DCMS 1929 Yearbook

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DCMS 1929 Yearbook iErytqrnrytr THE YEAR BOOK OF THE DETROIT COLLEGE OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY PUBLISHED BY THE CLASS OF 1930 1929 J I IIII I!' mellie-ation TO a loyal Alumnus whose name is ever linked with the growth of his A I m a Mat e r, this ERYTHROCYTE of 1929 is respectfully dedicated, Born in Detroit, February 25, IB62, educated here and in Geneva, Heidelberg and Leipsig, in his time President of the Michigan State Medi­ cal Society (' 16-'I B) , American Dermatological Association (,25-'26), Detroit Dermatological Association (first president), Detroit Academy of Medicine (' 11 -' 12), and Board of Education (' lB o' 19) ; Fellow of the A. M. A., American College of Physicians, and Detroit Academy of Medicine; Member of the State Board of Health (,13-' 19) and Public Library Commission (,25 -'31); Professor E meritus of Dermatology at the Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery, Dr. Biddle in his long and useful career has served Medicine and Humanity in brilliant fashion, J\norcftt l~· 'l@ioo!c ~N. ~., JIf. J\. Qqd. Page Thrce 1'11111 1 1I1nrrwnrll The editors present this ERYTHROCYTE "n ...... as a record of the happy days we have i!' !:: · 1 spent at The Detroit College of Medicine 1fII., and Surgery. Soon, the four walls of I:> !:: ..!O the school must give way to the four !:: 'r:; corners of the earth where we shall ;.s .. establish outposts to wage war against ~~ death and disease. '+-I . t:n OM .. May this ERYTHROCYTE, m those ..§'1 tl future days, recall to us in picture, story e> - and verse the scenes and friendships of '"...... our coll ege days. flit- .. - The Editor . ..!:;- ta Page Four Payc Fi ue An Appr~dution On bebalf of all of tbe students of tbe Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery, we, tbe senior class, tender grateful appreciation to tbe Board of Educa­ tion and to tbe City of Detroit for making possible our professional education. The college, with its wise ~ouri'l ®f ifi'lututiolt administration, its strong and enthusiastic faculty, its well-equipped laboratories, and its unparalleled clini ­ <!rUy ®f 1B~troit cal facilities, has given us a splendid opportunity for the study of the art and science of medicine. Had not this opportunity been provided so generously, most of MRS. LAURA OSBORN, Preside", us would have found it impossible to pursue a medi­ FRANK A. GORMAN, Vice-Preside", cal career. Thus, the City of Detroit has c.ontributed A. DOUGLAS JAMIESON something very real, not only to us but to the cause ANGUS McLEAN, M.D. of democracy in America, by extending the range of SAMUEL C. MUMFORD opportunity witbin tbe reacb of all wbo are able to BURT R. SHURLY, lv/.D. profit by it. It is our hope and our intention that, as JOHN H. WEBSTER loyal alumni, and as ethical members of a great and noble profession, we shall render such service as to Superintendent of Schools cause the City of Detroit to take even greater pride FRANK CODY, M.A. in the only municipal medical college in the United States. IIII EXECUTIVE STAFF Edit or-in-Chief MARION W. Jocz (N. W. FLAHERTY Associales 1E. M . ROTARIUS LN. W. TAYLOR EDITORIAL STAFF Literary Editor D. H. FINK Alwnni Edilor D. G. Ross Feature Edilor R. C. RUEG ER Humor Editor J. E. COLE Humor Assistant H. WEIDNER BUSINESS STAFF Business J.v! ana gel' F. P. RI-IOI\Dl'S Circulation lvlanager B. F. COOPER Treasurer D. F. STROHSCHEIN Mailing Editor S. BROWN fR. M. BROWN 10. R. BLANCHARD Business Assislants . ~ E. E. FRASER I H. P. SHAPIRO LL. WASSERMAN fS. E. SOMERS I E. C. SWANSON Circulation ilssistants ,J. DETAR IH. B. RICE IS. HEJNOWSKI LA. BEAM \ F. J. COUGHLIN Stenographic Assislants (H. GUNN Photoyrapher' L. BONN I!' IIIII :Y1rn-n ~1~ JP((Q)CY1flE . ~~ ~~ ~ ~ .~ PROFESSORS ~ ~ C D. AARON, M.D" Sc.D., FA.CP. GastroenterOlOgy and Dietetics t H. H. BEMIS, A.B., M.D. Physical Diagnosis { A. W. BLAIN, M.D" FA.CS. Surgery D. M. CAMPBELL, M.D., L.R.CS" F.A.CS. t Ophthalmology H. L. CLARK, A.M., M.D. ~ Bacteriology and Clinical Diagnosis .~ D. R. CLARK. M.D. Psychiatry ~ J. E. DAVIS, AM" M.D. Pathology W. M. DONALD. M.D., FA.CP. j';Jedicine *C T. HALL. D.D.S. Oral Surgery t L. T. HIRS CHMAN, M.D" FA.CS. Proctology .~ *B. R. HOOBLER, A.M" M.D. Pediatrics R. C JAMI ESON, M.D. ~ Syphilology nad Dermatology W. E. KEANE, A.M" M.D., FACS. Urology J. C KENNING. M.D. Roentgenology i G. Preventive Medicine L. KIEFER, A.M" M.D., D.P.H. ~. W. H. MACCRAKEN, M.D., FACP. ~ Pharmacology and Therapeutics Dean of the Faculty ~ • C F MCCLINTIC, A.M., M.D. • ~ Nervous and Surgical Anatomy *G. E. McKEAN , M.D., F.A.CP. Medicine ~ *W. C MARTIN, M.D. Urology • C P. MOTT, B.S" M.D. Physiological Chemistry • ~ T. L. PATTERSON, A.M., M.Sc., Ph.D. Physiology ~ ':'I. L. POLOZKER. M.D" FA.CP. Psychiatry • H. A. REYE, A.B .. M.D. Neurology and Psychiatry • ~ " W. F SEELEY, A.B" M.D" FA.CS. Obstetrics and GYl1ec'ology ~ • W. J. SEYMOUR, M.D" F.A.CS. Operative Surgery • B. R. SHURLY, B.S., M.D., F.A.CS. ~ Rhinology, Otology and Laryngology ~ W. J. STAPLETON, Ph.B., L.L.B., MD" FA.CP. • Jurisprudence, Ethics and Economics • ~ *F. B. TIBBALS, A.B., MD., F.A.CS. Jurisprudence, Ethics and Economics ~ • *I. WERNESS, A.M" M.D. }dateria Medica • B. WHIT ES IDE, B.A., Ph.D. Histology and Embryology ~ H. W. YATES, M.D., FA.CS. - Gynecology and Obstetrics ~. (We have been unable /0 pro ~ ure /hc photographs of {he professors whose .~ names (ire mar/wd with an aSfet'ish in time fol' the press.) ~ . ~ ",~~""""""",~~~"""""""'~~~~ll Page Te,1 111 11 111111, III II i' EXEUNT FIDELES ~ .~ ... ---- --.- } 1 r--~'~JP~~~ ! { ~ . ' ~ r ·~ l,l:1 f ~ .~ l~' ~ \\I:; ~ r' i~ . ~ .~ 1·->' ... •.• ' r ~ \ ,~.-_J~",,~ : .; ;~;. :;::,:::::~=~;,: } .~ SENIOR ~. II~ ®ltr ~1(ltC ~ ~ Saw our sun. like a golden gondola ~ .~ Driven swift o 'e r soft clouds by its phaeton, t Blue sky bent to earth in its motion, This, our horizon. Saw the pale, translucent, waning moon; ~ • Saw the sea grow green from its ghost ~ like light, • ~ While a gull gave vent to the omen of night ~ In its hurried flight. • Through day and night we pledge to sea rch ~ For the goal which must never be found: ~. Let our service be kindly, judgment sound, .~ That thus our race may abound . •~ PAUL M. FULLER. ~. 1I ............... ~~~~~~~~~ ...............\j 1 111 ' 111 11' ., i ~ i ~ R i R t ~ BOUGHNER, W ALTER H. ~ ~ AINSWORTH, CHARLES ~ Dclmi, Ci,y Col/ege Phi Chi t A.B" U. of M. '25 ~ Phi Chi • Presiding Junior '27 ·'2 8 • Pi Alpha Kappa Honorary Associalioll { Presiding Senior '28 -' 2 I) ~ St. Mary's Hospital Harper Hospital ~ ~ ~ ~ BROWN, REEVE MACARTHUR ~ J ASCHER, MEYER ~. Detroit City College Phi Del a Pi ~ Detroit City College ~ .~ Pi Alpha Kapp(/ Honorary Assorialioll t PI>; Lambda Kappa ~ Erythrocyte • Pi Alpha Kappa Honorary Association • Grace Hospital ~ Detroit Receiving Hospital .~ i ~ ~ BROIVN, SAMUEL M. ~ Detroit City Co{{ege ~ BENSON, GILBERT W. '23 } Phi Delta Epsilon B.Se., Purdue University • Pi Alplm Kappa Honorary Associalion •. Phi Chi Erythrocyte Receiving Hospital ~ ~ Dermi, t .~ Providence Hospi'''l ~. .~ BRUBAKER, EARL WITTEN ~ Ph.G .. B.Sc., M.P.H. ~ BERNATH, GERALD J. ~ Antioch CoUege Detroit City College t Imtructor of Pharmaco/oyy, D.C.M. 8' S. ~. Phi Del/a Epsilon A.£., Litertlry Frtltemity Historian '26-'27 Nu Sigma Nu Scribe '27 · 28 American Public Health Ass'n. ~~ Consul '28·'29 ~ ~.~ St, Lawrence Hospitat, LallSing, Mich, ~. ~ Delcoi, Receiving Hospi'''l ~ ~ COLE, JAMES E. ~ Detroit Cily College } Epsilon Phi Chi .~ BLANCHARD, JAMES A. ~. Presiding Junior ~ A.B., Albion Coffeye 'J 9 ~ .~ Presiding Senior Nu Sigmu Nu } President of Class '26-27 ~ Erythrocyte Treasurer of Class '25 · 26 F orcl Hasp; wi • Asst, in PI1ysioiogy Lab . 27 • .~ Erythrocyte-Humor Ed . ~ Chairman Interclass Relationship Commilt{'e ~. , Harper Hospi'al ~ { ~ • i . t i } 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~\i JJ"~~~ .............................. ~ ............... ~ ............... ~~"ti ~ ~ ~ .~ FLAHERTY, NORMAN W. t' Detroit City College COLEF, IRVING E. Phi Bela Pi Kalamazoo College Secretar!} '27-'28 ~ Pi Alpha Kappa HO/Jorory Associa/ioll • Plu· Delta Epsilon • J · Hop Committee Butterworth Hospital, Gd. Ropicis, Mich. Erythrocyte, Associate Ed. ~ De/mil H",iviny ila.pi",1 } COOPER, BENJAMIN F. Detroit City Coflege FRASER, ELDRED E. ~ Nt! Sigma Nu Detroit City College Vice-President Phi Rho Sigma .~ J -Hop Committee V ice-Presidelll Class ' 29 Treasurer Class '27 Bimanual Club, M. T. ~. J-Hop Committee Erythrocyte Erythrocyte-CirCt//alion Edilor Groce Hosp/wl Bimanual Club. AI. T. .~ Grace Hospital .~ FULLER, PAUL MERRILL ~ ~ B.Se .. A.B .. U. 01 Mi"o,,,i ' 24, '26 ~ COUGHLIN, FLORENCE J. Phi Beta Pi ~ De/roil City College • M. T .. Bimanual Club • Pi Alpha Kappa Honorary i\ssOCi(llioll President of Class ' 2 9 Erythrocyte ~ Erythrocyte SI. Joseph Mercy Hospital { ~l~~l.~~ l GUNN, HELEN Dovr]'z, BENJAMIN W. Y ~. A.B., Detroit City Col/ege '26 ~ B.Se. , Simmons College '2 / ~ Phi Delta Epsilon Phi Beta Pi- Associate l'vf ember ~. Treasurer '28·'29 Pi Alpha Kappa Ho/)orary Association Detroit Receiving Hospital Erythrocyte .~ Groce Hospital ~ t F INK, DAVID HAROLD GWINN, A. B. ~ A.M .. U. 01 M. '29 A.B., Albion Col/ege '29 Instructor in Sociology, U. of M. .~ Eccleclic &' Alhe/)aides Lecturer, D.T.C. Phi Beta Pi Pi Alpha Kappa Honorary Associatioll Vice'PI'(!sil/ent '27- '28 ~ En/throry/e. Literary Ed. • Pi Alpha Kappa Honorary Associalio/) • De"lroit Receiving Hospital M.T., BimaIJual Club ~ SI.
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