Enhancing Your Apple® Ii Volume 1
ENHANCING YOUR APPLE® II VOLUME 1 Second Edition Don Lancaster heads Synergetics, a new-age prototyping and consulting firm involved in micro applications and electronic design. He is the well-known author of the classic CMOS and TTL Cookbooks. He is one of the microcomputer pioneers, having introduced the first hobbyist integrated-circuit projects, the first sanely priced digital-electronics modules, the first low-cost TVT-1 video display terminal, the first personal computing keyboards, and lots more. Don's numerous books and articles on personal computing and electronic applications have set new standards as under standable, useful, and exciting technical writing. Don's other interests include eco logical studies, firefighting, cave exploration, bicycling, and tinaja questing. Other SAMS books by Don Lancaster include Active Filter Cookbook, CMOS Cook book, TTL Cookbook, RTL Cookbook (out of print), TVT Cookbook, Cheap Video Cookbook, Son of Cheap Video, The Hexadecimal Chronicles, The Incredible Secret Money Machine (available only from Synergetics), Don Lancaster's Micro Cookbooks Volumes 1 and 2, and Don Lancaster's Assembly Cookbook for the Apple II and lie. ENHANCING YOUR APPLE® II VOLUME 1 Second Edition by Don Lancaster Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. 4300 WEST 62ND ST. INOIANAPOLIS, INOIANA 46268 USA Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Inc., Cupertino, CA. Franklin Ace 1000 and Franklin Ace 1200 are trademarks of Franklin Computer Corp., Cherry Hill, NJ. Copyright© 1982 and 1984 by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Indianapolis, IN 46268 SECOND EDITION FIRST PRINTING-1984 All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.
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