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& Nov. 17, 197 QJ. HALL Erm. 3,541,242 - ‘ COLOR TEMPERATURE> CORRECTION CONTROLLED BY THE COLOR \ KILLER AND COLOR OSCILLATOR Filed Dec. 16, 1968 / man ¿Mmm/:F 47 4d è? ÜW/al/f „il“ 4,1m. .___15 l Y /70 v f5 y `BY ÀTTURNEY - 3,541,242 v‘United States Patent Oliice Patented Nov. 17, 1970 1 2 the amount of developed direct voltage and thereby con~ ` 3,541,242 trols the .switching of the amplifier device. Since the sig COLOR TEMPERATURE CORRECTION CON nal being rectified is of high frequency, the amount of TROLLED BY THE COLOR KILLER AND filter capacitance required is relatively low, thus permit COLOR OSCILLATOR Cyril J. Hall, Hor-gen, and René Peter, Basel, Switzerland, ting the bias circuit to present relatively 10W capacitance assignors to RCA Corporation, a corporation of Dela to the amplifier device. ware Reference is now made to the following description Filed Dec. 16, 1968, Ser. No. 783,915 taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawing in Claims priority, application Great Britain, Aug. 27, 1968, Which: 40,979/68 10 FIG. 1 is a schematic circuit diagram partially in block Int. Cl. H04n 9/48 form of a television receiver embodying the present inven U-S. Cl. 178-5.4 9 Claims tion. FIG. 2 is a schematic circuit diagram partially in block ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE form of another embodiment according to the invention. 15 Although the receiver to be described is for NTSC sig A transistor is used to switch the drive level to a color nals, the invention is applicable to other transmission kinescope between a relatively high color temperature standards such as PAL or SECAM. when receiving monochrome transmissions to a lower Referring to FIG. l an antenna 10 is coupled to the in color temperature when receiving color transmissions. put terminals of a television signal receiver. The receiver The transistor collector-to«emitter impedance is con 20 circuits 11 includes the tuner, the intermediate frequency trolled from a biasing source coupled to provide a low (LF.) amplifier, video detector and the subcarrier sound capacitive reactance to the base electrode. The source detector. The sound detector provides a sound wave for provides biasing levels under the infiuence of the color application to sound channel 12 which drives loud ‘killer circuitry. speaker 14. 25 The detected video signal is applied to the sync, AGC, This invention relates to television receivers and more deflection and high voltage circuits 15. Vertical and hori particularly to compatible color television receivers for zontal deflection signals are applied to a deflection yoke, both monochrome and color transmissions. not shown, and the necessary high voltages are generated Color television receivers that are also used for the and applied to the ultor electrode 17 of the color kine recept-ion of monochrome transmissions have to meet two 30 scope 18. conflicting requirements regarding the color temperature The composite video signal is applied by Way of a con set-up of the picture tube. For color reception the stand ductor 20 to a chroma amplifier 22 which is coupled to ard reference white corresponds to a color temperature an input of color demodulator 23. A burst amplifier 19 of 6500° K. For monochrome reception a White signal keyed by a gate pulse from the deliection and high volt that approximates that of monochrome picture tubes is 35 age circuit 15 retrieves the color synchronizing burst from desirable since. in this way the color receiver will have a the chrominance signal also applied thereto. The bursts monochrome picture similar to that provided by mono are used to synchronize the color subcarrier oscillator 35. chrome receivers. This requires a color temperature in The output of oscillator 35 is applied to a color demodula tor 23 which operates on the chrominance signals also the range of 9,\000•l0‘,000‘° K. A further advantage of a 40 high color temperature is increased light output for a applied thereto to provide color difference signals indi given beam current and a subjective improvement in con cated as the R-Y and B-Y and G-Y. trast. The D.C. components of the color difference signals It is common practice to set the color temperature to a are restored by means of synchronous clamping circuits high value (c_g., 9,300° K.) for both monochrome and 51. The circuit 51 is driven by a pulse derived from a color reception, then attempt to reduce subjectively the blanker amplifier included in the deflection and high consequent color errors in the color picture by departure voltage circuits 15. The clamp circuits 51 provide a D.C. from the normal values of the color signal amplitudes, path to ground for each of the three control electrodes for example, by reducing the relative amplitude of the of the kinescope 18. The color~difference signals are ap (G-Y) signal. A more satisfactory procedure is to switch plied to the corresponding control electrodes of the kine the color temperature between a high value for mono scope 18 by means of coupling capacitors 37, 38 and 39. chrome reception and a lower value for color reception. The demodulated video signal is also applied by way Prior color temperature switching systems employing me of the delay line, luminance driver amplifier 40, and the chanical relays, or the like, are expensive to build or affect luminance output amplifier 16 to the cathodes of the the frequency response of the video signal channel in an 55 color kinescope 18. Luminance amplifier 16 `which may undesirable manner. Y include a transistor or vacuum tube device has a load It is an object of the present invention to provide an comprising individual potentiometers or adjustable re improved color temperature switching circuit for color sistor means for each of the control electrodes desig television receivers. A color temperature switching circuit nated as R, B and G and referenced as 41, 42 and 43. Operating potential (B+) is coupled to a common embodying the invention includes an amplifier device, 60 operating as a switch, connected in the drive control cir terminal of each potentiometer 41, 42 and 43 through cuit for one or more of the electron guns associated with a resistor 44. The variable arm of each potentiometer is a color kinescope. The amplifier device is switched be« coupled to the respective cathods electrode of the kine tween “on” and “off” conditions under the control of the scope 18. B+ is also applied to the output terminal of am _ color killer circuit normally found in color television re 65 plifier 16 through an RF coil 45, a load resistor 46, and ceivers. In order that the amplifier device exhibit a low `a. series peaking coil 47, the coil 47 being returned to capacitance to the kinescope drive control circuit, the ground through the amplifier stage 16. control voltage which switches the amplifier from the “on” The junction between coil 47 and resistor 46 is coupled to the “off” conditions should be derived from a low to a terminal of another red control potentiometer 48 in capacitance source._ To this end a high frequency wave, 70 series with potentiometer 41. The junction of coil 47 and which may be derived from the color oscillator, is recti resistor 46 is also coupled to the common terminal of fied to develop a direct voltage. The color killer controls the blue and green potentiometers 42 and 43. 3,541,242 4 The terminals of the variable resistor 48 are shunted secondary circuit of transformer 53. By using the 3.58 by the collector to emitter path of transistor 50. The base megahertz reference source as a biasing supply, no ap electrode of transistor 50 has applied thereto a control preciable additional load requirements are placed on the signal whose magnitude is determined by the action or color killer circuitry 41 of the receiver. operation of a color killer circuit 9. Color killer circuit The voltage and current requirements for transistor 50 C: 9 has an output terminal coupled to an input terminal of are relatively modest and consequently a low cost transis the chroma amplifier 22. The input signal applied to the tor can be used. Due to the capacitive isolation afforded color killer circuit 9 is obtained from the output of the by the base circuit biasing source, the collector capaci burst ampliñer 19. Basically, the color killer circuit 9 tance inherent in transistor 50 is held to a low value. It serves to monitor the presence or absence of the burst sig may be noted that shunt capacity in the drive circuits of nals and will operate to disable the chrome channel 22 the kinescope undesirably affects the frequency response during a monochrome transmission. The output terminal of the luminance output amplifier 16. of the color killer circuit 9 is also coupled to a tuned pri Transformer 53 should preferably be designed to pro mary winding of a transformer 53 through a low pass fil vide low signal attenuation at the frequency of 3.58 ter network, comprising a capacitor 60 and resistors 54 megahertz and to have low primary to secondary winding and 55, which are in series with a coupling capacitor 56. capacitance. The low pass filter network also drives a diode 59. FIG. 2 shows a color temperature switching circuit A high frequency signal (3.58 mHz.) from the color which automatically reduces the magnitude of the green oscillator 35 is coupled to the transformer 53 primary and blue drives during a color transmission and in this winding through a coupling capacitor 58.