SPACE - A race we must win 3.88 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/21/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 97)

Background Briefing –Despite COVID-19, An optimistic view of what is ahead for America.

It is easy to get caught up in the current media news cycles. Admittedly, if we do not get our economy open again, America is facing the toughest economic challenge since the great depression. Unbelievably, as we face this challenge there are those leveraging to keep our free market system closed in hopes of shifting the 2020 election. Your previous briefings have covered COVID-19 and its economic impact extensively. It is during times like these when it makes sense to understand the bigger picture and celebrate how far we actually come to ending extreme world poverty? It is time to think optimistically about how quickly this can all shift toward greater economic opportunities ahead!

Despite COVID-19, Rod Martin, philosopher, capitalist, innovator, and part of the “PayPal Mafia,” shares the good things happening around us today! In this week’s briefing Rod will explore some of the new innovations and opportunities that are opening up in front of us! Also, how we can continue to build on the proven principles that reduce poverty and increase wealth. Amazing things are possible if we get aligned politically, economically and spiritually! Your Mission: Despite recent economic challenges from COVID 19, your mission is to understand all the positive things that are happening and what has really been accomplished to end poverty. We need to stay the course on free markets and help others see the optimistic view of what is ahead for America and the world.

“Earlier this year, for the first time ever, a majority of humanity was middle class or above. It was a slight majority, but the economic implications of that are kind of shocking.” –Rod Martin

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Ep. 3-88 (OSINT) Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing. This includes quotes and summaries from Kevin Freeman and Rod Martin. Learn more about Rod’s background here: https://

“In the previous 20 years, a billion people have been lifted out of poverty. Here’s the rest of the good news. In the next 20 years, we’re going to lift a billion more people out of extreme poverty. Now, you got to understand our definition of extreme poverty is a dollar a day or less. You can inflation-adjust that backwards, of course, and you can see where we were. But in the year 1800, when the United States was brand spanking new, 94% of humanity lived in extreme poverty, subsisting on essentially nothing. And today we’re moving a billion people out of that every 20 years.” –Rod Martin

1. Forget the temporary doom and gloom there are good things happening around us.

» Over the past 20 years, we lifted a billion people out of poverty.

» In the next 20 years, we will lift a billion more from poverty.

» When America started, 94% were living in extreme poverty.

» As of the start of this year, for the first time ever, a slight majority of humanity is middle class or above.

» We are on track to end poverty as we know it in our lifetime.

» There will always be relative poverty, and always socialists that talk about income inequality.

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“There will always be relative poverty. The socialists are always talking about income inequality. Well, how the heck do you think lifted all those people out of poverty? You were talking about PayPal. It famously went from zero to 25-million customers in our first two and a half years, which was awesome. We were the first technology pure- play IPO to succeed after the tech bust. There was a big merger with eBay and now they’re worth about $130 billion. So “yeah them.” I don’t have any stock anymore. But “yeah,” I mean, but it’s really cool. That’s not the story. In those first two and a half years, we facilitated the creation of two million small business. That’s amazing because that’s millions of lives economically improved right there!” –Rod Martin

2. Economic Growth is not consuming the planet as was feared. In fact we are using fewer resources, not more.

“Ridley’s speeches (which, by the way, you should totally watch on YouTube) at the House of Lords are phenomenal. But Ridley points out in the story you’re talking about that the average Briton today is consuming only two-thirds of what they were consuming just a few years ago.” –Rod Martin

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A look at the impact of the Smart Phone:

One does not have to think really hard to understand this:

An iPhone or smart phone is a great example:

» An iPhone has more computing power than existed on planet Earth when we walked on the moon. Just one phone, not all of them.

» How many things do you not own any more because of this? Cameras, phones, compass, files, photo albums.

» You don’t need another set of files the size of a room. You could fill a room with the devices that one phone replaces. One thing.

The world has many things like that. Add them all up and you realize that impact for humanity in the aggregate. In many ways we are actually consuming less of everything.

A. Less Pollution

→ We’re polluting a lot less.

→ In part because of that drop, even though there are more of us, nutritional issues are going away in a big way.

“We’ve got fat kids in West Africa. Whoever dreamed that could be possible?”

B. Nutritional Equality

→ Now we are beginning to see some dramatic moves toward nutritional equality on a global basis.

C. Efficient Use of Land Resources

→ The world is using dramatically less land to produce the same amount

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of crops. “We expect by mid-century that a quantity of agricultural land the size of the entire nation of India will have been removed from agricultural use, even though we will have three billion more people and we will be producing that much more food.” –Rod Martin

NOTE, these are long-term trends even though the Chinese CCP Coronavirus has created tremendous short-term instability. See our special report - See A Food Crisis is Coming and Why We Need to Act Now with Mitzi Perdue.


3. More Good news Child Poverty is at an all-time low.

An AEI report by Angela Rachidi says child poverty is an all-time low. In 1980, the United States had over 10.7 million children living in poverty. By 2018, it was below 2.7 million children. In the early 1980s, 20% in poverty! This is not going back to the year 1800 levels. In the early 1980s, 20 percent of children were counted in the Meyer and Sullivan consumption-based poverty measures.

The truth is, when you have creative minds set free, and a free economic system such that capital can flow where it is best utilized for solutions, the results are that fewer resources are used to solve more. So again, it was same thing with PayPal. Those two million small businesses, those people are independent. That was just in two years from 2000 to 2002.

4. The future of near-earth space and what that means. A significant Economic and positive environmental impact will literally be a world changer.

Asteroids floating by near earth are worth $1.6 trillion dollars. Imagine rare earth minerals mined with no damage to rainforests, water, or the air.

“Starships that are fully reusable. It’s a real ship. It’s not the junk we’ve thrown into space for, you know, my whole life and before that. It’s the real deal. And that is a

page 5 SPACE - A race we must win 3.88 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/21/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 97) game changer.” –Rod Martin

Fully reusable starships will shift paradigms on space travel. Rod Martin reflects on what that really means:

» They’re really going to be a million people living and working in space by mid- century, maybe late mid-century. But certainly around that time they’re really are going to be a million in 50 years.

» To give you an example of what that means, the United States of America had, give or take, 3 million people on July 4, 1776. So when we’re talking about a million people, we’re talking about enough to start a country almost.

» And you’re going to see that because the cost differential on an Atlas V that ULA throws up there for $100- $150 million a launch. (We only know that number because Elon forced them to compete and forced transparency on pricing that they had resisted for decades.) And they’re shipping up a payload for $150 million. And Elon can do the same thing for $62 million and still make money on a Falcon 9.

» That’s not even a Falcon heavy, but that’s not even where he’s going because where he’s really going is that rocket in enough quantity. So you have economies of scale and in a fleet that is being reused all the time like an airplane, you could realistically in a reasonable amount of time get that number down from not $150 million, not $62 million, but about $700,000 for a launch. And the difference at the extreme means we really are going to send all these people in space. “The difference is exactly the same, I’ve done the math, as between buying a ticket to fly on a 737 to Los Angeles. And buying a 737 to fly one time to LA.” –Rod Martin

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5. Space the next frontier! Why we need to get serious with our Space Force, and make sure our politicians understand its significance. [CAUTION - China is going for it and many in NASA still believe this is all a peace mission.]

» It is about our ability to transfer through space.

» It is about protecting Satellites, communications and our GPS.

» We also need to defend things in space no one is thinking about yet.

» We need to defend commerce in space

We are at an inflection point in history liken unto 500 years ago. And so it really does matter where you’re going. Our space force is critical. If the United States does not stake out some key real estate and be able to defend it, China will own it and they will own all of us in the process.

“I’ve literally just even in the last few years had people look at me funny and say things like, well, is there really anything in space? Hey, dummy. It’s all made of the same stuff as Earth. It’s all the same. If there are rare earth minerals in China, they are on asteroids that are floating nearby. We know of one asteroid in particular that I’ve named Erebor (if you get the reference, you win the prize) that’s worth $1.6 trillion. First one to get to it? Very, very, wealthy.”

But these things are everywhere, and the moon is there, and a thousand other things. And there are some key geostrategic points you have to control. You have to control access to them in the same way that New Orleans is the most geopolitically significant spot in North America. There are key points in near Earth/Space that if you don’t control you’re ceding the future.” –Rod Martin

6. Highlights from General Kwast on what the right vision for Space means

American developed the means to deliver unlimited, clean, affordable energy to every human on the planet without power lines or terrestrial power plants.

» Provide fresh water for every human without the need for a aquifer or pipes.

» Development of a new low-cost internet that is designed to be so secure that every human can connect, share and learn with assured privacy and data safety. page 7 SPACE - A race we must win 3.88 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/21/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 97)

» Defend Earth against small asteroids like the ones that hit Russia in 2013.

» Develop a deterrence capability that will render ICBM and nuclear weapons useless relics of the past.

» Revolutionize manufacturing by acquiring and deploying resources from space and in space.

» Provide a shelter and space where we can protect and preserve people, seeds and lifesaving medicines so humanity can recover from any unexpected contamination, illness or disaster design. Defense capabilities to preserve our economy, our people, our sovereignty, and to allow our allies to defend themselves.

» Manage the eyes of hurricanes and the funnels of tornado with energy from space, instead of sacrificing American lives and reduced the life, loss of life and property due to natural disasters.

7. Things were getting better and there is a bright future ahead. Now is not the time to vote out of temporary despair.

» We need to protect our future with a space force.

» We also need to preserve free markets.

» We need moral democratic capitalism. Everybody needs the opportunity to participate. It can’t be just left to crony capitalists.

» We need real education

» We need to continue reducing regulation. That is part of how we just pulled a billion people out of poverty.

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8. We actually have to get the spiritual focus right for America’s Economic Success.

“Government doesn’t solve any problems. Government redistributes wealth from people who solve problems. We actually have to get the spiritual right, otherwise you’re always going to have people at odds with each other and it’s always going to be literal or metaphorical warfare. People need to know things are getting better, so they don’t vote in despair, thinking things are collapsing.” –Rod Martin

» So from a church perspective, yeah, we definitely have people in the church who are pushing the Frankfurt School Marxism just as plain as day.

» Today the terms are “critical race theory.” Tomorrow it’ll be other things. Black liberation theology is where they’re really going.

» Of course, is intersectionality, where you define one class of people as never needing to repent and one class of people as never being able to repent. By the way.

» We used to call that the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. That’s all intersectionality is. We rebranded the oppressed and then now we put a Christian label on it.

» And you also have to get the economic and political right, which is decentralized empowerment of individuals so that their native creativity, inborn nature is unleashed and maximized in the image of God.

“That is in fact, what America is about. We, uniquely among all mankind at the time, held these truths to be self-evident, that all men are in fact created equal, that they’re endowed not by the state, not by the Constitution, but by their Creator. With certain unalienable rights, which include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That’s who we are and that’s the vision I want to see taken to the stars. That’s what we’re competing with. By the way, the Chinese are the full-blown version of that whole social justice agenda. They’re not Frankfurt School. They’re full-on Leninists. But it is the same thing. All socialists are the same.”

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“From a longer term, more spiritual and less economic point of view, the gospel is key. The gospel says that there is no Jew or Greek, there is no slave or free. If you want racial reconciliation, if you want reconciliation between the sexes, if you want reconciliation between the nations, you need Jesus because he accomplishes all of that. That’s where I’m coming from. All this other stuff, tears asunder.” –Rod Martin

Why you should care?

→ There are proven principles that reduce poverty and increase wealth. Technology, progress, and the American spirit have changed the world.

→ We are in a spiritual war disguising itself as an economic war.

→ There is hope and significantly positive developments ahead. Voters need to stay the course for free markets vs. socialism. We shouldn’t respond to a Chinese attack by moving closer to their flawed system.

→ Free markets are helping us be more efficient and defying the naysayers as it relates to population control and world hunger.

→ There are significant opportunities for humanity in space and significant economic developments on the horizon.

→ We need to come together and get the spiritual part right. There are too many that want to create conflict for their own agendas.

→ With the CCP Coronavirus (COVID-19) there are some who want voters to vote out of despair and not see the bigger picture ahead.

→ Others need to hear this message of opportunities ahead and see what the free-market vision means to them vs. government dependence and giving up our freedoms.

In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for economic liberty. [The small ships are based on Churchill’s Operation Dynamo that rescued the British Expeditionary Forces in the Miracle of Dunkirk.] page 10 SPACE - A race we must win 3.88 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/21/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 97)

Action Steps:

1. Understand the big picture.

2. Help others understand what Moral Democratic Capitalism looks like and why everyone needs to participate in the economic breakthrough that will be coming.

3. Be prepared and ask your financial advisor how you might participate in the economic opportunity of space.

4. Be sure to read Economic Battle Plan™ 82, with General Steven Kwast if you haven’t yet done so (The Battle For Space).

5. We included this in last week’s brief, but it is critical. Be aware of the civil liberties at risk around the world and within the US as national and local politicians decide they think they know what is best for you.

6. Clean water, energy, and air do not need to be approached only from a scarcity perspective. New technologies in space can dramatically shift paradigms, political narratives, and economic agendas. Be aware of the real agendas around these topics. We all want a clean planet and healthy environment.

7. Continue to be aware of the China threat and their continued economic war. It is even bigger than COVID-19.

8. Learn more about the NSIC at and how you can weaponize your money towards liberty, your values, innovation and new technologies. Let’s keep America exceptional with our giving, spending, and investing.

9. Send this battle plan to friends and your financial advisor and ask them to sign up for our weekly battle plan updates at Be sure to catch the data and footnotes below for more documentation. We want you to have access to key information to make intelligent decisions.

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We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals:

√ Get others to sign up on our website ( and review our free weekly Economic Battle PlansTM. Each of these will address critical solutions to the threats highlighted in this briefing.

√ At our Economic War Room® website, sign up to TheBlaze for our complete weekly shows. Please use our code (ECON) from that link for a discount and FREE trial.

√ Follow, like, comment, and share on FB and Twitter. Look for short video segments on FB and make sure those are shared. We recognize these tools may be compromised at times, but if they are not filtered, they are the major platforms available to reach out to the public. [Know that alternatives to the social platforms listed above are under EWR consideration.]

√ Check out XOTV (, a new free speech video platform that Economic War Room is proud to partner with. Access is FREE but consider making a donation to EWR on that website to help with Economic War Room’s research and production costs.

√ You are welcome to share this battle plan and our short video segments with friends on FB or YouTube. We set up the Economic War Room® to be your resource for information, preparation, and mobilization.

√ Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios developed now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an economic event happens is usually too late.

√ Talk with your financial advisor as it relates to your savings/investments. Ensure your advisor understand the potential impact economic/geo-political scenarios could have on your portfolio. LOOK FOR ECONOMIC WAR ROOM’S ADVISOR AND INVESTOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSES COMING SOON.

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Shareable Quote: “Earlier this year, for the first time ever, a majority of humanity was middle class or above. It was a slight majority, but the economic implications of that are kind of shocking.” –Rod Martin (quote made prior to Covid-19 worldwide shutdown)

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room® and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment adviser. page 13 SPACE - A race we must win 3.88 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/21/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 97)

The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman (List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access Links About Rod Martin Bringing People Out of Poverty Getting More with Less The Opportunity of Space Marxism Infiltrating Churches

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

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About Rod Martin [ ] Rod Martin

The Paypal Mafia

Stratfor Worldview

[ ] What I Learned from PayPal page 14 SPACE - A race we must win 3.88 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 05/21/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 97)

The Man Who Saved Apple Isn’t The Subject Of Major Motion Pictures major-motion-pictures/#9b371ce72bb2

Rod D. Martin Hits Three Best Seller Lists with “Why It Worked” worked/47569

Rod Martin: Hope Lies In Entrepreneurs, Not Politicians

Bringing People Out of Poverty [ ] The child poverty gap by race and ethnicity has shrunk in the US

Child Poverty in the U.S. is at an All-time Low and Saying Otherwise Does Not Help American Families help-american-families

Global Extreme Poverty

[ ] Global Poverty Decline Denialism

The Decline of Extreme Poverty in Perspective

Getting More with Less [ ] Looking on the Bright Side

The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves

More Food from Less Land

We’ve just had the best decade in human history. Seriously. december-2019

[ ] Africa Needs Growth, Not Pity and Big Plans

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The Opportunity of Space [ ] SpaceX Has Starry-Eyed Ambitions for Its Starship

[ ] Getting Richer Faster Than Any Other Billionaire This Year

US Space Force logo looks like one from Star Trek

The Urgent Need for a United States Space Force

Around the World: Explorers from Magellan & Drake to Space Shuttle Shuttle.html?soid=1108762609255&aid=6fH7LG4DRV8

What the Hell Is China Doing on the Dark Side of the Moon?

Space War Threats From China, Russia Getting New U.S. Assessment u-s-assessment

World War 3 in SPACE would destroy ‘GPS, banking systems and even TV’, astro-physicists warn

[ ] China’s Quest to Dominate Space

For China, Space Is About Politics and War

[ ] Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast: Space is going to be the economy of the 21st century theeconomy-of-the-21st-century/

[ ] Steven Kwast | The Urgent Need for a U.S. Space Force

Recently Retired USAF General Makes Eyebrow Raising Claims About Advanced Space Technology raisingclaims-about-advanced-space-technology

General Says Space Force Will Get You Anywhere in an Hour Using Energy from Space hourusing-energy-from-space/

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SpaceX CEO Elon Musk explains why we need a ‘whole new architecture’ for space travel

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[ ] Earth to Earth

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Marxism Infiltrating Churches [ ] Church Voices On Socialism And Cultural Marxism marxism/#7ec4ea9f796b

How Marxist Thinking Is Seeping into the Church

Christianity and Marxism surprisingly-loth-to-condemn-their-old-adversary

[ ] Cultural Marxism In The Church – YouTube

Marxism and the Manipulation of Man

The challenge of cultural Marxism to the Church: Jerusalem 2018

Speaker at Baptist college warns that Marxist thought is creeping into SBC seminaries sbc-seminaries/#.XsM5hi_My3c

[ ] Evangelicalism’s ‘Newfound Obsession’ With Social Justice Is Threat To Gospel, John Macarthur Says macarthur-says/

LBC pastor creates network to stop SBC’s leftward drift

Conservative Baptists send message to Russell Moore, ERLC & SBC Elites sbc-elites/33975/

[ ] Social Justice and the SBC | Rod Martin

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