a. in. to12m. COUNTY COURT, Trial Term, Part XV., Room No. 37. Telephone, 6725 Cortlandt. Charles S. Whitman, District Attorney. County Court House, Long Island City, Trial Term, Part XVI„ Room No. —. Henry D. Sayer, Chief Clerk. Commissioner of Public Works. Office, Munic. Telephone, 596 Hunters Point, Trial Term, Part XVIL, Room No. 20. ,Ipal Building. Telephone, 2304 Franklin. County Court opens at 10 a. m. Trial Terms Trial Term. Part XVIII., Room No. 29, Edgar Victor Frothingham, Commissioner of begin first Monday of each month, except July, Appellate Term, Room No. 29. Public Works. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. August and September. Special Terms on Satur- Naturalization Bureau, Room No. 7, first floor. W. R. Patterson, Assistant Commissioner of day of each week and on Friday of each week dur- Assignment Bureau, room on mezzanine floor; No. 119 Nassau street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m,: Satur• Public Works. ng which civil actions are being tried with juries, northeast. Henry Welles Durham, Chief Engineer In Charge days, 9 a. in. to 12 m. except Saturdays and Fridays during the month of Clerks in attendance from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. of Highways. William M. Hoes, Public Administrator. August and the first Saturday and all the Fridays Clerk's Office , Special Term, Part I. (motion), Charles H. Graham, Chief Engineer In Charge of Telephone, 6376 Cortlandt. in the month of September, at each of said terms Room No. 15. Sewers. . Issues pf law, and issues of fact triable without a Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part II. (ex-parts Julian B. Beaty, Superintendent of Public Build- REGISTER, jury, will be tried, and motions and special pro- business)., round floor, southeast corner. 9nga and Offices. Hall of Records, office hours, from 9 a. m. to ceedings heard. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Calendar ground Telephone 4227 Worth, 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a, m, to 12 in. During the Clerk's Office open 9 a. in. to 5 p. m„ except floor. south. Rudolph P. Miller, Superintendent of Buildings. months of July and August the hours are from Saturdays, 9 a. in to 12.30 p. m. Clerk's Office, Trial Term, Calendar, room Telephone, 1575 Stuyvesant. 9 a. in. to 2 p. in. Burt Jay Humphrey, County Judge. northeast corner, second floor east,, Max S. Grifenhagen, Register. Telephone, 551 Jamaica. Clerk's Office, Appellate Term, room southwest William Halpin, Deputy Register, corner, third floor. Telephone, 3900 Worth, Trial Term, Part I. (criminal business), Criminal BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Court House, Centre street. Office of the President, corner Third avenue Office, Queens County Court House, Long Justices—Leonard A. Giegerich, P. Henry Dugro, and One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street SHERIFF, Island City, 9 a. in. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. in. James A. Blanchard, Samuel Greenbaum, Edward 9 a. m. to 5p in.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. o,'29 Broadway, 9 a. in. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays; o12in. B. Amend, Vernon M. Davis, Joseph E. Newburger, Cyrus C. Miller, President, 9 a. in. to 12 m. Except during July and August, County Jud e's office always open at No. 336 John W. Goff, Samuel Seabury, M. Warley Platzek; George Donnelly, Secretary. 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. in. to 12 in, irulton street, Jamaica, N. Y. Peter A. Hendrick, John Ford, John J. Brady, Thomas W. Whittle, Commissioner of Public Julius IIarburger, Sheriff. Matthew J. Smith, District Attorney. Mitchell L. Erlanger, Charles L. Guy, Irving Leh- Works. Telephones, 3871 and 3872 Hunters Point. man, Alfred R. Page, Edward J. Gavegan, Nathan James A. Henderson, Superintendent of Build- ']John F. Gilchrist, Under Sheriff. Telephone, 4984 Worth, Bijur, John J. Delany, Francis K. Pendleton, Daniel ings. F, Cohalan, Thomas F Donnely, Edward G. Telephone, 2680 Tremont, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Whitaker, Bartow S. Weeks Eugene A. Philbin. !No. 364 Fulton street, Jamaica, Queens County. Telephone, 4580 Cortlandt, SURROGATES, Randolph White, Public Administrator, County BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Halls of Records, Court opens from 9 a. m. to of Queens. SUPREME COURT—CRIMINAL DIVI ION. President's Office, Nos. 15 and 16, Borough 4 p. in., except Saturday, when it closes at 12 in. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m, Hall; 9 a. in. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. in. to During the months of July and August the hours Saturdays, 9 a. m, to 12 m. Building for Criminal Courts, Centre, Elm, are from 9 a. m. to 2 p. in. Telephone, 397 Jamaica. White and Franklin streets. 12 in. Court opeps at 10.30 a. m. Lewis H. Pounds, President. John P. Cohalan and Robert Ludlow Fowler, Reuben L. Haskell, Borough Secretary. Surrogates; William V. Leary, Chief Clerk. William F. Schneider, Clerk; Edward R. Carroll; SHERIFF. Special Deputy to the Clerk, John B. Creighton, Secretary to the President. Bureau of Records: John F. Curry, Commis- s Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; George W. Tillson, Acting Commissioner of sioner; Charles W. Culkin, Deputy Commissioner; County Court House, Long Island City, 9 a. m, Clerk' Public Works. Frank J. Scannell, Superintendent, to 4 p. m.; during July and August, 9 a. m, to Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 in. Patrick J. Carlin, Superintendent of Buildings, Telephone, 3900 Worth, 2p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. During July and August, Clerk's Office will close William J. Taylor, Superintendent of the Bureau George Emener, Sheriff, at 2 p. in. Telephone, 6064 Franklin, of Sewers. Samuel J. Mitchell, Under Sheriff. Howard L. Woody, Superintendent of the Telephones, 3766-7 Hunters Point (office). Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices, KINGS COUNTY, APPELLATE DIVISION, SUPREME COURT, John W. Tumbridge, Superintendent of High- SURROGATE. SECOND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. ways. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS.' Daniel Noble, Surrogate. Court House, Borough Hall, Brooklyn. Court Telephone, 3960 Maln. Park Building, 381.387 Fulton street, Brooklyn. Office, No. 364 Fulton street, Jamaica. meets from 1 p. in. to 5 p. m., excepting that on Thomas R. Farrell, Commissioner. Except on Sundays, holidays and half-holidays, Fridays court opens at 10 o'clock a. m. Almet F. Michael J, Trudden, Deputy Commissioner, the office is open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, Jenks, Presiding Justice; Michael H. Hirschberg, BOROUGH OF QUEENS. Office hours, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, from 9 a. in. to 12 m. July and August, 9 a. in. Joseph A. Burr, Edward B. Thomas, William J. leton, Justices, President's Office, Borough Hall, Jackson avenue from 9 a. m. to 12 in. to 2 p. in. Carr, Adelbert P. Rich, Luke D, Stap and Fifth street, Long Island City; 9 a. m. to Office hours during July and August, 9 a. in. The calendar Is called on each week day at John B. Byrne, Clerk; Clarence A. Barrow, Deputy Clerk. Motion days, first and third Mondays of 5p m.; Saturdays, 9 a, m. to 12 in. to 2 p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a, in. to 12 in. 10 a. in., except during the month of August. Telephone, 5400 Hunters Point. Telephone, 1454 Main., Telephone, 397 Jamaica. each term. _ r


Clerk's office opens 9 a. m. SECOND DIVISION, Philip J, Sinnott, David L. Weil, John R. Davies, of the Twenty-second Ward north of the centre Telephone, 1392 Main, BOROUGH dk BROOKLYN, Justices. line of Prospect avenue; also that portion of the John B. Byrne, Clerk. Otto Kempner, Chief City Magistrate ; Edward John P. Burns, Clerk. Eleventh and Twentieth Wards beginning at the 5 J. Dooley, John Naumer, A. V. B. Voorhees, Jr., Location of Court—No. 70 Manhattan street intersection of the centre lines of Bridge and Fulton APPELLATE TERM—SUPREME COURT. Alexander H. Geismar, John F. Hylan, Howard P. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holi- streets; thence along the centre line of Fulton Court Room, 503 Fulton street, Brooklyn. Court Nash, Charles J. Dodd, John C. McGuire, Louis days excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; July and street to Flatbush avenue; thence along the centre meets 10 a. m. December term begins December H. Reynolds, John J. Walsh, Alfred E. Steers, City August, 9 a. m, to 2 p. m. tine of Flatbush avenue to Atlantic avenue; thence 1, 1913. Justices Samuel T, Maddox, Walter H. Magistrates, Eighth District—The Eighth District embraces along the centre line of Atlantic avenue to Wash- Jaycox, Joseph Aspinall; Joseph H. DeBragga, Office of Chief Magistrate, 44 Court street the territory bounded on the south by the centre ington avenue; thence along the centre line of Clerk: Owen J. Macaulay, Deputy Clerk. Rooms 209-214. Telephone, 7411 Main. line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the -Washington avenue to Park avenue; thence along Clerk's Office opens 9 a. m. William F. Delaney, Chief Clerk. west by the centre line of Fifth avenue, on the the centre line of Park avenue to Waverly avenue; Telephones, 7452 and 7453 Main. Archibald J. McKinney, Chief Probation Officer, north and east by the northerly and easterly thence along the centre line of Waverly avenue to Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues, Brooklyn, N. Y. boundaries of said borough, Including Randalls Myrtle avenue; thence along the centre line of Island and the whole of Wards Island. Myrtle avenue to Hudson avenue; thence along SUPREME COURT—SECOND DEPARTMENT Courts, First District—No. 318 Adams street, Joseph P. Fallon and Leopold Prince, Justices. the centre line of Hudson avenue to Johnson RINGS COUNTY. Second District—Court and Butler streets. Hugh H. Moore, Clerk. street: thence along the centre line of Johnson Kings County Court House, Joralemon and Fifth District—No. 249 Manhattan avenue. Location of Court—Sylvan place and One Hun. street to Bridge street, and thence along the centre Fulton streets, Borough of Brooklyn. Sixth District—No. 495 Gates avenue. dred and Twenty-first street, near Third avenue. line of Bridge street to the point of beginning. Clerk's office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m, Seven Seventh District—No. 31 Snider avenue (Flat- Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal Lucien S. Bayliss and Stephen Callaghan, Fry trial parts. Special Term for Trials. Specia' bush). holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. tt 4 p. m. Justices. William R. Fagan, Clerk, Term for Motions. Special Term (ex-parte busi. Eighth District—West Eighth street (Coney Telephone, 3950 Harlem. Court House, No. 236 Duffield street. ness). Court opens at 10 a. m. Island?. Ninth District—The Ninth District embraces Telephone, 6166 Main, the territory bounded on the south by the centre Naturalization Bureau, Room 7, Hall of Reccrds Ninth District—Fifth avenue and Twenty-third Seventh District—The Seventh District em- Brooklyn, N. Y. street. line of Fourteenth street and by th,' centre line of Fifty-ninth street from the centre line of Seventh braces the Twenty-sixth, Twenty-eighth and James F. McGee, General Clerk. Tenth District—No. 133 New Jersey avenue. Thirty-second Wards, Telephone, 5460 Main. Domestic Relations Court—Myrtle and Vander- avenue to the centre line of Central Park West, on the east by the centre line of Lexington avenue Alexander S. Rosenthal and Edward A. Richards QUEENS COUNTY. bilt avenues. Justices. James P. Sinnott, Clerk, County Court House, Long Island City. BOROUGH OF QUEENS. and by the centre line of Irving place, including Court House, corner Pennsylvania avenue and Its projection through Gramercy Park, and by the Court opens at 10 a. m. Trial and Special Term City Magistrates—Joseph Fitch, John A. Leach, Fulton street (No. 31 Pennsylvania avenue). Harry Miller, James J. Conway. centre line of Fifth avenue from the centre i?ne of for Motions and ex-parte business each month ex• Ninety-sixth street to the centre line of One Clerk's Office open from 8.45 a. m. to 4 p. m.; cept July, August and September, in Part I. Courts. Hundred and Tenth street, on the north by the Saturdays, 9a. m. to 12 m. Trial days, Mondays, Trial Term, Part 2, January, February, March Fifth District—St. Mary's Lyceum, Long Island centre line of Ninety-sixth street from the centre Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurdsays and Fridays. April. May and December. • City. During July and August, 8.45 a, m. to 2 p. m. Special Term for Trials, January, April, June and line of Lexington avenue to the centre line o' second District—Town Hall, Flushing, L. I. Fifth avenue and One Hundred and Tenth street Telephones, 904 and 905 East New York. November Third District—Central avenue, Far Rockaway, from Fifth avenue to Central Park West, on the BOROUGH OF QUEENS, Naturalization, first Friday In each Term. L. I. west by the centre line of Seventh avenue and Thomas B. Seaman, Special Deputy Clerk In Fourth District—Town Hall, Jamaica, L. I. Central Park West. First District—Embraces the territory bounded charge. BOGOUGH OF RICHMOND, by and within the canal, Rapelye avenue, Jackson John D. Peace. Part I and Calendar Clerk. City Magistrates—Joseph B. Handy, Nathanle Edgar J. Lauer, Frederic De Witt Wells, Frank avenue, Old Bowery Bay road, Bowery Bay, East Jamrs Ingram, Part 2, Clerk. Marsh, D. Sturges, William C. Wilson, Justices. River and Newtown Creek. Clerk's office open 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., except Courts, Frank Bulkley, Clerk. Court room, St. Mary's Lyceum, Nos. 113 and Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12.30 p. m. First District—Lafayette avenue, New Brighton, Location of Court—Southwest corner of Madison 117 Fifth street, Long Island City. Telephone. 3896 Hunters Point. Staten Island. avenue and Fifty-ninth street. Parts I, and II. Clerk's Office open from 9 a, m. to 4 p. m, each RICHMOND COUNTY. Second District—Village Hall, Stapleton, Staten Court opens at 9 a. m. Clerk's office open daily day, excepting Saturdays, closing at 12 m. Trial Terms of Court in Year 1913. Island. (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. days, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All Second Monday of January, first Monday of All Courts open daily for business from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a, m. to 12 m. other business transacted on Tuesdays and Thurs- February. first Monday of April, first Monday of to 4 p. m., except on Saturdays, Sundays and legal Telephone, 3873 Plaza. days. June, first Monday of November. Trial Terms to holidays, when only morning sessions are held. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX, Thomas C. Kadien, Justice, John F. Cassidy; be held at County Court House at Richmond. Clerk. Second Monday of February, second Monday of first District—All that part of the Twenty. Telephone, 1420 Hunters Point. June, second Monday of November. Special Terms MUNICIPAL COURTS. fourth Ward which was lately annexed to the City and County of New York by chapter 934 Second District—Embraces the territory bounded for Trials to be held at Court Room, Borough Hall, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. by and within Maspeth avenue, Maurice avenue, St. George. First District—The First District, embraces the of the Laws of 1895, comprising all of the Town Calamus road, Long Island Railroad, Trotting of Westchester and part of the Towns of East• First and third Saturdays of January, second and territory bounded on the south and west by the Course lane, • Metropolitan avenue, boundary line fourth Saturdays of March, first and third Saturdays southerly and westerly boundaries of the said chester and Pelham, including the Villages of between the Second and Fourth Wards, boundary of April, second and fourth Saturdays of May, first borough, on the north by the centre line of Four. Wakefield and Williamsbridge. Court room, Town Hall, No. 1400 Williamsbridge road, Westchester, line between the Second and Third Wards, Flushing and third Saturdays of October, first and third teenth street and the centre line of Fifth street Creek, Ireland Mill road, Lawrence avenue, Brad- Saturdays of December. Special Terms for Motions from the Bowery to Second avenue, on the east New York City. Court open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. ford avenue, Main street, Lincoln street, Union to be held at Court House, Borough Hall, St. by the centre lines of Fourth avenue from Four. street, Broadway, Parsons avenue, Lincoln street, George. teenth street to Fifth street, Second avenue, Trial of causes, Tuesday and Friday of each week. Peter A. Shell, Justice. Percy street, Sanford avenue, Murray lane, Bayside C. Livingston Bostwick, Clerk. Chrystic street, Division street and Catharine street. avenue. Little Bayside road, Little Neck Bay, John H. Wilkinson, Special Deputy. Wauhope Lynn, William F. Moore, John Hoyer, Stephen Collins, Clerk. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m,; Saturdays East River, Bowery Bay, Old Bowery Bay road, Justices. Jackson avenue, Rapelye avenue, the canal and Thomas O'Connell, Clerk, closing at 12 m. Newtown Creek. Telephone, 457 Westchester, COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. Frank Mangin, Deputy Clerk. Court room In Court House of the late Town of Held in the Building for Criminal Courts, Centre, Location of Court—Merchants' Association Second District—Twenty-third and Twenty Newtown, corner of Broadway and Court street, Elm, White and Franklin streets. Building, Nos. 54-60 Lafayette street. Clerk's fourth Wards, except the territory described in Elmhurst, New York, P. 0, address, Elmhurst, Court opens at 10.30 a. m. Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays ex- chapter 934 of the Laws of 1895. Court room, Queens County, New York. Warren W. Foster, Otto A. Rosalsky, Thomas cepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. southeast corner of Washington avenue and One John M. Cragen, Justice. J. Frank Ryan, T. Crain, Edward Swann, Joseph P. Mulqueen' to 12 m. July and August from 9 a. m. to 2 p, m. Hundred and Sixty-second street. Office hours Clerk. James T. Malone, Jeremiah T. Mahoney, Judges of Additional Part is held at southwest corner of from 9 a. m, to 4 p. m. Court opens at 9 a. m. Trial days Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. the Court of General Sessions; Edward R. Carroll, Sixth avenue and Tenth street. (Sundays and legal holidays excepted). Fridays for jury trials only. Clerk. Telephone, 1201 Franklin. Telephone, 6030 Franklin. John M. Tierney and William E. Morris, Justices Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m, Clerk's Office open from 9 a, m. to 4 p. m., and on Second District—The Second District embraces Thomas A. Maher, Clerk. (Sundays and legal holidays excepted). Saturdays until 12 m. the territory bounded on the south by the centre Telephone, 3043 Melrose. Telephone, 87 Newtown. During July and August Clerk's Office will close line of Fifth street from the Bowery to Second BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Third District—Embraces the territory bounded at 2 p. m., and on Saturdays at 12 m, avenue and on the south and east by the south. by and within Maspeth avenue, Maurice avenue, erly and easterly boundaries of the said borough, First District—Comprising First, Second, Third, Calamus road, Long Island Railroad, Trotting on the north by the centre line of East Fourteenth Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Tenth and Twelfth Wards, Course lane, Metropolitan avenue, boundar CITY COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK and that portion of the Eleventh Ward beginning y line street, on the west by the centre lines of Fourth between the Second and Fourth Wards, Vandeveer No. 32 Chambers street, Brownstone Building; avenue from Fourteenth street to Fifth street, at the intersection of the centre lines of Hudson avenue, Jamaica avenue, Shaw avenue, Atlantic City Hall Park, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Second avenue, Chrystie street, Division street and Myrtle avenues, thence along the centre line avenue, Morris avenue, Rockaway road, boundary Special Term Chambers will be held from 10 and Catharine street, of Myrtle avenue to North Portland avenue, line between Queens and Nassau couftties, Atlantic a. m. to4p.m. Benjamin Hoffman, Alexander Wolf, Leonard A. thence along the centre line of North Portland Ocean, Rockaway Inlet, boundary line between Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m, to 4 p. m. Snitkin, Gustave Hartman, Justices, avenue to Flushing avenue, thence along the centre Queens and Kings counties and Newtown Creek, Edward F. O'Dwyer, Chief Justice; Francis B. James J. Devlin, Clerk. line of Flushing avenue to Navy street, thence along the centre line of Navy street to Johnson Alfred Denton, Justice. John H. Nuhn, Clerk. Delehanty, Joseph I. Green, Alexander Finelite, Location of Court—Nos. 264 and 266 Madison 1908 and 1910 Myrtle avenue, Glendale. John V. McAvoy, Peter Schmuck, Richard T. street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and street, thence along the centre line of Johnson Tel street to Hudson avenue, and thence along the 2352 Bushwick, Lynch, Edward B. La Fetra, Richard H. Smith, legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. to.4 p. m. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m, Robert L. Luce, Justices. Thomas F. Smith, Clerk, Telephone, 4300 Orchard. centre line of Hudson avenue to the point of Trial days, Tuesdays and Thurdsays (Fridays Telephone, 122 Cortlandt. , beginning, of the Borough of Brooklyn. for fury trial only), at 9 a. m. Third District—The Third District embraces Court House, northwest corner State and Court the territory brunded on the south by the centre streets. Parts I. and II. Fourth District—Embraces the territory bounded COURT OF SPECIAL SESSEIONS, line of Fourteenth street, on the east by the centre Eugene Conran, Justice. John L. Gray. Clerk, by and within the boundary line between the line of Seventh avenue from Fourteenth street to Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m„ Second and Fourth Wards, the boundary line be- Isaac Franklin Russell, Chief Justice; Lorenz Fifty-ninth street and by the centre line of Central tween the Second and Third Wards, Flushing Zeller, John B. Mayo, Franklin Chase Hoyt, Joseph (Sundays and legal holidays excepted). Park West from Fifty-ninth street to Sixty-fif'h Creek, Ireland Mill road. Lawrence avenue, Brad- F. Moss, Howard J. Forker, John Fleming, Robert Telephone, 7091 Main, street, on the north by the centre line of Sixty- Second District—Seventh Ward and that portion ford avenue, Main street, Lincoln street, Union J. Wilkin, George J. O'Keefe, Morgan M. L. Ryan, fifth street and the centre line of Fifty-ninth James J. McInerney, Arthur C. Salmon, Cornelius of the Twenty-first and Twentythird Wards west street, Broadway, Parsons avenue, Lincoln street, street from Seventh to Eighth avenues, on the west F. Collins, Moses Herrman and Frederic Kernochan to the centre line of Stuyvesant avenue and the Percy street, Sanford avenue, Murray lane, Bay- by the westerly boundary of the said borough. side avenue, Little Bayside road, Little Neck Bay, Justices. Frank W. Smith, Chief Clerk. centre "::e of Schenectady avenue, also that portion Thomas E. Murray, Thomas F. Noonan, Jus- boundary lines between Queens and Nassau counties, Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street, of the Twentieth Ward beginning at the Inter' between Franklin and White streets, Borough of tices. section of the centre lines of North Portland and of Rockaway road, Morris avenue, Atlantic avenue, Michael Skelly, Clerk. Myrtle avenues, thence along the centre line of Shaw avenue, Jamaica avenue and Vandeveer Manhattan. Telephone, 3983 Franklin. Location of Court—No. 314 West Fifty-fourth avenue. Court opens at 10 a. m. Myrtle avenue to Waverly avenue, thence along street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and the centre line of Waverly avenue to Park avenue, Court House, Town Hall, northeast comer of Part I., Criminal Courts Building, Borough of legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Manhattan. John P. Hilly, Clerk, Telephone, thence along the centre line of Park avenue to Fulton street and Flushing avenue, Jamaica. Saturdays, 9 a. m, to 12 m. Washington avenue, thence along the centre line James P. McLaughlin, Justice. George Wi 3983 Franklin. Telephone 5450 Columbus. Part II., 171 Atlantic avenue, Borough of Brook of Washington avenue to Flushing avenue, thence Damon, Clerk. lyn. Joseph L. Kerrigan, Clerk. Telepbone, 4280 Fourth District—The Fourth District embraces along the centre line of Flushing avenue to North Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal Main. the territory bounded on the south by the centre Portland avenue, and thence along the centre line holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Part III., Town Hall, Jamaica, Borough of line of East Fourteenth street, on the west by of North Portland avenue to the point of beginning Court held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- Queens. This part is held on Tuesday of each the centre line of Lexington avenue and by the Court room, No. 495 Gates avenue. days at 9 a. m. week. H. S. Moran, Clerk. Telephone, 657 centre line of Irving place, including its projection John R. Farrar, George Freifeld, Justices. Telephone, 1654 Jamaica. Jamaica. through Gramercy Park, on the north by the John Henigin, Jr„ Clerk. ~ Part IV., Borough Hall, St. George, Borough of centre line of Fifty-ninth street, on the east by the Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. (Sun. BOROUGH OF RICHMOND, Richmond. This part is held on Wednesday of easterly line of said borough; excluding, however, days and holidays excepted). Saturdays, 9 a. m First District—First and Third Wards (Towns each week. Robert Brown, Clerk. Telephone, 324 any portion of Blackwells Island. to 12 m. of Ca$tleton and Northfield). Court room, former Tompkinsville. Michael F. Blake, William J. Boyhan, Justices. Teiepuone, 504 Bedford. Village Hall, Lafayette avenue and Second street, Abram Bernard, Clerk. New Brighton, Location of Court—Part I. and Part II., No. Third District—Embraces the Thirteenth, Four Thomas C. Brown, Justice. Thomas E. Cremins teenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eigh. CHILDREN'S COURT. 207 East Thirty-second street. Clerk's Office open Clerk, teenth and Nineteenth Wards, and that portion New York County—No. 66 Third avenue, daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from Clerk's Office open from 8.45 a, m. to 4 p. m, 9a. in. to4p.m. of the Twenty-seventh Ward lying northwest of (Sundays and legal holidays excepted). Manhattan. Dennis A. Lambert, Clerk. Tele. the centre line of Starr street between the boundary phone, 1832 Stuyvesant. Telephone, 4358 Murray Hill. Court opens 9 a. m, line of Queens County and the centre line of Central Telephone, 503 Tompkinsville.', Kings County—No. 102 Court street. Brooklyn. Fifth District—The Fifth District embraces the avenue and northwest to the centre line of Suydam Joseph W. Duffy, Clerk. Telephone, 627 Main. territory bounded on the south by the centre line street between the centre lines of Central and Second District—Second, Fourth and Fifth Queens County—No. 19 Hardenbrook avenue, of Sixty-fifth street, on the east by the centre Bushwick avenues, and northwest of the centre Wards (Towns of Middletown, Southfield and Jamaica. Sydney 011endorff, Clerk. This court is line of Central Park West, on the north by the line of Willoughby avenue between the centre lines Westfield). Court room, former Edgewater Village held on Monday and Thursday of each week. centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on of Bushwick avenue and Broadway. Hall, Stapleton. Telephone, 657 Jamaica. the west by the westerly boundary of said borough. Court House, Nos. 6 and 8 Lee avenue, Brook. Arnold J. B. Wedemeyer, Justice. William Richmond County—Corn Exchange Bank Bldg., Alfred P. W. Seaman, William Young, Frederick lyn. Wedemeyer, Clerk. St. George, S. 1. William J. Browne, Clerk. Court Spiegelberg, Justices. ' Philip D. Meagher and William J. Bogenshutz, Clerk's Office open from 8.45 a. m. to 4 p. m. is held on Tuesday of each week. John H. Servis, Clerk. Iustices. John W. Carpenter, Clerk. Court opens at 9 a. m. Calendar called at 9 Telephone, 324 Tompkinsville. .;,Location of Court—Northwest corner of Broad- Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in a. m. Court continued until close of business. way and Ninety-sixth street. Clerk's Office open (Sundays and legal holidays excepted), Trial days, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from Court opens at 9 a. m. Telephone, 313 Tompkinsville, CITY MAGISTRATES' COURT, Telephone. 955 Williamsburg. Telephone, 4006 Riverside. Fourth District—Embraces the Twenty-fourth FIRST DIVISION. Sixth District—The Sixth District embraces the William McAdoo, Chief City Magistrate; Robert and Twenty-fifth Wards, that portion of the BOARD MEETINGS. Cornell, Peter T. Barlow, Matthew P. Breen, territory bounded on the south by the centre line Twenty-first and Twenty-third Wards lying east C. of Fifty-ninth street and by the centre .line of of the centre line of Stuyvesant avenue and east Frederick B. House, Charles N. Harris, Joseph E. Ninety-sixth street from Lexington avenue to Board of Aldermen. Corrigan, Paul Krotel, Henry W. Herbert, Charles of the centre line of Schenectady avenue, and W. Appleton, Daniel F. Murphy, John J. Freschi, Fifth avenue, on the west by the centre line of that portion of the Twenty-seventh Ward lying The Board of Aldermen meets in the Alder- Lexington avenue from Fifty-ninth street to southeast of the centre line of Starr street between manic Chamber, City Hall, -every Tuesday, at Francis X. McQuade, John A. L. Campbell, Samuel Ninety-sixth street and the centre line of Fifth Levy, Norman J. Marsh, Joseph M. Deuel, the boundary line of Queens and the centre line of 1.30 o'clock p. m, D. avenue from Ninety-sixth street to One Hundred Central avenue and southeast of the centre line of P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk and Clerk to the e M. S. Schulz, Thomas J. Nolan, Robert C. Georg and Tenth street, on the north by the centre line Board of Aldermen, Ten Eyck, City Magistrates. Suydam street between the centre lines of Centra of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the east by and Bushwick avenues, and southeast of the Court open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. the easterly boundary of said borough, including, Philip Bloch, Chief Clerk, 300 Mulberry street. centre line of Willoughby avenue between the Board of Estimate and ApportionmeniL however, all of Blackwelle Island and excluding any centre lines of Bushwick avenue and Broadway. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment Telephone, 6213 Spring, portion of Wards Island. First District—Criminal Court Building. Court room, No. 14 Howard avenue. meets in the Old Council Chamber (Room 16), Jacob Marks, Solomon Oppenheimer, Justices. Jacob S. Strahl, Justice. William A. Nelson, Jr., amity Hall, every Thursday, at 10.30 o'clock a. m. Second District—Jefferson Market. John J. Dietz, Clerk. Third District—Second avenue and First street. Clerk. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary. Location of Court—Nos. 155 and 157 East 88th Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Fourth District-151 East Fifty-seventh street. street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sunday sand Fifth District—One Hundred and Twenty-first (Sundays and legal holidays excepted). legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Fifth District—Contains the Elgthth, Thirtieth Commissioners of Sinking Fund. street, southeastern corner of Sylvan place. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Sixth District—One Hundred and Sixty-second and Thirty-first Wards, and so much of the Twenty- The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund meet Street and Washington avenue. Seventh District—The Seventh District em second Ward as lies south of Prospect avenue. ,n the Meeting Room (Room 16)City Hall, on Seventh District—No. 314 West Fifty-fourth braces the territory bounded on the south by the Court House, northwest corner of Fifty-third Wednesday, at 11 a. m., at call of' the Mayor, street. centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street,''on street and Third avenue (No. 5220 Third avenue). JOHN KORB, JR., Secretary. Eighth District-1014 East One Hundred and the east by the centre line of Fifth avenue to the Cornelius Furgueson, Justice. Jeremiah J, northerly terminus thereof, and north of the Eighty.first street, west of Boston road, The Brans. O'Leary, Clerk. - Board of Revision of Asseermenfs, Ninth District (Night Court for Females)—Nn. northerly terminus of Fifth avenue, following in Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. a northerly direction the course of the Harlem The Board of Revision of Assessments meets 125 Sixth avenue. (Sundays and legal holidays excepted). ,n the Meeting Room (Room 16), City Hall, Tenth District (Night Court for Males)—No,151 River, on a line coterminous with the easterly Telephone, 3907 Sunset. boundary of said borough, on the north and west every Friday, at 11 a. m., upon notice of the East Fifty-seventh street. Chief Clerk. Eleventh District—Domestic Relations Court- by the northerly and westerly boundaries of said Sixth. District—The Sixth District embraces the Ninth and Twenty-nigth Wards and that portion JOHN KORB, JR., Chief Clerk. 151 East Fifty-seventh street. boroug)t, 12154 THE CITY RECORD, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913,

Boardof City Record. In the estimated amount given, the amount in Work must be done at the time and in the southeastwardly along the said line midway b . The Board of City Record meets in the Cit) cubic yards is arrived at without placing any manner and in such quantities as may be directed, tween Colden avenue and Paulding avenue to Hall at call of the Mayor. allowance for shrinkage, settlement, swelling of Blank forms and turther mtorination may be the intersection with a line midway between DAVID FERGUSON, Supervisor, Secretary. the material or penetration into the mud. obtained at the office of the said Department. Van Nest avenue and Pierce avenue; thence The Department is not bound in any way by R. A. C. SMITH, Commissioner of Docks. northeastwardly along the said line midway be- the estimate, and bidders must satisfy themselves Dated December 22, 1913, d24,j7 tween Van Nest avenue and Pierce avenue to of the actual quantity required to fill in the POLICE DEPARTMENT. t&'See General Instructions to Bidders on the intersection with a line midway between above described area by examination of the Paulding avenue and Hone avenue; thence the last page, last column, of the "City premises or such other means as they may pre• southeastwardly along the said line midway be- Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Property. Record." fer, the intention of the Department being to tween Paulding avenue and Hone avenue to the fill in the whole of the said premises behind intersection with a line bisecting the angle POLICE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORL the bulkhead wall within the above described DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES, PIER "A," formed by the intersection of the prolongations OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY limits, and no allowance will be made to the Foor of BATTERY PLACE, NORTH RIVER, BOROUGH of the centre lines of Pierce avenue and Sacket Clerk of the Police Department of The City purchaser from the purchase price on account OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. avenue, as these streets adjoin Hone avenue; of New York, No. 240 Centre st., for the fol- of any discrepancy which may be found be- SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE thence northeastwardly along the said bisecting lowing property now in custody, without claim. tween the above estimated quantity and the received by the Commissioner of Docks at the line to the intersection with a line midway be- ants: Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female actual amount of the filling required. above office until 12 o'clock, noon, on tween Hone avenue and Lurting avenue, as these clothing, boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, The purchaser will be required to place the streets are laid out north of Sacket avenue; canned goods, liquors, etc.; also small amount of filling in accordance with the following speci- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1914, thence southeastwardly along the said line mid- CONTRACT NO. 1410. money taken from prisoners and found by Pa• fications: way between Hone avenue and Lurting avenue All of the fillingshall, unless otherwise di- FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND and along the prolongation of the said line to trolmen of this Department. MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR FURwl,HINt; R. WALDO, Police Commissioner. rected, be placed directly in the rear of the the intersection with the prolongation of a line bulkhead wall and carried from the bulkhead HORSES WITH HARNESS AND DRIVERS FOR CARTING COAL TO AND REMOVING midway between Hone avenue and Lurting ave- POLICE DEPARTMENT OF CITY OF NEW YOR$, wall toward the shore. rue, as these streets are laid out where they All materials must be dumped and filled in only ASHES, ETC.. FROM THE MUNICIPAL meet West Farms road; thence southwardly along BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. FERRYBOATS IN THE BOROUGHS OF OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY in such manner, at such points, and in such order the said line midway between Hone avenue and Clerk of the Police Department of The City of procedure, and at such times and seasons as BROOKLYN AND RICHMOND. Lurting avenue and along the prolongations of The time for the completion of the work and of New York-Office. No. 72 Poplar st., Borough may, from time to time, be directed, and the the said line to the intersection with a line bi- of Brooklyn-for the following property, now work of filling in may be entirely suspended for the full performance of the contract is on or secting the angle formed by the intersection of before December 31, 1914. in custody, without claimants: Boats, rope, iron, such periods of time as may be directed by the the prolongations of the centre lines of Fuller lead, male and female clothing. boots, shoes Engineer. The purchaser shall have no claims The amounts of security required are as fol- street and Buck street; thence southwestwardly blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, etc.; for damage or for any allowance from the pur- lows: along the said bisecting line to the intersection Class 1. For about 4,380 days' service of horse, also small amount of money taken from prisoners chase money on account of such suspension of with the prolongation of a line •distant 100 feet and found by Patrolmen of this Department. the work. harness and driver, the sum of Four Thousand soutlfhrly from and parallel with the southerly Dollars ($4,000). R. WALDO. Police Commissioner. The purchaser shall provide all plank and line of Lyvere street, the said distance being other appliances and all necessary labor, and Class 2. For about 2,190 days' service of horse, measured at right angles to Lyvere street; thence shall at all times . keep the dump graded to the harness and driver, the sum of Two Thousand westwardly along the said line parallel with Ly- BELLEVUE AND ALLIED satisfaction of the Engineer. Dollars ($2,000). vere street and along the prolongations of the The bidder shall state, both in writing and in HOSPITALS. All directions shall be given by the En- said line to the intersection with a line at right gineer, and wherever the word "Engineer" is figures, a price per day of eight hours for one angles to West Farms road and passing through used in these specifications it refers to and horse with harness and driver in each class, by a point on its northerly side midway between 1PropoIai$. designates the Chief Engineer of the Depart- which unit price the bids in each class will be Umonport road and Bear Swamp road; thence tested and according to which price award of the ment of 'Docks and Ferries, or such officer or northwardly along the said line at right angles employee as may be designated by him. contract in either class will be made. Each class to West Farms road to a point distant 100 feet BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT kip-rap stone coming directly on or against will be awarded as a separate and distinct con- northerly from its northerly side; thence west- OF NEW YORK CITY, 26TH ST, AND 1ST AVE., the bulkhead wall must be deposited carefully tract in itself to the lowest bidder in the class. wardly and parallel with West Farms road to In case of discrepancy between the written price BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, TILE CITY OF NEW in such manner as will not injure the same. the intersection with the prolongation of a line YORK, and that given in figures the price in writing midway between Wallace avenue and Barnes ave- All the filling, except as otherwise specified will be considered as the bid. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE herein, shall be of ashes cellar dirt, broken nue; thence northwardly along the said line mid- Work must be done at the time and in the received by the Board of Trustees in the Staff stone, etc., entirely free i'rom garbage or any way between Wallace avenue and Barnes ave- Room of Bellevue Hospital (entrance, 415 E. organic matter objectionable in the opinion of manner and in such quantities as may be directed. nue and along the prolongation of the said line Blank forms and further information may be 26th St.), until 3 o'clock p. m., on the Engineer. to the intersection with a line midway between obtained at the office of the said Department. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913, The tilling shall be commenced within five days Rhinelander avenue and Morris Park avenue; For: after the date of the receipt of a notification R. A. C. SMITH, Commissioner of Docks, thence westwardly along the said line midway Dated December 22, 1913, between Rhinelander avenue and MorrisPark Specification No. 8. X•RAY TUBES AND from the Engineer that the work, or any part d24,j7 of it, is ready to be begun, after which not less tf8ee General Instructions to Bidders on avenue to the intersection with a line midway X-RAY PLATES. hetwee,n Cruger avenue and Holland avenue, as Specification No. 9. FORAGE. than 100 cubic yards per day shall be placed, the last page, last column, of the "City and the whole amount of the filling called for Record." these stre,gis are laid out south of Rhinelander Specification No. 10. ICE. avenue; thence northwardly along the said line The time for delivery and the full perform. to bring the above described basin up to grade shall ance of the contract is as follows: X-ray tubes be completed within 66 days from the date of midway between Cruger avenue and Holland and plates by or before December 31, 1914; the receipt of said notification. At the expira- BOROUGH OF QUEENS. avenue and along the prolongation of the said line to the intersection with the prolongation of forage M or before August 31, 1914; ice by or tion of this time this agreement shall be con- sidered closed, unless a further extension of a line distant 100 feet southerly from and par- before Marcharch 31. 1914, allel with the southerly line of Sagamore street, The surety required on contract will be thirty time shall be given by the Commissi.gner of as this street is laid out where it meets Hunt (30) per cent. of the total amount of the award. Docks. If at any time during the progress of The deposit required will be not less than one the work it shall be deemed necessary to order OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to Sagamore street; thence westwardly and one-half (l) per cent. of the total amount the suspension of the whole or any part of the QUEENS, THIRD FLOOR OF THE BOROUGH HALL, filling, the time for completing said filling shall 5TH ST. AND JACKSON AVE„ LONG ISLAND CITY, along the said line parallel with Sagamore street of the bid or estimate. and along the prolongations of the said line to The bidder will state the price per gallon. per be extended as much as it may have beet de. BOROUGH OF QUEENS, CITY OF NEW YORK. the intersection with the prolongation of a line yard, per pound or other designated unit, by layed by such suspension. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE distant 600 feet westerly from and parallel with which the bid will be tested. In case the purchaser at any time does not received by the President of the Borough of the westerly line of Bronx Park East, as this The extensions must be made and footed up, proceed with the work of iilliug in to the sat- Queens at the above office until 11 o'clock a. m., on street adjoins Brady avenue. the said distance as the bids will be read from the total, and will isfaction of the Commissime:• of Docks. the TUESDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1913, being measured at right angles to Bronx Park be compared and awards made to the lowest bid. said Commissioner will at once terminate the Fast: thence northwardly along the said line der on each line or class, as stated in the speci- privilege of filling in and proceed to have the FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND Parallel with Bronx Park East and along the fications, as soon thereafter 3s practicable, ac• remainder of the filling in done by other parties MATERIAL FOR ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT, Prolongation of the said line to the intersection cording to law. in such way and manner as he deems proper TOWN HALL, JAMAICA, BOROUGH OF Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in with a line at right angles to Bronx Park East and any loss which may result therefrom shall QUEENS, CITY OF NEW YORK. and passing through the point of beginning; a separate envelope. No bids will be accepted be charged against the principal and his surety. The time allowed for doing and completing the thence eastwardly along the said line at right unless this provision is complied wth. The purchaser shall, during the work of fill- above work will be ninety (90) calendar days. angles to Bronx Park East to the point or place Blank forms and further information may be ing, and at all times until the completion there- The amount of security required will be Seven of beginning. obtained at the office of the Contract Clerk and of, take all necessary precaution and place Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750). Datrd December 26, 1913, Auditor, entrance, No. 400 E. 29th st., Borough proper guards for the prevention of accidents, Bids will be.compared and the contract award. 10SEPII HAAG, Secretary, 277 Broadway. ht sufficient ed at a lump or aggregate sum. of Manhattan. and put up and maintain at nig Telephone, 2280 Worth. d26,31 BOARD OF TRUSTEES, BELLEVUE AND lights and he shall indemnify and save harm- Blank forms and further information, and the ALLIED HOSPITALS. By JOHN W. BRANNAN, less the City of New York from all damages plans and drawings may be seen at the office of President. and costs to which it may be put by reason of the President of the Borough of Queens. Dated December 16, 1913. d18,30 injury to the person or property of another MAURICE E. CONNOLLY, President. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. t'6ee General Instructions to Bidders on resulting from the negligence or carelessness Dated Long Island City, N. Y., December 17, the last page, last column, of the "City in the performance of the work or guarding the 1913. d18,30 Resolution Adopted. Record." same, to which the surety is also bound. t See General Instructions to Bidders on No bid or estimate will be considered unless the last page, last column, of the "City Al' A MEETTYG Oh TILE BOARD OF accompanied by a certified check drawn to the Record." I-Tealth of the Department of Health of The DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND order of the Commissioner of Docks, or money City of New York held in the said City on the FERRIES. to the amount of twenty-five per centum of the twenty-second day of December, 1913, the follow- amount of the bid, which amount shall be ap- AIg resolution was adopted: reoporats. plied, in the case of the successful bidder. to BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND Whereas, The protection of the public health the first one-quarter of the amount of the filling APPORTIONMENT. requires that the milk supplied and furnished in DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES, PIER "A," to be deposited; twenty-five per centum to be The City of New York be clean and wholesome, FOOT OF BATTERY PLACE, NORTH RIVER, BOROUGH paid when the first one-quarter of filling has been Notice of Public Hearing, an(1 for the accomplishment of this purpose it OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. completed, twenty-five per centum additional when is advisable that a sediment tester be used in SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE one-half the fil]in has been completed, and the FBANCn18B MATTBBR. creameries from which milk is shipped to The received by the Commissioner of Docks at the balance, twenty-five per centum, when three- City of New York, and that all milk delivered above office until 12 o'clock noon, on quarters of said filling has been completed. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT to said creameries should be tested by and MONDAY, JANTIARY 19, 1914. A surety or guarantee company, duly au- the public hearing on the form of contract through a sediment tester; therefore, be it CONTRACT NO. 1387. tltorized by law to act as surety, to be approved modifying contract dated July 10, 1912, granting Resolved, That the following regulations for FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND by the Commissioner of Docks, will be required a franchise to the Manhattan Bridge Three Cent the protection of life and the care promotion MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR FURNISHING to enter into a bond or obligation jointly and Line by substituting a route on Fulton street, and preservation of health be and the same arc AND DELIVERING GENERAL SUPPLIES. severally with the purchaser in the sum of double Ashland place and Lafayette avenue, Borough of hereby adopted to take effect on and after the The time for the completion of the work and the amount of the purchase price as security Brooklyn, for a portion of its existing route, which first day f February, 1914: the full performance of the contract is on or for the satisfactory performance of said work, (1) That a sediment tester approved by the before the expiration of ninety (90) calendar was, by resolution duly adopted November 20, 1913, in accordance with the terms and conditions fixed for this day, was continued until the meeting Department of Health of The City of New days. hereof. of January 9, 1914, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., in York be used in all creameries shipping milk to The amount of security required for the per- The contractor agrees that he will comply Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, at The City of New York, formance of the contract shall be thirty (30) (2) with the provisions of the Labor Law, He fur- which time and place all citizens interested will That all milk received at any creamery per cent. of the total amount for which the ther agrees that no laborer, workman or me- have an opportunity to appear and be heard. so shipping milk as aforesaid be tested thereat contract is awarded. chanic in the employ of the contractor. sub- by the person having the management and con- The amount of deposit to accompany bid shall contractor or other person doing or contracting Dated New York, Deecember 24, 1913. d27,j9 trol of such creamery, at least once a week and he not less than one and one-half (1y) per cent. to do the whole or a part of the work contem- that the results of such test be posted in a of the total amount of the bid. plated by the contract, shall be permitted or re- conspicuous place in the creamery and dupli- Awards, if made, will be made by items. quired to work more than eight hours in any Hotlees of PabHe Rearlip. cates of such test he forwarded to the Depart- Delivery will be required to be made at the one calendar day, except as in cases of extraor- ment of Health at the end of each month, time and in the manner and in such quantities dinary emergency caused by fire, flood or danger PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT MATTERS. (3) That the photograph or gauge established as may be directed. to life or property. That the wages to be paid by the Board of Health of The City of New Blank forms and further information may he for a legal day's work to all classes of such NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT THE York be used as a standard in the creameries obtained at the office of the said Department. laborers, workmen or mechanics upon public meeting of the Board of Estimate and Appor- herein referred to in determining whether milk R. A. C. SMITH, Commissioner of Docks. work or upon any material to be used thereon tionment held on December 24, 1913, the Board contains excessive sediment. Dated December 24, 1913, d27,jl9 shall not be less than the prevailing rate for continued until December 31, 1913, the hearing (4) That where the maximum of sediment is &rSee General Instructions to Bidders on a day's work in the same trade or occupation in the matter of acquiring title to Bear Swamp shown to habitually exist in milk tested as afore- the last page, last column, of the "City in the locality where such public work is being road, from West Farms road to White Plains said at any creamery it will constitute sufficient Record.' constructed. Each such laborer, workman or road, subject to the easements of the New York, cause to rate the milk as grade C, with the mechanic shall receive the prevailing rate of Westchester and Boston Railroad, and of the right of said Board to exclude such inilk from DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES, PIER "A," wages. This contract shall be void and of no New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad The City of New York when such conditions FOOT OF BATTERY PLACE, NORTH RIVER, BOROUGH effect unless the person or corporation making in the area within the limits of their right of continue, A true copy, OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. or performing the same shall comply with the way, Borough of The Bronx. provisions of sections 3 and 14 of the Labor The hearing will be held in Room 16, City EUGEVE W. SCHEFFER, Secretary. Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, d27,j3 FILLING PRIVILEGE. Law. R. A. C. SMITH, Commissioner of Docks. on Wednesday, December 31, 1913, at 10.30 o clock a. m. Amendment to Sanitary Code. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Dated The City of New York, December 23, 1913. • , d24,j7 The following is the proposed area of assess- received by the Commissioner of Docks, at Pier ment in the proceeding: AT A MEETING OF TIIE BOARD OF "A," foot of Battery place, North River, in The Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Health of the Department of Health, held City of New York, until 12 o'clock noon on DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERaIBS. PIER "A," Bronx Park East where it is intersected by the December 22, 1913, the following resolution was WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 7, 1914. FOOT of BATTERY PLACE, NORTH RIVER~ BOROUGH prolongation of a line midway between Lydig adopted: FOR THE RIGHT TO DUMP AND FILL OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW Tong. avenue and Brady avenue, as these streets are Resolved, That section 146 of the Sanitary BEHIND THE BULKHEAD WALL RECENT. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE laid out east of White Plains road, and running Code be and the same is hereby amended so as LY BUILT BETWEEN E. 123D ST. AND E. received by the Commissioner of Docks at the thence eastwardly along the said line midway to read as follows, to be effective on and after 124TH- ST.. HARLEM RIVER, BOROUGH OF above office until 12 o'clock, noon, on between Lydig avenue and Brady avenue and January 1, 1914: MANHATTAN. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY. 7, 1914. along the prolongation of the said line to the Section 146. Adequate disinfection or cleans- TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Borough of Richmond. intersection with the prolongation of a line mid- ing and renovating of premises, furniture and The work to be done is to fill in with suitable CONTRACT NO. 1414. way between Bogart avenue and Radcliff ave- belongings, deemed by the Department of health to be infectedby contagious or communicable material as hereinafter described the area behind FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND nue, as these streets are laid out south of Neil the new bulkhead wall extending from the south- MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR RECEIVING avenue; thence southeastwardly along the pro- diseases, shall immediately follow the recovery, death or removal of the person suffering from erly side of E. 123d st, northerly a distance of AND REMOVING ASHES. longation of the said line midway between Bo- 171 feet, and extending inshore a distance of The time for the completion of the work and gart avenue and Radcliff avenue to a point dis- such disease, and such disinfection or cleansing and renovation shall be performed by the owner about 140 feet to the present shore line outshore the full performance of the contract is on or be. tant 100 feet northwesterly from the northwest- of he easterly side of Pleasant ave. fore the expiration of three hundred and sixty- erly line of Neil avenue; thence northeastwardly or occupant of said premises. The filling shall be brought to a grade 10 five (365) calendar days. and parallel with Neil avenue to the intersec- A true copy, inches below the top of the coping of the bulk- The amount of security required is Seven tion with the prolongation of a line midway be- EUGENE W. SCHEFFER, Secretary. head wall, and shall extend inshore on a sloping Hundred Dollars ($700). tween Radcliff avenue and Colden avenue, as d27,j3 grade to a grade 10 inches below the grade of The bidder shall state. both in writing and in these streets are laid out south of Neil avenue; E. 123d st. Bidders will state in writing a lump figures, a total price for furnishing and delivering thence southeastwardly along the said line mid- Proposals. sum price which they agree to pay for the privi- all of the labor and materials necessary to do all Way between Radcliff avenue and Colden aye- lege of filling the whole of the area above de- of the work described and specified, and shall flue and along the prolongation of the said line DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF THE CITY OF NEW scribed. also specify the type of equipment proposed to to the intersection with a line midway between YORK, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CENTRE AND It is estimated that the area outlining the be used, Neil avenue and Rhinelander avenue; thence WALKER ST5,, BOROUGH OF MANHATfAN, THE above described limits will create a basin to be The contract is entire and for a complete job, northeastwardly along the said line midway be. CITY OF NEW YORK, filled in under the agreement, the cubical con- and if awarded will be awarded to the bidder tween Neil avenue and Rhinelander avenue to SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE tents of which in the net void space are equal whose total price is the lowest and whose bid the intersection with a fine midway between received by the Board of Health of the De- to 6,550 cubic yards. is regular in all respects. Colden avenue and Paulding avenue; thence partment of Health until 10.30 o'clock a. m. on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913. THE CITY RECORD. 1155

WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1, 1914, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF THE CtITY OF NEW Bids will be compared and the contract award- The time allowed for constructing and coni- FOR FURNISII1 C AND DELIVERING, YORK, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CENTRE AND ed to the lowest bidder for the entire contract. pleting the sewer and appurtenances will be AS REQUIRED, ICE TO THE HOSPITALS, WALKER STS., BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. TIIa Plans may be seen and blank forms for the sixty (60) consecutive working days. LABORATORIES DAY CAMPS, CHIL- CITY OF NEW YORK. above work and further information may be ob- The amount of security required is One Thou. DREN'S CLINIeS, INFANTS' MILK STA- SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE tained at the office of the Chief Clerk of the sand Dollars ($1,000), and the amount of de- TIONS AND OFFICE BUILDINGS OF THE received by the Board of Health of, the De- Department of Health, southwest corner of Cen- posit accompanying the bid shall be five per DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, CITY OF NEW partment of Health until 10.30 o'clock a. m., tre and Walker sts., borough of Manhattan, City cent, (5%) of the amount of security. YORK, IN THE VARIOUS BOROUGHS, on of New York, The bidder will state the price for each item DURING THE YEAR 1914. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913, ERNST J. LEDERI.E Ph.D., President; or article contained in the specifications or The time for the delivery of the supplies and FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING, JOSEPH.O'CONNELL, M.D., RHINE- schedules herein contained or hereto annexed, the performance of the contract is during the AS REQUIRED, BREAD, FISH AND MINE- LANDER Board of Health. per foot, yard or other unit of measure or year 1914. RAL WATERS TO THE HOSPITALS CHIL- Dated December 17, 1913. d17,30 article by which the bids will be tested. The No bond will be required with the bid, as DREN'S CLINICS AND THE TUBEI CULO- tfSee General Instructions to Bidders on extensions must be made ana footed up, as the heretofore, but will be required upon awarding SIS DAY CAMPS OF THE DEPARTMENT the last page, last column, of the "City bids will be read from the total, of the contract in an amount equal to 30 per OF HEALTH, CITY OF NEW YORK, IN THE Record." Blank forms may be had and the plans and cent, of the contract. The bid however, must VARIOUS BOROUGHS, AND THE TUBER- drawings may be seen at the offices of the be accompanied by a deposit o an amount of CULOSIS SANATORIUM AT OTISVILLE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF THE CITY OF NEW Commissioner of Public Works, Municipal not less than 1V per cent, of the amount of the ORANGE COUNTY, NEW YORK, AS NOTED YORK. SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CENTRE AND Building, Bureau of Sewers, Borough of Man- bid. (As to form of deposit, see general instruc- IN THE SCHEDULE, OR SUCH OTHER WALKER STS.' BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE hattan, GEORGE McANENY, President. tions, last column, last page.) PLACE OR PLACES AS MAY BE SPECI- CITY OF NEw YORK. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE d26,j7 Bids will be compared and the contract award• FIED IN WRITING BY THE BOARD OF "See General Instructions to Bidders on ed to the lowest bidder for each item in Class HEALTH DURING THE YEAR 1914, received by the Board of Health of the De- the last page, last column, of the "City partment of Health until 10.30 o'clock a, in., No. 1 and to the lowest bidder for each class The time for the delivery of the supplies and on Record." from Class No. 2 to Class No. 15. the performance of the contract is during the . TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913, Blank forms and further information may be year 1914. obtained at the office of the Chief Clerk of the No bond will be required with the bid, as FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH Department of Health, southwest corner of Cen- heretofore, but will be required upon award- MATERIALS NECESSARY OR REQUIRED OF MANHATTAN, CITY HALL, THE CITY OF NEW tre and Walker sts., Borough of Manhattan. ing of the contract in an amount equal to thirty TO ERECT AND COMPLETE, WITH ALL YORK, ERNST T. LEDERLE, Ph.D., President; (30) per cent. of the contract. The bid, however, NECESSARY ALTERATIONS AND OTHER SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE JOSEPH J. O'CONNELL, M.D., RHINE- must be accompanied by a deposit of an amount WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO, EXCEPT- received by the President of the Borough of LANDER WALDO, Board of Health. of not less than 114 per cent. of the amount of ING PLUMBING AND HEATING, ONE Manhattan at the offices, Commissioner of Public Dated December 24, 1914. d24,j7 the bid. (As to form of deposit, see general BRICK KITCHEN BUILDING TO BE Works, Room 2034, Municipal Building, until 2 ERECTED AT KINGSTON AVENUE HOS- o'clock p. m., an 'See General Instructions to Bidders on instructions, last column, last page.) PITAL. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, CITY the last page, last column, of the "City Bids will be compared and the contract award- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1914. ed to the lowest bidder for each class complete. OF NEW YORK, FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR Record." Blank forms and further information may be The time for the completion of the work and ANI) MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR THE obtained at the office of the Chief Clerk of the the full performance of the contract is two hun- CON 5T1

Engineer's estimate of the amount of work to AVENUES WHERE THE GUARANTEE OF The bids will be compared and the contract December 16, 1913, in the Record of Titles of be done: MAINTENANCE HAS EXPIRED OR WILL awarded at a lump or aggregate sum to the Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the Collec- 18,000 square yards of asphalt pavement, in- EXPIRE DURING THE YEAR 1914. lowest bidder of the item selected and deter- tion of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and cluding binder course, where required. Engineer's estimate of the amount of work to mined upon. Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the 1,000 square yards of asphalt pavement by be done: Blank forms, specifications and plans may be amount assessed for benefit on any person or heater method. 20,000 square yards of new asphalt block obtained at the office of the Architect, Charles property shall be paid within sixty days after the 125 square yards of foundation prepared for pavement. H. Higgins, 95 Liberty St., Borough of Man- date of said entry of the assessments, interest asphalt pavement by drying where required. 200 square yards of old asphalt block pave- hattan. GEORGE McANENY, President. will be collected thereon, as provided by section 10 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. ment relaid. City of New York, December 16, 1913. 1019 of the Greater New York Charter, 25 squareards old stone pavement to relay. 250 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete, d16,29 Said section provides, in part, "If any such 20 linear feet of new curbstone, furnished and mixed and laid. 9PSee General Instructions to Bidders on assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of set. 600 cubic yards mortar bed. the last page, last column, of the "City sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the 20 linear feet of old curbstone to reset. The time allowed for doing and completing the Record." said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be 30 linear feet of new header stone to furnish above work will be until December 31, 1914. the duty of the officer authorized to collect and and set. The amount of security required will be Ten receive the amount of such assessment, to charge, 30 linear feet of old header stone to reset. Thousand Dollars ($10,000), and the amount of DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of The time allowed for doing and completing the deposit accompanying the bid shall be five (5) seven per centum per annum, to be calculated above work will be until December 31, 1914, per cent. of the amount of security., to the date of payment, from the date when The amount of security required will be Nine The bidder must deposit with the Borough Confirmation of Assessments. such assessment became a lien, as provided by Thousand Dollars ($9,000),and the amount of President on or before the time of making his section 159 of this act." deposit accompanying the bid shall be five (5) bid samples, as required by the specifications. The bidder will state the price of each item or NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Section 159 of this act provides • * • "An per cent. of the amount of security. assessment shall become a lien upon the real The bidder must deposit with the Borough article contained in the specifications or schedules herein contained or hereto annexed, per foot, IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE estate affected thereby ten days after its entry President, on or before the time of making his in the said record." * • • bid, samples. as required by the specifications. yard, or other unit of measure or article, by Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of The City of New York hereby gives public notice The above assessments are payable to the Col- FOR REPAIRING SHEET ASPHALT PAVE- which the bids will be tested. The extensions to all persons, owners of property. affected by lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bu- MENTS ON ALL STREETS AND AVENUES must be made and footed up. Blank forms and specifications may be had at the following assessments for LOCAL IM- reau for the Collection of Assessments and Ar- WHERE THE GUARANTEE OF MAINTE• the office of the Commissioner of Public Works, PROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOK- rears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water NANCE HAS EXPIRED OR WILL EXPIRE Bureau of Highways, Room 2136, Municipal Build- LYN: Rents, in the Mechanics Bank Building, Court DURING THE YEAR 1914 IN THAT AREA and Montague streets, Borough of Brooklyn, be- OF THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN ing, Borough of Manhattan. EIGHTH WARD, SECTION 3. GEORGE McANENY, President, SIXTH AVENUE—SEWER, between 53d and tween the hours of 9 a. m, and 2 p. m., and on DESIGNATED AS SECTION 2 AND d20,j2 54th sts. Area of assessment: Both sides of 6th Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 ni., and all pay- BOUNDED BY 10TH ST., NORTH RIVER, t'See General Instructions to Bidders on ave., between 53d and 54th sts. ments made thereon on or before February 14, 42D ST. AND EAST RIVER. TOGETHER the last page, last column, of the "City 1914, will be exempt from interest as above pro- WITH THE WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO, SEVENTEENTH WARD, SECTION 9. Record." INDIA STREET — REGULATING GRAD- vided, and after that date will be subject to a Engineer's estimate of the amount of work to charge of interest at the rate of seven per centum be done: ING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, between p OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF Oakland and Provost sts, Area of assessment: er annum from the date when such assessments 60,000 square yards of asphalt pavement, in- became liens to the date of payment, cluding binder course, where required. MANHATTAN, CITY HALL, THE CITY OF NEW Both sides of India st., from Oakland to Provost YORK, sts., and to the extent of half the block at the WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. 1,000 square yards of asphalt pavement by SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE heater method. intersecting streets. City of New York, Department of Finance, 500 square yards of foundation prepared for received by the President of the Borough of DOBBIN STREET AND NORMAN AVE- Comptroller's Office, d20,j2 Manhattan at the offices, Commissioner of Pub- asphalt pavement by drying where required. NUE—SEWER BASIN at the southwest corner. lic Works, Room No. 2034, 20th floor, Municipal 20 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. Area of assessment affects property in Block No. Building, until 11 o'clock a. m., on NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LOCAL 40 square yards old stone pavement to relay. 2642 adjacent to said improvement. IMPROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1913, EIGHTEENTH WARD, SECTION 10. 20 linear feet of new curbstone furnish and set. BROOKLYN, CITY OF NEW YORK. 20 linear feet of old curbstone to reset. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND METROPOLITAN AVENUE — SEWER 30 linear feet of new header stone to furnish MATERIALS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF BASIN at the southeast and southwest corner of Varick ave. Area of assessment affects property and set. PLUMBING, WATER SUPPLY AND DRAIN- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 30 linear feet of old header stone to reset. AGE SYSTEM IN THE WASHINGTON MAR. in Blocks Nos, 2943 and 2945, assessment roll in the following entitled mat- The time allowed for doing and completing the KET BUILDING. LOCATED AT FULTON. TWENTY-FOURTH WARD. SECTION 5. ter has been completed and will be due and pay- TROY AVENUE AND UNION STREET— above work will be until December 31, 1914. VESEY, WASHINGTON AND WEST STS, able on the 16th instant, and that the authority The amount of security required will he BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. SEWER BASIN at the southeasterly corner. Area of assessment affects property in Block 1401 for the collection of the same has been delivered Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000), and the The time allowed for the completion of the to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears, and amount of deposit accompanying the bid shall be work will be fifty (50) consecutive calendar facing Union St. and Troy ave. all persons liable to pay such assessment are re. five (5) per cent. of the amount of ser~t rity. working days. TWENTY-SIXTH WARD, SECTION 12. quired to pay the same without delay at his office The bidder must deposit with the Borough The amount of security required will be Thir- JUNIUS STREET—REGULATING GRAD- in the. Mechanics Bank Building, Court and Mon- President, on or before the time of making his ty-five Hundred Dollars ($3.500), and the amount ING. CURBING AND FLAGGING,' between tague sts., in the Borough of Brooklyn. bid, samples, as required by the specifications. of deposit accompany the hid shall be five (5) Blake and Livonia ayes. Area of assessment: Assessment for benefit from Prospect Park (for FOR REPAIRING SHEET ASPHALT per cent. of the amount of security. Both sides of Junius St., from Blake to Dumont lands taken) under chapter 244, Laws of 1878, PAVEMENTS ON ALL STREETS AND The bidder will state one aggregate price for ayes., and to the extent of half the block at the thirty-sixth installment. the whole work described and specified, as the intersecting avenues. AVENUES WHERE THE GUARANTEE OF EXTRACT FROM THE LAW. MAINTENANCE HAS EXPIRED OR WILL contract is entire and for a complete job. TWENTY-SIXTH WARD, SECTION 13. Chapter 583, Laws of 1888, title 7, Section 10, EXPIRE DURING THE YEAR 1914 IN THAT The bids will be compared and the contract GRANT AVENUE—SEWER BASIN at the awarded at a lump.or aggregate sum to the lowest as amended by chapter 888, Laws of 1895; chap- ARFA OF TITE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN northwest corner of Glenmore ave. Area of as- ter 775, Laws of 1896, and section 937, chapter DESIGNATED AS SECTION 3. AND bidder. sessment affects property in Block No. 4204. Blank forms, specifications and plans may be 378, Laws of 1897, and chapter 466 of the Laws BOUNDED BY 42D ST.. NORTH RIVER. 72D McKINLEY AVENUE — REGULATING, of 1901 amendatory thereof. ST. AND EAST RIVER, TOGETHER WITH obtained at the office of the architect,* Charles GRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING from On all * * * assessments which shall be paid THE WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO. H. Higgips, 95 Liberty St., Borough of Man- Railroad ave. to Elderts lane. Area of assess- to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears Engineer's estimate of the amount of, work to tan. GEORGE McANENY, President. ment: Both sides of McKinley ave., from Rail- before the expiration of thirty days from the be done: City of New York, December 16, 1913. road ave, to Elderts lane, and to the exteit of time the same shall become due and payable, an 30,000 square yards of asphalt pavement, in- d16.29 half the block at the intersecting avenues. allowance will he made to the person or persons cluding binder course, where required. $See General Instructions to Bidders on TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD, SECTION 11. WILLOUGHBY AVENUE AND IRVING making such pa mint, at the rate of seven and 1,000 square yards of asphalt pavement by the last page, last column, of the "City three-tenths per centum per annum for the un- heater method. AVENUE—SEWER BASIN at the easterly cor- Record." expired portion thereof. On all * * * assess- 200 square yards of foundation prepared for ner. Area of assessment affects Lot 1, Block ments * * * paid after the expiration of thirty asphalt pavement by drying where required. 3210. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF days from the time the same shall have become 10 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. TWENTY-NINTH WARD, SECTION 15. due and payable there shall be added to and col- 100 square yards old stone pavement to relay. MANHATTAN, CITY HALL, TuE CITY OF NEW EAST THIRTY-FIRST STREET—PAVING, lected as part of every such assessment * * * 10 linear feet of new curbstone, furnish and YORK. between Beverley road and Canarsie lane. Area interest at the rate of nine per cent. per annum, set. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE of assessment: Both sides of E. 31st st,, from received by the President of the Borough of Beverley road to Canarsie lane, and to the ex- to be computed from the time the same became 10 linear feet of old curbstone to reset. due and payable to the date of payment. 20 linear feet of new header stone to furnish .Manhattan. at the offices of the Commissioner tent of half the block at the intersecting and of Public Works, Room No. 2034, twentieth floor, and set. terminating streets, WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. 20 linear feet of old header stone to reset. Municipal Building, The City of New York. NEWKIRK AVENUE — REGULATING, City of New York, Department of Finance, The time allowed for doing and completing the until 11 o'clock a. m., on GRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, be- Comptroller's Office, December 16, 1913. d19,31 above work will be until December 31, 1914. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1913. tween Nostrand and E. 34th St. Area of assess- The amount of security required will be Twelve FOR FURNISHING ALL OF THE LABOR ment: Both sides of Newkirk ave., from Nostrand NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500), and AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR TTIE ave. to E. 34th st, and to the extent of half the the amount of deposit accompanying the bid shall CONSTRUCTION OF A TEMPORARY block at the intersecting streets. IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE be five (5) per cent. of the amount of security. STRUCTURE OUTSIDE OF THE WASHING- ALBANY AVENUE — REGULATING, TON MARKET BUILDING. LOCATED AT GreaterNew York Charter, the Comptroller The bidder must deposit with the Borough GRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, be- President, on or before the time of making his FULTON, VESEY. WASHINGTON AND of The City of New York hereby gives public tween Clarkson ave. and Lenox road. • Area of notice to all persons, owners of property, af- bid, samples, as required by the specifications. WEST STS., BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. assessment: Both sides of Albany ave., between The time allowed for the completion of the fected by the following assessment for LOCAL FOR REPAIRING SHEET ASPHALT PAVE. Clarkson ave. and Lenox road, and to the extent work will be twenty-five (25) consecutive calen- IMPROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF MENTS ON ALL STREETS AND AVENUES of half the bldtk on each side of the improve- BROOKLYN: WHERE THE GUARANTEE OF MAINTE. dar working days. . ment. The amount of security required will be Fif- NANCE HAS EXPIRED OR WILL EXPIRE TWENTY-NINTH WARD, SECTION 16. TWENTY-FOURTH AND TWENTY-NINTH teen Hundred Dollars ($1,500). and the amount DURING THE YEAR 1914 IN THAT AREA FORTY-SECOND STREET AND WEST WARDS, SECTIONS 5 AND 16. of deposit accompanying the hid shall be five OF THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN DES- STREET—SEWER BASIN at the southerly cor- OPENING, EXTENDING, LAYING OUT (5) per cent. of the amount of security. IGNATED AS SECTION 4, AND BOUNDED near. Area of assessment affects property In AND IMPROVING BEDFORD AVENUE, from The bidder will state one aggregate price for Block No 5406. Eastern parkway to Flatbush ave., pursuant to BY 72D ST., NORTH RIVER, 116TH ST, AND the whole work described and specified. as the EAST RIVER, TOGETHER WITH THE THIRTIETH WARD, SECTION 17. the provisions of chapter 764, Laws of 1900, as contract is entire and for a complete job. amended by chapter 590, Laws of 1901, and by WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO. THIRTEENTH AVENUE—SEWER, between The bids will be compared and the contract chapter 498, Laws of 1903. Engineer's estimate of the amount of work to 57th and 58th sts. Area of assessment: Both be done: awarded at a lump or aggregate sum to the low- tides of 13th ave., between 57th and 58th sts. —that the area of assessment for this improve- 30,000 square yards of asphalt pavement, in- est bidder. TTTTRTIETH WARD, SECTION 18. ment, as fixed by the Commissioners of Estimate eluding binder course, where required, Blank forms, specifications and plans may be WAKEMAN PLACE — REGULATING, and Assessment appointed by the Supreme Court 1,000 square yards of asphalt pavement by obtained at the office of the Architect, Charles GRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, from on September 13, 1901, includes all those lands, heater method. H. Higgins, 95 Liberty St., Borough of Manhat- Colonial road to 3d ave. Area of assessment: tenements, hereditaments and premises situated, 100 square yards of foundation prepared for tan. Both sides of Wakeman place, from Colonial road lying and being, and which, taken together, are asphalt pai'ement by drying, where required. GEORGE McANENY, President. to 3d ave., and to extent of half the block at the bounded and described as follows: Beginning 20 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. City of New York, December 16, 1913. intersecting avenues. at a point on the southerly side of Eastern park- 20 square yards old stone pavement to relay. d16,29 SIXTY-SIXTH STREET — REGULATING, way, distant 250 feet easterly of the easterly side of Bedford ave., running thence southerly and 10 linear feet of new curbstone, furnish and [V'See General Instructions to Bidders on GRADING. CURBING AND FLAGGING, be- parallel with Bedford ave. to the northerly side set. the last page, last column, of the "City tween 6th and 7th ayes. Area of assessment: of Flatbush ave.; thence northwesterly along the 10 linear feet of old curbstone to reset. Record." Both sides of 66th st., from 6th to 7th ayes. and 20 linear feet of new header stone to furnish to the extent of half the block at the intersecting northerly side of Flatbush ave. to a point where OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF avenues. a line drawn parallel with Bedford ave. and dis- and set. tant 250 feet westerly therefrom would intersect 20 linear feet of old header stone to reset. MANHATTAN, CITY HALL, THE CITY of NEW EIGHTY-NINTH STREET—REGULATING, the same; running thence northerly and parallel The time allowed for doing and completing the YORK. GRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING. be- above work will be until December 31, 1914. tween 3d and 5th ayes. Area of assessthent: with Bedford ave. to the southerly side of East- SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE ern parkway at a point 250 feet westerly of The amount of security required will be Nine received by the President of the Borough of Both sides of 89th St., from 3d to 5th ayes., and Thousand Dollars ($9,000), and the amount of to extent of half the block at the intersecting Bedford ave.; running thence easterly along the Manhattan at the offices, Commissioner of Pub- southerly side of Eastern parkway to the point deposit accompanying the bid shall be five (5) lic Works, Room No. 2034, 20th floor, Municipal avenues. or place of beginning. per cent. of the amount of security. Building, until 11 o'clock a. m., on THIRTIETH WARD. SECTION 19. The Board of Assessors' of The City of New The bidder trust deposit with the Borough MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1943. BAY TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET AND York has levied and assessed this assessment in President on or before the time of making his Item No. 1. FOR FURNISHING ALL OF CROPSEY AVENUE—SEWER BASIN at the hid samples, as required by the specifications. twenty annual installments. THE LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED north corner. Area of assessment affects prop- The "Fifth Installment" in each case is now FOR REPAIRING SHEET ASPHALT PAVE. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FLOOR, erty in Block No. 6445. due and payable, and hereafter for fifteen years MENTS ON ALL STREETS AND AVENUES SEVENTY-SECOND STREET — REGULAT- WHERE THE GUARANTEE OF MAINTE- COUNTER FRONTS, ETC., COMPLETE, AC. an amount equal to one of the aforesaid install- CORDINGTO THE PLANS AND SPECIFI• ING, GRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, ments shall be assessed upon the lots or parcels NANCE HAS EXPIRED OR WILL EXPIRE CATIONS, IN THE WASHINGTON MARKET between 13th and 14th ayes. Area of assessment: of land benefited by said improvement. This as- DURING THE YEAR 1914 IN THAT AREA BUILDING, LOCATED AT FULTON. VESEY, Both sides of 72d St., from 13th to 14th ayes., and sessment was confirmed by the Board of Revision t iF THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN DES- to the extent of half the block at the intersecting of Assessments on December 2, 1909, and en- If;NATED AS SECTION 5 AND BOUNDED WASHINGTON AND WEST STS., BOROUGH tered December 2, 1909, and the Fifth Install• BY 116TH ST.. NORTH RIVER, SPUYTEN OF MANHATTAN. avenue. SEVENTY-THIRD STREET — REGULAT- ment entered on December 18, 1913, in the DUUYVIL CREEK AND HARLE1i RIVER, Item No. 2. FOR FURNISHING ALL OF THE LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED ING GRATING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the TOGETHER WITH THE WORK INCIDENT- FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FLOOR, between 13th and 14th ayes. Area of assess- Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and AT, THERETO, COUNTER FRONTS, ETC., COMPLETE. AC. ment: Both sides of 73d st.. from 13th to 14th Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Engineer's estimate of the amount of work to ayes., and to the extent of half the block at the be done: CORDING TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFI• Rents. intersecting avenues. Unless the amount of the Fifth Installment 15,000 square yards of asphalt pavement, in- CATIONS — OMITTING PARAGRAPH 76 - "DOORS REMOVED"—IN TITE WASHING- BAY TWENTY-NINTH STREET AND in each case shall be paid within sixty days after cluding binder course, where required, the said date of entry interest shall be charged. 200 square yards of asphalt pavement by heater TON MARKET BUILDING, LOCATED AT CROPSEY AVENUE—SEWER BASIN at the east corner. Area of assessment affects property collected and received thereon, as provided by method. FULTON, VESEY, WASHINGTON AND WEST STS., BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, in Block No. 6447. section 1019 of the Greater New York Charter. 250 square yards of foundation prepared for Said section provides in part, "If any such asphalt pavement by drying, where required. Item No. 3. FOR FURNISHING ALL OF EIGHTIETH STREET — REGULATING, THE LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED (TRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, be- assessment shall remain unpaid for the period 10 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. of sixty days after the date of entry thereof it 50 square yards old stone pavement to relay. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FLOOR, Iween 13th and 14th ayes. Area of assessment: COUNTER FRONTS, ETC., COMPLETE. AC. Both sides of 80th St., between 13th and 14th the said Record of Titles of Assessments, i- 10 linear feet of new curbstone, furnish and shall be the duty of the officer authorized to set. CORDING TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFI- ayes., and to the extent of half the block at the CATIONS — OMITTING PARAGRAPH 76 - intersecting avenues. collect and receive the amount of such assess- 10 linear feet of old curbstone to reset. ment, to charge, collect and receive interest 20 linear feet of new header stone to furnish "DOORS REMOVED"—AND SUBSTITUTING SEWER in FIFTEENTH AVENUE. between "GRANOLITHIC FINISH" FOR "TERRAZO 77th and 78th sts.. and OUTLET SEWER in thereon at the rate of seven per centum per and set. annum, to be calculated to the date of pay- 20 linear feet of old header stone to reset. FINISH" IN ALT. AISLES IN THE WASH- SEVENTY-EIGHTH STREET, between 15th INGTON MARKET BUILDING, i.00ATED and 16th ayes. Area of assessment affects prop- ment, from the date when such assessment he- The time allowed for doing and completing the came a lien, as provided by section 159 of this above work will be until December 31, 1914. AT FULTON, VESEY, WASHNGTON AND erty in Blocks Nos. 6245. 6246, 6257 and 6258. THIRTY-SECOND WARD. SECTION 23, act." The amount of security required will he Five WEST STS. Section 159 of this act provides • * * "An Thousand Dollars ($5,000). and the amount of The time allowed for the completion of the AVENUE I — REGULATING, GRADING, assessment shall become a lien upon the real deposit accompanying the bid shall be five (5) work will be seventy-five (75) consecutive calen- CURBING AND FLAGGING between Flat- estate affected thereby ten days after its entry per cent. of the amount of security. clar working days. bush ave. and E. 34th st., and between E, 35th st. and Brooklyn ave. Area of assessment: Both in the said record." * * The bidder must deposit with the Borough The amount of security required will be Eight The owner of any parcel of land assessed for President on or before the time of making his Thousand Dollars ($8.000), and the amount of sides of Avenue I, between Flatbush ave, and the foregoing assessment may, at any time after Lid samples, as required by the specifications. deposit accompanying the bid will be five (5) per E. 34th st., and between E. 35th st. and Brooklyn the first installment becomes due and payable, FOR REI'AI RING ASPHALT BLOCK PAVE- cent. of the amount of security. ave., and to the extent of half the block at the pay all the installments not levied of said as- MENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF MANHAT. The bidder will state one aggregate price for intersecting streets. TAN. TOGETHER WITH THE WORK INCI- each item described and specified, as the con- —that the same were confirmed by the Board of sessment, and the same will be thereupon can DENTAL THERETO ON ALL STREETS AND tract is entire and for a complete job, Assessors on December 16, 1913, and entered celed. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913. THE CITY RECORD 12157

The above assessment is payable to the Col• or informalities in any bid should it be deemed on west side by 2 feet on east side, Upset price, PRINTED ON THE LAST PAGE OF THI$ lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bu. in the interest of The City of New York tc $250. ISSUE OF. THE "CITY RECORD." reau for the Collection of Assessments and Ar- do so. Parcels Nos. 8 and 9—Two two-story and attic WM, A. PRENDERGAST, Com troller. rears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water All bids must state clearly (1) the number frame houses, No, 31 and No, 33 Maspeth ave. City of New York, Department of Finance, Rents, in the Mechanics Bank Building, Court or description of the building or buildings bid Up set price $100, Comptroller's Office, December 17, 1913. and Montague sts., Borough of Brooklyn, between for, (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full Parcels I4os. 10 and 11—Part of three-story brick d22,j9 the hours of 9 a. m, and 2 p, m. and on Sat- name and address of the bidder. building, No, 39 Maspeth ave. Cut 19 feet urdays from 9 a. m. to 12 m., anf all payments All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed on west side by 13.5 feet on east side. Upset CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND made thereon on or before February 16, 1914, envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened Janu- price, $50. APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY will be exempt from interest, as above provided, ary 14, 1914," and must be delivered, or Parcel No. 12—Part of three-story frame house, REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. and after that date will be subject to a charge mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 a, 41 Maspeth ave: Cut 13.3 feet on west side of interest at the rate of seven per centum per m. of that date to the "Collector of City Revenue by 9.7 feet on east side. Upset price, $10. AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT OF annum from the date when such assessment be• Room K, No. 280 Broadway. New York City,'] Parcel No. 13—Part of one-story frame office, the Borough of Queens, public notice is hereby came a lien to the date of payment. from whom any further particulars regarding No, 43 Maspeth ave. Upset price, $5. given that the Commissioners of the Sinking WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller, the buildings to be disposed of may be ob- Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in them City of New York, Department of Finance, tained. obtained upon application) will be received by by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids certain Comptroller's Office, December 18, 1913. THE BUILDINGS WILL BE SOLD FOR the Comptroller at the office of the Collector encroachments upon property owned by The City d20,j2 IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY, SUBJECT of City Revenue, Room K, No, 280 Broadway, of New York acquired by it for street opening TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Borough of Manhattan. until 11 a. m. on the purposes, in the PRINTED ON THE LAST PAGE OF THIS 12th day of January 1914, and then publicly NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR OPENING Borough of Queens. ISSUE OF THE "CITY RECORD." opened for the sale tor removal of the above- STREETS AND PARKS. being the buildings, parts of buildings, etc., WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. described buildings and appurtenances thereto, standing within the lines of Roosevelt ave., from City of New York. Department of Finance, and the award will be made to the highest bid- the easterly line of Alburtis ave. to a line distant IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1005 OF THE Comptroller's Office, December 18, 1913. der within twenty-four hours, or as soon as pos- 100 feet easterly therefrom, in the Borough of Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of d27,j 14 sible thereafter. Queens, which are more particularly described The City of New York hereby gives public notice Each parcel must be bid for separately and will on a certain map on file in the office of the Col- of the confirmation by the Supreme Court and CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND be sold in its entirety, as described in above lector of City Revenue, Department of Finance, the entering in the Bureau for the Collection of APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY advertisement. Room K, 280 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. Assessments and Arrears, of the assessment for REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. Each and every bid must be accompanied by Pursuant to a resolution of- the Commissioners OPENING AND ACQUIRING TITLE to the a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum of the Sinking Fund adopted at a meeting held following named avenue in the BOROUGH OF AT THE REQUEST OF THE BOARD OF equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, December 17, 1913, the sale by sealed bids at BROOKLYN: Education, public notice is hereb given that except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be the upset or minimum prices named in the TWENTYFOURTH WARD, SECTION 5. the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund by vir- required with all bids, and that a deposit of description of each parcel of the above buildings KINGSTON AVENUE — OPENING, • from tue of the powers vested in them by law, will $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on and appurtenances thereto will be held by di- Union St. to Malbone st. Confirmed October 18, offer for sale by sealed bids certain buildings any or all of the buildings. rection of the Comptroller on 1913; entered December 15 1913, Area of as- standing upon property 'owned by The City of Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1914. sessment includes all those lands, tenements and New York, acquired by it for school purposes turned within twenty-four hours after success- at 11 a. m„ in lots and parcels, and in manner hereditaments and premises situate and being in in the ful bidders have paid purchase price in full and and form, and at upset prices, as follows: the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New Borough o:' BrooKlyn. given security, and those of successful bidders Parcel No, 333. Part of two and one-half York, which, taken together, are bounded and Being the buildings, parts of buildings, etc., may be declared forfeited to The City of New story frame house on the northeast corner of described as follows, viz.: on the plot of ground on the easterly side of York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the Roosevelt ave. and Alburtis ave. Cut 24 feet Bounded on the north by a line midway be- Seventh ave., between 43d and 44th sts., in the successful bidder to further comply with the re- on west side by 11.5 feet on east side. Upset tween Eastern parkway and Unionst., on the Borough of Brooklyn, which are more partic- quirements of the terms and conditions of the price, $250. east by a line midway between Kingston ave. ularly described on a certain map on file in the sale as set forth hereinafter. Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be and Albany ave., on the south by a line distant office of the Collector of City Revenue, Depart- Successful bidders will be required to pay obtained upon application) will be received by 100 feet southerly from and parallel with the ment of Finance, Room K, 280 Broadway, Bor- the purchase money and deposit the required the Comptroller at the office of the Collector southerly line of Malbone st., the said distance ough of Manhattan. security within twenty-four hours of the receipt of City Revenue, Room K, No. 280 Broadway, being measured at right angles to Malbone St., Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Com- of notification of the acceptance of their bids, Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m, on the and on the west by a line midway between missioners of the Sinking Fund, at a meeting The Comptroller reserves the right to reject 8th day of January, 1914, and then publicly Brooklyn ave, and Kingston ave. held December 17, 1913, the sale by sealed bids any. and all bids and to waive any defects or opened for the sale for removal of the above- —that the above-entitled assessment was entered of the above described buildings and appur- informalities in any bid should it be deemed in described buildings and, appurtenances thereto, on the date hereinbefore given in the Record of tenances thereto will be held by direction of the the interest of The City of New York to do so. and the award will be made to the highest bidder Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for Comptroller on All bids must state clearly (1) the number or within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possible the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1914. description of the building or buildings bid for thereafter. Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and at 11 a. m., in lots and parcels and in manner (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full name and Each parcel must be bid for separately and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any per. and form as follows: address of the bidder. will be sold in its entirety, as described in above son or property shall be paid within sixty days Parcel No. 1—One and one-half story frame All bids must be enclosed in properly sealed advertisement. after the date of said entry of the assessment in- house on the easterly side of 7th ave., between envelopes marked "Proposals to be opened Janu- Each and every bid must be accompanied by terest will be collected thereon, as provides by 43d and 44th sts. ary 12, 1914," and must be delivered, or mailed a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum section 1019 of the Greater New York Charter. Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be in time for their delivery, prior to 11 a. m. equal to 25 per cent, of the amount of the bid, Said section provides in part, "If any such as- obtained upon application) will be received by of that date to the "Collector of City Revenue except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be sessment shall remain unpaid for the period of the Comptroller at the office of the Collector Room K, No. 280 Broadway, New York City,'] required with all bids, and that a deposit of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the of City Revenue, Room K, No. 280 Broadway, from whom any further particulars regarding the $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid said RecQ rd of Titles of Assessments, it shall be Borough of Manhattan, until Ii a. m, oil the buildings to be disposed of may be obtained. on any or all of the buildings. the duty" the officer authorized to collect and 13th day of January, 1914, and then publicly THE BUILDINGS WILL BE SOLD FOR Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- receive the amount of such assessment, to charge opened for the sale for removal of the above IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY, SUBJECT turned within twenty-four hours after success- collect and receive interest thereon at the rate o? described buildings and appurtenances thereto, TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ful bidders have paid purchase price in full and seven per centum per annum, to be calculated- and the award will be made to the highest bidder PRINTED ON THE LAST PAGE OF THIS given security, and those of successful bidders to the date of payment, from the date when within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possi- ISSUE OF THE "CITY RECORD." may be declared forfeited to The City of New such assessment became a lien, as provided by ble thereafter, WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the section 159 of this act." Each parcel must be bid for separately and City of New York, Department of Finance, successful bidder to further comply with the re Section 159 of this act provides • ' ' "An will be sold in its entirety, as described in above Comptroller's Office, December 18, 1913. quirements of the terms and conditions of the assessment shall become a lien upon the real advertisement. d24,j 12 sale, as set forth hereinafter. estate affected thereby ten days after its entry Each and every bid must be accompanied by Successful bidders will be required to pay the in the said record." • • a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND purchase money and deposit the required se- The above assessment is payable to the Col• equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY curity within twenty-four hours of the receipt lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bu- bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. of notification of the acceptance of their bids. reau for the Collection of Assessments and Ar- be required with all bids, and that a deposit The Comptroller reserves the right to reject rears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT OF any and all bids and to waive any defects or Rents in the Mechanics Bank Building, Court bid on any or all of the buildings. informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the Borough of The Bronx notice is hereby the interest of The City of New York to do so. and Montague sts., Borough of Brooklyn, be- Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- given that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund tween the hours of 9 a. in. and 2 p. m., and on turned within twenty-four hours after success- All bids must state clearly (1) the number by virtue of the powers vested in them by Is or description of the building or buildings bid Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and al' ful bidders have paid purchase price in full will offer for sale by sealed bids certain encroach- for, (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full payments made thereon on or before February and given security, and those of successful bid- ments standing upon property owned by The 13, 1914, will be exempt from interest as above ders may be declared forfeited to The City of name and address of the bidder. City of New York, acquired by it for street All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed provided, and after that date will be subject New York by the Comptroller upon the failure opening purposes in the - to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per of the successful bidder to further comply with envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened centum per annum from the date when such the requirements of the terms and conditions Borough of The Bronx, January 8, 1914 " and must be delivered, or assessment became a lien to the date of pay- of the sale as set forth hereinafter. Being the buildings, parts of buildings, etc., mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 ment Successful bidders will be required to pay standing within the lines of Tibbett ave., from a. m. of that date to the "Collector of City WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. the purchase money and deposit the required W. 230th st. to W. 240th at., in the Borough Revenue, Room K, No. 280 Broadway, New City of New York Department of Finance, security within twenty-four hours of the receipt of The Bronx, which are more particularly de- York City," from whom any further particulars Comptroller's Office, December 15, 1913. of notification of the acceptance of their bids. scribed on a certain map on file in the office of regarding the buildings to be disposed of may be d18,30 The Comptroller reserves the right to reject the Collector of City Revenue, Department of obtained. any and all bids and to waive any defects or Finance, Room K, No. 280 Broadway, Borough THE BUILDINGS WILL BE SOLD FOR informalities in any bid should it be deemed in of Manhattan, IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY. SUBJECT Corporation Shea of Buililiga, the interest of The City of New York to do so. Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS All bids must state clearly (1) the number of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meeting held PRINTED ON THE LAST PAGE OF THIS CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND or description of the building or buildings bid December 17, 1913, the sale by sealed bids at ISSUE OF THE "CITY RECORD." APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY for, (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full the upset or minimum prices named in the de- WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. name and address of the bidder. scription of each parcel of the above buildings City of New York, Department of Finance, All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed and appurtenances thereto, will be held by direc- Comptroller's Office, December 17, 1913. d20,j8 AT THE REQUEST OF THE BOARD OF envelopes, marked "Proposals to he opened tion of the Comptroller on Education, public notice is hereby given that January 13, 1913," and must be delivered, or FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1914. the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by vir- at 11 a. m., in lots and parcels and in manner CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY tue of the powers vested in them by law will a, m. of that date to the "Collector of City Rev- and form and at upset prices, as follows: offer for sale by sealed bids certain buildings Parcel No. 1—Part of one and one-half story REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. enue, Room K, No, 280 Broadway, New York standing upon property owned by The City of frame shop on Tibbett ave., at W. 230th St. Cut City," from whom any further particulars re' AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT OF New York, acquired, by it for school purposes garding the buildings to be disposed of may be 38.3 feet on west side by 36.6 feet on east side. Upset price, $25. the Borough of Manhattan, public notice is in the obtained. Borough of Brooklyn. Parcel No. 9—Part of one-story frame building hereby given that the Commissioners of the Sink- THE BUILDINGS WILL BE SOLD FOB ing Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in Being the one and one-half story frame house IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY, SUBJECT and fence on Tibbett ave.. about 200 feet east of W. 231st st. Cut 32.1 feet on east and west them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids and barn situated on the northeasterly corner TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS certain buildings, etc., standing upon property of Neck road and Van Sicklen at., on the plot sides. Upset price, $25. PRINTED ON THE LAST PAGE OF THIS Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be owned by The City of New York, acquired by acquired for the extension of Public School No, ISSUE OF THE "CITY RECORD." it for street purposes in the .95, in the Borough of Brooklyn, which are more obtained upon application) will be received by WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. the Comptroller at the office of the Collector Borough of Manhattan, particular) described on a certain map on file City of New York, Department of Finance, Being the buildings, parts of buildings, etc., in the office of the Collector of City Revenue, of City Revenue. Room K, No. 280 Broadway, Comptroller's office, December 18, 1913, d26,j 13 Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m.. on acquired for the extension of 7th ave., from Department of Finance, Room K, 280 Broadway, Greenwich ave. to Carmine st., for the widening Borough of Manhattan. the 9th day of January, 1914, arid then publicly CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND opened for the sale for removal of the above- of Varick st., from Carmine st. to Franklin st., Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY described buildings and appurtenances thereto, and for the extension of Varick st., from Frank- of the Sinking Fund, at a meeting held Decem- REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. lin St. to West Broadway. in the Borough of her 17, 1913, the sale by sealed bids of the and the award will be made to the highest bid- der within twenty-four hours, or as soon as Manhattan, which are more particularly described above described buildings and appurtenances AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT OF Doscihle thereafter, on a certain map on file in the office of the Col- thereto will be held by direction of the Comp- the Borough of Brooklyn, public notice is here- Each parcel must be bid for separately and lector of City Revenue, Department of Finance, troller on by given that the Commissioners of the Sinking will be sold in its entirety, as described in Room K, 280 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1914. Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in them above advertisement. Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners at 11 a, m., in lots and parcels and in manner by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids certain Each and every bid must be accompanied by of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meeting held and form as follows: encroachments standing upon property owned a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum September 24, 1913, the sale by sealed bids of Parcel No. 2—One and one-half story frame by The City of New York, acquired by it for equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the the above described buildings and appurtenances house and barn on the northeast corner of Neck street opening purposes in the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 thereto will be held by direction of the Comp- road and Van Sicklen st. Borough of Brooklyn, will be required with all bids, and that a de- troller on Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be Being the buildings, parts of buildings, etc., posit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bid• MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1913. obtained upon application) will be received by standing within the lines of Conselyea st., from ders to bid on any or all of the buildings. at 11 a, m., in lots and parcels and in manner the Comptroller at the office of the Collector Humboldt St. to Maspeth ave., in the Borough Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- and form as follows: of City Revenue, Room K, No. 280 Broadway, of Brooklyn, which are more particularly de- turned within twenty-four hours after success- Parcel No. 141—Rear corner of five-story brick Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on the scribed on a certain map on file in the office of ful bidders have paid purchase price in full and building, 64 Leroy st.; cut 9.78 feet on east side 14th day of January, 1914, and then publicly the Collector of City Revenue, Department of liven security, and those of successful bidders by 10.17 feet on rear. opened for the sale for removal of the above de- Finance, Room K, 280 Broadway, Borough of may be declared forfeited to The City of New Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be scribed buildings and appurtenances thereto, and Manhattan. York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the obtained upon application) will be received by the award will he made to the highest bidder with- Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners successful bidder to further comply with the the Comptroller at the office of the Collector in twenty-four hours, or as soon as possible there. of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meeting held requirements of the terms and conditions of the of City Revenue. Room K, No. 280 Broadway, after. December 17, 1913, the sale by sealed bids at sale as set forth hereinafter. Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. in. on the Each parcel must be bid for separately and the upset or minimum prices named in the de- Successful bidders will be required to pay 29th day of December, 1913, and then publicly will be sold in its entirety, as described in above scription of each parcel, of the above described the purchase money and deposit the required opened for the sale for removal of the above advertisement. buildings and appurtenances thereto will be held security within twenty-four hours of the re- described buildings and appurtenances thereto, Each and every bid must be accompanied b3 by direction of the Comptroller on ceipt of notification of the acceptance of their and the award will be made to the highest bidder a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1914. bids. within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possi• equal to 25 per cent, of the amount of the bid, at 11 a, m., in lots and parcels, and in manner The Comptroller reserves the right to reject ble thereafter. except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be and form and at upset prices as follows: any and all bids and to waive any defects or Each parcel must ITe bid for separately and required with all bids, and that a deposit of Parcel No, I—Part of frame church on the informalities in any bid should it be deemed will be sold in its entirety, as described in above $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid north side of Conselyea st., 100 feet east of in the interest of The City of New York to advertisement. on 'any or all of the buildings. Humboldt St. Cut 12.3 feet on west side by 4.2 do so. Each and every bid must be accompanied by Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- feet on east side. Upset price $25. All bids must state clearly (1) the number a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum turned within twenty-four hours after success- Parcels Nos, 2 and 3—Part of sheds on south nr description of the building or buildings bid equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the ful bidders have paid purchase price in full and side of Conselvea st., 75 feet east of Humboldt for. (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full hid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will given security, and those of successful bidders St. Cut 19.5 feet on front by 6 feet on east name and address of the bidder. be required with all bids, and that a 'deposit may be declared forfeited to The City of New side. Upset price $5, All bids must he inclosed in properly sealed of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the Parcel No. 5—Rear part of two-story and envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened bid on any or all of the buildings. successful bidder to further comply with the attic frame house, 21 Maspeth ave. Cut 19.3 January 9, 1914." and must be delivered, or Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- requirements of the terms and conditions of feet on rear by ,8.5 feet on easterly side. Upset mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 turned within twenty-four hours after success the sale as set forth hereinafter. price, $25. a. m, of that date to the "Collector of City ful bidders have paid purchase price in full Successful bidders will be required to pay Parcels Nos. 6 and 7—Part of two-story frame Revenue, Room K, No. 280 Broadway. New and given security, and those of successful bid- the purchase money and deposit the required house, No. 21 and No. 23 Old Woodpoint road. York City," from whom any further particulars Aers may be declared forfeited to The City of security within twenty-four hours of the re- Cut 36.12 feet on front by 0.56 feet on north regarding the buildings to be disposed of may New York by the Comptroller upon the failure ceipt of notification of the acceptance of their side. Two-story frame house in rear and part be obtained. of the successful bidder to further comply with bide. of two-story frame house adjoining. Cut 4.2 feet THE BUILDINGS- WILL BE SOLD FOR the requirements of the terms and conditions The Comptroller reserves the right to re• on front by 7.5 feet on rear. Two outhouses IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY. SUBJECT of the sale as set forth hereinafter. ject any and all bids and to waive any defects and two sheds, also part of shed. Cut 10.5 feet TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Successful bidders will be required to pay


the purchase money and deposit the required the Borough of The Bronx, as to liens remain- The bidder will state the price of each item with a copy of the contract, including the speci- security within twenty-four hours of the receipt ing unsold at the termination of the sale of Sep- or article contained in the specifications or fications, in the form approved by the Corpora- of notification of the acceptance of their bids. tember 15, 1913, and December 22, 1913, has schedules herein contained or hereto annexed, tion Counsel, can be obtained upon application The Comptroller reserves the right to reject betn continued to per pound, or other unit of measure. by which therefor at Room 1903, 13 to 21 Park row, Bor- any and all bids and to waive any defects or MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1914. the bids will be tested. The extension must be ough of Manhattan, informalities in any hid should it be deemed in at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to section 1028 of made and footed up, as the bids will be read HENRY S. THOMPSON, Commissioner. the interest of The City of New York to do so. the Greater New York Charter, and will be con- from the total. Dated December 17, 1913. d19,31 All bids must state clearly (1) the number tinued at that time on the fourth floor of the The bids will be compared and the contract USee General Instructions to Bidders on or description of the building or buildings bid Bergen Building, corner of Arthur and Tre- awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each the last page, last column, of the "City for. (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full mont aves, Borough of The Bronx, City of New contract. Record." name and address of the bidder. York. Delivery will be required to be made at the All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed Dated December 22, 1913, time and in the manner and in such quantities envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened DANIEL. MOYNAHAN, Collector of Assess- as may be directed. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELEC- TRICITY December 29, 1913," and must be delivered or ments and Arrears, d24,j26 Bids must be submitted in duplicate. . Roots 1904, 13 To 21 PARK Row, BoB- OUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK, mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 Blank forms and further information may be SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE a. m, of that date to the "Collector of City Rev obtained at the office of the Fire Department, enue, Room K, No, 280 Broadway, New York NOTICE OF CONTINUATION OF MANHAT- Nos. 157 and 159 E. 67th St., Manhattan. received by the Commissioner of Water Sup- ply, Gas and Electricity at the above office until City," from whom any further particulars re- TAN TAX SALE, JOSEPH JOIINSON, Fire Commissioner. 2 p. m., on garding the buildings to be disposed of may be THE SALE OF THE LIENS FOR UNPAID d,23,j6 TUESDAY. DECEMBER 30, 1913. obtained. taxes, assessments and water rents for the fSee General Instructions to Bidders on FOR FURNISHING, INSTALLING, MAIN. THE BUILDINGS WILL BE SOLD FOB Borough of Manhattan, as to liens remaining unsold at the termination of the sale of Sep- the last page, last column, of the "City TAINING AND RESERVING, FOR THE USE IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY, SUBJECT tember 4, October 9, November 13 and December Record," OF THE HIGH PRESSURE FIRE SERVICE, TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ALL APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT NEC- PRINTED ON THE LAST PAGE OF THIS 18, 1913, has been continued to THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1914. ESSARY FOR GENERATING AND TRANS- ISSUE OF THE "CITY RECORD,' at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to section 1028 of MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COM- MITTING 1,830 KILOWATTS OF THREE- WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. the Greater New York Charter and will be MISSION. PHASE 6,600-VOLT, TWENTY-FIVE CYCLE City of New York, Department of Finance, continued at that time in the Aldermanic Cham- ELECTk1C POWER, AND FURNISHING Comptroller's Office, December 16, 1913. d19,29 ber, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of AND DELIVERING THIS POWER, UNDER New York. Notices of Examinations. THE TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT, FROM Dated December 18 1913. JANUARY 1, 1914, TO DECEMBER 31, 1914, CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND 11ANIEL MOYNAI:-IAN, Collector of Assess- MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, MU- BOTH INCLUSIVE, AT EACH OF TIIE HIGH APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY ments and Arrears. d20j15 NICIPAL BUILDING, ROOM 1482, NEW YORK, PRESSURE FIRE SERVICE PUMPING STA- REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. DECEMBER 26, 1913. TIONS LOCATED IN THE BOROUGH OF PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BROOKLYN, AT FURMAN AND JORALE- AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT OF NOTICE OF CONTINUATION OF THE applications will be received from MON STS., AND AT WILLOUGHBY AND the Borough of Manhattan. public notice is BRONX TAX SALE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1913, TO 12 M. ST. EDWARDS STS., RESPECTIVELY. hereby given that the Commissioners of the Sink• SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1914, The time allowed for the furnishing, installing, ing l und, by virtue of the powers vested in THE SALE OF THE LIENS FOR UNPAID for the position of and so on, of the apparatus and equipment neces- them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids taxes, assessments and water rents for the CHIEF ENGINEER, GRADE E, DEPART- sary under the terns of this contract for each certain buildings, etc., standing upon property Borough of The Bronx, as to liens remaining MENT OF PARKS, BOROUGH OF of the high pressure fire service pumping stations, owned by The City of New York, acquired by it unsold at the termination of the sale of Decem- QUEENS. located as above, is one hundred and eighty for street purposes in the ber 16, 1912, January 6, January 27, February No applications delivered at the office of the (180) calendar days. Borough of Manhattan, 17, March 10, March 31, April 21, May 12 June Commission by mail or otherwise, after 12 m., The amount of security required for furnishing Being the buildings, parts of buildings, etc., 9, June 23, July 7, July 21, August 18, August Saturday, January 10, 1914, will be accepted. the above is Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000). acquired for the extension of 7th ave., from 25, September 22, October 20, November 17 and Application blanks will be mailed upon request, The bidder will state the price of each item or Greenwich ave. to Carmine St.; for the widening December 15, 1913, has been continued to but the Commission will not guarantee the de- article contained in the specifications or schedules of Varick at., from Carmine St. to Franklin St., MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1914, livery of the same, Applications forwarded by and in the-contract for the furnishing, and so and for the extension of Varick st., from Frank. at 2 o'clock p. m, pursuant to section 1028 of mail, upon which postage is not fully prepaid, on, of the apparatus, equipment and power re- lin St. to West Broadway, in the Borough of the Greater New Fork Charter, and will be con- will not be accepted. quired, as measured by meter or other unit of Manhattan,which are more particularly described tinued at that time on the fourth floor of the Applicants must be citizens of the United measure, by which the bids will be tested, on a certain map on file in the office of the Bergen Building, corner of Arthur and Tremont States and residen's of the State of New York. Blank forms may he obtained at the office of Collector of City Revenue, Department of Fi- aves., Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, The subjects and weights of the examination the Department, Room 2339, Park Row Building. nance, Room K, 280 Broadway, Borough of Man. DANIEL MOYNAHAN, Collector of Assess• are: Experience, 5; Technical, 5. 75 per cent. HENRY S. THOMPSON. Commissioner, Lattan, ments and Arrears. required on the Technical and 70 per cent. on New York, December 15, 1913. d17,30 Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners Dated December 15, 1913. d17,j12 Experience. f See General Instructions to Bidders on of the Sinking Fund adopted at a meeting held Applications for this examination must be filed the last page, last column, of the "City September 24, 1913, the sale by sealed bids of on a special blank, Form B. Experience blanks Record." the above described buildings and appurtenances NOTICE OF CONTINUATION OF RICH- will be issued with the applications and must MOND TAX LIEN SALE. thereto will be held by direction of the Comp- be filed with the Commission at the time of DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELEC. troller on filing applications, The experience will then be TRICITY, ROOM 1904, 13 TO 21 PARK Row, BOB- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. THE SALE OF THE LIENS FOR UNPAID rated. Candidates receiving less than 70 per taxes, assessments and water rents for the OUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. at 11 a. m., in lots and parcels and in manner cent. will not be summoned for the mental test. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Borough of Richmond, as to liens remaining un- and form as follows: Candidates should have had ample experience received by the Commissioner of Water Sup- sold at the termination of th' sale of Novem• Parcel No. 122. Front corner of five-story with municipal engineering work, particularly ply, Gas and Electricity at the above office until brick building No. 48 Bedford st. Cut 7.24 feet bet 13 December -4, 1912; January 8, January the construction and maintenance of parks and 2 p. m., on 29. February 19, March 12, April 2, April 23, on north side by 6.85 feet on front. with the organization and control of public TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. May 14, June 11, July 16, August 6, September Sealed bids tblank torms of which may be work. Candidates will be tested on their gen- FOR FURNISHING AND MAINTAIN• 10, October 1, October 22, November 12 and obtained upon application) will be received by eral knowledge of engineering, landscape archi- ING ELECTRIC LAMPS FOR LIGI-ITING December i0, 1913, has been continued to the Comptroller at the office of the Collector tecture and special knowledge of grading, high- STREETS, AVENUES PUBLIC BUILDINGS, of City Revenue, Room K, No. 280 Broadway, FRIDAY, JANUARY g, 1914. way construction, drainage, water supply and PARKS AND PUBLII PLACES, FROM JAN. Borough of Manhattan, until II a. m, on the at 2 o'clock p, m., pursuant to section 1028 of allied engineering and executive matters per- UARY 1, 1914, TO DECEMBER 31, 1914, 30th day of December, 1913, and then publicly the Greater New York Charter, and will be con- taining to the construction and maintenance of BOTH INCLUSIVE. opened for the sale for removal of the above tinued at that time in Room 129, in the Bor- parks. FOR LIGHTING STREETS, AVENUES, described buildings and appurtenances thereto, ough Hall, New Brighton, Borough of Richmond. Candidates must be not less than 25 nor more PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PARKS AND PUBLIC and the award will be made to the highest bidder Dated December 10, 1913. than 50 years of age on the last day for receipt PLACES IN THE BOROUGH OF BROOK- within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possi- DANIEL MOYNAHAN, Collector of Assess- of applications. LYN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ble thereafter. ments and Arrears. dll,j2 There is one vacancy in the Department of The amount of security required is twenty-five Each parcel must be bid for separately and Parks, Borough of Queens, at a salary of $4,000 (25) per cent. of the amount of bid or estimate. will be sold in its entirety, as described in above per annum. The bidder will state the price of each item or advertisement. NOTICE OF CONTINUATION OF BROO& d26,jl0 F. A. SPENCER, Secretary. article contained in the specifications or schedules, SALE, Each and every bid must be accompanied by LYN TAX per lamp, lamp-post, column, service pipe, stand- p deposit of cash or certified check in a sum pipe, or other unit of measure, by which the MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, MU- equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the THE SALE OF THE LIENS FOR UNPAID bids will be tested. bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will taxes, assessments and water rents for the NICIPAL BUILDING, ROOM 1482, NEW YORK, Blank forms may be obtained at the office of be required with all bids, and that a deposit Borough of Brooklyn, as to liens remaining un- DECEMBER 24, 19r3. the Department, Room 2339, Park Row Building. of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to sold at' the termination of the sale of October PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT HENRY S. THOMPSON, Commissioner, applications will be received from bid on any or all of the buildings. 15, November 5, and December 3, 1913, has been New York, December 15, 1913. d17,30 Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will he re- continued to WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1913, TO 4 ffSee.General Instructions to Bidders on turned within twenty-four hours after success- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1914, P. M. FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1914, the last page, last column, of the "City ful bidders have paid purchase price in full at 2.30 p. m., pursuant to section 1028 of the for the position of Record." and given security, and those of successful bid• Greater New York Charter, and will be con- STATISTICIAN, GRADE E, DEPARTMENT ders may be declared forfeited to The City of tinued at that time in Room 2, in basement of OF EDUCATION. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELEC. New York by the Comptroller upon the failure the Borough Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y. No applications delivered at the office of the TRICITY, ROOM 1904, 13 To 21 PARK Row, B0R- of the successful bidder to further comply with Dated December 3, 1913, Commission, by mail or otherwise, after 4 p. m., OUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. the requirements of the terms and conditions DANIEL MOYNAHAN, Collector of Assess- `Friday, January 9, 1914, will be accepted. Ap- SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE of the sale as set forth hereinafter. ments and Arrears. d4,j7 plication blanks will be mailed upon request, but received by the Commissioner of Water Sup- Successful bidders will be required to pay the Commission will not guarantee the delivery ply, Gas and Electricity at the above office until the purchase money and deposit the required of the same. Applications forwarded by mail, 2 p. m., on SINUe9 on Contrasts. security within twenty-four hours of the receipt upon which postage is not i`ully prepaid, will not TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. of notification of the acceptance of their bids. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE SURETY COM• be accepted. FOR FURNISHING, PUTTING IN PLACE The Comptroller reserves the right to reject Daniel will be accepted as sufficient upon the Applicants must be citizens of the United AND MAINTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND any and all bids and to waive any defects or following contracts to the amounts named: States and residents of The State of New York. FIFTY-FIVE (155) GAS REGULATORS FROM informalities in any bid. should it be deemed in Supplies of Any Description, Including Gas sad The subjects and weights of the examination 91 TO DECEMBER 31, 1914, the interest of The City of New York to do so. are: Technical, 5; Experience, 5, 75 per cent. JANUARYBOTH 1, 14, Electricity. required on the Technical paper and 70 per All bids must state clearly (1) the number One company on a bond up to $50,000. FOR FURNISHING GAS REGULATORS IN or description of the building or buildings bid When such company is authorized to write that cent. on Experience. PUBLIC BUILDINGS IN THE BOROUGH OF for, (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full amount as per letter of Comptroller to the surety Applications for this examination must be filed BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. on a special blank, Form B. Experience blanks name and address of the bidder. companies, dated September 16, 1907. The amount of security required for furnishing All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed Csaatractiott, will be issued with the applications and must be gas regulators is fifty (50) per cent. of the envelopes, marked "Proposals ti be opened One company on a bond up to $25,000. filed with the Commission at the time of filing amount of the bid or estimate. December 30, 1913," and must be delivered, or Including regulating, grading, paving, sewers, applications. The experience will then be rated. The bidder will state the price of each item or mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 maintenance, dredging, construction of parks, Candidates receiving less than 70 per cent. on article contained in the specifications or schedules, a. m, of that date to the "Collector of City Rev- oarkways, docks, buildings, bridges, tunnels, aque- experience will not be summoned for the mental per regulator, or other unit of measure, by which enue, Room K, No, 280 Broadway, New York dducts, repairs, heating, ventilating, plumbing, etc„ test. the bids will be tested. City." from whom any further particulars re- The person selected as a result of the ex- Blank forms may be obtained at the office of garding the buildings to be disposed of may be When such company is authorized to write that amination will be in responsible charge of the the Department, Room 2339, Park Row Building. obtained. amount as per letter of Comptroller to the surety educational statistical work of the Department HENRY S. THOMPSON. Commissioner. THE BUILDINGS WILL BE SOLD FOR companies, dated September 16. 1907. of Education. The mental examination will be New York, December 15, 1913. d17,30 IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY, SUBJECT Asphalt, Asphalt Block and Wood Bloch Pave. held on two days, f See General Instructions to Bidders on TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS meit$. Candadates should be thoroughly familiar with the last page, last column, of the "City PRINTEL ON THE LAST PAGE OF THIS Two companies will be required on any and modern statistical methods, and should have ex• Recor:l.» ISSUE OF THE "CITY RECORD." every bond up to amount authorized by letter of tended experience in the field of public edu,.a WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Comptroller to the surety companies, dated Sep tion. It is useless for persons who have not DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELEC- City of New York, Department of Finance, tember 16, 1907. had such experience to apply for examination. TRICITY, ROOM 1904, 13 To 21 PARK Row, BOR- Comptroller's Office, December 16,1913. d19,30 Dated anuary 3. 1910. Minimum age, 21 years, OUGH OF MANnATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK, WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comatreller There is one vacancy at a salary of $4,000 per SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Interest on City Bonds and Stocks. annum. received by the Commissioner of Water Sup• d24,j9 F. A. SPENCER, Secretary. ply, Gas and Electricity at the above office until THE INTEREST DUE JANUARY 1, 1914, FIRE DEPARTMENT, 2 p. m., on on registered bonds and stock of The City TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. of New York, and of former corporations now DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUP FOR FURNISHING, PUTTING IN PLACE Proponla. , included therein, will be paid on January 2, PLY, GAS AND ELECTRICITY. AND MAINTAINING SIX HUNDRED AND 1914, by the Comptroller at his office (Room NINE (609) GAS REGULATORS FROM TAN- 85) in the Stewart Building, corner of Broad- HEADQUARTERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF UARY 1, 1914, TO DECEMBER 31, 1914, BOTH way and Chambers st., in the Borough of Man- THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Nos, 157 AND 159 E. Proposals, INCLUSIVE. hattan. 67TH ST., BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF FOR FURNISHING GAS REGULATORS IN The interest due January 1, 1914, on the cou- PUBLIC BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF NEW NEW YORK, DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND pon bonds of the late City of Brooklyn will be YORK, IN THE BOROUGHS OF MANHAT• SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE ELECTRICITY, ROOM 1903, 13 To 21 PARK Row, paid on January 2, 1914, by the Nassau Na. received by the Fire Commissioner at the TAN AND THE BRONX. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN CITY OF NEW YORK. FOR FURNISHING STEAM HEAT FOR tional Bank of Brooklyn, 26 Court st„ in the above office until 10.30 o'clock a. m. on SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Borough of Brooklyn. received by the Commissioner of Water Sup- HEATING OR POWER PURPOSES TO CER- The interest due on January 1, 1914, on - TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1914, TAIN PUBLIC BUILDINGS FROM JANU• ply, Gas and Electricity, at the above office until coupon bonds offormer corporations now in- ARY 1, 1914, TO DECEMBER 31, 1914, BOTIH FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING 2 p. m., on eluded in The City of New York, except the FORAGE (HAY, STRAW, OATS. BRAN, INCLUSIVE. late City of Brooklyn and the former County ETC.) AT DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS, AS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1913. FOR FURNISHING STEAM TO PUBLIC of Queens, will be paid on January 2. 1914. at FOLLOWS: Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK the office of the Guaranty Trust Co. of New 1. For companies south of 110th st., Borough FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING IN THE BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND York, 140 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. of Manhattan. STEEL CABINETS, DESKS, ETC. THE BRONX. The coupons that are payable on January 1, 2. For companies north of 110th St., Borough The time allowed for doing and completing The amount of security required for furnishing 1914, for interest on bonds issued by the former of Manhattan, and in Borough of The Bronx. the work is ninety (90) calendar days. gas regulators is fifty (50) per cent. of the ('nunty of Queens will be paid on January 2. 3. For companies in the Borough of Rich- The amount of the security shall be twenty. amount of the hid or estimate. 1914, at the Queens County Bank, Branch of mond, five (25) per cent. of the bid or estimate. For furnishing steam the amount of security the Corn Exchange Bank, Borden ave. and Front 4. For companies in the Borough of Brook- Bids shall be made both by "items" and by required is twenty-five (25) per cent.. of the St.. Long Island City. lyn, "total," the bidder indicating the price at which amount of the bid or estimate. The books for the transfer of bonds and 5. For companies in Long Island City, Bor- he will supply the various items separately; The bidder will state the price of each item or stock on which interest is due on January 1, ough of Queens. also, the price at which he will furnish all the article contained in the specifications or schedules, 1914. will be closed from December 15. 1913, to 6. For companies at Jamaica, Richmond Hill, items. per regulator, in the contract for gas regulators January 2. 1914. Flushing and College Point, Borough of Queens. If any of the "total" bids are less than the and per thousand pounds of steam, as measured WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. 7. For companies at Rockaway Beach, Ar- sum of the lowest "individual" bids on all the on a meter, or per buildinc per month. or other City of New York. Department of Finance, verne and Far Rockaway. Borough of Queens. various items, by whomsoever made. the contract unit of measure, by which the bids will be Comptroller's Office, December 2, 1913. d3,j2 8. For the volunteer companies, Borough of will he awarded to the maker of said lowest tested. Queens. "total" bid; otherwise, awards will be made to Blank forms may be obtained at the office of the Denartment, Room 2339 Park Row Building. Sales of Tax Urn. The time for the delivery of the forage and the lowest individual bidders on each of the the full performance of the contracts is by or separate items. HFNRY S. THOMPSON. Commissioner. NOTICE OF CONTINUATION OF BRONX before August 31, 1914. Bidders are requested to make their bids or New York, December 16. 1913. d17,30 TAX SALE, The amount of security required is thirty per estimates upon the blank form prepared by the tSee General Instructions to Bidders on THE SALE OF THE LIENS FOR THE UN- cent. (30%) of the amount of the bid or esti- Department, a copy of which, with the proper the last page, last column, of the "City paid taxes, assessments and water rents for mate, envelope in which to enclose the bid, together Record." d I SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913. THE CITY RECORD. 12159

DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPL.Y. GAS AND ELEC- PLACES. FROM JANUARY 1, 1914, TO DE- Time allowed for completion of work is before Bidders must write out the total amount of TRICITY, ROOM 1904, 13 TO 21 PARK ROW. BOR- CEMBER 31, 1914, BOTH INCLUSIVE. November 1, 1914, their bid or estimate, in addition to inserting OUGII OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. FUR FURNISHING NAPHTHA ETC., AND The amount of bond is One Thousand Dollars the saute in figures. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE LIGHTING STREETS, AVENUES, PARKS ($1,000). The contract, if awarded, will be awarded to received by the Commissioner of Water Sup- AND PUBLIC PLACES IN THE BOROUGH Certified check or cash in the sum of $50 must the lowest bidder. ply, Gas and Electricity at the above office until OF BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. accompany bid. Blank forms and further information may be 2 p. m., on The amount of security required is twenty- The bids will be compared and the contract obtained at the office of the Department of TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. five (25) per cent. of the amount of bid or awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. Street Cleaning, twelfth floor south, New Munic- FOR FURNISHING AND MAINTAINING estimate, except "For furnishing gas lamps," Blank forms may be obtained at the office of ipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, and the ELECTRIC LAMPS FOR LIGHTING where the security required is fifty (50) per the Department of ParksArsenal, Central Park, plans and drawings at the office of the architect, SIREETS, AVENUES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, cent. of the amount of the bid or estimate. 64th st. and 5th ave., borough of Manhattan, Aymer Embury 11, 132 Madison ave., Borough PARKS AND PUBLIC PLACES, FROM JANU- The bidder will state the price of each item New York .City. of Manhattan, New York City. ARY 1, 1914. TO DECEMBER 31, 1914, BOTH or article contained in the specifications or sched- MICHAEL J. KENNEDY, . President; WILLIAM H. EDWARD, Commissioner. INCLUSIVE. ules per lamp. lamppost column, service pipe, THOMAS J. HIGGINS, WALTER G, ELIOT, Dated December 15, 1913. d16,29 FOR LIGHTING STREETS, AVENUES, standpipe or other unit o1 measure, by which the LOUIS F. LA ROCHE, Commissioners of Parks. VFSee General Instructions to Bidders on PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PARKS AND PUBLIC bids will be tested. d26,j8 Blank forms may be obtained at the office of the last page, last column, of the "City PLACES IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ffSee General Instructions to Bidders on Record." No. 1. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. the Department, Room 2339 Park Row Build- the last page, last column, of the "City No. 2. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. ing, Record." No. 3. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND HENRY S. THOMPSON, Commissioner. THE BRONX. New York, December 15. 1913. d17,30 BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY. No, 4. BOROUGH OF QUEENS. traee General Instructions to Bidders on OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, THE No, 5. BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. the Isar page, last column, of the "City ARSENAL BUILDING, 5TH AVE. AND 64TH ST., The amount of security required is twenty-five Record." BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK, PtopNnb. (25) per cent. of the amount of the bid or SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE estimate. received by the Park Board at the above of- The bidder will state the price of each item DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY Gs AND ELEC- SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY fice of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock the Board of Water Supply at its offices, twen- or article contained in the specifications or sched- TRICITY, ROOM 1904, 13 TO 21 PARK Row. BoR- p. m., on ules per lamp, lamppost, column, service pipe, OUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. ty-second floor, Municipal Building, Park row standpipe or other unit of measure, by which SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1914. and Centre and Chambers sts., New York City, the bid will he tested. received by the Commissioner of Water Sup- Borough of Brooklyn. until 11 a. m., on FOR REPAIRS TO LAWN MOWERS OF Blank forms may be obtained at the office of ply, Gas and Electricity at the above office until TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. the Department. Room 2339 Park Row Build- 2 p. m., on THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, FOR THE for ing. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. BOROUGH OF' BROOKLYN; CONTRACT 110. HENRY S. THOMPSON, Commissioner. FOR FURNISHING. INSTALLING, MAIN- The time allowed for the completion of this New York, December 16. 1913, d17,30 contract will be until October 31, 1914. FOR FURNISHING, DELIVERING AND TAINING AND RESERVING FOR THE USE INSTALLING WHERE REQUIRED, GAGING, ffSee General Instructions to Bidders on OF THE HIGH PRESSURE FIRE SERVICE The amount of security required is Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750), ME•IERING AND OTHER RESERVOIR AND the last page, last column, of the "City ALL APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT AQUEDUCT APPARATUS. NECESSARY FOR GENERATING AND A certified check or cash in the sum of Thirty- Record." The points of delivery or installation are along TRANSMITTING 3,250 KILOWATTS OF seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($37.50) must ac- or near the line of the Catskill Aqueduct, be- THREE-PHASE 6.600-VOLT, TWENTY-FIVE company bid. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELEC- tween the Ashokan Reservoir, in the 'Town of CYCLE ELECTRIC POWER AND FURNISH- Bids will be compared and the contract TRICITY, Room 1904, 1." TO 21 PARK Row, Boa- Olive, Ulster County and Silver Lake Reservoir, ING AND DELIVERING THIS POWER UN- awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. oUGH OF MANHATTAN CITY OF NEW YOR& Staten island, New York. DER THE TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT, Bids must be submitted in duplicate. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE An approximate statement of the quantities received by the Commissioner of Water Sup- FROM JANUARY 1, 1914, TO DECEMBER Blank forms may be obtained at the office of 31, 1914. BOTH INCLUSIVE, AT EACH OF the Department of Parks, Borough of Brooklyn, of the various items of work and further in- ply, Gas and Electricity at the above office until formation are given it the Information for bid- 2 p. m., on THE HIGH PRESSURE FIRE SERVICE Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park West and 5th PUMPING STATIONS LOCATED IN THE St., Prospect Park, Brooklyn. ders, forming part of the contract, At the above TUESDAY. DECEMBER 30, 1913. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, AT OLIVER MICHAEL KENNEDY, President; place and time bids will be publicly opened and FOR FURNISHING GAS FOR AND TO J. read. The award of the contract, it awarded, AND SOUTH STS., AND AT GANSEVOORT THOMAS J. HIGGINS LOUIS F. LA ROCHE, THE PUBLIC LAMPS ON TIIE STREETS, AND WEST STS.. RESPECTIVELY. WALTER G. ELIOT, commissioners of Parks. will be made by the Board as soon thereafter SUPPLYING GAS. ETC., FOR NEW LAMPS The time allowed for the furnishing. installing d26,j8 as practicable. The Board reserves the right WHEN SQUIRED. FOR MAKING CERTAIN to reject any and all bids. and so on, of the apparatus and equipment neces- 'See General Instructions to Bidders on REPAII'SS TO LAMPPOSTS AND FOR FUR- sary under the terms of this contract. for each A bond in the sum of Four Thousand Dollars NISHING GAS TO PUBLIC BUILDINGS, of the High Pressure Fire Service Pumping the last page, last column, of the "City ($4,000) will be required for the faithful per- FROM JANUARY 1. 1914. TO DECEMBER Stations, located as above, is one hundred and Record." turmance of the contract. 31, 1914, BOTH INCLUSIVE. eighty (180) calendar days. No bid will be received and deposited unless FOR T.IGHTING S'1'Itl?ETS, AVENUES, The amount of security required for furnish- OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, ZBROW- accompanied by a certified check upon a National PUBLIC BUILDINGS. PARKS AND PUBLIC or State bank, drawn to the order of the Comp- ing the above is Thirty Thousand Dollars SKI MANSION, CLAREMONT PARK, BOROUGH OF PLACES IN TILE CITY OF NEW YORK. ($30,000). THE BRONX. troller of The City of New York, to the amount No. 1. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, The bidder will state the price of each item SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY of Five Hundred Dollars ($500), No. 2. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. or article contained in the specifications or sched- the Park Commissioner at the above office of Time allowed for the completion of the work No. 3. BOROUGH OF QUEENS. ules and in the contract for the furnishing and is thirty (30) days alter the service of a notice the Department of Parks until 11 o'clock a, in., to the contractor to deliver or install the last No. 4. BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. so on, of the apparatus, equipment and power on FOR FURNISHING GAS LAMPS. ETC., ON required, as measured by meter or other trait articles to be called for. STREETS AND SO ON, AND FOR CON- of measure. by which the bids will be tested. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1913. Pamphlets containing information for bidders, NECTING, LIGHTING, EXTINGUISHING, Blank Corms may be obtained at the ottice of FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF SELLING RE- forms of proposal, contract, specifications, con• CLEANING. REPAIRING AND MAINTAIN- the Department, Room 2339, Park Row Building. FRESHMENTS (SPIRITUOUS AND MALT tract drawings, etc., can be obtained at the above ING THE SAME, AND ALSO LAMPS BE- HENRY S. THOMPSON, Commissioner. LIQUORS EXCEPTED) AT THE STAND IN address, at the office of the Secretary, upon ap- LONGING TO THE CITY; SUPPLYING NEW New York, December 16, 1913. d17,30 VAN CORTLANDT PARK. OPPOSITE THE plication in person or by mail, by depositing LAMPS WHEN REQUIRED AND FOR FUR- WSee General Instructions to Bidders on MAIN GATE TO WOODLAWN CEMETERY, the sum of Den dollars ($1U) in cash or its NISHING BURNERS AND APPLIANCES the last page, last column, of the "City ON JEROME AVE, equivalent, for each pamphlet. This deposit will FOR IMPROVED SYSTEM OF LIGHTING Record." - Privilege will be granted for a period of three be refunded upon the return of the pamphlets ON THE STREETS, AVENUES, PARKS AND (3) years from the first day of January, 1914. In acceptable condition within thirty days from PUBLIC PLACES. FROM JANUARY 1. 1914, DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELEC- No bids will be considered unless accompanied the date on which bids are to be opened. TO DECEMBER 31, 1914. BOTH INCLUSIVE. TRICITY, ROOM 1903, 13 TO 21 PARK Row, Boa. by a certified check or money to the amount For further particulars apply to the office of FOR F'URNiSHING GAS LAMPS ON THE OUCH 01' MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. of one•quarter of the sum bid for the rent and the Principal Assistant Enguleer at the above STREETS, AND SO ON, IN THE CITY OF SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE privilege per year. address. • NEW YORK. received by the Commissioner of Water Supply The bids will be compared and the privilege CHARLES STRAUSS, President; CHARLES No. 1. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Gas and Electricity, at the above office, until will be awarded to the highest responsible bid- N. CHADWICK, JOHN F. GALVIN, Commis- No. 2. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. o'clock p. m., on der. sioners of the Board of Water Supply. No. 3. BOROUGH OF QUEENS. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1913, The Commissioner reserves the right to reject JOSEPH P. MORRISSEY. Secretary, dll,30 No. 4. BOROUGH OF RICHTMOND. Borough of Brooklyn. any or all bids. Note—See general instructions to bidders on FOR FURNISHING NAPHTHA OR SIMI- FOR REMODELING AND EXTENDING Form, of proposal and full information as to last page, last column of the CITY RECORD, so LAR ILLUMINATING MATERIAL FOR THE THE BUILDINGS AT THE N. PORTLAND bidding can be obtained at the office of the tar as applicable hereto and not otherwise pro- PUBLIC LAMPS.- (]SING SAME. AND FOR AVE. REPAIR YARD. NO. 98 N. PORTLAND Department of Parks Zbrowski Mansion, Clare- vlded for, FURNISHING, LIGHTING, EXTINGUISH- AVE. mont Park, New York City. ING. CLEANING. REPAIRING AND MAIN- Section III. FOR ALL STEAM HEATING T. J. HIGGINS, Commissioner of Parks, Bor- TAINING SUCH LAMPS: SUPPLYING WORK. ough of The Bronx. d15,29 NAPHTHA, ETC., FOR NEW LAMPS, FOR The security required will be Five Hundred DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGU FURNISHING NEW LAMPS AS REQUIRED: Dollars ($500). FOR FURNISHING OR MAKING CERTAIN The bidder will state the price per unit for DEPARTMENT OF STREET REPAIRS TO LAMPPOSTS AND FOR FUR- the work contained in the specifications or sched- Proposals. NISEIING BURNERS AND APPLIANCES ule, by which the bids will be tested. The bids CLEANING. FOR IMPROVED SYSTEM OF LIGHTING will be compared and the award will be made STREETS. AVENUES, PARKS AND PUBLI.' to the lowest formal bidder in a lump or aggre- DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES, MUNICIPAL BUILD- PLACES, FROM JANUARY 1. 1914. TO DE- gate sum. Proposal. ING, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW CEMBER 31. 1914. BOTH INCLUSIVE, Bidders are requested to make their bids or YORK. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE FOR FURNISHING NAPHTHA, ETC.. A'1) estimates upon the blank form prepared by the MAIN OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STREET LIGHTING STREETS, AVENUES, PARKS Department, a copy of which, with the proper received by the Commissioner of Bridges at CLEANING. TWELFTH FLOOR SOUTIS, NEW MuNIc- the above ortice until 2 o'clock p, m., on AND PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY OF envelopes in which to enclose the bid, together IPAL BUILDING CHAMBERS ST. AND PARK Row, NEW YORK. with a copy of the contract, including the speci- BO ROUGH OF lYNHATTAN.IA THE CITY OF NEW TUESDAY; DECEMBER 30, 1913. No. 1. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. fications, in the form approved by the Corpora- YORK. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING No. 2. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. tion Counsel, can be obtained upon application SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE AU•IUMOBILE NAPHTHA. The amount of the security required is twen- therefor at the office of the Department, Room received by the Commissioner of Street Clean- The naphtha shall be delivered from time to ty-five (25) per cent, of the amount of the bid 1903, 13 to 21 Park row, Borough of Manhattan. ing at the above office until 12 o'clock noon, time, as required, and the whole amount shall or estimate, except "For furnishing gas lamps," where any further information desired may be on be delivered within one hundred and eighty where the security is fifty, (50) per Cent. of the obtained. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1913. (180) calendar days after the date of certinca- amount of the bid or estimate, HENRY S. THOMPSON, Commissioner. Borough of Manhattan, tlon of the contract by the Comptroller of the The bidder will state the price of each item d16,29 City. or article contained in the specifications or sched- FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND gYSee General Instructions to Bidders on MATERIALS RE UIRED FOR THE BUILD the amount of security to guarantee the ules per lamp, lamppost, column, service pipe, the last page, last column, of the "City faithful performance of the contract will be standpipe or other unit of measure, by which the ING CONSTRUCTION AND ERECTION OF Record." A BIUDGE AND DUMPING BOARD AT THE thirty (3u) per cent. of the total amount for bid will be tested. . which the contract is awarded, FOOT OF 72D ST., EAST RIVER. BOROUGH Blank forms may be obtained at the office 'Ihe right is reserved by the Commissioner of the Department. Room 2339, Park Row Build- DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELEC. OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY. TRICITY, ROOM 1903, 13 To 21 PARE Row, Boa. to reject all thebids should he deem It to the ing, Manhattan. The time for the completion of the work and Interest of the City so to do. HENRY S. THOMPSON, Commissioner. OUCH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. the full performance of the contract is sixty (60) SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Blank formsand specifications may be oh- New York, December 16, 1913. d17,30 day.s, tamed at the office of the Department of Bridges. RFSee General Instructions to Bidders on received by the Commissioner of Water Sup- The amount of security required is Three Thou- ply, Gas and Electricity at the above office until sand Dollars ($3,000). Dated December 12, 1913. the last page, last column, of the "City ARTHUR J. O'KEEFFE, Commissioner. 2 o'clock p. m., on Bidders will state one aggregate price and Record." d17,30 MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1913. the contract will be entire and for a complete Boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. job. WSee General Instructions to Bidders on DEPARTMENT OF WATER Si7PPI.Y, GAS AND ELEC• The deposit to be made with the bid shall be the last page, last column, of the "City TRICITY. ROOM 1904, 13 To 21 PARK Row, Boa- FURNISHING AND DELIVERING FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS OF PIG LEAD. not less than three (3) per cent. and no more than Record." O0011 OF MANHATTAN. CITY OF NEW YORK, five (5) per cent, of the amount of the bond. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE The time allowed for the delivery of the ma- terials and supplies and the performance of the Bidders must write out the total amount of received by the Commissioner of Water Sup- their bids or estimates, in addition to inserting ply, Gas and Electricity at the above office until contract will be thirty (30) calendar days. the same in figures. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, 2p.m.,on The amount of security for the performance The contract if awarded. will be awarded to of the contract shall be thirty (30) per cent. of the lowest bidder. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1913. the total amount for which the contract is FOR FURNISHING GAS FOR AND TO Blank forms and further information may be Notice of Pubis Hearing. awardgd. obtained at the office of the Department of THE PUBLIC LAMPS ON THE STREETS The bids will be compared and award will be SUPPLYING GAS, ETC., FOR NEW LAMPS( Street Cleaning, New Municipal Building, and made to the lowest formal bidder in a lump or NOTICE OF HEARING ON FORM OF CON- WHEN REQUIRED, FOR MAKING CER- the plans and drawings at the office of the archi- TRACT. TAIN REPAIRS TO LAMPPOSTS AND FOR aggregate sum. tect, Aymar Embury II, 132 Madison ave., Bor- Bidders are requested to make their bids or FURNISHING GAS TO PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ough of Manhattan New York City. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUB- FROM JANUARY 1, 1914 TO DECEMBER estimates upon the blank form prepared by the WILLIAM H. E'DWARDS, Commissioner. Department, a copy of which, with the proper lie hearing will be held at the office of the 31, 1914, BOTH INCLUSIVE, d17,29 Public Service Commission for the First District FOR LIGHTING STREETS, AVENUES, envelopes in which to enclose the bid, together with a copy of the contract, including the speci- ffSee General Instructions to Bidders on at 154 Nassau street, Borough of Manhattan, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PARKS AND PUBLIC the last page, last column, of the "City New York City, on the 9th day of January, PLACES IN THE BOROUGH OF BROOK- fications, in the form approved by the Corpora- tion Counsel, can be obtained upon application Record." 1914, at 12.15 o clock p. m., upon the proposed LYN. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. terms and conditions of a contract for the therefor, at the office of the Department, Room FOR FURNISHING GAS LAMPS, ETC., ON supply of materials for use in the construction 1903, 13 to 21 Park row, Borough of Manhattan, THE STREETS, AND SO ON, AND FOR MAIN OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STREET of rapid transit railroads. CONNECTING. LIGHTING, EXTINGUISH- where any further information desired may be CLEANING. TWELFTH FLOOR SOUTH, NEW MUNIc- obtained. Copies of the draft of said proposed contract ING, CLEANING. REPAIRING AND MAIN- IPAL BUILDING BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE may be obtained at the said office of the said TAINING CND ALSO HENRY S. THOMPSON, Commissioner. CITY OF NEW 1toRK, d16,29 Public Service Commission upon payment of the H Tilt SUPPLYING SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE fee of One dollar for each such copy. NEW LAMPS WHEN REQUIRED AND FOR (See General Instructions to Bidders on received by the Commissioner of Street Clean. Dated New York, December 24, 1913. FURNISHING BURNERS AND APPLIANCES the laRt page, last column. of the "City ing at the above office until 12 o'clock noon, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR FOR IMPROVED SYSTEM OF LIGHTING Resod." on THE FIRST DISTRICT, ON THE STREETS. AVENUES. PARKS AND MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1913. By EDWARD E. McCALL, Chairman, PUBLIC PLACES. FROM JANUARY 1, 1914, TRAVIS H. WHITNEY, Secretary. d26,j9 TO DECEMBER 31, 1914, BOTH INCLUSIVE. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Borough of Manhattan, FOR FURNISHING GAS LAMPS. ETC.. ON FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND THE STREETS, AND SO ON, IN THE BOR- Proposals. MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR THE CON- Proposals. OUGH OF BROOKLYN, IN THE CITY OF STRUCTION OF A RUNWAY AND DUMP- NEW YORK. OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT ''OF PARKS, THE ING BOARD AT THE FOOT OF W. 134TH FOR FTIRNIStiTING NAPHTHA OR STMT- ST, NORTH RIVER, BOROUGH OF MAN- INVITATION TO CONTRACTORS. LAR ILLUMINATING MATERIAL FOR THE ARSENAL. BUILDING, 5TH AVE, AND 64TH ST., HAtfTAN, NEW YORK CITY, PUBLIC LAMPS USING SAME AND FOR BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE The time for the completion of the work and PART OF THE SEVENTH AVENUE-LEXINGTON AvE- FURNISHNG. LIGHTING• EXTINGUISH- the full performance of the contract is sixty (60) ING. CLEANING, REPAIRING AND MAIN- received by the Park Board at the above office NUE RAPID TRANSIT RAILROAD. TAINING SUCH LAMPS. SUPPLYING of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock days. NAPHTHA ETC.. FOR NEW LAMPS, FOR p. m., On The amount of security required is Fifteen FURNISHING NEW LAMPS AS REQUIRED. THURRSDAY, JANUARY S, 1914. Hundred Dollars ($1,500). THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR Borough of Manhattan, Bidders will state one aggregate price, as the the First District (hereinafter called the "Com- FOR FURNISHING OR MAKING CERTAIN mission") invites proposals to construct Section REPAIRS TO LAMPPOSTS AND FOR FUR- FOR REPAIRS AND KEEPING IN RE- contract will be entire and for a complete job. NISHING BURNERS AND APPLIANCES PAIR DURING THE SEASON OF 1914 THE The deposit to be made with the bid shall be No. 6 of Routes 4 and 38, a part of the Seventh FOR IMPROVED SYSTEM OF LIGHTING MOTOR, HORSE AND HAND LAWN MOW- not less than three nor more than five per cent, Avenue-Lexington Avenue Rapid Transit Rail- road. STREETS. AVENUES, PARKS AND PUBLIC ERS. of the amount of the bond.

i 1


The points within The City of New York be- bidder shall then deliver a contract in the form 2,875 square feet new bluestone flagging. The time for the performance of the contract tween which the said part is to run and the route referred to, duly executed and with its execu- 19,200 square feet concrete sidewalk. is during the year 1914. or routes to be followed are briefly as follows: tion duly proved. 2,360 square feet new bridgestone. No bond will be required with the bid, as here- Section No. 6—Beginning at a point under At the time of the delivery of the contract the 1,925 cubic yards dry rubble masonry. tofore, but will be required upon awarding of the 7th ave., in the Borough of Manhattan, about contractor will be required to furnish security 300 linear feet vitrified pipe, 12 inches in contract in an amount .equal to thirty (30) per seventy-live (75) feet north of the northerly to the City by giving a bund for two hundred diametet. cent, of the contract. building line of W. 30th st., and extending thousand dollars (200,000). At the option of 5,000 feet (B. M.) timber. No bid will be considered unless it is accom- thence northerly under 7th ave. to a point about the successful bidder, cash or approved securities 2,300 linear feet guard rail. panied by a deposit, which shall be in the form one hundred (100) feet south of the southerly may be deposited instead of giving a bond. It The time allowed for the completion of the of money, or certified check upon one of the building line of ,W. 43d at. securities are deposited in place of a bond un- work will be one hundred and eighty (180) con. State or National banks of The City of New The general plan of • construction calls for a der the contract, they must be of the character secutive working days. York drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or subsurface railroad having four and five tracks. of securities in which savings banks may invest The amount of security required will be Thir. corporate stock or certificates of indebtedness of The details of the construction of the railroad their funds and must be approved dy the Coin- teen Thousand Dollars ($13,000). any nature issued by The City of New York and and appurtenances are more particularly indi- mission, No. 2. FOR REGULATING, GRADING, SET. approved by the Comptroller as of equal value to cated on the contract drawings. The contractor's bond must be in the form TING CURBSTONES, FLAGGING SIDE- the security required. Such deposit shall be in an Bidders will not be required to provide or annexed to the form of contract. WALKS, LAYING CROSSWALKS, BUILDING amount not less than one and one-half (1/) per lay tracks, ties or ballast, nor to do station finish In addition and as further security, fifteen (15) APPROACHES AND ERECTING FENCES cent, of the total amount of the bid. work per centum of the amounts certified from time WHERE NECESSARY IN E. 168TH ST., The bidder will state the price per pound or The work of construction under the contract to time to be due to the contractor will be tie- FROM CLAY AVE. TO MORRIS AVE., AND other designated unit, by which the bids will be will include the construction of all necessary ducted until the amounts so deducted and re- BUILDING STEPS AND APPURTENANCES tested, The extensions must be made and footed sewers and connections along or off the route tained shall equal ten (10) per centum of WHERE NECESSARY, BETWEEN CLAD up, as the bids will be read from the total and of the railroad; also the necessary support, the sum of the amounts resulting from the AVE. AND TELLER AVE., TOGETHER awards made to the lowest bidder on each class, maintenance, readjustment and reconstruction of product of the estimated approximate quan- WITH ALL WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO. line or item, as stated in the specifications. vaults adjacent to buildings, pipes, tubes, con- tities and the unit prices, as contained in The Engineer's estimate of the work is as Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in a duits, subways or other subsurface structures; the schedule of unit prices in the contractor's follows: separate envelope. No bid will be accepted unless the support and care, including underpinning or proposal. Thereafter there shall be so de- 2,620 cubic yards of earth excavation, this provision is complied with. the maintaining, protecting and securing, where ducted and retained for such purpose ten (10) 1,480 cubic yards rock excavation. A bid sheet must accompany the bid inclosed in necessary, of all buidings, momfnents, surface per centum of the amount certified from time 1,880 cubic yards filling. the envelope marked "Original." and subsurface railroads and other surface. sub- to time to be due to the contractor. The 1,240 linear feet new bluestone curb. Blank forms and further information may be surface and overhead structures of any kind, contractor may from time to time withdraw 30 linear feet old curb. obtained at the office of the Storekeeper of the etc., affected by or interfered with during the portions of the amounts so retained upon 8,650 square feet cement flagging. Department, foot of E. 26th st., Borough of Man- construction of the work; also the restoration depositing in lieu thereof corporate stock of The 140 cubic yards of rubble masonry in mortar. hattan. of the sidewalks and roadways. City of New York equal in market value to the 160 cubic yards broken range ashlar masonry. MICHAEL J. DRUMMOND, Commissioner, - The method of construction will be by trench amount so withdrawn. 6 cubic yards class B concrete. Dated December 26, 1913. d26,j8 excavation under cover, unless otherwise per- In case of failure or neglect to execute and 770 cubic feet of steps. WSee General Instructions to Bidders on mitted by the Commission, as set forth in the deliver the contract or to execute and deliver 300 cubic feet cut granite. form of contract, the last page, last column, of the "City the required bond or to make the required de- 170 linear feet vitrified pipe, 8 inches in di- Record," Bidders must examine the form of contract posit, such bidder will, at the option of the Com- ameter. and the specifications, maps and plans; must visit mission, be deemed either to have made the con- 70 linear feet vitrified pipe, 4 inches in di- the location of the work and inform themselves tract or to have abandoned the contract. In ameter. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES, FOOT OF E. of the present conditions along the line thereof the latter case, the Commission will give notice 1 manhole. 26TH Sr., NEW Yoax. and make their own estimates of the facilities thereof to such defaulting bidder, and the Com- 250 linear feet guard rail. and difficulties attending the execution of the mission may thereupon proceed to make another 510 linear feet iron pipe railing. TO CONTRACTORS. proposed work. contract with such, if any, of the original bid- 9 cast iron inlets. A fuller description of the work to be done ders, as, in the opinion of the Commission, it 270 square feet sodding. PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. will be to the best interests of the City to con- is set forth, and other requirements, provisions, 7 cast iron lamp-posts. details and specifications are stated, in the tract with, or may by new advertisement invite 4 bronze lamps. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE printed form of contract and in the contract further proposals. The, defaulting bidder shall 1 pavilion. received by the Department of Public Chari- drawings therein referred to. Printed copies thereupon be liable to the City for all loss and I subway conduit system. ties at the above office until 2.30 o'clock p. m., of the form of contract, bond and contractor's damage by it sustained, including the 'excess, 30 linear feet of vitrified pipe, 12 inches in on proposal may be had on application at the of if any, of the amount it shall pay any other diameter. - MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1914. lice of the Commission, No. 154 Nassau st., Bor- contractor over the amount of the bid of such The time allowed for the completion of the FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABQR AND ough of Manhattan, City of New York. The defaulting bidder. work will be one hundred and twenty (120) con- MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR ELECTRIC contract drawings may be inspected at the same If the Commission shall give notice to any secutive working days. WIRING, GAS PIPING AND FIXTURE office, and copies thereof may be purchased by bidder that his or its proposal is accepted and The amount of security required will be Seven WORK FOR TRAINING SCHOOL FOR prospective bidders on payment of live dollars that the contract is consented to by the Board Thousand Dollars ($7,000). NURSES, MATERNITY WARD, RECEPTION ($5). The printed form of contract and the of Estimate and Apportionment, and if the bid- Blank forms can be obtained upon application BUILDING AND BOILER HOUSE. CITY contract drawings are to be deemed a part of der shall fail within ten days thereafter or with- therefor, the plans and specifications may be HOSPITAL DISTRICT, BLACKWELLS IS- this invitation, in such further period, if any, as may be pre- seen, and other information obtained at said LAND, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. scribed by the Commission, to execute and de- The City and the Interborough Rapid Transit office. CYRUS C. MILLER, President. The time allowed for the completion of the liver the contract and to execute and deliver d18,30 work and full performance of the contract is Company will both be parties to the contract; the bond with sureties, or to make the required sixty (60) consecutive working days. the Interborough Rapid Transit Company being deposit, then the invitation to... contractorsand 'See General Instructions to Bidders on a party for the purpose of disbursing part of the last page, last column, of the "City The security required will be Three Thousand proposal accepted as aforesaid shall be a con- Dollars ($3,000), its contribution toward the cost of construction tract binding the bidder to pay to the City the Record." as provided in the contract dated March 19, Certified check or cash in the sum of One damage by it sustained by reason of such fail• Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150) must accom• 1913, between The City of New York. acting ure, and in such case the bidder shall, by the by the Commission, and Interborough Rapid pany each bid. terms of the proposal, absolutely assign to the BOARD OF ASSESSORS. The bidder will state one aggregate price for 'transit Company for the equipment, maintenance City the ownership of the check accompanying and operation of additional rapid transit rail- the whole work described and specified, as the his or its proposal as a payment on account of Coep1eaoa of aIreSaRsata. contract is entire and for a complete job. roads. The liability of Interborough Rapid Tran- such damages. sit Company under the contract for which bids Blank forms and further information may be All such deposits made by bidders whose pro- PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO are now invited will be limited to an amount obtained at the office of Frank Sutton, Consult. posals shall not be accepted by the Commission the owner or owners of all houses and lots, ing Engineer, 80 Broadway, The City of New equal to ninety-five (95) per centum of the will be returned to the person or persons mak- improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, aggregate sum arrived at by multiplying the esti- York, where plans and specifications may be seen, ing the same within five days after the contract that the following proposed assessments have MICHAEL J. DRUMMOND. Commissioner, mated approximate quantities by the unit prices, shall be executed and delivered. The deposit as contained in the schedule of unit prices in been completed and are lodged in the office of Dated December 20, 1913. d22,j5 of the successful bidder will be returned when the Board of Assessors for examination by all U'See General Instructions to Bidders on the contractor's proposal. The contractor is to the contract is executed and its provisions in re- accept the obligation of the Interborough Rapid persons interested, viz.: the last page, last column, of the "City spect of the bond or deposit are complied with. Transit Company to make payments to the Borough of Manhattan. Record." amount and in the manner provided in the con- The right to reject any and all bids is re- 3684. Receiving basin at southwest corner of served, tract, and is to agree not to look to the City 163d St. and Amsterdam -ave. Affecting Block New York, December 5, 1913. No. 2121. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES, FOOT OF E. except to the extent that the amounts earned 26TH Sr., NEW YORK. under the contract may exceed the amount for PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR 3685. Paving 178th St., between Pinehurst and THE FIRST DISTRICT. By EDWARD E. Northern ayes. which the Interborough Rapid Transit Company TO CONTRACTORS. is liable. MCCALL, Chairman. Borough of Queens. TaAvrs H. WHITNEY, Secretary. d8,29 3383. Regulating, grading, curbing and flag- The Commission is informed by the Depart- PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. ment of Docks and Ferries that docks and bulk' ging 5th ave. (Briell st.), between Broadway and beads along the East River or along the Nortb Flushing ave., 1st Ward. 3587, Regulating grading, curbing and flag- SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE River may be available for dumping purposes. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. received by the Department of Public Chari. information in regard thereto may be obtained ging Cypress ave., omfr Myrtle ave. to the Man- hattan Beach Divisions of the Long Island Rail- ties at the above office until 2.30 o'clock p. m., by any intending bidder upon inquiry at the of- ProporaU. on hce of the Department of Docks and Ferries road, 3590. Regulating, grading,~ curbing and flug MONDAY, JANUARY S, 1914. with whom all arrangements must be made with OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING respect to utilizing such docks and bulkheads as THE BRONX, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, CROTONA ging Norman St., between Wyckoff and Myrtle aves.,.2d Ward. FURNITURE, RUGS, BEDS AND BEDDING may be available. PARK, 177TH ST. AND 3D AVE. FOR STAFF HOUSE, KINGS COUNTY HOS- Partial payments to the contractor will be SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 3591. Regulating, grading, curbing and flag- ginf Summerfield st., between Wyckoff and PITAL, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, made monthly as the work proceeds, as provided received by the President of the Borough of The time for the performance of the contract in the form of contract. The Bronx, at the above office, until 10.30 Myrtle aves., 2d Ward. is during the year 1914. The contractor will be required to complete a. m., on 3608. Regulating, grading and paving with permanent pavement Crescent at. from North No bond will be required with the bid, as the work as soon as practicable and within a TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913, heretofore, but will be required upon awarding period of thirty-six (36) months from the date Jane st. to Wilbur ave., 1st Ward. No, 3. FOR ALL THE LABOR AND MA- 3609. Regulating, grading andavingwith of the contract in an amount equal to thirty (30) of the delivery of the contract. TERIALS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLA- per cent. of the contract. permanent pavement Crescent St., from Wilbur Scaled bids or proposals will be received TION OF THE HEATING AND VENTILAT- No bid will be considered unless it is accom- ING SYSTEM IN THE PUBLIC COMFORT ave. to Webster ave., 1st Ward. at the office of the Commission at No. 164 The area of assessment in the above entitled panied by a deposit, which shall be in the form, Nassau street, Borough of Manhattan, City STATION TO BE LOCATED AT 149TH ST. matters extends to within one-half the block at of money or a certified check upon one of the of New York, until the 29th day of Decem- AND BERGEN AVE., BOROUGH OF THE State or National banks of The City of New ber, 1913, at twelve fifteen (12.16) o'clock the intersecting and terminating streets and ave- BRONX. nues, York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or p. m., at which time, or at a later date to The time allowed for the completion of the 3386. Regulating, grading and flagging (where corporate stock or certificates of indebtedness of any nature issued by The City of New York be fixed by the Commission, the proposals work will be one hundred and fifty (150) cal- not already done) Himrod st., from Seneca ave. will. be publicly opened. endar consecutive working days. and approved by the Comptroller as of equal' to Onderdonk ave.; Harmon st., from Brooklyn value to the security required. Such deposit Proposals must be in the form prescribed by The amount of security required will be Two Borough Line to Grandview ave.; Gates ave., shall ho in an amount not less than one and the Commission copies of which may be ob- Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250). from Onderdonk ave. to Woodward ave., and in tained at the office of the Commission. No, 4. FOR ALL THE LABOR AND MA- one-half (l4) per cent. of the total amount of TERIALS REQUIRED FOR THE ERECTION Seneca ave., between Catalpa and Myrtle ayes. A statement based upon estimate of the Affecting property in front of which work is the bid. COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC COM- The bidder wjll state the price per piece, or neer of the quantities of the various classes of AND done. FORT STATION TO BE ERECTED AT 149TH other designated unit, by which the bids will be work and of the nature Ina extent as near as 3588. Flagging and laying crosswalks on S'F. AND BERGEN AVE., BOROUGH OF tested. The extensions must be made and footed practicable of the work required is to be found south side of Fulton st., between Franklin st. In the schedule forming a part of the form of THE BRONX, EXCEPT PLUMBING AND up, as the bids will be read from the total. and GAS FITTING AND HEATING AND VEN- and Dora ave.; west side of Dora ave., from its awards made to the lowest bidder on each class, contractor's proposal. The quantities 'given in intersection with Fulton st, to a point 121 feet such schedule are approximate only, being given TILATION. southerly; northeast corner of Grove st, and Ray as stated in the specifications. The time allowed for the completion of the Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in as a basis for the uniform comparison of bids, st.; west side of Smith st., from Long Island and no claim is to be made against the City on work will be one hundred and fifty (150) cal- a separate envelope. No bid will be accepted endar consecutive working days. Railroad to Pontine St.; east side of Smith St., unless this provision is complied with. account of any excess or deficiency, absolute from Long Island Railroad to South St.; laying The amount of security required will be Five A bid sheet must accompany the bid, inclosed or relative, in the same, except as provided in crosswalks on Brenton ave., near Fulton st., and the specifications and form of contract. Thousand Dollars ($5,000). in the envelope marked "Original." on Fulton st., near Brenton ave.; laying side- Blank forms and further information may be All proposals must, when submitted, be en- No. 5. FOR ALL OF THE LABOR AND walks on west side of Washington St., from' the obtained at the office of the Purchasing Agent closed in a sealed envelope endorsed "Proposal MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR THE IN- southwest corner of Atlantic St. to a point 125 Railroad STALLATION OF THE PLUMBING AND of the Department, foot of E. 26th st., Borough for Constructing Part of Rapid Transit feet southerly. Affecting Block Nos, 833, 1171, of Manhattan. —Routes Nos, 4 and 38, Section No. 6," and GAS FITTING SYSTEM IN THE PUBLIC 1168, 1169, 1174 and 1175, must be delivered to the Commission or its Sec- COMFORT STATION TO' BE LOCATED AT MICHAEL J. DRUMMOND, Commissioner. 3324. Sewer and appurtenances in Sherman Dated December 20, 1913. d22,j5 retary; and in the presence of the person sub- 149TH ST. AND BERGEN AVE., BOROUGH st., from Webster ave. to the crown 330 feet mitting the proposal it will be deposited in a OF THE BRONX. north of Payntar ave. Affecting Block Nos. 55, AZSee General Instructions to Bidders on sealed box in which all proposals will be de- The time allowed for the completion of the 56 and 146• the last page, last column, of the "City posited. loo proposal will be received or de- work will be one hundred and fifty (150) cal- All persons whose interests are affected by the Record." posited unless accompanied by a separate certified endar consecutive working days. The amount of security required will be One above named proposed assessments, and who are check drawn upon a national or state bank or opposed to the same, or either of them, are re- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES, FOOT OF E. trust company~ having its principal office in The Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,200). quested to present their objections, in writing, to Blank forms can be obtained upon application 26TH ST., NEW YORK. City of New York satisfactory to the Commission the Secretary f the Board of Assessors, 320 and payable to the order of the Comptroller of therefor; the plans and specifications may be seen and other information obtained at said of- Broadway, New York, on or before January 20, TO CONTRACTORS. The City of New York for the sum of Fifteen 1914 at 11 a. m., at which time and place the Thousand Dollars ($15,000). Such check must fice, CYRUS C. MILLER, President. d18,30 said objections will be heard and testimony re- PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. not be enclosed in the envelope containing the ceived in reference thereto, proposal. L See General Instructions to Bidders on JOS. P. HENNESSY, WM. C. ORMOND, SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE The unit prices must not be improperly bal- the last page, last column, of the "City ANTONIO C. ASTARITA, Board of Assessors. received by the Department of Public Chari- oxced, and any bid which the Commission con- Record." ties at the above office until 2.20 o'clock p. m., interests may be THOMAS J. DRENNAN, Secretary. 320 Broadway. alders detrimental to the City's City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, De. on rejected. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF cember 20, 1913. d20,j2 MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1914. No proposal, after it shall have been deposited THE BRONX, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, CROTONA PARS:, 1.FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR with the Commission, will be allowed to be with- 177TH ST. AND 3D Ava, AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR THE drawn for any reason whatever, SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHAR- ERECTION AND COMPLETION OF THE The award of the contract will be made by received by the President of the Borough of GENERAL CONTRACT AND ELECTRIC the Commission as soon as practicable after the The Bronx at the above office until 10.30 a. m,, ITIES, WORK FOR THE ADDITIONS AND AL- opening of the proposals. on TERATIONS TO STOREHOUSE AT BLACK- Propoeala. Bidders whose proposals are otherwise satis- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913, . WELLS ISLAND, THE CITY OF NEW factory, in case the sureties or securities named YORK. by them are not approved by the Commission, No. 1. FOR REGULATING, GRADING, SET- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIBs, FOOT OF E. 2.FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR may substitute in their proposals the names of TING CURBSTONES, FLAGGING SIDE. 26TH Sr., NE~w YoRH. AD MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR THE other sureties or securities approved by the Com- WALKS, LAYING CROSSWALKS, BUILDING ERECTION AND COMPLETION OF THE mission, but such substitution must be made APPROACHES AND ERECTING FENCES TO CONTRACTORS. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING WORK FOR within five (5) days after notice of disapproval, WHERE NECESSARY IN WHITE PLAINS THF, ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO unless such period is extended by the Commis- AVE., FROM WALKER AVE. TO WEST- PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. THE STOREHOUSE AT BLACKWELLS IS- sion. CHESTER AVE., TOGETHER WITH ALL LAND. THE CITY OF NEW Y(TRK. A bidder whose proposal shall be accepted WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 3.FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR shall, in person or by duly authorized representa- The Engineer's estimate of the work is as received by the Department of Public Charities ANT) MATERIALS REOUIRED FOR THE tive, attend at the said office of the Commission follows: at the above office until 2.30 o'clock p. m., on ERECTION AND COMPLETION OF THE within ten days after the delivery of a notice 3,100 cubic yards of earth excavation. THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1914. STEAM' HEATING WORK FOR THE ADDI- by the Commission that his proposal is accepted 200 cubic yards of rock excavation. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING TIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO THE STORE- and that the contract is consented to b the, 27,600 cubic yards of filling. LUMBER, PAINTS, OIL, HIGHWAY AND HOUSE AT BLACKWELLS ISLAND, THE Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and such 5,625 linear feet new curb. BUILDING MATERIAL, CITY OF NEW YORK.



The time allowed for the completion of the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. CORNER OF PARK BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. tals and appurtenances; per linear work and full performance of each contract is AvE, AND 59TH ST., BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, foot, $2.15 2,546 10 two hundred (200) consecutive working days. CITY OF NEW YORK. 840 linear feet of 12-inch pipe sewer, The surety required will be Twenty-five Thou. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE laid complete, including all inciden- sand Dollars ($25,000) on Contract No. 1. One received by the Superintendent of School OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF tals and appurtenances; per linear Thousand Dollars ($1,000) on Contract No, 2 Buildings at the above office of the Department BROOKLYN, ROOM No. 2, BOROUGII HALL, BOROUGH foot, $1.65 1,386 00 and Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,500) on Con- of Education until 3 o'clock p. m., on OF BROOKLYN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 1,330 linear feet of 6-inch house con- tract No. 3. SEALED BINS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE nection drain, laid complete, includ- Bids will be compared and the contract sepa- MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1813. ing all incidentals and appurte- Borough of Manhattan, received by the President of the Borough of rately awarded to the lowest bidder on Proposi- Brooklyn, at the above office untl 11 o clock nances; per linear foot, $0.85 1,130 50 tions Nos. 1, 2 and 3. No. 3. FOR THE GENERAL CONSTRUC- a. m„ on 21 manholes, complete, with iron A deposit of five (5) per cent. of the amount 1'ION, ETC., OF TWO PORTABLE SCHOOL heads and covers, including all in- BUILDINGS AS ANNEXES TO PUBLIC THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1914. of security required in cash or certified check 1. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING cidentals and appurtenances; per must accompany each bid. SCHOOL 52, ON THE CORNER OF BROAD- WITH PRELIMINARY ASPHALT PAVE- manhole, $50 1,050 00 WAY AND ACADEMY ST., BOROUGH OF Blank forms and further information may be MENT ON A 5-INCH CONCRETE FOUNDA- 4 sewer basins, complete, of either MANHATTAN. obtained at the office of Frank J. Helmle, Archi- TION THE ROADWAY OF' CROWN ST., standard design, with iron pans or The time allowed to complete the whole work tect. 190 Montague St., Borough of Brooklyn, FROM FRANKLIN AVE. TO BEDFORD AVE, gratings, iron basin hoods and con- will be sixty (60) working days, as provided in The City of New York, where plans and specifi- The Engineer's estimate is as follows: necting culverts, including all in- cations may be seen. the contract. 2,910 square yards asphalt pavement (5 years cidentals and appurtenances; per MICHAEL J. DRUMMOND, Commissioner. The amount of security required will be Two maintenance). basin, $115 460 00 Dated December 20, 1913. d22,j5 Thousand Dollars ($2,000). 405 cubic yards concrete. 4,000 feet, board measure, of sheeting t 'See General Instructions to Bidders on The deposit accompanying bid sbaii be five per 645 cubic yards excavation to subgrade. and bracing, driven and left in place the last page, last column, of the "City centum of the amount of security. Time allowed, thirty (30) working days. Se- complete, including all incidentals Record." No, 4. FOR FURNITURE, ETC., FOR NEW curity required two thousand dollars ($2,000). and appurtenances; per thousand PUBLIC SCHOOL 102, ON THE NORTHERLY 2. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING feet, board measure, $18 72 00 DEPARTMINT OF PUBLIC CEAYITIEs, FOOT OF E. SIDE OF E, 113TH ST., ABOUT 80 FEET WITH PRELIMINARY ASPHALT PAVE- 26TH ST., NEW YoRK, EAST OF 2D AVE., BOROUGH OF MANHAT- MENT ON A 5-INCH CONCRETE FOUNDA- Total $6,828 60 TAN. TION THE ROADWAY OF ELDERT LANE, The time allowed for the completion of the TO CONTRACTORS. The time allowed to complete the whole work FROM LIBERTY AVE. TO PITKIN AVE. work and full performance of the contract will on each item will be sixty (60) working days. The Engineer's estimate is as follows: be fifty (50) working days, PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. as provided in the contract. - 3,045 square yards asphalt pavement (5 years The amount of security required will be l'he amount of security required is as fol- maintenance). thirty-four hundred dollars ($3,400), SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE lows: Item 1, $700; Item 2, $800; Item 3, $800; 425 cubic yards concrete. No. 2. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LA- received by the Department of Public Chari- Item 4, $600; Item 5 $500. 135 linear feet bluestone heading stones set in BOR AND MATERIALS RE UIRED FOR ties at the above office until 2.30 o'clock p. m., A separate proposal must be submitted for each concrete. CONSTRUCTING SANITARY SEWERS AND on item, and award will be made thereon. 675 cubic yards excavation to subgrade. STORM WATER SEWERS IN MOULTRIE FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1914. 'lute deposit accompanying bid on each item Time allowed, thirty (30) working days. Se- ST. FROM MESEROLE AVE. TO GREEN- FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING shall be five per centum of the amount of se- curtly required two thousand dollars ($2,000). POINT AVE, MEAT, MILK, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ICE curity. 3. FOR CONSTRUCTING SIDEWALKS The Engineer's preliminary estimate of the AND WATER. Borough of Queens. ON W. 16TH ST., BETWEEN MERMAID quantities is as follows: The time for the performance of the contract 01 linear feet of 22-inch pipe storm No. S. FOR FURNITURE FOR ADDITION AVE. AN NEPTUNE AVE,, AND ON VARI- is during the year 1914. OUS OTJER STREETS. sewer, laid complete, including all in- No bond will be required with the bid, as TO PUBLIC SCHOOL 71, ON THE EAST- cidentals and appurtenances; per ERLY SIDE OF FOREST AVE., NORTH OF The Engineer's estimate is as follows: heretofore, but will be required upon awarding 6,200 square feet cement sidewalks (I year linear foot, $2.40 $722 40 PROSPECT PLACE, EAST WILLIAMS. of the contract in an amount equal to thirty (30) maintenance), 418 linear feet of 12-inch pipe storm BURGH, BOROUGH OF QUEENS. per cent. of the contract. Time allowed, twenty (20) working days. Se- sewer, laid complete, including all No bid will be considered unless it is accom- The time allowed to complete the whole work incidentals and appurtenances; per on each item will be sixty (60) working days, curity required four hundred dollars (g400). panied by a deposit, which shall be in the form 4. FOR FENCING VACANT LOTS ON linear foot, $1.10 459 80 of money or certified check upon one of the as provided in the contract, 727 linear feet of 8-inch pipe sanitary The amount of security required is as fol- THE NORTH SIDE OF 7TH ST., BETWEEN State or National banks of The City of New 4TH AVE. AND 5TH AVE.. AND ON VARI- sewer, laid complete, including con- York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or lows: Item 1, $1,600; Item 2, $400; Item 3, OUS OTHER STREETS. crete cradle and special joints, and corporate stock or certificates of indebtedness of $600; Item 4, $200, The Engineer's estimate is as follows: all incidentals and appurtenances; any nature issued by The City of New York The deposit accompanying bid on each item 900 linear feet open board fence 6 feet high. per linear foot, $1.80 1,308 60 and approved by the Comptroller as of equal shall be five per centum of the amount of se- Time allowed, twenty (20) working days. Se- 335 linear feet of 8-inch storm house value to the security required. Such deposit curity. curity required, two hundred dollars ($200), connection drain, laid complete, in- A separate proposal must be submitted for shall be in an amount not less than one and 5. FOR FENCING VACANT LOTS ON eluding "V" branch and all inciden- one-halt (l6) per cent, of the total amount of each item, and award will be made thereon. THE NORTH SIDE OF 7TH ST., BETWEEN tals and appurtenances; per linear the bid. No. 6. FOR FURNITURE FOR NEW PUB 4TH AVE. AND 5TH AVE., AND ON VARI- foot, $0.65 217 75 The bidder shall state the price per pound, or LIC SCHOOL 94 ON OLD HOUSE LANDING OUS OTHER STREETS. 335 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary house other designated unit, by which the bids will be ROAD CUTTER AVE. AND LAFAYETTE The Engineer's estimate is as follows: connection drain, including concrete tested. '1 be extensions must be made and looted PLACE, LITTLE NECK, BOROUGH OF 900 linear feet painted open board fence 6 casing, special joints, "V" branch, up, as the bids will be read from the total and QUEENS. feet high. and all incidentals and appurte- awards made to the lowest bidder on each line The time allowed to complete the whole work Time allowed, twenty (20) working days. Se- nances; per linear foot, $1.25 418 75 or item, as stated in the specttications. on each item will be one hundred (100) working curity required, two hundred dollars (g200). 5 manholes on storm sewers, complete, Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in a days, as provided in the contract. 6. FOR REGULATING, GRADING CURB- including special heads and covers, separate envelope. No bid will be accepted un- The amount of security required is as fol- ING AND LAYING SIDEWALKS ON 17TH and all incidentals and appurte- less this provision is complied with. lows: Item 1, $1,000; Item 2, $400; Item 3, AVE., FROM 79TH ST. TO 84TH ST., IN nances; per manhole $40 200 00 A bid sheet must accompany the bid inclosed $100; Item 4, $200,, THE BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN (contract of 4 manholes on sanitary sewer, com- in the envelope marked "Original." The deposit accompanying bid on each item Joseph P. Casey & Son, Inc., declared by the plete, including standard ]leads and Blank forms and further information may be shall be five per centum of the amount of se President of the Borough of Brooklyn to have special covers, and all incidentals obtained at the ottice of the Storekeeper of the curity. been unnecessarily delayed as per section "Q" and appurtenances; per manhole, $50 200 00 Department, foot of E. 26th at., Borough of A Separate. proposal must be submitted for of the contract). 2 sewer basins complete, of either stan- Manhattan. each item, and award will be made thereon. The Engineer's estimate is as follows: dard design, with iron pans or grat- MICHAEL J, DRUMMOND, Commissioner. Various Boroughs. 680 cubic yards excavation. ings, iron basin hoods and connect- Dated December 19, 1913. d20,j2 450 cubic yards fill (not to be bid for), ing culverts, including all incidentals gSee General Instructions to Bidders on No. 7. FOR INSTALLING ELECTRIC and appurtenances; per basin $120. 240 00 LIGHTING EQUIPMENT IN THE GRAND- 1,800 linear feet cement curb (1 year main- the last page, last column, of the "City tenance). 16,000 feet, board measure, of iounda- Record." STANDS AND ON THE ATHLETIC FIELDS, tion planking and pile capping, laid AVENUES K AND L AND E, 17TH ST., BOR- 4,250 square feet cement sidewalks (1 year maintenance). complete, including all incidentals OUGH OF BROOKLYN; ORCHARD AVE. and appurtenances; per thousand DEPARTMENT AND MUNSON ST., ASTORIA. BOROUGH Time allowed, thirty (30) working days. Se- OF PUBLIC CIHARITIES, Foot of E. curity required seven hundred dollars ($700). feet, board measure, $25 400 00 26TH ST., NEW YORK. . OF QUEENS; HAMILTON AVE. AND ST. 7. FOR REGULATING, GRADING, CURB- 2,700 linear feet of piles, driven in MARKS PLACE, NEW BRIGHTON, BOR- place complete, including all inciden- OUGH OF RICHMOND. ING AND LAYING SIDEWALKS ON 81ST BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. ST., FROM 21ST AVE. TO STILLWILL AVE. tals and appurtenances; per linear The time allowed to complete the whole work IN THE BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN (contract foot, $0.30 810 00 TO CONTRACTORS. on each item will be as follows: Item 1 45 of Joseph P. Casey & Son, Inc., declared by the 50 cubic yards of concrete, 1:2:4, laid working days; Item 2, 30 working days; Item President of the Borough of Brooklyn to have in place complete, including all in- PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. 3, 30 working days, as provided in the contr, ct. been unnecessarily delayed, as per section "Q" cidentals and appurtenances; per cu- The amount of security required is as fol- of the contract). bic yard, $6 300 00 SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE lows: Item 1, $800; Item 2, $600; Item 3, $600, The Engineer's estimate is as follows: 9,000 feet, board measure, of sheeting received by the Department of Public Charities A separate proposal must be submitted for 770 cubic yards excavation. and bracing driven in place com- at the above office until 2.3Q o'clock p. m., on each item, and award will be made thereon. 440 cubic yards fill (not to be bid for). plete, including all incidentals and TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. The deposit accompanying bid on eac,t item 4,600 linear feet cement curb (1 year main- appurtenances; per thousand feet, FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND shall be live per centum of the amount of se- tenance). board measure, $18 162 00 MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR THE CON- curity. 19,780 square feet cement sidewalks (1 year STRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF CE- On No, 3 the bids will be compared and the maintenance). Total $5,439 30 MENT WALKS AND STEPS, GRADING AND contract will be awarded in a lump the Time allowed, thirty-five (35) working days. The time allowed for the completion of the SEEDING IRON FENCES AND GATES, lowest bidder, Security required, one thousand eight hundred DOOR AI(D WINDOW SCREENS, WEATHER work and full performance of the contract will On Nos, 4, 5, 6 and 7 the bidders must state dollars ($1,800). be sixty (60) working days. STRIPS, ROOF GARDEN ENCLOSURE AND the price of each item, by which the bids will 8. FOR CURBING AND LAYING SIDF.- AWNING SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN'S HOS- The amount of security required will be two be tested. WALKS ON 82D ST., FROM 21ST AVE. TO thousand seven hundred dollars ($2,700), PITAL, KINGS COUNTY HOSPITAL, BOR- Blank forms, plans and specifications may be STILLWELL AVE., IN THE BOROUGH OF OUGH OF BROOKLYN, THE CITY OF NEW obtained or seen at the office of the Superin No. 3. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LA- BROOKLYN (contract of Joseph P. Casey & BOR AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR YORK. tendent, at Estimating Room ninth floor, Hall Son, Inc., declared by the President of the CONSTRUCTING A SEWER IN E, 23D ST., The time allowed for the completion of the of the Board of Education, 1' 'ark ave. and 59th Borough of Brooklyn to have been unnecessarily work and full performance of the contract is st. Borough of Manhattan, and also at Branch delayed as per section of the contract). FROM THE LONG ISLAND RAILROAD TO "Q" AVENUE I. ninety (90) consecutive working days. Office, N. 69 Broadway, Flushing, Borough of The Engineer's estimate is as follows: The security required will be Twenty-five Hun- Queens. 20 linear feet old curbstone reset in concrete. 43 linear feet of 15-inch pipe sewer, dred Dollars ($2,500). C. B. J. SNYDER, Superintendent of School 5,110 linear feet cement curb (1 year mainte- laid complete, including all mci- Certified check or cash in the sum of One Buildings. nance). - dentals and appurtenances; per Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars ($125) must Dated December 16, 1913. d16,29 21,740 square feet cement sidewalks (I year linear foot, $2.25 $96 75 accompany bid. tSee General Instructions to Bidders on maintenance). 405 linear feet of 12-inch pipe sewer, The bidder will state. one aggregate price for the last page, last column, of the "City Time allowed, thirty-five (35) working days- laid complete, including all inciden- the whole work described and specified, as the Record." Security required two thousand dollars ($2,000). tals and appurtenances; per linear contract is entire for a complete job. 9. FOR REGULATING, PAVING AND RE- foot, $1.80 729 00 Blank forms and further information may be PAVING WITH PRELIMINARY ASPHALT 300 linear feet of 6-inch house connec- obtained at the office of Frank J. Helmle, Archi- PAVEMENT ON A 5-INCH CONCRETE tion drain, laid complete, including DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CORNER OF PARK tect, 190 Montague st., Borough of Brooklyn, FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY OF 94TH all incidentals and appurtenances; AVE, AND 59TH ST., BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, The City of New York, where plans and specifi- ST., FROM 4TH AVE. TO MARINE AVE. per linear foot $1 300 00 cations may be seen. CITY OF NEW Yom The Engineer's estimate as as follows: 5 manholes complete, with iron heads MICHAEL J. DRUMMOND, Commissioner. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 6,110 square yards asphalt pavement (5 years' and covers, including all incidentals rectified by the Superintendent of School Dated December 16, 1913. d17,30 maintenance). and appurtenances; per manhole, $50 250 00 ESeo General Instructions to Bidders on Buildings at the above office of the Department 755 cubic yards concrete. the last page, last column, of the "City of Education until .3 o'clock p. m., on 165 linear feet bluestone heading stones set Total $1,375 75 Record." MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1913. in concrete. The time allowed for the completion of the Borough of Brooklyn. 1,105 cubic yards excavation to subgrade. work and full performance of the contract will be forty (40) working days. No. 1. FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON OR Time allowed, thirty (30) working days. Se- curity required, four thousand dollars ($4,000). The amount of security required will be six DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. ABOUT THE SITE OF THE BUSHWICK The bidder will state the price of each item hundred dollars ($600). HIGH SCHOOL, ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY Propotol&, or article contained in the specifications or No, 4. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LA- CORNER OF IRVING AND PUTNAM AYES., schedules herein contained or hereto annexed, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. BOR AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR per linear foot, square foot, square yard, or other DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, PARK AVE. AND The time allowed to complete the work will be CONSTRUCTING A SEWER' BASIN ON 59TH ST., BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF unit of measure, by which the bids will be tested. NEPTUNE AVE., AT THE SOUTHWEST sixty (60) working days, as provided in the The bids will be compared and the contract NEW YoRK. contract. CORNER OF OCEAN PARKWAY. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each The Engineer's preliminary estimate of the The amount of security required is Six Thou- contract. received by the Superintendent of School Sup- sand Dollars ($6,000), quantities is as follows: plies at the above office of the Department of Blank forms and further information may be One (1) sewer basin complete, of either The deposit accompanying bid shall be five (5) obtained and the plans and drawings may be Education until I I a. m., on per centum of the amount of security. standard design, with iron pans or WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER S1, 1913. seen at the office of the Bureau of Highways, grating, iron basin hood and con- No. 2. FOR EQUIPMENT O WOOD. the Borough of Brooklyn, No. 12 Municipal Build- FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING WORKING TOOLS FOR BUSHWICK HIGH necting culvert, including all inci- MILK FOR USE IN THE TRUANT SCHOOL ing, Brooklyn, dentals and appurtenances; per ba- SCHOOL, ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF L. H. POUNDS, President. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, BOROUGH IRVING AVE. ABOUT 260 FEET WEST OF sin, $160 $160 00 Dated December 23, 1913. d26,j8 The time allowed for the completion of the OF QUEENS. PUTNAM AVE„ BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. t'See General Instructions to Bidders on The time for the delivery of the articles. ma- The time allowed to complete the whole work work and full performance of the contract will terials and supplies and the performance of the the last page, last column, of the "City be twelve (12) working days. will be sixty (60) working days, as provided in Record." -contract is by or before December 31, 1914. the contract. The amount of security required will be The amount of security required is thirty (30) eighty dollars ($80). The amount of security required is Two Thou- OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF per cent. of the amount of the contract. sand Dollars ($2,000). No. 5. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LA- BROOKLYN, ROOM No. 2, BOROUGH HALL, BOROUGH The bidder will state the price of each item The deposit accompanying bid shall be five BOR AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR or article contained in the specifications and OP BROOKLYN. THE CITY OF NEW YORK. (5) per centum of the amount of security. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE CONSTRUCTING SEWER BASINS ON DU- -schedules herein contained or hereto annexed The attention of bidders is especially called to received by the President of the Borough of MONT AVE.. AT THE NORTHWEST AND, per quart, by which the bids will be tested. pages 1 to 13 of Specification No. 113. Brooklyn at the above office until 11 o'clock SOUTHWEST CORNERS OF MILLER AVE. Award will be made to the lowest bidder. The Engineer's preliminary estimate of the On Nos. 1 and 2 the bids will be compared a. m., on Delivery will be required to be made at the and the contract will be awarded in a lump sum quantities is as follows: time and in the manner and in such quantities THURSDAY JANUARY 8, 1914. to the lowest bidder on each contract. No, I. FOR FU1 NISHING ALL THE LA- Two (2) sewer basius complete, of as may be directed. Blank forms, plans and specifications may be BOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR either standard design, with iron Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in obtained or seen at the office of the Superin. CONSTRUCTING SEWERS IN 66TH ST., pans or gratings, iron basin hoods a separate envelope. tendent, at Estimating Room ninth floor, Hall FROM 4TH AVE, TO 5TH AVE.: FROM 6TH and connecting culverts, including Blank forms and further information may be of the Board of Education, park ave. and 59th all incidentals and appurtenances; obtained at the office of the Superintendent of AVE. TO 7TH AVE., AND FROM FORT St. Borough of Manhattan, and also at Branch HAMILTON AVE. TO 10TH AVE, per basin, $160 $320 00 School Supplies. Department of Education, Bor- Office, No, 131 Livingston St., Borough of Brook- The time allowed for the completion of the ough of Manhattan, southwest corner of Park The Engineer's preliminary estimate of the quantities is as follows: work and full performance of the contract will ave, and 59th at. C. B. J. SNYDER, Superintendent of School be fifteen (15) working days. PATRICK JONES. Superintendent of School 80 linear feet of 18-inch pipe sewer, Buildings. laid complete, including all inciden- The amount of security required will be one Supplies. Dateif December 16, 1913. d16,29 hundred and Sixty dollars ($160). Dated December 18, 1913. d18,31 tals and appurtenances; per linear foot, $2.30 $184 00 The foregoing Engineer's preliminary estimates tt8ee General Instructions to Bidders on ATSee General Instructions to Bidders on of the total cost for the completed work are to the last pits, last column, of the "City the last page, last column, of the "City 1,242 linear feet of 15-inch pipe sewer, be taken as the 100 per cent, basis and test for Record." Record." laid complete, including all inciden- R`•


bidding. Proposals shall each state a single per- SUPREME COURT - FIRST DE- Notice is further given that pursuant to the this street is laid out between West Farms road centage of such 100 per cent. (such as 95 per PARTMENT, said order bearing date the 15th day of De- and Bronx River avenue to the intersection with cent., 100 per cent. or 105 per cent.), for which . cember, 1913, and duly entered and filed in the the northwesterly line of Bronx River avenue; all materials and work called for in the proposed office of the Clerk of the County of New York thence southeastwardly at right angles to Bronx contract and the notices to bidders are to be Filing Bill of Costs. on the 16th day of December, 1913, the said River avenue to a point distant 100 feet south- furnished to the City. Such percentage as bid iohn J. Hynes, Esq., will attend at a Special easterly from its southeasterly side; thence gen- for this contract shall apply to all unit items Term, Part II, of the Supreme Court of the erally southwestwardly and always distant 100 specified in the Engineer's preliminary estimate FIRST DEPARTMENT. State of New York, First Department, to be feet southeasterly from and parallel with the to an amount necessary to complete the work held at the County Court House, in the Bor- southeasterly line of Bronx River avenue to the described in the contract. In the mattryr of the application of The City of ough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, intersection with the prolongation of a line mid- Blank forms and further information may be New York relative to acquiring title, wherever on the 6th day of January, 1914, at the open- way between East One Hundred and Seventy- obtained and the plans and drawings may be the same has -not been heretofore acquired for ing of the Court on that day, or as soon there- second street and East One Hundred and Sev- seen at the office of the Bureau of Sewers, 215 the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tenements after as counsel can be heard thereon, for the enty-third street as these -streets are laid out Montague st., Borough of Brooklyn, and hereditaments required for the opening and purpose of being examined under oath by the between Longfellow avenue and Boone avenue; d26,j8 L. H. POUNDS. President. extending of WEST ONE HUNDRED AND Corporation Counsel or by any other person thence westwardly along the said line midway SEVENTY-SECOND STREET, from Aqueduct U See General Instructions to Bidders on having any interest in said proceeding as to between East One Hundred and Seventy-second avenue to Plimpton avenue, and from Shakes- his qualifications to act as such Commissioner of street and East One Hundred and Seventy-third the last page, last column, of the "City peare avenue to Jesup avenue, in the Twenty. Record." Estmate. street and along the prolongation of the said line fourth Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City of Dated ,Borough of Manhattan, City of New to the intersection with a line midway between New York, York, December 23, 1913, South,!rn boulevard and Minford place; thence Auction Bales. ARCHIBALD R. WATSON, Corporation northwardly along the said line midway between NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Counsel, Hall of Records, Borough of Manhat• Southern boulevard and Minford place; and bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by tan, City of New York. d23,j5 along the prolongation of the said line to the THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS intersection with the southeasterly line of Bos- will sell at public auction on reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter will be presented for taxation to one of FIRST DEPARTMENT. ton road; thence northwestwardly at right angles TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. to Boston road to a point distant 100 feet north- at 11 o'clock a. m., at Room 2, Borough Hall, the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Department, at a Special In the matter of the application of The City of westerly from its northwesterly side; thence Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York, northeastwardly and parallel with Boston road the following materials, etc. which may be Term thereof, Part I, to be held at the County New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for to the intersection with a line distant 100 feet seen at the places mentioned below: Court House in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the 8th day of Janu- the same purpose in fee to the lands, tene- westerly from and parallel with the westerly line At Repair Yard, 38th St., Near 5th Ave. of Southern boulevard, as this street is laid 30 tons old iron. ary, 1914, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon of ments and hereditaments required for the open- that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be ing of ISHAM STREET from Seaman ave- out at East One Hundred and Seventy - fifth 15 oil barrels. street, the said distance being measured at right At Caisson No, 2, Coney Island. heard thereon; and that the said bill of costs, nue to Indian road; WES' TWO HUNDRED angles to Southern boulevard; thence north- charges and expenses has been deposited in the AND EIGHTEENTH STREET, from Seaman 1 bay horse, No. 8. wardly along the said line parallel with South- office of the Clerk of the County of New York, avenue to the bulkhead line of the Harlem 1 contractor's wagon. em boulevard to the intersection with a line there to remain for and during the space of ten River Ship Canal; WEST TWO HUNDRED About 2 tons old iron. distant 100 feet northerly from and parallel 30 oil barrels. days, as required by law. AND FOURTEENTH STREET, from Park with the northerly line of East One Hundred Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, De- Terrace East to Seaman avenue; PARK TER- At 26th Ward Disposal Works, and Seventy-fifth street. as this street is laid cember 24, 1913. RACE EAST from a point 100 feet south of out where it adjoins Boston road, the said dis- About 3 tons old iron. ERNEST HALL, JAMES W. O'BRIEN, West Two hundred and Fifteenth street to At Opera Stables, 536 Halsey St. tance being measured at right angles to East One H. ADOLPH WINKOPP, Commissioners of Es. Isham Park, together with the unacquired tri- Hundred and Seventy-fifth street; thence east- 1 bay horse, No. 19. timate; ERNEST HALL, Commissioner of As- angular parcel located on the westerly side and At Bainbridge Stables, 20-24 Bainbridge St. wardly along the said line parallel with East sessment. extending from a point 43.36 feet south of One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street to a point 1 bay horse, No. 20. JOEL J, SQuIER, Clerk. d24,j6 West Two Hundred and Eighteenth street to distant 100 feet northwesterly from the north- 1 black mare, No. 30. a point 103.64 feet south of West Two Hun- 1 end spring top wagon, known as "I." westerly line of Boston road, the said distance dred and Eighteenth street; the unacquired being measured- at right angles to Boston road; 1 side spring top wagon, known as No. 16. FIRST DEPARTMENT portions of INDIAN ROAD, from Isham street thence northeastwardiy and always distant 100 At Kings County Court House. to West Two Hundred and Eighteenth street; feet northwesterly from and parallel with the About 1,500 pounds old iron. COLD SPRING ROAD, from Isham street In the matter of the application of The City of northwesterly line of Boston road to the inter- 6 bath tubs. to West Two Hundred and Eighteenth street; section with the prolongation of a line distant 10 stoves. New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever WEST TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH 100 feet northgasterly from and parallel with 2 hot air furnaces. the same has not been heretofore acquired for STREET, from Park Terrace West to Indian the northeasterly line of East One Hundred and the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene- 2 oil stoves, with stope piping and galvanized road; PARK TERRACE WEST, from a point Seventy-sixth street, as this street is laid out guards. ments and hereditaments required for the open- 103 feet 834 inches north of West Two Hun- where it adjoins Bryant avenue, the said distance About 1,000 pounds old rubber shoes, hose, ing and extending of WEST TWO HUNDRED dred and Fifteenth street to a line about being measured at right angles to East One Hun. mats and boots. AND THIRTY - EIGHTH STREET, from 385.23 feet south of the southerly line of dred and Seventy-sixth street; thence southeast- 1 lot of Star hand grenade fire extinguishers. Kingsbridga avenue to Riverdale avenue; West Two Hundred and Fifteenth street; wardly along the said line parallel with East One About 106 pounds of old toweling. WEST TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY- WEST TWO HUNDRED AND FOUR- Hundred and Seventy-sixth street and along the 1 lot open book cases. SIXTH STREET from Albany road to River- TEENTH STREET, from Indian road to Sea- prolongations of the said line to the intersection 1 lot hardwood and glass partitions. dale avenue, excluding the right of way of man avenue; ISHAM PARK, at the intersec- with the northwesterly line of Longfellow avenue; 1 lot portable book cases. the New York and Putnam Railroad; WALDO tion of Indian road and West Two Hundred thence eastwardly in .a straight line to the point 1 marble slab, AVENUE. from Grey stone avenue to 'r Vest or place of beginning. Two Hundred and Forty-second street, and and Fourteenth street, in the Twelfth Ward, At Municipal Building (Cellar). Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. Fourth—That the abstracts of said estimate of 450 square feet wire partitions. GREYSTONE AVENUE, from Riverdale ave- damage and of said assessment for benefit, to- 14 old windows. nue to West Two Hundred and Forty-second NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN gether with the damage and benefit maps, and street, in the Twenty-fourth Ward, Borough 2 doors. order of the Supreme Court of the State of also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other of The Bronx, City of New York. 1 11-foot iron ladder, New York, First Department, bearing date the documents used by the Commissioners of Esti- 1 timeclock. , 17th day of November, 1913, and duly entered mate and by the Commissioner of Assessment in About 700 pounds old iron, making the same, have been deposited in the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Coun- At Municipal Building (Room 3). ty of New York on the 12th day of December, Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Depart- bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred ment of The City of New York, Nos. 90 and 1 safe, 4 feet 9 inches by 2 feet 6 inches by by reason of the proceedings in the above enti- 1913, Daniel P. Hays, Louis F, Doyle and Charles H, Strong, Esqs., were appointed Com- 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhat- 5 feet 9 inches. tled matter will be presented for taxation to tan, in said City, there to remain until the 5th At Pitkin Ave. Bath. one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of missioners of Estimate in the above entitled proceeding, and that in and by the said order day of January, 1914. About 400 pounds scrap iron. the State of New York, First Department at Fifth—That, provided there be no objections Daniel P. Hays was appointed the Commis- About 200 pounds brass tubing. a Special Term thereof, Part I, to be held at filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as sioner of Assessment. At b7th St, Yard, the County Court House, in the Borough of Man- to awards and as to assessments for benefit here- hattan, in The City of New York, on the 6th Notice is further given that, pursuant to the About 1,500 pounds scrap iron. statute in such cases made and provided, the in will be presented for confirmation to the day of January, 1914, at 10.30 o'clock in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First About 900 pounds old rubber hose. said Daniel P. Hays, Louis F. Doyle and Charles About 140 pounds scrap brass. forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part counsel can be heard thereon; and that the said H. Strong, Esqs., will attend at a Special Term III, to be held in the County Court House, in 10 old oil barrels. Part II, of the Supreme Court of the State ot` 1 old cement mixing box. bill of costs, charges and expenses has been de- the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New posited in the office of the Clerk of the County New York, First Department, to be held at the York, on the 19th day of March, 1914, at the 1 old toolbox. County Court House, in the Borough of Man- At Wallabout Yard. of New York, there to remain for and during opening of the Court on that day. the space of ten days, as required by law, hattan, in The City of New York, on the 30th Sixth—In case, however. objections are filed 1 old Cadillac touring car, days of December, 1913, at the opening of the 7 pieces old bluestone lintel. Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, De• to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess- cember 22, 1913. Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as ment, or to either of them, the motion to con- 3 old wagons, counsel can be heard thereon, for the purpose 3 three-wheeled pushcart. GEO. F. STIEBELING, FRANCIS P. KEN- firm the reports as to awards and as to assess- of being examined under oath by the Corpora- ments shall stand adjourned to the date to be 1 lot of furniture. NEY. LEO R, LAWLOR, Commissioners of Esti- mate; FRANCIS P. KENNEY. Commissioner of tion Counsel or by any other person having hereafter specified in the notice provided in such 1 old awning, in • parts. any interest in said proceeding as to their cases to be given in relation to filing the final 1,500 building bricks, Assessment. JOEL J. SQUIER, Clerk, d22,j3 qualifications to act as such Commissioners. reports, pursuant 'to sections 981 and 984 of 2 octagonal granite base stones. Dated New York, December 17, 1913. the Greater New York Charter, as amended by 2 brownstone carriage steps. ARCHIBALD R. WATSON, Corporation chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906. 2 old iron watering troughs. FIRST DEPARTMENT. Counsel, Hall of Records, Borough of Manhat- Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, De- 1 lot old roofing tin. tan, City of New York, d17,29 cember 10, 1913. 1 old porcelain urinal, broken. JOHN A. ROONEY, Chairman; ELY NEU- 1 old iron lamp-post. In the matter of the application of The City of MANN, GEORGE GLUCKSMAN, Commissioners 1 gum slot machine, New York; relative to acquiring title, wherever Filing Preliminary Abstracts. of Estimate; JOHN A. ROONEY, Commissioner 1 20-foot clothes pole. the same has not been heretofore acquired for of Assessment. - At N. 8th St. Yard. the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene- FIRST DEPARTMENT. JoEL J. SQUIER. Clerk, d15,j2 I lot of old iron posts, railings, etc. ments and hereditaments required for the open- 1 lot of broken butcher fixtures. ing and extending of EAST ONE HUNDRED In the matter of the application of The City of At Hopkinson Ave, Yard. AND SIXTY-SIXTH STREET from Brook New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever FIRST DEPARTMENT, . 1 small tar kettle. avenue to the westerly right o? way line of the same has not been heretofore acquired for 1 open wagon. the New York and Harlem Railroad, in the the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene- In the matter of the application of The City of 1 top wagon. Twenty-third Ward, Borough of The Bronx, ments and hereditaments required for the wid- INew York relative to acquiring title, wherever 4 pushcarts. City of New York. ening of EAST ONE HUNDRED AND SEV- the same has not been heretofore acquired for 1 newsstand. ENTY-FOURTH STREET, from Southern the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tenements 2 old street stands, in parts.' boulevard to West Farms road, in the Twen- and hereditaments required for the opening and 14 old awning poles. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ty-fourth Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City extending EAST TWO HUNDRED AND 6 iron gas pipes. bill of costs. charges " and expenses incurred of New York. THIRTY-THIRD STREET, from Baychester I bicycle rack. by reason of the proceedings in the above enti• avenue to Boston road at Hutchinson River, 8 old coal and wood signs. tled matter will be presented for taxation to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER- In the Twenty-fourth Ward, ltorouga of Bronx, 1 lot grocer's fixtures, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of sons interested in the above entitled proceed- t,ity of New York. I gum slot machine. the State of New York, First Department, at ing, and to the owner or owners, occupant or 1 carriage step. a Special Term thereof, Part I, to be held at occupants of all houses and lots and improved NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER- 4 glass frames. the County Court House, in the Borough of and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to sons interested in the above-entitled proceed- I small icebox. Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the all others whom it may concern, to wit: ing, and to the owner or owners, occupant or 40 feet old fire hose. 31st day of December, 1913, at 10.30 o'clock First—That the undersigned, Commissioners occupants of all houses and lots and improved So feet old 1-inch garden hose. in the forenoon of that day, or as soon there- of Estimate have completed their estimate of and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to 24 worn-out push brooms. after as counsel can be heard thereon; and that damage, and that all persons interested in this all others whom it may concern, to wit: 1 wrecked automobile. the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements First—That the undersigned Commissioners of At Munici al Asphalt Plant. been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the and hereditaments and premises affected thereby, Estimate have completed their estimate of dam- About 1 % tons of old iron. County of New York, there to remain for and having any objection thereto, do file their said age, and that all persons interested in this pro• 200 empty flux barrels. during the space of ten days, as required by objections in writing, duly verified, with them ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and 1 old bicycle. law. at their office, Nos. 90 and 92 \Vest Broadway hereditaments and premises affected thereby, hav- About .25 pounds old rubber hose. Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, De- in the Borough of Manhattan. in The City o1 ing any objection thereto, do file their said ob- About 200 old fire brick. cember 17, 1913. New York, on or before the 5th day of January, jections in writing, duly verified, with them at GEO. F. STIEBELING, MATTHEW C. 1914, and that the said Commissioners will hear their office, Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in At 38th St. Yard. GRIFFIN, GEORGE A. DEVINE, Commission- parties so objecting, and for that purpose will _. the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New 2 ambulances. ers of Estimate; GEO. F. STIEBELING, Com- be in attendance at their said office on the 7th York, on or before the 3d day of January, 1914, Intending bidders may apply for partucilars missioner of Assessment. day of January, 1914. at 2 o'clock p. m. at the office of the Assistant Commissioner of and that the said Commissioners will hear par- JOEL J. SQUIEE, Clerk. d17,29 Second—That the undersigned, Commissioner Public Works, Room lla, Borough Hall, Bor- ties so objecting, and for that purpose will be of Assessment, has completed his estimate of in attendance at their said office on the 5th day ough of Brookl n, benefit, and that all persons interested in this TERMS OF SALE. of January, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. in. Hearings on Qualifications. proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements Second—That the undersigned Commissioner of Cash payment in bankable funds at the time and hereditaments and premises affected thereby and place of sale, and the removal of the old Assessment has completed his estimate of benefit having any objection thereto, do file their said and that all persons interested in this proceeding, iron, rubber and all other materials immediately. FIRST DEPARTMENT. objections in writing, duly verified, with him at If the purchasers or purchaser fail or fails to or in any of the lands, tenements and heredita- his office, Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway in ments and premises affected thereby, having any remove said iron, rubber, etc., within ten days the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of kew from date of sale the purchase money and the In the matter of the application of The City of York, on or before the 5th day of January, objection thereto, do file their said objections in writing, duly verified, with him at his office, ownership of same shall be forfeited. New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever 1914, and that the said Commissioner will hear T, B. LINEBURGH, Assistant Commissioner the same has not been heretofore acquired for parties so objecting, and for that purpose will Nos. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough d23,31 the same purpose in fee • to the lands, tene- be in attendance at his said office on the 7th of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on or of Public Works. before the 3d day of January, 1914, and that the ments and hereditaments required for the open- day of January, 1914, at 3.30 o'clock p. m. said Commissioner will hear parties so object- ing and extending of EAST ONE HUNDRED Third—That the Commissioner of Assessment AND EIGHTIETH STREET, from Bronx ing, and for that purpose will be in attendance CHANGE OF GRADE DAMAGE has assessed any or all such lands, tenements at his said office on the 6th day of January, 1914, River to West Farms road, in the Twenty- and hereditaments and oremises as are within COMMISSION. fourth Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as at 3 o'clock p. m. of New York, the area of assessment for benefit by the Board Third—That the Commissioner of Assessment of Estimate and Apportionment on the 25th day has assessed any or all such lands, tenements TWENTY - THIRD AND TWENTY - FOURTH and hereditaments and premises as are within WARDS, In re petition of Nonpariel Realty Company for of January, 1912, and that the said area of as- loss, damage, if any, sustained by it in sessment includes all those lands, tenements and the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as conection with the preguses described in said hereditaments and ffremises situate andbeing the area of assessment for benefit by the Board PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF petition, caused by the discontinuance and in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City of of Estimate and Apportionment on the 1st day of chapter 537 of the Laws of 1893 •and the closing of OLD VAN NEST STREET, in New York which, taken together, are bounded July, 1910, and that the said area of assessment gets amendatory thereof and supplemental there- front of and adjoining said premises. and described as follows, viz.: includes all those lands, tenements and heredita- to, notice is hereby given that meeting of the Beginning at a point distant 100 feet north- ments and premises situate and being in the Commissioners appointed under said acts will be erly from the northerly line of East One Hun- Borough of The Bronx. in The City of New held at the office of the Commission, Room 223 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN dred and Seventy-sixth street, the saidoint be York, which, taken together, are bounded and 280 Broadway (Stewart Building), Borough of order of the Supreme Court of the State of ing located on a line at right angles to East One described as follows, viz.: Manhattan, New York City, on Mondays, Tues- New York, Second Department, bearing date the Hundred and Seventy-sixth street and passing Beginning at a point on a line midway between days and Thursdays of each week, at 2 o'clock 15th day of December, 1913, and duly entered through a point on its southwesterly side where Ely avenue and Grace avenue, where it is in- p. m., until further notice. and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County it is intersected by the prolongation of a line tersected by a line midway between Edenwald Dated New York City July 26, 1911. of New York on the 16th day of December, midway between Longfellow avenue and Boone avenue and Strang avenue, and running thence WILLIAM D. Dlt EY CAMBRIDGE 1913, John J. Hynes, Esq., was appointed a Com- avenue as these streets are laid out south of eastwardly along the said line midway between LIVINGSTON, DAVID ROBiNSON, Con.mia. missioner of Estimate in the above entitled pro- East One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street. Edenwald avenue and Strang avenue and along sioners. ceedin$ , in the place and stead of Henry Mar- and running thence eastwardly and parallel with - the prolongation of the said line to the inter- LAMO*T MCLOvGHLIN. Clerk. tens, Esq., resigned. East One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street, as section with the northerly boundary line of The SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913. THE CITY RECORD, 12163

City of New York; thence southeastwardly along Kings, there to remain for and during the space where it is intersected by a line distant 100 feet with the northerly line of Fourth avenue, the the said City boundary line, and along the pro- of ten days, as required by law. northerly from and parallel with the northerly said distance being measured at right angles to longation of the said line across Hutchinson Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New York, De- line of Hillside avenue (Hammell avenue), as Fourth avenue, where it is intersected by a line River to the intersection with the northerly line cember 16, 1913. this street is laid out where it adjoins Colden always distant 100 feet westerly from and parallel of Boston road; thence southwardly at right JAMES GRAY, FRANCIS J. SULLIVAN, avenue, the said distance being measured at with the westerly line of Jersey avenue, the angles to Boston road a distance of 500 feet; FRED B,, DALZELL Commissioners of Esti- right angles to Hillside avenue, and running said distance being measured at right angles to thence westwardly and always distant 500 feet mate; FRED B. DALZELL. Commissioner of thence northeastwardly along the said line Jersey avenue, and running thence eastwardly southerly_ from and parallel with the northerly Assessment. parallel with Hillside avenue and along the pro- along the said line parallel with Fourth avenue line of Boston road to the intersection with a EDWARD RIEGELMANN. Clerk. d16,27 longations of the said line to the intersection and along the prolongation of the said line to line at right angles to Boston road and passing with a line bisecting the angle formed by the a point distant 100 feet westerly from the west- through a point on its northerly side distant 700 Flung intersection of the prolongations of the north- erly. line of Westervelt avenue as laid out ad- feet southerly from the southerly line of East Prellmfnsry, Abstrsiets. easterly line of Colden avenue and the south- joining Fourth avenue, the said distance being Two Hundred and Thirty-third street, the said westerly line of Underhill avenue, as these measured at right angles to the line of Wester- SECOND DEPARTMENT, distance being measured at right angles to East streets are laid out southeasterly from and ad- velt avenue; thence northwardly along a line Two Hundred and Thirty-third street; thence joining Jacinth street; thence southeastwardly In the matter of the application of The City of at right angles to Fourth avenue to the inter- northwardly along the said line at right angles along the said bisecting line to the intersection section with the prolongation of a line always New York relative to acquiring title, wherever to Boston road to its northerly side; thence with a line bisecting the angle formed by the distant 280 feet northerly from and parallel with westwardly along a line always distant 700 feet the same has not been heretofore acquired for intersection of the prolongations of the north- the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tenements the northerly line of Fourth avenue as this southerly from and parallel with the southerly erly line of Colden avenue and the southwesterly street is laid out easterly from Westervelt ave- line of East Two Hundred and Thirty-third street and hereditaments required for the opening line of Underhill avenue, as these streets are and extending of FOWLER STREET, from nue the said distance being measured at right to the intersection with the prolongation of a laid out between Kane street and Larch avenue; angles tel the line of Fourth avenue; thence line parallel with Edenwald avenue and passing Lawrence street to a point distant 1,730.02 feet thence southeastwardly along the said bisecting westerly therefrom; BLOSSOM AVENUE, eastwardly along the said line parallel with t1 rough a point on the easterly line of Bay- line to the intersection with a line bisecting the Fourth avenue and along the prolongation of chester avenue midway between East Two Hun- from Lawrence street to Saull street; SAULL angle formed by the intersection Qf the prolonga- STREET, from Cherry street to Irving place; the said line to a point distant 100 feet easterly dred and Thirty-third street and Boston road, tions of the northerly line of Colden avenue CHERRY STREET, from Saull street to Col. from the easterly line of Tompkins avenue, the the said distance being measured along the line and the southwesterly line of Underhill avenue, said distance being measured at right angles to of Baychester avenue; thence westwardly alon den avenue, and COLDEN AVENUE, from as these streets are laid out between Narcissus Hillside avenue to a line distant about 75 feet Tompkins avenue; thence southwardly and al- the said line parallel with Edenwald avenue and street and Oak avenue; thence southeastwardly north of Jacinth street (Juniper street), and ways distant ,100 feet easterly from and parallel along the prolongation of the said line to the along the said bisecting line to a point distant with the easterly line of Tompkins avenue to intersection with the prolongation of a line mid- from the northerly line of Mulberry street to 100 feet northerly from the northerly line of Underhill avenue, in the Third Ward. Borough the intersection with the prolongation of a line way between Grace avenue and Ely avenue, as Colden avenue, the said distance being measured of Queens, City of New York. always distant ,325 feet southerly from and these streets are laid out between Strang avenue at right angles to Colden avenue; thence east- parallel with the southerly line of Fourth ave- and Edenwald avenue; thence northwardly along wardly and parallel with Colden avenue and nne as this street is laid out easterly from the prolongation thereof, to the intersection with the said line midway between Grace avenue and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER- Westervelt avenue, the said distance being meas- the northeasterly line of Underhill avenue; Ely avenue. and along the prolongation of the sons interested in the above-entitled proceeding, ured at right angles to the line of Fourth ave- said line to the point or place of beginning. and to the owner or owners, occupant or occu- thence northeastwardly at right angles to Under- nue; thence westwardly along the said line par- hill avenue a distance of 100 feet; thence south- Fourth—That the abstracts of said estimate of pants of all houses and lots and improved and allel with Fourth avenue io a point distant 101 eastwardly and parallel with Underhill avenue damage and of said assessment for benefit, to- unimproved lands affected thereby] and to all feet westerly from the westerly line of Wester- to the intersection with a line midway between gether with the damage and benefit maps, and others whom it may concern, to wit: velt avenue, the said distance being measured also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other First—That the undersigned Commissioners of Quince street and Rose street; thence south- at right angles to Westervelt avenue; thence documents used by the Commissioners of Esti- Estimate have completed their estimate of dam- westwardly along the said line midway between northwardly along a line always distant 100 mate and by the Commissioner of Assessment in age, and that all persons interested in this pro- uince street and Rose street and along the pro- l feet westerly from and parallel with Wester- making the same, have been deposited in the ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and ongation of the said line to the intersection with a line midway between Colden avenue and Peck velt avenue to a point distant 100 feet southerly Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Depart- hereditaments and premises affected thereby, from the southerly line of Fourth avenue, the ment of The City of New York, Nos. 90 and having any objection thereto, do file their said avenue; thence westwardly and northwestwardly said distance being measured at right angles along a line always midway between Colden ave- 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhat- objections in writing, duly verified, with them to Fourth avenue; thence westwardly along a tan, in said City, there to remain until the 5th at their office in the Municipal Building, Court nue and Peck avenue and along the prolonga- line always distant 100 feet southerl tion of the said line to the point or place of y from and day of January, 1914. House square, Long Island City, in the Bor- beginning. parallel with the southerly line of Fourth ave- Fifth—That, provided there be no objections ough of Queens, in The City of New York, nue and the prolongation thereof to the inter- 3. Bounded on the north by a line distant 170 filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as on or before the 12th day of January, 1914, feet northerly from and parallel with the south- section with a line parallel with Jersey avenue to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein and that the said Commissioners will hear par. and passing through the erly line of Irving place and by the prolongation point of beginning; will be presented for confirmation to the Su- ties so objecting, and for that purpose will be of the said line, the said distance being measured thence northwardly along the said line parallel preme Court of the State of New York, First in attendance at their said office on the 14th day at right angles to Irving place; on the east by with Jersey avenue to the point or place of of January, 1914, at 3 o'clock p, m. beginning. Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part III, a line distant 100 feet easterly from and parallel Second—That the undersigned Commissioner of to be held in the County Court House in the with the easterly line of Saull street and by Fourth — That the abstracts of said supple- Assessment has completed his estimate of benefit Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New the prolongation of the said line, the said dis- mental and amended estimate of damage and of and that all persons interested in this proceed- York, on the 26th day of February, 1914, at the tance being measured at right angles to Saull said assessment for benefit, together with the ing, or in any of the lands, tenements and here- opening of the Court on that day. street; on the south by a line distant 100 feet damage and benefit maps, and also all the affida- ditaments and premises affected thereby, having Sixth—In case, however, objections are filed northerly from and parallel with the northerly vits, estimates, proofs and other documents used any objection thereto, do file their said objec- to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and as- line of Blossom avenue and by the prolongation by the Commissioners of Estimate and by the sessment, or to either of them, the motion to tions in writing, duly verified, with him at his Commissioner of Assessment in making the same, office in the Municipal Building, Court House of the said line, the said distance being measured confirm the reports as to awards and as to as- at right angles to Blossom avenue; and on the have been deposited in the Bureau of Street square, Long Island City, in the Borough of sessments shall stand adjourned to the date to west by a line distant 100 feet westerly from Openings in the Law Department of The City of Queens, in The City of New York, on or be- be hereafter specified in the notice provided in and parallel with the westerly line of Saull street New York, Nos, 90 and 92 West Broadway, in fore the 12th day of January, 1914, and that such cases to be given in relation to filing the and by the prolongation of the said line, the the Borough of Manhattan, in said City, there final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 the said Commissioner will hear parties so ob- to remain until the 5th day of January, 1914. jecting, and for that purpose will be in at- said distance being measured at right angles to of the Greater New York Charter, as amended Saull street. Fifth—That, provided there be no objections tendance at his said office on the 15th . day of by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906. Fourth—That the abstracts of said estimate of filed to either of said supplemental and amended January, 1914. at 3 o'clock p. m. Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, De- damage and of said assessment for benefit, to- abstracts, the supplemental and amended reports Third—That the Commissioner of Assessment cember 3, 1913. gether with the damage and benefit maps, and as to awards and as to assessments for benefit has assessed any or all such lands, tenements JOHN A. HAWKINS. Chairman: WARREN also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other herein will be presented for confirmation to the and hereditaments and premises as are within the C. FIELDING. WALTER WIT.KINS, Commis- documents used by the Commissioners of Esti- Supreme Court of the State of New York, See- area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the mate and by the Commissioner of Assessment in and Department, at a Special Term thereof for sinners of Estimate; WALTER WILKINS, Corn. area of assessment for benefit by the Board of making the same, have been deposited in the the hearing of motions, to be held in the County missioner of Assessment. Estimate and Apportionment on the 15th day d12,30 Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Depart- Court House in the Borough of Brooklyn, in TOEL T. SQUIER, Clerk. of June, 1911, and that the said area of assess- ment of The City of New York, in the Municipal The City of New York, on the 17th day f Feb- mentincludes all those lands, tenements and ruary, 1914, at the opening of the Co Building, Court House square, in the Borough urt on hereditaments and premises situate and being that day, SUPREME COURT-SECOND DE- of Queens, in said City, there to remain until the in the Borough of Queens, in The City of New 14th day of January. 1914, Sixth—In case, however, objections are filed to York. which, taken together, are bounded and PARTMENT. Fifth—That, provided there be no objections the foregoing supplemental and amended ab- described as follows, viz: filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to stracts of estimate and assessment, or to either Bearings on Qualifloatlons. Beginning at a point on a line distant 100 feet of them, the motion to confirm the supplemental northerly from and parallel with the northerly awards and as to assessments for benefit herein will be presented for confirmation to the Sn- and amended reports as to awards and as to line of Fowler street, the said distance being SECOND DEPARTMENT. preme Court of the State of New York, Second assessments shall stand adjourned to the date measured at right angles to Fowler street where Department, at a Special Term thereof for the to be hereafter specified in the notice provided it is intersected by a line at right angles to In the matter of the application of The City of hearing of motions, to be held in the County in such cases to be given in relation to filing' New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever Fowler street, and passing through a point on its the final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and northerly side distant 1,830.02 feet westerly Court House in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The the same has not been heretofore acquired frr City of New York, on the 19th day of March, 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amend- from its intersection with the westerly line of the same purpose, to the lands, tenements and 1914, at the opening of the Court on that day. ed by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906. Lawrence street, and running thence eastwardly hereditaments required for an easement for Sixth—In case, however, objections are filed Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, De- along the said line parallel with Fowler street, sewer purposes in a parcel of land having a to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and as- cember 12. 1913. and along the prolongation of the said line to width ranging from 20 to 50 feet, located in sessment, or to either of them. the motion to ERNEST M. GARBE, Chairman; BERNARD the intersection with the prolongation of a line Kissel avenue and Brighton Boulevard (Kisse' confirm the reports as to awards and as to as- MULLIN E. STEWART TAXTER, Commis- distant 100 feet easterly from and parallel with avenue) Extended. between Castleton avenue sessments shall stand adjourned to the date to sioners of Estimate; E. STEWART TAXTER, the easterly line of Lawrence street, as this street and the pier and bulkhead line, in the First be hereafter specified in the notice provided in Commissioner of Assessment. islaid out where it adjoins Fowler street, the Ward, Borough of Richmond, City of New such cases to be given in relation to filing the JOEL J, SQUIER, Clerk, d18,30 said distance being measured at right angles to York. which land is shown on a map bearing final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 the sgnature of the President of the Borough. Lawrence street; thence southwardly along the of the Greater New York Charter. as amended SECOND DEPARTMENT. dated July 3, 1912. and adopted by the Board said line parallel with Lawrence street and along by chanter 658 of the Laws of 1906. the prolongation of the said line to the inter- of Estimate and Apportionment on December Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, De- section with a line distant 100 feet northerly 12, 1912, cemher 17, 1913. In the matter of the application of The City of from and parallel with the northerly line of Blos- TAMES A. DAYTON, Chairman: ROBERT New York relative to acquiring title, wherever som avenue, the said distance being measured at NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN WILSON, HARRY R. GELWTCKS. Commis- the same has not been heretofore acquired for right angles to Blossom avenue; thence east- order of the Supreme Court of the State of sioners of Estimate; TAMES A. DAYTON, Com- the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tenements wardly along the said line parallel with Blossom New York, Serond Department, hearing date micCioner of Assessment. and hereditaments required for the opening and avenue and along the prolongation of the said the 11th day of December. 1913, and duly entered WALTER C. 'SHEPPARD, Clerk. d23,jyO extending of WEST NINETEENTH STREET, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County line to the intersection with the prolongation of from Neptune avenue to Surf avenue, except- a line distant 100 feet easterly from and parallel ing the right of way of the New York and of Richmond on the 15th day of December, 1913. SECOND DEPARTMENT. John Sidney Davenport was appointed a Com- with the easterly line of Saull street, as this Coney Island Railroad, and of WEST TWEN- s Cherry street missioner of Estimate and Assessment in the street is laid out where it adjoiq. TIETH STREET, from Neptune avenue to place and stead of William S. Van Clief, and on the north. the said distance being measured In the matter of the application of The City of Surf avenue, excepting the right of way of at right angles to Saull street: thence south- James Burke, Jr„ was appointed a Commissioner New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the New York and Coney Island Railroad, in of Estimate and Assessment in the place and wardly along the said line parallel with Saull the same has not been heretofore acquired in the Thirty-first Ward, Borough of Brooklyn, street and along the prolongation of the said line stead of Henry P. Morrison, fee, to the lands and premises required for The City of New York. Notice is further given that. pursuant to the to the intersection with a line distant 100 feet the opening and extending of FOURTH AVE. northerly from and parallel with the northerly said order, bearing date the 11th day of Decem- NUE, from Monroe avenue to Tompkins ave- line of Cherry street. the said distance being NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER- bor, 1913. and duly entered and filed in the nue, in the First Ward, Borough of Rich- sons interested in the above-entitled proceed- measured at right angles to Cherry street: thence mond, City of New York. office of the Clerk of the County of Richmond eastwardly along the said line parallel with mg, and to the owner or owners, occupant or on the 15th day of December, 1913 the said Cherry street, and alone the prolongation of the occupants of all houses and lots and improved John Sidney Davenport and James Burke, Jr., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER- and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to said line to the intersection with the prolnneation sons interested in the above entitled proceed- will attend at a Special Term for the hearing of a line 100 feet easterly from and parallel with all others whom it may concern, to wit: ing, and to the owner or owners, occupant or of motions, of the Supreme Court of the State the easterly line of Colden avenue. as this street First—That the undersigned Commissioners of of New York. Second Department, to be held occupants of all houses and lots and improved is laid out where it adinins Cherry street, the said Estimate have completed their estimate of dam- at the County Court House, in the Borough of and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to age, and that all persons interested in this pro- distance being measured at right angles to Cnllen Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the avenue: thence snuthwardly along the said line all others whom it may concern, to wit: ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and First—That the undersigned, Commissioners 30th day of Decemb°r, 1913. at the opening of parallel with ('olden avenue and along the pro- hereditaments and premises affected thereby, hav- the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as longations of the said line to the intersection with of Estimate, have completed their supplemental ing any objection thereto, do file their said ob. counsel can be heard thereon, for the purpose the prolongation of a line distant 100 feet south- and amended estimate of damage, and that all jections in writing, duly verified, with them at of being examined under oath by the Corporati^n erly from and Parallel with the southerly line of persons interested in this proceeding, or in any their office, No. 166 Montague street, in the Counsel or by any other person having any in- Cherry street. the said distance being measured of the lands, tenements and hereditaments and Borough of Brooklyn, in The City f New York, terest in the said proceeding as to their quali- at right angles to Cherry street: thence west- premises affected thereby, having any objection on or before the 31st day of December, 1913, fications to act as such Commissioners. wardly along the said line parallel with Cherry thereto, do file their said objections in writing, and that the said Commissioners will hear parties Dated Borough of Manhattan, City of New street and along the prolongations of the said duly verified, with them, at their office, Nos. so objecting, and for that purpose will be in at- York. December 17. 1913 line to the intersection with the prolongation of 90 and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of tendance at their said office on the 5th day of ARCHIBALD R. WATSON, Corporation a line distant 100 feet westerly from and Parallel Manhattan, in The City of New York, on or January, 1914, at 10.30 o'clock a. in. Counsel. Hall of Records, Borough of Manhat- with the westerly line of Saull street, as this street before the 30th day of December, 1913. and that Second—That the undersigned Commissioner of d17,29 tan. City of New York. is laid out where it adioins Cherry street on the the said Commissioners will hear parties so oh- Assessment has completed his estimate of benefit north, the said distance being measured at right jecting, and for that purpose will be in attend- and that all persons interested in this proceeding, F41ing Bill of Comb. angles to Saull street; thence northwardly along ance at their said office on the 5th day of Janu- or in any of the lands, tenements and heredita- the said line parallel with Sault street and along ary, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. in. ments and premises affected thereby, having any SECOND DEPARTMENT. the prolongation of the said line to the inter- Second—That the undersigned. Commissioner objection thereto, do file their said objections in section with a line distant 100 feet southerly from of Assessment, has completed his supplemental writing, duly verified, with him at his office, In the matter of the application of The City of and parallel with the southerly line of Blossom and amended estimate of benefit, and that all No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of New York, relative to acquiring title in fee, avenue, the said distance being measured at right persons interested in this proceeding, or in any Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or be- wherever the same has not been heretofore angles to Blossom avenue; thence westwardly of the lands, tenements and hreditaments and fore the 31st day of December, 1913, and that acquired, to the lands, tenements and heredita- along the said line parallel with Blossom avenue premises affected thereby, having any objection the said Commissioner will bear parties so ob- ments required for the opening and extending and along the prolongation of the said lineto thereto, do file their said objections in writing, jecting, and for that purpose will be in attend- of WEST STREET, from Fort Hamilton ave- the intersection with the prolongation of a line duly verified, with him at his office. Nos. 90 ance at his said office on the 6th day of Janu- mie to Fnrtv-third street. excluding the right distant 100 feet westerly from and parallel with and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of Man- ary, 1914, at 10.30 o'clock a. m. of way of the Prospect Park and Coney Isl- the westerly line of Lawrence street, as this street hattan. in The City of New York, on or before Third—That the Commissioner of Assessment and Railroad, and AVENUE F. from Graves- is laid out where it adjoins Fowler street, the said the 30th day of December, 1913, and that the has assessed any or all such lands, tenements end avenue to West street, in the Twenty- distance being measured at right angles to Law- said Commissioner will hear parties so objecting, and hereditaments and premises as are within ninth Ward. Borough of Brooklyn. The City rence street: thence northwardly along the said and for that purpose will be in attendance at his the area of assessment fixed. and .prescribed as said office on the 6th day of January, 1914, at 3 the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of New York. line parallel with Lawrence street. and along the prolongation of the said line to the inter- o'clock p. m, of Estimate and Apportionment on the 16th day NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE section with a line distant 100 feet southerly Third—That the Commissioner of Assessment of May, 1912, and that the said area of assess- bill of costs. charges and expenses incurred from and parallel with the southerly line of has assessed any or all such lands, tenements and ment includes all those lands, tenements and by reason of the proceedings in the above enti- Fowler street, the said distance being measured hereditaments and premises as are within the hereditaments and premises situate and being tled matter will be presented for taxation to one at right angles to Fowler street: thence west- area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the wardly along the said line parallel with Fowler amended area of assessment for benefit by the York, which, taken together, are bounded and State of New York, Second Department. at a street to the intersection with a line at right Board of Estimate and Apportionment on the described as follows, viz.: Special Term thereof, to he held at the County aneles to Fowler street. and passing through the 14th dap of December, 1911, and that the said Bounded on the north by a !!ne distant 100 Court Hou-e, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in Point of beginning: thence northwardly along area of asseysment includes all those lands, feet northerly from and parallel with the north. The City of New York, on the 30th clay of De- the said line at right angles to Fowler street to tenements and hereditaments and premises situate erlv line of Neptune avenue. the said distance cember. 1913, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon the point or Place of bea+nnmg. and being in the Borough of Richmond, in The being measured at right angles to Neptune ave- of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel 2. Beginning at a point on the prolongation City of New York, which, taken together, are nue; on the east by a line midway between West can be heard thereon; and that the said bill of of a line midway between Colden avenue and bounded and described as follows, viz:: Seventeenth street and West Nineteenth street, costs. charges and expenses has been deposited Peck avenue, as these streets are laid out north- Beginning at a point on the prolongation of and by the prolongation of the said line; on the in the office of the Clerk of the County of westerly from the angle point at Jacinth street a line distant 100 feet northerly from and parallel south by a line always distant 100 feet south. 12164 THE CITY RECORD, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1913,

erly from and parallel with the southerly line of degrees 52 minutes west 3,433.9 feet along Par- utes east 342 feet; thence south 7 degrees 0 in Street shall ke grorerly closed in compliance Surf avenue, the said distance being measured at cels Nos. 999, 998 and 997; thence on a curve minutes east 95 feet; thence south 40 degrees with the directions of the Bureau of Sewers Is right angles to Surf avenue and on the west side with a radius of 11,426 feet to the left 409.2 0 minutes east 97 feet to the northerly line of the Borough in which the buildings are situated, by a line midway between t'Jest Twentieth street feet; thence north 84 degrees 55 minutes west the right of way; thence north 88 degrees 17 and furnish the Department of Finance with a and West Twenty-first street, and by the pro- l326.7 feet along Parcels Nos. 997 to 994, in- minutes east 1,500.3 feet along Parcels Nos. 967 certificate from the Bureau of Sewers that tka longation of the said line. clusive; thence on a curve with a radius of 1,113. and 968; thence on a curve with a• radius of work has been properly performed. Fourth-That the abstracts of said estimate of feet to the left 772.2 feet; thence south 55 de- 5,697 feet to the left 894.9 feet along Parcels The permit for all opening in the street to M damage and of said assessment for benefit, to. gees 19 minutes west 457.1 feet along Parcels Nos. 968 and 969; thence on a curve with a obtained by and at the expense of the purchaser getter with the damage and benefit maps, and Nos. 994 and 993; thence south 63 degrees 30 radius of 2,259 feet to the left 986 feet along of the building. also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other minutes west 109.3 feet; thence south 48 de- Parcels Nos. 969 and 970; thence on a curve Failure to remove said buildings, appurte. documents used by the Commissioners of Esti- grees 39 minutes west 133.2 feet along Parcels with a radius of 1,877 feet to the left 1,025.5 nances, or any part thereof, within thirty days mate and by the Commissioner of Assessment in Nos, 993 and 992; thence south 55 degrees 19 feet; thence north 22 degrees 59 minutes east from the day of possession will work forfeiture making the same, have been deposited in the minutes west 707.4 feet; thence on a curve with 761.4 feet; thence on a curve with a radius of of ownership of such buildings, appurtenancea, Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Depart- a radius of 2,898 feet to the right 1,074.2 feet 2,898 feet to the right 1,489.6 feet along Par- or, portion as shall then be left standing, together ment of The City of New York, No. 166 Mon. along Parcels Nos. 992, 991 and 990; thence eels Nos, 970, 971 and 972• thence north 52 with all moneys paid by said purchaser on ac- tague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in south 76 degrees 33 minutes west 3,286.3 feet degrees 28 minutes east 10,8111.9 feet along Par- count thereof at the time of the sate, and the said City, there to remain until the 10th day of along Parcels Nos. 990 to 986, inclusive; thence cels Nos. 972 to 985, inclusive, crossing the line bidder's assent to the above conditions being January, 1914. south 71 degrees 31 minutes west 349.1 feet; between the Towns of Hurley and Olive, be- understood to be implied by the act of bidding, Fifth-That, provided there be no objections thence south 64 degrees 27 minutes west 801.4 tween Parcels Nos. 973 and 974; thence on a and The City of New York will, without notice filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as feet; thence south 48 degrees 15 minutes west curve with a radius of 5,763 feet to the right to the purchaser, cause the same to be removed, to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein 47.3 feet; thence north 67 degrees 44 minutes 2,423.4 feet; thence north 76 degrees 33 min- and the cost and expense thereof charged against will be presented for confirmation to the Su- west 193.1 feet to a point in the southerly bound- utes east 3,508.9 feet along Parcels Nos. 985 the security above mentioned. preme Court of the State of New York, Second ary of the right of way; thence on a curve with to 990, inclusive; thence on a curve with a ra- The work or removal must be carried on Is Department, at a Special Term thereof. to be a radius of 5,697 feet to the left 1,281.6 feet; dius of 2,832 feet to the left 1,049.5 feet along every respect in a thorough and workmanlike held in the County Court House in the Borough thence south 52 degrees 28 minutes west 10 817.9 Parcels Nos. 990, 991 and 992; thence north 55 manner, and must be completed within thirty of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the feet along Parcels Nos. 985 to 972. inclusive degrees 19 minutes east 1,405 feet along Par- days from the day of possession, and the sue- 18th day of February, 1914, at the opening of (crossing the town line between the Towns of eels Nos. 992, 993 and 994; thence on a curve cessful bidder will provide and furnish all ma- the Court on that day. Hurley and Olive, between Parcels Nos. 973 with a radius of 1,179 feet to the right 818.2 terials of labor and machinery necessary thereto, Sixth-In case, however, objections are filed and 974); thence on a curve with a radius of feet; thence south 84 degrees 55 minutes east and will place proper and sufficient guards and to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and as- 2,832. feet to the left 1,455.6 feet along Par- 1.326.7 feet along Parcels Nos. 994 to 997, in- fences and warning sigaaby day and night for eels Nos. 972, 971 and 970; thence south 22 sessment, or to either of them, the motion to clusive; thence on a curve with a radius of the prevention of accidents, and will indemnify confirm the reports as to awards and as to as- degrees 59 minutes west 761,4 feet; thence on 11,492 feet to the right 411.6 feet; thence south and save harmless, The City of New York Its sessments shall stand adjourned to the date to a curve with a radius of 1,943 feet to the right 82 degrees 52 minutes east 3,433.9 feet along officers, agents and servants and each of them, be hereafter specified in the notice provided in 1,061.5 feet; thence on a curve with a radius Parcels Nos. 997, 998 and 999; thence north 7 against any and all suits and actions, claims and such cases to be given in relation to filing the of 2,325 feet to the right '1,014.4 feet along degrees 08 minutes east 42 feet; thence south demands of every name and description brought final reports, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 Parcels Nos. 970 and 969; thence on a curve 82 degrees 52 minutes east 352.9 feet to the against it them or any of them, and against of the Greater New York Charter, as amended with a radius of 5,763 feet to the right 84.9 southwest corner of Parcel No. 1000; thence feet; thence south 54 degrees 20 minutes east and from all damage and costs to which it, they by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906. along the westerly line of said parcel north or any of them be put by reason of injury to Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New York, De- 92.9 feet; thence on a curve with a radius of 25 degrees 02 minutes west 59.3 feet; thence the person or property of another, resulting 5,830 feet to the right 687.3 feet; thence south cember 11, 1913. south 82 degrees 52 minutes east 1,187.2 feet; from negligence or carelessness in the perform. JOHN F. COFFIN, MIRABEAU C. TOWNS, 41 degrees 10 minutes west 130.8 feet; thence thence south 11 degrees 16 minutes west 50.2 ance of the work, or in guarding the same, or north 59 degrees 33 minutes west 52.1 feet; DANIEL McCLEARY Commissioners of Esti- feet to the northerly line of Parcel No. 1001; from any improper or defective materials or thence north 41 degrees 10 minutes east 181.7 mate; JOHN F. COFFtIN, Commissioner of As- , thence along said northerly line south 82 degrees machinery, implements or appliances used in the feet to the southerly bounds of the ri ht of sessment. g 52 minutes east 376.4 feet; thence south 7 de- removal of said buildings. EDWARD RIBGELMANN, Clerk. dll,29 way; thence on a curve with a radius of 5,763 grees 08 minutes west 42 feet to a point in the feet to the right 200.2 feet; thence south 88 Where party walls are found to exist between northerly line of the right of way; thence south buildings purchased by different bidders, the ma- degrees 17 minutes west 1,518 feet along Par- 82 degrees 52 minutes east 416.3 feet; thence cels Nos. 968 and 967; thence on a curve with terials of said party walls shall be understood SUPREME COURT-THIRD on a curve with a radius of 1,436 feet to the to be equally divided between the separate pur- a radius of 1,943 feet to the right 612.5 feet right 1,085.5 feet along Parcels Nos. 1001, 1002 chasers, JUDICIAL DISTRICT. along Parcels Nos. 967 and 966; thence north and 1003; thence south 39 degrees 33 minutes Party walla and fences, when existing against 73 degrees 39 minutes west 1,179.3 feet along east 64.2 feet; thence on a curve with a radius Parcels Nos. 966 and 964 to the easterly bounds adjacent property not sold, shall not be taken Apalia"1011 for 1ppolntmeat Of Commfa of 922.4 feet to the left 922.5 feet along the down. All furrtngs, plaster, chimneys, project- of Parcel No. 965; thence south 9 degrees 51 northerly bounds of Parcels Nos. 1003 and 1004; stoners. minutes west 373 feet to the southeast corner ing brick, etc., on the faces of such party walls thence north 83 degrees 09 minutes east 972 are to be taken down and removed. The walls of Parcel No. 965; thence north 70 degrees 03 feet to the westerly bounds of Parcel No, 1006; THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. minutes west 276.9 feet to the southwest cor- shall be made permanently self-supporting, beam- thence along said westerly line north 11 degrees holes, etc„ bricked up, and the wall pointed and ner of said parcel; thence north 10 degrees 33 09 minutes east 104 feet; thence north 17 de- In the matter of the application of Charles minutes east 355 feet to the southerly bounds made to exclude wind and rain and present a Strauss, Charles N. Chadwick and John F. of the right of way; thence north 73 degr~tes grees 38 minutes east 198.1 feet; thence south clean exterior, The roofs and adjacent build- Galvin, constituting the Board of Water 65 degrees 53 minutes east 59.5 feet; thence ings shall be properly flashed and painted and 39 minutes west 1,329.3 feet along Parcels Nos, south 4 degrees 37 minutes west 183.5 feet; Supply of The City of New York, to acquire 964, 963 and 962; thence on a curve with a rar made watertight where they have been disturbed real estate for and on behalf of The City dius of 1,670 feet to the right 1,138.1 feet; thence south 22 degrees 57 minutes east 71.6 by the operations of the contractor. feet to a point in the northerly bounds of the of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws thence north 34 degrees 35 minutes west 315.8 The Comptroller of The City of New York re- right of way; thence north 83 degrees 09 min- of 1905 and the acts amendatory thereof, in feet along Parcels Nos. 962 and 961; thence on serves the right on the day of sale to withdraw the Towns of Olive and Hurley, County of utes east 1S feet to the point or place of be- from sale any of the buildings, parts of building. a curve with a radius of 1,943 feet to the- right ginning. Ulster, New York for the purpose of pro- 372.9 feet; thence on a curve with a radius of and machinery included therein, or to reject any viding an additional supply of pure and whole- 1,400 feet to the left 214.4 feet; thence on a The fee is to be acquired by The City of New and all bids; and it is further York in all the real estate, Parcels 937 to 1007, some water for the use of The City of New curve with .a radius of 1,113 feet to the left Resolved, That, while the said sale is held York. 631.2 feet along Parcels Nos. 961 and 960; thence both inclusive, contained in the above described tinder the supervision of the Commissioners of north 64 degrees 54 minutes west 617 feet; parcels, the Sinking Fund, the Comptroller is authorized Reference is hereby made to the said map tiled AsaoaAN Rssartvoix, RAILROAD SECTION No. 5. thence on a curve with a radius of 1009 feet to cause the sale to be advertised and to direct to the left 863.1 feet along Parcels Nos. 960 as aforesaid in the office of the Clerk of the the salt thereof as financial officer of the CIO, and 959; thence south 66 degrees 08 minutes County of Ulster for a more detailed descrip- Notice of Application for the Appointment of tion of the real estate to be taken in fee as Commissioners of Appraisal„ west 92 feet; thence on a curve with a radius above described. of 1,466 feet to the right 139.9 feet to the east- PROPOSALS FOR BIDS AND RSTI.. Dated November 7, 1913. erly line of Parcel No, 958; thence along said MATES FOR THE CITY OF NNW PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ARCHIBALD R. WATSON, Corporation YORK. it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel easterly line south 45 degrees 10 minutes west 308.6 feet; thence north 44 degrees 53 min- Counsel, Hall of Records, Borough of Manhat- of The City of New York to make application to tan, New York City. n2l,j3 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. the Supreme Court for the appointment of Com- utes west 33 feet; thence north 45 degrees 10 missioners of Appraisal, under chapter 724 of minutes east 246 feet to the southerly bounds GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDEU. the Laws of 1905 and the acts amendatory there- of the right of way; thence on a curve with a radius of 1,466 feet to the right 395.9 feet; 11OTIUR TO EIDDBRS AT SALES OF of. OLD BUILDINGS, RTC. The person or persona making a bid or estimate Such application is to be made at a Special thence south 89 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds west 2,338.7 feet along Parcels Nos. 957 to 954, for any services, work, materials or supplies for Term of the said Court, to be held in and for the The Ctty of New York, or for any of its depart' inclusive; thence on a curve with a radius of Third Judicial District, at the Court House. in TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH ments, bureaus or offices, shall furnish the same 1,179 feet to the right 669.1 feet along Parcels the City of Kingston, Ulster County, New York, BUILDINGS, ETC,, WILL BE SOLD FOR Nos. 954 and 953; thence on a curve with a in a sealed envelope, indorsed with the title of on the 3d day of January, 1914, at 10 o'clock REMOVAL FROM CITY PROPERTY. the supplies, materials, work or services for radius of 4,617 feet to the right 2,728.9 feet in the forenoon of that day, or as soon there- which the bid or estimate is made, with his or after as counsel can be heard. along Parcels Nos. 953, 952 and 951; thence north 23 degrees 49 minutes 15 seconds west their name or names and the date of presentation The object of this application is to obtain THE BUILDINGS AND APPURTENANCES to the President or Board or to the head of the an order of the Court appointing three disin- 1,794.8 feet along Parcels Nos. 951, 950 and thereto will be sold to the highest bidder, 949; thence south 77 degrees 51 minutes west Department at his or its office, on or before the terested and competent freeholders, at least one who must pay cash or certified check, drawn date and hour named in the advertisement for of whom shall reside in the County of New York, 102.2 feet to the southwest corner of Parcel No. to the order of the Comptroller of The City of 948; thence north 23 degrees 49 minutes 15 sec- the same, at which time and place the estimates and at least one of whom shall reside in the New York, and must also give a certified check received will be publicly opened by the President onds west 2,951.3 feet along Parcels Nos, 948 or cash in half the amount of the purchase price county in which the real estate hereinafter de- or Board or head of said Department, and read, scribed is situated, as Commissioners of Ap- and 947 to a point in the centre of Bushkill as security for the faithful performance of the Creek; thence south 84 degrees 35 minutes east and the award of the contract made according praisal, to ascertain and appraise the compen- terms and conditions of the sale. Where the to law as soon thereafter as practicable. sation to be made to the owners of and per- 114.5 feet to the westerly line of the right of amount of the purchase price does not equal or way; thence north 23 degrees 49 minutes 15 Each bid or estimate shall contain the name sons interested in the real estate, and discharge exceed the sum of $50, the sum of $50 shall be and place of residence of the person making the the duties required by said act and the acts seconds west 5,073.5 feet along Parcels Nos. the amount of the security to be deposited. This 946 to 943 inclusive; thence on a curve with same, and names of all persons interested with amendatory thereof. security may at any time after the expiration of him therein, and, if no other person be so inter- The real estate taken or affected is situated a radius of 2,325 feet to the right 1,133 feet the contract period be applied by the City to the along Parcels Nos. 943, 942 and 941; thence ested, it shall distinctly state that fact; also, that in the Towns of Olive and Hurley, County of cost of completing any of the work required it is made without any connection with any other Ulster, New York. north 4 degrees 06 minutes east 2,937.2 feet under the contract, but unfinished at the expira- along Parcels Nos, 941, 940, 939 and 937 to person making an estimate for the same purpose, The real estate sought to- be acqt.ired under tion of the contract period. and is in all respects fair and without collusion these proceedings, which is situated in the Towns the most northerly corner of Parcel No. 937, The purchaser shall not lease, • occupy, cause which point is where the westerly side of the or fraud, and that no member of the Board of of Olive and Hurley, County of Ulster and State or permit the tuilding or buildings, etc., pur- easement for the railroad meets the westerly Aldermen, head of a Department, chief of a of New York, is all the real estate formerly chased by him to be used or occupied for any Bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other bounds of the Ulster & Delaware Railroad owned or occupied by the Ulster & Delaware purpose other than tha: of their speedy removal, officer of The City of New York is, shall be or Railroad Company from the easterly boundary Company's propet'y near what was formerly nor shall he collect any rental or other revenue the Boiceville station; thence southerly along the become interested, directly or indirectly, as con- of the Ashokan reservoir taking at West Hurley for the use of either the land or the buildings, tracting party, partner, stockholder, surety or westerly side of said easement on a curve with to a point neat the old Boiceville station; the etc., situated thereon, The breach of either or otherwise in or in the performance of the con- possession of which is required by reason of a radius of 3,324.2 feet to the left 453.5 feet; any of these conditions shall forthwith void the thence south 59 degrees 30 minutes rest 8 feet tract, or in the supplies, work or business to the construction of the Ashokan reservoir, and We and cause immediate forfeiture of the pur- which it relates, or in any portion of the profits to the southwest corner of Parcel No. 938, a is shown on a map entitled: "Board of Water chase money and the security deposited for the thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by Supply of The City of New York, Map of real point 33 feet easterly from the centre line of faithful performance of the conditions of the the Ulster & Delaware Railroad; thence south the oath, in writing, of the party or parties estate right of way of Ulster and Delaware Rail- sale. The placing therein or permitting the occu- making the estimate that the several matters road Co.. from Stony Hollow to Boiceville, situ- 4 degrees 06 minutes west 2 487.4 feet along pancy of any such building by any tenant free, Parcels Nos. 937, 939, 940 anrj 941; thence on stated herein are in all ' respects true. ated in the Towns of Hurley and Olive, County for rent or otherwise, excepting the necessary No bid or estimate will be considered unless of Ulster and State of New York, to be ac- a curve with a radius of 2,259 feet to the left watchmen or the workmen engaged in the actual 1,100.8 feet along Parcels Nos. 941, 942 and 943; as a condition precedent to the reception or con- quired by The City of New York, under the demolition thereof, shall of itself be a breach of sideration of any proposal, it be accompanied by provisions of chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905 thence south 23 degrees 49 minutes 15 seconds the above conditions of sale. east 9,784.5 feet along Parcels Nos. 943 to 951, a certified check upon one of the State or Na- as amended, for the construction of Ashokan The sale will be as of the condition of the inclusive; thence on a curve with a radius of tional banks of The City of New York, drawn to reservoir and appurtenances," which map was property on date of delivery thereof to the pur- 4 551 feet to the left 1,049.5 feet along Parcels the order of the Comptroller, or money or cor- prepared by the Board of Water Supply on Au- chaser. The City of New York will not be porate stock or certificates of indebtedness of gust 5, 1913, and adopted by the Board of Esti- 951 and 952 to the westerly line of Parcel responsible for any change or loss which may any nature issued by The City of New York, mate and Apportionment on August 28, 1913, No. 953; thence along said westerly line north occur in the condition of the buildings, of their 5 degrees 18 minutes west 230.7 feet; thence which the Comptroller shall approve as of equal and is bounded and described as follows: appurtenances between the time of the We value with the security required in the adver- All that portion of real estate formerly oc- on a curve with a radius of 4,434 feet to the left 1,794.4 feet; thence on a curve with a ra- thereof and the time of delivering possession to tisement to the amount of not less than three cupied by the Ulster and Delaware Railroad, the purchaser after being properly vacated of nor more than five per cenium of the amount of situated in the Towns of Hurley and Olive, and dius of 996 feet to the left 195 feet to the north- erly line of Parcel No. 954; thence north 87 all tenants. the We and delivery to purchaser the bond required, as provided in section 420 which lies between the real estate sections here- will be made as nearly together as the circum- of the Greater New York Charter. tofore acquired by The City of New York for degrees 07 minutes east 305.8 feet; thence south stance of vacating the structures of their tenant 16 degrees 35 minutes east 41 feet; thence north The amount shall be as specified in the pro- the construction of the Ashokan reservoir and will permit, posals or instructions to bidders and shall not its appurtenances, shown on the above entitled 82 degrees 15 minutes east 137.1 feet; thence south 36 degrees 0 minutes east 230.3 feet; All the material of the buildings, sheds, walks, be in excess of 5 per cent. map as Parcels 937 to 1007, inclusive, and more structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, with The certified check or money should not be in- particularly described as follows: thence north 89 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds east crossing the Esopus Creek 2,118.4 feet along their exterior and interior fixtures, appurte- closed in the envelope containing the bid or esti- Beginning at a point in the northerly bounds nances and foundations of all kinds, except the mate, but should be either inclosed in a separate of the Ulster & Delaware Railroad, as located Parcels Nos. 955, 956 and 957; thence on a curve with a radius of 1,400 feet to the .left exterior walls of the buildings and their founda- envelope addressed to the head of the Depart, prior• to June 15, 1913, which point is in the tions and the sidewalks and curb in front of said ment, President or Board, or submitted personally centre of the old Vandale road (now a part of 469.1 feet to the westerly line of Parcel No. 958; thence north 4 degrees 34 minutes east 40.2 buildinps, extending within the described area upon the presentation of the bid or estimate. the substituted highways around the Ashokan For particulars as to the quantity and quality feet; thence north 18 degrees 35 minutes east shall be torn down and removed from the prem- reservoir), and is the southwest corner of Par' ises, None of the dirt, debris or waste resulting, of the supplies, or the nature and extent of the eel No, 827 of Section 17 of the Ashokan reser- 112.7 feet to the most northerly point of Par- cel No. 958; thence south 70 degrees 51 min- from demolition shall be allowed to remain on work, reference must be made to the specifics' voir taking, and running thence along the north- the premises, except old mortar or plaster only, tions, schedules, plans, etc., on file in the said erly bounds of the right of way north 83 de- utes east 33 feet; thence south 18 degrees 35 minutes west 112.2 feet; thence south 4 degrees which may be left, but not higher at any point office of the President, Board or Department. grees 09 minutes east 60.9 feet to the northeast than two feet below the curb opposite that point, No bid shall be accepted from or contract corner of Parcel No. 1007; thence south 6 de- 34 minutes west 17.6 feet to the northerly bounds of the right of way; thence on a curve with a The exterior walls and their foundations shall be awarded to any person who is in arrears to The greea 51 minutes east 66 feet across the right taken down only to a plane whose elevation shall City of New York upon debt or contract, or who of way, being the easterly limit of the taking radius of 1,400 feet to the left 75 feet; thence north 66 degrees 08 minutes east 92 feet; thence be the level of the curb in front of the building. is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any and the easterly bounds of Parcel No. 1007; Where there is no curb the elevation of the cur- on a curve with a radius of 1,075 feet to the obligation to the City. thence south 83 degrees 09 minutes west 47.4 rounding ground shall be considered curb level, The contract must be bid for separately. feet to a point in the centre of the highway; right 919.4 feet along Parcels Nos. 959 and 960; thence south 64 degrees 54 mimtes east 617 feet; All wells, cesspools, sinks, etc., existing gn the The right is reserved in each case to reject thence south 36 degrees 21 minutes east 72 feet; all bids or estimates if it is deemed to be for the thence on a curve with a radius of 1179 feet property must be filled to the level of the sur- thence south 83 degrees 09 minutes west 311 feet; rounding ground with clean earth. interest of the City so to do. thence north 39 degrees 03 minutes east 63.5 to the right 668.9 feet along Parcels Nos. 960 Bidders will write out the amount of their bids to the southeast corner of Parcel No. 1004; and 961; thence on a curve with a radius of The purchaser at the sale shall also withdraw feet and remove all abandoned water taps and old or estimates in addition to inserting the same in thence south 83 degrees 09 minutes west 908.5 1,466 feet to the right 224.7 feet; thence on a curve with a radius of 1,877 feet to the left service mains, and in place thereof cause to be figures. feet; thence on a curve with a radius of 988.4 inserted a brass plug in the main water pipe in Bidders are requested to make their bids or feet to the right along Parcels 1004 and 1003 360.1 feet; thence south 34 degrees 35 minutes east 315.8 feet along Parcels Nos, 961 and 962; the street, in compliance with the rules and~reg- estimates upon the blank forms prepared and 988.5 feet; thence north 39 degrees 33 minutes furnished by the City, a cony of which, with the west 64.2 feet; thence on a curve with a ra- thence on a curve with a radius of 1,604 feet olations of the Department of Water Supply, to the left 1,093.1 feet; thence south 73 degrees Gas and Electricity, and furnish the Depart- proper envelope in which to inclose the bid, to- dius of 1,370 feet to the left 1,035.6 feet along gether with a copy of the contract, including the Parcels 1003 1002 and 1001; thence north 82 39 minutes cast 2,779.6 feet along Parcels Nos. ment of Finance with a certificate from the De- degrees 52 minutes west 416.3 feet; thence south 962, 963, 964 and 966; thence on a curve with partment of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity specifications, in the form approved by the Cor poration Counsel can be obtained upon applies 7 degrees 08 minutes west 42 feet; thence north a radius of 1,877 feet to the left 259.4 feet to that this has been performed. 82 degrees 52 minutes west 1,880.6 feet along the westerly line of Parcel No. 967; thence along The purchaser at the sale shall also remove all tion therefor at the office of the Department fat which the work is to be done. Flans and draw Parcels Nos. 1001 and 999; thence north 7 de- said westerly line north 21 degrees 15 minutes house sewer connections to the main sewer In grees 08 minutes east 42 feet; thence north 82 east 145.1 feet; thence north 87 degrees 30 min' th. atset and tM •pew" Sf tki motto NW lap of tto.atruadoa work my slur be seen'then