LUCKNO\V I Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, U: I). (lndu) 196'S

P,im Rs. 10.00) CONTENTS


Preface I Introduction III



A-I Area, Houses and Population Appendix I-Statement showing 1951 Territorial Units constituting the present 1961 set-up of the District and Tahsils 5 Appendix II-Number of Villages with a Population 'of 5,000 and over and To~ns with a Population under 5,000 6 Appendix III-House less and Institutional Population 6 A-II Variation in Population during Sixty Years 7 Appendix 1951 Population according to the territorial jurisdiction in .1951 and changes in area and population involved in those changes 7 A-Ill Villages classified by Population 8 A-IV Towns (and Town-Groups) classified by Population in 1961 with Variation since 1941 9 Appedix New Towns added in 1961 and Towns in 1951 declassified in 1961 9 Explanatory note to the Appendix 9


B-1 & B-II Workers and Non-workers in District and Towns classified by Sex and broaa Age-groups

B-III Part A-Industrial Classification of Workers and Non-workers by Educational Levels in Urban Areas only 14 Part B-lndustrial Classification ofWo,rker, and Non-workers by Educational Levels in Rural Areas only 16 B-IV Pat A-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work at Household Industry 18 Part B-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work in Non-household Industry, Trade Business, Profession or Service 22 Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex and Divisions, Major Groups and Minor Groups of Persons at Work other than Cultivation 30 B-V Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than Cultivation 52 B-VI Occupational Divisions of Persons at Work other than Cultivation classified by Sex, Broad Age-groups and Educational Levels in Urban Areas only 76 ii



B-VIII Part A-Persons unemployed, aged 15 and above, by Sex, Broad Age-groups and Educational Levels in Urban Areas only 80 Part B-Persons unemployed, aged 15 and above by Se« and Educational Levels in Rural Areas only . 80 B-IX Persons not at Work classified by Sex, Broad Age-groups and Type of Activity 82


C-II Age and Marital Status 88 C-III Part B-Age, Sex and Education in Urban Areas only 94 Part C-Age, Sex and Education in Rural Areas only 94 C-V Mother-Tongue (Alphabetical Order) 96 C-VII Religion 96


Fly-leaf 99 SCT-I Part A-Industrial Classification of Persons at Work and Non-workers by Sex 'for Scheduled Castes 100 seT-III Part A(i)-Education in Urban Areas only for Scheduled Castes 104 Part B(i)-Education in Rural.Areas only for Scheduled Castes 105 SC-l Persons not at Work classified by Sex. Type of Activity and Educational Levels for Scheduled Castes 106


10 Statistics of Rainfall and Temperature 108 l'l-Rainfall 108 l'2-Mean Maximum and Mean Minimum, Highest and Lowest Temperature 108

2. Vital Statistics 108 s. Agricultural Statistics 110-112 Sol-Principal Crops-Distribution of Crops 110 3'2-Land Utilization 110 3'3-Agriculture Extension Scheme 111 30 4-Persons Cultivating Land with different Sizes of Holdings 112 3'5-Crop-wise Gross Area Irrigated 112 Statistics of Household Industry 113 iii


5. Statistics of Factories 113 5'1-Growth of Factories 113 5'2-Number of workers in Each Establishment 113 6. Administrative Statistics 114-117 6'l-Criminal Justice-Number of Criminal Cases Tried I 114 6'2-Criminal Justice-Persons Convicted or Bound Over 114 6'S-Strength of Police, 1960 115 6'4-Statistics of Jails \ 115 6'5-Co-opera~ive Societies 116 60 6-Excise and Motor Spirit Tax 116 6'7-Receipt of Sales Tax, Entertainment Tax, Stamps and Land Revenue 117 6'S-Registered Documents and Value of Properties Transferred 117 7. Public Health and Medical Statistics 118-119 7· I-List of Hospitals and Dispensaries 1960-61 118 7'2-Maternity and Child Welfare Centres, Family Planning Centers, Rural Health Centres 119 7'S-Anti-Adulteration 1959-60 119 8. Education Statistics 120-121 a·l-Educational Institutions and Pupils 120 8'2-List of Higher Secondary Schools 1960-61 121 9. Statistics of Public Entertainment, Press and J ournaIs 122 9' I-Printing Presses and Newspapers 122 9'2-Cinemas 122 10. Communication Statistics including Waterways 123-124 10'l-Length of Metalled and Un-metalled Roads Maintained by Public Authorities as on December 31, 1960 . 123 lO'2-Names of Waterways (Navigable Rivers) as on December 31, 1960 123 lO'3-Polymetrical Table of Distances of Block Headquarters by Road ... 123 10'4-List of Railway Stations 124 IO'5-List of Post Offices l24 11. Statistics of Local Bodies-Receipts and Expenditure 126 12. Statistics of Community Development 121 13. Calendar of Important Events 128 14. Prices of Staple Food-stuffs Month by Month 129-133 IV Pages ll-OFFICIAL STATISTICS-Concld.

15. Statistics of Banks and Insurance 134 15' I-Statistics of Banks 134 15'2-Statistics ofInsurance-1960 134

16. Statistics of Livestock 135-137 17. Statistics of Fairs, Festivals and Village Markets 138-144 17' I-List of Fairs 138 17'2-List of Festivals 142. 17'3-List of Hats and Baz:ars (Rural) 143 18. Handicrafts Survey 145-146 IS' I-List of Rural Crafts and Number of Persons Employed in Production 145 18'2-Distribution of Artisan Communities 145 lS'3-Materials Used, Source of Design, Manufacture and Marketing of Manufactured 145 Articles

19. Statistics of Major and Medium Projects taken up for execution during the I, II and III Plans 147

20. Statistics of Wages 147


1. Definitions of Column He,!dings iii 2. Alphabetical list of Villages of Tahsil Kunda vi 3. Directory of Tahsil Kunda (Rural)

5. Alphabetical list of Villages of Tahsil Pratapgarh xlvi 6. Directory of Tahsil Pratapgarh (Rural) Iii 9. Directory of Bela Municipal Board (Urban) lxxxiv 7. AIphabeticallist of Villages of Tahsil Patti lxx)(ix 8. Directory of Tahsil Patti (Rural) xcvi IV -LIST OF INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS

Number of Establishments classified by Minor Groups of Industrial Classification ex xxv


Gazette Notification of changes in Boundaries during the decade 1951-61 c:l'liii PREFACE

Dlstrictwise village statistics have been published at most of the Censuses. A list showing the population of villages in each district was published after the 1891 Census. No such list was brought out in 1901. In 1911 Village Directories were prepared for all districts, but could be published only for thirteen on account of the out break of the First World War. At the 1921 Censm they were published fot all districts in the form of District Census Statistics. In 1931 they were compiled for all districts, but were not published owing to financial stringency, leading to loss of valuable data. At the 1941 Census even though restricted tabulation was un~ertaken on account of the Second World War, yet the utility of District Census Statistics was recognized and they were pub­ lished. At the. Census of 1951 two volumes were brought out for each district­ the District Census Handbook and the District Population Statistics. Govern­ ment have decided to continue the publication of District Census Handbooks. The 1961 District Census Handbooks contain more data than ever published before. Village Directories, besides giving the population of villages by industrial categories, also contain useful information about schools, hospitals, post offices, etc. .

As revised District Gazetteers are going to be published, introductory matter in the District Census Handbooks has been given in brief to avoid duplication.

Information for the District Census Handbooks was collected mainly from three sources viz., State Tabulation Office, District Officers, Heads of Depart­ ments and their district level officers. In all cases confirmation has been obtained from Heads of Departments concerned. I am extremely grateful to District Officers and the various Heads of Departments for their whole .hearted co-operation in furnishing the desired information. It Is hoped that the District Census Hand books will prove useful to the various Government departments and scholars. The printIng of the Handbooks commenced from August, 1963.

P. P. BHATNAGAR Super'intendent of Oensus Operations, : Uttar Prade8h. Dated: September 2, 1963.


1. The District •

The district of Pratapgarh is situated III also lies on the branch line running from the south of the Faizabad. Division. It lies Allahahad to Faizabad. Another branch between the parallels of 25° 34' and 26° 11' line runs through Kunda tahsil (Harpamgap. j north latitude, and 81° 19' and 82° 27' east R.S.) to . Metalled roads connect longitude. It is bounded on the north by Pratapgarh with jaunpur, Allahabad, Sl.lltan­ Sultanpur, on the. east· by Jaunpur, on the pur, Faizabad, Rae, Bareli and Lucknow. south by Allahabad, and on the north-west by ; Rae Bareli. In I the' south-west the Ganga 4. The d.istrict is ,a gen.tle undulating forms the boundary of the district for about plain except along the banks of the Ganga 50 Kilom~tres, separating it from Allahabad and its tributary the Daur in the south-west, and in the extreme north-east the Gomti the Saj and its feeder streams in the centre forms the boundary for about 6 Kilometres. and the Gomti in the east. The tract along The area of the district is 3,678 sq. km. the Sai is broken, ravine-scoured and un­ (1,420 sq. miles). dulating. The course of the Gomti which 2. The district has three tahils : Kunda" flows for a short distance on the north-eastern Pratapgarh and Patti. The largest in area border is equally disturbed, but the banks is Kunda (1,383 sq. km. or 534 sq. miles) of the Ganga are less pierced by channels~ and the smallest Pratapgarh (1,117 sq. km. For the remaining part, the tract is fairly or 431 sq. miles)'. The- only town in the level interspersed with usar in iarge or small district is Bela (Pratapgarh), commonly known patches. The general slope, is ftom the as Pratapgarh. Manikpur T.A., Prata:pgarh I north-west to the south-east,. T.A., and Katr'a T.A. have not been treated 5. The chief rivers of the district are as towns for this Census for non~fulfHmeIit of urban conditions. the Ganga, the Sai, and the Gomti. The Ganga flows along the south-western border. 3. 1?ratapgarh town is served by th<,! The only tributary of the' Ganga is the Northern Railway (broad gu.age). It lies on Dam;. The .&ai flows through the' greater the main line of the Saharanpl,lr-Mughal­ length of the district. The important aJHuents sarai section of the Northern Railway pass­ of the river are the Chamroura, the Parya ing through NIoradabad, Bareilly, Lucknow, and the Bakulahi. Th e Gomti flows along Rae Bareli, Pratapgarh and Varanasi. It the extreme north-eastern border of the IV

district. The depressed tract contains In exist. Among birds doucks, waterfowls, places numerous large jhils. In Kunda shine, partridges and pigeons are common. tahsil there IS an old bed of the Ganga, 10. The percentage of cultivated area called Benti jhil. during 1960-61 'was 64'0, as against 62'2 6. The geology of the district does not during 1950-51. Rabi and Kharif are the reveal an ything striking except ordinary main harvests, the kharif being the more Gangetic alluvium. The only minerals of important of the two. The principal kharif importance 2.re lcankar and a small qu,antity crop is paddy. The principal ram crop IS of saline efflorescence, konwn as reh. The barley followed by wheat. Sugarcane is not chief varieties of soils are bhur or sand, extensively gn?wn. dumat or loam, which is a mixture of sand \ and clay in varying proportions, ~nd matiyar or clay. Bhur is found along the banks of 2. Statistics the rivers. Dumat occurs in the greater A-General Population part of the district dotted with slightly stiffer rnatiyar in depressions. 1. The district occupies the 49th 7. The climate of the district is that pOSItion In area and the 32nd position in of the lower doab of the Gangetic plain. In population in the whole State. There has summer the heat is intense and hot westerly been a diminution of 39'8 sq. km. (15'4 sq. winds called the loa blow. On the whole, miles) in its area on account of transfer of the climate of the district is good and fairly villages to districts Jaunpur and Allahabad. health y. The average rainfall during the The Table giving variation III population last decennium (1951-60) was 105'7 cm. since 1901 shows that there has been a (41'6 ) slightly higher than the normal -rain­ constant increase since 1921, the increase fall of 97'8 cm. (38'5 I). being the highest during the decade 1931-41 8. There is no forest in the district, (15'0 per cent). The population aiso increas­ but dhalc and patches of jhau or tamarisk ed considerably during the last decade. The jungle occur along the Ganga. The chief percentage growth of population during the tree is babul. Other trees are mango, mahua, last decade was 13'1 which was, however, Iowa than the State average of 16'7. The pipal and bargad. / order of tahsils by population in 1951 was 9. Few wild animals are found in the Pratapgarh, Kunda and Patti. The largest district. Leopards and wolves are found in population growth has been in tahsil Kunda, the ravines of the Sai and along the khadar amounting to 15'8 per cent. The percentage of the Ganga. N eelgai and small animals increase in tahsils Patti and Pratapgarh is like foxes, jackals, monkeys and hare also 12' I and 11'4 respectively. V

2. The density of population in the small and large-sized villages is 26'8 district is 341 persons per sq. km. (882 per and 13'1 respectively. There is only one sq. mile), which is higher than the State village in the district having a population average of 250 persons per sq. km. (648 per exceeding 5,000-Manikpur T.A. in tahsil sq . mile). The most densely populated Kunda. tahsil is Pratapgarh, the density being 385 persons per sq. km. (998 per sq. mile). Next 4. 17 persons out of 1,000 persons of is Patti having a density of 325 persons per the district live in towns. There is no sq. km. (842 per sq. mile) and the last is Class I or Class II town in the district. Kunda with a density of 317 persons per Bela (Pratapgarh) M.B. (21,397) is a Class sq. km. ca22 per sq. ~ile). The rural den­ III town. The percentage increase in its sity is 336 persons per sq. km. (869 per sq. population during the decade 1951-61 was mile) and the urban 2,582 persons per sq. 42'4 much higher than that for the district km. (G,687 per sq. mile). The highest rural as a whole. density is 369 persol1s per sq. km. (956 per sq. mile) in tahsil Pratapgarh, and the 5. The number of females per 1,000 highest urban 2,582 persons per sq. km. males in 1921 and 1931 was 1,049; in 1941, (6,687 per sq. mile) is again in the same 965; III 1951, 1,039; and in 1961, 1,062. tahsil. The sex-ratio was lowest (965) in 1941 and highest (1,062) in 1961. Pratapgarh has a 3. The district has 2,234 villages of which 2,195 are inhabited and 39 uninhabit­ much higher sex-ratio than ed. The number of villages has registered taken as a whole. It is one of the few an increase of 10 since 1951. 983 persons districts in the plains where females out­ per 1,000 in the district live in.. rural areas. number males. The chief reason is the The average population per inhabited migration of a large number of males else village is 561 as against 496 in 1951. Most where in search of employment. The rural of the villages are small, having a popula­ sex-ratio is 1,067 for tahsil Kunda, 1,038 tion of less than 500 each. The number of for tahsil Pratapgarh 1,091, and 1,073 for such vil1ages is 1,303 (59'4 per cent). The tahsil Patti. The urban sex-ratio is only 839. In 1951 the rural sex-ratio was 1,042 percentage of medium-sized villages with and urban 873. The rural sex-ratio has population between 500-1,999 is 37'9 and shown an increase, but the urban has come that of the large-sized villages having a down. population of 2,000 and over is 2'7. More than half (60'1 per cent) of the rural popula­ 6. General Population Tables A-I to tion lives III medium-sized villages. The A-IV and their Appendices A-I have been percentage of rural population living in reproduced in this Volume. VI

B--Economic ral activities. There is a preponderance of non-agricultural workers, in the urban, their ], Workers-Of the entire population percentage being as high as 95-3. Important 45' 7 per cent are workers and the rest non-agricultural occupations in the urban non-workers, The percentage of workers area are Other Services, Trade and Con;merce, is considerably higher than the State average Household Industry and Other Manufac1ure,

of 39'1. Among workers 87'2 pet.: cent and Transport. The percentag~ of workers work as .cultivators and Agricultural III other Services is 39'2, Trade and Labourers. Next come Household Industry Commerc~ 27'3, Household Industry and and other Manufacture, join1;ly claiming 5'9 Other Manufactur~ 17'3, and Transport 7'9. per cent, followed by Other Services 4'0 per 3. The largest number of wor-kers is cent, and Trade and Commerce' 2'1 per in the age-group 15·34 accounting for 43'3 cent. 'The percentage of workers in the per cent, followed by th~ next higher'J age­ remaining categories is insignificant and group 35-59 accounting for 39' per cent~ altogether account for 0'8 per cent only. The percentage of WOf.,ers below the age of Female participation is significant as their 15 is 7-9 and' that in the age-group 60 and percentage among workers is 40'6, The over, 9·8. The proportion of workf'rs in ext<:nt of female participation in agricultural lower and higher age-groups IS, therefore, activities is higher than in non~agricultural quite small. activities accountil1;g for 42'6 per .cent and 27'2 per cent respectively. It exceeds 20 4. The largest number of persons at per cent in Cultivation and Agricultural work other than Cultivation is in retail trade Labourl Mining, Household Industry, and (1 I ,532), followed by m18cellaneous services' Other Services, but in no case does it exceed (6,041), processing of foodgrains (4,571), and 55 per cent. Most of the females in the manufacture of earthen wares (4,373). Occupa­ agricultural sector work as Agricultural tionally the bulk of the workers- is engaged Lapourers and in non-agricultural sector in in working proprietors ofretail trade (10,783), Household Industries, followld by unclassified labourers 17,176). The low figure of labourers is due to their 2, Of the rurai population, 46'8 per migration to bigger cities in search of cent are workers and 53'2 per cent non-· employment. workers·, The corresponding figures for the urban are 32'3 and 67'7 respectively. Thm 5. Non-workers-These constitute 54-3 the proportion of non-workers is higher in per cent of the total population, Among towns than in villages. Among rural workers non-workers females predominate constituting 88'2 per cent are Cultivators and Agricultural 60'7 per cent. More than two-thirds of the Labourers and only 11'8 in non-agricultu- non-workers (70'3 per cent) are in the age- VII

group 0-14, being mostly infants and 3. Age Structure and Marital Status-­ dependants. In all other age-groups females Persons in the age-group 15-34 account for 28'7 are mostly engaged in household duties. Among per cent of the population, followed by 5-14 males 6'0 per cent are in the age-group 15-34, (26'S, per cent), 35-54 (19'9 percent),O-1- most of whom are full-time students, 0'8 per (15'0 per cent), and 55 and over (9'8 per oent in the age-group 35-59, and 1'6 per cent cent), The population of the district is III the age-group 60 and above, mostly progressive as the percentage of persons in dependants. young and very young age-group is 41'5 as against a small percentage (S'8) of elderly 6. The more impcrtant General persons (55 years and above),,' Economic Tables B-series have been re~ 4, The percentages of never-married, produced, married and widowed' or divorced persons are 38'0, 53'9 and 8'1 respectively. The' C-Social and Oult'ural c;rresponding figures for rural are 37'9 per cent unmarried, 54'0 per cent married, J. Literacy-The percentage of literacy and 8'1 per cent widowed or divorced; and III total population is 13' 7 as against the for urban 45'8 per cent unmarried, 47'0 per State average of 17'7. Pratapgarh is backward cent married, and 7'2 per cent widowed in literacy. The rank orthe district in ,literacy or divorced. Among males 43'1 per cent are is 42nd in the whole State. Literacy unmarried, 50'5 per cent married, and 6-4 percentage among males is 24'8 and per cent widowed or divorced. The females 3'2, as against the corresponding corresponding figures for females are 33'3 figures of 14'6 and J'2 in 1951. No doubt per cent unmarried, 57'0 per cent married, there has been an... improvement in literacy and 9'7 per cent widowed or divorced, Of during the decade yet more efforts are the married males 12'1 per cent are in the age­ needed to gear this up, Of the group 0-15,43'5 per cent in the age-group 15-34, total number of literates 68'7 per cent are 31'7 per cent in'the age-group 35-54, and 12'7 without any educational standard, 25'2 per per cent in the age-group 55 and over, Among cent are of Primary or Junior Basic standard, and only 6'1 per cent of Hi_gh School the married females, II' 8 per cent are in the age­ standard and above, group 0-14, 50'S per cent in the age-group 15-34, 2. The percentage of literacy 'm the 29'8 per cent in the age-group 35-54, rural population is 13'1 as against 45' 7 in the and 7'9 per cent in the age-group 55 and over. urban, The proportion in the rural area is 24'1 Among males and females aged 35 and over, per cent among males and 2'8 per cent among 3'2 per cent of the males and 0'2 per cent of the females, and in the urban area 59'8 per cent females were found unmarried. The correspond among t;9ales and 29'0 per cent among females. figures for 1951 are 4'9 and 1'2 respecti- VIII

vely, The percentage of unmarried persons cent Muslims, 1'7 pef cent Sikhs, and 0'5 aged 35 years and over is 3'2 for males and 0-3 Christians and Jains. for females is the rural, and 4'5 and 1'5 respect­ 9, Scheduled Castes-They constitute ively in the urban. This shows that percentage 20'8 per cent of the total population, The of unmarried persons in the age-group is more important Scheduled Castes in order of both for males and females in towns. Child their population in the district are Chamar' marriage is still prevalent, though fast dying (43'5 per cent), Pasi (42'3 per cenl), Kori out. The percentage of males and females (5-7 per cent), Dhobi (5'0 pe.r cent) and of ages 0-14 returned as marrieds is .13-7 Musahar (0'7 per cent). The percentages and 17'2 respectively. within brae kt ts are with respect to the been returned 5. Language- bas total Scheduled Caste population. Persons as mother-tongue of 92'6 per cent of the belonging to Scheduled Caste live mainly population and Urdu of 7'3 per cent. in villages. Only 0'5 per cent live in the The number of persons who returned town. other languages as their mother-tongue is insignificant altogether accounting for only 10. The- more important Social and 0'1 per cent. Cultural Tables of C-series have been reproduced. 6. Hindi is the main language spoken by 92'9 per cent of rural population. In D-il1igration the towns) Hindi is the mother-to:1gue of 70'9 per cent population and Urdu of 26.7 1. Among the people enumerated in the district, 92-6 per cent were born within per cent. the district, 7' 1 per cent in other districts 7. Religion-Of the total population of the State, and 0-3 per cent:in other parts of the district, 88'7 per cent are Hindus of . The number of persons born in and 11'3 per cent Muslims. The number other countries is 413. Among those from of persons belonging to other religions is; other countries) 294 are from Pakistan, I Sikhs 470, Christians 117, and Jains 66. The small number of Sikhs and Christians 88 from Burma) 18 from Nepal, 5 from Italy mainly live in the headquarters town. and Or e each from South Africa and the Fiji hlands. Most of the immigrants from 8. Of the rural population, 89'0 per P,.kistar{ are displaced persons. The cent are Hindus and II per cent, Muslims. duration of residence of more than half The number of persons belonging to other (58'4 per cent) of the immigrants is over 10 religions is insignificant. The figures for the years. 93'9 per cent immigrants were town are 69'8 per cent Hindus, 28'0 per returned from rural areas and the remaining• IX

6'1 per cent from the Urban. Among them E-Housing and Estahlishment 15'4 per cent are males and 84'6 per cent 1. Workshop and Factories-The females. The large percentage of females only registered factory in the district is the is eXFlained by marriage migration. The D.P. Government Roadways Workshop engag­ percentage of workers and non-workers is 34'6 and 65'4 respectively. Among workers ed in the repair of motor vehicles. The establishment is a small concern employing 73'3 per cent ~ork as Cultivators and Agricultural Labourers, 13'1 per cent in only 36 workers. Other Services, 7'2 per cent in Household 2. The total number of factories, Industry and other Manufacture, and ~'3 per registered and unr.:gistered, in the district cent in Trade and Commerce. In other is 4,393- 3,975 in the rural and 418 in the categories the number of workers is small. .( urban as against the State average of 4,460 . 2. In- the rural population 92'9 per In the rural area tbe largest number (899) cent were born within the district, 6'9 per is engaged in the production of edible fats cent in other districts of the State, and 0'2 and oils (other than hydrogenated oil), per cent in other parts of India. The persons followed by production of other food pro­ born in other countries number 330. The ducts (834), such as sweetmeat, condiments corresponding figures for the urban are 73'6 etc. In the urban area the largest number per cent born within the district, 21'8 per is engaged in the production of sweetmeat cent in other districts of the State, 3'5 per and condiments (91), followed by manufac­ cent in other parts of India, and 1'1 per cent ture of textile garments (79). in other countries. Most of t~e immigrants from other countries are confined to the town. 3. The predominant working group III the urban area is 2-5 accounting for 61'7 3. Of the immigrants from adjacent per cent, followed by single-worker establish­ States, 1,226 Bersons (males 432, females ments (32'1 per cent). In the rural area 794) are from , 363 per­ , single-worker establishments are most numer­ sons (males 135, females 228) from Bihar, ous (71:6 per cent). 262 persons (males 132, females 130) from 4. In both villages and towns most of Punjab, 224 persons (males 100, females 124) from Rajasthan and 57 persons (males the establishments are run without power. 23, females 34) from Delhi. The number of The percentage of such establis~ments is 55'9 immigrants from other districts of the State III the rural area and 83'3 in the urban. is 89,074 (males 12,6,)5 females 76,419). Next comes other power both in the rural and urban. The percentage of such estab- 4. Migration Tables have not been lishments in rural and urban areas are 27'2 reproduced. and 7-9 respectively. Electricity i~ used In x only 2 rural and 21 urban industrial estab­ ditions of congestion in respect of one-fifth lishments. This will show to wlaat small households, in rural areas. extent power is used in the factories and 8. Housing and Establishment Tables workshops of this district. have not been reproduced, 5. Walls and Roofs-Mud IS the 3. Presentation of Data predominant material of house walls in Statistics in this volume have been pre­ villages and burnt bricks in towns-98'1 per sented in the following order:- cent households in rural areas and 71'7 per I-Census Tables-General Population cent in urban areas live in such houses. Tiles Tables, Economic Tables, Social and Cultural constitute the most important roofing material Tables al;ld Scheduled Caste Tables. both in the rural area and in the town II-Official Statistics- Rainfall and accounting for 83'7 and 36'2 per cent res­ Temperature, Vital Statistics, Agriculture and pectively. Brick and limi! and concrete-and­ Irrigation, Household Industries, Registered stone slab are the next important roof Factories, Administration, PublIc Health and materials in the town. Medical, Education, Public Entertainment, 6. Size of Household and Density Presses and Journals, Communication, Local of Persons per Room-The average size of Bodies, Community Development, Calendar of household in the rural area is 5 and in the Important Events, Prices of Staple Food­ urban 5'2, The correspondin~ figures for stuff~, Banks and Insurance, Livestock, Fairs and 1951 are 4'8 for rural and 5'4 for urban Festivals, Handicrafts, Major and Ivfedium areas, which would show that the rural Projeets, and Wages. household increased in size and the urban III-Village Directory-Definitions of diminished dur.ing the decade. Households column headings, and for each tahsil an Alpha­ occupying two rooms are predom~nant account­ betical List of Villages and a Village Directory ing for 27'3 per cent, followed by those living .glvlng data for all villages and towns by in one and three rooms which respectively sex of total population, scheduled caste popu­ account for 21'8 and 19'6 per cent. 0'1 per lation, literate population, working population cent households have no regular room to live by categories of workers and non-workers. in. The proportion of households living in IV-List of Industrial Establishment­ 5 rooms or more i" also significant (17 per Number of establishments in each village or cent). This is a peculia.r thing in this and a block the 3-digit ind ustrial code. few other eastern districts. V-Appendix- Gazette Notification \ of 7. In the rural area the average density changes in boundaries during the decade 1951 of persons per room is 1'7 and in the urban 1961. 2'0. Considering households occupying one 2. Besides, the above, one map for the room only, the average" size in the rural area is District and one for each tahsil have been 3'5 and in the urban 2: I, which speaks of con- included in the District Handbook. PART I CENSUS TABLES



A-I-Area, Houses and Population

Area in Number of Villages Number Population Total ,..----~------Population -"---. Number of ,.----_.;...------. DistrictlTahsil1 Rural per Sq. of Occupied CitylTown Urban Sq. Sq. mile In- Un- Towm Residential Persom Males Females miles Km. habited inhabited Houses 2 3a 3b 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II PRATAPGARH ,/ DISTRICT T 1,419'9 3,677'5 8SZ 2,(95 39 1 234,398 I, ~5Z,196 / 607,165 645,031 R 1,416'7 3,669'2 869 2,195 39 230,18(1 1,230,799 595,530 635,269 U 3'2 8'3 6,637 1 4,218 21,3')7 11,635 9,762 *Kunda Tahsil T 533'8 1,382'5 822 681 23 87,469 438,967 215,306 223,661

Pratapgarh Tahsil T 43i'2 1,116'8 998 698 5 80,301 430)194 207,220 223,174 R 428'0 1,108'5 956 698 5 76,085 408,997 195,585 213,412 U 3'2 8'3 6,6R7 4,218 21,397 11,635 9,76(,; Bela M.B. 3'20 8'29 6,687 4,218 21,397 11,635 9,762

*Patti Tahsil T 454'9 1,178'2 842 816 11 66,628 382,835 184,639 198,196 ------Notes- In columns 3b and 4 the Sq. Kilometre and density figures respectively of urban areas of tabsils and district are worked out using the area figures corrected upto 2 places of decimals obtained by adding the areas of towns in the respective units and not using the area figures given in the Table. In addition to this, the figures relating to Sq. Km. are further adjusted to make the tahsil and district totals agree According to Surveyor General, India the area of district Pratagarh is 1458 Sq. miles (3,776 Sq. Km.)

APPENDIX I Statement showing 1951 Territorial U~its constituting the present 1961 set-up of the District and Tahsils (Only those names/areas which have undergone change since 1951 have been shown below)

1951 Details of gain in Territories Details of loss in Territories Net Area DistrictlTahsil Territorial ,------"-,------., ,------""------, (Gain +) Units Area in Area (Loss -) ,----"----, Brief Brief description Sq. miles Sq. Km description Sq. miles Sq. Km. Sq. miles Sq. Km.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

PRATAPGARH Pra1apgarh District 38 villages trans- 12'9 33' 5 (i) 17 villages of Patti 28'3 73-3 -15-4 -39'S DISTRICT ferred to Patti Tahsil Tahsil transferred to from Soraon Tahsil of Machhlishahr Tahsil of 12'8 33'2

(ii) 10 villages of 9'8 25'3 Patti Tahsil trans­ ferred to Soraon Tahsil of Allahabad District

(iii) 4 villages l'f 14'8 Kunda Tahsil transferr­ ed to Soraon Tahsil of Allahabad District

Runda Tabsil Kunda 'fahsi! 4 villages traruferred 14'8 • -5'7 -14'8 to Soraon Tahsil of Allahabad District

Patti Tahsil Patti TahSil 38 viJla~es transferr- 12'9 33'S (i) 10 villages trans- 22'6 58'5 -25.0 ed to Sora on Tahsil, ferred to Soraon Tahsil of Allahabad District of Allahabad District 9'8 25'3

(ii) 17 villages trans- 12'[; 33'2 fer red to Machhli shahr Tahsil of Jaunpur District CBNSOS TABUS 6

APPENDIX II Number oj Villagls with a Population 01 5,000 and over and Towns with a Population under 5,000

Villages with a Population of 5,000 and over Towns with a Population under 5,000 ------~ .... ---- District/Tahsil Percentage to Percentage to Number Population Total Rural Number Population Total Urban Population Population of the State of the State <,-,

I 2 3 4 5 6 7c..


Kunda Tahsil \ 5.413 0'01


Houseless and Institutional Population

Total Houseless Population Institutional Population Districr/'l'al\sif Rural -~-- ...... Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

PRATAPGARH D1STRECT T 37 24 13 467 353 114 R 37 24 13 136 113 23 U 331 240 91

·K.unda Tahsil T 8 5 3 37 30 7 R 8 5 3 37 30 7

Pratapga1:h Taos-iJ T 3 2 364 273 91 R 3 2 33 33 U 331 240 91

.Patti Tahsil T 26 17 9 66 50 16 R 26 17 9 66 50 16

*There is no urban area 7 A-SBRII.lS

A-II-Variation in Population during Sixty Years

Percentage Decade Year Persons decade Males Females variation variation

2 3 4 5 6 7

464,111 l'RATAl'GARH OISTRIC1' 1901 908,105 443,994 1911 895,279 12,826 1·41 435,152 460,127 1921 850,752 + 44,527 4·97 415,491 435,261 1931 901,618 + 50,866 + 5·98 440,051 461,561 1941 1,036,496 + 134,878 + 14·96 527,429 509,067 1951 1,106,805 + 70,309 + 6·78 542,763 564,042 1961 1,252,196 + 145,391 + 13·14 607,165 645,031


1951 Population according to the territorial jurisdiction in 1951 and changes in area and population involved in those changes

Area in 1961 Area in 1951 1951 Population Population in Net increase Or District/1'ahsil "---_""'_---. ..---"----, according to ju­ 1951 adjusted decrease het­ 1961 risdiction pre­ to jurisdiction ween columns Sq. miles Sq. Km. Population Sq. miles Sq. Km. vailing in 1951 of 1961 7 and 8

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PRATAPGARH DISTRICT 1,419'9 3,677'5 1,252,196 1,447'0 3,747'7 1,110,734 1,106,805 -3,929 (-27'1) (-70'2) (-3,929)

Kunda Tahsil 533'8 1,382'5 438,957 543'0 1,405'4 385,522 378,934 6,588 t(-9'2) t(-23'9) ( -6.5~1.l) Pratapgarh Tahsil 431'2 1,116'8 430,394 437'0 1,131'8 386,305 386,305 *(-5'8) *(-15'0) ( ... ) Patti Tahsil 454'9 1,178'2 382,835 467'0 1,209'5 338907 341,566 +2,659 t( -12'1) t(-31'3) (+2,659)

Noies 1. The difference between 1951 area and 1961 area has been given \:ithin brackets in columns 5 and 6 and the difference in population of 1951 as enumerdted and as recast on the basis of jurisdiction of 1961 is given within brackets in column 7. The area figures of 1951 are fr.om the 1951 Dis.trict Cer-sus Handbook and )hose of 1961 as intimated by the Board of Revenue. . & 2. The net jurisdictional change, due to transfer of 10 villages with an area of 9'8 Sq. miles from Patti Tahsil of this district and 2 vilIage~ with an Ilreaof 1'7 Sq. miles from Kunda tahsil' of this (listrict to Soraon tahsil of Allahabad district, 38 villages with an area of 12'9 Sq. miles of Soraon Tahsil of Allahabad district to Patti Tahsil of this District, (vide G. ). No. 269B/ 10-49C/50, dated July 11, 1953). 2 villages with an a~ea of 4~0 Sq. miles of Kunda tahsil of this distlict tv Soraon tahsil of Allahabad district (vide :a.O. No. 23!IC-49-C/50, dated April 2.0, \956) and 17 villages WIth an area of12'8 Sq. miles from Patti tahsil of this district to Machhlisahar Tahsil of district J ~unpur (vide G.O. No. 269B/IC-49-C/50, dated July 11. 1953) does not corroborate with the difference m area figUles of 1~51 and 1961 because of rellised calculation of area done by the Board of Revenue in 1961. *3. There has been no jurisdictional change duringthedecade; the difference in area figures of 1951 and 1961 is due to revised calculation of area by the Board of Revenue in 1!l61. CBNSUS TABLB~ 8 '\-111-Villages classified by Population

I-Villages with less than 2,000 Population ------.------~ TMal Less than 200 200-499 500-999 ,- Number ~ DistrictlTahsil of Total Rural Inhabited Population Population Population Population villages '--' -. No. No. -. No. ,....-oA.---. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14

PRATAPGARH 2,195 1,230,799 595,530 635,269 482 28,289 29,866 821 130,531 140,506 581 197,676 209,781 DISTRICT \ Kunda Tahsil 681 438,967 215,306 223,661 131 8,210 8,212 242 40,571 41,789 186 65,833 G7,769

Pratapgarh Tahsil 698 408,997 195,585 213,412 135 7,873 8,611 262 41,244 45,620 195 64,998 70,548

Patti Tahsil • 8.6 332.835 184,639 198,196 216 12,206 13,043 317 48,716 53,097 200 66,84-5 71,464

t-Villages with less than lI-ViIlages with a Population of 2,000-9,999 III-Villages with a Population 2,000 Population-(concld.) of 10,000 and above -- --. ----. ~--:-----. DiStrict/Tahsil 1,000-1,999 2,000-4,999 5,000-9,999 10,000 and above -"- .--- ""--~ Population Population Population Population No. ...-----"-__, No. ,....,_....__,_..... No. No • r-- ...... ____, .Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femalel

I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

PRATAPGARH ~51 61,377 171,500 59 74,901 80,956 1 2,753 2,660 DISTRICT Kunda Tahsil 92 61,857 64,091 29 36,082 39,140 2.753 2,660

Pratapgarh Tahsil 83 52,936 57,773 23 28,534 30,860

Patti Tahsil 76 46,584 49,636 7 10,288 10,956 9 A-SERJRS

A-IV-Towns (and Town-Groups) classified by Population in 1961 with Variation since 1941

Decade Percentage Name of Town/ Status of Town Year Persons variation decade Males Females 'fown-Group variation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Class I1I-20,OOO-49,999

Bela M.B. 1941 12,829 7,184 5,645 Area in Sq. miles 3·20/Sq. Km. 0'29 1951 15,026 +2,197 + 17'13 8,297 6,729 1961 21,397 +6,371 +42'40 11,635 9,762

'M.B.' stands for 'Municipal Board'


New Towns added in 1961 and Towns in 1951 declassified in 1961

New Towns added in 1961 Towns in 1951 which have been declassified as rural in 1961 ,.....----- ~------~ r------"------, Name of Town Area in Population Name of Town Area in .--_.A.Population___ --, r---"----~ r----"------. r---"---~ Sq. Sq. 1961 1951 Acres Sq. 1961 1951 miles Km. Km. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mal)ikpur 1,655 6'7 5,413 4,712 Pratapgarh 1,812 7'3 4,711 4,576 Katra Mendniganj 506 2'0 1,570 2,103


Each town in 1951 which has ceased to be IJ town in 1961, showing the name, area and population of the village or villages into which it has relapsed in 1961

Constituent villages r------"------______~ Name of District Name of 1951 Census Town 1961 declassified in 1961 Name Survey No ,------"- ---,

Area (in acres) Population

2 3 4 5 6

PRATAPGARH Manikpur Manikpur N.A. 1,522 5,413 Pratapgarh Pratapgarh 271 1,861 4,711 Kalra Mendniganj Katra Mendniganj N.A. 145 1,570 N.A.-Not available


8-1 and B-U-Workers and Non-workers in District and Towns classified



Total Population Total Workers As Cultivator As Agricultural In Mining, Labourer Quarrying, Live· Age-group stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities ,.- ---- ,.----...... ___, ,....---...... --, Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



240,290 156,2S9 46,157 56,304 TOTAL 1,252,196 607,165 Gi5,031 339,992 232,622 608 231 0-14 521,044 269,249 251,795 24,849 205,292 15,826 12,690 5,581 5,505 63 24 ~ 98,958 66,314 23,179 26,175 281 15-34 359,236 163,454 195,782 147,5.7 100,783 110 93,113 94,763 64,033 14,516 21,059 35-59 283,370 132,158 151,212 130,028 222 89 37,541 18,423 30,736 13,261 2,675 3,556 60+ 87,651 41,757 45,894 42 8 11 7 6 9 Age not stated 895 547 348 27


333,852 231,856 240,057 156,219 46,150 56,297 562 227 TOTAL 1,230,799 595,530 635,269 15,819 12,684 5,581 5,505 60 23 0-14 512,426 264,680 247,746 24,662 20,256 IH,636 100,486 98,881 66,279 23,375 I 26,173 266 108 15-34 352,280 159,633 192,597 94,662 61,001 14,513 21,055 197 88 35-59 278,619 129,418 149,201 127,370 92,752 2,675 3,555_ 39 8 60+ 86,579 41,202 45,377 37,157 18,351 30,688 13,254 9 Age not stated 895 547 348 27 11 7 1 6

* Urban

4 TOTAL 21,397 11,635 9,76l 6,140 766 233 80 7 7 46 3 0-14 8,618 4,569 4,049 187 36 7 6 15 2 15-34 6,956 3,771 3,185 2,911 297 77 35 . 4 2 25 35-59 4,751 2,740 2,011 2,658 361 101 32 3 4 60+ 1,072 555 517 384 72 48 7 3 Age not stated ------*Population of the Bela M. B. is the same as there is no other Urban units in the district. 13 B-SIUUBlI r by Sex and Broad Age-groups


.-~.--..... IV V VI VII VIII IX X At Household In Manufacturing In Construction In Trade and In Transport, In Other Services NON-WORKERS Indust~y other than Commerce Storage and Household Communications Industry

,--_...... __~ ,...... -.A..___.... ,--__.A. __ _...... ,..--_.A. __..-., ,.-__~ ,..-__..... __..... ~ __""- ___-.

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

18,705 12,39~ 2,382 33Z 783 7 9,816 1,931 3,704 13 17,547 5,113 267,173 412,409 2,141 1,590 95 34 5 339 66 15 784 383 244,400 231,503 8,016 5,038 1,32-1: 127 372 3 4,584 750 1,926 7 8,707 2,259 15,907 94,999 6,797 4,852 824 143 362 4 3,943 867 1,674 6 6,927 2,060 2,130 58,099 1,750 911 137 28 43 948 2~8 89 1,121 411 4,216 27,471 1 1 2 1 2 8 520 337


18,305 12,240 1,786 289 583 5 8,06:1 1,800 3,159 12 15,186 4,767 261,678 403,413 2,115 1,579 71 33 3 273 63 14 726 369 240,018 227,490 7,827 4,979 966 112 276 2 3,757 715 1,633 7 7,655 2,111 15,047 92,111 6,639 4,782 633 118 270 3 3,245 797 1,426 5 5,78!) 1,903 2,048 56,449 1,723 899 114 26 33 787 225 86 1,012 384 4,045 27,026 2 2 8 520 337


480 152 596 43 200 2 1,752 131 545 1 2,361 346 5,495 8,996 26 11 24 2 66 3 58 14 4,382 4,013 189 59 358 15 96 827 35 293 1,052 148 860 2,888 158 7J 191 25 92 698 70 243 1,142 157 82 1,650 'Ii 12 ~3 2 10 161 23 3 109 27 171 445 CENSUS TABLES 14 B-1 II-Part A-Industrial Classification of Educational Levels in



Total Population o~ Workers As Cultivator As In Mining, At Household , and Non-workers Agricultural Quarrying, Live­ Industry Labourer stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting Educational Levels and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities

r- r----"----. ~ ,....--"-----. Persons Males F~_male9 Males females Males Females Males Females Males Femalc;s \ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Total 21,379 11,635 9,762 233 80 7 7 46 4 400 152

Illiterate lJ,610 4,6;8 6,932 124 78 6 7 32 4 173 145

Literate (without educational level) 4,692 3,112 1,580 65 2 10 127 5 Primary or Junior Basic 3,032 2,056 976 34 • 90 2

High School or Higher Secondary 1,468 1,245 223 9 2 10 Technical diploma not equal to degree Non-technical diploma not equal to degree _., U~iversity degree or post- graduate degree other than technical degree 499 449 50 Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post- graduate degree 96 95

Engineering 3 3

Medicine 13 12

Agriculture " Veterinary and Dairying


Teaching 78 78

Others 15 a-SHaIES

Workers and Non-workers by Urban Areas only

WORKERS -----, ------~------V VI VII VIII IX X In Manufacturing In Construction In Trade and In Transport, In Other Services NON-WORKRES other than House­ Commerce Storage and hold Industry Communications

"---""""___~ ,.-----"----... ~~--. .----" ~--- --... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

596 43 200 2 1,752 131 545 1 2,361 346 5,495 8,996

162 38 110 2 399 117 199 586 246 2,887 6,294

251 5 32 731 14 161 477 23 1,258 1,531 150 17 424 82 419 29 838 945

31 36 173 87 500 32 397 191

5 25 16 285 )5 114 35

94 3




B-Ill-Part B-Industrial Classification of Educational Levels in WORKERS --'

I II III IV Total Population of As Cultivator As Agricultural In Mining, At Household Educational Levels Workers and Labourer Quarrying, Live- Industry Non-workers stock, Forestry Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities ...... ,.....--"--__, ,- r-- Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 \ District Total 1,230,799 595,530 635,269 240,057 156/119 46,150 56,297 562 227 18,305 12,240 [JIiterate 1.069,405 451,710 617,695 174,588 154,483 43,415 56,222 432 226 13,745 12,106 Literate (without educa- tionallevel) 113,00G 98,339 14,667 47,458 1,554 2,082 70 114 3,862 122 Primary or Junior Basic 40,032 37,273 2,759 15,353 172 613 5 12 642 12 High School and above 8,356 8,208 148 2,658 10 40 4 76

ltunda Total 438,967 215,306 223,661 86,832 53,209 17,719 19,626 131 <17 7,SOO 5,615

III iterate I 391,276 172,609 218,667 67,989 52,663 16,977 19,604 110 46 5,726 5,544 Literate (without educa- tional level) 33,808 29,567 4.241 13,930 490 556 21 18 1,597 65 Primary or Junior Basic 11.688 10,984 704 4,178 49 178 2 156 6 High School and above 2,195 2,146 49 785 7 8 21

Pratapgarb rotal 408,997 195,585 213,412 74,698 47,530 14,949 19,569 139 26 5.854 3,588 Illiterate 346,003 139,976 206,027 50,421 46,982 13,709 19,536 122 26 4,250 3,552 Literate (without educa- tiolll11 level) 43,600 37.44:5 6,155 17,307 491 847 29 10 1,273 31 frimary or Junior Basic 15,891 14,714: 1,177 6,043 56 369 4 5 303 5 f-Ii"h School and above 3,503 3,450 53 927 1 24 2 _28


154 4,951 3,037 Total 382,835 184,639 198,196 78,477 55,480 13.'182 17,102 292 3,749 3,010 Illiterate 332,126 139,125 193,001 56,178 54,838 12,729 17,082 200 154

Literate (without educa- 86 992 26 tional level) 35,598 31,327 4,271 16,221 573 679 20 5 183 Primary or Junior Basic 12,453 11,575 878 5,132 67 66 27 High School and above 2,658 2,612 46 946 2 R 111' ,B-SERIIlS

Workers and Non-workers by Rural Areas only WORKERS :------_._------, V VI VII VIII IX X In Manufacturing In Construction In Trade and In Transport, In Other Services NON-WORKERS other than Commerce Storage and Household Communications Industry ,.-__.._..____, r--_..... ~--. ,.-- --.. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


1,786 289 583 5 8,064 1,800 3,159 12 15,186 4,767 261,678 403,413 871 286 365 5 3.928 1,763 1,274 6 7,792 4,654 205,320 387,944 673, 2 124 3,205 33 913 4 2,483 34 37,425 12,847 211 60 836 4 488 2,743 ~5 16,315 2,509 31 34 95 484 2,168 24 2,618 113


363 23 218 3,282 71)0 485 4 5,993 1,962 92,733 142,385 139 22 107 1,814 767 227 4 3,486 1,916 76,034 138,101 160 71 1,011 19 125 976 13 11,123 3,631 50 31 448 4 16 877 22 4,988 622 14 9 9 57 654 11 588 31


1,130 259 241 2 2,737 598 1,864 3 5,817 1,689 88,156 140,148 599 258 18~ 2 1,185 591 668 I 2.703 1,651 66,136 133,428 397 35 1,305 7 555 951 13 14,765 5,581 126 17 203 318 1,278 20 6,052 1,091 8 6 44 323 885 5 1,203 46


293 7 124 3 2,045 412 810 5 3,376 1,116 80,789 120,880 133 6 75 3 929 405 379 1,603 1,087 63,150 116,415 116 18 889 7 233 4 556 8 11,537 3,033 35 12 185 94 588 13 5,275 796 9 19 42 104 629 8 , 827 36 CENSUS TABLES 18

B-IV-Part A-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work at Household Industry

Total Employee Others ~----"- -- .... Branch of Industry Total -- Division and Major Group of Rural Males Females Maies. Females Males Females 1. S. I. C. Urban

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ALL DIVISIONS T 18.705 12,392 822 158 17,893 12,234 R 18,305 12,240 436 158 17,869 12,082 386 14 152 \ U 400 15%

Divinon O-Agricullure, Livestock, Forlslry. Fishing and Hunting T 2.290 1,'185 88 £() 2,202 1735 R 2,250 1,784 88 50 2:~02 1,734 U 1 1

Major Groups OO-Field produce and Plan- " tation' crops T 39 66 8 31 65 R 39 66 8 31 65

Ol-Plantation crops T 17 13 1 17 . R 17 13 17

04-Livestock and hunting T 2.234 1,706 80 48 2,154 1,658 R 2,234 1,795 80 48 2,154 1.657 U 1 1

Divisionl2 & 3-Manuja,turiltg T 16,415 10,607 734 108 15,681 10,499 U 16 015 10,456 348 108 15,667 10,348 1 R 400 151 ,.386 14 151

Major Groups 20-Foodstuffs T 4,880 4,953 213 48 4,667 4,905 R 4.739 4,874 85 48 4,654 4.826 U 141 79 128 13 79

21-Beverages T U

22-Tobacco products T 65 2 16 49 2 R 57 8 49 1 U 8 8 ." ... 1 19 B-SBRms

B-IV-Part A-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of'Worker of Persons aeWot"k at Household Industry-Contd.

Total Employee Others ,----"--_, ,-- Branch of Industry Total Division and Major Group of Rural Males Vemales Males Females 'Males Females I. S_ I. C. Urban

2 3 4- 5 6 7 6

Major Groups 23-Textile-cotton T 1,232 1,251 '51 11 1,\81 1,240 R 1,220 1,248 40 11 1,180 1,237 t! 12 3 II 1 3

24-TextiIe-jute T 493 771 6 8 487 763 'R 492 768 5 8 - 487 760 U 3 3

25-Textile-wool T 16 ' 25 16 25 R 16 20 16 20 U 5 5

27-Textile-miscellaneou3 T 1,446 466 108 3 1,338 463 R 1,411 461 73 3 1,338. 458 U ~5 5 35 5

28-Manufacture of wood and wooden products T 1,411 718 6\ 21 1,347 697 R 1,'376 68B 29 21 1,347 667 'U '35 30 35 30

29-Paper and paper products T 7 6 R 6 6 U

31-Leather and leather products T 429 37 22 407 36 R 411 37 4- 407 36 U 18 18

32-Rubber, petroleum and coal products T 2 2 2 2 o R 2 2 2 CBNSUS 1'ABLBS 20

B~IV-Part A-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Pel.'sons at WOl.'k at Household lndust.. y-Concld.

Others Total_,._ Employee Total ,....----"------. ,-- --. Branch of Industry Rural Males Females Division and Major Group of Urban Males Females Males Females I. S. I. C.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Maj'1r GroUpS 33-Chemicals and Chemical . products T 75 42 9 2 66 40 R 74 42 8 2 66 40 \ u 1 ..... 34 & 35-Non-metallic mineral products other than petroleum and coal T 2,714 2,195 37 011 2,677 2,184 R 2,688 2;177 11 11 2,677 2,166 U 26 18 26 18

36-Basic metals and their ,products except machinery . and transport equipment T 2,\91 56 75 2,116 56 R 2,154 55 38 2,1\6 55 U 37 37 1

37-Machinery (all kinds other than transport) and elect~ rica I equipment T 1 R

38-Transport equipment T 147 2 11 136 2 R 142 6 136 U 5 2 5 2

39-Miscellaneous manufacturing industries T 1,305 87 120 3 1,185 84 R 1.226 83 41 3 1.185 80 U 79 4 79 4

I.S.I.C.-Indian Standard Industrial Classification 21 B-SE;RIES

B-IV-Part A-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work at Household Industry by Tahsils (Rural only)

Total Employee Others r---..... ----, .---~--...... r-----"-_-...... Branch of Industry Males Females Males Females Males Females Division of I. S. I. C. .:.ia 2 3 4 5 6 7

District Rural

'Iotal 18,305 12,240 436 158 17,869 12,082

Divisions O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and HUnting 2,290 1,784 88 50 2,202 1,734

2 & 3-Manufacturing 16,015 10,456 348 108 15,667 10,348

Kunda Tahsil

Total 7,500 5,615 102 47 7,398 5,568

Divisions O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting 1,349 1,073 30 27 1,319 1,046

2 & 3-Manufacturing 6,151 4,542 72 20 6,079 4,522

Pratapgarb Tahsil

Total 5,854 3,588 94 13 5,760 3,575

Divisions O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 327 262 36 3 291 259

2 & 3-Manufacturing 5,527 3,326 58 10 5,469 3,316

Patti Tahsil

Total 4,951 3,037 240 98 4,711 2,939

Divisions O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 614 449 22 20 592 429

2 & 3-Manufacturing 4,337 2,588 218 78 4,119 2,510

I.S.l.C.-Indian Standard Industrial Clas:!ification ChNSUS TAIILBS 24

B-IV-Part B-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work in Non- household Industry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service-Contd.

Total Employer Employee Single Worker Femaily Worker --, ,---"-___ Total ~ ,---.....___, ----. Branch of Industry Urban Division and Major Group of Males Females Males Females Males ·Females Males Females Males Fema les I. S. I. C.

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Major Groups 30-Printing and publishing T 23 1 12 8 2 U 11 l 4 4 2

31-Leather and leather "pro- ducts T 58 3 3 11 33 14 U 17 11 6

32-Rubber, Petroleum and coal products T 2 2 U

33-Chemicals and chemical products T 24 17 4 3 U 3 " ... 3 34 & 35-Non-metallic mineral pro- ducts other than petro- leum and coal T 136 28 2 41 18 60 9 33

U 25 2 3 9 11 36-Basic metals and their pro- ducts except machinery and transport equipment T 188 11 72 6 79 3 36 2 U 21 5 5 14 :3 2 2 37-Machinery (all kinds other than transport and elec- trical equipment T 14 13

U 2

38-Transport equipment T 271 7 3 143 5 97 28 U 185 7 120 5 42 22

39-Miscellaneous manufactu- ring industries T 232 32 6 74 20 118 8 34 4

U 92 5 3 22 43 4 24

Dilluion 4-Construction T 783 7 16 704 5 33 2 30

U 200 2 5 133 33 2 29 25 B-SERIES

I B-IV-"part B-IniIustrial C.las~i6.cadon by ,Sex and Class o( Wop:~~r of Pe~sons at Work in Non- household Industry) 'Trade) Business) Profession or Service-Contdon.

Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Worker Total ,...-~ Branch of .Illdpstry Urban Division and Major Group of Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I. S. I. C.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Major Group 4O-Construction T 783 7 16 704 5 33 2 30 U 200 2 5 133 33 2 29

Division 5-Ellctricit" Gas, Watlr and Sanitary S"fJiclS T 162 105 137 83 19 19 6 3 U 98 45 .,'. 81 45 11 6

Major Groups 50-Electricity and gas T 18 18 U 18 18

51-Water supply and sani- tary services T 144 105 119 83 19 19 6 3

U 80 45 63 45 11 6

Division 6-Trade and Commlrce T 9,816 1,931 647 56 600 39 5,930 699 2,639 1,137

U 1,752 131 141 5 436 5 723 68 452 53

I, Major Groups 60-63-Wholesale trade T 143 29 40 27 47

U 106 13 35 16 42

64-68-Retail trade T 9,608 1,924 616 56 525 39 5,889 695 2,578 1,134

U 1,605 131 126 5 369 5 706 68 404- 53

69-Trade and commerce miscellaneous T 65 6 2 35 14 4 14 2

U 41 ~ 32 6

Dillirion 7-Transport, Storage and Commu- nication T 3,704 13 60 1 2,902 7 696 5 46

,U 545 1 6 374 165 1

Major Groups 70-71-Transport T 3,215 13 60 2,413 7 696 5 46 U 500 6 329 165 1 CBNSUS TABLES 26

B-IV-Part B-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of' Worker of' Persons at Work in Non­ household Industry. Trade, Business, Prof'ession or Service-Contd.

Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Worker Total ~ ____ ------...----"---.. Urban Branch of Industry Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Division and Major Group of I. S. I. c.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Major Group 73-Communications T 489 489

U 45 45

Division B-ServiClS T 17,274 4,992 17 11 10,691 1,276 3,337 1,699 3,229 2,006

U 2,263 301 15 1,770 208 431 87 47 6

Major Groups 80-Public: services T 4,476 16 4,476 16

U 949 949

8I-Educational and Scientific services T 1,949 158 1,941 158 8

U 209 67 201 67 8

82-Medical and Health services T 406 65 2 279 38 125 2J

U 115 25 2 91 18 22 7

83-Relig_ious and We!fare servIces T 142 3 20 122 3

U 23 11 12

84--Legal services T 590 294 288 8

U 234 129 105

.8S-Business services T 82 ... 70 11 U 37 28 8

86-Community services and trade and labour associations T 13 13

U 8 8 27 13-SERIBI B-IV-Part B-Industrial Classification by Se:s;, and Class of Worker of Persons at Work in Non­ household Industry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service-Coneld.

Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Worke Total _____...,_____, r--J.._- Branch of Industry Urban ..----"-___ r-._-----..... Division and Major Group of Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fema I. S. I. C.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Major Groups 87-Recreation services T 133 49 3 26 104 48 U 35 46 9 25 46

sa-Personal services T 5.197 2,943 12 9 1.389 903 1.894 576 1.902 1.45~

U 424 100 12 275 65 92 29 45 6

89-Services (not elsewhere classified) T 4.286 1.757 2,183 195 785 1.046 1,318 551

U 229 62 69 58 159 4

Dirtision 9-Actiuities not adequately described T 111 16 2 4 109 2 10

Major Group 90-Activities Unspecified and not adequately described including new entrants to the labour market T III 16 2 4 109 2 1

I.S.I.C.-Indian Standard Industrial Classification CENSUS TABLES 28 B-IV Part-n-Jndustt'ial C)assification by Sex and Class of Worker ot' Persons at Work in Non-household Indus~ry. Tra4e, Business, Pr.ofession or Service by TahsiJs (Rural only)

Total lEmployer Employee Single Worker Family Worker .,.---.~-, ,---..A----.. r---"----t r--...A---",\ Branch of Industry Division .of Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1. S. I. C.

2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 9 10 II

District Rural

ALL DIVISIONS 29,340 7,100 666 96 13,051 1,276 9,566 2.425 6,057 3.303 \ Division G-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and HUnting 537 226 4 83 2 119 29 331 194 I-Mining and Quarrying 25 25 2 & 3-Manufacturlllg 1,786 289 89 32 701 117 686 128 310 12 4-Construction 583 5 11 571 ,5 5'_Electfic~ty,'Gase,~Water and Sanitary Serv,lces 6~ 60 56 38 8 19 3

6--Trade and Commerce 8,061 1,801) 506 51 164 34 ;',207 631 2,18? 1,084 7-Transport, Storage and Communi- cation 3,159 12 54 2~528 7 531 4 46

8-Services 15,0l1 4,691 2 11 8,921 1,068 2,906 1;612 3,182 2,000

9-Activities not adequately described 111 16 2 4 109 "2 10

Kuuda Tahsil

ALL DIVISIONS 10,472 2,826 147 33 2,922 180 3,605 - 668 3,798 1,945 plvision O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 127 47 4 20 47 6 56 39

I-Mining and Quarrying 4 4 2 & 3-Manufacturing 363 23 25 176 3 139 11 23 9 4-CoDStruction 218 2 216 5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services 19 24 16 8 3 16

6-Trade and Commerce 3,282 790 109 21 46 2,079 373 1,048 395 7-TraDSl?0rt, Storage and Communi- cation 485 4 5 1 307 163 3 10

a-services 5,865 1,922 2 10 2,137 163 1,065 257 2.661 1,492

9-Activities not adequately described 109 16 4 109 2 10 29 B-SER.IBS B-IV-Part-B.,-Industrial Classification by Sex andl.(i;lass of Worker .of"Persons at Work in Non-household Ind"lstry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service by Tahsils (Rural only)-Condd.

Total Emplqy.er Employee Single Worker Family Worker ,--__.",_~ ,------""'---..-, r---_"_-~ ,----~-~ ,.---...... -----. Branch· of· Industry Division of Males Females Males Females Males Femals Males Females Males Females 1. S. 1. C.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Pratapgarh Tahsil

A.LL DIVISIONS 11,928 2,577 257 47 r,125 949 3,~12 1,026. 1,034 555 Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and HUJ;lti.ng 134 26 19 64 12 21 13

I....,.Mining and~ Quarrying 5 5

2 & 3-Manufacturing 1,130 259 61 32 346 114 466 113 257

4-Construction 241 2 6 235 2 5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services' 45 27 40. 27 5

6-Trade and Commerce 2,737 598 184 14 35 ~ l,~75 53 543 527 7-Transport,' Storage and Communi- cation 1,864 3 6 1,674 3 165 19

8""':Services 5,772 1,662 4,741 798 .837 848 194- IS

9-Activities not adequately described

"' T ••• J in ! tI .

Patti Tabsil , J' ,. , A.Ll- DIVISIONS 6,940 1,697 262 16 3,004. ,147, ~ 2.449 731 1,225 803 t ·v Division O-:Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and HUJlting .~76 153. 1 I ... ~ 14 8 11 254 142 i' 1-:Mining and Quarrying 16 'f 'i6'

2 & 3-~nufactu,"ing 293 7 3 179 8'1 4 30 3

4-Construction ·124' 13 3 I 1+0 3 5-Electricity,:; Oas, Water and Sanitary Services 9 3 3 ·3

6--1'rade and Commerce 2,045 412 213 16 83 ~9 1,153 205 596 162

7-Transport, Storage and Communi- 8~,0. ' ,5 43 547 4 203 17 cation

8-Services 3,374 1.. 107 2,043 107 1,004 507 827 493 9-Activities not adequately described 2 2

I.S.I.C.-Indian Standard Industrial Classification P.8 CBNSUS TABLES 30

B-IV-Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex and Divisions, Major Groups

Branch of Industry Total.... Djvision, Major Group_imd MinoT Group of I. S. I. C. r-----_ Total Persons Males Females 2 3 4

ALL DIVISIONS 73,564 53,545 20,019 Dil'Jision 0 Agriculture, Livestock, Forestr), Fishing and Hunting 4.888 2.873 2,015 Major Group 00 Field Produce\and Plantation Crops 322 200 122 Minor Groups 005 Production of other crops (including vegetables), not covered above 98 74- 24- 006 Production of fruits and nuts in plantation, vines and orchards 117 86 31 007 Production of wood. bamboo, cane reeds, thatching grass, etc. 79 21 58

• oj 009 Production of other agricultural produce'(inc1uding fruits a~d nuts not <-overed by code number 006 and flowers) not covered above 28 19 9 Major Group 01 Plantation Crops 424 271 15S Minor Group 015 Production of other plantation crops not covered above 424- 271 153 Major Group 02 Forestry and Logging 86 ~4 22 Minor Groups 020 Planting, replanting and conservation of forests 2Q 20

021 Felling and cutting of trees and transportation of logs 24 1~ 5 022 Preparation of timber 22 19. 3 024 Production of fodder by exploitation of forests 20 6 14- Major Group 03 Fishing 2 2 - Minor Group 031 Production of fish by fishing in inland waters including the operation of fish farms and fish hatcheries 2 2 M.ajor Group 04 Livestock and Hunting 4,054- 2,336 1,718 Minor Groups 040 Production and rearing of livestock (large heads only) mainly for milk and animal power such as cow, buffill0, goat 3,236 1,878 1,358 041 Rearing of sheep and production of wool 369 214 155 042 Rearing and production of other animals (mainly for slaughter) such as pig 417 224 193 043 Production of ducks, hens and other small birds, eggs by rearing and poultry farming 15 3 12 044 Rearing of bees for the production of honey, wax and collection of honey 2 2 ... 04') Rearing of silk worms and production of cocoons and raw silk 10 10 048 Production of other animal husbandry products such as skin, bone, ivory and teeth 5 5 - iJilJision 1 Mining and Qua"Jing 26 25 1 Major Group 10 Mining and Quarrying 26 25 Minor Groups 100 Mining of coal 22 21 107 Quarrying of stone (including slate), clay, sand, gravel. limestone 2 2 109 Mining and quarrying of non-metallic products not classified above such as precious and semi-precious stones, asbestos, ,gypsum, sulphur, asphalt 2 2 31 B-SBRIBS and Minor Groups of PersoDs at Work other than Cultivation

Workers Worken at Household Industry Workers in NOll-household Industry, etc. '- --. Blanch of Indust.cy Urban Total Urban Total Urban Division, Major Group r- -, ,.--.....____., ...... ------. ..---~-...... and Minor Group of Persons Males Fell.lala Ma)~ Females Males Females Maltli Females Males Females 1. S. 1. C. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

6.579 5,900 679 18.705 1~,39~ too 152 34,84.0 7,627 5,500 527 ALL DIVISIONS

51 46 5 2,290 1,785 583 230 46 4 Division 0

25 25 39 66 161 56 25 Major Group 00 6 6 5 69 24 6 Minor Groups 005 6 6 13 2 73 29 6 006 21 58 007

13 13 6 19 3 13 OOg

17 13 254 140 Major Group 01 17 13 254 W) Minor Group 015 9 5 4- 64 22 5 oj. *' Major Group 02 20 Millor Groups 020 19 5 021 19 3 022 9 5 4 6 14 5 4 024

2 Major Group 03

2 Minor Group 031 17 16 1 2,234 1.706 10l 12 16 Major Group M 17 16 \ 1,801 1.346 77 J2 16 Minor Groups 040

Z(}9 155 5 04-1 042 218 193 6 043 3 12 2 044- 045 10 048 3 2 I 2S 1 Diuirion

25 MaJor Group 10 21 Minor Groups 100 2 107

~ _-. 2 109 eRN SlJS l'AllLl!S

B·IV·Part C-IDdustrial Classificatiun by Sex and Di\'isions, Major Groups

~ Total Branch of Industry _____....J Division. Major .Gro.up and Minor Group of I. S. I. C. Total

Persons Males Females


M anuJacluring 29.736 18.797 10,939

Major Group ·20 Foodstuffs 5,303 5,064 Minor Groups 200 Production ofri~, alta, flour, etc. by milling debusking and proct:sSing of crops and foodgrains . 4,571 1,863 2,706 201 Production of sugar and syrnp from sugarcane in mills 202 Production of indigenous sugar, gur from sugarcane or palm juice and production of candy 168 152 16 < Production of fruit products such as jam, jelly, sauce and canning a.nd preservation 203 3 of fruits 3 B 8 ~:ij Slaughtering, preservation of meat and fish and canning of fish 205 Production of bread, biscuits, cake and other bakery products 30 22 8 206 Production of blltter, ghee, cheese and other dairy products 9 7 2 207 - Production of edible fats and oils (other than hydrogenated oil) 4,322 2,191 2,131 209 Production of other food products such as sweetmeat and condiments, muri, murki, 196 chira. khoi, cocoa, chocolate, toffee, lozenge 1,255 1,059 44 44 Major Group 21 Beverages Minor Groups 210 Production of distilled,spirits, wines, liquor from alcoholic malt, fruits and malts in distillery and brewery 38 38 4 214 Production of aerated and mineral' water 4 2. 216 Production 01 ice cream 2 174 160 14 Major Group 22 Tobacco PrqduCts 129 Jl5 14 Minor Groups 220 Manufactu{1l of bidi 23 - 23 224 Manufacture of snuff' 18 18 225 Manulacture of jerda _ .. ~ ______hewing tobacco 4 226 Manufacture cf other tobacco products 4 2,781 1,514 1,267 Major Group 23 Textile-Cotton 14 14 Minor GrOUps 230 Cotton ginning, cleaning, pressing and baling 381 67 314 231 Cotton spinning (other than in mills) 190 180 10 232 Cotton spinnillg and weaving in mills 1,310 653 657 234 Gotton weaving in po~er looms 825 542 283 2.35 Cotton weaving in handlooms 52 49 3 237 Printing in cotton textile 1 238 Manufacture of cotton nets 8 8 239 Manufacturing of cotton, cordage, rope and twine 1,294 513 781 Major Group 24 Textile-Jute 234 234 Minor Groups 240 Jute pressing and baling 12. 12 241 Jute spinning and weaving 33 8-stUUBS and MiJ,lor .Groups· ot Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Con/d.

Workers Workers at Household Indusfry Workers in Non-household Industry, etc. ,------~------~------~ Branch of Industry Urban ,--_. Total Urban Total Urban Division, Major Grou p ,..--"""____' ,.---.....____, ,-.--~ ,---"-__, and Minor Group of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I. S. 1. C.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1,190 996 194 16,415 10,607 400 151 2,382 332 596 43 Divisions 2&3

267 175 92 4,880 4,953 141 79 423 111 34 13 Major Group 20

38 35 3 1,579 2,660 7 3 284 48 28 Minor Groups 200 201 152 16 202

3 3 3 3 203 2 6 204-

30 22 8 18 8 18 8 4 4 205 5 2 2 206 49 28 21 2,093 2,084 27 21 98 47 207

146 89 51 1,031 183 89 47 28 13 10 209 42 42 1 1 43 41 Major Group 21

38 38 38 31) Minor Groups 210 3 3 4 3 214 1 B 1 216 19 17 2 65 2 8 1 95 12 9 Major Group 22 19 17 2 28 2 I 1 87· 12 , 9 Minor Groups 220 16 7 224 17 22 4 226

20 17 3 1,2'12 1,251 12 3 282 16 5 Major Group 23

8 8 10 8 4 Minor Groups 230 64 314 3 231 180 10 2 232 2 2

652 657 ~. 234

491 277 51 6 235

6 3 3 7 3 3 42 3 237 238

4 4 7 4 I 239 7 4 3 493 771 3 20 10 3 Major Group 24- 2 2 232 2 2 Minor Groups 240 8 4 241 P.9. ClIIlilSUS TA.BLES 34

B-IV-Part C-Indllstrial Cla.sification by Sex and Division., Major Grollp.

,______Total.J ~ranch of Industry Division, Major Group and Minor Group of I. S. I. C. Total Persons Males Females 2 3 4

Minor Group 244 Manufacture of other products like rope, cordage from jute and similar fibre such as hemp, mesta 1.048 267 781 Major Group 25 Textile-Wool 48 21 27 Minor Groups 250 Wool baling ,and pressing 251 Wool cleaning and processing (scouring) 252 Wool spinning and weaving in mills 5 5 253 Wool spinning other than in mills 32 15 17 255 Wool weaving in handloom 2 2 256 Embroidery and art work in woollen textile 7 7 Major Group 26 Textile-Silk Minor Group 261 Dying and bleaching of silk Major Group 27 Textile-Miscellaneous 2,357 1,345 512

Minor Groups 271 Manufacture of hosiery and other knitted fabrics and garments 24 18 6 271 Embroidery and making of crepe lace and fringes 7 7 273 Making of textile garments including raincoats and headgear 2,010 1,624 3116 278 Manufacture of umbrellas 54 37 17 279 Processing and manufacture of textile products not covered above 21.J2 159 103 Major Group 28 Manufacture of Wood and Wooden Products 2,341 1,569 772 Minor Groups 280 Sawing and planing of wood 14 14 281 Manufacture of wooden furniture and fixtures 83 71 12 282 Manufacture of structural wooden goods (including treated timber) such as beams, posts, doors, windows 135 134 284 Manufacture of other wooden products such as utensils, toys artwares 3 3 288 Manufacture of materials from cork. bamboo. cane. leaves and other allied products 1,443 696 747 I 289 Manufacture of other wood and allied products not covered above 663 651 12 Major Group 29 Paper and Paper Products 15 15 Minor Groups 290 Manufacture of pulp from wood, rags, wastepaper and 9ther fibres and the conversion of such pulp i[.to any kmd of paper and paper board in mill 5 5 291 Manufacture of pulp from wood, rages, wastepaper and ·other fibres and the conversion at such pulp into any kmds of paper and paper _board handmade 292 Manufacture of products, such as paper bags, boxes, cards, envelopes and moulded pulp goods irom paper, paper board and pulp 9 9 Major Group 30 Printing and publishmg 2J 23 Minor Groups 301 Printing and publishing of book 2 2

302 All other types of printing including lithography, engr

Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry. etc. ~------~ Branch of Industry Urban Urban Total __.J'- __'----.. Total Urban Division, Major Group ....-----"---. ,.---"-----. .---"---..... and Minor Group of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Mala Females 1. S. I. C.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

5 2 3 253 771 3 14 10 Minor Group 244 5 5 16 25 5 5 2 Major Group 25 Minor Groups 250 251 5 252 15 17 253 2 255 5 5 7 5 256 Major Group 26 Minor Group 261 162 147 15 1.446 465 35 5 399 46 112 10 Major Group 27 11 11 6 2 12 5 9 Minor Groups 271 7 1 7 7 272 143 128 15 1.239 345 25 5 35 41 103 10 273 37 17 278 157 103 2 279 101 70 31 1.411 718 35 30 158 54 35 MaJor Group 28 2 2 7 7 2 Minor Groups 2110 6 5 69 12 3 2 2 281

15 \4 125 5 9 9 282 2 2 2 2 284 54 25 29 628 694 14 28 68 53 11 288 22 22 580 11 11 71 I II 289 1 7 8 Major Group 29

5 Minor Groups 290


ti 3 292 II 11 23 11 Major Group 30 2 2 2 2 Minor Groups 301

4 4 9 4 302 C II.N SOS f .AJJIIBS 36

B.IV~Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex and Divisions, Major Groups

Branch of Industry __.Total Division, Major Group and Minor Group of I. S. I. C. ,_._----- Total ------~~ Persons Males Females

2 3 4

Minor Group 303 All types of binding, stitching, Sizing and other allied work connected with binding industry 12 12 Major Group 31 Leather and Leather Products 527 487 40 Minor Groups 310 Currying, tanning and finishing of hides and skins and preparation of finished leather 82 65 17 311 Manufacture of shoes and other leather footwear 229 221 8 313 Manufacture of leather products (except th:Jse covered by code Nos. 311, 312), such as leather upholstery, suitcases, po cket books, Cigarette and key cases, purses, saddlery, whip and other articles 157 147 10 314 Repair of shoes and other leather footwear 50 45 5 315 Repair of all other leather products except footwear 9 9 Major Group 32 Rubber, Petroleum and Coal Products 6 4 2 Minor Groups 320 Manufacture of tyres and tubes 5 3 2 323 Manufacture of all kinds of other rubber products from natural or synthetic rubber including rubber raincoat

Major Group 33 Chemicals and Chemical Products 141 99 42 Minor Groups 331 Man Jfacture of dyes, paints, colours and varnishes 4 4 332 Manufacture of fertilizers 5 5 333 Manufacture of ammunition, explosives and fire works 116 76 40 335 Manufacture of medicines, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet preparations except soap 6 4 2 336 Manufacture of soap and other washing and cleaning compounds 4 4 33B Manufacture of common salt 2 2 339 Manufacture of other chemicals and chemical products not covered above (including inedible oils and fats) 4 4 Major Groups 34-35 Non-metallic Mineral Products other than Petroleum and Coal 5,073 2,850 2.223 Minor Groups 340 Manufacture of structural day products such as bricks, tiles 122 80 42 342 Manufacture of lime 10 6 4 343 Manufacture of structural stone goods, stone dressing and stone crushing 69 51 18 344 Manufacture of stonewares, other than images 2 2 345 Manufacture of Stone images 20 B 12 346 Manufacture of plaster of pairs and its products I 350 Manufacture of earthenware and earthen pottery 4,373 2,701 1,672 355 Manufacture of earthen image, busts and statues 472 472 357 Manufaeture of glass and ~Iass products except opitical and photograph lenses and gl ass products covered above 2 359 Manufacture of other non-metalli c mineral products not elsewhere specified 2 2 Major Group 36 Basic Metals and their Products except Machinery and Transport Equipment 2,446 2,379 67 Minor Group 360 Manufacture of iron and steel including smelting, refining, rolling, conversion into basic forms such as billets, blooms, tubes, rods 1,784 1,720 64 37 aDd MiDor Groups of PerSODS at Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Work~rs Workers at Household Tndwtry ,.....Workers_____ in Non-householdJo- Industry, etc· ...... '-._--_"'" ---. _------. Branch of Iadustry Urban Total Urban Total Urban Division, Major Group ,..---...... ,---...... ----.. and Minor Group of ,----~--. ------. ,----"-----, ___ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femlaes I. S. 1. C. 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15

5 5 12 5 Minor Group 303 35 35 429 37 18 58 3 17 Major Group 31 54 14 II 3 Minor Groups 310 30 30 199 8 17 22 13 311

132 10 15 313 5 5 35 5 10 4 314 9 315 2 2 2 Major Group 32 2 2 Minor Groups 320

323 4 4 75 42 24 3 Major Group 33 3 3 4 :I Minor Groups 331 5 332 72 4() 4 333

3 2 335 4 336 2 338

4 339 70 51 19 2,714 2,195 26 18 136 28 25 Major Groups 34-35 16 11 5 16 38 5 64 4 11 Minor Groups 340 4 I 3 2 3 2 4 342 5 5 46 18 5 5 343 2 344 8 12 345 346

4~ 34 11 2,642 1,649 26 11 59 23 8 350 472 355

357 2 359 64 58 6 2,191 56 37 188 11 21 5 Major Group 36

24 18 6 1,626 53 16 94 11 2 5 Minor Group 360 P. 10 38 B-lV-Part C-lndQ.llltrial Classification by Ses and Divisions, Major Groups

Total Branch of Industry ~------~ Division, Major Group and Minor Group of 1. S. I_ C. Total .-----~------. PersollB Males Females 2 3 4

2 2 Minor Groups 361 Manufacture including smelting, refining of non-ferrous metals and alloys in basic farms 2 2 363 ManufactuJe of structural steel products such as joist, rail, sheet, plate 364 Manufacture of 1<'00 and steel furniture 254- 251 3 365 Manufacture of bras.'> and beU metal product' 2 2 366 Manufac\ure of aluminium prod ucts 367 Manufacture of metal products (other th~n of iron brass. bell metal and alUlllinium) 7 7 such as tin can 368 Enamelling, galvanising, plating (including electroplating) polish'ng and welding 53 5'3 of metal products Manufacture of sundry hardwares such a! G. I. pipe, wire net, bolt, screw, bucket, 369 cutler,), (This will also include the manufacture of sundry ferrous engineering products done by jobbing engineering coucerru which carmot be dassilied in major 3+1 341 groups 36, 37, 38 and 39) 15 I!) Macbinery (All kinds other than Transport) and 1i:lectrical Equipment Major Group 37 Manufacture and assembling of machinery (other than electric all except textile Millor Groups 370 machinery Manufaclure and &ssf'JUbling of prime mover and boilers. other than electrical 371 2 '2 equiptuent, such aa di",et e.. gines. road rollers, uactors

373 Manufac\ure of textile machintry and accessories Manufacture of heavY electrical macbinery and equipment such as motors, generators, 374 2 2 transformers 2 2 316 Manufacture of in.ul~ted wires and cables Manufac(ure of all kinds of battery 377 2 2 Manufacture of electronic equipment such as radio, microphone 378 4 Manufacture of electric machinery and apparatus, appliances not specified above 379 " 427 419 9 Transport Equipment Major Group 36 74 70 4 Manufacture, assembly and repairing oflocomoti"es Minor Groups 3110 Manufacture of wagor.S, c~ aches, tramwa)'~ and other rail road equipment other S6l 8 B than that covered by code No. 3'13 Mapuf~cture and assembling of [Lotor vehicles of all types (eltccpting motor 362 1 engire!) 29 28 Repairing and servicing of moto, vehicles 3B4 ~B 9S Manntacture of bicycles and tricycles and accessories such as saddle; seat fume, gear :Wi 210 .209 366 Repailing of bicycles and tric~c[es Manufaclure of other tlansport equIpment not covertd above sl1ch as animal S6\) 7 3 drawn and hand drawn vehicles 1,656 1,537" 119 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Major Group 39 390 Manufacture of optical instrulllent. and lenses. opthalmic goods and photographic Minor Group equipment and supplies 39 B-SBBIBS and Minor Groups or Persons at Work other than Culdvation-Contd.

.._...Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Tndustry, etc. -. .;.. -----. Branch of Industry Urban Total Urban Total Urban Division, Major Group .-___.A.---, ------""-- ,----"-----...... -----"'---. and Minor Group of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I. s. 1. c.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

2 2 2 2 Minor Groups 361 2 363 364 8 B 236 3 .. 15 4 '165 2 366

.. .. 7 4 367

22 22 13 13 4U 9 368

4 .. 316 4 25 369 2 2 14 2 Major Group 37

Minor Groups 370

2 371 373

2 374 2 376 377

1 2 378 1 .. 379 199 190 9 147 2 5 2 271 7 185 7 Major Group 38

74 70 4 70 4 70 4 Minor Groups 380

381 8 8 8 8

382 384 27 26 .. 4 24 22 85 R5 13 85 85 385 388 2 128 8\

389 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 92 Major Group 39 180 171 9 1,305 87 79 4 232 32 5

Minor Group 390 CENSUS TABLBS 40 B-IV-Part C-Industrial Classification by Sell: and Division., Major Group.

Total Branch of Industry j Division. Major Group and Minor Group of I. S. I. C. Total

Persons Males Females

2 3 4

Minor Groups 392 ASlemLling and repairing of watches and clocks 19 19 393 Manufacture of je'wellery, silverware and wares uaing gold and other precious metals 1.347 1,325 22 394 Manufacture and tuning of musical instruments y 4 5 395 Manufacture of stationery article. not covered elsewhere such as pencil penholder fountainpen 399 Manufacture and repair work of goods not assignable to any other group 279 187 92

Division 4 Construction 790 783 7

Major Group 40 Construction 790 783 7 Minor Groups 400 Construction and maintenance of buildings including erection. flooring. decorative constructions. electri cal and sanitary installations 471 466 5 401 Construction and maintenance of roads, railways, bridges, tunnels 155 155 402 Construction and maintenance of telegraph and telephone lines 3 3 403 Construction and maintenance of'l\ater ways and water reservoirs such as bund. embankments. dam, canal, tank. tubeweUs, welb 161 159 2

DiDision 5 Electricity, Gas, WatBr and Sanitary Services 267 162 105

Major Group 50 Electricity and Gas 18 18 Minor Groups 500 Generation and transmIssion of electric energy 501 Distribution of electric energy 15 15 50'.! Manufacture of gas in gas \\Iorks and distribution to domestic and industrial consumers 2 2 Major Group 51 Water Supply and Sanitary Services 249 144 105 Minor Group 510 Collection, purification and distribution of water to domestic and industrial consumers 2 :2 511 Garbage and sewage disposal, operation of drainage system and all other types of work connected with public health and sanitation 247 142 105

Division 6 Trad, and Commer" 11,747 9,816 1,931

Major Group 60-63 Wholesale Trade 144 143

!Itt 1D0r Groups 600 Wholesale trading in cereals and pulses 63 63 6Ui Wholesale trading in vegetables, fruits. sugar, spices, oil, fish, dairy products, eggs, poultry and other food stuff (not covered elsewhere) 9 9 602 Wholesale trading in all kinds of fabrics, and textiles products, such as garments, hessian, gunny bag, silk and woollen yarn. shirtings. suitings, hosiery products 16 16 603 Wholesale trading in beverage, such as tea tleal) coffel' (~eed and powdel). aerated water 1 1 606 Wholesale trading in tobacco, bidi, cigarettes and other tobacco products 22 22 607 Wholesale. trading in animals 2 2 41 B-Sl!BfBS aad·Miaor (kooaps'Of'"PeftODS at Work other thaa Cultivation-Contd.

Workers Workers at HOlUebold Industry Workers in Non-household Industry, etc. '--__.A.._~ r------"----...... ------.-~ Branch of Industry

Urban Total Urban ,...-__Total.A. ___ ...... Urban Division, Major Grou-p ~---""'---, ...., .------.. ,_--"--..... and Minor Group of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I. S. I. C. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

12 12 3 16 11 Minor Groups 392 144 140 4 1,182 20 76 4 In 2 ('4 393 3 5 394

395 23 18 5 117 62 2 70 30 16 5 39Y 202 200 2 783 7 200 2 Division 4 202 200 2 7S'l 7 200 2 Major Group 40 127 125 2 466 5 123 2 Minor Groups 400 13 13 155 13 401 3 402 62 62 159 2 62 403 143 98 45 162 105 98 45 Division 5 18 18 IS IB Major Group 50 Minor GIOUpS 500 15 15 15 15 501 2 2 2 2 502 125 SO 45 144 105 BG 45 Major Group 51 2 2 2 2 Minor Groups 510 123 7B 45 142 105 78 45 511 1,883 1,752 131 98,16 1931 1,752 131 Division 6 106 106 143 105 Major Groups 60 63 39 39 63 39 Minor Groups 600

9 9 9 9 601 16 16 16 16 602

I 603 22 22 2' 22 606 2 2 2 2 607 P.lI CBNSUS'tABLBS 42

B-IV-Part C-llldlulCriaI Classi&catioll by Sex and Divisions, Majot' Groups

~ ______Total-J Branch of Industry Division, Major Group and Minor Group of I. S. I. C. Total l'ersoDS Males Females 2 3 "

Minor Groupl 610 Wholesale trading in medicines and chemicals 611 Wholesale trading i~ fuel and lighting products, such a, coke coal, kerosene, candle 3 3 612 Wholel!ale trading in toilets, perfumery and cosmetics 613 Wholesale trading in metal, porcelain and glass ut nails, crockery. chinaware I I 617 Wholesale trading in petrol, mobil oil &. allied products 3 :3 620 Wholesale trading in bricks, tiles and other building materials 621 Wholesale trading in wood, bamboo, cane, thatches and similar products 631 Wholesale trading in agricultural and industrial machinery equipment and tools and appliances other than electrical 1 634 Wholesale trading in skins, leather and fur 3 636 Wholesale trading in hardware and sanitary equipment " 638 Wholesale trading in precious metals and stones, gold and silverwares and jewellery 9 9 639 Wholesale trading in all goods not covered above 6 6 Major Groups 64-68 Retail Trade 11.532 9,608 1,924 Minor Groups &ro Retail trading in cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, sugar, spices, oil, fish, dairy products, eggs, poultry 7,649 6,457 1.192 641 Retail trading in beverages, such as tea (leaf), coffee (seed and powder), aerated water 1 643 Retail trading in other intoxicants ,such as opium, ganja, etc. I 644 Retail trading in tobacco, bidi, cigarettes and other tobacco products 95 88 7 645 Retail trading in fuel such as coke, coal, firewood and kerosene 71 62 9 646 Retail trading in foodslutiS like sweetmeat condimenu, cakes, biscuits, etc. 228 - 196 32 647 Retail trading in animals 87 85 2 648 Retail trading in straw and fodder 8 !) 3 650 Retail trading in fibres, yarns, dhoti, saree, readymade garments of cotton, wool, silk and other textiles and hosiery products; (tbis includes retail trading in piece- goods of cotton, wool, silk and other textiles) 740 733 7 651 Retail trading in toilets goods, perfumes and cosmetics 357 2iO 87 652 Retail trading in medicines and chemicals 53 5J 653 Retail trading in footwear, head-gear such as hat, umbrella, shoes and cbappaIs 51 51 655 Retail trading in petrol, mobil oil and allied products 16 14 2 660 Retail trading in wooden, steel and other metallic furniture and fittings 31 30 661 Retail trading in stationery goods and paper 8 8 662 Retail·trading in metal, porcelain and glass utensils 109 108 1 663 Retail trading in earthenware and earthen toys 35 33 2 670 Retail trading in brick" tiles and other building materials 3 3 43 B-SBII.I'B~ aad MilloI' Groups or Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Workers Wockers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry, etc...... ------..... ,_-----~ ---- Branch of Industry Urban Total Urban Total Urban Division, Major Group .---~ ~ .------. ....--"-----. and Minor Group of Pel'flODS Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I. s. I. C. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 Minor Group' 610 3 3 3 3 6ll 1 1 612 1 613 3 :1 3 3 .617 1 1 620 1 621 631

2 6~4 636

9 638 6 6 6 6 639 ,1,736 1,605 131 9,608 1,924 1,605 131 Major Groups 64-68

753 687 66 6,457 1,192 fi87 66 Minor Groups 640 1 641 643 37 33 4 88 7 33 4 644 53 46 7 62 9 46 7 645 128 120 8 Iqf; 32 120 8 646 6 6 85 2 6 647 5 5 5 3 5 648

209 206 3 733 7 206 3 650 57 54 3 270 87 54 3 651 23 :3 53 23 652 35 35 51 'i5 653 8 6 2 14 2 6 2 655 30 660 8 661 26 26 108 26 662 33 2 663 2 2 3 2 670 CBNSOS TABLKS 44

B-IV-Part C-Indastrial Classification by Sex and Divisions, Major Groups

~ranch of Induatry Total Division. Major Group and Minor Group of I. S. I. c. ,...-----_-' Total ~------~------~ Persons Males females

2 3 4

MillOr Groups 671 Retail trading in hardware and sanitary equipment 17 17 672 Retail tlading in wood. bamboo. cane. bark and thatches 72 42 30 673 Retail trading in other building materials 1 1 680 Retail trading i~ agricultural and industrial machinery equipment. tools and appliances 1 681 Retail.,trading in transport and storage equipments 14 14 682 Retail trading in electrical goods like electric fan. bulb. etc. 5 5 683 Retail trading in skins. leather and furs and their products headgear excludillg footwear and 55 55 684 Retail trading in clock and watch. eye glass. frame 3 3 686 Retail trading in precious stODes and jewellery 106 106 687 Retail trading in musical instruments gramophone record. pictures and paintings including curio dealing 2 2 688 Book-selling 39 38 689 Retail trading in goods unspecified 1.674 1,126 548 Major Group 69 Trade and Commerce Miscellaneous 71 65 6 MillOr Groups 690 Importing and exporting of goods and commodities 7 7 691 Real estate a nd properties 1 692 Stocks, shares and futures

693 Providents and insurances 5 5 694 Money lending (indigenous) 11 11 695 Banking and similar type of financial operation 25 25 699 All other activities connected with trade and commerce !lot covered ~bove, including hiring out of durable goods such as electric fan, mIcrophone, nckshaw, etc. 21 15 6

Divuion 7 Transport, Storag' and Communication 3,7n 3,704 13 Major Groups 70-71 Transport 3,228 3.215 13 Minor Groups 700 Transporting by railways 1,806 1,801 5 701 Transporting by tramway and bus service 202 202 702 Transporting by motor vehicles (other than omnibus) 293 292 1 703 Transporting by road through other means of transport such as hackney carriage, bullock cart, ekka 5J6 512 4 704 Animal transporting by animals such as horses, elephant, mule, camel 108 106 2 705 Transporting by man such as carrying of luggage, hand cart driving, rickshaw pulling, cycle rickshaw driving 218 217 706 Transporting by boat, steamer, ferry, etc. by river, canal 81 81 708 Transporting by air 3 3 709 Transporting by other means not covered above 45 B'SBRms and MiDor Groups of' PerSODS at Work other thaD Cultivation-Contd.

Workers Workers at Household Industry Worker in Non-household Industry, etc. .___.... _--...-. ,.-.-----"'----~ ,..------..,..__----. Rranch of Industry Urban Total Urban Total Urban Division,Major Group .__--~~ ,..--.A._-, ,--_.... --..... ,...--.... - .... and Minor Group of Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I. S. I. C. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

17 17 17 17 Minor Groups 671 't 4 42 30 4 67 ' 673 .... 680 8 8 14 8 681 5 5 5 5 682

17 17 55 17 683 2 2 3 2 684 64 64 106 64- 686

2 687 22 22 38 1 22 688 250 213 37 1,126 548 213 37 689 41 41 65 6 41 Major Group 69 7 Minor Groups 690 1 ' 691 1 692 5 5 5 5 693 11 694 25 25 25 25 695

10 10 15 6 10 699

546 545 1 3,704 13 545 1 DWirion 7

501 500 3,215 13 500 Major Gruops 70-71 187 187 . 1,801 5 187 Minor Groups 700 45 45 202 45 701.

~2 91 292 91 702

4 60 703 60 60 512 106 2 704

705 117 117 217 117 at 706 3 708 I 709 P.12 CaNSVS TABLRS 46

B-1V-Part C-lndufitl",jal Classification 'by Sex-and DivisiQJI., M.jor Gl'8upa

Total Branch ofIndtJStry Division. Major Group and Minor Group of I. S. I. C...... --....._Total ______Peraorll Males Females

2 3 4

Major Group 73 Communication 489 489 Minor Groups 730 Postal. telegraphic. wireless and signal communications 479 479 731 - Telephone communi~tion R 8 732 Information and broadcasting 2 2 Dillilion 8 Services 22,266 17,274 4,992

Major Group 80 Public Services 4,492 4,476 16 Minor Group. B03 Public service in police 844 843 804 Public service in administrative de;Jartments and offices of Central GOl1crnment 417 436 805 Public service in administrative department. and offices of Quasi-~ovemment organi- sation, municipalities, local boards. etc. 30:\ 303 809 Public service in administrative departments and offices of State Govemments 2,908 2.894 14 Major Group 81 Educational and Scientific Services 2.107 1,94!) 158 Minor Groups 810 Educational services such as those rendered by technical colleges. technical schools and similar technical and voeational inslitutiollS 146 146 811 Educational services such as those rendered by colleges, schools aDd similar other ill9titu~ions of non-tech nieal type 1,961 1.80'1 158 Major Group 82 Medical and Health Services 471 406 65 Minor Groups 1320 Public health and medical services rendered by organisatiollS and individuals such as by hospitals. sanatoria. nursimo homes, maternity and cb ild welfare clinic as also by hakimi, unani, ayurvedi'c, allopathic and homeopathic practitioners 444 ~79 65 821 Veterinary services rendered by organisations and individuals 27 27 Major Group 83 Religious and Welfare Services 145 142 3 Minor Groups 830 Religious services rendered by religious organisations and their cstablishmentsmaintained for worship or prOmotion of religious activities. this includes missions, ashrams and otbet allied organisations 17 17 831 Religious and allied services rendered by pandit, priest, preceptor, fakIr, monk 128 125 3 1>~ajor Group 84 Legal Services 591 590 1 Minor Groups &40 . Legal services rendered by barrister. advocate, solicitor, mukhteer, pleader, mukurie, mUllShi 590 590 ... 841 Matrimonial services rendered by ol"llanisatiaQ! and individuals I Major ~roup 85 Business Services 82 82 MinorGroups 850 Engineering services rendered by professional organisations or individuals 2 2 851 Business services rendered by organisation~ of accountants, aud itors, book- , keepers or like individuals 65 65 853 Business services rendered by professional organi.sations or individuals such as those of rendered by news-agency, newspaper corrapondent, columnist, journalists, editors. authors 15 15 Major Group 86 Community Services and Trade and Labour ~iations 13 13 Minor Group 860 Services rendered by trade associatio03, chambers or commerce, trade unio03 and similar other olganisatioDS 47

aDd Miaor Groaps of Per... D. at Work other tbao Cultivatioa-COIltd.

Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry, etc. ~----~---~ Branch of Industry U,rban Total Urban Total Urban Division, Major Group .....- ...---"----. ,---"-----.. ,...... --"-. ~ and Minor Group of Persom Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Y. S. I. C.

6 , B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

45 45 4S<} 45 Major Group 7S 45 45 479 45 Minor Groups 730 8 731 2 732

2,564 2,263 301 17,274 4,992 2,263 3()1 Division 8

949 949 4,476 16 949 Major Group 80 242 242 843 1 242 Minor Groups S03 51 51 436 51 804

76 76 303 76 805 580 5110 2,S94 14 580 809 276 209 67 1,949 158 209 67 Major Group 81 2 2 146 2 Minor Groups 810

274 207 67 1,803 158 207 67 811 140 115 23 406 65 115 25 Major Group 82

126 101 25 379 65 101 25 Minor Groups 820 14 14 27 14 821

24 23 142 3 23 Major Group 8~

to 10 17 10 Minor Groups 830 14 13 125 3 13 831 234 234 590 234 Major Group 84

2~4 234 590 234 Minor Groups 840 841 37 37 82 37 Major Group 85 2 2 2 2 Minor Groups 850

24 24 65 24 851

11 Il 15 11 • 853 a 8 13 8 Major Group 86

Minor Group 860 CENSUS TABLES 48

B-IV-Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex and DiviaioD8 Major Groups

Branch of Industry ,..-____--J Division, Major Group and Minor Group of I. S. I. C.

,.-___Total.A.. ___ ._ Persons Males Females 2 3

Minor Group 861 Services rendered by civic, social, cultural, political and fraternal organisations sucb as rate payers association, club, library 12 12 Major Group 87 Recreation Services.._ 182 133 49 Minor Groups 871 Recreation services rendered by cinema houses by exhibition of motion pictures 11 11 "- 872 Rec_reation services rendered by organisations and individuals such as those of thea~res, opera companies, ballet and dancing parties, musicians, exhibitions, circus. carmvals 171 122 49 Major Group 88 Personal Serltices 8,140 5,197 2,943 Minor Groups 880 Services rendered to households such as those by domestic servants, cooks 928 638 290 881 Services rendered to households such as those by governess tutor, private secretary 1 7 882 Services rendered by hotels, boarding houses, eating houses, cafes, restaurants and similar other organisations to provide lodging and boarding facilities 121 100 21 883 Laundry services rendered by organisations and individuals, this includes all types of cleaning, dyeing, bleaching, dry cleaning. services 5,\04- 2,587 2,517 884 Hair dressing, other services rendered by organisation and individuals such as those by barber, hairdressing saloon and beauty shops 1,973 1,858 115 885 Services rendered by portrait and commercial photographic studios 7 7 Major Group 89 Services (not elsewhere classified) 6,043 4,286 1,757 Minor Group 890 Services rendered by organisations or individuals not elsewhere classified 6,043 4,286 l,i57

Division 9 AetiDiliu not od,quatll, dueri6ld 127 111 16

Major Group 90 Activities unspecified and not adequatelY described (this includes new entrants to the labour market) 127 III 16 Minor Group 900 Activities unspecified and not adequately described including activities of such indivi- duals who fail to provide sufficient information about their industrial affiliation to enable them to be classified 127 - 16 - .. - III J S. I. C.-Indian Standard Industrial Classification 49 and Minor Groups of Persons at Work other than Cultivation -Concld.

Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry,etc. Branch of Industry ,- -. DivisIon, Major Group and Minor Group of Urban Total Urban Total Urban I. S. I. C.

~------~-----. ~-----. ,..-----"---"'" ,..---_..... ____, ..--..... ~ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

7 7 12 7 Minor Group 861 81 35 46 133 49 35 46 Major Group 87 5 5 11 5 Minor Croups 871 76 30 46 122 49 30 46 872

524 424 100 5,197 2,9~3 424 100 Major Group 88 291 226 &5 638 290 226 65 Minor Groups 880 7 7 7 7 881

106 100 6 100 21 100 6 882

63 34 29 2,587 2,517 34 29 883 51 51 1.858 115 51 884 6 6 7 6 885 291 229 62 4,286 1,757 229 62 Major Group 89 291 229 62 4,286 1,757 229 62 Minor Group 890

III 16 Division 9

III 16 Major Group 90

III 16 Minor Group 900

P.13 ENiUS TABLES 50 8-IV-Part C-Indostrial Classilicatioll by Sex and Divisions of Persons at Work other thaa Cultivation by Tahsils (RuraloBly)

Workers at Workers in NOD- Branch of Industry Total Workers Household household Industry Industry DivisiQIl of I. S. J. C. --. ~ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

District Ruml

19,310 18,3115 12,240 29,340 7,100 ALL DIVISIONS 66,985 47,645

O-Agri<:ulture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing Division 4,837 2,827 2,010 2,290 l,78i 537 226 and Hunting 26 25 25 I-Mining and Quarrying 2B,546 17,801 10,'745 16,015 10,456 1,786 289 2 &. 3_Manufacturillg 5 588 583 5 583 4--Construction 60 64 60 5-Electticity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services 124 64

9,864 8.064 I,BOO 8,064 1,800 6-Trade IIIld Commerce 3,159 12 3,159 12 7-Transport, Storage and Communication 3,171 19,702 15,011 ·4,691 15,011 4,691 8-Services 111 16 9-Activities not adequately described 127 III 16

J{unda Tahsil

2,826 ALL DIVISIONS 26,413 17,972 8,441 7,_ 5,615 10,472

Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 2,596 1,476 1,120 1,349 1,073 127 47

I-Mining and Quarrying 4 4 ~ 23 2 &. 3-Manufacturing 11,079 6,514 4,565 6,151 4,542 363 218 +-Consttuctio!l 218 218 19 5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanilary Services 43 19 24 2.

6-Trade and Commerce 4,072 3,282 790 3,282 790

1-Transport, Storage and Communication 489 485 4 485 4 5,865 1,922 8-Services 7,787 5.865 1,922

9-Activities !lot adequately described 125 109 16 109 16 51 B-SBBIES

B-IV-Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex and Divisions of Persons at Work other than Cultivation by Tahsil. (RuraloDly)-Coneld.

Workers at Workers in Non- Branch of Industry Total Workers Household household Division of I. S. I. C. ,..-___.A._--, Industry Industry ,_-J'----. ,..-~-..

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Prataplarh Tahsil

ALL DIVISIONS 23,947 17,782 6,165 5,854 3,588 11,928 2,577

Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing 749 and Hunting 46i 288 327 262 134 26 I-Mining and Quarrying 5 5 5

2' &. 3-Manufacturing 10,242 6,657 3,585 5,527 3,326 1,130 259 4-Construction 243 241 2 241 2 5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services 72 45 27 45 27 6-Trade and Commerce 3,335 2,737 598 2,737 598 7-Transport, Storage and Communication 1,867 1,864 3 1,864 3 8-8ervices 7,434 5,772 1,662 5,772 1,662 9-Activities not adequately described

Patti Tahsil

ALL DIVISIONS 16,625 11,891 4,734 4,9,'jI 3,037 6,940 1,697 Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 1,492 890 602 614 449 276 153 I-Mining and Quarrying, 17 16 16 2 &. 3-Manufacturing 7,225 4.630 2,595 4,337 2,588 293 7

4-Construction 127 124 3 124

5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services 9 9

6-Trade and Commerce '2,457 2,045 412 2,045 412

7-Transport, Storage and Communication 815 810 5 810 5

8-Services 4,481 3,374 1,107 3,374: 1;107

9-Activities not adequately described 2 2 2

I. S. I. C.-Indian Standard Industrial Classification CBNSUli '1' ABLE.S 52

B-V-Oecilpational Classification by Se~ of Persons at Work other than Cilitivation

Total Worken Total Workers Division, Group ~ ..... ------~ Division, Group r------..... --~----.....-- ..... ----~ and Familv of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O~ ,--~ r= ...... ----, N.C.O. ,...... ------"----.. Category Persons Males Females Persons Malc:s Females Category PelSons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 ALL DIVISIONS· Total 73,564 53,545 20,019 6,579 5,900 679 Family 007 Surveyors III 839 608 231 50 46 4 Total VI IV 31,097 18,705 12,392 552 400 152 GROUP 02 V 2,714 2,382 332 639 596 43 BIOLOGISTS, VETERINARIANS, AGRO­ NOMISTS AND RELATED SCIENTISTS VI 790 783 7 202 200 2 Total 6 6 2 2 VII 11,747 9,816 1,931 1,883 1,752 131 IX 6 6 2 2 VIII 3,717 3,704 13 546 54!i 1 Family 021 Veterinarians -IX 22,660 17,547 5,113 2,707 2,361 346 Total 5 5 Dillision 0 Professional, r ethnical IJnd Related Workerl IX 5 5 Tillal 3,359 3,122 237 617 509 108 Family 029 Biologists, Veterinarians, Agrenomists and III 4 4 4 4 Related Scientists, n.e.c. IV 2 2 Tota) V 2 2 1 1 IX 1 VI 18 18 13 13


VIll 1 1 J Total 316 302 14 39 36 3 IX 316 302 14 39 IX 3,323 3,093 230 589 486 l03 36 3

Family 030 Physicians and Surgeons, ~llopathic GROUPO{) ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS AND SUR­ VEYORS Total 68 67 9 8 IX 68 67 Total 33 33 27 27 9 8 V 1 1 Family 031 Physicians, Ayurvedic Total 163 153 VI 15 15 o 10 10 12 12 17 17 IX 17 17 IX 163 153 10 12 12

Family 001 Civil Engineers (including Overseers) Family 032 Physicians, Homeopathic

Total 31 31 27 27 Total 56 55 12 11 V[ 14 14 10 )0 IX 56 55 12 11 IX 17 17 17 17

Family Physicians, Other Family 002 Mtchanica.l Engineers 033

Total Total 23 2 3 2 V IX 25 23 2 3 2 53 B-V-Occup.tional Classification by Sex of Persons at Work 'othe" tli • ., Cu.ldvation-Conld.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group ._--.---.A.. _.--" Division, Group ._~- and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O. ~---~ ~---~--~ N. C. O. ._---.,.._---_-._. ,.-.---...... -----, Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Fem$les Persons Males Females

7 2 3 5 6 2 3 6 7

Family 039 Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists, n. e. c. Family 050 Teach'rs University 4 Total 4 3 3 Total 7 6 6 6 4 3 3 IX 4 IX 7 6 6 6

GROUP 04 NURSES, PHARMACISTS AND OTHER Family 051 Teachers, Secondary Schools MEDICAL AND HEALTH TECHNICIANS Total 415 396 19 79 64 15 Total 87 52 35 57 36 21 IX 41'j 396 19 79 64 15 vn 4 4 4 4 Family 052 Teachers, Middle and Primary Schools IX 83 48 35 53 32 21 Total 903 795 lOS 69 37 32 , ! Family 040 Nurses IX 903 795 108 69 37 32 Total 10 10 8 8 Fam Iy 053 Teachers, Nursery and Kindergarten Schools IX 10 10 8 8 Total Midwives and Health Visitors Family 041 1X 18 7 7 Total 18 Family 059 Teachers, D. e. c. IX 18 18 7 7 Total 713 689 44 35 9 Family 042 Nursing Attendants and Related Workers V 1

Total 4 4 3 3 IX 712 688 24 43 34 9 4 3 3 IX 4 GROUP 06 JURISTS Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Technicians Family 043 Total 551 549 2 195 194 28 26 2 28 26 2 Total VI[ 2 2 VII 4 4 4 4 IX 549 548 193 193 IX 24 22 2 2-1: 22 2 Family 060 judges and Magistrates Family OIG Sanitation Technicians Total 12 12 12 12 Total 16 16 IX 12 12 12 12 16 16 IX Family 061 Legal Practitioners and Advisers Family 049 Medical and Health Technicians, n. e. c. Total 270 268 2 183 182 (excluding Laboratory Assistants see 091) VII 2 2 Total II 10 11 10 1 268 181 181 IX II 10 11 10 1 IX 267 GROUP 05 TEACflERS. Family 069 jurists and Legal Technicians, D.e.c. (including Total 2,039 1,886 153 198 142 56 Petition Writers) 1 1 1 V Total 269 269 IX 2,038 1,885 153 197 141 56 IX 269 269 P. 14 CBNSUS TABLBS 54 B-V-Oceapational Ciassifieation by Sex of Persons at Work other than Caltivation-Conld.

,-______Total .A.. Workert______., Total__ -J~______" Workerl Divisio'l, Group Division, Group and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O. N.C.O. ,..----,.,..,,...---.... Category PertOns Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

GROUP 07 SOCIAL' SCIENTISTS AND RELATED Family 084 Sculptors and Modellers WORKERS 2 2 Total 47 43 4 28 24 4 Total IV 2 2 III 4 4 4 4: Family 036 Musicians and Related Workers VI Total 56 50 6 14 10 4 VII 3 3 3 3 IX 56 50 6 14 10 4 VIII IX 38 38 19 19 Family 087 Dancers and Related Workers Total 76 58 18 25 8 17 Family 071 Accountants and Auditors IX 76 58 18 25 8 17 4 27 23 4: Total 41 37 GROUP 09 DRAUGHTSMEN, AND SCIENCE AND III 4 4 4 4 ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS, N. E. C. Total 6 6 6 6 VI VII 3 3 3 3 VI 2 2 2 2 VIII 1 IX 4 4 4 4

IX 32 32 IS 18 Family 090 Draughtsmen Family 075 f ersonnel Specialists Total 6 6 6 6 I Total VI 2 2 2 2 1 IX IX 4 4 4 4 Family 076 Labour and Social Welfare Workert GROUP OX OTHhR PROFhSSIONAL, TECHNICAL AND RELATED WORKERS - Total 5 5 IX 5 5 Total 134 131 3 24 22 2 IX 134 131 3 24 GROUP 08 ARTISTS, WRITERS AND RELATED 22 2 WORKERS Family OXO Ordained Religious Workers

Total 140 114 26 41 20 21 Total 128 126 2 21 19 2 2 2 IV IX 121l 126 2 21 19 2 IX 138 114 24 41 20 21 Family 080 Authors Family OXI Non-ordained Reli];ious Workers

Total 4 4 Total IX 4 4 IX

Family 083 Painters. Decorators and Commercial Artists Family OX2 Astrologers, Palmists and Related Workers

Total 2 2 2 Total 2 IX 2 2 IX 2


B-V-Occupational Classification by Sell: of Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Collld.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group --"------'--. Division, Group r------___..~-, and .Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban ,---_...... _---. ,---___"_ N. C. O. ~'_"_----. N.C.O. --...... , Category Persons Males Femak,- Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 Family OX3 Librarians, Archivists and Related Workers Family 104 Village Officials Total 564 557 7 28 26 2 Total 3 ;I 2 2 IX 564 557 7 28 26 2 3 3 2 2 Family 109 Administrators and Executive Officials, Gov­ Division 1 Administrativl, Executive and Managerial Workers ernment, n. e. c. Total 9 9 Total 1,853 1,839 14 287 283 4 IX 9 9 111 2 2 2 2 V 24 22 2 14 13 GROUP II DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE VI 43 43 21 21 'Iotal 22 22 22 22 Vll 24 Z4 24 24 VI[ 22 22 22 22 VllI 24 24 24 24 lX 1,736 1,724 12 202 199 3 Family 110 Directors and Managers, Wholesale Trade Total 20 20 20 20 GRUOP 10 ADMINISTRATORS AND EXECUTIVE OFFICIALS, GOVERNMENT VII 20 20 20 20

Family III Directors and Managers, Retail Trade Total 1,725 1,714 11 191 189 2 VI 4 4 4 4 Total 2 2 2 2 vn 2 :l 2 2 IX 1,721 1,710 11 187 185 2 GROUP• 12 DIl{ECTORS, MANAGERS AND WORK­ ING PROPRIETORS, FINANCIAL INSTI­ Family 100 Administrators and Executive Officials, Central l U'IIONS Government Total 380 380 41 41 Total 2 2 2 2 VII 2 2 2 2 IX 380 380 41 41 Family 120 Dlrectols, Managers and Working Proprietors, Banks Family 101 Administrators and Executive Officials, State Government To:al Total 753 749 4 10-1: 104 VII 'I

VI 4 4 4 4 Family 121 Dlfectors, Managers and Working Proprietors, Insurance 100 IX 749 745 4 100 Total

family 102 Administrators and Executive Officials, Local VII Bodies GROUP 13 DIRECTORS, MANAGERS AND WORKING Total 17 17 16 16 PROPRIETORS, OTHER T')tal 104 WI 3 72 70 2 IX 17 17 16 16 III 2 2 2 2 Family 103 Administrators and Executive Officials, Quasi­ Government V 24 22 2 14 13 VI 39 39 17 17 Total 2 2 2 2 VITI 24 24 24 24 IX 2 2 2 2 IX 15 14 15 14 CBNSUS TABt.ES 56 B-V-Occapational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work otlaer tlaaa Cultivatioa-Comd.

Total Workers Total Workers ,..... ______-.A- __~ ___..., Division, Group Division, Group ..... and Family of Total Urban and Family.of , Total Urban N.C.O. ,..---_ ..... _---. N.C.O. ,.....---'---... Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 130 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, GRQUP20 BOOK-KEEPERS AND CASHIERS Mining, Quarrying and Well Drilling

Total 2 2 2 2 Total 210 207 3 59 56 3 III 2 2 2 2 V 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 Family 131 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, VI 2 Construction \ VII 12 12 12 12 3 3 Total 39 39 17 17 VTII 3 3 IX 190 190 39 39 VI 39 39 17 17 Family 200 Book-keepers, Book-keeping and Accounts Clerks Family 133 Directors, Managers.and Working Proprietor., Manufacturing Total 164 161 ::I 40 37 3 Total 24 22 2 14 13 V 3 3 3 3 V 24 22 2 14 13 VI 2 2 2 2 Family 134 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, VII 5 5 5 5 Transport and Communication VIII 3 3 3 3 Total 24 24 24 24 IX 151 151 27 27 VIII 24 24 24 24

Family 135 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, Family 201 Cashiers Recreation, Entertainment and Callring Services

Total 4 3 4 3 Total 46 46 19 19 IX 4 3 4 3 VTl 7 7 7 7 12 12 Family 136 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, IX 39 39 Other Services GROUP 21 STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS Total 6 6 6 6 17 10 IX 6 6 6 6 Total 99 89 10 27 6 6 6 6 Family 139 Directors, Managers and Working V 2 Proprietors, n. e. c. VI 2 2 2 IX 91 87 4 19 15 4 Total 5 5 5 5 IX 5 5 5 5 Family 210 Stenographers

Division 2 Clerical and Related Workers Total 7 7 7 7 VI 2 2 2 2 Totol 2.958 2,920 38 665 632 33 5 5 5 5 III 2 2 2 2 IX V 36 16 20 32 12 20 Family 211 Typists "/ 71 7I 33 33 Total 82 10 20 10 10 VII 18 18 18 18 VllI 466 466 42 42 V 6 6 6 6 !X 2,365 2,347 18 538 525 13 IX 86 87 4 14 10 4 57 B-SERIES

B-V-Occupati()nal Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group ..------,.,.,. -----, Division, Group and Family of. Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O. ,----""- ---.... r-----"'-----.. N.C.O. ,----..... --~ ,.-----..... _----, Category PersollS Males Females Persons Male! Females Category Persons Males Fernales PersollS Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7


Total Total 320 310 10 26 20 6 V III I 1 V 6 6 2 2 Family 220 Computin~ Clerks and Calculating Machine Operators VI 30 3U 9 9 VII 4 4 4 4 To:al VlIl 52 52 4 4 v IX 227 217 10 6 6 GROUP 28 CLERICAL WORKERS, MISCELLANEOUS Family 29U Office AtunJaOls, including Peons, Messengers, Ushers, Hall !'olters, Durwans, etc., It.e.c, Total 2,~28 2,3\4 14 552 539 1'3

III Total 320 310 10 26 20 6 v 20 10 10 20 10 10 III 1 1 V 6 6 2 2 VI 37 37 ~o 20 Vi ~O 30 9 9 2 2 2 VII 2 VB 4 4 4 4 VIII 411 411 35 35 VllI 52 52 4 4 6 6 IX 1,857 1,853 4 474 471 3 lX 227 217 10

DIvision 3 Soles Workers Family 280 General and other Ministerial Assistants and Clerks 'Total 11,71.';) 9,787 1,926 1,84'1 1,723 Total 1,136 1,123 13 250 238 12 v 63 5 63 V I: 2 9 11 2 9 VlJ 1,16(;0 9,72'J 1,921 1,786 1,665 121 VI 20 20 3 3


IX 719 715 4 224 221 3 'fotal 10,908 9,022 1,886 1,487 1,390 97

VII 10,908 g,On 1,886 1,487 1,390 97 Family 289 MIscellaneous Office Workers includmg Record Kee~ers, Muharrers, Despatchers, Packers and Bmders of Office Papers Family 300 Working Pro:prietors, Wholesale Trade

95 95 Total 1,192 1,191 302 301 Total 125 125 III I VII 125 125 95 95 V 9 8 9 8 Family 301 WOlking Proprietors, Retail Trade VI 17 17 17 17 1,886 1,392 1,295 97 VIII 27 27 25 25 Total 10,783 8,897 10,783 8,897 1,886 1,392 1,295 97 IX 1,138 1,138 250 250 VII P.15 CBlfSUS T ABLBS 58

B-V -Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than CaltivatioD-Colltd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group r------~------~ Division, Group and Family of Total Urban and Family of Urban ,..----"--.__ ---. ,.--__,.A.. __ ---. N. C. O. ,-. - ..-.... r-----...... --~ N.C. O. Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 4 5 6 7

GROUP 31 INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SALES­ Family 331 Hawkers. Pedlars and Street Vendors MEN, SALESMEN OF SECURITIl:S AND SERVICES, AND AUCTIONEERS Total 479 458 21 188 173 15 Total 6 6 6 6 VII 479 '158 21 188 173 15

VII 6 6 6 6 Family 339 Salesmen, Shop Assistants and Related Work· ken, n. e. c. Family 310 Agents and Salesmen. Insurance Total 40 38 2 2\ 19 2 Total 3 3 3 3 VIT 40 38 2 21 19 2 VII 3 3 3 3 Division 4 Farm8", Fislwmln, Hunt"I, 1.ogg,,1 ano Related Workers Family 311 Agents, Brokers and Salesmen, Real Eftate Total 4,977 2,944 2,033 66 47 19 Total 2 2 2 2 III 766 550 216 32 32 VII 2 2 2 2 IV 4,179 2,380 1,799 2 1 1 Family 312 Brokers and Agents Securities and Shares V 2 2 2 2 Total VI 2 2 2 2 VII VII 5 5 5 5 VIII 1 1 1 GRO,UP 32 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS IX 22 6 16 22 6 16

GROUP 40 FARMERS AND FARM MANAGERS Total 63 58 5 6'l 58 5 Total 3,975 2,437 1,538 V 63 58 5 63 58 5 III 580 403 177 Family 329 Commercial Travellers and Manufacturers' IV 3,395 2,034 1,361 Agents, n.e.c. Family 402 Farm Managers, Inspectors and Overseers Total 63 58 5 63 58 5 Total 2 2 V 63 56 5 63 58 5 IIr 2 2

Family 403 Planters and Plantation Managers GROUP 33 SALESMEN, SHOP ASSISTANTS AND RELATED WORKERS Total 474 323 151 III 473 323 150 Total 736 701 35 293 269 24 IV 1 VII 736 701 35 293 269 24 Family 404 Farmers and Farm Managers, Animals, Birds Family 330 Salesmen and Shop Assistants, Wholesale and Insects Rearing and Retail Trade Tolal 3,397 2,035 1,362 Total 217 205 12 84 77 7 III 81 70 11 '" vu 217 205 12 84 7~ 7 IV 3,316 1,965 1,351 59 B-Bf.I.It.5 B.'V-Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at W~rk other .han Cultivation-Contd.

Total Workers Division, Group Total Workers ..-- -. Division, Group ,-- and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total N. C. O. ,.----'-----, ,-.--_,.,._----, Urban N. C. O. r--.. ~--__, .--__--..A. __ ----., Category Per50n5 Males Females Pecsot1ll Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 409 Farmers and Farm Managers, including GROUP 42 HUNTERS AND RELATED WORKERS vegetable$ and fruit growers, n. e. c. Total 102 79 23 Total 16 16 III 24 10 14 III 16 16 IV 71:1 69 9 Family 421 Trappers GROUP 41 FARM WORKERS Total 973. 4i8 495 61 42 19 fotal 15 15 III 159 120 39 :.(9 :.9 III 15 15 IV 784 316 438 2 Family 429 Hunters and Related Workers, n. e. c. 'V 2 2 2 :.! VI 2 2 2 2 Total VII !) 5 !) 5 III VJI[ GRQUP 4:S IX 20 4 16 2!) 4 16 FISHERMEN AND RELATED WORKERS Family 411 Farm Workers, Animals, Birds and Insects Total .. 4 2 2 Rli:aring "- III 4 4 2 2 10tal 672 3()2 370 13 12 Family 431 Fishermen, Inland and Coastal Waters III 14 13 l'l 12 Total 4 4 IV 658 28'J 369 2 2 Family 412 Gardeners (Malis) III 4 4 2 2

Total 191 125 66 47 29 16 GROUP 44 LOGGERS AND OTHER FORESTRY 1II il9 95 24 16 16 WORKERS IV ~2 18 24 1 Total 9 9 2 2 V 2 2 2 2 III 7 7 VI 2 2 2 2 IX 2 2 2 2 VII 5 5 5 5 Family 440 vm I Forest Rangers and Related Workers IX 20 4: 16 20 4 16 Total 2 2 Family 413 Tappers (Palm, Rubber trees, etc.) TIT 2 2 Total 3 3 Family 442 Log Fellers and Wood Cutters IV 3 3 Family 4:15 Plantation Labourers Total 7 7 2 2 Total 15 11 4: lIt 5 5 m 15 II 4: IX 2 2 2 2

Family 419 Farm Workers, n. e. c. Division 5 Miners, Quarrymen and Related Workers Total 92 37 55 III 11 10 Total 34 29 5 IV 81 36 45 1Il 3-l 29 5 CIINSUS TABLES 60

B-V-Occupatibnal Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than C111tivation-Contd.

,...._____ Total oA.Workers ______..... Total Workers Division, Group Division, Group .---_.....__ and F"'lUil Y Of Total Urban and Family of 'Total Urban N.C.O. ,.... ---"'------. ,----..... ---..... N.C.O. ,--_.....;...'• ..,A... __-.. ,_,___.A.___ -, Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

GROUP 50 MJNERS AND QUARRYMEN Family 631 Firemen Total 81 Total 34 29 5 81 37 37 vnr 81 81 37 37 III 34 29 5 GROUP 64 DRIVERS, ROAD TRANSPORT Family 500 Miners Total 967 !?65 Total 28 23 5 2 299 298 V 29 29 29 29 1II 28 23 5 va 7 7 7 7 Family 501 Quarrymen VIII 910 908 2 242 241 IX 21 21 Total 2 2 21 21 III 2 2 Family 641 Motor Vehicle and Motor Cycle Drivers Family 509 Miners and Quarrymen, n. e. c. Total 286 286 77 77 V Total 4 4 9 9 9 9 VII III 4 4 7 7 7 7 VlII 262 262 073 53 Division 6 Workers in Transport and Communication Occu­ 1>' pations 8 8 8 8 Family 642 Cycle Rickshaw Drivers and Rickshaw Totol 2,213 2,208 5 444 443 1 Pullers V 29 29 29 29 Total 107 107 115 85 VI 40 40 V 18 18 18 18 VII 7 7 7 7 VIII b9 89 67 67 VITI 2,101 '2,096 5 372 371 1 Family 643 Animal Drav.n Vehicle Drivers IX 36 36 36 36 Total 526 524 2 95 94 V GROUP 61 DECK AND ENGINE-ROOM RATINGS 2 2 2 2 VII[ (SHIP), BARGE CREWS AND BOATMEN 524 522 2 93 92 Total 81 81 Family 649 Drivers, Road Transport, n. e. c. (including Palki and Doli Bearers) vrn 81 81 Total 4H 43 42 42 Family 610 Deck Ratings (Ship), Barge Crews and VIlI S5 35 29 29 Aoatmen IX 13 13 13 13 Total 81 81 GROUP 65 CONDUCTORS, GUARDS AND BRAKF-S.\1EN (RAILWAY) VIII III 81 Total 34 34 7 7 GROUP 63 DRIVERS AND FIREMEN, RAILWAY VIII ENGINE 34 34 7 7 Family 650 Conductors Total 107 107 37 37 Total 5 5 5 5 VIII 107 107 37 37 VIII 5 5 5 5 Family 630 Dnvers Family 651 Guards Total 26 26 Total 12 12 2 2 Vlll 26 26 VIlI 12 12 2 2 61 8-SBlllJSS

'B-V-O"l.Ipational Classification by Sell of Persons at Work other than Cultivatioa-Gontd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group r-- --. Division, Group ,.-----___Jo.. _____--, and Family of Total Urban and Family oj Total Urban N.C.O. r----_,._---~ __Jo- __---. N. C.O. ,..--"""_ - r----.. .,A..---..... Category Persons Males Female9 Persons Males Female< Category PersoDS Males Females Persons Males Femalel 3 4 7 2 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 652 Blakesmcn Family 681 Me,sengers (including Dak Peons) Total 17 17


Total 109 109 12 12 IX 15 15 15 15 VIll 109 109 12 l~ Family 66U Inspectors. SupervIsors and Station Maslers GROUP 69 WORKERS IN TRANSPORT AND COMM­ UNICt\TION OCCUPATIONS. N. E. C. Total 49 49 8 8 vm 49 49 8 8 To~al 530 527 3 51 51 Family 662 Signalmen and Pointsmcll Vl/l 530 527 3 51 51 Total 60 bO 4 4 Vlll 60 00 4 4 Family 690 Ticket Seller~. Ticket IDSpectors including Ushels and Ticket Collectors on Moving TraDSport GROUP 67 TELEPHONE, TELEGRAPH ~ND RELA- TED TELE COMMUNICATION OPERA- TORS Total 56 56 Total 20 20 10 10 VIII 56 56 VIIi :iO 20 IU 10 Family 691 Conductors, Road Transport Family 670 or elepbone Operators Total 9 9 Total 82 82 6 6 VIII VIlI 9 9 82 82 6 6

Family 69:!. Workers in Transport Occupations. n. e. c. Family 671 Telegraphists and Signallers Total II 11 10 10 Total 263 260 3 45 VIII 11 11 10 10 VIII 263 260 3 45 45 GROUP 68 POSTMEN AND MESSENGERS Family 693 Total 365 365 28 Inspectors, Traffic Controllers and Despatch­ 28 ers. Communication VI 40 40 Total 51 51 VJlI 310 310 13 13 VIII 51 51

IX 1[1 15 15 15 Family 694- Workers in Communication Occupations, Family 680 Postmen n. e. c.

Total 298 298 13 13 Total 78 78

VIII 298 298 13 13 VIII 78 78 P.16 CBNSUS T ABLBS 62 B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Total Wor:ker~ Total Workers .Division, Group Division, Group and Fa.milyof Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N. C. O. ,------'------. ,---.-'-----. N. C. O. ,- ~ .-- - .....--~ .... Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Penons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

CraflsmlR, ProdlUlion Process W orbrs and Family 706 Bleachers, Dyers and Finishers (excluding Labourers, no' ,jsewher, dassiJied Printers) Total 6 3 3 4 3 Tolal 37,188 24,515 12,673 1,57/:J 1,363 215 IV 3 3 3 3 III 21 20 1 5 5 V 151 3 3 IV 26,915 16,324 10,591 550 399 496 479 17 Family 7U7 Kr,ltters dnd Lac:e l\iak rs V 2,556 2,Z51 305 609 604 5 130 130 VI Total 282 164 118 Vll 24 15 9 24 15 9 IV 273 155 Jl8 VIII 1,114 1,109 5 100 100 V Y 9 IX 5,949 4,192 1,757 273 235 38 Family 7011 Cal pet Makers and Fimshers GROUP 70 SPINNERS, WEAVERS, KNITTERS, DYERS AND RELATED WORKERS lotal 12 Total 4,40a 2,167 2,238 58 46 IV _ 1 1,907 2,206 55 43 12 IV 4,113 Family 709 Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers and Rela­ ted Workers, n. e. c. V 292 260 32 . 3 3 fotal 1,66~ 623 ],0,*6 41 33 8 Fa.mily 700 Fibre Preparen, Ginners, Cleaners, Scourers, etc. IV 1,626 596 1,030 41 33 8 V 43 27 16 Total 76 10 66 IV 69 3 66 GRUuP 71 TAILORS, (JUTIEKS, J"'URRIERS AND RELATED WORKERS 7 7 " 2,007 l,6S1 326 140 135 ~ Family 701 Blow-room Workers and Carders IV 1,5tH 1,28~ 295 30 25 V 423 3n 31 110 110 Total 8 8 8 8 IV 8 8 8 8 hlmily 710 Tailors, Dress Makers and Garmem l\-laken

Family 702 Spinners, Piecers and Winders Total 1,950 1,624 326 139 134 5 IV 1,530 1,235 295 30 ;(5 6 Total 105 84 21 2 V 420 369 31 109 109 lV 101 80 ~l 2 FamIly 711 Hat and Head-gear Makers V 4 4 Total 1 I I V I 1 Family 704 Drawers and Weavers Family 715 Sewers, Embroiderers and Darners, Textile Total 2,258 1,275 983 2 2 and Fur Products

IV 2,032 1,065 967 Total v 226 210 16 2 2 IV " 63 B-sBRIBI!

B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than Cultivation-CDntd.

Total Workers ,.--______Total .A.. Workers ______--. Division, Group ,------""------Division, Group Total Ind Family of r----.A.___ -----. r- __..__Urban "'- ___ --, and Family of Total Urban N. C. O. N. C. O. Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Catf:gory Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 719 Tailors, Cutters, Furriers and Related Wor­ Family 733 Blacksmiths, Hammersmiths apd rorgemen kers, n. e. c. Total 2,304- 2,245 59 31 30 Total 55 55 IV 2,185 2,132 S3 25 24 IV 53 53 V 119 113 6 6 6 V 2 2 Family 734 Moulders and Coremakers GROUP 72 LEATHER CUTTERS, LASTERS AND SEWERS (EXCEPT GLOVES AND GAR. Total 2 2 MENTS) AND RELATED WORKERS V 2 2 Total 504 466 38 33 33 Family 735 Metal D'awers and Extruders TV 443 408 35 18 18 Total 9 9 V 61 58 3 15 15 V 9 9 Family 720 Shoe Makers and Shoe Repairers Fl4mily 739 Furnacemen, Rollers, Drawers, Moulders and Total 479 442 37 23 23 Related Metal-Making and Treating Workers, n.e.c. IV 435 401 34 18 18 Total 109 83 26 16 16 V 44 41 3 5 5 IV 99 73 26 8 8 Family 721 Cutters, Lasters, Sewers, Footwear and Related Workers v 10 10 8 8

GROUP 74 Total 2 ~~~~W~~K:~:~~~~~lE~A~~5' IV RELATED WORKERS Total 1,351 1,329 22 145 144 V IV 1,197 1,177 20 75 14 Family 729 Leather Cutters, Laster s and Sewers (except 154 152 Gloves and Garments) and Related Workers, V 2 70 70 n. e. c. Family 740 Precision Instrument Makers, Watch and Clock Makers and Repairmen Total 23 23 9 9 7 7 IV Total 16 16 9 9 V 16 16 9 9 IV 2 2


Total 2,424 2,339 85 48 47 Total 1,335 1,313 22 136 135 IV 2,284 2,205 79 33 32 IV 1,195 1,175 20 75 74 140 138 2 61 61 V 140 134 6 15 15 V CBNSUS TABLBS B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other tban Cultivation-Contd.

Total Workers Total Worken ...-___------. Division, Group Division, Group Urban and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total --. N.C. O. r---,---"-'---.... ~---_.___ ~ N.C.O. ...---_ ....._- ...... ------Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females 'Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Plumbers and Pipe Fitters GROUP 75 TOOL-MAKERS. MACHINISTS, PLUMBERS, Family 755 WELDERS, PLATERS AND RELATED WORKERS Total 26 26 26 26 IX 26 26 26 26 Total 545 528 17 210 193 17 IV 15g 159 12 12 Family 756 Welders and Flame Cutters V 329 312 1\7 141 124 17 Total 2 2 VI 11 11 11 11 V 2 2 VIII 20 20 20 20 family 757 Melal Plate and Structural Metal Workers IX 26 26 26 26 Total 44 44 4 4 Family 750 Fitter-Machinists, Tool-Makers and Machine IV 13 13 3 3 Tool Setter s V 31 31 Total 22 17 5 22 17 5 Family 758 Electro- Pia ters, Dip Platels and Related Workers V 22 17 5 22 17 5 Total 8 7 8 7 IV Family 751 Machine Tool Operators 2 2 2 2 V 6 5 6 5 1 Total 2 2 2 2 Family 759 Tool-Makers, Machinists, Plumbers, Welders, Platters and Related Workers, n. e. c.(inclu- V 2 2 2 2 dmg metal engravers other than pnnting) Total 29 23 6 28 22 6 Family 752 Fitter-Assemblers and Machine Electors (ex- IV J cept Electrical and Precision Instrument Fitter- Assemblers) V 8 2 6 8 2 6 VIII 20 20 20 20

Total 4 .. 4 4 GROUP 76 ELECTRICIANS AND RELATED ELEG- TRICAL AND ELECTRONICS WORKERS V 4 .. 4 4 Total 42 42 31 31 21 10 Family 753 Mechanics-Repairmen (except Electrical and V 21 10 Precision Instrument Repairmen) . VII 13 13 13 13 IX 8 8 8 8 Total 406 405 114 113 Family 760 Electricians, Electrical Repairmen and Related IV 142 142 6 6 Electrical Workers Total 6 6 3 3 V 253 252 97 96 v 4 4 VI 11 11 11 11 IX 2 2 2 2 Family 761 Electrical and Electronics Fitters Family 754 Sheet Metal Workers Total 15 15 15 15 Total 2 2 V 1 1 1 IV VII 13 13 13 13 V IX 65 B-SS&IBS

B-V-Occupadonal Classification by Ses of Per.ous at Work other than Cultivation-Canld.

Total Workers Total Workers Divi~ion, Group r------.~------~ Division, Group r------.~------Urban Ilnd J<'amily of Total Urban and Family of ,.-._-.,._------.Total r------, N.C.O. ,..---~-~---~ ,------_,._--~ N. C. O. Persons Males Females Personl Males Females Persons Males Females Pel sons Males Females Category Category 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4: 5 6 7

GROUP 78 PAIN'! ERS AND PI\PER HANGERS Family 764 Linemen and Cable Jointers 9 9 Total 2 2 2 2 Total 11 11 V 11 II 9 9 IX 2 2 2 2

Electricians and Related Electrical and Elect- Family 769 Family 780 Painters and Paper Hangers ronics Worker~. n. e. c. Total II 11 9 9 Total 19 19 11 11 V II 11 9 9 V 16 16 8 8 3 3 IX 3 3 GROUP 79 BRICKLAYERS, PLASTERERS AND CONS- TRUCTION WORKERS, N. E. C. GROUP 77 CARPENTERS, JOINERS, CABINET MAKERg, COOPERS AND RELATED To,al 552 529 23 7':) 79 WORKERS IV 77 59 18 4 5 5 Total 855 838 17 53 49 4: V 20 16 VI 455 454 1 74 H IV 759 743 16 24 20 4 Family 790 Stone Cutters, Stone Carvers and Stone Dressers V 86 85 19 19 IX 10 10 10 10 Total 98 76 22 5 5 IV 77 59 18 Family 770 Carpenters, Joiners, Pattern Makers (Wood) V 20 16 4 5 5 Total 847 832 15 49 47 2 VI 1

IV 752 738 14 21 19 2 Family 791 Bricklayers, Plasterers. Masons V 85 84 1 18 18 Total 377 376 74 74 IX 10 10 10 10 VI 377 376 74 74 Family 772 Sawyers and Wood Working Machinistl Family 793 Cement Finishers and Terrazzo and Mosaic Workers Total 4 4 Total IV 4: 4: VI

Family 774· Cart Builders and Wheel Wrights Family 794 Hut Builders and Thatchers Total 3 1 2 3 1 2 Total 17 17 IV 3 1 2 3 1 2 VI 17 17

Family 779 Carpenters, Joiners, Cabinet Makers, Cooper Family 799 Brickla yers, Plasterers and Construction Wor­ and Related Workers, n. e. c. kers, n. e. c.

Total Total 59 59 V 1 VI 59 59 P. 17 66 alNSUS 'lABLB~

B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex. of Ptl'SODS at Work otbel' than Cultivatioll-Gontd.

TDtal Workers Total Workers Division, Group Division, Group ~------~------. ------~------~ Urban and Family of , Total Urban and Fami\y of Total _...:...-"--___-.. ,..--__.A.__ ..... N.O.D. N.C.O. Persons Males Females Persoll9 Males F~male. Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Fetilales Category 2 4 5 6 7 3 6 7

Family 1112 Blow,," and Bende", Glas! GROUP 80 COMPOS1TORS, PRINThRS. ENGRAVERS, BOOKBINDERS AND R£.LNfBD WORKERS Total 2 2. 33 33 Total 112 112 v 2. 2 32 3~ IV Family 814 Grinders, Cutters, Decorators and Finishers V 52 52 5 Total 14 14 IX 26 28 23 IV 13 13 Family 801 Compositors 1 Total 7 1 GROUP'" 112 MILLE.RS, BAK.ERS, BREWMASTERS V 7 7 AND RELA.TED I;OOD A.ND BEVERAGE WORKERS Family 801 Printers ('fex\ile) TOlal 10,181 5,162- 5 ,() 19 217 \41 76 61 67 'Iotal IV 9.161 4,840 4,921 186 110 16 32 32 IV V 420 322 98 31 31 V 35 35 FamIly II:!.\) Mille,., Pounden, Huskers a.od Parchels, Family 80S Book-Binders U,ams and l!.elated Food Workers II 8 Total Total 5,,6!:I 2,474 2,695 55 34 21 7 1 V lV 4,940 2,293 2,647 33 12 21 IX 'Ii :.:29 UH 48 22 22 Family 809 Composito1'9, Printers, Engravers, Book-Binders and Related Workers, n.e.c. family 82l Crushers and PI essers , a,l Seeds 30 30 30 Total 30 Total 4,:1l1 2,178 2,133 41 21 20 3 3 V 3 3 IV 4,168 2,032 2,086 41 21 20 27 27 IX 27 27 V i4l 95 4'1 AND eLA. GROUP 81 POTTERS KILNMEN. GLASS Y FaIntly 822 Dairy Workers (Non-Farm) FORMBB.S t\ND RELATED WORKERS TOlal 8 6 2 !i,Oll 2,794 2,'1.27 67 45 22 rotal IV 7 5 2 38 22 4,899 2,G95 2,2M 60 IV V 23 7 7 V 122 99 Kh'ndsaIi, Sugar and Gur Makers Family 810 FUloacemen, K lnmeu and O'eomen Total 34 39 ,~ I Total IV 32 17 15 I IV V 22 22

Family 111\ Potters and Re\aled Cla~ Formers Family 824 Uakers, Confectioners, Uand y and S" eelmeal Maker, 43 22 115 80 35 Total 5,004 2,771 2,227 6!i Total 626 452 174 TV 4,8S5 2,631 2,204 60 38 22 IV 612 441 17l III 76 35 V 14 11 3 4 4 V 119 96 23 5 5 67 B-SBRIBS

B-V -Occupational Classification by Se% of Persons at Work other than Cultivation-Contd.

Tol Workers Total Wokrers Division, Group ~------'-.------~ Division, Group and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban ,_.-----"------. ,..-- _,.__ ---",", N.C.O. ,---,_-'------"'\ ,.-----~-----.. N.C.O. _ Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persom.. Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 827 Butchers Family 842 Cheroot, Cigar and Bid. Makers

Total 8 8 Total 123 III 12 15 15 IV 2 :1 IV 25 24 6 6 V 6 6 V 98 87 II 9 9 Family 829 Millers, Bakers, Brewmaslers and Related Food aud Beverage Worke,s, n. e. c. Family 84; Snuff and Zarda Makers Total 5 5 5 5 Total 2 2 V 5 5 5 5 IV 2 2

GROUP 8:> CHEMICAL AND RELA TED PROCESS Family 849 Tobacco Preparers and Product Makers, n.e.c. WORKEl(.:' Total 23 :l2 2 1 Tolal 118 94 44 10 8 2 IV 23 22 2 1 IV 117 73 44 2 2 V 21 21 8 8 GROUP 85 CRAFTSMEN AND PRODUCTION PRO· CESS WORKERS, N. E. C. Family 831 Cookers, Roastels and Other Heat Treaters Chemical and Relatd Proct>ses ' Total 1,578 750 828 50 23 27 Total 5 5 IV 1,431 680 751 46 19 27 5 5 v V 147 70 77 4 4

Family 832 Crushers, Millers and Calenderers, Chemical and Related Processes Family 850 Basketry Weavers and Related Workers

Total 2 2 2 2 Total 1,475 706 769 9 !J IV 2 2 2 IV 1.'364 648 716 8 8 V III 58 53 Family 839 Chemical and Related Process Workers, D.e.c. Family 851 Tyre Builders, Vulcanisers and Related Rubher Total 131 89 42 B 8 Products Makers IV Jl5 73 42 Total 3 3 2 2 V 16 16 8 8 V 3 3 2 2

GROUP M TOBACCO PRE PARERS AND PRODUCTS Family 853 Tanners, FeUmongers, Pelt Dressers and Related MAKERS Workers

Total 14) 1:;6 13 18 17 Total 13 13 IV 51 49 2 9 8 IV 13 13

V 98 87 11 9 9 Family 855 Makers of Music:al Instruments and Related Family 840 Curers, Graders and Blenders, Tobacco Workers

Total Total IV V CBNSOS T ABLBS 68

B-V-Occgpac:ional Classificatioll by Sex of Persolls at Work other than Cg1tivation-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group Division, Group r------'~------,~ ~------'~ and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban ,--____.. '-- __--. ..--__.A- -. N.C.O. N.C.O. Category Persons Ma.les Females Person~ Males Felllales , Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 5 6 7

Family 856 Paper Products Makers Family 871 Boilermen and Firemen

Total Total 12 12 v IV 6 6 \ V 6 6 Family 876 Oilers and. Greasers, Stationary Engines, Motor VehIcles and Related Equipment Family 859 Craftsmen and Production Process Workers, n. e. c. Total 32 32 32 32 59 38 11 27 Total 74 15 V lJ 11 11 II IV 48 13 35 37 10 27 VIII 20 20 20 20 V 26 2 24 IX


Total 90 90 Total 7,176 5,400 1,776 331 284 47

v 90 90 III 21 20 5 5

Family 860 Checkers, Testers, Sorters, Weighers and IV 8 8 Counters V 50 50 17 17 Total 89 89 VI 143 139 4 45 45 V 89 89 VlI 11 2 9 11 2 9

Family 861 Packers, LabeUers and Related Workers VIII 1,074 1,069 5 60 60 IX 5,869 4,112 1,757 193 155 Total 36

V Family 890 Loaders and UnJoaders

GROUP 87 STATIONARY ENGINE AND EXCAVA· Total 143 123 20 85 67 18 TING AND LIFTING EQUIPMENT OP­ ERATORS AND RELATED WORKERS VI 2 2 VII 11 2 9 11 2 9 Total 47 47 45 45 VIIl 103 101 2 46 46 v 19 19 17 17 IX 27 J8 9 27 J8 9

VIII 20 20 20 Family 899 Labourers, n. e. c.

IX 8 8 8 TOlal 7,033 5,277 1,756 246 217 29 III 21 20 5 5 Family 870 Operators, Stationary Engines and Related Equipment IV 8 8 V 50 50 17 17 Total 14 14 13 13 VI 141 137 4 44 44 V 7 7 6 6 VJ1I 971 968 3 14 14 7 7 7 7 IX 5,842 4,094 1,748 166 137 29 69 a-SHalK'

·"lJ"'y. .:;...-eec1lpationt-Clas'Sification 'by -Sex ot~Per8ons at Work other than Cnltivation-Contd.

"Total Workers Total Workers Divim,nr Group Division; Group ---~ --. lind Famity of lotal Urban and Family of Total Urban N.,C.,O. N~C.O. Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females J. 2 3 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Division 9 Seruiel, Sport and JU&flotion Work#r, Family 910 House Keeper., Matrons, Stewards (Domestic and Institutional)

Total 9,231 6,159 3,072 1,061 888 173 Total 93 93 TJf 555 5 IX 93 93 V 222 2 Family 9Il Cooks, Cook-Bearers (Domestic and Institutional) VI 3 3 3 3 VII 10 10 10 10 rotal 279 240 39 212 196 16 IX Vlll 10 7 3 6 6 279 ' 240 ' 39 212 196 16 .IX 9,201 6,132 3,069 1,035 862 173 Family 912 Butlers, Bearers, Waiters, Maids and Other Servants (Domestic)

GROUP 90 FIRE iFlGHfERS, POLICEMEN, GUARDS Total 380 310 70 225 liD 55 AND RELATED WORKERS IX 380 310 70 225 170 55 Total 902 902 288 288 . Family 913 Ayas Nurse maids III .') 5 5 .') Total J7 17 VI 1 17 17 v.n .') .') .') .') IX

lX 891 891 277 277 Family 919 House Keepers, Cooks. Maids and Related Workers, n. c, c. ,,FamiIYI901 Police Comtahles, Investigators and Related Workers Total 50 1B 4 4- IX 50 7B 4 4 Total 825 825 216 216 Ix ;1125 825 216 216 GROUP 92 WAITER<;. RARTENDERS AND RELATED WOltKllES

Family 903 Watchmen and Cbaukidars Total 2 2 2 2 Total 72 72 69 69 IX 2 2 2 2 III 5 5 5 5 , Family '920 Waiters. Bartenders and Relateo Workers VI I (Institutional) VII 5 5 Total 2 2 2 2 IX 61 61 58 58 .IX 2 2 2 2 , Family "909 Fire' Fighters, Poli:cetntn;' 6uards and Related GROUP 93 BUILDING C-,\RE-TAKERS, CLEANERS 'Workers, n. e. c. AND'RELATED WORKERS Total ,}S 3 3 Total 321 204 117 186 139 47 IX 5 3 3 V 2 2 2 2 VI 2 2 2 2 GROUP 91 HOUSE KEEPER~, COOKS, MAIDS AND RELATED WORKERS VII 5 :; .') 5 Total 897 600 297 441 370 71 VlII 10 7 3 6 6 IX 897 600 297 441 370 71 IX 302 188 114 171 124 -47 P.18 M3l11"'US -r .... BLIl:S 70 ft..V-(kcupational Classifieatian by S~1L of Persona at Wo.-" otb_ than C.lti~ioD-c",.td.

Total Worke... 'tolal Wor~... ,- Division, GrOllP Division. Gro:f and Family of Urb4n Md Family 0 Total Urban Total N.C.O. r--__"'" r-- N.C.O, r-- CategotV~ Per;!OllS Males Fem... les Pet$()flI Ma.les Femal<:l G.tegory I>ellOllIl ~le5 Ft5nales Ptnona M.lc:a Fem.lea 2 a 4 ~ 6 '1 2 ;3 i 5 6 '1

Pamily 9'1 Cl~ers, Sweeper! and Watennet\ Family 979 Oth~ Photograpbc[lI

139 47 Total 3 3 !l '3 Tot31 :'.21 204 117 166 3 3 3

IX ~9 3 26 27 26 lX &\2- \fI1J 114 171 124 4'7

BARBERS, HAIRDRESSERS, BEAUTICIANS FMlilV 990 Embalmers and Undertakets GROUP 901 . AND RELATED WORKERS TQtai 2, 2 1,913 1,858 11!) 51 51 Total IX 2 2 IX ~,91S !,65S U5 51 51 Family 99S ServiCe, Sport and Recreation Wolker,. II. e. c.

Family 94() Barbe... , Hairdressers, Beauticians and R~ated Workcl'l 'rotal 27 26 21 26

IX 'l1 26 27 26 TOIaI 1,973 1MB m M 5t

lX 1,913 1,658 US 51 al Di#isioN X W.".kIr, ,,01 Clauijiabll 1!1 OeelJj;41i~" 1-eI1Il 38 22 16 12 li GROU['9!i LAUNDERERS, DRY Cl.EANERS ANn PRESSERS m 5 5 ...-

Total 5,W4 2,SS7 2,5(7 65 34 29 JV J 1

IX 5,104 2,5&7 2.:)17 63 34 ~ VI 4 4

28 11 U 12 12 FJIJlIily 951) Lauvdl'Ylnen, Waahennen and DbI>biet VI

TOota.l 5,'64 'l,W1 .2,5i1 6S '3~ Z9 GROUPX8 WORKERS REPORTING OCCUPATIONS UNIDENTIFIABLE OIt UNCLASSlFlABl..& IX 5,104 '1.851 '1,517 63 So\- 19 Total 36 20 16 Ie 1Q GROU}> 97 PHOTOGRAPHERS AND REL:\TED CAMERA OPERATORS m a 5 IV Total S :; 3 3 ~I 4. 4 26 15 11 10 \0 IX S S .I~ S 3 IX 71 B-SHRIES B-V-OceupatioDal Cla8sifteatioD by Sex of Per80Ds at Work other thaa Cultivatioa-Coneld.

Total Worken r------J~ ______~ Total Worken Division, Group Division. Group and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O. ___ -""- ----., ~----..... N.C.O. Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 3 2 4 5 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family X80 Workers Reporting Occupations, Unidentifiable GROUP X9 WORKERS NOT REPORTING OCCUPA­ or Unclassifiable TION

Total 36 20 16 10 10 Total 2 2 2 2 IX 2 2 2 III 5 5 2

IV Family X90 Workers not Reporting Occupation

VI 4 4 Total 2 2 2 2

IX 26 15 II 10 10 IX 2 2 2 2

~.C.O.-National Classification of Occupation _C!JN!!1,)S, TABLaS .72

_B.-V~ppa~io .. 1C1 .... i6c.tiOQ by Sell,of'Peftlon... t"Work odlerltlaa... Oaitivation by Tahs8. (Rural only)

Division Total Workers Division Total ,",oIken -No.-of . No. of -"---._~, N.a.O. N.O.O. -Category 'Persons Males .Females Category Persons Males Femal~. 1 2 3 -4 2 3 4

_ QlS'IR.ICT RUR.AL Dirlilion 4 , FIIImM'" FuhRfllln. Hunllr" Lou'r, 'and IMol,d W.,furs ALL DIVISIONS Total , 4,911 2,897 _2,014 Total 66,985 , 47,645 19,340 III 734 518 216 JlI 789 562 227 lV _4,177 2,379 11798

IV ~0.545 18,305 12,240 DillUion 5 Min"." QIlONJfI1III and RlltJt,d WorUr' V 2,075 1,786 289

VI 588 583 5 Toeal 34 29 5 VII 9,864 8,064 1,800 III 34 29 '5 VlII 3,171 3,159 12 Division 6 ; ,W.,oIwt",in T.r_"~'IJfllrG_";'dlion IX 19,953 15,186 4,767 OceupatiollJ Total Dilliffon " Prof,ssional, T ethnical and R,lated Workers 1,76~ 1,765 4 VI 40 40 TotRI 2,742 2,613 129 VII! 1,729 1,725 4 TV 2 2 V Divilio1ls-7·8 Craftsm,n, Production ProClu W orkm, ond Labourers not ,Is,whlr, clauiji,d VI 5 5 Total 35,610 23,152 IX 2,734 '2,607 127 12,458 III 16 15 V.ui.,iolll Administratiue, E".curiue and Manageriol Worklrs IV 6,365 15,925 10,440 V 'rotal 1,566 1,556 10 2,060 1,772 288 VI 479 V 10 9 414 5 VIII 1,014 1,009 VI 22 22 5 IX 5,676 IX 1.~34 1,525 9 3,957 1,719 Division 9 Dillilion 2 Cl"ical and R,'ated W orklrS SmIiCl, Sport and &e"alion W ork,rs Total 'fatal 2,293 2,288 5 8,170 5,271 2.899 VIII V 4 4 4 S IX Vi 38 38 8,166 5,270 2,896 VlJI 424 424 Vitlislon X Workers nat ClauiJiabl1 by Oec~pation IX 1,827 1822 5 Total 26 10 16 Dillilion 3 Solis W /irk'" III 5 5 IV Total 9,864 8,064 1,800 VI 4 4 VII 9,864 8.064 1,800 11\ 16 5 11 73 B-SBBIBI

B-V-Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than Cultivation by Tahsils (Rural onIY)-Contd.

Division Total Workers Division Total Workers No. of No. of ---, N·C.O. N. C.O. ~ Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females 2 3 4 2 3 4

KUNDA TAHSIL Division 5 Mitl8Ts, Quarrymen and Relatld Workers

ALL DIVISION S Total 11 6 5 Total 26,413 17,972 8,441 III 11 6 5 III 178 131 47 Division 6 Worlurs in Transport and Communication IV 13,115 7,500 5,615 Occupations V 386 363 23 Total 502 499 3 VI 218 218 VI 40 40 VII 4.072 3,282 790 VIII 462 459 3 VIII 489 485 4 IX 7,955 5,993 1,962 Divisions 7-8 Crajtlmen, Production Protlss Workers, and Labourer, lIot ,llllflh", classijied Division 0 ProjlSsiollal, T Ithnical and Related W orklr s Total 13,909 8,661 5,248 Total 183 928 55 IV 10,629 6,089 4,540 VI 4 4 V 379 356 23 979 924 IX 55 VI 153 153 Division 1 Adminislrativl, EXlCutivl tmJ M anag"ial W orklr' VIII 1 IX 2,747 2,063 684 Total 359 350 9

V 7 7 Division 9 Slrvitl, Sporl and Recreation Worklr'

VI 3 3 Total 3,251 2,053 1,198 IX 349 340 9 VIII 3,250 2,052 1,198 Divi.rion 2 Clerical and Relat,d W or/urs IX Division X Workers nol Classijiahl, 6.1 O"II/Jation T~'" 657 652 5 Total 16 5 11 VI 18 18 IX 16 5 11 VIII 25 25 IX 614 609 5 PRATAPGARH TAHSIL

Dillision 3 SalIS Worker, ALL DIVISIONS Total 23,947 17,782 6,165 T_l .,072 3,282 790 165 139 VII 4,072 3,282 790 III 26 IV 9,442 5,854 3,588 Division 4 Farmers, Fishlrm,n, Hunterl, Loggers and Relalld Work"s V 1,389 1,130 259 VI 243 241 2 TOCal 2,653 1,536 1,117 VII 3,335 2,737 598 III 167 125 42 vm 1,867 1,864 3 IV 2,486 1,411 1,075 IX 7,506 5,817 i,689 P.19 CENSUS TABU);S 74

B-V-Occapation~H Classification by Ses of PersoDS at Work othe.- than Cultivation by Tahsil. (Ruralonly)-Contd.

Division Total Workers Division Total Workers No. of ~ ,~------,~ No. of .- N.UO. N.e.O. ---- Persons Males Fer:nalee Category Persons Males Females Category 3 2 3 4

Diumon 0 P,oflUitmol, Tlehnicm and &Iat,d Work4rS Divisions 7-8 Crafts".,n, Prodru:lion:Proees,· Workers, and Labourm nal elSfwhm classified Total 947 919 28 Total 13.924 9,520 4,.04 IV III 15 15 IX 946 918 28 IV 8.854 5,527 3,327 Division 1 Administrative. EuclliilJ' and Manalllrilli Work4r. V 1,389 1,\30 259 VI 230 228 2 Total 486 486 VllI 753 755 VI 5 5 IX 2,681 1,865 816 IX 481 481

Clsrical and R,lat,d Worklrs Division 9 SIfV~CI, Sp<>rt and Recrtotion Workers

Toeill 91. 914 Total 2,735 1,887 848

VI 7 7 VIII 3 3

VI1I 241 241 XI 2,732 1,887 845 IX 666 666 l'ATTl TAHSIL Divisiolt 3 Sal" Work", ALL DIVISIONS Total 3.335 2,737 598 Total 16,625 1!,891 ",734 VII 3,335 2,737 598 III 446 292 154 Diflision 4 Farmlfs. Fish'rm,n. Hunt"" LoU"s and Rllatld IV 7,988 4,951 3,037 Work'" V 300 293 7 Total 733 446 287 VI 127 124 3 1II 145 119 26 VII 2.457 2,045 412 IV 588 327 261 VIII 815 810 5 DWiJio" 5 Miners, Qliarrymen and Rllaltd Worklrs X 4,492 3,376 1,ll6 Totlll 5 5 Diuilion 0 Prl!fmlonlll, Technical and Related Work'" ITI 5 5 Total 812 766 t6 Dilli,ioll 6 Worklr. in Transport and Communication O,cupationl IV 2 2

Toeal 868 86B V VIlI 868 868 IX 809 765 44 75 B-ssa[8i

B-V-Occupational Classification by Sell of Persons at Work other than Cultivation by Tahsils (Ruralonly)-Contld.

Division Total Workers Division Total Workers No. of No. of N.C.O. N.C.O. Category Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females 2 3 4: 2 3 4

Division 6 Workers in Transport and Communication Diuision 1 Adminislraliue, Exeeutive and Manag"ial Work"s Occupations Total 721 720 C V 3 2 1 Total 399 398 1 VI 14 14 VIII 399 398 1 IX 704 704 Divisions 7-8 Crajtsmerl, Production Proeeu Workers, and Labourer. not elsewhere classijied Diuision 2 Cleri&al and Related Workers Total 7,777 4,971 2,806 Total 722 722 III 1 V 4 4 IV 6,tl82 4,309 2,573 VI 13 13 V 292 2B6 6 VIII 158 158 VI 96 93 3 IX 547 547 VIII 258 254: 4: Diuision 3 IX 248 29 219

Totlll 2,457 2,045 Division 9 Seruice, Sport and RecreatioTl W orkaN VII 2,457 2,045 412 Total 2,184 1,331 853

Diuision 4 Farm"s, Fisbermen, Huntlrs, Logge,s and &lahd IX 2,184 1,331 853 Work",

Total 1,525 915 610 Division X Workers not Classifiable by Oecupation III 422 274 148 5 IV 1,103 641 452 Total 10 5 III 5 5 Division 5 Minlrs, QZUl1'r.Jmln and &10114 Worklr' IV Total 18 18 4: III 18 18 VI 4:

N.C.O.-Natiooal Classification of Occupations QNSUS TABLBS 76

Educational Levels

Occupational Age-group Total Workers Total Literate 'PrilDary High School Technical Division No. Literate (without or Junior or Higher diplOlDa not (N. C. Q.) Workers educational Basic Secondary equal to level) degree

.-..-___, r .... ,...... -..., ~ ,....-A---.

PersOIlll Males Females M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6> 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

All DivWioa. TO,cal 6.579 5,900 679 4.239 126 1.789 47 1.11» 31 839 32 \ 0-14 210 180 30 81 3 47 3 32 2 15-34 3.090 2,830 260 2.173 64 806 18 653 16 494 20 35-59 2,879 2,554 325 1,794 56 813 23 462 15 329 12 60+ 400 336 64 191 3 123 3 36 14

c- Professional, Technical and Related Workers Total 617 509 108 505 76 34 4 43 26 132 :n 15-34 234 43 13 I 14 13 68 20 35-59 241 33 17 3 23 13 61 11 60+ 30 4 6 3

1- AdlDinistrative, Execu- tiveand Managerial Workers " Total 287 283 4 267 3 41 1 46 113 1 15-34 115 16 12 50 35-59 145 2 24 33 58 60+ 7 3

2- Clerical and Related Workers Total 665 632 33 629 2 1f7 2 161 29t 15-34 301 1 59 1 67 153 35-59 308 81 83 139 60+ 20 7 11 2

3-Salcs Workers Total 1.849 1.723 126 1.3fl 17 739 17 428 153 0-14 37 2 22 2 14 1 15-34 699 2 307 2 266 116 35-59 508 10 333 10 133 32 60+ S7 3 77 3 15 4 71

by Ses, Broad Age-groups and Educatiollal Levels in Urban Areas only

Educational Levels Non-technical University degree Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree diploma not or post-graduate r- i~- equal to degree degree other than Engineering Medicine Agriculture Veterinary Technology Teaching Others ,geld technkal degree and a.. ~d Dairying ='.=: • ~ 8'~~ ....---"---. + ,.....-..._... ~ ...--...... ,...... -...... r0- Oc:l M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2S 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

15 11 1 1 1 78 , •. All Di...

135 10 2 3 78 182 5 7 17 I

205 If 3 9 1 1 78 o 55 9 2 3 1 78 134 .; 5 16 1

64 1 2 1 1 36 1 28 2

'.f1 2 22 .; - , -


10 10

P.20 CBNSUS T ABLBS 78 B-VI-Occupational DivisioDS of Persons at Work other than Cultivation classified

Educational Levels Occupational Age-group Total Worken Total Literate Primary High School Technical Division No. Literate (without or Junior or Higher diploma not (N. C. 0.) WOlken educational Basic Secondary e~ual to level) egree ...... - ____ .....---.... ,,_.-...... , ,_...... ,.__, ,...... _..._.., Penons Males Females M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

4-Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers and Related Workers Total 66 47 19 20 13 6 1 0-14 2 2 15-34 9 5 3 35-59 7 5 2 60+ 2

6-Workers in Transport and Communication Occupations Total 444 443 1 282 138 72 60 15-34 157 68 39 40 35-59 123 69 32 20 60+ 2

1-S-Craftsmen, Production Process Workers, and Labourers not elsewhere clalISified Total 1,578 1,363 215 763 8 461 6 255 2 40 0-14 ~2 1 17 14 15-34 445 2 243 2 168 33 35-59 258 5 179 3 73 2 6 60+ 28 28

9-Service, Sport and Recreation Workers Total 1,061 888 173 427 ~ 208 17 169 3 46 0-14 10 6 4 15-34 210 J5 93 12 83 3 33 , 35-59 202 5 105 5 81 13 60+ 5 4 1

X-Workers not Classl- liable by Occupation Total J2 J2 5 2 3 15-34 3 2 35-59 2 2

N.C.O.-National ClallSlficatioD of Occupations B-Sl'.B.l'&8 by Sex, Broad Age-groups and Educational Levels io Urbao Areas oOly-Contd.

Educational Levels ..A.. Non-technical University degree Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree diploma not or post-graduate ,- ,...... ·0§z--:- equal to degree: degree other than Engineering Medicine Agriculture Veterinary Technology Teaching Others ':: a O technical degree and g,'~d:s.'!!! ,....__._ ____ Dairying u> • U,~Z ,-_.,A.,~ ,----.. ~-. ,...... --.. ,---"---, .--..... ~ r ..... -. OQ_. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2!i 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33


12 6 10 2

1 7·8



x 80 B-VIII-Part A-PerIlOD8 aDemployed, aged 15 aad above, by Ses, Seeking--.....__ Employment for the Age ,- Educational Levels Total Unemployed Total 15-19 20-24--- 25-29 30-34

r--JI,.___, ,.---"---0 r--_'__~ ,. ~~ .. P M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

8Ci SO TOTAL 86 71 24 11 4 5 2 llliterate 12 12 10 2 Literate (without educational level) II 11 6 4 Primary or Junior Basic '1.7 27 21 11 2 3 3 High School or Higher Sec:ondary 31 31 31 11 15 5 Technical diploma not equal to (iegree Non-tecbnical diploma not equal to degree University degree or post-graduate degree other than technical degree 5 5 3 2

Technical degree or diploma equal to degree 01 post-graduate degree Engineering Medicine Agriculture Veterinary and Dairying Technology Teaching Othen

JS..V1I1-Pal't B-PeI'80D8 1IDemployed, aged 15 aDd above

Rural Unemployed by

Diwictrrahsil Total Unemployed IDiterate ~ ,---- PcrSODS Males Females PcrsollS Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Total 606 57. :42 155 132 23 Kunda Tahsil 170 170 41 41 Pratapgarh Tahsil 331 303 28 90 68 22 Patti Tahsil 105 101 4 24 23 81 B-SEIlIES

Broad Age-group3 and Educational Levels in Urban Areas only •

first time Persons employed before but now out of employment and seeking work ------~-. -"------~ groups Age-groups ------, ,- 35+ Age not Total 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+ Age not stated stated ,--"----, ,--"----, ,--"----, ,------. ,..----"----.. ,------. ,--"----, ...... -.-...... -.-.. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .:6 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

2 15 2 7 3 2 1 2 t> 2 6 3 2

2 2


by Sex and Educational Levels in Rural Areas only

~Educational ______Levels .A. ______o _o ______

Literate (without educational level) Primary or Junior Basic High School and above ,-______.A. _____._~ ,- ---, ,------____.._ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

112 109 3 169 165 4. 170 161J 2 26 26 52 52 51 51 - 72 69 3 92 89 3 77 77 14 14 25 24 1 42 40 2 P. 21 82 CENSOS TA:BLR~ B-IX-Persona Dot at Work classified b)' Sex)

Total Non-working PoPUlatiofio Full -time students Household duties Dependents, infants and disabled ..... ____, ,....___._---, Age-group ------Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Fersons Males 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


192,415 223,731 Total 679,582 ~67,173 412,409 62,470 7,812 10,389 177,610

0-14 475,903 244,400 231,503 51,843 6,187 9,441 33,693 183,044 191,~85 10,:>96 1,613 479 80,251 3,912 11,686 15-34 110,906 15,907 94,999

206 50,693 1,464 6,563 35-59 60,229 2,130 58,099 244 12,914 3,533 13,831 60+ 31,687 4,216 27,471

12 19 59 462 266 Age not stated 857 520 337 31


10,389 • Total 665,091 261,678 403,413 60,459 6,916 174,583 189,216 220,292 9,441 180,214 188,397 0-14 467,508 240,018 227,490 50,309 5,439 33,511

Ifl-S4 107,158 15,047 92,111 10,119 1,465 479 78,637 3,662 11,601

1,420 6,506 35-:>9 58,497 2,048 56,449 206 49,544

60+ 31,071 4,045 27,026 244 12,832 3,458 13,522

59 462 266 Age not stated 857 520 337 31 12 19


Total 14,491 5,495 8,996 2,011 896 3,027 3,199 3,439

0-14 8,395 4,382 4,013 1,534 748 182 2,830 2,988

15-34 3,748 860 2,888 477 148 1,614 250 85

35-59 1,732 82 1,650 1,149 44 57

60+ 616 171 445 82 75 309

Age not statI!o &3

Broad Age-grouplil aDd Type of Activity

Retired, rentier or Beggars, vagrants, etc. Inmates of penal, Persons seeking emp- Persons employed before independent means mental and chari­ loyment for the but now out of employment table institutions first time and seekil'lg work ,...... --"---.... t-- ~,.....~ Age-group Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 20

Total 378 488 729 2,734 III 538 28 143 6 Total

51 236 18 2 3 0-14

39 13 236 1,425 67 463 8 115 3 15-34 87 37 Z80 796 34 38 8 21 2 35-59

245 . 4313 161 277 10 19 10 4 60+

7 Age not stated


22'J 474 685 1,114 111 467 28 128 6 Total

33 141 18 2 3 0-14

4 13 219 38t 67 394 8 103 3 15-34 59 32 275 357 34 36 8 18 2 35-59

153 429 157 232 10 19 10 4 60+

7 Age not stated


155 14 4f. 1,620 71 15 Total 18 95 0-14 35 17 1,041 69 12 15-34

28 5 5 439 2 3 35-59

92 9 4 45 60+

Age not stated CIINSUII 'IABLBS 84 B-IX-f'ersoD8 not at Work tllas.med by Se:r.,

Total Non-working Population Full-time students Household duties Dependents, infants and disabled

,­ ,---...... -___....., ,.....-~~ ,.....--_..... _-...... Persons Males Females ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

District 10.339 174,583 189.216 220,292 Total 665,091 261,678 403,4.3 GO,.!;9 6,!Ji6 188,397 0-14 467.508 240.018 227,490 50.309 5,439 9,441 33,511 180.214 \ 11,601 15-34 107,158 15,047 92,111 10.119 1.465 479 78.637 3.662 1,420 6,506 35-59 58.497 2,048 56,449 206 49,544 244 12.832 3,458 13,522 60+ 31,071 4,045 27,026 462 266 Age not stated 857 520 337 31 12 19 59

Kunda 14,461 1,062 137 61,002 77,678 80,166 Tolal 235.118 92,733 142,385 950 63 10.202 74,562 71,331 0-14 168,915 86,423 82,492 11,767 42 211,700 1,245 2.712 15-34 35,726 4,172 31.554 2,694 112 22 18,173 466 1,486 35-59 20,305 618 19,687 10 3,873 1,199 4,548 60+ 9,823 1,314 8,,)()9 54 206 89 Age not staled 349 206 143


Total 228,304 83,156 140,U8 25,093 2,063 1,274 68,962 61,026 68,544 ')-14 153.661 79,877 73,784 21,14:3 1,865 853 14,186 . 57.865 57.710 181 1,469 4,321 15-3" 41,043 6,031 35.012 3,950 178 30,481 - 497 1,901 35-59 21,915 773 21,142 94 19,161 116 5,133 1,147 4,'>74 60+ 11,598 1,427 10,171 48 38 Age not stated 87 48 39

Patti 20,905 3,791 8.978 U.619 50,512 71.542 Total 201,669 80,789 120.880 17.399 2,604 8,523 9.123 47.787 59,356 0-14 144,932 73,716 71.214 3,475 1,175 256 19,436 948 4,568 15-34 30,389 4,844 25,545 15,620 90 12.210 457 3.119 35-59 16,277 657 8,346 88 3.826 1.112 4,400 60+ 9.650 1.304 4 206 Age not stated 421 266 155 'H 12 19 139 85 HaRiliS

Broad Age-groups and Type of Activity by Tahsils (Rural only)

Retired, rentier or Beggars, vagrants, Inmates of penal, Persons seekmg Persons employed before, independent means etc. mental and chari- employment for the but now out of emplormerll table institutions ticst time and seeking work ~ __.A. __-. ,------. ,--___"_-----, Age-group Males Females Males Females Males Females Malea Females Males Female~ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Rural 223 474 685 J,IH III 467 28 128 6 Total 33 141 18 2 3 0-14 4 13 219 384 67 394 8 103 3 15-34 59 32 275 357 34 36 8 18 :L 35-59 153 429 157 232 10 19 10 4 60+ 7 Age not stated

Tahsil 74 51 206 104 7 122 48 'fota1 14 9 15 2 0-14 4 9 54 21 4 92 37 15-34 18 9 89 19 ::; 12 8 3S-59 52 33 49 55 3 60+ Age not stated


81 422 255 127 10'3 273 25 51 5 Total 12 3 2 0-14 4 81 20 6'3 243 5 44 3 15-34 25 23 110 48 31 11 8 5 35-59 56 395 52 58 9 16 10 1 60+ Age not stated

Tahsil 68 1 224 883 1 72 3 29 Total 7 131 0-14 84 34'3 59 3 22 15-34 16 76 290 13 5 35-59 45 56 119 :2 60+

7 Age not stated P.22


Marital Status

Age-group Total PopulatioD Never Married Persons Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 6


All ARM 1,230,799 595,530 635,269 256,252 210,081 0- 9 373,240 189,979 183,261 189,979 183,261 110-14- 139,186 74.701 64,485 37,398 20.892 15-1~ 93,869 47,024 46,845 12,618 3,195 20-24 87,536 37,390 50,140 5,026 976 25-29 8S,203 39,470 48,733 3,508 566 30-34 82,672 35,793 46.879 1,811 275 3!i-3!} 66,324 30,111 36,213 1,175 104 +0-# 66,211 29,723 36,488 1,100 95 45-49 56,420 26,183 30,237 803 103 50-54 55,514 26,568 29,946 716 128 55-59 34,150 16,833 17,317 610 68 60-64 40,721 19.645 21,076 4fi7 58 65-69 18,449 11,757 9,692 210 20 70+ 27,409 12,800 14,609 368 60 Age not sta tedl 895 547 348 463 280


All Ages 438,967 215,306 223,661 90,925 70;1,964 (}--9- 137,666 70,295 67,371 70,295 67,371 10-14 47,682 25,459 22,223 10,911 5,791 15-1lt 31,311 15,382 15,929 3,649 756 20-24 31,303 13,707 17,596 1,742 196 32,281 ]4,992 25-29 17,289 1,517 155 30--34 29,983 13,463 16,520 5"0 113 35-39 24,2411 11,340 12,908 369 69 ...a-44 23,552 11,077 12,475 438 57 20,674 9,723 45-4Q 10,951 273 82 50--54- 20,0]8 9,961 10,057 249 99 55-59 12,706 6,502 11,204 334 59 60-61- 13,113 6,475 6,638 158 40 65-69 5,632 2,748 2,884 88 13 10+ 8,446 3,974 4,472 liB 34 Age not sta tea 352 208 144 194 129 89 C-S~a.IKS

Marital Status

Marital Status

Married Widowed Divorced or Separated Unspecified Status Age-group ,-,.... ___J. __~ ,----,---...... ,-----"------.. ,----___,._---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females MaIN Females

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Rural "-

301,105 363,257 35,265 60,521 2,800 1,152 108 258 AU A,.. 0- 9 36,811 43,095 34,9 385 95 65 48 48 10-14 33,570 43,204 576 344 249 68 II 34 15-19 30,999 48,543 959 479 4U9 118 3 24 20-24 34,160 47,019 1,343 990; 452 121 7 32 25-29 32,028 44,534 1,550 1,870 399 171 5 29 30-34 26,710 33,512 1,910 2,428 315 127 1 22 35-39 25,581 31,757 2,768 4,493 266 128 8 15 40-44 21,759 23;668 3,443 6,364 172 85 6 17 45-49 20,890 19,200 4,78-1, 9,520 177 83 15 50-54 12,324 11,044 3,797 6,155 102 45 5 55-59 13,669 9,619 5,3Q9 11,342 102 52 8 5 60--64 5,613 4,002 2,898 5,622 33 44 3 4 65-69 6,941 4,004 5,457 10,495 29 44 5 6 70+ 50 36 32 29 1 2 2 Age not stated


57 All A," 111,159 128,032 12,059 20,181 l,13f f27 29 0- 9 22 20 20 14 10-14 14,338 16,268 168 130 9 15-19 11,368 14,997 217 145 146 22 2 7 20-24 11,357 17,194 407 152 201 47 44 6 25-29 12,761 16,775 519 309 195 625 156 64 5 30-34 12.121 15,713 596 825 120 42 5 35-39 10,208 11,967 643 98 43 4 40-44 9,600 )0,948 941 1,423 48 17 2 45-49 8,204 8,363 1,198 2,487 65 36 2 50-54 7,983 6,619 1,664 3,301 17 3 55-59 4,818 4,003 1,320 2,122 30 21 1 60-64 4,473 2,717 1,820 3,860 23 1,678 13 27 3 65-69 1,753 1,166 891 27 2 70+ 2,162 1,292 1,675 3,119 17 5 Age not staled 13 10 P.23 CENSUS TABLES 90

C-II-Age aDd

Marital Status Age-group T6tal Population Never Married Persons Males Females Males Females

~ 2 3 4 5 6


All Ales 408,997 195,585 213,412 85,054 67,210 -0- 9 119,745 61,993 57,752 61,993 57,152 . 10-14 47,262 25,409 21,853 13,526 7,733 15-19 32,163 16,355 15,313 4,460 1,029 20-24 28,351 11,752 16,599 1,684 285 25-29 28,343 12,347 16,,)01 905 211 27,808 30-34 11,505 16,303 576 94 35-39 21,868 9,480 12,388 408 17 40-44 22,223 9,734 12,439 358 22 45-49 18,629 8,344 10.285 299 11 50-54 18,580 8,225 10,355 253 20 55--59 ) 1,52~ 5,354 6,170 153 3 60-64 14,906 7,163 7,7:)8 177 9 65-69 7,178 3,422 3,756 76 4 70+ 9,803 4,433 5,370 162 2 Age IlOt stated 10+ 64 40 24 18


All Ages 382,835 184,639 H8,196 80,273, - 67,907 0- 9 115,829 57,691 58,133 57,691 58,138 10-14 44,242 23,833 20,409 12,961 7,368 15-19- 30,390 15,237 15,103 4,509 1,410 20-24 27,882 11,937 15,945 1,600 495 25-29- 27,074 12,131 14,943 1,086 200 30-34 24,881 10,825 14,056 645 68 35-39 20,208 9,291 10,917 398 18 40-44 20,436 8,912 11,524 304 16 45-49 17,117 8,116 9,00~ 231 10 50-54 16,916 8,3R2 8,534 214 9 55-59 9,920 4,Q77 4,943 123 6 fiO-64 12,702 6,002 6,700 123 9 65-69 5,63~ 2,5Y7 3,052 46 3 70+ 9,160 4,393 4,767 88 24 Age not stated 439 275 164 245 133 91 Marital Status-Contd.

___• ______.A.. ____ Marital. ______Status .-- __-... Ag~roup Married Widowed Divorced or Separated Unspecified Status r-----"'---~ "-'-__~"" ----. ,--_.... _ ..... r-----_Jt,. ___---. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

7 8 9 lO 11 12 13 14


98,046 124,932 11,566 20,908 885 2'2 34 70 AU A,es 0- 9 11,741 13,952 81 131 44 18 17 19 lO-14 11,649 14,651 191 103 49 24 6 6 15-19 9,658 16,150 282 135 126 25 2 4 20-24 10,879 15,959 414 300 147 22 2 9 25-29 10,343 15,572 456 586 130 42 9 30-34 8,388 11,537 580 796 104 33 5 35-39 8,373 10,855 930 1,576 70 32 3 3 40-44 6,885 8,186 1,086 2,056 71. 28 2 4 45-49 6,362 7,178 1,552 3,137 57 17 3 50-54 4,077 4,091 1,085 2,069 39 6 55-59 5,109 3,855 1,851 3,854 31 18 2 60-64 2,279 1,573 1,056 2,165 11 14 65-69 2,295 1,365 1,971 3,985 5 13 5 70+ 8 7 31 15 Age not stated


" 91,900 110,293 11,640 19,432 781 433 45 131 All ACes 0- 9 10,732 12,875 100 124 29 27 11 15 10-14 10,553 13,556 168 96 51 22 3 B 15-19 9,984 15,119 270 192 82 46 1 13 20-24 10,520 14,285 410 386 110 55 5 17 25-29 9,564 13,249 493 659 113 65 5 15 30-34 8,114 10,028 687 807 9t 52 12 35-39 98 53 5 8 40-44 7,608 9,953 897 1,494 • 6,670 7,119 1,159 1,821 52 40 4 11 45-49 6,545 5,403 1,568 3,082 55 30 10 50-54 3,429 :2,950 1,392 1,954 33 22 55-59 4,087 3,047 1,728 3,628 48 13 7 3 60-64 1,581 1,263 951 1,779 9 3 4 65-69 2,184 1,347 1,811 3,391 7 4 3 1 70+ 29 19 9 2 Age not stated

.. CENSUS TAB1.ES 92 C-II-Age and

Marital Status

Never Married Age-group Total Population ___.. ,..-- Persons Males Females Males Females 5 6 1 2 3 4


All Ages 21,397 11,635 9,762 5,514 4,278 0- 9 \6,212 3,230 2,982 3,230 2,982 10-14 2,406 1,339 1,067 1,180 806 15-19 1,928 1,095 833 611 309 20-24 1,732 887 845 244 83 25-29 1,773 959 814 67 39 3C-34 1,523 830 693 34 21 35-39 1,378 717 601 80 13 40-44 1,157 627 530 19 9 45-49 963 591 372 ]5 9 50-54 833 515 318 11 .55-59 420 230 190 .6 "1 6C-64 502 266 236 ~O 1 65-69 210 WI 109 70-+ 360 188 172 6 l 93

Marital Status-Cont:ld.

Marital Status Age-group ------~------,------~Married Widowed Divorced or Separated Unspecified Status r----"----. ~------. ,.--__""____' r-----"'-----"" Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


5,576 ~.~76 522 971 23 37 All A,e. 0- 9 159 261 10-14 473 515 11 9 15-19 626 743 13 19 4 20-24 873 729 17 32 2 14 25-29 750 618 41 43 5 11 30-34 6!i9 514 35 70 3 4 35-39 571 431 34 87 3 3 40-44 515 266 58 97 3 45-49 430 155 74 155 4 50-54 181 95 43 93 1 55-59 178 80 78 155 60-64 72 '29 27 80 \ 65-69 89 40 91 131 :1 70+

P.24 ChNSUS'IABLES 94 c-.llI-Part B- Age, Sex and

Educational levels ~------Age-group Total Population Literate (without Primary Matriculation Technical Illiterate educational or ' or Higner diploma not level) Junior Basic Secondary equal to degree ...-- ---. ,..--_"_--.... r---_"____" ,..._.-"-----, .---"----> ,-_J...._~ P M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

All Ages 21,31}7 11,615 9,762 4,678 6,932 3,112 1,580 2,056 976 1,245 223 0- 4 3,087 1,608 1,479 1,60S 1,479 5- 9 3,125 1,622 1,503 1,004 1,12'{ 353 253 265 127 10-14 2,406 1,339 1,067 236 501) 838 208 247 348 18 11 15-19 1,928 1,095 833 197 431 161 171 447 155 282 71 20-24 1,732 887 845 189 4% 194 175 190 110 223 51 25-29 1,773 959 814 195 4(JO 238 183 199 86 2,11 43 30-34 1,523 830 693 205 470 243 144 159 50 121 19 35-44 2,535 1,404 1,131 383 815 449 210 272 74 184 23 45-59 2,216 1,336 880 428 686 454 165 216 22 159 5 60+ 1,072 555 517 232 442 182 71 61 4 57 Age not ~tated

C-IlI-Part C-Age, Sex and

Total Population Illiterate

A~e-group ,- ""------. ,..----""------. Persons Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6

All Ages 1,230,799 595,530 635,269 451,710 617,695 0- 4 185,533 92,266 93,267 Y2,266 93,267 5- 9 187,707 97,713 89,994 85,172 87,069 10-14 139,186 74,701 64,485 40,652 30,820 15-19 93,86Q 47,024 46,845 26,209 44,158 20~24 87,536 37 ,~96 50,140 23,470 47,842

25-29 88,203 39,470 48,73~ 27,659 46,968 45,568 30-34 8~.67l ~5,793 46,879 25,784 71,131 35-44 13:.1,535 59,834 72,701 44,193 75,534 45-59 146,084 69,584 76,500 53,260 60+ 86,.')79 41,202 45,377 32,510 44,990 Age not stated 8)5 547 348 535 348 9') O-SEBISIl Education in Urblln Areas only

Educational Levels ....._------~ ...... Non-technical University degree Technical degree or diploma p.qual to degree or post-graduate deJree diploma not or post-graduate r------'------~ equal to degree degree other than F;ngineering Medicine Agriculture Veterinary Technology Teaching Others technical degree and Dairying .----"----. ,-_--A.._---... M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

449 50 3 12 1 1 1 78 All Ales 0- 4 5- 9 10-14 8 5 15-19 91 13 20-24 124 12 25-29 18 10 2 2 78 30-34 112 R 3 35-44 74 2 5 45-.')9 22 60+ Age not stated

Education in Rural Areas only

Educational Levels ,------""------. Literate (without Primary or Junior Matriculation and above educational Ie\ ell Basic Age-group ,------"- r------"'----.. r- Males Females Males Females Males Females 7 8 9 10 11 12

98,339 14,661 37,273 2,159 8,268 148 All Ages 0- 4 12,040 2,739 501 186 5- 9 24,497 2,9';1 9,446 711 106 3 10-14 8,433 1,957 10,221 695 2,161 35 15-19 7,145 1,811 4,537 43B 2,244 49 20-24 7,3H 1.173 3,OG4 262 1,4(\6 30 25-29 6,~53 1,119 2,391 180 765 12 30-34 ll,G69 1,383 3,147 172 825 15 35-44 13,107 872 2,709 91 508 3 45-59 7,'245 %2 1,256 24 191 60+ 9 I 2 Age not stated ~NSUS TAJILBS 96 C-V -Mother-TORlue

Serial Total No. Mother-Tongue ,_---~ Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5

All Langualel 1.252.196 607,165 645,031 ArabicJArbi 3 2

2 As~amese 1

3 Bengali 54 22 32

4 Bhojpuri 2 2

5 lJOgri

6 English ;a II 11

7 Garhwah

8 Gujarati 38 7 :H

9 Gurmukhi 20 20

10 Hindi 1,159,873 560.083 599,790

11 Kanjari

12 Khasi

13 Konkani 3 3

14 Kumauni :2 2

15 Malayalam 6 5 16 Marathi 4 4

17 Mewari 215 18 Punjabi 465 250 5 19 Sanskrit 5

20 Telugu

21 Urdu 91,692 46,756 44,936


Names of Religions arranged ,.----,;._._. ___..., District Hindus Total Christians ,..-----__, ,---~ ,....-----~....__------Females Males Females Persons Males Females Males 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 63 Sf 538,622 572,085 Dilltrict Total 1,252,19& 607,169 6.3,031 12 5 530,395 565,387 Rural 1,230,799 595,530 635,269 51 49 8,227 6,t98 Urban 21,397 11,635 9,762 97 C-SERIBS

(Alphabetical Order) ,.------"------..Rural ,.------_""-_------Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

6 7 8 9 10 11

1,230,799 595,MO 635,269 21,397 11,635 9,762

3 2

8 2 6 46 2U 26

2 2

2 2 20 9 Il

36 5 31 2 2

20 20 1,144,696 551,808 592,888 15,177 8,275 6,902

1 3 3

2 2 5 5

:3 3

29 15 14 436 23:; 201

5 5

85,990 43,662 42,328 5,702 3,0<)4 ~,608


lU Alphabetical Order ,.- .... ------_.------~ Other Religions and Religion not Jains Muslims Sikhs Persuasions stated ,.----_.-"'-----, ,..------./---- ~ ,.---...... ---_ ...... ,----"""---~ ~-----"'---~ Males Femal~s Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 9 10 11 12 U 15 15 16 17 18 2' 45 68,202 72,633 256 214 1 )5 37 65,059 L9,789 48 51 6 8 3,143 2,B44 2(J8 Ib3 P. 45


fly lear to Table SOT. -1·Part A-Showiag the Population of Scheduled Castes of each Tahsil :' Distr iet/Tahsil Population ,---- ~ Penons Males FelJlllles I 2 3 4

DiHrict Total 2EO.490 122.0B0 138.410

Kunda Tahsil 107.704 51,271 56.433 Pratapgarb Tahsil 78.559 36,007 42,552 Patti Tahsil 74.227 34.802 39,425 CENSUS TABLHS 100 SCT-I-Part A-Industrial ClassificatioD of PersoDs at Work

WORKERS ,....------""-- --' I II III Serial Name of Total Population Total Work('(8 As As In Mining, _, No. Scheduled Caste (I-IX) Cultivator Agricultural Quarrying, Live- Labourer stock, rorestry, Fishing. Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities .- ,---..A.._--. ~---, r-__"'_-~ ,--'""'---.,. p M F M F M F M F M F

~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 \l 10 II 12 13


Total 259,"~6 121,387 137,699 70,480 74,180 32,259 29,168 31,453 40,390 65 27

BaheliY8 768 417 351 261:1 98 145 65 10 9 13

2 Bangali 5 2 3

3 Banmanus 183 94 89 59 67 30 29 13 12

.. Beldar 31 ~ 22 3 3 3 5 Beriva 1.219 605 614 ~j35 222 146 128 77 60 6 Bhuiyar 290 92 198 3 3

7 Boria 47 26 2t 22 14 10 12

8 Chamar, Dhusia, Jhusia 20,204 16 4- or Jatava 112,817 53,476 59,341 31,168 31,739 12,778 10,855 16,913

9 Dabgar 73 29 44 8 8

10 Dharltar 798 355 443 ~O5 26B 48 53 6 6 IO!' II Dhobi 12,889 6,066 (,823 3,335 3,072 1,083 789 32

12 Dom 8 5 3

13 Hela !,308 623 6B5 347 246 103 81

86 57 17 9 6 16 14 Khatik 1,690 782 908 429 280 15 Kori 14,644 7,023 7,621 4,727 4,479 1,477 1,268 2,101 3,128 '6 Mu!!&har (,M9 . 949 910 558 473 99 64 146 133 ,It ,.1 • 17 Nat 163 6r i02 24 33 17 21 7 12

18 Pasi or Tarmali 110,203 50,727 59,476 28,968 33,177 16,222 15,7~2 11,531 16,716 25 6

19 Unclassified 91 ,46 45 23 11 101 ICT-SBBms aDd NOD-workers by Sex for Scheduled Castes

WORKERS Workers in Special ---. Occupations IV V VI VII VIU IX X ,.---_..... At Household In Manufac- In In In In NON- Tanning and Scavenging Industry turing other Construction Trade and Transport, Other WORKERS Currying than House- Commerce Storage and ServIces of Hides hold Industry Communi- and Skins cations

,..-__ .A.. __...... ,...."""""""_ ,---...... ---.. .--...... ---, r--"""-'-____ ,--_.A,,_..._ ,----,..,.__ ...... ,--___,_--- ....--"----- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2l- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Rural

1,920 1.359 231 56 186 1 395 172 366 3 3,605 3,004 50,907 63,519 84 13 65 61 8.: 23 3 2 13 149 253 2 3

8 16 8 lU 35 22

9 l!l

ll:.! ji .) 3 4 17 3 270 3!1:.!

8!1 l!l7 3 2 !:I 4 7

603 220 112 3 125 63 18 149 4(,9 434 22,308 27.602 76 13

8 8 21 36 134 196 16 12 150 175 44 88 2 2 2.172 2.095 2,731 3,751 .-\ 4 3 72 54 5 6 13 44 110 102 276 439 65 61

39 42 276 143 4 13 353 628 33 37 8 2 13 4 22 468 42 2,296 3,142 8

219 216 24 23 12 8 4 53 29 391 437

37 69

583 426 52 48 21 138 348 284' 21,759 26,299 10 2 23 45

P.26 CBJ(sUS TAlI~S 102 seT -I-Part A-Industrial Classification of PersoDs at Work WORKERS------' I II III Serial Name of Total Population Total Worken As As In Mining, No. Scheduled Caste (I-IX) Cultivato,r Agricultural Quarrying, Live- Labourer stock. Forestry. Fishing. Hunting and Plantations. Orchards anl" allied activitit. ,..._...__...., ,.---_"_-~ ,-.. -----~ r------' ,..---;----. P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

\ , Di.trict

Total 1;404 693 711 411 139 9 10 S 6 f

Baheliya 13 6 7 3 40 19 19 2 Balmiki 59

3 Beldar 17 20 6 14 4 Beriya 37

5 Chamar, Dhusia. Jhusia or Jatava 599 302 297 213 27 G 4 5 S

6 Dbarltar 55 19 36 12 IB

7 Dhobi 141 76 65 40 2B

8 Hela 9B 26 72 26

9 Kapariya 2 2 2

10 Khatik 9 4 5 2

11 Koti 197 64 113 39 7 2

12 Musahar 14 5 9 3 6

13 Nat 13 6 7 4

14 Pasi or Tarmali 89 49 40 20 10 3 6

15 Unclassifiad 77 57 20 44 4 " 1O:~ SCT--IIEBIBS

and Non-workers by Sex for Schednled Castes-Coneld.

WORKERS Workers in Special ._ ---. Occupations IV V VI VII VIII IX X ,--- --. At Household In Manufac- In In Trade In In NON· Tanning and ScavenglOg Industry turing other Construction and Transport. Other Services WORKERS Currying than House- Commerce Storage and of Hides hold Industry Communi- and Skins cations

,.---..A._ • ...., ,-~__,.._-...... ,---""---. ,---""----- ~ ...... ,....~ .....------.. r--""""' _ __"_ ,...... -""----, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


28 26 46 79 27 7 55 166 !)O 282 572 9 12 15

2 3 6

19 j9 12

5 14 11 6

13 25 77 13 6 16 59 12 89 270 9

5 18 7 7 18

5 33 28 36 37

26 72


2 2 4

3 13 3 15 2 6 45 106

3 6 2 3

4 6 3

2 11 2 29 30

21 22 4 13 16 12 3 CJlNSUS TABLES 104 SCT-Ill-Part A (i)-Education in Urban Areas only for Scheduled Castes Educational Levels ------, Literate Primary High Technical Non-techni- University Technical Serial Name 'Of Total Illiterate (without or School . diploma cal diploma degree degree or No. Scheduled Caste educational Junior Basic or DOt equal not equal or post- diploma level) Higher to degree to degree graduate equal to Secondary degree degree or other than post- technical graduate- r--"-____ degree degree ,..--....__, ,...--...._..., ,...... -..-.. r-"''''''_~ ,...... ,..--. ..---., ~ ,.---"---. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Total 693 711 469 699 90 3 12 9 50 2

Baheliya 6 7 5 7

2 Balmiki 40 19 35 19 3 2

3 Beldar

4 Beriya 17 20 15 16 2 2 2

Chamar, Dhusia. Jbusia 5 8 or Jatava 302 297 209 297 54 31

36 2 5 6 Dharkar 19 36 12

7 Dhohi 76 65 48 59 8 17 6 3

8 Hela 26 72 72 26 9 Kapariya 2

10 Khatik 4 5 2 5 2

11 :Kori 84 113 56 113 15 It 2 12 Musahar 5 9 5 9

13 Nat 6 7 4 7 2

14 Pasi or Tarmali 49 40 24 39 2 10 11 2

15 Unclassified 57 20 53 19 2 2 lO~ Sq'-a~IBS SCT-Ill-Part B (i)-Education in Rural Areas only for Scheduled Castes

Educational Levels .- ~--. Serial Name of Total Illiterate Literate (without Primary or High School No. Scheduled Caste educational level) ,..-__..A.._---., Junior Basic and above ,---...... ~ ,..---"----. ,..---"---...... r---...... _~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 • 11 12

Total 12],387 137,699 100,420 137,105 8,091 458 3,367 128 509 8

Baheliya 417 351 357 346 41 5 19

2 Banmauos 94 89 86 89 6 2

3 Bengali 2 3 2 3

4 Beldar 9 22 8 22

5 Beriya 605 614 522 606 61 8 19 3 6 Bhuyiar 92 198 72 198 16 3

7 Boria 26 21 22 21 3 8 Chamar Dhusia, Jhusia or Jatava 53,476 59,341 48,409 59,141 3,462 147 1,425 50 180 3

9 Dabgar 29 44 28 44

10 Dharkar 355 443 298 437 45 6 11 II Dhobi 6,066 6,823 4,750 6,708 738 86 422 24 156 5

12 Dom 5 3 4 3

13 Hela 623 685 516 669 71 14 31 2 5 14 Khatik 782 908 676 901 66 5 35 2 5 15 Kori 7,023 7,621 6,227 7,587 556 27 213 7 27

16 Musahar 949 910 865 891 65 16 18 3

17 Nat 61 102 53 102 6 2

18 Pasi or Tarmali 50,7'27 59,476 46,483 59,292 2,950 144 1,164 40 130 19 Unclassified 46 45 42 45 3


SC-I-Per8Gus uot at Work clasallied by Sex, Type of Activit)' aud Edllcational Levelli for Scheduled Cutes .

Persons Persons seeking. employed before, Educational Levels Total Non-working Full-time employment for. but now out of Others Population Students the tirst time employment aDd J-______--, seeking work ,-__._----, ,--""'____" ,-__"'___' .---_..... _---.. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femalel

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Di.met Total

Total 115,280 51,189 64,091 5,367 268 45 2 17 2 45,760 6',819 , Illiterate 109,605 45,830 63,775 780 122 16 2 7 2 45,027 63,649

Literate (without educational level) 3,744 3,508 236 3,011 109 3 2 492 127

Primary or Junior Basic 1,745 1,666 79 1,445 37 13 2 206 42

High School or Higher Secon- dary 177 176 122 13 6 35 1

Above High School or Higher Secondary 9 9 9

District Rural

Total 114,426 50,907 63,519 5,367 264 45 2 17 2 45,478 63,251

)))iterate 108,860 45,652 63,208 780 122 Hi 2 7 2 44,849 63,082 Literate (without educational level) 3,722 3,487 235 3,011 109 3 2 471 126 Primary or Junior Basic 1,678 1,603 75 1,445 33 13 2 143 42

Hi~h School or Higher Secon- dary 1:7 156 122 13 {> 15

Above High School or Higher Secondary 9 9 9

District Urban Total 85t 282 572 .. 282 568 Illiterate 745 178 567 178 567 Literate (without educational level) 22 21 21 1

Primary or Junior Basic 67 63 4 4 63 High School or Higher Seeon- dary 20 20 20

Above High School or Higher Secondary PART II OFFICIAL STATISTICS OPFICIAIl STATISTICS 108 Table 1'1-

1951 1952 1953 1954 Months ,.....- ...... -- No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of . Monthly No. of Monthly Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days . Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

January 2 17 11 3 l7

February 7 2 29 9 2 19

March 2 37 3 32

April :3

May 5 :3 2

June 4 141 7 289 5 120 4 51

July 8 127 9 132 l6 401 12 228

August 12 222 15 366 16 503 10 262

September 8 166 6 72 9 196 10 170

October 10 2 30


December 17

Annual 40 735 42 925 49 1,259 43 777 N.A.-Not available

Table 1'2-Meao Mazimum and MeaD


Table 1-


Ralafall (FipTII in mml.)

1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

r- Na. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of Monthly Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall 10 11 12 13 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

4- 32 3 25 3 25 14 5 47 3 36

2 19 1 3 N.A. N.A. 5

2 2 12 N.A. N.A. 11 2 37

5 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 4-

3 14 N.A. N.A. 3 58

6 33 7 162 4- 26 2 19 N.A. N.A. 3 94

16 828 13 266 14 349 14 391 13 211 16 502

16 298 14 230 15 oliO 13 325 12 208 24 325

9 153 9 162 13 225 12 216 9 251 ... 72

2 60 7 95 3 31 6 64 7 146

2 109

2 5 6 3

64 1,611 63 1,198 N.A. N.A. 'N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 60 1.191 Source- Board of Revenue. U. P.

/ Miaimam, .Highest aad Lowest Temperatare 1951-61

NOT AVAILABLE Source-Director Regional Meteorological Centre, New Delhi

Vital Statistics NOT AVAILABLE Source-Director of Medical and Health Servicet, U. ·P. P.28 01lPICIA~ STATISTICS 110

Table 3'1-Principal Crops-Distribution of Crops

(Area in acres)

Principal Crops 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A-Food Crops

(al Early Paddy 19,853 69,747 74,220 62,290 62,526 84,342 91,616 (b) Late Paddy 12,652 44,948 54,265 63,297 66,183 85,898 99,298 (cl Wheat 61,340 60,623 64,364 67,459 65,138 63,400 67,548 (d) Barley 102,350 129,992 114,292 130,680 125,490 133,227 129,076 (e) ]uar 36,521 35,917 34,067 36,041 29,643 28,762 22.287 (f) Bajra 27,704 40,139 41,561 32,819 43,201 42,115 47.432 (g) Maize 2,025 5,240 3,451 4,609 5,688 5,383 5,839 (h) Gram 67,477 61,041 51,650 56,276 51,723 58,031 57,687 {il Potatos 1,140 2,217 2,619 3,228 4,014 (j) Other food crops 205,181 lR4,748 164,696 171,859 183,043 177,339 152,553 Total 535,103 632,395 603,706 627,5'7 635,254 681,725 677,350 B-Nun-Food Crops (a) Sugarcane 12,i65 9,784 11,165 10,067 12,555 10,794 10,330 (b) Cotton :1 16 ·32 4 5 2 I (c) Jute 62 (d) All type of oil seeds 2,781 3,834 1,340 1,818 1,039 857 973 (el Fodder 2,128 3,090 3,895 4,721 8,654 7,597 6,109 (f) Other non-food crops 23,058 18,322 18,544 15,012 23,032 20,534 18,764 Total 40,153 35,046 34,976 31,622 45,285 39,846 36,177 Grand Total: A+B 575,256 667,UI 638,682 659,169 680,539 721,'>71 713,527 Source-I. Board of Revenue, U.P. 2. District Census Handbook-1951 Table 3'l-Land Utilization

(Aria in acres)

Particulars 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 2 3 4 5 6 -7 8

A- Classification of Area {al Total Geographical Area* 922,643 923,262 923,808 922,757 922,327 922,760 909,161 (b) Area under forests 393 591 (c) Uncultivated land 236,940 231,494 230,483 223,722 215,310 186,676 152,301 (i) Under water 262,788 59,757 53,537 40,173 (ii) Under buildings and roads 40,612 40,677 40,286 46,012 (iii) Under other non-aJricultural 92,853 66,116 uses .,. ~..-. 122,322 114,876 (d) Other uncultivated land excluding current fallows 147,604 147,736 152,915 152,830 151,981 140,121 122,287 (e) Current fallows 19,8a6 29,677 32,513 24,434 25,612 26,624 45,635 B-Area under Cultivation (a) Total cropped area 696,779 667,439 638,683 659,168 680,521 721,110 731,165 (b) Net cropped area during the year 518,213 514,055 507,897 521,771 529,424 568,946 588,347 (c) Area cropped more than once 178,566 153,084 130,786 137,397 )51,097 152,164 142,818 Source-to Board of Revenue, U.P. 2. District Census Handbook-1951 Note-ln Tables 3'1, 3-2, and 3'5 data lor each Census vear are the average of the five years wnh the Census year as the mid- year with the exception of the year 1961 in which five years average will mean the average of five years ending in 1961_ *They are as per village papers. · ·111 AGRICULTUU

Table S'l-Agriculture Extension Scheme

Particulars 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 J956 1957 1958 1959 1960

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

, Improved seed distributed (mds.) 30,OO\) 32,%00 35,300 40,100 40,300 44,300 55,000 62,000 47,200 47,150

2 Area SOWn with improved seeds (acres) 240,000 270/100 302,000 340,000 361,000380,000 412,000 425,000 4:14,500 497,711

201,300 207,200211,960220,900 235,700 249,230 263,060 271,712 3 Irri~ation (acres) 195,300 198,000

4 Number of improved A~ricultural imple- ments distributed 80 150 198 221 312 615 723 912 1.200 1.228

5 Number of Agricultural demonstrations 410 650 820 970 1,007 1,221

6 Qpantity of chemicals and other fertilizers distributed (mds.) 1,500 1,600 3,800 5,300 6,840 9,700 13,300 17,500 23,604 40,710

7 Area under green manure (acres) 500 890 1,100 1,500 2,028 25,720 31,300

8 Area under Japanese method of cultivation (acres) 800 6,200 9,100 11,207 18,624 20,782

9 Area under U. P. method of wheat cultivation 8,300 20,824 58,997 38,367 (acre!l)

10 Area uncil"r line

II AH~a covered with gardens and fruit tree~, etc. (acres) 45,800 45,820 45,850 45,900 46,000 46,100 46.400 46,700 46,900 47,561

12 Area of banjar land brought under cultivation (acres) 50 100 ISO 200 200 300 900 1,600 1,722

13 Number of competitors under crop competitions 50 60 65 75 80

14 Number of Veterinary hospitals and Live- stock centres 14 17 19 20 19 19 21 22 25 3)

15 Number of Artificial Insemination centres 2 2 2 2 2 2

16 Nwnber of Poultry Breeding centres 2 3 3

17 Amount of 'I aqavi distributed lor milch 2,000 4,000 5,4::0 36,150 6,000 6,000 5,825 5,800 cattle (Rs.)

SoUJce-District Agnculture Officer OFPJCI~_ I'1'ATIS'tlCl_ l.~

Table l'4-Pel'sons Cu.ltiftting Land with different Sizes of Holding.

1959 1960· Size of Holdill8 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Above 100 .eres 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 7 7 7 50-100 .. 119 112 117 117 116 116 116 116 127 127 937 947 962 969 1,030 1,069 1,187 1,30m 25- 50 It 812 917 2,546 2,640 2,671 2,838 20- 2.!i .. 2,203 2,241 2,373 2,396 2,439 2,494 6,061 6,200 6,248 1!)'- 20 5,181 5,222 5,389 5,361 5,538 5,605 5,948 " 24,898 24,978 10- 15 .. 22,593 23,752 ,914- 24.151 24,285 24,418 24,599 24,735 42.248 42,430 42,568 42,728 42,810 5-10 .. 41,420 41;574 41,736 41,979 42,113 126,745 127,980 128,363 128,835 128,996 129,328 130,420 131,623 1- 5 It 125,668 126,438 ~ 35,958 36,264 36,438 26,604 36,798 36,113 J3elow one. acT.f' 35,743 35,848 ' 5,887 35,908 Source-District Officer

Table 3'5-Crop-wise Gross Area Irrigated

(ArlO in aerl.f)

Name of Crops _...... _ Year I""":"---'~ Paddy Wheat Cereals Total Total Sugarcane Total Cotton Total --All crops Pulses Food-grains Food crops Non-food crops

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

242,235 1901 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1911 19,906 55,49'1 170,552 12,846 183,398 9,770 229,226 2 19,599 248,825 1921 10,297 60,496 165,648 15,087 180,735 11,156 230,180 5 17,324 250,503 249,g23 1931 17,388 61,794 176,401 7,859 184,260 10,054 231,485 N.A. 11,838 1941 3,790 60,403 164,597 1,572 166,597 12,502 218,674 N.A. 14,371 233,045 1951 4,398 56,412 133,295 1,381 134,676 10,753 216,344- N.A. 11,910 228,254 J961 1,823 64,344 180,975 39,266 220,24) J02,256 235,429 N.A. 457 235,886

Note against Tables 3'1 and 3'2 w,ill also apply in thIs T;al>le N.A.-Not available: • Source-I. Board of Revenue, U.P. 2. District Census Handbook-l951 113 PACTOR.IBS Table 4-Statistics of Household Industry

Kunda Tahsil Pratapgarh Tahsil Patti Thasil

Major Group ___{Rural>.,A.. __ ---. (Rural> (Rural} Urban ,-_-.A.__ ---, No. of I. S. 1. C. ,-~ ,..---...... __, Males Females Males Females Males Fewales Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OO-Field produce and plantation crop~ 9 34 24 • 19 6 13 Ol-Plantation Crops 9 8 13 04-Livestock and hunting 1,34') 1,03') 294 243 600 423 20-Foodstutfs 1,623 1,879 1,705 1,625 1,4L1 1,370 141 79 2 I-Beverages 22-Tobacco products 32 24 B 23-Textile-cotton 964 891 412 315 144 42 12 3 24-Textile-jute 232 367 210 259 50 142 3 25-Textile-wool 16 II 7 2 5 27-Textile-miscellaneous 6~2 261 368 130 411 70 35 5 28-Manufacture of wood and wooden products 161 148 452 133 463 407 35 ~() 29-Paper and paper products 6 31-Leather and leather prodlJcts 115 14 232 23 64 18 32-Rubber, Petroleum, and Coal Products 2 2 33-Chemicals and Chemical products 23 17 SO 11 16 14 34-35-Non-metallic mineral product8 other than petroleum and coal 1,026 903 994 793 668 481 ~6 18 36-Basic metals and theIr products except machinery and transport equipment 862 20 6.51 17 6H 18 37 37-Machinery (All kinds other than trans- port) and electrical equipment 38-Transport equipment 71 24 47 5 2 39-Miscellaneous manufacturing industriy 387 29 424 12 415 42 79 4

I.S.I.C.-Indian Standard Industrial Classification

Table 5'I-Growth of Factories

Number_____ of Registered.,A.. ______Factories -.,

1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 Source-Labour Commissioner, U.P.

Table 5'2-Nu~ber of Workers in Each Establishment

Average number of Workers employed daily Serial Name of Registered Factories ,...------"------~ No. 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 !~57 1958 1959 1960

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I Bharat Oil and Saw Mills * 9 ... 2 Motor Repair Workshop U.P. Govt. Roadways * * * 37 3 Amarchand Gori Shankar, Mohd. Ganj Source-Labour Commissioner, U.P. «Annual Report not received P.29 .lPPlCIAL STATISTICS 114

Table 6'I-Criminal JQstice-Number of Criminal Cases Tried Particulars 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A-SERIOUS CRIMES l-Cognizable cas,: N.A. N.A. 388 N.A. 218 173 149 189 243 212 (al Offences against State, public tranquility, safety and justice N.A. N.A. 32 N.A. 49 41 41 28 60 45 (b) Serious offences against persons N.A. N.A. 63 N.A. 72 63 45 81 76 18 (c) Serious offences against person and property or against property only N.A. N.A. 293 N.A. 97 69 63 80 107 89 11-Non-eogniz:abU cases N.A. 49 21 N.A. N.A. 117 112 21 3 3 (a) Offences against State, public tran­ quility, safety and justice :-J.A. 48 21 N.A: N.A. 117 112 21 3 ~ 3 (6) Serious offences against persoos N.A. N.A. N.A. (c) Serious offences against ~rson and property or against property only N.A. N.A. N.A. Total I and D N.A. 49 409 218 290 261 210 246 215 B-MINOR CRIMES I-Cognizabl, Caul N.A. N.A. 386 N.A. 623 436 825 1,066 833 915 (a) Minor offences against person N.A. N.A. 3 N.A. 2 2 3 2 4 3 (b) Minor offences against property N.A. N.A. 95 N.A. 78 75 70 63 72 73 (c) Other offences not specified above N.A. N.A. 288 N.A. 543 359 752 1,001 757 839 ll-Non-cognizabl, casts N.A. 69 48 N.A. N.A. 640 265 195 269 373 (a) Minor offences against person N.A. 22 18 N.A. N.A. 38 34 16 61 118 (6) Minor offences against property N.A. 10 2 N.A. N.A. 10 6 11 27 10 (c) Other offences not specified above NA. 37 28 N.A. N.A. 592 295 168 181 245 Total I'and II N.A. 69 434 N.A. 623 1,076 1,090 1,261 1,102 1,288 N.A.-Not available Source-District Officer

Table 6-:~-Crilllinal Justice-Persons Convicted or Bound Over

(Number) Serial Offences or Nature of No. Proceed iog s 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !l 10 11 12 1 Offences against public tranquility N.A. 186 145 N.A. 159 124 244 84 191 132 Murder 12 5 13 5 2 .. " 22 20 34 44 17 3 Culpable homicide 3 " 12 25 12 14 2 I 4 Rape " 2 2 1 5 Hurt with aggravating circumstances .. 10 17 39 44 17 28 36 28

6 Hurt with criminal force Of assault 5 ~ 11 15 2 7 Dacoity 80 71 57 16 18 8 2 5 2 2 B Robbery " t' 3 5 5 25 69 52 52 69 58 ~ Theft t, " 70 10 Other offences under the Indian 138 75 119 107 33 Penal Code " 94 296 110 N.A. N.A. N.A. 618 363 495 716 856 ~1l Keeping the peace " 12 Excise law. " 193 180 203 244 204 116 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A 13 Municipal law. .' " N.A. N.A.-Not Available Source-Dislrkt Officer 115 ADYINISl'BATIVB

Table 6·3-StreD~th of Police, 1960

Superintendent of Poliee 1, Deputy Superintendents 2

Description of the staff ,------"-- ---.---...... SI. Name of Police Station No. Sub-Inspectors Head Constables Constables

2 4 5

Kotwali 3 6 35 2 Patti 2 14 3 Kaudnai 2 14 4 • Ramganj 2 14 5 Autu 13 6 Kunda 3 2 20 7 Lalganj 2 16 8 Saugrewgarh 2 14 9 Jethwara 2 14 10 Baghari 2 14 11 Saugipur 2 14 Contingent (Reserve C.P.) 4 35 A.P. 1 27 lOB D.T.S. (L.I.U.) 2 4 3

Total 30 48 328

Source-1nSlectol Gt'neral of Polict', U. l'.

Table 6·-I-Statistics of Jails

Accommodation in Daily average number of prisoners in ,---__-A.. __ ---. ,....------...... _ __, Name of Jail 1950 1960 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

2 3· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 B

Districi Jail 3f9 369 400 482 519 492 341 251 261 290 257 237

SOUlee-Inspector General of Prisons, U. P OFPICIAL STATISTICS 116

Table 6'5-eo-operative Societies

Description 195Q-5l 1951-52 1952-53 1951-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958·59 1959-60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

Number of Primary Societies 874 877 914 1,046 1,267 1,304· 1,400 1,701 1,758 1,719 2 Number of Co-operative Federations 3 Number of members in Primary Societies 27,139 26,484 29,546 31,757 33,501 37,815 40,638 43,069 50,269 55,982 4 Number of members in Cotive operat.ive Federations 46 46 47 47 46 48 48 49 24 27 5 (a) Share Capital ofCo-operative Societies (Rs ) 335,377 387,254- 440,959 513,996 585,994 666,670 750,782 860,518 978,4771,218,793 (b) Reserve and other Funds (Rs.) 326,834 349,417 378,015 405,v79 436,577 471,459 495,104 524,533 533,21H 598,568 6 (a) Share Capital of Co-operative Federations (RI.) 4,fiOO 4,600 6,300 6,400 6,350 6,550 6,600 6,650 6,900 7,095 (b) Reserve and other Funds (Rs.) 17,225 17,225 17,124 17,125 24,403 38,1147 38,047 37,614 37,613 47,086 \ 7 Loans advanced by Agricultureal . • Credit Societies (Rs.) 668,263 959,018 760,8991,000,363 1,005,4021,317,9891,654,8791,668,0221,990,2204,719,181 8 Share Capital of the Co-operative llank (Rs.) 126,260 140,710 161,435 190,835 242,884 295,584 340,Of)3 391.159 477,564 990,232 l;ource- Pegistrar Cooperative Societies, U.P.

Table 6'b-Excise and Motor Spirit Tall: (FiguTlS in Rupm)

Description 1951-52 1952-53 19~-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960·61 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9- 10 1J

1 Licence fees in general, whether imported or made in India 100 300 200 207 89 eo 106 60 54 163 ? Opium (a) Duty i,429 8~0 582 531 21J5 825 387 331 191 319 (b) Licence fees for the sale of Opium 1,388 799 600 298 270 230 8 3 Miscellaneous (a) Receipts from Commercial spirits including denatured spirit and medicated wines 150 163 19~ 297 3,330 232 261. 233 363 405 (b) Duties or medicinal" and toilet Preparations Containing aJcohal, opium, etc. ... 23 10 17 10 • 4 Receip's from Motor Spirit 16,744 16,467 16,375 16,514 16,421· 18,670 23,733 17,664 37,472

p Sourcc-E"ci~ Commissioner. U 117 ADM[N[STllA nITb

Table 6'7-Receipt of Sales Tax, Entertainment Tax, Stamps and Land Revenue

(Figures in lUtpees) Receipt of 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954·55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sales Tax 176,240 115)63 95,529 91,655 116,488 227,083 253,189 1-14,600 230,979

2 Entertainment Tax 7,872 6,628 10,955 4,187 21,994 27,835 28,751 32,566 31,217

3 Stamps 201,770 214,819 2:'1,318 289,160 314,623 354,068 323,860 334,436 416,510

4 Land Revenue 1,578,567 3,765,890 3,1333,365 3,928,455 4,008,936 3,972,990 3,962,903 3,953,995 4,020,266

Source-Sz.les Tax Commissioner, U. P., Entertainment Tax Commissioner, U. 1'_ Inspector General of Stamps. and Board of Revenue, U.P.

Table 6'S-Registered Doctlments and Value of' Properties Transf'erred

No. of Number of Registrations Aggregate value of property Total Tot"lof Total 'Total Year Registration ,------"------____, Transferred by regIstered amount of other receipts expend i- Offices Immovable Movable Wills documents (Rs.) ordinary receipts ture property property r------"-----. lees ,-__..A._----.. Affecting Affecting Total Compulsory Optional Immovable movable property property (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1951 3 1,735 236 L78 608,683 38,066 646,749 15,072 2,534 17,606 13,117 1952 3 1,601 302 145 790,727 34,935 825,662 16,412 1,552 17,964 17,371 1953 3 1,657 200 78 998,673 5,200 1,003,873 16,221 1,497 17,718 1:l,938 1954 3 2,061 168 62 998,241 N.A. 998,241 20,477 1,606 22,083 49,294 1955 3 2,569 193 81 684,3:!9 1,800 686,129 22,056 1,607 23,662 12,587 1956 3 3,531 202 74 1,639,187 1,000 1,640,187 30,314 2,363 32,677 16,538 J957 3 4,628 180 77 2,09,096 4,500 2,095,460 50,608 2,105 52,713 15,553 1958 3 5,758 135 56 2,724,718 11,500 2,736,218 83,063 7,421 85,484 17,591 1959 3 6,958 120 48 3,302,138 1,500 3,303,638 90,398 2,750 93,148 18,026 1960 3 6,907 115 53 4,241,656 3,700 4,245,356 88,812 3,90\) 92,712 20,057

Source-lnspecLOI General 01 Registrations, U.P. P,30 O"SCUt; STATISTICS 118 Table .,·t-List of Hospital. and Dispensaries 1960-61

Beds Maintained by Government/ Serial Name of Hospital/Dispensary ,..,....____ JIt",.- __--.. No, Local Body, Private Males Females

2 3 4 . 5

District Hospital, Pratapgarh 44- 8 Government

2 Dufl'erin Hospital, Pratapgarh 22 ..

3 Manikpur Dispensary "

4 Dhorup'Jr Dispensary 4 4- I, 5 AHlargarh Dispensary ..

6 Songramgarh Dispensary .. 7 Sandwa Dispensary 2 2 " 8 LaXlJlanpur Dispensary

9 Gauria :Qispensary 4- 2 10 Kunda Dispensary " 6 2 11 Patti Dispensary " 12 Bishwanathganj Dispensary 6 2 Local Body

13 Dalippur Dispensary 4 2 " 14- Katra Gulabsingh Dispensary 2

15 Sargipur Dispensary 4- 2

16 Sukhpal Nagar Hospital 8 2 Supsidised

17 Parhar Hospital 8 2 Supsidised

18 Police Hospital, Pratapgarh 14- Government

19 District Jail Hospital, Pratapgarb 15 Government 20 Haodi Eye Hospital, Pratapgarh 12 .. 21 Kanussa Mission Hospital, Pratapga," 41 Private

22 Kala Kankar Dispensary

Source-Dllcctor of Medical and Health Services, U.P. 119 RI5ALTH AND MEDICAL Table 7'2-Maternity and ChUd Welfare Centres, Family Planning Centres, Rural Health Centres

SI. No. Name of Health Centres No. Qf Bed,


Pratapllarb Tahsil

Sandwa Chandia

.." Laxmanpur 4

Patti Tahsil

3 Gaura 4

Source-District Officer

Table 7'3-Anti-Adulteration 1959-69

Anti-Adulteration drive:-

(a) Number of cases launched 84 (b) Number of cases in which accused were convicted or punished II

Source-I. Civi I Surgeon 2. District Medical Officer of He~ltn OPPICIAll STATISTICS 120

Table 8' I-Educational Institutions and Pupils

1951-52 1952·53 1953·54 1954-55 1955·56 SI. ,..--__..JIw-~ ,.---_..A.._~ ,--__.".______Class of Institutions ,---_"__-~ ,...--_"'_--~ No. No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Institutions Pupils Insti tutions Pupils Institutions pupils Institutions Pupils Institutions Pupils

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

University and Degree Colleges

2 Inter Colleges and Higher Secondary Schools 16 6,578 23 6,547 19 6,924 25 7,851 23 8,409

3 Junior High Schools 50 4.589 57 5.001 59 5,496 62 5,273 68 5,466

4 Training Schools 165 2 183 75

5 Technical-Schools 6 Others Colleges and Schools 549 55,195 513 50,674 498 46,524 508 51,276 510 50,128

Table g'l-Educationallnstitutions and Pupils-Concld.

1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959·60 1960·61 51. ~ __.A.. __ ,-,\ ,--__...A.. ______Class of Instildtions ,.----".,..._--~ r----Jt---~ ,----""-----. No. No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Institutions PupIls Institutions Pupils fnstitutioils Pupils Institutions Pupils Institutions Pupils

2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - 21 22

University and Degree Colleges N.<\. N.A. 2 Inter Colleges and Higher Secondary Schools 23 8,314 23 8,713 25 9,681 25 10,252 25 10,953

'3 Junior High Schools 68 5,458 67 5,623 63 6,200 62 7,251 64 8,338

4: Training Schools 2 79 3 206 3 225

5 Technical Schools

6 Other Colleges and Schools 52} 58,391 526 62,158 539 64,480 559 63,800 ~li2 68,133

N. A.-Not available Source-District Officer 121 BOOCA'lION

Table ~'l-List or Higher Secondary Schools 1960·61

Serial Name of Higher Secondary Schools No. of Teachers No. of Pupils Date of No. ,....--"-_____, ..-,.----".__---"'\ Establishment

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7

S. A. H. Higher Secondary School, Dhundhui 10 125 1594- 2 Inter College, Dhingawas 16 405 1950 3 Higher Secondary School, Kohadaur II 266 1951 4 A. H. Higher Secondary School, Kunda 14 365 1954-

5 lnler College, Kunda 22 585 1953

6 K. P. Inter College 27 737 1948

7 Tilak Jnter College 25 705 1952

8 Higher Secondary School, Bhadari 13 330 1958

9 'Higher Secondary School, Saheb~anj 15 335 1951

10 Higher secondary School, Laxmanpur 12 275 1951

11 Intermediate College, Sangipur 14 510 1954

12 B. D. Dube Inter College, Paharpur 21 510 1951

13 Higher Secondary School, Sarqramgas'1 8 232 1954

14 Higher Secondary School, Ra'liganj IS 369 1951

15 Higher Secondary School, Birapur 15 331 1952 16 P. B. Tnter Collese 42 1,061 1954

17 R. R. Higher Secondary School, Dalippur 16 432 1950 18 Jnter College, Raniganj 25 514 1954 19 Inter College, Potli 25 554 1948 20 Government grils Inter College 19 258 1953

21 H. N. School, Maadeona~ar 14 365 N.A. 22 Hanumant Inter College, Kalakanper 18 380 N.A. 23 Higher Secondary Scho ,I, Garwara U 371 N.A. 24- D. A. V. Higher Secondary School 18 483 N.A. 25 Go'ernment Higher Secondary School 17 427 N.A.

N.A.-Not available Source-District Inspector of Schools P. 31 OFFICIAL STATISTICS 122

Table 9'1-Printing Presses and Newilpapers

Year Number of Printing Number of Newspapers Published Number of periodicals Preases at work published' ,----...... __--~ ,------~------.Daily Weekly ..... _------. r------"------. ' Hindi Urdu English Hindi Urdu English Hindi Urdu English 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1951 2 2

1956 4 3

1960 4 4

Source-District Officer and the Annual Report of the Registrar of Newspapers for India

Table 9'2-Cinemas

Year Number of Picture Houses Cinema goers

r------_,._----~ Total Monthly average

2 3 4

1951 3 Touring N.A. N.A.

1956 174,591 14,549

1960 151,401 12,617

Source-Entertainmtnt Tax Commissioner, U.P.

N.A.-Not available 123' WATEJlWAYS

Table 10'I-Length of Metalled and Un metalled Roads Maintained by Public Authorities as on December 31, 1960

Name of Public Authorities Metalled Unmetalled Total Names of important Bridges roads in roads in roads in (Kms.) (Kms.) (Kms.)

2 3 4 .)

P.W. D. 213 50 293 (I) Sal Bridge (2) Sakairni Bridge (31 Bakulahi (4) Loni Bridge (5) Patti Nola Bridge (6) Rakha Nola (7) Kharwi Nola Bridge (S) Hiraganj Drain

2 Zila Parisbad 83 714 797 (1) Anjani Bridge (2) Ahibaranpur (3) Ud ipur (4) Chausa (5) [lenti

3 Municipal Board 6 8 14

4 Town Area 19 26 45

5 Notified Area 6 Cantonment Board SOUlce-Districf Officer

Table 10'1- Names of Waterways (Navigable Rivers) as OD December 31, 1960

Name of Waterways Seasonal or open throughout the year 2 Ganga River Throughout the year

Sai River Seasonal

Gomti River '1 hroughout the year

Source-District Officer

Table lO'3-Polymetrical Table of Distances of Block Headquarters by Road (DistanCl in Kmr.) Name of Blocks Headquarters of ._------.. N. E. S./shadow Laksh· Aspur Saba- Sandwa Kunda Sang- Sadar Kala- Patti Gaura Sheo- Hang- Bihar Bisha- Lal­ Blocks in the District man pur Deo- ganj Chidlka pur kankar garh rora nathganj ganj saran 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 Lakshmanpur 85 35 56 58 27 34 45 6l 62 51 34 14 46 11 2 Aspur Deosaran 85 110 74 110 101 51 126 26 80 70 51 80 64 86 3 Babaganj 35 110 77 48 38 59 26 85 88 77 59 46 72 24 4 Sandwa Chidika 56 74 77 H2 72 22 98 48 51 42 22 51 35 58 5 Kunda 58 110 48 82 77 59 22 85 88 77 59 30 72 62 6 Sangpur 27 101 38 72 77 50 54 75 78 67 50 50 62 14 7 Sadar 34 51 59 22 59 50 75 26 29 19 29 13 35 8 Ka1akankar 45 126 26 98 22 54 75 101 101 90 72 54 85 40 9 Patti 61 26 85 48 85 75 26 101 54 45 26 54 42 61 10 Gaura 62 80 88 51 88 78 29 101 54 11 29 58 42 64 11 Sheogarh 51 70 17 42 77 67 19 90 45 11 19 48 32 70 12 Hangrora 34 51 59 22 59 50 72 26 29 ~9 29 13 35 13 Bihar 14 80 46 51 30 50 29 54 58 58 48 29 14 32 14 Bishnathganj 46 64 72 35 72 62 13 85 42 42 32 13 14 48 15 Lalganj 11 86 24 58 62 14 35 40 61 64 70 35 32 48 Source-District Officer. QPFICIAL STATISTICS 124 Table IO'4-List of Railway Stations

Name of Railway Name of Railway Stations Distance from Distance from (down line according to Previous Sta.tion District Headqua.rters railway concerned) (in Kms.) (in Kms.)

2 3 4 Lucknow-Varanasi Line Northern Railway Antu 8 21 Jagesharganj y 13 Chilhila 8 4 Pratapgarh 4 Pirthiganj 7 7 Dandupur 7 14 Gaura JO 24 Suwansa 5 29 Faizabad-Allahabad Line Khundaur• II 16 Chilhila 12 4 Pratapgarh 4 Bhupiamau 5 5 Bishnathganj 9 14 Allababad Lucknows Line Pariyawan 11 95 Garhimanikpl1r 6 101 Harnamiganj 12 113 7 120 Source-District Officer

Table IO'5-List of Post Offic es

S~rial Name of Post Office 1961 Serial Name of Post Office 1961 No. Code No. No. Code No. 1 2 3 2 3

Kunda Tabsil Kunda Tahsil-Concld.

} Nal1dhia ,8 30 Majhilgaon 412 2 Agai 39 31 Jamethi 414 3 Kaithula 45 32 Raiapur 416 4 Pechura 51 33 Kheimpl1f 418 5 Amawan 54 34 Tajpuf 420 6 Ajhara 69 35 Kunda 426 7 Dhinwas 109 36 Barai 434 8 PUThafa 120 37 Laroo 452 9 Asarahi 121 38 Dhan~arh 4!H 10 Jasmenda 138 39 Raigarh 506 11 Belha 15h 40 Gujawar 516 12 Sangramgarh lOI 41 Bha waniganj Kola 524 13 Rampur 208 42 Bhadganwa 532 14 Dewara 210 43 Rajapur 538 15 Lawana 214 44 Kanawan 551 16 Abdul Wahirlganj 239 45 Aldha 559 17 Lal Bazar included in Cade No. 245 46 ]him;ur 569 III Pariyawan 265 47 Sarai Indrawat 598 19 Manikpur Town Area 314 48 Hariharpur 610 20 Garhi Samdabad included in 317 49 Kanaupur 611 21 Gotani Upelhar 332 50 Korrahi 615 22 Rahwai 351 51 Chakwar 626 23 Benti Uperhar 352 52 Kondrajit 632 24 Gapalganj included in 358 53 SIll. 653 25 Hathgawan 370 54 Malawa Chhajaipur 657 26 Jahanabad Uperhar 382 55 Umari Kotila 663 27 Samaspur 384 56 Bedhan Gopalpur 691 28 Bisahia 396 57 Shakardaha 693 29 Bhadri 406 :i8 Alma Jatoopur 699 125 COMMUNICATION Table lO'5---List of Post Offices-Goncld.

Serial 1961 Serial 1961 Name of Post Office Name of Po~t Office No. Code No. No. Code No.

2 3 2 3

Pratapprh Tahsil Pratapgarh Tabsil-C?ncld.

59 Rajapur 8 120 Oridih 534 60 Kishungarh 9 121 Bhadohi[J 547 61 Kumbhi Amia 16 122 Bhagwantganj included in 551 62 Atheha 26 123 Bisha"antganj included 578 63 Rehua Lalganj 42 124 Mandhata 603 64 Mangapur 41 125 Amargarh included In 611 65 Ranki 47 126 Sarai Naher Rai 621 66 Paranipur 48 127 Katra Gulab Smgh included 637 67 Mustalabad 49 128 Bukna!,ur included 668 68 Rahaukar 53 129 Hansi Parji 670 69 Darrah 61 70 Sanglpur 68 71 Shitla"anj induded in 102 Patti Tahsil 72 Shah Bari 121 73 Kotha Newaria 127 130 Sarai Shanker 20 74 Kithowan meluded in 142 131 ShespUl Khurd kalan 35 75 Gaura Dand 161 132 Kouha Dapur 46 76 Chhatarpur 167 133 Kandhai Madhpur 87 77 Sandwa Chandika 184 134 Atar Sand 96 78 Antu 189 135 Darchhut 116 79 Para Hamidpur 197 136 Sarsidih 121 80 Dubepur in eluded in 199 137 Wari Kalan 128 81 Ka1yanpur 200 138 Barahoopur 144 82 Kol Bajardlha 207 139 Tala 192 83 Jagerharganj included in 230 140 Dhoin 203 84 Sagrampur 235 141 Pandri Mustarka :.:28 85 Galwara 247 142 Lanwar 252 86 Bahun Chara 251 143 Gajaria 275 87 Tejgarh 253 144 Danwan 279 88 Pahalpur 273 145 Bithalpur 282 89 Handaur 284 146 Sarai Madhai ~87 90 Multanipur 296 147 Pat Khauli 299 91 Dhaurahra 314 148 Pattikhass 315 92 Babuganj included in 320 149 Kanja Sarai Gulami 321 93 Laxmanpur 327 150 Rampur Bela 337 94 Chamrupur Suklan 338 151 DhundhUi 344 95 Jethwara Jiriamau 355 152 Saifabad 364 96 Dhansari 369 153 Manapur 377 97 Bhatam 3iO 154 Sadaha 408 98 Sarai Anandeo 379 155 Garapm Rendi 427 99 Ajagara 389 156 Mahdeuri 453 100 Sagrampur Qila 393 157 Gaura Masi 457 101 Dhekahi 394 15B Dhaurahra 467 102 Gonda 420 159 Aspur Deosra 476 103 Ranjnpur Chilbila 431 160 Daiwan 480 104 Kotiliya 4W 161 Birapur 523 105 Hanumanganj included in 442 162 Bhoja Mau 537 106 Pure Madhosingh 443 163 Misrudhinpur 559 107 Pure Ojha 446 164 Jamtali 575 108 Sagra 451 165 Sarai ganai 631 1011 ,Kadlpur 463 166 Dandupur Mufrid 633 nO R.arnpur Gauri 473 167 Dalppur 644 111 Sipah Maheri 492 163 Basapur 650 112 Kusphera 495 169 Kashlpur 695 WI Rajgarh 497 170 Mirzaj:ur 701 114 Dharupur 502 171 Beeraipur 717 115 Katra'LA. 508 172 Bhikhampur 725 11& P.ratapgarh T.A. 1>11 173 Su!tanpur 770 117 Pratapgarh (Rural) 512 174 Kaili Dih 801 118 DheralOa 518 175 Naurera 809 119 Bikrampur 531 176 Sawansa 810 Source- Post Master Genel al U.P. P 32 OJlflClAL STATIS1'ICS 126

Table ll-Statistics of Local Bodies-Receipts and Expenditure

(Figum in Rupul) 1950-51 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 Name of Local Bodies Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

Municipal Board 112,713 107,730 143,288 113,180 162,441 111,32'3 144,670 118,986 276,178 342,079

2 Town Area 8,407 9,796 9,770 10,726 11.275 9,301 8,983 8,427 9,098 10,053

3 Panchayats (A 11 Gaon Pan- chayats of the District) 208,317 61,787 635,647 54,922 403,146 54,432 6,029,529 61,630 5J2,317 62,739

4 District Board I Anta rim Zila Parishad 938,160 988,078 1,209,113 1,171,621 1.282,939 1,394,429 1.567.658 1,466,163 1.384,972 1,343,883

1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 Name of Local Bodies ,------"""------, ,.------'------, ,------""-_---..-..-. --~---_.,._-----, ,.-----"---..... Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure Receipt Expenditure

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Municipal Board 511,438 319,035 166,768 358.414 208,165 261,746 342,400 297,761 311,888 295,595

% Town Area 14,038 10,286 8,398 6,2uO 13,897 8,419 12,202 13,563 13,574 6,053

3 Panchayats (All Gaon Pau- chayats of the District) 200.839 122,100 116,452 42,433 242,616 53.193 538,761 122,835 511 ,237 79,984 4 District Board! Antarim Zila Parishad 1,757,698 1,503,929 1,438,070 1,863,956 1,714.898 1,610,019 1,763,623 1,817,274 1,993,345 1,716,950

Source-District Officer 127 COMMUNITY D.bVBLOl'MllNr

Table 12-Statisticli of Community Development Serial Particulars 1951 1956 1960 No. 1 2 3 4 5 1 Distribution of Kharif seeds (maunds) (a) Paddy 2,090 3,068 18,325 (b) Maize 8 15 30 (c) Cotton (d) Others YOO 1,400 I,H21 2 Distribution of Rabi seeds (maunds) (a) Wheat 2,700 3,!J69 15,489 (b) Barley 1,740 2,700 4,884 (c) Gram 1,600 500 1,000 (d) Pea 1,841 700 5,IJ04 3 Distribution of Chemicals and other type of Manure ( maunds) (a) Nitrogenous 80U 1,479 10,306 (b) Phosphates 1,236 1,670 7,585 (c) Others t;Oo 1,106 1:'26 4 Total number of agricultural implements supplied 178 90 60 5 Total number of exhibitions held 2 2 3 6 Total area of paddy under Japanese method of cultivation (in acres) 6,476 18,625 7 fotal area of wheat under Uttar Pradesh method of cultivation (m acres) :,w,942 8 Total area of green manure cultivation (in acres) 652 16,712 25,72] 9 Reclamation of cultivable waste land for agriculture (in acres) 150 506 1,008 10 Increased area for gardens (in acres) 50 302 646 11 Total number of fruit trees planted 700 20,100 16,103 12 Preservation of land from soil erosion by vanous methods (in aCles) IS,ZU9 13 Increase in the irrigation acreage of land by various means of irrigation (in a<;re.~) 3,000 6,200 10,800 14 Distribut ion of bulls of pure breed 100 296 15 Animals vaccinated N.A. 229,122 16 Distribution of Poultry of pure breed 5,183 17 Cattle artificially insemmated 8.364 92,289 18 Wells built 390 721 19 Hand pumps tlltcd 162 20 Wells repaired 1,725 21 Pucca sewer age (in yards) 12 22 Lanes made pucca " 562 14,391 23 Soak pits dug " 875 24 Persons vaccmated 299430 25 Maternity centres opened 21 26 Schools opened 503 491 554 27 Libraries, Readmg rooms and mformation centres opened 7 25 222 28 Adults made literate 29 Radio sets installed 81 84 30 Youth associatIons formed 4H 31 Panchayatghar constructed 165 :12 32 Pucca roads construcled (in miles) 45 28 33 Kaccha roads constructed (in miles) 562 373 34 Pucca roads repaIred (m miles) 27.2 35 Kaccha roads repaired ·(in miles) 696 1,225.6 36 Culverts constr ucted 207 37 Pancnayal tax realized (in rupees) 36,373 106,132 607,451 '38 Houses constructed for Harijans 3 71 39 Women Welfare Societies formed 40 Members enlisted in the Women Welfare Societies 41 Cottage Industry centres opened

N.A.-Not------available Source-District Officer OFPICIAL STATISTICS 128

Table l3-Calendar or Important Events

'lear Description oj Evenl.

1881 Carving Out of tah,ils in the district

1896-98 Famine and Floods

1903 Famine aCId Floods

1930-31 Police firing in village Kahe1a ta"sil Patti in connection with Civil Disobedience movement

1935 Heavy FI;ods

1951 (1) Establishment of Hanumant Intermediate College at Kalakanker

(2) Openin~ of Canal system in tahsil Patti

1952 Construction of Pucca road from Patti to Dhakwa 1953 Heavy rains and floods

19'i5 (1) Heavy rainfall causing flood in river Ganga, Sai and Ghil Raini

(2) First Development Block established in village Deosara in tahsil Patti

1957 Floods in tahsil Patti

1959 Drought in tahsil Kunda

1960 (1) Flood 10 tahsil Patti

(2) Establishment of Degree Colleg" at Pr"tapgarh

Source-District Officer J



Table 14-Monthly Whole-sale Prices-1951 to 1960


Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs, FoodgraillJ and other --. important Crops and commodities January February ~arch April ~ay June July August September October November December

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

I. Ctreah-

1 Wheat 15'36 15'36 15'36 15'36 15'36 15'31) 1:-.. 36 15'36 15'36 15'36 15'36 15'36 2 Barley 9'59 9'59 9'59 9'59 9.59 <)'59 9.59 ')'59 9'59 9'59 9'59 9'59 3 Gram 10'97 10'97 N.Q. 10'97 10.97 N.Q. 12'SO 12'80 12'80 12'80 4 Rice 10'97 N.Q 23'62 23'62 23-62 23'62 23'62 23'62 23.62 23'62 23'62 23'62 23'62 23'62 5 Juar N.Q. N.Q. N·Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 6 Bajra N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 10'97 10'97 10'97 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 7 N.Q. N.Q, N.Q. ~aize N.Q. N.Q. N.Q, N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N'Q' N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N·Q. N.Q. ll. Pulm- 1 Arakar (WilDie) 20'50 20'00 21'00 20'50 22'25 24'00 25'50 25.50 24.00 24'50 24-25 25'00 2 Moong (do.) 25'00 24'00 24'00 24'50 N.Q. N.Q. 22'50 23'50 22'50 23'00 24'00 N.Q. 3 Urd (do.) 23'00 23-50 23'00 22'50 22'00 23'00 22'75 24'25 22'00 22'00 22'50 2400 m. VegeJahln 1 Potato Den 8-50 10'00 8'50 12'00 1l'50 11'50 20'00 20-00 19'20 19'2~ 22-00 23'00 2 Pahari Potato N'Q. NQ. N.Q. 13'00 13'G0 14'00 2{'00 24-50 25'00 ;!4-25 26'00 N.Q.


Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs. Foodgrains and other r- ...._ important crops ------and commodities January February ~arch April May June July Au~ust September October November December 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 I. Cereals- 15'36 15'36 15'36 15'36 I Wheat 15'36 15'36 15'36 15'36 20'64 21'50 20'64 20'00 9'60 9'60 9'60 9'60 9'60 2 Barley %0 %0 9'hO 15-00 16'00 16'84 16'00 Gram 12'80 12'80 12'SO 12'80 12'80 3 12'80 12'80 12-80 16'00 IS'50 17.78 N.Q. 4 Rice 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 23'63 - 23'63 23'63 23'63 26'00 24'61 22'07 10'24 N.Q. 21'33 5 Juar N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. I ()'24 10'97 10'24 13'50 13'91 12'80 1}.03 Bqjra 10'97 10-97 10'97 N.Q. 10.!:!7 6 10'97 10'91 10'97 1450 1650 14'22 12"80 ~aize N.Q. 10'24 N.Q_ N.Q. 7 10'24- 10'24- 10'24 10'24 N.Q. N.Q. 13'62 1!'43 II. Pulses- 1 Arahar (Whole) 24'00 23'50 18'00 19'00 IS'50 16-00 18-00 IS'O} 14'50 16'00 N.Q. 2 Moong (do.) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. NQ. N.Q. 20'00 20'50 22'50 23-00 N·Q. IS'OO 20'64 N.Q, 3 Urd (do.) 24'00 2-1'00 21'00 N.Q. N.Q. N'Q 23'50 N.Q. N.Q. 20'50 22'81i 24'61 1[1. Vegtlables- 1 Potato Desi N.Q. N.Q' N.Q. N·Q, N.Q. N'Q. N.Q. N.Q. N,Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 2 Potato Pahari N,Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q, P.33 OPFICIAL STATISTICS 130



Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs. Foodgrains and other ...... important crops and commodities January February March April May June July August September October November December 2 3 4 5 Ii 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

I. Cereals- 1 Wheat 21'33 23'00 22'50 17-50 17-50 IS'OO )7-75 12'25 18'25 17'25 17'00 17'25 2 Barley 15'50 N.Q. 15'00 12'00 12'25 13'25 13'50 13'50 13'00 12'50 12-62 12'00 3 Gram 17'50 IS'50 18'50 13'00 14'00 14'25 15'00 15'50 15'50 15'00 14'25 14'75 4 Rice N.Q. 23'00 23'00 25'00 25'00 27'00 27'00 26'00 26'50 23'50 22'00 18'50 5 Juar 12'25 12'50 12'00 11'00 11'50 12.75 13'25 13'75 13'25 13'00 11'50 11'50 6 Bqjra 1 ~'75 13'75 12'50 12'50 13'25 B.75 15'50 15'50 15'50 11.00 12'87 15'00 7 Maize N.Q. 13.00 12'50 ll'OO 10.75 12.25 13.00 N.Q, N.Q N.Q, 12'25 11'SO

II. Pulses- 1 Arahar (Whole) N.Q_ N·Q. N.Q. 12'50 13'25 14'50 14'50 14'00 14'00 13'50 13'00 13'00 2 Moong (do.) N,Q. 20'00 N·Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 18'00 3 UrJ (do.) 24'00 23'50 23'25 23'00 22'50 23'00 24.50 24'50 24-00 21'50 20'00 17-75

Ill. Vegetables- I Potato Desi N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 5'25 9'00 13'00 14'00 18'00 18'00 20'00 12'00 2 Potato Pahari N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q, N.Q. 25.00 22.00 N.Q.


Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs. Food'~rains and other ,...... --, important crops and commodities January February March April May June July August September October Noyember December

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Cer,als- I Wheat 17'50 18'00 16'50 17'50 16'00 13'50 13'00 14'SO 14'00 14'50 14'00 13'SO 2 Barley 12'00 12'00 11'25 11'25 to'oo 9'25 8'50 9'00 8'50 9'25 7'50 8'50 3 Gram 13'50 13'00 12'00 11'25 11'00 10'25 9'50 9'50 9'25 9'25 7'50 6'25 4 Rice 17'75 lq·OO 18'50 19'50 19'50 19'00 17'50 17-50 17'00 IB'OO 16'00 12'50 5 Juar 12'87 13'00 10'25 10'75 9'50 10'00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 6 Bqjra 13'50 14'50 12'00 12'00 12'00 12'00 IHO 12'00 to'OO 8'50 S'OO 750 7 Maize 12'50 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q· N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. NQ N·.Q. N.Q. N.Q.

II. Pul$l$- 1 ltrahar (Whole) 13'00 12'25 10'50 10'25 9'50 8'2'1 7'2'> B'OO 7'62 H'OO 7'50 7'00 2 Moong (do.) 17-00 16'50 N.Q. N.Q. 15'00 ;N.Q. N.Q. N.Q.. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 3 UrJ (do.) 17'00 16'50 14'00 15'50 14'50 1300 12'50 13'00 12.50 1:2:00 8'00 9'00

Ill. Vegetables- I Potato Desi 5'00 4.50 4'25 6'75 6'00 6'50 S'50 7'00 6'00 N.Q. :16'00 8'50 2 Potato P.ahari N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. S'OO 10'50 N.Q. 13'00 16.00 20'25 20'00 N.Q. l:n rRICBS O~ ~O()!>-STUPJr§



Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 I bs. Foodgrains and other r- ..... important crops -- and commodities January Fehruary March April May June July Ausust September Octob er November December 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 r. Cereals-

I Wheat 15'50 16'00 15'00 13'50 10'50 11'62 12'50 12'75 12-75 13'00 13'00 13'00 2 Barley 6'50 8'50 7'00 5'75 5'75 7'25 7'75 8'25 8'00 8-00 8'50 8'00 3 Gram 7'00 7'75 6'50 5.75 5'75 6'75 7'75 8'50 S'OO 8'00 8'50 ij'OO 4 Rice 14'00 14'50 14'50 14'50 14'25 14'75 15'50 16'75 16'50 13'37 13'62 14'00 5 Juar 6'75 6'75 6'00 5-00 N.Q: N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N_Q. N.Q. 6 Bqjra 8-50 8'50 7.50 6':)0 N.Q. N.Q_ N.Q. N.Q. 9'00 N.Q. N.Q. 9'50 7 Maize N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q,

11. prJlses- I Arahar (Whole) 7-50 7-75 7.00 6-50 5'50 6.25 7'25 6'75 g·OO 10'00 11'00 13'00 2 MQong (do.) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 3 UrJ (do.) 8'50 8;50 9_00 9'00 9'00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N-Q. N.Q. 15'00 Ill. Vegetables- 1 Potato Desi 4'75 4'25 4.25 4.50 5'50 4'00 7'00 9'00 2'00 15'00 17'00 12'50 2 Potato Pahari N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q 8'00 15'00 17'50 17'00 22'00 N.Q. N.Q.


Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 1bs. ____.__ Foodgrains and other .--- important crops ""' and commodities January February March April May June July August Septemher October Novemher December

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

1. CerllJIs-

1 Wheat 14·50 15'10 15'00 15'00 15'00 16'50 16'50 17.00 16'75 16'75 16'50 17'50 2 Barley 9'75 10'()O 9-75 IO'()() 10'!)O 11'25 11-75 1:.('25 12'00 12'00 12'25 13'50 3 Gram 10'00 10'50 10'25 10'25 10'50 lI'OO 11'75 12'25 1,'00 12'00 12'50 13'50 4 Rice 14'25 14'50 15'25 17'25 18'00 18'00 18'50 19'25 N.Q. 20'00 20.00 21'00 5 Juar 10'50 10'50 9'50 10'00 N.Q N.Q N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q 12'00 6 Bqjra 11'50 11'50 10'00 10'25 1O.5U 11'50 12.50 12-75 12'~5 NQ. N.Q 14-50 7 Maize N.Q. N.Q. NQ. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. NQ. N.Q N.Q N.Q N.Q. N.Q. II. Pube$-

1 Arahar (Whole) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q, 11'00 11'00 11'50 12'00 12'00 ll'5D 12'00 N.Q, 2 Moong (do.) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.v.. N.Q. N.Q. N,.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 3 Urd (do.) 17-00 17'50 17'50 17'50 17'50 )8'00 18'00 18-50 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 24'UO

If I. Vegetables-

1 Potato D,si 6'25 5'00 5'50 6'50 7'50 B'OO 12'00 12'00 N.Q. 1900 22'50 11'00 2 Potato Pahari N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 12'00 11'00 ll'OO 17'00 15'00 N.Q. 22'00 28'00 N.Q. OFFICIAL S"lA TISTIC'l 132



Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 lbs. Foodgrains and other ,---- important crops and commodities January February March April May June July August September October November December

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Cereals-

1 Wheat 17'50 17.75 17'75 17-00 18'00 17"00 17'00 17-75 18'00 17'50 17'00 17'50 2 Barley 14'00 14'50 14'50 12'25 12'35 12"75 13'00 13'50 13'00 12'00 12'00 11'50 3 Gram 14'50 14'50 14"50 12'25 12'50 13'00 13'00 13'50 13'25 13'00 12'75 11'75 4 Rice 20'50 21'00 :1l'00 21'00 21'50 23'00 23'50 25'50 25'50 24'00 24'00 24'50 5 Juar 12'75 l2'SO 13'50 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 11'50 6 Bajra l4'75 14'50 14'50 N.Q. N.Q NQ. N.Q. N.Q N.Q, N.Q, N.Q, 13'00 7 Maize N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N·Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q.

11. Pulses- 1 Arahar(Whole) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 12'00 11'75 11'50 11'50 11'50 11'00 11'50 10'50 2 Moong (do.) N.Q. 18'50 17'00 16'00 16'00 17'00 17"00 19'00 18'50 18'00 18'00 18'00 3 Urd (do.) N.Q. 24'00 23'00 23'00 23'00 26'00 26'50 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 22'00

111. VegetabCes- 1 potato Desi 8'00 6'00 7'00 7'50 9'00 11'00 14'00 14'00 N.Q. 15'50 16'00 13'00 2 Potato Pahari N.Q. N.Q N.Q N.Q. N.Q. 13'50 18'00 17'50 15'50 N.Q, 20'75 N.Q.


Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs. Foodgrains and other ,.------. important crops and commodities January February March April May June July August September October November Decem ber 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ,),1 12 13

f. Cl7'cals-

1 Wheat 17'50 17'00 16'75 15'50 17'75 18'50 18'50 20'5) N.Q. N·Q. N.Q. N.Q. 2 Barley 11'00 10'00 10'00 9'50 12'25 14'00 14'00 15'00 17'30 17'30 17'78 17'78 3 Gram 11'[0 10'00 10'00 10'25 12'25 14'UO 14'00 14'50, 17'30 17'78 18'82 18'82 4 Rice 22.50 22'00 22'00 24'00 25'50 25'00 27'00 N.Q., 29'09 N.Q. 2-1'62 21'33 5 Juar 11'25 W'OO 9'50 9'50 N.Q. N.Q. N·Q· N.Q 15'23 15'23 14'55 13'33 6 Bojra 13'00 11'50 11'00 11'50 12'75 15'00 N.Q, 16'50 16'84 16'00 15'23 l4'55 7 Maize N.Q. N.Q N.Q. N.Q. NQ. .N.Q !Ii.Q. N.Q. N.Q N.Q. N.Q. 13'91 II. Pulses-

1 Arahar (Whole) 11'25 10'00 10'00 11'00 12'00 14'50 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 2 Moong (do.) 17'00 16'00 16'00 16'00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q, N.Q. N·Q. N.Q. :N.Q. 3 Urd (do.) 22'00 21'00 21'00 21'50 2b'SU 26'OU 25'00 N.Q. N.Q N.Q. 2U'00 18'82

Ill. Vegetables-

1 Potato Deli 6'50 4'75 5'50 6'00 550 6'50 8'50 1500 13'00 16'50 16'00 20'00 2 Potato l'ahari N.Q N.Q. N.Q N.Q. 7'75 8'50 10'00 17'00 17'00 21'00 20'00 N.Q. 133 PRICES OF FOOD-STUPFS



Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 1bs, Foodgrains a.nd other _.A.-- important crops ------and commodities January February March April May June July August September October November Decembel

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

1. Cereals- 1 Wheat N.Q. N.Q. 21'23 IS'S2 18'S2 20'00 21'33 21'33 18'82 20'00 20'00 18'S2 2 Barley 17'78 17'71l 16'00 15'23 13'33 13'91 13'91 13'91 12'80 13'91 13'33 12'SO 3 Gram 20'00 21'33 18'82 15'23 13'33 14'55 14'55 13'91 13'06 14'55 13'33 12'30 4 Rice 11'33 22'86 22'S6 22'S6 22"86 22'S6 22'86 21'33 21'33 2~'S6 22'86 20'00 5 Juar 12'30 14'55 12'SO 12'80 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q, N.Q, 12'30 N.Q. N.Q. 11'03 6 Bqjra 15'23 16'00 14'55 13'91 N.Q. N.Q. 16'00 17'30 14'55 16'00 14'55 13'91 7 Maize 14'22 15'23 14'5) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q, N,Q. N,Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. II. Pulses- 1 Arahar (Whole) N,Q, N.Q. N.Q. N,Q. 14'55 16'00 16'00 16'41 N.Q. 16'S4 16'S4 16'00 2 Moong (do,) N.Q. N,Q. l7'n 20'00 20'00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N'Q, N.Q. N.Q. 18'82 3 Urd (do.) 20'00 20'00 20'00 20'00 20'00 17'713 Ina 17-30 15':!3 16'00 16'41 16'84 Ill. Vegetables- 1 Potato Desi 7'00 6'00 5'50 6'50 8'00 11'00 N.Q, 15'50 l3'50 14'00 IS'OO 13'00 2 Potato Pahari N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 15'00 !f;'00 18'00 18'50 19'00 21'00 N.Q.


Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund 82-2/7 Ibs, Foodgrains and otber ~-- -"------,------, important crops and comrnod iues January February March April May June July August Sept ern ber October November December 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 r. Cerlals- I Wheat 18'28 18'82 18'28 17'78 18'28 16'84 18'28 18'82 17'78 18'82 Ins 17'7/J 2 Barley 12'30 12'30 12'30 11'42 12'30 12'80 13'91 13'33 13'33 13'33 13'3'5 13'33 3 Gram II'S4 12'30 12'30 11'42 12'55 13'33 14'55 15'23 13'91 15'23 16'84 16'00 4 Rir.e N.Q. N,Q. 22'86 20'00 20'00 20'00 21'33 22'S6 22'86 21'33 17'78 IS'82 5 Juar 11'23 JI'30 11'42 11'03 12'30 N.Q, N,Q. N,Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 6 Bajra 14'22 13-61 13'33 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q, N.Q. N.Q. 14'22 7 Maize N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. NQ. II. PulsIs-

1 Arahar (Whole) 16'S4 N.Q. 16'00 12'30 12'30 12'80 13'06 12'80 12'~0 12'80 13'33 12'BO 2 Moong (do.) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 3 Urd (do.) 18'28 18'S2 20'00 18'82 20'00 20'00 20'00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q, 2000 III. Vegltables- 1 Potato Desi 6'50 5'25 5'25 5'50 5'00 N.Q. 11'00 13'00 12'00 12·50 14'00 1')'00 2 Potato Pahari N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 7.00 N.Q. 12'50 17'00 IG'OO 19.0U N.Q. N.Q.

Note- Whole-;;ale prices of 1st Friday of each month depict the prices of that month N.Q.-Not Quoted Source-District Statistics Officer P.34 OI'JI!CIA,L S,1'A'I'ISTIC3 134 TabJe 15'I-Statistics of Banks

A-Name of Banks and Date of Establishment

Serial Name of the Bank No. Date ot Eslablishment

2 3

District C

2 Hindustan Commercia.l Bank September 1, 1944

3 State Bank of India November II, 1957

B-Total D,posits in Banks

Particulars Number of depositors Total amount deposited Total amount withdrawD (Rs.) (Rs.)

2 3 4

Pooled figures of all the above banks in the Di~tri<:t 3,070 15,678,471 12,756,328

Source-District Offieey

Table 15'2-Statistics of Insul'ance-1960


Source-Zonal Manager, Life Insurance Corporation of India, Central Zonal Office, 135 LIVESTOCK;

Table 16-Statistics of Livestock

1956 1961 Particulars ~----~----~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7

COWl! and Bulls- Males 348,950 346,973 1,977 380,778 378,412 2,366

Females 148,323 147,044 1,279 170,231 168,588 1,643

Total 497,372 494,017 3,256 551,009 547,000 4,009

(Al Males ov'" 3 years 302,714 301,179 1,535 325,739 323,920 1,819

(i) Breeding bulls, i.e., entire males over 3 years kept or used for breeding purposes only 155 147 8 353 350 3

(ii) Working bullocks, i.e., bullocks and uncastrated males over 3 years kept for work only 301,036 299,520 1,516 323,321 321,5Il 1,810 (iii) Bulls and bullocks over 3 years not in use for breeding or work 1,523 1,512 11 2,065 2,059 6

863 119,661 118,631 1,030 (B) Flmail$ over 3 years 107,618 106,755

(i) Breeding cows, i.e., cows over 3 years kept for 863 118,777 117,762 1,015 breeding or milk production 107,396 106,533 In milk 41,946 41,575 :m 46,145 45,584 561 Dry 58,422 56,034 388 61,711 61,295 416 Not calved 7,028 6,924 104 10,921 10,883 38 210 (ii) Cows over 3 years used for work only 3 3 210 (iii) Other cows over 3 years not in use for 674 659 15 work or breeding purposes 219 219

(e) roung-stock (3 years and under)- Males 46,236 45,794 442 55,039 54,492 547 Females 40,705 40,289 416 50,570 49,957 613 Total 86,941 86,083 858 105,609 104,449 1,160

(i) Under one yeal Males 20,710 20,478 232 29,657 29,323 334 Females 20,337 20,125 212 28,682 28,356 326 Total 41,047 40,603 444 58,339 57,679 660

(ii) One to 3 years Males 25,526 25,316 210 25,382 25,169 213 Females 20,368 20,164 204 21,888 21,601 287 Total 45,894 45,480 414 47,270 46,770 500 OPPICIAL STATISTICS 136

Table 16-Statistics of Livestock-Contd.

1956 1961 Particulars ,-----"""------...... ,------"---- ..... Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7

(U) Buffaloes- Males 20,573 20,424 149 26,386 26,252 134 Females 134,418 133,560 858 141,007 139,949 1,058 Total 159,991 153,984 1,007 167,393 166,201 1,192

tA) Males DlNr 3 y_s 7,842 7,793 49 7,695 7,677 IB

(i) Breeding bulls, i.e., entire males over 3 years kept or used for breeding purposes only 378 374 4 473 472 1 (ii) Working bullocks, i.e., bullocks and uncastrated males over 3 years kept for work only 7,316 7,271 45 6,942 6,926 16 (iii) Bulls and bullocks over 3 years not in use for breeding or work (other Bulls) 148 148 280 279

(B) Feml!les oVlr 3 yea,s 96,592 95,9dl 611 99,983 99,279 70t

(i) Breeding cows, i.e., cows over 3 years kept for breeding or milk production 96,277 95,667 610 99,725 99,027 698 In milk 44,310 43,968 342 48,179 47,753 426 Dry 44,174 43,973 201 41,840 41,592 248 Not calved 7,793 7,726 67 9,706 9,682 24 I ii) Cows over 3 years used for work only 71 71 89 89 (iii) Other cows over 3 years not in use for work or bre~ding purposes 244 243 169 163 6

(Cl r oung-slock (3 pars find underj Males 12,731 12,631 100 16,691 18,575 116 Females 37,826 37,579 247 41,024 40,670 354 Total 50,557 50,210 347 59,715 59,245 470

h) Under one year Males 7,765 7,696 96 11,80B 11,722 86 Females 18,085 17,926 159 22,177 :11,985 192 Total 25,850 25,622 228 33,985 33,707 278

(ii) One to 3 yeal's Males 4,966 4.935 31 6,883 6,853 30 Females 19,741 19,653 88 18,847 18,685 162 Total 24,707 24,588 119 25,7JO 25,538 192 137 LIVRSTOCE

T.ble 1o-Statistics of Livestock-Concld. 1956 1961 r- ...... _-----.. ~--...... _----. Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

2 3 4 5 6 7

7,921 23 (IU)Sbeep- (i) 'Up to one year- 7,298 7,268 30 7,944 (ii) Over one year Males 4,945 4,942 3 6,444 6,431 13 Females 39,357 39,308 49 40,163 40,123 40 Total 44,302 44,250 52 46,607 46,554 53

1,196 (IV) Goat8- (i) Up to one year- 51,569 50,596 973 72,506 71,310

(ii) Over one'year Males 19,556 19,142 414 25,485 25,153 332 Females 131,319 130,073 1,246 138,635 136,790 1,845 Total 150,875 149,215 1,660 164,120 161,943 2,177

370 26 (V) Dacks- Ducks 364 326 38 396 Drakes 193 185 8 274 253 21 Duckling, 156 148 8 216 216

29,611 1,055 36,330 84,910 1,420 (VI) Poaltry- Hens 28,556 8,945 317 Cocks 6,194 6,025 169 8,628 l,lll Chickens 20,747 19,742 1,005 33,999 32,888 Source-Director of Animal Husbandry, U.P.


Table 17'I-List of

Serial Name Df the Fair Name of Villagel Name ot Development Month and Date Name of Festival, if any. No. Town Block of the }<'air with which connected

3 5 6


Urs Malaka Rajakpur Kunda Chaitra Sudi 3

2 Kamsin Devi &lmsin Bihar Chaitra 8

3 Sheetla Saptmi Pure Ali Naqi Alapur () Asadha Badi 7-8

4 Ashtmi Naubasta Kunda Badi 8

5 Dussebra Babuganj hamlet Kunda Asvina 1-30 Dussehra of Majhilgaon

6 Kartika Puroima Pure Ali Naqi Alapur (Kalakankar) Kartika Sudi 14-15 Kartika Purnima

7 Bitian-ka-Mela Chaukiwapur .. Agrahayana Sudi 1 8 Haudnath Shahabpur Kunda Phalguna Badi 13 Shivratri Hathigwan 9 Shivralri " " " Pratap,arb

10 Chandika Devi Sandwa Chandika Sandwa Chandilr:a Chaitra Sudi 9 Asvina Sudi 9

11 Ram Naumi Gonda Pratapgarh Chaitra Sudi 9 Ram Naumi 12 Bhairvi Sheora Mandhata .. Sudi 8 13 Ghazi Miyan Purab Gaoo Sandwa Chandika First Sunday of Jyaistha

14 Paochrni Ajgara Lakshmanpur Bhadra Badi 5

l!> Dussehra Mandbata Asvina Sudi 10 Dussehra

Newari (Lokapur) " .. Belaghat Pratapgarh .. Sarai Pranmati Mandhata .. .. Teonga Pratapgarh II

16 Catde fair Bhopia Mau Asvina 17 Dussehra Bikrampur .. Agrahayana Sudi 10 18 5bivratri Bhairwan Sangipur Phalguna Badi 13 Sh:vratri

Gbuisernath Ghuisernath J9 " .. 20 Belha Devi Pratapgarh Pratapgarh Each Monday and Friday - 139 l'AlaS AND .li'ESIlVAL~ Fairs

Distance from Purpose, (worship oj Estimated Nearest R~ilway the Railway Station Corn'Ilodities brou~ht to Deity, Bath, Urs, Uattle Congre~ation Station or Bus or Ilus Station the Fair for sale fair, etc.) Station {in km.} 7 8 9 10 11


Urs 2,500 Lal Gopalganj R.S. 5 CIa v toys, sweetmeats, earthen pot, I' and fancy gJod

Worship of Devi 10,000 Jethwara B.S. 10 " Bath and Worship of Jwala 10,000 Manikpur R.S. Devi .. Worship of Narsin~h 1,500 Bhadd B.S. 3 .. A dramatisation Ilf the story 1,~00 Harnamganj R.S. 3 Cloth, utensils, clay toys, and sweetmeat. of Ramayana

Bath and worship (Of Sheetl.! 10,000 Manikpur R.S. Devi ..

Worship of deity 8,000 ,. " " 10 Worship of Shiva 2,000 Harnamganj R.S. " 1,000 10 .. " " Tahsil

Worship of Devi 5,000 Antoo R.S. 3 "

Worship of Shri Rama 1,000 Chilbila R.S. 3

Worship of Shri Rama 4,000 Jethwara B.S. 6 Sweetmeats and clay toys Urs 2,000 Antoo R.S. 6 Aluminium utensils, earthen pots, Sweets and c1av toys

Worship 5,000 Rani~anj Aj~ara B.S. Utensils .. toys, bangles, clay toys, and sweets

A dramatisation of the story 4,500 B.S. 16 of Ramayana " .. 300 Jethwara B.S. 2 ..

to 3,000 Pratapgarh R.S. 2 .. 5,000 Jethwara B.S. 2 .. i. 1,000 Pratapgarh B.S. 5 .. Cattle fair 10,000 Bhopia Mau R S.

A dramatisation of the 700 Mohanganj B.S. 2 story of Rama yana

Worship of Shiva 1,000 Ghuisernath B.S 5 Metal utensils, earthenware, glassware, cloth, clay toys and Sweet.

1,000 it .. .. Worship of Devi 4,000 Pratapgarh R.S. 3 Sweetmeats, clay toys, earthenwares and articles of daily use OffICIAL STATISTICS 140

Table 17'1-Lisc of

Serial Name of the Fair Name of Village/Town Name of Development Month and Date Name of Festival, if any, No. Block of the Fair with which connectd

2 3 6


21 Devi fair Maograura Chaitra Sudi 8 Asvina Sudi 8 Sheogarh ParaSrampur " 22 Hanumanji-ka-Mela Jamtali Tuesday in Bhadra Asvina Sudi 1-10 Dussehra 23 Dussehra " " Birapur Khurd " " " Dhanaupur " " Sheet Gaura " .. Narharpur Sbeogarh .. " Baosi " " tt Naurera Gaura " Sand ,i ,j " 24 Patti fair Patti Patti For three·days in October or November

25 Cattle fair Ramganj Aspur Deosara November 26 Dhanush Yagya Madafarpur Mangraura Pausa

Surwa Misirpur Gaura .. Shivratri 27 Belkbar ~ath Yahiapur Shcogarh Phalguna Badi 13 28 Biabambhar Nalh Sadaoa Aspur Deopur " 29 Mahraura Nath Mahraura ,t " !lO l3urhwa Mangal sawansa Gaura Last Tuesday in Sravana 31 Moharram Jamtali Aspur Deosara Moharram 1-10 Moharram

Rakhha Sbeogarh " 141

'.Irs-Coruld. Distance from Purpose, (Worship of Estimated Nearest Railway the Railway Station Commodities .0 rought to Deity Bath, Urs, Cattle Congregation Station or' Bus or Bus Station the fair for sale fair etc.) Station (in Km.) 7 8 9 10 il


Worship of Devi 2,500 Patti B.S. S SweetmealS, clay to)8 earthenwara ana articles of daily use .. 3,000 Diwanganj B.s. S .. . Worship of Mahbirji 300 Rani!{"nj U.S. 10 .. A dramati!ation of the story 200 .. JO Ramayana .. 300 Gaura k.S. 6 .. ., 250 .. 8 .. .. 250 6 ;, 350 Vishwanathganj 5 " .. .. 200 Tirthiganj R.S. a .. 300 Sawanaa R.S. a .. .. 400 Gaura R.S. 6 " Worthip 10,000 Patti B.S. Utensils, cloth, bangles, earthen pots, toys and fancy goods

Cattle fair 3,000 Ramganj B.S. Cattle, and articles of daily use Worship of Shri Rama 1,000 Kohandaur R.S. 5 Sweets. clay toys and articles of general merchandise 550 Gaura B.S. ,i Worship of Shiva 4,000 Diwanganj B.S. 5 .. .. 2,000 Sadaha B'S. .. .. 2,000 Dhakhwa B.S. 3 500 Sawansa R,S. .. Iii the memory of Immam 500 Raniganj R.S. 10 Aluminium utensils, handloom, HU!!ain cloth. earthen pots, sweet- meats and clay toys ., 1,000 Rakhha B.S •

Source-District Officer

1'.36 142 Table 17-2-List of Festivals .- Date of Ocea.ion Whether observed by all, bV Serial Name of Festivals a puticulal" .community or No_ people of partiCular relig-ion'

2 3

Chaitra Badi 8 Hindu 1 Sbeetla Ashtmi Sudi 9 It 2 Ram Naumi .. 13 3 Mahabir Jayanti ...... Vaisakha" 15 .. .. Baisakhi Purnima 15 .. 5 Buddha Jayanti " .. Jyaistha Badi 30 .. 6 Bargadee Ama.'vasya Sudi 10 .. 7 Ganga or Jeth Dussehra " Asadha 15 .. 8 Guru Purnima (Vyas puja) " Sravana 5 9 Nag Panchmi ,. .. 15 10 Raksba Bandhan 11 11 Janam Ashtmi .. 3 12 Hartalika Teej " .. 4 13 Ganesb Chaturthi .. .. 14 14 Anant Cbaturdashi .. ,. 15 Pitra Visarjan Amavasya Asvina Badi 30 16 Durga Naumi .. Sudi 9 10 ,- 17 Vijaya Dashmi (Dussehra) " 15 18 Sharad Purnima " .. .. 19 Karwp CMuth Kartika Badi .. t' 13 20 Dhan Teras ., 14 21 Chhoti DiwaJi fNarak Chaudu) ., .. " 30 U Deepawali .. Sudi 1 %3 Goverdhan FujII. (Annkool) .. ., 2 24 Bhaiya Doo} .. 8 ., Gopashtmi .. 25 n 26 Devutban Ekadaslli .. 0' 15 27 Kartiki Purnamashi .. 15 28 Guru Nanak's Birthday .. " Magha'Sudi 4 39 Sakat Chauth .. january 14 !\O Makar Sankranti .. Magha Sudi 5 !I Basant Panchmi. " Fhalguna Badi 13 32 Shivratri .. Sudi 15 '3 Holi ". Muslim M Id-uz-Zuba 10th of Zilhij 35 Moharram 10th of Moharram " 36 Chehllum 20th of Safar .. 12th of Rabi-ul·Awwa) 31 Barawafat " 38 Sbabe-e-Bara. 14th of Shaban " 49 Id-ul-Fitr lst of Shawwal " On Friday in April Christian 40 Good-Friday 41 Easter First Sunday after Good Friday in April .. 42 Christmas 25 th December .. 43 New Year's D.y 1st January .. Source-District 08icer 143

Table 17·3..;_Ltst of Hats and BlJZ'ars (Rural)

Serial Name of Hats and BazaTs Main, items of business Days on which held Avera'ge No. attendance 2 3 4 5

Kunda Tahllil"

3,000, 1 Ran!pnj Kaithanla Grain market Wednesday and Saturday 2 KUBllapur Cattle market Tuesday and Friday 1,500 Tuesday and Sunday 1,200 3 Beh'lganj " 4 Derwa Cattle and grain market .. ',000

Pratapgarh Tahsil

1 Mandhata Sale of Vegetables and grain Thursday and Sunday 500 2 Sarai Nohar Roe Lachmeganj .. Monday and Thursday 400 500 3 Kulhipur Sale of Vegetable, grain, sheep and goat Tuesday and Saturday 1,000 4 Garwara Sale of Vegetable; grain, and cattle etc. .. 1,500 5 Sahabganj Sale of Vegetable, grain, etc, Monday and Friday 800 6 Antu .. Thursday and Sunday 700 7 Jagesharganj Tuesday and Friday 3()a 8 Sunderpur .. Wednesday and Sunday 50Q 9 SaJleahanpur (Haunmanganj) i .. .. 400 10 Rehuwalalganj Tuesday and Saturday 300 , II Ateha Monday and Friday 350 12 Kumbhi Aina Monday and Thursday 456 ' 13 SlID~ipur Thursday and Sunday 356

14 Purabgaon It Monday and Friday 500·600 15 Babuganj .. Tuesday and Sunday 400 16 Bishunathganj .. Tuesda~' and Friday 60G 17 Bhapia Mau Monday and Thursday 300 18 Pratapgarh City Monday and Friday 450 19 Mohanganj Thursday and Sunday 400 20 Chilblla .. Monday and Thursday 700 /

Patti Tahsil

Lachhipur Grain Wednesday ~r:d Saturday 400 2 Raniganj Grains and Cloths Tuesday and Friday 500

3 Delhupur ;, It 300 4 Ramapur ,J Monda)' and Friday 350 5 Navera Grain and Cloth Tuesday and Saturday 200 6 Suwansa .. Wednesday and Saturday 300 7 Kaneura .. Wednesday and Sunday 200

8 Maheshganj Kadria It Tuesday and Friday 150 OFPICIAL STATISTICS 144 Table 17'3-List of Ha" aad Ba:::ars (l\oral)-Colldd.

Sl. Name of the Ha', and Bazar' Main items of business Date on which beld Average No. Attendance

2 4 5

PaUl Tab.n-CDII,ld.

9 Patti Khas Grain, Cloth and Vegetable Tuesd~y and Saturday 1,000 10 Urriyadih .. Wednesday and Sunday 500 11 Jamtali ., Monday and Thursday 400 12 Hariharganj Sandaria ,. Tuesday and Friday 300 13 Dasrathpur .. Monday and Friday 150

.14 Pirthviganj '! Thursday and Friday 200 15 Birapur Monday and Friday 200 16 Bindhaganj Wednesday and Saturday 450 17 Bilahganj .. Wednesday and Sunday 300 250 18 Jammipur " Tuesday and Saturday 19 Hanurnan~anj Grains Tuesday and Friday 300 20 Kohndaur Grains and Vegetables Wednesday and Saturday 500 21 Rakha Graios Cloth and Vegetables Tu~ay and Friday 600 22 Dallipur Grains and Vegetables Sunday and Thursday 200 23 Sakara Grains Wednesday and Saturday 200 Thursday and Sunday 24 Dew.flganj Grains and Cloth 600 25 Lakhipur Grains Tuesday and Friday 200 Monday and Thursday 300 26 Madafarpur " 27 Saifabad (Raniganj) .. ThurSday and Saturday 250 28 Manjahi Grains, Cloth and Cattle Thursday and Sunday 300 29 Babuganj Monday and Friday 300 30 Ramganj 500 Grains, Cloth, Vegetable and Cattle It .. 31 Dhakwa Monday and Thursday 350 " 32 Amargarh .. Monday and Friday 400 S8 Lalganj Grains Wednesday and Sunday 450 34 Aspur Deosara .. Tuesdayand Saturday 200 ~ Amanpur Grains and Vetctable Sunday al d Thullday 300

Source-District Officer 145 HANDlcUftl Table IS'I-List of Rural Crafts aDd Number of PerSODS EmploJed iD ProductioD

Number of Persona Employed in Production Name of Craft Number of Villages PersoQS Males Females

2 3 4 5

Cotton Textile 31 2,894 1,614 1,280

Silk Textile 3 485 232 253

Leather Footwear 53 490 319 171

Basketry 36 268 163 105

Pottery 356 3,152 1,987 1,165

Woollen Blanket 5 42 21 21

Brass and Copperware 2 12 10 2

Table 18'l-DistributioD of ArtisaD CommuDities

Name of Caste or Number Approxi- Total Number of Workers Number of Number of Number of Name of Craft Community of mate ,------"'----"""\ families families families villages number of working . working working in surveyed families Persons Males Females under ID own workshops co-operation houses set up by their employers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10

Cotton Textile julaha 30 983 2,888 1,611 1,277 983

jariya 1 3 6 3 3 3 Silk Textile julaha 3 136 485 232 253 136 Leather Footwear Chamar 53 203 490 319 171 203 Basketry Bansphor 2 1 Kurmi 2 35 69 45 24 35 Dharkar 33 82 197 117 80 82 Pottery Kumhar 356 1,038 3,152 1,987 1,165 1,038 Woollen Blanket Gaderia 5 17 42 21 21 17 Brass and Copperware Thather 1 2 4 2 2 2 Kn8era 1 4 8 8 4 P. 37 OPFICl.&.t. STATISTICS l46

Table 18'3-Materials Used, Soufto'of.Desigo; MaoufaflUr6,.*d-M6rldetiag of Manufactured Articles

No. of villages Source of .Design ''No. of villages No. of Villages Name of Craft Name of Article Name of Main engaged in .- which produce where there Material manufacture for sale in are Co-opera- Traditional All others open markets tive Societies

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Cotton Textile Khandala C'Jtton'yarn 10 10 10 Saree 24 24 24 Lu~gl .. 7 7 7 Dhoti 6 6 6 Angochha 3 3 3 Garha 5 5 5

Silk I Silk Textile Blassi~r 3 Blouse 3 3 Saree

Leather Footwear Shoe Leather 53 53 53 Sandal 18 18 18 Chappal 18 18 18

llaiketr) Basket Bamboo 29 29 29 Dauri 26 26 26 7 Bbaunki 7 7 7 Dugla 7 7 " 211 211 Pottery Nand Clay 211 III Khaprail 1ll III .. 211 Ghara 211 211 195 Dipali (Oeepak) 195 195 195 ~ 195 Kulbar 195 92 92 Handi 92 III Gagri III 111 .. 37 37 Toys 37 211 211 211 Karwa " 5 Wool 5 5 \\>eollen Blanket Blanket 2 Batua Brass and Bell Metal 2 2 BraSll and Copperware 2 Lota ,\ ~ 2 1 ,; Patili 1 Thali ;; 1 I Gagra 1 1 Gilass .. 147 WAGBS

Table 19·-Statistics of Major and Medinm Projects taken up for Execution during the I, II and III Plans

SI.No. Name of Ploject Year of Stage of Comp­ Estimate of Gross area Future Probable period b)' start letion Cost involved irrigated irrigation which full utili7;ation by stages in up to 1960 Potential is expected to be Lac. Rs. (in acres) (in acres) achle,ed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Pratapgarh Branch 1949-50 Completed 73-71 47,000 59,400 By 3166 full potential (Irrigation Canal) would be achieved

Source-ChiefEn~ineer, Irrigation Department, U.P,

Table 20- Statistics of Wages

Year Month Wages Year Month Wages

2 3 2 3

1959 June 1'25 June 1'25 July 1'25 July 1'25 August 1-12 August 1'25 September 1'25 September 1-25 October 1-37 October 1-25 November 1-25 November I-50 December 1-25 1961 December 1'25 1960 January 1-25 January- 1'25 February 1'00 February 1-25 March 1-25 March 1'25 April 1'25 April 1-25 May 1-25 May 1-25 June 1'25 Source- Labour Commissioner, U,P.



Village ordinarily means a revenue mauZa, Household means a group of persons, who com­ whether inhabited or uninhabited. If some struc­ monly live together and take their meals from a tures and population come into existence at a place common kitchen, unless exigencies of work prevent which lies within the boundaries of two or more any of them from doing so. revenue mauzas, the locality has been treated as a separate Census Village and the portions covered in Total popUlation includes household population, it are ~cluded from the revenue mauzas concerned. institutional population and houseless population. Town means any Corporation, Municipality, Notified Area. Can\onment. and includes a locality Scheduled Castes the 66 Scheduled Castes as which, though not in itself a local body, is part of a defined in the President's. The Scheduled Castes and town_group, and also any place which has (a) a Stheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Order, 1956. population of at least 5,000 (b) at least three-fourths of the popUlation dependent on non-agricultural Literate means a person above the age of five means of livelihood, and (c) a density of at least who can read as well as write. 1,000 persons per square mile. Worker means a person gainfully employed in City means a town or a town-group having a any economic activity and is actually working, popUlation of one lakh and above. supervising or directing the work.


E-Electrified Category-I working as cultivatory i.e., engaged in cultivation, including effective supervision and R-Connected by Road direction of land owned or held.

Rly-Connected by Railway Category-II working as Agricultural labourer, i.e., working in some else's land for wages in cash or kind. Riv-River

L-Library Category-III working in Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Plantations, Mp-Medical Practitioner Orchards and allied activities.

Hos-Hospital Category-IV working at Household industry i.e., an industry, not on the scale of a registered Mew-Maternity and Child Welfare Centre factory, conducted by the head of the household himself and/or mainly members of the household at H-Higher Secondary School home or within the village in rural areas and only at home in urban areas, with or without hired labour. Po-Post Office Category-V working in Manufacturing other Occupied House means a structure or part of than Household Industry i.e., engaged in produc­ a building, used wholly or partly as human dwelling, tion, fabrication, processing, repairs or servicingof and having a separate main exit. any kind, not included in Household industry. iv Category-VI working in Construction Le., en­ have been treated as Non-workers. gaged in construction and maintenance of buildings, (i) a whole time student not doing any work; roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, telegraph and tele­ phone lines, dams, canals, tanks, tube wells, etc. (ii) a house work~r not engaged in any remune­ rative work; Category-VII working in Trade and Commerce i.e., engaged in buying and selling, import and (iii) a dependent including infant Or child not export, banking, insurance, stocks, shares, etc. attending school, old or disabled person not doing any work; Category-VIII working in Transport, Storage and Communication, i.e., engaged in transport by (iv) a retired person (not re-employed), rents, man, animal, air, water, road, rail, etc. in warehous­ 1'0yalty or dividend receiver, not doing any work; ing; Post and Telegraphs; Telephones; and Infor­ mation and Broadcasting. (v) a beggar, vagrant or an independent woman of unspecified source of income·; Category-IX working in Other Services i.e., engaged in public, administrative, educational and (vi) a convict in jail (not an under trial) 0, scientific, medical and health, religious, welfare, inmate of penal, mental Or charitable institution; legal, business, community, recreation, personal and other miscellaneous services, etc. (vii) a person in search of employment for the first time, and

Non:worker (Category-X) me ans a person who (viii) a person having worked before but now is not doing any productive work. The following out of employment and seeking fresh employment.

£ N





S1. No. in SI. No. in 51. ~o. In Village Name of Village Village SI. Name of Village Village 81. Name ofVilbge SI. Directory No. Directory No. Directory No. 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 81 Bari Bojh 46 Abdul Samadpur 242 41 Autarpur 673 239 82 Bariyawan 283 2 Abdul Wabidganj 42 Babhanpur 31 232 83 Barmauli 261 3 Adalabad 43 Babbanpur Padampur 213 39 84 Barna 686 4 Agai 44 Babulapur 259 423 311 85 BaroI\ 619 5 Aghia 45 Babullahpur 388 86 Basabipur 417 6 Ahibaraopur 46 Babupur 26 87 Basoya 15 7 Aidha 559 47 Baburai }ahanpur 467 88 Baswahi 453 8 Aima Asbhon 326 48 Bachhandamau 402 89 Bauliya Bazyaft 203 9 AimaJatoopur 699 49 Bachhaul 47 90 Bazar K.usahil 335 10 Aimamau 454 50 Bachhrauli 399 91 Bazidpur 269 11 Aimapur Bindhan 539 51 Badhaipur 677 286 400 92 Bedhan Gopalpur 691 '12 Aintbu 52 Badhaiyabar 583 93 Bedhasin 448 13 Ajbara 69 53 Baghawait 94 Behlamai 521 14 Akhtiyar1 Kotla 407 54 Bahabarahar 187 Bahadurpur 395 9S Bela Jatmalpur 644 15 Alapur 274 55

9 Baharamai 306 96 Belha 156 16 Alipur 56 97 Benipur 37 17 Allupur Bokhari 344 57 Bahorikpur 543 58 Baijalpur 89 98 Benti Talab 353 18 Alumau 443 Bajha Bhit 29!l 99 Benti Uperhar 352 19 Amawan 54 59 60 Bakol 499 100 Betauli 172 20 Amilba 336 101 Bhadari 91 21 Amipur 471 61 Balhihamau 556 102 Bhaddeon 241 22 Andawan 550 62 Balhiapur 205 103 Bhadganwa 532 23 Andbariput 230 63 Balipur 544 104 Bhadri 406 24 Anehara 185 64 Balipur Katra 161 105 Bhadson 383 25 Antamau 294 65 Balla 457 106 Bhagdhara 166 26 Arjunateru 496 66 Banemau Talab 354 107 Bhaironpur 578 27 Arjunpur 34 67 Banemau Uperhar 355 247 108 Bhaisana 534 28 Arron 4 68 Bangarwa Bijlipur 88 109 Bhakara 16 29 Arubari 5I8 69 Bankati 110 Bhanapur 321 30 Asainapur 57 70 Bankat Kama 234 111 Bhansomandar 616 31 Asarabi 121 71 Bansiyara 665 434 112 Bharatpur 211 S2 Asog 199 72 Barai 291 113 Bhardarpur 522 33 lIsogi 504- 73 Baraulia 643 114 Bhartgar h 472 34 Asthan 238 74 Baraulia 115 Bhatni 12 35 Asthanwan 495 75 Baraulia Yaqubpur 2t4 116 BhatpU1wa 655 36 Atarsaie 652 76 Barbaspur 645 290 117 Bhau 654 37 Ataulia 292 77 Barera 30S 118 Bhaudaspur 464 38 Athaisa 574 78 Bargaon 670 119 Bhawaniganj K.ota 5U 89 Attanagar 425 7'ii Barhepur 120 lIhawanpur S~ 4Q Attana,ar .38 80 Barhipur Q02 vii



51. No. in 81. No. in 51. No. in 51. Name of Village Village 81. N arne of Village Village 51. Name of Village Village No. Directory No. Directory No. Directory 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

121 Bhebhaura 68 161 Dandwa 696 201 Gbiltba 460 122 Bhikhapur Kanidih 606 162 Darhat 146 202 Gogahar 566 123 Bhikra S97 163 Daryapur 378 203 Gogaur 647 124 Bhimpur 168 164 Dayalpur 215 204 Gogauri 646 125 Bhitara 614 165 Delhupur 42 205 Gokhari 56

126 Bhitari 487 166 Denbagari Jamalpur 347 206 GOlldwa 49 127 Bhiti Pure Nain 629 167 Deobarpatti 679 207 Gopalpur 221 128 Bhojpur 50 168 Deobarpur 628 208 Gopalpur 526 129 Bhulsa ~01 169 Deori Hardopatti 635 209 Gopalpur 570 130 Biharia 687 170 Devigarh 126 210 Gotani Kacbhar 331

131 Bljaimau 503 171 Dewapur Kaithaula 33 211 Gotani Uperhar 332 132 Bijoomau 17 172 Dewapur Rampur 162 212 Govindpur Misrainpur 61 133 Birbbadrapur 14 173 Dewara 210 213 Govindpur Narainpur 176 134 Birsingbpur 23 174 Dhamanwan 642 214 Govindpur Rasoolpur 7 135 Bisabia 396 175 Dh_mohan 459 215 Gujawar 516

136 Bulaqipur 341 176 Dhandhwa 8arooppur 561 216 Gulamipur 490 137 Burbiapur 105 177 Dhangarh 483 217 Hariharpur 610 138 Chak Abdul Ghani 320 178 Dhanwasa 702 218 Haripur 588 139 Chakadar 30 179 Dharoopur 125 219 Harnahar 129 140 Cbak Adil Ali 437 180 Dharoopur 639 220 Harshankarpur 373

141 Chak Badre Alam 438 181 Dbemi 379 221 Hathgawan 370 142 Chak Banke 295 182 Dhikuhi 555 222 Hinahu 275 143 Chakerhi 513 183 Dhingausi 106 223 Hisampur 200 144 Chakwar 626 184 Dbinwas 109 224 Hulasgarh Kalan 95 145 Champatpur 568 185 Dhondwa Gangan 81 225 Hulasgarh Khurd 535

146 Chandapur 92 185 Diba 367 226 Ibrahimpur 273 147 Chandapur 222 187 Dibbalai 537 227 Ibrahimpuf 376 148 Chandaura 262 188 Dilerganj 357 228 Ibrahimpur 688 149 Chaukaparpur 317 189 Dulwamau 442 229 ltaila 93 15) Chaurahi 284 190 Faridupur 431 230 Itaura 444

151 Chaurang 520 191 Fatehullahpur 307 231 Jadopatti 318 152 Cbavsa 429 192 Fateshahpur 473 232 )agannathpur 169 153 Chhachhamau 250 193 Fatubabad 546 233 Jagapur 545 154 Chhatar 658 194 Fulpur Mauri 672 234 )agdishpur 184 155 Chhenuga 671 195 Fulpur Rana 627 235 Jahanabad Kachhar 381

156 Chitra 572 196 Galgali 618 236 Jahanabad Upethat 382 157 Chubhki 198 197 Garibpur 601 237 Jaichandpur 468 158 Dagrara 5S 198 Gaura 664 238 Jainpur 73 159 Dakhwapur 507 199 Gauri 263 239 Jaisanwan 692 160 Dandault 316 200 Ghayaapur 413 240 .JajoopuJ 287 viii



S1. No. in S1. No. in S1. Ne, i 81. N arne of Village Villagc- S1. N ,lm~ of Village Village Sl. N arne of Village Village n No. Directory No. Directory No, Direcor y

1 2 3 2 3 2 3

241 Jakbamau 441 281 Karenti 340 321 Kondrasal 700 242 Jalalpur Baron 62; 282 Karimnagar Kalan 315 322 Kondri 136 243 Jalalpnr Dibwa 456 283 Kzumain 196 323 Korali 260 244 Jalilpur 6 284 Kashar 592 324 Korrahi 615 , 3 245 Jamal pur 2B5 Kashipur 225 325 Kotharia 233

246 Jamethi 286 Kashipur 508 326 Kotila Badi 517 247 Jamlamau 287 Kashipur 641 327 Kunda 426 248 Janwamau 283 Kashipur Dlliki 607 328 Kunda Tahsil 427 249 Jasauli 289 F~.ash ipur .Mohan 374 329 Kurha 689 250 Jasrnenda 290 Katra Sangram,ingh 171 330 Kursinda Kachhar 329

251 Jcwain 29 291 Kauridih 130 331 Kursinda Uperhar 330 252 Jhingur 569 292 Kausilapur 36 332 Kusahil Dih 342 253 Jhukwara 257 293 Kedaura 25 333 Kusha 540 25+ Jot Damman 298 29 j. Kcraodih 256 33+ Kuswapur 240 255 Jurapur 139 295 Kcshopur 158 335 Lakhasenpur 35

256 Kabirpur 408 296 K~shopur 324 336 Lakuri 13 257 Kaimba 392 297 Khairapur Chcmi 182 337 Laloopur 72 258 Kaira 52 298 Khajuri 160 338 Lalupatti 480 259 Kai thula 45 2~Y) E.halsa Sadat 59 339 Laroo 4S2 260 Kakariha 229 300 Khambha 403 340 Lattara 299

261 Kalanpur 40 301 Khamsari 79 341 Launda 323 262 Kalikapur 107 302 Kh~nJ\\'a 143 342 Lawana 214 263 Kaliyanpur 372 303 Kha'""ari 498 343 Lawa Sukhde.opur 361 264 Kalyanpur 110 3){ Khaprahi 18 3+4 Lochangarh 600 265 Kama Patti 5 305 Kharaila (59 345 Lodhipur 56S

266 Kamapur Saraiyan 44 306 Kbargapur 631 3+6 Lohangpur 27 267 Karnbhit 111 3il7 Khargipur 06 3+7 Lokapur 476 268 Kamoli Birbhanpur 634 3 '3 Khatwara 593 3+8 Loniapur 564- 269 Kanaupur 611 3~:') Khemipur 413 J.1.9 Machheha I-Iardopatti 582 270 Kanawan 551 310 Khem Karanrur ( G5 350 .Madamai 131

271 Kanchanpur 246 311 Khcmsara Kachhar 328 351 l\Iadangar h 155 272 Kandai 249 312 Khemsara Upcrhar 327 352 l\faddupur 223 273 Kandhaiya Dullapur 118 313 Khijirpur 397 353 Madhkarpur 38 274 Kandhapur 580 31+ Khuruhaji 218 351- Madhukarpur 3B5 275 Kandron 235 315 Kindhauli 523 355 Madhwapur 251

276 Kanti Akhaibarpur 380 316 Kishullda~pur 282 356 Madipur 87 277 Kanura 175 317 Kiyawan 313 357 Maghi Chaingarh 548 27B Karaini 650 318 Kondara Khas 502 358 Magrahar 202 279 Kar amganj 300 319 Kondrajit 632 359 Mahewa Malakia 571 260 Karamjit Patti 674 320 Kondra Khurd 479 360 Mahewa Mohanpur 368 . fx



S1. No. in 51. No. in S1. No. in Name of Village Village Sl. Name of Village Village 51. Name of Y illage Village Sl. Directory No. Directory No. Directory No.

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

361 Mahiamau 596 401 Mohammdabad Kachhar 279 441 Mohammadpur Charpl1r 137 362 Mahimapur 60. 402 Mohammdabad Uperhar 278 442 Mobammadpur Hardeo 220 )',3 Mahmadpur Bhao 648 403 Mohan Mathnra 219 443 Pariyawan 603 3M l\lahmadpur Sohag 463 404 Mohanpur 24 444 Parsai 268 365 Mahrajpur 371 405 Mohsinpur 190 445 Parsipur 375

366 Mahrajpur 662 406 Mohtarimpur 310 446 Patihar 319 367 Mahruipur 410 407 Mothin 144 447 Patna 533 368 ~laidapur 188 408 Mubarakpur 334 448 Patti Khana 63 369 Maidhar 638 409 Muraini 4&1- 449 Pattupur 609 370 Majethi 651 410 Murassapur 272 450 Payagipur 32

371 Majhilgaon 412 411 Murethi 217 451 Pechura 51 372 Majra Chupsingh 148 412 Murtazapur 491 452 Peeng 485 373 Maladhar Chhatta 530 413 Nagaiyamau 486 453 Pengri 419 374 Malaka Rajakpur 390 414 Namdeopur 698 454 Pethanpur 22A. 375 Malak Nara 704 415 Narai 505 455 Piranagar 44S

371' Malak Tilhai Urf Mogalpur 697 416 Narainpur 28 456 Pithipur 694 377 ,\faLtwa Chhajaipur 657 417 Narangpur 637 457 Pratappur Chergarh 511 378 Matnauli 325 418 Nariyanwan 587 458 Pratap Rudrapur 14S 379 Manar 288 419 Narsinghpur 389 459 Pritampur 575 380 Mangarh 451 420 N aseerullapur 554 460 Punwasi 656

461 Puranemau Talab 36S 381 Manikpur TO\\'lI Arca 314 421 Naubasta 377 382 l\[anipur 2 422 ::-.' audhia 8 462 Puranemau Uprrhar 366 463 Purbara 120 383 ~aruhar 1 423 Naudhia 703 384 Maudara Kachhar 339 424 N eknamipur 147 464 Pure Anrudha 21 385 l\laudara Uperhar 338 425 Newada Kalan 512 465 Pure Bahadur 20

22 386 ~fauli 428 426 Newada Khurd 518 466 Pure Balbhadra 387 Meerpnr Banohi 676 427 Notohi 253 467 Pure Ban 11S 388 l\[endhawa 48 428 Paharpur Banohi 415 468 Pure Banshi 82 389 Merean 333 429 Pahipm 227 469 Pure Basantrai 192 390 Mewai Kalan 440 430 Paindapur 529 470 Pure Basdeo 481

391 Mirapur 493 +31 Pan ahnagar 525 471 Pure Basi 177 392 Mirgarwa 297 432 Par·ahnagar Barai 439 472 Pure Bbattachar 19 473 Pure Bhauram Bojhi 80 393 Mi sira Dya1pur 3}~ 433 Pa"ch Mahu\l'a 701 394 Misirpur 257 43+ Pandari 164 474 Pure Bbikhari 141 395 Mohaddinagar Kachhar 362 435 Pango 243 475 pure Birbal 103

396 Mohaddinagar Ta1ab 363 436 Paranupur 394 476 "Pure Chamela SOl 397 Mohaddioagar Uperhar 364 437 Paraspur 83 477 pure Cbaube 178 398 Mohammadpur 197 438 Parasrampur 133 478 Pure Chbattu 195 586 399 Mohammadpur 304 439 Parewa Narainpur 393 479 pure Chirailal Man 400 Mohammadpur Barai 435 440 Pariyawan 265 480 Pure Cbiraojiv 474 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


81. No. in 51. No. in 51. No. in 81. N arne of Village Village SI. N arne of Village Village S1. Name of Village Village No. Directory No. Directory No. Directory 2 3 t 2 3 1 2 3

481 Pure Dayal 462 521 Pure Rewatiram 584 561 Ramdas Patti 680 482 Pure Dhana Tikariya 204 522 Pure Rohniram 97 562 Ramgarh 100 483 Pure Dhararnraj Talai 90 523 Pure Rup 102 563 Ramgarh Banohi 675 484 Pure Dhunnu 599 524 Pure Sadhoram i50 564 Ramgarh Raila 70 485 Pure Dinanath 78 525 Pure Sewa Bais 151 565 Ramnagar 585

4-86 Pure Fatehsingh 98 526 Pure Sewakrai 193 566 Rampur 183 487 Pure Gajai 114 527 Pure Sh~h Ghulamcisti 432 567 Rampur 208 488 Pure Gangaram 113 528 Pure Shah Karamali 433 568 Rampur 398 489 Pure Ghansh yam 104 529 Pure Shankar 179 569 Rampur 466 490 Pure Gopal Pande 128 530 Pure Shiamsingh 189 570 Rampur 668

491 Pure Hariju 181 531 Pure Siwan 608 571 Rampur Bhanso 149 492 Pure Harkesh 577 532 Pure Tikaram 64 572 Rampur Chauras 591 493 Pure Hatkishun Dube 66 533 Pure Tilakram 62 573 Rampur Dabi 209 494 Pure Hiranand 112 534 Qasba Latifpur 207 574 Rampur Garauli 285 495 Pure Inchharam 174 535 Qazipur 85 575 RaniOlau 244

496 Pure Janai 140 536' Qazipur Gulam Jafar 558 576 Ranjitgarh 99 497 Pure Jhau 576 537 Qazipur Karam Husain 450 577 Rasoolpur Nidora (l8S 498 Pure Jodha 154 538 Qazipur Khurd 581 578 Ratahi 296 499 Pure Jura 135 539 Qazipur Kusewar 492 579 Ratanpur Maheshpur 206 500 Pure K.ewal 123 540 Qazipur Mahrajgani 436 580 Reoli 252

501 Pure K.hande 661 541 Qutabanpur 237 581 Roar 620 502 Pllre K.hothai 621 542 Radhauli 345 582 Rohara 41 503 Pure Kishuni 547 543 Raghubar 482 583 Rukaiyapur 226 504 Pure Mai Sultanpur 132 544 Rahwai 351 584 Rukaiyapur 494 505 Pure Makhdumpur 514 545 Raiapur 416 585 Sabalgarh 595

506 Pure Maniram 461 546 Rai Askaranpur 573 586 Sahabpur 350 507 Pure Maswan 563 547 Raigarh 506 587 Saheb Ateru 497 508 Pure Matha 71 548 Raigarh 541 588 Saheli 308 509 Pure Mian 322 549 Rai Kashipur 470 589 Sahjani 302 510 Pure Nandan 86 550 Raipur 624 590 Sahumau 346

511 Pure Narainrai 152 551 Raipur Bharkhi 455 591 Saja 386 512 Pure Newajilal 173 552 Raipur Bhatni 11 592 Salehepur 509 513 Pure Nirmal Girdbar 101 553 Raipur ShAmapur 248 593 Salem Bauraha r.JaIlIkr;ur 337 514 Pure Niemal Khurd 519 554 Raipur Tijaen 165 594 Salempur D(.daura 449 515 Pure Noharsingh 404 555 Raispur 633 595 Salim Bhadari 74

516 Pure Noti 94 556 Rajanpur 430 596 Salimpur Nidora 684- 517 Pure Paulaha 77 557 Rajapur 538 597 Samanpur 84- 518 Pure Peerghulam 447 558 Rajwapur 228 598 Samaspur 384- 519 Pure Rama 117 5S9 Ramaipur 489 599 Samaspur Dama 695 0520 Pure Ramchandra 186 566 Ramapur Kotwa 669 600 Samaspur Sailwara 301 Xl•



S1. No. in 81. No. in S1. No. in 81. Name of Village Village 51. Name of Village Village 51. Name of Village Village No. Directory No. Directory No. Directory

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

601 Sanda Harakhpur 515 636 Sarai Subhadra 477 671 Soniawan 683 602 Sangipur 75 637 Sarai Syed Khan 682 672 Sujauli 356 6J3 Sa:lgramgarh 201 638 Saraiyan Parvezpur 409 673 Sultanpur 542 604 Sangrampur Kachhar 280 63:) Sariyawan 422 674 Sultan Wajidpur 349 605 Sangrampur Uperhar 281 640 Satpata 289 675 Sundaripur 231

606 Sansaripur 604 641 Shahjamalpur 552 676 Syed Kasimp Ir 127 607 Sarai Anbha 134 642 Shahpur Kachhar 359 677 Syed Yasinpur 266 6)8 Sarai Babain 649 (;43 Shahpur Talab 3SCl 678 Tajpur 420 609 Sarai Barmati 157 644 Shahpur Uperhar 358 679 Tajuddi npur 348 610 Sarai Bhagmani Ajhoma 163 645 Shakardaha 693 680 Tanda 469

611 Sarai Bhagmatli Jasmenda 142 64:> Shamanpur 312 t81 Tarapur Kandai 617 612 Sarai Bhawauibax 475 647 Sheikh Mohammadpur 258 682 Tarkiniya 67 613 Sarai Bhawanisingh 5JO M8 Sheikhpur 303 683 Tekipatti 681 684 Tenda 119 614 Sarai Chhatta 465 649 Sheikhpur Ashig 411 303 615 Sarai Deokumar 108 650 Shcikhpur Chauras 590 6B5 Tewaripur

616 Sarai Gopal 562 651 Sheikhpur Dhanapur 212 686 Tewaripur 630 617 Sarai lndrawat 598 652 Sheikh pur Husai npur 236 687 Tikaitinpur 116 553 618 Sarai Jagatsingh 58 653 Sheogarh Metai 95 688 Tikaria Bu jurg 619 Sarai Jaichand 667 (>54 Sheogarh Turi 579 689 Tikaria Khurd 560 620 Sarai Janmati 170 655 Sheopur 488 690 Tikuri Dashrathpur 387

621 Sarai Khandeo 589 656 Sheorampur 391 691 Tilauri Bikrampur 424 622 Sarai Kirat 405 657 Shergarh 421 692 Tirchha 458 153 623 Sarai Lalmati 124 658 Sherwanipur 255 693 Todarpur 624 Sarai Mahasingh 612 659 Shitalmau 65 694 Trilochanpur 245 625 Sarai Mohammad Sayed 216 660 Shripur 52? 695 Trilokpur 622

626 Sarai Nahar 666 661 Shukulpur 180 695 Udharanpur 53 627 Sarai Nain Kunwar 478 662 Shukulpur 640 697 Ugapur 446 628 Sarai Narainsingh 122 663 Sia 653 698 Umanpur 76 629 Sarai Nirbho:1 510 664 Silawatpur 678 699 Umari Buzurg 613 630 Saraipur 167 665 Singhol Kachhar 277 700 U mari Kotila 663

631 Sarai Raiju 159 666 Singhol Uperhar 276 701 Umarpur 10 632 Sarai Sangramsingh 194 667 Sohagpur 43 702 Umera Patti 660 633 Sarai 8atbhawan Fateh 536 668 Sona 191 703 Uttar 567 634 Sarai Sathhawatl Garib 531 669 Sonamau Kachhar 271 704 Wazirpur 557 635 Sarai Sowami 5+9 670 Sonamau Uperhar 270 xii



Occu. Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House. Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notatio11s for affi'_" lities) of in Resi· holds Castes educated Hamlets acres dential person. House. ,-__ ...L_~ r---..A...--~ r--...L-~

P M F ~1 F ~I 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


1 Marnhar 3 415 117 131 579 283 296 38 47 32 2 lVlanipur 3 3H 66 76 3-1-0 161 179 62 79 12 3 Jamalpur 5 619 160 175 789 39.; 393 54 sa 26 1 of Arron 11 1,634 268 278 1,257 620 637 226 235 91 4 5 Kamapatti 11 1,960 3H 327 1,551 89+ 747 226 235 117 15

6 Jalilpur 1 151 37 38 201 101 100 20 25 28 7 Govindpl'r Ras

11 Raipur Bhatni 4 473 63 66 320 164 156 42 32 31 1 12 Bhatni 3 420 175 175 790 407 383 110 127 84 6 13 Lakuri 4- 4'()6 98 101 467 224 243 118 168 41 5 14 Birbhadrapur 3 523 85 91 442 215 227 87 43 19 1 15 Basoya 2 289 71 76 3+8 176 172 26 13 9

16 Bhakara 1 561 31 40 172 80 B6 54 68 22 4 17 Bijoomau 3 613 111 112 (>73 28+ 389 62 £4 +S 3 18 Khaprahi 2 158 46 46 245 116 129 13 5,) 18 19 Pure Bhattachar 1 11+ 50 50 191 96 95 25 1» 13 20 Pure Bahadllr 1 112 45 45 218 102 116 73 82 7

21 Pure Anrlldha 3 182 63 63 332 162 170 36 33 17 6 22 Pure Balbhadra 1 260 30 30 89 42 47 9 23 10 579 137 145 865 369 496 92 90 68 11 24 Mohanpur 1 83 27 27 148 76 72 31 23 3 25 Kedaura 6 410 119 119 530 272 258 66 61 35 5

26 Babupur 3 277 71 74 345 174 171 20 21 44- 27 Lohangpur 6 565 79 79 362 172 190 48 48 10 28 Narainpur 13 795 256 266 1,484- 70+ 7BO 213 239 147 21 29 Jewain Riv. 11 1,168 283 288 1,513 806 707 195 200 i5 13 30 Chakadar Riv. 2 144 43 43 201 103 98 80 49 B

31 Babhanpur 4 417 114 115 468 232 236 35 23 2S 3 32 Payagipur 5 555 155 162 725 352 363 168 155 73 8 33 Dewapur Kaithaula 1 100 59 65 259 130 129 15 12 20 34 Arjunpur 1 113 45 45 228 106 122 42 ~8 26 7 35 Lakhasenpur 1 170 30 32 179 83 96 31 49 32 1

36 Kausilapur R, Mp. 3 263 163 168 742 378 364 63 80 100 19 37 Benipur 3 153 78 80 183 89 94- 27 24 18 38 Madhkarpllr 7 546 157 164 776 372 404 34 43 50 39 Agai R. Riv, Po. 49 3,418 857 907 4,224 2,034 2,190 416 520 33B 32 40 Kalanpur Riv. 5 359 101 125 544 264 280 80 86 44

41 Rohara Riv. 5 341 72 73 380 180 200 35 46 58 2 42 Delhupur Riv. 7 463 137 188 738 369 369 58 77 30 ~3 Sohagpur Riv. 2 206 51 58 277 129 H8 2S 41 45 3 44 Kamapur Saraiyan R_. 3 154- 50 SU 27+ 132 142 23 35 53 2 45 Kaithula Riv, Po, 17 J99 270 280 1371 663 708 177 211 16(1 16 XUl••• bialCi'oRY ~ RURAL

WORKERS NON. Total Workers ....L (I-IX) ,- ---- WORKERS I It III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No. ~ ~ -"'- ~.....-., ~ ~ ~ ~ -"'- -"'-~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1

RAMPUR KHAS BLOCK 188 132 140 91 27 29 5 13 12 1 1 95 164 1 105 111 78 76 16 21 8 8 3 6 56 68 2 255 175 158 93 26 40 11 59 27 5 3 7 141 218 3 381 335 261 227 66 76 6 22 25 21 7 5 239 302 4 495 261 309 128 129 109 5 28 17 5 1 4 2 20 4 309 486 5

57 18 47 17 8 1 2 44- 82 6 71 28 69 27 2 1 37 97 7 630 473 500 307 102 133 9 7 5 5 1 3 1 1 9 20 395 555 8 262 251 229 209 15 36 3 5 1 14 1 148 . 198 9 143 123 119 86 22 37 2 125 160 10

84 59 76 22 16 1 2 80 64 11 246 1. 194 88 31 27 15 6 161 268 12 126 115 96 82 22 27 3 5 5 98 128 13 151 19 137 13 13 6 1 64- 208 14 99 11 95 7 4 4 77- 161 15

38 16 32 9 6 7 48 70 16 156 lOS 123 70 26 34 3 1 4 128 284 17 77 61 37 12 38 48 2 1 39 68 18 68 25 44 5 23 20 1 28 70 19 58 47 31 23 17 22 7 2 3 44 69 20

99 86 55 51 38 33 6 2 63 84 21 25 26 24 26 1 17 21 22 210 179 145 108 48 61 15 10 2 159 317 23 45 14 40 10 3 3 2 31 58 24 155 47 129 16 22 31 4 117 211 25

99 9 95 7 3 2 1 75 . 162 26 103 49 81 31 13 12 6 6 1 2 69 141 27 403 356 289 212 82 98 1 12 18 1 11 8 7 20 301 424 28 3,93 261 284 149 26 37 38 35 27 15 18 25 413 ·446 29 64 18 52 18 2 ::; 2 39 80 30

132 35 118 28 8 3 2 2 2 1 2 100 201 31 202 94 179 73 11 13 4 5 2 7 160 269 32 74 48 66 39 4 II 2 1 2 56 81 33 60 39 48 32 3 6 6 1 1 1 1 46 83 34 47 22 30 15 6 6 1 3 7 1 36 74 35

240 55 85 6 15 14 41 14 19 68 15 12 6 138 309 36 51 21 34- 8 9 11 8 2 ... 38 73 37 242 195 224- 184 8 11 2 3 130 209 38 1,:J;5 925 1017 733 148 166 45 21 1 3+ 5 I 19 769 1,265 39 169 130 114- 85 29 31 15 14 3 1 7 95 150 40

103 59 74 2,S 18 33 1 1 3 7 77 141 41 205 56 174 29 27 25 3 2 1 164 313 42 79 46 49 37 5 9 2 20 3 50 102 43. 69 48 60 34 7 13 2 1 63 94 44 383 232 201 92 78 107 33 31 12 1 37 1 20 280 476 41 KUNDA TAHSIL

Occu. Serial Name o£ Village Number Area pied House. Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations of amenities) of in Resi· holds Castes educated Hamlets acres dential persona Houses r-_"yI r---L-~ r---L~ ~


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

46 Bari Bojh Riv. 5 1,438 130 133 672 339 333 38 44 42 4 47 Bachhaul 4 218 76 78 443 220 223 57 65 67 2 48 Mendhawa Riv. 4 1,083 210 218 975 452 523 133 167 80 9 49 Gondwa Riv. 14 872 210 258 1,115 494 621 109 119 77 10 50 Bhojpur Riv,H. 13 910 252 254 1,928 863 1,065 171 228 257 14

SI Pechura Riv, Po. 5 768 177 185 1040 503 537 74 70 137 6 52 Kair~ Riv. 2 172 48 49 249 116 133 22 34 40 1 53 Udharanpur Riv 3 399 232 247 1,241 562 679 95 119 112 17 54 Amawan R, Riv, Po. 16 1,410 357 357 1 597 730 867 116 107 187 25 55 Dagrara Riv. 3 511 117 123 755 374 381 42 58 55 7

56 Gokhari R,Riv. 10 907 242 256 1, 157 554 603 102 157 9 57 Asainapur 3 322 98 103 521 252 269 46 72 2 58 Sarai Jagatsingh 6 434- 154 158 724 325 399 75 101 40 2 59 Khalsa Sadat R. 7 372 120 123 989 480 509 183 184 •77 1 60 Mahimapur R. 1 127 46 46 241 110 131 13 21 16 7

61 Govindpur Misrainpur 2 159 69 69 350 171 179 12 23 51 3 62 Pure Tilakram 3 309 124 127 590 275 315 75 110 38 1 63 Patti Khana R. 3 221 141 148 759 354 405 117 131 52 1 64 Pure Tikaram 3 155 67 72 351 1M 187 34 45 4S S 6S Shitalmau R,Mp. 11 817 258 290 1230 65+ 576 117 131 232 47

66 Pure Harkishun Dube R. 3 332 82 84 397 203 19-1 34 45 55 5 67 Tarkiniya R. 1 142 23 24 94 42 52 8 4 12 68 Bhebhaura R. 3 396 97 106 496 230 266 27 34- 62 69 Ajhara R,Po. "5 847 218 224- 1,070 526 544 44 53 165 15 70 Ramgarh Raila 6 716 101 111 5+3 250 293 73 90 80 13

71 Pure Matha 3 254 71 76 331 149 182 57 61 48 72 Laloopur 3 437 73 8S 366 173 193 80 88 22 1 13 Jainpur 1 208 34 41 202 98 104 20 29 15 2 74 Salim Bhadari 6 716 185 189 887 392 495 60 57 67 3 75 Sangipur 3 296 70 73 337 178 159 27 14 63

76 Umanpur 2 274 S3 53 234 120 114 46 58 29 77 Pure Paulaha 1 103 10 10 44 19 25 3 2 10 78 Pure Dinanath 2 135 25 27 134 56 78 20 19 10 79 Khamsari 3 201 79 81 432 221) 212 38 24 24 80 Pure Bhauram Bujh 2 161 57 75 340 143 197 40 42 30 -5

81 Dhondwa Gangan R. 2 594 60 75 703 333 370 105 75 48 t 82 Pure Banshi 3 120 144 147, 668 28+ 38t 9[) 85 29 6 83 l'araspur 2 437 78 79 417 200 217 69 60 16 1 8~ Samanpur 4 283 110 127 593 270 323 45 52 76 t 85 Qa2:ipur 1 96 14 20 108 49 59 16 4 10 2

86 P,uc Nandan Riv. 2 112 21 24 122 b7 55 1 1 23 ... , 87 MaJiplir Riv. 2 lS2 45 48 221 96 125 24 25 32 ,88 Bankati 2 102 45 47 222 107 115 27 22 48 1 89 Baiialpur 1 123 39 49 2~0 111 109 46 39 21 1 90 rure Dharamraj Tulai 1 B6 28 31 137 5S 82 9 Xv



WORKERS Total Workcn NON· (I-IX) ,------A.. ______------"""'1 WORKERS I II III IV V VI VII \'III IX x Serial No.

M F M F M F 1\1 FM F MF MF M F M F M FM F 140 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

197, 132 117 53 64 64 14 14 2 142 201 46 134 52 88 8 4': 43 3 1 1 86 171 47 247 177 195 125 27 39 2 16 12 1 6 205 346 48 268 323 223 279 24 41 4 2 1 1 9 1 5 1 226 298 49 444 345 238 204 80 99 70 24 2 1 31 14 2 21 3 419 720 50

284 186 228 141 35 38 11 2 3 5 219 351 51 72 50 61 34 8 6 2 1 44 83 52 324 306 240 220 43 76 2 3.1 6 1 6 4 238 3~3 sa 378 365 271 285 40 46 33 31 11 2 2 20 1 352 502 5+ 199 148 168 104 17 26 14. 18 175 ::33 55

331: 258 259 172 38 47 8 17 5 4 16 22 223 3. 15 5r) 153' 132 110 88 22 29 14 9 7 6 ~19 137 57 203 219 155 140 32 62 15 16 1 1 122 WO 53 323 311 267 239 44 63 4 4 7 5 157 198 5) 63 62 62 (O 2 1 47 69 f,l)

105 98 101 S8 3 8 2 1 66 81 61 177 200 13+ 164 25 27 8 8 2 2 6 1 93 115 62 180 102 116 59 47 37 5 5 5 7 1 174 303 63 91 65 60 52 11 11 11 2 1 1 ... 2 5 73 122 M 387 123 172 63 28 28 6 18 22 65 7 5 89 7 267 453 65

110 64 62 29 20 21 4 11 10 2 3 7 4 93 130 66 26 1+ 23 11 1 2 ... 2 1 16 313 67 117 111 87 78 16 24 124 7 ... 1 4 4 113 155 68 261 58 154 25 55 16 2 9 1 3 9 11 3 26 4 265 ,SI) 69 142 48 107 18 24 25 6 5 5 108 245 70

76 58 47 23 25 35 4 73 12L 71 96 75 40 12 55 63 ... 1 77 ; 18 7.' 48 31 24 11 16 20 2 6 50 '13"3 201 223 167 181 18 ,37 9 5 3 4 191 ')72 7':; 99 55 53 31 24 21 16 3 2 .j. 79 ! ('. .1" ~ 5

76 34 41 14 25 14 3 6 44 80 76 12 6 12 6 7 19 7'"" 31 37 17 16 11 21 2 1 25 41 78 138 76 83 S3 19 13 24 ') 1 10 !E 135 7') 74 31 63 30 3 1 3 5 09 166 80

172 185 116 1.34 23 43 9 7 .. , 2 19 1 3 161 135 81 184 223 80 96 46 79 4 27 35 ') 11 6 7 7 100 161 82 143 129 102 82 30 41 5 5 1 5 1 57 88 83 142 74 112 44 17 24 1 12 6 128 249 84 29 6 23 5 1 1 5 20 53 85

31 12 26 9 5 3 ... 36 43 86 41 43 36 31 4 12 1 55 82 1>7 64- 35 44 10 17 24 2 1 43 80 33 57 24 47 14 2 7 2 .... 1 5 3 54 85 89 ~2 34 31 32 1 2 ,.. ! •• tr' ,t' ft· .,f" 2~ +0 ~') f,- '" ". '" xvi



Occu­ Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House­ Total Population ScheJuled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi­ holds Castes educaled Hamlets acres dential persona Houses ,--__...J_ __~

P M F M F M F 7 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13

91 Bhadari 12 561 305 309 1540 726 814- 87 118 149 10 92 Chandapur 2 259 39 44 180 105 75 22 14- 37 4 93 Itaila 3 290 111 116 577 262 315 54 41 103 19 94 Pure Noti 3 276 76 83 376 180 196 16 10 04 1 95 Sheogar h Metai _ R,Riv. 2 185 43 43 183 87 96 20 9 21 1

96 Hulasgarh Kalan Riv. 3 323 124 126 530 263 267 43 29 42 9 97 Pure Rohniram Riv. 74 Un-jnhabited 9B pure Fatehsingh 'Riv. 2 554- 49 50 246 119 127 38 22 13 99 Ranjitgarh Riv, 2 232 25 25 118 51 67 4- 7 6 100 Ramgarh Riv, Mp. 4 303 78 80 360 159 201 46 35 35

101 Pure Nirmal Girdhar Riv, 3 398 78 80 110 54 56 24 13 17 l' 102 Pure Rup Riv. 1 180 2 2 18 11 7 5 103 Pure Birbal R. 3 293 126 141 627 284 343 50 36 74 7 104 Pure Ghanshyam 1 144 4 6 ' 25 14 11 8 ..• 105 Burhiapur 2 644 90 100 508 235 273 37 27 32

106 Dhingausi R. 7 947 234 249 1097 537 560 169 189 154- 26 107 Kalikapur 1 58 8 9 40 16 24 .J 4 5 lOB Sar·ai Deokumar 1 63 14 15 104 53 51 7 2 12 109 Dhinwas R,H,Po, 18 1,611 589 610 2,861 1,390 1,471 255 255 295 19 110 Kalyanpur R: 4 113 119 119 522 257 265 96 152 62 2

111 Kambhit Riv. 1 234 25 25 130 65 65 34- 44- 4 112 Pure Hi ranand 1 157 14 14- 47 25 22 3 113 Pure Gangaram 1 73 20 20 105 60 45 3 3 7 114 Pure Gajai 2 142 63 80 183 94- 89 17 30 15 115 Pure Ban 1 100 15 15 72 29 43 26 -8

116 Tikaitinpur 1 155 42 42 198 115 83 23 21 13 2 . 117 Pure Rama 1 51 25 25 118 59 59 19 19 6 118 Kandhaiya Dullapur 1 113 67 68 352 178 174 26 27 27 119 Tenda 3 310 66 67 321 140 181 18 34 32 120 Purbara R, Po. lt 2,340 444 467 2,352 1,163 1,189 320 348 138 7

121 Asarahi Po. S 1,056 -94 100 489 247 242 57 68 17 5 122 Sarai N arainsingh 3 223 40 42 202 96 106 25 36 19 8 123 Pure Kewal 2 361 49 50 231 107 124 31 45 16 124 Sarai Lalmati 1 5SS 89 91 39~ 175 219 23 14 20 ., 125 Dharoopur R, Mp, Hos. 5 735 524 539 2,485 1,100 1,385 132 273 335 38

126 Devigarh 1 137 54 58 251 123 128 19 45 8 127 Syf'd Kasimpur 1 54 25 25 120 60 60 34 37 4 12B Pure Gopal Pande 203 47 49 257 130 127 48 49 3S 3 129 I-Iarnahar I 348 151 157 756 362 394 226 253 90 11 130 Kauridih 3 415 70 73 312 160 152 48 42 11 7

131 Madamai 9 754 147- IS5 935 497 438 144 146 9!) 132 Pure Mai Suit "nour 10 699 183 199 939 457 482 169 199 7-l 4' 133 Parasrampur 1 50 2 2 20 10 10 134 Sarai Anbha 2 118 25 25 112 59 53 9 10 12 13S fureJura 1 138 14 IS 9$ SZ 43 4 .. ' Z t" DlltE(lIORY


WORKERS Total Workers NON. (I-IX), ,..------'-----_-..L ------.... WORKERS I II III IV v VII VIII IX X Serial No.

M F M F M FM F MFM FM FMF MF M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 'J1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

428 14-7 388 126 18 t6 l:l 2 2 7 3 298 667 91 55 23 40 6 11 1.1- 2 3 2 50 52 92 146 94 124 67 P 70 7 6 2 1 116 221 43 96 75 8£} 60 4 1+ 3 1 84 121 (H 45 33 38 78 ;I 1 2 4 2 42 63 95

137 137 122 119 10 17 3 126 130 96 Un-lnhalJJted 97 67 70 5"> f6 5 3 2 4- 52 57 ,98 24 43 18 34 0, 9 ... 27 24 99 84 83 61 48 20 34 2 1 75 118 100

25 20 25 20 2£) 36 101

5 5 V' 6 7 102 1404- 109 10{ 79 18 23 10 6 12 140 234 103 5 2 4 2 ... 1 ·9 9 104 114 122 92 105 13 1

309 327 182 lRO 97 125 9 11 6 7 14 4 228 233 106 11 7 q 4 2 3 5 17 107 25 28 24 26 1 2 28 23 108 740 424 456 147 152 214 28 28 2 2 49 18 51 17 650 1047 109 148· 11+ 94 91 5 7 21 12 2 B 4 18 109 151 110

40 3.j. 23 20 17 14- 25 31 111 18 6 18 6 7 16 112 30 22 25 15 3 4 2 3 30 23 113 56 39 34 22 17 17 5 38 50 114 19 16 14 12 5 4 10 27 115

64 30 46 23 13 7 1 2 2 '51 53 116 33 18 31 14 3 3 1 3 1 21 41 117 100 51 80 37 13 7 3 2 2 2 5 78 123 118 71 42 54 28 15 14 ... 2 69 139 119 675 513 471 319 91 69 91 113 6 2 14 11 488 676 120

130 89 122 77 8 12 117 153 121 ~q 31 40 14 5 15 2 2 47 75 122 53 60 49 55 2 5 2 54 64 123 o~ . '/ 93 77 40 19 53 1 78 126 124 500 316 269 133 106 95 48 38 6 35 21 1 3S 29 600 1069 125

-80 65 71 53 5 9 4 3 43 63 126 35 25 24 15 10 9 1 1 25 35 127 68 33 55 20 12 13 1 62 94 12R 182 146 108 6::1 61 81 7 4 2 4 180 248 129 93 59 69 38 21 17 2 4 67 93 130

340 261 306 224 34 37 {57 177 131 281 279 269 258 7 16 3 4 2 176 203 132 5 6 5 6 5, 4 133 33 24 22 18 8 4 3 2 26 29 134 2tr 24 28 24 ... 2IJ. 19 135 "wi VlLL4GI


Occu. Serial Name of Viilage Number Area pied HOllSe. Total P"pubtion S~heduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi. hold. Ga~tes educated Hamlets acres dential perion• Houses r-_J.._-~ ,--.J.._~ ,...._..A.._~


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

136 Kondri 2 266 35 37 193 9~ 98 29 35 9 137 Mohammadpur Char pur 1 367 9-1- 96 433 206 227 68 81 16 138 .lasmenda Po. 2 468 100 114 518 259 259 73 71 45 3 139 Jurapur 1 165 43 44 219 112 107 28 28 17 3" 140 Pure Janai 1 307 47 47 253 120 133 20 23 2 ...

141 Pure Bhikhari 1 % 60 61 287 145 142 85 77 14- 142 Sarai Bhagmani Jasmenda 1 158 42 42 187 89 98 33 34 5 143 Khandwa 9 756 191 197 918 438 480 138 60 98 S 144- Mothin S 891 250 255 1,211 580 t.31 178 174 76 3 H5 Pratap Rudrapur 1 369 28 33 137 77 60 18 22 13 2

146 Darhat 1 40 37 38 182 86 96 2 5 4 147 Neknamipur R. 1 98 43 43 226 113 113 +0 40 14 148 Majta Chupsingh R. 2 64- 4S 45 231 132 99 52 47 16 149 Rampur Bhanso 1 362 19 21 85 43 42 9 150 Pure Sadhoram 2 165 14 14 103 51 52 3

1St Pure Sewa Rais 1 250 32 35 166 95 71 13 2S 10 152 Pure Narainrai 2 66 34 34 140 72 68 5 6 12 153 Todalpur 2 318 71 76 296 154 142 12 1 29 154 Pure Jodha 2 256 34 34 192 99 93 7 15 3 155 Madangarh t 364 54 54 211 109 102 22 27 5

156 Delha R, Po. 10 3,182 370 381 1,961 1,005 956 152 282 169 25 157 Sarai Barmati 2 214- 12 14 70 34- 36 5 158 Kesbopur 1 204 57 62 32~ 139 ' 185 36 8'3 26 6 159 Sarai Raiju 2 491 58 58 307 139 168 37 70 20 5 160 Khajuri R. 4- 297 110 tto 414 174 240 23 58 - 21 1

161 Balipur Ka,r. 3 164 95 96 415 178 237 22 71 9 2 162 Dewapur Rampur 5 387 110 112 496 242 254 3E1 65 126 2 163 Sarai Bhagmani Aihoma 2 121 61 64- 316 163 153 54 49 28 4 1M Pandari R. 4 223 84 87 359 18,1 179 20 49 44 4 165 Raipur Tiiaen R. 5 331 164 168 818 402 416 131 206 93 7

166 Bhagdhara R. 3 561 64 64 381 188 193 49 61 58 15 167 Saralpur 4 188 83 91 476 246 230 41 38 28 1 168 Rhimpur 2 90 35 40 230 120 110 2 1 13 169 Jagannathpur :1 698 169 171 798 397 401 72 130 69 1 170 Sarai Janmati 7 885 97 102 476 237 239 79 89 47 5

171 Katra Sangramsingh 2 407 33 39 205 lOB 97 30 43 11 1 172 Hetauli 6 304 112 112 579 295 284 45 70 64 8 • 173 Pure Newajilai 2 131 16 21 125 62 63 8 13 21 3 174 Pure Inchharam 2 296 63 65 294 150 144 26 SO 9 175 Kanura 1 109 9 10 53 25 28 3 2

176 Govindpur Narainpuf 1 63 16 16 81 39 42 1 1 11 1 177 Pure Sa" 1 127 29 30 164- 74 90 8 23 10 178 Pure Chau_ t 98 7 7 42 17 25 1 1 179 Pure Shankar 2 103 40 51 236 127 109 10 16 33 .2 ltiO StlqkulPl1f t l26 S. 57 267 US 1~1 So 57 23 a ll'URAL-Contd.

WORKEIlS Total(I-IX) Workers r- ______. _____ .A-__ ------""""' NON. WORKERS 11 III tv v VI VII VIII IX x Serial No.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 t

36 55 54 .w t 6 1 1 39 43 136 110 132 93 106 14 20 3 6 96 95 137 ISS 122 114 91 11 14 23 16 2 5 104 137 138 60 63 44 48 13 13 2 2 .),. 1 52 44 139 83 88 77 82 3 1 3 5 37 45 140

86 83 51 55 24 15 11 13 59 59 141 S6 59 42 46 14 13 33 39 142 229 79 128 17 61 46 IS 15 ... 12 10 1 209 401 143 338 210 245 102 82 97 3 2 2 6 9 242 421 144 51 28 36 19 9 8 1 1 2 2 1 26 32 145

48 56 4S 52 2 3 1 1 38 40 146 62 53 45 41 16 12 1 51 60 147 70 57 S2 41 15 16 ... 2 62 42 14B 30 2S 17 18 11 6 2 1 13 17 104·9 30 24 30 24 21 28 150

48 28 44 24 3 4 ... 47 43 151 38 33 34 25 4 7 1 34 35 152 95 36 83 30 11 6 59 106 153 58 32 58 32 41 61 154- 74- 34- 62 27 7 7 2 3 35 6S 155

564- 376 276 251 106 96 69 19 2 87 2 24- B 441 580 156 20 24 19 24 1 14 12 157 81 85 55 54 22 30 2 1 2 58 100 158 85 70 S9 46 23 23 1 1 2 54 98 IS9 73 48 47 34 19 8 3 6 2 2 101 192 160

90 82 81 74 5 7 2 1 88 ISS 161 133 77 112 35 18 41 3 1 109 177 162 81 55 55 40 10 12 2 11 1 5 82 98 163 90 96 68 90 4 2 2 4 2 12 2 90 83 164 251 213 163 116 44 67 26 25 4 2 5 9 3 151 203 165

122 94 84 70 12 18 6 3 2 7 2 9 3 66 99 166 142 10 139 5 3 5 104 220 167 81 69 62 57 10 8 7 2 2 2 39 41 168 231 160 157 93 39 40 3 26 26 ... 5 1 1 166 241 169 142 98 119 77 10 11 3 7 7 1 1 2 1 1 95 141 170

62 6 50 4 6 2 6 ... 46 91 171 163 89 119 53 30 36 8 6 132 195 172 29 25 27 21 2 4 33 38 173 85 61 82 53 3 8 6S 83 174 16 7 16 7 9 21 175

25 9 23 8 1 1 1 14 33 176 41 24 25 11 15 13 1 33 66 177 12 6 11 4 1 2 5 19 178 75 23 6S 18 6 5 1 2 1 52 86 179 70 43 31 t 26 29 ...... to 5 3 ... 6S 89 180 ",,* ViL~AGi


Occu. Serial Name.of Village. . Number, Area pied, House. Total Population Seheduled Literate and No. (Notation, for amenities) of in Resi. holds Castes educated Hamlets acres dential penons Houses ,-_J.._~ ~ ~

P M ,F M F M F t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

181 PUre Hariju 56 Un.inhabited 182 Khairapur Chemi 4 389 126 126 552 286 266 47 49 49 3 183 Rampur R. 3 696 196 247 1.151 767 384 87 91 155 14 184 Jagdishpur 1 60 39 39 177 89 88 4 41 12 1 185 Anchara R. 3 180 63 65 30Wi 170 176 44 18 44 2

186 Pure Ramchandra 2 297 77 83 396 191 205 64 70 27 2 187 Bahabarahar 68 Un.inbabited 188 Maidapur 82 Un.inha.bited 189 Pure Shiamsingh 1 262 .18 18 83 46 37 13 18 13 190 Mohsinpur 2 243 42 46 210 109 101 44 38 14

191 Son a R. 1 171 42 42 187 90 97 55 23 11 192 Pure Basantrai 3 240 88 89 466 237 229 71 79 25 2 193 Pure Sewakrai 4 208 103 104 471 224 247 67 72 26 8 194 Sarai Sangramsingh 3 456 147 151 645 339 306 93 99 7 195 Pure Chhattu 4 901 69 73 358 176 182 41 50 39 1

196 Karmain 3 447 46 49 246 115 131 89 86 10 4

TOTAL OF RAMPUR KHAS 7-16 8!,l48 19,526 20,554 98,622 47,968 50,654 11,415 12,950 8,975 788


197 M9hammadpur 3 608 116 117 525 250 275 63 71 33 1 198 Chubhki 1 158 21 22 122 59 63 20 18 24 199 Asog 6 495 149 152 734 367 367 129 141 46 8 200 Hisampur R, Mp. 4 222 13(') 137 568 291 277 SO 77 75 23 201 Sangramgarh R,Mp,Hos,H,Po. 14 861 478 482 2,081 1,017 1,064 208 234 233 34

202 Magrahar 3 178 23 23 123 69 54 9 11 29 203 Bauliya Bazyaft 6 620 196 204 836 428 408 43 41 34 4 204 Pure DhanaTikariya 5 598 195 198 957 457 500 94 119 85 10 205 Balhiapur 3 690 80{ 84 355 174 181 47 51 4 206 Ratanpur Maheshpur 3 280 77 78 370 177 193 34 26 14

207 Qasba Latifpur 3 967 W1 184 71H 383 398 119 143 103 17 208 Rampur Pu. b 136 112 112 482 233 249 31 34 11 209· Rllmpur Dabi 7 75 106 107 497 252 245 SO 79 28 1 210 Dewara Po. 0{ SOO 94 96 413 204 209 SO 97 17 211 Bharatpur 3 501 64 64 362 208 154 25 21 62

212 Sheikhpur Dhanapur 2 268 66 67 319 163 156 S6 47 37 213 Bahhanpllf Padampur R. 1 129 11 11 47 26 21 3 2 3 214. Law ana Po. 13 1,305 340 351 1,587 839 748 77 176 127 1 215, Dayalpur 2 281 178 187 861 427 434 59 82 161 6 2l6: Sarai Mohammad Sayed 2 225 34 34 172 82 90 29 27 5

217 Murethi 1 173 19 19 96 45 51 12 13 2 218, KhUruhaji 2 491 81 81 378 192 186 96 97 24 1 219 Mohan Mathura 1 99 28 29 131 73 58 38 34 9 200·· MQhammadpur Hardeo R. 1 268 21 21 93 SO 43 38 38 2 ... ~: Gopalpur 3 272 41 41 184- .89 9S (I .21 2 - xxi DIRECTORY


WORKERS "Total Workers (I-IX) ,.. NON. -"------~ WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX x Serial No.

M F M F M F M F M FMFMFM F M , M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S

Un.inhabited 181 178 94 163 76 8 14 2 ... 7 2 108 498 99 206 50 23 22 189 12 7 1 172 182 45 9 27 6 269 285 183 58 45 49 39 2 2 8 2 1 96 40 69 23 17 17 31 43 184- 6 1 2 74 136 185 110 83 77 59 19 21 6 2 1 Un.inhabited 5 81 122 186 Un·inhabited 187 23 18 21 17 2 1 188 66 25 36 9 30 16 23 19 189 43 76 190 49 46 4-7 40 2 3 3 41 51 191 146 118 100 81 32 33 6 4 8 91 120 122 89 88 19 26 6 7 111 192 S 1M 125 193 228 7 187 5 22 1 7 1 12 113 In 107 114 6 3 111 299 194 63 6S 195 61 71 55 64- 6 7 54 60 196 27,54919,07520,03312,864 4,062 4715 4S 16 1,539 993 143 12 20 735 174 65 906 30120,419 31,579 ALAPUR (KALAKANKAR) BLOCK

140 161 119 141 10 11 8 8 2 1 110 114 197 35 41 35 40 1 ... 24 223 166 153 109 65 56 1 1 22 198 ... 4 144 201 199 li6 43 90 19 15 19 35 3 1 10 2 23 2 595 356 349 190 75 61 115 23~ 200 40 48 42 18 8 80 39 422 708 201

44- 11 26 9 4 2 14 25 237 144 212 139 13 2 7 43 202 3 1 4 191 2M 203 310 238 254 193 23 32 2 19 7 2 3 i 6 107 87 94 73 13 14 147 262 204- 105 98 91 82 12 16 67 94- 205 72 95 206 206 121 177 93 8 12 10 8 11 7 177 277 207 153 31 109 17 37 11 5 3 2 ' ~ 80 218 208 148 70 113 28 25 33 8 I 2 2 104 175 209 135 81 102 33 24 47 1 6 1 69 122 30 93 7 26 23 3 128 210 86 124 211 95 61 64 45 13 11 10 5 5, (j 0." ~ 68 95 212 19 14 4 3 2 2 7 538 327 330 247 75 37 3 42 21 15 213 63 5 28 14 301 421 214- 252 91 105 50 9 19 27 4 97 4 13 14 175 48' 10 21 3 27 6 1 343 215 34 80 216 218 2 16 1 11 1 17 49 114 8 55 3 49 5 9 1 217 78 17!l 218 41 3 10 I 17 2 4 8 2 27 3 18 6 1 32 55 219 2 ... 3 ""_ -... 23 40 60 63 SO 52 9 9 I 220 29 32 221 VILLAGE


Occu­ Name of Village Number Area pied Literate and Serial (Notations for amenities) of in Resi­ H()lls~' Total Populatio 1 Scheduled e'iucated No. Hamlets acres dential holds Castes persons Houses ,--__~L __--..

p M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It 12 13

222 Chandapur 3 164- 60 62 276 138 138 49 40 48 223 Maddupur 7 463 134- 137 1i62 325 335 33 41 27 2 224 PethanpUt' 6 749 148 148 692 350 342 96 95 1') 225 Kasipur 4 1~ 151 151 637 328 309 67 70 3 226 Rukhaiyapur 3 418 120 121 542 271 271 57 4-7 26

227 Pahipur 2 183 34 37 162 90 72 17 16 19 1 228 Rajwapur 9 383 173 177 718 3'5 353 91 78 38 1 229 Kakariha 6 820 280 282 1.213 598 1i65 130 146 80 T 230 Andharipur 5 750 159 159 723 3M 362 56 40 32 1 231 Sundaripur 1 147 42 45 201 91 110 16 35 12

232 Adalabad 1 #2 33 38 11)6 80 86 12 15 22 2 233 Kotharia 3 32S 60 70 310 163 147 61 57 38 3 234 Bankat Kama 1 115 27 27 13 0 61 69 17 22 25 1 235 Kandron 7 1,116 212 214 904 470 43+ 116 112 32 236 Sheikhpur Husa i npur 1 263 15 15 61 31 30 1 1 ..6 237 Qutabanpur 1 166 26 27 114 EO 54 21 23 3 238 Asthan 8 739 193 197 942 484- 458 72 61 SJ J. 239 Abdul Wahidganj Po. 4 330 150 150 775 383 392 88 103 74- 1 240 Kuswapur Mp. 12 972 301 303 1,451 798 653 117 104 110 11~ 241 Bhaddeon R. 17 822 303 311 1,451 723 738 172 180 117 11

242 Abdul Samadpur R. 1 243 51 51 237 120 117 10 3 20 2 243 Pango R. 23 1,4-71 380 393 1,881 1,038 843 165 174- 192 21 2# Ranimau R. 4 232 113 115 48') 24() 240 30 3~ 74- 7 245 Trilochanpur Po. 4 278 147 149 723 332 391 138 102 78 65 246 Kanchanpur 3 100 39 40 226 117 109 29 29 2+

247 Bangarwa Bijlipur 5 255 62 63 308 163 145 27 21 19 3- 248 Raipur Shamapur 3 477 52 53 26') 122 147 46 60 8 5 249 Kandai R. 1 286 70 75 377 179 198 98 103 31 6 250 Chhachhamau 7 1,111 137 141 637 306 331 134- 145 37 1 251 Madhwapur S 494- 84- 86 352 170 182 45 60 24 3

252 Reoli R. 9 1,()56 165 168 757 378 379 77 36 SO 1 253 Notohi 8 516 120 121 551 279 272 78 SS 41 3' 254- Janwamau R. 20 1,551 381 381 1,824 897 927 155 160 224 62 255 Sherwanipur 1 203 31 32 i53 72 81 20 14 18 256 Keraodih R. S 454 140 140 031 324 307 100 97 72 10'

257 Jhukwara R. 8 822 193 214 952 492 470 197 212 127 130 258 Sheikh Mohammadpur 4- 275 92 92 435 215 220 31 29 33 2 259 Babulapur R, Rl¥. 2 92 21 22 Illl 62 54 16 13 16 260 Korali 3 196 88 91 439 205 234 111 130 29 7 261 Bannauli R. 4- 512 94- 140 732 366 366 149 123 93 ~

262 Chandaura Rly. 3 314 113 113 474 226 248 27 20 32 2 263 Gaud Rly. 2 251 S9 59 290 141 14~ 25 35 24 264- Baraulia Yaqubpur R. 2 197 80 80 333 168 165 5 11 11 265 Pariyawan R,Rly,L,Mp, Po. 16 1,120 549 552 2,740 1,274 1,466 236 136 315 67 266 Syed Yaainpur 2 133 72 72 322 160 162 47 43 52 50 xxiii


"R URAlr-Contd.

WORKERS NON. Total Workers -L- (I-IX) WORKERS II III IV V VI vn VIII IX X Serial No. ,1",-.. _.A-. -"'"- ~ .-.A-. ...-..A--. ~ ~ ~ ~ -"""- M F M M F M F M F M F M F M F F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

85 51 63 31 16 15 1 3 2 53 87 222 "202 14-1 172 133 13 2 6 5 1 10 123 194 223 196 87 114 31 80 55 1 2 154 255 224 207 196 197 186 5 9 5 1 121 113 225 165 115 147 99 10 14 4 4 2 106 156 226

51 29 41 20 3 7 2 2 4 1 39 43 227 203 107 148 86 32 19 2 18 2 ... 3 162 246 228 351 310 293 280 21 27 16 14 1 3 2 4 247 355 229 247 220 211 185 26 27 5 3 1 4 5 114 142 230 59 60 55 54 3 4 1 2 32 5:> 231

48 39 45 39 ... 2 1 32 47 232 104 74 76 63 8 6 16 5 1 3 59 73 233. 32 22 25 20 1 5 2 1 29 47 234. 259 258 24'3 236 4 6 2 1 16 1 2 211 176 235 21 14 19 14 2 10 16 236

37 38 35 36 1 2 1 23 16 237 281 77 206 49 37 17 24 8 3 12 203 381 238 195 21 152 9 18 10 16 9 2 188 371 239 515 37 424 34 44 2 13 5 20 1 5 4 283 616 240 445 208 2i5 142 85 34 3 41 10 30 19 10 3 278 533 241

-0 19 8 1 /.' 38 45 25 13 5 41 79 242 648 487 413 383 68 58 133 29 1 10 8 23 9 390 355 243 143 86 93 65 22 20 ... 10 11 1 6 103 154 244 169 222 121 147 5 5 1 51 24 10 2 16 8 163 169 245 80 44 57 34 2 1 5 9 14 1 1 37 65 246

102 81 90 71 3 11 5 8 4 61 64 247 79 99 65 84- 7 2 5 13 2 43 48 248 94 50 37 24 26 2 15 14 11 4 5 6 85 148 249 204 169 140 144 42 19 20 6 2 102 162 250 116 100 78 76 10 16 25 7 3 54 82 251

227 178 178 148 9 14 29 7 10 9 151 201 252 176 132 156 127 6 4 4 1 ... 9 1 103 140 253 538 393 393 215 82 131 34 42 6 1 2 21 4 359 534 254 61 54 49 43 11 11 1 11 27 255 221 175 164 147 31 18 3 7 12 11 2 103 132 256

318 270 189 178 39 38 18 25 21 15 2 49 14 174 200 257, 145 83 112 62 14 12 15 9 1 3 70 137 258 34 8 23 7 6 1 4 1 28 46 259 127 100 82 60 30 35 10 5 1 ... 4 78 134 260 171 39 131 29 22 4 2 3 6 2 1 9 195 327 261

135 91 128 76 5 15 1 91 157 262 93 42 72 29 11 13 5 4 48 107 263 101 72 86 69 9 3 5 1 ... 67 93 264 669 S48 343 196 88 86 3 63 230 5 76 5 Ii 80 25 60 918 265 86 77 71 70 4 7 2 6 1 2 74 85 266 " XXIV



Occa- Serl ..I Name of Village Number Area pied Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- House. Total Population Scheduled educated Hamlets acres dential holds Caltes penon, Houses ~- __..J.. ,-_,..L-~ ,--J..~

p M F M F M F 2 3 ... 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 11

267 Miairpur ' 3 142 67 67 390 134- 206 54 5(' 81 15 268 Parsai S 353 136 141 622 334- 288 92 113 90 21 269 Bazidpur 4 330 102 104 445 221 224- 18 26 35 3 270 Sonamau Uperhar 4 379 37 37 226 115 111 23 23 29 :m Sonatnau Kachhar 227 Un.inhabited

272 Mura58apur 5 334 287 322 1,499 663 836 119 153 180 45 273 lbrahimpur R, Rty. 3 219 99 102 462 227 235 71 92 41 s: 274- Alapur R, Rly, L, Mp. 10 421 169 194 844 488 356 102 100 6:: 2 275 Hinahu 7 503 168 176 907 502 405 127 38 60 8 276 Singhol Uperhar 1 276 63 63 265 137 128 6 4 12 1 rn Singhol Kachhar 214 Un-inhabited 278 MohammadabadUperhar 3 429 352 372 1,706 975 731 111 135 582 lJ6. R, Rty, L, Mp. 279 Mobammdabad Kachhar 309 Un-inhabited 280 Sangrampur Kachhar 456 Un-inhabited 281 Sangrampur Uperhar 4 677 146 151 712 346 365 91 101 5S 1

282 Kishundaspur 1 129 93 99 479 237 242 118 119 95 6, 283 Bariyawan R, Rly. 14 615 281 28-1- 1,294 670 624 72 60 91 11 2B4 Chaurahi R. Rly. 6 599 118 119 626 330 296 64 48 38 285 Rampur Garauli R. 10 692 121 123 626 317 309 64 34 40 ,5: 286 Ainthu 9 1,338 236 239 1,076 545 531 149 169 45 2'

287 Jajoopur 3 278 156 156 699 353 346 142 149 52 7 288 Manar 8 525 240 251 1,188 571 617 20 10 139 14- 289 Satpata 8 684- 97 97 436 207 229 51 51 13 290 Barera S 971 219 223 1,054 530 524 170 144 38 1 291 Baraulia R. 2 315 60 60 292 155 137 72 '76 18

292 Ataulia R,Rly. 5 603 83 83 419 211 208 88 94 43 So 293 Ba;ha Bhit R, Rly. 3 343 167 168 739 309 430 84 118 48 294 Antamau 4 434 101 112 563 277 286 56 57 80 4- 295 Chak Banke 26 Un.inhabited 296 Ratahi 91 Un-inhabited

2en Mirgarwa R, RIy. 5 325 161 163 786 3'i5 421 165 186 39 298 Jot Damman R, Rly. 3 233 34 38 191 93 98 19 19 18 299 Lattara R, Rly. 7 720 248 25+ 1,224 591 633 123 129 14;l 39' 300 Karamganj 4 300 71 75 343 174 169 9 15 30 301 Samaspur Sailwara 5 464 157 166 768 406 362 108 99 80 9'

302 Sahjani 14 1,005 205 206 1,077 542 535 141 151 93 5 303 Sheikhpur 3 483 73 86 363 196 167 40 41 21 304- Mohammadpur 3 169 74 78 324 172 152 42 59 16 305 Bargaon R, Rly. 11 512 187 199 975 46+ 511 53 63 90 15 306 Baharamai R. Rly. 4 281 33 34 181 86 95 21 34 12

307 Fatehullahpur R. 2 87 27 30 123 59 64 3 4 18 5 30B Saheli· 4 141 27 29 141 74 67 5 10 16 309 Tewaripur R. 4- 190 115 118 550 270 280 21 22 79 11) 310 Mohtarinpur R. 2 5S 17 19 100 50 50 1 1 5 2 311 Babullahput R. 1 63 5 5 38 20 18 9 xxv

DIRECTORY llURAI-Contd. WORKERS NON- Tota\ Workers ------~ WORKERS (I-IX) Serial V VI VIl VIII IX X No. I n III IV

M F F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34- 35 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

4 1 2 11 1 92 '20 267 92 86 54 62 21 22 65 It 128 206 268 19 12 17 6 206 82 105 53 2 4 2 6 3 1 9 1 98 148 269 123 76 94 65 9 3 2 42 38 270 73 73 71 73 Un-inhabited 271

59 32 356 641 272 2 2 52 29 7 20 1 307 195 120 74 47 57 1 1 4 85 114 213 5 9 2 142 121 123 114 4 5 26 11 1~9 2'8 274 23 3 112 6 2 9 10 319 138 132 117 6 2 2 22 131 227 275 372 178 3'1,7 173 13 5 1 2 53 57 276 84 71 81 71 Un-in habited 277 1 34 56 3 .,. 17 70 12 254 22 478 607 278 497 124 95 44 11 Un_inhabited 279 Un-inhabited 280 2 1 2 3 143 197 281 203 169 187 158 9 9 12 5 14 9 110 193 282 127 49 84 33 17 2 8 8 5 1 20 3 2;5 590 283 425 34 380 16 12 6 3 3 8 5 2 7 1 143 145 284 187 151 159 137 7 5 38 3'> ... 6 8 20 7 98 116 285 219 193 140 144 15 4 2+ 18 1 4 2 3 2 3 248 297 286 297 234 237 186 24 27 7 4 9 3 123 178 287 230 168 174· 119 32 3,) 8 6 28 7 4 9 3 14 2 251 385 288 317 231 187 139 41 74 73 119 289 3 3 134 110 109 80 22 27 28 37 1 5 6 236 274 290 294 250 222 185 32 28 10 3 7 62 110 291 93 27 7 26 1 14 2 14 3 90 147 292 121 61 92 58 3 41 2 16 3 141 3~5 293 168 65 136 17 9 4 1 23 5 144 178 294 7 9 4 5 133 108 99 89 Un-inhabited 295 Un_inhabited 29)

11 4 30 13 155 268 297 156 133 3 2 2 7 209 153 5 2 1 9 4') 97 298 35 1 1 26 227 364 299 53 1 4 66 17 4 22 5 2 44- 364 269 185 197 40 20 ... 4 3 77 96 300 89 70 1 3 97 73 22 5 7 2 5J 29 169 263 301 237 99 158 63 3 1 4 67 37 227 440 302 3 17 11 315 95 220 46 7 2 62 56 303 134 111 116 96 11 13 1 65 5S 304 3 5 4 15 107 97 87 89 4 3 4- 4 4 234 333 305 26 15 13 7 8 230 178 171 149 8 3 1 2 32 53 306 54- 42 36 32 7 7 1 25 42 317 34 22 25 19 6 3 2 2 1 4 28 43 31)8 46 24 30 15 10 8 6 3 130 170 3)~ 4 2 3 1 140 110 102 90 25 14 2 3 2 1 29 48 310 21 2 11 4 2 12 18 311 8 6 XXVI



Oceu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resj.. House_ Total Population Scheduled educated Hamlets acres dential. holds Castes persons Houses ,--__...A.----., ,--...L_~ r---'--......

p M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

312 Shamanpur 3 \ 91 42 45 210 109 101 11 21 12 313 Kiyawan Rly. 12 772 245 246 1,103 534 569 120 129 45 4-3 31"'-.tManikpur Town Area Hos, Po. 3 1522 1,049 1,121 ..),413 2,753 2,660 410 361 413 61 TOTAL OF ALAPUR (KALA- 566 52428 15,172 15,671 72,996 36,639 35,357 8,018 1l,324 6,714- 875 KANKAR) BLOCK KUNDA BLOCK 315 Karimnagar Kalan R. 2 51 48 5() 221 122 99 8 5 18 316 Dandauli 6 637 162 165 768 400 368 69 59 52 1 317 Chaukaparpur Rly, Po. 7 762 188 192 933 499 434 93 47 85 8 318 Jadopatti Rly. 3 220 85 88 402 205 197 98 94 1'l 2 319 Patihar 1 233 40 40 201 102 99 24- 16 6

320 Chak Abdul Ghani 1 40 6 7 24 13 11 12 11 1 321 Bhanapur 3 100 54 57 227 104 123 16 13 15 2 322 Pure Mian 3 29 52 58 228 111 117 23 26 22 323 Launda 5 256 82 85 39D 181 209 53 58 33 1 324- Keshopur R. 5 190 82 82 399 187 212 57 53 13 1

325 Mamauli 9 233 80 9,1 424- 207 217 59 59 20 2 326 Aima Asbhon 6 243 162 165 718 365 353 94- 107 57 11 327 Khemsara Uperhar R. 8 666 156 159 795 398 397 141 134 15 1 328 Khemsara Kachhar 455 Un.inhabited 329 Kursinda Kachhar 227 U c-inbabited

330 Kursinda Uperhar R. 2 376 61 61 225 115 110 18 18 5 331 Gotani Kachhar 1,120 Un.inhabir .. d Gotani Uperhar R, Po. 332 5 473 188 208 983 533 45~) 250 264 _ 137 44- 333 Merean R. 13 918 235 245 1,305 637 669 107 97 118 5 334- Mubarakpur R. 9 625 182 193 1,029 529 5)() 95 76 105 18

335 Bazar Kusahil R. 7 302 88 88 540 255 285 97 103 33 1 336 Amilha R. 4 151 80 81 440 209 231 45 55 16 337 Salem Bauraha Manikpur 2 133 36 36 163 78 85 6 5 1 338 Maudara Uperhar R. 12 1,066 364 365 1,783 900 883 83 88 212 65 339 Maudara Kachhar 1 793 1 1 1 1 1

340 Karenti R. 8 527 160 160 741 361 380 64 133 69 27 341 Bulaqipur R. 4 157 99 100 636 :3 '6 33') 59 72 61 342 Kusahil Dih 11 1,029 3 208 216 1,021 519 502 171 175 129 11 343 Jasauli 2 175 27 27 166 79 87 43 44 5 344 Allupur Bokhari 3 212 18 18 109 5;) 5.1 25 22 1

345 Radhauli 4 321 62 63 359 174 185 62 50 59 18 346 Sahumau 9 724 151 151 688 351 337 100 100 29 347 Dellhagari Jamalpur 17 925 271 271 1 18f> (06 580 113 118 126 S 348 Tajuddinpur R. 6 383 111 142 710 350 360 103 80 65 8 349 Suhan Wajidpur 1 64- 17 22 112 53 59 15 20 7 1

350 Sahabpur 3 330 126 137 727 336 3)1 69 76 351 136 20 Rahwai R,Po. 10 1,533 348 354- 1,691 868 823 142 125 172 42 352 :Bcnti Uperhar R, Mp,l'Q. 22 2,309 728 772 3,515 1,758 1,757 352 332 310 37 353 Bend Talab 1,276 U n·inhablted 354 Banemau Talab 225 U n_illha bi ted xxvii



WORKERS Total Workers ------_____--L ______(I-IX) NON· "-I WORKERS I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX' X Serial No. ~ ..-A--. ..-A--. ~ ..-A-.. ~~ ~-"--" ..-.A-.-.. ~ ,._....___

M F M F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F ~. ! F M F 1\1 F M F 14 1S 16 17 18 19 21) 21 22 23 24 25 _)J' 27 23 29 3) 31 32 33 3+ 3S

4() 7 13 S5 54 45 1 1 2 290 264 235 211 42 4S 6 1 2 1 54 47 312 1 4 6 244 1 481 537 577 296 30 49 288 136 12 205 2 76 305 313 293 54 1,272 2,123 314 21,51513,11914,7669,622 2,lH 1,737 22 13 1,705 U13 89 3 72 901 156 159 1,667 47415,12423,238 KUNDA BLOCK 7P. 52 52 4() 7 3 9 4 8 1 5 1 121i 82 208 81 4 4 1 5 44 47 315 323 184 209 135 26 13 9 16 5 174 286 316 47 4 2 30 16 118 110 67 87 11 22 8 1 1 176 250 317 64 57 53 55 3 2 8 30 87 87 318 38 42 319 9 6 5 6 62 68 54 51 3 17 4 4 5 321' 61 59 49 49 10 9 4 42 55 321 1 2 100 81 72 54 14 19 7 3 2 50 58 322 1 4 4 81 120 129 116 127 2 2 2 128 323 67 83 32+- 132 117 118 114 12 3 2 3 240 181 142 66 57 80 9 13 6 1 75 100 325 230 128 216 118 8 9 5 1 26 21 125 172 326 U n.inhabited 1 168 269 327 Un·inhabitecl 328 329 70 65 64 61 4 2 2 2 ...... Un-inhabited 45 45 330 308 123 249 100 9 1 1 331 12 3 7 30 19 225 392 341 337 304 17 19 13 5 4 12 6 327 332 8 6 245 328 348 262 315 242 16 8 7 3 2 1 1 3 333 14 3 181 233 334 133 144 122 131 7 8 2 5 2 130 7 119 3 9 4 1 122 141 335 42 2 42 2 79 224 336 36 485 297 339 194 36 32 65 55 2 13 6 83 337 30 10 415 586 338 1 339 170 101 120 62 29 7 14 29 6 170 37 125 7 6 3 3 192 279 340 287 190 2C7 141 26 39 38 27 136 293 341 5 10 2 14 31 46 3 37 4 3 3 1 223 312 342 1 33 30 6 23 2 2 1 1 2 84 343 3 1 29 53 344 89 15 71 4 9 10 212 207 203 1!98 7 6 ;J 85 170 345 1 1 3 139 365 102 280 26 10 11 6.1- 64 2 130 346 () H 1 241 183 85 115 19 16 47 60 3 478 347 24 13 11 1 4 9 12 2 167 275 348 29 46 349 149 62 125 48 18 14 6 6 492 227 408 160 49 46 34 21 187 323 350 1,000 432 702 233 143 1 376 596 351 242 18 35 1 15 3 32 Un-inhabited 8 758 1,325 352 U n-inha bited 353 354 xX"iii



Occu- N'QIllber Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and Serial Name of Village of in Rea. hold. Castes Hamlets acres educated No. (N otatlons for amenities) dential person, House. ,---_..J..__ 1 - -~ r---L-~ p M F M F M F 4 6 t 2 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

355 Banemau Uperhar 5 1,100 221 224 t,108 533 575 189 288 5 94- 5 356 Sujauli 494 159 194- 1,033 486 547 106 116 128 8 357 DUerganj 12 787 287 350 1,598 783 815 102 123 134- 4 1,047 189 28 358 Shahpur Uperhar Riv, Po. 238 1,216 640 576 272 253 139 7 359 Shahpur Kachhar 4,987 Un.inhabited

360 Shahpur Talab 538 Un.inhabited 361 Lawa Sukhdeopur 3 383 92 102 385 195 190 16 20 15 362 Mohaddinagar Kachhar 1,600 Un.inhabited 363 Mohaddinagar Talab 246 Un.inhabited 364- Mohaddinagar Uperhar 8 940 429 430 1,929 922 1,007 167 183 92 365 Puraneman Talab 642 Un.jnh a blted 366 Puranemau Uperhar 12 1,584- 465 -488 2,338 1,173 1,165 219 204- 230 4 559 16 367 Diha Riv. 1-48 190 928 479 4<19 126 100 112 76 368 Mahcwa Mohanpur Riv. 3 333 !Y7 120 515 263 302 74 94- 42 2 364 8 36!t Misi! Dayalpur 40 76 398 192 206 41 37 36 1 22 ],292 670 370 Hathgawan Riv,Po. 688 3.198 1,4-81 1,717 224 235 385 69 371 Mahrajpur 3 449 74 75 392 191 201 45 61 38 1 113 18 18 81 15 372 Kaliyanpur 43 38 1 1 17 3 373 Harshankarp'Jr 3 361 48 48 237 107 130 44- 59 16 3 158 80 80 6 374 Kashipur Mohan 380 190 19:1 34 48 74 8 3 159 148 149 375 Parsipur Mp. 683 331 352 59 73 53 14 376 Ibrahimpur 2 217 12 12 81 43 38 3 32 12 12 723 179 1 377 Naubasta 184 918 485 433 38, 55 119 1 378 Daryapur Riv. 4 294- 99 99 400 183 217 61 84- 33 8 662 162 163 814 379 Dhemi 389 425 86 96 83 4

380 Kanti Akhaibarpur Riv. 4 381 110 117 556 285 271 72 73 14 381 Jabanabad Kachhar Riv. 521 Un.inhabited 9 205 205 382 lahanabad Upcrhar Po. 744 1,093 528 565 134 164 128 22 383 Bhadson Riv. 7 784 122 124 698 325 373 111 134 40 10 394 241 241 1 384 Samaspur 1,214 602 612 151 161 128 3

385 Madhukarpur 1 28 28 30 136 60 76 7 22 7 386 Saja Riv. 5 384 81 81 408 217 191 70 59 27 7 471 69 69 355 2 387 Tikuri Dasbrathpur 184 183 90 74 64- 11 388 Ahibaranpur 6 375 155 155 715 345 370 181 162 83 5 233 90 99 481 389 N arsinghpur 223 258 67 83 62 11 10 619 390 Malaka Rajakpur R. 284 304 1,480 600 BOQ 212 254- 166 49 391 Sheorampur 1 111 72 74 302 152 150 37 49 6 701 21 1 392 Kaimba Mp. 332 333 1,717 832 885 198 219 125 28 393 Parewa Narainpur 9 663 194- 267 1,466 717 749 170 171 116 4 92 61 61 345 27 394- Paranupur 161 184- 22 16 59 9

395 Bahadurpur 2 378 89 93 466 238 228 16 8 21 1,346 57 19 396 Bisahia R, Rly, Po. 421 438 2,161 993 1,168 236 325 302 63 3!Y7 Khijirpur R. Mp. 3 173 7'3 80 354- 158 196 20 33 26 5 55! 112 3 398 Rampur R. 115 632 309 323 77 76 67 17 399 Bachhrauli R. 5 250 100 101 614 292 322 3 8 126 38 XXIX



WORKERS "Total Workers NON. (I-IX) .A- ----.. WORKERS I II III IV V VI VII vm IX X Serial No. ~ ~ ..-A-. ~ "...... ,__.. ~ .-A._

F M F M F M F M F M F M F M FM FM FM F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S

291 40 227 33 31 6 22 1 2 1 8 242 535 355 249 214- 173 139 33 29 29 32 7 5 S 1 8 11 237 333 356 441 154- 225 84 31 41 1 133 15 4 25 22 14 342 661 357 361 64 254- 15 45 38 1 22 4 9 29 6 279 512 358 Un-inhabited 359

Un-inhabited 360 126 115 78 13 36 94 9 7 ... .,. 69 75 361 Un-inhabited 362 Un-inhabited 363 498 229 416 137 52 29 18 61 2 10 2 424 778 364

Un.inhabited 365 <636 437 405 283 122 124 1 51 18 3 32 3 22 9 537 728 366 284 218 230 167 35 44 1 2 14 5 2 2 ... 195 231 367 150 178 99 122 38 49 2 2 1 9 6113 124 368 112 128 88 101 20 25 3 2 1 ... 80 78 369

732 508 545 393 SO 65 48 18 2 20 6 3 64 26 749 1209 370 104 105 97 96 2 1 1 6 1 3 2 87 96 371 20 18 20 18 ." 23 20 372 72 60 77 51 - 9 5 47 53 373 90 43 76 27 2 1 8 14 3 1 100 147 374

169 26 93 19 57 7 16 3 ... 162 326 375 17 5 16 5 1 ... 226 33 376 .279 182 225 160 15 11 29 11 8 2 ••• 06 251 377 88 73 68 39 15 33 4 1 1 ... 95 1# 378 216 201 117 23 75 164 12 14 2 ... 173 224 379

164 66 130 33 16 22 14 10 1 3 •.• 121 205 380 U n.inha bited 381 236 189 183 135 22 44- 25 8 6 2 292 376 382 157 83 118 51 32 30 3 2 3 168 290 383 327 142 244 125 52 15 22 1 9 1 275 470 384-

38 33 38 33 ; .. 22 43 385 121 99 112 8~ 9 15 96 92 386 90 56 68 24 22 32 92 127 387 194 99 167 79 13 11 12 9 2 151 271 388 108 93 51 42 23 32 16 5 2 15 14 115 165 389

336 197 208 113 24 53 2 13 6 2 5 82 25 3# 603 390 80 75 51 39 17 19 7 :; 1 4 12 72 775 391 450 208 259 93 93 8') 3 39 24 23 5 33 6 382 677 392 .3~5 88 225 65 40 12 19 4 11 3 47 7 372 661 393 64 29 55 12 5 1 1 3 16 97 155 394

136 57 62 20 1 4 28 33 9 36 102 151 395 502 341 355 207 79 106 13 11 1 5 3 12 37 14 491 827 396 77 68 -40 36 20 28 15 4 2 81 128 397 171 113 103 66 32 33 18 8 8 J 7 6 138 210 393 149 1-4 1-40 9 7 5 1 1 143 308 39!} xxx VILLAGE


Occu­ Number Area pied House­ Total Population Scheduled Literate a.nd Serial N arne of Village educated No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi­ holdi Castes Hamlets acres dential persons Houses .--~_.. J... _. ___ -~... -.,.__- P ]VI F M F M F· 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

18 41 50 R, Rl,.. 4 ,169 33 34- 185 96 89 21 400 Badhaiyahar 267 289 67 7S 96 66 Bhulsa Rl,.. 4- 194 100 107 556 401 18& 194- !t36 453 483 127 123 t07 11 402 Bachbandamau Rly. 6 444 1 250 38 40 176 87 89 2B 36 8 403 Khambha 213 94 119 24 38 18 404 Pure Noharsingh 3 178 43 43 274- 104- 105 558 255 303 24- 16 85 15 405 Sarai Kirat 5 1,733 846 887 344 388 161 17 406 Bhadd )1., Rly, Mp. H, Po. 13 1,286 391 400 256 76 100 39 1 407 Akhtiyari Kotla R. 8 264 93 105 469 213 133 24 24 127 68 59 20 22 27 2: 408 Kabirpur R. Hi.... 1 297 56 65 85 8- 409 Saraiyan rllorvezpur Riv. 6 278 109 126 554 257 187 174 59 36 23 1 410 Mahruipur Riv. 4- 149 70 75 361 592 146 159 809 364 445 97 90 12(. 22 411 Sheikhpur Ashiq R. 4- 1,196 200 229 158 27 412 Majhilcaon R,R.iy,Riv, Po. 12 1,059 410 475 2,325 1,129 1,001 268 299 1,544 741 803 143 152 189 17 413 Ghayaspur Rly,Rif', Mp. 10 1,042 1,193 278 258 224 32 414 Jamethi Mp, Po. 18 1,410 460 484 2,235

458 125 127 683 333 350 53 57 79 4- 415 Paharpur Banohi 8 1,009 1,062 328 437 165 9 416 Raiapur Mp, Po. 22 1,253 415 418 2,071 478 291 371 1,051 514 537 6 8 69 6 417 Basahipur 7 150 150 665 320 345 70 43 52 9 418 Khemipur R, Po. 4, 345 121 777 388 389 84 105 66 15 419 Pengri 5 463 148 295 1,586 7'12 864 150 172 129 44 420 Tajpur R, Mp, Po 11 87& 290 257 95 98



WORKERS Total Workers NON~ (I-IX) r------~~------~ WORKERS I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No.

M F M FM F M FM F M F M FM F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1

61 27 43 20 9 7 4 2 1 2 35 62 400 1414- 95 119 65 7 12 2 .... 3 1 12 18 123 194 401 249 143 147 75 45 SO 24 11 1 10 2 3 19 5 204 340 402 47 S7 39 43 6 11 2 3 40 32 403 S4 74 35 53 11 18 5 3 3 40 45 404

132 132 99 126 9 4- 1 6 1 1 9 1 1 6 123 171 405 446 400 299 298 66 as 11 2 5 11 4 8 46 11 400 487 406 112 124 87 106 12 13 1 7 4 1 4 1 101 132 407 30 17 21 3 7 12 2 2 38 42 408 1.39 63 102 35 19 21 2 9 4 3 4 3 118 234 409

113 78 75 58 13 20 10 9 6 74 96 410 168 123 118 85 33 32 4 3 2 1 11 2 196 322 411 545 446 260 194 88 110 86 71 2 2 47 4 6 54 67 584 750 412 411 140 244 78 70 37 3 45 12 1 1 12 . 3 3 32 10 330 663 413 488 394 316 292 41 36 2 2 38 37 2 2. 10 1 2 75 26 554 799 414

196 171 186 167 3 2 1 6 1 1 ... 137 179 415 567 353 478 292 61 48 11 5 2 6 1 9 7 442 709 416 351 361 297 311 40 50 4 5 5 163 176 417 165 124 127 96 19 20 8 1 6 5 4 3 155 221 418 222 200 195 182 19 17 1 4 3 1 166 189 419

412 242 222 89 16 17 1 1 70 99 3 28 1 2 69 35 310 622 420 120. 36 69 11 10 9 1 19 7 21 9 116 216 421 452 165 289 74 46 49 59 22 3 4 3 48 20 392 702 422 149 75 84 40 41 22 16 12 1 1 6 160 239 423 323 291 274 253 25 31 6 7 2 1 4 11 220 255 424

153 8 74 5 24 23 32 2 120 256 425 135 49 52 23 38 7 3 1 8 33 19 114 197 426 114 12 6 3 ... 5 1 12 5 91 3 70 113 427 552 377 349 302 97 12 1 32 58 3 5 19 1 22 1 24 3 440 694 428 357 345 309 302 19 24 12 17 1 1 2 3 12 164 323 429

269 123 156 73 48 44 1 11 4 2 3 17 5 27 249 351 430 104 15 61 11 1 1 4 2 35 4 77 154 431 28 25 20 15 3 3 6 1 1 1 2 1 34 39 432 71 39 35 14 3 3 16 21 2 2 3 2 8 1 82 123 433 717 563 466 235 180 232 16 80 1 7 3 44 16 699 1,115 434

94 60 70 35 15 22 3 2 ... 2 4 78 88 435 119 74 93 46 17 21 ... 1 2 1 ... 1 ... 6 5 80 141 436 179 132 135 115 38 15 1 3 2 1 1 103 128 437 59 28 49 25 6 3 ... 3 1 41 50 438 103 115 85 100 6 13 1 1 10 82 78 439

235 131 170 78 15 20 19 16 4 .. , 26 17 185 324 440 227 221 202 200 3 4 1<4 14 1 1 6 2 1-84 228 441 142 S9 120 25 12 34 5 4 106 190 442 146 65 108 13 17 50 6 2 7 4 2 100 172 443 187 119 154 90 23 24 5 5 2 3 112 176 444 XXXlJ



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated Hamlets acres dential persons Housel r-----"--~ ;---'--,,"\ r---"-__,

l' M F M F M F 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U

, 445 Pil'8nagar 2 Hi7 131 133 677 331 346 49 57 118 :f 446 Ugapur R. i 422 87 87 427 214 213 65 68 40 7 TOTAL OF KUNDA BLOCK 762 73.814 19,006 20,091 97,086 47,443 49,643 11,167 11,843 9,485 1,455, BABA GANJ (BHAWANIGANJ KOTA) BLOCK

447 Pure peetghulam 2 87 23 23 101 41 60 4 5 8 448 Bedhesin R. 3 299 56 57 306 148 158 4 11 22 4- 449 Salempur Dedaura 6 638 127 134 594 295 299 31 41 52 2 450 Qazipur katam Husain R. 2 170 81 81 340 174 166 9 14 14 451 Mangarh R. 15 1,!W) 398 427 2,026 985 1,041 88 169 188 12

452 Laroo R,Po. 25 2:810 526 536 2,700 1,356 1,344- 429 410 128 34- 453 Baswahi 10 728 148 167 808 415 393 23 44 85 71 454 Aimamau 4- 220 48 49 249 132 117 56 53 32 11 455 Raipur bharkhi 9 473 164 203 993 5211 470 148 71 73 6 456 Jalalput dihwa Riv. 4 434- .,7 100 621 329 292 to 13 74 17'

457 Balla Kiv, Mp. 8 458 97 102 480 226 254 14 28 60 6 458 Tirchha Riv, Mp. 3 512 58 59 388 189 199 74 . 54 57 J 459 Dhamohan 11 813 192 198 870 412 458 27 54 107 2S 460 Ghistba 3 327 73 75 371 171 206 22 25 22 1 461 Pure Maniram 1 96 29 32 134 71 63 3 5 8

462 Pure Dayal 1 31 19 19 82 39 43 6 10 7 2 463 Mahmadpur Sohalf 3 325 106 116 559 272 287 48 103 83 14- 464 Bhaudaspur 2 129 J4. 37 200 109 91 45 60 22 1 465 Sarai chhatta 2 176 83 86 465 217 248 9 1-3 38 2 466 Rampur 1 136 32 41 176 92 S4 12 22 22 3

467 Baburai Jahanpur 3 295 65 76 326 160 166 13 20 60 4- 468 Jaichandpur 4 299 64- 69 414 196 218 38 25 58 3 469 Tanda 3 344 58 66 360 191 169 54 81 46 9 470 Rai Kashipur 7 293 160 172 813 410 403 57 57 80 16 471 Amipur 4 363 155 160 745 ~70 375 40 35 47 3

472 Bhartgarh 3 276 100 106 482 244 238 20 22 52 7 473 Fateshahput 2 148 35 36 185 91 94 13 10 16 7 474 Pure chirantoi .. 2 161 23 24 119 61 58 8 12 14 5 475 Sarai Bhawani balt 2 114- 27 27 110 54 56 18 14- 12 6 476 Lokapur 1 123 25 27 113 59 54 7 7 6

477 Sarai Subhadra 4 194- 50 53 263 128 135 1 27 2 478 Sarai Nain KWl1rar 2 117 17 21 88 39 49 18 15 15 15 479 Kondra Khurd 3 28S 93 95 426 218 208 18 15 22 480 Lalupatti 7 364 160 162 732 380 352 146 137 51 1 481 Pure Basdeo 2 143 33 34 16~ 83 77 8 2 1

482 Raghubar . 5 285 102 106 514 258 256 29 21 37 11 483 Dhangath Po. 7 546 200 210 871 414- 457 51 61 96 19 484 Muraiui 4- 395 111 121 585 278 307 23 22 SO 48S Peeng 6 386 136 149 682 325 357 15 11 111 25 486 Nagaiyamau 4- JOg 85 91 40S 205 203 18 15 29 XltKiii



WORKERS Total Workers ..J.-. ____ NON- (I-IX) .r- WORKERS I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X SerW _&_ No. ,--...A-- ..-..A.._ ,...... _...__. r--A--\ ~ _.A.-.. ~ ~ ~ ...-A-.~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F t 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

55 22 2~ 13 3 20 ...... 16 149 266 44$ 182 80 108 83 131 98 119 93 10 5 2 115 446- 25,956 16,11518,663 11,046 3,001 3,055 24- 9 1,7+7 1,297 64 2 58 63~ 105 117 1 1,648 600 21,487 3,3528 BABAGANJ (BHAWANIGANJ KOTA) BLOCK

2 20 2 1 4 33 39 447 8 21 3 66 83 448 82 75 74 67 3 5 4 121 113 48 44 8 7 7 2 111 133 44~ 184- 166 2 86 106 45()' 88 60 72 54 5 3 9 3 31 0 85 427 886 451 558 155 412 146 28 3 566 259 130 185 9 4 4- 9 1 88 46 550 849 452 806 495 4 154 376 453 261 17 239 17 18 63 2 14 4- 1 54 111 454- 78 6 229 303 167 205 94 52 63 21 5 1 6 4 9 453- 294 3 1 6 154 268 456. 175 24- 126 3 38 10 1 5 12 8 88 191 457 138 63 111 47 15 8 79 88 60 22 16 13 3 66 120 458 123 5 9 8 ISS 277 45) 224 181 180 147 30 26 82 35 16 2{) 7 '3 139 40() 98 61 1 29 48 461 42 15 27 1 14 14 1 21 29 462 18 14 10 4 7 10 Iii () 1 11 1 130 256 463 142 31 77 11 47 31 7 to () 6 2 1 55 76 464- 54 15 100 139 46S 109 90 9~ 22 10 1 4 117 5 3 2 5 39 67 466 25 17 31 12 10 2 S9 37 57 13 21 19 15 S 8 129 467 101 29 2 1 2 80 116 468 116 102 95 66 12 3 b 1 35 11 S9 58 5 5 2 9 6 81 89 469 110 80 148 316 87 149 14 96 68 1 1 8 2 7 3 470 262 8 1 8 7 169 178 471 201 197 83 81- 90 IOU 3 5 93 82 17 11 3 2 12 6 7 3 112 134 472 132 104 1 1 39 54 473 52 40 35 2S 15 15 28 23 3 30 34 474 31 24 3 28 3S 21 23 20 1 475 26 3 29 26 476 30 28 27 25 3 5 2 45 6S 477 83 70 58 48 17 15 3 5 13 8 9 12 17 29 478 22 20 76 92 479 142 116 124 107 14 8 4- 1 113 71 70 21 13 6 8 154- 148 480 226 204- 128 41 35 4" 42 35 33 7 9 481 11 13 2S 11 4- 17 14 103 202 482 155 54 114 193 268 483 221 189 152 118 27 2;) 28 +2 14 94 29 39 1 3 1 1 2 133 173 484 145 134 109 7 134 237 48S 191 120 146 89 29 29 9 2 () 1 2 70 91 48() 135 112 123 IOU 3 8 4 XXXIV



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled- Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi. hOlds Castes educated Hamlets acres denti al persons Houses ,--_..J--_'"""'\ _.__.L_~ ,--_-L--.,

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

-487 Bhitari 3 139 16 20 87 41 46 22 6 488 Sheopur 2 306 38 39 160 73 87 10 15 13 489 Ramaipur 2 99 59 62 290 139 151 16 20 22 2 490 Gulamipur 1 325 23 25 97 49 48 12 11 8 4~1 Murtazapur 2 166 25 2S 123 65 58 10 8 6 2

492 Qazipur Kusewar 7 627 251 266 1,179 599 580 115 115 129 15 493 Mirapur R, Mp. 5 626 59 65 352 177 175 32 40 34 5 494 Rukaiyapur 4 211 48 68 262 126 136 36 57 57 17 495 Asthanwan R. 6 492 138 162 732 349 383 95 122 52 3 496 Arjunateru 9 608 148 158 694- 347 347 55 76 50 4-

497 Saheb Ateru 3 219 55 57 289 161 128 38 52 17 1 498 Khanwari R, Riv. 8 505 117 123 577 294 283 93 100 52 15 499 Bakol 2 330 23 27 158 75 83 15 16 39 22 SOO Sarai Bhawanlsingh 1 101 33 34 172 87 85 16 18 5 .501 Pure Chamela 2 125 33 33 158 88 70 20 18 12

502 Kondara Khas 2 116 11 11 57 32 25 14 503 Bijaimau Riv. 17 900 329 336 1,727 897 830 238 256 91 22 504 Al!ogi 10 694- 136 146 725 386 339 145 147 46 3 505 Narai 4 1,181 200 229 1,157 529 628 112 128 117 12 506 Raigarh Po. 2 303 25 26 124 58 66 26 36 6

507 Dakhwapur 3 463 71 72 328 161 167 74 63 13 1 508 Kashipur 3 379 71 71 293 146 147 85 87 34 7 509 Salehepur 1 234 29 31 132 49 83 18 _ 21 8 1 510 Sarai l\iirbhon 6 536 120 124 547 282 265 98 90 22 2 511 Pratappur Chergarh 3 1,164 144- 144 615 289 326 96 86 48 4-

512 Newada Kalan 6 267 118 118 613 308 305 170 177 14 13 513 Chukerhi 3 237 76 83 436 214 222 111 129 35 2 514 Pure Makhdumpur 9 538 200 212 1,041 487 554 173 185 103 5 515 Sanda Harakhpur 4 242 59 61 277 133 144 82 93 27 2 516 Gujawar Po. 7 954 315 321 1,516 738 778 136 160 211 65

517 Kotila Badi R. 1 165 16 16 72 32 40 5 6 6 4 518 Newada Khurd R, L, Mp. 6 223 86 90 427 237 190 49 56 65 11 519 Pure r-.irmal Khurd R. 2 69 45 48 252 128 124- 14 18 48 520 Chaurang 8 930 163 168 799 376 423 93 120 81 14 521 Behlamai 2 156 194 199 266 142 124 35 37 37

522 Bhardarpur R. 1 87 142 144- 185 103 82 19 17 11 1 523 Kindhauli 7 761 300 315 1,327 630 697 219 217 107 12 524 Bhawaniganj Kota 1'0, 8 753 203 203 981 483 498 105 197 66 2 525 Panahnagar 1 193 126 143 662 332 330 65 85 46 3 526 GopaJpur 5 334 83 89 463 228 235 87 86 35 2

~27 Shripur 2 115 22 22 130 58 72 5 58 24 1 528 Aruhari 3 204 66 66 297 151 146 69 79 25 1 529 Paindapur 2 89 29 29 142 73 69 6 15 4 530 Maladbar Chhatta 2 161 67 72 3()4 147 157 25 30 30 1 531 Sarai Satbhawan Garib 3 294 41 45 203 95 108 34 37 29 xxxv


R URAL-Contd.


Total Workers .J__ NON. (I-IX) r------WORKEllS 1 II III IV V VI VII VIU IX X Serial No. ~ ,_...,___ ,_...,___ ,_...,___ ~ ,-.A--. ~ ,_...,___ ,_...... _"

M F M F M F M F M F' M F M FM PM F M F M F 14 1-5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1

26 25 16 25 5 1 4 15 21 487 '4{) 42 24 24 16 18 33 45 488- 86 5S 51 26 29 27 5 2 1 53 96 489- 33 22 27 16 4 6 1 ... 1 16 26 49() 41 30 31 27 6 2 4 1 24 28 491

333 312 255 254- 34- 38 24 15 7 12 4 266 268 492 lOS 58 65 42 15 12 11 3 1 1 11 1 72 117 493 65 60 30 7 24 52 1 2 9 61 76 494 200 72 148 28 30 34 6 3 2 3 11 7 149 311 495 228 162 165 98 51 53 12 11 119 185 496

92 18 83 2 7 11 1 5 1 69 110 497 180 85 108 30 51 51 4 2 12 5 2 114 198 498 30 16 20 3 9 10 1 3 45 67 .499 46 38 41 33 2 4 2 1 1 41 47 500 41 30 41 30 47 40 501

18 5 16 3 1 1 1 1 14 20 502 524 352 279 89 181 250 21 10 31 2 2 10 1 373 478 503 237 202 209 179 19 21 2 2 2 2 3 149 137 504 291 336 174 204 58 82 6 20 22 13 22 20 6 238 292 505 35 38 19 17 13 16 2 2 1 3 23 28 50(}

93 97 52 24 31 56 5 5 4 12 68 70 507 65 79. 28 16 43 54 14 9 61 68 508 19 39 13 19 i 18 1 2 2 30 44 50~ 175 130 145 120 13 8 8 2 1 4 3 107 135 51()' t89 193 182 186 4 5 3 2 100 133 511

198 201 1&0 176 5 4 5 3 4 25 17 110 104 512 115 95 76 65 26 28 6 2 6 99 127 51J 270 207 148 69 81 76 3 16 46 1 1 23 12 217 347 514 82 64 26 12 42 44 11 6 3 2 51 80 515 419 179 190 55 99 103 37 4 4 1 68 8 2 19 8 319 599 516

22 16 13 9 4 4 4 3 1 10 24- 517 147 66 59 20 42 38 17 6 8 4 17 2 90 124 518- 83 48 23 3 12 19 19 16 2 8 2 19 8 45 76 51~ 227 131 170 45 49 82 5 4 1 2 149 292 520 92 48 57 13 21 34 6 1 1 2 5 50 76 521

71 16 54 11 7 2 2 2 5 1 3 32 66 522 413 250 223 93 148 93 22 40 7 9 12 14 217 447 523 267 76 141 21 84 54 1 1 39 2 216 422 524- 220 150 84 78 37 50 78 21 10 1 10 112 180 525 136 83 B6 45 35 35 8 3 5 2 92 152 526

30 12 28 10 1 2 1 28 60 527 96 63 79 47 13 13 2 1 2 2 55 83 528- 45 30 34 26 2 1 4 2 5 1 28 39 529 86 27 73 19 6 6 5 2 2 61 130 53(} 52 40 37 24- 15 16 43 68 531 xxxvi



OcCUr Serial Name of Villa~e Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi. holds Castes educated Hamlets acres dential persolls Houses r---...L~-~ r--..A..~ r--J.._.__


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

883 532 Bhadganwa Po. 6 644 1?4 173 407 476 64 76 117 4 533 Patna R. 7 617 157 168 844 406 438 73 121 119 12 R. 9 775 199 207 1,062 538 524 122 179 118 12 534 Bhaisana 172 92 80 27 535 Hulas~arh Khurd R. 1 109 34 35 34 2~ 5 536 Sarai atbhawan Fateh R. 4 155 27 29 155 72 83 40 52 25 4

537 :!)ihbalai R. 7 993 188 193 842 414 428 119 166 66 538 Rajapur R, Po. 16 1,390 533 556 2497 1,123 1,374 328 417 239 25 539 Aimapur Biodhan 12 1,132 223 231 1,213 587 626 166 183 121 3 Kusba 2 443 93 97 481 242 239 42 137 f>7 2 540 632 3355 1,697 l,t68 391 377 541 Rai~ath 21 2,8M 629 234 5

542 Sultaopur 1 271 10 10 65 26 39 11 11 11 543 Bahotik pur 7 1,089 188 198 945 459 486 52 53 58 1 R, Mp. 3 314 73 77 396 194 202 29 23 34 3 544 flalipur 488 230 545 Jagapur R. Mp. 6 253 99 99 258 103 116 54 2 '546 Fatubabad R, Riv. 9 763 234 238 1,132 582 55') 139 177 ISS 11 6()1 547 Pure Kisbuni 3 510 128 129 305 296 136 143 62 9 548 Maghi Chaingarh 5 1,015 270 294 1,459 675 784- 195 126 187 23 549 Sara! Sowami 4 219 88 92 375 182 193 51 51 67 2 550 Andawan 1 278 67 67 327 172 155 73 64 33 1 551 Kanawan Po. 7 1,084 206 214 1,156 575 581 135 155 173 15

552 Shahjamalpur 5 113 56 57 266 121 145 60 60 21 7 553 Tikatla Bu jurg R. 6 485 190 198 967 487 48) 103 19'2 85 31 554 N aseerul1apur R. 1 73 21 21 100 53 47 16 12 13 2 555 Dhikuhi 3 182 89 89 433 218 215 34 42 73 5 S56 Balihamau 2 161 58 60 324 153 171 48 52 47 14

557 Wazirpur R, Riv. 6 543 189 194 930 444- 486 111 138 71 558 Qazipur Gulam Jafar 2 148 36 37 185 93 92 21 20 13 3 559 Aidha R. Riv, Mp Po. 29 2,434- 638 669 3.104 1,54'1 1,564- 411 399 270 31 560 Tikatia Khurd Riv. 4 278 70 75 351 165 18S 51 56 32 5 561 Dbandhwa Saroppur 2 173 46 47 221 113 108 47 32 28 9

562 Sarai Gopal 6 461 112 116 535 272 263 88 67 32 2 563 PUfe Maswan &ir. 4 526 161 169 792 383 409 146 111 72 5 564 Looiaput 236 U: _'nbaLited 565 Lodbipur 2 185 28 28 155 70 85 27 26 31 4- 566 Gogahar R. 6 403 169 176 827 434 393 98 107 121 IB

567 Utrac 3 306 97 102 493 253 246 54 67 62 8 568 Champatput 1 199 39 39 183 99 84 48 28 27 3 569 Jhiogur Po. 20 1,410 327 333 1594- 760 834- 249 291 206 9 570 Gopalpur 5 454 75 79 356 156 200 66 76 37 3 571 Mahewa Malakia 5 847 190 198 916 419 496 90 124 105 11

572 Chitta 3 229 49 50 276 127 149 61 71 14 573 Rai Askaranpur 5 799 205 222 1037 488 549 126 169 86 9 574 Athaisa 4 379 75 79 356 166 190 47 60 24 575 Pritampur 2 420 126 128 633 335 298 77 169 56 2 576 P"

~~" XXXVll


R. URAL-Contd.

WORKERS Total Workers NON. (I-IX) ,..------' WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No. ~ ~ -"- .-.A-., ~

M F M F M F M F M F M F M FM F MFM F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1

204 97 143 60 20 19 3 18 21 16 203 379 532 228 63 195 42 25 14 6 5 2 2 178 375 533 311 108 253 47 36 60 9 4 8 1 227 416 534- 54 31 34 17 13 13 2 1 S 38 49 535 31 16 23 14 5 2 1 2 41 67 536

226 214 163 152 35 52 12 1 5 5 6 9 188 214 537 553 496 355 223 116 157 1 12 102 29 4 3S 14 570 878 538 293 62 247 42 19 10 1 16 5 1 1 9 4 294 564 539' 137 42 112 16 18 22 7 4 105 197 54') 007 735 789 567 132 117 40 1 12 4 1 12 8 3 18 12 690 933 541

15 4 15 4 11 35 542 249 193 186 133 404- 43 ... 10 12 2 7 5 210 293 54S 113 24 87 6 12 4 1 8 13 1 2 2 1 81 178 5# 123 70 57 12 42 50 13 3 4 5 7 107 188 545 329 54 252 48 16 6 58 3 253 495 546

189 118 136 64 51 54 .,. 1 1 116 178 547 328 121 li8 1 96 117 2 24 7 1 2 1 18 2 347 663 5m 118 28 91 13 17 14 10 1 64 '165 549 107 105 81 82 21 22 5 1 '" 65 50 5S() 316 166 228 99 55 58 16 9 1 5 11 259 415 551

78 74 62 51 14- 23 2 43 71 552 310 254 252 213 304- 26 13 10 11 5 177 226 553 30 10 14 1 11 8 1 1 3 1 23 37 554 110 65 84 17 14 27 11 21 1 108 150 555 78 45 41 13 16 17 15 12 5 3 751 126 556

237 250 207 238 3 7 7 5 1 1 13 4 207 236 557 53 62 5! 59 2 3 . . ... '" 40 30 558 906 514 675 349 129 112 1 31 40 1 38 5 S 23 8 634 1,050 559 88 67 60 32 12 26 11 9 5 77 119 56() 60 25 33 15 12 9 9 1 6 53 83 551

133 104 97 66 29 33 ... 6 5 ... 139 159 562 202 77 121 21 51 43 1 21 12 1 7 1 181 332 563 Un.inhabited 561 44 21 36 18 2 3 6 26 64 56S 275 198 204 136 35 52 14 2 1 1 19 8 159 195 566

162 14 114 9 19 4 '" 2 23 1 91 322 567 62 10 50 9 5 "" 2 1 .,. 1 4 37 U 568 393 281 339 237 38 44 2 2 4 2 6 367 553 569 81 86 41 30 35 51 2 ...... 3 5 75 114 570 236 167 165 84 5 49 26 20 2 6 11 6 1 20 8 183 329 571

80 58 58 20 4 30 10 8 8 47 91 572 266 126 181 50 59 64 15 6 4 7 6222 423 573 95 95 66 54 21 40 ... 7 1 1 71 95 574 190 121 136 95 13 18 1 9 5 13 14 3 145 177 575 144 102 133 93 1 1 9 8 1 77 134 576 xxxviii



Occu. Serial Name of Village ' Number Area pied House. Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations of amenities) of in Resi. holds Castes educated Hamlets acres dential persons Houses ..J.._-____ ~.~..- ,-- ~~ ,-_..J..----.. P M F M F M F

t 2 3 4 5 6 7 '3 9 10 11 12 13

577 Pure Harke,h 2 177 57 59 290 154 13'1 8') 63 30 3 578 Bhaironpur 3 486 62 76 288 138 150 63 1>3 15 1 579 Sheogarh Turi 2 217 35 39 180 76 104 49 37 10 sao Kaadhapur 1 80 5 9 62 39 23 27 42 581 Qazipw Khurd 357 Un.inhabited

582 Machheha Hardopatti 3 217 54 57 282 135 147 75 qg 4+ 4- 583, Baghawait 13 1,360 147 159 745 328 417 112 136 7+ 6 584 Pure Rewatiram 1 146 57 58 267 115 152 45 43 35 3' ,585 Ramnagal', 5 219 76 94 402 187 215 37 152 64 ~ 586 Pure Chirailal Mau 3 142 48 52 268 126 142 25 26 48 9-

587 Nariyanwa 18 1,560 368 391 1,872 873 999 160 189 284 23 5SS }1:aripul" 3 230 79 83 433 218 212 47 37 25 9 S89 Sal;ai Kbandeo' R. 6 296 127 135 676 339 337 90 89 99 8 TOTAL OF BABAGANJ (BHAWA- NI GA~J KOTA) BLOCK 699 65,850 16,502 17,383 82.0')3 40 230 41,773 9,773 11,141 8,158 1,041 BIHAR BLOCK

590 Sheikhput Chauras R. 19 1,045 272 302 1,455 713 742 140 19.j. 227 39 591 RlimpUl' Chauras R. 1 74 26 32 147 70 77 17 18 24 3 592 Kashar R. 5 511 133 1# 723 363 360 112 117 93 593 Khatwara R. 14 1,305 365 378 1,878 801 1,077 155 198 141 3 594- Bhawanpur R. Mp. 19 1,480 361 383 1,905 842 1,063 100 107 196 39-

595 Sabalgarh R, Mp. 7 515 464 490 2,482 1006 1,476 119 1-1-3 376 23 596 Mahiamau R. 11 772 211 222 1,124 554 570 200 204 193 4- 597 Bhikra R. 12 899 383 413 2,059 974 1,085 173 208 281 22 598 Sarai Indrawat Po. 19 1,055 498 507 2,684 1,280 1,404 257 330 251 5 599 Pure Dhunnu 3 153 45 47 290 145 145 16 21 35 2

600 Lochan garh 2 161 53 57 264 125 139 32 36 40 6 601 Garibpur 5 666 123 136 747 357 390 59 94 87 20 602 Barhipur R. 3 88 26 29 144 76 68 3& 3r 22 1 603 Pariyawan R. 6 473 153 163 809 388 421 52 54 81 5 604 Sansaripur R. 3 177 30 32 214 106 lOB 30 41 ' 20

605, Khem Karanpur R. 2 338 67 67 311 13+ 177 40 69 33 606: Bhikhapllr Kanidih 5 723 93 97 519 247 272 115 125 42 2 601 Kashipur Dulki 14 1,031 258 262 1,489 790 699 193 205 143 6 60& Pure Siwan 1 34 17 17 79 41 38 21 Ui 8 609 Pattupur 2 121 14 14 94 46 48 10 !} 19 1

610 Hariharpur Po. Z 309 77 81 431 190 241 57 101 26 611 Kanaupur po. 13 684- 212 239 1,103 510 593 80 126 119 17 612 SaraiMahasingh R,Mp. 12 762 215 239 1,183 576 607 121 189 172 32 6U Umari Buzurg R. 14 724 193 228 1,132 512 620 180 254 77 4 614 Bhitara 8 486 107 118 532 251 281 40 67 62 7

615 Korrahi Po. 23 2,400 469 485 2,369 1,124 1,245 308 418 241 15 616 Bhansomandar R. 5 1,036 169 186 913 +65 448 181 161 32 2 617 Tarapur Kandai 10 945 132 137 711 337 374 67 55 63 3 618 Galgali 3 487 94 94- 480 221 259 42 15 31 619 &1'on ' R. 14 1,438 360 375 1,839 887 952 193 185 205 13 xxxix



WOR~ERS 'Total Workers NON. (I-IX) ---'- WORKERS J II III IV V VI VII VIII lX X Serial No. _.A-., ,..._I _ _.A..-.. _.A..-.. _.A..-.. _.A..-.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M M F M F M F M F M F M 'F M F M F M F 114 F F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

82 51 41 17 29 25 6 91 4 ••• 6 72 85 577 81 86 61 61 11 12 9 10 3 57 64 578 39 57 32 51 7 6 37 47 579 1 3 1 1 11 24 22 580 15 Un.inhabited 581

76 62 39 23 18 27 1 9 5 1 8 7 59 85 582 2 1 15 9 133 217 583 1~ 200 101 64 61 82 14 45 58 24 28 11 20 13 9 1 57 128 584 82 73 65 42 13 31 4 105 142 585 '56 43 42 32 8 11 2 4 70 99 586

464 474 364 388 49 71 25 11 2 4 24 409 525 587 131 84 98 70 16 13 6 4 7 1 87 128 588 185 153 119 82 27 52 8 11 8 23 8 154 184 589 22,957 14,731 16,055 9.023 4,043 4,393 17 5 1,187 856 53 5 31 474 99 63 2 1,034 348 17,273 27,042 BIHAR BLOCK

,421 338 324 264 44 53 32 17 20 4 292 404 59() 27 32 18 5 9 1 32 50 591 38 6 163 200 8 149 7 41 1 4 352 592 468 483 329 204 95 162 .. , 25 96 1 .. , 18 21 333 594 593 178 355 202 126 S6 97 1 95 131 9 1 2 ••• a 13 464 700 594

397 519 103 73 44 42 5 2 145 278 9 33 106 13 45 18 609 579 595 289 222 166 56 75 133 17 22 1 3 2 1 26 9 265 348 596 541 22'1 343 124 86 91 71 11 3 1 27 5 6 2 433 856 597 687 SSS 391 294 91 107 118 109 2 45 50 4 36 5 593 839 598 93 78 86 72 3 6 4 52 67 599

77 69 47 31 16 24 10 14 3 48 70 600 218 217 153 137 45 65 12 13 3 2 4 139 173 601 53 30 41 16 11 14 .. , ... 1 23 38 602 213 173 185 156 5 6 10 4 2 2 7 8 175 248 603 54 39 41 26 10 13 3 52 69 604

f,9 94 55 58 14 36 65 83 605 132 121 67 37 54 2 2 115 151 606 ·544 325 485 252 59 73 246 374 607 19 5 10 2 7 3 2 22 33 608 22 13 15 1 7 12 24 35 609

102 98 44 6 45 85 1 10 7 2 2 88 143 610 276 259 199 162 36 72 2 14 14 6 5 19 6 234- 334 611 331 213 222 86 104 122 1 2 1 1 3 2 245 394 612 267 262 143 68 79 175 35 12 ~ .. 2 ... 8 7 24S 358 613 145 124 98 86 19 25 18 7 1 2 1 1 6 4 106 157 614

636 315 413 92 151 163 23 57 1 12 5 31 2 488 930 615 255 231 141 122 102 100 10 7 1 1 2 210 217 616 162 146 123 91 39 55 175 228 617 115 122 102 108 13 14 .. , 106 137 618 539 55l 379 341 87 92 39 122 2 15 4 16 2 348 391 619 xl



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied IIouse- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notatioas for amenities) of . in Resi- holds Castes educate u Hamlets acres dential persons Houses r- ---__.L.--r- -"""' ,,-----'--""""\ ,.---...-l. - ......

.p M F M F M l~

t 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 13

620 Roar R. 5 8114 179 193 792 335 407 127 9') 93 8 (121 Pure Khothai 2 106 25 26 110 52 58 21 14- 10 2 623 Tlilokpur 7 639 102 105 572 289 283 84 85 47 1 623 Attanagat 2 85 15 15 79 47 32 26 31 14 6 624 Raipur 3 328 94 95 423 191 232 54 91 32 Z

625 Jalalpur Baron R. 3 649 78 80 344 176 168 58 74- 34 ... Chakwar RivPo. 10 1,303 330 347 1,584 757 827 171 230 137 .B 626 627 FUlpur Rana 2 416 114 116 530 271 259 79 64 41 628 Deobarpur 1 219 36 40 195 95 100 14 21 3S .. 629 Bhiti l'ute Nain Riv, MlJ. 7 434 150 154 719 .330 389 88 131 78 5

630 Tewaripur Riv. 4- 492 151 158 713 327 386 77 100 122 5 631 Khargaput 1 501 61 68 313 155 158 38 42 19 4- 632 Kondrajit Riv, Po. 14 654 169 179 844 411 433 78 129 159 16 633 Raispur 2 193 3~ 38 192 100 92 67 68 5 634- Kamoli Birbhanpur 1 460 102 106 585 268 317 82 100 85 13

635 Deori Hardopatti Riv. 2 667 114 119 558 287 271 126 117 70 8 636 Khargipur Riv. 3 335 69 71 322 160 162 19 3S 31 637 Narangpur 6 4~ !OS 110 524- 276 248 64 43 34 4- 638 Maidhar 5 290 50 50 230 128 102 28 28 lr 639 Dharoopur 3 395 146 149 633 322 311 109 1().I. 63

640 Shukulpur 1 54 5 8 36 23 13 7 6 6 641 Kashipur 2 122 37 37 211 122 89 3::J 3-l- 29 1 642 Dhamanwan 4 342 64- 69 341 166 175 52 _55 17 1 643 Baraulia 3 206 77 82 37D 184 186 66 79 H 644 Bela Jatmalpur Riv. 1 172 8 9 46 29 17 11

64S Barbaspur 2 279 53 58 335 172 163 95 78 24 2 646 Gogauri 2 354- 34 43 195 100 95 82 46 16 1 647 Gogaur Riv. S 452 147 150 736 379 357 83 84 116 7 648 Mahmadpur Bhao 8 360 151 154 656 330 326 38 147 95 2 649 Sarai Babain 8 505 80 30 388 202 186 71 60 47 2

650 Kataini 4 333 47 54 255 137 118 33 42 24' 4 651 Maje thi 3 262 75 78 341 192 149 55 40 64 2 652 Ata tsaie i.iv. 3 158 51 58 267 131 136 37 47 31 2 653 Sia RiT, Po. 18 1,832 430 454 2,000 1,009 991 226 198 206 14 _65'" Bhau 9 1,091 185 ]92 824 3% 428 86 100 92 5

65S Bhatpurwa 1 306 40 40 183 101 82 29 33 32 1 656 Punwasi R. 10 1,412 317 330 1579 734 795 238 224 121 4- 657 Malawa Chhajaipur R,1'o. - 8 799 158 161 891 422 469 138 148 85 8 658 Chhatar 6 559 90 93 422 232 190 32 34 37 659 Kharaila 3 391 68 68 357 186 171 74 72 40 4

660 Umera Patti 7 939 232 241 1,239 617 622 209 140 102 13 661 Pure Khande 1 238 53 S3 284 147 137 41 64- 31 i62 Mabrajpur 3 464- 80 80 423 221 202 70 63 57 4- i6B Umari Kotila Po. 18 1,054 237 237 11,39 603 536 167 180 139 18 664- GaUts 5 276 70 71 324- 166 158 45 S4 31 xli


R URAL-Coutd,

WORKERS Total Workers NON. (I-IX) ,--.------.A.. WORKERS I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No, ...-.A-.. r-J._~ ,.-..A.-.. .-A-,. .-A-. ,_...,.._ ,-A..-,

M F M F 1\1 F M F M F :vi F M F M F M F M F M F

14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 2~ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 t

222 148 120 58 57 80 15 7 1 4 2 25 163 259 62!) -~4 22 26 18 4 4 2 1 18 36 621 159 149 129 124 20 22 5 5 3 130 134 622 31 15 10 3 16 12 1 4 16 17 623 106 101 70 66 11 15 1 8 3 1 1 1 1 13 16 85 131 624

111 71 71 44 8 14 3 6 5 24 7 65 97 625 424 ::.79 306 233 87 123 16 17 7 6 8 333 448 626 152 148 IB7 132 12 13 1 1 1 1 2 119111 627 44 42 :15 26 2 8 5 8 2 51 58 628 168 121 88 63 45 42 18 11 12 5 5 162 268 62!}

163 145 132 115 26 25 4 4 1 164 241 6ll) .82 46 72 37 7 7 1 1 2 1 73 112 631 221 90 188 51 27 36 2 3 3 190 343 632 58 54 30 23 27 31 42 38 633 142 128 105 86 34 39 3 1 1 126 189 634

161 95 114 40 39 52 3 1 4 2 126 176 635 98 62 87 53 3 6 2 1 6 2 62 100 636 166 90 135 60 21 21 9 9 1 110 158 637 80 62 37 1 39 56 4 5 48 40 638 204 144 87 18 78 105 16 13 1 12 7 118 167 6H

16 4 7 3 4 6 7 9 640 bl 26 32 3 24 22 2 1 3 61 63 641 101 93 76 40 20 52 3 1 2 65 82 642 108 82 59 20 33 53 5 6 1 10 3 76 104 643 21 1 21 1 8 16 644-

86 72 66 45 18 27 85 91 645 60 32 46 17 14 15 40 63 646 214 152 175 107 36 43 3 2 165 205 647 202 149 155 41 38 104 6 4 2 1 128 177 64S 126 88 95 59 27 26 4 3 76 98 649

88 72 J-1- 5 45 63 9 4 49 46 65() 102 52 60 30 36 21 2 1 1 3 90 97 651 95 70 78 51 17 17 2 36 66 652 735 614 655 525 46 71 20 7 5 1 9 10 274 377 653 57 185 188 127 60 55 3 1 2 1 1 2 139 243 654

49 23 39 8 9 15 1 52 59 655 408 65 256 17 129 42 10 4 1 12 2 376 730 65t) 218 130 163 126 28 14 9 5 1 7 1 20.j. 333 657 141 85 121 4 14 78 6 3 91 105 658 100 4t) 54 1 44 45 1 1 85125 659

354 142 26t) 94- 35 41 28 7 3 2 16 4 263480 660 95 10 78 6 17 4 52 127 661 147 4-2 102 1 42 41 2 1 74 160 662 340 210 227 117 75 83 12 10 21 5 263326 663 102 87 68 53 2S 25 7 9 2 64 n 66+ xlii



Occu. Number Area pied House. Total Population Scheduled Literate and ~rial Name of Village educated No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi· holds Castes Hamlets acres dential persona Houses • ,--_ _ --A. __~ ,..--..A.---.. ,--_..A--~

P M F M F M F 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

744- 362 126 135 113 7 665 Bansiyara \ 9 709 155 162 382 Riv. 6 456 114 1I4 606 280 326 97 109 52 666 Sarai Nahar 1 667 Sarai Jaichand 2 145 31 31 165 82 83 12 24- 25 13~ 8 668 Rampur 9 551 278 288 t,~20 679 641 185 189 <;69 Rampur Kotwa 3 248 51 52 245 135 110 53 56 26 411 109 68 60 3 670 Barhepur R. 10 762 160 161 828 417 R, Mp. 3 360 104 104 553 270 283 98 102 37 671 Chhenuga 367 287 129 114- 38 1 1i7:! Fulpur Mauri R. 6 1,127 178 178 654 5 704 162 163 802 383 419 129 147 45 4 1173 Autarpur R. 17 (i74 Karamjit Patti 9 822 270 270 1,229 617 612 149 176 101

4 542 157 157 715 355 360 54 51 9+ 9 675 Rarngarh Banohi 10 (i76 Meerpur Banohi 3 392 58 58 261 127 134 26 41 2 677 Badhaipur 3 104 51 51 259 128 131 41 37 5 3 342 113 113 586 277 309 52 68 59 2 678 Si!awatpur 408 194- 19 (i79 Deobarpatti 18 1,625 436 442 2,195 1,IJ8Q 1,115 333

R. 8 639 276 2g2 1,499 740 759 148 154 123 14 680 Rarndas Patti 153 28 (iS1 Tekipatti 7 969 274 2Rl 1,405 655 750 181 225 4 360 106 117 564 267 297 65 95 80 32 682 Sarai Syed Khan 118 33 -683 Soniawan R. 8 728 160 1'8 852 430 422 113 2 (i84 Salirnpur Nidora R. 1 308 58 58 25~ 124 130 28 37 7

Rly. 2 357 55 56 3!\() 135 165 23 36 42 26 685 Rasoolpur Nidora 203 686 Barna Rly. 13 1,162 216 222 1,311 033 678 13) 172 29 856 41+ 442 100 48 27 12 ~87 Biharia 3 627 181 185 1 360 51 52 265 156 109 9 8 0

11 468 198 206 1,046 480 5S6 159 234 12+ 8 690 Jarnlarnau 254 691 Bedhan Gopalpur Po. 22 1,370 423 435 2,137 992 1,145 250 319 27 (,92 Jaisanwan 6 530 125 132 647 329 318 157 154 08 2 Po. 28 2,710 745 770 3,808 1-920 1,888 529 485 431 2 693 Shakardaha 141 694- Pithipur 15 817 253 256 1,243 017 626 151 174 5

695 Sarna spur Dama 8 394- 144 144 (:57 340 317 28 50 100 7 (i96 Dandwa 2 164 49 50 222 117 105 61 47 26 2 697 Malak Tilhai uri Mogalpur 9 532 174 184 913 490 423 101 136 33 18 698 Narndeopur 2 85 38 38 180 89 91 11 11 66 24 699 AimaJatoopur Mp, Po. 4 333 68 71 389 185 204 31 20 57 23

700 Kondrasal 3 238 61 61 295 150 145 SO 50 26 701 Panch Mahuwa 7 525 260 289 1,395 (J52 743 175 195 135 16 702 Dhanwasa 7 902 241 262 1,30+ 665 639 102 3 703 Naudhia 2 483 1)1 89 438 204 234 57 72 71 13 704 Malak Nara 4 167 73 76 408 206 202 105 111 34 3 TOTAL OF BIHAR BLOCK 750 67,734 17,263 18,018 88,260 43,026 45,234 10,898 12,175 9,365 835 TOTAL OF KUNDA TAHSIL 3,525 341,624 87,469 91,717 438,967 215,305 223,6S1 51,271 55,433 42,697 4,994 The rural area of Tahsil Kunda given in Table A-I in 533.8 Sq. milc& i. e., 341.624 acres. The village·wise are atate as in the DiJectory are as reported by the Tabsildar, while the rural atea of the Tahsil in Table A-I have been derived by deducting the sums e>£ urban areas frorn the total revised area figures of the Tahsil furnished by the Boaed of Revenll6. U. P. xliii


RURAI-Concld. \\'ORKERS NOS- L __ Total Workers -----., WORKERS (I-IX) ,.- I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No. ,-..A--. .-A-.. .-A-.. .-.A-. ~ ,..._...... _ ,_...,..___ ,-.A-.. ,-.A-.. ,-..A--. .-A-..

!\[ F M F M F M F M F ;\1 F M F 1\1 F M F M F ~1 F 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

2 4 13 4 162 183 665 124 7S 77 92 4 4 220 179 3 2 2 1 2 5 118 175 666 162 151 126 114 29 29 3 2 1 1 2 35 53667 47 30 41 27 3 1 19 13 249 279668 256 184 142 161 8 4 430 362 1 1 3 48 50669 87 54 63 34 20 19 164 277 670 234 116 19 18 253 134 10 3 2 3 5 3 123 154 671 147 129 101 84 26 37 1 9 6 73 67672 294 220 285 2,14 2 151 202 673 185 161 44 54 2 1 232 217 18 23 6 5 1 232 229674 385 383 327 306 33 49 1 7 153 316 675- 166 14 21 28 2 7 202 44 2 44 67 676 83 67 75 61 6 6 7 8 3 4 3 60 47 677 68 84 55 72 1 129 78 7 32 15 7 2 124 191 678 153 118 18 14 34 3 13 7 506 618679 574 497 465 410 44 63 25 12 5 1 318 369 68!} 390 358 339 23 30 1 10 8 422 90 1 14 24 2 28 2 4 14 6 283 454681 372 296 236 174 g3 12 15 9 17 2 10 125 184 682 142 113 109 8J 8 7 189 86 24- 24 3 3 203 305 683 227 117 5 1 SO 95684 74 35 52 21 16 14 8 12 1 2 1 4 63 130 685 72 35 48 15 8 7 179 47 69 6 6 8 1 266 423 686 367 255 305 1 3 3 160 295 687 254 147 189 64 60 80 56 49 26 19 3 2 5 2 66 37688 90 72 4 3 5 8 110 142 689 138 106 8() 61 41 42 3 14 5 234 149 82 58 97 21 15 1 369 6W 246 197 12 19 1 3 5 4 4 21 8 479 833 691 513 312 326 128 141 153 54 73 1 1 15+ 174 692 175 144 119 71 125 3 10 21 12 828 1,20969} 679 690 339 130 281 1 106 44 1 8 1,092 6 3 2 3 3 232 237 694 385 389 279 272 92 114

121 12 37 47 19 6 1 28 3 133 249 695- 207 68 8 2 2 44- 54 695 73 51 25 3 40 44 117 51 81 18 18 1 1 8 5 152 201 697 338 222 260 8 36 64698 27 42 20 2 5 1 2 ... 53 4 1 8 99 162 69~ 86 42 58 20 15 17 4 1 6 5 56 667GO 94 79 61 45 26 28 258 213 84 111 20 10 13 11 21 7 256 391 701 396 352 15 10 4 263 299702 402 340 309 247 74 83 95 11 11 1 7 3 86 125 703 118 109 99 4 76 103 704 130 99 103 76 23 23 256 81 24596 18236 17,36510,654 4479 5726 23 4 1322 1356 H 37 537 738 239 13430 26998 122,573 81,276 86,fl82 53,209 17,71919,626 131 47 7,5005,615 363 23 218 3,282 790 485 45993 1,96292,733 142,385

>,-. -



;::, 'i:' CI) ... '""" .::...'" '.J;,• ;,",' ..!




SI. No. in 51. No. in 81. r\o. in SI. Naaeorvm. Village SI. Name ot Village Village S1. Name of Vilbge Village No. Directory No. Directory No. Director, 2 . 3 2 3 2 3

1 Achitpur 533 41 Bahunchara ~51 81 Bhadausi 216 S Adamplolr 148 4-ll Baijai')ur 419 82 Bhadohill 547 a Adampur 4\l 43 Bairampur 678 83 Bhagatpur S8 • Adharplolr 206 44- BaiS",lJr 6n 84 Bhagaura 7S II Ahar Bihar 29 45 Bajal-a 682 85 Bhagesara 490

6 Ahina 648 46 Bajhan 178 86 Bhagipur 255 7 Aijaka 633 47 Bakulahi 493 87 Bhagwanpur 672 8 Ainthi 316 41l Balapur 143 88 BhagwanplU Mufdd 697 9 Aj ...ara 389 ~9 Balapur 615 89 Bhairopur 208 90 Bhaisana 113 10 Akoriha 597 50 Balipur Bodwa 54 91 Bhanapur 407 11 Alawalpur 17 51 Balipur Parsan 385 Bhangwa 458 12 AmaialUu 61>7 52 Banbirpur Kachh 514 92 19 Amarauna 382 53 Bandadih Sakat 402 93 Bhanwari 2 54 Banda Kbutar 165 14 Amawan 18 94- Bhatani 370 55 Bankati 15 Alllilaha 564 334 9S Bhatpurwa 665 56 Banmala 16 Amilhank.rplU 63 205 96 Bhatpurwa Banimau 595 57 Bansi 230 17 Ammau 245 97 Bhawalpur 582 18 Ankari 562 58 Bansipur (Pure Bansi) 430 98 Bhawanigar h 119 59 Barahwa Bhojpur 19 Antpur Banemau 340 544 99 Bhawanipur 111> 60 Barahuwan 6 20 Antpur Banemau 584 100 Bhawanipur 187

21 Antu 189 61 Baranpur 448 101 Bhawanipur 580 2l Arjunpur 182 62 Barapur Bhikh 323 102 Bhawan-Ka.Purwa 347 28 Aaapur 202 63 Barend 137 103 Bhikhampur 362 24 Alapur 217 64 Barhani 527 104 Bhikhipur 118 25 Alapur 860 65 Bari.. Samund 408 105 Bhilampu.r 504

26 Aaawan lOS 66 Barista 259 106 Bhogapur 341 27 Atheha 26 67 Barista 617 107 Bhojpur 409 28 AUla 685 68 Barwanna 183 108 Bhopatpur 576 29 Auwar 478 69 Basuapur 92 109 Bhopiamau 472 530 30 Baboopur 67 70 Basupur Bansi 231 110 Bh\loalpur

31 Babupur 654 71 Basupl,r Barista 260 111 Bilualpur Orila 509 82 Baburaha· 503 72 Basupur Handaur 289 112 Bhundaha 34 119 Babu SarlL.i 626 73 Basupur Mandhata 610 113 Bhundaba 485 54 Bac:hhua 631 74 Basupur Sujanpur 267 114 Bibipur 374 IS Badlhahp_ Graue 82 7S Rehra 210 115 Bikrampur 531

86 BagblDlU' 414 76 Belaghat 45S 116 Birapur Rhoj 605 87 "iapur 636 77 Belkhari S35 117 Birsinghpur 624 IS Bah101pur lOS 78 Benipur 424 118 Bisaulha 164- 571 39 BaIt.l.lpar 505 79 Benipur Barua 232 119 Bojhi 17() +t .Jarap.r 601 SO Beoli ~\} 120 Bojhwil .. :It1 Vll



S1. Ko. ill S1. No.1. ..1( •. 1. S1. Name of Village Village 81. Name of Village Village 51. NalMof Yillap Till.,. No. Directory No. Directory No. Dlroctery

2 3 2 3 1 2 3

121 Bojhwa Basupur 304 161 Deoli 303 201 Gamhira 641 122 Buapur 585 162 Deom Pachhim 94 202 Ganjehri 108 123 Bujaha 613 163 Deom Purah 93 203 Garapur 272 124 Bukanapur 201 164 Deori 31 204 Garwara 247 125 Bukaoapur Taraut 668 165 Devaini 703 205 Gauhani 125

126 Chahin 57 166 Devapur 33 206 Gaura 661 127 Chak Bantore 452 167 Devapur SakH 358 207 Gaura Dand 161 128 Ghamrupur 645 168 Devigarh 79 208 Gebi MahubaD 300 129 ChamrupuI Suklan 338 169 Dhanaur 239 209 GhanClar 126 130 Chandapur 318 170 Dhanipur 614 210 Gharaura 289

131 Cbandpur 557 171 Dhanaari 369 211 Ghatsmpar 487 132 Changhaipur 588 172 Dharampur 401 212 Ghatampw 553 133 Chaturipur 111 173 Dharampur 675 213 Ghazipllr 557 134, Chaturpur 191 174 Dharaurli 173 214 Ghidhara 236 135 Chaubepur 221 175 Dharaushahpur 89 215 Ghoraha 427

136 Chaubepur 567 176 Dharupur S02 216 Ghoripur 28S 137 Chaukhar 405 177 Dhaurahra 314 217 Gobardhanpar n 138 Cbaukhar Chilbila 441 178 Dhaurabra 541 218 Gobri 238 139 Chaula 242 179 Dhekahi 394 219 Gokula 643 140 Chhatarpur 167 180 Dhema 664 220 Gonda 420

141 Chhatauna 657 181 Dherarna 518 221 Gopalapur 469 142 Chbatpalgarh 701 182 Dhobiyar 107 222 Gopalapur 620 143 Chhemar Saraiya 306 183 Diha Hardo 372 223 Gopalpur 74 144 Chichihara 122 134 Dih Katra 656 224 Gopalpur 224- 145 Cbitari 309 185 Dih Mehandi 320 225 Gopalpur Grant 133

146 Dahlamau 454 186 Dinapur 380 226 Gosainpur 363 Dala Patti 147 38 187 Domipur 352 227 Gudru 687 148 Dandi 612 188 Domnipur 400 228 Guiraha 152 149 Dandi Khas 316 189 Dorpur 378 229 Gyanpur 698 150 Dandupur Ahibaran 171 190 Dulhepur 315 230 Hadrahi 281 151 Dandupur Daulat 194 191 Edilpur 101 231 Haidcrpur SSO 152 Dandupur Parsan 301 192 Etaura 269 232 Halamai 692 153 Dandupur Ransingh 159 193 Fatehpur 220 233 Handaur 284- 154 Dangaita SOl 194 Gadai Chak Daiya 445 234 Hansi Jaichand 669 155 Dangan 218 195 Gadiyan 66 23S Hansi Parji 670 156 Danpur 554 196 Gahri 283 236 Harakhpur '11 157 Darrah 61 197 Gaigbat 437 237 Harakhupr AI'ftD 100 153 Daaiapur 2t1 198 Gajarahi 342 238 Harakhpur Kotwa 271 t 59 Daulatpur 7 199 Gajrabi 411 .!39 J:-iarcherpur 565 160 DaulatpuI 351 200 Galhanpur ~83 240 Hariharpur $!l2 xlviii



Sl. No. in 51, No in 51. No. in ;Sl. ~ame ?f· .V'lllage. Vl11ag~ SI. ~ame of Village Village :;1 Village No. Directory No,. 'Dlrectory No, Directory 2,. 3 2 2 3

241 Haflhar Rampur 689 2~1 Kalla Khurd , 569 '321 Khoontaghat 515 2+2 I:LtrlnallpUr B7 232 Kaltba Dandl 331 322, KhuJhi 6811 243 Harna 91 283 Kalalll • 5:;)0 323 Khurclaha (J16 244 H.,,,nkur 377 28-1- Kalhwan 361 324 KlShulldaspur -1-62 245 l-Ilmanupu r \J.1l0 285 Kalyanpur 200 325 KlShulIgarb !l \ 246 Hildupur 364 286 Kalyanpur Kalan' 80 326 Kobla 574 2+7 Hwdupur 655 287 Kalyanpur Uauraha 130 327 Kol Bajardiha 207 243 HOlsalnpur 102 288 KamalPur \ 507 328, Konhda 475 2~9 Ib,ahlmpoJr 57ll 289 Kamaluddlnpur 186 329 Kondra.M adupur 252 250 Isipur 398 290 Kamapur 219 33Q Kopa 499

251 hwarpur 425 291 Kamas 234 331 Kotila ~ewafla 127 252 ltauri 273 2~2 Kamorapnr l'anue 2S~ 332 Kothar Maogokpur 313 253 jadu'lpur 7lJ~ 293 Kaujas 13~ 333 KOlllia Sardel 353 25+ jadupuf 526 29+ Kallpa lli6 33+ Kotillya +l-J 255 Jagdls'pur 76 295 Kansapur 2118 335 Kalwa Shukulpur 2J4

256 Jagdlshpur ItO 296 Karallaba Hanbarpur 333 336 Koyha 212 257 Jagdlshpur 442 297 Karamchandpur 357 337 Krltpuf 275

253 Jagdishpur 6+2 298 Karanpur 456 3GB KUlhipur 6i~ 259 Jahanaipur 4t~ 299 Karaundhal 122 339 Kumbhapur 95 200 Jahargaon 4~9 3,00 Karaundhi 438 :HO Kumbhi Aima 16

261 j.untlpur Kothar 413 301 Kataria 23 341 Kumbhi Dih 30 262 Jalalabad 109 302 Katata 248 3+2 Kunwan 243 263 Jalalpur 193 303 Katata 598 343 Kusahl 625 264 Jalalpur 549 3~4 Katehti 11+ 34+ Kusauli 21 265 Jamua 652 305 Katka Bali 524 3+5 Kusml 470

266 Jamauri 484 306 Katka Manapur 177 346 Kusphera 495 2b7 Jar ian 12 307 Katra lnder Kaur 517 347 Lakhanpur Sat 35 268 jethwara Jiriamau 35~ 301l Katra T. A. 5011 348 Lakh"pUf 56 i69 ,11f1amaU f61 309 Katwarh 329 349 Lakhapur 602 :no Jodhepur 27 310 Katya Newada 307 350 Lakharaon 131

271 Jugapnr 45 311 Khaira Gaurbar 203 351 Lakherha 41 272 Jogapur 457 312 Khajohri 548 352 Lakhuput 606 273 Jogapnr Mufrid 390 313 Khajuri 134 353 Lalgarh 123 274 Jogipur 185 314 Khajuri 4b5 354 Larhwat 135 275 Tuhi 69 315 Khahshpur 100 355 Laxmanpur 327

276,. Turapu! 632 316 KhIl.mpur 633 356 Ll1apur 332 277 Kachha 348 317 Khanipur 43 357 Lilauli 671 271l Kadipur 463 313 Khanipur 591) 358 Lohangl 169 27~, Ko rlipur 483 3t"1 Kharagpnr 298 359 Lo hang Patti 233 2S0 Kaila Kalan 51J8 320 Kharwaill 695 :160 Lobangpur 429 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


51. No.ln SI. No, I. 51. No. io Village SI. Name of ,Village VIllage Village S1. Name of Village S1. Name of Village Directory No. Directory No Directory No. 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 195 44.1 pe.ranipur 48 361 Mad.lupur 600 401 Nagmalpur 442 Parasrampur 467 362 Madhopur lBO 402 Namaks' r 479 46 443 ParasrAmpur 627 363 Madra 585 -1-03 Nanauti .J44 Parasrampur 674 364 Madupu! 522 404 Nallhoopur 97 345 445 Parbatpnr 019 3b5 Maheshpur 305 405 Narainpur 577 446 Parsanda 694 306 Mahkam 510 406 Narher Patti 174 447 Patharaha 525 367 Mahuli ::!26 407 Nari 448 Patharia 53 368 Mahuwar '464 403 Narlya 395 449 Patkhauh 4(0 36~ MaJhgawan 105 409 Narwal 55 450 P~tti Kach~ra 32 370 MaJhgawan fi83 410 Nasirpur 486 451 Patulkl 328 371 MaJhilaha 399 411 Nasirpur 452 Patulki 404 372 MaJhwar 324 412 Nauapur 690 106 453 Perbha,tamau 516 373 Maka'pur 156 H3 Naubasta 373 454 Phulpur 337 374 Makari 481 414 Naubasta 494 455 Pindana 4 375 Makhanpur 563 415 Naubasta 500 45f. PinJari 15 376 Makhdumpur 10 416 Naubasta 117 457 Pipan 13fi 377 Malhupur 695 417 Nauha Dalsingh 458 Pipartah 381 378 Mandhata (J03 418 Nauhajia 116 115 459 Pipupur 149 379 Manchu 644 419 Nauha Laloll 72 4tO Pitaipur 681 380 Mangapur 44 420 Nauanar 120 145 461 Pithapur 381 Maniyarpur 154 421 ::\ewada Ganradan 392 4-62 Pith, Patti 172 382 Maraw; 422 Newada Kalan 40 463 Pratapgarb (Rut al) 512 '383 Maani '14 423 ::\ ewada .\1 uster ka 349 623 464 Pratapgarh (T. A.) 511 384 Mathia Ramdaspur 175 424 Newan 691 465 Purabgaou 142 385 Mathpur 622 425 Nurpur 534 466 Puraila 693 386 Mattupur BOlhl 292 426 Oridih 65 467 Puraili 545 337 Mawaiya Kalan 25U 42.7 Oripur :\augll 129 468 Puraupur Khalur 386 383 Misirmau 253 428 Pachakhara 141 469 Puranpur Khas 383 389 Misirpnr 26 429 Pachh,mgaon 263 470 Puranpur Patkhan 491 390 Misirpur 297 430 PaJmalarpur 321 471 Purbia Patti 519 391 Misirpur 646 431 Padnathpur 273 472 Pure Acharya 254 392 MlSirpur Tarault 649 432 Pat,arpur 575 581 473 Pure AJmershah 393 Mhraull 188 433 Paharpur Gaujehra 686 474 Pure Bachhll 473 394 Mohammadapur 215 434 Palhan 528 475 pure Bahorlya 428 395 Mohiuddinpur 552 435 P"udwu, 476 Pure Batnsal 157 296 436 Pangurpur 168 396 MultaDipur 477 Pure Baisno 659 49 437 PaniYH' 593 397 MwtaEabad 473 Pure Basaw ... n 629 6')') 43P. Pantl 33~ 398 NabhapUf 479 Pure Bhag"al 20 290 439 Para HamidplJ' 1!J7 399 Nagarnr 480 Pure BhaiYiI 3~7 440 Paramnathpm 406 400 Nagapur 638 i



S1. Be. in Sl. No. In 81. S1. No. 10 N arne of Tillage Village 51. N arne of Village Village S1. Name of Villace Village No. Directory No. Directory No. Directory 1 3 2 3 1 2 3

481 Pure Bharat 521 Pure Tu1a Upadbya 2&1 561 Ranjitpur Chilbila 431 482 Pure Bijaisin,b 522 Raghaipur 179 562 Ranki 47 01-83 Pure Birbal 523 Raghunathpur 217 563 Ratipur 555 484 Pure Chain 524 Raghwapur 317 564 Rawatpur 375 485 Pure Dharmangal 525 Raba Tikar 53 565 Rehua Lalganj 42

486 Pure Garibdaa 246 526 Rahman Quli 280 566 Rendi 346 487 Pure Gosain 85 527 Rai Birajanipur 209 567 Rendbir 529 488 I Pure Gosain 556 528 Raiehandpur 163 568 Reoli 5 0489 -Pure Govindram. 96 529 Raipur Kalan 543 569 Reoriha 198 490 Pure Gulabrai 326 530 Raipur Kburd 322 570 Righi 276

491 Pure Harman 482 531 Rajapu.r 8 571 Ror 594- 492 Pure Hundaba 418 532 Rajapur 488 572 Rupapur 450 493 PlUe lawarnatb 453 533 Rajapur 666 573 SadhopUf 391 494 Pure Jiwan 310 534 Rajapur Kalan 396 574 SaduUabpur 634 495 Pure Keahorai 436 535 Rajapur Rainia 144 575 Sagerpur 286

496 Pure Kharagrai 572 536 Rajgarh 497 576 Sagra 451 497 Pure Kobo.ai 521 537 Rajmatipar 64 577 Sagrampur 235 498 Pure Lal 532 538 Rajwari 249 578 Sagrampur QUa 393 499 Pure Loka 25 539 Ra;wat 128 579 Saherua 578 500 Pure Mad 466 54-0 Ramcbandarpur 546 580 Sahijanpllr 591

501 Pure Madhosiagh <143 54-I Ramchandrapur 630 581 Sabodarpllf 459 502 Pure Mohan 477 542 Ramgarhi 432 582 Saia Bandh 468 503 Pure MotUal 639 543 Ramnagar 435 583 Saltarauli 523 504 Pure Marli 104 544 Ramnagar 653 584 Sakatpur 228 505 Pure Mu.ta£a Khan 513 545 Ramnagar Bbojpur 155 585 Salbabanpur 24

506 Pure Narainclaa 112 546 Ramnagar Kol SO 586 Salhepur 62 507 Pure Niader 559 547 Rampur 368 587 Samaspur 60 508 Pure Niwa1 150 548 Rampar 422 S88 Sandwa 124- 509 Pure Ojha 446 549 Rampur 684 589 Sandwa Chandika 184 510 Pure Pangul 604 550 Rampur Paran 214 590 Sandwa Dubar 294

511 Pure Parmcshwar 204 551 Rampur Bhariyani 312 591 Sandwa Khas 344 512 Pure Pitamber 227 552 Rampur Gauri 476 592 Sandwa Somer Bansiyan 293 513 Pllre Raiju 520 553 Rampur Kasiha 51 593 Sangapur 415 514 Pure Ramdeo 162 554 Rampur Kubi 88 594 Sangipur 68 515 Pure Rup 277 555 Rampur Kbajur 383 595 Sansarpur 496

516 Pure Sukhdeo 635 556 Rampur Musterka 551 596 Sarai Anaudeo 379 517 PIlre Swamida. 539 557 Rampur Umari 196 597 Sarai Bahelia 474 518 Pure Til Bikram 416 558 Rangauli 270 598 Sarai Bhanai 225 519 Pure Todar 39 559 Rangauli 560 599 Sarai Bhimsen 647 520 Pure Torai 660 560 Rlnjitpllr 13 600 Sarai Bhopat 637 Ii



S1. No. in l';l.:N ... in 81. No. in ::.1. Name of Village Village S1. Nallle of Village Village S1. N alile of Village Village :'0. Directory No. Director} No. Directory 2 3 II 3 2 3

601 Sarai Birbha:ira 433 oJ6 Saruawan 19~ 671 Sumerpur 680 602 Sarai Chandrabhan 618 637 Saruppur 662 672 Sunderpur 279 (J03 Sarai Dali 240 638 Semara 19 673 Tarao.pur 176 604- Sarai Dali 423 639 Serbajpur 335 674- Ta.rapur 265 60S Sarai Dalpat 99 6+0 Setapur 410 675 Tarapur 367

606 Sarai Dasu 365 641 Shah Bari 121 676 Tarall 677 607 Sarai Deorai 55) 642 Shahjahanpur 14() 677 Tardih 04-12 608 fiarai Dcora.i 658 643 Sllahpur 384 678 Tejgarll 258 609 Sarai Govindram 587 644 Shakuhabad 282 679 Tekar 421 610 Sarai Harnarain 609 #5 Sheikh Banipur b4() 680 Teliyahi lOa

611 Sarai Kalyandeo 444- 646 Shckhanpur 579 (l81 Tconga ++7 612 Sarai Lalshah 81 64(.7 Sheobojh 319 682 Tetarpur 151 181 613 Sarai Lachhamandes 257 648 Sheora 650 683 Tewaripur 86 61 4 Sarai Lahangrai 339 64-9 Sheorajpur 213 681- Thariya 615 Sarai Mahima 4(.17 650 Shukhaupur 387 685 Tikari 536

616 Sara! Makai 325 651 Shukulpur 70 686 Tilauri 291 617 Sarai Mcdirai 608 652 Shukulpur 244- 687 Trlo\:pur Bisaill 158 618 Sarai Medirai 651 653 Sidhapur 540 688 Tina, 311 j2 619 Sarai Murarslngh 542 654 Silaudhi 83 689 Uchhapur 691) 620 Sarai Naherra! 621 655 Sindhaur 330 Udaipur 23

621 Sarai Pranmati 561 656 Singhani 138 691 Udapur 366 11 622 Sarai Sa.gar 506 657 Singhgarh 78 692 Umar 354(. 623 Sarai Setan 262 658 Sipah Maheri 492 693 Umaraura 624 Sara! Sewak 628 659 Siristaoad 147 694- Umari 1:12 625 Sarai Sonsara 295 660 Sirkantpur 471 695 ULDarpur 31

626 Sara! Sujan 538 661 Sirkhari 4(.03 696 Umarpur 359 627 Sara! Tar 153 662 Sirnathpur +98 697 Upadhyapllt 223 698 Upadhyapur 628 Saral Tarachand 573 663 Sirsa 371 223 699 Usari 229 629 Sarai Tiha!t 132 664 Sobhipur 667 36 630 SarailUgai 146 665 Sonawan 426 700 Ulmanpur 168 631 Saraiyan 190 666 SonplIr 356 701 U su, Patt i 632 Sara Raia 589 667 Sonsaripur 489 702 Uarapur 566 633 Sarawan 3 668 Sripur 71 703 Williamgara 274 634- Saraiap1ol.r 343 669 Subarni 59'} ~35 Sacua 84 670 SuiakhaT 73 Iii



Occu. Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House· Total Popul~tion Scheduled Litera.te and No. (~otation:\ for amenities) of in Resi- hold~ Castes educated Hamlets acres dential persol1. House. r--_...A.._-""",\ r--J_--~ ,....._..l..-~

p M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


1 Nasirpur R, Riv. 16 1,292 223 328 1.631 79-l- 837 136 1M 160 25 2 Bhanwari 3 418 10, 108 460 234 226 71 58 36 .. 3 , Sarawan 2 417 'i9 8 361 180 181 66 61 13 1 4 Pindaria 9 1,136 1113 ISS 834- 416 4!S 77 99 51 13 5 Reoli 7 352 73 73 323 171 152 34 40 20 1

6 Barahuwan 3 477 102 102 443 211 232 82 79 18 7 Daulatpur 6 357 120 130 54-B 276 272 22 26 72 8 Rajaput R, Riv, Mp, Po. 18 1,045 409 4~1 1,998 952 1,046 79 83 234- 19 9 Kishungarh RiT, Po. 8 722 171 172 887 427 460 44 77 90 4 10 Makhdumpur Mp. 1 368 92 105 421 193 228 44 91 37 12

11 Umar R, 14 1,386 356 374- 1,604 759 8+5 243 288 180 37 12 Jariari 6 592 104 109 531 256 275 87 50 20 13 Ranjitput 7 447 98 98 416 215 201 79 7S 33 1 14 Masni 5 367 79 79 321 151 170 46 44 20 15 Pinjari 3 392 100 107 494 251 243 80 69 72

16 Kumbhi Aima R, Mp, Po. 2;) 1,853 469 4S9 2,464' 1,204 1,260 261 295 235 31 17 Alawalpur 6 311 95 96 497 244- 253 81 94- 28 18 Amawan 5 t52 106 113 548 266 282 86 109 25 8 19 Semara Mp. 1 360 93 100 519 269 250 65 47 78 3 20 Pure Bhagwat 4 746 123 127 643 331 312 72 68 48 2

21 Kusauli Riv. 7 601 143' 144 712 345 367 32 49 50 1 ~2 Upadhyapur R, Riv. 12 224 5~ 54- 260 135 125 12 9 31 1 23 Udaipur R, Riv. 5 519 258 258 1,136 515 621 114 164 1M 39 24 Salbahanpur R. 5 379 122 122 585 292 293 32 14 50 13 2S Pure Loka R,Riv. 6 625 243 243 1,078 482 596 89 115 124 6

26 Atheha,R, Mp, Po. 4 588 234 234- 1,095 534 561 44 50 164- 12 27 Jodhepur 5 488 58 63 316 157 159 39 48 24 28 Kataria 5 671 142 146 701 322 379 81 117 63 1 29 Ahar Bihar 6 678 1'.1'. 93 530 261 269 84- 96 79 3 30 Kumbhi Dih 5 471 103 107 519 248 271 50 60 41 3

31 Deori 7 339 152 160 778 368 410 92 110 80 3 32 Patti Kacherai Mp, 12 748 146 153 713 349 364 62 78 81 1 33 Devapur 3 260 33 36 151 72 79 15 15 11 34- Bhundaha 3 687 83 88 430 207 223 52 47 52 14 35 Lakhanpur Sar 3 473 120 127 527 230 297 75 92 4-1

36 Usmallpur 7 454 138 142 600 265 335 72 86 31 1 37 Umarpur 2 182 4-5 47 208 86 122 25 28 12 1 38 Dala Patti 5 410 133 145 670 328 342 71 96 83 9 39 Pure Todar R, Mp. 3 252 50 52 319 154 165 43 47 35 1 40 Maraini R. 12 1,117 288 301 1,400 668 732 164 170 121 9

41 Lakhcrha R. 2 477 97 101 1-74 223 251 43 48 79 12 4-2 Rebua Lalganj R, Po. 26 1,825 633 671 3,083 l,4H 1,634 242 314 373 14- U Kbanipur R, Riv. 6 1,013 273 291 1,397 636 761 187 201 187 22 4+ Mangapur R, Riv, Po. 29 2,001 513 528 2.454 1,197 1,257 197 222 285 27 45 J"lap.r R. \} 512 11i 119 ~7 Z~6 111 61- 7'l 6l a liii




Total Worker. ____ A.. ______~ WORKERSNON· (I-IX) ,------.-


M F M F M F M. F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S


49rl 318 380 181 71 127 18 10 2 12 6 304 519 1 155 83 120 35 Z5 31 10 17 79 1~3 2 107 32 89 15 15 14 2 3 1 73 149 3 306 277 286 256 9 11 5 7 3 3 2 110 141 4 105 83 87 82 15 1 1 66 69 S

125 101 102 78 14 21 2 6 2 86 131 6 164 38 159 32 2 6 ... 2 1 112 234 7 577 322 430 226 71 80 6 34 10 4 20 6 1 11 375 724 8 296 145 239 113 27 18 12 9 1 •.• 5 1 5 7 4 131 315 9 122 106 76 61 32 38 4 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 71 122 10

467 288 307 86 106 143 18 30 3 12 7 21 22 292 557 11 164 95 145 83 15 12 3 ... 1 92 180 12 125 88 105 62 15 20 ... 1 3 1 2 1 3 90 113 13 83 38 54 ... 18 31 1 8 6 3 68 132 14 109 39 73 9 33 30 3 142 20+ 15

698 437 447 242 127 150 27 10 41 13 17 10 17 2 20 12 506 323 16 164 123 59 21 B4 94- 2 12 7 1 6 1 80 130 17 162 168 69 52 71 103 1 17 11 4- 2 104- 114 18 144 36 77 18 18 8 29 7 10 2 8 3 125 214 19 201 95 140 62 31 25 21 8 9 130 217 20

.198 187 152 131 26 37 2 1 14- 18 1 2 147 180 21 83 71 70 52 11 15 1 1 4 52 54- 22 286 184 156 75 67 75 24 10 H- 5 3 22 lCJ 229 437 23 143 39 73 21 17 16 24- 2 23 n 149 254- 24 247 238 195 187 38 50 12 1 1 1 235 358 25

288 213 192 152 38 44- 24 7 10 8 24 2 246 3~8 26 82 68 66 48 12 16 4- 4 75 91 2~ 188 182 170 158 9 17 9 6 134 197 18 142 68 99 30 32 35 3 2 2 ... 6 1 119 201 29 136 72 84 37 32 25 3 1 2 4 11 9 112 199 3)

209 165 153 126 39 35 9 4 1 6 1 159 245 31 228 191 171 135 48 55 2 3 1 1 3 121 173 32 45 28 38 22 4 3 2 1 2 27 51 33 126 101 81 64 43 35 1 2 1 61 122 3+ 126 136 91 103 24 32 8 1 3 104 161 35

16U 196 114 129 35 59 9 8 2 105 139 3 i 50 52 43 45 2 7 3 1 36 70 37 168 118 134 87 20 25 6 6 7 160 224 38 87 62 60 48 9 7 3 12 6 3 67 103 39 344 352 274 273 48 62 20 13 1 1 3 324 360 40

126 30 84 19 12 10 5 1 8 17 97 221 41 817 296 5~5 173 93 92 84 IS 12 88 16 632 1,338 +2 335 348 26 ... 293 49 51 14- 4 2 8 301 413 43 678 390 489 192 132 176 31 16 7 1 4 3 11 5 519 867 44 172 96 117 59 43 3S 5 2 ...... 2 94 185 +5 liv



Occu· Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House. Total P()pulation Scheduled Literate Md No. (Notations of amenitie~) of in Resi· holds Castes educated . Hamlets acres dential persons Houses ,..- __ J.. __ -..,

p ,\1 F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

51 Rampur Kasiha Riv. 5 645 130 141 f,50 333 317 77 84 31 2 52 Uchhapllf Riv. 11 935 244 256 1,145 • 540 605 135 US 138 1 53 Raha Tikar Riv, Po. 25 2090 585 Sb7 2,935' 1,503 1,432 255 275 487 III 54 Balipur Bodwa R, Riv. 2 657 62 63 3H 182 152 59 64 48 55 Narwal 3 555 124 127 5S1 28S 266 83 75 28

56 Lakhapur 3 34~ 61 62 286 12P. 153 37 60' 34 24- 57 Chahin 7 790 290 295 1 348 &71 677 199 213 113 5 58 Path aria 5 419 136 144 444 218 226 108 102 23 21 59 Beoli Riv. Mp. 9 367 133 133 604 291 313 69 82 53 1 60 Samaspur Riv. 2 170 61 62 314 149 165 57 83 53 11

61 Darrah Riv, Po. 21 2,079 423 429 2,181 1,025 . 1,156 157 226 46] 125 62 Salhepur R. 3 216 60 62 272 116 156 31 48 43 8 63 Ami shanker pur R,Riv. 19 783 250 275 1,292 618 674 83 222 162 21 64 Rajmatipur R,Riv 18 1,082 327 336 1,670 809 861 158 63 168 2 65 Oripuf -"'augir R,Riv. 17 973 209 243 1,175 512 663 67 101 36 2

66 Gadiyan R, Riv. 6 352 87 94 461 212 249 49 74 63 2 67 Baboopur 5 436 182 186 942 445 497 95 122 144 33 68 Sar.gipuf R. Hos, H, Po. 6 394 141- 144 659 333 326 61 14 127 9 69 J hi R. 2 90 36 36 172 81 91 5 7 30 10 70 Shukulpur R. 6 459 184 186 885 382 503 28 35 105 12

7. Sripur 45 Un.inhabited 72 Na_anar R. 3 192 32 33 161 69 92 3 8 6 73 SUJakhar R. 4 604 205 208 978 437 S4i 71 129 147 31 74 Gopalpur R. 6 152 158 178 872 377 495 104 159 123 28 75 Bhaga<.ta 8 602 106 108 682 326 356 43 53 48 13

76 Jagdishrr 3 626 53 53 240 129 111 10 8 45 3 77 Gobar hanpur 1 231- 22 22 lOS 47 58 21 2 78 Singhgarh 2 1(18 88 91 418 184 23~ 41 72 16 79 Devigarh 2 252 37 42 225 106 119 19 18 46 6 80 Kalyaupur Kalan 3 :£33 141 144 740 3~4 396 41 79 89 4

81 Sarai Lalshah 3 363 97 102 473 208 265 14 24 47 2 81 Badshahpur Grant R. 7 308 117 130 604 297 307 50 68 85 1 83 S laudhi Riv. 5 610 156 17:) 796 374 422 27 :H 116 7 8i Sarua R. 7 643 120 130 609 290 319 21 3S 5~ 2 65 Pure Gosain Riv. 2 230 39 45 228 10~ 119 15 16 22 2

80 Thariya Riv. 6 345 98 101 496 210 286 41 40 47 87 Harmanpur Riv. 2 131 4t 49 22-l- 90 134- 5 7 10 88 Ramp~r Kaahi Riv. 4 161 46 SO 242 98 144 8 9 37 1 89 Dharau Shahpur Riv. 3 148 58 61 268 114 154- 35 59 53 126 9J Pure Bijaisingh Riv. 2 SS 25 3J 1a4 105 7'J 3~ 1 OJalarORY


WORKER Total Workers ______J... ___ NON. (I-IX) r"'------.,------.. WORKERS I II III IV V VI VII VIn IX X Serial No. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _""_...-A-.. ,_.,._ --'- ~

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

338 208 179 23 127 177 1 21 3 1 1 2 6 5 225 372 46 475 309 362 170 77 107 10 4 20 3 8 7 1 13 2 208 903 <1-7 142 180 72 112 42 54 8 8 ... 5 1 15 5 140 158 48 1,038 734 005 486 165 192 36 31 8 7 9 6 15 12 440 723 49 128 105 l1Q 89 14 13 1 1 3 1 55 103 SO

211 140 160 83 45 55 ... 2 1 3 1 1 122 177 51 317 252 211 142 73 96 1 15 6 4 1 2 11 7 223 353 52 918 429 656 170 192 226 27 11 11 9 18 6 1 13 7 5BS 1,003 53 113 50 82 20 27 30 2 ... 2 69 102 S4 169 46 104 19 30 26 23 1 5 7 116 220 5S

81 88 73 78 1 5 2 3 '3 2 2 47 70 56 380 317 262 209 3S 40 39 32 5 39 36 291 360 57 145 105 123 76 18 27 4 2 73 J21 5, 178 102 94 20 54 77 2 17 4 3 B 1 113 211 5~) 81 69 41 34 27 35 8 S 68 95 60

588 350 457 244- 89 101 10 3 14 2 17 437 805 61 66 57 53 39 8 18 4 1 ... 50 99 62 ·330 123 217 41 64- 79 4 36 1 ... 9 2 288 35t 63 458 150 319 33 104 115 17 2 7 .. , 11 351 711 64 251 255 200 178 41 77 7 1 1 261 408 65

129 84 103 78 3 19 6 3 83 165 66 230 47 164 33 20 12 11 7 1 28 1 215 450 67 186 63 96 35 14 18 16 4 3 25 2 32 4 147 263 (;8 52 28 39 23 3 4 3 1 1 4 2 29 63 69 241 205 185 181 18 17 13 6 7 14 4 141 298 70

Un.inhabited 71 44 50 38 42 6 8 ... 2S H 72 231 222 150 167 20 38 12 6 46 10 3 1 206 319 ,3 190 188 122 101 49 84 1 3 1 5 11 187 3D7 74 203 182 186 160 11 17 6 5 123 174 'i5

78 8 77 5 3 51 103 76 18 9 18 9 29 49 77 122 137 116 121 + 12 2 4 62 97 78 52 12 49 8 1 4 2 S4 107 79 195 161 140 136 4 13 8 27 10 12 4 149 235 80

115 110 88 89 13 16 12 S ... 2 93 '55 81 200 182 157 157 28 21 12 4 2 97 125 82 215 127 167 87 24- 36 1 11 1 12 3 159 295 83 158 210 145 200 9 10 4 132 109 8~ 60 62 5S 54 4 8 49 57 85

96 176 78 144 10 27 7 5 114 110 86 4-9 83 31 67 2 1 6 1 10 14 41 51 81 51 27 46 20 2 7 1 47· 117 88 62 28 45 8 10 15 3 4 5 52 126 8:l 50 6 37 3 2 2 1 10 1 ... 55 73 W lvi VILUGE


Occu. Serial N arne 6£ Village Number Area pied HOllie. T.tal POPlllation Schodul8d Literate and No. (N.tations for amenities) of in Reli· Aold. Caltes educated Hamlets acre. cl.ential persons HOUiC. ,-__J... __ -" ,-_J..._-. ,-_.J..._-.


2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

9} Harria Riv. 1 128 19 20 97 42 55 18 26 23 45 92 Basuapur Riv. 4 269 96 104 525 252 273 64 65 40 7 93 Deom Purab k,Riv. 17 860 291 291 1,709 806 903 94 137 216 10 94 Deom Pachhim R,Riv 6 565 223 226 1,078 463 615 54 77 108 10 95 Kumbhapur R,Riv. 4 171 78 80 442 194 248 31 25 34 1

96 Pure Govindram R, 3 80 59 65 193 97 96 33 39 3 97 Nanhoopur 3 91 38 38 173 77 96 9 12 37 98 Bhagatpur 2 102 50 52 261 111 150 31 54 41 4 99 Sarai Dalpat 4 110 47 47 252 116 136 24 25 43 1 100 Harakhpur Aswan 4 391 82 83 451 223 228 12 12 34 5

101 Edilpur 8 363 149 159 781 349 432 55 69 112 12 102 Husainpur po. 7 407 87 92 451 204 247 23 24 65 3 103 Asawan 5 414 128 149 710 323 387 77 95 49 5 104 Pure Murli 2 164 97 110 518 248 270 37 3(J 63 2 105 Majhgawan 1 152 2 2 13 7 6

106 Naubasta 4 316 77 88 404 188 216 34 63 72 28 107 Dbobiyar R. 7 265 55 56 290 140 150 20 26 56 10 108 Ganjehri Riv. 3 156 34 36 167 72 95 2 6 25 2 109 .Jalalabad Riv. 3 108 18 20 98 47 51 14 3 110 Bhawanipur Riv. 1 193 10 10 23 9 14 2 3 5

111 Chaturipur Riv. 1 100 16 16 96 12 84- 2 112 Pure Naraindas R. 4 537 183 183 889 395 494 88 104- 104 12 113 Bhaisana 7 599 193 193 1,020 458 562 93 97 113 9 114 Katebti R. 11 603 239 242 1,045 441 604 49 76 89 7 115 Nauha Laloo 2 88 34- 36 115 48 67 1 4 8

116 N~uhajia 2 158 40 50 171 78 93 12 10 41 12 117 N auha Dalsingh 1 151 3 3 20 7 13 6 7 118 Bhikhipur 1 82 14 14 52 23 29 17 17 2 119 Bhawanigarb 4 278 98 108 529 248 281 24 34 94 9 120 l'ithapur 2 173 60 72 212 110 102 5 6 10

121 Sbahbari R, Po. 7 639 92 180 1,047 455 592 .·129 162 107 13 122 Chicbibara 4 184 61 70 327 153 174 10 16 52 1 TOTAL OF SANGIPUR BLOCK 798 65,308 16,945 17,892 84,634- 39,921 44,713 8,007 9,460 9668 1,34-7 SANDWA CHANDIKA BLOCK

123 Lalgarb 3 117 38 38 184 92 92 10 8 18 124 Sandwa R. 4- 49 56 60 136 64 72 9 10 10 125 Gauhani R,Riv. 7 382 100 113 514 243 271 77 77 61 3 126 Ghanesar Riv. 2 73 43 43 216 107 109 37 34 28 6 127 Kotha Newaria R, Riv, Po. l2 1,653 466 489 2,335 1,110 1,225 69 91 187 32

128 Rajwat Riv. 2 260 SO 51 197 86 111 1 10 11 129 Pacbakhara R,R!v. 7 581 127 130 633 280 353 53 72 82 2 130 Kalyanpur Mauraha R, Riv. 6 575 13<1- 153 715 323 392 51 59 47 6 131 Lakharaon R, Riv. 3 221 63 65 315 160 155 42 44 49 ... 13"2 Sarai Tihait Riv. 2 255 63 82 397 181 216 7 6 48 S 1" ••SCTOay


WOIt.'K!.1t. S

Total Workers ".--_ ._rl"'- ______-....A.. NON. (I-IX) ------~ WOR'KI.RS I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No. _ ...... --A-o. ~ ~ ,-.A...-.. -"'-'- .-A-.. .-A-.. ~ ~ ~

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S

22 10 14 2 6 B 2 20 45 ~1 151 126 105 98 10 17 2 14 7 9 3 6 4 1 101 147 92 386 174 264 109 76 49 1 7 6 19 6 19 4 420 729 93 234 140 163 78 27 42 19 6 5 2 18 14 229 475 94 106 24 40 13 52 4 12 7 2 88 224 95

56 7 33 3 2 2 2 2 9 8 2 41 89 96 44 13 25 4 6 7 1 3 2 5 4- ... 33 83 97 65 33 33 10 15 13 15 9 1 1 46 117 98 69 15 35 4 25 11 9 ... 47 121 99 121 tli 87 12 4 2 2 28 2 102 212 100

189 146 133 126 17 14 h 3 25 6 2 160 286 101 111 31 97 23 2 6 5 2 3 2 2 93 216 102 163 82 133 64 17 1+ 7 -t 2 4- 160 305 103 129 36 62 19 13 14 36 18 3 119 234 104- 4 2 4 2 3 4 105

88 66 77 38 8 28 ... 3 '" 100 150 106 75 55 64 46 8 8 3 1 65 !l5 107 44 35 40 35 4 28 60 108 22 24 HI 24 3 1 25 27 109 2 1 2 1 7 13 110

12 12 12 12 72 111 212 121 164 82 31 35 2 9 2 6 2 183 378 112 280 232 247 202 21 25 10 5 2 178 330 113 259 294 185 216 44 64 16 7 4 3 2 2 5 5 182 310 114 29 40 27 38 2 2 19 27 115

44 43 36 41 4 2 4 34 50 116 4 3 2 1 2 2 3 10 117 10 17 5 11 3 6 2 13 12 118 137 94 94 57 19 27 1 15 10 2 2 4 111 187 119 63 63 48 51 7 9 2 6 3 47 39 120

282 311 195 233 36 55 25 13 2 2 24 S 173 281 121 91 52 72 44 5 5 2 1 10 1 621 122 122

23,166 15,589 16,777 10,264- 3,643 4,370 101 17 1,258 550 103 40 458 85 45 780 261 16,755 29,124 SANDWA CHANDlKA BLOCK

59 41 53 33 3 2 1 2 2 3 33 51 123 4-1 39 3S 37 2 1 3 1 23 33 124 139 118 101 82 32 29 3 7 2 104 153 125 54 31 21 12 15 17 7 2 11 53 78 126 701 S77 572 475 62 82 22 8 6 19 2 2 17 10 409 648 127

47 43 45 38 2 1 4- 39 68 128 160 172 125 137 23 2~ 4 4 7 3 120 181 139 170 120 149 102 7 14 5 4 2 6 153 272 130 88 74 71 69 1 3 3 2 10 3 72 81 131 108 88 ~ 78 7 10 1 3 73 128 132 vtLLAG&


Occu. Serial Name of Village Numb~r Area pied House. Total Population Scheduled Literate and. No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi· holds Castes educated Hamlets acres dential persons Houses

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

133 Gopalpur Gr ant Riv. 1 67 1 1 14- 6 8 1 134 Khajuri Riv. 4 475 115 125 695 342 353 S4 59 55 5 135 Larhwat Riv. 1 187 31 31 159 79 80 3 136 Piparl Riv. 2 259 54 56 282 132 150 25 27 37 3 137 Barend Riv. .01- 518 135 144- 669 301 368 114 96 161 28

138 Singhani Riv. 7 885 166 184 954- 456 498 112 76 117 139 Kanjas Riv. 5 323 77 77 384- 198 186 63 47 63 3 140 Shahjahanpur R. Riv. 1 198 17 17 105 51 54 4 6 16 141 Pachhimgaon R, Riv. 4 566 132 137 719 357 362 61 82 87 1 142 Purabgaon R, Riv, Mp, Po. 6 669 277 308 1,462 735 727 186 217 233 128

143 Balapur 3 360 82 91 374 168 206 83 34 42 144 Rajapur Rainia 4- 807 163 171 829 396 433 25 36 57 8 145 Newada Gauradan Riv. 3 411 80 82 406 179 227 14 20 61 16 146 Sarai Ugai 1 239 53 55 260 133 127 31 33 44 147 Siristabad S 382 99 119 587 251 336 15 31 49 9

148 Adampur 2 76 15 18 84 33 51 3 2 1 149 Pipupur 3 347 65 71 412 201 211 17 41 56 6 150 Pure Niwal 3 82 42 55 245 106 139 22 31 8 53 151 Tetarpur 4 227 22 22 102 46 56 13 17 2 2 152 Gulraha 7 472 130 130 682 311 371 62 77 82 2

153 Sarai Tar 2 85 12 13 59 25 34 5 1 9 154 Maniyarpur 5 159 62 62 326 166 160 22 34 39 155 Ramnagar Bhojpur 14 820 260 282 1,444- 717 727 122 163 - 263 48 156 Makaipur Riv, 9 1.133 170 173 1,028 481 547 42 52 18 157 Pure Bairisal 5 341 117 210 352 165 187 23 46 49 11

158 Tilokpur Bisain Ri v. 2 244- 60 63 334- 154 180 29 37 72 5 159 Dandupur Ransingh Riv. 9 1,231 • 191 210 1,143 504 639 145 168 135 13 160 Jagdishpur 6 502 148 157 656 312 344 38 45 43 161 Gaura Dand Po 4 505 280 286 1,226 540 686 lOS 134 197 31 162 Pure Ramdeo 3 181 60 63 362 183 179 58 69 26

163 Raichandpur 4 416 119 132 600 307 293 82 95 49 1 1M Bisaulha 2 166 29 34 183 95 88 4 4 26 6 165 Banda Khutar 4 267 70 82 366 168 198 16 27 52 166 Kanpa 1 177 57 59 298 139 159 26 40 9 167 Chhatarpur Po. 14 1,929 451 505 2.566 1,207 1,359 163 199 296 37

168 Pangurpur 42 Un.inbabited 169 Lohangi 2 171 49 54 231 124 107 36 35 14- 3 170 Bojhwa 2 252 53 55 263 140 123 % 36 10 171 Dandupur Ahibaran 4 178 63 69 334- 129 205 5 17 31 172 Pithi Patti 1 254- 45 47 229 98 131 36 58 25

173 Dharauli 15 860 173 210 1,163 545 618 129 66 95 14 174 Nari 10 788 208 242 1,232 561 671 98 144- 88 5 175 Mathia Ramdaspur 1 107 29 29 144- 63 81 2 8 18 2 176 Taranpur 2 85 25 25 147 72 75 47 50 8 177 Katka Manap'.lf 12 979 204- 204 1,057 484- S73 49 52 50 • lilt




'['olal Workers _._.._A-__ NON. '(I-.IX) r------.. WORKERS II III V VI VII \'III IX X Serial No.

M F :,{ F M F M F M F ~1 F!\1 F M F M F M F M F

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2~ 30 31 32 33 34 35

3 4 3 4 3 4 133 203 112 134 54 36 50 2 13 2 15 6 3 13~ 2+1 134 42 47 40 +0 2 7 '" 37 33 135 77 24- 67 18 8 6 2 55 126 13b 169 152 121 (17 3~ 33 4- 3 2 2 10 17 132 21f, 137

269 97 216 51 34 45 17 2 187 401 138 145 H 93 15 +1 29 U 3 53 142 139 33 28 31 26 1 2 1 18 26 140 211 194 145 125 53 55 4 i 11 ... 2 2 146 168 141 414 207 153 76 t9 84 40 3:1 57 1 84 2 8 8 321 520 142

92 96 83 72 2 6 10 I 6 8 76 108 143 252 199 204- 184 19 12 3 3 9 6 10 ... 144 234 144- 93 143 85 127 8 13 2 1 86 84 14S 82 83 65 62 17 20 1 ... 51 44 146 130 134- 94 105 28 29 4 4- 121 202 147

14 15 14- 13 2 19 36 148 106 105 93 94 6 6 1 3 ... 3 5 95 106 1-49 58 16 Sl 56 5 10 1 6 1 3 48 63 150 28 18 22 10 3 8 3 18 38 151 160 47 134 29 B 17 5 2 2 9 151 324- 152

17 5 16 4 1 1 8 29 153 78 29 58 14 12 15 ... 3 + 88 131 154 322 194- 222 81 77 111 q 1 1 13 1 395 533 155 280 166 224 86 27 70 21 B 2 ... 0 2 201 3tH 150 8B 81 77 54 9 26 1 2 77 106 157

88 92 77 81 7 10 3 66 88 158 285 290 213 194 60 93 5 3 1 219 349 159 174 129 147 101 25 28 I 1 138 215 160 293 187 180 131 42 48 1 2() 8 8 32 2 8 247 499 161 107 66 44 8 21 52 29 4 4 9 76 113 162

174- 75 87 11 60 61 16 J 1 7 3 133 218 163 51 36 40 26 5 10 b 44 52 164 89 5S 67 33 13 21 7 J 2 79 143 1b5 74 91 66 81 4 9 3 1 I 65 68 166 709 373 589 283 46 48 62 39 5 J 6 498 986 167

Un.inhabited 158 86 50 60 27 21 22 4 1 1 38 57 16'3 78 26 73 19 1 4- 1 1 3 2 62 97 170 82 54 42 10 39 39 3 2 47 151 171 62 13 33 3 28 10 36 118 172

313 302 242 222 27 47 2 27 27 2 4 4 2 9 232 316 173 • 299 168 175 ~2 30 (12 71 18 2 1 15 6 5 262 503 17+ 31 7 26 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 32 74 175 38 22 20 4 IS 18 2 3 34- 53 176 m 137 16t 74 37 +I- 20 18 3 7 1 253 43b 177 VILLAGE


Deco· Serial !\i.me of Village Number Area pied Houle. Total Population ~eheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Reai. holds Cast~s educated Hamlets acres dential perlons ROllses ,--_ J.. __ """'\ ~ ~

P ).1 F M F M F 2 3 4 5 Ii 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

178 Bajhan Riv. 13 866 2f)9 289 1,448 650 798 53 83 177 28 179 Raghaipur 2 76 20 40 170 81 89 16 16 32 3 180 Madhopnr 5 145 Jli 48 219 88 131 55 76 29 2 181 Tewaripur 3 98 19 49 215 104 II I 3 ) 33 22 182 Arjunpur 5 309 83 85 4: 1 201 22 ) 2B 42 64 13

183 Barwanda 4 141 8 33 217 108 10''.) 18 21 22 184- Sandwa Chandika L. Mp, Hes, Mew, Po. 15 1,639 546 581 2,691 1,283 1,408 248 295 394 56 185 Jogipur 6 697 110 132 643 \ 297 3~6 111 122 29 186 Kamaluddinpur 4- 537 103 115 520 262 264· 61 74 17 1 187 Bhav.anipur 4 486 137 151 767 383 384 54 51 84 9

188 Misrauli 4 184 41 62 26:) 111 158 10 14- 16 6 189 Antu Rly, Mp, po 28 2,105 745 839 3,724 1,879 1,845 251 266 454 62 190 Saraiyan 2 106 27 29 150 80 70 18 13 24 3 191 Chaturpur 1 171 29 29 143 73 70 22 29 10 192 Umari Rly. 9 1,231 287 305 1,563 769 79<4- 87 120 243 31

193 Jalalpur 3 81 96 117 569 296 273 32 12 71 3 194 DandupUf Daulat 4 235 90 91 523 260 263 32 22 85 195 Nagmalpur 3 250 70 71 363 179 184 44 54 24 196 Rampur Umari Rly. 2 191 74 78 330 161 169 20 24 32 197 Para Hamidpur Rly, Po. IS 1,231 385 434 2,115 1,040 1,075 175 183 210 31

19B Reoriha 1 107 26 30 189 88 101 27 26 20 2 ·199 Saruawan Po. 5 316 130 139 867 459· 408 64- 84 277 9 200 KaJyanpur Po. B 602 185 199 1,041 532 509 71 ~7 107 4 201 Bukanapur 1 59 17 18 124- 65 59 +3 5 202 Asapur 1 186 13 15 103 51 52 4- 6 19 7

203 Khaira Gaurbar 4 416 142 146 685 331 354 19 17 150 8 204 Pure Parmeabwar 4- 214 SO 54 282 138 144- 35 50 14 1 205 Banmala 2 70 17 17 59 31 28 12 8 10 1 206 Adharpur 12 964 248 306 1,477 689 788 167 244 166 11 207 Kol Bajardiha Riv. Po. 20 1,422 21.01- 220 1,412 722 690 101 95 147 12

208 Bhairopur 2 133 62 76 264 116 148 27 30 28 ' 5 209 Rai Birajanipllf 2 301 65 66 578 282 296 25 21 60 7 210 Behra 1 282 37 39 243 133 110 23 25 28 1 211 Dasiapur 1 56 15 17 74 32 42 7 8 8 2 212 Koylia 1 83 12 15 5+ 24 30 2 0

213 Sheorajpur 10 619 173 209 1,472 679 793 117 135 237 14 214 Rampur Paran 2 155 79 89 444 213 231 28 26 30 2 215 Mohammadapur 5 466 108 121 665 383 282 51 50 89 7 216 Bhadausi 14 704 ·221 246 1,372 672 700 133 140 218 22 217 Asapur R. 2 262 68 81 352 191 161 45 32 54

218 Dangari R. 6 521 79 83 #5 210 235 S4 65 35 219 Kamaput I 34 1 2 11 6 5 3 220 Fatehpur 5 117 38 4. 237 120 117 14 8 8 221 Chaubesur 6 172 99 II! 592 276 316 +3 56 31 222 Karal.ln .ai 4' UII.iakaaitcd. Ixi



WORKERS ""Total Workers NON - (I-IX) ------.------...\...------"""'.... WORKERS 1 II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No.

M F M F M F M F M FMFMFM F M P M F M F 14 15 1~ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1

'359 304 271 218 51 76 29 8 8 2 291 494 178 35 . 6 26 2 5 4 2 2 46 83 179 51 24 32 14 3 ... 1 9 1 S 5 37 107 180 67 69 56 43 10 26 1 37 42 181 lW ~ n u ~ " 2 3 6 91 191 182

71 65 65 64 5 1 37 44 183 '688 417 434 251 131 126 47 33 7 24 6 12 33 1 595 991 184 161 132 121 82 36 50 2 1 1 136 214 185 1" 1~ 1~ 1~ 7 5 3 .,. 2 107 107 186 .225 82 177 47 31 22 8 921 4 2 3 1 158 302 187

69 67 55 57 6 8 8 2 42 91 188 '11,111 531 593 173 228 176 4 106 50 18 29 74 19 31 56 84- 768 1,314 189 '39 8 21 2 13 6 4 1 41 62 190 36 8 20 4 16 4 37 62 191 -413 178 370 148 15 23 9 3 5 3 3 11 1 356 616 192

'160 52 83 7 69 38 1 2 4 7 136 221 193 '143 39 126 27 4 10 9 2 3 1 117 224 194 104 38 89 27 12 11 1 1 1 75 146 195 95 32 80 23 12 7 ~ 2 1 66 137 196 <632 502 330 310 71 41 136 128 18 5 1 21 3 15 40 15 408 573 197

42 13 37 9 2 3 2 1 1 46 88 198 '111 102 58 43 31 48 7 6 2 2 11 5 348 306 199 143 137 99 93 22 36 8 8 6 8 389 372 200 25 6 24 6 ... 1 40 53 201 30 5 19 2 5 9 21 <1-7 202

192 103 142 79 13 16 9 6 2 20 2 6 IS9 251 203 73 67 62 55 10 11 1 1 65 77 204 21 9 11 5 5 4 2 a 10 19 205 ,'380 299 277 169 64 111 18 12 17 5 3 2 309 489 206 466 306 434 288 2 1 7 1 1 4 10 2 12 10 256 384 207

.58 61 58 26 35 58 87 208 157 150 116 101 29 35 4 3 3 9 5 2 125 146 209 71 37 63 30 5 7 1 2 62. 73 210 18 9 12 2 6 7 ... 14 33 211 16 1 12 2 1 2 8 29 212

'331 192 196 51 76 92 3(') 44 2 3 20 5 348 601 213 108 70 71 41 10 14 21 13 1 5 2 105 161 214 160 66 119 16 35 47 3 2 ... 3 223 216 215 362 184- 250 96 50 63 41 14 1 1 1 19 10 310 516 216 129 116 105 97 23 19 1 62 45 217

145 128 120 99 23 29 1 1 65 107 218 4 4 2 5 219 71 65 61 58 3 7 7 49 53 220 146 123 112 99 24 22 2 2 _. 8 130 193 221 Un·inhablted 222 Ix



{)ccu- Serial Name o{Village Number Area pied Literate and No. (Notations for amenitiel) of in Resi- House- Total Population Scheduled educated Hamlets acres dential holds Castes persons Housel r -L ~ ,---l-......

p M F M F t>f F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 223 Upadhayapur 5 167 63 64 S4S 158 187 49 74- 35 1 224 Gopalpur 1 152 10 11 83 37 46 20 4 14 2 225 Sarai Bhanai 2' 265 90 100 523 252 271 74 40 92 21 226 Mahuli 12 Un.inhabited 227 Pure Pitamber 1 52 7 7 62 35 27 10 5 14 26

228 Sakatpur 1 53 19 19 123 88 35 7 229 Usari Rly. 4- 183 49 50 215 97 118 2~ 22 20 230 Bansi Rly, Po. 8 538 177 182 910 443 467 43 60 82 3 231 Basupur Bansi Rly, Riv- 4 322 40 46 250 120 130 14- 19 33 7 232 Benipur Barna Riv. 3 227 15 27 101 53 48 32 4-

233 Lohang Patti Rly, Riv. .. 292 93 113 551 263 288 64- 80 58 5 234 Kamal 5 #7 106 109 570 273 297 27 31 52 3 235 Sagrampur Rly, Po. 8 531 127 127 698 363 335 45 42 91 5 236 Ghidhara Riv. 1 30 13 13 54 31'1 24 8 7 8 237 Raghunathpur Riy. 3 125 45 46 198 108 90 47 34 11

238 Gobri Rly. 9 952 415 460 1,872 896 976 162 203 302 25 239 Dhanaur 4 114 33 34 174 81 93 16 18 18 240 Sarai Dati 2 160 15 15 105 47 58 13 10 22 6 241 Pure Bharat 2 252 97 101 518 227 291 46 73 46 3 242 Chaura R, 3 250 52 62 33& .. 166 170 35 40 73 2 243 Kunw .. n 10 263 46 51 293 153 140 50 54 26 244- Shukulpur R. 14 459 132 147 793 397 396 23 27 151 16 245 Ammau R. .01- 236 65 67 316 144 172 30 27 51 11 246 Pure Garibdas 2 68 19 21 123 57 66 8 14 19 7 247 Garwara R, Mp, H, Po. 11 473 220 243 1,263 639 624- 75 106 250 3()·

248 Kalata 1 106 17 17 109 52 57 22 43 18 249 Rajwari 2 173 41 41 211 103 108 18 17 23 3 250 Mawaiya Kalan Riv. 3 460 111 111 5# 256 283 35 58 86 ... 251 Bahunchara Po. 7 677 202 236 1,409 687 722 19 10 272 52 252 Kondra Madupur Riv. 9 1,219 235 329 2,050 940 1,110 55 65 364- 75

233 Misirmau Riv. 1 311 71 71 310 152 15B 43 68 34 254 Pure Acharya RiT. 4- 393 50 54 326 15+ 172 22 22 255 Bhagipur Riv-. 6 460 70 70 402 187 215 53 9 256 Kamorapur Pande RiT. 7 420 75 79 453 .2{)2 251 76 10 257 Sarai Lachhmandeo 1 157 15 17 78 37 41 13 2

258 Teigarh Riv, po. 6 530 134 153 755 312 443 51 67 153 3' 259 Barilta 6 374- 148 151 674 295 379 34 64 70 3· 260 Basupur Barista 6 217 105 105 569 283 286 37 70 131 11 TOTAL OF5ANDWA CHANDIKA BLOCK. 669 54,996 14,247 15,866 79,283 38,041 41,242 6,229 7,165 9,994 1,265· LAKSHMANPUR BLOCK

261 Pure Tula Upadhya Riv. a 176 22 28 176 93 83 15 12 11 2.62 5arai Setan Riv. 1 218 19 19 113 59 54 16 263 Padmakarpur 2 288 51 51 242 104- 138 12 10 19 264- Kotwa Shuku)P ur RIT. 7 528 185 185 902 398 504 33 53 156 IS. 265 Tar_pur 8 584 160 leiS 757 335 422 41 77 120 26- lxiil

'D1l\EGrORY ott URAL-CoDtd.

WORKERS "'Total Workers NO~- (I-IX) ~------~------~ WORKERS I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No. ~ ~ ,-.A.-..

M F M F M F M F M FMFM FM FM F M F M F 14 15 Hi 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3+ 35 1 98 20 65 11 10 3 962 3 68 167 223 21 4 20 4 1 16 42 224 138 78 110 43 25 35 3 114 193 225 Un-inhabited 226 I! 4 11 1 4 3 4- 16 23 227

24 10 24 10 64- 25 228 67 63 61 56 4 6 2 1 30 55 229 "291 21,7 249 222 9 19 ... 6 11 8 152 220 230 52 25 1,6 21 4 3 1 1 1 68 105 231 32 2 28 2 2 2 21 46 232

135 86 90 68 29 14 4 4 1 11 128 202 233 144 43 104 11 31 31 2 5 1 1 1 129 254 234 221 25 116 4 32 12 2 38 6 33 3 142 310 235 . 17 7 9 6 7 2 13 17 236 Sa 53 55 51 1 1 52 37 237

S15 298 302 153 89 86 61 37 6 3 1 20 7 4 32 12 381 678 238 45 41 42 a7 3 4 36 52 239 17 8 8 S 5 5 1 2 1 30 50 240 122 131 93 84 17 46 7 1 5 105 160 241 77 28 41 4 1 23 24 1 11 89 142 242

73 49 56 31 12 17 1 5 80 91 243 .214 118 150 33 39 75 11 9 2 1 6 6 183 278 244 71 44 54 31 8 12 4 2 3 1 73 128 245 25 10 17 6 3 4 1 2 2 32 56 246 329 165 120 27 55 76 69 38 6 57 18 6 16 6 310 459 247

31 23 12 13 14 10 4 1 21 34 248 64 43 55 37 9 6 39 65 249 136 111 95 60 19 47 10 3 2 10 1 120 177 250 312 1,54 215 30 68 105 10 10 7 8 12 1 375 568 251 .521 258 338 103 123 128 24 19 5 3 3 28 5 419 852 252

94 32 51 10 32 22 8 3 58 126 253 82 27 68 13 12 14 1 72 145 254 -106 72 67 ... 38 68 1 81 143 255 117 43 95 1-4- 9 28 6 1 5 1 85 208 256 15 11 8 3 2 6 4 2 1 22 30 257

'223 103 136 56 19 22 21 7 5 22 6 2 18 12 89 340 258 147 ,52 84 20 33 23 15 6 4 11 3 148 327 259 122 49 108 15 10 33 1 4 161 237 260

2t,945 13,304 14,888 8,369 3,096 3,733 22 2 1,276 7'1:8 188 68 9 586 114 146 ... 734 27017,09621,935 LAKSHMANPUR BLOCK

58 25 50 20 5 4- ••• ' ' 3 35 58 261 32 23 32 23 27 31 262 68 78 65 73 3 5 .... 36 60 263 216 112 184 100 9 5 2 2 5 11 5 5 la2 392 264 17S 195 121 93 42 85 6 11 1 9 6 156 227 265 Ixiv



Oceu. Serial Name of Village Number Area pied Literate and No, (N otations for amenities) of in Resi. House- Total Population Scheduled educated Hamlets acres dential holds Caltes person .. Houses J r= -""I r- ""I

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 13

\ 266 Misirpur 5 359 67 67 340 157 183 26 44 46 3- 267 Basupur Sujanpur 5 279 109 109 594 265 329 63 79 67 7 268 Usra Patti 1 50 8 8 89 64 25 12 9 1 269 Etaura 1 173 30 36 180 92 88 15 6 29 10 270 Rangauli 8 547 97 101 SOS 232 273 53 56 45 3,

271 Harakhpur Kotwa 4 181 72 79 375 170 205 33 47 67 6 272 Garapur 5 238 86 89 445 191 254 27 37 24 2 273 Paharpur R, Rty. Mp, Hos. H, Po. 17 1,701 456 465 2,366 1,037 1,269 12B 195 32B 31 274 Williamgarh Riv. 3 295 15 16 90 43 47 2 275 Kritpur Riv. 2 143 49 50 237 110 127 12 16 14

276 Righi 1 163 15 16 66 29 37 6 6 4 277 Pure Rup 2 266 42 42 228 111 117 8 13 16 1 278 Itauri 6 675 139 141 684 332 352 31 35 95 12 279 Sundcrpur Mp. 12 911 303 306 1,560 71B 842 83 113 278 67 280 RahmaR Quli R. 2 61 21 22 131 71 60 27 29 22 1

281 Hadrahi 4 282 91 109 495 218 277 53 65 33 282 Shakuhabad Riy. :3 280 57 68 352 189 163 14 15 4 283 Gahri R. 5 30'3 119 119 609 292 317 46 157 91 14 284 Handaur R,Po. 10 827 400 442 2,347 1,098 1,249 161 181 382 55 285 Ghoripur R. 2 246 81 85 375 lSI} 219 90 108 37 2

286 Sagerpur 1 SO 13 13 83 35 48 21 7 287 Pure Birbal 3 366 63 66 408 193 215 27 40 ,93 1 288 Kansapur 2 262 47 52 249 117 132 31 31 51 1 289 Basupur Handaur 4 217 124- 153 776 381 395 12 ~ 115 3, 290 Nagapur 1 180 38 47 229 105 121- 15- 21 42 4

291 Tilauri 1 208 38 47 294 149 145 22 23 37 -40 292 Mattupur Bohi 4 268 46 49 273 125 148 9 11 13 293 Sandwa Somer Bansiyan 11 580 79 97 494- 223 271 40 49 61 18 294- Sandwa Dubar 6 298 70 81 417 188 229 40 41 71 8 295 Sarai Sonsara 3 58 44 46 205 106 99 12 11 53 1

296 Multanipur R, Po, 8 399 148 178 B4B 435 413 64 71 161 16 2!1J Mi'llirpur R, 3 208 71 80 323 162 161 4-5 46 69 a- 298 Kharagpur R, Ri'" 11 582 185 185 845 382 463 98 86 105 II). 299 Gharaura R. 10 694 118 123 Wl 367 473 94 108 120 6, 300 Gebi Mahuban R. S 727 111 111 582 273 309 30 34 52

301 Dandupur Parlan 6 -«>3 55 58 306 133 173 37 67 32 2' 302 Bahlolpur R,H. S 308 185 203 B99 447 452 109 139 189 38· 303 Deoli 15 1,349 231 266 1,503 727 776 57 73 187 s- S04- Bojhwa Basupur 1 252 42 49 333 149 IB4 3S 50 48 12 805 Maheshpur 2 269 78 95 422 200 • 222 99 118 47 +--

306 Chhemar Saraiya 6 713 169 171 815 357 458 142 184 12B 2 3f11 Katya Newada Riy. 7 763 194 222 1,182 549 633 168 9- 308 Teliyahi Riy. 9 866 178 180 926 428 498 15 23 69 3- 109 Chitari 2 214 69 75 359 180 179 29 44- 30 310 Pure Jiwan Il. I 134 2 2 3 3 2 !xv



_.A-.. ".....,...__ _.A-.. ..-A-. ..-.-'--, ~ ~ .-.A-, ,-.A..-., ~ ~

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3+ 35

92 70 72 56 9 8 9 3 2 3 65 113 26(j. 144 104- 107 64- 23 2S S 4 7 4 1 1 7 121 225 267 '10 13 8 9 1 2 1 2 54 12 268 49 38 38 23 7 12 3 3 1 43 5() 26g. 131 139 102 121 23 18 5 1 101 IH 27()'

91 66 69 39 18 27 3 79 139 271 110 137 82 113 11 17 2 15 7 81 117 272 575 531 394 356 88 148 28 14 17 6 3 43 7 462 738 273 27 12 25 11 1 2 16 3, 274 53 56 49 45 3 8 3 57 71 27S

19 20 18 18 1 2 10 17 276 62 it 44 39 5 7 12 5 1 49 66 277 \79 106 127 47 34 59 13 2 3 153 246 278 361 347 191 208 51 113 37 17 9 59 9 5 9 357 495 279 4S 30 17 11 19 19 2 7 26 3) 2OO

119 163 69 75 38 67 12 21 ,. 99 114 281 92 24 68 8 22 16 1 1 97 139 282 157 114 78 43 19 32 2 1 3+ 29 1 1 4 7 12 8 135 203 283 505 131 350 48 110 65 2 2 1 17 1 3 1 3 19 14 593 1,118 284 70 129 65 105 5 23 1 86 9) 28S

22 19 20 19 2 13 29 286 84 69 S3 41 14 26 10 2 3 4 109 146 287 65 27 39 8 18 18 5 1 2 1 52 105 28S 165 43 105 23 21 6 32 10 2 5 4 216 352 28~ 54 17 50 8 4 9 51 107 290

71 23 60 5 10 18 78 122 291 77 57 62 20 15 37 48 91 292 106 46 91 23 11 19 2 4 2 177 225 293 95 63 59 24 30 38 3 1 3 93 166 294 59 22 49 13 6 8 1 1 3 47 77 29S

206 63 128 28 29 21 9 7 5 2 32 6 229 350 296 89 41 73 25 16 16 73 120 297 222 83 178 54 22 16 6 13 1 5 9 160 38!) 29S 147 130 92 57 47 66 8 6 1 220 343 299 154 143 139 140 14 8 1 119 161 300

64 66 45 21 16 45 1 1 1 69 107 301 240 78 106 53 11 4 33 12 S 39 2 7 38 7 207 37-1- 3()2 366 168 270 41 S3 112 5 7 ... 1 2 35 8 361 60S 303 61 38 53 33 1 5 1 1 1 2 88 146 30+ 110 93 69 S4 32 36 1 1 1 8 1 90 129 30S

226 315 19B 288 12 1~ 9 7 2 5 7 131 143 306 300 222 213 133 60 86 2 16 1 4- 5 2 249 411 3()7 214 168 162 144- .u 22 14 1 13 2 214 331) 3i)S 117 88 84 fJ7 25 i9 1 1 5 1 63 91 3()9 3 3 310 lxvi



Occu. Serial Name of Village Number Area pied Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi. House. Total Popubtion Scheduled edllcated Hamlets acres dential. holds Caste. perlonl Houses ._~ r----"--~ r- . r--~"-"\

p M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 9 10 11 12 13

311 Tina ll. 4 656 ISS 164 780 344 436 96 122 72 1.... 312 Rarnpur Bhal'iyani 6 391 157 159 682 326 356 67 92 127 313 Kothar Mangolepur R. 7 261 IrQ 184 791 425 366 49 94- 109 8 314 Dhaurahra R, Ri'f, Po. 4 153 39 49 233 118 115 10 11 44 7 315 Dulhepur Riv. 5 524 118 146 776 341 435 43 SS 1+1- 9

316 Dandi Kbas Riv. 18 1,133 408 425 2,082 911 1,171 184 247 265 26 317 Raghwapur 2 160 57 61 335 167 168 46 62 44 3 318 Chandapur 3 203 64 73 400 184 216 40 51 74- 10 319 Sheobojh Mp. 6 401 121 135 695 3# 351 65 67 129 9 320 Dih Mehandi Riv, Po. 5 486 467 471 2,354 1,120 1,234 196 160 382 98

321 Padnathpur Riv. 2 302 29 45 201 94 107 23 39 32 1 322 Raipur Khurd Ril'. 2 212 58 61 292 132 160 9 13 26 2 323 Barapur Bhikh Riv. 2 375 81 82 370 168 202 74 121 22 324 MajhwM 2 339 125 131 620 2111 329 70 103 77 3 325 Sarai Makai Biv. 5 311 97 98 507 269 23S 49 56 122 5

326 Pure Gulabrai 2 106 81 84 338 169 169 38 J-8 59 8 327 Laxmanpur.L,Mp Hos,Mew,H,Po,! 138 53 69 246 123 123 34 39 59 31 328 Patulki 12 172 218 258 1,115 545 570 103 116 110 17 329 Katwarh Riv. 4 400 128 148 721 334 387 73 76 111 1 330 lSindhaur Mp. 11 1,114 34~ 376 1,629 810 819 137 192 177 17

331 Kaitha Dandi Riv. 2 209 73 79 389 191 198 5 11 32 332 Lilapur Riv. 4 675 173 18<1- 897 404 493 85 122 137 32 333 Karai laha Hariharpur 2 386 147 147 504- 238 266 35 56 26 334 Bankati 2 93 35 35 161 76 85 10 12 7 335 Serbajpur 3 384- 102 107 502 294 208 39 54- SO 1

336 Panti 4 302 67 73 378 180 198 49 50 53 337 Phulpur 3 292 113 118 707 325 382 43 49 81) 19 338 Chamrupur Suklan P •• 15 425 109 208 1,118 565 553 61 74- 142 20 339 Sarai Lohangrai 2 207 65 72 340 153 187 33 48 30 2 340 Antpur Bane",a. 1 36 21 24 110 42 68 6 27 13 4

341 Bhogapul' 10 646 95 120 514- 250 264 67 71 54 2 342 Gajarahi 2 33 46 47 227 97 130 11 29 53 16 343 Sariyapur 6 309 89 102 439 203 236 17 49 98 3 344 Sandwa Khas S 715 183 216 970 462 508 72 124 139 9 345 Narainpur 3 616 59 75 398 174 224 52 82 57 346 Rendi 6 426 125 128 707 368 339 25 32 108 ... 347 Bha wan.Ka.Purwa 2 171 41 41 231 111 120 22 2S 20 1 348 Kaehha 3 1,334 309 323 1,746 837 909 95 166 211 10 349 Newada Musterka 3 138 57 58 327 159 168 38 41 38 ... 350 Haiderpur Riv, 1 284 48 51 275 135 140 36 28 22

351 Daulatpul' 3 404 102 113 472 229 243 26 38 62 2 352 Domipur Mp. 2 416 133 139 718 340 378 69 87 100 .... 353 Kotilia Sardei Mp. 3 495 173 182 812 379 433 42 119 71 2 354 Urnaraura 6 427 96 109 530 242 2~8 . 18 31 93 II) 355 Jethwara Jidamau Pol. 14 1,493 437 473 2.376 1,172 1,2~ 2104 248 370 26 lxvii


RURAL-Contd. WORKERS l\'ON· Total Workers ...L __---- ~ WORKERS II-IX) ,-- I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Seria~ ,.._.....,..._. ,.._.....,..._. No . _."._, ...-A-.. ~ ,-..A-.. ~ ~ ~ _."._, ...-A-..

M F M F U F M F :VI F M F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3+ 35

145 1()6 24 36 6 5 3 3 163 288 311 181 148 1 8 172 60 130 30 25 27 7 1 2 1 15+ 296 312 86 64 71 66 16 21 7 ... 43 9 188 220 313 237 146 7 60 13 38 9 4- 2 11 2 58 102 314 184 81 H7 37 30 43 6 1 157 35+ 315

8 425 342 293 182 84 149 13 9 25 2 48" 829 316 74 28 64 12 8 15 1 1 1 93 1+0 317 95 13 85 9 5 1 1 1 2 89 203 318 145 121 85 SS 38 62 2 1 1 2 4 14'" 1 199 230 319 433 287 125 69 80 36 1 39 147 53 9 10+ 12 4 27 14- 687 9+1 320

49 27 27 7 18 20 1 3 4S 80 321 70 41 48 13 18 2+ 1 2 2 1 62 119 322 104 31 90 24 6 3 8 4 64 171 323 141 102 101 28 33 t5 6 8 •• # 1 150 227 32.1- 169 46 125 20 1+ 18 9 21 8 100 192 325

87 38 55 13 9 15 1 2 4 1 2 16 7 82 131 326 80 45 14 3 22 23 3 9 1 1 1 3 35 9 43 78 327 283 185 171 106 49 (,0 28 2 2 17 5 3 12 12 242 335 328 165 71 103 26 21 27 28 18 2 1 1 9 169 316 329 501 397 245 141 96 135 36 22 9 7 110 90 5 l09 422 330

111 137 79 36 32 101 ' ... flO 61 331 124 88 34- 60 7 5 2 5 4 3 36 15 194 320 332 210 173 3 91 147 165 92 34 52 131 101 333 46 36 29 11 10 19 7 6 30 49 334 184 136 162 65 17 67 4 J 110 72 335

97 89 70 12 24 3 79 101 336 101 7 1 141 184 33 137 17 30 12 9 3 349 337 312 169 237 127 39 29 5 5 1 19 5 11 3 253 33+ 338 88 108 64 76 14 25 4 2 1 1 4 5 65 79 339 18 25 9 7 10 9 8 24 43 3+0

3 u 110 140 167 97 128 40 31 " 97 3+1 38 34 31 13 5 21 1 1 59 96 3+2 155 113 129 8 25 1 1 2 3 76 81 3+3 127 8 257 251 204 198 20 45 21 6 1 4- 205 257 344 85 82 60 25 23 57 2 8~ 142 3+5 8 218 174 187 152 23 22 150 165 346 61 61 50 50 11 10 1 ... 50 5:) 347 437 207 333 155 60 48 21 4- 1 6 2 14 400 702 348 .73 48 45 20 14 23 5 5 9 86 120 3+9 57 26 48 19 7 3 2 4 78 114 350

118 39 89 23 17 11 5 5 7 111 204 351 170 149 127 92 34 48 2 3 9 2 1 . 1 170 229 352 183 120 116 53 37 S3 24 13 1 1 S 196 313 3S3 121 40 104 19 14 20 1 1 2 121 248 354 631 332 462 220 73 85 2 35 21 2 15 S 13 29 541 872 355 lxviii



Oceu. Number Area pied Houle- Total Pop1!lation Scheduled Literate and Serial Name of Village of in Resi. holds Castes educated No. (Notations for amenities) Hamlets acres dential persons Housel ..- .J.",. , ,. '--'"' r--I

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

356 Sonour 1 225 66 71 376 165 211 121 26 32 5 357 Karamchandpur 1 113 26 29 160 76 84 25 36 24 3 358 Devapur SakH 1 636 42 44- 246 118 128 21 4- 7 359 Umarpur 4 335 97 99 506 240 266 66 67 71 360 Asapur 3 262 108 108 5«i 275 271 66

361 Kalhwari 5 254 54- 67 274 127 147 34- 53 30 362 Bhikhampur 1 120 51 53 246 140 106 38 3 363 Gosainpur 1 82 23 25 100 44- 56 1 5 10 364 Hindupur 2 40 22 28 81 35 46 15 18 7 365 Sarai Dasu 5 66 38 44 249 100 149 20 13 33 11

366 Udapur 7 330 90 96 403 217 186 9 24 68 11 367 Tarapur 2 114 25 29 166 85 81 35 26 27 1 368 Rampur 2 220 36 40 168 74 94 49 75 16 4- 369 Dhansari 1'0. 10 743 140 160 805 387 418 81 98 140 36 370 Bhatani Po. 2 109 28 29 133 59 74- 34 45_ 9

371 Sirsa S 294- 76 81 355 16(; 19J 20 43 35 1 372 Diha Hardo 1 39 9 10 45 25 20 1 2 1 373 Naubasta 4 539 al 159 724 312 412 86 111 139 28 374 Bibip,.:r 2 129 48 48 224 106 118 38 20 20 375 Rawatpur 4 156 40 41 176 70 106 21 26 23

376 Ainthi 1 118 21 24 112 54- 58 21 26 14 377 Hasanpur 3 314- 54 56 271 134- 137 27 33 33 1 378 Dorpur .... 446 115 120 552 264 288 73 ~2 45 379 Sarai Anandeo l!l, Po. 5 943 225 296 1,535 709 826 80 107 214 46 380 Dinapur 3 89 16 16 145 75 70 1 2 25

381 Pipartali 6 284 74- 77 418 186 232 35 44 73 16 382 Amarauna 9 847 239 261 1,235 585 650 85 165 155 12 383 Puranpur Khas 2 899 110 125 652 315 31117 202 229 25 384 Shahpur 3 465 51 56 532 237 295 21 23 49 11 385 Balipur Parsan 2 563 53 58 305 137 168 52 81 55 3

386 Puranpur Khajur 4- 494- 103 108 542 262 280 76 88 73 4- 387 Shukhaupur 2 97 31 35 146 74 12 16 22 36 388 Rampur Khajur 3 212 52 60 317 130 187 46 52 52 37 389 Ajagara R, Po. 12 1,277 434- 51S 2,557 1,136 1,421 184- 252 337 35 390 Jogapur Mufrid R. 1 244 31 33 147 60 87 19 2

TOTAL OF LAKSHMANPUR BLOCK 593 51,022 13,738 15,014 74,277 34,998 39,279 6,223 7,977 10,129 1,128

PRATAPGARH BLOCK 391 Sadhopur 1 266 81 92 452 226 226 33 38 35 1 392 Newada Kalan Riv. 9 689 190 196 981 467 514 63 7' 181 25 393 Sagr ampur Qila Riv, Po. 6 385 144- 154- 877 423 454 61 78 198 49 394- Dhekahi Riv, Po. 10 605 82 111 674 359 315 61 60 148 50 395 Nariya 5 405 123 133 722 328 394- 25 101 121 6 !xix




Total Workers _A_ NON. (I-IX) -----, WORKERS I II III IV V VI ViI VIII IX X Sed al No . ...-A-. ,-_A.-., ,-A-., ..-A-. ~ ~ .-A-.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

71 34 59 13 7 19 2 2 3 94 177 356 34 16 24 1 9 15 ... 1 42 68 357 50 13 40 11 6 2 2 .,. 2 68 11S 353 115 130 102 115 8 15 2 3 125 136 359 132 48 101 30 22 15 8 3 1 143 223 360

63 74 40 40 15 29 6 S 2 64- 73 361 85 10 70 7 9 3 2 4- 55 96 362 29 27 23 18 1 3 4- 6 15 29 363 22 20 6 5 9 13 7 2 13 26 364- 47 83 34 61 13 22 53 66 365

126 110 108 102 6 8 9 3 91 76 366 SO 29 18 8 17 17 4- 3 11 35 52 367 39 40 15 11 24 29 ... 35 54 368 213 180 145 119 24 39 33 22 2 4- ... 174 238 369 27 48 22 39 5 9 32 26 370

105 86 93 70 4 14 5 3 2 61 104- 371 14 13 13 13 1 ... 11 7 372 150 156 78 90 38 49 2 20 17 12 ... 162 256 373 67 83 66 73 ... 7 1 3 39 35 374 59 54 S5 50 4 3 1 11 52 375

31 24 31 24 ... 23 34 376 73 90 68 86 2 4 1 1 1 61 47 377 141 124 112 81 18 40 3 2 ... 2 6 1 123 164 378 351 135 252 41 71 81 3 13 1 7 6 11 ... 358 691 379 39 28 31 21 8 7 ... 3(; 42 380

97 115 85 96 9 17 2 2 ... 1 ... 89 117 381 336 219 208 128 22 26 64 46 1 1 26 12 15 6 249 431 382 179 137 155 117 21 20 3 136 200 383 127 130 92 85 33 40 1 S 1 110 165 384- 67 76 37 26 24 46 4 4 2 70 92 385 • 131 105 104 69 18 35 3 1 3 3 lilt 175 386 30 26 22 17 3 S 3 4 2 44 46 387 7S 88 52 70 6 11 11 7 6 S5 99 388 559 538 362 395 63 100 67 28 3 1 36 5 4 24 9 577 833 3B9 39 36 33 28 4 4- 2 4 21 51 39()

18,30613,112 12,849 B,0022,841 3,981 13 4 922 699 169 37 8 ... 563 170 120 ... 821 219 16,692 26,167

PRATAPGARH BLOCK 149 82 83 42 30 16 27 16 2 9 6 17 144 391 273 116 217 64- 28 49 16 3 3 1 8 194 39B 392 230 40 149 10 45 17 16 4 3 3 17 6 193 414 393 168 44 109 13 37 27 9 2 U 2 191 271 394 160 131 lOS 49 .p 80 1 2 1 6 168 263 395 IXK



Ocen· Serial Name ofVillag. Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi. holds Castes educated Hamlets acres dential perlons Heuses II r0- t , r--~ P M F M p- M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

, 396 Rajapur Kalan Riv. 5 625 97 97 551 273 278 66 87 116 12 397 Pure Bhaiya 5 395 126 151 871 04-37 434- 50 41 175 22 398 Isipur RiT. 7 1,138 254 282 1,609 767 842 129 171 182 56 399 Majhilaha Riv. 7 784 192 204 942 411 531 91 117 169 19 400 Domnipur 2 64 8 8 50 29 21 1 4 14 3

401 Dharampur 2 51 28 32 145 70 75 29 33 20 2 1 165 29 30 137 73 64 6 8 22 2 402 Bandadih Sakat 92 108 403 Sirkhori 1 132 28 36 200 25 27 28 .. 404 Patulki R. 3 172 68 74 330 15S 172 26 25 49 3 405 Cha'ukhar • 149 63 73 371 206 165 7 4 57 1 406 Paramnathpur 2 74- 29 31 136 6S 71 24 21 14 407 Bhanapur R. 1 82 Jot. 35 163 86 77 8 7 19 1 408 Barb Samund 2 189 56 604- 326 154- 172 29 47 60 8 409 Bhojpur R. <4- 278 149 150 651 321 330 57 S9 82 6 flO Setapur R. 6 320 121 167 785 414 371 71 79 149 32

411 Gajrahi 1 33 9 9 51 25 26 1 3 1 412 Tardih 2 142 39 39 193 101 92 22 21 17 2 413 Jaintipur Kotbar 6 465 106 115 630 30B 322 4- 9 S3 12 414 Baghmar 2 111 S6 61 310 147 163 29 S2 49 5 415 Sangapur 2 121 11 12 68 37 31 5 22 2

416 Pure Til Bikram 1 74 13 14 94 48 46 14 8 15 3 417 Salai Mahima Riv. .. 302 77 88 549 275 274 83 36 418 Pure Hundaba R. 1 112 54 56 293 151 142 10 6 64 10 419 Baijalpur R, Riv. 3 350 58 61 314- 165 149 48 51 48 5 420 Gonda R, Rly, Po. 10 1,039 310 348 2,396 1,134 1262 219 279 - 495 109

421 Tekar R, Rly. 2 87 46 54 247 116 131 53 47 35 5 422 Rampl!X R. 3 87 39 40 246 136 110 27 23 40 1 423 Saral Dali R. 3 90 33 38 133 70 63 13 8 28 2 424 Benipur 1 227 34 37 184- 91 93 53 55 28 5 425 lswarpur 1 102 .... 3 44- 218 111 107 27 29 20 1

426 Sonawan R. 7 461 109 113 579 288 291 65 64 37 427 Ghoraha R. 4 182 25 25 128 66 62 25 25 20 428 Pure Bahoriya R, Rly, Riv. 2 68 4 4 18 6 12 S 429 Lohangpur R. 3 477 72 72 386 183 203 89 103 48 1 430 ,Bansipur (Pure Bansi) R. 1 538 18 18 114 S5 59 4 1 30

-431 Ranjitpur Chilbila R,Rly,Riv, 12 1,424 358 397 2,225 1,120 1,105 235 23+ 326 S6 Po. Ramgarhi 2 363 73 81 362 152 210 66 107 39 432 256 81 433 Sarai Birbbadra 2 89 466 233 233 57 75 48 1 .oj.34 Adampur Riv. 1 75 20 21 108 47 61 9 435 Ramnagar Riv. 4- 404- 169 169 648 333 315 70 60 83

436 'Pure Keshorai Riv. 5 672 292 331 1,645 793 852 74 99 326 37 Gaighat Riv. 115 Un-inhabited 437 130 438 Karaundbi 1 26 26 123 57 66 7 2 21 439 Jabargdon Riv. 1 181 24 28 138 66 72 14 10 20 111 33 440 1\otiliya Riv.Po. 2 34 215 lOS 112 47 45 "2 • Partly included in the town Bela M. B. lui



WORKERS Total Worken NON. (I-IX) ,..------"------. WORKERS I II III IV V VI VII VII[ IX X Serial No.

M F M FM F M FM F M F M FM F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

143 84 104 45 32 39 7 130 19~ 3;36 2!2 161 151 110 37 39 24 12 <4- 1 5 215 273 397 374 154 311 78 37 64 1 1 6 11 1 3 15 393 688 398 170 215 106 172 9 17 17 5 1 2 9 5 3 23 16 241 316 399 13 5 10 2 1 3 1 1 16 16 400

37 44 33 39 3 5 ... 33 31 401 34 28 25 19 6 9 1 2 39 36 402 45 29 26 11 11 17 1 1 6 47 79 403 86 51 56 39 13 11 1 4 !! 6 72 121 404 97 50 63 45 11 5 4 4 6 8 109 115 405

38 20 23 16 3 2 1 13 27 51 406 48 31 42 28 3 3 1 1 38 46 407 69 28 5S 16 11 12 ,'" 1 2 85 144- 408 175 94 112 45 41 49 8 3 8 3 1+6 236 +O~ 189 149 104 116 27 8 6 43 19 225 222 +t[)

13 3 13 3 12 23 +11 58 4 53 2 3 2 43 83 412 ]73 38 161 19 2 1 8 16 2 2 13S 284 413 81 75 40 49 4 7 15 12 3 19 7 66 88 +14 17 4 17 4 20 27 415

21 15 14- 10 4. 4 1 1 2 27 31 416 152 119 103 58 26 34- 5 15 6 1 1 11 11 123 155 417 7S 33 64- 31 9 2 2 76 109 418 100 31 55 34 30 1 1 5 1 4 65 118 419 S6S 420 288 210 86 118 6fl 58 9 2 28 8 21 65 26 569 842 42[)

56 41 39 26 10 11 ...... 3 3 4 1 60 9:J 421 70 46 45 35 11 10 1 1 1 12 66 64 422 38 21 24 21 9 1 1 3 32 42 423 54 33 14 11 22 18 5 <4- 8 5 37 60 424 68 42 38 34 11 7 9 1 5 5 43 65 425

163 71 100 45 8 3 13 9 4 6 11 5 6 15 9 125 220 420 33 16 25 7 4 6 3 3 1 33 46 427 4 3 4 3 2 9 428 102 55 52 16 17 37 3 1 '19 3 1 7 8~ 14H 429 26 1 22 1 2 2 2:} 58 430

576 90 337 50 5S 11 8 2 8 13 1 28 ... 127 26 544 1,015 431 82 46 37 38 23 6 3 2 5 1 3 10 70 1J<1· 432 136 80 56 31 37 37 10 11 .. 29 1 97 153 433 31 14 12 9 9 5 ... 10 .. , 16 47 43~ 227 142 157 74 45 53 15 10 6 3 4 2 106 173 435

420 343 227 172 83 99 36 S3 7 1 7 1 5 5-lo 17 373 5:)9 435 Un·inhabited 437 31 24 23 16 2 6 2 1 S 26 42 438 44 56 30 34 10 19 2 3 1 1 22 16 439 S9 57 42 39 10 18 3 4 44 55 44() lxxii



Occu- Serial N aIDe of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castel educated Hamlets acres dential persons Housel ,---.A-_~ r---L-l ,..-_...A._, P M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 (j 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

441 Chaukhat Chilbila Riv. 2 163 40 49 295 142 153 23 27 61 5 442 Jagdishpur Riv,Po. 3 629 68 85 488 220 268 54 92 88 17 443 Pure Madhosingh Riv, Po. 1 149 64 70 402 18<4- 218 41 49 6~ 9 #4 Sarai Kalyandeo 3 169 78 94 439 206 233 5 12 53 3 #5 Gadai Chak Daiya Riv. 2 689 118 119 637 325 312 27 27 83 1

446 Pure Ojba R, Riv, Po. 2 241 72 87 472 217 255 35 38 90 21 447 Teonga R. 9 811 393 443 2,364- 1,195 1.169 202 190 508 170 Baranpur R. 4 414 HO 184- 717 306 411 23 35 _ 106 6 *448#9 Jahanaipur 4- 232 91 94- 481 231 250 42 46 86 450 Rupapur R. 2 193 133 146 892 448 4# 21 16 169 SO

451 Sagra R, Po 3 309 153 186 897 457 #0 38 25 230 30 452 Cha\. Bantore Riv. 3 360 75 86 392 198 194 46 41 64 2 "453 Pure lswarnath Riv. 1 347 127 138 698 357 341 93 43 101 7 ·454 Dahlamau E, R, RIy, Riv, Mp. 4- 585 208 222 1,161 558 603 95 69 167 68 455 Bela Ghat E, R, Rly. Riv,L,Mp. 2 184 105 118 714 469 245 69 21 170 23

"456 Karanpur R,L. 4 219 211 227 1,088 561 527 193 200 344- 86 457 Jogapur R, Rly. 2 244- 104 104- 567 277 290 18 13 54 458 Bhangwa E, R, Rly. 3 510 187 191 1,134 568 566 89 146 192 2 ·459 Sahodarpur E, a, RIy, L, Mp. 1 159 S88 609 1,994- 1,294- 700 293 165 853 194- 460 Patkhauli Riv. . 1 125 34 36 160 75 85 48 52 13 1

461 Jiriamp.u Riv. 1 110 44- 49 275 129 146 75 83 26 462 Kishundaspur Riv. 2 252 77 94 471 222 249 82 71 47 3 463 Kadipur Riv, po. 5 195 206 239 1,234 714 520 73 102 240 58 464- Mahuwat Riv. 2 387 144- 151 921 459 462 50 51 112 17 465 Khajuri Riv. 6 475 239 239 1,266 604- 662 105 175 278 30

466 Pure Mad Rly. 2 147 61 61 400 183 217 3 9 83 1 467 Parasrarnput R, RIy. 3 227 57 57 405 212 193 10 8 94 5 468 Saia Bandh R,IHy. 2 78 25 26 135 72 63 2 3 32 1 469 Gopalapur R,Rly. 3 152 49 55 358 174 184- 15 36 48 8 470 Kusrni R, Rly. 2 151 54 58 367 187 180 9 17 94 28

471 Sirkantpur 1 SO 14 14 91 41 50 15 17 20 4 472 Bhopiarnau R, Rly. 5 554 157 184- 925 452 473 99 120 168 35 473 Pure Bachhil R, Rly. 1 54 11 14 68 36 32 1 16 474 Sarai Bahelia R, Rly, Riv. 6 587 136 158 798 382 416 42 126 111 10 475 Konhda R. 1 72 69 83 443 194 249 28 37 81 14-

476 Rarnpur Gauri R, Riv, Rly, Po. 3 561 130 158 819 391 428 6S 164- 118 14 477 Pure Mohan R, Rly, Ri.... 2 292 96 96 549 256 293 36 60 76 7 478 Auwar R, RIy, Riv. 5 400 145 173 1,015 473 542 41 64- 128 12 479 Namaksar Riv. a 686 144- 148 707 338 369 55 60 124 480 Hirnanupur Riv. 1 173 34 35 147 74 73 9 10 23 2

481 Makari 1 64- 30 40 193 86 107 11 16 41 6 482 Purt' Harman 3 297 116 125 658 300 358 28 33 127 18 483 Kadipur Riv. 1 670 28 32 173 74 99 26 41 28 1 484- Jamauri Riv. 1 129 51 51 294- 142 152 6 7 33 1 4SS Bhundaba R,Riv. S 660 200 215 1,012 491 521 94 93 224 14 Partly included in the rural Town Area Kat ra (Code no. 508) .Partly included in the Town Bela M. B. !xxiii


R URAL-Contd.

WORKERS Total Workers NON. (I-IX) r-",------"------~, WORKERS I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No. t-<~ M F M F M F M F M F M F MF MFMF M F M F )4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1

86 tiS 66 67 6 12 3 2 10 " 56 68 441 119 108 72 66 11 13 31 25 5 4 101 160 442 87 56 51 16 20 30 ...... 12 6 97 162 443 114 144 102 130 7 10 3 4 1 1 92 89 444 195 202 161 158 11 39 3 1 13 4 130 110 445

112 43 59 25 22 12 8 6 1 9 13 105 212 445 601 317 237 156 67 141 24 9 7 5 45 207 20 594 852 #7 180 68 158 43 2 16 S 5 2 ... 2 7 2 2 4 126 343 448 122 38 92 25 9 2 3 3 2 1 9 3 2 5 4 109 212 449 232 77 176 60 1 15 9 3 3 1 5 28 8 216 367 450

251 167 91 112 23 48 3 9 12 113 7 206 273 451 9S 36 66 23 3 9 3' 6 3 2 2 13 1 103 158 452 181 148 87 127 2 11 6 5 19 3 5 8 51 .. 176 193 453 243 78 89 43 8 3 17 18 12 5 7 22 83 14 315 525 +5.J. _253 33 162 22 2 882 4 7 I) 62 3 216 212 453

282 68 SO 10 6 9 73 20 7 26 13 28 79 29 279 459 456 154 lOS 109 99 14 ... 2 1 3 5 16 5 1 123 185 457 302 92 140 77 13 8 13 7 5 17 49 65 266 474 458 785 22 27 6 ... 1 2 2 .•• 680 1 70 14 509 678 459 47 20 5 3 11 13 1 4 24 5 28 6S 460

67 54 21 6 9 44 1 '" 16 5 15 ... 62 92 461 111 72 38 17 18 49 2 1 23 6 26 3 111 177 462 297 68 136 14 6 4 1 4 23 127 SO 417 IjoS2 463 222 180 123 127 5 11 2 33 2 2 14 74 9 237 282 464 294 215 168 106 47 93 6 6 20 ... 5 27 21 6 310 447 465

97 14 67 8 16 5 1 1 2 2 6 3 86 203 466 _101 13 58 6 13 7 1 1 16 12 111 180 467 33 7 27 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 39 56 468 94- 30 70 17 8 13 2 3 2 4 5 80 154 469 75 12 38 11 1 4 1 3 15 13 1 112 168 470

19 1 7 7 2 3 1 22 49 +71 .187 118 106 37 40 7S 18 6 1 2 6 4 10 265 3S5 in 17 2 15 2 2 19 30 473 187 75 109 21 6 35 16 7 10 6 40 12 195 341 474 104 29 35 2 11 6 9 6 15 5 9 22 13 90 220 475

.202 126 72 17 88 99 20 7 7 9 6 3 189 302 476 1-+1 39 85 5 34 33 1 1 ... 12 9 llS 254 477 271 1:10 168 46 54 67 5 8 1 1 13 29 9 202 412 478 168 250 148 228 13 16 5 6 1 1 170 119 479 41 27 32 14 2 6 2 7 4 1 33 46 400

47 16 27 5 6 10 1 1 13 39 91 481 ..123 94 110 77 13 17 ... 177 264 482 37 29 24 3 8 17 1 3 4 6 37 70 483 70 38 70 36 2 72 114 484 .242 156 165 82 32 71 1Q 2 1 31 3 1 249 365 48S lxxiv



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House. Tobl Population Scheduled No. (Notations for amenities} of in Resi. holds Literate and Hamlets acres dential Castes educated Houses persons ..---J...__ ,-, ..-~ r---L-""", l' M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 a

4S6 Na~jrpur 3 '- 165 85 87 430 194 487 Ghatampur R. Rly. 3 364 236 17 13 52 2 146 156 781 372 409 101 111 488 Rajapur R, Rly. 4 149 107 111 109 10 489 Sonsaripur 561 255 306 76 98 97 24- R, Rly. 1 115 28 28 151 69 82 490 Bhagesara R, Rly. Riv. 5 452 155 168 30 3 849 415 434 72 68 190 20' 491 l'uranpur l'atkhan R. Ri1'. 3 671 175 196 492 1,129 S46 583 96 118 149 8 Sipah Maheri R, Riv, Po. 3 595 152 160 83+ 393 441 493 Bakulahi Riv. 2 219 2S 29 134 22 34 43 227 115 112 8 12 23 494- Naubasta R.Riv. 4 310 94- 111 532 252 28() 495 Kusphera Riv, Po. 9 748 225 19 46 93 S. 255 1,240 559 681 88 116 175 25", 496 San~arpur Riv. 14 1,019 271 297 1,594- 765 497 Rajgarh R. Rly, Riv, Po, L. 12 1,192 829 143 210 228 34 248 285 1,756 866 890 96 498 Sirnathpur 1 147 55 57 130 271 36 499 Kopa 330 152 178 47 58 47 Riv. 2 512 67 67 438 203 235 12: 500 Naubasta Riv' 2 288 SO 19 33 54- s.. 5S 306 144- 102 2 5 38 501 Dangaita R, Rly. 2 73 41 55 300 141 502 Dharupur Rly, Po. 159 34 SO 65 1 46 27 30 198 84 114 5 503 Baburaha Rly, 1 84 40 9 34 4- 41 230 128 102 32 35 37 S04 Bhilampur Rly. 1 125 18 20 132 60 505 Bahlolpur r,.. Rlv. 4 308 SO 72 18 13 14 «} 53 387 200 IB7 9 17 63 It} 506 Sarai Sagar R, Rly. 5 359 98 98 583 296 507 Kamaipur R. 1 145 287 21 26 57 S. 30 31 187 89 98 16 12 508 Katra T. A. L. R, Po. 1 414 260 271 24- 1,570 760 810 133 111 229 61 tS09 Bhualpur Orila 14 597 277 302 1,567 738 829 510 Mahkani 3 144- 28 138 146 23!J 79 34- 192 91 101 4S 48 29 511 Pratapgarh(T. A.) R, Riv, L, 30 1,861 624 672 4,711 2,314 HOI H, Po. 2,397 25t 230 975 88- Pratapgarh (Rural) R, Riv, .Po. 3 219 :1:512 54 60 326 157 169 20 29 513 Pure Mustafa Khan Riv. 3 562 131 140 12 2" 728 345 383 82 120 76 II 514 Banbirpur Kachh R, Ri,.. 4 697 141 145 728 349 379 38 SIS Khoontaghat 1 115 30 39 4+ 93 8 266 117 1+9 22 14 26 3,. S16 Perbhaitamau Riv. 1 207 123 127 809 362 Katra Indet Kaur 6 447 47 74 93 12. 517 685 14 29 99 45 54 16 16 518 Dberanna Po. S 387 104 109 15 441 196 245 22 42 52 1 519 pur bla l'atti R. 1 135 17 20 143 73 70 Pure Raiju R. 1 171 18 22 29 520 42 50 186 84 102 18 22 26 Pure Khosai R. 4 254 52.1 192 198 1.340 638 702 77 68 237 25- 522 Mlldupur R. 4 261 88 105 457 217 240 52 52 1O! 9- 523 Sakarauli Riv. 6 669 138 138 685 Riv. 327 358 70 64 115 2 524 Katka Bali 6 582 196 194 1,148 591 557 US 97 525 Patharaba 3 320 41 330 II 45 250 106 144- 53 68 40 1 526 Jadupur 2 146 66 67 353 152 201 37 38 Barhani R. 5 582 41 4, 521 134 147 627 278 349 22 53 81 12 528 Pandwasi R. 2 200 72 75 323 158 165 39 Rendpir R. 3 29 40 2- 529 284- 107 107 403 175 :U8 45 50 530 Bhualpur R. 8 709 61 3 172 200 1,099 558 541 53 79 187 23 Bikrampur Po. S:U 4 866 294 345 1,596 728 868 154 188 215 18 TOTAL OF 1'RATAPGARH BLOCK 502 49,078 14,981 16,474 86,992 42.607 44,385 7,149 8,121 15,124- 2,313: tpartly included in the rural Tovrn Area Katra T. A. (Code no. 508) *Partly included in the rural Town Area Pratabgath T. A. (Code DO. 511) !xxv



WORKERS "Total Workers NON. (I-IX) ,_------~------WORKEIlS 11 III IT V VI VII VIII IX x Serial No.

M F M F M F MF M F M F M PM PM F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2!1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1

99 140 83 129 9 8 6 2 1 1 9S 96 486 1.B4 109 93 41 58 57 19 6 3 4 7 S 188 300 487 j47 107 104 86 17 19 1 16 7 2 2 108 199 488 34 20 27 20 1 2 4 35 62 489 198 109 94 78 8 13 30 14 3 4 31 3 11 17 1 217 325 4-90 .'289 140 196 60 34- 70 B 4 1 1 9 4 36 6 257 443 491 206 80 176 56 6 24 21 1 2 187 361 492 68 31 50 8 18 23 47 81 493 .127 62 87 28 15 21 6 4 1 1 7 10 9 125 218 494- 2M 200 206 123 23 60 22 14 1 532 25 275 481 495 .397 235 316 194 17 18 14- 1 14 1 3 3 30 21 368 594 496 -470 421 237 146 121 210 46 55 3 15 2 17 31 8 396 469 497 81 73 28 15 28 43 4 2 4 3 14 13 711 105 498 96 115 79 106 3 9 2 6 6 107 120 499 75 B4 68 M 6 1 69 78 500 64 55 39 15 11 40 1 10 3 77 104 501 .31 35 21 19 4 16 6 53 79 3 3 502 75 6 56 4 10 2 J 53 96 503 32 15 19 4 11 11 2 28 57 504- 98 7 81 5 7 2 10 102 180 50S 147 74 90 29 15 18 ... 5 4 1 5 ... 31 23 149 213 506 45 so 27 17 4 2 2 1 1 11 10 44 68 507 334 113 42 12 21 20 112 41 31 9 97 21 7 24- 10 426 697 508 397 125 168 44 46 50 26 9 25 2 14 19 6 99 14 341 704 509 43 35 29 28 9 3 5 4 48 66 510 1,218 281 SOO 148 66 34 1 80 20 S5 4 27 128 20 58 303 54 1,096 2,116 511 88 39 68 30 4 7 15 2 1 69 130 512 .192 147 94 43 91 104 3 3 1 153 236 513 195 211 125 138 39 54 8 5 752 14- 9 154 168 514- M) 82 34 78 5 4 7 71 67 51S •.:157 106 139 71 15 35 3 205 341 516 16 32 16 32 29 22 517 ·85 51 81 48 3 3 1 111 194 513 42 38 38 3S 3 3 1 31 32 519 38 71 32 62 6 9 46 31 520 :332 326 174 230 29 53 17 25 3 5 4 81 12 14 10 306 377 521 115 137 9S 113 20 24 102 103 522 173 95 128 57 20 37 9 1 2 3 6 5 154 263 523 381 318 330 279 48 35 3 4 210 239 524 52 24 48 21 4 3 54 120 52S 94 57 39 34 4 12 29 2 9 13 9 58 1# 526 153 183 111 119 14 46 1 14 17 ...' 1 3 10 ... 125 166 527 77 40 66 17 7 16 2 6 2 1 81 125 528 80 53 73 53 1 3 3 95 175 529 308 289 212 217 36 50 6 7 10 19 25 15 250 252 530 397 363 269 260 44 71 30 10 5 49 22 331 50S 531

22,14312,54412,1+4 7,6,)l 2535 3,3S0 3 3 1,233 758 398 ..6 218 1 672 113 1,399 2 2,701 {)oW 20,464 31,841 !xxvi



Occu. Serial Name of Villa~e Number Atea pied House- Total PgpulatioQ Scheduled Literate aad No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated Hamlets acres dential persons Houses r---'---~ ,--.A.~ r-_J,....~

P M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

MANDHATA BLOCK 532 Pure Lai 7 514 116 119 647 336 311 59 80 40 5 533 Achitpur 4- 184 22 23 123 61 62 1 1 19 6 534 Oridih Po. 4 499 114- 137 660 303 357 68 78 73 14- 535 Belkhari 8 457 144- 159 783 339 444 6() 110 94 9 536 Tikari 5 659 125 143 789 390 399 46 55 106 1~

537 Ghazipur 4- 318 139 139 711 310 401 49 107 133 22 538 Sarai Sujan 5 276 142 142 617 332 285 55 49 75 539 Pure Swamidas 1 al 59 64- 374 171 203 50 47 57 12 540 Sidhapur 4 200 49 52 285 119 166 88 117 23 14- 541 Dhaurahra 3 229 44 48 247 112 135 17 17 46 8

542 Sarai Murarsingh 8 438 169 171 840 434 406 65 63 100 5 543 Raipur Kalan 6 220 80 80 369 160 209 34 63 18 3 544- Barahwa Bhojpur 8 562 117 192 981 431 550 73 133 111 8 545 Puraili 2 205 66 66 311 143 168 68 94 35 546 Ramchandarpur 2 416 50 50 257 131 126 65 51 23

547 Bhadohin R, L, Po. 3 578 156 165 861 410 451 110 163 143 14 548 Khajohri R. 4- 475 118 125 781 440 341 102 124 69 5 549 Jaialpur 1 653 26 27 229 108 121 17 30 37 9 550 Saral Deorai R. 2 616 50 SO 207 98 109 24 26 20 1 551 Rampur Muster Ita R,po. 4- 279 117 117 563 271 292 25 46 53 5

552 Mohiuddinpur R. 4 164 50 51 296 146 ISO 6 9 43 5 553 Ghatampu[ R, R1,.. 7 285 90 98 498 220 278 70 79 100 18 554 Danpur R, Rir. 2 128 35 35 92 47 45 20 9 2S 1 555 Ratipur R, Rir. 1 76 19 20 134 66 68 29 34 23 1 556 Pure Gosain Rly. 3 230 28 33 197 88 109 15 22 34- 1

557 Chandput R, RI.,. 5 298 58 67 398 185 213 2 81 60 9· 558 Pure Dharmangal RiT. 1 76 35 42 225 100 125 11 11 9 1 559 Pure Niader R, RiT. 1 113 17 19 124 S5 69 11 2 29 2 560 Rangauli Rly. 4- 619 70 70 408 189 219 72 95 38 4 561 Sarai Pranmati R. 1 283 45 46 303 153 150 3 + 50 22

562 Ankari R. S 375 79 83 399 224 175 35 21 3S S 563 Makhanpur 1 107 9 10 53 26 27 3 6 1 S64 Amilaha 1 60 26 29 172 76 96 3 4 16 565 Harcherpur R. 5 475 119 122 559 239 320 76 103 92 14- 566 Usrapur R. 2 279 60 60 33.(. 164 170 17 23 16

567 Chaubepur 1 172 33 34 216 107 109 32 36 34 1 568 Kaila Kalan R. 2 1# 43 48 235 108 127 27 32 35 1 569 Kaila Khurd R. 2 209 62 67 301 125 176 16 13 20 570 lbrahimpur Riy. t 202 7 8 43 22 21 5 571 Bojhi 1 216 47 59 295 153 142 22 26 24 1

S72 Pure Khatagtai 1 131 38 40 283 120 163 14 22 51 9 573 Sarai Tarachand Rlr· J 112 4 5 19 9 10 4 574 Kohla Rly. 2 119 76 89 429 20S 224 70 44 78 12 S7S Pure Ajmershah R,Rly. 3 1+7 31 40 297 136 161 ~ ... 10 84 32 576 Bhopatpur Rly. 2 74 4a 51 253 12<1- 129 72 70 33 10 jxxvii



WORKERS 10tal Worker! --L-____-L _____ NON. (I-IX) r- ~ WORKER.s I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X SerIal No. ~ ~ _.A-, .-A-. ,-..A-" ,-..A..-. ~ ~ _...._., ,-A-., r-...A.-.,

~1 F M F M F M F M F M F :\1 F M F 1\1 F M F M F 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 29 3) 31 32 33 34- 35

MAl\'DHAT'A BLOCK 123 12n 8'i 74 25 40 4 11 1 6 1 3 213 183 51' ~8 15 23 12 4 3 7 04- 23 47 533 q 1('1 1M 13 ) 122 2S 33 ... 2 .01- ., . 14'2 193 5~l 171) 2?'i 117 192 15 17 17 B 3 2 5 3 14 3 163 219 535 2'lJ 87 In 60 23 2S 2 2 1 3 2 5 184- 312 53h 1-2 __ H,6 1~ 5 58 16 39 6 8 ]q I'') 144- 286 53i 28') 246 268 227 5 6 .. 7 13 S~ 39 538 81 49 41 22 11 16 6 3 5 18 7 90 1H 53) 54 56 4fJ 43 8· 10 1 6 2 fS lIt) 510 S9 40 42 28 5 12 2 10 53 95 5H

240 145 lS3 58 74- 85 9 2 3 194- 261 HZ 84 111 73 105 4- 2 6 4 76 93 543 2+1 243 195 195 6' 27 28 12 2 2 9 7 190 3)7 514 72 74 66 66 1 6 1 1 4 1 71 94- 545 78 35 73 25 5 9 1 53 91 54-6

220 168 139 53 51 94- 5 S .5 3 3 2 15 13 190 283 54-7 295 146 267 85 19 54 1 4- 8 .3 145 195 5~B 64· 47 S3 33 10 14 1 44 74 549 61 72 ·52 57 9 15 37 37 55) 159 130 115 67 2) 55 -4 3 15 6 2 112 162 551

74 52 58 25 15 27 72 98 552 ~105 63 76 21 25 38 1 4- 3 115 2105 553 18 43 11 1 3 3 3 1 29 41 554- 40 44 33 29 7 lS ... 26 24 SS5 39 29 29 14 6 H 1 2 2 49 80 SS(j

89 86 71 80 7 6 5 6 96 127 557 58 72 36 b+ 14- 7 5 2 +2 53 558 21 4 17 4- 1 3 34 65 SSg 103 78 83 66 10 11 1 5 4 86 141 560 86 20 43 12 36 8 2 3 2 67 130 SSI

140 79 121 68 10 10 6 1 1 2 84 96 562 19 18 16 9 3 4 5 7 9 563 51 52· 37 44- 2 3 2 3 9 1 2 25 H 554 132 162 75 105 20 33 20 1~ 4 1 7 1 3 3 4- 107 158 565 109 99 88 85 8 14 9 2 1 1 55 71 S66

S4 52 34 23 12 20 5 9 2 1 53 5i 567 59 60 48 49 10 11 1 ..\ 49 67 568 80 96 73 94- 5 2 1 4S 80 569 14- 15 14 15 8 6 570 93 85 83 80 2 3 10 60 57 571

67 65 59 64 1 1 7 53 98 S72 6 7 5 7 ... 1 3 3 573 95 55 34- 26 3S 23 (i -4 2 2 I 10 110 169 574- 64- 10 S5 10 9 72 151 57 33 9 ,. 6 _2 ?7 63 47 2& P .. ~ .l .. , l .~ . ... .,. 7 t 7 ~1 lxxviii



Oecu. Ii.rial :Mame ofVilla!!c Nllmher Area pied Hous'. 1 ot:l Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notation. of amenities) of in R csi. holds Cutes educated Hamlc:ts acres dential persons Houses ...L __~ ,-- r--...L-~ r--...L-~

P M F M F M F t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

577 Narher I'.tti R, Riv. Z 338 48. 41$ 230 99 13! 21 31 75 1 578 Saherua R, Riv, Po. q (,82 213 233 1,141 55') 572 7& 93 123 8 579 Shekhanpur R. 2 128 45 49 267 139 128 37 580 Bhawanipur 5 486 26 30 165 76 89 13 11 25 4 581 Paha rpur Gau jehra (J 536 99 105 479 22{ 255 53 62 65

582 Bhawalpur S 385 66 72 409 182 227 44 64 70 16 583 Galhanpur 2 72 102 105 164 78 86 19 15 35 S84- Antpur Banemau 4 36 102 117 523 258 265 57 96 87 20 585 Buapur 9 552 245 260 1,466 521 945 164- 194 259 3 586 Madra 4- 116 91 95 161 70 91 14 25 33 2

587 Sarai Govindram 4- 4('8 141 JC4 774 3)4 410 100 119 122 14 588 Changhaipur 7 7'8 163 176 893 441 452 60 72 134 5 589 Sa, a I< aja Riv, 4- 363 81 95' 416 205 211 39 SO'- 76 7 590 Kalani Riv. 4 187 36 43 209 109 10) 24 18 23 2 S~J ~ahija .. pur Riv. 6 568 94 122 583 269 314 38 56 76 6

592 HariharDur Ril', 4 475 86 92 461 218 243 41 40 90 11 593 Paniyari 6 245 84 94- 541 241 300 33 40 123 17 594 Ror 2 96 42 43 167 ,84 83 10 12 16 2 595 Bhatpurwa Banemau 2 186 17 17 69 30 39 11 10 11 5 5J6 Khauipur 4 91 4-2 4-2 182 85 97 16 27. 14

597 Akoriha 10 434 91 99 S02 232 270 34- 42 66 10 598 Katata 10 106 112 121 532 2f6 246 80 78 72 6 599 S barni R. 7 244 . 55 60 312 39 173 51 72 29 600 Madaipnr 5 33) 114 125 627 320 307 42 46 81 8 601 Bahrapur Riv. 5 305 55 55 291 134 157 19 14 62 3

602 Lakhap .. r Riv. 5 286 104 109 652 289 363 69 11 95 14 6J3 !uandhata Riv, ... 1p, 1'0. 12 3H 220 2i5 1395 655 740 52 80 271 28 b04 P\.lre Pang 1 1 61 18 24 108 43 65 13 16 14 b05 Blrapur Bhol 1 31 14 17 61 31 30 9 14 14 606 Lakhupur ... 135 66 67 314 150 164- 53 68 38 2

607 Amaiamau 4 246 56 59 286 123 163 17 45 47 13 606 ·Sarai Medirai S 221 33 39 178 79 99 7 13 18 3 609 Sarai Harnarain 7 381 123 124- 560 263 297 41 46 57 5 610 B•• upur Mandbata Mp. S 279 65 72 370 158 212 27 49 S9 5 611 Harakhpur HOI, Po. 11 484- 147 181 922 413 509 89 51 187 49

612 Dandi 5 124- oW 41il 267 132 135 16 19 "'1 2 613 Buialta 7 203 51 55 307 159 1"'8 ",3 38 42 1 614- Dhaoipur 10 597 170 198 900 458 442 109 124 sa 8, 615 Balapur .4- 210 85 96 450 227 223 "'5 45 79 616 Khurdaha 3 175 46 5') 259 112 1+7 26 25 45

617 Barista 7 391 161 180 902 379 523 115 175 133 26 618 Sarai Challdrabhan 1 48 15 15 113 62 51 29 1 619 ''Parbatpur 10 243 281 1,"'23 702 721 130 152 268 16 620 Gofalapur 3 188''''8 101 102 300 142 158 14- 15 22 9 021 Sarai Nahcrrai R,Po, 18 1,628 395 403 2,143 982 1,161 234- 179 265 . U DJaECTOltY

R'UR AL-Collte.


M F M F M F M F M F M PM FM FMF MF M F 14 15 16 l' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 2' 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

47 34 36 22 3 12 .. . 6 1 1 52 97 577 318 220 196 144- 55 68 .. . 10 7 18 26 1 2 11 251 352 578 69 43 49 41 4 2' .. . 7 8 1 70 85 57 9 38 29 31 22 2 5 2 _1 .. , 2 2- 38 6') SilO 1~2 130 83 ,70 32 SO ... 4 5 1 1 1 5 102 P5 581

92 59 67 24. 20 28 1 3 <4- 4 91 . R So; 41 29 29 18 2 9 2 2 3 2 3 3~ 5" 5:'.3 145 119 73 32 16 S9 23 19 7 523 18 7 t '3 1 5 ~ 236 188 158 79 44 83 26 19 2 6 7 2R5 "'i7 cR'i' 34 48 30 41 4 7 3' 3

189 92 103 28 50 51 11 9 16 9 '7; 3 ;~.~ 235 170 195 130 30 36 6 4- 4 2,) ].lll 5 131 103 98 74 29 27 ... 4 2 7l 1')(\ s-~ SS 65 41 45 14 20 5+ 35 S9 I 141 157 122 127 8 24 7 4 3 2 128 157 5:H .. 110 139 81 115 7 18 14 6 2 2 4 108 10~ 592 130 79 96 44 25 31 132 3 3 111 221 5')3 51 47 45 32 ·5 15 1 33 3 51: 15 13 11 7 4 6 15 2- ~, 54 68 49 63 .. .. 1 1 3' ~'l

119 140 109 129 4 11 3 3 113 131 5 t 187 156 97 81 SO 57 4 4 16 5' 1 19 9 99 9') He 82

149 129 71 44 42 75 15 9 5 1 2 13 1 140 234 602 381 182 167 81 21 36 72 52 16 87 13 6 12 274 558 603 29 16 28 16 1 14 49 604- 17 6 12 4 3 2 1 t 14 24 605 • 84 61 41 29 18 24 12 2 13 6 66 103 606 61 64 40 38 12 24 1 2 3' 4 62 93 607 53 60 52 S9 1 1 26 3c) 608 163 161 132 140 11 14- 12 3 4 2 1 3 2 100 136 609 78 89 59 66 11 22 2 3 3 1 80 123 610 215 198 151 137 24 48 8 4 7 25 9 198 311 611

84 95 (1 74 19 18 3 3 1 48 4' 612 93 106 to 63 2S 34- 6 8 1 2 66 42 613 267 128 226 82 37 46 1 1 191 314 6H 154 55 115 21 29 24- 9 9 1 1 73 168 615 ,70 2ti (JS 8 2 20 42 119 616

228 360 ·153 241 46 99 12 19 5 12 lSI .63 37 28 37 28 25 23 i,i~ 405 334 247 202 66 80 36 25 15 4 21 5 19 18 297 387 619 100 124 100 124 42 34 620 615 542 484 438 4~ 64 31 13 17 17 13 7 5 22 3 367 619 621 Jx~x



Occu- Serial Namc of Yillagc Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi· holds Castell educated Hamlets acres ·d.ntial persons Housel ,-- ___J..--_~ ,-_A---, ,-----.)-~ :P M F M F M F 2 3 4- .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

t22 MathFur 3 191 77 82 431 203 228 35 32 45 2 623 Newari R. 7 503 211 217 1,067 525 542 4<1- 58 119 13 624 Birsinghpur 3 207 91 93 297 152 145 24 38 60 10 625 Kusahi 1 137 7 9 82 3a 44- . 1 . 2 12 626 Babu Sarai 3 261 116 116 558 269 289 40 33 68 8

627 Parasrampur 1 124 43 43 217 103 114 42 50 27 6 628 Sarai Sewak 1 170 48 51 232 107 125 25 32 28 629 Pure Basawan 3 362 58 63 349 177 172 3S 48 63 10 630 Ramchandrapur 2 123 32 37 197 92 105 6 9 29 14 631 Bachhua 2 335 102 117 550 274- 276 7 18 66 . 3

632 Jurapuc 3 425 76 82 418 200 218 41 43 56 2 633 Aijaka 1 401 26 26 133 67 66 43 64 8 634 Sadullahpur 3 255 30 3S 208 104 104 ' 16 12 40 4 635 Pure Sukhdeo 7 627 219 229 1,108 525 583 112 164 137 16 636 Bagiapur 6 475 145 153 670 342 328 39 6

637 Sarai Bhopai Hos, Po. 3 374 347 350 381 215 166 97 83 638 Nagapuc 4 203 49 49 286 141 14.5 12 12 42 6 639 l'ure Mottal 1 105 21 21 113 59 54 11 640 Sheikh Banipur 1 219 54 56 293 146 147 15 12 43 3 641 Gamhira 6 707 260 260 1,232 631 601 67 75 113 11 8 642 Jagdishpur 9 502 210 211 1,070 544 526 88 72 2 5 643 Gokula 3 244 85 86 414 205 209 10 18 34 1 644 Manchu Riv. 6 455 154- 159 784 386 398 58 54 75 11 645 Chamrupur 12 1,135 225 234 1,099 498 601 104 116 131 11 646 Mhirpur Riv. 5 359 97 111 541 262 279 26 40 88 3

647 Sarai Bhimsen Riv. 5 663 1()of. 117 605 286 319 83 68 82 3~ 648 Ahina 7 .971 265 293 1,365 665' 700 74- 106 133 ]8 649 Misirput Tarauli 3 184 84 86 373 153 220 13 17 33 3 650 Sheora. Riv. a 304 95 99 492 219 273 46 56 37 17 651 Sarai W. edirai 2 240 74 79 371 179 192 37 49 59 6

652 Jamua 1 234 62 64 318 143 175 5 . 21 64 7 653 Ramnagar Riv, Mp. 3 454 118 139 689 329 360 51 99 94 16 654 Babupur Ril'. 3 162 53 75 328 166 162 49 51 60 6 655 Hindupur kiv, 1 40 38 47 234 102 ~ 132 19 29 57 25 656 Dih Katra Ril', 2 244 52 55 279 153 126 32 34 40 6

(,57 Chhatauna Riv. 2 183 64 64 293 149 144 3 3 23 1 658 Sarai Deorai l{iv. 11 166 222 243 1,236 604 632 113 140 )01 8 t59 l'ule Balsno liiv. S 365 55 56 349 173 176 31 49 36 1;60 Pure TOlai R1V. 1 146 78 78 371 180 191 64 75 58 7 061 Gaura Riv, Has, Mew, 1'0. 4- 324 111 117 627 314 313 S9 52 90 10

(,62 Saruppur Riv. 2 176 60 60 254- 128 126 3 .7 34- 663 Kbampur 3 554 179 181 882 444 438 117 115 83 6 664 Dhema Riv. 6 621 229 246 1,120 548 572 128 136 63 4 665 Bharpurwa Riv. 1 124 47 47 221 116 105 1 9 20 3 666 Rajapur . Riv, 1 381 26 27 125 60 65 7 6 19 DIREeTeRY lit URAL..... C8B.td.

WORKERS Total Workers NON. (I-IX) ------~WQRKERS

I II III IV V VI vn VIII IX X Serial No.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M :r M F M· F M F M F 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1

130 139 103 115 3 3 7 5 1 2 14 16 73 89 622 296 215 139 127 41 48 17 11 15 3 71 25 7 6 1 229317 623 79 52 29 11 12 28 5 8 3 9 4 17 5 73 93 624 20 28 16 16 '4 12 18 16 625 145 57 97 28 24 29 7 3 13 124 232 626

49 49 35 ·19 9 30 3 1 54 65 627 61 66 55 48 4 18 .,. 2 46 59 628 98 51 67 22 2-4 29 3 4 79 121 629 57 38 53 34 2 2 2 2 ... 35 67 630 154 120 95 58 20 28 35 27 1 4 5 120 156 631

90 2B 72 18 7 5 8 2 110 195 632, 47 50 47 50 20 16, 633 46 l6 32 18 11 12 5 1 1 2 58 68 634 259 258 21-4 195 26 54 4 6 5 10 3 266 325 635 209 152 199 137 10 • 14 1 133 176 636

139 77 102 1(.6 34 30 1 1 2 ,76 89 637 96 82 84 74 9 5 3 3 45 63 638 41 31 040 .29 1 2 .... 18 23 639 75 IS 71 8 -4 71 139 640 405 338 340 269 32 52 2& 13 1 6 -4 226 263 641

319 328 272 287 13 16 5 6 16 11 1 12 8 225 198 642 106 116 106 113 1 2 99 93 643 210 120 163 73 39 42 3 4 5 176 278 644 289 210 233 142 51 68 1 1 3 209391 645 163 136 124 87 28 45 5 . 6 3 99 143 646

172 1'3 134 148 31 +2 7 3 114 126 647 428 382 368 317 26 46 25 18 2 7 1 237 318 648 100 134 87 10+ 3 14 9 16 1 53 86 649 115 12+ 98 76 13 45 4 3 .. , 104 149 650 101 57 63 22 22 33 3 5 2 1 7 78 135 651

73 48 69 36 8 04- 4 70 127 652 180 98 133 65 24 27 6 5 10 7 149262 653 102 87 89 73 11 10 2 4 64 75 654 54 63 046 52 5 8 2 2 1 1 48 69 655 92 73 71 67 5 1 2, 11 5 1 2 61 53 656

94- 44- 49 36 6 2 33 6 5 55 100 657 434 395 399 351 30 40 5 4 170 237 658 106 97 74 81 7 10 2 3 1 19 6 67 79 659 97 S5 44- 31 25 43 20 12 1 6 9 83 96 660 165 154 131 118 15 24- 12 3 '" 5 3 4 149 159 661 96 93 90 92 1 5 1 32 33 662 286 260 158 165 55 47 52 33 2 8 5 2 '7 8 15S 178 663 334- 335 325 327 5 4 '"3 3 ... '1 1 214237 664- 73 45 63 +2 9 2 1 1 43 60 665 30 33 22 11 8 22 30 32 666 '1111Mi



Oeeu. Serial Name 01 VillaSt Number ~ Area House- Total 'Population Scheduled Literate and No, (Notadoa. for ...nitlee) of in ~:t holds Castes educated Hamlets aeres dential persoD. HOlUb r---~--~ ,--A~ ,-_..A.._-.. P M f M f' M fl

2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 '9 JO It 12 13

667 Sobhipul Rlv. 1 197 73 77 356 166 190 28 36 49 10 668 Buknapur Taraut Riv, Po. 2 \ 178 36 38 1704- 72 102 6 14 31 4 669 Hansi Jaichand Riv. Mp. 5 311 126 134 621! 289 339 52 68 105 2 670 ~Hansi Parji Riv. Po. 2 30~ 1044 156 725 351 374 117 132 88 • 7 671 Lilauli Riv, 7 546 248 273 935 426 509 105 128 115 .,21

672 Bhagwanpur I 64 16 17 53 25 28 16 673 Baispur Riv. 5 343 114 114 62i 300 328 74 72 76 7 674 Parasrampur Riv. 1 88 184 1901- 299 154- 14S 28 675 Dharampnr Riv, Hoa. 04- 321 113 117 686 327 359 83 101 109 28 676 Pure Chain Riv. 2 167 24 2..f. 137 73 64 31 25 12

677 Taraul Riv. 8 596 225 252 1,307 616 691 58 119 67 9 678 Bairampur Riv. 4 223 78 78 404 203 201 '31 26 38 679 Kulhipur Riv. (> 759 181 193 988 480 508 121 151 46 18 680 Sumerpur Riv. 3 208 69 69 372 182 190 63 68 8 681 Pitaipur Riv. 4 351 123 123 653 299 354- 15 35 70 6

682 Bajaha Riv. 3 165 53 57 317 144 173 ' 1 2 52 7 683 Majhagawan Riv. 3 62 .72 72 378 184- 194- 65 65 29 3 684 Rampur aiv. 6 ISS 215 216 1,020 50S 515 124 132 174 6 685 Auaa Riv, 2 52 32 32 128 62 66 9 11 13 1 636 Palhan Riv. 1 102 47 48 211 95 116 13 16 25

687 Gudru 2 112 100 102 485 201 284- 35 53 65 2 688 Khujhi 3 100 32 32 166 76 90 27 38 27 8 689 H.rihar Rampur 4- 184- 56 57 273 120 153 37 44- 52 10 690 Nauapur Riv. 5 477 12~ 129 678 317 361 87 105 77 1 691 Nurpur 4 351 95 95 458 219 239 50 63 76 13

69~ Halamai 4- 178 65 65 343 190 153 32 38 29 1 693 FuraHa Kiv. 7 580 234 249 1,112 538 574 16i 183 151 31 694- Parsanda Riv. 6 240 73 74 382 181 201 47 3& 53 12 695 Kharwain R, Riv, Rly. 9 1,046 322 343 1,738 312 926 259 267 31t 62 696 Malhupur Riv. 6 333 114 136 750 364 386 48 47 103 49

697 Bhagwanpur Mufrid 5 187 93 93 661 311 350 90 105 97 10 698 Gyanf ur 2 128 40 48 205 96 109 11 10 35 699 Nabhapur 1 62 7 7 40 17 23 oj. u 2 4 700 Khalishpur 7 469 4tl 48 236 118 118 49 44 1(> 2 701 Chhatpalgarh 6 337 195 195 B93 406 487 14 9 120 11

702 Jaddupur 3 146 3i 35 205 119 86 34 5 70S Devaini 4 800 121 121 853 486 367 oj. 1 TOTAL OF MANDHATA BLOCK 713 54,187 16,1'i-t 17,:!79 83.811 40,018 43,793 7.706 9,118 10.69-4 1,332 TOTALOF PRATAl'GAH.H 3,275 274,591 76,085 82,525 408,997 195,585 213,412 35,314 41,841 55.<.09 7,385 TAHSIL The rural area of Tahsil 1'ratapgarb given in Table A-I io 4.18.0 Sq. mile. i. e., 273,920 acres. The village-wise areas in the Dilectory are as reported by the T.absildar. while the rural area of the Tahsil in Table A-I ba ve been derived by deducting the sum of urban areas fromdlt t"tal revised area figures of the Tahsil farllivbed. by the Board of Revenue, U. p,

,! lxuiii


R UltAL-C{)llc\d.


Total Worker. ,--______..L ______~ ___~ WORKERSNON. (I-IX)

II ,Ie IV V VI nT VIII IX X Serial No, --'-- ,-.J.~ ~ -"- ,-.A...-., r ....&,~ _.A-.. ,-A-, ~ ---'- ~ M F !vi F M F 11.1 F !I{ F 11.1 F M F M F M F ,\1 F !\[ F

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2-4- 25 2~ 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3~ 35

107 63 S6 26 13 19 16 12 7 3 9 6 3 S9 127 667 42 4+ 39 41 1 3 1 1 3() <;8 66~ 146 148 87 103 27 3S ,2 2 7 2 19 10 143 191 6IS9 202 181 199 177 2 3 2 149 193 670 254 215 167 125 47 47 29 28 3 2 8 13 172 294 671

15 IS 1() 28 672 168 175 123 123 20 30 20 19 3 5 132 153 6i3 81 42 81 42 ... 73 103 674- 181 131 137 78 16 49 19 4 3 1 2 2 146 228 675 4+ 37 41 25 3 12 29 27 676 . 3)9 335 298 258 42 67 15- 9 .. , 13 • 2+7 356 677 117 56 1()1 4il IS 13 1 86 14S 678 287 233 230 180 33 45 12 2 2 6 1- 6 193 l7S 679 1(\3 68 91 5.) 12 9 79 122 68() 181 267 1'75 25~ 3 11 1 118 87 681

M 92 81 86 2 6. 1 60 81 682 92 75 63 49 13 16 6 7 8 3 2 92 119 683 270 113 214- 47 4ti 65 9 1 1 235 402 684- 44 18 29 9 7 9 8 18 48 685 4+ 56 n 40 13 16 1 51 60 68j

124 15~ 49 72 3'> 47 23 3S IS 1 77 130 687 46 S2 31 26 4- 19 1 1 10 6 31 38 688 70 91 66 8S 4 6 51 62 683 172 ItO 13) 117 21 31 8 5 2 5 1 10 2 14S 201 ()~J 12+ 1-44 lIB 13B 4 5 1 1 1 95 95 691

139 106 64 41 52 51 14 1+ ... 9 ... 51 47 692 292 201 169 88 70 83 28 27 1 2 22 2 2+6 373 693 12+ 110 123 109 1 1 57 91 694 4iB 421 314 23) 98 158 15 22 3 .. ; . ... 18 5 3)4 50S 695 195 138 176 124 6 10 3 1 1 3 2 1 6 1 168 2~ 69::1

187 138 119 9+ 53 40 3 4 6 6 121- 212 697 63 29 50 18 10 9 2 2 1 33 80 698 10 6 3 1 3 5 3 1 7 17 69:1 131 8-J. 41 29 35 49 5 6 37 3.J. 700 258 lSi 97 105 7 9 86 5~ 4- 49 8 4 11 4- 148 3.)6 701

t.3 53 10 56 86 702 228 9 21B 9 9 258 358 793 2?,869 18,715 17,20113,29f 2,833 4,105 ... 1,165 Si' 272 68 5 ... 4S8 116 ls-t- ... 7B1 299 17,1+9 25,078 107,4-2973,264 7+,69847,53014,94919,559139 26 S,bH a,588 1,130 259 241 2 2,737 5981,864- 35,817 1,68988,156140,148 lxxxiv



Ocou- Serial *WardJMohalla Area in pied Hoyt:. Total PopulatifUI Schedule. Literate and No. ------Sq, 'Miles Rcsi- hO'ltl Castes eliucatea Enumerators Block: ~q, Km. dential • pcrsea•• Houses, r---,~-L~~~---, ,-_.J... __ ,-_-L_"

P M F 1\1 F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 !! 9 10 11 12


1 t· E5 85 397 206 191 121 19 2 2 99 99 4tJ.8 258 230 10 13 1511 42 3 3 91 91 458 238 220 3 04 151 6+ -t ,+ 13l) 130 58. 3:13 283 11 10 10) 67 5 5 99 10-1- 526 2M 2U 21 18 139 32

6 6 103 110 540 ;'83 257 5 2 110 92 7 7 105 111 5049 326 223 218 94 8 S 127 145 721 380 3041 04- 2 231 30 9 9 144 163 925 468 457 2el! 96 to 10 68 72 ...... 25& 228 193 -16

11 11 75 93 389 189 200 7 1 142 95 12 12 64- 67 364 2()4. - 160 1 1404- 87 13 13 132 132 662 462 200 29 27 359 94 14 14 1"18 191 798 441 357 82 92 232 • 63 15 15 136 137 552 332 220 11 10 21' 94-

16 16 83 88 +81- 2~8 236 99 99 100 8 17 17 120 123 511 291 220 5 10 200 92 18 18 9:) 94 +08 230 178 42 23 140 19 19 19 143 1<18 719 403 316 31 30 260 113 20 20 91 92 421 263 158 14 17 198 70

21 21 132 135 590 329 <261 26 36 198 72 22 22 95 1Q.4. 503 276 227 176 116 23 23 125 130 1'15 381 334 30 - 24 191 83 24- 24 171 174 i60S 324 28~ 9 6 224 128 25 25 113 120 534 347 187 8 g 272 101

26 26 179 180 734 426 308 55 SS 126 96 27 27 72 • 89 417 229 188 138 81 28 28 67 73 054- 200 154 136 78 29 29 61 63 302 159 143 ... 111 69 30 30 64- 71 400 208 192 ~ 3 136 76

31 31 1

3Q 36 l21 126 588 273 315 28 3(;) 156 18 37 37 25 87 456 201 255 9 18 110 27 38 38 97 107 127 4;5 372 & 13 452 147

TOTAL OF BELA M. B. 3.20J8,29 4.212 4,45S 21.m 11,635 !l.762 693 711 6,!57 2,630

*Ward/MoRalla/Enumerator's 'Ilockwise area ligures IUtt avan•• le. 1B:x.." DIRECTORY


Total-Workers WOR~I!RS NON. (I-IX) ,------_,_-______A ______~ WORKE1S

I II 111 IV V VI VII Vlll IX X Serial .-A-, No. .-.A-.. --"-. ~ ~ ~ ~ .-A-, ,-.Ao-.. _....._ .-.JI.-. F M 111. F M FM E M F M r M F M F M F M F M F 13 1+ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34- M.I. 111 34 3S 22 3 1 1 7 135 18 4 +6 2 ... 24 4- 95 157 1 122 8 23 8 17 1 47 1 9 1 35 7 123 212 2 2 3 15 60 3 .J 4-2 2 116 212 3 146 29 2 13 1+2 8 28 2 20 1 58 10 42 27 157 254 4 2 1 20 5 36 14 36 7 142 234- t 158 23 3 1 23 14 6 .. , 79 4 5 '" 41 5 125 234 6 211 39 3 3 4 3 27 213 7 10 10 9 3 8 ... H7 23 115 184 7 04- 11 1 57 1 76 1 12 52 5 167 334 8 233 17 3 13 4 30 ... 113 125 6 9 17 57 4- 235 4+0 9 19 1 9 3 85 1 1 8 2 131 222 10 91 6 2 1 2 105 IS 4 1 39 [ 3 6 37 1 98 194 11 20 5 2 3 44 7 7 29 3 99 145 12 325 13 11 2 6 3 222 42 30 10 9 ... 284- 13 137 187 13 20 2 5 04- 2 8 23 23 5 23 ... 109 10 219 211 36 1- :J 115 11- 3 27 10 10 9 3 8 ... 147 23 121 184 15 129 19 13 2 ... 1 9 8 36 IS8 4- '" 5 5 ... 56 9 119 217 16 9 ~o 2 1 8 2 7 1 19 oW 12 59 6 114 21 12 12 ... 133 21l 17 10 6 4 10 8 19 .. , 51 3 116 151 18 205 21 2 9 1 26 1 2 54 6 12 ... 100 13 137 11 198 295 19 ... 15 1 5 2 2 26 3 8 '81 S 126 147 20 174- 11 4- ... 12 7 14 3 45 1 20 75 3 ISS 250 1" 1 1) , 21 '" .. 1 5 5 ... 2 42 4 7 79 6 135 217 22 197 17 .) of 13 b 30 1 1 51 3 21 78 21 3 184- 317 23 191 9 l' 11 1 a 2 3t 1 3S 8) 133 159 9 n 260 24 6 3 2 2 5, 2 l~ 12 4 Wll 178 25

215 22 1 II 72 2 15 I ol 17 '" '" 56 21 211 286 26 102 2 1 6 2 7 1 3 +0 3 7 3j 11 127 97 7 171 27 1 12 12 2 II 64 5 103 147 28 lI2 7 15 25 3 1 -11 4 77 99 7 ... 136 29 3 1 13 55 3 2 2b 3 10:) 185 30 157 29 ... 1\3 2 17 6 43 10 20 52 17 2+9 348 31 124 31 3 1 2 8 5 10 65 40 27 14 20 112 169 32 251 12 .. ... 04- 43 26 2 43 ... 14 ... 109 30 241 445 156 6 33 4 2 7 19 3 85 12 25 1 156 292 16+ 16 5 3 '" 34 5 . 9 1 la 64 6 41 27 1 152 251 35 20 115 17 1 2 2 Il 2 11 2 61 7 15 ti 158 295 36 113 15 2 1 1 21 10 9 1 54 2 9 15 3 88 310 93 49 240 37 31 2 \0 7 39 27 ... 143 19 5+ 13 14 1+!) 27+ 38

6,14(} 76t) 233 00 7 7 46 4- +00 152 596 43200 2 1,752 131 545· 1 2,361 3+6 5,+95 8,996 II



'0 to

. o-




'A}.1fttAII£1'lt.M.'t.~1' ,Of ¥lL'likOES

SI. No. io .Sl. No. io SI. SI. No. iD SI. Village SI. Village Name of Village No. Na~ or~lage No. Village No. Directory Directory Director"

1 z 2 3

1 Ahoopur 315 41 Aurangablifld SO 81 Basoopur 355 -2 Ailahi 447 42 Babhanpur 426 82 Basopur 64 3 Akhawwa 245 43 Babu Patal 744 83 Bedoo Patti 39 .., Alamapur 678 44 Bahuraha 25 M Beejemau 553 5 Alawardipllr 376 45 Bagheora 532 85 Beend 3~2

6 Atipur Hisia 231 46 BabeJiaplW 240 86 Beeraipur 717 7 Alipur 227 47 Bahar Pattt 402 87 Behdaul Kalan 785 8 Amahra 257 48 Babauddi.,.r 136 88 Behdaul Khurd 784 49 Bahoopur 154 9 Amahta 547 89 Behdil Pure 5 50 Bahuta 291 10 Amanpur 401 90 Behta 4'75 51 Baid Patti 638 11 Amanpur Berra 775 91 Beiga 157 52 Baijilpur 458 12 Amari 97 92 Bela 336 13 Amerpur 624 ,53 Bairampur 814 93 Belsandi 242 5~ Bajidpur 14 Ami Sarai Saifkhan 294 362 94 Bhabhuar 669 55 Bakchi D. 15 Amlidad 557 260 95 Bhadauna 153 56 Balipur 658 16 Amrai 776 96 Bhadeora 584 16'2 , '57 Banbirpur 507 17 Amsuna 97 Bhadwachh 417 18 Amwahi i4'l 58 Bandan Patti 49 98 Bhagipur 700 '}35 59 Bani 218 ,19 Anapur 99 Bhaidpur 148 60 'Banpurwa 20 Andeori 340 390 100 Bhaironpur 512 61 Baorahi 21 Ankaripur 400 531 lOt Bhaisauna M5 62 Bami 22 Antari 763 528 102 Bhaisauni 234 63 'Bansi Adhargaut 23 Antpur 229 712 103 Bhanaipur 437 64 Bami Pat. 24 AraHa 347 263 104 B?aneypur 309 65 Banwarpur 736 Z Arar 574 105 Bhanpur 384 66 Baraha 26 Arazi Singathai 618 1-32 106 Bhanpur 7IB 67 Barahda 27 Arjunpur 396 745 107 Bhanpur Dasuja 729 28 Aialpur 170 68 Barahimpur 284 108 Bhanti 53 29 Asapur Athgawan 577 69 Batahimpur 648 109 Bhanti Kalan 404 30 Ashokpur 267 70 Barahimp.r CAak 233 110 Bhanti Khurd 405 71 Barari 31 Asipur 704 214 III Bhant Patt i 346 32 Asipur 804: 72 Bara Sarai 15 112 Bharokhan 4J9 33 Aspur Deosra 476 73 Barauli 47 113 Bha;tbipur 193 74 Ilarchauli 34 Asthara 127 482 114 Bhatpurwa 5~2 35 Asurhi 246 75 Barhoopur 144 115 Bhatpurwa 612 76 Basaha 524 !l6 Ataraura 414 116 ,Bhausaranpur 368 77 Basant 'Patl:( 37 Atarsand 96 777 117 Bhausie 67 38' Atraura Mirpur 496 78 Ilasauli 323 118 ,Bhawanigarh 769 39 Audhanpur 539 79 Basirha 797 119 Bhawapur 63 40 Aurain 393 80 Basirpur 650 120 Bhawapur Dube Patti 30::1 ~c,



SI. No. in 81. No. in 81. No.i.. Sl. Village SI. 81. Name of V iUage No. Nameof Village Village Name .f Village Village No Directory Directllry No. \ Director}

2 3 2 3 2 3

121 Bheet 818 161 Budhaura KUBabhapur 549 201 Dalippur 644 162 Burra 765 . 122 Bhlkhampur 477 202 Damdam 764 Hig 123 Ilhlkkanpur 725 Chairaiya 312 203 Damri 413 . 146 '. 164 Chak Gutauli 124 Bhioni 6 204 Dandupur Adharganj 687 342 165 Chak Majhanipur 125 Bhitar 182 205 Dandupur Mufrid 633 166 126 Bhili Khurd 133 Chak Mubarakpur 181 206 Danwan 279 167 127 Bhojemau 537 Chak Ramchandraput 106 207 Darchhut 116 168 Chak Sara 128 Bhoola 500 668 208 Dariyapur 656 169 Chalakpur Badfaro.han 129 I:lhopalpur 358 634 209 Dariyapur 698 170 C!lalakpur Kurmian 619 130 Bhopalpur 423 210 Dasrathpur 317 171 Chandelaypur 131 Bhujaini 766 540 211 Daudpur 293 172 Chandi Patti Sidhari Patti m: Bhusahar 391 639 212 DauujJur 487 173 133 Bhusalpur 747 Chandipur Govindpur 527 213 Dayalpur 720 174 Chandoka 134 Bhusandi m 1 214 Dedhuwa 175 415 379 Chandpllr 141 215 Deepapur 135 Bibharpur , 366 610 176 Chandpllr 778 136 Bibia Karanpur 216 Dehri 156 3Y4 177 Chandrabkanpur 12 137 Bibipur Aurin 217 Dehidih Dhurahra 292 316 178 Chandua Dih 99 138 1I1blpur Bardlh 218 Delhupur 726 485 179 Chandua Patti 253 139 Blblpur Mustarka 219 . Deogarh Kamesin 748 521 180 Chaube Patti 714 140 Bichhallr 220 Deokali 109 494 181 Chaubepllr 113 141 Bijai Patti 221 Deokall 369 474 182 Chaukhara 191 142 Bijhla 222 Deolaha 642 211 183 Chaukia 506 143 Bljhra 223 Deorakha 491 184 Chaumari 144 Bijhra 2.'>5 140 224 Dewasa 683 185 Chaupawar 145 Bikeam Patti 465 598 225 Dhanau,1ur 525 186 Chawpai 146 Binaika 489 593 226 Dhandhar 403 187 Chhanapara 518 147 Birahimpur 497 227 Dhanepur 473 188 Chhatallna 148 Biraipur 768 505 2~8 Dhangarh Sarai Chhiolaha 272 189 Chhateni 149 Birapur 523 33% 229 Dhanipur 36 190 Chbctpur 150 Birapur Khurd 304 641 230 Dhansar 365 191 151 Birauti 290 Chhotha 56 231 Dhanuha 755 192 Chilwan 152 Birmau Bishundatt 197 .38 2:$2 Dhananter Patti ti47 193 Chitaipur 153 Birmau Madho 194 34B • 233 Dharauli 43 194 Chitamanpur 154 Bisar 296 341 234 Jjhilrauli 130 195 Dafra 432 155 Bi'ha~bharpur 705 235 ,Dharauli 478

156 Bishnupur Daryapur 660 196 Dahari 165 236 Dhari 8ll i57 B!shnupur Kalan 661 197 Daher Kalan 565 237 Dharmanpur 105 158 Bithalpur 692 198 Daher Khurd 566 238 Dharampur 254 159 Bithalpur 693 199 Dahi 412 239 Dhaurahra 467 160 Bojhi 72 200 Dalapur 212 240 Dhendhui 344 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


•SI. No. ia S1. No. ID Sl. No. iD 51. Village 51. SI. Name of· Village No. Name of Village Village No. Name of V illatle Village No. Direc:torJ Direc:torJ Director)

2 I 1 J s 1 J

241 Dhoin 302 281 Ghanapur 62 321 Itahara 122 242 Dhooti 230 282 Gharaiya 459 322 Itwa 123 243 D,awan 480 283 GhaUipur 350 323 JaCarpur 183 244 Dighwat 822 284 Ghorkata 71 324 Jagatpur 807 245 Domanpur 135 285 Ghorkha Mufrid 562 3:.!5 Jagdilhgarb 207 286 Ghorkha Talukedar 246 Donai 582 563 326 Jagdishpur 308 287 Gobardhanpur 247 Dubauli Sukhan 278 724 327 Jagdishpur 520 288 Godhu Patti 248 Dube ·Patti Raghubar 27 277 328 Jagdishpur 663 640 289 Goin 576 249 Dube Patti Rambukhan 329 Jahanabad 363 290 Gokula I 250 Dubauli Parsan 3~5 737 330 Jairampur 710

251 Dukhlapur 588 291 Gokula II 738 331 Jaisinghgarh 601 ~52 Dulahayapur 203 292 Gulahi 258 332 Jaitapur 163 253 Durgadei 219 293 Golapur 604 333 J. tapur 329 254 Durka 410 294 Gondal Patti 445 334 Jajapur 761 295 Gopalpur 255 Dwarika 716 680 335 J.lalpur Kathauli 256

256 Dwarikapur 621 296 Gopalpur Mufrid 646 336 Jalp. Kesar 372 257 Fatahpur Iianpur 169 297 GJpalpur MUitaro 490 337 Jalpa Neemgir 371 :.!!i8 Fatehpur 420 298 Gothawa 139 338 Jamalpur 479 259 Fatehpur Dariyapur 752 299 Govindpur 422 339 Jamtali 575 2bO Fattupur 300 300 Govindpur 460 340 Jamunipur 653

261 Gadhiawan 430 301 Guglapur 221 341 Jo!:ipur 161 262 Gahbara 374 302 Gulora 722 342 Jolhapuc 250 263 Gahrauli 3 303 Gutauli 174 343 Jolhapur 674 264 Gallr i Ghak 20t 304 Hardallpuf 175 344 K~birpur 464 265 Gajaria 2]5 3u5 Hardoi 129 345 Kadlpur 515

266 Gambheerpur 689 306 Hank.apura 511 346 Kahainiyan 124 267 Ganai Dlh 629 307 Haripur Bardita 2113 347 Kahla 767 268 Gangapur 13 308 Harjamau 265 348 Kaili Dih 801 269 Gangehatl 9U 309 Hamahpur 677 349 Kakoriya Tal 83 270 Gang Patti 632 310 Harparmau 538 350 Kali Muradpur 826

271 Garapur 529 3 II Harpur Saundh 800 351 Kamasin 825 352 Kanda Madhpur 185 272 Galapur Rendi 421 312 Harral Patti 387 333 Kandhaipur 87 273 Garauri Kalan 247 313 Hathaura Sarai 542 334 Kandharpur 10 274 Garauri Khurd 248 3H Hathelhi 571 355 Kandharpur 580 275 Gariyari 558 315 Hathsora 21 356 Kaneora Pure Khushahali. 823 276 GaUhJIli 406 S16 Himlllat Patti 517 357 Kanja Sarai Gulauni 321 277 Gaula Muafi 457 317 Ho"hlarpur 269 356 Kanlapur 774 278 Gaura Pure Badal 783 318 Husainpur 702 359 Kanpa Hari 200 279 Gaura Saifabad 367 319 Ishanpur 173 2110 Gauri PaUl 40 320 Isipur 70 360 Kanp1. Hlssa 1I 159 23 xcii



Sl. No. in SI.No. i. SI. No. in Village SI. SL Nalllc of Village No. Name of Village Village Name Dr Village Village Directory Directory No. Dice<.'toct

, 3 2

104 361 Karaila 324 401 Koni 441 Mahuli 188 362 Karanpur Khajohi 615 402 Kooradih 550 442 Mahuli 453 363 Karaunrlha 442 403 Kopa 48B 443 Maidaspur 675 364 Kari.ta 59 404 Korra 69 444 Majhauli 295 405 KOlhara 790 365 Karka 816 445 Majhgawan 429 \ 406 Kothiyali 366 Karmahi 198 615 446 Maji.ta urJ Bhawanigarh 168 407 KOlhiyar 314 367 Karmjitpur 622 447 Majithi 328 403 Kotiya 449 368 Kaseruva 713 448 Makara Mau Bhauma 271 409 Kukuar 320 369 Kashipur 435 449 Malak 11 410 Kumbhia 241 370 Kashtooripur 89 450 Mamooli 1\8 411 Khu.haha 360 371 Katari 92 451 Manaitapur 213 Labeda 372 Kathar 589 412 383 452 Mana Patti 671 373 Kathindra 803 413 Lacchipur 654 453 Manap'lr 377 414 Lachmanpur 606 374 Katkarpur 399 454 Mandah 74 375 Katrauli 827 41:) Lahuri Mahithi 95 455 Manqipur 590

S76 Kaulapur Nand Patti 732 416 Lakhanamau 19 456 Mandura 58 377 Kausal Patti 510 417 Lakhipur 55 457 Mangapur 17 S78 Kausa Patti 147 418 Lakhipur 456 458 Mangiaura 126 379 Kayesth Patti 686 419 Lakhipur 472 +59 Manpur 694 SSO Keora Kalan 533 420 Lakbmipur 353 460 . Margoopur 452

SSI Keora Khurd 535 421 Lakbno Dih 385 461 Marha ~S9 382 Keotali 481 422 Laldhar Patti 195 462 Mariampur 326 383 Kbakhapur 821 423 Lapkan 759 4b3 Maruau 625 384 Khambhor 100 424 Lauli PakhataKhao 42 464 Masauli 787 3l:l5 Kbampur 189 42!) La""'ar 252 465 Mathura 707

386 Khampur Dube P"tli 719 426 Lohar Tara 573 466 Mau 568 387 Kharagpur 617 427 Loniapur 236 467 Maulani 205 38a Kharhar 673 228 Madafarpur 102 468 Medhuli Kburd 663 389 Khatanpur 670 229 Madbramau 439 '169 MedhuIi Kalan 662 3!!0 Kheruaipur 659 431) Madhwapur (,97 470 Meeranpur 178

3.lll Kheman Paui 468 431 Madnamau 581 471 -Meerpur 751 392 Khujhl Kalan 614 432 Mahdaha 325 472 Mehdua 115 393 Khulhahalgarh i54 433 Ma deuri 721 473 Menaha Kalipur 556 394 Kilai 514 434 Mahdeypur 611 474 Mendua Dlh 819 395 Kiratpur 171 435 Mahila Sarai 498 475 Menhendia 223

396 Kocm 793 436 Makha'i 262 476· Mirzapur 701 397 KohraOD 318 437 Mahin 34'5 477 Misirpur 100 398 Kondar Dih 772 438 Mahothari 739 478 Misrauli Kalan 587 399 Kondari 101 439 Mahraura 508 479 Misrauli Khurd 597 400 Konhadau( 46 440 Mahroopur 343 480 Misruddinpur 559 xciii



51. No. in SL SI. 51.lNo. ill Sl. SI.No. in No. Name of Village Village Name of Village Village Name of V ilIallfO Village Directory No. Directory No. Directory

2 3 z 2 3

481 Mohammadpur 805 521 Padumpur 16 561 Piareypur 351 482 Molnapur 276 522 Pahalwanpur 440 562 Pipari Matkarpur 398 483 Molnapur 433 523 Pahalwanpur 327 563 Pipri 630 484 Muwar Adharganj 740 524 Pahara Murar Patti 286 464 Pithapur 14 485 Nachraula 380 525 Pali 806 565 Pithapur 455

486 Nagapur 166 526 PaUopur 60 566 Premdhar Patti 637 487 Nagar 504 527 Panch Patti 29 567 Pritam Sarai 107 488 Naharpur 526 528 Pandey Tara 530 568 Purah Patti 31 489 Naikot 817 529 Pandri Jabar 179 569 Puraipur 224 490 Najiyapur 564 530 Pandri Mllitarka 228 570 Pure 502 491 Nandi 149 531 Pandri Pal 61 571 Pure Bahu 239 492 Narainpur 114 532 Panwarpur 723 572 ture Balkiiban 431 493 Narainpuri 7 533 Para 220 573 PUle l3aniram 50'! 494 Narainpur Kalan 810 534 Paranpur 209 574 Pure.Basahu 750 495 Narainpur Khurd 799 535 Parasrampur 57 575 Pure Basai 79 496 Narangpur 334 536 Para,rampur 6Ci6 576 Pure Basan 285 497 Narharpur 33 537 Parbatpur Suleman 386 577 . Pure Basudeo 608 498 Narharpur 715 538 Pardaha P~deo 359 578 Pure Bansidhar 428 499 Nari 749 539 Pardaha Sumer 349 579 Pure Bedua 600 500 Narsinghgarh 730 540 Parcaspur 164 580 Pure Beniram 172

501 ' Naninghpur 117 Soli Parhat Khal 436 5111 .. Pure Bhagi 699 502· Narsin!fhpur 208 542 Parihara 409 582 Pure Bhaiyaji 708 503 Narwari 513 543 Parjapatpur 567 583 Pure I:lhiltha 152 504 Nasirpur 792 544 Parkhotampur 609 584 Pure Bichaur 519 505 Nauhar Husainpur 628 545 Parrneshver Patti 52 585 Pure Bodhram 244

506 • Naurangabad 357 546 Parmi Patti 249 586 Pure Chandan 555 507 Naurera 809 547 Parsadh 301 587 Pul e Chandi 23 508 Nawalpur 158 548 Parsamau 780 5l 8 Pure Charan 664 509 Nema Khurd Kalan 503 549 Parsani 217 589 Pure Chhama 41 510 Neora 88 550 Parsauda 134 590 Pure Chiranjio 251

511 Newada 421 551 Parsupuf 94 591 Pure Chiranju 80 512 Neweda 201 552 Patara 448 592 Pure Dabe 225 513 Nidhi Patti 742 553 Patawan 184 !m'3 Pure Dalahah 466 514 Nimha 28 554 Pathatia Kalan 788 594 Pure Dayal 50 515 Nirbhai Patti, 179 555 Pathati;;' Khurd 789 595 Pure Deojsni 22% 516 Ojhala 187 556 Patkhauli 299 596 Pure Dhana 592 517 Oungapur 388 -557 Patti Khas SI5 567 Pure Dhani 450 5J8 O!Jsipur 583 558 Pyalfpur Ourasta 199 598 Pure Do)am 214 519 Pachouri 407 559 Pendra 143 599 pure Durwan 643 520 Pachras 690 560 Phenha 186 600 Pure Enda 2 Itciv ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


SI. No. in 51.No.lo SI. Sl.No. io Sl. Name ofVill.ge Village Name-of Village Vi11age Sl. Name 01 Village Village :"ilo. 'No. No. Directory DircGtory Dlrectory

!I 2 z I z

601 pure Gangaram t'20 641 Ralchadra Patti 361 t8[ Roh Kalan Khurd 8()8 210 150 682 Roopipur 602 Pure Ghana 642 Raigarh 691 794 61ll 683 Roor 603 Pure Gha.n~hyam 643 Raini Satkbariya 424 696 313 684 Rudapur 6O~ Pure Goliya. 644- Raipur 204 657 389 685 Rupanpur 605 Pure Gosaio 645 Raipur 356 686 Sachauli 606 purt Gosaio 3\2. 645 Raipur 7!i3 561 687 Sadaha 607 pure Gulal 601 647 Raiya 161 408 608 l'ure Halsaran 534 648 Rajapur Dewa Patti 733 688 Sagramganj 381 609 pure Kbaragrai 813 649 Rajapur Kharhar 672 689 Sahaspur 236 310 610 Pure Kherdnar 650 Rajapur Murrid 180 690 Sah Pure ..

611 Pure Kishulliir 137 651 Rajmalpur 103 691 Saifabad 364 v12 Fure Kob.llal 76 652 Rakaba 627 692 Sailkha 48') 613 pure Kumar 77 653 Rarnaipur Disao; 282 692 Sakara 110 59') 614 Pure Lakomani 654 Ramapur 44 694 Salahpur 297 560 61!) Pure La) Pandey 655 Ramapur 782 695 Salap Sulchali 18 6S:, 696 Salhipur Kanja! 91 &16 Pure Mahanth 656 Ramdeo Patti ~l 37 697 Samagora 289 617 Pure Manikaoth 657 Ramganj 483 68 698 Sand 802 618 Pure Mosai 6'>8 Ramgarh 684- 85 699 Sandaura 619 pure Mul

626 pure Ramsahai 731 666 Rampur Khagal ~80 706 Sarai Bhikbari 516 627 pure "ialilwa) 554 667 Rampur Kmkurmiyan 177 707 Sarai Bhimsen 216 626 Pure Sejat 596 668 Ranipur 338 708 Sarai Gaoai 631 629 Pure Shekhi 734 669 Rasoyan 623 709 ~j.,rai Jamuni 543 638 Pure Sukhchaio 266 670 Ras,ipu[ 695 710 Sarai Jamuri 120

631 Pure Tilam 8 671 RasLJlaha 273 711 Sarai Madbai 287 632 Pure Tullio 795 672 Rasulpur Haiderpur 378 712 Sarai Mahesh 331) 633 Pure Udairam 34 673 Ratanmau 649 713 Sarai Nankar 626 634 Radflwa 111 674 Rathawat 15! 714 Sarlli Raiai 9a 635 Raghaipur 425 675 Ratnagarpur 1 \ 1 715 <:"rai Rat'ao 652

636 Raghawaput 463 676 Rattipur 509 716 Sarai Sagar 119 637 Ragbawapur 679 677 R"tupur 215 717 Sarai Se.khan 572 638 Ragbunathpur 319 678 Rquza 499 718 Sarai Setrai 709 639 RagllUrampur 93 679 Risalgarh 771 719 Sarai Shankar 20 6tO Rahetwa Parasrampur 781 680 Rohi Patti 501 720 Sarai SUilaoi 746 xcv



81. No. in Sl.No. in SI.No.in SI. Sl. Sl. Name of Village Village Name of Village Village Name of Village Village No. No. Directory No. Directory Directory

1 2 3 2 3 2 3

721 Serkhelpur 603 761 Sojangarh 9 BOI Tikaita 757 722 Saraman 288 762 Sojan Patti 4A 802 Titihiria Daud 536 723 Sarauli 66 763 Sonahi 605 803 Th,ari Patti 469 '124 Saldib 373 764 Sonawat 270 804 Tiwaripur Khurd 86 725 Sarmanpur 758. 765 Sonbarsa 45 805 Toder Patti 703

726 Sarsatpur 311 766 Sonbarsa 411 B06 Tulsipur 676 '127 Sarsi Dih 121 : {) 7 Sonbarsa Patti 333 E07 Turkauli 493 728 Sarsi Khl1m I:L2 768 Sondeymau 579 808 Udaha 22 729 SarwajilPuc 232 769 Sonl-ura 492 809 Udaipur (Parhat) 4.52 730 Sarwarpuc 259 770 Sflnathpur 370 810 Udaishabpur 444

731 Sarwarpur 354 771 Srillathpur 636 811 Udbual'ur li8 732 Satewar 26 772 Srinathpur Dashrathpur 331 812 Ugaipur 682 733 Saural 352 773 Sujaha 762 813 lJmanpur 441 734 Sawaiya 546 774 Sujanpur 728 814 Umar 15 735 Sawansa 810 775 Sultanpur 495 815 Umaldiha 418

736 Semra Dih 462 776 Sultanpur 770 816 Umarpur 226 737 Sewa Patti 281 777 Sumatpur 243 817 Umla 382 738 Shah puc 741 778 Sumba 82 818 Updan Patti 196 ,39 Shajawar 551 779 Sundarpur 54 819 Upadhyapur 397 740 Shankatpur 51 780 Surajgarh Jagannath 78 820 Uraiya Dih 261

741 Sheikhaopur 176 781 Surangpur 434 821 Uska 65 742 Sheikh pur Adharganj 138 782 Surwa Misirpur 786 822 Usrau1i 298 743 Sheikhpur AthJawan 578 783 Tala 192 823 Utras 125 744 Sheikhupuc 760 781 Tala Bastiram :./4 824 Wari Kalan 128 745 Sheogarh 815 785 Tandwa 6.55 825 Wari Khurd 145

746 ::'heogarh 570 786 Tardaha 237 826 Yahiapur 613 741 Shtogarh 108 787 Tardih 798 [27 Zam;n 264 748 Sheopur Khurd Kalan 35 788 Tllrdiha 306 749 Sheosat 635 789 Taroi Dih 522 790 Tawakalpul 727 750 8hripur 667

791 Teliyani 4~6 751 Sigahi 706 752 8ikal i Kanupur 131 792 Tewarapur 651 Tewaripur 735 753 Sllaudhi 796 793 754 8 ngathi Khalsa 616 794 Thahlpur 518 73 1'j5 8inghl,ur 471 795 Thak~haiya Thanepur Gopapur 756 8irabasi Bl ,96 307 i73 757 8isaura ::85 797 Thari)a 798 Thegua 305 ',58 S tapur 443 799 Tibblpur 470 759 80bhawa 416 liO() Tiguri 155 760 Sobhipur 38 xcvi



Occ.- Seria' Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (NotatioDi for aalenities) of in Resi- holds Castes educated Hamlets· acres dential person. Houses ....--...... __. p M F M F M F

3 4 5 C5 7 ·8 51 10 11 12 13

MANGRAURA BLOCK 1 Chandoka Riv. 7 1,218 237 284- 1,372 656 716 150 216 105 23 2 Pure Enda 1 133 14 15 76 33 43 14- 24- 14 1 3 Gahrauli 5 646 211 211 992 472 520 60 80 116 12 4 Sah Pure 5 322 100 112 573 275 298 44- 49 40 3 5 Behdil Pure I 43 26 29 133 60 73 11 7 14 1

6 Chak Gutauli I 38 7 8 60 32 28 8 6 7 Narainpuri 2 206 45 48 271 124 147 13 22 34 8 Pure Tilam 1 35 17 17 81 35 46 23 26 2 9 Sojangarh 2 717 114 125 613 301 312 88 87 60 2 10 Kandharpur Riv. 2 ~60 143 157 789 3~:8 391 50 63 106 15

11 Malak Riv. 2 210 67 75 420 202 218 56 56 49 5 12 ChaIJdrabhanpur I 231 40 43 222 105 117 23 16 18 13 Gangapur Riv. 2 253 69 86 427 198 229 78 76 24 2 14 Plthapur I 271 42 49 310 152 158 28 33 32 15 Vmar Rlv,Riv. 3 215 47 48 255 134 121 27 3

16 Padumpur Rly,Riv. 5 33tl 83 87 439 227 212 87 86 37 1 17 Mangapur 3 393 101 111 605 287 318 41 57 72 4 18 Salap Sukhali Rly,Riv. 3 103 26 27 131 71 60 24 1 19 Lakhanamau Riv. 2 58 23 24 115 46 69 17 26 II 1 20 Sarai Shankar Riv,Po. 2 503 162 187 900 432 468 89 108 57 14

21 Hathsora 1 540 78 79 394 196 198 60 56 42 6 22 Udaha I IB7 6 8 38 23 15 8 23 PUle Chandi 4 284 44 52 246 129 117 19 13 38 -S 24 Tala BastiraUl 1 63 I I 1 1 1 25 Baburaha 27 Un-inhabited

26 Satewar 1 299 35 39 216 105 111 10 15 24 27 Dube Patti Raghubar 1 20 18 )8 69 36 33 17 12 12 4 28 Nimha 1 104 14 14 74 39 35 ,- 13 29 Panch Patti 1 47 19 25 100 48 52 16 25 14 30 Aurangabad 3 216 90 102 554 29J 264 53 58 66 24

31 Purab Patti 4 944 181 212 1,217 593 624 107 112 79 6 32 Pure Ramdeo 1 61 17 17 76 37 39 '2 6 33 Narharpur 14 1404 404 483 2,237 1,074 1,163 279 396 277 34 34 Pure Udairam I 99 26 26 150 73 77 2 3 24 10 35 Sheopur Khurd Kalan Po. 2 49 61 71 394 ·167 227 33 46 43 15

36 Dhanipur lIB 32 33 182 85 97 26 19 32 .. 37 Pure Manikanth J6~ 86 96 424 206 218 69 76 44 1 38 Sobhipur 37 27 27 113 5B 55 36 37 12 2 39 Bedoo Patti 27 13 15 73 30 43 8 3 40 Gauri Patti 26 14 16 75 39 36 24 24 2

41 Pure Chhama 1 51 19 20 124 64 60 4 5 23 2 42 Lauli Pakhata Kham 12 1,136 170 204 1,009 549 460 '1.7 19 92 3 43 Dharauli R. 7 1,067 109 114 521 258 263 33 45 52 2 44 Ramapur R,Rly. B 750 264 278 1,238 602 6:16 l37 192 176 IS 45 Sonbarsa. Riv. I 169 28 33 175 76 99 26 1 xcvii




----. ~ON- Total Workers WORKhRS (I-IX) II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No.

...--.----. ,...... ,--...... __, ,_-..., ,...... _, ,_....._.., ,..-J'-...... --~ '-.~ ~

M , M F M F M F M 11 M , M 11 M 11 M F M 11 M F Jl 15 16 17 J8 19 20 21 22 23 24 %5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

MANGRAURA BLOCK 342 261 226 142 84 III 15 4 4 13 4 314 453 1 23 22 7 3 II 18 4 1 1 10 21 2 265 128 201 46 20 5 27 70 3 3 13 4 207 392 3 155 134 134 114 20 19 120 164 4 U 46 39 41 5 5 16 %7 5

20 19 19 18 I 12 9 6 62 101 56 92 5 9 62 46 7 18 10 5 10 9 3 1 17 36 8 156 43 101 16 38 24 15 2 .,. 1 2 145 269 9 241 242 188 186 24 38 HI 9 2 5 3 4 6 157 149 10

118 93 92 64 24 29 % 84 125 11 56 68 46 57 10 11 49 49 12 122 125 100 100 1 1 2 6 1 ... 2 18 16 76 104 13 90 105 68 85 9 lO 8 10 1 1 2 62 53 14 85 51 64 36 2 14 15 1 4 49 70 15

142 125 93 80 12 17 33 2B 1 2 1 85 87 16 159 158 126 134 ,6 ·7 11 6 1 3 12 11 128 160 17 45 .4 37 4 1 7 26 56 18 27 32 23 24 ·3 '8 1 19 ~7 19 259 314 21 I 254 24 34 16 Ii 6 11 173 154 20

116 107 81 81 22 18 II 3 4 4 bO 91 21 16 12 16 12 7 3 22 65 25 52 17 13 8 64 92 23 '" 1 24 Un-innabited 25

67 37 62 :11 3 4 2 38 74 26 23 15 9 .3 14 12 13 18 27 24 6 22 6 2 15 29 28 35 24 16 .3 19 21 13 28 29 i48 Ilj 92 34 43 48 2 7 4 142 181 30

384 421 307 341 39 48 36 26 2 4 209 203 31 19 7 16 3 3 4 .. 18 32 32 602 436 352 223 162 184 59 15 4 4 20 14 472 727 33 47 37 36 'j7 2 I 7 26 40 34 94 5~ S4 22 28 35 4 2 • 2 6 73 168 35

40 39 20 13 16 26 3 1 45 58 36 104 86 39 27 26 42 ... 25 8 4 10 9 102 132 37 30 21 15 5 9 16 4 1 1 28 34 38 15 10 9 5 4 5 2 15 33 39 18 15 4 2 12 13 2 21 21 40

27 13 20 8 2 4 3 2 37 47 41 352 215 243 138 93 71 7 3 2 2 6 197 245 42. 141 110 122 95 12 20 5 2 2 117 145 43 333 262 228 197 52 55 13 7 4- 6 30 3 269 374- H 41 5% 32 52 4 5 35 47 45 &cviii



Occu- ~ial Naill'; of Village Number Area pied House- Total"Populati~D Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations of amemties) of in Resi- hold. Cutes educated Hamlets acres dential persom Houses


P M F M F M F 2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 \I 10 11 12 13

46 Konhadaur R,Rly,L.Mp,H,Po. \ .. 539 177 195 1,017 490 527 9~ 134 216 38 47 Barauli 149 50 53 Z6'i 123 140 16 53 40 1 48 Mamooli 126 39 40 139 81 58 35 25 6 49 Bandan Patti Rly. 13 4 4 17 B 9 5 50 Pure Dayal liB 26 30 161 74 87 4 15

51 Shankarpur R,Rl). 154 64 fi9 272 12

56 Chhotha R. 66 Un-mhabited 57 Parasrampur I 176 62 67 425 216 209 46 43 100 15 58 Mandura 2 133 136 150 875 482 393 39 59 123 14 59 Karista R. 1 143 25 28 137 76 61 34 20 22 3 60 Paloopur R. I 80 19 21 74 58 16 24 10 5

61 Pandri Pal 1 173 34 38 205 97 108 12 13 33 62 Ghanapur R. 1 130 18 23 103 50 53 3 7 24 2 63 Bhawapur 1 20U 43 45 256 116 140 25 ~6 36 11 6' Ba~opur 3 1S5 58 66 373 170 203 25 30 83 18 65 Uska Riv. 5 338 100 105 565 220 345 32 30 1U3 1

66 Sarauli Riv. 9 1,195 179 179 974 467 507 84 123 96 12 67 Bhausia 1 169 48 51 270 133 137 27 3ti 47 11 68 Pure Mosai 1 4!l 33 37 178 76 102 14 17 42 4 69 Korra ·2 223 69 71 346 161 185 37 54 53 7 70 lIipur 2 177 42 43 228 112 116 42 45 37 1.

71 Ghorkat .. 1 97 3 3 .. 4 2 72 tlojhi 2 345 105 109 501 242 259 59 61 14 3 73 1 hakthaiya I 34 26 28 122 67 55 19 13 13 74 Mandah R. 4 598 100 120 559 267 292 125 188 54 75 Bara Sarai R. 5 464 96 114 519 258 261 61 69 53 2

76 Pure Kolal.al R,Rly. 1 126 49 57 254 117 137 32 64 32 5 77 Pure Kumar R,Rly. 1 67 28 29 126 63 63 8 11 9 78 Surajgarh Jagannath Rly. 2 186 82 116 545 268 2B7 65 72 84 19 79 Pure Basai Rly. 1 105 23 27 131 68 63 18 18 11 1 80 Pure Cbiranju 93 13 15 72 37 35 2 8

81 Sirabasi R. 72 17 20 112 51 61 10 12 23 4 82 Sumba R. 112 20 23 126 59 67 11 15 13 83 Kakoriya Tal 57 Un· inhabited 84 Pure Mukund Talukedari R. 32 Un-inhabited 85 Pure Mukund Mufrid R. 42 10 19 88 42 46 11 10 13

86 Tiwaripur Khurd 1 161 52 57 324 !58 166 35 31 % 5 87 Kandhai Madhpur Po. 24 1,984 688 7:9 4,e93 2,098 1,995 2H 222 525 \i9 88 Neora 1 363 49 59 257 137 120 12 6 19 ·89 Kashtooripur 1 146 25 33 172 80 92 6 2 90 Gangehati R. 1 466 84 100 502 228 274 50 66 62 6 xdx




~--.,_ NON- Total Workers -- WORKERS (I-IX) X II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Serial No.

,....---. ...-----. ~ ,...... _, ....---. ,...... --. ....---. ,....--. F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M 35 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W 30 31 32 33 34

46 255 139 97 81 28 35 42 10 47 12 2Q 19 235 388 4 1 70 124 47 53 I6 32 5 17 10 48 31 27 20 4 6 4 1 7 4 39 27 42 3 6 49 5 3 5 1 2 50 38 30 29 26 2 3 4 3 36 57

73 88 25 38 15 19 26 27 ". 6 4 56 55 51 Un-iallaliited 52 16 12 7 3 9 9 ... 14 31 53 79 42 46 13 26 28 1 1 ... ..,. 1 4 1 96 148 54 III 63 37 31 30 27 8 2 ...... 1 31 3 4 63 110 55

Un-iaaaliited 56. 60 4 26 28 2 4 1 124 176 57 92 33 18 13 179 303 68 229 28 22 23 18 2 2 H 2 325 58 20 14 8 3 2 8 1 37 44 59 39 17 3 2 25 33 16 14 9 14 7 60

3 35 89 61 62 19 37 15 14 1 8 3 23 21 1 1 2 4 20 31 02 30 22 6 9 59 108 63 57 32 36 24 1 6 5 2 76 42 4 15 1 2 85 146 64 85 57 3 87 295 65 133 50 103 31 15 15 9 4 2 223 244 279 211 239 20 38 8 2 3 , 2 228 66 17 18 1 1 64 82 67 69 55 50 36 4 24 62 68 52 40 38 33 .7 7 3 .. ," 4 77 116 69 47 18 20 4 .~. 3 2 84 69 55 1 60 79 70 52 37 40 21i 9 11 2 71 .. 4 2 3 2 83 124 72 18 ' 4 4 159 135- 137 109 15 .. 28 16 73 7 9 4 39 39 28 30 1 115 165 74 88 49 57 75 3 1 2 1 2 152 127 2 4 5 2 117 192 75 141 69 64 32 38 25 28 10 17 9 4 2 56 lOt- 76 61 33 10 7 21 23 4 1 26 39 77 37 24 33 23 2 2 5 2 136 221 78 66 95 50 17 14 39 122 10 1 1 39 79 29 24 20 13 8 15 34 80 22 1 17 5 1 3 2 31 50 81 20 11 11 6 4 4 21 50 82 29 5 3 12 1 .. 2 3 38 17 Un-inhabited 83 Un-inhabited 84 22 35 85 20 11 16 5 4 6 ... ~

' 2 1 79 136 86 11 19 16 9 1 2 .. 79 30 48 17 44 2 3 42 3 1,035 1,485 87 1,063 510 793 40l 138 100 26 56 21 88 81 99 74 93 7 6 31 30 89 48 61 1 1 49 62 1 6 101 172 90 127 102 97 74 23 28 ... 25 c


Oecu- Sm.1 Name of Village Number Area piod HoUle- Total Population Scheduled Lituate and NO. (Notations for amenitie~) of In \ Rai- . bold. Cuta educated Hamlets acre. dential pct'IOlII Ho_.


3 4 ~ 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 15

91 Salhipur Kanjas 7 1,386 230 230 1,253 615 638 125 1"5 120 12 92 Katari 2 588 113 123 593 282 311 41 34 54 6 93 Raghurampur 1 64 19 22 80 35 45 6 9 23 1 94 Parsupur 2 288 47 53 267 136 131 3 2 25 2 95 Lahuri Mabithi 1 68 13 14 103 43 60 13

96 Atanand Po. 8 2,797 453 480 3.785 1,811 1,974 320 312 308 28 97 Amari 1 109 ,., 47 212 91 121 18 :!6 6 98 Sarai Rajai 5 993 161 177 998 490 508 152 162 75 2 99 Chandua Dih 4 776 138 147 747 386 361 38 35 76 12 100 Misirpur 1 41 8 8 33 21 12 7

101 Kondari 1 379 23 26 129 60 69 36 37 10 102 Madafarpur 2 543 97 10~ 498 240 258 79 66 16 103 Rajmalpur 1 313 57 64 318 173 145 21 17 18 104 Koni 1 495 106 III 547 279 268 [)2 82 52 8 105 Dharmanpur 1 238 37 38 159 76 83 19 23 10

10'1 Chak Ramchandrapur 1 156 19 20 135 75 60 6 107 Pritam Sarai 1 80 18 21 53 25 28 7 7 5 108 SheoJarh 1 208 HI 2-1 103 65 38 9 10 47 109 Deokali 1 373 43 44 264 140 124 37 35 30 110 Sakara 3 679 169 200 1,102 549 553 183 279 49

III Ratnagarpur 2 352 33 36 209 98 l!l 21 41 23 4 112 Bhusandi 1 128 28 31 186 85 101 29 21 9 1 113 Cbaubepur 1 54 19 21 108 51 57 2 8 16 114 NarainpuI 7 572 82 121 639 303 336 52 74 115 27 115 Mehdua 1 345 22 28 140 66 74 32 42 27

116 Darchhut R,Mp,Po. 6 520 170 179 890 434 456 82 132 115 9 117 Narsinghpur I 347 40 40 181 93 8B 33 60 6 118 Udhuapur 1 82 31 31 149 71 78 17 27 2 119 Salai Sagar 1 202 42 42 208 98 lIO 28 64 3 120 Sarai Jamuri 8 1,497 204 ~20 1,239 616 623 73 92 124- 12

121 Sarsi Dih Po. 6 616 101 123 624 309 315 77 104 42 9 122 Sarsi Kbam 12 1.280 124 166 997 461 536 168 130 92 12 123 Itwa 4 1,031 76 86 380 185 195 50 45 36 124 Kahainiyan 2 256 42 50 270 122 148 5B 70 18 8 125 Utras 6 1.037 139 160 737 358 379 59 126 51 9

126 Mangraura R. 5 584 137 158 764 397 367 71 71 72 8 5 590 80 102 600 240 360 63 103 47 127 Asthara 652 128 Wari Kalan R,po. 6 1.600 254 273 1.3B7 735 97 283 146 14 Bardoi 3 258 SIl 97 524 '255 269 71 57 44 4 129 146 400 130 Dharauli 5 785 146 766 366 i7 98 97 24

Sikari Kanupur 2 777 153 164 821 392 429 85 125 54 2 131 691 90 132 Baraba 3 686 163 175 342 349 92 81 11 Bhiti Khurd 5 440 38 42 227 110 117 24 32 25 1 133 3 301 90 92 447 221 226 74 87 26 134 Parsauda 125 67 58 15 135 Domanpur 1 333 23 27 11 3 " , Cl "




,- NON- Total Workers - WORKERS (I-IX) II III IV V VI VII VlII IX X Serial No • ,.-.. .A._,,-, ,.. ~ ~----. ~ ..--... ..--... ..--... ..---. ..--... ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M P' M F M, F M F M F 14 !5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 %6 %7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

349 169 258 87 804 72 7 8 2 266 469 91 164 Btl 130 76 17 8 II 4 4 118 223 92 22 7 18 5 4 2 ]3 38 , 93 72 58 69 58 1 -... 64 73 94 23 21 20 21 2 20 39 95

1,236 1,053 1,085 901 112 122 9 20 5 6 4 20 4 575 921 96 48 48 35 4.') 13 3 43 73 97 262 270 225 218 27 40 2 2 12 4 228 238 98 241 187 216 166 21 17 I 3 2 1 145 174 99 , 17 4 17 4 4 8 100

34 22 18 3 13 7 3 12 26 47 101 148 38 98 30 17 12 17 3 ... 5 4 92 220 10% 107 84 99 78 3 6 5 165 66 61 103 IOU 150 89 6 3 9 8 114 168 104 37 29 31 22 3 5 3 ~ 39 54 105

39 35 38 35 ,1 36 25 106 16 12 (J 5 9 7 9 16 107 28 13 15 8 6 5 7 37 25 108 8() 75 76 72 3 3 1 60 49 109 350 277 219 11(' 63 133 42 25 3 12 2 11 199 276 110

. 63 62 60 59 3 3 35 49 III 56 70 56 61 I 8 : .. 29 31 m 35 29 2:4 14 1 6 10 7 2 2 16 28 113 179 121 100 47 48 61 6 5 3 20 7 124 215 114 34 28 10 20 26 2 1 I 1 32 46 115

230 271 168 176 42 tl3 13 12 6 204 W5 116 50 66 31 7 19 54 5 ., 43 22 117 47 29 27 Ii 18 23 2 24 49 US 65 69 33 6 32 63 33 41 119 387 295 3:.1.6 238 :l6 40 2 25 12 6 2 2 3 229 318 120

178 68 ' III 28 29 26 12 3 7 2 19 9 131 247 121 280 262 208 209 46 39 2 20 14 1 2 181 274 122 103 106 77 83 9 22 15 I 2 82 89 123 71 73 48 47 20 22 1 2 2 2 51 75 124 201 98 193 4\:1 40 2 3 5 6 157 281 125

244 177 143 95 27 47 28 16 10 2 34 17 153 190 126 150 139 126 107 19 29 ". 1 2 3 1 90 221 127 383 215 274 123 76 59 4 8 19 8 2 17 8 269 520 128 177 145 131 114 30 29 11 2 4 1 78 124 139 292 2)5 217 177 63 73 11 5 1 108 III 130

237 143 197 86 37 45 1 12 2 155 286 131 212 95 110 65 20 20 45 6 32 2 3 2 2 130 254 132 64 18 36 16 9 2 17 1 1 46 99 133 135 87 82 39 47 44 6 4 86 139 134 36 14 24 8 6 5 6 1 31 44 135 eli


Cecu- Serial Name of ViUage Number Area pied Ho~ Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenitia) of in Rai· hold. Cuta educated Hawleu acra denti~1 pel'lODi HoUSel ""'-_ , ...... ---""--...... p M F M F .M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

136 Bahauddinpur 1 28 17 19 117 56 61 29 15 1 137 Pure Kisunganj R. \ 1 67 33 43 203 94 109 10 138 Sheikllpur Adbarganj R. 2 353 52 57 242 120 m 2 1 28 139 Gothllwa 2 60 40 43 223 122 101 12 3 10 140 Chaumari 2 321 56 6~ 319 147 172 54 t6 16

141 Chandpur 2 152 35 41 240 1~0 120 27 35 15 . 2 142 Amwahi 4 638 6g 139 590 299 291 74 67 55 l! 143 Pendra 1 270 33 37 223 113 110 27 M 50 1 144 Barhoopur Po. 10 1,572 242 269 1,333 653 680 179 169 137' 41 145 Wari Khurd 3 287 84 100 384 206 l71l 33 60 44

.146 Bhioni 1 537 107 126 614 287 327 57 7'3 67 7 147 i Kausa Patti 3 497 102 1~0 575 271 304 20 15 123 2 148 , Bhaidpur 1 226 81 87 425 194 231 32 52 44 1 I 221 63 80 402 189 213 26 29 39 2 149 Nandi !h; 150 Raigarb 2 620 36 49 223 115 108 5 7 13

R. 2 184 U 50 260 135 125 49 34 61 151, Rathawat 479 225 251 152 pure Bhikha 3 300 89 104 38 59 63 2 153 • Bhadauna R. 6 460 122 136 615 299 316 5t! 55 -+7 5 154 Bahoopur R. 2 264 77 90 465 205 260 41 42 42 8 155 Tiguri 2 342 30 33 214 )07 107 23 27 20

156 Dehri I 251 17 22 108 45 63 15 8 8 4 157 Beiga 1 217 13 35 175 88 87 32 35 8 158 Nawalpur 1 170 24 27 132 64 68 18 35 11 159 Kanpa Hissa II 3 232 40 49 196 lit! 78 18 16 18 160 Rampur Kanpa 4 390 51 5!i 2!l9 132 127 45 47 30

161 Jogipur <4 828 181 181 833 413 420 45 41 106 3 162 Amsuna 2 352 161 161 707 358 349 54 56 32 163 Jaitapur 1 344 43 49 263 1;10 133 44 40 24 I 164 Pargaspur 2 285 56 69 353 178 17!l 16 17 41 3 165 Dahari 3 3t6 109 120 563 284 279 34 55 39

16G Nagapur 117 43 46 197 90 107 12 28 12 2 167 Raiy. 221 38 40 182 88 94 3 1 12 168 Majisca uif Bhawanigarh Riv. 197 32 36 162 112 80 11 6 19 169 Fatahpur lsanpur 134 74 80 230 100 BO 25 21 19 170 A.. l~ur 405 141 174 278 ll!:! 159 28 49 28

171 Kiratpur 1 93 6 7 54 29 25 7 8 172 Pure Beniram R. 1 184 58 64 152 14 78 21 2 173 Ishanpur R. b. 563 214 234 1,105 550 5~5 86 170 153 11 174 Gutauli R. 2 .i~4 86 89 457 213 244 29 54 29 1 175 Hardattpur I 98 21 23 157 75 8'l 1 IS 1

176 Sheikhanpur R. 1 158 38 46 282 134 l48 26 33 46 6 177 Rampur Kurkurmiyan J 243 48 52 303 136 167 4 4 46 6 178 Meeranpur 1 2!:!2 71 71 417 184 :.!33 15 8 46 3 179 Pandri Jabar Riv. 4 305 101 104 522 228 291: 41 77 83 3 ISO Rajapur Mufrid R. 2 240 67 67 380 181 199 38 64 47 4 em.....



W.RKERS NON- Total Workers .---- WORKERS (I-IX) I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial ,...... _, No. ,..._.-...... ,...... _. ,.-._, ..---...... ~ ~ ~ ~

:lit F M F M F M F M F • F M F M F M F M F M F

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ~ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

~ 29 29 26 1 3 26 32 136 58 11 53 8 2 3 3 .. 36 98 137 49 3 24 1 22 2 3 71 119 138 , 55 7 31 1 18 6 6 67 94 139 75 18 62 S 6 13 7 72 154 140

69 63 56 49 10 11 2 2 51 57 141 197 158 170 119 27 39 102 133 142 67 50 63 49 1 1 3 46 60 143· 384 286 287 215 61 67 12 13 10 4 269 394 144 1:J.i 66 III 55 7 7 4 2 86 112 145

180 III IPSl- 36 41 19 20 9 2 1 107 216 146 136 113 101 91 8 10 10 8 6 3 11 135 191 147 119 121 103 112 3 3 6 6 2 5 75 110 148 .94- 98 80 79 6 9 7 10 1 95 115 149 60 3 51 2 5 1 1 2 55 105 150

71 15 44 5 24 2 1 2 8 64 110 151 141 17 119 11 15 6 3 4 84 237 152 175 129 134 99 28 22 11 7 1 124 187 154 123 68 75 32 29 28 5 1 9 6 5 82 192 153 57 44 52 39 5 5 50 63 155

27 14 23 11 4 3 18 49 156 53 44 33 31 15 12 5 1 .. , 35 41 157 38 28 27 10 10 18 26 40 158 SO 15 76 6 3 9 38 63 159 82 47 59 19 19 27 2 2 50 80 160

273 283 244 257 10 15 6 5 3 9 6 140 137 161 241 278 226 271- 8 3 6 1 117 71 102 75 82 73 81 1 1 1 55 51 163 147 145 120 129 7 15 7 1 S 2 6 31 30 164 237 243 20lJ 221 11 18 5 3 .. 3 47 36 165

55 56 45 44 8 10 2 35 51 166 42 48 40 47 2 1 41) 46 167 44 3i 35 ' 26 8 10 .,. 38 44 168 49 26 30 10 12 12 6 4 51 IOl 169 60 44. 52 41 1 3 7 59 115 170

10 2 6 1 2 2 I· 19 23 171 51 25 46 25 1 2 ... 1 23 53 172 318 259 158 130 45 55 21 13 45 10 16 33 51 232 296 173 112 123 80 88 4 3 14' 9 3 9 23 101 121 174 48 37 47 36 I. 1 27 45 175

58 41 36 29 9 6 1 12 6 76 107 176 71 44 50 36 15 .. 2 4 4 65 123 177 87 61 59 38 13 19 2 .." .) 4 ·1 5 97 172 178 99 94 82 78 7 11 3 3 2 4 2 129 200 179 103 96 75 74 28. 22 78 103 180 26 U~


Occu- Number Area pied House- Total Population Schedule4· Literate and Serial Name of Village Cutes educated No. (Notationl for amenities) of in Resi- balds Hamlets~ aera dential penODI Houtes

p .hi F M , U F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

127- 128 3-5 44 48 10 18'1 ~, Chak Mubarakpur 1 156 43 43 255 2 294 79 19 398 164 234 12 15 44 8 182~Cbak~ Majh'Dipur R.. 1.s 70 12 183 JaMpur ' Ri". 3 211 56 00 328 163 4 266 50 52, 235 III 124 23 38 20 ,2 18* I Patawan 213, 41 58 81 11 185 I Kanda Madhpur R. S. 350 82 84 427 214 162 Phtnba 7 737 187 201 1,027 506 521 122 132 17 ill6 3 328 94 114 569 27':) 294 56 66 60 8 181 Oj~la 56 23 33 3 5 *188 Mabuli R.· 1 365 13 14 Kbampur R. 1 154 70 74- 371 189 182 25 26 41 1 18!} 1,138 556 582 94 119 173 31 190 Khawbhor R. 3 756 174 174

i9l' Chaukbara R. 2 454 55 61 306 136 170 iit 34 31 6 Ig,2 Tala R,Po. 5 996 340 347 1,693 789 !lOt 13,3 220 232 74 Bhartbipur 1 141 69 75 325 165 160 10 10 31 19'\ 39 :20! 93 19f Birplilu Madho R. 2 82 27 109' t8 24 30 3 l!iJ Laldliar Patti 1 14B 21 il2 154 77 77 32 33 19

Updhan Patti R. 22 Un-inhabited ~1 ' Birmau Biditiodalt R. 2 175 60 65 372 175 197 25 38 57 6 r9jj Kamiahi 2 128 33 37 242 123 119 70 19 Payagpur Ouras!a 2 603 100 108 556 268 283 45 49 90 5 ~ Karlpa Han 2 339 36 39 203 103 100 11 11 (';1

201 Ncweda 177 40 42 296 13-1, 162 8 12 ~I 9 201 Gahri Chak 129 40 43 289 145 144 11 13 77 29 20S Dulahayapur Po. 141 51 51 286 136 150 35 704 Rudapur R. 59 46 48 259 106 153 6 -7 20 2 2115 Ma~dani R. 133 31 37 217 104 U3 24 17 7

249 98 III 584 290 ~94 20& PLlrt PaDd~ R,L,Mp. 2 41 61 87 8 20'7 Jasdilhgarh R. 2 333 \is 107 608 302 306 51 54 67 2 Nktlinghpur R. 5 347 136 -l42 778 362 416 57 82 66 10 1 145 26 28 147 66 81 3 .,. ~ p~tanpur 23 4 2TO pate GhaDll I 133 52 59 269 139 130 22 35 24 I 2 232 37 43 207 103 10,* 28 32 32 I til Bijbra 1 162 8 8 38 19 212 Dalapur 1.9 7 2 213 Manaitapur 2 306 60 67 376 156 220 36 58 15 I 524 73,692 15,752 ~7,476 89,166 43,357 45 ,BOg 8,3tS 10,199 ro,065 TOTAL or MANGRAURA BLOCK 11191 PATTI BLOCK

1 42 9 10 44 20 24 15 %14 PUTe Dolam 24 15 Ratupur I 158 18 20 105 48 57 11 24 6 115 1 10-1 17 17 95 51 216 Sarai Bhimsen R. 44 18 Parlllni R. I 3B5 12 BO 402 200 202 47 51 32 2 217 264 49 49 242 119 211 Bani It. 2 123 34 17 32 8

Du!pdei R. 2 232 60 62 160 171 189 14 13 26 ~"9 2 326 43 47 222 104 118 39 49 16 ~ Rara 315 56 221 GuelapUl 2 67 321 179 142 19 14- 34 2 ~re Deojani 3 612 121 139 764 355 409 36 56 113 12 222 209 83 91l 498 231 267 78 5<1 45 '1 223 MenJaendla 3 "Partly !Deluded in the town Bela M.B. DJJ\JEqrQRY aU.lUI,.-Conl;.


r- ", ,.....~ ,__...._ .. F- ..-.... ~ ...... ~ ...... M F M P M F M F M F M , M F M F M F M F M F H 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2i 26 27 28 29 SO 31 32 33 34 35

18 78 54 50 24 28 ..". 49 50 181 95 131 92 124 5 I 2 1 69 103 182 79 81 68 77 2 2 2 3 4 2 84 84 183' 64 70 44 49 9 16 7 5 3 " 47 54 184 130 98 103 71 19 26 1 2 5 I 84 115 185

282 126 192 66 60 48 12 6 2 5 11 5 224 395 186 146 170 128 146 9 17 6 6 2 1 129 124 1&7 17 21 15 21 1 1 6 12 188 107 113 80 1.07 I 6 1 ..\ 1 .,. 22 2 82 69 189 289 299 191 221 19- 33 2 3 32 28 6 .... 4 4 2 9 22 12 267 283 190

69 101 53 91 3 7 2 1 2 8 2 67 69 191 423 430 282 340 57 74 23 9 4 25 7 14 18 366 474 192 99 27 94 20 4 6 I 1 66 133 193 43 26 17 13 12 13 6 1 7 50 83 1,4 41 ::4- 19 16 3 21 2 I " 3 36 53 195

Un-inkahited 196 95 77 73 66 8 9 9 2 2 3 80 120 191 61 8 48 5 1 2 3 1 2 2 5 62 III 198 163 141 117 125 26 14 6 2 1 3 10 105 1-17 199 59 26 42 16 14 9 ~ 1 2 44 74 ,200

79 23 7! 18 4 5 2 1 1 55 139 201 69 30 61 22 8 1 1 4 76 114 202 78 47 75 46 1 1 2 58 103 203 68 36 47 28 3 ... il 5 '"'1 ., . 1 3 4 38 117 204 56 37 35 10 10 21 1 5 3 . ,,,,.'.. 3 2 1 .. 1 48 76 205 <' 146 104 55 37 27 36 23 18 13 6 11 17 7 144 190 206 163 50 114 15 22 26 9 :3 2 8 7 6 139 256 207 194 161 123 127 29 24 12 6 4 3 13 12 I 168 255 208 37 18 30 15 5 l 2 1 29 63 209 86 41 59 24 13 4 7 6 7 7 53 89 210

56 28 45 19 9 9 1 47 76 211 8 9 7 9 '" 1 .. 11 10 212 74 69 55 53 12 11 6 5 82 151 213 \ 14.941 1.,56S 18,388 13,314 3,SG5 ",009 33 9 1,324763 87 34 09 lOt 262 3 809363 l8,fl6 27.244 PAnI BLOK

9 .. 9 4 11 20 214 28 II 13 4, 1.4 7 1 20 46 215 24 11 14 6 1 ,8 4 ... 2 27 33 216 110 39 71 15 21 19 7 3 ~ 1 7 90 163 217 59 24 35 9 17 14 3 1 3 60 99 218 " 105 112 95 102 5 9 1 1 02 66 77 219 57 71 50 60 1 2 5 9 47 47 220 101 77 (j0 71 7 6 2 2 ... 78 65 ~, 182 69 150 -§7 23 29 5 3 4 173 310 222 129 116 75 63 36 49 8 2 2 8 102 151 213 Vu..LAGB PA1'Tl TAHSIL

Occu- Serial NamE of Village Number Area pied HOllie- To~Populatien Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations of amenitiQ) of in Reei- hold. CuteI educated Hamlebl acre. dential persona Housel

" P M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 '8 9 10 11 12 11

224 Puraipur I 110 1,6 18 66 28 38 2,25 Pure Dabe I 60 17 18 93 44 49 4 226 Umarpur 1 205 34 36 169 73 96 13 15 30 2 227 Alipur 1 205 43 47 224 107 117 1 13 1 228 Pandri Mustal ka Po. I 114 47 SO, 281 142 139 58 61 20 5

229 An' pur 2 271 71 76 380 165 215 42 48 39 4 230 Dhooti 4 300 87 III 554 255 299 . 8 6 66 7 231 Alipur Hilia R. ) 120 5 5 , 16 11 5 2 2 232 Sarwajitpur 2 201 40 48 258 113 145 45 57 37 ' 14 233 Da ..himpur Chak 1 112 23 29 161 72 89 2 18 22

234 Bbaisauni R. 2 121 25 30 225 98 1%7 16 12 16 1 23~ Anapur 1 129 248 291 427 210 217 55 56 15 4 236 Loniapur 1 144 61 79 367 174 193 58 53 38 3 237 Tardaha R. 2 247 63 70 363 178 185 22: 37 74- 6 238 Slrhalq>ur 1 193 M 70 311 1-41 170 14 38 55 4

.239 Pure Babu R. 1 78 26 27 133 64 69 14 2 240 Baheliapur R. 1 181 4 4 17 6 11 1 .. 241 Kumbhia R. 3 205 98 115 463 235 228 78 64 67 26 242 Bel,andi R. 5 3117 49 62 407 195 212 12 II 51 2 243 Sumatpur R. 1 197 42 42 147 67 80 13 12 23

2"14 Pure Bodhram R. 1 126 19 23 158 80 78 11 13 26 245 Akhawwa 1 193 25 39 168 83 85 12 18 14 246 Alurhi 4 647 60 76 413 201 206 51 59 42 6 247 Garauri Kalan R. 1 288 40 42 234 )01 133 27 26 35 2 248 Garauri Khurd R. 1 '343 89 94 491 247 244 24 29 75 4

249 Parmi Patti 2 152 22 22 111 86 85 3 35 5 250 Jolhapur 2 77 28 35 191 90 101 27 ' 25 30 I 251 Pure Chiranjio 2 216 62 69 428 225 203 25 32 85 8 252 Lauwar Po. 6 510 148 159 814 369 ' 445 94 91 125 36 253 Chandua Patti,_ 2 172 31 31 176 80 96 12 22 24 2

254 Dharampur 1 lU2 43 46 221 11Q III 25 31 10 25~ Hijhra I IS7 31 33 165 SO 85 21 28 14 256 Jalalpur Kathauli 1 594 146 I~O 634 342 292 102 83 39 257 Amahra 1 410 64 70 340 160 180 41 52 56 10 258 Golahi 1 132 15 18 94 49 45 27 22 8 4

259 Sarwarpw 1 114 44 45 21S 99 119 21 49 1 i 260 Bakchi Dih 1 84 17 21 99 49 50 8 4 19 4 2f>1 Ural}'a Dib R,Mp. 2 410 197 229 1,122 545 577 47 51 217 9 252 Mahkhari R. 5 741 166 172 1,156 562 59 .. 88 101 83 263 Bansl Patti 1 64 74 116 204 103 101 14 18 37 5

264 Zamin R. 1 174 23 28 123 57 66 16 22 16 265 HarjaQlau I 207 33 40 170 77 93 3 16 20 3 266 pure Sukbchain 1 174 67 72 407 195 21~ 24 31 98 19 267 Asholipur 3 '98 48 50 259 117 142 6 7 27 4- 268 Ramkola R. 3 620 80 it 494 281 213 95 94 48 S evii• OlRBCTORY



NON- Total Worken -----... (I-IX) WORKERS I u III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial ,...._ ... ,_...... ___, ,...... -_ No. .-- ....---. ~ ..----.., ~ ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ 30 31 32 33 34 35

14- 20 14- 20 14 18 33 30 33 30 224 34- ... 11 19 225 41 24 26 10 13 1 39 55 61 56 60 56 226 82 7') .' 46 61 227 64 51 13 23 5 5 60 60 228

97 71 92 61 1 6 3 4 1 68 144 229 146 27 98 22 20 2 15 3 3 3 1 6 109 27l! 230 8 3 4 3 1 ... 3 3 2 231 53 33 29 13 14- 14 3 4- 3 4- 2 60 112 232 %8 !i() 27 43 6 1 1 44- 39 233

50 62 26 30 20 32 3 1 48 65 234 130 116 86 83 28 31 7 2 2 7 80 101 235 96 102 50 6l 35 39 2 1 I 8 78 91 236 104 61 76 32 14- 22 5 7 9 74- 124- 237 88 53 65 28 14- 22 4 3 4 53 117 238

36 3S 31 32 4- 28 36 239 6 2 4 2 1 ... 1 9 240 122 74 30 19 27 35 15 9 3 14 7 26 11 113 154 241 113 73 76 53 7 9 11 5 9 3 10 3 82 139 242 34 18 32 16 1 1 1 1 33 62 2H

39 29 31 19 5 10 2 4-1 49 244 51 25 44- II 7 14- 32 60 245 122 64- 98 42 21 22 2 85 142 246 54 12 47 4 2 5 8 ... 47 121 247 133 7 122 5 2 2 5 I 3 114- 237 248

38 4- 33 4 5 48 81 249 47 6 39 6 5 3 43 95 250 149 9 140 9 7 1 1 .. 76 194- 251 190 181 126 102 39 57 6 6 I 17 16 179 264- 252 40 24- 27 12 1 3 2 6 2 2 5 3 40 72 253

53 33 44 29 ... 2 7 57 78 254 37 17 34 11 3 6 4-3 68 255 224- 31 159 21 65 10 118 261 256 79 46 52 12 26 34- 81 134- 257 26 13 8 17 13 23 32 258

61 43 44 5 15 38 1 38 76 259 15 8 11 8 4 .,. 34- 42 260 288 123 125 27 34 45 3 59 22 13 28 16 3 26 10 257 454 261 368 389 214 14- 133 371 1 4- 194- 205 262 4-9 21 4-9 J7 4- 54 80 263

29 14- 20 9 8 5 28 52 264- 34- 14- 34 7 7 ...... 4-3 72 2/;.5 109 48 82 23 18 22 4- 2 5 1 76 86 164- 266 13 51 25 13 ., 41 129 267 157 52 84 7 65 39 •.. 3 6 4 124 161 268 2'1 cviii


Oecu- Srei.1 Name ot Village Number Area pied House- To_tal Population Scheduled Literate and NO. (NotatioDi for amenitiel) of in Resi· boldl Outs educated Hamlet. aerea dential pcnODl Ho\IICI ..::w._.

P M F M F M F 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 IS

269 Ho.hiarpur R. 3 558 86 110 569 279 290 43 44: 88 17 270 Sonawat 2 76 17 22 121 55 66 20 i 271 Makara Mau Bbauma R. 3 436 119 123 716 334 382 104 61 51 8 272 Dh.~aTh Sarai Chhiolaha R. 6 (J60 178 199 972 470 502 23 39 72 25 213 Rastilaba 5 (>26 80 10O, 542 257 285 10 3 28 S

274 Satari J.iliy. 5 177 54 86 365 179 186 39 30 61 10 275 Gajaria Po. 2 391 125 143 730 380 350 23 20 132 11 276 Molnapur Riv. 3 431 49 73 342 173 169 27 23 49 2 277 Godhu Patti R. 1 141 %~ 24 146 67 ·79 30 30 13 278 Dubauli Sukhan Riv. 3 306 49 65 318 156 162 40 2 26

279 Danwan Riv,Po. 1 271 27 30 198 74 124 10 7 16 I 230 Rampur Khagal R. 5 476 107 121 617 294 323 14 49 73 7 281 Sewa Patti I 93 17 20 69 35 34 10 11 14 282 Ramaipur Disani R,Po. 5 ~97 121 145 753 343 410 26, 30 86 44 283 Haripur Bardita 2 325 84 114 575 271 30i 21 25 45 7

28i Barahimpur 1 174 34 41 1~7 102 95 6 11 37 285 Pure Basall 1 141 39 48 228 99 1:L9 42 45 39 8 286 Pahara Murar Patti 2 16B 64 77 357 171 186 23 40 4 287 Saral Madhai 1'0. 3 339 141 155 733 345 388 40 60 86 111 2B8 Sa rAman I 420 70 90 393 180 213 105 B9 24 1

289 SamagoTa R. 5 250 61 64 348 158 1!J0 16 26 68 12 290 Blfauti R. 5 1178 179 183 1,096 4B6 610 78 55 132 4 291 BahUla 2 638 190 21}5 911 421 490 28 65 82 292 Dehidlh Dhurahra 3 1,266 183 2.ZB 1,lt,8 546 612 88 84 137 19 293 Daudpur 2 750 131 145 758 360 398 89 9:t 42 1 \ 294 Ami Sarai Saifkhan 2 419 9-! !l5 503 236 21;7 22 35 66 11 29~ Majhl

299 Patkhauli Po. 1 104 41 32 217 114 103 1 2 31 1 300 Fattupur 1 292 53 63 272 139 133 2 3 33 7 301 Panadh 2 237 41 48 275 139 136 9 4 52 I 302 Dhain 1 342 60 71 287 145 142 2t> 37 50 3 30~ Bhawapur Dube Patti 2 137 20 26 100 53 47 13 27 2

304 Bira pur It.hurd 2 150 59 83 371 191 180 29 32 63 2 305 Tbesua 1 31 29 37 154 82 72 B 3 23 4 306 Tardiha. 1 89 18 21 77 38 3~ 27 20 5 S07 ThaliepUf Gopapur 3 646 107 108 566 264 302 :18 52 54 308 Ja"dithpur 1 137 19 21 99 45 54 10

309 Bhaneypur I 81 17 20 83 30 53 1 :, 310 PUle KheTahar 1 200 38 44 206 100 106 34 36 17 31l Sanatpur 6 885 1~0 177 938 461 477 113 151 !l3 7 312 Chairalya ~ 334 115 IH 743 343 400 58 66 69 25 313 Raipur R. 8 633 193 :107 1,146 569 577 140 165 147 30 cis


WORURS ,.... NON- Total Worker. -- WORKERS (I-IX) II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Sed.1 No. ~ ,...... --. ,...... --. ,...... -.... ,...... -.... ,...... -.... ,...... -.... ,...... -~ ,...... -.... ~

\11 F M F M F M F M F U F U F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 %6 27 28 29 SO 31 32 33 34- 35

181 101 140 86 10 8 11 4 20 3 98 189 269 25 19 25 19 30 47 270 172 70 160 65 7 5 2 3 162 312 271 255 63 245 60 4 3 4 2 215 439 272 130 39 108 19 19 20 3 127 246 273

89 21 67 15 20 3 3 2 90 165 274 192 17 178 1 9 4 9 7 188 333 275 101 7 98 7 3 72 162 276 33 6 33 6 34 73 277 108 121 108 121 48 41 278

46 32 ,46 32 28 92 279 164 103 125 63 33 35 2 4 3 130 220 280 17 10 12 5 10 l8 24 281 182 97 97 47 19 21 24 20 2 25 9 15 161 313 202 152 120 129 104 6 11 11 2 4 2 2 119 184 2H3

56 8 54 5 2 3 46 87 ~84 79 72 79 70 2 20 57 :L85 119 119 89 102 27 17 2 ...... 1 52 67 286 1110 80 119 31 19 31 26 10 5 5 10 3 165 308 2tl7 89 IUti 84 57 2 47 1 2 2 91 107 288

95 72 6S 43 21 24 3 3 3 4 2 63 118 289 259 165 206 98 39 61 10 5 3 1 1 227 445 290 205 90 180 78 19 10 5 1 1 216 4GO 291 304 195 231 112 47 71 14 4- 7 5 5 3 242 417 292 205 245 157 213 35 27 7 2 1 4: 2 155 153 293

124 109 III 96 7 11 .. , 4 2 I • 112 158 294 81 66 71 61 1 8 4 2 57 81 295 215 173 20-1 156 8 16 2 1 1 117 120 296 266 159 185 119 28 32 4 2 2 1 39 3 8 2 207 311 'lS7 81 24 59 18 8 4 4 1 1 9 1 63 130 298,

55 33 5~ 32 59 70 299 74- 54 74 52 2 65 79 300 57 66 55 60 5 2 1 ... 82 70 301 97 53 77 36 11 11 4 2 5 4 48 89 302 28 7 27 7 1 23 40 303

105 37 75 15 16 16 B 6 6 ... 8" 143 304 50 15 38 9 3 2 3 4 5 1 32 57 305 18 19 12 7 6 12 ", 2,1 20 :'106 147 124 12.5 97 17 23 3 4 2. 117 178 307 29 21 29 21 16' 33 308

12 13 11 13 1P, 40 309 67 44- 19 3 47 41 1 33 62 ~IO 276 237 177 156 69 58 19 19 2 9 4 lR5 240 311 191 90 121 22 36 45 15 14 4 , .. 15 9 15'1 310 312 301 154 161 62 56 69 16 14 2 43 6 5 17 3 261l 423 313 ex


OcCll- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenitlet) of in Resi- hold. Castet educated Hamlets aeTea dential perIOD. HoU8et ..... ___ ,....._.....---. ~w-'

P M F M F :M F 1 2 3 4 !I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

314 Kothiyar \ 2 140 71 79 315 161 154 3 4 48 3- 315 Patti Khas R,:'Ap,Hos,Po. 9 1.446 374- 516 2,546 1,272 1,274 174 186 421 109 316 Bibipur Bardih R. 4 1,792 163 187 1.157 594 563 122 144 176 33 317 Dasrathpur 2 197 89 92 436 214 222 32 55 38 4 318 Kohraon 8 448 I'll 151 716 332 384- 55 82 86

319 Raghunathpur 1 58 23 29 115 58 57 12 27 13 11 320 Kukuar 1 383 107 12! b92 335 357 47 87 103 7 321 Kaoja Sarai Gulauni Po. 4 712 176 208 1,156 551 605 70 80 146 14 322 ltahara 4 232 77 88 437 209 228 67 76 30 323 Basauli R. 2 414 78 87 542 275 267 -30 39 48 5

324 Karaila I 226 12 18 59 30 29 5 4 )(j 325 Mahdaha ~ 919 162 l72 969 4-84 4-85 80 101 97 2 326 Mariampur 4 420 68 78 3119 189 200 63 54 29 327 Pahalvanpur 1 414- 41 49 191) 83 102 24 ' 23 8 328 Majithi 1 127 43 53 196 67 129 21 61 25 2 48 293 144 149 5 21 16 529 Jaitapur 1 260 47 1 200 18 20 108 49 ~9 1 28 330 Sarai Mahesh 165 30 Srinathpur Dashrathpur I 187 44 48 332 167 32 11 331 87 92 8 20 ~ Chhateni 1 75 47 49 179 332 9 24 11 13 2 lO 5 333 Sonbarsa Patti R. 1 67 6 123 134 28 28 334 Narangpur R. 1 303- 41 49 257 28 5 R. 1 104 25 27 139 68 71 1 14 335 Dubauli Parsan 344 74 85 33·) Bela. 2 543 138 150 670 326 14 Po. 5 861 328 330 1,593 7~9 794 135 107 208 23 337 Rampur Bela 123 I'll 29 44- 338 Ranipur 1 368 61 69 264 16 1 1 . 34 44 339 Ma.rha 488 314: 1!16 158 8 15 4:1 S 340 Andeori 1 433 53 54 327 159 168 24 29 15 Chitamaopur 2 293 46 51 280 137 143 3 15 29 341 I 176 30 32 112 13 342 Bhitar 215 103 22 12 ... 343 Mahroopur 1 600 61 63 407 193 214 65 64 59 3

Mp.1l,Po. 3 1,267 138 159 836 42.6 410 53 84: 58 11 344 Dtendhui 72 81 377 165 212 30 Mahin 2 347 51 24 3 345 1 243 74 78 389 184- 205 44 54 14 2 346 Bhant Patti 56 79 349 149 200 41 Araila 350 39 56 11 347 96 23 25 123 68 55 7 20 348 Chitaipur I II

I 199 39 43 243 109 134 18 26 25 349 Pardaha Sumet 1 429 31 34 264 141 123 16 28 49 6 350 Ghauspur 63 18 21 90 59 31 3 4 lO Piareypur 1 351 1 177 17 24 269 136 13:~ 38 23 30 352 Saurai 1 194 53 69 282 141 141 24 28 2.7 353 Lakhlllipur - 1 149 24 26 135 70 65 36 34 10 354 Sarwarpur 1 36 ' 9 11 64 38 26 6 16 7 355 Basoopur I 98 19 23 119 54 65 6 8 20 4 356 Rupanpur I 85 25 30 152 68 84- II 7 12 .. 357 Nauraol!;abad 1 379 23 27 117 58 59 8 358 Bhopalpur .cAl:, .




,- _----- ~~ --~ NON- Total Workers WORKERS (I-IX) • VI I II III IV V vn VIIl TX X Serial ...... , ,...... __, __...... _ ...... , No • --""""'-----..,; ...... ~ ~ ~ A .... M F M F M F M F M F U F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

93 9 81 3 4 5 2 1 1 5 68 145 314 144 304 307 160 51 61 8 60 49 2 10 2 146 14 6 161 10 528 970 315 327 152 260 74 39 53 22 24 1 1 1 3 1 267 411 316 113 83 45 42 19 22 12 13 1 31 6 5 101 139 317 187 102 120 26 27 51 27 25 6 7 145 282 318 34 26 14 13 12 12 4 1 1 3 24 3t 319 177 76 133 14 26 53 6 9 4 ... 7 158 281 310 298 159 250 103 26 39 13 14 ... 2 7 3 253 446 321 124 128 114 120 6 8 1 3 85 100 322 150 104 137 97 9 5 2 2 2 125 163 323 14 10 11 6 2 4 1 16 19 324 304 271 222 1£8 38 38 15 H 27 ... 7 6 6 2 180 214 325 114 124 111 118 3 4 2 75 76 326 51 59 48 54 1 :3 2 2 37 43 327 61 70 30 24 21 38 6 8 3 6 59 328 92 108 82 101 8 7 2 52 41 329 29 17 27 17 ... 2 2u 42 330 84 18 66 10 13 5 I ... 4 3 83 147 331 52 18 45 13 2 I 3 4 2 35 74 332 4 3 3 3 I 7 10 333

70 22 56 9 11 12 3 53 112 334 40 32 39 31 I 28 3!! 335 196 221 164 177 28 41 2 3 .. , 2 130 123 336 485 373 222 107 7~ 80 126 77 36 17 10 6 5 13 6 314 421 337 71 73 50 54 12 15 9 4 52 68 338

71 52 63 41 4 8 4 3 85 106 339 96 98 76 78 19 18 1 2 63 70 340 66 65 58 56 1 5 7 4 71 78 341 61 52 57 50 3 1 1 I 42 60 342 98 69 74: 48 17 16 5 5 95 145 343

265 168 207 106 27 26 2 19 30 9 6 161 242 344 84 106 76 69 3 34 4 3 1 81 106 345 113 60 86 31 25 28 1 1 I 71 145 346 88 31 69 17 18 J.l I 61 169 347 31 6 30 4 7 2 31 49 348

69 19 47 2 12 16 6 4 40 115 349 76 16 59 5 16 10 1 65 107 350 31 5 3l 3 ;.( ... 2M 26 351 74 25 54 5 19 III I :.I. ti2 108 352 97 19 71 2 21 17 3 2 44 122 353

36 25 16 2 18 23 34 40 354 20 9 15 5 '5 4 18 17 355 22 10 17 9 1 I 2 2 32 55 356 35 17 31 13 2 2 :3 33 67 357 43 36 42 36 ...... J 15 23 358 28 . C.w.· _ VILL&G&


Oc_ Number Area ied HoUle- Tetal.Population Scheduled Literate and SerIal If.... of Vii. Cutes eduClatid (Natationl for ameniti.) of in ..keai- hold. N.. Hamletll acr. dential penool How.

.--...... ___, ...... ~

p U F U , ., l i 10 H 12 I:) 2 S 4 I 6 7 a

\ 311 1% 12 47 26 21 7 5 I 359 Pardaha Balden 164 39 42 185 86 119 15 II 17 1 360 KUlhaha 185 20 24 158 71 87 50 69 11 1 361 Raichandra Patti 89 24 27 157 74 831 3 4 6 % 362 Bajidpur 116 52 64' 14 20 6 3 363 Jahanabad 65 %2 28 516 580 97 100 139 %6 364 Saj£abad Po. 3 660 177 206 1,096 S 261 15.5 160 790 354 436 7 70 85 10 360; Dhanlar 46 18 28 16 26 I 366 Deepapur 1 67 12 12 1 122 32 39 248 112 136 34- 35 30 367 Gaura Saifabad 311 66 368 Bhausaraopur 3 299 68 79 445 230 215 35

79 29 32 126 57 119 8 12 17 369 Deokali lU9 38 41 206 98 IDS St 55 32 II 370 Srinathpur 26 33 5 II 17 Jalpa Neemgir 36 9 12 59 4 371 90 Ua-inhabited 372 Jalpa Kesbar 599 299 SOD 46 42 86 373 Sardih 5 458 97 109 2 TOTAL OF PATTI BLOCK S25 50,013 10,709 12,33:Z 61,869 29,910 31,959 5,290 5.928 7,~7 101 ASPUR DEOSARA BLOCK

374 Ga!1bara 3 335 98 99 508 246 262 40 38 52 8 375 Ahl"opur 2 235 57 57 326 167 159 35 35 46 I 376 Alawardipur 1 82 15 19 92 43 49 9 8 19 3 377 Manapur Po. 9 1,062 216 262 1,438 732 706 180 180 183 25 378 Rasulpur Haiderpur 4 281 91 113 ~67 285 282 68 81 68 IZ

379 Bibharpur 3 242 42 58 299 162 137 32 37 S6 S 380 Nachraula 8 886 207 248 1,360 666 694 149 170- 188 22 381 Sagramganj 5 264 91 103 485 243 242 56 56 67 38 382 Umra 3· 306 67 72 343 153 190 30 35 33 7 383 Labeda 7 856 173 211 1,044 490 554 87 130 80 8

384 Bhanpur 3 225 55 72 363 173 190 39 52 41 3 385 Lakhno Dih 5 456 42 52 280 IH- 136 16 7 36 8 386 Parbatpur Suleman 2 M2 171 196 946 434 512 104 150. III 11 387 Harrai Patti I 369 110 146 642 307 3SS 75 128 77 11 388 Oungapur 2 300 44 62 307 lSI 156 30 16 49 Z

389 Raipur I 137 22 31 170 11 89 26 22 17 390 lianpurwa I 411 69 77 585 187 198 28 32 31 I 391 Bhusahar 1 663 114 105 621 296· 325 63 87 66 13 392 &end 2 869 113 133 507 247 260 76 59 60 5 393 Aurain 4 1.101 203 2118 1.248 604 644 186 186 168 20

394 Bibipup Aurin 1 209 26 31 121 60 61 15 7 395 Sapaha Chhat 1 598 142 179 877 419 458 36 58 96 3 396 ArJunpur 1 152 36 44 219 85 134 34 66 19 391 Upadhyapur I 71 27 29 112 55 57 13 17 18 I 398 Pipan Matkarpur I 476 71 89 447 206 241 54 94 50 7

1 94 25 28 132 73 59 40 22 13 3 399 Katkarpur . 504 400 Ankaripur 2 106 120 592 280 312 75 78 93 S 401 Aomanpur 2 356 62 76 372 176 196 34 27 62 402 Bahar Patti 1 169 41 58 220 107 113 31 34 27 403 Dhandhar 6 830 161 lSI3 875 424 451 172 202 liS 18 ·i_iii DIa&cTOa, aUIUL-C.IIU.

WORK... NON- Total Worken ---..... (I-IX) WORKE&S U m IV V., VI VU VIU IX X Serial No •

r=---- ...... - ,...... ,~ ....--. ~ ..---.... .---...... ----. M F M F M F M F M F M , M F M P 111 F M P M P J.f 15 16 17 18 19 ZO 21 22 23 24 » ~ 27 Z8 29 !to SI S2 33 S4 '5

18 10 l!'l 8 3 2 46 28 8 11 S59 32 16 11 11 2 40 71 360 '2 33 . 14 13 17 20 4S 1 39 54 361 +2 38 35 4: 4: 31 35 22 3 41 362 18 10 16 12 17 42 363

288 115 nil 46 72 59 19 10 3 3 228 465 364 ISS 63 66 20 42 27 29 11 3 26 20 5 166 373 365 14 20 9 3 5 17 46 .4 8 366 42 31 25 9 17 2 4 66 94 367 133 65 107 45 21 17 5 3 97 150 368 33 21 24 17 4 4 4 24 . 48 369 55 36 27 6 26 30 13 ,. 1 43 72 370 11 1 2 13 32 371 Un-inhabited 169 372 79 127 29 25 48 5 2 12 130 22J 37:1 16,828 10,267 12,285 6,463 2,4M 2,934 157 90 763 560 51 1 27 2 455 83 58 628 lJ.& 13,082 21,692 AS?UR DEOiAIlA BLOCK 149 110 138 106 1 2 2 7 152 88 2 97 374 47 71 32 12 14 I 1 4 79 112 316 28 5 25 '1 2 3 1 I .. 15 44 375 424 238 280 100 103 114 27 19 468 178 2 2 II 3 308 377 81 132 41 23 23 19 14 1 2 3 107 201 378 89 88 57 62 26 26 397 3M 302 257 47 59 5 73 49 379 24 44 3 19 4: 269 329 380 122 99 102 63 14 27 4 7 77 92 61 67 11 1 2 121 143 381 24 4 76 288 153 227 ~o 45 111 1 98 382 9 2 5 202 401 383 104 88 80 67 ]5 19 5 1 ... 77 42 54 31 16 7 I 3 69 102 384 234 3 4 3 67 94 246 182 180 39 52 - 9 6 385 177 158 153 134 17 20 7 % 1 200 266 386 4 4: ._ . ... , 91 10 72 7 17 3 3 130 177 387 1 60 146 388 46 14 44: 10 I' 4 104 25 g5 14 5 11 3 3~ 75 389 177 134 I 83 173 138 1I0 1& 15 7 9 .. 3~'O 153 152 115 98 12 28 8 11 5 119 191 391 354 21 10 3 II 233 281 108 52 115 Ie 7 2 94 108 392 4 1 2 5 2 250 411 393 42 44 39 39 3 2 2 242 181 219 156 13 20 6 5 1 18 17 394 54 92 40 53 11 39 ... 3 177 277 395 29 2% 23 14 6 8 ... 2 31 42 396 13. 141 86 104 28 27 4 5 26 35 397 2 11 5 74 100 398 37 31 27 0 I 4 3 1 2 151 136 lJ4 87 35 4 6 36 28 399 98 46 2 3 ". 129 176 64 77 31 16 30 3 3 400 65 41 21 14 2 78 132 401 17 19 12 5 14 3 235 183 198 1:0 20 24 1 42 72 402 10 9 2 5 189 268 403 .. VILUGB PA,tTI TA¥InL

Occu- Area pied House- Total PopulatieD Scheduled Literate and berial Name of Village Number educated (Notations of amcnitia) of in Rai .. hold. Cutes No. Hamlett aeret dentW perSODJ H~


P M F M F M F 10 11 12 IS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 e

448 206 242 51 91 ~1 3 Bhanti Kalan 1 445 7'! 81 404 I 242 75 87 440 197 2+3 42 69 ?O 3 405 Bhanti Khurd 89 427 208 219 50 59 33 Gauhani 1 229 71 406 2 221 67 78 332 16~ 169 12 11 30 12 407 Pachouri 128 152 829 417 412 19 16 100 3 408 Sadaba 5 730 84 31 4€ 5 21 6 Parihara 1 109 18 22 409 1 317 36 39 223 104 119 15 ' 19 30 11 410 Durka 31 160 73 ,87 6 10 5 Sonbarsa 1 92 2a 411 5 231 124 143 8011 398 411 51 42 124 8 412 Dabi 390 61 73 334 162 172 14 23 25 413 Damri 3 2 300 68 82 424 ,207 217 26 34 38 4 +14 Ataraura • 642 27 35 180 85 95 29 43 32 2 415 Dedbuwa I 3 18~ 58 64 280 123 157 58 40 37 2 416 Sobbawa 170 4 Bhadwachh 3 282 58 63 326 156 29 6 417 251 81 109 448 220 228 47 70 18 418 Umardiba 2 105 472 217 255 32 10 46 4 Bharokhan 3 525 97 419 2 355 85 97 449 203 246 6 13 47 6 420 Fatebpur 132 1.051 488 563 41 61 52 Newada 5 1,418 124 3 421 I 236 85 98 368 166 202 20 18 50 1 422 Govindpu~ 1 35 43 48 229 115 114 25 11 16 423 Bhopa1pur

1 129 21 24 156 75 81 13 13 ~9 10 424 Roor 17 Ragbaipur 2 111 41 45 190 97 93 6 2:> 6 425 114 51} 57 280 144 136 19 48 4(; 8 426 Babhanpur 2 Garapur Rendi Mp,Po. 3 7H2 189 19'/ 1,045 :>13 532 74 il 116 17 427 99 115 585 287 298 35 81 95 10 428 Pure Bansidhar 4 452 4 324 127 1:>2 736 363 373 130 128 106 14 429 Majbgawan 308 404 35 ,,40 430 Gadhlawan 3 689 120 125 712 141 28 431 pure Balkishao 1 26 7 7 39 25 14 13 1 3 292 113 125 630 298 332 33 55 39 4 432 Dafra 413 266 4.13 Molnapllr 4 526 115 13t 679 26 22 216 ' 5 119 115 4'H Surangpur 1 132 40 51 234 25 27 47 8 2 160 33' 40 230 104 126 80 52 23 415 Kashipur 102 l20 431} Parhat Khas 2 152 41 4B 222 5 5 2U 1 Bhanaipur 5 463 128 139 746 357 389 32 40 102 17 437 b6 617 308 309 34 66 458 Chilawan 2 442 78 60 1

.2 342 118 120 648 340 SOB 79 58 60 439 Madbramau 2 PahalManpur :'1 202 52 56 337 158 179 18 23 44 3 440 '3 80 100 466 236 230 93 98 36 441 Umanpur 308 2 Karaundha 1 167 45 48 315 153 162 46 37 44- 25 442 330 117 160 776 395 381 183 176 62 443 Sitapur 2

Udaisbahpur Mp. 6 956 378 455 1,704 858 846 147 250 266 31 444 433 132 134 391 42 56 49 445 Gondal Patti Mp. 1 187 204 7 Teliyani 2 305 47 52 313 151 162 27 39 16 I 446 1 341 41 49 374 176 193 25 35 85 24 447 Ailahi 39 448 Patata 1 324 36 44 '/75 134 141 23 25 .. $,.;, • cxv 'OIRECTORY RUR.U-cllldd.


,.- ~-" -. --.------. NON- Total Worken WORKERS (I-IXl I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X 8c:riaJ .. No. -...., ....-- . r----. ....--.. ~....--.. ,...... __, ~ ,....-....., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W SO 31 52 33 54 35

ltO 67 95 9 11 58 1 2 1 96 175 404 103 75 94 62 5 11 3 2 1 94 168 405 137 146 115 122 7 14 9 5 5 4 71 73 406 IUS 96 96 91 5 3 1 I 1 58 73 407 240 85 227 77 9 2 1 5 2 177 327 408

22 28 22 28 16 18 409 59 32 52 26 2 3 2 4 45 87 410 42 57 40 51 6 2 31 30 411 237 241 211 204 9 19 9 7 7 11 161 170 412 83 33 74 22 4 9 4 2 79 139 413

139 126 121 lOS 15 19 3 4 68 91 414' 43 20 28 7 15 13 42 75 415 ' 73 56 35 17 31 36 4 3 I 2 50 101 4[6 3 99 96 94 92 2 3 1 '" 5i' 74 417' 137 101 ·124 90 4 2 4 4: 5 4- 83 127 418

127 39 113 38 7 1 2 3 90 216 419 100 8 92 6 1 I 5 1 1 103 238 420 247 27;) 1!IS 230 40 37 6 8 :l 241 . 288 421 100 33 95 20 4 11 1 2 66 169 422 72 33 62 20 10 12 1 43 81 423

40 7 31 3 6 3 3 1 35 74 42'4 60 15 50 11 7 2 2 2 1 37 78 425 75 4U 63 37 2 1 2 2 3 69 96 426 263 201 205 156 36 37 9 8 6 3 3 250 331 427 146 37 107 13 38 19 •• .1. 1 141 261 428

212 78 121 14 76 6.! 9 . 6 lSI 295 429 167 79 163 52 27 4 141 325 430 11 11 14 14 431 179 116 lI9 58 :l3 35 39 19 27 4: 1 119 216 432 6 92 III 7'l. :> 16 3 4 4 1 2 287 174 433 " !'I9 35 . 51 31 1 4 ... 7 60 80 434 53 44 37 23 11 13 4 e 1 51 32 435 46 59 34 4 2 1 10 38 74 436 64 7 185 43 139 6 37 37 ". 2 172 346 437 175 . 34 162 8 13 26 ... 133 U5 431$

,,, 136 204 130 152 76 24 28 26 26 . 178 439 92 . 42 65 15 20 22 5 5 I 06 137 440 150 132 82, 3.'i 43 71 5 1~ 26 lJ6 :til HI 52 65 20 15 28 5 5 4 1 2 uo Uu 442 93 20 14 150 245 191 110 87 28 32 77 54 to 5 190 443

399 309 252 179 10 IW 60 32 3 32 10 4: 37 4 459 :'37 444 107 99 89 82 12 14 2 .. , ". ,,, 6 I 80 105 4!5 78 77 56 53 18 2-l 1 1 1 73 85 446 85 28 74 7 • 27 ,2 2 9t 170 447 74 64 64 61 5 2 5 60 77 44a 19 . GXVi


0...- SeWl NMa. efVm... "umber Area H()IIIe- 'l'otal;PopuIatioD Sclteduled Literate &lid (NotatiODI for ameuitiel) of in ~~ea ... holdt Cattell educated H" Hamidi acra deutial penoIII 80.

P },I F },I f },I F 11/ 1 2 ~. 4 5 6 7 I • 10 12 IS 2 579 100 100 647 !l52 S15 22 44 79 12 449 Kutiya 41 55 450 Pure Dbani 2 202 32 39 281 121 160 SO 1 451 Ramgarha 5 473 144: 1+5 804 385 419 65 81 119 1 3 194 125 liP 433 207 226 39 83 62 14 452 Margoopur 1,()j() 93 453 Mahuli 5 744 179 179 498 . 502 52 1~3 13 116 454 Udaipur (Parhal) 1 254 40 40 256 120 24 21 30 5 3 666 167 167 960 438 522 74 82 95 9 455 Pithapur 18 456 Lakbipur 2 204 41 41 210 95 lIS 25 46 2 Po. 3 2.99 115 115 616 295 321 24 15 147 34 451 Gaura Mutia . 989, 476 513 73 63 120 458 Baijalpur 3 764 167 ·167 17 162 4:5 57 Gharaiya 1 502 50 M 357 195 63 1 .59 1 593 60 54 411 167 244 38 41 70 4 460 GoviDdpur 345 120 116 Rampur Sawariba 3 467 115 119 671 326 55 4 461 1 146 53 37 170 74 9fi 9 21 17 1 462 Semra Dih 140 18 22 166 82 84 8 13 463 Rallhawapur I .. 1 211 66 72 501 152 14' 5 7 22 1 <1M Kabirpur . 24 184- 90 94 .10 5 24 10 Bikram Patti 1 152 27 465 1 568 121 1!l2 647 334 313 .4 .9 .' 35 4fi6 PUfe Dalshah 603 268 335 106 123 44 9 Dbaurahra S 507 100 liS 467 95 31 33 I 202 105 97 37 468 Kheman Patti 1 1 77 9 to 65 29 54 9 8 10 3 469 T.wari Patti 3 289 26 ao 153 81 72 3 3 20 5 470 Tibbipur 1 119 35 39 375 190 185 12 10 80 5 471 Sif'ghpur 1 428 105, 702 345 357 138 121 58 472 Lakbipur 3 907 92 699 333 366 1611 206 15 473 DhanepuT ~ 2 2

SojaD Patti 171 20 23 140 75 65 2 9 2 484 3 198 41 S1 255 121 IS4 485 Bibipur ~tUtarka • 26 2 302 85 9j ~ 257 283 13 486 Sailkba ' 4 40 98 27 Daudpur 6 415 110 l.28 718 336 382 126 163 29 2 487 4 434 m 113 692 341 351 57 66 5 488 ~opa 4' 7 899 214 257 1,620 699 921 136 149 127 8 489 Binaika 155 22 93 ·186 107 .79 13 490 Gopalpur ~ustarka .. Deorakba . 5 488 86 U1 605 295 SIO 69 72 ~45 3 491 5 867 216 235 1,321 636 685 142 122 175 10 492 Sonpura 377 176 201 493 Turkauti 4 197 62 66 15 1 -cavii Jl" DIRFO'I'Oa1 aVRAL-CtIIIIJ.

WORKERS ,... NON- Total Workera WORKERS (I-IX) II III IV V VI VII VIIJ IX X Serial No. ,....~ ,...... _, ,...... __, ...... -..... ~ ~ ,.....-_ ,...---. ~ ... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F . 15 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

177 53 142 24- 15 18 16 7 2 2 4 155 262 449 62 56 6 ... 59 160 450 196 103 167 65 27 38 89 , 2 189 316 451 91 83 83 4. 9 2 2 118 132 452 285 218 239 173 28 35 15 7 2 3 213 2ft4 453 66 78 62 72 2. 6 2. 5\ 58 454 258 304 222 244 24 52 10 8 2 180' 56 27 5() 25 218 455 2 2 .. 39 88 456 162 60 107 47 9 12 6 2 12 4 5 14 176 114 224- 75 2 133 261 457 40 36 10 2 2 1 200 399 458 94 42 47 1 28 36 15 5 72 35 45 6 24 2 101 120 459 26 1 3 2 ... 95 209 460 204 136 80 29 100 !!I9 13 8 3 7 32 42 27 22 5 20 122 209 461 48 36 44 26 4 9 42 54 462 34 48 463" 85 74 81 64 S 9 ,., 67 75 464 48 18 29 8 11 8 4. 3 2 42 251 204- 248 200 2 4 76 465 165 169 147 153 18 16 83 109 466 56 24 103 166 467 56 24 49 73 468 16 6 10 1 5 5 5 43 14 41 11 2 2 13 28 469 '" 38 58 470 108 59 102 57 .. 2 2 82 471 179 60- 97 'Il 81 46 !J 126 230 197 88 141 1>:6 297 472 11 186 103 169 473 146 167 , 153 135 11 11 2. 1 .. , 71 71 47. 184- 177 155 127 22 36 3 4 14 147 174 475 384 342 2111 274 40 57 36 II 2 5 20 333 494- 476 309 232 284 221 19 11 3 3 207 204 304- 4.77 237 237 190 17 41 7 6 2 6 .. , 163 207 478

l5 7 14 1 I 6 25 39 479 141 94 105 78 5 7 17 II .. 6 7 110 159 480 132 122 121 107 9 15 2 102 107 481 163 56 138 47 4. 3 13 5 1 7 117 215 482 462 144 207 103 3' 16 82 18 9 74 7 6 53 361 613 483

43. 2~ 40 25 2 1 32 40 484- 65 • 50 61 48 3 2 I , .. 56 84 485 133 44 115 a % 6 28 1 '" 9 8 124 239 48h 202 222 181 185 7 24 '" 9 13 3 2 134 160 487 196 134 190 129 6 5 145 217 41'8

389 314 351 265 17 44 13 3 II 2 310 607 489 70 36 52 36 .':. 2 .., 15 1 37 43 490 171 171 129 130 38 41 ... 3 1 , .. 124 139 491 356 249 289 195 50 49 3 2 1 2 11 3 280 436 4f-2 118 . 79 114 78 1 4 58 122· a~


u.-- Serial Name of Vill&gc ~Ulllber Area kill ~ Total Population ScbeduJ~ Lirerate aD" No. (NotatiOlll for 8.IDf:Dit''''1 of in aio. hold, a... edu.ted Hamlett acr!» d~ RoUe. penorIt

, _*

p }of F }of :p .}of F 2 S .. !'I I) 7 8 9 10 U 12 13

494, Bijai Patti Riv. 1 13 13 19 82. ~9 !3 17 21 2 495 Sultanpur Riv. 1 83 S+ % 22. 9+ 130 17 34 2. 496 Atraura Mirpuf Riv. 6. 568 Ill! 213 1,073 .518 555 56 86 9.5 16 497 Difahimpur Riv. 5 37 as 108 ' 5SG 272 288 103 109 69 17 498 Mahi)&. Sarai 1 4G 11 12 99 41l 51 24 22 6 1

499 Rlluza 1 221 4-1 44 250 113 111 2 23 S 500 Bhoola 1 99 30 30 183 !IS 85 42 31 10 501 Rohi Patti 1 41 a 8 66 34 34 4 4 )() :'102 PlUe Mp. 3 m 232 349 1.435 7'f>i 6!:1S ]Jl 105 }39 6 503 Newa KIlUId Kalan 3 253 73 19 ~07 174 2.33 56 71 sa 504 Nall.r 1 620 92 93 618 303 315 1Lt 109 81 35 505 ChbatlU»a 1 290 loa 117 611 300 311 82 15 53 7 506 Chaukia 1 121 15 16 71 35 36 6 507 P:ilnbitpu~ 3 242 75 89 334 163 171 33 39 28 508 Mahrllura Riv. 6 532 165 113 956 iS6 470 85 81 17 11

509 R.tlipur RlV. 4 366 71 103 !Kl ' 246 295 62 68 "63 11 510 Kauaalpatti 2 tOO 35 46 222 124 9S 82 25 22 2 511 E:!a.rikapura 3 130 40 46 2.86 147 139 21 2G . 34 7 512 Bnili rOllpur 2 171 :17 32 152 75 77 25 IS (i SIS N.. rwari 3 140 27 29 155 84 71 W 30 25 3

~)4 Ki).i 2. i9? 39 48 260 1~6 134 18 16 a~ 10 513 Kad;pur S 371 .foI 54 2911 144 154 25 23 42 .. SUi S"rai 8bil:hllri :3 195 5c. t3 346 [67 179 91 91 36 7 517 X!imma.t Patti 3 Sol , 12 54 21 39 8 'tOTA.L A.'PUR DEOSAKA BLOCK 393 SJ,0l6 12,268 ...., 12.m 35.150 37,1111 7,172 3,OM 3.~ 1,1t6i ~HKOGARH BLOCK

518 Chba_para. ~ 628 113 U7 496 254- 242 21 )3 ~!J 519 Pure Ricbhllur Riv. 3 473 127 US 581 280 307 30 3V 114 24- 520 JlIgdilhpur R. I 147 91 96 464 206 2!ill 54 60 413 521 Bicbbaur R,Ri",. 3 871 216 2Z8 1.()32 416 556 13 90 83 2 522 Taroi O.b Riv. 1 17B TJ 31 116 69 47 1 fj "

523 Binpur R.H.Po. S 150 233 260 1.264- 639 625 94 82 172 38 524 Bauba 3 120 72 72 289 171 113 48 71 26 525 Daa.oauput R,Mp. 6 560 161 lSI 8S6 390 4% ' . 85 82 16() 50 526 JiaharplU R. 1 22! 31 32 W4 75 109 26 55 16 5%7

5%11 J!aDli 1 262 28 aQ 194 90 10+ 20 33 35 3 !it9 GarapllI 1 21B 69 U 379 171 201 91 86 15 5'0 Fa ndey firs R. 2 419 7O 75 m 16B 207 16 15 79 3 531 Bulrabi R. I 133 31 36 134 62 71 3 S2 532 IliItbewa R. 4 344 81 92 118 168 2511 24- 85 5.') 2

5!! KeOTa. XallUl : 7- 199 141 1i6 108 ,148 360 120 105 68 3 534 Pure HanarllU I 41 13 16 63 34 35 20 10 12 1 535 Keora Khurd 3 306 83 92 445 188 257 15 l2 49 5 536 1'itilliridad 1 37 13 14 49 2.6 23 3 4 !)!7 Bhojemau R,Po. , 446 130 ., 632 266 346 98 127 89 15 'c-aiS



WORICERS ...-- NON- Total Worken --- WORKERS (I-IX) I II III IV ·V VI VII VIIl IX X Serial No. .. ,...... _, ,.....--., ,...... _, .. --. ---~ ~ ...... -... ,.-.J--, ,....-JI--.. ... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Z4 !5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1

28 15 24 14 __ . 4 21 18 494 38 32 33 16 3 16 2 .. ... 56 98 495 263 246 237 4 1 15 226 496 292 22 , 5 21 3 292 164 .·121 123 71 24 26 5 24 2 2 7 108 ]67 497 29 28 17 18 II 10 ... 1 19 23 498

75 54 69 46 2 5 5 58 63 499 60 35 58 35 2 38 50 500 24 8 24 8 ...... lO 26 501 437 316 400 305 I I 17 8 6 I 1 1 12 320 382 502 89 13Q 76 77 40 1 ", 1 2 9 13 85 103 503

168 116 116 79 31 30 6 2 2 12 5 135 1!19 504- 178 146 129 94 43 5.1 .•.. 2 1 3 122 165 505 19 \8 17 12 I 4- 1 2 16 18 506 107 113 101 113 4 .. 2 56 58 507 307 ~H2 236 \84 53 55 13 3 2 3 179 21.8 508 1+9 1-11 102 5Q 43 48 2 4 2 97 184 509 67 7 64 7 3 57 91 510 60 13 58 13 2 87 126 511 47 19 46 18 1 1 28 58 512 55 12 46 11 2 1 ... 7 29 59 513

78 44 76 44 2 48 90 514 91 86 74 65 16 20 53 68 515 98 104 50 49 48 55 69 75 516 11 17 II 17 10 16 517 1",925 ]4,051 15,728 10,347 2,380 :i,IS7 94 55 814 590 29 18 225 51 106 .1 531 14'> 15,225 '13,137 SHIOGARH BLOCK 174 179 166 177 1 2 7 ... 80 63 518 148 lOB 133 94 6 II 1 I 7 3- 132 199 519 115 133 87 1J9 18 34 8 10 .. , 1 9l 125 520 292 291 231 275 1 1 21 i5 39 18\ 265 521 64 SR. 63 38 I 5 9 522

34.3 190 260 138 33 45 ,., 20 5 18 2 I: 296 435 523 135 107 129 107 6 ." ... 36 11 524 200 91 161 30 15 51 10 4 1 4 9 6 190 405 525 42 54 35 38 4 9 2 7 1 ... 33 55 526 104 ll7 94 06 5 2.7 4 4 1 86 136 527

46 19 36 9 lO \0 ... 44 85 528 88 90 54 56 25 29 5 3 I 3 2 89 112 529 52 76 41 5 3 5 I:) 4 2 713 90 .~ 155 530 30 9 27 !:I 1 32 63 531 85 147 84 147 1 ... . 83 103 532

183 176 141 139 26 32 5 HI 5 2 164 184 533 18 7 18 7 16 28 534 90 102 81 91 9 II 98 155 5<5 20 15 11 9 9 6 ... 6 8 536 140 177 127 163 6 7 8 6 146 169 537 30 eu


Serial Name 01 Vallage Number Area pied'F Ho_ Total.Popula&ion- Scheduled Literate aDd Me. (Notationa for ameoi&iee) of in Re.i- holch Cutee educated Hamleui .cree deBt~ penon, Ho. . ~ .... p .. F U F N ., 2 S' .. ~ 6 7 ' 8 9 10 11 12 1::> 538 Harpatmau R. 5 795 135 153 826 ' 385 441 117 109 101 8 589 Audhanpur R. 6 631 141 156 Chandelaypur 715 371 344 ~ 51 61 51 .2 540 4 226 7~ 541 Ramdeo Patti 415 199 216 35 51 35 6 1 407 61 ~~ " 385 " ·-182 203 45 57 542 Hathaura Sarai 2 322 25 117 121 499 244 255 27 34 52 5 543 Sarai Jamuni 4 304 III 117 591 285 306 2 6 544 Sandaura 3 1,147 332 350 86 10 545 Bhaisauna 1,428 762 666 151 1 454 61 69 367 12 546 Sawaiya 1 163 204 6 9 52 3 351 37 39 192 89 103 16 547 Amabta I 206 43 9 17 3 49 255 119 136 6 30 19 548 Thahipur 4 172 60 64 347 549 Budhaura Kumbhapur 2 838 171 176 39 14 66 3 107 131 654 309 345 54 48 550 Kooradih 1 301 107 130 85 12 551 Shajawar 617 29:} 318 39 44 91 26 I 117 60 70 :-123 165 158 552' Bhatpurwa 1 136 19 42 : 39 36 4 21 75 31 44 10 .. 553 Beejemau I 161 89 121 497 21S 2711 39 51 88 554 Pure Sanwal 1 ·60 14 19 73 ,31 27 555 Pure Chandan 42 9 1:.( .' 10 1 131 28 31 15~ 6tl 556 Menaha Kalipur 2 91 9 14 21 310 41. 45 287 127 160 12 557 Amlidad 3 559 102 16 23 6 121 609 296 313 48 64 64 5 558 Gariyari 1 544 161 179 798 350 559 Miaruddinpur Po. 1 557 4411 66 72 102 15 89 103 456 l,212 244 47 50 560 Pure La1 Pandey 1 34 43 49 79 11 561 Sachauli Riy. 252 ·138 114 28 15 29 7 3 432 64 68 352 ,167 185 21 562 Ghorkha Mufrid Riy. I 214 41 18 53 1I 47 221 12~ 97 9 3- 30 !63 Ghorkha Talukedar Riy. I '·91 4 564 Na iyapur Riv. 5 24 11 13 4 5 4 634 173 193 946 II ~2 565 Daher Kalan .Riy. 4 444 502 73 84 119 282 1I2 91 420 19!! 222 ~9 566' Dah<:r Khurd 3 150 31 18 39 50 567 Parjapatpur Riv. 33 161 74 87 33 12 2 ~ 351 27 31 251 127 19 124- 73 84 ,43 ·9 568 Mau Riy. 4 355 64 71 337 569 Rampur Adbarganj 165 172 21 22 30 5 710 80 89 416 198 218 2 570 Sbeogarh 4 309 141 33 36 58 3 143 765 343 422 38 54 S71 Hathethi 3 168 41 ' 43 210 87 Sarai Serkhan 111 129 10 13 30 57% '2 321 149 144 779 378 - I 401 82 97 16S 20 573 Lobar Tara 4 201 23 23 120 574 Arar 55 65 '5 7 22 I 240 87 91 4:!4 171 253 575 Jamtali R,Riv,L,Mp,po, 12 1,368 24 28 54 3 207 i27 2.631 1,326 1,305 244 25.( 576 Goin R,Riv. 3 377 135 141 351 49 Asapur Athgawan 706 317 389 66 ' 72 577 R. 3 620 l:ll 129 602 283 98 3 319 t,63 71 67 5 578 Sheikhpur Atbgawan 3 328 80 82 564 579 Sondeymau 257 307 22 38 94- 4 260 59 61 368 18S 185 13 580 KaDdharpur 1 246 58 28 47 51 2 60 356 183 173 52 86 581 MadDamau 1 177 12 14 53 16 42 3 '582 Donai 2 37 11 27 .. 346 40 49 295 141 154 29 38 34 ? cs.xi

DJ_BOTOR}: aulU.L-COId4.

WORK&RS .. ---.... NON- Total Worken WORKERS (I-IX) .. I II III IV V VI VU vm IX X Serial No.

..... ~ ,...... , ,...... __ - -- ~ ~;..-...... , ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 :aD Z6 27 28 29 SO 31 32 33 34 35

205 254 145 158 ~2 91 3 5 5 180 187 538 196 204 161 178 32 26 2 1 175 140 1'24 146 82 93 30 . 45 539 4 3 '';' $ ' .. 5 4 7'1 70 5~U 107 103 86 76 21 27 ... 75 100 14% 113 128 98 13 18 -541 ... 2 102 137 54~ 19 139 YO 107 67 22 8 1 ... 2 3 1"6 216 543 St6 17 317 15 4 2 ... 21 23 396 649 94 115 544 94 116 1 69 '88 545 49 59 46 53 2 6 ,40 41 546 7~ 81 77 79 1 2 40 55 547 85 81 !J3 56 15 25 .~,. 6 86 95 548 183 209 169 197 13 12 12b 136 549 152 90 81 47 18 2~ 23 19 2 22 5 147 228 550 81 70 59 50 5 18 11 2 1 5 84 88 551 16 10 i4 10 15 34 552

98 105 57 52 23 46 5 6 6 125 174 553 19 16 16 15 I 1 1 12 2b 554 40 42 34 34 2 1 4 7 ... 28 49 555 67 89 49 78 7 4 5 7 1 5 ... ·60 71 556 167 190 145 .60 17 25 2 1 3 4 129 12:~ 557

185 204 l~.l 151 28 37 15 14 1 9 165 244 558 110 78 104 74 2 4 .. 2 2 102 166 559 41 20 35 13 4 4 1 1 2 97 94 560 56 67 37 1:1 , .. 92 7 12 .~' ~'l~ ... 9 75 129 561 85 47 84 46 I I ., .z-. 1 39 50 562

9 6 8 ' 5 1 1 7 563 277 285 217 226 39 47 IS 11 ..... 3 '3 167 217 564 114 67 70 51 18 H 13 .~. 13 I 84 155 565 45 44 42 40 3 4 29 43 566 65 34 49 15 13 19 2 1 62 90 567

M 47 "72 36 5 5 7 6 81 125 568 .101 34 74 4 22 29 3 ... " .. .. \ 2 1 97 184 569 176 179 94 135 27 28 25 9 .. 27 7 3 167 243 570 58 37 34 28 13 9 4 4 ... 1 2 53 92 571 224 , 87 224 87 154 314 572 91 35 28 34 1 I 2 24 30 3 573 93 146 86 138 2 5 2 ... ··r 2 1 '" 78 107 b 574 816 385 589 235 lOS 121 46 19 8 50 19 4 510 920 575 168 16t 141 106 17 47 7 9 ..• 2 3 1+9 225 576 154 155 102 107 37 45 7 2 2 1 6 129 164 577

120 92 104 68 4 16 4 5 2 1 6 2 137 215 578 110 66 54 12 .2 52 5 7 2 1 73 119 579 103 86 68 12 31 74 3 ..~. .,. 80 87 580 10 23 1 7 23 2 _!. •• Ii 14 581 84 82 79 68 5 14 57 72 582 ~ VIUAGB


o..u· Name of Vi1laSc NUlDber pied Bo~ 1'otal Poplilation Scheduled Literate and Serial -'rea educated No. (Notations of amenities) of in Reai- hold. 0utCI HamlCII aetel dcotial persODl Rowel

p U F t.I F M F

2 3 4 I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

583 Ousipur 1 170 59 59 195 85 110 25 21 24 Bhadeora 1 269 60 62 304 158 166 65 59 17 584 R. 28 585 Silaura 1 235 49 252, 122 130 18 15 586 Sanga Patti I 94 3~ ~~ 234 107 127 9 14 34 589 Mi,rauli Kalan - 45 Un-inhabited

588 Dukbiapur 1 62 14 17 72 35 37 1 I 7 589 Kathar R. I 167 42 49 202 77 12:; 5 7 18 590 Mandipur 1 208 46 49 263 1\4 149 5 8 27 "1 591 Pure Plthar I 19 1 9 7 2 3 1 592 Pure Dhana R. I 204 II 13" 65 29 37 6 5 10

593 Chawpai Riv, 2 630 118 123 658 322 336 69 68 111 9 594 Sarai Bhawani 1 203 48 48 280 124 156 53 67 30 595 Pure Lakomani R. 1 59 6 6 S9 22 17 4. 6 1 596 Pure Sejat R. 1 56 15 15 55 26 29 5 6 597 Misrauli Kburd R. 12 Un-inhabited

598 Chaupawar ... 24 Ull-inhabited 599 Pure Nehali I 22 16 18 55 22 33 5 8 2 600 Pure Bedua R. 1 39 13 17 51 25 26 9 60\ Pure Gulal R. 1 156 45 46 246 115 131 4 7 36 602 Pure Banira. ",Mp. 1 60 22 33 160 81 79 6 II 17

605 Sarklaelp.r 2 677 ~31 355 1,274 606 668 9 17 112 604 GoJapur 3 ·431 109 125 614- 294 320 116 98 102 28 605 Sonahi R,Riv. 3 293 121 123 572 262 310 102 101 70 17 606 Lachmanpur R. 2 143 29 32 197 95 102 28 23 30 3 607 Jai.inggharh 2 431 101 109 532 272 260 75 76- 63 7

1 608 'ure !luadeo 42 19 22 99 46 a3 7 9 15 689 ParkhotalIlpur 3 112 34- 36 142 65 77 15 15 10 610 Ilibia Karanpllf 4 556 211 227 1,094 524- 570 126 129 135 12 6\1 Mllh(leypur 2 121 3\ 39 144 66 78 11 10 7 2 612 llu.tporwa 2 134 37 41 176 81 95 7 13 33 1

51!! Yabiap.r 5 794- 221 234 1.012 486 526 25 25 M 1 614 Khujhi Kalan R,J.iy. 5 569 241 247 1.101 508 593 123 129 171 20 Llrallpur Khejhi R. 7 507 201 207 998 487 511 63 52 615 560 121 2 61' Sintathi Khalsa R,Ri", 2 111 127 sao :l85 295 21 29 52 611 K:.haralpur .. 1 86 7 8 29 20 9 1 6

(ilft Arasi ~ineatlaai 6 Un-inhabited 619 Chalakpur lCul'mian Riv. I 227 79 83 412 169 223 41 39 50 1 9 620 P.re Gang.ram 72 22 28 121 58 63 3 20 9 621 Dwa !i1t:a pur R. 1 216 +1 45 220 115 105 9 5 3 62 15 622 ~rajitpv.r 146 49 53 282 140 142 30 25 59 18

fits " ...yan R. 1 391 69 73 37O 181 IB9 48 52 55 8 624 AIIIorpur R. 1 192 63 66 356 169 187 46 64 45 3 625 Maruan 3 232 109 113 589 269 32(} 57 62 66 8 62fl Sarai Nankar 4 398 106 107 538 256 282 4{) 41 9() 5 627 Rakaba R,Riv. 3 389 160 171 839 399 440 45 45 146 36 c~iii DIBBClTORY aUlUl.-CoMI.

WORKERS ,__ __, NON- Tetal Worken WORKERS, (I-IX) I n lD IV V VI vn VIII IX X Serial No. r- ,,....~ .....--. ~.....--. ,...... _ .....--. ,....-._ M r M F M F M F M F U F M F M F M F M r M F It 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 t9 30 31 52 33 34 35 1

43 58 42 56 . 1 2 42 52 583 85 85 73 62 8 23 1 2 53 ~ 81 584 66 44 46 7 11 28 7 9 2 5Q 86 585 41 18 35 7 3 10 1 1 % 66 109 586 Un-inhabited 587

14 6 14 5 21 11 588 41 21 32 21 4 S I 36 104 589 44 31 28 20 6 16 3 7 70 112 590 . 4 4 ... 3 2 591 7 10 4 4 3 6 22 27 592

170 140 122 106 20 19 ... 11 10 2 10 5 5 152 196 593 69 77 60 66 9 11 55 79 594 7 6 1 15 17 595 12 4 3 9 4: ...... 14 25 596 Va-inhabited 597

Un-iauaited 598 11 4 7 :2 4- 2 .... n 29 599 16 10 Hi 10 ." 9 16 600 55 8 :ao 2 9 6 8 8 60 123 601 29 14 23 5 6 9 52 65 602

314 251 214 172 67 56 5 7 5 10 8 12 8 292 417 603 158 116 76 22 75 94 ... 5 2 136 204 60-1: 125 118 53 61 28 48 26 7 14 2 2 2 137 192 605 50 48 33 41 8 5 5 2 3 45 54 606 131 104 96 59 31 45 4 141 156 607

26 15 19 3 I 4 6 8 20 38 608 41 36 36 28 5 5 3 ... 24 41 609 260 112 191 69 42 30 17 13 9 264 458 610 32 22 25 15 6 7 1 34 56 611 37 24 24 20 2 3 7 % 44 71 612

254 309 234 290 15 19 4 232 217 613 271 184 155 84 1(13 91 7 3 2 4: 237 409 614 252 87 114 36 47 25 23 18 3 40 3 3 22 5 235 424 615 148 154 124 136 18 16 2 2 1 3 137 141 616 13 3 10 1 3 2 7 6 617

Un-inhabited 618 109 64 82 33 14 15 7 4 6 12 80 159 619 35 6 14 I 3 7 4 3 8 23 57 620 54 21 36 16 6 3 5 2 1 ' .. % 4 61 84 621 69 43 42 22 17 21 1 4: 4 71 99 62:.!

III 103 75 63 31 33 5 ... ." 70 86 623 84 3(1 70 5 II 2~ 1 2 85 157 624 129 44 !lB 15 22 27 2 9 140 276 625 148 141 102 106' 23 23 10 5 4 2 4: 5 5 lOB 141 626 ~17 190 149 161 4: 13 31 11 22 5 10 I 182 250 621 31 VlLLAGE PATTl TASSIL

Uccu- Sreil.1 Nallle 01 Village Number Area pied House- iTotaljiPopulatioD Scheduled Literate and No. t Notations for amenitiea) of in Resi- hold. ealtet educated Hamlets acres dential persons Honses / .... , __ ...... ----. ,-,,__,______, P M. F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

628 Nauhar Husainpur Riv. 3 409 62 67 379 185 194 31 47 87 10 629 Ganai Dih R. 2 331 100 III 514 246 268 42 46 74 14 630 Pipri R. , 2 855 288 297 1,491 702 78!:l 85 144 179 10 631 Sarai Ganai R,po. 3 351 100 100 55~ 26,], 289 33 46 80 23 632 Gang Patti R. 2 139 48 53 247 120 127 4 3 35 10

633 Dandupur Mufrid R,Riv,Po. 1 1,009 40 42 210 103 107 28 38 30 13 634 Chalakpur Badfaroshan 1 265 47 51 283 138 145 5 4 47 3 635 Sheosat R,Riv. 4 707 174 226 1,112 525 587 118 140 153 17 636 Srinathpur R. 2 120 120 - 122 577 262 315 61 66 57 637 Ilremdhar Patti 1 273 69 71 343 146 197 47 5~ 37 3

638 Baid Patti Riv. 1 196 31 33 159 73 86 27 31 26 639 Ghandi Patti Sidhari Patti Riv. 1 189 45 48 266 125 141 16 34 44 10 64~ Dube Palti Rambukhan 1 12 17 19 79 38 41 15 19 7 641 Chhetpur . 1 117 42 45 213 98 115 16 19 39 7 642 Ueolaha 1 43 21 24 101 55 46 36 2

64~ Pure Durwan 1 63 17 19 85 40 45 15 1 644: Ualippur R,Riv,Mp,Hos,H,Po. 5 1,006 327 337 1,713 !i41 772 3Bti 40 645 Kothiyali 4 519 207 209 1,068 503 565' 26 27 142 19 646 Gopalpur Mufrid Riv. 1 345 49 51 452 209 243 10 10 69 647 Dhananter Patti 1 17 9 11 30 13 17 2 3

6-18 Barahimpur 1 37 84 87 462 223 239 36 58 93 IB 5~9 Ratanmau Riv. 5 904 231 237 1,358 M2 716 Bl 129 150 31 650 Basirpur RIV,PO. 8 1,354 281 289 1,745 8t2 903 108 245 214: 25 651 Tewarapur RIV. 2 347 72 76 371 177 1~4 59 63 H 1 652 Sarai Ratan 1 181 :;5 3a 206 89 117 15 21 36 9

653 Jamunipur 1 138 31 32 161 77 84 15 18 ~5 9 05~ Lacchipur 5 609 201 235 1,315 631 684 82 94 213 44 655 Tundwa 2 102 20 22 118 51 67 37 43 5 6')6 Dar yapur 3 -250 78 81 395 209 186 27 36 44 1--5 657 Pure Gosain 1 86 29 31 174 81 93 9 9 30 1

658 Balipur 3 187 81 89 429 206 223 45 55 31 9 6~9 Khemaipur 4 296 67 71 333 154 179 35 37 54 1 660 BisJmupur Daryapur 3 131 29 31 136 72 64: 6 4 28 !) 661 Bishnupur Kalan 3 344 120 124 658 291 367 61 92 BI 10 662 Medhuli Kalan 1 45 109 III 549 270 279 23 27 74 ,-- 663 Medhuli Khurd 1 147 46 47 284 131 153 8 13 42 66~ Pure Charan 1 75 44 47 2'~0 107 123 41 50 32 665 Jagdishpur 2 78 '911 108 459 224 235 18 21 84 5 666 Parallrampur Riv. 2 358 88 97 547 269 278 80 7 667 Shripur 1 81 27 29 125 60 65 44 49 3

668 Chak Sara 6 590 118 123 726 343 383 49 53 72 2 669 Bhabhuar 3 226 40 43 2% 106 130 36 42 25 670 Khatanpur 1 229 37 39 299 140 15<) 19 26 65 1 671 Mana Patti 3 198 71 76 415 200 215 48 62 65 9 672 Rajapur Kharhar 3 302 83 98 506 247 259 35 50 57 8 (:X21V



WORKERS ,..... --. NON- Total Worker. WORKERS (I-IX) II III IV V VI 'VII VIII IX X Serial ,...... _, No. ,....-...... , ~ ,.....-...., ,...... Ao....., ~ .....-.. ,_.""'-...... -.. .,__...._-. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

100 115 87 1(1'1 12 8 1 85 79 628 133 137 78 96 36 37 6 4 1 7 5 113 131 629 392 419 297 316 63 79 17 24 4 6 4 310 370 630 131 71 80 38 22 29 22 4 I 5 133 218 631 53 37 41 33 3 3 1 2 6 67 90 632

51 39 15 9 21 20 8 8 7 2 52 68 633 71 86 53 63 1 12 22 2 2 2 67 59 634 281 202 15J 119 60 61 27 5 1 I 9 30 17 244 385 635 115 121 61 48 27 41 4 6 2 I ,. 20 26 147 194 636 63 59 42 29 13 30 6 2 83 138 637

33 22 25 6 5 16 3 40 64 638 49 33 29 5 11 28 6 3 76 108 639 23 16 9 2 12 14 1 1 15 25 640 53 ·35 30 - 22 15 11 8 2 45 80 641 21 7 16 7 3 34 39 642

21 29 13 28 1 1 4 2 1 19 16 643 408 130 267 22 94 91 11 2 43 6 2B 5 40 9 453 642 6{4 255 138 208 122 13 5 5 2 1 4 1 22 9 248 427 645 L4 67 80 49 11 13 5 5 1 5 6 6 95 176 646 1> 7 6 7 1 6 10 647

121 62 57 21 38' 32 8 2 4 14 7 102 177 648 319 194 198 1:.1.0 56 58 36 14 1 3 2 .. 22 2 323 522 649 472 254 3b5 197 .57 41 30. 7 3 18 3 3 15 6 370 649 650 80 69 74 .(>2 5 7 97 125 651 42 :J.9 38 22 2 6 2 47 88 652

40 22 33 15 3 4 1 3 3 37 62 653 300 218 186 171 18 38 34 5 3 37 ' 3 6 16 1 331 466 654 33 18 33 16 2 18 49 655 56 7 3 2 2 3 9 93 66 71 . 1 4 116 120 656 31l 14 31 10 1 2 5 1 43 19 657

125 109 66 53 33 41 12 I 3 11 81 114 658 70 57 45 30 22 27 ,3 ... ./ 84 122 659 .33 1 32 1 1 .,. 39 63 660 171 132 130 7(' 29 57 4 5 8 120 235 661 132 39 51 111 3 1 40 3 3 18 7 15 10 138 240 662

59 39 36 32 4 6 14 1 3 1 n 114 663 28 :;2 63 38 32 3 33 2 ... " 1 44 8Q 664 89 35 9 16 LO 4 49 10 3 12 6 5 135 200 665 142 75 142 75 127 203 666 31 53 37 53 23 1~ 667

217 246 172 193 3j 52 6 126 137 668 65 64 38 31 26 33 4\ 66 669 79 104 66 84 11 12 ., 2 8 61 55 670 117 126 107 105 6 16 3 5 I 83 89 67l 127 141 97 122 9 14 3 2 1 5 10 4 120 118 672 CXil'vi


Occu· ~erial ' NaD1~ Qf Vnll\g~ . Number Area piecl House- Total PopulatioD Scheduled Literate and No. (NotatioD8 qf l\D1eDltlq) \If in RtoSi. hold. Cuts educated Hamlets acres dential persoD! HousCt

~----. P M F M F M F I, 2 IS .. 5 6 7 8 -i 10 11 12 13

673 Kharhar 3 555 1m 183 1,128 524 604 143 142 116 23 674 Jolhapur 1 85 27 31 143 63 80 21 31 16 2 675 Maidaspur 1 38 3 3 12 6 6 2 676 Tulsipur 1 157 27 29 215 96 119 16 22 47 4 677 Harnahpur 1 154 10 79 345 132 213 15 27 47 8 678 Alamapur 1 120 8 .8 33 17 16 4 679 Raghawapur 1 135 45 -47 255 109 146 16 28 24 680 Gopalpur 1 155 41 • 41 222 107 115 41 41 36 681 Raini Satkhariya 2 466 107 125 705 341 364 85 97 87 1 682 Ugaipur I 254 123 130 640 285 355 82 118 .53 3,

683 Dewasa 5 503 104 114 581 267 314 26 43 32 2 684 Ramgarh -I 620 179 196 985 478 507 75 79 133 21 ti85 Pure Mahanth 1 107 43 45 200 106 94 11 8 25 3 686 Kayesth Patti 1 2(')3 42 42 220 108 112 15 17 30 9 687 Dandupur'Adharganj \0 38 2tilJ 282 1,5tH 740 821 163 203 197 14

688 Sarai Bharatrai 1 396 74 76 386 156 230 39 62 25 3, 689 Gambheerpur 1 191 50 50 239 III 128 33 41 16 1 690 Pachras 4 285 58 70 388 192 196 46 43 87 12 691 Roopipur 1 243 139 171 519 254 265 51iJ 58 62 4 692 Bitbalpur 1 97 59 6i 271 133 138 15 17 14 3

693 Bitbalpur 1 93 :Ii 23 150 71 79 17 11 28 (i 694 Manpur 1 113 42 222 III III 44 49 13 695 Rastipur Po. 4 281 ~, 146 718 349 369 45 65 119 9 696 Pure Goliya Mp\ 3 159 103 529 278 251 20 22 158 13 697 Madhwapur 1 126 t 41 171 77 94 31 44 12

698 Dariyapur 1 404 92 97 469 223 246 42 47 54 5 699 pure Bhagi 1 131 16 31 100 56 44 25 26 6 700 Bbagipur 4 467 314 333 1,584 785 799 108 112 161 8 TOTAL OF SH&'oPARH BLOCK i21 54,381 14,96' _*213 81,550 38,910 42,640 6,741 7,793 10,722 1,219 GAURA BLOCK 701 Mirzaour Po. I 316 166 1..77 984 500 484 28 24 186 30 Husainpur 2 258 115 133 602 273 329 57 57 77 10 702 35 703 Toder~Patti 1 140 33 136 74 62 9 8 32 8 704 Asipur 1 293 67 75 338 141 197 56 53 36 13 705 Bishambbarpur 2 190 64 71 337 165 172 57 54 20 2

706 Sigabi 1 367 74 77 373 168 205 81 73 '31 707 Matbura 1 44 9 14 69 32 37 2 6 8 708 Pure Bhaiyaji 1 88 22 25 132 63 69 2 4 14 709 Sanli Setrai 1 242 49 51 267 123 144 45 47 49 4 710 Jairampur 2 297 175, 189 886 419 467 34 32 155 16

711 SaDsarpur 1 443 65 71 360 176 184 59 52 45 3 712 Bansi Adbarganj 4 670 120 127 623 293 3~0 44 56 67 2 713 Kaseruva ' p 1,039 319 328 .1,608 719 889 136 126 127 3 714 Cbaube Patti 2 .62 12 14 116 53 63 22 21 19 715 Narharpur 2 121 ~.- 63 348 177 171 3B 38 90 30 .CXX"U-, DIRECTORY


WOR.rul.RS .-- NON- Total Workers WORKERS (I-IX) I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No. ,,__....,,.__~ ,...... """___ ...... -..-. ,.---. ,.....-_ ~ ---. ~ ,...-....., M F M F. M F M F M F 14 F M F M f! M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

255 257 157 139 58 75 6 8 2 ... S!" 35 269 347 673 36 54 30 40 5 12 2 27 26 674 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 675 45 36 32 32 2 4 9 1 ,.. 51 83 676 72 93 51 69 7 13 8 10 2 4 60 120 677

9 12 7 12 ..• 2 8 4 678 92 51 76 6 16 2 50 54 679 ~ B2 32 62 11 20 1 8 55 33 680 199 243 162 210 31 29 6 4 ... 142 121 681 16B 198 134 151 29 47 3 .... 1 117 157 682

n 142 147 121 123 11 24 So 7 125 167 683 255 211 152 153 50 39 .... ~ 2B 9 1 B 16 10 223 296 684 69 59 49 43 5 5 7 9 1 7 2 37 35 6B5 65 64 42 52 7 12 12 3 1 .,. 43 48 686 386 467 239 324 57 129 31 10 20 26 13 4: 354 354 687

92 157 61 110 19 41 5 6 2 5 64 73 688 76 90 53 59 :.!1 31 1 1 35 - 38 689 128 95 94 62 22 32 2 5 4 64 101 690 173 178 141 142 17 28 2 4 9 8 81 87 691 85 73 66 61 4: 5 8 3 ~ 2 5 2 48 65 692

47 37 38 28 7 9 2 24 42 693 73 71 30 28 17 25 3 :,... .,. 4: 3 4 15 15 38 40 694 193 169 118 137 11 25 20 7 3 ...... 11 ... 6 24 156 200 695 124 98 42 79 4: 10 21 4: •• 0" .... 6 4 14 37 154 153 696 48 64 33 35 13 28 I I i;' I 29 30 697

III 92 59 41 21 41 10 4, 6 15 6 112 154 698 32 30 19 6 12 24 .,. .., 1 24 14 699 389 269 233 192 66 7) 27 4 .,". 44 2 4 15 396 530 700 20,853 16,828 15,103 12,112 2,852.3,789 5 ... 1,088 538 99 1) 26 616 99204 860 284 18,057 25,812 GAU8,~ 8LOCK

241 103 114 56 6 7 57 11 27 7 2 35 22 259 381 701 160 128 104 105 10 21 19 -. 17 ... 10 2 113 201 702 53 35 38 26 6 6 4 1 ... 1 4: 2 21 27 703 82 109 61 77 8 17 5 8 7 6 59 liB 704 94 97 B2 87 5 4 1 3 6 3 71 75 705

84 102 82 93 5 3 84 l03 706 16 20 16 20 16 17 707 30 34 25 33 t _ .... 4 33 35 708 69 80 54 68 8 7 5 4 1 1 1 54 64 709 217 159 112 87 8 8 24 44 2 60 20 10 202 308 710

109 96 83 68 23 27 2 1 1 67 88 711 168 204 145 169 9 25 ... 1 1 '" 12 10 125 126 712 406 547 328 471 24 52 22 9 3 1 6 8 14 15 3\3 342 713 48 43 27 40 1 3 25 20 714 91! 42 49 8 25 34 3 15 85 129 715 31 ox,xvm•..



Oclco-' Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total PopulAuoll Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi· bold. [Cutes educated Hamlet. aerea den.tial persons Ho~ ~---. _" P M F M. :F :M F 2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

716 Dwarika 2 104 107 III 509 230 279 53 44 84 2 717 Beeraipur Po. 1 94 49 52 224 106 118 16 20 39 3 718 Bhanpur 1 29 34 39 146 76 70 12 16 28 719 Khahpur Dube Palti 3 440 89 94 466 205 261 68 69 78 3 720 Dayalpur I 120 17 18 104 56 48 8 12 24 1

721 Mahdeuri I 249 21 21 99 53 46 5 10 722 Gulora 2 251 59 61 273 133 140 69 62 21 1 7:.13 Panwarpur 5 477 171 179 886 508 378 107 107 60 18 1 62 39 43 144 68 76 21 18 26 20 724 Gobardhanpur . 45 725 Bhikkanpur Po. I 141 54 57 299 131 16B 41 39

726 Delhupur 5 504 149 161 716 351 365 100 109 106 13 727 Tawakalpur 6 958 185 190 1.032 521 511 ...84 85 110 16 728 Sujanpur 1 266 15 18 117 65 52 20 23 22 1 729 Bhanpur Dasuja 2 277 24 35 223 105 118 21 11 20 1 730 Narsingllgarh 1 604 106 123 573 265 308 61( 67 42

731 Pure Ramsahai 1 600 53 50 328 173 155 49 35 30 6 732 Kaulapur Nand Patti 1 510 121 125 672 311 361 65 67 62 4 733 Rajapur Dewa Pa.tti 3 312 33 35 135 63 72 i3 14 21 734 Pure Shekhi 1 53 15 IS 73 34 39 16 1 735 Tewaripur 2 153 39 44 230 101 129 18 26 21 1

736 Banwarpur 1 85 61 68 327 146 181 16 27 44 3 737 Gokula I 1 139 35 ~ IBI 92 89 13 15 16 6 738 Goltu\a II 1 143 11 l.5 91 38 51 11 4 11 1 739 Mahothari 1 266 79 '00 466 211 255 28 33 55 4 740 Muwar Adharganj 8 1.822 223 $1 1.664 734 930 65 58, 201 23

741 Shahpur 5 1,349 152 181 1.140 556 584 80 82 112 21 742 Nidbi Patti 1 87 48 52 261 123 138 24 19 53 743 Sandila 4 615 90 144 1.172 5:18 634 86 39 110 11 744 Babu Patti 2 414 99 102 505 240 265 67 71 41 1 745 llarhad 1 457 103 lU7 515 2~7 268 60 63 45 3

746 Sarai Sultani 1 324 121 140 696 350 346 39 4B 81 747 Bhusalpur" 1 20Q 15 17 150 72 78 32 23 20 3 74B Deogarh Kamesin 3 785 151 162 86 ::189 437 59 50 76 13 749 Nan 1 176 74 76 32H 136 192 25 22 46 3 750 Pure Batahu 1 62 57 62 296 137 159 45 50 30 8

751 Meerpur 3 363 f.7 67 334 150 184 29 45 56 12 752 Fatehpur Dariyapul' 1 133 33 33 156 59 97 18 20 31 753 Raipur 2 83 30 35 170 79 91 40 58 14 754 Khushalgarh 2 269 38 46 271 119 152 51 53 34 3 755 Dhanuha R. 1 451 2117 24ll 1,234 555 &79 81 83 156 24

756 Ramnagar 9 486 97 107 838 383 455 47 51· 147 13 757 Tikaita 4 74 31 39 215 102 113 6 16 46 15 758 Sarmanpur 1 349 13 13 59 26 33 5 759 Lapkan 4 336 33 _ 41 240 102 138 22 24 47 760 Sheikhupur 5 5S6 156 198 862 462 400 48 64 93 2 cnix , .. DIRECTORY



,....-__, ,....---.., ,.....--. ~ ~~ ~ ,--~ ~

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1

132 106 52 45 23 32 50 25 2 5 4 9B 173 716 65 56 '62 55 1 1 I 41 62 717 45 29 34 23 4 6 5 2 31 41 718 105 93 92 64 11 28 2 1 100 168 719 32 23 29 21 'l. 'l. 1 24 25 720

30 15 30 15 23 31 721 73 79 66 56 1 15 8 60 61 722 345 236 303 181 28 44 10 11 4 163 142 723 35 42 31 33 4 8 I 33 3~ 724 68 73 33 15 20 52 1~ 6 3 63 95 725

159 167 104 I?-O 17 24 16 6 6 2 '1. 14 5 192 198 726 300 228 163 ,124 102 91 11 3 2 5 17 10 221 283 727 47 34 43 30 1 4 2 1 18 18 728 56 73 56 73 49 45 729 150 U8 133 80 16 38 115 190 730

103 84 89 69 11 15 2 70 71 731 186 238 165 223 19 15 125 123 732 26 59 733 37 13 33 6 4 7 13 13 734 21 26 21 26 735 43 29 41 15 7 3 4 5B 100

89 77 60 32 16 43 2 2 tl 3 57 104 736 52 49 40 38 4 8 I 1 7 2 40 ~o 737 21 In 17 7 4 3 ... 17 43 738 121 66 no 50 9 15 2 1 90 189 739 413 316 356 298 15 5 17 8 ; .. Ii 4 .2 4 11 3 321 614 740

325 190 256 145 43 37 15 8 U 231 394 741 54 2 50 1 J 4 69 136 742 303 313 284 291 15 21 3 1 1 2:15 321 743 125 77 73 41 37 27 11 9 115 188 744 155 119 75 63 33 32 33 21 8 . 6"" 3 92 149 745

224 161 209 117 13 44 Z 126 185 746 39 13 37 9 2 4 33 65 747 203 209 180 180 15 23 7 6 186 228 748 90 136 IlB 78 2 58 .. 46 56 749 1J8 100 55 52 26 36 ... 7 12 49 59 750

77 57 63 25 14 29 3 73 127 751 48 80 47 78 2 11 17 752 42 37 37 13 5 24 37 '54 753 64 64 54 47 6 17 4 55 88 754: 2113 321 203 248 31 44 21 21 3 2 .5 17 8 272 358 755

182 124 130 82 46 42 3 3 201 331 756 57 24 42 6 6 16 4 2 5 45 89 757 17 11 17 11 9 22 758 51 93 46 82 4 II ., 51 45 759 ~28 271 314 259 I 7 6 5 5 2 134- 129 760 csxx


Ocou- serW Name of Village Number Area ' pied House- Total· Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenities) of in Resi- bolds Cutes educated Hamlets· acrea dential persons Houses

A f- .... P M F M F M F

I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

761 Jajapur 4 490 61 77 :laC 196 184 37 !l8 38 762 Sujaba 3 433 57 p2 412 202 210 7 12 23 3 763 Antari 1 509 18 25 265 145 120 14 16 26 764 Damdarn 7 1,308 189 ~07 1,010 485 525 134 136 40 1 765 Burra 5 881 18B 211 1,189 558 631 48 51 86 3

766 Bbujaini 1 214 30 31 194 94 100 14 4 17 767 Kahla 4 64~ 117 123 565 276 289 69 64 42 1 768 Biraipur 1 426 54 63 301 155 146 30 30 22 1 769 Bhawanigarh 4 450 157 174 824 417 407 118 114 111 19 770 Sultanpur Mp,Po. 8 914 244 330 . 1,447 678 769 138 136 216 26 771 Risalgarh 1 359 37 43 209 112 97 11 14 40 5 772 Kondar Dih 1 177 22 25 125 65 60 Ii 14 19 2 773 Thariya 5 537 79 87 680 315 365 83 83 91 7 774 Kanlapur 4 499 89 94 539 269 270 43 56 68 3 715 Amanpur Berra 6 1,533 311 385 1,983 923 1,060 186 181 154 8

776 Amraee 5 411 100 119 679 335 344 81 95 104 2 717 Basant Patti 1 79 44 60 258 124 134 53 59 21 778 Chandpur 5 445 140 166 843 402 446 52 56 117 9 779 Nirbh"i Patti 1 95 15 15 98 58 40 19 4 13 780 Parsamau 5 310 96 112 605 300 305 37 44 92 781 Rahetwa Parasrampulr 4 760 60 192 1,110 543 567 163 160 138 8 . 782 Ramapur 10 901 329 368 1,781 893 8B8 105 102 253 23 783 Gaura Pure Badal 2 994 172 205 1,046 497 549 123 136 226 38 784 Bebdaul Khurd 7 5-44 136 ,WD 755 361 394 54 70 70 1 785 Behdaul Kalan 6 620 213 ;17 1,074 528 546 ll~ 121 165 19

786 Surwa Misirpur 11 1,339 356 413 2,243 1,076 1,167 230 232 160 11 787 Masauli 3 563 138 156 880 436 444 53 59 89 2 788 Pathatia Kalan 4 664 201 ~O 1,239 610 629 140 156 182 10 789 Patbatia Kburd 1 574 74 17 350 179 171 21 790 Kolbara 1 ' 433 96 103 575 250 325 6 18 85 10

79.1 lladhwa 1 506 94 98 564 259 305 43 52 82 792 Nasirpur 1 268 41 45 280 119 161 36 37 34 8 793 Koem 1 377 96 1.15 649 289 360 35 35 52 2 794 Pure Gbanshyam 1 54 15 21 97 41 56 5 15 1 795 Pure Tula 1 52 19 20 110 55 55 14 17 9

796 Silaudhi 1 430 111 120 683 311 372 26 33 94 1 797 Basirha 2 308 99 135 614 281 333 65 65 57 2 793 Tardih 2 169 10 14 64 34 30 34 30 3 799 Narainpur Khurd 6 494 109 H7 502 246 256 50 45 60 I 800 Harpur Saundh 3 376 101 1;95 652 308 344 41 45 90 4

801 Itaili Dih Po. 5 992 219 223 1,162 543 619 135 134 76 802 Sand 4 591 167 169 827 399 428 72 48 116 2 803 Kathcndra -1 116 25 30 146 71 75 33 27 11 80t Asipur 1 256 55 62 371 186 185 24 16 35 805 Mohammadpur 2 407 56 (14 416 197 219 38 57 17 cxxxi DIRECTORY


WORKBRS NON- Total Workcu WORKERS (I-IX) I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial No • ,....___..___. ....-.--.... ,..--...__, ..--... ,.---"--...... ,...... ,...... ~ ,...... _, ~ ... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 Itl 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

116 87 103 74 10 13 3 80 97 761 122 !38 122 138 80 72 762 99 82 87 78. I 8 3 3 46 38 763 276 249 %18 203 29 28 23 17 4 209 276 764 326 385 304 374 2 17 9 3 1 232 246 765

53 71 51 67 1 2 3 41 29 71'6 155 187 130 166 19 13 3 6 3 2 I'll 102 767 78 76 76 74 2 2 77 70 768 245 208 225 179 5 25 9 4 5 1 172 199 769 345 218 ~81 175 7 23 26 15 3 7 2 4 17 3 333 551 770

·55 14 50 3 3 10 57 83 771 36 31 28 24 5 7 3 29 29 772 141 138 93 95 25 27 14 16 4 5 174 227 773 181 70 109 13 56 57 5 7 3 88 200 774 533 436 444 326 69 101 9 2 3 2 . 5 7 390 624 775

183 1~9 160 64 20 58 3 6 152 215 776 ·72 62 54 9 14 52 2 1 2 52 72 777 216 84 172 56 36 28 8 186 362 778 43 16 24 7 .3 3 16 6 15 24 779 178 144 142 124 12 13 5 6 16 2 1 122 161 780

305 128 198 57 67 55 23 13 2 14 3 23B 439 781 51~ • 414 374 364 23 32 11 9 1 ... 51 4 23 31 5 379 414 782 251 87 196 74 15 4 21 5 2 1 2 7 7 4 246 462 783 224 201 176 160 30 40 2 I 8 8 137 193 784 283 222 216 179 9 32 22 8 2 20 5 9 3 245 324 785 647 64G 472 432 149 192 18 19 2 4 1 3 429 521 786 265 214 216 189 32 25 1 ...... 1 15 171 230 787 371 341 285 293 51 35 22 12 2 4 7 ... 239 288 788 1%5 73 74 4 32 67 16 2 '2 1 54 98 789 141 49 135 32 5 17 1 109 276 790

150 83 109 35 35 45 3 3 3 109 222 791 61 49 40 19 16 30 5 58 112 792 179 148 129 105 30 33 19 10 110 212 793 26 10 24 9 2 1 15 46 794 35 26 17 8 11 14 7 4 20 29 795 156 154 151 150 2 2 1 2 2 155 218 796 154 129 104 56 47 69 3 4 127 204 797 18 17 2 2 16 15 16 13 798 178 139 172 131 3 5 2 3 1 68 117 799 175 155 156 90 13 65 1 3 133 189 800

316 295 196 176 73 88 36 19 11 12 227 324 801 233 121 198 78 28 35 5 8 2 ... 166 307 801 37 53 33 51 4 2 34 22 803 101 108 101 108 85 77 BO-l 111 144 III 142 2 86 75 805 33 cxxxii



Occu- Serial Name of Village Number Area pied House- Total Population (Notatiollll for amenitielll Scheduled Literate and No. of in Resi- holds Castes Hamlets acres dential edue ated Houses persODl

r-'" .., .--~ ... .., P M F M F M F 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

806 Pali 1 171 32 46 208 82 126 39 38 24- 2 807 Jagatpur 4 GI9 144 164 750 350 400 47 49 75 7 808 Roh Kalan Khurd 6 539 229 23~ 1,114 583 571 In 112 105 15 809 Naurera R,Mp,Po. 13 2,293 605 707 -3,709 1,631 2,078 273 278 457 41 810 Sawama R,Po. 4 228 133 146 780 367 413 1H 83 158 18

811 Dhari 1 3~4 34 34 220 113 107 51 38 14 812 Pure Gosain 5 357 151 167 931 471 460 84 85 158 2 813 Pure Kharagrai 4 383 121 133 757 372 385 131 167 36 81-l Bairampur 6 775 164 186 1,046 530 516 106 118 124 3 815 Sheogarh 3 309 45 54 3M 141 163 31 39 24 5

816 Karka 5 6BB 95 112 665 327 338 37 65 45 3 B17 Naikot 4 556 136 150 788 386 402 82 86 49 1 818 Bheet 6 953 156 169 956 452 504 77 74 108 8 819 Mendua Dih 4 559 135 158 811 436 375 72 66 71 820 Narainpur Kalan 3 764 107 120 702 352 350 83 88 77 2

821 Khakhapur 4 846 202 207 1,099 5i4 545 102 115 96 9 822 Dighwat 5 1,351 149 167 1,012 515 497 94 106 85 6 823 Kaneora Pure Khushhali '5 836 IS5 170 959 471 482 80 78 99 29 824 Pure Paadey 1 279 31 37 208 114 94 53 13 3 1 825 ~lllaliD 3 348 47 59 454 232 222 51 57 37

826 Kali Muradpur 6 1,460 190 231 1,384 626 758 101 98 120 17 827 Katrau i 2 889 120 140 789 403 386 81 166 122 • 25

TOTAL OF GAURA BLOCK 387 59,994 12,962 14,802 77,912 S7,312. 40,600 7,251 7,471 8,954 813 TOTAL OF PATTI TAHSIL 2.051 291,116 66.626 74,880 382,835 184.639 198,196 34,81)2 39,425 -45,514 5,195

The rural area of Tahsil l'atti given in Table A·I is 454'9 Sq. ,miles i. e., 291,336 acres. The village-wise areas in the Directory are as reported by the Tahsildar, while the rural8rea of the Tahsil in Table A-I has bc:-en derived by deducting the sum of urban areas from the total reviled area: figures of the Tahsil furnished by the Board of Revenue, U. P. c:u:xiii Dll.!1ECTOIlV


WORKERS ..... ,...---- _ NON- Total Workers --...., WORKERS (I-IX I I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Serial -.. ,...... ,...--. ,..-.....__., ,...... , ,...... _, ,...... ,...... , .....--...... No • M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 22 13 14 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3S 34 35 1

46 29 39 23 6 6 1 36 97 806 191 1'35 178 liB 9 12 3 5 1 159 26~ 807 360 218 289 -142 35 55 28 20 2 1 5 223 353 8'18 809 925 586 . 711 147 142 54 34 19 20 1 62 18 762 1,153 8U9 222 235 177 193 6 23 17 18 1 16 5 1 145 178 810

85 67 48 28 35 39 2 28 40 8\1 262 228 205 191 33 37 20 4 209 232 812 210 210 145 52 45 151 15 7 5 162 175 813 281 112 165 47 30 50 41 9 27 5 5 12 249 404 814 71 55 63 50 1 5 3 1 1 2 70 108 815

lEI 131 179 131 1 1 146 207 816 224 240 199 190 21 45 3 5 162 162 817 228 95 196 73 20 20 6 -2 2 3 .- 224 409 818 2iO 186 257 1';7 4 4 1 1 8 ·4 166 189 819 207 64 165 29 38 35 1 3 145 286 820

323 134 277 102 19 5 25 27 2 231 411 821 330 326 311 325 17 2 1 185 171 822 254 150 199 125 19 13 12 5 4 2 3 15 5 223 332 823 69 49 64 47 2 2 2 1 45 45 82'10 155 123 153 117 2 6 77 99 825

399 410 372 390 18 18 6 2 3 227 348 826 225 171 20) 145 18 26 1 178 215 827

21,30317,605 16,973 13,544 2,281 3,203 '3 962 586 27 19 1 310 75180 1 548 19516,009 22,995 103,85077,316 78,47755,48013,48217,102292 154 4,951 3,037 293 7124 3 2,045 412 810 5 3,376 1,11680,789 120,880


Number or Establishments classified by Minor Groups or Industrial Classification

Total! Villages!

200 (352); 202 (33); 205 (5); 207 (921); 209 (925) ; 216 (3) ; Jamalpur-200 (I); 261 (1); 282 (1) ; 364 (2) ; S69 (6) ;399 (1) ; 220 (14) ; 223 (1) ; 226 (1); 230 (1) ; 231 (102) ; 233 (67); Arron-200 (I); 261 (1); 333 (I); 355 (4) ; Kamapatti-207 (1); 235 (129) ;255 (1); 261 (12); 265 (2) ; 270 (1); 271 (I); 272 (1) ; 231 (1) ; 399 (1); Naudhia-313 (I) ; 369 (2); 399 (1); Alipur- 273 (255) ; 274 (15) ; 231 (44) ; 282 (35) ; 288 (8); .289 (4) ; 303 (5); 207(4); Bhatni-200(l); 207 (I); 209(2);364(1); 399(1); 310(2);311 (61); 313(1); 311 (36); 315(4); 330(2); 331(1); Bhakara-209 (1) ; 282 (1); Khaprahi-209 (1) , Pure Bahadur- . 333 (5); 335 (5) ; 336 (I); 338 (1) ; 340 (8); 342 (3) ; 350 (219) ; 209 (I) ; 355 (6); Birsinghpur-209 (1); Narainpur-200 (I); 355 (109); 352 (7); 364 (14); 365 (25); 369 (140); 384 (8) ; Jewain-202 (1) ; 207 (I) ; 209 (1); 350 (1) ; 369 (2); 393 (1) l 387 (5) ; 388 (160) ; 38) (4) ; 390 (2) ; 394 (12); 393 (134); 394 (2) i Kausilapur-200 (1); 209 (I) ; 230 (I) ; 272 (1) ; 333 (1) ; 399 (434) • 388 (3) ; 393 (2); Benipur-393 (I); Kalanpur-399 (1); Rural: Kamapur Saraiyan-209 (1); 399 (2) ; Bachhaul-35) (2)'; 200 (3,21) ; 202 (33); 207 (899); 209 (834); 220 (10); 230 (1); Mendhawa-207 (1); 209 (1); 399 (1); Bhojpur-200 (1); 207 (I); 2'31 (101); 233 (51); 235 (129); 255 (I); 261 (12); 265 (2); 270 (I); 209(1); 314 (I); 350 (1); Pechura-207 (4); Kaira--282 (2}'; 272 (1); 273 (176) ; 274 (15); 281 (26); 282 (35); 2BB (8); 289 (4); 369 (2) ; 399 (1); Udharanpur-231 (1); 399 (2); Amawan- 310 (1); 311 (57) ; 313 (I); 314 (36); 315 (4) ; 333 (5); 335 (5); 200 (I) ; 261 (1) ; 355 (1) ; 399 (I); Dagrara-207 (2); 338 (1) ; 336 (t) ; :m (1) ; 310 (8) ; 350 [(203) ; 355 (109) ; 362 (7) ; Gokhari-207 (2); 273 (1) ; 399 (4) ; Asainapur-207 (2); 3M (14-); 365 (22) ; 369 (140) ; 3B4 (8) ; 387 (5) ; 388 (117) ; 350 (2) ; Sarai Jagatsingh-207 (I); 311 (2); 369 (4) ; Khalsasadat- 389 (2) ; 390 (2) ; 393 (103) ; 399 hI4). 207 (5) ; Govindpur Misraiopur-200 (1); 355(1); Pure Tilakarafn- Urban: 200 (1); 202 (1) ; Pure Tikaram-393 (2); 399 (1); Shitalmau- 200 (I); 209 (1); 273 (2); 311 (1); 388 (2) ; 399 (3); Pure 200 (31) ; 205 (5) ; 207 (22) ; 209 (91) ; 216 (3); 220 (4) ; 223 (I); Har Kishun Dube-350 (1); 369 (4); Bhebhaura-207 (I) ; 226 (1) ; 231 (!); 251 (16); 271 (I) ; 273 (79); 281 (IB) ; 303 (5) ; Ajhara-200 (1) ; Ramgarh Raila-207 (1) ; 399 (2) ; Lalo_pur-:- 310 (1); 311 (4) ; 330 (2) ; 331 (1) ; 342 (3) ; 350 U6) ; 365 (3) ; 209 (I) ; 355 (2); Sanipur-209 (1) ; Pure Dma Nath-39,.9 (I) ; 388 (43) ; 389 (2) ; 39:4 (12); 393 (31); 394 (2) ; 399 (20) • Kham Sari-207 (5J; Dhoodwa Gangan-207 (1) ; 209 (1) ; 350 l>.UNDA TAHSIL (1) ; Pure Banshi-207 (2); 261 (I) ; 369 (3); Ramgarh-207

Total: (1) ; Pure Birbal-207 (1); 273 (3); Burhiapur-207 (2); 273 200 (lOb) ; 202 (10)'; 207 (320); 209 (359); 220 (7); 230 (I) ; (1); 355 (2) ; Dhiogausi-207 (3); Dhinwas-200 (2) ; 207 (4) ; 369 (6); Kalyanpur-200 (1); 207 (2); 272> (I); Pur Bara- 231 (10); 235 (98) ; 255 (1) ; 26l"{12) ; 265 (2) ; 272 (1) ; 273 (112) ; 200 (I) ; 207 (2); Dharoopur-200 (3); 207 (2) ; 261 (I); 311 281 (15); 232 (7); 289 (4); 310,(1); 311 (6); 313 (I); 314 (1) ; (2) ; 333 (1) ; (2); 355 (10) ; Harnahar-207 (2) ; 369 (2)-; 315 (4) ; 333 (4); 33B (1); 340 (8) ; 350 (116); 355 (102); 362 (6); 310 361 (14) ; 369 (81) ; 387 (5) ; 388 (56j ; 389 (2); 393 (62) ; 399 (153) • Madamai-207 (I) ; 315 (2) ; Pure Mai Sulranpur-207 (I); 209 (1) ; Kondri-209 (I) ; 369 (I); Mohammdabad Kachhar- Rural: 200 (106) ; 202 (10); 207 (320); 209 (359); 220 (7); 230 (1) ; 200 (I) ; 207 (1); 209 (\) ; Jasmenda-~07 (1) ; 209 (I) ; 3G'J (1) ; Jurapur-200 (1); 261 (1) ; 310 (I) ; Pure Janal-369 (1) ; 39~ '231 (10); 235 (9B); 255 (I); ~61 (12); 265 (2); 272 (1); 273(112); (1) ; Pure Bh1khari-207 (1) ; 355 (9) ; Majrachup (I) ; 281 (IS) i 28:: (7) ; 289 (4) ; 310 (1) ; 311 (6) ; 313 (1); 314 (1) ; Singh-~()7 369 (1); Rampur Bhanso-399 (1); Belha-207 (7); 369 (4,); ·315 (4) ; 333 (4) ; 338 (1) ; 340 (8) ; 350 (1l6) ; 355 (102) ; 362(6)' ; Balipur Katra-200 (I) ; 207 (3); 273 (2); Pan_:lari-202 (1) ; 364 (14) ; 369 (81); 387 (5) ; 388 (56) ; 389 (2) ; 393 (62) ; 399 (153) ; 207 (2~ ; Raipur Tijaen-261 (1) ; 369 (4) ; 399 (1) ; Shukulpur- Urban: 207 (1); 355 (7) j 399 (2) ; Rampur-290 (2) ; 207 (I) ; 209 (2) ;

NIL ,273 (1); 369 (8) j Anchara-281 (I) ; Pure Ram Chandra-261 (\) ; 34 cxxxvi

Number of Establishments classified by Minor Groups of Industrial Classification-Contd.

282 (1);·333(1) ; 399 (I) ; Pure B

(1); Kashipur-209 (2); 355 (2) ; 399 (I) ; Rukaiyapur-209 I Sheikhpur Ashiq-200 (1); 209 (2) i Majhilgaoo-200 (I) ; 209 (1) ; 281 (2); Rajwapur-207 (1); 20~ (1) ; 311 (1) ; 399 (1) ; (5) ; 273 (2) • 364 (2); Yajethi-200 (1) ; 350 (2) ; Paharpur

Andharipur-209 (1); 340 \ 1) ; Sundaripur-200 (1); 261 (1) ; Banqhi-200 (1) ; 399 (1) ; Raiapur-207 (1) ; 21)9 (I); 355 (I) i 369 (I); Kotharia-355 (2); 399 (1); Kandron-Z09 (1); 399 (2) ; Basahipur-207 (2); 209 (6) ; Khemipur-200 (1) ; Asthan-209 (2) ; Abdul Wahid~anj-209 (1) ; Bhaddeon 207 (1) ; 207 (1) ; 399 (1) i Pengri-209 (1) ; 399 (3) ; Tajpur-200 (I) ; 209 (3) ; 235 (4) i Shergarh-200 (1) ; 209 (3) ; 273 (1) i 355 (2) ; 3~5 (6); 369 \1); Panga-207 (1); 209 {I); 399 (1), Tri­ Sariyawan-207 (1):209 (6); Aghia-200 (I) ; 364 (2) ; Attanagar­ lochanpur-200 (1); 273 (2) ; 350 (1); 388 (2); Can Iwa- _209 (4); Kunda....,2CO (1) ; 207 (3); 209 (14) i 273 (15) ; 281 200 (1) ; 273 (1); Sherwanipur-207 (1) ; 340 (I) ; Keraodih- (1) ; 388 (7) i 393 (7) ; Kunda Tahsll-200 (2) ; :l09 (1) ; 273 (1) ; 207 It); 362 (I); Sheikh Mohammadpur-20'l (I) ; 261 (I) ; . 200 (I)' Pariyawan-209 (I); 335 (I); 355 (I) ; 355 (5); 388 (9); Mauli-207 (1) ; 209 (2) ; Chavsa-209 (2) ; Barman\ 1- , 369 (1) , 388 (3) ; Sayed Yasinpur-200 (I) ; Bazidpur 200 (1) ; 399 (1) ; Pure Shah Karamali-235(3) i 273 (2) ; 364 (2) i 388 (2) ; 0). 355 (2)' Ibrahimpur-207 (3); Alapur Chak Badre Alam-209 (1) i Panahnagar Barai--209 (1) ; 399 (1) ; Murassapur-207 (... • -200 (1) ; Singhal Uperhar-209 (2) ; 389 (I); Mohamdabad Mewai KaJan-:l09 (1) ; Alumau-200 (I) ; 209 (I) ; 399 (1) ; Uperbar-200 (I); 207 (2) ; 209 (4); 320 (1) ; 273 (2); 340 (1) ; Pir

Number of Establishments classified by Minor Groups ~f Industrial Classifi(lation-Contd.

Sarai Satbhawan Fateh-207 (I) ; Bhadganwa-2GO (Ij j 209 (2) j -2W (1) ; J:.07 (4) ; Fulpu! Mauri-Z09 (1) ; Autarpur-209 (I) j 393 (I) ; Patna-207(1) ; 209(7) ; Bhaisana-207(2); 209(1); 273(2); Karamjit Patti-207 (3) j 209 (3) ; 388 (1) ; 399 (1) ; Ramgarh Hulasgarh Khurd-209 (1) ; Dihbalai-209 (2) ; 399 (I); Raja­ Banohi-Z09 (2) ; 350 (1); Deobarpatti-200 (1) ; 207 (I) 281;

pur-Z09 (7) ; 393 (3) 399; (4) ; Aimapur Bindban-207 (2) ; 20~ (2) ; 399 (I) j Rarnd .. s Poitti-388 (1) j Teklpatti-209 (2) ; 350 (1) ; 355 (I) ; Kusha-207 (1) ; 399 (I); Raigarh-20u (1) ; 207 (l) ; Sarai Sycd Khan-Z09 (1); Biharia-209 (1) ; 399 (I); (7) ; 209 (2) ; 399 (3) ; BahoriKpur-209 (6) ; 399 (1) ; Jagapur Ibrahlmpur-289 (1) ; Jamlamau-200 ('2); Bedhan Gopalpur-200 -209 (3) ; 273 (1) ; Fatuhabad-209 (1) ; Kanawan-207 (1) ; (I) ; 209 (1) ; 255 (1); Shakardaha-200 (1) ; 273 (1) , 310 (I) ; 209 (2) ; 273 (I) ; 350 (1) ; 399 (1); Shahjamalpur-S9g (2) ; Pithipur-350 (1) ; 3!l9 (I); Samaspur Dama-207 (3) ; 273 (2) ; Tikaria BUJu,g-209 (3) ; 399 (2); NaseeruJlapur-399 (1); Dhi­ 350 (5) ; 362 (2); 3::;9 (1); lJandwa-2 '7 (~) j 350 (5); Malak kuhi-Z07 (I); 209 (2); Balhlhaamau-209 (1); 355 (1) ; Wazir­ Tilhai urj Moga\pur-~07 (S) ; 209 (2); 3SG (3) ; 399 (1) ; Namdeopur-2i3 (I) ; 362 (1) ; Aim] ]atoopur-207 (I); 3S:! (1) ; pur-200.(I) ; 209 (3) ; 388 (1) ; Aidha-200 (1) ; 209 (6) ; 273 399 (I) ; Panch Mahuwa-207(2); 282 (I) ; 350 (6); 362 (I) ; (4) ; 388 (2) ; Gogahar-2J7 (2) ; 209 (ll ; 393 (I); Utrar-Z09 386 (1) ; Dhanwasa-207 (7) ; 273 (2) ; 350 (6) ; 302 (1) • (1); Gopalpur-209 (1) ; 399 (1) ; Mahewa Malakia-209 (4) ; '273 (1) ; 399 (2) ; Chitra-399 (1) ; Rai Askaranpur-207 (3); PRATAPGARH TAHSIL 209 (2) ; 273 (2) ; 355 (1) ; 399 (2) ; Athai;a-209 (2); Pritam­ Total: pur-207 (1) ; 209 (1) ; 399 (1) ; Pure ]hau-202 (I) ; 209 (2) ; 231 (7) ; 399 (1) ; Machheha Hardopatt:-207 (I) ; Baghawait-207 200 (Ill) ; 202 (10) ; 205 (5) j 207 (366); 209 (356) ; 216 (3) ; (8) ; 209 (1) ; Ramnagar-207 (2); Pute Chirailal Man-35S (1) ; 220 (7) ; 223 (I) ; 226 (1); 231 (92); 233 (19) j 235 (8) ; 270 (I) ; 399 (2) ; Nartyanwan-207 (4) ; 209 (3); 273 (I) ,399 (1) ; Haripur 271 (J) ; 273 (1D7) ; 27+ (3) ; 281 (29); 282 (l9); 288 (1); 303 -273 (I) ; Sarai Khandeo-20u (1) ; 207 (8); 209 (2) : Shelkhpur (5) ; 310 (I) ; 3ll (20); 330 (2); 331 (I) ; 336 (1); 342 (3) ; 350 (66); 355 (I); 362 (1); 365 (10); 369 (13) j 384 (8) ; Chauras-207 (3) ; 209 (1) ; 235 (7) ; 355 (1) ; 399 (5); Kashar 3SB (54) ; 389 (2); 390 (2); 392 (12); 393 (60) ; 394 (2) ; 399 (143). -207 (6) ; Khatwara-207 (4) ; 233 (3) ; 350 (18) ; 399 (1) ; Bhawan Rural: pur-207 (11) ; 235 (19) ; 350 (4) ; 399 (2) ; Sabalgarh-200 (1); 207 (5) ; 209 (9) ; 235 (10) ; 273 (3) ; 281 (I) ; 350' (3) ; 355 (2) ; 200 (80) ; 202 (10) ; 20 7 (3H) ; 209 (265) ; 220 (3) ; 231(91) ;

j j 388 (4) ; 393 (6) ; 399 (3) ; Mahiamau-209 (1) ; Bhikra-207 (8) j 233 (3); 235 (8) ; 270 (I) ; 273 (28) 274 (3); 281 (11) 282 (19) ; 235 (15) ; 273 (4) ; 281 (3) ; 399 (3) ; Sarai Jndrawat-207 (16) ; 268 (1); 311 (16) ; 336 (I); 350 (50); 355 (I); 362 (I) ; 235 (31) ; 393 (4) ; 399 (1) ; Patiyawan--209 (1) ; Hariharpur 365 (7); 369 (13); 384 (8) : 388 (il): 390 (2) ; 393 (29) ; 399 (123) • -207 (9) ; 235 (1) ; Sarai Mahasingll-209 (2); Umari Buzurg Urban: -200 (1) ; Korrahi-202 (I); 207 (9) ; 209 (6) ; 273 (8) ; 350 (9) ; 200 (31) ; 205 (5) ; 207 (22) ; 209 (91) ; 216 (3); 220 (4-); Bhansomandar-200 (I) ; 209 (3) ; 350 (1) ; Tarapur Kandai-200 223 (1); 226 (1); 231 (1) ; 233(16); 271 (I) ; 273 (79) ; 281 (18); (1) ; 209 (1); Galgali-2G9 (1) ; 399 (1) ; Baron-200 (I) ; 207 303 (5) ; 3,0 (I) ; 311 (4) ; 330 (2) ; 331 (I) ; 342 (3) ; 350 (16) ; (2) ; 2.09 (4) ; 235 (2) ; 273 (2) ; 3J8 (I) ; 399 (3)_; RO:lf-209 (3) ; 365 (3) j 388 (43); 389 (2); 392 (12); 393 (31); 394 (2) ; 399 (20) • PureKhothai-399 (2) ; Trilokpur-209 (i.) ; Raipur-393 (I) j

399 (2); Jalalpur Baron-207 (I) j 399 (2) j Chakwar-207 (2) ; Villages: 209 (2) ; 273 (I) ; 355 (1); Fulpur Ralla-207 (2) ; 209 (2) ; Nasirpur-200 (2); 209 (I); 388 (1); 399 (I); Bhanwari- 350 (4) ; 399 (1) ; lJeobarpur-207 (3) ; Bhiti Pure_Nain-209 (3) ; 3E8 (I) ; 399 (I) ; Pmdaria-200 (1); Kishungarh-399 (1) j Ma­ khdumpur-209 (2) i 399 (2); Umar-207(1) i 350 (1); 369 II); 350 (1) ; 'fewaripur-209 (1) • 273 (1) ; 350 (1) ; 388 (1) • 399 (3) ; Kumbhi Aima-200 (I); 207 (6) ; 209 (2); 273 (3) 1 3 9 (2) ; Senldra Khargapur-350 (3) ; Kondrajit-209 (I) ; 350 (I) ; Kamolt Bir­ -207 (2); 209 (2); 311 (2); pure Bhagwat-207 (3) ; :':09 (2) j bhanplJr-209 (I) ; Deari Hardopatti-399 (3); Khargipur-399 Ku'auli-207 (2); Udaipur-207 (3) j 209 (4) ; 311 (I) , 39.~ (1) ; (I) ; Dhamanwan-399 (I) ; Barauha-200 (I) j 207 (I) ; llar? Salbahanpur-2' 0 (I) ; 207 (1) ; 388 (2); Pure Loka-207 (5) ; baspur-289 (3) ; Gogauri-207 (4) ; Mohmadpur Bar~i-209 (2) ; 311 (31 ; 399 (2) i Atheba-209 (2); Jodbepur-~OO (1) ; Murethi-209 (1) ; Alar aie-209 (I) ; Sia-200 (I) ; 350 (2) ; 399 207 (I); 209 (1); Kurnbhi Dih-207 .(1); 209 (4) ; (3) ; Pure Basi-200 (I) ; 207 (I) ; 20\l (5) ; 399 (I); Malawa 273 (I); D~ori-207 (I) ; Usmanpur-207 (1); 350 (I) ; ChhajaJpur-207 (I) ; 209 (1) ; 281 (1) ; Chhatar-207 (4); 209 Dala Patti-311 (I); Pure Todar-207 (I); Rehua Lalganj- (I) j Kharaila-209 (I); Umera Patti-350 (i) ; Umari Kotila 200(2); 209(1); 399 (2); Khanipur-209 (2); Mangapur -260 (3) ; 273 (2) ; 399 (6); Rampur-209 (3); '399 (1) ; Chhenuga -207 (5) ; 209 (2) ; JOhaflur-207 (3) ; Nanauti-207 (2); cxxxviii

Number gf E!ltablishments classified by Minor Groups of Industrial Classification-Cont

'209(1); 369(1); Rar.ki-207(ll; 209(1); 350(1); 362(1); Para­ -207 (:1); 231 (4) ; 388 (1) ; Bojhwa Basupur-209 (I) ; Katya Newada-207 (2) ; Teliyahi-200 (I) ; 209 (1) ; Chitari-200 (") ; nlpur-207(!); 399 (I); Mustafabad-200,(1); 209(1); 350 (I); Rampur Bhariyani-207 (1) ; Dandi Khas-207 (1) ; 209 (2) i Uchhapur-209 (3); 399·(1); Raha Tikar-209 (I); Narwal-399 (I) ; Chandapur-:209 (1) j Sheobojh-231 (1) ; Dih Mehandi-200 (3) ; Chahin-207 (1); 209 (2); Deoli-209 (2) ; 282 (I) ; 350 (I) ; 399 231 (18) ; 273 (3) ; 388 (1) ; Padn!lthpur-202 (I) j 231 (4) ; (2) ; Darrah-207 (1) ; Arnishankerpur-399 (2); Oripur Nauglr­ Majbwar-207 (8) ; '209 (3); Laxmanpur-273 (3) ; 311 (I) ; 399 !W7 (2) ; 399 (2); Gadiyan-350 (2) ; 399 (3); Baboopur-209 (I) ; (1) ; Kat\\arh-207 (5) ; 209 (1) ; 399 (1) ; Sindhaur-200 (2); 207 Sangipur-209 (2); 38B (2) ; Shukulpur-207 (6) ; 350 (4) ; 369 (1) ; (3) ; Kaitba Dandi-207 (I) ; Lilapur-207 (2) ; Antpur Banemau Sujakhar-207 (3) ; 209 (2) ; 273 (2) ; 399 (1) ; Gopalpur-207 (3); -:350 (I) ; Sarlliapur-202 (I); Sandwa Khas-207 (I); Kachha 209 (2); Smghgarh-209 (I) ; Kalyanpur Kalan-207 ('1.) ; -207 (4) ; Newada Muslerka-399 (1) i Daula,pur-200 (I) ; 209 (1); lJalshlhpur Grant-207 (2) ; 20} (1) ; Silaudhi Jethwara Jlriamau-200 (1) ; Ka1hwari-207 (3); Hindupur -209 (3); 399 (2); Sarua-Z07 (1); 209 (2); Deo,n Purab -2117 (I) ; 399 (2); Naubasta-207 (4) ; Hasanpur-200 (I) ; -207 (5); 399 (1) ; Deom Pachhim-207 (2) ; 399 (11 ; De\~p~~::::209 (4) ; 231 (2) ; 393 (3) ; Shahpur-200 (1); Puranpur Nnr.hoopur-231 (5) ; 273 (4) ; 399 (I) ; Saral Dalpat-207 (I) ; 209 (1);393 (4); Halakhpur Aswan-350 (I); Husainpur-209 (2) ; Kha~ll:r-207 (1) ; 231 (1) ; 311 (I) ; 3~0 (1) j Rampur Khajur 399 (I); Asawan-207 (5); '3~3 (I); 399

Nlimber of Esta ~lishments classified by Minor Groups of Industrial Classification-Contd.

311 (5); 384 (2); 393 (2); llhualpur Orila-200 (1); 207 (1) ; PRATAPGARH MUNICIPAL BOARD 350 (II ; 399 (2); Mahkani-209 (I) ; Pratapgarh Town Area- 200 (3); 207 (2) ; 209 ('~); 231 (2); 2S1 (2); 282 (4) ; 384 (2) ; I Block No. 1-205 (I) ; 233 (5): 273 (I); 2S1 (2); 350 (12) ; 39~ (4) ; 399 (2) ; Kh')')ota~hat-207 (2) ; Perbhaitamau-207 (2); 393 (2); Block No. 2-200 (2) ; ~O!t (.) ; 273 (I) ; 281 (3); Block 209 (2); Dherarna-;-209 (1) ; Pure Raiju-20!l (lj; Pure Khosai- No. 3-200 (5) ; 207 (6) ; 388 (1) j' 389 (I) ; 393(6); Block No. 5- 200 (1); 207 (2) ; 209 (4) ; 2'H (2); 281 (2); 2112 (\) ; '\{adupur- 226 (1); 233 (I) j :m (I); 3,93 (6); Block No. 7-205 (S) ; 209 (I); 399 (2); S... karauli-207 (I); K tka Bali-207 (1);209 209 (l4) j 220 (3); '65 l2} ; 392 (61; Block No. 8-273 (22) ; (2); 231 (I) ; Rarhani-207 (3) ; Pandwasi-207 (I); Rendbir- 310 (I) j 388 (13) j 393 (2); Bleck No. 9-233 (1); 388 (2) ; 399(1); Bhualpur-207 U) ; 231 (I); Rikrampur-207 (1); Pure 399 (1) ; Blocle No. 10-207 (3); 20Sl (7); 273 (30); 393 (4) ;

Lfll-350 (II) ; He khari-207 (2) ; 399 (3) ; Tikari-209 (I); Ghazi­ 3~9 (5); Block No. 11-l!00 (2); 209 (S); 311 (3) ; 3ila (8) ; pur-207 ((;) ; Pure Swamidas-209 (I); Barhawa Rhojpur-207 (2); 393 (6); 399 (2) ; Block No. 12-209 (5); 233 (1) j 281 (I) ; Hhlldohin-200 (2); Khajohri-207 (1); 201 (I); !tampur 388 (I); Block No. 14-209(1) ; 273 (2); 303 (I); Block No. 15 Mustelkll-200 (I): Moh:udn:npur-399(2); Gbatampur-209 ('); - 200 (2); 207 (1) ; 273 (3); Block No. IB-200 (4); 209 (9) ; Ratipur-209 (1); Pure C:osain-209 (1); Chll.ndpur-209 (1); mock No. 20-200 (2) ; 207 (I); 209 (I); . Block No. 21- 399 (2); Pure Dharmangal-209 (I) ; 3~0 (3); Amilaha-207 (I); 209 (3); .233 (2); %81 (1); 850 (2) ; 388 (3) ; Block Harchcrpur-200 (I) : 207 (3) ; 209 (I); Usrapur-202 (3)i No. 22-20Q (7) j 233 (2); 273 (3); 281 (I) j 303 (2) j Block Cha1.\bepur-209 (I); Kaila Kalan-271 (3); 350 (I): Kaila Khurd N). 23-207 (3) ; 281 (3) ; Block No. 2-1-200 (3); 209 (4) j 303 -202(1): Bojhi-207(1); 209(1); 350(1); Kohla-209(2); (I) ; 392 (6) ; 393 (I) ; Block No. 25-207 (3); 209 (2) ; 233 (2) ; Pure Ajmershah-30 9 (I); Bhopatpur-209 (l); 350(4); q99 (I); 303 II) ; Block No. 26-273 (4); 281 (5); Blocle No. 28-209 (5) ; Narher Patti-209 (I) ; 399 (3) ; Sahr.lua-207 (4) j 209 (f\) j 270 (1) j 273 (13) ; 388 (1); Block No. 29-22() (1) ; Block No. 30-38B (1) ; 350 (I); Shekhanpur-202 (1) ; 207 (I) ; 209 (I) ; Pabarpur 3~3 (2) ; 399 (2); Block No. 32-209 (6); 233 (2); 38B (4) ; Gajebara 209; (I) Bba"alpor 209 (1); Antpur Banemau- 393 (2) ; 399 (2) ; Bloc" No. 33-200 (9); 209 (10); :m (I) ; 200(1); 207(1); 209(2); Buapur-200(1}: 207(7};209(3); 330 (2) ; 331 (1); 342 (3); 388 (9); Block No. 34-207 (5); 393 (3) j Sarai Govindram-209 (I); Sara Raja-207 (I) ; 209(1); 209 (2); 216(3); 350 (2) : 389 (1) ; 394 (2) ; 399 (2); Block ~alani-209 (I); Sah ijanpur-209 (I); 399 (2); Hariharpur-207 (I); NJ. 35- 200 (2); 209 (3) ; 281 (I); 36S (1); 399.(5); Block Paniyari-207 (1); 209 (2) ; Akoriha-209 (I) ; Madaipur-235 (1); No. 38- 205 (I) ; 209 (3) ; 271 (1) ; 281 (I). Mandhatll-200 (2) ; 207 (I) ; 209 (I) ; Lakhupur-207 (I); 399 (21; Amaiamau-200 (1); Basupur Mandhata-207 (I) ; Harakhpur- PATTI TAHSIL

207 (1) ; Dhanipur-209 (2) ; 393 (I) j Balapur-209 (1); Barilta- Total: 207 (5); 209 (4) ; Parbatpur-207 (1); 209 (5); 350 (1); 365 (1) ; 393 (2); Sarai Naherrai-200 (I); 207 (5); 350 (1); 399 (2); 20'1 (135); 202 (61); 207 (235); 209 (210); 233 (48) ; 235 (23) ; 273 (36); 274 (12); 2B2 (9); 288 (7) ; 31l (35) ; Madhopur-207 (I) ; Newari-200 (2) ; 209 (4); 273 (2); 350 (2) ; 314 (35); 333 (1); 335 (5); 350 (37); 355 (6) ; 365 (15) ; 207 (2); Birsinghpur-209 (1); Babu Sarai-207 (I); 209 (I); 369 369 (~6) ; 388 (50); 393 (12) ; 399 (138). (I); 399 (I) ; Bachhua-209 (I) ; 233 (1) ; 399 (I) ; Sarai Bbopat- RD1'al : 200 (1) ; 365 (1) ; Sheikhpur Banipur-209 (1) ; Gamhira-233 (I);

jagdishpur-207 (1) ; 209 (2), Manehu-200 (1); Sarai Phimaen- 2)0 (135); 202 (63); 207 (235) ; 209 (2l0) ; 233 (48) ; 207 (1); 369 (1) ; Ahina-207 (I); 209 (2); 220 (I); 233 (I); 23"> (B) ; 273 (36); 274 (12) ; 2B2 (9); 2Bll (7) ; 311(35); 399 (2) ; Sarai Medirai-203 (1); Jamua-200 (1); Ramr,agar- 3a (15) ; 333 (1) : 335 (5); 350 (37); 355 (6); 365 (lS) ; 207 (2); 209 (1); Dlhkatra-209 (1) ; ehhatauna-209 (I); 365 (I) ; 369 (46) ; 388 (50) ; 393 (12); 399 (l3S) • Sarai Deoral-Z09 (2); 220 (I); Khampur-20U(I); 231 (I); Urban: 369 (I) ; Rajapur-2uO (I) ; Hansi Parji-200 (I); 209 (3); Lllaub NIL -207 (2) ; B,\ispur-231 (I); Dharampur-200 (1); 209 (2) ; Pure Chain-21,9 (3); Bairampur-200 (1) ; 207 l2) ; 20S (1); 220 (I); Villages: Kulhipur-209 (I) ; Pitaipur-'l65 (I); Majhgawan-209 (1); Gu:lru-200 (I); 207 (2) ; 209 (I); Harihar Rampur-209 (1) ; Chandoka-202 (2); 209 (I); 399 (4) ; Shahpur-209 (I) ; 365 (2); Nauapur-200 (I); 207 (I); 209 (1); Puraila-200 (I); Chak Gutauli-209 (1); Narainpur-209 (2); Pure Tilam-399 (2) ; Kharwain-207 (2): 209 (I) ; 365 (1); 399 (2); Chhatpalgllrh- Sojangsl'h-200 (1) ; 209 (5) ; 311 (1); Kandharpur-200 (2) ; 209 (1); 209 (5) ; 399 (2). 399 (4); Gsngapur-209 (2) ; Pithapur-209 (I); Mangapur-200 (3); 3S ';.lI.J

Nnmber of Establishments classified by Minor Groups of Indusatrial Classi6.cation-Contd.

209 (3); Sarai Shankar-200(2): Hathsora-209(2): 399 (3): Udaha- 399 (1) ; Kukuar-399 (1) ; Kanja Sarai Gulauni-207 (3) • Smaith 273 (1): Pure Chandi-209 (I): Satewar-209 (3) ; Aurangabad- pur-311 (6): Rampur Bela-200 (1); 207 (1); 399 (5); Chita­ 209 (1); Purah Patti-200 (1); 209 (6); Naharpur-2D9 (2) ; Pure manpur-207 (1) ; 399 (1) ; Mahroopur-207 (1); Mahin-207 (3) ; Manikanth-350 (2); Lauli Pakhata Khan-202 (1); 209 (I); Dharauli 399 (1) ; Chitaipur- 399 (3) ;~Nailrangabad-399 (1) ; Khushaha- -209(3); 235 (1); [{ampur Adharganj-2119 (1) ; Kandharpur-209(6); 399 (1) ; Raichandra. Patti-399 (1) ; Bajidpur-209 (2) ; Saifabad 27'3('1); 333 (1) ; 335 (1) • 3B8 (6) ; Barauli-307 (1); Mamooli- 200 (2) ; 20ft (2) ; 273 (3) ; 399 (1); Dhansar-.200 (1); 209 (1) ; 209 (I) ; Shankarpur-209(1); 399(1) ; Lakhipur-209 (2) ; 273 (1); Bhausaranpur-209 (1) ; Deokali-399 (1); Sandila-200 (1) • 234 350 (1); Sandaura-200 (1) ; 209 (3) ; 350 (2); Pallopur-200 (1) ; (2) ; Gahbara-207 (1) ; 233 (2); Manapur- 207 (1) ; 233 (4); 311 Bhawapur-273 (I); 311(3); Uska-207(1); 209 (4); 399(1) ; Sarauli- (2); 39J (I); Rasulpur Halderpur-399 (I); Bhanpur-311(1) ; 39:1(1); 235 (2) ; 399 (2); Bhausia-209 (I) ; Pure Mosai-239 (I); 399 (2) ; Lakhuo Dlh-2u7 (1); 399 (1) ; .l:'arbatpur Suleman-2v2 (1) ; 207 Korra-273(2); [sipur-209(1); Mandah-399(3); Bara Sarai-20 (I); (.1) ; Banpurwa-2Ul (I) ; 2i3 (2); Heend-2UO (1); 207 (4); 314 350(1); Pure Kolahal-207(2); Surajgarh lagannath-207(1); Tewari­ II) ; 393 (1); 399 (I); Auratn-2U7 (4); 233 (Z) ; :LI-l (4); Saf'aha Chhat-207 (I); Z09 (2) ; 314 (1) ; Arjunpur-2Ul (1) • Ankaripur- pur-200(1); Kar.da Madhpur-200(1);207 (I); 209 (I); 235 (I); Salhi­ 207(1); 209(1); Am"npur-201 (2). :iii(I); Bahar Patti-:474 (I); pur Kanjas-207 (I); 209 (2); 350 (1); 399 (2) ; Katari-209 (4) ; Dhandhar-207 (I) ; Z09 (2) ; 399 (I) ; Dahi-202 (I) ; 207 (Z) ; 273 (2) ; 350 (I) ; Raghu ampur-209 (1) ; Parlupur-209 (1); 399 (2); Ataraura-207 (1) ; Umardlha-314 (1) ; 399 (1) ; l';ev.ada-209 Lahuri Mahithl-207 (1); Ataraand-200(1) ! 207 (I) ; 209 (I); Koni- 207 (5) ; Deokali-2ll9 (1) ; Chaubepur 209 (1); 350 (1); Narainpuri- (2); 274 (3); Babbanpur -233 (2); Garapur Rendi-288 (1) ; 209 (2) ;3)0 (I); 399 (I); Darchbut-200 (I) ; Z09 (\) ; 3;19 (1) ; Tewarapur-399 (I); Majhg~wan-ZJj(b) ; 2tltl (I) ; Kashipur-200 Il NarslOghpur-~UU (I) ; '1.07 (3); SaraiJamulI-ZUU (I) : 207 (I) ; (I); Parhat Khas-200(1); Ch,lwan-Z 7 (1) ; Udaishahpur-20u(2); 209ll). SaIl! Kham-207 (I); 350 (Z); 399 (I) ; Mang,auriL-2U7 (3); 202 (1) ; 207 (1) ; Z09 (6) ; 233 (3) ; 273 (I) • Z88 (1); Mahuli -399 (1) ; Pithapur-Z07 (Z) ; Lakhipur-Z09 (2); Gaura Muafi. Wart Kdlan-207lZ) ; S,li;all Kdnupur-Zull(I); Barahll'ilpuI'-~UU( I);

Wart Kl,urJ-3~9 (l); Kaula Pattl-201) (1) ; Pure Bhlkha-:W7 -207(1) ; 314 (1) ; Rampur Bawariha-207(7); Behta-200 (2) ; (I) ; HhadaulJa-:LOI (I); tlhvola-2UO (I) ; Am,una-,,99 (I) ; Jalla­ 335 (3) ; 399 (6) ; Aspur Deosra-2(l0 (.1) ; ZOO (1) ; 235 (I); pur-201('l); l'alga.pur-2UlI(I); Ralya-207(-l); bhanpur-200 (3) ; Bhikhampur-314 (1); 399 (1) j Dharauli-207 (1); 209 (5); 273 (I) ; RaJa pur uewa 1'atti-399 (I); Patawan-209 (4); Phenha 314 (1) Keotali-200 (5); Ramganj-200 (5) ; 207 (3) ; 273 209 (L); Kharhar-200 (I) ; 350 (9); Tala-207 (3). Z73 (3) ; (2) 393 (2) ; Bibipur Mustarka-_99 (I) ; Sheikhanpur-207 (I) j Pa}agpur Ourasta-207 (2); 250 (2) ; Kanpa Hari-207(1) ; 350(2); 209 (1); Kopll-200 (1); Sonpura-200 (2) ; 209 (2); 399 (2) ; Dulahyapur-209 (1); Rudapur-399 (I); Maulani-209 (I); Ataura Mirpur-200 (1) ; 202 (1); 207 (1); 209 (1) ; 399 (3) ; Birahim­

Pure Pande-209 (2); ja,dishgarh-209 (3) ; Narsinghpur-Z07 pur 399 (3); Pura-200 (1) ; Nagar - 399 (~) ; Chhatauna-Z82 (I); (7) ; 350 (3) ; 399 (5); Pure Ghana-Z02 (1) ; 207 (5) ; 209 (2) ; Chaukia-207 (4) ; Banbirpur-~14 (I); Alipur-207 (5) ; 233 (3) ; Menhendia-202 (I) ; 273 (1) ; 399 (I) ; Dhooti-207 (I) ; Anapur Jagdishpur-Z07 (1); Bichhaur-200 (I) ; 207 _(2); 209 (4) ; -207 (2) ; 350 (I) ; 399 (2) ; Tardaha-209 (I) ; Sahaspur-207 Narharpur-207 (6); Birapur Khurd-207 (7) • 209 (6); 274 (3) ; (I) ; 209(1) ; Kamasin-200 (I) ; 273 (3) ; 282 (I) ; 288 (I) ; 38B 311 (5). 314 (4); 393 (2) j Basaha-Z07 (5); Dhanaupur-200 (1) ; 399(1) ; Chandua Patti-207 (I); Parihara-207 (5) ; Amahra (1); Z09 (Z) ; 314 (Z); 33i (I); Chandipur GaviDdpur-314 (1); -233 (4) ; Uraiya Dih-200 (1) ; 207 (6); 209 (4) , 273 (3) ; Garapur-314 (3); Bagheora-207 (2); 314 (2) ; Keora Ka!an-233 388 (6) ; Mahothari-207 (3); 235 (I); Pure Sukhchain-207 (I); (1) .274 (1); Keora Khurd-233 (I) ; Bhojeu au-ZU9 (1) ; Audhan­ Makara Mau Bhauma-207(4); Dhangarh Sarai Chhiolaha-207(1) ; pur-207 (2); 209 (4); Chandelaypur-207 (1); Z33 (5); Thahi­ Pure Basan-399 (2); Pahara Murar Patti-399 (I) ; Sarai Madhai pur-200 (1) ; Kooradih-207 (8); 399 (l); Satewar-207 (1) I -399(2) ; Samagora-209 (Z) ; 399 (3) ; Bi.rauti-209 (2) ; 399 (3) ; Z09 (1); 399 (I); Beejewau-209 (1) ; 399 (I) ; Pure Sanwal-399 Bahuta-273 (1); Sarai Serkhan-399 (2) ; Majhauli-399 (2) ; (I); PureCharan-399 (4); Mandah-314 (2); Gariyali-207 (I); Bisar-207 (2); 399(1); Salahpur-200 (4); 207 (2); 273 (6); 311 (Z); Sachauli 207 (1); .Daher Kalan 399 (1); Jamtali -ZOO (I) ; 388 (2) j 399 (3); Usrauli-200 (2) ; 207 (1) ; Patkhauli--399 (1) ; 207 (4) ; 209 (5); Goin 207 (3); Sondemau-207 .(1) ; 399 (1); Birapur-399 (4) ; Tbegua-Z07 (2) ; 350 (4) ; Gopalpur-350 (1) ; Kandharpur-394 (2) ·Madnamau-314 (I); ·Sisaura-207 (4) ;

399 (1) j Sarsatpu~-207 (2) ; 209 (I) ; 399 (2) ; Raipur-207(1) ; Chawpai-207 (2); Sarai Bhawani-Z33 (5); Pure Gulal-21 0 (1) ; 399 (2) ; Hoshiarpur-207(Z); 350 (I); Patti Khas-ZOO(2), 207(4); 207 (4); 209 (I); Pure Baniram-233 (3) Golapur-233 (1) ; 209 (3); 355 (2); 399(1); Bibipurw Aurin-207 (2); 209(1); Kohraon 274 (1); Sonahi-ZOO (1); 207 (3) 209 (2); 233 (4) ;

-207 (I); Raghunathpur-207 (2); 209 (1) ; 350 (2); 388 (1) ; 2.88 (11 393 (2) Pure Basude~209 (2) Bhatpurwa-207 (1) ; cxli

Numb~r of Establishments classified by Minor Groups of Industrial Clas.ification-ColJI:ld.

Khujhi Kalan-209 (3); Karanpur Khajohi-200(2); 207(1); 393(1); Gulora-209 (1); Panwarpur-209(2); Bhikhanpur-200(3) ;209 Singathi Khalsa-209(2); Jamalpur.-200(1); Sarai.Nankar-207 (11); (1l; 388 (2) ;(1) Delhupur-200 (2); 202 (1); 209 (4); 369 (1); 388 Rakah,,-200(5); 209 (I); 'l74(.); 393 (1); Nauhar Husainpur-209 (1); Tawakalpur-209 (1); Muwar Adharganj-3G9 (11); Meer­ (1); Ganai Dih-'109(1); PipariMatkarpur-209(1); Sarai Ganai-200 pur-369 (11) ; Burra-369 (9); Bhujaini-369 (8); Kahla- (1); Srinathpur-200 (2) ; Pr-mdhar Patti-200 (1) ; Dalippur-200 3S9 (5) , Bhawanigarh-202 (5) ; 388 (1) ; Sultanpur-200 (I) ; t (3); Ratanmau-200 (1); Kathar-2:l0 (6) ; Lachhipur-200 (5); 202 (6); 388 (7); Kondar Dih-202 (2); Thariya­ 209 (3); Dariyap(!r-209 (1) ; 311 (1) ; 369 (1); Balipur-200(4) ; Amanpur Berra--202 (4) ; 282 (7) ; 288W) ; Amari-202 (5) ; Jagdishpur-200 (6) ; 235(3) ; Khataopur-200 (5) ; Mana Patti- 202 (1); Chandpur--200 (2) ; Parsamau-202 (2) ; Rahetwa 209(1); 311(2); 388(1); Rajapur Kharhar-200(3); Kharhar-200 (1); Parasrampur-202 (12) ; Ramapur-200 (2) ; 202 (2); 388 (2) ; 209(1) ; 311 (1); Golapur-209 (1); Tuhipur-365 (1) ; Harnah­ Gaura PUre Badal-202 (4) ; Behdaul Kalan-200 (I); Surwa pur-3Il (2); Raini Satkhariya-365 (I) , Pure Mahanth-365 (1) ; Misirpur-200 (I); 202 (10); Masauli-202 (2)::; 388 (3); Dandupur-311 (5) ; Sarai Bh ... ",atrai-311 (2) ; Bithl!-lpur-311 Pathatia Khurd-235 (4) ; Kothara-335 (3) ; Radhwa-235 (3) ; (2) ; Manpur-20LJ (2); Rastlpur-:.!U9 (1); 288 (1) ; 365 (4); Nasirpur--365 (I), Koem-200 (1); Silaudhi-235'(3) ; Kaili Dih- Pure Golia-200 (2) ; 209 (11) ; 565 (5) ; 388 (4) ; Dariyapur-200 3BB (2); Sand-200 (1); Sawansa-314 (1); Bheet-235 (I); Mendu'l Dih-38S (1) ; Khakharpar-200 (1) ; 388 (1) ; Kaneora (1); 365(1); 388(1); Bnagipur-2u9(2); 388(8) ; Dayalpur-209(1); Pure Khushahali-200 (I); 233 (1) ; Bela-2S3 (1).

Detailed description of Industrial Code (Minor Group) number under which the Industrial Establishments are arranged in the table.

Minor Group Description as per Indian Standard No. Industrial Classification


200 ProduCtion of rice, atla, flour, etc. by milling dehusking and processing of crops and foodgraill!l 202 Production of indigenous sugar, ,ur from sugarcane or palm juice and production of candy 205 Production of bread, biscuits, cake and other bakery products 207 Production of edible fats and oil. (other than hydrogenated oil) 209 Production of other food products such as iweetmeat and condiments, muri, mUlki, .hiro, khni. cocoa, chocolate, toffee, lozenge 216 Production of ice cream 220 Manufacture of bidi 223 Manufacture of hookah tobacco 226 Manufacture of other tobacco products 230 Cotton ginning, cleaning, pressing and baling 231 Cotton spinning (other than in mills) 233 Cotton dyeing. bleaching 235 Cotton weaving in bandloolIls 255 Wool weaving in band loom 261 Dyeing and bleaching of silk 265 Printing of silk textile 270 Manufacture of carpet and all other similar type of textile preducts :m Manufacture of hosiery and other knitted fabric and garments 272 Enamelling and making of crepe lace and fringes 273 Making of textile garments including raincoats and headgear 274 Manufacture of made up textile goods except wearing apparel such as curtains, pill,?w CAses, bedding materials, mattress, textile bags 281 Manufacture of wooden furniture and fixture. cxlii

Detailed description of Industrial Code (Minor Group) numbers under which the Industrial Establishments are arranged in the table.

Minor Group Descripti.n as per Indian Standard No. Industrial Classification


282 Manutacture of struclural wooden goods (including treated timber) such as beams, postl, doon, windows 288 Marufacture of material from cork, bamboo, cane, leave~, and other allied products 289 Mar.ufaclure of other wood and allied products not covered above !l03 All types of binding, stitching, sizing and other allied work connected with binding industry 310 Curry 109, tanning and finishmg of hides and skins and preparation of finished leather 311 Manufacture of shoes and other leather footwear 313 Manufacture of leather products (except those covered by code Nos. 311, 312). such as leather upholstery, suitcases, pocket books, cigarette and key cases, purses, saddlclY, whIp and other "Itlcles 314 Repair of shoes and other leather footwear

31:) Repair o~ all other leather product! except footwear 330 Manufacture of basic industrial chemical~ such as acids. alkalis and their salts not elsewhere ,peclbed 331 Manufacture of dy~" paints, colours and varnishes 333 Manufacture of ammunition, explosives and fire works 335 Manufacture of medicines. pharmaceutical preparations, perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet preparations except !oap 336 Manufacture of soap a.d other washing and cleaning compounds 338 Manufacture of common salt 340 Manufacture of structural clay products such as bricks, tiles 342 Manufacture of lime 350 Manufacture of earthenwale and earthen pottery 355 Manufacture of earthen image, busts and slatues 362 MlAnufacturt of armaments 364 Manufacture of iron and steel furniture 365 Manufacture of brass and bell metal products 369 Manufaclllre of lundry hardwares such as G.I. pipe, v.:ire net, bolt, SClew, bucket, cutlery (This will also include the manufacture of sundry ferrous englOeenng producu done by jobbin(7 engineering concerns which cannot be classified in major groups 36, 37, 38 and 39) '" 384 Repairing aDd servicing of motor vehicles 3S7 Manufactllre and repair of air transport equipment including aeroplanes aeroengines 388 Rel'airillg of bicycles and tricycles 389 Manufacture of other transport equipment not covered above such as animal drawn and handdrew vehicles 390 Manufacture of optical instruments and lenses opthalmic goods and phot~graphic equipment aLld supplies 392 Assembling and rel-airing of watcb~s and clocks 393 Manufacture of jewellery, silverware and wares using gold and other precious metals 394 Manufacture and tUliing of musical ;Ilitruments 399 Manufacture and repair work of gcods not assignable to any other group V-APPENDIX

Gazette Notification of changes in Boundaries during the decade 1951-61

No. 2698/I-C-49-C-50-U.P. Gazette dated July 11, 1953-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section llofthe U.P. hand Revenue Act. 1901 (Act III of 1901), the Governer has been pleased to order that with effect from the date of publication of the notification the territories shown m the Schedules I to V appended below shall be deemed to have been transferred from the tahsils and districts mentioned in columns 4 and 5 to the tahsils and districts mentioned in columns 6 and 7 provided that nothing contained herein shall effect any legal proceeding pending on the date of this notification in any Revenue Court which has hither to exercised jurisdiction in respect of these territories :-

SCHEDULE I SI. Name of village Area in To be transferred from To be transferred to .A- ,-----_...... No. acres Tahsil District Taqsil District

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Unchaura 285 Patti Pratapgarh Machhli Shahr Jaunpur do 2 Bankat 423 do do do :3 Bhuswat 643 do do do do 3 Sarawan 516 do do do do do do 5 Pan war Mushtarka 427 do do 6 Sajai Kalan 1,511 do do do do 7 424 do do do do 8 Himmatpur 505 do do do do 9 Saungra 666 do do do do 10 Mandwa (Dudak) 1,208 do do do do do do 11 Mani Patti 84 do do 12 Birauti 93 do do do do 13 Muradpur 140 do do do do 14 Sarai Panwara 791 do do do do 15 Kandaria 774 do do do do 16 Darapur 87 do do do do 17 Debipur 212 do do do do

SCHEDULE IV 1 Kaserwa 927 Soraon Allahabad Patti Pratapgarh 2 Sonsarpur 423 do do do do 3 Bhagipur 439 do do do do 4 Pura Bhagi 119 do do do do 5 Madhwapur 114 do do do do 6 Mirza pur Khas 285 do do do do 7 Mithauli Kalan 41 do do do do 8 Mithauli Khurd 133 do do do do 9 Daryapur 365 do do do do 10 Todarpatti 126 do do do do 11 Bithalpur 84 do do do do 12 Rupipur 221 do do do do 13 Nari 162 do do do do 14 Pure Bashu 56 do do do do 15 Dhanhuan 451 do do do do 16 Basni Patti 71 do do do do 17 Sarai Sultan 292 do do do do 18 Babu Patti 374 do do do do cxliy

Gazette Notification of Change in Boundari~ during the decade 195161-ConcTd.

SCHEVULE lV Sl. Name of village Area in To be transferred from To be tranferred to .A. ___-. No. acres A. ----. Tahsil District Tahsil District 1 2 3 4 :> 6 7 19 Sandila 555 Soraon Allahabad Patti Pratapgarh 20 Bar Bada 420 do do do do 21 Aseypur 256 do do do do 22 Bishamid urpur 171 do do do do 23 Singhi 218 do do do do 24 Mathura 41 do do do do 25 Sarai Setari 219 do do do do 26 Jai Rampur 269 do do do do 27 Husainpur 234 do do do do 28 Pure Bhaiyaji 81 do do do do 29 Banwarpur 77 do do do do SO Dhanpur 26 do do do do 31 Tewaripur 138 do do do do 32 Dwarka 195 do do do do 33 Beerapur 85 do do do do 34 Narharpur 109 do do do do 35 Gokula 126 do do do do 36 Chaubepatti 61 do do do do 37 Manthri 241 do do do do 38 Pure Shekli 54 do do do do

SCHEDULE V 1 Deogalpur 887 Patti Pratapgarh Soraon Allahabad 2' Dharauta 677 do do do do 3 Baraipur 304 do do do do 4 Basdaiya 1,016 do do do do 5 Anidhi 335 do do do do 6 Kathwarpur Wezpur 657 do do do do 7 Basiyahi 398 do do do do 8 Karmaha 324 do do do do 9 Sisaispah 1,043 do do do do 10 Dahiyawan 599 Kunda do do do 11 Mari 515 do do do do 12 Katradayaram 613 Patti do do do No. 23/I.C-49-C-50 U.P. Gazette dated April 21, 1956-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 11 of the U.P. Land Revenue Act, 1901 (Act III of 1901), the Governer has been pleased to order that with elfect from the d ate of publication of this notification the territories shown in columns 2 of the schedule below shall be deemed to have been transferred from the tahsil and district mentioned in columns 4 and 5 to the tahsil and district mentioned in columns 6 and 7 provided that nothing contained herein shall affect any legal proceedings pending on the date of this notification in any Revenue court which has hitherto exercised jurisdiction in respect of these territories :- SCHEDULE Name of village Area in acres Tahsil District Tahsil District

2 3 4 5 6 7 I '_'l9idura 2,400 Kunda Pratapgarh Soraon Allahabad JDanialpur 139 do do 'do do By order ZAHURUL HASAN, Secretary

CaANDBA PaINtING Woa~s, ALT..D.-P. O. No.4 CENsus-1961-1,000 BooK.s.