Cert No 12/322

Epsom 10 mile, Road race Sunday 17 November 2013, Start Time 9:30 am Under UKA rules, permit 2013-10308

A 10 mile road race starting and finishing by Downs racecourse.

The course follows a loop on the roads around Epsom and Walton Downs. From the Racecourse it travels down Langley Vale and across Headley Heath returning through Walton on the Hill and . It is undulating with most of the challenging hills, both ascents and descents, in the first 4 miles. After Headley Heath the course is fairly flat for another 3 miles before descending through Tadworth and the ‘switchback’ between miles 8 and 9 to Tattenham Corner with a gentle downhill in the last mile to the finish. The course will be well signed and marshalled with markers at every Mile and water stations at about 3.5 and 7 miles. There are prizes for the first 3 men and women plus the first in the usual veterans / masters categories plus a prize for the first male & female club teams, 3 runners to score. Every finisher will get an Epsom 10 pen plus a medal to commemorate the 50th anniversary of this event which was first run in 1963.

PRIZES Men: 1st-3rd Teams: 1st Male / 1st Female Women: 1st-3rd UKA Affiliated Clubs (3 to score on aggregate positions) 1st M40/F35 Separate team entries are not necessary. The first 3 finishers will be 1st M50/F45 counted. 1st M60/F55 1st M70/F65

RACE HQ & Changing facilities are in the weighing-in room in the imposing Queens Stand overlooking the racecourse. Entrance is from the roundabout at the top of Ashley Rd.

Because of the nature of the course and the potential weather conditions in the second half of November there will be a 2 hour time limit. We cannot guarantee marshalling or support for runners outside of 12 minutes per mile pace.

You can pre enter by post with the entry form downloadable from this site. Or on-line via the events listing on the Runners World website http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/events/

The race is organised by Epsom and Harriers and we are extremely grateful to Mantle Financial Planning for their continuing support.

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