NewsU & Chpt 10 quiz – 20 points Name: ______Pd: ____ Use today’s front of The Desert Sun to answer 1-11 1. This sample page does not have a a. flag b. pull quote c. sidebar d. jumpline 2. Which style in “The Desert Sun” in? a. Oldstyle Roman b. Text c. Novelty d. Square 3. Does this page follow modular format? a. Completely b. Mostly c. Not at all 4. The story copy blocks are what alignment? a. flush left b. flush right c. centered d. justified 5. Which element shows dominance on this page? a. rock picture b. READY TO ROCK headline c. Desert Sun title d. red color ad at bottom 6. Comparing the “Ready to Rock” vs. “Red Flag” headlines, which contrast is NOT used? a. size b. form c. weight d. direction 7. If “Ready to Rock” was a single line that ran into the “Fla. market” headline, it would be which common mistake? a. tombstoning b. orpan c. widow d. bad break 8. The ‘T’ ‘h’ ‘D’ and ‘S’ in “The Desert Sun” are called a. ascenders b. c. d. 9. What does The BluePrint use that this paper does not? a. spot color b. gutters c. drop caps d. flag 10. The ad at the bottom of the page shows contrast of a. form b. grouping c. color d. direction 11. The same font used for three headlines shows a. contrast b. balance c. consistency d. unity ------12. There are ______points in an . a. 6 b. 10 c. 12 d. 20 13. According to the sidebar from the Chapter 10 of Journalism Today, the average range for body copy is a. 9-12 pt b. 18-30 pt c. 30-72 pt d. 80-110 pt. 14. A broadsheet-sized newspaper is a. 8.5 x 11” b. 14” x 22” c. 17” x 11” d. 11” x 11” 15. Which one of these would be considered Oldstyle Roman? a. Arial - abcABC12345 b. Georgia - abcABC12345 c. Comic Sans - abcABC12345 d. Century Gothic - abcABC12345 16. What is the white space between lines called (you would use it to create double spacing)? a. baseline b. c. d. tombstoning 17. This type of contrast refers to the density, or thickness, of the letters a. size b. proportion c. weight d. form

18. What would NewsU say that the problem is for this headline: Stud ents ace q uiz a. rewrite headline b. fix the kerning c. make font bigger d. make it 19. A headline which is turned 90 degrees would follow the contrast principle of a. direction b. grouping c. color d. form 20. Which of these is not a basic principle of design (according to Journalism Today)? a. repetition b. contrast c. dominance d. proportion 21. (e.c) The first commercialized font, developed in 1530: a. Courier b. Garamond c. d. Times 22. (e.c.) The first newspaper in the world: a. The Hartford Courant b. Relation (Strasbourg) c. The Times (London) d. The Sun (New York)

. Multiple Choice: The first newspaper was published in Click for more options Points:1 Extra Credit Question The first newspaper was published in Answer 1509 Selected 1609 1709 1809 . Multiple Choice: The first commericalized font, develo... Click for more options Points:1 Extra Credit Question The first commericalized font, developed in 1530 Answer Courier Selected Garamond Helvetica Times Multiple Choice: This type of contrast refers to the d... 6. Multiple Choice: This type of contrast refers to the d... Click for more options Points:2 Question This type of contrast refers to the density, or thickness, of the letters Answer form direction proportion Selected weight Multiple Choice: A headline which is turned 90 degrees... Click for more options Points:2 Question A headline which is turned 90 degrees would follow the contrast principle of Answer Selected direction weight form grouping


This newspaper page does NOT follow the contrast principle of Answer size Selected form grouping weight 9. Multiple Choice: What principle of contrast does this ... Click for more options Points:2 Question


What principle of contrast does this paper not use? Answer color Selected direction form weight n >

According to NewsU, what would be the suggested fix for the headline above (aside from writing it in English)? Answer

Fix the kerning on the letters Make the font size bigger to fill the space Center the headline over the story Selected Add more words to the headline to make it fit Multiple Choice: What term would best fit the “It... Click for more options Points:2 Question

What term would best fit the “It’s war” headline below?

> Answer banner head display type Selected hammerhead masthead