517 Abstract—Eggs of the Argentine an- choita (Engraulis anchoita) are very Seasonal and regional variation in egg size of the abundant and frequently collected in research ichthyoplankton tows along Argentine anchoita (Engraulis anchoita) in the the southern–southeastern Brazilian southeastern Brazilian Bight coast. The commercial exploitation of Argentine anchoita has also recently begun in southern Brazil. Therefore, Jana M. del Favero (contact author)1,3 there is a need for a better under- Mario Katsuragawa1 standing of the population structure Fabricio S. C. Oliveira2 and dynamics of this species in or- 1 der to manage the fishery for this Nayara C. Tannure species. Our objective was to deter- M. L. Zani-Teixeira1 mine seasonal and regional variabil- Jefferson T. Turner3 ity in the size of eggs of Argentine anchoita in the southeastern Brazil- Email address for contact author:
[email protected] ian Bight (SBB). Because there are no physical barriers in the ocean, 1 defining stock limits for fish popula- Instituto Oceanográfico tions is difficult, particularly for a Universidade de São Paulo semimigratory species such as the Praça do Oceanográfico, 191 Argentine anchoita. Eggs from the 05508-120, São Paulo, SP, Brazil south of the SBB were larger than 2 Instituto de Oceanografia those from the north, indicating that Universidade Federal do Rio Grande eggs from the northern Santa Marta Avenida Itália km 8 Cape region probably belong to the 96203-900, Rio Grande, RS, Brazil bonaerense stock. Also, eggs collected 3 School for Marine Science and Technology during the winter were larger than University of Massachusetts Dartmouth those collected during the summer.