Observations by the Editor Gloom and Doom Dr. David R. Reagan Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in be- The Lamplighter lieving, so that you will abound in is published bi-monthly hope by the power of the Holy by Lamb & Lion Ministries Spirit (Romans 15:13). Mailing Address: received a message recently from a P.O. Box 919 McKinney, TX 75070 Igentleman who wrote to complain about our publishing too many negative Telephone: 972/736-3567 Email:
[email protected] articles. He suggested that we write more Website: www.lamblion.com about hope. b b b b b b b b b I was surprised by his complaint be- Chairman of the Board: cause each of our staff members who Mark Strickland write for this magazine always try to end Dr. David R. Reagan Founder & Senior Evangelist: our articles with an assurance of hope. Believers even have the hope of escape Dr. David R. Reagan We have done that consistently since the from this steadily darkening world of im- Chief Operating Officer: beginning of the ministry in 1980. morality and violence. That hope is called Rachel Houck the Rapture of the Church, which will occur What has changed is that in the de- before the Great Tribulation begins. Yes, Associate Evangelist: cade of the 80s, we would usually con- Tim Moore Church Age believers — both the living and clude any article about our nation by the dead — will be taken off this planet Internet Evangelist: pointing the reader to 2 Chronicles 7:14, Nathan Jones before God begins pouring out His wrath on asking them to pray for a spiritual revival the world’s rebellious nations.