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SPACE - A race we must win 3.88 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/21/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 97) Background Briefing – Despite COVID-19, An optimistic view of what is ahead for America. It is easy to get caught up in the current media news cycles. Admittedly, if we do not get our economy open again, America is facing the toughest economic challenge since the great depression. Unbelievably, as we face this challenge there are those leveraging to keep our free market system closed in hopes of shifting the 2020 election. Your previous briefings have covered COVID-19 and its economic impact extensively. It is during times like these when it makes sense to understand the bigger picture and celebrate how far we actually come to ending extreme world poverty? It is time to think optimistically about how quickly this can all shift toward greater economic opportunities ahead! Despite COVID-19, Rod Martin, philosopher, capitalist, innovator, and part of the “PayPal Mafia,” shares the good things happening around us today! In this week’s briefing Rod will explore some of the new innovations and opportunities that are opening up in front of us! Also, how we can continue to build on the proven principles that reduce poverty and increase wealth. Amazing things are possible if we get aligned politically, economically and spiritually! Your Mission: Despite recent economic challenges from COVID 19, your mission is to understand all the positive things that are happening and what has really been accomplished to end poverty. We need to stay the course on free markets and help others see the optimistic view of what is ahead for America and the world. “Earlier this year, for the first time ever, a majority of humanity was middle class or above. It was a slight majority, but the economic implications of that are kind of shocking.” –Rod Martin page 1 SPACE - A race we must win 3.88 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/21/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 97) Ep. 3-88 (OSINT) Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing. This includes quotes and summaries from Kevin Freeman and Rod Martin. Learn more about Rod’s background here: https:// “In the previous 20 years, a billion people have been lifted out of poverty. Here’s the rest of the good news. In the next 20 years, we’re going to lift a billion more people out of extreme poverty. Now, you got to understand our definition of extreme poverty is a dollar a day or less. You can inflation-adjust that backwards, of course, and you can see where we were. But in the year 1800, when the United States was brand spanking new, 94% of humanity lived in extreme poverty, subsisting on essentially nothing. And today we’re moving a billion people out of that every 20 years.” –Rod Martin 1. Forget the temporary doom and gloom there are good things happening around us. » Over the past 20 years, we lifted a billion people out of poverty. » In the next 20 years, we will lift a billion more from poverty. » When America started, 94% were living in extreme poverty. » As of the start of this year, for the first time ever, a slight majority of humanity is middle class or above. » We are on track to end poverty as we know it in our lifetime. » There will always be relative poverty, and always socialists that talk about income inequality. page 2 SPACE - A race we must win 3.88 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/21/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 97) “There will always be relative poverty. The socialists are always talking about income inequality. Well, how the heck do you think lifted all those people out of poverty? You were talking about PayPal. It famously went from zero to 25-million customers in our first two and a half years, which was awesome. We were the first technology pure- play IPO to succeed after the tech bust. There was a big merger with eBay and now they’re worth about $130 billion. So “yeah them.” I don’t have any stock anymore. But “yeah,” I mean, but it’s really cool. That’s not the story. In those first two and a half years, we facilitated the creation of two million small business. That’s amazing because that’s millions of lives economically improved right there!” –Rod Martin 2. Economic Growth is not consuming the planet as was feared. In fact we are using fewer resources, not more. “Ridley’s speeches (which, by the way, you should totally watch on YouTube) at the House of Lords are phenomenal. But Ridley points out in the story you’re talking about that the average Briton today is consuming only two-thirds of what they were consuming just a few years ago.” –Rod Martin page 3 SPACE - A race we must win 3.88 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/21/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 97) A look at the impact of the Smart Phone: One does not have to think really hard to understand this: An iPhone or smart phone is a great example: » An iPhone has more computing power than existed on planet Earth when we walked on the moon. Just one phone, not all of them. » How many things do you not own any more because of this? Cameras, phones, compass, files, photo albums. » You don’t need another set of files the size of a room. You could fill a room with the devices that one phone replaces. One thing. The world has many things like that. Add them all up and you realize that impact for humanity in the aggregate. In many ways we are actually consuming less of everything. A. Less Pollution → We’re polluting a lot less. → In part because of that drop, even though there are more of us, nutritional issues are going away in a big way. “We’ve got fat kids in West Africa. Whoever dreamed that could be possible?” B. Nutritional Equality → Now we are beginning to see some dramatic moves toward nutritional equality on a global basis. C. Efficient Use of Land Resources → The world is using dramatically less land to produce the same amount page 4 SPACE - A race we must win 3.88 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/21/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 97) of crops. “We expect by mid-century that a quantity of agricultural land the size of the entire nation of India will have been removed from agricultural use, even though we will have three billion more people and we will be producing that much more food.” –Rod Martin NOTE, these are long-term trends even though the Chinese CCP Coronavirus has created tremendous short-term instability. See our special report - See A Food Crisis is Coming and Why We Need to Act Now with Mitzi Perdue. [DOWNLOAD THE ECONOMIC BATTLE PLAN™ FOR THIS SPECIAL] 3. More Good news Child Poverty is at an all-time low. An AEI report by Angela Rachidi says child poverty is an all-time low. In 1980, the United States had over 10.7 million children living in poverty. By 2018, it was below 2.7 million children. In the early 1980s, 20% in poverty! This is not going back to the year 1800 levels. In the early 1980s, 20 percent of children were counted in the Meyer and Sullivan consumption-based poverty measures. The truth is, when you have creative minds set free, and a free economic system such that capital can flow where it is best utilized for solutions, the results are that fewer resources are used to solve more. So again, it was same thing with PayPal. Those two million small businesses, those people are independent. That was just in two years from 2000 to 2002. 4. The future of near-earth space and what that means. A significant Economic and positive environmental impact will literally be a world changer. Asteroids floating by near earth are worth $1.6 trillion dollars. Imagine rare earth minerals mined with no damage to rainforests, water, or the air. “Starships that are fully reusable. It’s a real ship. It’s not the junk we’ve thrown into space for, you know, my whole life and before that. It’s the real deal. And that is a page 5 SPACE - A race we must win 3.88 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/21/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 97) game changer.” –Rod Martin Fully reusable starships will shift paradigms on space travel. Rod Martin reflects on what that really means: » They’re really going to be a million people living and working in space by mid- century, maybe late mid-century. But certainly around that time they’re really are going to be a million in 50 years. » To give you an example of what that means, the United States of America had, give or take, 3 million people on July 4, 1776. So when we’re talking about a million people, we’re talking about enough to start a country almost. » And you’re going to see that because the cost differential on an Atlas V that ULA throws up there for $100- $150 million a launch. (We only know that number because Elon forced them to compete and forced transparency on pricing that they had resisted for decades.) And they’re shipping up a payload for $150 million. And Elon can do the same thing for $62 million and still make money on a Falcon 9.