The Future of Football in the European Union – from a Legal Point of View
The Future of Football in the European Union – from a Legal Point of View Marie Kronberg University of Passau, Germany Publicerad på Internet, (ISSN 1652–7224), 2010–10–13 Copyright © Marie Kronberg 2010. All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author. It’s often said, about one thing or the other, that if it didn’t exist, someone would invent it. This applies very much to sports, although it is clearly difficult to reason counterfactually about a phe- nomenon that so permeates the daily lives of all people. So let’s avoid imagining a world with- out sports, and restrict this speculation to a supposed introduction of sports in society in 2010. How would that work? – Like so much else today, it would probably be a project introduced from above, e.g. in Europe at EU level, with directives to member states to adopt laws that initiate and regulate this new form of entertainment. Much of what we today take for granted in terms of recreational and competitive sports would probably never come into being, such as sports where the participants might get hurt (like boxing), or where the environment might suffer (such as motor racing), or contests between nations – international competitions would most likely take the form of the Ryder Cup, extrapolated to the global level, that is to say that Europe will compete against the U.S.
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