The Role of Phosphatidylserine in Recognition of Apoptotic Cells by Phagocytes
Cell Death and Differentiation (1998) 5, 551 ± 562 1998 Stockton Press All rights reserved 13509047/98 $12.00 Review The role of phosphatidylserine in recognition of apoptotic cells by phagocytes Valerie A. Fadok1,2, Donna L. Bratton1, S. Courtney Frasch1, epithelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells). To date, Mary L. Warner1 and Peter M. Henson1 there have been a number of receptors described for macrophages and other cells which bind to apoptotic cells 1 Department of Pediatrics, National Jewish Medical and Research Center, 1400 and mediate their uptake. These include lectin-like receptors Jackson Street, Denver, Colorado 80206 USA (Duvall et al, 1985, Dini et al, 1992; 1995; Hall et al, 1994; 2 corresponding author: tel: 1-303-398-1281 fax: 1-303-398-1381 Morris et al, 1994; Falasca et al, 1996), the vitronectin receptor email: avb3 (Savill et al, 1990; Hall et al, 1994; Hughes et al, 1997), CD36 (Savill et al, 1992), an uncharacterized phosphatidyl- Received: 15.10.97; revised: 23.3.98; accepted: 2.4.98 Edited by M. Piacentini serine-recognizing receptor (Fadok et al, 1992a,b, 1993; Pradhan et al, 1997), CD14 (Flora and Gregory 1994; Devitt et al, 1998), and scavenger receptors (Sambrano and Steinberg, Abstract 1995; Fukasawa et al, 1996; Platt et al, 1996; Murao et al, 1997). The ABC1 transporter, also involved in uptake of Exposure of phosphatidylserine on the outer leaflet of the mammalian apoptotic cells, has recently been shown to plasma membrane is a surface change common to many mediate anion transport (Luciani and Chimini, 1996; Becq et apoptotic cells.
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