
The The Ewing Township Police have reported that traffic violations rose drastically in the month of September. The number of violations in that month was :i20, as compared to 120 in August and 140 in July, and VOL. 96, No. 8 Trenton State College, Trenton, N .J. Friday, October 29, 1971 were especially numerous on ike Boulevard, Shop-Kite on Calhoun St., and at Cook's on Moser: Pennington ltd. The following students have been selected to appear in The Struggle Continues Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and knowing Ed Moser in a classroom Colleges. Ronald Chapman, By CAROLSTRALEV situation at TSC. Betty Greene, Gale Hiering, Also, there is the possibility Fabiene Hunter, Linda Kates, Since the history department that petitions may be circulated Teresa Kelly, Christina tenure committee has voted among the entire campus Krauss, Thomas Lanno, against dropping the rules of community. Within this petition a Nancy Lowe, Theresa Mar- secrecy involved in denying Ed statement of the Ed Moser tinac, Maxine Sample, Linda Moser tenure, concerned controversy would proeede a Sweeten. George Taweel, and students are investigating the proposal for a campus-wide Marva Wyckoff. possibilities of opening other committee consisting of students, channels to keep Moser at TSC. faculty, and administration, with One possibility is cooperating students in the majority. This with the Faculty Senate in committee would investigate the building support for Moser. Part circumstances of Ed Moser's P.I.R.G. Is Here tenure denial with the intention of of this support would consist of By PAUL GOTTLIEB affidavits attenting to Moser's keeping Moser at TSC. David Harris Actively concerned students T.S.C. P.I.R.G. has, for all teaching effectiveness, to his are sponsoring a bake sale in the intents and purposes, established active contribution to the college lobbies of Phelps, Decker, and in itself on this campus. The student community, and to the good rapport he maintains with his the HUB. All proceeds will find group (Public Interest Research David Harris: About Seeing any expenses made necessary in students. Group i, whose goal is to initiate entire , By JOSEPH MAI.IIANE These affidavits would be their work to keep Moser active and the willingness to take the action in the public interest, Just who is David Harris? Ex- signed by those students who in the process of education at consequences." conducted a meeting in Decker convict for draft resistance is one have had the opportunity of TSC. Lounge last week which was description. Husband of folk- "I believe more firmly than ever that if you don't like the attended by forty students. singer , author, and world you have to change it." The group has formed three social reformer all describe Infirmary Dispensing temporary committees David Harris. As Joan sees it, "He is a non­ Steering, to coordinate activites; A former honor student, violent revolutionary. He football player, and president of canvassing, to publicize coming believes that together we can all the student body at Standford PIRG meetings and actions; and regain our eyesight and see, not No Contraceptives University, Harris might be projects, to select priority issues through the eyes of America but considered the ideal all American through the windows of our By MARIANNE POPEK If a student should ask for for consideration. Only the boy. There is more to his souls....and only then standing Contraceptives at TSC? Don't advice in the infirmary about group's second meeting, topics biography. responsibility for (our) own bet on it. birth control, she (or he) would for P.I.R.G. cation have already He is founder of Resistance - actions can (we) begin to build a An interview with Mrs. be sent to either a private been introduced and are being "the movement dedicated to the new decent world for all men." Kathleen Pieckielniack, gynecologist through the college, investigated for further action. ultimate abolition of all things supervisor of the Informary, or to Planned Parenthood. (Of The idea is not a totally new military by way of the simple See the SIGNAL Extra for revealed two chief reasons why which there are several in the one. Initiated by Ralph Nader, refusal of cooperation with the coverage of Harris' talk. contraceptives cannot be Mercer County area - Academy the Oregon P.I.R.G. has already dispensed through the health Street, Trenton, East Trenton, services. Hamilton, and Hightstown). achieved concrete results in that First of all, it is a physical This service is free of charge, state Projects undertaken have Chimes Sponsors Literary Contest impossibility. Before any doctor and available to anyone over been in two areas: sex will administer oral con­ seventeen years of age. Upon discrimination and water In light of the collegiate categories as he wishes. Type traceptives to a girl, a full in­ interrogation, it was admitted pollut ion. traditions kept at Trenton State, written entries are preferred, but ternal examination must take I hat "a great number of our In the former, case, it has the "Chimes," our own campus neatly printed copies will be place, which requires equipment patients are T.S.C. students." acceptable. Tentative awards in found that women doing work magazine, is sponsoring its an­ and facilities that T.S.C. does not If a girl should decide to go to each category are first place commensurate with that of men, nual literary contest. To spur on have, (and unless more money is Planned Parenthood, she should competition among student prize $15.00, second prize $10.00, were receiving $4,000 less as lab allotted in the budget, will never call for an appointment, and writers, there will be cash prizes and third prize $5.00. have.) expect to spend a good two hours assistants at the University of awarded to the winning entries. All work will be judged by the Secondly, there are only two there. She will first have to fill out Oregon. Because of litigation by Three categories will be open to "Chimes" editorial board. En­ part-time doctors and six nurses a lengthy questionnaire, (kept P.I.R.G. lawyers, the women literary expression - poetry, short tries should be submitted to the servicing over 4,000 students. The confidential) undergo a series of stores (Limit - 1000 words), and "Chimes" desk in the Student infirmary is always packed tests, (blood and urine analysis) Publications Office behind TIIK GKASS BOOTS VOTE one-act plays (limit -1000 words). during doctor's hours, and it is a and an internal exam. Any full-time student may Phelps Hall between November 1 matter of putting one's priorities She will then discuss the type of enter as many times in as many and December 3. in order. contraceptive she wants to use. Don't Bogart M e "We must first deal with the All are available — the Lambda Mu Sorority in Weather This Week prevelent needs and injuries of diaphragm, intrauterine device, By DAVE WEISS cooperation with Prince our students before we can foam, and different types of the Midcontinental typhoons till On October 20, Dave Theater is sponsoring a ticket initiate a birth control program. pill. midweek. Heavy fog warnings Meiswinkle HEAD of the Rutgers sale on Oct. 18, 21, 25, 29 from It would be a good idea, and no If she decides on the Thursday and Friday in the 11-1:4)0 and 4-6 in Phelps Lobby one is against it, but it's just diaphragm, she would have to Student Government Association vicinity of the HUB. Flash and from 4-6 in Decker. The impossible." (Continued on Page 3) had a meeting with the Dean of flooding will disturb the Miss TSC ticket allows holder to view Students. contest Sunday if there is the odor movies at all Budcl Theaters at Dave declared he was of cannabis present in the Signal a 50c discount. The tickets are "dissatisfied with the school and office bathroom. Mudslides and good from date of purchase paint will destroy the coffee .IN government and would smoke a until Dec. 1972 and cost $1.00. It house Saturday. Indigestion can joint right there Which lie Did. is necessary to present student be found in the vicinity of Decker The Dean then called the ID at purchase. kJflf any time. ante authorities. Dave finished his joint and ate the Roach off he got. When the police arrived all the evidence was gone (except the f sweet smell of success). Charges 1 1 were not pressed. 11

Send your ideas on marijuana legalization to the SIGNAL, Phelps Hall 'THE C REATION Planned Parenthood Center, N. Clinton Ave. Friday, October 29,1971 TRENTON STATE COLLEGE, TRENTON. N.J. The Purging Of E d Moser threat to these people because he hostility to black studies. The Association of Black is for meaningful change. Because of Moser's work with the Students, Faculty, and Ad­ Due to the facts we have ob­ Afro-American History course ministrators views the denial of served in this case, the and the History Department's tenure to Ed Moser as a clear Association of Black Students, attitude toward black studies, the attempt to: Faculty, and Administrators a) purge the college com­ purge of Ed Moser reminds us of asks the History Deparmment to munity of those holding liberal the case of Chaney, Schwerner, review its case against Ed Moser and Goodman. His superior ideas and sentiments: and requests that the decision be b) sabotage support for black teaching ability is well-known just. We ask that Ed Moser be studies at this institution; and and is reflected in the teacher granted tenure. c> perpetuate academic evaluations. Both black faculty The Association of Black and students are aware of this, mediocrity. Students. Faculty and Ed Moser is one of the few and we can only conclude that the Administrators while professors who has made decision to eliminate an excellent any effort to work with and for teacher "is both irresponsible and black people on campus. Con­ irrational. sequently he stands virtually This institution must face the alone in having the trust of black reality that changes are im­ P.I.R.G. Is Here folks at Trenton State. Black minent. Changes that must be (Continued from Page 1) dealt with openly, directly, and students and faculty have found received a $4,000 raise plus $4,000 that he goes far beyond rhetoric, honestly. The denial of tenure to in reparations. giving significantly of his time Ed Moser is a step backwards. In the case concerning water and energy. Moser has forced students, both Part of his efforts has gone black and white, to stop and pollution, a large paper company toward working to include black consider what is going on in the was polluting an Oregon river studies in the curriculum world. This is the most important between 2 and G a.m . Testing for development of the college. It is function of a teacher. pollution by the office of En­ because of his work with black Let us stop deluding ourselves vironmental Quality proved studies and the direct action that and deal directly with the facts. ineffective, as they were testing The charges against Moser were he took to implement the Afro- only every other day and at 11 American History II course for trumped up. We think this is a.m. Tipped off by a custodian's the spring semester of 1971 that obvious to anyone who has wife, students along with he was purged from the History examined the case carefully. At scientists hired by the state-wide Department. The History issue are Ed Moser's views which dear editor P.I.R.G. tested the water over a Department, composed by and differ from the basically con­ servative views of the History 4-month period during the hours thai the Chairman has no control large of reactionaries and ultra- Department. Moser poses a of 2 and 6 in the morning. TIIK 'IMtOBI.KM' over his department, llow could conservatives, is known for its OK HOMOSEXUALITY Mr. Murray give her four "A's" Oregon P.I.R.G. is currently Editor. (Excellent Work) and give her prosecuting not only the paper I object to the way Maryann a "B" (AIM)VC Av erage) in the company but the Office of En­ Bird handled the subject of course? Job or Education vironmental Quality for being homosexuality in her otherwise 1 would like to thank Mr. negligent in its duties. enlightening article about Murray- without inconsistencies By KARENKLORKK And so, although there is Problems similar to these exist Trenton State Prison. Should the like his we wouldn't be kept on Open any magazine, watch any enough work to be done, the lack right here in the surrounding "problem" of homosexuality be our toes which is a necessary of available funds prevents the commercial, fill out any job area and state. Rat control in discussed in the same manner as trait for dealing with a world full application - you'll find out one school from giving this form of Trenton and pollution of the that of rats? This is insulting to of Mr. Murrays'. thing - "to get a good job you need financial assistance to many Delaware River, although dif­ homosexuals. The article simply And, in addition. I w ould like to a good education." Advertisers students. As Mr. Brake put it reinforced in the minds of many thank Dr. Levin, last year's have rammed this fact down the "We've got more to do, and less ferent types of problems, are readers that to be a homosexual Chairman of the English throats of American college to do it with then ever before." ones which students might attack is to be a criminal. Society must Department, for his indifference students ever since they found Anyone is eligible to apply for effectively with a state-wide deal with these criminals. to injustices within his depart­ out they were running out of jobs these jobs. Grades are not con­ organization like Perhaps extermination (as with ment. We. may not educate, but to give their graduates. sidered at all. The applicant must P.I.R.G. But to be effective and rats) would solve the "problem." things will run smoothly, eh. Well, obviously, the originators show financial need, however. given the fact that it is a student The Signal is obviously a Chairman? of that catchy phrase made a Before applying for a job, the proponent of popular causes. It is financed and controlled P S. If I were able to sign this, syntactical error. It should read student must have an interview time lor the paper to do some organization, Trenton State there would be no reason to write "to get a good education you need with either Janet Veach or competent and unbiased P.I.R.G. does need student help it. a job." Ironic, isn't it? But true - Evelyn Richardson. They must reporting and educating of an Future meetings will be an­ educational costs are rising with also fill Out a Parents Con­ unpopular cause, that of equal Dear Miss Gibbons. no end in sight. And at the same fidential Statement. Then, if nounced for all interested rights lor homosexuals. Can you please tell me the time, jobs are becoming nearly students. GAY (Continued on Page 3) significance of "Merlin's Cave," impossible to obtain. Trenton an article that appears in our Slate has its own little "em­ To the Kditor and newspaper? If y ou are looking for ployment agency" in the Per­ Maryann Bird. space to fill why not ask for some sonnel Office of Green Hall. Homosexuality is a problem creative writings from the Edward Brake, Director of only because this screwed-up English classes. Students Affairs, runs the society says it is. The problem is This article is not only "agency." not with homosexuals, but with ridiculous and juvenile, but I At present, there are two ineffective and incompetent don't think it very considerate of programs: The College Work MAUREEN E. GIBBONS, Editor journalists and prison ad­ you to allow such trash to be Study Program, and the Student MARYANN E. BIRD, Associate ministrators. printed when some 5400 college Campus Employment Program. I.. S. DAVID WEISS, Managing Editor students are subject to read it. The CWSP consists of off- STANISLAW SIERAKOWSKI, JR., Copy Please take some action on the campus jobs only; these openings Dear Kditor. matter. Thank you. are in the Mercer County and Editing I would like to describe to the "Devoted Header" New Jersey state offices located Ann Trivigno, Fred Heyer News (Name withheld upon request) students of Trenton State one in downtown Trenton. This John (Tilt) Meyers Feature incident involving Professor program is federally funded, but Bob Detnmerle, Debbie Pressley Sports Thomas Murray of the English Dear Editor, at present these funds are Olga Serediuk Department. This is an answer to the person somewhat limited. As a matter of Graphics A particular student upon who was afraid to sign his or her fact, they're so limited that they Rev. David Toscano Photo having Mr. Murray for a second name to a letter about ecology. I don't exist. This could make it a Kathy Meyer Signal Extra semester (her first semester don't see anything embarrassing little hard on the guy who pays Management having received an "A") was the wages, so, for the time being, about the subject. I see the Linda Steepy Advertising required lor the course, as all in there are no positions open. subject as a disgusting one and Marge Prewitt Business his class were, to hand in four The SCEP offers various on- one in which a person can find Denny Brown Circulation papers-topics of which he would campus jobs to full-time many disappointments as well as Terri Gencarelli Exchange assign, lie stated that lack of students. The types of available Bobbie Meisner class participation and cuts personal satisfactions. jobs in this program are Typing would not effect the final grade. It's disgusting in the sense that dependent upon the various NEWS WRITERS: N alini Ka ushik. E liz. Stephenson, Paul G ottlieb This particular student handed everybody writes letters about it, departments of the school. There SPORTS WRITERS: M arva Wyckott Halina No wak, To m Fi tzpatrick. Ronald J. Ra tti, Gr eg Heck in her four papers and earned but when it comes time to pull is a certain number of jobs in FEATURE WRITERS: Mark Richie. Arne Bioder. Leslie P eckerman. David H ipschman, Jim Riddle lour "A's." However, she something off, no one wants to each department: the depart­ ARTISTS: St eve Patton. Dave Gil mour PHOTOGRAPHERS: Glenn B elkin, JoeWasko, Mike Butkas. Jett Lawlor received a "B" from the course! help. I know from experience. ment head decides exactly what When she questioned Mr. Murray the jobs will be. The SCEP is AD ASSISTANTS: Ni nfa Buganti. Robbin Chapnick The example being last year. PROOFREADERS: G ary Co rbi about this he said that since she funded by the state. And, you If you want to try and do received an "A" last sehester, guessed it! Again, no money. At The Signal is a weekly publication published something this year, I will be she figured she wouldn't have to present, the program is funded at for and by TSC day students; paid for more than glad to help. Contact work so hard for this semester. the same level as it was five through Student Activities Fee. Other This student went to the me at the Radio Station WTSR years ago. Enrollment and wages subscriptions: $5.00 \ EXT. 2420. If I'm not there, leave Chariman of the English have been increasing steadily Nadine Schwartz Advisoi Department and he replied that a message as to where I can get over the past five years, but for Arthur Steinman Photo Consultan there was nothing he could do in touch with you. That applies to some unknown reason, the state Frank Albanese Printei about it. It seems unusual to me (Continued on Pnge 5) of N.J. hasn't seemed to notice. Page 3 Friday, October 29, 1971 TRENTON STATE COLLEGE, TRENTON, N.J. What's In A Name? Ask The Good Doctor By TILT MEYER Dear Dr. Kkalo. I have a very on his job at the Helene Fuld real problem. Every time I Hospital in Italy and noticed the Recently a book was published, whose hero was Trick E. Dixon. Phillip Roth, the masturbate I nearly rip my psychic phenomenon of the author, attacks everything and anything President Nixon is or has done. crotch apart, but that's not my reprojecting luminations of his problem. I am really into myopic eyes, busily searching On our campus today, there are John F. Kennedy used his old Harvard for cheating on a beastiality and this crocodile each other out. Spanish exam. many Nixon detractors who'll man's dough lo blilz many state keeps timing us while we make My qua inferrence to this adopt this book as their new Bible primaries, after a quiescent tour If Richard Nixon had left a love. Also, I am constantly "thisness" theory is in fact and will undoubtedly preach its in the Senate as a lazy girl- young lady drown in questionable bothered by young boys followed directly related to the Blockian gospel for years to come. watching Senator whose only circumstances the roar would be by fairies. mechanic theory of Pound's Nixon is by no means a great known position on most issues heard from Maine to San Ever bleeding yours. theory and great love for president. But I had to wonder was to be absent for roll-call. Clemente. The man named Nixon Captain Hook Scranton, Pa. The "thisness applies to Pound's perception of that public feelings would have Brother Robert's credentials would be grilled for coming out Dear Mr. Hook. Am I to un­ confusion in relating Scranton been if a President named were a stint with Joe McCarthy alive without the girl. derstand that you as a common street pervert want me to and Cantos in one Blockian Kennedy - any first name will do - and his brotherly D. A. ap­ Yet a donkey by another name comment and help you out by Gestalt and in his inability to had m anaged to accomplish the pointment. He was afraid of just looks handsome and binds giving my illustrious opinion? pronounce a sibilant s President Johnson until he saw his time and money for the '72 following by tpe end of his third You gotta be nuts. Its guys like produced truly magnificent and election. year in office. Kugene McCarthy having suc­ you that cause the crime rates to brilliant qua poetry, known as the -Take a costly war, which two cess in his campaign. As for any issues involving go up. I just took the bicycle away Cantos. Poetry qua poetry is not administrations had escalated And now the latest of the late controversy, Edward Kennedy Irom my daughter for the very poetic to everyone. Neither is into a full-scale war, and whittled blooming Kennedy's, Senator will stand up as soon as he's same reason. Why, the very idea brown (sic). The Good Doctor it down with a possible end in Edward is biding his time so that learned which side of the issue is of peddling her ass around town! sight. A feat other ad­ he won't, as his father said after popular. Don't write again. He changes press agents like Fed Up ministrations didn't even bother John Kennedy's election, "spend Ed. Note. "Ask the good Dear Dr. Kkalo. I love to cons ider or attempt. any more than needed to win." John Lindsay changes political doctor," a column of gratuitous pleasure. This is not the problem, - Who imposed the most far- Mr. Nixon has been viewed parties. neo-medical semblence, will but the fact that every time 1 go with more contempt for having A favorite Nixon joke is: Would appear subsequentially in the reaching governmental controls for it I'm called a fucking male you buy a car from him? SIGNAL. Readers are invited to since FDR to deal with an in­ been an eager, but incompetent, chauvinist (married) pig with a On the other fender, would you submit questions to Dr. Michael flation which ran unchecked for football player at Whittle kid. Ekalo, D.D.T. c-o the SIGNAL, College, than Edward Kennedy ride in a car with Edward Ken­ Tom Brillo loo long. Phelps Hall. Students desiring has for being expelled from nedy? - Tried to improve relations Dear Richie Fredette. I personal appointments may also with China and Russia by sending suggest going to a women's leave their names and numbers an emissary to each and planning liberation meeting dressed up as at the SIGNAL office in the Good TNTe^ws to visit said countries. Previously a male gymnast. Dr.'s envelope. The Good Doctor the closest any president had Views Dear Dr. Ekalo. Recently I come to being in either, was only Reviews have finished reading your in an aircraft at 30,000 feet. brilliant, highly nugatory article The most If President By TILT MEYER published in the scholarly journal Meaningful Semester — Kennedy had done these things "Neue Zietschrift von Welt- Sound Scope. his vociferous followers would be haw music, to Jesus music and schmerz," entitled "The Effects If you're a Blood, Sweat and you'll ever spend... asking to rename the Empire throw in some neat rock. They of the Music of Ernst Toch on the Tear fan, their latest (B. S. & T .; State Building, to paint the never touch down in to one next Denizens of the Berlin Zoo, or could be the one on 4 Columbia) is right up your "Toch to the Animals." Golden Gate Irish Green and or bag long enough to establish or alley. B.S.&T; 4 finally redeems What puzzled me, Doctor, was carve a notch in Mt. Rushmore reestablish any image. World Campus Afloat the promise displayed in their your inferrence (qua inferrence) for him after changing South Some albums just crawl into Sailing Feb. 1972 to Afric a and the Orient first album. Musically its the BST to the "thisness" theory of Duns Dakota's name to Kennedy. your inner sound track and roll on Scotus in relation to your Through a transfer format, more than 5.000 at their normal superb level of Just look at.all the high schools, hours after you've turned your magnificent proof that Ezra students from 450 campuses have participated performance in the sound field for a semester in this unique program in inter­ bridges, public buildings and stereo set off. However Byrd- Pound's great work is really they created and still lead after 4 national education. memorials dedicated lo the maniax is like drinking water, entitled the "Scrantos,"only that WCA wi ll broaden your horizons , literally and Kennedy name after 1,000 days in albums. it's tasteless and as soon as Pound never could pronounce a figuratively ... and give yo u a bett er chance to The album is well produced and sibilant "s." Please explain. make it—meaningfully-i n this changing world. office for one, and another being you've put the glass down you've You'll study at sea with an experienced cos­ the arrangements are complex Arne Buddha appointed D. A. by his brother. forgotten what you drank. mopolitan faculty, and then during port stops but full of drive. A1 Kooper's you'll study the wor ld itself. You 'll discove r tha t President Kennedy and Jackie For you die-hard Byrd fans at Dear Arne Buddha. It's so nice arrangement of John the Baptist no matter how f oreign and far away, you have a got more press coverage when TSC you'll enjoy their fantasy on to have an educated scholar lot in commo n with people of other lands and Steve Katz's Valentine's Day they went to Hyannis Port for the death and the bomb in "Tunnel of reading some of my foremost WCA isn't as expensive as you might think; give the versatile nine man band we've done our best to bring it within reach of weekend, than Nixon's an­ Love" and Roger McGuinn's accomplishments. I th ank you for most college students. Write today for free a chance to display their in­ nouncement of his plans to visit ballad, "Kathleen's Song". The the pleasure of letting me answer details. strumental dexterity and variety. Russia. album covers merits mention as your impressive and highly TEACHERS: Summer travel with credit for teach­ The BST have recharged elucidating question. Imagine the skepticism and it depicts the Byrds in metal life ers and administrators. themselves after their disap­ It is well known, that Ezra criticism a President named masks. Maybe you Byrd fans pointing BST4- :,h, AND AGAIN Pound did have trouble with the 0*0* Write Today to; Nixon would receive if he had: could fill me in; the masks are jT-- Chapman College. DO THEIR THING LIKE NO sibilant "s" and the application - Backed an invasion of Cuba, beyond me. of Duns Scotus' "thisness" theory \53ziP Box CC 26, Orange , California 92666 ONE CAN. only to have it fail. is highly applicable. Just very The Byrds are back but they -- Sent an increasing number of recently. I t alked with Mr. Pound seem to have lost their sense of men to fight a war in Southeast sound direction. They fly around Asia. Contraceptives from Fifties rock and country he- •-CONTRACEPTIVES - Had appointed his brother D. (Continued from Page 1) A. If someone named Nixon had Job O r E ducation? return lo have it fitted; all other contraceptives are given, free of |p rivately? done those things he won't be able (Continued from Page 2) lo get tenure at TSC let alone charge, on the first visit. possible, the student will be given Upon decision of using the pill We believe your private life should be your own. And when it become chairman of the comes to buying contraceptives, the hassle in a crowded drug­ a job. the doctor will prescribe one for a department. store isn't exactly private. So we've made it possible for you to These requirements apply to month, and then the patient get nonprescription contraceptives through the mail. With the right wing upset at all jobs with the exception of would have to come back. We specialize in men's contraceptives and we offer two of the most him, meaning he's had a good cafeteria work. Applications of If there are no problems or exciting ones available anywhere-Fetherllte and NuForm condoms. They're better than anything you can get in a drugstore. Imported three years, his popularity isn't this type must be made through disorders, a three month supply from Britain, they're lighter, thinner, more exciting to use; and doing well. the food service, and not the will be given and after that, six precision manufacturing and testing techniques make them as re­ liable as any condom anywhere. Made by LR1. world's largest manu­ While the latest Kennedy college. month supplies will be continued facturer of men's contraceptives. Fetherlite (the best) and NuForm not only conform to exacting USFDA specifications, bfct a re made charge, Edward, is leading the It's too bad that this program for as long as the patient wishes lo British Government Standard 3704 a s well We think you'll like or as long as the doctor feels it is Democratic Polls. can't be more successful. It's them hard enough to get a job, but it s safe. A male can go to Planned Our Illustrated brochure tells you all about Fetherllte and To be elected president, Nixon NuForm. And about seven other American brands which we have virtually impossible to get a job if Parenthood for condoms or a carefully selected irom the more than one hundred kinds available had to pull some strings and vasectomy, but the association is today. And we explain the diflerences. you're a student. We also have nonprescription foam for women and a wide make some promises, even using No employer is willing to work utilized mainly by females. variety of books and pamphlets' on birth control, sex. population, the Southern Strategy. out a schedule that revolves Should a girl suspect and ecology. Want more information? It's free. Just send us your name and Presumably he'll never change around the students' CLASSES. pregnancy, she can undergo a address. Better still, for one dollar we'll send you all the Informa­ tion plus two Fetherllte samples and one NuForm. For four dollars for the better, unless his name is The college could offer a pregnancy test at Planned you'll get the brochuie plus three each of five different condom Kennedy. In which case he'd put perfect solution to this problem, Parenthood. This costs a slight brands (including both Imports). All correspondence and merchan­ dise is shipped in a plain cover to protect your privacy, and we Clark Kent to shame with his fast but, without money it can't do a fee at the most $10, based on a guarantee your money back if y ou're not satisfied with our products. Why wait? change. thing. sliding scale of what stage of poverty-strickness one is in. POPULATION PLANNING ASSOC. Box 2556 -U, Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514 U 164 If the test is positive and an Gentlemen: Please send me: __ Your free brochure and price abortion is desired, it will be arranged with a clinic in N Y C., list at no obligation. Three samples for fl Deluxe MIKE'S and averages about $125.00. (The sampler package for $4. infirmary will also arrange lor Will Deliver 7 to 11 P.M. the pregnancy test and abortion Name — in , should the patient Address MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 882-5084 not want lo go to Planned City State Zip_ Parenthood.) Friday. October 29,197! Page 4 TRENTON STATE COLLEGE. TRENTON, N.J. Worden Wins Tomatoes Compete For Title Right To Vote Court Case


"I've always been interested in politics," said Tom Worden, a TSC freshman who was denied his right to vote from his campus residence by the Ewing Municipal Clerk. The ensuing court case resulted in a far reaching decision by Judge Frank Kingfield allowing almost all college students to register to vote.

"We were told that students couldn't vote here, but con­ stitutionally could vote anywhere MAUREEN SIERADSKI PENNY ANN GEORGE KATHY REGAN MARIE MCLAUGHLIN we resided", said Worden.

"It was planned that I would be turned away, Worden stated "After I was refused we con tacted a lawyer, Gerald Stock­ man. He accepted the case and we went to court." Worden said that although he was confident of winning the case he was extremely nervous, especially when he was on the stand, testifying. Outside of a minor traffic violation he had never been in court before. "Winning the court case, as I saw it, was only the beginning, we marshalled all our forces to get students to register. We had thousands of leaflets printed — we even drove eligible students to the clerk's offices so they could register." Worden found that many SUSAN DOBOSZ JANETSTUTZ eligible students were disin­ LINDA SUPEL terested:

"We were at Rider College for two days trying to get students to register. Many students there hadn't even heard of the case, and some that did know of it didn't understand exactly what it meant." He was disappointed with the amount of people who did register. According to his estimates there should have been more. "I believe that with more help we could have had more people registered."

Worden stated that his main interest in life is resolving con­ flicts between people, which might explain why he is majoring in Psychology.

I The experience, he said, has GAY ROWLAND LYDIA FABBRO changed his life. "It seems like ANGELA CASTALDO an anti-climax: fighting for something so hard and then going back to college life for awhile. This experience has opened up my eyes. There is so much to be M tun done both on and off campus

Need Help? i We will help any woman regardless of race, religion, age or financial status We do not moralize, but merely help women obtain qualified Doctors for abortions, if this it r what they desire Please do not delay, an early abortion is more simple and less costly, and can be performed on an out patient basis.

215 878-5800 Woman'* Mtdical Aaalalanca HELEN COHEN LISA TOMASULO 8 AM-10 PM—7 DAYS KETCHUP BOTTLE A NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION Page 5 Friday, October 29, 1971 TRENTON STATE COLLEGE, TRENTON, N.J. Pageant Ends "Fall Weekend" The Grateful Dead By DENNIS ARDELL Twelve semi-finalists have Theatre. At 9 p.m.. the "We The A float parade is listed for 10:30 O lovely beauty queens of Philug, Gamma Sigmo, Beta been selected to participate in the People" improvisational group on Saturday '(,

McCARTER THEATRE and WPRB present 91 Heinz Lose This Time? (Continued Jfrom® Page ?2) all else who want to try and do The least known contestant in this year's Miss Trenton something about the mess on this State College pageant is the pert, 14 ounce candidate campus. sponsored by everyone's favorite newspaper, the Ralph E. Fahringer SIGNAL. or Anonymous Standing a mere 8V4 inches tall, our candidate, Heinz Ketchup Bottle, is the child of the H. J. Heinz Company of Dear Editor. of Pittsburgh, Pa. A junior agronomy major with a minor in A group of students are getting Extra Added Show: SATURDAY, NOV. 13 at 11 pm together to discuss the philosophy (Sorry—8 pm Show SOLD OUT) home economics, Ketchup is made from red ripe TI1-KFT<; 54 05 4 50 3 50 & 2 50. Now at McCarter Theatre bo* olhce. Princeton of Ayn Rand, author of The tomatoes, natural sweetener, distilled vinegar, salt, (Manfofde^s?oMcCar?er Theatre. Fountainhead. Atlas Shrugged, stamped, salt-addressed envelope ) PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED u>us) onions and spices. and The Virtue of Selfishness. A fam iliar figure on the TSC campus for many years, We will meet on campus, on the Ketchup is often seen in the HUB or in the Union and is first Thursday of every month at reportedly very popular in both campus cafeterias. a mutually convenient time, In the six months since we've opened, A1 Jon's in Ketchup's extra-curricular activities include mem­ under the guidance of Prof. Allan Ewing has sold over 16,000 subs. Come over and bership on the college track team. Gotthelf of the Philosophy "Ketchup around here is really runny,' one fellow Department. The group, which see what we're doing right. track star told the SIGNAL during a recent interview in will be kept small, consists of students who have some the HUB snack bar. Like the ideal American beauty, Ketchup has never familiarity with Ayn Rand's ideas, and a serious desire to been heard to utter a word against the American political learn more. and economic structure or in favor of pot or premarital The first meeting will be S6X Thursday, Nov. 4th at 7:30 p.m. in Although well liked by administrators and faculty the library room N-218. Anyone members as well as students, Ketchup has never been interested in participating may thought of as outstandingly intelligent. (In fact, Mr. contact me at my home: 298-3524. Heinz' little Ketchup has sometimes been described as James R. Knapic "downright thick.") # v . . Despite a slim, well-proportioned appearance, Ketchup For W hat I t's W orth Bottle has a real interest in food, and tends to be seen By JEFFCALLAHAN most often with hamburgers and french fires. On Wednesday, October 20, Present this submarine at The SIGNAL is sponsoring Ketchup Bottle because 1971, there was no soap in the Ketchup is truly in the American tradition. Losers in this dishwashing machine. The dishes AL JON'S #4 country always win sooner or later, as Richard Ni were run through anyway and Phelps Cafeteria students ate off Olden & Parkway Ewing, N.J. our ow n beloved president, has illustrated. of the plates and utensils on We believe it is time for Heinz' Ketchup s moment in Call-in Orders 883-7017 Wednesday evening and 3 and 6 foot sizes available the sun. National ads have for too long proclaimed throughout the rest of the week. Heinz loses. The SIGNAL appeals to all students to help change this image by writing in Heinz Ketchup B Miss TS(^ Heinz Ketchup deserves to win. Don't let them kick this tomato around any more. „ , . ,m witu THE 1687 And remember, Richard Nixon loves Ketchup-with his cottage cheese. Such is the American way. . (Students desiring to campaign for Ketchup Bottle should contact Mr. Jeff Clark.) BARBER SHOP 1687 Pennington Rd. Rick Fiorl, Prop. Free Hours • Information, A80R7/ON Tues. thru Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Counselling, Referrals^NG%M^jg^f Closed Mondays For conf idential qndWw^^J^^ personal help call (212)838 0710 ANY AND ALL STYLES j£g£gfeii /ACMCE FOR WOMEN, INC._ Friday, October 29, Page 6 TRENTON STATE COLLEGE. TRENTON, N.J. 1971 Hockey Teams Keep Winning By MARVA WYCKOFF Gridders Rally For First Win On Tuesday, October 19th, Trenton's Varsity and JV field were stopped by an interception By TOM KIT/PATRICK version. hockey teams each added at the goal line. The Gothics tried Jersey City State came into the Trenton took the lead again another victory to their to kick out of trouble, but again game with a perfect 4-0 mark and with 9:21 left in the third quarter respective team records. The scrappy Hoppock got his hands were 16 point favorites to cage as freshman Bob Pullen went 2 Varsity women exhibited their on the ball and returned the poor the Lions with another loss. yards for the score. Grubb again tough competitive spirit while However Trenton State, playing added the conversion. Following kick 12 yards to fifteen. Dietz away at Montclair State College its first home game in over a the kickoff, TSC came right back fired a pass to Jack Muldowney when they downed the home team month, came from behind to as Bruce Naszimento scored which gave the Lions a first and 4-0. Kathy Mitton, Trenton's notch its first victory, 26-21, over twice - once ona 27 yard end goal, but the stubborn TSC leading scorer, netted three the Gothics. sweep and again on a 64 yard defense held TSC on downs. goals. The fourth TSC score was The Lions scored midway in the swing pass from Gary Lavelle. After two frustrating attempts made by freshman forward Pat first quarter on a 3 yard keeper The Gothics led 21-14 now. to score, one might think that the Fithian. by Eric Dietz, to cap an 11 play, On the last play of the third Lions would fall apart, but they Harriers Split The JV team followed suit by 63 yard drive. Paul Grubb made quarter, Chris Patterson broke got the ball again and proceeded defeating Montclair's second it 7-0 with the extra point. The through and blocked a Gothic downfield. John (0. J.) Reynolds B.v GREG IIKCK team 1-0. The only game score Gothics tied it up shortly before punt. Ron Hoppock then picked scampered 29 yards for a score was made by sophomore inner Trenton State's cross country halftimc as fullback Tom Den­ up the loose ball and went to the on a reverse play, which Central Lynne Miller. team defeated Rider on Tuesday ning cracked over from the two Jersey City fifteen, but the Lions Connecticut had burned the Lions at the Lions' home course. It took and Ray Bohn booted the con­ with twice the week before. A bad TSC's JV women exhibited a full team effort to beat a vastly snap caused Grubb to miss the their talents again on Thursday improved Rider team though, but conversion and Jersey City led, when they hosted Princeton the Lions came through. Fresh­ 21-20, with just a little over 5 University's Varsity team. At man George Milligan once again minutes to play. that time, the Lions defeated a paced the victors. The tough TSC defense again newly formed Tiger team 1-0. The Lions ran into a tough held and the Lions got the ball on Kathy Strang netted the lone goal Paterson team on Thursday. The their own 39 yardline with 4:19 for the game during the first half TSC harriers gave a tremendous left on the clock. This time it took of play. effort but the hills of Garret but one play, a Dietz to Ed Following the Lion-Tiger Mountain were just too much. Burrows pass over the middle. game, Trenton's fourth team Paterson took the first three Burrows broke two tackles and hosted Monmouth College. This places. Trenton followed with the went 61 yards for the TD. A two years TSC's forth team is com­ next five, but it wasn't good point conversion attempt failed. posed entirely of freshmen. The enough. A great deal happened in the girls played a tough game led by This was a tough loss for Coach final four minutes. The Gothics their coach Mrs. Doris Meyer, Rick McCorkle. The coach at were forced to punt to Trenton but bowed to the visiting Mon­ Paterson was a former TSC with 3:02 left. On the first play the mouth women 0-2. harrier and assistant coach to Lions fumbled and Jersey City McCorkle, Dean Shonts. had the ball a mere 20 yards from Four 'N etted' V ictories The Lions' next meet will beat the goal. They moved to the seven By M. IIALINA NOWAK the Albany Invitational this before All-Conference cor- The girl's tennis team still Saturday. They will be facing nerback Doug O'Connell made a remains undefeated, having just some of the finest schools in the diving interception in the endzone swept four straight victories. New England area and this will TSC's Eric Dietz, partially hidden by referee, gets set to to save the game. In the October 11 game, also help prepare them for the release the ball while Jersey City defenders close in on There were many heroes for Villanova was at the mercy of the upcoming Championship meets. the Lion Q-back. We won, 26-21. (Photo by JOE WASKO) the Lions. Eric Dietz had his Lioncttes. Villanova came out of finest day as he completed 14 of the game scoreless, losing to 24 passes for 175 yards. Dietz had TSC, 6-0. In the singles event, very capable receivers in Jack Denny Allan, Peggy Priestly, Pat Muldowney and Ed Burrows, who Mattos, and Sandy Carracio between them grabbed 9 passes finished with the scores of (6-1, 6- for 150 yards. Keeping the run­ Harris' Little Lion Gridders Growl 0), (6-2, 6-2), (6-1,6-1), and (6-1, 6- ning game strong were Tony 0), respectively. In the doubles laniero, Bob Pullen and John By IIKBBIK PRESS LEY event Meg Henkle and Susie Fox Harris; and split-ends Bob Lloyd Dave Hodson. Bogosian. There are a lot of freshmen on swept their set (6-1,6-0) as did and Terry Sliker. Key men on Besides Glassboro, the Lion Defensively, there were in­ the varsity football team this Barb Cook and Karen Goracy (6- defense include Jim Andrews; frosh will be playing Jersey City, terceptions by Chuck Harshoney year. Of c ourse one of the biggest 0, 6-0.) Ben Brown, a linebacker and (Continued on Page 7) and Mike Ciccotelli, as well as the problems with the team, besides The girls pulled an upset vic­ game saver by O'Connell. The its record, is its overall lack of tory over the University of Penn. defensive line was outstanding, experience. Mr. Stan Harris feels on October 13. Penn defeated TSC especially Chris Patterson, Ron that while the freshmen, along last year and was picked an easy Hoppock, and Leo Kozlowski. with the upperclassmen, are favorite this year. TSC pulled This Saturday's game taking their lumps this year, TSC through with Denny Allan win­ highlights Fall Weekend; the could have something going for ning the first match, 7-5, 7-5, in opposition is Montclair State. the next few years to come if the singles event after losing the Last year, the Indians scalped these same players will come out first game. Pat Mattos won her the Lions, 47-0. Bob Salois really for the varsity again. All the mathc, 7-5, 6-4, losing the first wants this game bad, as do all the signs say so. game, 4-6; while Peggy Priestly Lions, so come on out and support Stan Harris is the assistant to ran into a bit of bad luck losing, 6- the team as TSC bids for another the Dean of Students; he is also 1, 6-2. upset. Remember, anything is thefreshmen football coach. possible! The Lionettes handed Bryn Trenton State has not been able to (Continued on Page 7) field a freshmen football squad since 1965, when Harris himself was a freshman That club had a 3-1 record. And as of this writing, the 1971 frosh gridders have won their first game played this season, shat­ tering the Glassboro yearlings, COOK'S 19-0, (a second good sign). TSC's Little All-American 1510 Pennington Road talked about the freshmen squad and the expectant outlook for future varsity teams. We have things you want for college, and "Primarily, the frosh team was we hope we can be a help to you. started to give the freshmen more game time and experience. Freshmen Football Coach - STAN HARRIS (Photo bv There are many freshmen on the MIKE BUTKUS) y varsity but some of them see Poster board little action," he said. "We manned a frosh squad so that oil kinds of markers they could play. If these boys Halloween Cards all kinds of notebooks don't play when they're freshmen all kinds of binders and sophomores, then we can't expect them to play against And Things and lots of other things really good teams when they're & juniors and seniors." Harris, a native Trentonian, Q The Robbins Pharmacy & Gifts Notions lauded the running game of his 2108 Pennington Rd. entire frosh team. Some of the 2 blocks North o f Greeting Cards standouts mentioned included Campus-next to 7-1 1 Eric Dietz, quarterback; half­ backs John Bogosian and Dave *rr>-p-^r7r

•in /nn Movie, "Henry V", flims shown in Kendall lU/2o Theatre at 4:00, 6:00, and 8:00 p.m., on Tuesdays. No admission charge. Ranked NCE Nips Lions, 2 to 1 Merin Studios will have two representatives in Phelps Hall Lobby from 10 a .m. to 5:30 By BON RATTI realized that one mistake could score still tied at 1-1. p.m. As (he last few seconds ticked very well cost the game, but the Newark's Fabio Hortedo got off to end the game, the Trenton play in the final period was by no credit for his second goal of the "We the People," improvisational group. Slate soccer team slowly walked means conservative. Both squads game when he cleanly beat 10/27 Rhodora Theatre, 9 p.m. off the field; all the spirit the tried to break the deadlock and Trenton's Tony Kauffman from Swimming exemption test, Q-S. Lions had displayed during the with just two minutes remaining about 25 feet out just minutes into Merin Studios will have two representatives game was gone now. The battle in the game, Roco Krusulic, the the overtime period. Trenton had in Phelps Hall Lobby from 10 a .m. to 5:30 was over and the powerful NCE goalie, robbed Steve Gorrie one last good chance to get the tie p.m. Newark College of Engineering of a goal with a great falling save. but the NCE goalie, who was out Seal meeting, 1972 edition, at the same time had nipped a strong TSC team in And with less than a minute to go, of position, recovered quickly to photographers will meet, 7 p.m. overtime by the score of 2-1. Tony Armenti was pulled down rob Vinnie Scitarelli. With that Registration for Billiards and Table Tennis From the very start, it was while he was on a clear breakway final stop, Trenton's second loss Tournaments. 9—3 p.m. Student Activities plain to see that both'teams were by an NCE defenseman. of the season was sealed. TSC's Office. record is now 6-2. going to fight to win this big Regulation time ended with the •Psych Club Meeting CB 403 game. Tony Armenti, a surprise starter, gave the Lions an early We the lead when he scored on a penalty •«n /nn " People," "Bill Gibson the Coat of shot at the start of the first 1U/2o Arms," Rhodora Theatre. Students 25c, quarter. NCE mounted several other $2, only two tickets per ID, 8 p.m. good drives during the opening Hockey: at East Stroudsburg; 2:30 p.m. quarter but some excellent Tennis (Women's); at East Stroudsburg; goaltending by Tony Kauffman 2:30 p.m. prevented them from scoring. Registration for Billiards and Tabble NCE and TSC battled to a Tennis Tournaments 9-3 p.m. Student standstill for most of the second Activities Office. quarter until Eabio Hortado scored to tie the game at 1-1. And in /on Concert, "Grass Roots," "Illusion," and / "Stark Naked" at Packer Hall. Students, $2 that's how the first half ended. . IU ZD As the third quarter with ID, All other $3, 8 p.m. Soccer: at University of North Carolina; 3 progressed, it appeared that co- captain Bob Fisher's fine play in p.m. Cross Country: Albany Invitational the field might spark the team, Registration for Billiards and Table Tennis and to some extent it did, but Tournaments. 9-3 p.m. Student Activities Trenton just couldn't get the big SOUTHWARD BOUND: Mike Perrone, Bob Baggaley, Office. break or the big goal During the and Bill Nowak, (I. to r.), along with Mel Schmid's other close of the third quarter the play soccer standouts, will be in action this weekend when the Football: Montclair; 1:30 p.m. began to get rough and Trenton's Lions roar into the Tarheel State. TSC takes on the 10/30 Soccer: at Duke; 1:00 p.m. Bill Nowak was involved in University of North Carolina today at 3:00, and on Cross Country: Albany Invitational several scraps with several NCE Safurdaji, Lions face Duke. Photo by MIKE BUTKUS Float Parade, 10:30 players. Nowak, despite his Ice Cream Festival, with "Life USA,' fighting, was a standout on Decker Dining Hall 9 p.m. defense for the Lions. » Team Effort P aces Lion Victory The teams went into the fourth Miss TSC PagBam, K^all HaU; 8 P-ITL *1. quarter tied at 1-all. Both teams In the final quarter, Steve 10/31 The Trenton State Lions, Gorrie clinched the victory when sparked by a fine all around team 11/1 Tennis (Women's): at Drexel; 4 p.m. he scored with a hard, straight performance, shutout William shot. Toriy Kauffman made a Tennis Team Paterson last Wednesday by a Volleyball: at Paterson; 2:30 p.m. total of 18 saves for Trenton. (Continued from Page 6) score of 2-0. Dave Billings scored 11/2 Hockey: at Paterson; 2:30 p.m. Mawr a 3-2 defeat on October 19. what proved to be the winning Soccer: Montclair; 2:30 p.m. Denny Allan wound up taking the goal as he beat Harold Leek, the SOCCER. AREA STANDINGS singles event, 6-3, 6-1; as did Pat Paterson goaltender, from close 1. Penn 11/3 Cross Country: at NJSCAC; 2:30 p.m. Mattos with the score of, 7-5, 6-3. in. Both Tony Kauffman and 2. Penn State Still going strong in the doubles Paterson's Leek made crucial 3. NCE event, Peg Henkle and Susie Fox saves to keep their ball clubs in .4. Elizabethtown swept Bryn Mawr, 7-5, 6-2. the game. 5. Phil. Textile It seems that the old grapevine MIKE' Bob Fisher. Don Angelini, Mike 6. West Chester is at work again. Cheyney didn't 7. East Stroudsburg show up for the October 21 match Perrone, and Mark Abboud Will Deliver 7 to 11 P.M. 8. St. Joseph's against TSC. They probably played outstanding defense and MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 882-5084 heard how tough the girls are and consistently fed their forwards 9. TRENTON STATE decided to bow out. TSC was with crisp, accurate passes. 10. Pittsburgh therefore awarded the win. The team now boasts a record of six wins and no losses. The next game is slated for October 25 against West Chester, while the last home game will be played against Temple on Oc­ For the BEST BUY coll.... tober 26. If you haven't supported I he girls as of yet at home, you will have one last chance at the Temple game. Harris' Gridders (Continued from Page 6) STEREO SOUND Montclair, Paterson and perhaps Bose Kenwood Dual some local prep schools. Advent AR Sansui And just for the record, Sony Teac Trenton's freshmen lost to the Revox Altec Dynaco Princeton University frosh in a KLH scrimmage by only one touch­ (JUST TO NAME A FEW) Garrard down, (a third good sign). The Little Lions were playing without six of their top men too, who are starters for the varsity. (Thank 3-DAY DELIVERY you, Gary Schnorbus) FULL W ARRANTY So while the young varsity football team is having its problems THIS year, it has one hig asset - it IS young, (a fourth or Tom (5 -7 p.m.) good sign). And with a pretty Check PricesOur st«e 00.12 P.m.) good freshmen team, (a fifth Rood sign), it won't be long before call 452-7770 921-2555 o varsity Lion squad finally puts it all together and starts winning consistently. All the signs say GO! Friday, October 29,1971 Page 8 TRENTON STATE COLLEGE, TRENTON, N.J.

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